Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
decisions, managers should invariably follow a sequential set of steps. If managers do not go
through a systematic and rational sequence, they are likely to make a decision that will solve the
wrong problem.
The decision making process can be described graphically as follows.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Awareness Diagnose Develop the Implement
of and state the Evaluate the
potential Select the best & follow-
problem problem alternatives
alternatives alternative up the
Internal Environment
Decision Making
External – the basic step
vi. Implement and Verify / Follow-up the Decision After making a decision, a manager is
required to implement it.
. He must seek feed-back regarding the effectiveness of the implemented solutions and establish
follow-up procedures to evaluate the effects of the decision
4.4 The Decision-making Environment (condition)
Decision-making does not take place in a vacuum. There are various conditions that affect the
decision-making process and the decision maker as well. Consequently, decisions are made
under the conditions of certainty, risk, uncertainty and conflict or competition.
i. Decision-making under certainty
Decision-making under certainty implies that all the information required to arrive at a final
decision is known with complete certainty. Thus, the decision-making under certainty model
assumes that manager taking decision has full knowledge of the certainty of the information, its
non-ambiguity and stability. This means that, a manager making decision under certainty relies
on a standing plan or policy, and in such a condition decisions are made routinely.
ii. Decision-making under risk
In the condition of risk, a decision maker (manager) knows what the problem is and is aware of
all possible outcomes and their probability of occurrences. He knows what the alternatives are.
But does not know how each alternative will work. Thus, the manager is faced with the dilemma
of choosing the best alternative available.
iii. Decision-making under uncertainty
This is the most difficult decision making condition for the manager. Hence, a manager cannot
develop probability estimates for various alternatives. Thus, in the situation of uncertainty the
manager is not able to determine the exact odds (probabilities) of the potential alternatives
iv. Decision-making under conflict or competition
In this decision condition, there is a clash of interest of competitive firms and every decision
maker carefully considers the actions of his opponents and takes a decision that minimizes loss
or maximizes the gain.