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drouin secondary college news



Year 12 Celebration Day!

We value: Achievement, Respect, Commitment, Community
Team Report
Elizabeth Godwin Diane Croft Rob Monk Michael Wilson Susan Gilmore

As this extraordinary year draws to a close there has been SENIOR SCHOOL-EXAMS AND YEAR 12
many highlights over Term 4 for the whole school community STUDY COMPLETION
to celebrate. As a college we have successfully navigated the
On November 16th our students completing Unit 3 and 4
remote learning process and all year levels are now onsite and
subjects have completed their final exams. This year, our
reengaging in the final weeks of study.
students have demonstrated incredible resilience to complete
We have also shown the strength of our college community, their final studies in these extraordinary circumstances.
pulling together to support each other through difficult times. Congratulations to all students on the completion of this final
assessment for 2021. The students studying a VCAL pathway
VALE HEATHER DALDRY AND ROB MONK have also successfully completed all elements of the VCAL
We are deeply saddened by the passing of two much loved program, and many have already secured employment or
and long-serving staff members, Mrs Heather Daldry and Mr entered the next level of study. Thank you to our Senior Level
Rob Monk. Leader Dr Jessica Dunn and the entire senior team for their
leadership in ensuring the efficient organisation of the exams
Heather had been a member of staff and for the support of students throughout the year.
for 40 years and her contribution to the
college will continue to be remembered We wish our 2021 Year 12 graduates the best for their future
and celebrated. She is a well-respected endeavours.
and much-loved friend and colleague
and will be missed by everyone. Her COLLEGE CAPTAINS 2022
contribution to the college as a teacher, Congratulations to the newly appointed 2022 College
leader and advocate for student Captains. We would like to welcome Mackenzie Colvin,
programs in many areas including Hayley Jones, Taj Vass and Ava-Grace Forbes as the new
Health and Physical Education, VET, Humanities will always be captains for the 2022 school year. They have been selected
remembered. by the college community after a rigorous selection process. I
Rob exemplified dedication to students have no doubt that this group of students will complete this role
and high-quality education during his with passion and excellence, building on the legacy of those
time at our school. He was a much- College leaders before them.
loved member of staff for over 30 years.
His passion for the college and wider
community was evident in the devotion
he showed to his role as a teacher
and leader at the college and he was
instrumental in driving the programs to
support all students to achieve their personal goals. Rob was
an inspirational educator and very much part of the fabric of
Drouin Secondary College and we will miss his ‘Monkisms’, wit
and Can-Do attitude greatly.
Our condolences go out their families and friends near and far.


Over the term we have had occasions where the college was
closed for 24 hours due to having COVID cases amongst our
community. We were able to complete the contact tracing quickly
and efficiently, the necessary cleaning undertaken, and the
community notified which meant that a longer closure was not
necessary. Thank you to all families for the support shown and for
the flexibility to adjust to the ongoing demands of the pandemic.

REMEMBRANCE DAY Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) design challenge that
explores the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
As a college we paused to reflect on Remembrance Day. This
reflection and one minute’s silence, commemorates those who Our college has already been partnered with a school in
have died in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. India and a group of five Year 9 students has been selected
Remembrance Day has evolved since it was first marked by to participate in this project in Semester 1 in 2022. We look
allied countries after World War I. The school community led forward to the viewing the results of this challenge and to future
by our 2022 College captains,Taj Vass and Ava-Grace Forbes, engagements in global projects in the following years.
marked this day with a minute’s silence onsite whilst Mackenzie
Colvin and Hayley Jones represented the College at the Drouin PRESENTATION NIGHT-VIRTUAL 2021
Community Service at the cenotaph. "Lest we forget"
The Presentation Night will be held virtually for all year levels
in the final week of school this year due to ongoing restrictions.
This is a great opportunity to celebrate all the achievements that
our students have made during the 2021 academic year.
Included in the evenings are the many awards received:
• 2021 College Year 12 Dux
• Academic Achievement at each year level
• ARCC awards
• Community Scholarships at each year level
Congratulations to the students who were awarded the
following scholarships:
• University of Melbourne Principal’s Scholarship
PARENT LIAISON GROUP • Federation University Scholarships
In 2022, I would like to invite up to 12 parents to join the • Australian Defence Force-Long Tan Youth Leadership &
Drouin Secondary College Parent Liaison group. This group Teamwork Award
morning tea held once a month is open to parents of students at
• Australian Defence Force Innovators Award
all year levels. The purpose is to share ideas about the college
• Ampol Allrounder
and provide an opportunity for parents to raise questions to
be discussed about the college. This is not a decision-making Congratulations to all students who received an award.
group but provides an opportunity for parents to meet with
myself each month to share in conversation and morning tea. FAREWELL TO STAFF IN 2021
If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the It is at this time of year that we also farewell staff who
college on 5625 1002 and speak to Catherine Thorpe in the have communicated that they are leaving our college at the
general office. completion of the year. We wish these staff the very best for the
next step in their careers. We thank each individual for their
VICTORIAN YOUNG LEADERS TO INDIA contribution to the college.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our
community members on their work during this extraordinary year
and encourage all students to set goals for their studies for 2022.
Wishing you a very safe and happy Christmas break.

Liz Godwin

As part of our commitment as a college to encourage students

to interact globally, we have successfully been selected to be
part of the Victorian Young Leaders to India program for 2022.
This six-week virtual journey for Year 9 students in 2022 is an
exciting opportunity for students and staff to engage in an
online collaboration program. Across Victoria only eight
schools were selected to be part of this program and Drouin
Secondary College along with a cohort of Victorian and Indian
students will work together to complete a Science, Technology,

2022 Principal’s
Parent Liaison Group

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would like to invite up to 12 parents/guardians
with students from across all year levels to be
part of a catch up with me over a coffee twice a
term, commencing in Term 1 2022.
The purpose of the group is to bring issues to my
attention that may affect the community’s
perception of the college.
It would involve one morning twice a term.
This is not the Parents & Friends or School
Council; its purpose is informal but vital. No
decisions are made in this forum.
If you are committed to making Drouin
Secondary College the best it can be and are
interested in being one of my “ears to the
ground” then this is the group for you!
Please contact the College on (03) 5625 1002 and
speak with Catherine Thorpe.
I look forwards to having a coffee with you.
Liz Godwin
Drouin Secondary College

Achievement ~ Respect ~ Commitment ~ Community

On Monday 1st November an email was sent to families with BUXWEAR UNIFORM SHOP
important information for 2022. If you have not seen this email,
please check your junk mail before contacting the general office. The Buxwear Uniform Shop is located at the front of the
College’s Lyn Kelly Stadium (the gym). Information about the
If you have not been receiving regular emails from the College College uniform requirements can be found on the DSC website
please download a Student Details Update Form and return it to (http://www.drouinsc.vic.edu.au) under Menu > Parent
the general office. Information > Uniform. Here you will also find the 2021-
22 Uniform Price List and a calendar of Additional Trading
Hours for November, December & January.
Students in Years 8 to 12 for 2022 been emailed the link to view SECOND HAND UNIFORM AND BOOKS
their allocated classes for 2022. Questions regarding course TRADING VIA SUSTAINABLE SCHOOL SHOP
selection can be discussed with the Careers/Pathways Team.
Drouin Secondary College families have the ability to buy and
sell their second-hand textbooks, uniforms and other student
2022 BOOKLIST ORDERS ONLINE resources via the Sustainable School Shop website www.
Booklist orders are to be placed online sustainableschoolshop.com.au. Drouin Secondary College
with Campion Education. The site can is providing this service so there is no cost for
families. Each family that registers on the Sustainable School
also be accessed via the DSC website
Shop will be given a subscription, it’s free for families to use.
(http://www.drouinsc.vic.edu.au) under
For an information flyer, click here.
Menu > Parent Information > Booklists.
If you access the Campion website
directly you will need the Resource List
Code JRQ3 (not required if you go via FILMING AND RECORDING STUDENTS
the college website). AND USE OF NAME AND STUDENT WORK
Campion offers free delivery to your home (or other During the school year there are many occasions and
nominated address), when you place your 2022 booklist order events where staff may photograph, film or record students
online. Order by Friday 17th December for delivery in participating in school activities and events.
January. Alternatively, you can go to the Campion Education With this in mind, please read the Annual Opt Out Notice for
store in Berwick and pick your books off the shelf and pay at Photographing, Filming and Recording Students and Use of
the shop (subject to public health restrictions). Name and Student Work at Drouin Secondary College.
Please check your allocated classes carefully to ensure you If you have read this notice and are comfortable with the school
order the correct books and materials for your level ie English using photos, video or recordings of your child and their name
100, English 200, English 300 etc. If students are early and student work as described above, you do not need to take
accessing a subject above their year level, you will need to any further action.
investigate the booklist for that subject’s level. However, if you have decided that you do NOT want
If you would like a paper copy of the booklist, they are images of your child to be collected or used by our
school, please complete the Opt Out Notice form and
available at the General Office. Booklist orders cannot be
return it to the Communications and Publications Officer at the
handed into the College, orders must be placed directly with
General Office.
Campion Education.
If you have any questions about the 2022 Information Pack,
please contact the College on 5625 1002.


In 2022, there will be a staggered start for students Staff Professional Development Days Friday 28 January
returning to school at the start of Term 1. Instead of all
Monday 31 January
students returning on the same day, their start date
will depend on which Year Level they will be in. Years 7, 11 and 12 only return Tuesday 1 February
All Year Levels return (no VET classes) Wednesday 2 February

Around the Science Labs
Two very lucky Science classes had the fantastic opportunity to
participate in an incursion recently. It was called BioEyes and
was delivered by Monash University. It was a hands-on session
in developmental biology, stem cells and regenerative medicine.
Over the course of the week, students bred some zebrafish and
watched the transparent eggs change from a single celled zygote
to a larval fish under a microscope. The students really enjoyed
the opportunity to see an exciting, real world experimental
approach to Science.

National Agriculture Day:

For National Agriculture Day, the Year 11 and Level 400
and 300 Agriculture classes took part in a range of hands-on
agri-tech activities led by people from different careers across
the industry. The incursion activities included:
• Sweet Science - hands on session where students used
refractometers to measure the sugar content of fruit to learn
about the science of fruit harvest.
• Milk Myths - hands on session with milk sensors to measure
and learn about a variety of components in traditional and
alternate milk.
• Bees and bee keeping and their importance to crops.
• Using drones and the light spectrum to measure grass
quality for dairy cows.
VCE RESULTS AND CHANGE OF Careers advisors will be available at the College on Friday
17th December and Monday 20th December (8.15am to 4pm)
PREFERENCE DATES TO REMEMBER to support students through this process. Please feel free to
VCE results and ATAR: Closing date for change of address and email, telephone or drop into Careers for assistance with your
payment to receive your ATAR statement by mail (Victorian change of preference.
current Year 12 only) is 6th December (5pm).

VCE results and ATAR will be released online on 16th COURSE SELECTION 2022
December (7am) and delivered by post on 20th December.
All students have now received a link for their allocated
Change of preference for the January Offer Round subjects for 2022. The link has been sent to your child’s school
(Domestic) released on 14th January 2022 must be email. Please ask your student to come and see Careers if they
made by 20 December 2021 (4pm). have any concerns. Students are welcome to come at recess,
lunch, before and after school.

DSC 2021 Proteus Yearbook can be purchased for

$20 per copy online at
Trybooking.com via the following link:
Orders close Friday 10 December 2021.
The Proteus will be available for collection from the
General Office in February 2022.
It’s easy - just follow the link and select one of the options below:
1. Collect Option - Collect from General Office in Feb 2022
2. Mail Option - Posted February 2022 (postage costs an extra $5.00)


The last day of formal classes for Years 7, 8 and 9 is on In addition, Tuesday 14th December is environmental duty day.
Thursday 9th December. From Friday 10th December students This day is also a whole staff professional learning day and the
will participate in the End of Year Activities Program. office will be closed. Students who attend will be supervised by
teaching staff.
In activity week, the College collapses all year levels into one
homogenous group to engage in a range of activities led by
each faculty eg Maths, English, Science etc.
Need to leave school early?
With the current COVID restrictions, we need to limit If a student feels unwell, they need to go to their LCC /
visitors onsite. Parents can call the office Sickbay where they can be cared for. The College will
(Ph: 5625 1002), rather than come in person. call you if they need to be collected.
If dropping off or picking up children during the school
day, please call ahead and office staff will note
the permission. Students can then sign themselves in or
out at their LCC. Parents should wait in their cars.
It will not be necessary for parents to sign students in or
out if you have phoned ahead.
A reminder that if your child needs to leave during class
time or any other time during the school day they are
required to bring a signed note which is to be presented
at their LCC office.
We require parent permission for students to be collected
by someone other than their parents/guardians, as listed
on our records. Persons listed as emergency contacts
also require permission from parents/guardians to collect
Please call ahead if you have an unscheduled
appointment in plenty of time, this enables staff to locate
the child and make sure they are ready when you come to
collect them.


Each year Drouin Secondary College supports our community by donating to
Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief. The BBCC Food Relief supports
families in the local area. Please donate so we can all have a wonderful
Christmas after a challenging 2021.

You can give nearly ANYTHING! It only needs to have 3
1. It must not be perishable food.
2. It must be well within the use before date.
3. It has to be packaged.
Donations can be made up until Monday 13th December.
Place donations under the Christmas tree near the
General Office.
Students making donations will receive a Community ARCC Award.

At the end of 2021, all portable computers that connect to the All students not returning to Drouin Secondary College
college network will once again be re-imaged. next year need to return the Netbook, charger and bag
by Thursday 9th December or you will be charged the full
STUDENTS IN YEARS 10 AND 11: replacement cost of $620.
Return your Netbooks to ICT Support as soon as you no longer You will need to organise to back up the data you
need them. ICT will then advise when to expect the netbook to wish to keep before handing your Netbooks in
be ready for collection, provided the Netbook Fee has been to be reimaged as computers will be completely
paid. wiped in the reimaging process. If you need assistance
with this, you can get help from the Computer Centre or from
STUDENTS IN YEAR 9: your teachers any time before handing back the Netbook.
You can return your Netbook to ICT Support and pick up your
new Netbook on Wednesday 8th or Thursday 9th December, If you have any questions about this process, please do not
provided the Netbook Fee has been paid. hesitate to contact me or the IT Staff.

Teresa Fanning
Teaching & Learning Leader
You need to return your Netbooks to ICT Support once you no
- ICT & Pedagogy
longer need them for classes. Netbooks returned by Thursday
9th December will be available for pickup at ICT Support on teresa.fanning@education.vic.gov.au
the 14th and 15th December, provided the Netbook Fee has
been paid. Otherwise, Netbook pickup will be after you return
to school next year.

DSC MOVES TO COMPASS Drouin Secondary College Compass is accessible on any web browser or by using
is transitioning to Compass the Compass School Manager app available for iOS or
School Manager as our Parent Android. To access our Parent Portal, go to the following
Portal. link: https://drouinsc-vic.compass.education/

Using the Compass Parent You will soon receive your unique login details via email. If
Portal you will be able to: we don’t already have your email address, please contact
the college to update your details.
• Access your child's Student Progress and Semester
Reports Upon the first login, you will be required to change your
temporary password and confirm your email address and
• Book your Parent / Student / Teacher Meetings
mobile phone number.
• View up-to-date class and school attendance information
To find out more about the Compass Parent Portal please
• Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your see the Compass Guide for Parents & Families.
child / children
Please do not hesitate to contact the
• Download, print, and approve upcoming excursions
college if you require any further
• Complete your child's course information assistance.
• Pay school fees, charges, and contributions
Teresa Fanning
• Update your registered email and mobile number Teaching & Learning Leader
(used for SMS alerts) details - ICT & Pedagogy
• Access information regarding upcoming events and

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign began on International Day
for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25th Nov)
and ends on International Human Rights Day (10th Dec). The
dates for the campaign were chosen to link violence against women
and human rights. Drouin Secondary is joining the conversation
and raising awareness in our community of The 16 Days of
Activism against Gender-Based Violence, a global initiative
galvanising individuals, communities and organisations to address
gender inequalities and eradicate violence against women and
girls around the world. Look out for the daily thought-provoking
communications throughout the campaign.

The Year 8 and 9 students in the Food Around the World 300 class are studying
French cuisine and took to the kitchen to prepare some tempting dishes.
The first was a Giant Croque Monsieur. Students developed skills in creating a
lump free béchamel sauce to safely make this giant French version of a toasty.
The other dish, also a French inspired treat, was Strawberry Mille Feuille -
carefully prepared puff pastry with a thin crisp golden-brown texture layered
with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
Miam—miam! (Yum-yum!)

Materials Technology
A big thank you to Bunnings Warragul for supporting the
upgrade of the Materials Technology theory room. Our
new Technology Assistant, Linny Jenkins, has done an
amazing job to improve the learning space for students
and staff using the trades equipment and uniform donated
by Bunnings for the makeover.

In 2010, a number of tragic, avoidable cases of
bullying and harassment resulted in a number of
LGBTQIA+ youth taking their own lives. These tragedies
resulted in public outcry and outpouring of support for
queer young people – and thus, a movement was born!
Wear It Purple was established to make sure all
rainbow young people know that they are loved,
accepted and that there is a place for them to feel
safe, included and empowered. Everyone should be
able to feel proud of who they are and embrace their
Now, every single year people across the globe unite
to express their love and support of rainbow young
people and remind them that they ARE accepted just as
they are.

The importance of understanding
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

In this episode, Clinical Psychologist Andrew Fuller speaks with Consultant Child Psychiatrist
Dr Chris Wever about:

 The prevalence of ADHD in Australia and the importance of diagnosis

 Diagnosing ADHD, its effect on children, and treatment options
 Strategies and resources for parents, teachers and those who support children
and adolescents with ADHD

The DSC Uniform Shop is located in the foyer of DSC’s Lyn Kelly Stadium/Gymnasium
Standard trading hours are Thursdays 1pm to 6pm & the first Saturday of each month 9.30am to 12.30pm.
The Uniform Shop will also be open each Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm until the end of January 2022.
Year 7 Students 2022 ‐ Please book a 30 minute fitting session by emailing drouinshop@buxwear.com.au
If you have a Healthcare/Concession Card, please complete an application for the
SSR Year 7 Subsidised Uniform Package at your fitting session.

D E C E M B E R 2021
1 2 3 4 5
9.30am – 12.30pm
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Uniform Shop Uniform Shop Uniform Shop Uniform Shop
1pm to 6pm 1pm – 6pm 1pm to 6pm 9.30am – 12.30pm

Year 7 2022 Year 7 2022

Orientation Day 1 Orientation Day 2
9am to 3.30pm 9am to 3.30pm
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
General Office Uniform Shop General Office CLOSED
CLOSED (Last day open for 2021) CLOSED
General Office
Closes at 4.30pm
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

J A N U A R Y 2022
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
CLOSED Uniform Shop CLOSED Uniform Shop CLOSED Uniform Shop
1pm – 6pm 1pm – 6pm 9.30am – 12.30pm
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
CLOSED Uniform Shop CLOSED Uniform Shop CLOSED Uniform Shop
1pm – 6pm 1pm – 6pm 9.30am – 12.30pm

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
General Office General Office Public Uniform Shop STUDENT FREE DAY Uniform Shop
8.15am – 4.30pm 8.15am ‐ 4.30pm Holiday 1pm – 6pm Staff PD Day 9.00am to 12.30pm
General Office General Office
8.15am ‐ 4.30pm 8.15am ‐ 4.30pm
31 1 Feb 2 Feb Yea Year 7 Camp
STUDENT FREE DAY Year 7, 11 & 12 Year 8, 9 & 10 on 22 Feb to4 Feb 20
Staff PD Day First Day First Day
(No VET classes)

U:\‐0 SHARED ADMIN FILES\Uniform Shop\\2022\Uniform Shop Calendar 2022

WEEK 10 2022

Monday 06/12 Year 9 Challenge Day Monday 24/01 General Office resumes normal opening
hours (8.15am - 4.30pm)
Tuesday 07/12 Year 8 Challenge Day
Doctors in School Wednesday 26/01 Australia Day Public Holiday

Grade 6 Orientation Day 1

Friday 28/01 Student Free Day
Virtual Grade 6 Parent Information Evening
(online @ 7pm)
Monday 31/01 Student Free Day
Wednesday 08/12 Year 7 Challenge Day
Year 9 into 10 Step Up Incursion Day Tuesday 01/02 First Day of Term 1 for Years 7, 11 & 12

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner

Wednesday 02/02 All Students Attend
(First day of Years 8, 9 & 10)
Thursday 09/12 Year 9 into 10 Step Up Timetabled Classes
No VET Classes
Last Day of Formal Classes for Years 7 to 9

Friday 04/02 No VET Classes

Friday 10/12 End of Year Activities Program
Grade 6 Orientation Day 2
Wednesday 09/02 Wednesday VET Classes Commence

Friday 11/02 Friday VET Classes Commence
Monday 13/12 End of Year Activities Program
Monday - 14/02 - Year 12 Melbourne Discovery Camp
Tuesday 15/02
Tuesday 14/12 End of Year Activities - Environmental Duty Day
Staff Professional Learning Day
General Office Closed
College Presentations - Online END OF TERM BUS SCHEDULE
Please be advised that the Drouin Bus Network will
Wednesday 15/12 End of Year Activities Program
run on Friday 17 December 2021 departing one hour
College Presentations - Online earlier from 2.30pm.

Please note that buses will operate as per normal

Thursday 16/12 End of Year Activities Program
scheduling on Thursday 16 December 2021.
College Presentations - Online
If you have any queries or wish to discuss this
Friday 17/12 College Presentations - Online matter further, please don't hesitate to contact the
Last Day of Term 4 Bus Coordinator, Elisa Fitzsimmons.
General Office Closed


Term 1: 28 January to 8 April 2022
Term 2: 26 April to 24 June 2022
Term 3: 11 July to 16 September 2022
Contact Hours: 8.15am – 4.30pm
Term 4: 3 October to 20 December 2022
P: (03) 5625 1002
E: drouin.sc@education.vic.gov.au SECONDARY
@drouinsc @drouinsecondary COLLEGE
W: drouinsc.vic.edu.au

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