Midterm 2017
Midterm 2017
Midterm 2017
a) Suppose we are given the following dataset, where A,B,C are input binary random variables,
and y is a binary output whose value we want to predict.
How would a naive Bayes classifier predict y given this input: A = 0,B = 0,C = 1.
2.5 grades
2 grade
Question 2
a) Consider the following data set with one input and one output
0.5 grade
2) What is the mean squared test set error of running linear regression this data.
Assuming the rightmost three points are in the test set.and the other in the
training data.
0.5 grade
b) Consider the following data with one input and one output
1 n m
MSE= i Y h ( x i ) 2
n i 1 i 1
1 n m
Yi h ( xi ) ˆi2
Or 2
n i 1 i 1
1.5 grade
Question 3
For the following sentences, state which one is true or false with
1.5 grade for each
Answer: False (because the attribute may become relevant further down
the tree when the records are restricted to some value of another attribute)
(e.g. XOR)
Answer: False (because the attribute may become relevant further down
the tree when the records are restricted to some value of another attribute)
(e.g. XOR)
3) The maximum depth of the decision tree must be less than m+1
Answer: True because the attributes are categorical and can each be split
only once