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Colonoscopy in Rural Communities: Can Family
Physicians Perform the Procedure with Safe and
Efficacious Results?
Jeffrey K. Edwards, MD, and Thomas E. Norris, MD
Background: Colonoscopy is becoming increasingly necessary for many patients in screening, diagnos-
ing, and treating colorectal problems. Because the majority of rural doctors are family physicians, pro-
viding colonoscopy for the enlarging group of patients with valid indications in rural areas is difficult,
unless rural family physicians perform the procedure. Subspecialists in academic settings have been
responsible for most of the previously reported studies regarding colonoscopy. We have studied the
safety and efficacy of the procedure when performed by rural family physicians.
Methods: A total of 200 sequential colonoscopies performed by family physicians in a rural setting
were prospectively collected. Outcomes were measured based on current recommendations and bench-
marks, including rate of reaching the cecum, time to reach the cecum, time to completion of the study,
pathologic lesions found, and complications.
Results: The rate of reaching the cecum was 96.5%, and the average time to the cecum was 15.9 min-
utes. The average time to study completion was 34.4 minutes. The rate of neoplastic polyps and cancer
found was 22.5% and 2.5%, respectively. There were no serious complications.
Conclusions: Adequately trained family physicians can provide safe and technically competent
colonoscopy in a rural setting. Their results compare favorably to the currently reported comparative
benchmarks from other endoscopists. (J Am Board Fam Pract 2004;17:353– 8.)
Colon cancer is a preventable but potentially fatal We present 200 prospectively collected sequen-
disease. In the last 2 decades, research has estab- tial colonoscopy cases performed by rural family
lished that most colon cancers arise from neoplastic physicians, and we provide a comparison with re-
polyps within the colon. If these polyps are found gard to the quality and safety of the procedure as
early and removed, colon cancer can be prevented. found by a current review of the literature.1–23 It
There is currently a growing national movement to has been reported that a competent colonoscopist
screen patients at risk for colon cancer, with a can reach the cecum more than 90% of the
consequential growing need for surveillance of pa- time,1,3– 6,10 –12,15–18,21,22 in a reasonable amount
tients with a history of polyps or colon cancer. of time.1,5,6,8,16,18,20 –22 Colonoscopy can be com-
Many physicians and patients prefer colonoscopy as pleted with a minimal amount of risk to the
patient3,6,7,10 –12,16,18,20,23 and with a satisfactory
the “reference standard” screening study for colon
rate of detection of pathologic lesions.3,8,10,11,12,16,24
polyps and cancer as well as polyp surveillance.
Unfortunately, there is a lack of qualified colonos-
copists in rural areas. The majority of rural doctors Methods
are family physicians. If colonoscopies are to be Data were collected at the time of the procedure on
offered widely in rural areas, family physicians will 200 consecutive colonoscopies performed at St.
need to perform them. Mary’s Hospital in Cottonwood, Idaho. St. Mary’s
Hospital is a rural, 14-bed health care facility in
north central Idaho that serves the largest county,
in terms of area, in the state. This service area
Submitted, revised, 6 April 2004. includes a patient population of 12,000 to 15,000
From the St. Mary’s Hospital, Cottonwood, ID (JKE);
and the School of Medicine, University of Washington, people. All colonoscopies completed by family phy-
Seattle (TEN). Address correspondence to Thomas E. Nor- sicians at St. Mary’s Hospital over a 2-year period
ris, MD, School of Medicine, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195-6340 (e-mail: tnorris@u.washington. from December 2000 through January 2002 were
edu). included in the study. These cases included both