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Lab 01

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11/13/24, 11:05 PM labclient.labondemand.


01: Lab 01 – Assisted - Perform system configuration gap analysis

Security+ (Exam SY0-701)

Congratulations, you passed!
Duration: 23 minutes, 53 seconds

 What is the baseline value from the security template for the policy setting item of Score: 1


Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

 What is the baseline value from the security template for the policy setting item of Score: 1


Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

 Is the PC10 system in compliance with the security template based on the gap analysis Score: 1


Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

 Performing gap analysis forces systems into compliance. Score: 1


Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

 Gap analysis is a process that identifies how an organization's security systems deviate Score: 1
from those required or recommended by a framework.

Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

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11/13/24, 11:05 PM labclient.labondemand.com/Instructions/ExamResult/25e18539-8db4-4a84-9b15-9a9924b970d6

 When should gap analysis be performed? (Select all that apply) Score: 1

when first adopting a framework

when meeting a new industry or legal compliance requirement
after significant time has past
when decommissioning legacy hardware

Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

 What is the purpose of a gap analysis? Score: 1

discovering the differences between the intended or expected configuration of a system

and its actual operating configuration
exploring the source code of a open source application for flaws and vulnerabilities
determining the probability and likelihood of a threat causing harm to an asset
evaluating the level of compliance to a regulation or contractual obligation
Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

 Which of the following statements is false in regard to gap analysis? Score: 1

Some variations from a baseline may be more secure

Some variations from a baseline are less secure
A single security template is sufficient to analyze all systems
Security template selection should be specific to its product version and build number

Congratulations, you have answered the question correctly.

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