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B. Skill related physical fitness - Skill-related fitness refers to abilities that help
people learn skills.
The six parts of skill-related fitness—agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction
time, and speed.
1. Agility
It is the ability to rapidly change the body direction, accelerate, or decelerate. It is
influenced by balance, strength, coordination, and skill level.
2. Balance
Refers to an individual’s ability to maintain their line of gravity within their Base of
support (BOS). It can also be described as the ability to maintain equilibrium.
3. Coordination
It is the ability to execute smooth, accurate, controlled motor responses.
Coordination is the ability to select the right muscle at the right time with proper
intensity to achieve proper action.
4. Power
It is sometimes known as explosive strength, the ability to use strength at speed.
Effective power muscle contraction happens at high speed. Power is a key physical
factor in throwing events and racquet sports, such as badminton.
5. Reaction Time
It refers to the speed at which an athlete responds to an external stimulus. Reaction
time relates directly to agility but is a smaller component of physical fitness.
Reaction time relates to performance because it is used frequently in various
sporting scenarios.
6. Speed
Refers to a person's ability to move fast. Speed. combined with strength will provide
power and force. This is a skill-related component of physical fitness. that relates to
the ability to perform a movement.
1. Muscular strength
2. Explosive strength
3. Muscular endurance
4. Speed
5. Agility
6. Flexibility
7. Cardiovascular endurance
8. Body composition.
Worksheet 2024-2025 Page 2 of 3
1. AGE
Assessed by Physiological and Physical Performance. variations are depended
on growth and development of muscles, bones, nervous
system and other internal organs. As we age our physical size increases along
with our functional and performance capacity.
This is the percentage of Fat, Muscle and bone is called “SOMATOTYPING”.
This is a theory proposed in the year 1940, by WILLIAM HERBERT-
Psychologist to categorize Human Physique, like ECTOMORPH, MESOMORPH.
As our energy is sourced from a balanced plate of food, nutrition plays an
essential role in our physical fitness too. Without nutritious food, physical
fitness cannot be achieved. Food is the fuel of our body. Food with high
nutritional content boosts our stamina and helps us exercise better. Level of
Activity is the key factor. An important element of this nutrient intake is water.
When it is too cold or too hot, adults perform less physical activity, resulting in
more sedentary lifestyles. In large part, this reduction is due to the nature of
adult physical activity: the vast majority of exercise-related physical activity
occurs outdoors. Heat and Humidity affect Physical Fitness. The body loose
the ability to stay cool because-Dizziness, Cramps, exhaustion due to heavy
A healthy lifestyle leaves you fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease,
based on the choices you make about your daily habits. Good nutrition, daily
exercise, and adequate sleep are the foundations for continuing good.
On the other side Sedentary Life Style cause high risk of life. Main Cause are
like Desk jobs, Smoking & Drinking, Eating Junk Foods Etc. do gives
invitation for Life Style Diseases due to the loss of Fitness.
Physical fitness is to the human body what fine tuning is to an engine. It
enables us to perform up to our potential. Fitness can be described as a
condition that helps us look, feel and do our best. Physical fitness involves the
performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the body. Physical
Activity should be for all age groups. Regular Exercise is must, to stay Healthy
and fine.