e_TENDER NO. RSMM _CO_MM_NIT_12_ 2018-19 Dated 24.07.2018
Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited
(A Government of Rajasthan Enterprise)
Registered Office Corporate Office
C89-90, Lal Kothi Scheme, Janpath 4, Meera Marg,
Jaipur (Rajasthan)India Udaipur – 313 001
Ph.:+91-141-2743734. 2743934 Ph.:-91-294-2428768, 2428763-67
Fax: +91-141-2743735 Fax:+91-294-2428768, 2428770, 2428739
CIN No.: U14109RJ1949SGC000505 e-mail
GSTIN No. 08AAACR7857 H1Z0
e- Tenders in Two bids (Techno Commercial bid & Price bid) are invited from competent
suppliers for following-
(B.S. Gupta)
Gr. Gen. Manager (MM)
e_TENDER NO. RSMM _CO_MM_NIT_12_ 2018-19 Dated 24.07.2018
The tender document consists of following:
General Instruction for preparation & submission of tender and
General Conditions of e-Tender
Annexure-I General Information about the tenderer
Annexure – II Undertaking towards non suspension/non- banning.
Annexure - III Undertaking towards acceptance of specifications, all terms
& conditions of tender.
Annexure –IV Declaration for Registration under MSMED Act 2006
Annexure – V Details of taxes & duties offered in the price bid
Annexure-VI -a Part-I of tender- Checklist to Specifications/Technical
details for the work of Design, supply, installation, testing
& commissioning of Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection
System (NIFPS) alongwith allied works.
Annexure-VI -b Part-II of tender- Checklist to Specifications/Technical
details for the work of health /condition monitoring and
repair works of EHT & HT transformers alongwith allied
Annexure - VII Declaration by the tenderer
Annexure - VIII Details of past experience
Annexure - IX Proforma of PDF sheet for the Prices of recommended
mandatory & Insurance spares for the NIFPS system to be
kept as spare.
Annexure - X Proforma of Bank Guarantee
Annexure- A Compliance with the Code of Integrity and No Conflict of
Annexure-B Declaration by the Tenderer regarding Qualifications.
Annexure- C Grievance Redressal during Procurement Process and Form
No. 1.
Annexure- D Additional Conditions of Contract.
i) Tender shall be submitted online only through e-procurement portal of GoR i.e.
iii) Bid Security and Tender Document Fee shall be in the form of Demand Draft /
Bankers Cheque drawan in favour of “Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals
Limited” payable at Udaipur and shall be submitted to the office of the
GGM(MM), 4-Meera Marg, Udaipur upto schedule date and time as above.
iv) Processing Fee shall be in the form of Demand Draft / Banker Cheque drawan in
favour of “ MD RISL” payable at Jaipur and shall also be submitted to the
office of the GGM(MM), 4-Meera Marg, Udaipur upto schedule date and time, as
v) Conditional tenders and casual letters sent by the bidders will not be accepted.
vi) Bidders are requested to read the instruction in the Tender Document/Bid before
submitting the Tender/BID online.
viii) Bidders who wish to participate in this tender will have to be registered on To participate in online tenders, bidders will have to
procure Digital Signature Certificate (type II or III) as per Information
Technology Act-2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can
procure the same from any CCA approved certifying agency or may contact
Government of Rajasthan e-procurement Cell, Department of IT&C for further
assistance. Bidders who already have a valid Digital Certificate need not to procure
a new Digital Certificate.
x) Training for the bidders on the usage of e-Tendering system is also being arranged
by RISL on regular basis. Interested bidders may contact e-Procurement Cell,
xi) Bidder shall submit their offer on-line in electronic formats both for techno-
commercial and financial bid, however DD/Banker Cheque for Tender Fees,
Processing Fees and Bid Security should be submitted offline
(personally/post/courier) to the office of GGM(MM) before scheduled date & time
as mentioned in tender document. Scanned copies of DDs/ BCs should also be
uploaded along with the online Bid.
xii) Before electronically submitting the tenders, it should be ensured that all the
tender papers including conditions of contract are digitally signed by the tenderer.
xiii) Bidders are also advised to refer “Bidders manual” available under “Download”
section for further details about the e-tendering process.
xiv) All bidders are advised not to wait for last date and submit their tender/bid at
earliest. The Company shall not be responsible for any interruption/technical
snag in website and No extension in deposition of Tender/bid shall be allowed.
xv) Bidders shall have to upload the legible/readable bid documents online
through e-proc portal in the “covers” as below/prescribed in the document
in PDF/jpg format.
a) Scanned Copies of Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque/ Bank Pay Orders
towards Tender document Fees, Bid Security and processing fees.
b) Scanned copy of sealed & signed tender document towards acceptance of
terms and conditions.
c) General profile of tenderer as per annexure-I
a) Check-list to Specifications for the tendered jobs as per annexure-VI,a &
annexure-VI,b (as the case may be).
b) Declaration by tenderer as per annexure-VII
c) Copies of work orders, installation reports etc in support of pre-qualification
criteria of tender clause no. 6.0 as per details in annexure-VIII.
d) Confirmation that you have offered prices of spares required for NIFPS system
in PDF sheet as per annexure-IX. Prices are not to be mentioned in Techno-
commercial bid.
e) Sealed and Signed copies of Annexure-A, Annexure-C, Annexure-D and Duly
Filled, Sealed and Signed Annexure-B.
• Price Bid in xls format (BOQ).
• In PDF sheet to be enclosed with BOQ, Format given at annexure-IX (Not
to be furnished in part-I of tender) - Price of recommended mandatory &
Insurance spares for the NIFPS system which are required to be kept
as spares.
Tenderers may note that they will not be able to submit their tenders online after
the specified/ scheduled date & time of submission of bid document. Tenderers
should also to ensure furnishing Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque/ Bank Pay
Orders towards tender document fee/Bid Security/ Processing Fees to the office
of GGM(MM) within the specified time & date of submission. Failing which, their
online bids will not be opened.
1) Bidders may quote for Part- I (NIFPS system) or Part II (health /condition
monitoring and repair works of EHT & HT transformers) or for both.
There are 2 bays for supplying power. At a time one bay i.e. one 132 KV/33
Kv and one 33 KV/3.3 KV transformers will be switched off. After
completion of job on one bay and its successful charging other bay will be
switched off and will be made available for the work.
If both works are allotted to different parties, both parties will work with
proper liaison following instruction of EIC in tandem.
2) The tenderer should specify the complete description, technical
specifications, make/model etc in their proposal. Tenderers are advised to
visit our site to assess the technical requirement and details of
existing installation/system of on any working day, if required, to
understand the complete scope of work. Please note that in case
tenderer does not visit our site & submit the tender, it will be
presumed that they have understood the work as per scope of work
mentioned in tender & no claim on this ground will be entertained.
5) Supplier shall arrange suitable training to our Engineer’s & staff at site.
5.0 DELIVERY BASIS & WORK COMPLETION PERIOD : Terms of delivery shall be
on f.o.r. Jhamarkotra Mines.
Tenderer is requested to offer the minimum possible work completion period for
the complete scope of each work ( at annexure VI-a & annexureVI-b) separately for
both works as per the specifications, terms & conditions mentioned in tender. The
work completion period will be commenced from the date of handing over the site
by RSMML to bidder.
The tenderer should have supplied & Installed NIFPS on at least one
10MVA or above capacity transformer and it should be in operation since at
least last 2 years for protection of transformers. Tenderer will provide order
copies, work completion certificates & latest operational status of the said
ii) For Part-II of tender i.e. work of health /condition monitoring and
repair works of EHT & HT transformers.
The tenderer should have experience of carrying out repair & testing work
of at least one transformer of 132KV,10MVA or above rating in past three
years i.e. 2017-18, 2016-17 & 2015-16. Tenderer will provide order copies,
work completion certificates etc.
i) RSMML shall have the right to inspect and/or to test the goods to confirm
their conformity to the order.
ii) The inspection may be carried out at consignee’s end, which will be final
and binding to both the parties. However, in case of PDI at Tenderer's /
OEM's Works, final inspection will be at our end.
iii) In case of rejection of any item, the same should be replaced, to meet
specification requirements, by the tenderer at their own risk & cost. The
inspection/test reports shall in no way release the tenderer from any
warrantee or other obligations under this contract.All reasonable facilities
and assistance including access to technical data, drawings etc. shall be
furnished by the tenderer to the inspector at no charge.
iv) In case of rejection of any item, the same should be replaced, to meet
specification requirements, by the tenderer at their own risk & cost.
The tenderer shall keep the offer open for acceptance by RSMML for a minimum
period of four months from the date of opening of Part - I tender, within which
period the tenderer shall have no right to withdraw, amend or modify his offer. In
case of withdrawal/ amendment/modification the bid security deposited by the
Tenderer, as per clause No. 9.0 hereof, shall stand forfeited. The validity period
may be extended further, if required, by mutual consent from time to time.
In case, tenderer, after issuance of communication of acceptance of offer by
RSMML, fails to execute the contract as per the conditions of the contract, such
an event will be considered as the tenderer calculated willful breach of the
contract, the cost & consequence of which shall be on the sole account of the
tenderer. Moreover, RSMML have full right to claim damages thereof in addition
to the forfeiture of Bid Security.
a) The tenderer shall deposit interest free bid security alongwith the tender
by Demand Draft/Banker’s Pay order as under:
S.N. Particulars Bid Security (In Rs.)
1 In case participating for Part-I of tender- Rs. 1,00,000/-
Design, supply, installation, testing &
commissioning of NIFPS system.
Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque/ Bank Pay Orders for Tender Fees,
Processing Fees and Bid Security should be submitted offline
personally/post/courier) to the office of GGM(MM) before scheduled
date & time as mentioned in tender document. Scanned copies of
Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque/ Bank Pay Orders should also be
uploaded along with the online Bid. The tender document fees & processing
fees are non-refundable.
iii. If the tenderer declines to accept contract/order placed by the Company
subsequent to acceptance of his offer.
iv. If the tenderer does not submit the security deposit cum performance
(d) The Bid Security furnished by the unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded
after finalization of tender / validity of the offer has expired. Bid Security of
successful tenderer will be refunded after receipt of Security Deposit cum
performance guarantee.
(e) The Bid Security of a tenderer lying with the company in respect of other
tenders awaiting approval or rejected or on account of contract completed will
not be adjusted towards bid security against this tender, however, the bid
security originally deposited may be taken into consideration in case tender is
re-invited. However, tender document fees and processing fees have to be
furnished afresh incase of re-tender.
ii) Bid Security will be taken @25% of the total value of Bid Security. In case of
offering the quantity lesser than the tendered quantity, then they can submit
proportionate amount of bid security in proportion to the quantity being offered
with respect to the bid security amount for tender quantity.
11.0 CONSIGNEE : The consignees is :
Head & In-charge, SBU-PC (RP) or his authorized officer,
M/s Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited,
Jhamarkotra Mines, via & District: Udaipur. (Rajasthan).
Tenderers shall warrant that all offered items against the tender are and shall be
free and clear of infringement of patent and copy right or trade mark prevalent, if
any country.
b) Billing and Paying Authority: The bill (in triplicate) alongwith the
supporting documents duly verified by the consignee as to Delivery of
stores will be submitted to respective consignee. The payment disbursing
authority is : Head of Finance, RSMML, Jhamarkotra.
The decision of the Company in above regards shall be final and biding on the
tenderer. As a result of such change the Company will not entertain any claim
16.0 RATES:
i) The price should be quoted on-line in Indian Currency strictly in Price Bid
(BOQ) Cover – C on f.o.r. destination basis. Prices in BOQ are to be quoted
as per below-
a. Row no. 1- Charges for the complete work of design, supply, installation,
testing & commissioning of Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System (NIFPS)
alongwith allied works are as per detailed specifications & scope of work
mentioned in Annexure-VI(a) for all four transformers including the prices
of mandatory spares as per annexure-IX and as per terms & conditions
mentioned in tender. Prices of insurance spares are not to be included.
ii) Tenderer (s) are requested to offer prices strictly in the BOQ uploaded
on the site. They should first download the BOQ from the site on their
system and after filling it, the same BOQ should be uploaded on the e-
procurement portal.
iii) The quoted price shall be on F.O.R. destinations basis inclusive of basic
price, Taxes, Duties, Levies, Packing, Forwarding, Transportation,
Insurance, any other Delivery Charges etc. upto destinations. The quoted
price will remain firm and fixed till complete execution of contract.
Tenderers are advised to fill GST (IGST/CGST/SGST) rates in the BoQ
considering its applicability on all heads mentioned in the BoQ.
iv) Further, tenderers are advised to recheck the filled prices of each item to
its correctness before uploading the BoQ on portal. RSMML will not
entertain any claim after closing of due date.
v) Tenderers are requested to leave the column of price blank in case they are
not offering for any particular item. They are requested not to fill “Zero” in
the said column in case they are not offering for such item.
i) The agreed price shall remain firm and fixed till the complete execution of
the contract. Only variation on account of changes in Taxes & Duties by
the Government bid will be considered on production of documentary
(ii) Save and except as aforesaid, the tenderer shall not be entitled to raise any
claim and/or demand and/or any dispute on account of escalation or raise
or increase in the prices of any other item or element.
(iii) Timely deposition of GST and filing of requisite tax returns of relevant tax
period would be the sole responsibility of the supplier. The supplier will
also ensure that necessary credit on this account is available to RSMML in
the next month. In case of any discrepancy, where credit is not available to
RSMML, then company is free to deduct/recover/retain such amount from
the bills of supplier or any other amount due to him/ or from Security
Deposit, as the case may be.
(v) The bidder shall submit an undertaking with bills bearing GSTIN and
HSN/SAC Code that '' total GST has been deposited and returns have been
filed for relevant tax period.''
(vi) In addition, a general undertaking shall also be furnished by the bidder at
the time of submission of bid that ''as on date, no default has been made
by us towards payment of GST and all returns up to the last date of
submission of bid have been filed by us.''
The lowest tenderer will be determined for each work separately on the basis of
total calculated landed cost at our Jhamarkotra Mines including the basic price,
Freight, Insurance and any other delivery charges etc. up to destination except
GST and giving effect of direct/indirect tax/duties/levies imposed by Govt. of
Rajasthan /Central Govt.
i) Negotiations may be conducted with the lowest tenderer only. In case of
non-satisfactory achievement of rates from lowest tenderer, RSMML may
choose to make a written counter offer to the lowest tenderer and if this is
not accepted, RSMML may decide to reject and re-invite fresh tenders or to
make the same counter-offer first to the second lowest tenderer, then to the
third lowest tenderer and so on in the order of initial bidding, and work
order be awarded to the tenderer who accepts the counter offer.
ii) In the case, when the quotations given by the tenderer during negotiations
is higher than the original quotation of the tenderer then the tenderer will
be bound by the lower rate originally quoted by the tenderer.
iii) In case of negotiations, representative of the tenderer attending
negotiations must possess written authority from the tenderer to the effect
that he is competent to modify/amend the submitted tender deviations and
rates offered by them.
iv) In the event the company does not find the lowest quoted rate, acceptable
to it, then the tender will be scrapped and may be re-invited, or company
may take any other suitable action as deemed fit looking to the exigency of
the work.
Tenderers are advised to submit their offer based on terms & conditions and
specifications contained in the tender document and not to stipulate any
deviations. Offer containing stipulations of deviations to the terms & conditions
are liable to be ignored. However, in case it is absolutely unavoidable to deviate
from tender conditions then the tenderers should mention the deviations at their
risk of rejection only in Annexure- III. Deviations mentioned anywhere else in the
offer shall be ignored without any consequences.
All the works shall be carried out following Indian electricity rules, act safety
regulations and standards.
The tenderer shall carry out the work in accordance with all statutory obligations
in line with all applicable Acts or any other laws or rules with statutory
modifications thereof as are in force or as may be applicable during the currency
of this contract.
1. In case of failure to perform the job as required under this tender or observe
breach of any of the terms and conditions by the tenderer, the company shall
give a notice to rectify such default/breach with 10 days, failure to which may
result in termination of the contract and forfeiture of security deposit without
any prejudice to the Company’s rights to claim damages/ cost/ loss etc
caused by such default/ breach. Such termination shall not absolve the
tenderer of the liabilities accruing till the date of such termination.
2. The contract may also be terminated in the event the tenderer is being
adjudged insolvent or going into Liquidation or Winding up of their business,
or making arrangement with their creditors.
3. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, the Company in its absolute
discretion may at any time terminate the order without assigning any reason
thereof by giving fifteen day’s notice to the tenderer at their last notified address.
In such an event the tenderer shall not be entitled to raise any claim or demand
for compensation, loss of profit and/or damages and / or losses or costs by
reason of such earlier termination on any ground whatsoever.
25.0 FORCE MAJEURE: At any time, during the continuance of the contract, the
performance in whole or in part by either party (sub-vendors excluded) and/ or
obligations under this contract shall be prevented or delayed by reason of any
war, Hostility acts of public enemy ,civil commotion, sabotage,
fires,floods,explosion,epidemics, quarantine restrictions,non- performance due
to Acts of God or Acts of Government/statutory bodies (herein after referred as
“Event”) then provided a notice of the happening of any such event is given within
seven days from the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall by reason
of such event be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have
any claim fordamage against the other in respect of such non-performance
or delay inperformance and the deliveries and/or performance of the work
under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such event
has come to an end or ceased to exist and decision of Company as to
whether the deliveries and/or performance of the work have been so resumed or
not shall be final and conclusive. Provided further that if the performance in whole
or in part is delayed by reasons of any such events for a period exceeding
thirty days either party may at its option terminate the contract.
(B.S. Gupta)
Gr. Gen. Manager (MM)
I/ We have studied the above terms and conditions and having understood the same in true
sense and spirit. I/We shall abide by and adhere to the above terms and conditions fully.
Annexure – I
Telephone No
Fax No.
Mobile no.
3 Whether Proprietor/Partnership/
6 PAN No.
9 Entrepreneurs Memorandum no. as per
MSMED Act 2006Nature of Activity
(manufacturing/Service)Category of
Enterprise: (Micro/ Small/ Medium )
10 Banker details:
a) Name
b) Branch No.
c) Address
f) IFSC Code
Annexure – II
We understand that ''as on date, no default has been made by us towards payment of
GST and all returns up to the last date of submission of bid have been filed by us.''
Annexure -III
Name of Tenderer____________________________________________
We confirm that all the terms & conditions of tender is acceptable to us except
the following.
Tenderer may stipulate here exceptions and deviations to the tender conditions, if
considered unavoidable. In case the tenderer does not mention any information to the
deviations in the below format & furnish it blank then it will be presumed that the
tenderer is not offering/ putting any deviations to the tender terms & condition. Tenderer
should mention the deviations, if any, at their own risk of rejection of their offer.
S.N. Tender Clause Requirement as per tender Offered condition/ Deviation
no. clause
Company may accept or not to accept the deviations put by the tenderer at its sole
discretions. No claim on this will be entertained.
Note: Deviation to the tender terms, if any, mentioned any where else (i.e. in any other
document will not be considered & accepted. RSMML will not entertain any
claim of the tenderer on offered deviations mentioned anywhere else.
Annexure - IV
1. Whether the tenderer is registered under Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006.____________________ (Yes/NO)
3. Whether the tenderer is also registered as S.S.I. units, if yes, enclose copy of
registration certificate.
Annexure – V
Name of Tenderer____________________________________________
GST on Transportation,
Insurance & any other delivery @.........%
charges up to destination.
Annexure – VI (a)
A nitrogen gas based fire prevention and extinguishing system shall prevent transformer oil tank
explosion and possible fire in case of internal / external cause. It shall accomplish its role as fire
preventer and extinguisher. Fire shall be extinguished within reasonable time (i.e. with not more
than 3 minute so as to harm the transformer) of system activation and within 30 seconds
(maximum) of commencement of Nitrogen Injection. In the event of fire by external causes such
as bushing fire. OLTC fires, fire from surrounding equipment etc., it shall act as a fast and
effective fire fighter.
The system shall extinguish the fire immediately through the N2 gas injection into the
Transformer Tank as well the Compressed Nitrogen Foam Spray System over the Transformer.
State-of-art concept: Rapidly drain oil to prevent explosion and inject nitrogen to prevent and
extinct fire where as Foam spray extinguish fire over the body of transformer
Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System should be a dedicated system for each oil filled
transformer. It should have a fire extinguishing cubicle (FEC) placed on a plinth at a suitable
distance away from transformer The FEC shall be connected to the transformer oil tank for
depressurization of tank and to the oil pit through oil pipes. The FEC should house pressurized
nitrogen cylinder (s) which should be connected to the oil tank of transformer oil tank. Cable
connections are to be provided from signal box to the control box in the control room, from
control box to FEC and from Transformer conservator isolation valve (TCIV) to signal box etc.
OPERATION: In case of fire sensed by fire detectors, the system shall be activated only after
electrical isolation of transformer, confirmed by upstream breaker trip. If the fire detection is
not associated with any other fault, the system activation shall be only manual. Manual
operation switch shall be provided in the control room /remote control centre with a cover to
avoid accidental operation. There shall be interlock to prevent activation of the system if the
transformer is not electrically isolated. There shall also be provision for isolating the system
during maintenance and / or testing of the transformer.
System ensures that the probability of chances of malfunctioning is practically zero. The system
should be provided with automatic control for explosion prevention and fire extinction. Besides
automatic control, remote electrical push button/switch control at control panel and local manual
control in the fire extinguishing cubicle shall also be provided.
System should have facility to operate both oil drain and nitrogen release valves without power
and also in case of DC power failure.
The installation/system shall meet requirements of CEA- regulations 2010, IS-1886 as amended
till date
System components:-
System shall broadly consist of the following components. However all other components which
are necessary for fast, reliable and effective working of the fire protective system shall be in
supplier’s scope:
• Control panel for system monitoring, automatic control and remote operation to be
installed at control room along with required alarms, indications, switches, push buttons,
audio signals etc.
• Fire detectors/sensors & Signal Box: Adequate no. of fire detectors located at strategic
• Limit switches
• Pipes complete with connections, flanges, bends and tees etc. As per requirement
A common Fibre sheet tank of capacity approximately equal to 22000 litre, shall be
supplied along with the system. It will be installed at location of existing cemented oil
tank size- (3.5X 3.5 X 3.0) meters situated in the switch yard of 132 KV S/S. Suitable
thickness Fibre sheet tank with water tight cover to be placed in the oil pit. This tank
shall be provided with the manhole, air vent pipe through silica gel breather, drain valve
gate valve at the top etc.
Individual mechanical locking devices for oil drain and nitrogen release to isolate the system
during maintenance and/or testing of the transformer/system.
System should be designed in such a way that the nitrogen gas shall not enter the energised
transformer tank even in case of leaking of valves.
Technical Particulars :-
• All the fitments/modifications/changes required to be carried out in existing
transformers/equipments and switchyard along with removal of transformer oil, refilling
after filtration etc shall be in supplier’s scope. Required earth work (excavation &
backfilling) civil construction, structural work etc. shall be in supplier’s scope
• All tools, tackles, cranes etc. required for carrying out the work shall be arranged by the
• All the transportation of material/items to be supplied along with loading, unloading etc.
shall be in the bidder's scope. Any supplied items /material damaged during
transportation, erection, commissioning & testing etc. shall be replaced free of cost by
the contactor.
• The supplier shall demonstrate functional test on complete system at site.
• As the work require transformers in uncharged condition, so at a time one transformer
will be provided for installation. After its completion, another transformer will be
provided so that power can be maintained.
• The detailed lay out drawings, equipment drawings along with operation and
maintenance manual and The manufactures standard guarantee/warrantee certificates if
any along with test reports shall be provided to RSMML along with soft copy.
• The supplier shall also provide the list of recommended mandatory spares along with
their rate as per proforma at annexure-IX in PDF sheet alongwith BOQ.
• All the works shall be carried out following Indian electricity rules, act safety regulations
and standards.
• The supplier shall work in such a way that no damages is caused to core/winding/other
parts of transformers and other equipments installed in switchyard. If any item is
damaged, same shall be repaired/replaced on free of cost basis by the supplier.
Supplier shall at his own expense, arrange appropriate insurance to cover all risks assumed by
the supplier under this contract in respect of its personnel deputed under this contract and for
equipments as required during the entire period of their engagement in connection with this
contract. RSMML will have no liability on this account. RSMML shall not be responsible for
any accident to the man power of the contactor while carrying out the installation, testing &
commissioning of the items for the above work purpose. Before submitting the offer, the bidders
are advised to visit 132 KV Substation at Jhamarkotra Mines to understand the above works
MANDATORY SPARES- Bidders will submit the details of mandatory spares as below, if any,
to be replaced essentially during warranty period i.e. one year from the date of successful
installation of NIFPS system as per the tender specifications. Prices of such spares are to be
quoted by bidder in Annexure-IX and to be included in the prices offered at row no. 1 of
INSURANCE SPARES- Bidders will submit the details of insurance spares required to be kept
by the company for after warranty period for a period of 18 months. Prices of such spares are
also to be quoted by bidder in Annexure-IX and but not to be included in the prices offered
at row no. 1 of BOQ. RSMML may or may not purchase the such spares
Detailed specifications of all four nos. transformers & plan lay out of existing switch yard
of 132 KV S/S are as below:-
1- NGEF make power transformers Qty-02 Nos.
3.- Plan lay out of existing switch yard of 132 KV S/S- (As enclosed)
Annexure – VI (b)
A.Tests to be conducted on Power Transformers :-(Qty.-132/33 kv-02 nos. & 33/3.3 kv- 02
i) IR and Polarization Index by 5 KV Meggar
ii) DC winding resistance measurement
iii) Winding capacitance and Tan Delta measurement
iv) Bushing Capacitance test
v) Magnetic Balance test
vi) Magnetizing current test
vii) Transformer turn ratio test
viii) Vector Group test
ix) DGA dissolved Gas analysis
x) Sweep Frequency response analysis test
B.Tests to be conducted on Current Transformers :- (Qty.- 132 kv- 02 sets & 33 kv- 06 sets)
i) Capacitance and Tan delta of winding
ii) CT sec. resistance measurement
iii) Polarity test
iv) Ratio test
v) IR Value
vi) Knee point voltage measurement
C. Tests to be conducted on Potential Transformers:- (Qty. 33 kv -03 sets.)
i) Arresting oil leakage and change of Gasket based on condition (for 4 nos. Power
ii) Oil Conservators should be thoroughly cleaned internally (for 4 nos. Power
iii) Painting of transformers after degreasing/derusting, cleaning etc by enamel paint. (for
Power Transformers, Current Transformers and Potential Transformers, as detailed
3.Other terms and conditions :-
i. Before submitting the offer, the bidders are advised to visit 132 KV Substation at
Jhamarkotra Mines to understand the above works clearly.
ii. All tools, tackles, testing equipments, man powers including cranes/hydra etc. and
consumables like nut bolts, washers, cotton waste, gasket/packing etc. required for the
above works purpose shall be arranged by bidders.
iii. All the transportation of material/items to be supplied along with loading, unloading
etc. shall be in the bidder's scope.
iv. Supplier shall take suitable insurance policy for theirs staff, RSMML shall not be
responsible for any accident to the man power of the supplier while attending the
v. All the works shall be carried out following Indian electricity rules, act safety
regulations and standards.
vi. Supplier shall work in such a way that no damage is cause to core/winding/other parts
of transformer and other equipments installed in the switch yard.
vii. The bidder should submit copies of work orders/completion certificates issued by
parties to carry out the similar jobs as per PQC of tender.
viii. RSMML shall provide three phase power supply free of cost for testing &
maintenance works purpose in the switch yard.
ix. If any items /material damaged during maintenance & testing etc. work of
transformers shall be replaced free of cost by the bidder.
x. Transformer oil, as required, for the work will be provided by RSMML.
4. Detailed specifications of all EHT & HT transformers installed at switch yard of 132 KV
S/S as below:-
i) NGEF make power transformer nos. 101 & 102, Qty-02 Nos.
ii) Bharat Bijlee make power transformer nos. 103 & 104, Qty-02 Nos.
iii) Asea Brown Boveri make current transformers 132 KV-2 Sets (Installed at
Primary side of transformer nos. 101 & 102), Year of manufacturing- 1990-91,
type-TMBR 145, F- 50 Hz, ITh-19.7 Ka- 1 sec., IDy-50.23 Ka peak
a) CT Ratio- 300-150/1-1 Amp- 01 set (Installed for Bus coupler)
Annexure – VII
e_TENDER NO. RSMM _CO_MM_NIT_12_ 2018-19 Dated 24.07.2018
Details of past experience
{To be submitted with Part-1 of the offer (Techno- commercial part)}
List of order(s) executed in past as per pre-qualification criteria of tender
S. Name & Order No. & Brief Description of Status
No Address of the Date the work
. Purchaser
Annexure - IX
e_TENDER NO. RSMM _CO_MM_NIT_12_ 2018-19 Dated 24.07.2018
Format of PDF Sheet to be enclosed with BOQ for Prices of spares
A- Mandatory Spares-
..... No.
..... No.
..... No.
Note- Prices of above spares are to be included in the prices offered at row no. 1
of BOQ.
B- Insurance Spares-
Note- Prices of above spares are not to be included in the prices offered at row
no. 1 of BOQ.
Annexure –X
(To be issued by a Public Sector /ICICI/HDFC/AXIS Bank having its Branch office
at Udaipur on the non-judicial stamp paper of value equal to @ 0.25% (zero point
twenty five percent) of the total Security Deposit Amount subject to maximum of
Rs. 25000/- or as applicable at the time of submission of BG.
B.G______________________________ Dated ____________________________
Contact details of Banker:
● Postal Address:-
● Telephone Nos.:-
● Fax No.:-
● e-mail Address:-
● Contact person e-mail:-
damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the
company by reason of any breach by the said contractor/supplier/RC holder
of any of the terms and/or conditions contained in the Letter of Acceptance/
Purchase Order/ Rate Contract. The decision of the Company, as to any such
breach having been committed and loss/damage suffered to shall be absolute
and binding on us.
2. We,__________________ (bank) do hereby undertake without any
reference to the Contractor/supplier/RC holder or any other person and
irrespective of the fact whether any dispute is pending between the Company
and the Contractor/supplier/RC holder before any court or tribunal or
Arbitrator relating thereto, to pay the amount due and payable under this
guarantee without any demur, and/or protest merely on the very first demand
from the Company stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or
damage caused to or suffered by or would be caused to or suffered by the
Company by reason of any breach by the said contractor/supplier/RC holder
of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said Letter of Acceptance/
Purchase Order/ Rate Contract by reason of the said
contractor’s/supplier’s/RC holder’s failure to perform the covenants contained
in said Letter of Acceptance/ Purchase Order/ Rate Contract. Any such
demand made on the bank shall be conclusive, absolute and unequivocal as
regards the amount due and payable by the bank under this guarantee.
However, bank’s liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an
amount not exceeding Rs. ___________________.
branch office
________________________________________________________(specify the name &
address) under the signatures of the company’s Financial Advisor/ Group
General Manager/ General Manager or any of the Directors shall deemed to
be sufficient demand under this guarantee.
Annexure A : Compliance with the Code of Integrity and No Conflict of
Any person participating in a procurement process shall –
a) Not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or
indirectly in exchange for an unfair advantage in procurement process or to
otherwise influence the procurement process;
b) Not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain
a financial or other benefit or avoid an obligation;
c) Not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the procurement process;
d) Not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and the
tenderers with an intent to gain unfair advantage in the procurement
e) Not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening to
do the same, directly or indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence
the procurement process;
f) Not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;
g) Disclose conflict of interest, if any, and
h) Disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or any other
country during the last three years or any debarment by any other procuring
Conflict of Interest :-
The tenderer participating in a bidding process must not have a Conflict of
A Conflict of Interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests
that could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or
responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and
Annexure B : Declaration by the Tenderer regarding qualifications
Annexure C : Grievance Redressal during Procurement Process
The designation and address of the First Appellate Authority is: Mines Dept, Govt.
of Rajasthan
The designation and address of the Second Appellate Authority is: Finance Dept.,
Govt. of Rajasthan
1) Filing an appeal
Provided further that in case a Procuring Entity evaluates the technical bids
before the opening of the financial Bids, an appeal related to the matter of
Financial Bids may be filed only by a tenderer whose Technical Bid is found
to be acceptable.
2) The officer to whom an appeal is filed under para (1) shall deal with the
appeal as expeditiously as possible and shall endeavour to dispose it of
within thirty days from the date of the appeal.
3) If the officer designated under para (1) fails to dispose of the appeal filed
within the period specified in para (2) or if the tenderer or prospective
tenderer or the Procuring Entity is aggrieved by the order passed by the
First Appellate Authority, the tenderer or prospective tenderer or the
Procuring Entity, as the case may be, may file a second appeal to Second
Appellate Authority specified in the Bidding Document in this behalf within
fifteen days from the expiry of the period specified in para (2) or of the date
of receipt of the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, as the case
may be .
No appeal shall lie against any decision of the Procuring Entity relating to
the following matters, namely:-
a) Determination of need of procurement;
b) Provisions limiting participation of tenderers in the Bid process;
c) The decision of whether or not to enter into negotiations ;
d) Cancellation of a procurement process;
e) Applicability of the provisions of confidentiality.
5) Form of Appeal
a) An appeal under para (1) or (3) above shall be in the annexed form
alongwith as many copies as there are respondents in the appeal;
b) Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed against, if any ,
affidavit verifying the facts stated in the appeal and proof of payment of
c) Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or Second
Appellate Authority, as the case may be, in person or through registered
post or authorized representative.
a) Fee for the first appeal shall be rupees two thousand five hundred and
for second appeal shall be rupees ten thousand, which shall be non-
b) The fee shall be paid in the form of bank demand draft or bankers’
cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India payable in the name of Appellate
Authority concerned.
(See rule 83)
Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Act 2012
1. Particulars of appellant :
(i) Name of the appellant :
(ii) Official address, if any:
(iii) Residential address:
2. Name and address of the respondent(s) :
3. Number and date of the order appealed against and name and designation
of the officer/authority who passed the order (enclose copy), or a statement
of a decision, action or omission of the Procuring Entity in contravention to
the provisions of the Act by which the appellant is aggrieved:
4. If the Appellant proposes to be represented by a representative, the name
and postal address of the representative :
5. Number of affidavits and documents enclosed with the appeal :
6. Ground of appeal
…………………………………………………………..(Supported by an affidavit)
7. Prayer:………………………………………………………………………………………
Place :
Appellant’s signature :
Annexure D : Additional Conditions of Contract
1. Correction of arithmetical errors
Provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring
Entity will correct arithmetical errors during evaluation of Financial Bids on
the following basis:
i) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that
is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price
shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion
of the Procuring Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal
point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shall
govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
If the tenderer that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not accept
the correction of errors, its bid shall be disqualified and its Bid Security
shall be forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed.
(ii) If the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of
procurement or procures less than the quantity in the Bidding
Document due to change in circumstances, the tenderer shall not be
entitled for any claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the
conditions of contract.
3. Dividing quantities among more than one tenderer at the time of
award (In case of procurement of goods)