Cervical spine injury in maxfac trauma underestimated
Cervical spine injury in maxfac trauma underestimated
Cervical spine injury in maxfac trauma underestimated
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Undiagnosed cervical spine injury can have devastating results. The aim of this study was to analyse
Paper received 18 February 2016 patients with primary maxillofacial trauma and a concomitant cervical spine injury. It is hypothetised
Accepted 16 June 2016 that cervical spine injury is predictable in maxillofacial surgery.
Available online 24 June 2016
A monocentric clinical study was conducted over a 10-year period to analyse patients with primary
maxillofacial and associated cervical spine injuries. Demographic data, mechanism of injury, specific
trauma and treatments provided were reviewed. Additionally a search of relevant international literature
Adverse events
was conducted in PubMed by terms “maxillofacial” AND “cervical spine” AND “injury”.
Cervical spine
Of 3956 patients, n ¼ 3732 (94.3%) suffered from craniomaxillofacial injuries only, n ¼ 174 (4.4%) from
Diagnosis cervical spine injuries only, and n ¼ 50 (1.3%) from both craniomaxillofacial and cervical spine injuries. In
Maxillofacial this study cohort the most prevalent craniofacial injuries were: n ¼ 41 (44%) midfacial and n ¼ 21 (22.6%)
Trauma skull base fractures. Cervical spine injuries primarily affected the upper cervical spine column: n ¼ 39
(58.2%) vs. n ¼ 28 (41.8%). Only in 3 of 50 cases (6%), the cervical spine injury was diagnosed coinci-
dentally, and the cervical spine column was under immobilised. The operative treatment rate for
maxillofacial injuries was 36% (n ¼ 18), and for cervical spine injuries 20% (n ¼ 10). The overall mortality
rate was 8% (n ¼ 4). The literature search yielded only 12 papers (11 retrospective and monocentric
cohort studies) and is discussed before our own results.
In cases of apparently isolated maxillofacial trauma, maxillofacial surgeons should be aware of a low
but serious risk of underestimating an unstable cervical spine injury.
© 2016 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
1. Introduction et al., 2006). Sharp and blunt trauma to the head may lead to un-
suspected comorbidity of the cervical spine (Haug et al., 1991;
According to a recent national trauma report (German Trauma Kayser et al., 2006; Roccia et al., 2007). Possible symptoms of cer-
Society), the incidence of maxillofacial injuries in polytraumatised vical spine injury include local headache, occipital tenderness on
patients is relatively high (25.4%). Approximately 35% are primarily palpation, Horner syndrome, cranial nerve impairments, and brain
affected by complex midfacial fractures (Esmer et al., 2016); (stem) infarction (Brandt et al., 2006). The underestimation of or
otherwise, every 13th polytrauma patient (7.7%) presents a spinal general neglect of these signs can have devastating results, espe-
cord injury with neurologic deficit, including 7.2% with transient cially when they are associated with difficult airways or distracting
neurologic deficits, 27.5% with incomplete paraplegia, and 49.6% injury. In primarily isolated maxillofacial injuries energy may
with complete paraplegia or a complete lesion above C3 (Stephan inevitably be transmitted to other anatomical structures of the
et al., 2015). Furthermore, in 5e14% of all cases, a delayed diag- head and neck, which can also be involved in a variety of fractures.
nosis of lesions in multiply traumatised patients is evident (Pehle Some studies recognise certain patterns of force transmission and
dispersion to the cervical spinal column (Lewis et al., 1985; Jamal
et al., 2009; Mithani et al., 2009) or discuss causal relationship
between the location of first and second regions (Clayton et al.,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49 345 557 5359; fax: þ49 345 557 5291. 2012). When maxillofacial surgeons are involved in the initial
E-mail addresses: waldemar.reich@medizin.uni-halle.de (W. Reich), alexey.
assessment of these cases, it is essential that they are aware of the
surov@medizin.uni-leipzig.de (A. Surov), alexander.eckert@uk-halle.de (A.W. Eckert).
Tel.: þ49 341 97 17400; fax: þ49 341 97 17409. possibility of cervical spine injury and initiate additional
Tel.: þ49 345 557 5237; fax: þ49 345 557 5291. diagnostics.
1010-5182/© 2016 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1470 W. Reich et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 44 (2016) 1469e1478
Table 1
Overview of patients with maxillofacial and cervical spine injuries (n ¼ 50). Among all craniomaxillofacial injuries (n ¼ 3782), an association with cervical spine injury was
found in 50 cases (1.3%). Twenty-four out of 3383 patients (0.7%) had isolated maxillofacial injuries, and 26 out of 399 patients (6.5%) had combined maxillofacial injuries.
Otherwise, among all cervical spine injuries (n ¼ 224), n ¼ 50 patients (22.3%) required craniomaxillofacial trauma therapy. The average inpatient treatment duration was 12
days (minimum 0, maximum 67 days). Polytrauma patients n ¼ 17 (34%), (þ) exitus letalis n ¼ 4 (8%), (?) mechanism of injury unknown., (*) soft tissue lesion, (**) Anderson-
D'Alonzo type (Anderson and D'Alonzo, 1974), (***) Jefferson type (C1 ring fracture).
n Year Craniomaxillofacial Cervical Craniomaxillofacial Gender Mechanism Craniocerebral Maxillofacial injury Cervical spine
injury only spine and cervical spine of injury injury e CCI (ICD10 S02.2 nasal injury (ICD10 S12.0
(n per year) injury only injury (n per year) (ICD10 S02.0 pyramid, S02.3 orbital Atlas, S12.1 Axis S12.21
(n per year) cranial vault, floor, S02.4 C3, S12.22 C4, S12.23 C5,
S02.1 skull base) zygoma/maxilla, S12.24 C6, S12.25 C7)
S02.6 mandible)
Table 1 (continued )
n Year Craniomaxillofacial Cervical Craniomaxillofacial Gender Mechanism Craniocerebral Maxillofacial injury Cervical spine
injury only spine and cervical spine of injury injury e CCI (ICD10 S02.2 nasal injury (ICD10 S12.0
(n per year) injury only injury (n per year) (ICD10 S02.0 pyramid, S02.3 orbital Atlas, S12.1 Axis S12.21
(n per year) cranial vault, floor, S02.4 C3, S12.22 C4, S12.23 C5,
S02.1 skull base) zygoma/maxilla, S12.24 C6, S12.25 C7)
S02.6 mandible)
Table 2
Clinical signs of craniomaxillofacial and cervical spine injuries. Maxillofacial and cervical spine fractures were prevalent in n ¼ 22 patients (isolated maxillofacial injury
n ¼ 16, multiple maxillofacial injuries n ¼ 6), neurocranial and cervical spine fractures in n ¼ 17 (associated with facial soft tissue lesions), and craniomaxillofacial (CMF) and
cervical spine (CS) fractures in n ¼ 11 of 50 patients (isolated maxillofacial injury n ¼ 8, multiple maxillofacial injuries n ¼ 3).
CMF Headache, nausea, vomiting, amnesia, deep soft tissue lazeration in the cranial, frontal, occipital, midfacial, (sub)mental, or (sub)mandibular region,
(periorbital) haematoma, epistaxis, orbitopalpebral emphysema.
Intraoral bleeding, mouth floor haematoma, dysphagia and dyspnoea.
Known diversity of maxillofacial fracture signs (nasal deviation, malocclusion etc.).
Increasing complexity of soft tissue and bony injuries associated with impaired consciousness, amnesia etc. is present in polytraumatised patients.
CS Associated clinical signs indicating possible CS injury: painful and limited neck mobilisation (examination of all 6 degrees of freedom), upper/lower
paravertebral or posterior midline neck tenderness on palpation (alert patient).
Especially in cases of impaired consciousness as well as dementia or other communication barriers clinical examination of the cervical column was
not adequately possible (prehospital immobilisation by a cervical rigid collar!).
4. Discussion
Fig. 3. Severe de collement of the submandibular tissue associated with a critical airway and cervical spine injury in a 49-year-old woman. Without securing the airway, there
is a serious risk of glossoptosis and dyspnoea (while swallowing or in horizontal position), which is a special challenge during the preclinical period. (a) Preoperative clinical aspect
following fiberoptic intubation and CT examination. (b) Caudal view of the submandibular wound under manual head fixation and neck distraction, which was continued during
collement of the submandibular soft tissue associated with
soft tissue closure (concerning other means of intraoperative stabilisation see injured sagittal sutura in Fig. 4a). (c) De
disinsertion of the mouth floor muscles anteriorly and on the left side, indicating a trauma resulting from high kinetic energy (distracting injury).
Fig. 4. Native CT scan of the head and cervical spinal column. (a) Coronal CT section of the injured sagittal sutura with haematosinus frontalis on the left side. (b) Axial CT section
showing an unstable C1 ring fracture (Jefferson type 3): atlas arch, massa lateralis.
maxillofacial surgeons were substantially involved in the in- aware of the possibility of cervical spine injury. There is a significant
hospital treatment. possibility of a delayed in-hospital diagnosis of some lesions in
multiple trauma patients, although this is extremely rare in cases of
blunt spine injuries (Pehle et al., 2006). Several authors have found
4.1. Blunt cervical spine injury that the probability of a blunt cervical spine injury obviously rises
with increasing maxillofacial trauma complexity (Hackl et al.,
Especially during prehospital medical aid, the risk of under 2001a,b; Roccia et al., 2007; Mithani et al., 2009; Mulligan and
immobilisation of the injured cervical spine column should be Mahabir, 2010). Because maxillofacial surgeons are not typically
considered. Paterek et al. (2015) reported a 0.3% frequency of that involved in cervical spine pathologies in cases of apparently iso-
condition (under immobilisation), which is exactly concordant with lated maxillofacial trauma, there may be a risk of underestimating
our own results. As maxillofacial surgeons are regularly involved in an occult blunt cervical spine injury. Familiarity with the
the initial assessment of trauma patients, it is essential that they are
Table 3
Overview of surgically treated patients with maxillofacial and cervical spine injuries (n ¼ 18). m: male; f: female; MVC: motor vehicle collision; F: fall (þ) specific circumstances: syncope, stairs, ladder, alcohol, vertigo; B:
bicycle; ICB: intracranial bleeding; SAB: subarachnoidal bleeding; !: cervical spine injuries diagnosed coincidentally (one other case was treated non-operatively); C0eC2: upper cervical spine; C3eC7: lower cervical spine
(Reinhold et al., 2006; Schueller-Weidekamm, 2008); L: lumbar spine; (þþ) spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality: SCIWORA (Boese and Lechler, 2013). #: see Figs. 3e5.
1. m MVC Centrolateral midface Dens axis [C2] Skull base, ICB CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
2. m Fþ Lateral midface, open Dens axis Anderson type II [C2] CT ! Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
3. f Fþ Lateral midface, comminuted Dens axis Anderson type II [C2] ICB parietal, radius, L1eL4 CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
(Proc. transversi)
4. f# MVC Soft tissue only, severe Atlas Jefferson type [C1] ICB frontal, SAB bilateral, skull, CT ! Osteosynthesis, tracheostomy Osteosynthesis
5. f F Central midface Atlas Jefferson type, dens axis – CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
Anderson type II [C1eC2]
6. f F Centrolateral midface, open Atlas Gehweiler type I [C1] – CT Osteosynthesis Non-operative
7. m MVC Mandible, multiple C6 (arch), C7 (Proc. transversi) [C6eC7] Acetabulum CT Osteosynthesis Non-operative
8. f B Lateral midface, comminuted Condylus occipitalis [C0] SAB, subcapsular liver haematoma, CT Osteosynthesis Non-operative
Galeazzi fracture
9. f F Centrolateral midface Atlas and dens axis [C1eC2] Skull, aorta dissection Stanford type CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
A, internal carotid artery dissection
10. f Fþ Centrolateral midface Dens axis and C6 [C1, C6] Multiple SAB, T4 and T11 CT Osteosynthesis, tracheostomy Osteosynthesis
11. m MVC Centrolateral midface, C5 (Proc. transversi) [C5] Skull base, ICB, haematopneumothorax, CT Osteosynthesis, tracheotomy, Non-operative
mandible liver capsula, hip luxation, tibia, fibula VP-Shunt etc.
12. m F Orbita, mandible C7 (Proc. transversi) [C7] CT Osteosynthesis Non-operative
13. f MVC Only soft tissue Dens axis Anderson type II [C2] Ribs, medial femoral condylus CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
14. f Bþ Central midface C3eC5 (Proc. spinosi) [C3eC5] Sinus frontalis (anterior and CT Cranialisation frontal sinus, Non-operative
posterior wall) septorhinoplasty
15. f Fþ Lateral midface Condylus occipitalis, C5eC6 [C0, C5eC6] T1eT2 (Proc. transversi) CT Osteosynthesis Non-operative
16. f Fþ Mandible Atlas [C1] SAB, skull CT Osteosynthesis Non-operative
17. f MVC Mandible Dens axis Anderson type I [C2] Abducens nerve paresis bilaterally CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
resulting from brain stem contusion þþ,
contusion of lung, liver, spleen, uterus
and kidney
18. f Fþ Le Fort II, nasal pyramid Dens axis Anderson type II [C2] – CT Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis
W. Reich et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 44 (2016) 1469e1478 1475
Fig. 5. Posterior intercorporal spondylodesis e conventional postoperative X-ray in two planes. (a). Postoperative conventional X-ray examination (CT scan here not shown)
following posterior intercorporal spondylodesis (C1eC2). Reference lines on the lateral radiogram for evaluation of the cervical spinal column (Ardekian et al., 1997): anterior
vertebral body line (1), posterior vertebral body line (2), spinolaminary line (3), processus spinosi line (4). (b) Atlanto-axial fusion according to Gallie with a corticospongious block
from the iliac crest and wiring (Gallie, 1939) combined with transarticular screw osteosynthesis according to Magerl (Magerl and Seemann, 1986; Kandziora et al., 2010a).
Table 4
Cervical spinal injuries in maxillofacial trauma patients e comparison of literature with own results. In maxillofacial trauma cases, energy may be transmitted to the
cranial base and cervical spine column. In patients with isolated maxillofacial trauma, 28.7e79.9% have neurocranial injuries; in multiple maxillofacial trauma cases,
65.5e88.7% have neurocranial injuries (Mithani et al., 2009; Mulligan and Mahabir, 2010). (?) unknown.
Authors/year of publication Period Patients with Study cohort Study design Isolated maxillofacial trauma
(years) maxillofacial associated with cervical
injuries (total n ¼ ) spine injuriesa
Hackl et al., 2001a and 2001b 4 3083 Monocentric Retrospective case control study 6.7% (n ¼ 206)
Elahi et al., 2008 10 914 Monocentric Retrospective cohort study 8.9% (n ¼ 81)
Mulligan and Mahabir, 2010 4 >1.3 x 106 National (USA) Retrospective cohort study 7.0e10.8% (n 774)
Presented own results 10 399 Monocentric Retrospective cohort study 6.5% (n ¼ 26)
Elahi et al., 2008 10 123 Monocentric Retrospective cohort study 60% (n ¼ 74)
Mulligan and Mahabir, 2010 4 >1.3 x 106 National (USA) Retrospective cohort study 2.8e5.8% (n 232)
(isolated maxillofacial trauma) dito dito dito dito 5.8e10.1% (n 620)
Mulligan and Mahabir, 2010
(multiple maxillofacial trauma)
From the orthopaedic-traumatologic view and according to a monocentric study of 701 patients with cervical spine injuries, 6.3% (n ¼ 44) also presented with facial
fractures (Jamal et al., 2009). In another group of 907 patients, 2.1% (n ¼ 105) also had facial fractures (Hackl et al., 2001a,b). Furthermore, in a multicentre study of 982
patients, 19.3% (n ¼ 190) also had a facial injury (Lewis et al., 1985).
1476 W. Reich et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 44 (2016) 1469e1478
appropriate diagnostic algorithm is therefore generally required in protocol. In 60%, CT scans were the imaging method of choice,
all involved disciplines who treat head and neck injuries. Fortu- whereas in 8%, a contraindicated dynamic diagnostic method was
nately, we did not find any persistent neurologic deficiencies in any used (Theologis et al., 2014). As Tan et al. (2014) reported, a high-
of the three initially under immobilised cases in the reviewed study quality CT has 100% sensitivity and specificity for detecting unsta-
cohort. ble fractures. A recent systematic review concluded that the rigid
International literature referring to this issue is mostly based on cervical collar can be removed in blunt trauma patients when
data from monocentric retrospective studies and focuses on pa- negative CT findings are documented (Patel et al., 2015).
tients with isolated maxillofacial fractures (Table 4). In such constellation the consequences for the maxillofacial
It is obviously in all studies that the prevalence of CS injuries is surgeons or anaesthesiologists etc. are easing of difficult airway
increasing with CMF trauma complexity: isolated maxillofacial management and traumatologic procedure in the head and neck
injury (0.6e9.7%), multiple maxillofacial injuries (6.7e10.8%), CMF region as well as reduction of the overall treatment duration and
injuries (2.8e60%). The distribution of maxillofacial trauma in the mortality risk (see below “Therapy for cervical spinal injuries”).
largest national cohort (Mulligan and Mahabir, 2010) of more than
1.3 million trauma patients (injury of nasal pyramid in 25%, malar 4.3. Biomechanics of the cervical spinal column
bone/upper jaw in 23.2%, frontal/temporal bone in 20.5%, mandible
in 16.9%, orbital floor in 14.3%) is comparable with own results The physiological kinematics and fracture dynamics of the cer-
(injury of malar bone/upper jaw in 21.5%, nasal pyramid in 16.1%, vical spinal column are highly complex (Bogduk and Mercer, 2000)
orbital floor in 6.5%, mandible in 6.5%, frontal/temporal bone in and are characterised by discoligamentous soft tissues and
9.7%). In both studies, it is evident that CS injuries were most degenerative, iatrogenic bony (fusion) and traumatic changes
frequently associated with midfacial fractures. We found mostly (Yoganandan et al., 2001). For a clinical understanding of injury
upper CS injuries, which are visible on midface CT scans. patterns, it is helpful to consider the following factors in addition to
In the next passage the questions “When extended imaging of the mechanisms of injury:
the complete cervical spine column is indicated within initial
assessment?” and “What is the appropriate radiologic technique?” age (younger patients suffer from ligamentous and the elderly
are discussed. suffer from bony lesions; Kandziora et al., 2010b and 2010c)
position of the head in relation to the cervical spinal column
4.2. Risk factors and diagnostic imaging in cervical spinal injuries during the trauma (force vector as a result of compression,
distraction, rotation, shear, or combinations; Cusick and
Leidel et al. (2005) describe an evidence-based diagnostic Yoganandan, 2002; Jauch et al., 2015)
approach to suspected cervical spine injury. In accordance with the development of the neck muscles (Bogduk and Yoganandan,
literature, appropriate diagnostic imaging in this context is guided 2001)
by several risk factors associated with a possible cervical spine stiffening of the cervical spine column as a result of spondylosis,
injury (see Table 5). Alert patients who have been completely rheumatism or previous interventions (Cusick and Yoganandan,
examined and who do not have sensorimotor deficiencies should 2002)
be cleared using conventional X-ray (three-view, low-risk patients). bone quality (Schueller-Weidekamm, 2008).
When the mentioned risk factors are present (high-risk patients),
cervical spine CT scans are particularly convenient (Saltzherr et al., As presented in Tables 1 and 3 complex injuries might not be
2009); however, when the risk factors are associated with maxil- limited to cases of high-kinetic energy trauma (Jamal et al., 2009).
lofacial injuries and difficult airway management, CT scans can be a Under certain conditions, such injuries are not localised to the
challenge (Figs. 3 and 4), and immobilisation with a rigid cervical craniofacial region but involve the cervical spinal column, espe-
collar should be considered. The MRI is the imaging method of cially in elderly patients and injuries arising from everyday situa-
choice for patients with sensorimotor deficiencies or suspected tions. The biomechanics of the cervical spine in cases of minor and
discoligamentous lesions (Saltzherr et al., 2009; Sanchez et al., major injuries are in detail discussed by Bogduk and Yoganandan
2005; Schuster et al., 2005; Tan et al., 2014; Patel et al., 2015). (2001) and Cusick and Yoganandan (2002).
Five patients in our study required this approach. A recent study analysed 1255 cervical spine fractures and
In a recent multicentre questionnaire study, only 57% of 191 determined that MVC (OR 1.6), age <40 years (OR 1.8), fall (OR 2.1),
level 1 trauma centres maintained a cervical spine clearance Injury Severity Score >15 (OR 7.6), and pelvic fractures (OR 9.2) are
Table 5
Risk factors for blunt cervical spinal injuries and imaging. In the literature, there is an agreement that specific mechanisms of injury, circumstances, and
predisposing factors are predictors for blunt cervical spine injuries in association with maxillofacial trauma (see Table 4). These risk factors are useful for
initiating the radiological diagnostic work flow (Cusick and Yoganandan, 2002; Leidel et al., 2005; Sanchez et al., 2005; Schuster et al., 2005; Ong et al.,
2006; Schueller-Weidekamm, 2008; Saltzherr et al., 2009; Tan et al., 2014; Theologis et al., 2014; Jauch et al., 2015; Patel et al., 2015).
significant predictive factors for a major trauma. According to that complications resulting from concomitant cervical spine injury,
study, isolated maxillofacial or craniocerebral injuries alone are not and appropriate imaging can be performed following
considered risk factors for cervical spine fractures (Clayton et al., intubation.
2012). There is no causality between the two types of injuries, but 6. Craniofacial injuries complicated by cervical spine injuries are
there is a predictable pattern of injuries in both alert patients and associated with significant mortality (8%).
those who are obtunded (Lewis et al., 1985; Bayles et al., 1997; Ong
et al., 2006; Mithani et al., 2009) as a result of MVC, especially in
younger patients, or falls, especially in elderly patients. Thus, facial Conflict of interest statement
trauma is complicated by cervical spine injuries, though they are All authors confirm no conflict of interest.
rarely detected in patients with isolated facial injury (Table 4). In
this study cohort, only 34% (n ¼ 17) of 50 patients met the poly-
Financial support
trauma criteria.
4.4. Therapy for cervical spinal injuries Sources of support in form of grants
On behalf of all authors of this manuscript we declare that there
Various operative and non-operative treatment modalities to is no financial or personal relationship with other individuals or
address injuries of the craniocervical junction, and the upper and organizations that could inappropriately influence this work.
lower cervical spine have been developed and meet accepted
standards (Kayser et al., 2006; Reinhold et al., 2006; Schueller-
Weidekamm, 2008; Kandziora et al., 2010a-2010c). In our study,
cervical spine injuries were treated operatively in 20% of 50 cases
We thank all members of the team and American Journal Ex-
(C0eC2, C7) with no associated neurologic complications.
perts (AJE) for helpful English language support (certificate verifi-
In the elderly, the treatment of cervical spine injuries is signif-
cation key: 9ECD-64F4-E327-4E24-9681). In addition authors
icantly associated with complications, particularly a high rate of
thank Matthias Gerlach (University hospital Halle, finance and
non-union (in cases of non-operative treatment) or morbidity and
controlling) for his kind support in data acquisition.
mortality (in cases of operative treatment; Delcourt et al., 2015),
that require prolonged inpatient hospital stays and rehabilitation,
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