Project Name: User Management System (UMS)
Technology: Java, Spring Boot | Role: Software Engineer
Team Size: 6 | Tools: GIT, Eclipse, MySQL Workbench
Description: UMS is a web application designed to manage user credentials,
assigning specific rights and territories (localities) to employees within an
organization. Access to various applications is granted based on these rights
and territories.
Developed services in Java and MySQL within the Spring MVC architecture
to create and update user rights and territories.
Actively participated in daily scrum calls.
Project Name: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Technology: Java, Spring Boot, Microservices | Role: Software Engineer
Team Size: 9 | Tools: GIT, Eclipse, MySQL Workbench
Description: CRM is a web application utilized by organizational employees to
access, create, and update customer service data. It tracks and records
communications between employees and customers.
Implemented services using Java and MySQL in a Spring MVC architecture
to record communications between employees and customers.
Contributed to initial testing and QA support.
Project Name: SUJOG
Technology: Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, MySQL
Role: Software Engineer | Team Size: 20 | Tools: GIT, Eclipse, MySQL
Description: SUJOG is an e-governance platform deployed across 124 Urban
Local Bodies (ULBs) in Odisha. It serves two main user groups: citizens who
access various services, and government officials who manage and respond to
citizen requests.
Developed RESTful APIs using Java and Spring Boot to support and
implement various platform functionalities.
Improved the existing codebase, resolved bugs, and enhanced
PERSONA L D ETAI LS performance across multiple modules.
Date of Birth : 14 July 1998
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Odia