What is infection control
What is infection control
What is infection control
Due to COVID-19 universal masking using a surgical mask may be mandated. Please check
current guidelines from DIPHE.
These are required only when exposure to blood and body fluids (which
include all excretions and secretions except sweat) is anticipated. The
exposure may be to the skin or one of the mucous membranes.
PPE and its indications include:
o Gloves: When hand contamination is anticipated.
o Masks and eye protection: When splashes may occur.
o Gowns: When soiling of clothes may occur
The type of PPE worn is based on the assessed risk of the clinical intervention
to be undertaken
Wear gloves when contact with blood and body fluids, mucous
membranes, non-intact skin, or potentially contaminated intact skin
(e.g., that of a patient incontinent of stool or urine) is anticipated.
The use of cellophane gloves is discouraged for use in patients.
Remove gloves after contact with a patient and/or the surrounding
environment (including medical equipment) making sure to prevent
hand contamination. Do not wear the same pair of gloves for the care of
more than one patient
Hand Hygiene must be performed after glove use
Do not wash gloves for the purpose of reuse.
Never leave the patient care area without removing gloves.
Use surgical masks and/or eye shields to protect the eyes, nose, and
mouth during procedures that are likely to generate splashes or sprays
of blood and body fluids.
Select masks, goggles, face shields, and combinations of each according
to the need anticipated by the task performed.
Wear a surgical mask while assisting or performing a lumbar puncture.
Due to COVID-19 universal masking using a surgical mask may be mandated. Please check
current guidelines from DIPHE.
Wear caps and boots/shoe covers where there is the likelihood the
patient’s blood and body fluids may splash, spill or leak onto the hair or
Do not reuse disposable caps/shoe covers
Wear clean and disinfected reusable boots.
3. Sharp Disposal
See the section on Blood and Body Fluids for more details
4. Disinfection
Environmental cleaning:
5. Linen
Handling of linen:
6. Cough Etiquette
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette:
These are recommended for all individuals with signs and symptoms of
respiratory infection to prevent its spread.
Nose/mouth should be covered with the inside of elbow when coughing
or sneezing;
Use tissues to contain respiratory secretions and dispose them in the
nearest waste receptacle after use
o Perform hand hygiene after having contact with respiratory
secretions and contaminated objects/materials.
o Do not re-use tissue papers
Standard prections
Key points to remember
Consider every person (patient or staff) as potentially
infectious and susceptible to infection.
Hands hygiene is the most important process for
preventing cross contamination.
Wear gloves before touching anything wet (broken skin,
mucous membranes, blood or other body fluids, or soiled
instruments and contaminated waste materials) or before
performing invasive procedures.
Use physical barriers (protective goggles, face masks and
aprons) if splashes and spills of any body fluids (secretions
and excretions) are likely.
Use safe sharp practices such as not recapping or bending
needles, safely passing sharp instruments and suturing,
when appropriate, with blunt needles.
Safely dispose of infectious waste materials to protect
those who handle them and prevent injury or spread of
infection to the community.
Process instruments and other items after use by first
decontaminating and thoroughly cleaning them, then either
sterilizing or high-level disinfecting using the
recommended and approved procedures.
Hand Hygiene
1. What to perform Hand Hygiene with
Cleaning hands with alcohol hand rubs is preferred over soap and water.
More effective
Better tolerated
Hands are visibly dirty or soiled with blood or other body fluids.
There is a suspected or confirmed case of C.difficile
These posters (developed by WHO) demonstrate the steps to Hand
Rub and Hand Wash
Do not wear rings, watches while performing hand hygiene. Keep you wrists
The first 2 are to protect the patient from getting an infection and the last 3
are to protect other patients and your self.
These are
The use of gloves does not replace the need for cleaning your hands.
Hand hygiene must be performed when appropriate regardless of the
indications for glove use.
Remove gloves to perform hand hygiene, when an indication occurs
while wearing gloves.
Discard gloves after each task and clean your hands – gloves may carry
Wear gloves only when indicated according to Standard and Contact
otherwise they become a major risk for germ transmission.
Wearing the same pair of gloves and washing gloved hands between
patients or between dirty to clean body site care is not a safe practice
Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization
Disinfection is the process by which many or all pathogenic microorganisms
are removed from an object, with the exception of bacterial spores. This is
usually done using various chemicals
Sterilization is the destruction or elimination of all forms of microbial life from
an object. This is done through chemicals or heat (autoclaving)
Using the Spaulding Criteria, equipment is divided into types (based on their
use) and handled accordingly
Critical items
These are introduced into sterile body area, close contact with a break in skin
or mucous membrane.
Examples include surgical instruments and syringes
Critical items are sterilized
Non-critical items
These come in contact with intact skin
Examples are blood pressure apparatus and furniture.
Non-critical items are only cleaned or (low level) disinfected
Disposable items
These may come sterilized or may be non-sterile and meant to be used once
Examples are bandages, tongue depressors, gloves
Disposable items are discarded
Transmission Based Precautions
1. Airborne Precautions
Airborne precautions are used for patients who have an infection with
organisms that are able to travel long distances in the air.
Patient placement:
Negative Pressure Room
If a negative pressure room is not available then place in a single room with
the door closed, air conditioner off, windows open with a fan facing outwards
till a negative pressure room is available, or place in a room with a UVGI light.
Personal Protective equipment:
N-95 Mask.
You must be fit tested for which N95 mask will fit you best.
Perform a seal check every time the N95 mask is worn by blowing into the
mask and checking if air leaks from the sides.
Mask must be worn at all times with both straps on.
Do not wear another mask under or over the N-95.
The mask can be reused on different patients unless it is bent out of shape or
gets wet. Store masks in a paper bag
2. Droplet Precautions
Droplet precautions are required for patients with infections in which the
organism travels through the air for short distances only (about 1 meter). To
cause infection, the organism must enter the body through the nose, mouth,
or eyes
Some organisms that needed droplet precautions include
Meningococcal meningitis
Patient placement:
Single room isolation, but with no special air handling (that is negative
pressure is not required)
3. Contact Precautions
Contact precautions are meant for patients with organisms that stick to
surfaces including the surroundings, your clothes, and any equipment used on
the patient
Chicken Pox
Patient Placement:
For CRE: Single room isolation with no special air handling (that is no negative
pressure room)
For other MDROs contact precaution: Isolation precautions in the ward
4. Donning and Doffing
The order in which the PPE is put and removed is extremely important to avoid
contamination and spread of microorganisms
When putting PPE on (donning), we wear the gowns first as it would be difficult pull the
gown over the head while wearing a face shield
When removing (doffing) PPE, always go from the most contaminated to the least
1. Remove gloves
2. Remove gown
3. Perform hand hygiene and leave the room
4. Remove eye protection
5. Remove mask (unless performing universal masking)
Blood and Body Fluid Exposures
Percutaneous injury
Examples are a needle-stick or cut with a sharp object
Contact of mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or other body fluids
that are potentially infectious.
Examples are splashes in the eyes or mouth or exposure skin that is scratched or suffering
with dermatitis
Blood and body fluids which are considered to be not infectious (unless bloody) are
1. What is a BBF exposure
Blood and body fluids (BBF) exposures include:
Percutaneous injury
Examples are a needle-stick or cut with a sharp object
Contact of mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or
other body fluids that are potentially infectious.
Examples are splashes in the eyes or mouth or exposure to skin that
is scratched or suffering from dermatitis
Blood and body fluids that are considered to be infectious for blood-borne
diseases like HIV Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are
Blood and body fluids that are considered to be not infectious for blood-
borne diseases like HIV Hepatitis B and Hepatitis (unless bloody) are
Percutaneous injury
Examples are a needle-stick or cut with a sharp object
Contact of mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or other body fluids
that are potentially infectious.
Examples are splashes in the eyes or mouth or exposure skin that is scratched or suffering
with dermatitis
Blood and body fluids which are considered to be infectious are
Blood and body fluids which are considered to be not infectious (unless bloody) are
By reporting an exposure, the hospital will take full financial responsibility for
providing post-exposure care (including medication and testing) as well as
treatment in case you develop an infection.
If you report the incident you will not be blamed for the exposure and this will
not reflect negatively on your personal file.
In case of sharp injury/ needle-stick injury, allow the injured area to
bleed (don't press the blood out).In case of spill/splash over non-intact
skin or a mucus membrane, wash the area thoroughly.
o Wash the area with soap and water.
o Dry with tissue and cover it with a bandage.
Immediately call/inform the following Fill out the online incident form
(to help us keep track of BBF exposures).
o Your supervisor
o Infection control nurse (weekdays from 0700 –1700 hours at Ext:
1228/1229/3867, or on weekend call IP on-call through BMO office.
If the exposure is from a known patient, collect the blood sample in Gel
top if possible.
Percutaneous injury
Examples are a needle-stick or cut with a sharp object
Contact of mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or other body fluids
that are potentially infectious.
Examples are splashes in the eyes or mouth or exposure skin that is scratched or suffering
with dermatitis
Blood and body fluids which are considered to be not infectious (unless bloody) are
3. How to clean a blood spill
The steps to clean a blood spill are: