Ethical principles are important in a business organisation as they set the tone for the culture and
behaviour of employees and management.
For example, a business’s ethical aim may be to treat employees fairly and to be honest in all business
The application of ethics can sometimes be intangible. Ethic is often described as ‘doing the right thing’
but this can mean different things to different individuals.
After the accounting scandals in Enron, Worldcom, Parmalat and others, business ethics has become
more prominent in the accounting world.
As a result, many companies have an ethical code that sets out their ethical objectives. This can e a
huge benefit for businesses, as employees tend to prefer to work for a company with good guidelines of
moral behaviour, and customers and suppliers will prefer to deal with such a business.
Situations may arise in which an accountant might be asked to behave (or might be tempted to behave) in
a way that conflicts with ethical standards and guidelines.
Conflict of interest could relate to unimportant matters, but they might also involve fraud or some other
illegal activity. Examples of such ethical conflicts of interest are as follows:
There could be pressure from an overbearing supervisor, manager or director, adversely affecting
the accountant’s integrity
An accountant might mislead his or her employer as to the amount of experience or expertise they
have, when in reality the expert advice of someone else should be sought.
An accountant might be asked to act contrary to a technical or professional standard. Divided
royalty between the accountant’s superior and the required professional standards of conduct could
A conflict of interest could arise when the employer publishes) or proposes to publish) misleading
information that will benefit the employer, and may or may not benefit the accountant personally as
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 was introduced in the US after a series of corporate accounting scandals.
Public trust in accounting and financial reporting practices was declining due to the number of scandals
The Act contains various specific requirements:
(a)The act places personal responsibility for the accuracy of a company’s financial statements on its chief
executive officer (CEO) and the chief financial officer (CFO) equivalent of finance director
(b)All companies with a US listing must provide a signed certificate to the SEC vouching for the accuracy of
the company’s financial statements, signed by CEO and CFO, this is similar to the situation in Nigeria
where the responsibility of preparing financial statements lies with the board of directors.
(c)This requirement applies to foreign companies with a US listing, as well as to US companies.
(d)The SEC also requires the CEO and CFO to certify in each quarterly and annual report:
- the accuracy of the information in the report
- the fairness of the financial information.
(e)The report should contain information about the effectiveness of the company’s ‘disclosure controls and
procedures’ and its internal controls over financial reporting, this should be covered by the certification.
(f) The CEO and CFO must return bonuses to the company, including equity or incentive compensation
awards awarded to them in the preceding twelve months, if their company’s financial statements are re-
stated due to material non-compliance with accounting rules and standards.
Audit Committee
Stock exchanges are prohibited from listing the securities of any company that does not comply with certain
audit committee requirements. These include the following:
(a)Every member of the audit committee should be independent
(b)The audit committee must have responsibility for the appointment and compensation of the external
(c)The audit committee must have responsibility for the oversight of the work of the external auditors
(d)The committee must establish procedures for whistleblowers that raise concerns about questionable
accounting or auditing matters.
2 Codes of ethics
Professional accountants are expected to act with honesty and integrity and the accounting bodies to which
they belong provide a code of ethics by which they require their members to abide.
The International Federation of Accounting Council (IFAC) has its Code of Ethics and Conduct which
applies to all the associate and fellow members of the Institute.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct establishes the ethical requirements for members. It sets out the
fundamental principles and provides a conceptual framework for applying those principles. The Code
consists of the following fundamental principles:
(a)Integrity- Members should be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationship.
(b)Objectivity- Members should not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others to override
professional or business judgments.
(c)Professional competence and due care – Members have a continuing duty to maintain professional
knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent
professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques. Members
should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when
providing professional services.
(d)Confidentiality- Members should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of
professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties
without proper and specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose.
Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships should not be
used for the personal advantage of members or third parties.
(e)Professional behaviour – Members should comply with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid
any action that discredits the profession.
National Requirements
In Nigeria, the national financial reporting requirements Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP)
can be categorized into three namely:
Financial reporting standards,
Law and
An accounting standard is an authoritative pronouncement on a chosen accounting transaction or other
event by a relevant accounting standard board that has jurisdiction over a given area and such
pronouncements are enforceable by entities that prepare financial statements within that jurisdiction.
The accounting standards have the objective of ensuring that the alternative treatments of similar
accounting transactions and other events of similar circumstances are considerably narrowed down and to
ensure that the financial statements follow the most appropriate accounting policies that will enable the
relevance, reliability and comparability as well as ensuring fair presentation of information contained in
financial statements.
The users of financial information – investors, creditors, management, employees, business contacts,
financial specialists, government and the general public – are entitled to information about a business entity
to a greater or lesser degree. However, the needs and expectations of these groups will vary hence the
financial statements are often referred to as general purpose.
The preparers of the financial information often find themselves in the position of having to reconcile the
interests of different groups in the best way for the business entity. Without accounting standards to
prescribe how certain transactions should be treated, preparers would be tempted to produce financial
information which meets the expectations of the favoured group.
The aim of accounting standards is that they should regulate financial information in order that it shows the
following characteristics:
Accounting standards are issued on major accounting transactions and every organisation that prepares
financial statements must comply with the requirements of the standards as far as they are relevant to the
financial transactions of that entity
However, compliance with a particular standard may not be considered as appropriate if this will adversely
affect the relevance, reliability as well as fair presentation of the financial statements.
Entities mostly draw their accounting policies on the pronouncements of accounting standards on the
accounting transactions
The company law has a vital role to play in financial reporting, in Nigeria, the company law is CAMA Cap
C20 LFN 2004. It has provisions for the contents of financial reports, the presentation format of the profit or
loss account and balance sheet, statutory notes to the financial reports and the matters contained in the
operating statements.
Other enacted laws that have role to play in financial reporting in Nigeria, include, the BOFIA Act Cap B3
LFN 2004, Insurance Act, Pension Reform Act 2004 as amended that recommended defined contributory
pension scheme for both private and public sector.
Some regulations have their impact on financial reporting in Nigeria. Examples are the CBN Prudential
Guidelines that requires the classification of bank loans and advances into performing and non-performing
and the provision of loan losses according to these classifications. National Insurance Commission
(NAICOM) make pronouncements and regulations for the insurance industry.. National Deposit Insrance
Corporation (NDIC) have its regulations regarding banking industry. Security and Exchange Commission
(SEC) and Nigeria Stock Exchange(NSE) do also have their various regulations that affect the preparation
of financial statements in Nigeria
The Code of Corporate Governance Rule of 2011 that requires the disclosure of entities corporate
governance and corporate social responsibilities in annual financial reports.
(c) Government of developing countries. Would save time and money if they could adopt international
standards and, if these were used internally, governments of developing countries could attempt to control
the activities of foreign multinational companies in their country. These countries could not hide behind
foreign accounting practices which are difficult to understand.
(d) Tax Authorities. It will be easier to calculate the tax liability of investors, including multinationals who
receive income from overseas sources.
(e) Regional economic group usually promote trade within a specific geographical region. This would be
aided by common accounting practices within the region.
(f) Large international accounting firms would benefit as accounting and auditing would be much easier
if similar accounting practices existed throughout the world.
2. The EU Regulation
The EU has required that since 2005 consolidated accounts of all listed companies should comply with
IFRS. The implications of this proposal are far reaching. Many commentators believe that, in the light of the
above, it is only a matter of time before national standards setting bodies like the UK ASB are, in effect,
replaced by the IASB and national standards fall into disuse. Although, national standards were designed
for the national environment, which includes small companies, the IASB will need input and expertise from
valued national standard setters like the UK ASB etc.
published a proposal, titled Roadmap for the Potential Use of Financial Statements Prepared in accordance
with International Financial Standards by US issuers. This proposed roadmap sets out milestones that if
achieved, could lead to early adoption of IFRS in the US in no distance time. In July 2012 the Stolt Report
on this roadmap discussed barriers to adoption but did not draw any specific conclusions on adoption or
endorsement of IFRS.
Principles-Based Accounting:
These are based upon a conceptual framework such as the IASB's Framework and accounting
standards are set on the basis of the conceptual framework.
Principles – based accounting seems to be the most popular accounting method around the
globe. Most countries opt for a principles – based system, as it is often better to adjust
accounting principles to a company’s transactions rather than adjusting a company’s
operations to accounting rules.
IFRS - the most common international accounting standard, is not rules - based. IFRS states
that a company’s financial statements must be understandable, readable, readable,
comparable and relevant to current financial transactions.
Rules- Based Accounting
Rules – based accounting is basically a list of detailed rules that must be followed when
preparing financial statements. Many accountants favour the prospect of suing rules based
standards because, in the absence of rules, they could be brought to court if their judgments
of the financial statements were incorrect.
The Generally Accepted Accounting principles (GAAP) system is rules – based accounting
method used by some countries. Companies and their accountants must adhere to the rules
when they compile their financial statements. These allow investors an easy way to compare
the financial information of different companies.
Ten principles of rules – based GAAP accounting system:
1. Regularity
2. Consistency
3. Sincerity with accurate representation of the company’s financial situation
4. Performance of methods
5. No expectation of compensation
6. Prudence with no semblance of speculation
7. Continuity
8. Dividing entries across appropriate periods of time
9. Full disclosures in all financial reporting
10.Good faith and honesty in all transactions
Fundamental advantage is that its broad guidelines can be practical for a variety of
Secondly, when there are strict rules, that need to be followed, the possibility of lawsuits is
diminished. Having a set of rules can increase accuracy and reduce the ambiguity that can
trigger aggressive reporting decisions by management.
The chairman shall be appointed by the President on recommendation of Minister and members
recommended by their various professional or statutory bodies to Minsiter for appointment by the president.
The chairman and other members of the board shall hlod office for a term of four years in the first instance
and may be reappointment for a further term of four years and no more.
(b) submit the draft statement of accounting, auditing or financial standards prepared in accordance with
sub-section 1 (a) of this section to the Council for ratification and thereafter, the Council shall issue the
(c) ratify such statements of accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards prepared in accordance
with this section; and
(d) thereafter, the statements of accounting, auditing or financial reporting standards shall be published
(2) Any relevant standard issued by a relevant international body shall be adopted by the Council in
accordance with the procedures in sub-section (1) of this section.
(3) Each Directorate shall appoint working groups in order to accomplish its objectives and where
appropriate, in consultation with the Chairman of the Council.
(2) A person who wishes to submit any comment shall, within 30 days of the last date of the publication
specified in sub-section (1) of this Section, submit his comments in writing to the Council.
(3) The Council shall, in deciding whether to consider the standards or their amendments shall have regard
to any comment submitted under subsection (2) of this Section.
(l) enforce compliance with the Act and the rules of the Council on registered professionals and the affected
public interest entities ;
(m) establish such systems, schemes or engage in any relevant activity, either alone or in conjunction with
any other organization or agency, whether local or international, for the discharge of its functions ;
(n) receive copies of all qualified reports together with detailed explanations for such qualifications from
auditors of the financial statements within a period of 30 days from the date of such qualification and such
reports shall not be announced to the public until all accounting issues relating to the reports are resolved
by the Council ;
(o) adopt and keep up-to-date accounting and financial reporting standards, and ensure consistency
between standards issued and the International Financial Reporting Standards ;
(p) specify, in the accounting and financial reporting standards, the minimum requirements for recognition,
measurement, presentation and disclosure in annual financial statements, group annual financial
statements or other financial reports which every public interest entity shall comply with, in the preparation
of financial statements and reports ;
(q) develop or adopt and keep up-to-date auditing standards issued by relevant professional bodies and
ensure consistency between the standards issued and the auditing standards and pronouncements of the
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ; and
(r) perform such other functions which in the opinion of the Board are necessary or expedient to ensure the
efficient performance of the functions of the Council.
Statement of Company’s Risk Management Policies and Practices; and
Dealings in Securities Code.
Chairman’s Report
CAMA CAP C20 LFN 2004 does not specify the information to be contained in the chairman’s report,
however the following information are often contained in the chairman’s report
The global environment and its effect on the company
The domestic environment and its effect on the company
The operating performance of the company for the year
Dividend proposed
Current developments
Staff and their training
The future prospects of the company