Individual responsible for fines and fees must complete this form. Please print in blue
or black ink.
Mailing instructions
Please send a copy of a valid form of photo ID along with your
application and send to:
Name______________________________________________________ Birthdate_______________
First Name Middle Last Jr./Sr./III MM/DD/YYYY
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________
Street Address/Apt # City State Zip
Physical Address____________________________________________________________________
Street Address/Apt # City State Zip
Parent/guardian information:
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________
Street Address/Apt # City State Zip
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________
Street Address/Apt # City State Zip
Borrower Agreement:
I accept responsibility for the use of this card, including all items borrowed on it and fines/fees incurred.
I understand that any fines/fees incurred are payable at the time they accrue and that delinquent
accounts are subject to collection activity and may be credit reported. I agree to inform the Library
immediately of any change to personal contact information or if the card is lost or stolen.
Address Verification:
o TDL o TID o Other: _____________________________________________________________