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JSA 07 (Scaffolding Erection,Dismantling)

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Contractor / Specific Date of Risk

Subcontractor Location Assessment
Duration of
Work Discipline Civil No. of Works
Activity Scaffolding Erection/Dismantling

Risk Assessment Risk level A Risk Level B Risk Level C Risk Level D Risk Level E
Standard 16 – 25 10- 15 5- 9 3-4 1-2
Likelihood x Severity Unacceptable Severe Risk Through review required Acceptable Level Acceptable Level

Review and Approval

Subcon Permit Signature Signature Signature Signature

Subcon Dept Subcon Site Subcon HSE
Reciever /
Head Manager Manager

Name Name Name Name



Work Activity Hazard Factor &


No. Control Measure & Detailed management Plan Correction Date
information Environmental impact L S T In Charge L S T

All personnel have attended the project Safety Orientation

and relevant safety awareness training prior to site

The field supervisor or foreman shall be a certified permit

receiver and to coordinate for permit approval to Doosan
const. & safety team.
Non-compliance to project
The field supervisor shall perform a daily tool box talk
procedure & permit system
addressing the site hazard and discussing risk control to all
crew member
Unawareness of emergency
Everyone must know the emergency assembly point and
Area Assessment emergency contact numbers to be posted at work area. Permit
1 & Preparation
Incompetent Personnel 2 2 4 D
2 1 2 E
Ensure that competency of all personnel is verified prior
Uninspected use of
perform the operation and ensure that the operators are
equipment and tools.
having the valid third-party certification with them.

All equipment & tools shall be declared upon entry of

project gate and be coordinated with Doosan Safety team
for inspection and approval

Heavy equipment shall have safety func,tion device, fire

asqextinguisher and first aid kit in place.

Homemade tools are not allowed to be use in the project.

Use of leather or cut resistance hand gloves to eliminated

or prevent hand injury for handling sharp objects.
Sharp edges
Where an object requires two or more employees to
handle it, one employee should give the direction for lifting
Carrying of heavy items
and lowering the object in unison.
2 Manual Handling Repetitive lifting 2 3 6 C
Never attempt to lift beyond your capacity (20 Kg). If in
Work Crew 2 2 4 D
doubt test the objects’ weight before handling it: if it
Lifting and carrying on
appears too heavy or bulky, obtain a mechanical lifting aid.
uneven and / or slippery
ground conditions
The work area shall be in good condition and free from
slips. Ensure clear access is available.

3 Improper manual handling 4 4 16 A Follow manual handling techniques and maintain proper Work Crew 3 4 12 B
Mobilization/ techniques body posture while doing manual handling activity.
shifting of
materials. Repetitive lifting Bend knees, keep head ups and hold the weight properly
Untrained worker to avoid leaning and twisting.

Use Canvas bucket, rope and 3rd party certified Gin wheel
to lift the materials on the top of scaffold platform and

Where an object requires two or more employees to

handle it, one employee should give the direction for lifting
and lowering the object in unison. Never attempt to lift
beyond the capacity. Assess the load prior lifting. if it
appears too heavy or bulky, obtain a mechanical lifting aid
and/or somebody to help.

Wherever possible, a reduction in the amount of heavy

manual handling must be sought by providing adequate
In adequate access
mechanical means.
Sharp Edges
Rotate tasks between workers.
Lifting and carrying on
Practice routine and repetitive breaks.
uneven and / or slippery
ground conditions
All involved workers shall attend “Manual handling
Inadequate supervision
Adequate access shall be provided and make sure access
Pinch Point
is clear from any obstruction.
Fall of men & materials
Keep an eye while handling sharp objects. Wear leather
Back injury and
hand gloves when handling any materials or sharp objects.
other sprains and strains
back pain, Muscle strain
Make sure the ground condition is levelled, firm and no
Lack of knowledge of work
slippery condition.
procedure may lead to
Continuous supervision and safety coverage shall be
ensured throughout the operation.
Identify all possible pinch point hazards. Keep the body
Hand injury
part out of line of fire. Use adequate hand gloves.
Slip and fall injury
The area shall be barricaded and post warning signages
and a watchman must be assigned.
Misleading of workers
Ensure the provision of Hard hat, goggles, leather hand
Caught between, struck by,
gloves coverall and safety shoe.
Use full body harness and ensure 100% tie off in case of
Personnel fall /Material
material shifting to elevated level.
falling on the scaffolders/
bodily injury
Secure all the scaffolding materials inside the canvas
bucket, firmly tied by rope in order to avoid accidental fall.

Do not carry more materials to over load the bucket and

ensure the load is balanced inside the bucket.

While shifting scaffolding materials by hand especially the


4 Erection / Structural collapse 4 4 16 A Obtain scaffold work permit from DOOSAN Work Crew 3 4 12 B
Dismantling of
Scaffold Working at Height Only competent third-party certified Scaffolders shall erect
the scaffold.
Fall of men and materials
DO NOT USE” [Red Tag] should be placed at conspicuous
Untrained workers places while erection of scaffolding.

Improper manual handling Application of full body Safety harness with double lanyard
while working in an elevated area in excess of 1.8 mtr and
Defective ladder above.

Inadequate supervision Ensure proper anchor to safe anchorage point Ensure

proper anchor to safe anchorage point. Follow 100% tie off
Pinch point policy.

Tripping hazard Use 3 planks minimum as platform while erecting scaffold.

Leaning, twisting, stooping shall be avoided while erecting
Obstructed access of scaffold.

Un secured tools Do not throw any materials from height.

Ensure all workers undergone Work at height & hand tools
Un secured drop zone training.

Defective tools and Maintain proper body posture while carrying activity.
materials Follow proper manual handling techniques while doing
Inadequate PPE
Only the inspected and color-coded ladder used for the
Unauthorized entry Bodily activity.
injury due to fall from height,
Property damage Maintain three-point contact while ascending and
descending the ladder.
Bodily injury due to fall like,
fracture, head injury and Ladder must be in good condition and visually inspect prior
sprain to commence work

Poor decision, chances of A close supervision required by a competent supervisor

misusing tools and Keep the body part away from the line of fire
equipment’s Identify all possible pinch point hazard.

Back injury and other Use adequate hand gloves to eliminate pinch point hazard
sprains and strains Avoid keeping of excessive materials on the platform for
evade tripping hazard.
Fall injury
Provide adequate access and make sure the access is
Failure of operation. clear from any obstruction.

Cut and crush injury Tool belt and lanyard shall be used and ensure all tools are
properly secured to prevent from fall.
Fall injury
Drop zone should be barricaded properly and post warning
Entrapment signs.

Falling of unsecured tools Ensure all tools are in good condition, inspected and color
caused bodily coded.
Visually inspect the tools prior using it.
Injury to self and others.
Do not use damaged tools.
Personal injury
Ensure all workers are wearing proper PPE like hard hat
Lack of knowledge of with chin strap, goggles, hand gloves, Safety Uniform and
workplace hazard will lead safety Shoes.
to accident.
Barricade (Red& White) shall be provided and post
warning signs to avoid unauthorized entry.

Remove/ do not use defective scaffolding materials.

For emergency rescue refer emergency rescue plan
Observe proper lifting techniques.

Use proper lifting methods, including team lifting when


Lift with legs, keep loads close to body, and don’t twist
while picking up loads.
Poor housekeeping
Use mechanical lifting equipment (hand carts, trucks) to Work
5 move large, awkward loads. Crew
Housekeeping Obstructed access 3 1 3 D 2 1 2 E
Dispose generated waste concrete into the designated Field Supervisor
waste disposal areas only.

Cleaning of concrete mixer trucks and pump trucks shall

be done only in approved designated areas only.

Remove all materials, tools and generated waste after the

work is done

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