Recommended Citation
Buente, Robert William, "Electrical cable design and applications" (1974). Masters Theses. 3445.
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ABSTRA.CT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ii
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .•...•••.•.•.•.••..•••.•.•...•.•..• vii
LIST OF TABLES •••••.•..•.•••••.•...•.•.•.•...•.•...•.•. viii
I. INTRODUCTION •.•••••.•.••••.••.•.•.•••...•.•.••••.•.. 1
A. Basic Cable Construction and Hi~cory .•...•.••• l
B. Conductors .•.••.•...•.•...••••••..•.•...••..•• 4
c. Insulating and Jacketing Materials ..•.•.•••.• 14
1. Thermoplastic Materials ••••....••.•.•.•.• 16
a. Polyvinylchloride •.•••.•...•.••..•.•. l6
b. Low-Density Polyethylene .•••.....•••. l6
c. High-Density Polyethylene ..•....••... l7
d. Polypropylene ••••••••.•.•••••••••..•• 18
e. Nylon •••.•.•.•••.•••••••...•••••••••• 18
2. Thermosett~ng Materials .••••..••..••••••. l9
a. Natural Rubber ••••••.•.•...•••••.•.•. 19
b. Styrene-Butadine Rubber ..•.•.•••.•.•• 20
c. Chloroprene Rubber .•..••...•.••..•.•• 20
d. Butyl Rubber . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . • . 24
e. Silicone Rubber ....•.•.•.•.•.•.•••••. 2 4
f. Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene •.•.•.•• 25
g. Ethylene Propylene Rubber .•••...•.•.. 26
h. Cross-Linked Polyolefins ••.••••••...• 26
3. Films ••••••..•••...••••••••.•..••••.•.••• 2 8
4. Fibers .•••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••• 28
c. Capacitance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
D. Reactance ••• • 42
H. Terminations .•••••.........•.•.•...•••.•...•. 67
I. High Potential Proof Testing .•...•.•..••...•. 71
J. Fault Location ••.•••••.•.•.•.•••.•.•••.•.•••. 75
1. Insulation Resistance Ratio .•••••.•••..•• 76
2. Voltage Drop Method •...•.•••.•.•.•••.•.•• 7 7
3. Resistance Loop Balance .••••..•••..•..•.• 78
4. Burn Down Process .•.••.•.•••.•..••••.•... 78
5. Capacitance Impulse Method •••.•••.•.••••• 79
6. A-C Methods ••.••.••••.•.•••.•.••••••••••. 7 9
7. D-C Tracer Method •••• f ••••••••••••••••••• 80
APPLICATIONS ••.•.•••••••.••.••.•.••.••.••••.••.•. 81
A. Power Cables ••.•••.•••••••.•••••••••.•••••.•• 81
B. Control and Instrumentation Cables ••.•••••••. 94
1. Control Cable •••.••.••.•••••.•.••••..•.•. 94
2. Instrumentation Cables .•.•••...•.....•••. 97
c. Mining Cable ••.••..•.•••••...••.•.••.••.•.••• 99
D. Miscellaneous Cables .•••.••••.•.....••••••.• l03
V• C 0 NC L US I 0 N • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 0 9
D. Manufactur ers Identification .•.•...••.••.••. l15
BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
VITA ••.•••••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 120
Figures Page
1. Stress Cone Design . . . . • . . . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 69
2. Circuit Induction Relationships . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Table Page
I. Basic Cable Constructions ....•.........•.....•.•.. 2
II. Relative Electrical Conductivity of Metals ••.•.•.. s
III. Ampaci ty Ratings ..•.••....•....•..•..•.•.•...•.... 7
IV. Conductor Diameters •.•.•.••..•.....•...•.......•. 11
V. Typical Properties of Elastomeric Compositions ..• 21
VI. A-C/D-C Eesistance Ratios for Insulated
Aluminum and Copper Conductors at
50 Cycles and 65oc ••.••.•....•.....•..•.....•.. 38
VII. Typical Values of SIC ...•.•...•.....•.•.•.•...... 4 2
VIII. Corrections for Multiconductor Cables(lg) ......•. 44
7. Jacket, Sheath
or Armor
There are many descriptive words in the cable industry
as defined by the various associations that issue industry
B. Conductors
The definition of conductor as used in the wire and
cable industry is: A wire or combination of wires not
insulated from one another, suitable for carrying a single
electric current< 4 >.
Copper and A~uminum are the two basic types of con-
ductors used in the transmission and distribution of
electrical power. Hollow tubes, copperweld, square and
rectangular bars, aluminum conductor steel reinforced
(ACSR), and other special designs for particular require-
ments comprise the list of conductors, but the most exten-
sive use of conductors is in the form of round solid wires.
Copper is the most widely used metal for conductors,
due to its outstanding electrical conductivity and ver-
satility. Because copper is malleable and ductile it
can readily be worked cold by any process involving
Silver 106
Copper 100
Aluminum 62
Magnesium 38.4
Iron 12.4
The flexibility of annealed copper and that of an EC
grade aluminum conductor are comparable, however, the fatigue
resistance of copper is far greater. This is important
12 3.00 20 10 3.02 25
10 1.86 30 8 1.90 38
8 1.21 45 6 1.21 55
6 0.793 65 4 0.790 71
4 0.514 85 2 0.509 97
centrically stranded.
stranding process.
The lay of a strand is the lateral direction in which
the individual wires run over the top of a cable as they
recede from the eye. Right-hand lay recedes in a clockwise
rotation and the left-hand lay is just the opposite.
Many cables are now being designed using a concentric
stranding but compacting the strands. This provides the
.332 .299
.373 .336
.528 .475
Resistance = p ~ ohms
of those materials.
There are two fundamental types of insulations and
jackets under which there are many various specific types.
The first fundamental type is thermoplastic materials and
the second is thermosetting materials.
'iThermoplastic" is the term applied to those materials
which soften and enter the plastic state with the application
of heat. "Thermosetting" is the term applied to those
1. Thermoplastic Materials
a. Polyvinylchloride
This material is most often referred to as
"PVC". There are many variations of PVC com-
pounds with the operating temperature rating
ranging from 60°C to 105°C maximum. Only just
in the last year have additives been developed
to create a new PVC rated at 125°C operating
temperature. Historically PVC has been used
as an insulation, only on low voltage cables.
Its most common application has been as a
jacketing material.
PVC has very good mechanical characteristics
and is fairly resistant to oils, paraffinic
hydrocarbons, and mineral acids. PVC does
experience swelling in ketones, chlorinated
hydrocarbons and ~~ters. PVC can be made to
be "flame retardant" but in general has poor
~tability in the presence of heat and flame.
The dielectric properties of PVC vary with the
different types of compounds but as mentioned
before are not considered for primary insul-
ations requiring a low loss dielectric material.
b. Low-Density Polyethylene
Low-density polyethylene generally has a
maximum operating temperature of 75 c. It is
flammable but can be compounded so as to be
2. Thermosetting Materials
The second group of insulation and jacketing
materials to consider are the thermosetting elastomers.
Thermosetting means that the material cannot be re-
formed or melted. As stated in the preface of this
section, these materials are subjected to a heating
cycle which causes them to "vulcanize" into their
final state.
a. Natural Rubber
The physical and electrical properties of
natural rubber are excellent. Natural rubber
has a maximum operating temperature of 75°C,
and exhibits good resistance to water but does
not have good resistance to liquid fuels and
Tensile 1500- 800- 1200- 500- 500- 500- 1200- 1000- 1000-
psi 4000 2500 2700 1500 1500 1500 2200 2500 2000
tion, % 300- 350- 300- 300- 100- 100- 300- 350- 200-
700 650 700 800 600 250 600 600 400
Rated Max
Use Temp,
oc 75 90 90 90 200 200 90 90 200
Rated Min
Use Temp,
oc -55 -55 -55 -55 -100 -55 -55 -55 -30
Volume Re-
ohm-em 1013_ 1012_ 1011_ 1013_ 1013_ 1012_ 1012_ 10 1 ~- 1012_
pat ion
1kHz 0.01- .006- 0.02- .008- .002- 0.03- 0.05- .007- 0.02-
.035 .035 0.05 .035 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.035 0.05
ResJ.stance to:
Water Ab-
sorption great great good great good good good good good
carbon poor poor poor poor poor good poor poor great
ing poor poor good great great great great great great
Table v. (Continued)
Base Silicone Fluoro-
Polymer Natural SBR Neoprene Butyl Silicone Fluor'ated !!Y£alon EPR carbon
Ozone poor fair good · great great great great great great
Flame poor poor good poor fair fair good poor good
Radiation fair fair poor poor good good fair fair fair
up to 69 KV.
One criticism of XLP has been its susceptibility
3. Films
Film can be defined as sheeting less than 10
mils in thickness(l 2 ). The application of films is
usually in the form of a tape wrapping followed by
an operation to hold the wrap in place. Heat sealing
is the mest often used .form of sealing the films.
Cellulostics, polyesters, fluorocarbons and
polymide are the most commonly used films.
The use of films permits the incorporation of the
film properties with that of the primary insulation
thereby reducing the insulation wall thickness. Most
films possess a specific mechanical or electrical
property that is desired in the construction of a
cable for specific applications.
4. Fibers
The primary use of fibers in the wire and cable
indu~try is in the form of reinforcements, filters,
5. Paper Insulation
In the early 1900's almost all high voltage cable
was insulated by impregnated paper. Although in some
applications paper insulated cables are still used,
this type of insulation has been replaced through the
years by the rubber, butyl, and more recently EPR
and XLP compounds.
Paper when dried at high temperature easily soaks
up impregnating materials. It is the impregnating
material, containing organic mineral oils, resin and
grease, that gives the paper insulation its superior
dielectric strength. This impregnation material must
possess a high electric strength, it must be as dry
as possible, and flow easily, especially at low
In making paper cable the paper is cut into narrow
strips and wound spirally around the conductor. It is
important that the layers not be compacted so as to
keep the cable flexible and allow room for the
impregnating material.
Since moisture and mechanical damage are two
problem areas for paper insulation, lead sheaths
are the most common type of sheaths applied over
paper insulation. It is important to note that even
a small amount of moisture present in a paper
impregnated insulation can decrease its dielectric
strength significantly. Therefore in underground
paper cables the lead sheath provides outstanding
protection for the insulation. Many people are of
the opinion that if the lead sheath is not penetrated
through to the insulation, · either by mechanical or
chemical damage, and the cable is not electrically
overloaded, the cable has an almost infinite life
D. Shielding
Semiconducting strand shielding has already been dis-
cussed. This section deals with insulation shielding.
Shielding of an electric power cable is the practice of
confining the electric field to the insulation of the
conductor or conductors(?). The combination of strand
semiconduct~ng material, insulation semiconducting material,
and a metallic shield make this confinement possible.
The insulation semiconducting material is constructed
similar to that of the strand semiconducting material as
described in Section I-B and is applied over the insulation.
It is referred to as the insulation "semicon". Like the
strand screen, the insulation semicon layer is made by
adding carbon black to regular insulating compound. The
insulation semiconducting shield is applied to eliminate
air spaces between the ~nsulation and the metallic shield
a) Safety
b) Distribute symmetrical voltage stress
within the dielectric
c) Protect the cable from induced potentials
d) Reduce radio interference
e) Provide a positive path for short circuit
current to follow to ground
Finally a common use of shielding is to provide a
positive path for current to follow to ground if a fault
occurs in ·the cable insulation. Under this fault condition,
copper required.
Concentric wires are used in shielding as mentioned
before, but more often are found in the underground resi-
dential distribution (URD) cables. In the URD cables
the concentric wires provide a shield as well as act as a
conductor and in the case of a single phase operation, must
Another type of sheath is the continuously corrugated
metallic sheath. The advantage of this construction is that
it provides a completely impervious sheath like the lead and
unlike the -inter-locked armor construction. The materials
used in these sheaths is also copper, aluminum, or steel.
Almost all of these metallic sheaths can have a PVC
or polyethylene jacket applied over their exterior, for
added corrosion resistance and ease of pulling.
A. A-C/D-C Resistance
neers handbooks.
B. Inductance
Conductor Size A B c c
(AWG or MCM) Aluminum CopEer Aluminum CoEper
up to 3 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00
2. Multi-conductor non-metallic sheathed cables
in non-magnetic metal conduit.
3. Two or more single conductor non-metallic
sheathed cables in same non-magnetic metallic
L = L e + L.1
Le is a funct~on
of the geometry of the circuit and
given by the equation: <25 )
e = .1404 [log(b/a)] x 10 -3 henries to neutral/MFT
b = spacing between centers of conductors (in.)
a =radius of conductors (in.)
L = Le + L ~
+ Lo
c. Capacitance
.00736 (SIC)
cm = log 0/d uf/MFT
Material SIC
PVC • . • . . . • . • . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 0-- 8 . 0
D. Reactance
X = 1
wL ·- we
E. Voltage Regulation
v Voltage drop in percent
v1 = Voltage across the load
Rubber • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 000
Butyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
G. Dielectric Loss
PL = I c X PF x E where,
PL = Power Loss (watts)
PF = Power factor of the insulation
= Charging current in phase with the capacitive
E = Impressed voltage
H. Charging Currents
C = Capacitance--picofarads/ft
E = Voltage to neutral--kilo--volts
F = Frequency
I. Absorption Current
J. Leakage Current
E = Voltage
R = Insulation Reststance
r1 = Leakage current
K. Total Current
L. Shield/Sheath Losses
F ;/Rc ~ R
ohms/MFT, where,
R = ~ X 10- 3 ohms/MFT
s 8~t
1000 450
2000 340
A. Ampacity Rating
B. Conduit Sizing
Lead covered 55 30 40 38 35
+ •••••••••••••n d 2
m m
D where,
After determining the value of "D" then use the Table XIV,
to determine the s i ze of conduit required for m amount of
To determine the size of conduit required for any
number (m) cables in excess of four, multiply the diameter
of one cable by l:ffi74. This will yield the equival ent
diameter for four such cables. Then use the column for
four cables to obtain the correct conduit size required.
C. Pulling Tensions
T = L w f where,
T = Total pulling tension ( lhs.)
L = Length of the duct run in ft.
w = Weight of cable in #/ft.
f = Coefficient of friction = 0.5
D. Bending Radii
11/64 to 20/64 5 6 7
E. Direct Burial
s w
t = ---scr where,
5/16" .204 9,196 Lb. .208 11,900 Lb. .205 11,200 Lb.
Temperature (F) 0 15 30
G. Splicing
semicon tape.
It is also a good practice to overlap the factory
Lead covered cables in general are protected at the
splicing point by a lead sleeve wiped to the cable sheath
and filled with a compound. This sleeve provides a
continuous path for fault current. A compatible insulating
tape is used such as rubber tape on rubber insulation and
varnished cambric tape on varnished-cambric and paper
insulations. It is usually a good practice to wrap the tape
insulation with two layers o£ friction tape to prevent
damage from the heat of the compound when the joint is filled.
The method of splicing multi-conductor cables is the
the tape.
In the case of aluminum conductors the splicing
technique is identical to that of a copper conductor except
for the connection procedure. The splicing of aluminum
cables has always been difficult. The conductor has a
tendency to creep and oxidize. When aluminum is exposed to
air, a thin film of high dielectric strength forms. This
film must be completely removed before aluminum conductors
can be satisfactorily joined. The method of autogenous
welding appears to be the best method of connection, but due
to simplicity pressure cQnneotion LS usually preferred.
H. Terminations
to 5000 volts.
The termination of ~bw and medium voltage cables
leaka~e currents.
As mentioned previously, the total current caused by
the application of a high potential direct current across
an insulation material is made up of three components:
1) charging currents, 2) absorption currents, and 3) leakage
currents. Both the charging and absorption currents usually
become negligible after a short period of time and therefore
For the Go/no-ge test~ the voltage is slowly raised to
least equal to 3 times the A-C peak voltage .of the phase-
to-ground circuit voltage.
current from one d~y to the next. Always consult the cable
manufacturer for recommended values and duration of proof
test voltages.
J. Fault Location
=- -(d2)' where,
2V 1
to ground
dl = (d2) ' where,
dl = Distance of shunt faul-t
d2 = Total distance of loop . including joing cable
X = Resistance required to balance bridge
6. A-C Methods
This A~C method is particularly useful on locating
A. Power Cables
The following symbols apply to the common 600 volt
cables used for power transmission in the building wire
T = Thermoplastic
R = Rubber or thermosetting
X = XLP insulation
H = Heat resistant
w = Water resistant
N = Nylon
and corrosion.
During the pulling process, running blocks are
fastened to the cross arms through which the conductor and
leads are pulled. AFter completion of the stringing
operation the cable must be tensioned properly. The
tensioning is most often done with a winch. If the cable
calculated by:
1. Control Cable
Almost all systems contain control circuits wh i c h
B or class C stranded .
The thermosetting control cables can be insulated
ation has a .
max~mum opera t ~ng
' t empera t ure of 75°C,
2. Instrumentation Cables
Where control cables usually have a minimum rating
of 600 volts, an instrumentation cable usually has a
maximum voltage rating of 300 volts. Instrumentation
cables are usually used on low voltage circuits in-
volving supervisery control monitoring, or information
conveyance such as communication, , telmetering, temperature,
pressure, flow, etc. With the continuing growth of com-
puters, computer cables are extremely important and
also fall into this category.
Since these cables are used on low voltage circuits,
less importance is paid to the electrical properties of
the cable and more attention is paid to the physical
properties. The two important design factors to be
considered in thi~ type of cab~e are the mechanical
requirements, and the shielding from other cables of
the im~ortant signals carried in them. The conductor
size ranges from a 22 AWG to a 16 AWG annealed copper
conductor. A stranded conductor is used where flex-
ibility is an important factor, but many times in this
cable a solid conductor is used with the two con-
ductors twisted together as a pair. A thermoplastic
insulation is almost exclusively used in this type
of cable with polyethylene and PVC being the most
common. The individual conductors are not usually
i~dividually jacket~d. The shielding required can
range from a c0pper corrugated shield used for mechanical
protection and magnetic s~ie1ding, to individually
C. Mining Cable
Almost all portable equipment used 1n the mining of
coal is powered by electricity. It is for this reason that
mining cable must be designed to provide reliable service
and be able to withstand the hazards present ~n the m1n1ng
Because of the portable nature of mining equipment, the
cable for this use must be designed with flexibility in
mind. To aid with this requirement, class G and class H
stranded conductors are usually used, employing more strands
of smaller diameter. These strands are usually coated with
a tin or zinc to aid the corrosion resistance of the
strands. Thermosetting insulations such as SBR, EP, and
XLP are the ' most commonly used insulations. SBR is used
mainl¥ for low voltage cables and has a temperature rating
D. Misdellaneous Cables
Another electrical cable that is installed in the
millions of feet per year is telephone cabLe. Like power
cable, telephone cable years ago had paper insulated
conductors and an overall sheath ·o f lead. Paper insulated
telephone cable is still used with both lead and steel
coverings with a polyethylene jacket usually appl~ed
one chosen.
The nominal voltage of a system is the value assigned
for convient designation of a given voltage class< 29 ).
The rated voltage is the voltage for which apparatus and
equipment of a voltage class is designed and tested. Table
XX outlines some typical voltages.
110 120
220 240
440 480
2300 2400
6900 7200
sect i on.
133 Per Cent Insulation Level(lg) ___ This insulation
1) Greater freedom of interruption of service and
damage due to weather and other natural hazards.
2) Short circuits and grounds due to flashover;
breaking of conductors and insulators; objects
falling across the wires always are possible
problem areas for overhead lines.
3) overhead lines always present a possible
liability of accident to the public.
load conditions.
B. Ground Conductors
D. Manufacturers Identification
Almost all eable manufacturers are assigned two thread
colors by the Underwriters Laboratories for identification
purposes. This type of identification is usually found
only in single conductor cables and inserted in the strands.
Another method usually reserved for shielded cable
is an identifying tape placed between the shield and the
semiconducting tape. This way the tape does not interfere
with the bond between the jacket and the core assembly.
This tape is usually either yellow or white with black
lettering and these colors are common to all companies.
This tape usually is marked with the company's name and
date of manufacture.
The cables that do not have either o£ these types o£
identification, usually are surface printed on the outer
jacket. This is considered by UL to be a permanent means of
identification. Another method of surface printing would be
the embossing on a lead cured neoprene jacket.
34. Miller, Harold N. Nondestructive High Potential
Testing. New York: Haden Book Co., Inc. 1964.
35. Nelson, Roy A. "Overpotential Direct Current Testing
of Electrical Cables" Underground Engineer, 1971.
June of 1967.
From July of 1967 he was employed with Granite
City Steel Co., as a Project Engineer, until November
of 1971 when he began as a Sales Representative for The
Okonite co., with whom he . is still employed.
Beginning in the Fall o£ .. 1968, he began his graduate
studies at The St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center