1. Conversation
1. Conversation
1. Conversation
Ans- Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth, head, hands, legs, fingers, toes are
some parts of my body.
Ans- We can make jam, juice, milkshake and fruit salad from
Ans- Tomato, cucumber, carrot, onion and chilli can be eaten raw.
Ans- Frogs and snails are seen more in the rainy season.
Ans- Ostrich & emu is the largest bird but they cannot fly.
Community Helpers
Q) Who teaches us in school?
National Symbols
Q) Which is the national animal of India?
Q) What is Diwali?
Q) What is Holi?
Q) What is Christmas?
Ans- Auto Rickshaw has three wheels, car has four wheels, bike has
two wheels and bus has six wheels.
Q) Where does these vehicles halt- Train, Aeroplane, Bus & Ship?
Ans- We get water from sea, lake, rain, well, dam and river.
Ans- I play games, eat cake and snacks and have lots of fun.
Ans- I like to go to the circus to see the clowns, animals and the
various performers.
Ans- We must not go too close to the cages because the animals
may attack us.