Action in advanced software testing
• Analysis of requirements
• Sophisticated GUI testing
• Test automation
• Compatibility testing
• Testing interruptions
Performance testing
• Assessing a system or applications scalability and performance
• Types
1. Load testing
2. Stress testing
3. Volume testing
4. Fail-over testing
5. Recovery testing
6. Configuration testing
7. Compatibility testing
8. Usability testing
Load testing
• Examines how the programme will behave while many people are
using it simultaneously
• Common load testing techniques
1. Stress testing – Testing the systems ability to handle a high load
above normal usage levels
2. Spike testing – Testing the systems ability to handle sudden spikes
in traffic
3. Soak testing – Testing the systems ability to handle a sustained load
over prolonged period of time
Load testing Process
1. Test environment setup
2. Load test scenario
3. Execution of test scenarios
4. Test result analysis
5. Retest
Stress Testing
• Stress testing is defined as types of software testing that
verifies the stability and reliability of the system.
• It tests beyond the normal operating point and analyses how
the system works under extreme conditions.
• Stress testing is also known as Endurance Testing or Torture
Testing .
Volume testing
• Volume testing, also known as flood testing, is a type of software
testing that evaluates how a system performs when handling large
amounts of data
• Volume Testing is also known as Flood Testing.
Characteristics of Volume Testing
Test Scenario
• A test scenario document contains various ways or amalgamation of testing on
the product. It gives an overview of end to end application flow, but does not
incorporate any data, inputs, or step by step actions to be performed on the
Test Case
• A test case document contains inputs, data, line by line actions to be performed
on the application, expected, and actual outcomes of those actions, and so on. It
is derived from a test scenario.
Test Plan
• A test plan document contains the information on project scope, resources, cost,
strategy, timelines, methodologies, and so on. It is a set of testing guidelines
defined by project stakeholders for successful testing.
Security Testing