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TH Thiruvananthapuram 06-12

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FRIDAY www.thehindu.com https://newsth.

December 6, 2024 https://newsth.live/x
CITY EDITION Regd. KL/TV(N)/48/12-14
22 Pages ₹ 8.00 RNI No. KERENG/1995/49965

Vol. 30 앫 No. 290

Printed at » Chennai » Coimbatore » Bengaluru » Hyderabad » Madurai » Noida » Visakhapatnam » Thiruvananthapuram » Kochi » Vijayawada » Mangaluru » Tiruchirapalli » Kolkata » Hubballi » Mohali » Malappuram » Mumbai » Tirupati » Lucknow » Cuttack » Patna


Friday, December 6, 2024


FRIDAY www.thehindu.com https://newsth.live/fb
December 6, 2024 https://newsth.live/x
CITY EDITION Regd. KL/TV(N)/48/12-14
22 Pages ₹ 8.00 RNI No. KERENG/1995/49965

Vol. 30 앫 No. 290

Printed at » Chennai » Coimbatore » Bengaluru » Hyderabad » Madurai » Noida » Visakhapatnam » Thiruvananthapuram » Kochi » Vijayawada » Mangaluru » Tiruchirapalli » Kolkata » Hubballi » Mohali » Malappuram » Mumbai » Tirupati » Lucknow » Cuttack » Patna


Israel is A slow return

committing to normalcy
genocide in India and China must
Hike States’ share of
Macron seeks new PM
engage at all levels
Gukesh and Ding in
to resolve disputes
Central funds: Stalin after collapse of govt. sixth straight draw

Fadnavis back as Maharashtra CM Uproar in House over NEARBY

Abhinay Deshpande
Ranveer Singh and Madhu-
ri Dixit, cricket icon Sachin
Tendulkar and industrial-
Hindi names for Bills
The Bharatiya Janata Par- ists Mukesh Ambani, Noel Opposition targets government over Hindi and Sanskrit names of new
ty’s Legislature Party Lead- Tata, Kumar Mangalam
er Devendra Fadnavis was Birla and Deepak Parekh.
legislation; Centre defends move as a reflection of culture and legacy
sworn in as the 21st Chief The Opposition leaders, LDF protest
Minister of Maharashtra on including NCP(SP) supre-

Thursday evening in a mo Sharad Pawar, and Shiv
against ‘denial’ of
grand ceremony witnessed Sena (UBT) leader Uddhav aid for Wayanad
by thousands at the Azad Thackeray, skipped the
Maidan in Mumbai. Power point: Eknath Shinde, Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar ceremony. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM
Governor C.P. Radhak- during the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday. EMMANUAL YOGINI The new government LDF activists staged marches
rishnan administered the was formed after two and sit-in protests outside
oath of office and secrecy nister and leader of the week. Mr. Fadnavis’s weeks of negotiations fol- Union government offices
to Mr. Fadnavis in the pre- Shiv Sena, Eknath Shinde, spouse Amruta and lowing the November 23 across Kerala on Thursday in
sence of Prime Minister took the oath as Deputy daughter Divija, and the fa- election results, with the protest against “denial of aid”
Narendra Modi, several Chief Minister, alongside mily members of Mr. BJP-led Mahayuti securing for landslides-hit Wayanad.
Union Ministers, and Chief Nationalist Congress Party Shinde and Mr. Pawar were a massive mandate. » Page 6
Ministers and Deputy Chief (NCP) president Ajit Pawar. seated among the au-
Ministers of National De- No other leader was in- dience. CONTINUED ON
mocratic Alliance (NDA)- ducted into the Council of Also present were ac- » PAGE 10 Sidharthan death
ruled States. Ministers, with the Cabinet tors Shah Rukh Khan, Sal- EDITORIAL case: dismissal of
The outgoing Chief Mi- formation expected next man Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, » PAGE 8
students quashed

UGC draft proposes

Language issue: Opposition MPs raising slogans in the Lok Sabha during the Winter Session of The High Court on Thursday
Parliament on Wednesday. ANI quashed an order expelling
some students of Government

biannual admissions The Hindu Bureau

by Tuesday’s debate on the
Bharatiya Vayuyan Vid-
heyak — which can be tran-
authoritative text to be in
English,” he said.
“The mandate of the pe-
Veterinary College, Pookode,
who are accused in a case
relating to the death of
pposition MPs slated as the Indian Air- ople in 2024 was for diver- Sidharthan J.S. » Page 6
The Hindu Bureau
graduate programmes si-
multaneously, and make
UG and PG aspirants “eligi-
O sharpened their at-
tack against the
Hindi and Sanskrit names
craft Bill — continued for a
third straight day.
YSRCP MP S. Niranjan
sity, dividend, and the fed-
eral principle but the
government is persisting in Alappuzha car
The University Grants ble for admission in any of new laws in Parliament Reddy said there was a the ‘Hindification’ of laws. accident death
Commission published the discipline” of their choice, on Thursday, accusing the constitutional requirement This is Hindi imposition,”
Draft UGC (Minimum Stan- besides offering a multiple government of engaging in against using a Hindi title said Trinamool Congress toll rises to six
dards of Instructions in the entry-exit option. “Hindi imposition” and for a Bill whose content is MP Sagarika Ghose, citing
Award of UG and PG De- UGC Chairman M. Jaga- failing to meet Constitu- in English. previous examples such as ALAPPUZHA
grees) Regulations, 2024, desh Kumar said the aim of tional requirements. “We are now going to Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, The death toll in the Alappuzha
on Thursday allowing en- the new guidelines was to The Centre defended have the possibility of a which replaced the Indian car accident rose to six with
rolment of students in transform higher educa- the move as a reflection of constitutional court, a Penal Code. another student succumbing to
higher education institu- tion in the country and in- Indian culture and legacy, High Court or the Supreme his injuries on Thursday.
tions (HEIs) twice a year. troduce greater flexibility. noting that it does not vio- Court, striking down this CONTINUED ON » Page 6
The regulations also al- late any laws or the Consti- part saying that this part is » PAGE 10
low students to join two CONTINUED ON tution. The parliamentary unconstitutional because BILL PASSED
undergraduate or post- » PAGE 10 fight on the issue, sparked Article 348 (1B) requires » PAGE 11 METROPLUS » PAGE 15

piped water’
Kochi Smart City project has not been College under scrutiny Ensure quality
of food at
leads to three abandoned, says Industries Minister for alleged assault Sabarimala
deaths in T.N. The Hindu Bureau project’s termination. The ing Left Democratic Front ments, a Dubai-based hold-
on differently abled hotels: HC
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM/ government, he said, plans (LDF) government planned ing company, was “a pre-
The Hindu Bureau MUMBAI to allocate the land for the to parcel out 246 acres of cursor” to the dubious The Hindu Bureau Incident revives The Hindu Bureau
CHENNAI benefit of hundreds of IT prime land in Kochi to real move. The Oommen Chan- THIRUVANANTHAPURAM allegations of the KOCHI
Industries Minister P. Ra- companies awaiting space estate giants close to the dy government had initiat- presence of a ‘torture
Three persons, including a jeeve has clarified that the in Kochi. Communist Party of India ed the project in 2011. Te- The purported assault on a A Division Bench of the
room’ on University
woman, died in the Pallav- government has not aban- The Minister alleged (Marxist) [CPI(M)] leader- com promised to create an differently abled student at Kerala High Court on
aram area here on Thurs- doned the Kochi Smart Ci- that Tecom has not made ship “under the cover of” expansive IT park with 6 University College, Thiru- College campus. Thursday directed the spe-
day allegedly after con- ty IT project. significant investments cancelling the Smart City lakh sq ft of built-up space vananthapuram, has re- cial squad constituted by
suming contaminated "The land in Kochi will outside Dubai. "Investors project. and allied facilities at a cost vived allegations of the He claims to have been the Pathanamthitta Dis-
piped water. be fully utilised under the need not be concerned as At a press conference in of ₹2,000 crore. The presence of a ‘torture subjected to ill-treatment trict Collector to take ne-
Though initially, govern- direct supervision of the the project will not be Thiruvananthapuram on scheme promised to gener- room’ on the college cam- despite being an SFI mem- cessary steps to ensure
ment officials denied link- State government," he told abandoned," he promised. Thursday, Mr. Satheesan ate 90,000 jobs. pus. ber. A video footage that that quality food items are
ing the deaths to the water reporters in Mumbai on Meanwhile, Leader of said the Cabinet’s decision The police have booked captures the threats alleg- served at all hotels and re-
supplied, later in the day, Thursday, responding to the Opposition V.D. Sath- to repossess the land it had CONTINUED ON four Students Federation edly made by the office- freshment stalls at Nilack-
the post-mortem on two the reports suggesting the eesan alleged that the rul- accorded to Tecom Invest- » PAGE 6 of India (SFI) activists in bearers of the college un- al, Pampa and the Sannid-
men said the deaths were connection with the inci- ion appeared to strengthen hanam and also along the
caused by severe food poi- dent, but are yet to record his allegations. trekking path from Pampa
soning, which could have any arrests in the case. Shortly after the inci- to the Sannidhanam. The
been caused by contami-
nated water.
On Thursday, Mohana
Paddy farmers see red as State govt. The complainant, a 19-
year-old student pursuing
a BA course at the college,
dent, the Cantonment pol-
ice registered a case
against Amal Chand, Mith-
squad has also been direct-
ed to ensure that excess
amount is not collected

keeps procurement price unchanged

Rangan of Pallavaram Can- was purportedly manhan- un, Alan Jamal, and Vidhu from pilgrims.
tonment, and Thiruvedhi dled by a group of students Udaya under provisions of The Bench comprising
of Mangadu, who had on Monday evening. Not- the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhi- Justice Anil K. Narendran
come to visit a relative in withstanding his disabili- ta and Rights of Persons and Muralee Krishna S. al-
the area, fell ill and com- Sam Paul A. same amount to keep the ties, including partially im- with Disabilities Act. so directed the squad to
plained of stomach pain, ALAPPUZHA price at ₹28.20. paired legs, he was While maintaining that conduct round-the-clock
vomiting and diarrhoea- “Despite rising farm in- allegedly directed to climb she had not received any checks to ensure hygiene
like symptoms. They died Paddy farmers in the State put costs, no increase in a tree to hang festoons by complain in connection at these shops. The senior
on their way to the Chro- are upset over the State go- the procurement price ov- college union leaders. with the incident, Higher government pleader sub-
mepet Government Hospi- vernment’s decision not to er the past few years is a While he expressed his Education and Social Jus- mitted that the special
tal. Varalakshmi, 88, too increase the procurement major blow to farmers. It inability to carry out the tice Minister R. Bindu pro- squad comprised three Du-
died of similar symptoms. price for the 2024-25 raises serious concerns task, he was purportedly mised steps to probe the is- ty Magistrates in the rank
Several residents com- season. about the future of paddy taken to the union room sue and to adopt necessary of Deputy Collector, three
plained of stomach pain As per an order issued farming and livelihoods of along with a friend and steps. Executive Magistrates in
and vomiting, and were ad- by the Food and Civil Sup- farmers,” says George both were subjected to as- The incident also drew the rank of tahsildar, offi-
mitted to the hospital. The plies department on De- Mathew, a paddy farmer sault. His impaired legs flak from the Opposition, cials from the Revenue de-
Health Department said 34 cember 2, 2024, the Kerala from Kuttanad. were allegedly stomped with Leader of the Opposi- partment, Health depart-
persons from the area, State Civil Supplies Corpo- In 2021-22, Supplyco on, and the perpetrators tion V.D. Satheesan accus- ment, Food Safety
who were suffering from ration (Supplyco) will pro- Farmers and agricultural labourers applying fertilizer in a paddy procured paddy at ₹28 a also bludgeoned him using ing the SFI of operating a department, Legal Metrol-
diarrhoea, visited the hos- cure paddy at ₹28.20 per field at Kainakary in Kuttanad, Alappuzha. SURESH ALLEPPEY kg, which included MSP of rods as several other stu- “torture chamber” at the ogy department and Rural
pital in the past three days kg. This includes the Mini- ₹19.40 and State share of dents looked on. college. He also demanded Development department,
as outpatients. mum Support Price (MSP) State government. Centre raised the MSP by ₹8.60. The student told media- the arrest of the SFI acti- and police personnel un-
of ₹23 provided by the Un- The procurement price ₹1.17 to ₹23 in June this persons that similar inci- vists who were accused of der the direct control of
CONTINUED ON ion government and ₹5.20 has remained unchanged year, the State offset this by CONTINUED ON dents have taken place re- brutalising the youth. the Additional District Ma-
» PAGE 10 incentive bonus from the since 2022-23. Though the reducing the bonus by the » PAGE 6 peatedly in the recent past. gistrate, Sabarimala.
2 Friday, December 6, 2024

Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram

29th edition of IFFK to feature seven films Technical education

conclave from Dec. 7
celebrating the vision of women directors
The Hindu Bureau held in January. Higher
Hanami, Loveable, Desert of Namibia, Moon, Holy Cow, When the Phone Rang, and Sima’s Song to be screened at the festival as part THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Education Minister R. Bin-
du will formally inaugurate
of the package ‘Female Gaze.’ These movies explore diverse themes, including migration, identity, societal norms, and family dynamics The Directorate of Techni- the four-day event at Ta-
cal Education will organise gore Theatre.
Udyama 1.0, an industry General Education and
The Hindu Bureau
tling experiences of Sarah,
a martial artist who finds
herself isolated and under
Film fete to feature academia government con-
clave, here from December
7 to 10.
Labour Minister V. Sivan-
kutty will preside over the
inaugural session, and

he 29th Interna-
tional Film Festival
of Kerala (IFFK)
constant surveillance
while training wealthy sis-
ters in the Middle East. The
digital art expo on The event will serve as a
precursor to the govern-
ment’s international con-
former All India Council
for Technical Education
(AICTE) chairman Anil D.
will screen the package ‘Fe-
male Gaze’ featuring seven
film received the Special
Jury Prize at the Locarno
cinematic legacy clave on higher education,
Udyama 2.0, slated to be
Sahasrabuddhe will be the
chief guest.
films that celebrate the Film Festival. Louise Cour-
creative vision of women voisier’s Holy Cow is a poig-
filmmakers. These films nant coming-of-age drama The Hindu Bureau Marta Meszaros, Mira Nair,
underscore the unique about Totone, a French THIRUVANANTHAPURAM and many others. The ex-
perspectives women bring teenager who must take hibition combines digital
to cinema, focussing on responsibility for his youn- As part of the 29th Interna- artistry with the essence of
how they see themselves A still from the film Desert of Namibia. ger sister by participating tional Film Festival of Kera- cinema, exploring surreal-
and their world. The Fe- in a cheese competition af- la (IFFK), organised by the ism and hyperrealism
male Gaze line-up includes ter the death of their fath- Kerala State Chalachitra while delving deep into
films by an array of film- er. When the Phone Rang, Academy from December each filmmaker’s distinc-
makers from across the directed by Iva Radivojev- 13 to 20 in Thiruvanan- tive cinematic approach.
globe. Represented in this ic, explores the emotional thapuram, a digital art ex- According to curator T.K.
category are Denise Fer- impact of a single phone hibition will pay tribute to Rajeev Kumar, the exhibi-

nandes (Portugal/Switzer- call on a Serbian family. 50 legendary filmmakers tion highlights filmmakers
land), Lilja Ingolfsdottir Drawing from personal ex- from around the world. who used cinema as a me-
(Norway), Yôko Yamanaka periences, the film delves Titled “Cinema Alchemy: dium for social transforma-
( Japan), Kurdwin Ayub into memory, displace- A Digital Art Tribute,” tion. Beyond their cine-
(Iraq/Austria), Louise ment, and identity. Roya the exhibition is curated by matic brilliance, the
Courvoisier (France), Iva Sadat’s Sima’s Song is an director T.K. Rajeev Ku- display will underscore
Radivojevic (Serbia), and connects with her es- mother struggling to ba- evocative Afghan drama mar. It will feature 50 digi- their moral and philosoph-
Roya Sadat (Afghanistan). tranged mother in Cape lance her personal and that highlights love, family, tal paintings by artist and ical perspectives on press-
Their films – Hanami, Love- Verde. professional life, only to and the challenges faced filmmaker Razi Muham- ing social issues, portray-
able, Desert of Namibia, face the turmoil of divorce. by a young woman in a mad. ing them not only as
Moon, Holy Cow, When the Themes Yôko Yamanaka’s Desert conservative society. filmmakers but also as vi-
Phone Rang, and Sima’s The film intricately weaves of Namibia is a pulsating The Female Gaze at Iconic filmmakers sionaries and activists who
Song – explore diverse themes of migration and narrative about Satsuki, a IFFK seeks to highlight the The display will celebrate addressed politics, ethics,
themes, including migra- cultural preservation and Japanese teenager chal- power of storytelling iconic filmmakers such as and cultural identity
tion, identity, societal has been showcased at Lo- lenging societal norms. through a woman’s lens, Akira Kurosawa, Alain Res- through their work. The
norms, and family dynam- carno and London festiv- This film tackles themes of challenging stereotypes nais, Alfred Hitchcock, An- exhibition will be inaugu-
ics. Hanami, directed by als. Lilja Ingolfsdottir’s personal freedom and re- and deepening the au- drei Tarkovsky, Adoor Go- rated on December 14 on
Denise Fernandes, follows Loveable presents the story bellion. In Moon, Kurdwin dience’s understanding of palakrishnan, G. the Tagore Theatre premis-
Nana’s journey as she re- of Maria, a Norwegian Ayub portrays the unset- human experiences. Aravindan, Agnes Varda, es.

Khan misinterpreting City airport launches robot for

Supreme Court stormwater drain maintenance
judgments: Bindu
The Hindu Bureau ing of confined spaces such
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM as sewage treatment
The Hindu Bureau the boundaries of respon- plants, stormwater drains,
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM sibilities as defined by the The Thiruvananthapuram and water canals. It is de-
Constitution for both the international airport, man- signed to navigate tough
Higher Education Minister Governors and State go- aged by the Adani Airport surfaces and slopes with
R. Bindu has accused Go- vernments. His actions are Holdings Limited (AAHL), remarkable stability, with
vernor Arif Mohammed in direct conflict with the has commissioned Wil- its hydraulically driven
Khan of misinterpreting University Acts and recent boar, a robotic solution for continuous track. This en-
Supreme Court judgments directions from the Kerala automated stormwater sures powerful and effi-
in a manner that serves his High Court,” she alleged. drain maintenance. Thiru- cient mobility across va-
own interests, particularly She emphasised that the vananthapuram is now the rious terrains,
regarding the appointment authority to mentor, fund, first airport in India to im- guaranteeing effective EDUCATIONAL
of Vice-Chancellors in and supervise the opera- plement this advanced ro- sludge removal. The ro- GENERAL
State-run universities. tions of public universities botic cleaning solution. A robot launched for automated stormwater drain maintenance at bot’s versatility is further
Dr. Bindu on Thursday lies firmly with the State Wilboar was developed the Thiruvananthapuram international airport. enhanced by its ability to
criticised the Governor for government. by Genrobotic Innova- move 360 degrees, with a
failing to maintain the ne- She argued that the Go- tions, a Kerala-based start- manual scavenging using Officer, Thiruvananthapu- suction mouth that can be
cessary propriety essential vernor, who also serves as up. Genrobotic Innova- robotic solutions, said a ram international airport, lifted and lowered, as re-
to maintaining diplomatic the Chancellor of these un- tions is the winner of the statement from the airport in the presence of airport quired.
relationship with the go- iversities, have been acting prestigious Adani Founda- here on Thursday. Wilboar officials. The robot can be re-
vernment. “He has shown contrary to the interests of tion Fellowship in 2022 for was commissioned by Ra- It is a specifically de- motely monitored and op-
scant regard for respecting the State. their mission to phase out hul Bhatkoti, Chief Airport signed robot for the clean- erated via joysticks.





I, Begum Sofia, w/o Ansari M, residing
at Thazneem Manzil, Pandalam P O,
Kurampala, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kera-
la 689501, have changed my name PERSONAL
from Begum Sofia and Sofia Begum to
Sofia Begum Ansari CHANGE OF NAME

Friday, December 6, 2024 3

panel receives Medical check-up to be held for all INBRIEF

16,896 plaints
in Phase 1
children at child welfare council
District child welfare committee to ask government for guidelines for appointment of staff in all child care
The Hindu Bureau
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM institutions. DLSA to set up permanent legal aid clinic with panel lawyer and paralegal volunteer at council
The Delimitation Commis-
sion has received 16,896 The Hindu Bureau tutions (CCIs), whether run pointment of staff to the Meanwhile, the Kerala plaint been raised then,
complaints regarding the THIRUVANANTHAPURAM by the government or by CCIs. In the case of new ap- State Commission for Pro- the recent incident could
Phase 1 ward delimitation non-governmental organi- pointments, psychosocial tection of Child Rights has have been avoided.

in grama panchayats, mun- he district child sations. analysis and expert opi- registered a case in con- Since allegations had
and welfare committee
(CWC) has decided
Meanwhile, the Mu-
seum police have moved
nion on their aptitude
would be taken.
nection with the abuse of
the child at the council.
been raised about aspects
such as staff qualifications,
Pope presented with plates
All the complaints will to seek medical examina- an application seeking pol- Commission chairperson appointments guidelines crafted by Vellar community
be examined by the Dis- tion of all children at the ice custody of the three ac- Will not continue K.V. Manoj Kumar who and procedures, these
trict Election Officer (Dis- Kerala State Council for cused. The women had Responding to allegations conducted an inspection at would be probed. NIMS Medicity managing director (MD) and
trict Collector) or an offi- Child Welfare, Thycaud. been sent to 14-day judicial that caregivers who were the council said the state- District Legal Services pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Nurul Islam University
cial deputed by him/her, It will ask the District remand after their arrest suspended were taken ments of the officials and Authority (DLSA) secretary M.S. Faisal Khan presented Pope Francis with
the State Delimitation Medical Officer to form a on Tuesday. The police ex- back into service after a staff had been taken. and sub-judge Shamnad S., dining plates carefully handcrafted by the Vellar
Commission said on Thurs- medical team to conduct pect to get custody of the short gap, the Minister said who also visited the coun- community in Kerala recently. Mr. Khan and his
day. The Commission will the check-up. This comes accused next week itself. those with a history of tor- Seeks report cil, said a permanent legal wife, Fathima Misag, had gone to the Vatican as
also hear the complainants against the backdrop of a ture of children would not The commission had also aid clinic would be set up delegates of the All Faith Conference organised
at the district headquar- case of child abuse by Continuous assessment be allowed to continue. sought a report from the at the council on Saturday by the Aluva Advaitha Ashramam in Rome to
ters. The schedule of the three women caregivers of Minister for Health and An Additional Director police and the District to provide assistance to the celebrate the centenary of a similar conclave
hearings will be published the council recently. Women and Child Deve- of the Women and Child Child Protection Officer by children there. The clinic organised by Sree Narayana Guru in Kerala.
in due course. The CWC has also decid- lopment Veena George on Development department December 11 and further would comprise a DLSA
The Commission, head- ed to ask the government Thursday said continuous was probing the abuse action would be taken on panel lawyer and a parale-
ed by State Election Com- through the District Child assessment and evaluation case. On the basis of the of- the basis of the reports. gal volunteer.
Four-day-old boy child

missioner A. Shajahan, will Protection Officer for a re- of performance of staff in ficial’s report, the depart- He said the commission Mr. Shamnad said he
publish the final notifica- port on the guidelines for both government CCIs and ment would take further had visited the council had sought a detailed re-
tion on the ward delimita- appointment of staff, their those run by NGOs is need- action on the above-men- twice before, but had not port from the council on received in Ammathottil
tion after examining the training, and other such as- ed. A scientific approach tioned aspects, the Minis- received any complaints of the children there and its
complaints and conduct- pects in all child care insti- would be adopted in ap- ter said. child abuse. Had a com- functioning. A newborn, around four-day-old, was received at
ing the hearings. The high- the Kerala State Council for Child Welfare’s
est number of complaints electronic cradle Ammathottil early Thursday
emerged from Malappu- morning. The boy, weighing 2.3 kg, was named
ram district (2,834), and
the lowest, from Idukki dis-
trict (480). The Commis-
City zoo imports drug from U.S. to treat lioness Themis. He is the 20th child to be received in the
Ammathottil this year, and the ninth boy. Since
his adoption procedures have to be completed,
sion received 12,425 com- any claimants should contact the council, general
plaints regarding the ward secretary of the council G.L. Arun Gopi said in a
delimitation in grama pan- The Hindu Bureau tured in the U.S., reached Arignar Anna Zoological statement.
chayats, 2,864 concerning THIRUVANANTHAPURAM the city zoo through the Park, Vandalur, Chennai,
the exercise in municipali- company Zoetis. Four dos- as part of an exchange
ties and 1,607 in corpora- A drug has been imported ages, with cost of one dose programme. Instead,
tions. from the U.S. by the city around ₹15,000, were sent. another female lion will
The Delimitation Com- zoo for the treatment of a With treatment using be brought here from the
mission had published the six-year-old lioness named the new drug under way, Vandalur zoo. The inten-
draft notification on the Gracie. the disease is coming un- tion of the ‘bloodline ex-
Phase 1 of the ward delimi- Gracie has been suffer- der control, zoo veterinary change’ is to obtain cubs
tation on November 18. ing from a chronic skin surgeon Nikesh Kiran said. of genetic purity, the zoo
Phase 1 saw the boundaries condition that was unres- vet said.
of 17,337 wards in grama ponsive to medicines for Weak rear limbs Besides Dr. Nikesh, the
panchayats, 3241 wards in years. Once it was diag- Gracie is the offspring of team treating Gracie in-
municipalities and 421 in nosed that she was suffer- Ayush and Aishwarya. a cludes Aswathy V.G. and
the corporations being re- ing from chronic atopic pair that lived in the zoo. Aju Alexander, with lab
drawn. Phases 2 and 3 will dermatitis, a decision was Born with weak rear limbs, diagnostics by Hareesh C.,
cover block panchayats taken to import the drug she was reared with special lab veterinary surgeon at
and district panchayats for her treatment. Cefove- care. Once she recovers, District Veterinary Centre
respectively. Hopeful: Gracie, a six-year-old lioness at the city zoo. cin, an antibiotic manufac- Gracie will be sent to the here.

State keen to achieve universal health coverage: Veena

The Hindu Bureau Arogya Suraksha Padhati ing government expendi- which was later expanded State. Of the total health
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (KASP). For three consecu- ture, focussing on to cover more people from expenditure incurred by
tive years, the State has treatment outcome as well the BPL categories and also the State in providing free
The government is com- come on top in the coun- as reducing out-of-pocket catastrophic health expen- treatment to people under
mitted to achieving the try, providing free health- expenditure on health. diture such as cancer treat- the KASP, the Centre is al-
goal of universal health care to the maximum num- Ms. George said that the ment or trauma care. lowing just 10 %, Ms. Ge-
coverage in the State, ber of people, she said. learning experiences from When the AB-PMJAY was orge said.
Health Minister Veena Ge- across the country as well launched, Kerala intro-
orge has said. AB-PMJAY as other nations would duced the KASP, integrat- Guest of honour
Ms. George was inaugu- The workshop saw several help Kerala build health fi- ing all its health financing Additional Chief Secretary
rating Anubhav Sadas 2.0, States sharing their expe- nancing models that suits schemes and aligning it (Health) Rajan Khobragade
a national workshop on riences in implementing the State’s requirements with the AB-PMJAY. presided over the inaugu-
health financing and un- Ayushman Bharat Pradhan and smoothen the path to- ral function. Additional
iversal health coverage, or- Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana wards achieving universal By State CEO of National Health
ganised by the State Health (AB-PMJAY). health coverage. Of the 42 lakh families co- Authority Kiran Gopal Vas-
Agency here on Thursday. There were also presen- Kerala has been imple- vered by the KASP, the ka delivered the special ad-
In 2024, the govern- tations from Vietnam, Gha- menting mass health fi- Centre is paying the premi- dress while P.K. Jameela,
ment provided free treat- na, as well as NICE-UK on nancing schemes like um for only about 20 lakh expert member, State Plan-
ment to 6.5 lakh people in various aspects of health fi- Rashtriya Swasthya Bima families while the rest are ning Board, was the guest
the State under Karunya nancing, including reduc- Yojana since 2008 and totally financed by the of honour.

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ISSN 0971 - 751X

4 Friday, December 6, 2024

Kerala Thiruvananthapuram

Finance panel should revisit State’s first school art gallery to be

tax devolution norms: PPRI opened in Kozhikode tomorrow
Public Policy Research Institute moots creation of independent and permanent council for The Hindu Bureau
handling matters related to fiscal decentralisation. PPRI is a think tank under Finance dept.
The State’s first school art
gallery will open at Go-
Tiki Rajwi the grievances of the States Per capita income is not land does not attract much vernment Higher Secon-
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM and the Union Territories necessarily a good mea- expenditure from the state dary School, Karaparam-
on the concerns flagged sure of assessing tax capac- exchequer. In the case of ba, Kozhikode, on

he Public Policy Re- during the course of imple- ity, the PPRI said. States Kerala, out of the 38852 sq Saturday.
search Institute mentation of the Finance with a higher per capita in- km area, barren and uncul- A project of the Kerala
(PPRI), a think tank Commission recommenda- come like Kerala are con- tivable land constituted on- Lalithakala Akademi, it is
under the State Finance tions,” the PPRI, which is fronted with second-gener- ly 3.2% in 2021-22, PPRI being implemented with
department, has suggested headed by Mohanakumar ation issues associated said. the help of the Depart-
that the 16th Finance Com- S., a former director of the with economic and social Cesses and surcharges ments of General Educa-
mission revisit the criteria Institute of Development development. For such collected by the Centre, a tion and Cultural Affairs.
used for tax devolution to Studies, Jaipur, noted. States, the per capita contentious issue, should According to official sourc-
States and recommend the spending on education, be capped at a “consensus es, the akademi is planning
creation of an independent Kerala perspective health, infrastructure de- level” so that anything to have at least one art gal-
and permanent council for From the Kerala perspec- velopment, social security beyond it flows to the divis- lery in one school in each
handling matters related to tive, the PPRI suggests that and care for the elderly ible pool, the PPRI suggest- district in the State.
fiscal decentralisation. the horizontal devolution tend to be higher. ed. These levies are not K.P. Manoj, Principal of
The suggestions form criteria be restructured to shared with the States and the school, told The Hindu
part of a set of recommen- guarantee a fair distribu- Population criterion their percentage to the on Thursday that students
dations prepared by the tion of resources. The PPRI On population criterion, gross tax revenue rose from other schools in the
PPRI ahead of the 16th Fi- wants the income distance the PPRI urged the Finance from 12.8% in 2011 to 22.8% district would also be able
nance Commission’s visit criterion, which carries Commission to consider in 2022-23, drawing flak to exhibit their works at The school art gallery at Government Higher Secondary School at Karaparamba in Kozhikode. K. RAGESH

to Kerala in December. 45% weight, to be split into the composition of popula- from States including Kera- the gallery.
An independent fiscal seven components, name- tion by age and destina- la. “A higher reliance on be supervised by the aka- up there as part of the sustainable design of the
council is useful, among ly per capita income (15%), tion-migration for the the non-tax revenue, cess- Portraits demi and two teachers, PRISM (Promoting Region- year award in 2021 for its
other things, as a grievance and 5% each to higher edu- award of devolution. es and surcharges by the “Portraits of eminent peo- one each from the high al Schools to International architecture. Cultural Af-
redressal mechanism for cation enrolment ratio, ra- “Population is not a ho- Union government weaken ple from various walks of school and higher secon- Standards through Multi- fairs Minister Saji Cherian
States and as an advisory tio of higher education en- mogenous entity and its the federal structure and life in Kozhikode can be dary sections, would be gi- ple Intervention) project. will inaugurate the gallery
body for settling disputes rolment among Scheduled specific characteristics work in favour of centrali- seen here. There are de- ven its charge, Mr. Manoj at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
arising out of fiscal policies Castes and Scheduled have to be considered,” it sation,” PPRI said. scriptions about the diffe- added. Revival path ‘Disha’ , a training work-
and performance, accord- Tribes, performance in said. Similarly, the ‘area’ The recommendations rent communities of peo- Sources said the effort The school, once on the shop for students, will be
ing to the PPRI. health indicators, rural criterion should consider also urge the commission ple who reached would be to impart know- verge of closure due to lack held on the same day along
“The Central Finance connectivity, weightage to land characteristics such to adequately compensate Kozhikode during various ledge about art, culture, of students, was revived with an art camp. Artists
Commission ceases to exist elderly population, and as gross cropped area, net local governments for the phases of history. A mural history, and politics to the and renovated under the such as Ajayan Karadi, Paul
after the submission of its weightage to migrant work- cropped area and cropping loss in own tax collection depicting the history of the students. PRISM project in recent Kallanod, and Mukhthar
report to the President of ers in Kerala and Keralite intensity, rather than the after the introduction of city too has been exhibit- The Karaparamba years. Udarampoyil, among oth-
India. There is no Constitu- migrant workers employed total geographical area. the Goods and Services ed,” he said. The function- school was chosen for it in Thereafter, it won the ers, will participate in the
tional provision to redress abroad. Uncultivable or barren Tax (GST). ing of the art gallery would view of the activities taken prestigious Aces of Space camp.

Businessman’s Ollur SHO stabbed while trying

death: four
arrested to arrest KAAPA case accused
The Hindu Bureau The Hindu Bureau stabbed thrice on his left Ayyappankavu temple, An-
KASARAGOD THRISSUR shoulder, underwent an chery, went there to arrest
emergency surgery. Anoth- him. When the police
A four-member gang, in- Ollur Station House Officer er police officer, Vineeth, reached the hideout, he at-
cluding a women who is (SHO) T.P. Farsad was suffered minor injuries. tacked the officers with a
suspected of practising stabbed while trying to ar- Ananthu, alias Mari, 24, knife. The police arrested
witchcraft, was arrested on rest a KAAPA [Kerala Anti- who has 13 criminal cases Ananthu and two others in
Thursday on charges of Social Activities (Preven- against him, stabbed a connection with the inci-
killing expatriate business- tion) Act] case accused, youth during an alterca- dent. The youth, who was
man M.C. Abdul Ghafoor wanted for attacking a tion earlier in the day at a under the influence of al-
Haji, 55, and robbing him youth in a brawl at a toddy toddy shop. The police, on cohol, was violent even in
of 596 sovereigns of gold shop at Padavarad. a tip-off that Ananthu was the hospital and police sta-
jewellery at Poochakkad in Mr. Farsad, who was hiding in a place near the tion.
Kasaragod in April last
Those arrested include
Ubais T.M., 38, a resident
of Uduma; his wife, Shami-
na K.H., 38, reportedly
known as ‘Jinnumma’ and
‘Manthravadini’; Asifa
P.M., 34, a resident of
Poochkad in Pallikkara vil-
lage, Kasaragod; and
Aisha, 40, a resident of
Madhur village, Kasaragod.

Found dead
A philanthropist and entre-
preneur with multiple ven-
tures in Gulf Cooperation
Council nations, Haji was
found dead at his resi-
dence near Faruqiya Mas-
jid, Poochakkad, on April
14, 2023, and was buried
on April 25.
A police team led by Dis-
trict Crime Records Bureau
Deputy Superintendent
K.J. Johnson, under the su-
pervision of District Police
Chief D. Shilpa, arrested
the suspects.
The police said the gang
reportedly duped Haji by
promising to double his
wealth through rituals per-
formed by Shamina and
convinced him to surren-
der his ornaments with no
intention of returning
them. Haji’s body was exh-
umed on April 27, 2023 af-
ter the family reportedly
raised suspicions and a
post-mortem examination
confirmed that he had died
from head injuries. The
case took a turn when Ha-
ji’s son, Ahammed Musam-
mil, lodged a complaint
with the Bekal police and
approached the Chief Mi-
nister. An action commit-
tee was formed to intensify
the probe into his death.
Forensic evidence in-
cluded incriminating
WhatsApp communication
between Haji and Shami-
na, documented transac-
tions totalling ₹10 lakh,
and proof of gold transfer.

Friday, December 6, 2024

6 Friday, December 6, 2024

Kerala Thiruvananthapuram

From Page One Wayanad aid: LDF lays siege to Raj Bhavan
Farmers see red over CPI(M) State secretary M.V. Govindan says BJP-led Union government is yet to disburse any meaningful aid to reintegrate almost 2,000 families
unchanged paddy price displaced by July 30 landslides into society’s mainstream. He welcomes Congress MPs joining forces with the LDF to seek Central assistance
A year later, the MSP was raised by ₹1 to ₹20.40,
but the State increased the total price only margi- The Hindu Bureau and honour the State’s in- clarion call for federal aid.
nally, by 20 paise, reducing the bonus to ₹7.80. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM alienable right to disaster He stated that political
For 2023-24, the Centre further increased the compensation,” he said. hostility towards progres-

MSP by ₹1.43, but the State slashed the same undreds of Left sive Kerala motivated the
amount from its share to bring down the bonus to Democratic Front ‘PM's visit in vain’ BJP to stifle the State’s fi-
₹6.37, leaving the procurement price static. (LDF) activists Mr. Govindan said Prime nances.
The incentive bonus for paddy stood at ₹8.80 in staged marches and sit-in Minister Narendra Modi’s “The Centre is punish-
2020-21. The State government began reducing it protests outside Union go- Wayanad visit was in vain. ing Kerala for its progress
in 2021-22, cutting it by a total of ₹3.60 between vernment offices across Union Ministers were now and development, includ-
then and 2024-25. Kerala on Thursday in prot- making light of the disas- ing a high quality of life,
The Nel Karshaka Samrekshana Samiti (NKSS) est against “denial of feder- ter. eradicating extreme pover-
has called for an increase in the procurement al aid” to provide vital help Mr. Govindan welcomed ty, high literacy rates, low
price to ₹32.52 per kg. “Paddy farmers are grap- to landslides-hit areas in the Congress MPs from child mortality, and a ro-
pling with financial distress due to high labour Wayanad. Kerala for joining forces bust public health system,”
and input costs, along with crop losses caused by Senior leaders, MLAs, with the LDF to petition he said.
extreme weather events. Not increasing the pro- MPs, and former MPs CPI(M) State secretary M.V. Govindan inaugurates a siege of Raj Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram by LDF Home Minister Amit Shah Mr. Govindan said the
curement price is a betrayal of farmers. While the joined the protest in va- activists on Thursday. S. MAHINSHA for urgent release of funds. Centre also hauled down
Centre has increased the MSP in recent years, we rious places. He criticised Suresh Gopi, the State’s borrowing limit.
have not benefited because the State reduced the Inaugurating the agita- the Bharatiya Janata Party- aid to reintegrate almost “Kerala is not holding Union Minister of State for “Kerala borrows not for
incentive bonus,” says Soneychen Pulinkunnu, tion near Raj Bhavan here, led National Democratic 2,000 families displaced out its arms for alms from Petroleum, George Kurian, running the daily business
general secretary, NKSS. Communist Party of India Alliance (NDA) govern- by the catastrophic natural the Centre. It is demanding Union Minister for Fisher- of the government but to
Kodikunnil Suresh, MP says the State govern- (Marxist) [CPI(M)] State se- ment at the Centre was yet disaster into society’s that the Centre honour its ies, and P.T. Usha, MP, for build and develop critical
ment’s decision to cut the bonus sends a clear cretary M.V. Govindan said to disburse any meaningful mainstream. Constitutional obligation “refusing to join” Kerala’s infrastructure,’’ he said.
message that it is “unsupportive of paddy farm-

ers.” The State government, however, maintains
that paddy farmers in Kerala are receiving better
prices than their counterparts in other States.
HC quashes dismissal of students No ill intention in
Minister says Kochi accused in Sidharthan death case meeting leaders,
Smart City still on
The Hindu Bureau University ordered to the petitioners be readmit- from further studies in any
says Sudhakaran
(An independent evaluator will be appointed to KOCHI conduct a fresh ted to the college campus institute for three years,
arrive at the compensation to be provided to the inquiry after giving at Mannuthy and be al- were illegal. They contend-
company for exiting from the project. The govern- The Kerala High Court on lowed to continue their ed that there were viola- The Hindu Bureau
the students memo
ment has initiated the exit plan after concluding Thursday quashed an or- studies subject to the out- tions of principles of natu- KOCHI
that the promoters were not in a position to revive der of the anti-ragging of charges come of the fresh inquiry. ral justice as they were not
the much-hyped IT park. The government wanted committee of Kerala Vete- granted an opportunity to Senior CPI(M) leader G.
to take back the prime land for its development rinary and Animal Scienc- The court also ordered Natural justice present their views at the Sudhakaran said here on
projects.) es University (KVASU) ex- the university to conduct a Justice Ziyad Rahman A.A. inquiry. They also alleged Thursday that there is
Mr. Satheesan alleged that the LDF govern- pelling some students of fresh inquiry after giving Passed the order while dis- that the statements of wit- nothing wrong in leaders
ments failed to follow up on the agreement or re- Government Veterinary the students memo of posing of the writ petitions nesses were recorded in of various parties meeting
view the progress, causing the project to stall in- College, Pookode, Waya- charges specifying indivi- filed by Ameen Akbarali U., their absence and they together if there are no ill
definitely. He questioned the government’s nad, who are accused in a dual allegations against Arun K., Mohammed were not served the copies intentions in such parleys.
decision to compensate the company that failed case relating to the death each of them and furnish- Dhanish M. and other stu- of statements of the wit- “Can you attribute any
to execute the project. of Sidharthan J.S., a stu- ing them the gist of the dents challenging the or- nesses. such ill intention on me CPI(M) leader G. Sudhakaran at
(with input from PTI) dent of the college. statement of witnesses and ders of the university. The The court observed that during my 62-year-long the International Book Festival
The court also quashed requiring the petitioners to petitioners pointed out in the previous inquiry the political career,” he asked in Kochi on Thursday.
the order of the university submit written explana- that the disciplinary pro- principles of natural jus- when asked about his re- THULASI KAKKAT
debarring the accused stu- tions. The inquiry should ceedings initiated against tice, which is one of the es- cent meeting with All India
INBRIEF dents from taking admis-
sion at any other college
be completed within four
them, which ultimately led
to their dismissal from the
sential requirements of a
fair enquiry, were compro-
Congress Committee gen-
eral secretary K.C. Venugo-
years. “I was the one who
made a political observa-
쑽 for three years. The court ordered that college and their debarring mised pal at his residence in Alap- tion when he visited my re-
TV cabling: HC asks KSEB puzha.
A question on the visit
sidence. I told him that the
Congress would never
about safety regulations by B. Gopalakrishnan, BJP come back to power in the

The Kerala High Court has directed the Kerala

State Electricity Board (KSEB) to file an affidavit
Death toll in Alappuzha accident rises to 6 State vice-president, to his
residence was also raised
by the interviewer at a ses-
country if it failed to admit
publicly that the imposi-
tion of Emergency was
indicating the steps taken to ensure that cables sion held on the sidelines wrong,” he said.
drawn through the posts of the KSEB by cable TV The Hindu Bureau multiple organ injury and Medicos rented registered a case against of the Kochi International
operators are complying with the safety ALAPPUZHA severe head injury. vehicle from an Gowri Sankar who drove Book Festival at the Ernak- Bhakti movement
regulations issued in this regard. Justice Gopinath The accident occurred unauthorised the car under Section 106 ulathappan ground here. In his inaugural address at
P. Has also directed the KSEB to state in the The death toll in the Alap- on Monday night when a (causing death by negli- Mr. Sudhakaran said the a seminar on the impact of
rent-a-car facility
affidavit why action has not been taken so far to puzha road accident rose car carrying 11 first-year gence) of the Bharatiya BJP leader had visited him the Bhakti movement in
remove cables that are drawn without complying to six with another medical MBBS students from the Nyaya Sanhita. a year ago to hand over a south Indian literature
with the safety regulations. The KSEB has also student succumbing to his Government Medical Col- Manu, Muhasin, Gowri The police submitted a book. Their party had held as part of the fest, lit-
been directed to place on record the guidelines injuries on Thursday. lege, Alappuzha, collided Sankar and Krishadev con- report regarding the acci- drawn up a list of promi- erary critic M. K Sanoo said
issued by the board, including safety regulations The deceased has been with a Kerala State Road tinue to receive treatment dent to a local court in nent persons for receiving Sree Narayana Guru was
for drawing cables through electric posts. The identified as Alvin George Transport Corporation and none of them require Alappuzha. the copies of the book. Mr. able to create the ideologi-
court passed the order recently when a petition from Edathua in Kuttanad, (KSRTC) bus at Kalarcode. ventilator support. According to the Motor Gopalakrishnan had mis- cal premise for the renais-
by the Cable Operators Association came up for Alappuzha. Alvin, who suf- Five students were killed Shane, a student from Vehicles department, the used the meeting to add sance in Kerala by igniting
hearing. fered critical injuries, was on the spot. Thiruvananthapuram, es- students rented the car flavour to the discussions the thought process of the
shifted from the Govern- Four students who sus- caped with minor injuries. from an unauthorised rent- held in the media after the public through the spheres
ment Medical College Hos- tained serious injuries in The group was heading a-car facility. visit of Mr. Venugopal. of spiritualism and devo-
pital (MCH), Alappuzha, to the accident remain under to watch a movie in Alap- Authorities have identi- He should not have tion. Spirituality and devo-
Kodakara case: ED response a private hospital in Ernak-
ulam on Wednesday.
medical care at the MCH.
The MCH authorities on
puzha in the rented car.
Meanwhile, the Alap-
fied its owner and have in-
itiated action against him,
dragged my wife into it,
said the former Minister
tion had been the crux of
his initial works and it was
to fast-tracking case sought He died of polytrauma, Thursday said that Anand puzha South police have sources said. for Public Works. Mr. Sud- intended to instil a spiri-
hakaran asked whether his tual reform in their minds.
The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed the meetings can be attributed A release issued by the
Directorate of Enforcement (ED) and Income Tax as similar to the meeting organisers quoted Prof. Sa-

State feeling impact of climate change

(I-T) department to file a statement in response to that senior CPI(M) leader noo as saying that the liter-
a writ petition seeking a proper investigation by E.P. Jayarajan had with BJP ary works based on the
the ED and I-T department in the Kodakara black leader Prakash Javadekar. foundations of spiritualism

with stark irregular weather patterns

money case. The petition was filed by Santhosh Mr. Sudhakaran said had the power to touch the
P., 50th witness in the case. According to him, that he had known Mr. Ve- hearts of the people in a
the inquiry by the ED and the I-T department was nugopal for the last 30 unique way.
going on at a snail’s pace. Though the
investigation was started in 2023, no complaint
or closure report had been filed before the Dhinesh Kallungal rise in heavy rainfall days DEATH
Special Court under the provisions of the THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in August, except in 2023. ANNIVERSARIES
Prevention of Money Laundering Act. These Traditionally, the high-
departments were not conducting the The impact of climate est amount of rainfall is re-
investigation in a proper manner, he alleged. change in Kerala is more ceived in July, followed by
visible now with an in- June, August, and Septem-
crease in irregular weather ber. In the past five years,
patterns such as floods and the highest number of 38
Elephant calf dies after falling heatwaves in various parts
of the State.
extreme rainfall days was
in August with rainfall ex-
into septic tank in Thrissur According to the data ceeding 204.4 mm during
presented by the Ministry 24 hours.
In a tragic incident, a male elephant calf died of Earth Science in Parlia- On the other hand, the
after falling into an unused septic tank at ment, the temperature in extreme rainfall days in Ju-
Palappilly in Thrissur on Thursday. Despite hours Kerala is showing a rising ly were six, and one each
of intense rescue efforts by the Forest trend considering the tem- in June and September
department, the calf could not be saved. perature records in the from 2019 to 2023.
Although the calf initially made attempts to past 100 years. The daily Similarly, for the first
escape the tank, it ultimately succumbed to its maximum temperature creasing trend of +1.1 °C in annual rainfall from time in Kerala, six heat-
injuries. By noon, veterinary doctors confirmed has increased by 1.7°C dur- based on the data of 100 1951-2022 indicates that wave days were declared in
its death. The calf, which was part of a wild ing the 1901-2023 period. years. southern districts such as April 2024 with tempera-
elephant herd that strayed into the area, is However, the increase in The spike in tempera- Idukki, Kottayam, Patha- ture soaring well above the
believed to have sustained severe neck injuries minimum temperature ture is also triggering namthitta, and Kollam ob- normal mark. “All over the
during the fall, which likely lead to its death, was only 0.47 °C during skewed rainfall distribu- served a significant in- world temperature has
according to officials. However, the exact cause this period. tion over the State with an creasing trend in rainfall, been increasing and there
of death will be determined after a post-mortem increase in heavy rainfall while the rest of the dis- is no exception for Kerala.
examination. It remains unclear when the calf Rain distribution days, although there is no tricts showed a decreasing We should expect more
fell into the tank. The area near the Elikode tribal Similarly, a time series ana- significant increase in the trend. heavy rainfall in the future
colony in Palappilly is known for frequent wild lysis of the annual mean average total volume of The change in weather in selected regions,” says a
elephant straying. Local people discovered the temperature over Kerala rainfall. was more pronounced in senior officer from the mi-
calf around 8 a.m. on Thursday. reveals a significant in- The district-wise trend recent years with a drastic nistry.
Friday, December 6, 2024 7

Draft rules on captive SC quashes defamation case WEATHERWATCH

elephants: owners to Rainfall, temperature & air quality in select metros yesterday

pay compensation
against Minister Murugan
Case was filed by the Murasoli Trust against the Minister for his comments during a press meet in
for death, damage 2020; trust accepts his statement that his remarks were not meant to cause injury to its reputation

The Hindu Bureau Parameshwar’s submission Chennai court.

K.S. Sudhi Draft rules have put NEW DELHI that his client had made The Madras High Court
KOCHI in place a risk the statements as a leader had refused to quash the

insurance coverage he Supreme Court of a political party. defamation complaint in
For death and destruction on Thursday Justice Gavai, when the September 2023, following
caused by captive ele-
scheme for death quashed and set case came up on Wednes- which Mr. Murugan had to
phants, their owners will and injuries caused aside criminal defamation day and before adjourning move the top court.
have to pay significant to mahouts proceedings instituted by it to December 5, had ad- The top court had in-
compensation to the affect- the Murasoli Trust against dressed the Trust light- itially stayed the defama-
ed parties, as per the draft the Union Minister of State heartedly that “when you tion proceedings before
Kerala Captive Elephants tion by the Captive Ele- for Information and Broad- enter politics, you should the special court in Chen-
(Management and Mainte- phant Medical Board. The casting L. Murugan for his be ready to receive all sorts nai.
nance) Rules, 2023. board will assess the physi- comments during a press L. Murugan of unwarranted, unneces- The defamation case
The draft rules have cal and psychological fit- meet in December 2020. sary compliments... In free against Mr. Murugan was
specified that the elephant ness of the animal. A Bench of Justices B.R. ble and prominent new- speech issues, you need to that he made remarks in a TEMPERATURE DATA: IMD, POLLUTION DATA: CPCB, MAP: INSAT/IMD (TAKEN AT 18.00 HRS)
“owner shall be liable to The draft rules have also Gavai and K.V. Viswanath- spaper affiliated to the rul- give breathing space”. press meet to create an im-
Forecast for Friday: Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning
make a payment for loss of put in place a comprehen- an closed the case after the ing Dravida Munnetra The court had said that pression that the Trust was
likely at isolated places over central Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Pu-
human life, permanent in- sive risk insurance cover- Trust, represented by se- Kazhagam (DMK) in Tamil to survive in politics, one functioning in a panchami ducherry and Karaikal
capacitation, damage to age scheme against death nior advocates N.R. Elango Nadu. needed to be thick-skinned land (Depressed Class CITY RAIN MAX MIN CITY RAIN MAX MIN

property and injuries and injuries caused to ma- and Siddharth Luthra, Senior advocate K. Para- against barbs. “Parties land) without any right or Agartala ................... —......27.8...... 15.0 Kozhikode ....................... —......33.8...... 25.4
Ahmedabad............. —......31.7...... 19.0 Kurnool ........................... —......31.2...... 24.1
caused to persons at the houts. “graciously” accepted Mr. meshwar, appearing for should fight their battles title. The Trust had argued Aizawl ...................... —......24.6...... 11.9 Lucknow.......................... —......26.8...... 12.2
same rate as paid by the Murugan’s statement that the Minister and BJP lead- before the public,” it had that the remarks were Allahabad ................ —......29.0...... 11.9 Madurai ..........................0.3......32.2...... 24.5
Bengaluru..................3......28.6...... 20.2 Mangaluru.........................3......32.3...... 23.4

State government as per ₹15 lakh he had no intention to er, said his client had no in- remarked. made “intentionally caus-
Bhopal ..................... —......30.4...... 13.8 Mumbai ........................... —......35.4...... 25.5
the Kerala Rules for Pay- The rules specify that the cause injury or harm to the tention whatsoever to de- The defamation com- ing loss of reputation to the Bhubaneswar .......... —......32.7...... 19.2 Mysuru............................. —......30.5...... 20.2
ment of Compensation to mahouts shall be provided reputation of the Trust, fame the Trust. plaint against Mr. Murugan Murasoli Trust in the mind Chandigarh.............. —......25.6........ 9.0 New Delhi........................ —......25.1........ 8.5
Chennai ................... —......32.4...... 25.5 Patna............................... —......27.2...... 15.1
Victims of Attack of Wild a minimum insurance which ran a highly reputa- The court recorded Mr. was filed by the Trust in a of the general public”. Coimbatore ............. —......31.0...... 23.4 Port Blair ......................... —......31.1...... 25.1
Animals, 1980.” amount of ₹15 lakh for Dehradun................. —......25.2........ 8.3 Puducherry ..................... —......32.8...... 24.4
The payments shall be death by accident or per- Gangtok ..................0.2......12.8........ 9.0 Pune ................................ —......34.4...... 22.2
Goa........................... —......34.0...... 26.0 Raipur.............................. —......33.2...... 19.2
made within a maximum manent incapacitation. In Guwahati ................. —......28.1...... 15.0 Ranchi ............................. —......27.0...... 14.4
period of 60 days from the the event of partial inca-
BRS MLA gets relief in ‘phone tapping’ case
Hubballi................... —......30.0...... 23.0 Shillong ........................... —......15.7........ 7.0
Hyderabad............... —......30.7...... 21.5 Shimla ............................. —......19.3........ 7.2
accident date and the own- pacitation, especially loss Imphal ..................... —......23.7...... 11.3 Srinagar........................... —......12.4.......-2.1
er shall obtain appropriate of a limb or eye, the mini- Jaipur ...................... —......26.1...... 12.8 Thiruvananthapuram .......... —......34.0...... 24.5
insurance coverage to mum insurance amount Kochi........................14......31.4...... 25.4 Tiruchi ............................. —......32.1...... 24.0
Kohima .................... —......19.4........ 7.4 Vijayawada...................... —......32.6...... 23.6
meet the expenses, suggest would be ₹5 lakh. Marri Ramu Chakradhar Goud alleging Kolkata .................... —......29.0...... 16.0 Visakhapatnam................ —......31.0...... 23.7
the draft rules circulated An insurance amount HYDERABAD that his mobile phone con- (Rainfall data in mm; temperature in Celsius)
among stakeholders. up to ₹5 lakh shall be pro- Pollutants in the air you are breathing Yesterday
versation was eaves-
CITIES SO 2 NO 2 CO PM2.5 PM10 CODE In observation made at
vided for treatment ex- Former Minister and Bha- dropped by the police at Ahmedabad ..... .18 ..44 13 ... 226 ...120 ......* 4.00 p.m., Durgapur, West
Ban penses of injuries caused rath Rashtra Samithi MLA the instance of T. Harish Bengaluru ........ ...6 ..15 58 ..... 68 ....90 ......* Bengal recorded an overall
Chennai............ ...9 ..21 49 ..... 35 ....28 ......* air quality index (AQI)
Any elephant that runs to mahouts while on duty, T. Harish Rao got relief in Rao, the then Minister. Delhi ................. .22 ..46 83 ... 240 ...191 ......* score of 345 indicating an
amok or causes death or according to the rules. the telephone tapping case Sidharth Luthra, senior Hyderabad ....... ...6 100 58 ..... 91 ...146 ......* unhealthy level of
Kolkata............. .12 132 19 ... 240 ...189 ......*
injury to human beings or There have been several registered by the Hydera- counsel who was engaged Lucknow........... ...7 ..39 57 ... 130 ...164 ......*
pollution. In contrast,
Mangalore, Karnataka
damage to property shall instances of elephants kill- bad Police, with the High by the State, contended Mumbai ............ .11 ..88 ..2 ... 191 ...160 ......* recorded a healthy AQI
be banned from participat- ing their mahouts in the Pune ................. ..— ..76 35 ... 153 ...115 ......*
Court directing investiga- The court directs investigators not to arrest BRS MLA T. Harish Rao. that it was a serious of- Visakhapatnam .10 ..53 40 ... 190 ...126 ......*
score of 20
ing in any social, cultural State. tors not to arrest him. fence under Telegraph Act.
Air Quality Code: * Poor * Moderate * Good (Readings indicate average AQI)
or ceremonial function for The draft rules, once im- Justice K. Lakshman of 506 read with Section 34 of police in which four police Former Additional Ad- SO2: Sulphur Dioxide. Short-term exposure can harm the respiratory system, making breathing difficult. It
15 consecutive days after plemented, would replace the High Court, however, IPC and Section 66 of IT officers were arrested vocate General J. Ram- can affect visibility by reacting with other air particles to form haze and stain culturally important objects
such as statues and monuments.
the event. the rules that were intro- said the police can go Act were invoked. This cri- while one was accused of chander Rao, appearing NO2: Nitrogen Dioxide. Aggravates respiratory illness, causes haze to form by reacting with other air
particles, causes acid rain, pollutes coastal waters.
Such elephants shall be duced in 2012. The new set ahead with the investiga- minal case of telephone fleeing to the U.S. for T. Harish Rao, contend- CO: Carbon monoxide. High concentration in air reduces oxygen supply to critical organs like the heart
permitted to participate in of rules has defined cruelty tion into the case in which tapping is different from The fresh case was regis- ed that the petitioner had and brain. At very high levels, it can cause dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness and even death.
PM2.5 & PM10: Particulate matter pollution can cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, coughing,
any function only after an towards elephants and pre- Sections 120-B (criminal the earlier telephone tap- tered following a com- been levelling allegations chest tightness and shortness of breath, reduced lung function, irregular heartbeat, asthma attacks,
heart attacks and premature death in people with heart or lung disease
examination and certifica- scribed punishments. conspiracy), 386, 409 and ping case registered by the plaint lodged by one G. against Mr. Rao since 2021.

Meet reviews
NH 66
Winged visitors
T.N. working to achieve net
development zero emissions by 2070: CM
in Kerala
The Hindu Bureau from renewable sources, Mission, Tamil Nadu Wet-
The Hindu Bureau CHENNAI he pointed out. The Go- land Mission, and Tamil
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM verning Council on Climate Nadu Coastal Restoration
Tamil Nadu is actively Change, which guides the Mission, and the progress
A high-level meeting working towards achieving State’s climate policies, made. These initiatives aim
chaired by Chief Minister net zero emissions by 2070 comprises economist Mon- at promoting sustainability
Pinarayi Vijayan on Thurs- through targeted actions, tek Singh Ahluwalia, envi- through significant envi-
day reviewed the progress Chief Minister M.K. Stalin ronmentalist Eric Solheim, ronmental conservation ef-
of construction of National said at the second meeting and former chief scientist forts, such as planting 83
Highway 66. of the Governing Council of the World Health Organ- million trees and restoring
The meeting reviewed on Climate Change on ization Soumya Swami- coastal ecosystems like
the construction progress Thursday. nathan. Minister for Envi- mangrove forests that act
of each stretch in various The Chief Minister said ronment Thangam as carbon sinks and pro-
districts from Kasaragod to that renewable energy was Thennarasu and Chief Se- tect the coastline from ero-
Thiruvananthapuram sep- the cornerstone of Tamil cretary N. Muruganandam sion, he added.
arately. In the meeting, Na- Nadu’s climate strategy, also attended the meeting. Water security in rural
tional Highways Authority and the State was ranked The Council is responsible areas was also a major
of India (NHAI) officials third rank in the country for approving the Tamil point of focus, entailing an
said around 80% of the for renewable energy gen- Nadu government’s State investment of ₹500 crore
work has been completed eration, with wind energy Action Plan on Climate for small irrigation tanks
on stretches like Thalappa- alone accounting for Change. In his speech, Mr. and continued efforts to
dy-Chengala, Kozhikode 11,900 million units a year. Stalin outlined the State’s tackle scarcity through wa-
Bypass, Ramanattukara- Flamingos are back at the Pulicat Lake near Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. With the onset of northeast monsoon, the lake is brimming, By 2030, Tamil Nadu plans key climate missions, such ter harvesting systems, the
Valancheri, and the Valan- attracting flocks of migratory birds. PTI to source 50% of its energy as the Green Tamil Nadu Chief Minister added.
chery bypass to Kappirik-
kad, and the remaining
works will be completed
before March 31, 2025.
The Chief Minister di-
rected the District Collec-
Research park of IIT-Madras Karnataka Minister asks officials to study
tors to dispose of cases re-
lated to land acquisition
quickly. There are 17,293
to be set up in Auroville T.N. model to control elephant menace
cases related to land acqui-
sition. The Hindu Bureau cades, which costs
The meeting also as- The Hindu Bureau gion.” The sole IIT-M Re- ing to the social, economic, BENGALURU approximately ₹1.5 crore
sessed the progress of land PUDUCHERRY search Park in Chennai has and environmental deve- per kilometre. However,
acquisition for National been conceived as an inno- lopment of Auroville. Karnataka Environment there is a limitation in pro-
Highway 66. Around 90 to The establishment of a re- vation hub for academia In addition to the IIT-M Minister Eshwar Khandre curing sufficient railway
95% of the land required search park of the IIT-Ma- and industry that is facility, which ties in with has directed Forest Depart- tracks for this purpose. In
for the work has been ac- dras and a Centrally-sup- equipped with labs, testing Auroville’s commitment to ment officials to study the Tamil Nadu, steel rope
quired. ported Innovation Hub in facilities and incubators, to innovation and advances Tamil Nadu model for con- fences have been installed
The contractors said the Auroville were among the transform start-up ideas in- its ongoing partnerships trolling the wild elephant as a barrier, at a cost of ₹45
non-availability of soil has new projects discussed at a to real-world applications. with leading institutions, menace in Karnataka. lakh per kilometre. I have
affected the work. The pro- meeting of the Governing The meeting, which was the proposed Innovation Karnataka has the high- instructed officials to exa-
gress on other stretches in- Board of Auroville Founda- attended by K. Kailash- Hub, supported by the Mi- est elephant population in mine this method and sub-
cludes Aroor–Thuravur tion on Thursday. nathan, Puducherry Lieu- nistry of Science and Tech- the country and there have mit a report within 10
(41%), Thuravur-Paravur The 68th meeting of the tenant Governor and go- nology, will empower been many incidents of days,” the Environment Mi-
(27%), Paravur- Kottanku- Auroville Foundation go- verning board member, young innovators and en- elephant attacks on human nister said.
langara (47%), and Kadam- verning board, convened Jayanthi S. Ravi, Secretary trepreneurs. In the govern- beings and of jumbos raid-
pattukonam-Kazhakuttam under its chairman and Ta- of the Auroville Founda- ing board’s assessment, ing agricultural fields in 312 km installed
(36%). The meeting decid- mil Nadu Governor R.N. tion, and other board the Innovation Hub, with many parts of the State. To There have been many incidents of elephant attacks on human So far, 312 kilometres of
ed to terminate the con- Ravi, noted that “the esta- members, discussed the an allocation of ₹2.5 crore control this menace, rail- beings in Karnataka. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT railway barricades have
tractor if there is no work blishment of a new IIT progress of various pro- from the Auroville Founda- way barricades have been been installed in Karnata-
progress of at least 5% ev- campus on Auroville land jects, addressing challeng- tion and a matching contri- installed. there is a limitation in pro- tive measures and submit a ka. The Minister has also
ery month. Alappuzha and will foster research, educa- es impeding their imple- bution from NITI Aayog, curing sufficient railway report. asked officials to submit a
Ernakulam Collectors will tion, and entrepreneurial mentation and the future will nurture creativity, fos- Costly affair tracks for this purpose. “Currently, the proven comparative report on the
pay special attention to re- initiatives, driving eco- development of the univer- ter job creation, and con- Mr. Khandre said that the To address this issue, solution to mitigate the ele- loss of life and crops before
solving the traffic jam on nomic growth and social sal township. It also took tribute to the region’s eco- installation of the barri- Mr. Khandre has directed phant menace is the instal- and after the installation of
the Aroor–Thuravur route. development in the re- several key decisions relat- nomic vitality. cades is expensive and officials to study alterna- lation of railway barri- these barricades.
8 Friday, December 6, 2024

Editorial Thiruvananthapuram

States and the challenge before the Finance Commission

he Government of Tamil Nadu recently our case for a new and fair system of distribution States to continue their upward trajectory. This
hosted the Sixteenth Finance of resources. For instance, while the Fifteenth would clearly necessitate a progressive resource
Fresh start Commission, which was chaired by
Arvind Panagariya. With its
Finance Commission awarded the vertical share
of the divisible pool to the States as 41%, the
allocation methodology for the performing States
so as to allow them to fulfil their potential to be
Devendra Fadnavis has the opportunity distinguished experts from various fields, the effective devolution to States in the first four India’s growth engines.
Commission is uniquely positioned to address the years of the award period amounted to only
to drive a new phase in Maharashtra critical fiscal challenges facing India and M.K. Stalin 33.16% of the Union’s gross tax revenue. The Unique challenges in progressive States

he return of Devendra Fadnavis as the rectifying the skewness in the relationship unprecedented levying of cess and surcharges by Amidst this, it is also important to note that
President of the
Chief Minister of Maharashtra marks the between the States and the Union. Dravida Munnetra the Union is the fundamental reason for this progressive States such as Tamil Nadu also face
culmination of one phase and the begin- Kazhagam (DMK) and effective decline in devolution. unique challenges in demography and
ning of another in the State’s politics. In 2014, the Opportunities from global changes the Chief Minister of urbanisation. With a median age higher than the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged as the sin- The decisions taken by this Finance Commission Tamil Nadu Hike States’ share, incentivise performers national average, the State’s capacity to generate
gle largest party in the Assembly, overtaking the will not only shape the fiscal fate of the nation for The States, which are near to people, bear consumption-based tax revenue is declining,
Shiv Sena, its long-term ally. After a decade of the next five years but will also influence India’s substantial developmental expenditures, and, even as the costs of supporting an aging
political realignments in the State, the BJP has economic trajectory in the decades to come. The hence, their share should be further increased population are rising. It is imperative to ensure
now established itself as the primary pole. This Sixteenth Finance Commission’s work coincides substantially. The financial strain on the States that such States do not fall into the
primacy has been achieved through several con- with significant shifts in global economic trends. has been particularly severe due to increases in “middle-income trap”, where growth stagnates
troversial and unethical manoeuvres but its de- Concepts such as “friendshoring” and counterpart funding for centrally sponsored and they “grow old before becoming rich”. Next,
finitive electoral mandate can usher in a phase of “reshoring” are reshaping international trade and schemes on the one side and inadequate the challenges due to urbanisation in fast-growing
stability in politics and governance. Mr. Fadnavis, investment patterns. These trends present a devolution on the other side. Hence, a fair and States merit adequate addressal. A State like
who played a central role in the ascent of the par- unique opportunity for India and Tamil Nadu. To equitable share for States would be 50% Tamil Nadu is witnessing the fastest rate of
ty in recent years, has grown in strength and sta- seize these opportunities, the critical challenge devolution of the gross central taxes, allowing urbanisation in the country, due to which it will
ture. As the Chief Minister of a State with many for the Finance Commission lies in striking a States greater fiscal autonomy in funding and have a 57.30% urban population in 2031, against
resources, he is well placed to climb new heights, balance between equitable redistribution and implementing locally relevant schemes. the expected national average of 37.90%. The
but has his task cut out. He will have to balance incentivising growth in high-performing States On horizontal devolution, it is evident that the resources for fulfilling the infrastructure needs of
the many conflicting community and class inter- such as Tamil Nadu. redistribution policy followed for the first four urbanisation should be earmarked to ensure the
ests in the State and within the BJP while simulta- Since 1951, when the first Finance Commission and a half decades in our country has yielded long-term sustainability of our growth.
neously delivering good governance to sustain was formed, each Finance Commission has There needs to limited results in driving real growth. Hence, the We should keep in mind that the mandate of
and enhance his standing. The outgoing Chief Mi- adapted its own approach towards the fiscal be a fundamental question would be this: should the the Commission goes beyond fiscal arithmetic. It
nister Eknath Shinde has agreed to be a Deputy

challenges of its time. Every Commission has progressive focus be on a smaller national pie with a larger is about envisioning a future where every State
Chief Minister in the new government, but not sought to achieve an equitable redistribution of resource share for less-developed States or a larger contributes to and benefits from the nation’s
before expressing his displeasure. Ajit Pawar, the resources by increasing the share of States under national pie with equitable distribution that progress. Whether it is fostering manufacturing,
other Deputy Chief Minister, is buoyant after his
vertical devolution and channelling funds to provides greater absolute resources for all? The addressing urbanisation challenges, or ensuring
faction established itself as the more popular fac- less-developed States through horizontal methodology answer is difficult, yet a more balanced approach climate resilience, the Commission’s decisions
tion of the Nationalist Congress Party. Mr. Shinde devolution. for performing would ensure a larger national economic pie, will impact millions of lives and determine the
and Mr. Pawar have accepted the new reality of But there have been clear gaps between their States such as allowing for reasonable shares for less-developed trajectory of the country’s destiny, to take its
the dominance of the BJP, and the coalition go- declared objectives and outcomes; therein lies Tamil Nadu States and adequate resources for progressive place among the world’s leading economies.
vernment is as stable as it can get.
There are governance challenges that await

A three-nation visit as a foray into summit diplomacy

the new government. Agrarian distress and in-
dustrial expansion are two areas that require ear-
ly attention. The BJP had to face allegations of dis-
crimination by the Centre against the State in
industrial promotion, and Mr. Fadnavis will have

to work with BJP national leadership to disprove rime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to development-related programmes, has been keen attention on the significant issues of economic
them. The agricultural sector requires immediate Nigeria, Brazil, and Guyana (November to advance the ‘strategic partnership’. India development and climate change. While experts
and long-term interventions in terms of invest- 16-21, 2024) was exceptionally well seemed ready and willing. The dialogue at Abuja debated what the G-20 summit achieved, many
ment and price management. The coalition has designed to achieve multiple objectives. It was confirmed the two leaders’ assessment that much expressed the view that it was time for the group
promised a farm loan waiver, which may be ne- India’s latest foray into summit diplomacy potential existed for expanding bilateral to concentrate on implementing its decisions.
cessary, but can only provide temporary relief. covering three different geographic regions — cooperation in trade, investment, education, The Rio summit provided many opportunities
Cash handouts to eligible women under the Lad- Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean — and Rajiv Bhatia energy, health, culture, and people-to-people for leaders to interact in the plenary hall and on
ki Bahin Yojana will go up from ₹1,500 to ₹2,100, encompassed an extensive interaction on Distinguished Fellow ties. New areas such as agriculture, urban the sidelines. Mr. Modi met several leaders,
if the Mahayuti coalition fulfils its campaign pro- bilateral, regional and global issues. While the at Gateway House, a transportation, renewable energy, and digital notably from the United States, Europe, and the
mise. The government will have to account for Prime Minister’s primary purpose was to former High transformation were identified. Besides, they Global South countries. The Indian External
the massive expenses that fulfilling all the pro- represent India at the nineteenth summit of the Commissioner to renewed their commitment to joint combat Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar met his Chinese
mises entail. The State will have to continue to at- Group of 20 (G-20), in Brazil, his spending ample South Africa, and the against terrorism, extremism, and radicalisation. counterpart Wang Yi to devise the next stage of
tract investment and launch projects, as well as time in the two other countries enhanced the author of three books Despite closeness at the political level, only three the India-China rapprochement.
speed up ongoing ones. Maharashtra attracts mi- impact of this trans-continental journey. A close on foreign policy memoranda of understanding (MoU) were signed
grants and its urban centres require constant up- look at how the visit unfolded, and its outcome, is due probably to bureaucratic delays on the host Guyana, as the wrap up
grades. The BJP and Mr. Fadnavis have a golden an index to understanding India’s current foreign side. Overall, the visit was a clear plus for the On the third leg, Mr. Modi travelled to Guyana, a
chance to drive a new era of Maharashtra’s pro- policy priorities. India-Nigeria friendship. nation of fewer than one million people in the
gress by judiciously handling all these challenges. Caribbean region. Its importance came into
Nigeria, the first leg G-20, the centrepiece in Brazil focus: 40% of the population is of Indian origin, a
The halt at Abuja, Nigeria, was not a pit stop. It The nineteenth summit of G-20, comprising 19 robust bilateral cooperation programme exists,
A slow return was a full-scale state visit to Africa’s most
populous nation and the fourth-largest economy.
powerful economies and two regional
organisations, was hosted in Rio de Janeiro
Guyana has energy resources and is an important
player in regional affairs. Decisions were
India and China must engage intensely
This West African nation’s international heft has (November 18–19). It took forward the announced to expand cooperation in diverse
at all levels to resolve border disputes been increasing, as evidenced by its presence at people-centric decisions adopted at the New sectors such as energy, defence, urban
the G-20 summit last year at India’s invitation and Delhi summit by mainstreaming key perspectives development, digital collaboration, education,

he government’s decision to offer state-
ments on China, suo motu, in both Hous- the BRICS’ invitation to join it as a partner state. of the Global South into the G-20 and food security as 10 MOUs were signed.
es of Parliament and to brief a parliamen- Nigeria’s recent chairship of the Economic decision-making. The Rio Declaration highlighted India and the Caribbean Community held their
tary panel are positive but long overdue steps. Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is the three priorities defined by the Brazilian second summit in Georgetown, Guyana. This
Since 2020, following the Chinese transgression relevant too. As two large democracies and presidency: social inclusion, sustainable enabled Mr. Modi to interact with about a dozen
along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and the multi-religious, multi-ethnic, and multi-linguistic development and reform of global governance leaders of this successful regional body. He
deadly Galwan clashes, it has avoided divulging societies devoted to ‘unity in diversity’, India and institutions. proposed seven pillars to deepen cooperation,
details of the negotiations with China over the ac- Nigeria are natural partners. On the first issue, the Global Alliance against covering capacity building, agriculture and food
tions of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), only The Nigerian leadership gave ample signals to Hunger and Poverty was launched. It will serve as security, renewable energy and climate change,
announcing agreements on disengagement at six convey its appreciation of India’s expanding a platform for “mobilizing finance and knowledge innovation, technology and trade, cricket and
points of friction, as they occurred in 2021, 2022 economic and political influence and its robust sharing” on a wide scale. Regarding sustainable culture, ocean economy, and medicine and
and 2024. In a democracy, the people must not Africa policy. The formal gifting of the keys of the development, the G-20 reiterated its previous health. The commonality in these pillars, he told
be kept in the dark on matters of national inter- city of Abuja to Mr. Modi, the ceremonial The Prime positions but failed to make headway on climate them, was that they were all based on “your
est. But the statements by External Affairs Minis- welcome at the State House complete with a Minister’s recent finance. On the third issue, the new achievement priorities and needs”.
ter S. Jaishankar and the briefing by Foreign Se- 21-gun salute, and the conferment of a top visit to Nigeria, was the adoption of the road map for “Better, In sum, the Prime Minister’s visit packed a lot
cretary Vikram Misri appear to have been national award were clear giveaways. The award Brazil, and Bigger and more Effective Multilateral within six days. It contributed to enhancing
substantial. Mr. Jaishankar focused on three as- citation referred to his leadership and stellar Guyana offers Development Banks”, with the group calling for India’s global standing and Mr. Modi’s image and
pects of the LAC negotiations. He said India has contribution to fostering India-Nigeria ties and its early implementation. On the United Nations popularity abroad. Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali
made it clear to China that “normal” engagement noted that India has been positioned as a global and World Trade Organization (WTO) reform, hailed him as “a champion among leaders” who
powerhouse under his transformative understanding there was nothing new in the G-20’s has “led incredibly”. Through the expeditious
in other parts of the relationship were contingent
on the LAC tensions being resolved. India has governance. of India’s pronouncements. implementation of the decisions announced, New
adopted a policy of “continuous engagement” Nigeria, an important beneficiary of India’s current foreign As conflicts rage in Europe and West Asia, Delhi could optimise the outcomes of this bold
and a step-by-step approach involving 17 meet- development assistance and human-resource policy priorities leaders sought peaceful resolution and focused essay in diplomacy.
ings of the Working Mechanism for Consultation
and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs,
21 meetings of the Senior Highest Military Com- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
manders meeting mechanism, and several meet-
ings between the Foreign and Defence Ministers A surprise in South Korea concerns transparently recognising the urgent need It has taken us 150 years to other passengers. The The incident must show us
and Special Representatives of both countries. Fi- The planned impeachment could erode public trust in to curb plastic pollution, wake up to the perils of Indian Railways may have the way for the unity of
nally, he said that with disengagement “fully motion against South governance. As the world there was no definitive plastics post its creation in benefited from a significant nationalist forces on the
achieved”, the next priorities would be troop de- Korean President Yoon Suk watches, this is an solution found at the Busan 1862, and may be 50 more increase in revenue due to critical issues of peace,
escalation and de-induction, followed by a dis- Yeol after his shock attempt opportunity for South Korea summit. The global to stop its use. Yet, man’s the withdrawal of the communal harmony and
cussion on how to manage ties in the border to impose martial law is an to showcase the maturity of community must face the genius would continue to concession, but this is a national security.
areas, given the problems in the last few years. extraordinary juncture in its democratic ethos. The uncomfortable truth that drive his curiosity and move that has imposed a Ashwani Kumar,
Mr. Jaishankar said that for Depsang and Dem- South Korea’s political message is clear: power the only way to address the innovation. Take human financial burden on senior New Delhi
chok, “patrolling arrangements” had been history. must always remain plastic crisis is to turn the genetic intervention and citizens.
agreed upon, but the resumption of patrols is still The short-lived subservient to the will of tap off on production. modification, for instance. S. Sankaranarayanan, Think biocentric
“underway”. For the other areas of North and development in South the people and the rule of H.N. Ramakrishna, Man, who is gifted with Chennai Tamil Nadu is still
South Pangong Tso lake, Gogra and Hot Springs, Korea is not merely a law. Bengaluru brilliance, is also cursed recovering from the
disengagement had been achieved through domestic political event. It Pavithra M., with a lack of foresight. His Bid on leader’s life devastating effects of
“steps of a temporary and limited nature” — a eu- has profound implications Tiruchi Though one must confess eagerness to pander to I write this letter as a former cyclone Fengal and “World
phemism for LAC “buffer zones”. for global democracy. In a that plastic waste is one creativity dulls his sense of Union Minister for Law and Wildlife Conservation day”
But the government’s nearly 2,500 word state- world grappling with The short-lived attempt at area of serious concern, equilibrium. The battle Justice. The attempt on the (December 4) has passed.
ment gave no indication of the casus belli for the creeping authoritarianism, declaring “emergency there are no other between man’s own twin life of former Punjab Deputy Yet, there seems to be no
Chinese actions nor any reference to when the re- South Korea’s institutions martial law” shows that the alternatives to plastic which genius, for creation and Chief Minister and recollection of the crucial
turn to ‘status quo ante’, or to positions of 2020, will now face a critical test. country’s decades-old are equally efficacious. It is destruction, is unending. Shiromani Akali Dal leader role that wetlands play in
can be expected. The statement laid stress on In- The martial law incident democracy remains robust. unlikely that all nations will R. Narayanan, Sukhbir Singh Badal outside mitigating environmental
dia’s “national security” interests being upheld, raises troubling questions The reversal of the concur on the total Navi Mumbai the Golden Temple deserves disasters. At the turn of the
without mentioning India’s “territorial integrity” about the limits of executive development is sure to have stoppage of the production our strongest current century, the city of
at any point. The government must now expedite power and the necessity of spelt big relief for many and the use of plastics. Senior citizens, rail travel condemnation. The rise of Chennai alone had over 600
efforts to build a common understanding of the checks and balances. If countries that have security There is also the possibility There seems to have been the “radical fringe” and the wetlands. It is time to
LAC and to demarcate the boundary. It is impor- South Korea’s democratic and economic stakes in that some of the countries some debate in the Lok audacity of fundamentalists replace the anthropocentric
tant to tell the nation about the nearly 20 Modi-Xi institutions succeed in South Korea. The sudden highly dependent on Sabha on the Railways to disturb hard-won peace view with a biocentric
meetings prior to 2020, in spite of which the PLA resolving this impasse — event is a lesson for other plastics had made up their (Amendment) Bill, 2024. in Punjab pose a grave outlook.
acted the way it did. The past few years should through legal, democracies. mind to oppose talks in However, an issue that political and administrative G. Parameswaran,
have demonstrated to the ‘doves and hawks’ in constitutional, and Gregory Fernandes, Busan even before the needs more focus is the challenge. Regrettably, the Coimbatore
India’s establishment that such an intensive en- non-violent means — they Mumbai deliberations began. Such a need to restore senior political reaction of most Letters emailed to
gagement is no guarantor of peace, nor can con- will reaffirm the resilience of mindset is a global citizen concessions. The fare political parties is focused letters@thehindu.co.in
flicts be resolved without the kind of intense and democracy in the face of The world and plastic use deterrent in the long run. concession was withdrawn on finding fault with the must carry the full postal
“continuous engagement” that New Delhi and challenges. However, any It is unfortunate that V. Lakshmanan, in 2020 and senior citizens State administration, which address and the full name or
Beijing have sustained in the past few years. failure to address the core despite the world Tirupur, Tamil Nadu pay fares similar to that of in this case is untenable. the name with initials.
Friday, December 6, 2024 9

Is Israel’s war in Gaza putting the global order at peril?

short-term policy paradigm. There are no
PARLEY ‘value-based international relations’ today. It is
not as if countries did not work in national

early 400 days since the October 7, Things are going to get worse, but there is interest earlier, but the brazenness with which
2023, attacks on Israel that led to the going to be a tipping point in which a critical we see ‘realpolitik’ used is at a different level.
Israeli bombardment of Gaza, West mass of countries will recognise that it is in Until this situation changes — and I don’t see any
Navtej Sarna Bank, and Lebanon, more than signs of that — this kind of breakdown of
their interest to have a functioning global
served as 43,000 have been killed, mostly civilians. international systems will probably increase.
India’s envoy to Despite calls by the United Nations (UN) for order and effective institutions that help
the United action to address the humanitarian crisis; an uphold international conventions and laws TP: I agree that we are in a very bad situation.
States, Israel International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict on the TRITA PARSI However, I don’t think there is a collective desire
and the United risk of genocide being perpetrated in Palestine; not to have any rules and laws that will guide
Kingdom and warrants issued by the International state to state conduct at this point. We can point
Criminal Court (ICC) against Israeli Prime Why didn’t India join the ICC and what is its to all of these examples in which clearly the
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli position on this warrant now? system has not worked, but those are perhaps
Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas 5% of the situations. Of the interactions that are
military leader Mohammed Deif for alleged war A man holds the body of a child who was killed from shrapnel following an NS: The ICC has only 124 member states. India taking place in the world, there are many in
crimes, there seems no let-up in the violence. Is Israeli strike in Gaza. AFP participated in the negotiations in the which laws are being followed.
Israel’s war in Gaza putting the global order at preparatory stages that led up to the setting up The UNSC absolutely needs reform. It has
Trita Parsi peril? Navtej Sarna and Trita Parsi discuss the be protected at all costs. Now the protection is of the ICC in 2002. India participated in the become a joke and at some point, it will become
question in a conversation moderated by for strategic reasons, but also because Israel negotiations of the Rome Statute. But it did not irrelevant. Things are going to get worse, but
Executive Vice Suhasini Haidar. Edited excerpts: represents a sort of a moral burden. It is the sign it or ratify it. India negotiates in good faith there is going to be a tipping point in which a
President of the Jewish homeland, and after the Holocaust, there and when it finds that it can’t agree to some of critical mass of countries will recognise that it is
Quincy Institute
When it comes to global institutions, why is is a need to protect all Israelis and not let them the terms, it doesn’t sign. It is better than signing actually in their interest to have a functioning
in Washington,
and author of
the world so polarised? In particular, what lose the homeland. In the view of the U.S., Israel and flouting the terms. The reasons for not global order and effective institutions that help
books on explains the policy of the U.S. on enforcing is also a democracy, a vulnerable democracy in signing at the time were many. The Indian uphold international conventions and laws.
Iran-U.S. rules on Israel? a very hard neighbourhood, the only democracy government felt that the ICC did not give
relations in West Asia. While it is unstated so far, Israel is sufficient place for national administrative and Do you see Israel being brought to account
Trita Parsi: Put simply, this is a genocide and also believed to be a nuclear power, and one judicial institutions to deal with such crimes and internationally, or a ceasefire in Gaza any

we can see it happening live, on our phones. The that can be a deterrent against another potential it did not recognise the use of nuclear weapons time soon, especially given the upcoming
Lancet estimates the toll to be over 1,86,000 nuclear power that could be Iran. Now there are and the use of other weapons of mass change in U.S. administration?
because 43,000 is only the number of bodies some contradictions: Israel’s democracy comes destruction as a crime which could be punished.
that have been counted in hospitals. So, I’m not up against the fact that it has also been an It also did not recognise terrorism as a TP: There is a likelihood of a ceasefire because
surprised by the world’s outrage in comparison occupying power and it is no longer vulnerable. punishable crime against humanity, which, I incoming U.S. President Donald Trump will take
to what was felt over [Russia’s invasion] of But that has been overlooked because of the think, was probably the breaking point for India, a tough position on ending the war. While he
Ukraine. Roughly, 700 children were killed in U.S.’s need to protect Israel for the other reasons which had been a victim of terrorism for has shown little regard for global institutions,
Ukraine through Russian bombardment over I mentioned, particularly after the October 7 decades. Regarding the present ICC warrants [in and sees transactional value in backing Israel, I
two-and-a-half years. More than 20,000 children terror attacks by Hamas. the cases of both Russian President Vladimir think he does not want to see the U.S. get
have been killed in Gaza in about a year already. Putin and Mr. Netanyahu], India has made it dragged into another war in West Asia.
The intensity of this exceeds anything we have Israel has said the ICC warrant makes no clear that it does not have much faith in the ICC.
seen in any modern war. sense because it is not a member state of the NS: I think Mr. Trump’s main motivation would
What is surprising is America’s reaction. The ICC, much like how India isn’t, and doesn’t At the UN Security Council (UNSC), there has be to show himself as the ultimate winner who
Biden administration, in particular, has violated submit to its jurisdiction. Can a warrant still been a logjam over votes involving Israel and can say he delivered on his campaign promise to
its own regulations to allow the Israeli be issued against Prime Minister Netanyahu? Russia. Even in cases where the UNSC has stop the wars. But a ceasefire will not mean
government to do exactly what it wants. This has passed resolutions, such as Afghanistan and peace. Mr. Trump’s next step will be to want to
never happened before. The U.S. is shifting away TP: Of course it can, because Israel is Myanmar, the regimes in power are flouting go back to the Abraham Accords, which will be
from supporting the same international conducting war crimes in another country’s directions with impunity. Are we reaching a more difficult than it was in Trump 1.0
institutions, regulations, and laws that it played territory [Palestine]. This was an issue that the point where the international world order, (2017-2021). The landscape has changed
a crucial role in establishing. The first shift was ICC had to address before taking up this issue. as is defined by these institutions, is unable considerably for the countries that signed the
away from international law to what it calls the to function? What would it take to make accords (the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco)
‘rules-based international order’. The NS: More than the ICC warrant, it is necessary to states including Israel compliant? and those that the U.S. was trying to bring on
rules-based order is not centred on law; it is look at what has been done to international board (Saudi Arabia). There won’t be a return to
centred on rules, and it is unclear who makes humanitarian law on the ground. Countries may NS: It is clear that UNSC resolutions don’t mean peace or negotiations until the heart of the
those rules. In reality, it ends up being a react to the warrants one way or the other, but a thing any more. In the case of Israel, the U.S. problem is addressed, which is the need for the
coalition or a willing partnership of countries, the sad part is that international humanitarian veto is used almost automatically. Naturally, establishment of a Palestinian state.
mostly allies, which is not universally accepted law has been flouted for months in [full] Russia is going to use its veto for its own
or applicable. This is what we are seeing when it visibility of the world. Therefore, everybody has purposes, to protect itself, as it has in the past
comes to the ICC warrants as well. a responsibility to bear for allowing the few years. The fact remains that the situation in
[bombardment of Gaza to continue]. The U.S. which the UN was formed has changed from To listen to the full interview
Navtej Sarna: The U.S. has a sort of umbilical has simply been putting up a diplomatic 1945. So even if the UNSC believes it can still Scan the code or go to the link
relationship with Israel. The U.S. has treated performance. If it really wanted to stop this, it deliver, the truth is it cannot. Every country has www.thehindu.com
Israel as if it is a part of the U.S. which needs to could have. decided to live on a transactional, immediate


A deluge that left a paper trail

‘Who is winning?’: The inevitable
question that reporters face
The unenviable job of prediction is best left to political pundits

Abhinay Deshpande where it pleases. Our job is just to catch

its scent.” While we managed to catch the

or a reporter, it is always exciting scent — a broad spectrum of people, in-
and challenging to cover elections. cluding women in rural areas, seemed to
There is plenty of ground to tra- favour the Mahayuti alliance — predicting
verse, people to talk to, clues to pick up the scale of victory was trickier. It is safe
on, issues to report, and interviews to to say that few imagined the scale of the
conduct. Reporting also involves obser- Mahayuti’s victory. This was the case dur-
vations and listening — for instance, to ing the 2024 Andhra Pradesh Assembly
chatter in various places, such as tea elections too. Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s
stalls and village kattas (where people YSR Congress Party won merely 11 seats
gather for conversions) — to gauge the out of 175, leaving many journalists and
mood. Before the recent Maharashtra As- analysts stunned and scrambling to ex-
sembly elections, I heard diverse voices plain the extent of his defeat.
and issues across constituencies. Farm- The BJP got a historic mandate in Mah-
ers spoke about crop losses, loan waiv- arashtra with 132 seats, exactly 10 more
ers, and Minimum Support Price. Young than what the party had secured a de-
voters said they were frustrated about the cade ago. I heaved a sigh of relief for sur-
job situation. Women spoke about infla- viving another election cycle without
tion. In urban pockets, religious and sticking my neck out too far. But predicta-
caste polarisation, infrastructure issues, bly, the question shifted and people be-
and the popularity of a few leaders dom- gan to ask, “Who is going to be the Chief
inated conversations. But to predict an Minister?” This is a relatively simpler
outcome is a different game altogether. question to tackle. In Maharashtra, the
Yet, the inevitable question that journal- political grapevine had been buzzing for
ists face from colleagues, family, friends, days and the name of one leader was
acquaintances, and even leaders during floating about. But it is necessary to be
elections is “Who is going to win?” cautious in this regard too, as politics al-
At some point during this election, this ways throws up surprises. In Rajasthan X
became a common conversation starter and Madhya Pradesh, for instance, lead- The aftermath: The documents and certificates of students and staff at a private school, which were damaged in the rainfall brought by Cyclone Fengal, being kept in the open
as though reporters are privy to some se- ers who were not in the race were sud- to dry, at the school premises at Arakandanallur in Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu. S.S. KUMAR
cret knowledge about the numbers game. denly sworn in as Chief Minister. Again, I
As voting day approached, the question did not commit to an answer.
was posed as a challenge — a friend even This is not to say that there is no temp-
said, “If you are covering the polls, you tation to predict the outcome or reply
should know the outcome, right?” I had with some confidence. But doing so or re- F RO M TH E ARC H IV E S
some unhelpful stock replies: “Let’s wait porting certain events and statements too
and see” or “It is a tough fight”. early can backfire, especially in a profes- FIFTY YEARS AGO DECEMBER 6, 1974 It is not considered feasible to attempt this A HUNDRED YEARS AGO DECEMBER 6, 1924
None of this is surprising, especially sion where credibility is currency. As my legislation at the current sitting which is to
since TV journalists often wade into the
tricky waters of election forecasting.
editor says, “It is not about breaking
news; it is about breaking it right.” Ban on company donations
close on December 20.
The original ceiling fixed in the Companies
Greek refugee loan
When people pose this question, the As the dust settles on another election, Act (Section 293-A), prior to the imposition of
(wrong) assumption is that journalists are I know that it is okay to not answer some to parties to go the ban on donations to political parties, was Leafield (Oxford), Midnight, Dec. 5: The
not the chroniclers, but architects of his- questions. Reporters are not here to spec- Rs. 25,000 or five per cent of the average net prospectus of the Greek Government seven per
tory. But with experience, I have learned ulate or foresee the outcome. We are here New Delhi, Dec. 5: The Union Cabinet to-day profits of a company during the three financial cent refugee loan issued under the auspices of
to refrain from getting too entangled in to report stories that matter the most to decided to lift the ban on donations by years immediately preceding, whichever is the League of Nations is published. It confirms
the arithmetic of polls or predicting out- the people, to provide a balanced view of companies to political parties and to raise the greater. details previously announced. The amount
comes; that unenviable job is best left to the political climate, and to catch the permissible limit. Under the proposed amendment, the offered for subscription is seven and a half
political pundits. scent as it were. The Companies Act would be amended for ceiling will be Rs. 50,000 or five per cent of millions sterling being part of the total
A seasoned journalist once told me, the twin purpose possibly at the next session the average net profits during the three authorised amount of twelve millions three
“In political journalism, the wind blows deshpande.abhinay@thehindu.co.in of Parliament. preceding financial years. hundred thousand.
10 Friday, December 6, 2024

News Thiruvananthapuram

From Page One Six new faces in 12-strong Shinde’s late decision
builds up suspense
Uproar in House over
Hindi names for Bills
Hemant Soren Ministry ahead of swearing-in
Six Ministers are from the JMM and four from the Congress; one is from the RJD; CPI(ML) decides Purnima Sah
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam MP Kanimozhi against joining Cabinet; Governor appoints Stephen Marandi pro-tem Speaker for Winter Session MUMBAI
N.V.N. Somu echoed her complaint. “I would like
the Union government to change the title of the Even two hours before the
Bill to Aircraft Bill, 2024. Don’t try to impose Hindi Amit Bhelari swearing-in ceremony of
on people who don’t speak Hindi. I request the PATNA the new Maharashtra Chief
Union government to refrain from naming Bills in Minister on Thursday,
Hindi and Sanskrit,” she said. harkhand Chief Mi- there was suspense over
Earlier in the debate on Tuesday, Congress MP
Syed Naseer Hussain said he faced difficulties in
pronouncing the name of the Bill and asked why
J nister Hemant Soren
on Thursday ex-
panded his Cabinet with 11
whether outgoing Chief Mi-
nister Eknath Shinde
would be seen at Azad Mai-
there should be a Hindi name with English script. Ministers. Governor San- dan in Mumbai during the Eknath Shinde
Noting that nearly 60% of India’s population is tosh Kumar Gangwar ad- grand event.
non-Hindi speaking, he accused the government ministered the oath of of- In the three days leading vernment and Mr. Shinde
of engaging in “exclusionary tactics”. A day later, fice at a swearing-in to the oath-taking ceremo- has obliged,” Mr. Samant
CPI (M) MP John Brittas had made fun of the “fash- ceremony at the Raj Bha- ny, leaders from the BJP as told presspersons.
ion” of naming Bills in Hindi. van in Ranchi. well as Shiv Sena party Denying claims by Op-
Of the new Ministers, six workers made all possible position parties that there
‘Colonial mindset’ belong to the Jharkhand efforts to convince Mr. was a conflict among Ma-
On Thursday, BJP MP Ghanshyam Tiwari accused Mukti Morcha ( JMM) and Shinde to agree to take hayuti leaders, Mr. Samant
the Opposition MPs of exposing their own “colo- four to the Congress. One oath as the Deputy Chief said, “There is no friction
nial era mindset”. Fellow BJP MP Bhim Singh said is from the Rashtriya Jana- Minister of Maharashtra. in Mahayuti. Considering
it was no surprise that a party which could oppose ta Dal (RJD). Earlier in the day, Shiv Mr. Shinde’s valuable con-
Vande Mataram would also oppose the use of the From the JMM, Deepak Sena leader Uday Samant tribution to the develop-
word ‘vayuyan’. “The party which can oppose it Birua, Ramdas Soren, Sudi- New team: Jharkhand Governor Santosh Gangwar and Chief Minister Hemant Soren with his wife, told presspersons in Mum- ment of Maharashtra dur-
when our government puts ‘Bharat’ instead of In-

vya Kumar, Chamra Linda, Kalpana Soren, and the new Ministers after the swearing-in at the Raj Bhavan in Ranchi on Thursday. PTI bai that if Mr. Shinde re- ing his tenure as CM,
dia on a board, why will such a party and its lead- Yogendra Prasad, and Hafi- fused to take oath as Depu- everybody in the alliance
ers not oppose ‘Vayuyan’?” he asked. zul Hasan took oath. part of the Cabinet. Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Five former Ministers ty Chief Minister, none of wants him to join the go-
From the Congress, In the Jharkhand elec- Vilas) and Janata Dal (Unit- have been continued in the the party MLAs would ac- vernment. He was thinking
Deepika Pandey Singh, Ir- tion, of the 81 Assembly ed) one each. The Jhark- Cabinet, while there are six cept any role and responsi- whether he should make
fan Ansari, Radhakrishna seats, the JMM-led Indian hand Loktantrik Krantikari new faces. bility in the new govern- someone else Deputy CM
Fadnavis back as Kishore, and Shilpi Neha
Tirkey are in the Cabinet.
National Democratic, In-
clusive Alliance bloc won
Morcha ( JLKM), led by Jai-
ram Tiger Mahto, won one
Exercising his constitu-
tional power, Mr. Gangwar
Two hours before the
so that he could focus on
increasing the party’s
Maharashtra CM The RJD, which won
four seats, got one Ministe-
56 seats, whereas the Na-
tional Democratic Alliance
seat. appointed Stephen Maran-
di pro-tem Speaker of
swearing-in, Mr. Samant
ended the suspense. “Ek-
strength. If he wanted to
mount pressure on the BJP
rial berth. Party leader (NDA) could secure only Community breakdown Jharkhand Legislative As- nath Shinde is set to take for a particular role in the
A special session of the Maharashtra Legislature Sanjay Prasad Yadav, three- 24, fewer than it had got in Four MLAs from the Sche- sembly for the winter ses- oath as Deputy CM in the government, why would
will be held from December 7 to 9 in Mumbai for time MLA from the Godda the previous Assembly duled Tribes, four from the sion to be held from De- evening. We had a discus- he make a statement that
the swearing-in of the newly elected members. Assembly constituency, election. Other Backward Classes cember 9 to 12. sion with Devendra Fadna- he would accept any deci-
The Winter Session is likely to follow in Nagpur took oath as a Cabinet Mi- The JMM won 34 seats (OBC), two from the mi- According to the Infor- vis, who provided us with a sion from Mr. Modi and Mr.
from December 16 to 23. nister. whereas the Congress got nority category and one mation and Public Rela- letter that confirmed that Shah?”
This marks the third time Mr. Fadnavis, 54, an Communist Party of In- 16. The RJD secured four from the Scheduled Castes tions Department, the Mr. Shinde would join the After taking oath, Mr.
MLA from Nagpur South-West, would occupy the dia (Marxist-Leninist) Lib- seats and the CPI(ML) won (SC) have been made Chief Minister has called government as Deputy CM. Shinde said that he always
Chief Minister’s office on the sixth floor of the eration general secretary two. Ministers. his first Cabinet meeting I am submitting the letter worked as a common man
Mantralaya (State administrative headquarters). Dipankar Bhattacharya In the NDA, the BJP had Mr. Hasan took the oath with the new Ministers at to the Governor. Mr. Fad- when he was the CM of the
His previous terms were from 2014 to 2019 and had already announced won 21 seats and the All in Urdu and the remaining the Cabinet Secretariat navis personally requested State, and he would conti-
briefly in November 2019, when his government that the party would not be Jharkhand Students Union, in Hindi. from 3 p.m. on Friday. Mr. Shinde to join his go- nue to do so in the future.
lasted only 72 hours due to a lack of majority

UGC draft proposes

India and China hold PSLV-C59 places PROBA-3 satellites
biannual admissions negotiations over into designated orbit with precision
“The regulations incorporate provisions for multi-
border coordination
ple entry and exit, recognition of prior learning, Sangeetha Kandavel tellites stacked together
and the flexibility to pursue two UG/PG pro- The Hindu Bureau leaders in their meeting in SRIHARIKOTA separated from their upper
grammes simultaneously. We have also decoupled NEW DELHI Kazan on October 23,” the stage about 18 minutes af-
eligibility for UG and PG admissions from the rigid Ministry of External Affairs After being rescheduled ter launch. The pair will re-
discipline-specific requirements of school educa- In preparation for the (MEA) said in a statement. for a day as an anomaly main attached while initial
tion. Under these regulations, students can meeting of the Special Re- The Indian delegation was detected, the Indian commissioning takes
choose to study in any programme irrespective of presentatives on boundary was led by Gourangalal Space Research Organisa- place, overseen from mis-
their past disciplinary qualification if they demon- resolution, India and Chi- Das, Joint Secretary (East tion (ISRO) on Thursday sion control at the Euro-
strate their competency by clearing the relevant na on Thursday held the Asia), and the Chinese de- successfully launched the pean Space Security and
entrance examinations,” Professor Kumar said. 32nd meeting of the Work- legation was led by Hong PROBA-3 (Project for On- Education Centre in Redu,
He added that these regulations provide auto- ing Mechanism for Consul- Liang, Director-General of board Autonomy) mission Belgium.
nomy to HEIs to determine student attendance re- tation and Coordination the Boundary and Oceanic of the European Space PROBA-3 mission man-
quirements, ensuring they align with evolving (WMCC) on India-China Affairs Department of the Agency aboard a Polar Sa- ager Damien Galano said,
academic needs. “Additionally, students will now Border Affairs. Chinese Ministry of Fo- tellite Launch Vehicle-C59 Roaring start: A PSLV-C59 rocket takes off with the PROBA-3 “Today’s lift-off has been
have the option to earn 50% of their credits in This is the latest in a se- reign Affairs. The 31st rocket. The vehicle took off Mission from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre on Thursday. R. RAGU something all of us in ESA’s
their major discipline, while the remaining credits ries of bilateral engage- round of WMCC meeting with a powerful roar pre- PROBA-3 team and our in-
can be allocated to skill development, apprentice- ments since the recent was held on August 29 in cisely at 4.04 p.m. from the “The latest member of were launched together to- dustrial and scientific
ships, or multidisciplinary subjects, fostering ho- bonhomie in the bilateral Beijing. first launch pad at the Sat- ESA’s family of in-orbit de- day from India with the po- partners have been look-
listic development,” he said. relationship following dis- Both sides reviewed the ish Dhawan Space Centre, monstration missions, tential to change the na- ing forward to for a long
The draft allows biannual admission for HEIs engagement in the last two situation in the border Sriharikota. PROBA-3 comprises two ture of future space time.”
and they may admit students twice a year, in July/ friction points — Depsang areas, and “reflected on “The PSLV-C59/PRO- spacecraft launched to- missions. ESA’s twin PRO- Details shared by the
August and January/February. Provisions for mul- and Demchok. the lessons learnt” from BA-3 mission is successful- gether which, once safely BA-3 platforms will per- ESA show that if PROBA-3’s
tiple entry and exit, continuous formative assess- “The two sides positive- the events of 2020 in order ly accomplished. The spa- in orbit, will separate to be- form precise formation fly- initial commissioning
ment, and recognition of prior learning are some ly affirmed the implemen- to prevent their recur- cecraft has been placed in gin performing precise for- ing down to a single phase goes to plan, then
of the features of the guidelines. Irrespective of tation of the most recent rence, the statement said. the right orbit,” ISRO mation flying... Almost in- millimetre, as if they were the spacecraft pair will be
the disciplines taken by a student in Class 12 or in disengagement agreement They agreed on the need Chairman S. Somanath stantaneously after one single giant spacecraft. separated early in the New
UG, a student is “eligible for admission in any dis- which completed the reso- for effective border man- said. The agency said the separation, Yatharagga sta- To demonstrate their de- Year to begin their indivi-
cipline” of UG or PG programmes if the student lution of the issues that agement and maintenance mission had successfully tion in Australia started to gree of control, the pair dual check-outs. The oper-
has qualified in the “National-level or University- emerged in 2020. They al- of peace and tranquillity in achieved its launch objec- receive the spacecraft’s sig- will produce artificial solar ational phase of the mis-
level entrance examination in the discipline of so prepared for the next accordance with relevant tives, deploying the satel- nal. Telemetry is flowing to eclipses in orbit, giving sion, including the first
UG/PG programme”, it said. meeting of the Special Re- bilateral agreements and lites into their designated ESA’s mission control prolonged views of the observations of the corona
The duration of an undergraduate degree shall presentatives, which is to understandings reached orbit with precision. centre in Belgium.” Sun’s ghostly surrounding through active formation
be either three or four years, and a postgraduate be held in accordance with between the two govern- Josef Aschbacher, Direc- On its website, the ESA atmosphere, the corona.” flying, should begin in
degree shall normally be either one year or two the decision of the two ments, the MEA added. tor-General, ESA, said: said: “A pair of spacecraft The ESA said the two sa- about four months.
years. “However, duration of an undergraduate
degree can be shorter or longer,” it said, highlight-
ing provisions in the Accelerated Degree Pro-
Parents of
12 crew members of sunken vessel Naxalites kill
gramme (ADP) and the Extended Degree Pro-
gramme (EDP).
R.G. Kar rape two former
‘Contaminated water’
victim irked rescued in joint effort by India, Pak. Chhattisgarh
with BJP’s role village heads
leads to 3 deaths in T.N. The Hindu Bureau alerted the ICG Regional
The Hindu Bureau NEW DELHI Headquarters (North West) The Hindu Bureau
Of them 14 were discharged and 19 were hospital- KOLKATA in Gandhinagar and ICG RAIPUR
ised. While one person is undergoing treatment at In close collaboration with ship Sarthak was imme-
the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Parents of the R.G. Kar the Pakistan Maritime Se- diately diverted to the re- Naxalites killed two former
two others are being treated at a private hospital. Medical College and Hospi- curity Agency (MSA), the ported location. village sarpanches in
State MSME Minister T.M. Anbarasan, Pallava- tal rape and murder victim Indian Coast Guard (ICG) The MRCC, Pakistan Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur dis-
ram MLA E. Karunanidhi and senior officials of expressed dissatisfaction rescued 12 crew members was also contacted to alert trict on Wednesday, the
the Tambaram Corporation rushed to the affected with the role of the Bharati- of the sunken Indian vessel mariners, and their assis- police said.
areas of Pallavaram Cantonment and five streets ya Janta Party in handling MSV Al Piranpir from the tance was swiftly provided, One of the victims, Suk-
in Ward 13. the issue. The parents are north Arabian Sea in the the ICG stated. lu Parsa, was a BJP worker.
A senior official of the Tambaram Corporation likely to join a protest early hours of Wednesday. “The 12 crew members, A police officer said his bo-
said health officials have started camps at six plac- march organised by junior “This humanitarian who had abandoned their dy was found on Thursday
es and have distributed medicines to the resi- resident doctors in Kolkata search and rescue mission Mooring to safety: Crew members of the ship Al Piranpir, which vessel and taken refuge in a with a pamphlet next to it
dents. Civic body officials have seized a private on Friday. saw close collaboration sank in the Arabian Sea on Wednesday, being rescued. PTI dinghy, were located and asking BJP workers to quit
tanker lorry that supplied water in the locality. They said, “We had between the ICG and MSA, rescued, within Pakistan’s the party, and threatened
Corporation officials have taken samples of the asked for a meeting with with both nations’ Mari- statement on Thursday. ly hours of Wednesday due search and rescue region. them of dire consequences
piped water being supplied in the Pallavaram Can- Amit Shah ji, even he did time Rescue Coordination Al Piranpir, a mechan- to rough seas and flooding, The search was supported if they did not.
tonment area and the five streets in Ward 13. They not meet us. It is like our Centres (MRCCs) maintain- ised sailing vessel (dhow), the statement said. by a Pakistan MSA aircraft The second victim, Suk-
have sent those to the Kings Institute for tests and daughter and her pain has ing continuous communi- which had departed from The distress call was re- and merchant ship MV hram Avlam, was accused
the results would be known in three days, an offi- been forgotten by them cation throughout the op- Porbandar for Bandar Ab- ceived by the ICG’s MRCC, Cosco Glory,” the Coast of helping the police esta-
cial said. and the loss is only ours.” eration,” the ICG said in a bas in Iran, sank in the ear- Mumbai, which promptly Guard said. blish a camp in Bijapur.
Friday, December 6, 2024 11

Rahul Gandhi is a
‘traitor of the highest
Lok Sabha erupts as BJP MP ‘Foreign hand’
stalling India’s
growth story,
order’, alleges BJP links Rahul to George Soros says BJP MP
The Hindu Bureau Dubey says U.S. billionaire, investigative media platform, Congress trying to derail India’s success story under Prime The Hindu Bureau
NEW DELHI Minister’s Narendra Modi’s leadership; Congress calls him ‘an agent of Adani’; Opposition MPs register protest with Speaker NEW DELHI

The Bharatiya Janata Party The Rajya Sabha witnessed

(BJP) on Thursday alleged The Hindu Bureau p.m. after the first round of an adjournment on Thurs-
that a triad of a George So- NEW DELHI disruption. After the first day as BJP member Sud-
ros-linked foundation, a adjournment, Jagdambika hanshu Trivedi alleged a
global news portal, and se- he Lok Sabha wit- Pal, who was in the Chair, “foreign hand” was stalling
nior Congress leader Rahul
Gandhi were part of a con-
spiracy to destabilise India, Sambit Patra
T nessed multiple
disruptions before
being adjourned for the
tried running the House at
2 p.m. by asking Railway
Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw
India’s growth story, par-
ticularly in the past three
and accused Mr. Gandhi of day on Thursday as Oppo- to reply to the debate on Opposition members
being a “traitor of the high- cies also funded it. sition members protested the Railways (Amendment) rose in protest as soon as
est order”. Mr. Patra said that dur- over BJP member Nishi- Bill, 2024, that took place Mr. Trivedi questioned the
At a press conference by ing the COVID-19 pandem- kant Dubey’s remarks link- on Wednesday. When prot- timing of the publication of
BJP MPs Sambit Patra and ic, when India was en- ing Leader of the Opposi- ests continued, he ad- the indictment by the U.S.
K. Laxman, the party cited gaged in the ‘Vaccine tion Rahul Gandhi to journed the House until 3 Department of Justice
a report by French new- Maitri’ initiative, Brazil had U.S.-based billionaire Ge- p.m. and subsequently for against Indian business-
spaper Mediapart. Mr. Pa- placed orders for Covaxin. orge Soros. the day. person Gautam Adani, just
tra alleged that George So- However, on July 1, 2021, Raising the issue during Though the House had days ahead of the com-
ros’s Organised Crime and the OCCRP published an Zero Hour, the BJP MP qu- functioned smoothly dur- mencement of the ongoing
Corruption Reporting Pro- article saying that Brazil oted a report in French ing the Question Hour, it Winter Session of
ject (OCCRP), Mr. Gandhi, had cancelled its order. media about the funding erupted during Zero Hour Parliament.
and Mediapart were three “It was an attempt to of the investigative media when Mr. Birla allowed Mr. Speaking during Zero
sides to a “dangerous trian- tarnish India’s image... on platform Organised Crime Dubey to speak while De- Hour, Mr. Trivedi cited in-

gle”. July 2, 2021, the Congress and Corruption Reporting puty Leader of the Con- stances during the past
Terming the statements held a press conference at- Project (OCCRP), and how gress Gaurav Gogoi was three years, including the
defamatory, the Congress’s tacking the Indian govern- its reports were often used Call to action: Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi and Congress MP Priyanka pressing for a statement on Hindenburg report, the
whip in the Lok Sabha, ment and Covaxin...,” he by the Congress-led Oppo- Gandhi Vadra stage a protest on the Adani issue outside Parliament on Thursday. PTI Mr. Gandhi being stopped COVID-19 vaccine report,
Manickam Tagore, wrote said. sition to derail parliamen- from going to Sambhal by and a report on Indian
to the Speaker, stating that “Similarly, OCCRP has tary proceedings. “an agent of Adani”. Oppo- an investigation against the er Om Birla cautioned the Uttar Pradesh farmers, wherein issues
the BJP MP had “used high- repeatedly attacked India’s Stating that the billio- sition MPs also met Lok Adani group, which has members against wearing government. concerning India were
ly slanderous language industrialists. Their re- naire was funding the Sabha Speaker Om Birla to been indicted by a U.S. such stickers and badges, Mr Dubey alleged that raised by international en-
against the Leader of the ports aimed to destabilise OCCRP, the MP tried to put register their protest court on charges of Parliamentary Affairs Mi- Mr. Soros, OCCRP and the tities just before or during
Opposition in the Lok Sab- India’s economy, and to questions to Mr. Gandhi against the remarks made bribery. nister Kiren Rijiju called it Congress were trying to de- Parliament sessions.
ha”. “As a custodian of Par- tank the shares of the In- and his sister and Waya- by the BJP. Inside the House, Con- a “fashion show”. rail India’s success story “Ever since India is
liament, I urge you to take dian stock market, thereby nad MP, Priyanka Gandhi gress MPs were seen wear- “They (Opposition) that is taking place under emerging as a strategic,
immediate and stringent financially weakening the Vadra. Counter protests ing jackets with stickers came into Parliament Mr. Modi’s leadership. economic and diplomatic
action against Shri Sambit general Indian people, so Mr. Dubey alleged that The BJP’s afternoon ag- that read “Modi Adani Ek wearing colourful clothes, Continuing with his allega- power, it has been seen
Patra...,” the letter said. that they opposed the go- Mr. Soros, the OCCRP and gression inside the House Hai” (Modi and Adani are and outside Parliament, tions, the BJP member said that in the last three years,
Mr. Patra earlier said vernment and caused a re- the Congress were trying seemed as counter to prot- together) and “Adani Safe they have started a fashion the Congress had sought to there have been attempts
that according to the re- gime change... whenever to derail India’s success ests by the Indian National Hai” (Adani is safe). show wearing those co- derail Parliament on re- to attack India’s esta-
port in Mediapart, a major such reports came, Mr. story under Prime Minis- Developmental, Inclusive Mr. Gandhi was wearing lourful clothes. This lowers ports published by the blished systems and inter-
portion of the funding for Gandhi did press confe- ter’s Narendra Modi’s lea- Alliance (INDIA) over the a sticker that had the same the dignity of Parliament OCCRP, including the Pega- ests on economic and so-
the OCCRP came from the rences,” he said. Such re- dership. Adani issue. slogan over a photo of and I condemn it. Such dis- sus spying row, question- cial fronts through
Open Society Foundation ports would come before Responding to Mr. Du- Outside the Parliament Prime Minister Narendra ruptions will achieve noth- ing the efficacy of vaccines activities from abroad,” he
associated with Mr. Soros, Parliament sessions, lead- bey, Congress general se- building, INDIA members Modi and industrialist Gau- ing; it won’t fetch votes,” against COVID-19 deve- said.
while many U.S.-based bo- ing to the disruption of its cretary (organisation) K.C. formed a human ring to tam Adani. Mr Rijiju said after the loped in India and the Hin- Mr. Trivedi also said that
dies and government agen- proceedings, he added. Venugopal, MP, called him protest over its demand for While Lok Sabha Speak- House reassembled at 2 denburg reports. it was the first time the
Russian government had
claimed there was foreign
intervention in India’s elec-

After expressing concern for farmers, Bharatiya Vayuyan Vidheyak tions, with another govern-
ment denying it. The BJP
MP sought to know wheth-

Dhankhar hails Modi’s work for them Bill gets nod in Rajya Sabha
er all these reports were
coincidental or deliberate.

‘Investigation needed’
The Hindu Bureau preciated Mr. Dhankhar for farmer to a greater height,” Mr. Gowda recalled that The Hindu Bureau change in the Bill is that the cates from one authority. “I want to point out that
NEW DELHI expressing his concern for Mr. Dhankhar said. Mr. Dhankhar on Tuesday NEW DELHI radio telephone operator Personnel taking exams, the Russian government
farmers. spoke about farmers and restricted certificate and li- including trainee pilots, had stated that there is fo-
Two days after expressing The Vice-President, ‘Will go a long way’ their issues. “You are so Parliament on Thursday cence testing process, have alleged that there was reign intervention in In-
concern over farmers’ who is ex-officio Chairman Mr. Dhankhar said he had much concerned about the passed the Bharatiya Vay- which was hitherto con- rampant corruption in the dia’s elections. Never has
protests and asking the of the Upper House, said no doubt what was being farming community. I am a uyan Vidheyak Bill, 2024, ducted by the Department conduct of the RTR exam such a thing happened in
Centre to hold discussions the Prime Minister priori- done at the moment would farmer,” he said. which is expected to pro- of Telecom for aviation under the DoT, with candi- the country’s history. I
with them, Vice-President tised farmers in every gain greater momentum Mr. Dhankhar, at a func- vide some relief to aviation personnel, including air- dates required to cough up want to ask the Opposition
Jagdeep Dhankhar said in scheme, including afforda- and that all agencies were tion in Mumbai, had asked personnel in their licens- craft maintenance engi- several lakhs in bribes. whether all this is happen-
the Rajya Sabha on Thurs- ble housing, solar houses, converging to achieve it. Union Agriculture Minister ing processes. neers, flight dispatchers, The Bill also adds power ing by default or nefarious
day that Prime Minister Na- drinking water supply “Our expectations are Shivraj Singh Chouhan to The Rajya Sabha passed and pilots, has been to regulate the design of design. If this is happening
rendra Modi brought the through taps and technolo- high, but our accomplish- hold dialogue with protest- the Bill on Thursday. The moved to the Directorate aircraft, as well as the plac- by default, then all MPs
issues of farmers to the gy. ments are also historic; our ing farmers. He had also Bill was introduced in the General of Civil Aviation. es where they are being de- should only debate the is-
centre stage. “Therefore our expecta- achievements are also ridiculed the perception Lok Sabha on July 31 and This will ensure a single- signed, in addition to re- sue, and if it is deliberate,
He was responding to tions are bound to be high. splendid, and this will go a that more minimum sup- was passed by the Lower window clearance process taining provisions for their then there should be a tho-
former Prime Minister It is a time when there is long way for the nation,” port price to farmers House on August 9. as aviation personnel can manufacture, repair, and rough investigation,” Mr.
H.D. Deve Gowda, who ap- convergence to take the he said. would result in inflation. The most significant now secure all their certifi- maintenance. Trivedi said.

Naruvi Hospitals, The Hindu Four held

to launch ‘Healthy India, for cave-ins on
Happy India’ initiative
The Hindu Bureau
The Hindu Bureau health and wellness as es- NEW DELHI
CHENNAI sential pillars of national
strength. It will officially Four contractors have
Aimed at promoting health launch the initiative, which been held responsible for
and wellness nationwide, aims to educate and in- deficiencies detected in
Naruvi Hospitals, in collab- spire people to adopt the construction of the Del-
oration with The Hindu, is healthier lifestyles and hi-Mumbai Expressway
set to launch the “Healthy create a more health-con- and strict action will be ta-
India, Happy India” initia- scious society. ken against them, Union
tive on Saturday. Dr. Sampath expressed Minister Nitin Gadkari in-
The event, which will his enthusiasm for the formed Parliament on
take place at Naruvi Hospi- partnership with The Hin- Thursday.
tals in Vellore, marks the du, explaining the hospi- The rectification work is
beginning of a public inter- tal’s long-standing empha- being carried out by the
est campaign aimed at fos- sis on “health over contractors at their own
tering a culture of health, disease” as a guiding prin- cost as per the clause in the
happiness, and well-being. ciple. He highlighted that contract on the Defect Lia-
The initiative seeks to in- Naruvi Hospitals has al- bility Period of 10 years, he
spire individuals and com- ways focused on preventa- said while responding to a
munities to prioritise their tive care, a philosophy that question in Lok Sabha.
health for a brighter and aligns perfectly with The
healthier future for India. Hindu’s mission for this
The event will be attend- campaign.
ed by several distinguished The initiative will fea-
figures from Tamil Nadu. and Family Welfare Ma. ture a 15-part wellness we-
Deputy Chief Minister Ud- Subramanian. Special ad- binar series, anchored by
hayanidhi Stalin, the chief dresses will be given by The Hindu’s editorial team,
guest, will inaugurate the G.V. Sampath, Founder and will address topics
campaign and deliver the and Chairman of Naruvi such as mental health, nu-
keynote address. Hospitals; L.V. Navaneeth, trition, and disease pre-
Other prominent guests CEO of The Hindu Group; vention, with expert speak-
include Water Resources and N. Ram, Director of ers from various fields.
Minister Duraimurugan, THG Publishing Pvt Ltd. To learn more about the
Minister for Handlooms The inaugural event, set campaign, individuals can
and Textiles R. Gandhi, to begin at 10.30 a.m., will visit healthyindiahappyin-
and Minister for Health focus on the importance of dia.thehindu.co.in.
12 Friday, December 6, 2024

News Thiruvananthapuram


India slams
developed Bhutan and India discuss Cannot accept
proposal on
nations for
climate crisis
Gelephu, hydel power plans pension hike,
Centre tells SC
The leaders agreed on the need for early conclusion of the Punatsangchhu-I hydro power project;
Press Trust of India The Hindu Bureau
both sides discussed cross-border connectivity projects, including a rail line and digital networks NEW DELHI

India slammed developed The Supreme Court was in-

countries for causing the Kallol Bhattacherjee where India’s ties with the formed by the government
Justice Manmohan sworn climate crisis during a
landmark hearing at the In-
NEW DELHI interim government of
Bangladesh has failed to
on Thursday of the latter’s
decision to not accept re-
in as Supreme Court judge ternational Court of Justice ndia and Bhutan on stabilise since the fall of the commendations for en-

Justice Manmohan (right, in picture) was sworn

in as a Supreme Court judge on Thursday, raising
(ICJ) on Thursday, saying
they exploited the global
carbon budget, failed to
I Thursday discussed
bilateral projects in
the fields of electricity and
Sheikh Hasina government
in August.
In Nepal too, Prime Mi-
hancing pension by 10% to
retired regular Captains of
the Indian Army in accor-
the judicial strength of the court to 33, one short honour climate finance urban planning during the nister KP Sharma Oli has dance with the One Rank,
of the sanctioned number of judges. Chief Justice promises and are now de- visit of the King Jigme Khe- prioritised Kathmandu’s One Pension scheme
of India Sanjiv Khanna administered the oath of manding that developing sar Namgyal Wangchuk ties with Beijing and sealed (OROP).
office to Justice Manmohan in the Chief Justice’s countries restrict their re- and Queen Jetsun Pema. a new Framework for Belt Additional Solicitor-
courtroom. The Supreme Court Collegium had source use. The court is ex- Mr. Wangchuk met Prime and Road Cooperation on General Aishwarya Bhati,
recommended the appointment of Justice amining what legal obliga- Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday during his first appearing for the govern-
Manmohan, who was the Chief Justice of the tions countries have to and both sides reiterated foreign trip since taking ment, apprised a Bench
Delhi High Court, to the top court on November address climate change continued collaboration power in July this year. headed by Chief Justice
28. Justice Manmohan was ranked second in the and the consequences if on multiple fronts includ- The Hindu had earlier Sanjiv Khanna of the non-
combined all-India seniority of High Court Judges they fail. ing in the Gelephu Mindful- reported that the Adani acceptance of the recom-
at the time the collegium recommended him for Representing India, ness City project and Group was in talks with mendations on the pen-
the top court. Luther M. Rangreji, Joint hydropower. Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Bhutan's King Jigme Khesar Thimphu for investing in sion hike. The apex court
Secretary in the Ministry of A joint statement issued Namgyel Wangchuck during the meeting on Thursday. PTI the project in Gelephu. In was hearing an appeal filed
External Affairs, said, “If after the meeting said Mr. July, Mr. Wangchuk and by the government against

the contribution to degra- Modi “reassured His Majes- was “nearing completion”. ing a rail line as well as Prime Minister Tobgay had an order of December 7,
SC eases anti-pollution curbs dation is unequal, the res-
ponsibility must also be
ty of India’s continued sup-
port for the Gelephu Mind-
“The leaders agreed on
the need for early conclu-
digital networks.
The visit of the Bhutan
travelled to Gujarat where
they sought cooperation
2021 of the Armed Forces
Tribunal (AFT) at Kochi.
in National Capital Region unequal.” India said deve- fulness City Project, which sion of the Punatsangch- royals comes days after the with the Adani Group on The AFT had directed the
loping nations were the will bring prosperity and hu-I hydro power project. visit of Prime Minister airport, infrastructure and government to take a deci-
The Supreme Court on Thursday relaxed hardest hit by climate well-being in Bhutan and The two sides reiterated Tshering Tobgay who in- renewable energy projects. sion on the pension paya-
emergency anti-pollution restrictions under stage change, despite contribut- also the border areas, and the importance of cooper- augurated the Global While India’s neigh- ble to retired regular Cap-
four of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP ing the least to it. “The de- further strengthen econo- ation in the hydropower Cooperatives Alliance in bours, including Sri Lanka tains.
IV) to the less rigorous GRAP II level in the veloped world, which his- my and investment linkag- sector, and their commit- New Delhi on November and Bangladesh have an- The Bench then asked
National Capital Region. But a Bench of Justices torically contributed the es between the two ment to advancing it, in- 25. India’s commitment for nounced reviews of Adani counsel appearing for re-
A.S. Oka and Augustine George Masih asked the most, is ironically the best countries”. cluding through finalizing the Gelephu project while projects in the past few tired Army Captains, in-
Commission of Air Quality Management to keep equipped with the techno- The two sides on Thurs- modalities urgently for hosting the Bhutanese weeks, and the U.S. De- cluding M. Gopalan Nair,
its guard up while emphasising that GRAP III logical and economic day also discussed the hy- new projects, including re- King is significant as it partment of Justice indict- who are fighting for en-
must kick in if the Air Quality Index deteriorated means to address this chal- del power projects includ- servoir hydro projects,” comes against the back- ment of the Adani Group hanced pension, to chal-
to 350 and to restore GRAP IV in case the toxicity lenge,” Mr. Rangreji said. ing the 1020-MW the joint statement said. drop of diplomatic set- has cast a shadow, the Bhu- lenge the non-acceptance
crossed 400 in the coming days. In fact, the court India also slammed the Punatsangchhu-II hydro Both sides also dis- backs that South Block has tanese government has so of the recommendations as
suggested a hybrid system incorporating GRAP III lack of action on climate fi- power project and ex- cussed cross-border con- faced in the neighbour- far not commented on the time was of the essence in
along with the GRAP II precautions. nance commitments. pressed satisfaction as it nectivity projects includ- hood, especially in Dhaka issue. such matters.

Cyclone Fengal exposes poor standards in Chennai airport, pilot proficiency

Capt. A. Ranganathan “Our pilots are extensively they all claim safety is pa- mentation of the proposed check on the simulator. Do was later modified to April
trained to handle such sit- ramount? When we filmed norms on Duty Time Limi- airlines comply with this to September. With global
Weather system Fengal has uations with utmost pro- several landings and take- tation for pilots, Air India strictly, and has the DGCA warming being a reality,
exposed the Achilles heel fessionalism!” offs in heavy rain from said the new norms would carried out strict monitor- we experience adverse
of the Indian civil aviation Both flights landed safe- close range using high- hurt the interest of cockpit ing of the same during weather throughout the
system. On the night of No- ly, but did their first ap- speed, high-definition crew as their flying hours their safety audits? There year. The DGCA must im-
vember 29, Indigo flight 6E proach and go-around sa- cameras, it was noticed would be reduced, along have been instances where mediately make the mini-
5048, arriving from Mum- tisfy safety norms? Anyone that the water depth was with their allowances! boxes were ticked even mum cockpit time on type
bai around 8 p.m. at the who has seen the viral vi- more than 50 mm. But the Pathetic, that an airline without spending one mi- all year long. It must also
Chennai airport, wobbled deo would have observed runway condition reported would compromise safety nute on the simulator. make it mandatory for air-
quite a bit on approach the poor handling of the to pilots only mentions to increase emoluments. There is a DGCA re- lines to store electronic re-
and floated over the run- flight by the pilot, laying ‘wet’, which requires just a Pilot bodies have rejected quirement that the mini- cords of the ALAR and
way for more than 4,000 bare the shoddy training On November 30, an Indigo flight coming in to land at Chennai factor of 1.95%. this claim. This throws mum total cockpit time on AWO checks on simulators
feet before going around standards of the airline. appeared out of control, touched down briefly, and went around On October 30, the taxi light on the mindset of air- the type of aircraft has to to ensure that pilots de-
and making another ap- Was the crew lacking in ex- with its wing dropping sharply to the left. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT tracks at Chennai were lines in India, whose man- be 500 hours. For exam- monstrate their proficien-
proach to land. Because it perience or were they af- closed due to flooding be- agements have no regard ple, if the pilots are flying cy to the required stan-
was night, no one had ta- fected by fatigue and Data Recorders that record proactive identification to fore they finally shut the for fatigue-induced errors. an A320/321, the combined dards. All simulators have
ken a video to expose the stress? several hundred parame- recognise the threats. airport down stating “ha- time of the captain and the this facility. Airlines should
incident on social media. ters. Flight control inputs The runway surround- zardous conditions”/ The Training standards co-pilot has to be 500 also encourage manual fly-
On November 30, 2024, Manual flying skills are recorded; the data are ings of the Chennai airport rainfall at the airport on The DGCA Civil Aviation hours on an A320/321. To ing when weather condi-
another Indigo flight, 6E More than 15 years ago, in- downloaded regularly and were flooded at the time of November 29 was 23.8 Requirement mandates simplify, if the captain has tions are good and traffic
683, coming in for a land- ternational safety organisa- the flight safety depart- the incident. During heavy mm, November 30, 60.2 that all pilots undergo one 100 hours as pilot-in-com- density is low.
ing at Chennai, appeared tions identified lack of ma- ments of airlines are to rain, the water depth mm, and December 1, hour of ALAR (Approach mand on an A320, the co- Fengal has held up a
fully out of control, nual flying skills as a major analyse the data, identify would have been more 123.8 mm (source: Greater and Landing Accident Re- pilot must have 400 hours mirror to poor standards at
touched down momentari- factor in air accidents. We the trends, and recom- than 3 mm and the runway Chennai Corporation web- duction) and AWO (Ad- on an A320. This is a safety the Chennai airport as well
ly, and went around with read about tail strikes and mend corrections to pilots. condition will come under site). An airport that gets verse Weather Operations) requirement. Are airlines as pilot proficiency. Do we
its wing dropping sharply hard/rough landings regu- The idea is to prevent acci- the Contaminated Catego- flooded with just 2 cm to 12 ground training, followed complying with this rule? need a fatal accident for go-
to the left. It managed to larly. Indigo has a policy of dents due to habits that de- ry. In contaminated condi- cm of rain shows how path- by one hour of simulator With large-scale induc- vernments to wake up?
climb out, made another maximum use of automa- velop when wrong inputs tions, the landing distance etic the conditions are. No training and another hour tion and accelerated train-
approach, and landed safe- tion and the two aforemen- are made on a regular ba- required is more than wonder Chennai is losing of simulator check. This is ing programmes, do air- (Captain A. (Mohan) Ranganathan
ly. A social media post tioned events in Chennai sis. It appears that trend 325% of the dry runway re- its standing on the aviation in addition to the four-hour lines have the numbers to is a former airline instructor pilot
showing the video of the reflect this lack of manual analysis is not done dili- quirement (source: Flight map. During a meeting on recurrent training (two comply with this require- and aviation safety adviser. He is
incident went viral and as flying skills. gently. Airlines’ Flight Op- Safety Foundation ALAR November 13, 2024, with hours as pilot flying and ment? Earlier, the mon- also a former member of the Civil
expected, the airline is- All modern jet aircraft erations Quality Assurance toolkit data). Do airlines the Director General of Ci- two hours as pilot monitor- soon restriction was from Aviation Safety Advisory Council
sued a statement, saying: are fitted with Digital Flight (FOQA) programmes need comply with this, though vil Aviation on the imple- ing) and the four-hour June to September, but it (CASAC), India)

To solve this puzzle online,

14349 get across to our crossword site. 쑽 쑽
@ https://qrgo.page.link/jjpTn
(set by Arden)
Faith in humanity
14 Some are back from Manali, I'd arrange all of them to meet at
the centre (5) Spiritual leaders who not only stood steadfast in their
15 Supporters sign after ballot, in short (8) faith, but also stood as a beacon of courage during testing
18 It's almost round, good for a royal residence (8) times are universally revered. One such leader was Guru
20 Two sharp turns before 11 areas (5) Tegh Bahadur, said Prof. Kumool Abbi in a lecture.
23 Girl gets perfect score, a dish of sorts (7) He has been an epitome of valour, bravery, fortitude
25 It's legally wrong to quarrel regularly - amounts to ill-treatment and fearlessness. Devout and spiritual, his holiness is re-
(7) flected in the 115 shabads he has contributed to the sacred
26 Runner runs wearing socks... (5) Guru Granth Sahib. He is also credited with 15 ragas and
27 ...so that, tried on or off (2,5,2) his bhagats are ascribed with seventy-two bani
28 Some letter describing what to have for breakfast (8) compositions,
29 Closed main lighting (6) Born in 1621, as the youngest son of Guru Hargobindji,
Down he received his initial training from Bhai Gurdas in scrip-
1 Key to old man's game (8) tures and languages, including Sanskrit, Gurmukhi and
2 Informed Joseph to drop in regularly to provide initial support Hindi; he learnt the art of weaponry from Baba Bhudda.
(7) At the age of 13 when he courageously fought the Moghuls,
3 Perhaps amusing to see my rejected admission to German thus proving his mettle, his name, which was Tyagi Mal,
school (9) was rechristened as Tegh Bahadur.
5 Count on a girl at random - well done! (14) He is revered for his sacrifice for religious tolerance,
6 Inside a seminary a repository of thoughts (5) pluralism, inclusiveness, harmony and peace. When ap-
7 Dress interval, no victory for John (7) Solution to previous puzzle Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku
proached by a delegation led by Kirpa Das at Chak Nanki,
8 Everything in place of a helmet (6)
who sought his intervention as they were being forced to
9 Very important to include a part of speech - it's tricky for one
Across convert to another religion, he granted the Kashmiri Brah-
like me (14)
1 Story teller's name lands in soup (6) mins his protection. He boldly proclaimed to the pundits
16 Special grade having zero variation for a critical situation (5,4)
4 Greek hero's main set back - catching cold (8) to inform the emperor that if he succeeded in converting
17 Space traveller gets a chemical (8)
10 Maestro in pants or for decreasing clothes (5,4) 19 One found finally the Goddess (7)
Tegh Bahadur to his faith, all of them would follow suit;
11 Praise old lot on return... (5) 21 Play a tune, left, right or in the centre (7)
otherwise, he should leave them alone. This was regarded
12 ...for keeping one in bag everyday (7) 22 Tongue remains inside, do keep reading (6) as an act of defiance and challenge to his rule by Aurang-
13 On the grill, last of the T-bone - get a break (7) 24 She is relatively pretty, full of energy (5) zeb. Guru Tegh Bahadur was martyred in Delhi after being
tortured for five days along with Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Satti
Das and Bhai Dyala.
Friday, December 6, 2024 13

쑽 RBI’s Rate Dilemma: Nov. ‘Inflation


inflation likely eased to 5% barring some

food items’
Sensex dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 81,766 dddddddddddddddddddddd 1.00
US Dollardddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 84.71 dddddddddddddddddddddd 0.04
Gold dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 79,150 dddddddddddddddddddddd 0.38
Brent oil ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 72.42 dddddddddddddddddddd -1.57

Vegetable meal inflation eased to 7% last month from 20% in October, reckons Crisil; Nomura Vikas Dhoot
economists reiterate the central bank may surprise markets today with a 25 basis points rate cut PRICE CHANGE
Asserting India’s underly- Adani Enter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2522.55. . . . . . . . . . 27.80
Adani Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1277.05. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50
Vikas Dhoot front, with prices dropping ing growth story is intact Apollo Hosp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 7274.75. . . . . . . . . . 42.40
NEW DELHI 4.4% in November — the and one must not ‘over-in- Asian Paints. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2452.20. . . . . . . . . . -7.25
Axis Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1166.40. . . . . . . . . . . . 6.95
Hyundai Motor to hike prices first such contraction since terpret’ the economy’s Bajaj Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 8891.95. . . . . . -107.20

ndia’s retail inflation is July 2023 — from a 44% slowdown in the second Bajaj Finserv . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1644.10. . . . . . . . . . 16.00

by up to ₹25,000 from Jan. 1 likely to have eased to surge in October. quarter of this fiscal year, Bajaj Finance . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6850.40. . . . . . . . 110.40
Bharat Elec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 314.50. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.65
around 5% in Novem- However, despite some Chief Economic Adviser Bharti Airtel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1615.35. . . . . . . . . . 31.25
Hyundai Motor India Ltd. (HMIL) said it would ber from October’s 14- downturn from October le- (CEA) V. Anantha Nageswa- BPCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 297.00. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.35
Britannia Ind . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4872.00. . . . . . . . . . 20.45
raise prices across models by up to ₹25,000, month high of 6.2%, with vels, tomato and potato ran said on Thursday that Cipla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1498.25. . . . . . . . . . -2.60
effective January 1. “The price increase has been some cooling of food pric- prices remained a pain the economy’s health re- Coal India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 418.40. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75
Dr Reddys Lab . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1239.85. . . . . . . . . . 24.30
necessitated owing to an increase in input costs, es on a month-on-month point for consumers last mains robust as per several Eicher Motors . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4837.55. . . . . . . . . . 40.50
adverse exchange rate and increase in logistics basis though vegetable, month, with a rise of 35% macro-economic indica- Grasim Ind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2706.80. . . . . . . . -10.50
costs,” the company said. “With sustained rise in pulses and edible oil prices and 50%, respectively, tors and overall headline HCL Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1924.00. . . . . . . . . . 26.35
HDFC Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1865.75. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.65
input costs, it has now become imperative to remained elevated com- from a year ago, Crisil’s inflation is ‘well-behaved’. HDFC Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 643.15. . . . . . . . . . -7.10
pass on a part of this escalation through a minor pared to last November, monthly tracker of food “There are some specif- Hero MotoCorp . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4644.35. . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50
Hindalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 670.85. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.80
price adjustment,” said Tarun Garg, whole-time and home cooked vegetar- costs showed. The average ic food items that are con- Hind Unilever . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2494.60. . . . . . . . . . 30.10
director and chief operating officer of HMIL. ian meal costs rose 7%, ac- Pain points: Despite some cooling, vegetable, pulses and edible oil cost of a vegetarian meal tributing to the sharp rise ICICI Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1336.50. . . . . . . . . . 20.45
cording to two price track- prices were elevated compared with last November. FILE PHOTO stood at ₹32.7 in Novem- in inflation, but it is con- IndusInd Bank. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 998.20. . . . . . . . . . -0.65
Infosys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1934.85. . . . . . . . . . 45.60
ing reports. ber, 2% below October’s fined to a very small per- ITC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 467.50. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.40
Prices monitored by portfolios, and industry ing rates at this juncture. cost, while a non-vegetar- centage of the overall Con- JSW Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 999.20. . . . . . . . . . . . 4.35
Kotak Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1775.15. . . . . . . . . . 17.65
Nifty hits seven-week high Bank of Baroda for its Es-
sential Commodities Index
bodies like the Confedera-
tion of Indian Industry
We continue to ex-
pect 100bp of cumulative
ian plate needed ₹61.6.
This was the second high-
sumer Price Index basket
of goods and services,” Mr.
L&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3831.55. . . . . . . . . . 41.65
M&M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3071.60. . . . . . . . . . 39.85

amid global markets’ bounce rose 5.5% in November (CII), have called for inter- cuts by mid-2025 to a ter- est price for both catego- Nageswaran said at an As- Maruti Suzuki . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 11182.25. . . . . . . . . . 52.40

NestleIndia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2265.50. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.70
compared with 7% in Oc- est rate cuts to support minal rate of 5.50%,” a ries in 15 months. socham summit. NTPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 369.15. . . . . . . . . . -3.60
In a trading session marked with high volatility, tober. “We expect the Con- growth and encourage Nomura note said on This is the first time The CEA also stressed ONGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 261.30. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.60
PowerGrid Corp . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 328.35. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.30
the benchmark index Nifty ended up for the fifth sumer Price Inflation to private investments. Thursday, stressing that In- since August that vegetable India’s long-term inflation Reliance Ind . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1322.05. . . . . . . . . . 13.10
straight day on Thursday, rising 1% to 24,708.4 settle around 5% in Novem- The MPC, at its last re- dia now appears in the meal costs have risen in average is coming down SBI Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1431.85. . . . . . . . -20.75
State Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 865.45. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.75
points, its highest level in seven weeks. The BSE ber, with risks tilted to the view in October, had midst of a cyclical slow- single digits, following an and will converge with the Shriram Finance
Sensex also closed 1% higher at 81,765.9 points, downside,” the bank’s eco- changed its policy stance down and expectations of 11% uptick in September price rise pace in deve- Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3126.30. . . . . . . . . . -6.00
Sun Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1813.45. . . . . . . . . . 13.25
but broader indices saw a milder rise. HDFC nomist Dipanwita Mazum- to ‘neutral’ from ‘hawkish’, a sharp growth recovery in and 20% spike in October. loped countries thanks to Tata Consumer Pro-
Securities’ head of retail research Deepak Jasani dar said in a note, adding but reiterated it was “un- the second half of the year Overall food inflation as supply-side investments. duct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 966.45. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25
said Thursday’s rally was in sync with a global base effects would also ambiguously” focused on are not backed by data. per the official retail price Asking industry to play Tata Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 792.55. . . . . . . . . . . . 4.45
Tata Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 147.07. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.22
uptick after Wall Street indices ended at record provide some relief. Ho- durably aligning inflation “The RBI’s primary ob- rise gauge, had surged to a its part in spurring con- TCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4464.05. . . . . . . . 109.65
highs, and bitcoin traded over $1,00,000. wever, core inflation, to its median 4% target, jective is to maintain price 15-month high of 10.9% in sumption to drive domes- Tech Mahindra . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1786.95. . . . . . . . . . 27.35
Titan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3441.05. . . . . . . . . . 76.60
which excludes food and terming the downward tra- stability, while keeping in October, with vegetable in- tic growth in an uncertain Trent Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6970.10. . . . . . . . 146.30
energy prices, has an up- jectory of inflation as slow mind the objective of flation at 42.2%. world economy, the CEA UltraTech Cement . . . .. . . . . 11932.80. . . . . . . . 166.00
side risk from festive de- and uneven. While 42 of 49 growth… We have long The price of pulses rose said corporate profitability Wipro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 299.30. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30

Fairfax India to add $255 mn mand push, she reckoned.

The assessment as-
economists surveyed
by Bloomberg expect the
held the view that growth
sacrifice was on the rise…
10% from last November
while vegetable oil prices
hit a 15-year high in 2023-
24 but much of this was di-
stake in airport operator BIAL sumes significance ahead
of the Reserve Bank of In-
central bank to hold the
key repo rate at 6.5% this
GDP growth has already
moderated below trend,
rose 13%, as per Crisil’s
monthly Roti Rice Rate re-
verted to reduce leverage.
Mooting a balance bet-
Indicative direct rates in rupees a unit except yen at 4
dia’s (RBI’s) Monetary Poli- week, Nomura economists and should mean placinga port said. An 11% drop in ween profitability and p.m. on December 05

Fairfax India Holdings will buy an additional 10% cy Committee (MPC) meet said the RBI is likely to sur- higher weight on the fuel cost helped temper workers’ incomes, he said: CURRENCY TT BUY TT SELL
US Dollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 84.53. . . . . . . . . . 84.85
stake in Bengaluru airport operator BIAL, hiking that concludes Friday, in prise markets with a 25 ba- growth objective of the the rise in food plate costs. “Without this parity, there Euro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 89.07. . . . . . . . . . 89.41
its overall shareholding to 74%. “The transaction the backdrop of a spike in sis points (bp) rate cut, ow- mandate,” economists So- Wholesale prices of to- will not be adequate de- British Pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 107.63. . . . . . . . 108.04
Japanese Yen (100) . . . . . . .. . . . . 56.28. . . . . . . . . . 56.50
is expected to close in Q1 2025, upon which the October’s inflation and a ing to weaker growth and a nal Varma and Aurodeep mato, onion and potato, mand in the economy for Chinese Yuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 11.64. . . . . . . . . . 11.68
additional 10% equity interest in BIAL will be sharp slump in economic benign one-year forward Nandi said. are also on the deflationary corporate goods to be pur- Swiss Franc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 95.70. . . . . . . . . . 96.07
acquired by Fairfax India for an aggregate $255 growth with GDP rising inflation outlook. One ba- path so retail prices could chased.” He cited the fact Singapore Dollar . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 63.05. . . . . . . . . . 63.30
Canadian Dollar . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 60.15. . . . . . . . . . 60.37
million,” Fairfax India said in a release. Fairfax just 5.4% in the July-Sep- sis point equals 0.01%. November relief correct further, even as the that wage growth for con- Malaysian Ringitt . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 19.10. . . . . . . . . . 19.19
India is acquiring the 10% stake from Siemens tember quarter. Union Mi- “We do not see any pol- Onions led the relative res- winter harvest comes in, tract workers has not kept Australian Dollar . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 54.43. . . . . . . . . . 54.64

Projects Ventures. PTI nisters handling economic icy trade-offs from lower- pite on the food inflation Ms. Mazumdar averred. pace with inflation. Source:Indian Bank

‘APOC will significantly cut

down the time passengers
spend in queues at airports’
The Airport Operations Command Center can anticipate glitches instead
of just reacting to them, explains WAISL, the firm behind its development

Adani Group INTERVIEW which airline is coming at

what time, what gate they
to invest $2 Rishi Mehta
need to be assigned to and
so on. With APOC you are
billion for Sobhana K. Nair
not only managing the ter-
minal, you are also looking
Europe port at the kerb side to plan for

day after Amazon better movement of traffic
acquisitions Web Services to avoid congestion. It will
(AWS) India’s an- significantly cut down the
nouncement on hosting a time that travellers spend
The Hindu Bureau digital twin-powered inte- at the check-in and securi-
MUMBAI grated Airport Operations 30 to 40 touchpoints at the ty queues. APOC can en-
Command Center (APOC), airport like Digiyatra, sure that travellers are kept
The Adani Group is plan- developed by WAISL Ltd., CCTVs, IOT sensors which in loop in real-time with
ning to invest $2 billion for aimed at bringing all air- are spread across. This timely alerts.
acquisitions in the ports port stakeholders under helps us to predict and an-
sector to expand its pre- one roof for integrated so- ticipate the possible bottle- What is Amazon Web
sence in the international lutions to improve passen- necks. This information Services role in this
market, a company spo- ger experience and airport can help the various stake- entire exercise?
kesperson said. efficiency, WAISL CEO holders who work at the
The company’s flagship Rishi Mehta spoke to The airport from security per- So far we had deployed the
Adani Ports & Special Eco- Hindu on the sidelines of sonnel to ground handlers solution on premises. Air-
nomic Zones (APSEZ) Ltd. “AWS re: Invent 2024” in to prepare ahead. APOC ports are regulated entities
is scouting for terminals in Las Vegas, on what it will will basically bring the sta- which want the data to stay
Europe, which accounts mean for travellers. keholders from the air in the same data centre.
for 40% of the global sea side, terminal side and Now, basically, we are able
trade. “We are looking for What is the Airport kerbside together to pro- to move a significant
two or three terminals in Operations Command vide a holistic solution. amount of data to the
Europe only and deals Center (APOC) and how cloud. Which is where
should happen in the near will it change the air What is APOC’s role AWS comes in. It is signifi-
future,” the spokesperson travel experience for beyond predicting the cant, because cloud com-
said. The company has the passengers? passenger traffic flow? puting offers me higher
ports in Sri Lanka, Israel, scale and efficiency. In the
Australia, Tanzania and WAISL is an end-to-end Predicting passenger traf- cloud even if one zone was
Greece and is seeking to technology and IT partner fic flows is just one of the to go down, the other
further expand abroad. to the airport ecosystem. 125 KPI (key performance would take on seamlessly.
In India, the company, We bring in all the technol- indicators) that the APOC
with a cargo handling ca- ogy that goes into the air- does. For example - we When is the system
pacity of 633 million me- port, from CCTV cameras, look at resource manage- launching in India and
tric tonnes at 15 ports, has flight information display ment. Airports have to op- which airport?
a market share of 27% systems, Wi-Fi routers, erate very efficiently,
which it is planning to en- baggage handling and so which simply means that it We have rolled it out at one
hance to 40% by 2030. For on. We also manage it 24/7. has to process many pas- of the Tier 1 South Indian
this purpose, capacity ad- Airport Operations Com- sengers in a given period of airports. It is live, but the
dition is planned in the mand Center is an integrat- time. To do that, it has to public announcement will
west coast. ed centre where you can do a turn around of the air- come in a few days when it
Last year, the company monitor the entire airport. craft in a very short period is officially inaugurated.
had reported an EBITDA of Importantly, APOC antici- of time to save fuel and Till then, we cannot reveal
₹17,590 crore, while its pates the problem instead manpower. With APOC’s the name of the airport.
half-yearly EBITDA had of only reacting to it when simulation models help (The writer is at AWS
reached ₹18,846 crore in it happens. To do this, we here- we can easily see re:Invent 2024 in Las Vegas
2024-25, the firm said. collect data from various what traffic may come like, at the invitation of AWS)
14 Friday, December 6, 2024

World Thiruvananthapuram


Bangladesh court bans broadcast Manhunt under way in New York Lavrov attends OSCE meeting in Georgian PM vows to ‘eradicate’
of Sheikh Hasina’s ‘hate speech’ for killer of insurance executive Malta, along with U.S. and Ukraine Opposition amid pro-EU protests


A Bangladeshi tribunal banned broadcast of “hate speech” by New York City police were searching on Thursday for the man who Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was in Malta for the annual Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze vowed on Thursday to
ex-premier Sheikh Hasina on Thursday, weeks after indicting her killed UnitedHealth executive Brian Thompson in a brazen attack meeting of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in his first “eradicate” the country’s “liberal-fascist” Opposition, escalating the
over the killing of protesters during the August revolution. outside a Midtown Manhattan hotel. Thompson, the CEO of visit to a European Union nation since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. government’s bitter campaign against its rivals. The government
Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal is also investigating Ms. UnitedHealth’s insurance unit, was shot from behind on Wednesday U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Ukraine’s Foreign had said earlier that it would suspend EU membership talks until
Hasina for “mass murder”, among other charges. AFP morning in what police described as a targeted attack. REUTERS Minister Andrii Sybiha also were attending the meeting. AP 2028, which sparked a fresh wave a protests. AFP

Israel committing genocide against Yoon clings on to power

Palestinians in Gaza, says Amnesty amid impeachment bid

Associated Press lifted. The Opposition par-
The country has sought to deliberately destroy Palestinians by mounting deadly attacks, demolishing vital infrastructure SEOUL ties earlier submitted a mo-
and preventing the delivery of aid, says the rights group; U.S. and other allies of Israel could be complicit in genocide, it adds tion to impeach Mr. Kim,
South Korea’s President re- alleging he recommended
placed his Defence Minis- that Mr. Yoon impose mar-
Associated Press once again produced a fa- or in part, a national, eth- ter on Thursday as Opposi- tial law. Mr. Kim had of-
CAIRO bricated report that is en- nic, racial or religious tion parties moved to fered to resign and apolo-
tirely false and based on group. impeach both men over gised for causing

mnesty Interna- lies,” Israel’s Foreign Minis- To establish intent, Am- the stunning-but-brief im- disruption and concern to
tional accused Is- try said in a statement. nesty said it reviewed over position of martial law that the public. Mr. Kim said
rael of committing 100 statements by Israeli brought armed troops into that “all troops who per-
genocide in the Gaza Strip Internal dissent government and military Seoul streets. Yoon Suk Yeol formed duties related to
during its war with Hamas, Amnesty International Is- officials and others since The Democratic Party martial law were acting on
saying it has sought to de- rael, a local branch of the the start of the war that and other small Opposition motion on Saturday, call- my instructions, and all
liberately destroy Palesti- organisation that was not “dehumanised Palesti- parties submitted a joint ing his martial law declara- responsibility lies with
nians by mounting deadly involved in the report, also nians, called for or justified motion to impeach Presi- tion an “unconstitutional, me,” according to the De-
attacks, demolishing vital disputed the allegation of genocidal acts or other dent Yoon Suk Yeol on illegal rebellion or coup”. fence Ministry.
infrastructure and prevent- genocide, in a rare public crimes against them”. Wednesday over his mar- On Thursday, Mr. Yoon’s During his martial law
ing the delivery of food, airing of internal dissent at Amnesty said it found tial law declaration the pre- office said he decided to re- announcement, Mr. Yoon
medicine and other aid. Daily bread: Women queue outside a bakery in Deir al-Balah for the rights group. that Israel “deliberately in- vious night. Martial law place Defence Minister described the Democratic
The human rights group food amid starvation caused by the ongoing conflict in Gaza. AP Amnesty said it ana- flicted conditions of life on lasted about six hours, as Kim Yong Hyun with Choi Party’s continued attempts
released a report on Thurs- lysed the overall pattern of Palestinians in Gaza in- the National Assembly Byung Hyuk, a retired gen- to impeach senior officials
day that said such actions genocide, and called on General of Amnesty Inter- Israel’s conduct in Gaza tended to lead, over time, quickly voted to overrule eral who is South Korea’s and prosecutors as “anti-
could not be justified by them to halt arms national, said in the report. between October 7, 2023 to their destruction”. the President, forcing his Ambassador to Saudi state activities”.
Hamas’s October 7, 2023, shipments. Israel has adamantly re- and early July. Those actions included Cabinet to lift it before day- Arabia. If Mr. Yoon is im-
attack into Israel, which ig- “Our damning findings jected genocide allegations It noted that there is no the destruction of homes, break on Wednesday. Mr. Yoon’s office did not peached, he would be sus-
nited the war, or the pre- must serve as a wake-up against as an anti-Semitic casualty threshold in prov- farms, hospitals and water Jo Seoung-lae, spokes- provide any further com- pended until the Constitu-
sence of militants in civi- call to the international “blood libel”. ing the international crime facilities; mass evacuation person of the Democratic ments by him. He hasn’t tional Court rules on
lian areas. Amnesty said community: this is geno- “The deplorable and fa- of genocide, which is de- orders; and the restriction Party, said it will push for a appeared in public since whether to remove him
the U.S. and other allies of cide. It must stop now,” Ag- natical organisation Am- fined by the UN as acts in- of humanitarian aid and National Assembly vote on his televised announce- from office or restore his
Israel could be complicit in nès Callamard, Secretary nesty International has tended to destroy, in whole other essential services. Mr. Yoon’s impeachment ment that martial law was presidential power.

France’s Macron
seeks new Premier
after collapse of govt.
Agence France-Presse successful no-confidence
PARIS action since a defeat for
Georges Pompidou’s go-
President Emmanuel Ma- vernment in 1962, when
cron on Thursday sought a Charles de Gaulle was
new Prime Minister to pre- President.
vent France from sliding The President is be-
deeper into political tur- lieved to be in a hurry to
moil after Michel Barnier’s appoint the new premier
government was ousted in to avoid a vacuum, accord-
a historic no-confidence ing to multiple sources.
vote in parliament. Mr. Barnier’s record-
Poised to be contempor- quick ejection comes after
ary France’s shortest-serv- snap parliamentary elec-
ing premier, Mr. Barnier tions in June resulted in a
met Mr. Macron at the Ely- hung parliament.
see Palace to submit his re- The trigger for Mr. Bar-
signation, after the defeat nier’s ouster was his 2025
in parliament on Wednes- Budget plan including aus-
day forced his government terity measures that were
to step down. unacceptable to a majority
The vote was the first in parliament.

Syrian insurgents say

they have entered
the city of Hama
Associated Press during Syria’s conflict,
BEIRUT which broke out in March
2011 following a popular
Syrian insurgents said they uprising. Its capture would
entered parts of the central be a major setback for Pre-
city of Hama on Thursday sident Bashar Assad.
after three days of intense The offensive is being
clashes with government led by the jihadi group
forces on its outskirts, part Hayat Tahrir al-Sham
of an ongoing offensive in (HTS) as well as an umbrel-
which they also seized Sy- la group of Turkish-backed
ria’s largest city of Aleppo. Syrian militias called the
Syrian state media con- Syrian National Army.
firmed violent clashes bet- Their sudden capture of
ween government forces the northern city of Alep-
and opposition gunmen on po, an ancient business
the eastern edges of Hama hub, was a stunning prize
city but denied that the in- for Mr. Assad’s opponents
surgents had breached it. and reignited the conflict
Hama is one of the few ci- which had been largely sta-
ties that remained under lemated for the past few
full government control years.
Friday, December 6, 2024 15

Hitting the right note Composer STEPOUT



Sc o r Njandukalude Nattil Oridavela,

Thanneer Mathan Dinangal, Super
Sharanya, Oru Thekkan Thallu
Case, Palthu Janwar and Chaaver.

“I am not confident as a
composer. Sometimes I feel that I
Composer Ju
created the so-called hits by fluke!
I am always worried about Stories untold

arg he s e on b reaking whether my songs will work or

not. But with BGM I don’t have
Do Naina Ek Kahani, a fusion of music, art, and

V that tension.” Calling himself “an

storytelling at Vyloppilly Samskrithi Bhavan, on
December 8. Time: 7pm. Ticket rate is ₹500.

H ind i c ine m a with average composer”, he adds, “I Contact: 7383306489

into may not be able to do a
d music full-fledged Carnatic piece or a
his backgroun heavy metal composition. But I Dance away
d Stree 2
like to experiment, perhaps, Mohiniyattam

for Munjya an because I am not an expert. I production

believe that when I work with Kamukan Vannal by
what I know, that clicks,” he says. Sapthalaya
A career in music was never in Followers of
his scheme of things, let alone Nataraja, and
cinema. Justin had joined a Bharatanatyam
seminary to become a priest, but piece Natya
entry into Hindi cinema. “Amar instance, they wanted a playful cinema like Justin. In fact, after did not continue. Once he Panchamamam by
Athira M sir (Amar Kaushik, director of tune for the interval sequence. So Munjya and Stree 2, he got many graduated in philosophy, Justin Krishna
athira.m@thehindu.co.in Stree, Bala, Bhediya, Stree 2 and I took a machine tone and offers from the industry to moved to Delhi where he did Natyakalakshetra at Rangakalakendram, Varkala
Mahavatar) messaged me on manipulated the pitch to create compose songs and score BGM. various jobs and even taught at a on December 9, 6pm. Contact 8547871170

he year 2024 has been Instagram, saying he wanted to that. That was much But he had to let them go because school in Arunachal Pradesh.
a jolly good ride for work with me in his next appreciated,” he explains. of other commitments. “My aim was to get a job which
composer Justin production. But I couldn’t take it In Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Mahavatar, which has Vicky would not make me hate Scenic frames
Varghese. The up, and also another movie by Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, the Kaushal playing Lord Parasuram, Mondays! I realised it was Ila, a nature photography exhibition by five
two-time Kerala State film him, because of my projects in challenge was transitioning came out of the blue. “I had to do possible if I did something related photographers organised by Leaf art projects, is on
award-winning musician is having Malayalam. Yet, he got in touch smoothly between scary and the score for the first look poster to music because I loved it. Later currently at Vyloppilly Samskrithi Bhavan till Dec 7.
his day in Hindi cinema with his with me again asking if I would comedy. “We brainstormed a lot overnight. I didn’t even know on, I came to know of sound
background music. First was like to work on Stree 2. I was and that was fun. In fact, working then that it is a Vicky Kaushal engineering and pursued a
Munjya, a hit at the box office, shocked and surprised. Before in that film has been the most movie!” course. That is where I heard
followed by Stree 2, the work started on Stree 2, he gave comfortable experience for me to about music production. It was
highest-grossing Hindi film ever me Munjya, which he produced,” date. I had apprehensions about Being in the background the team of Thaikkudam Bridge
in India. says Justin over the phone from working in Hindi, but all that was Justin stresses that he prefers who introduced me to concepts
2025 will begin with a bang for his studio in Kochi. laid to rest,” he says, adding, composing BGM to songs. “Even such as programming. I started
him with another big Hindi The demo track he submitted “That comes from the 100% trust if I don’t get to compose songs I making demos and got the
project, a war drama, slated to to the production house is now Amar sir had in me. He would ask am fine with it.” He has opportunity to work with Bijibal.”
reach theatres. Even though he the theme music for Stree 2. for my opinions and even make composed the songs and BGM of Even though he has not had
does not reveal the details, one the changes I suggested.” his Malayalam movies such as any releases in Malayalam after ‘Tis the season
can easily guess the movie. He is On a new turf The success of Stree 2 did not Chaaver, which won him the Mahima 2024, a Christmas pop-up bazaar today
also on board Vicky Kaushal’s The composer says that although come as a surprise, Justin State Award for the Best and tomorrow at Johnson’s Hall, Salvation Army,
mega project, Mahavatar, which horror comedy was a new terrain observes. “We are not used Composer, his music will soon Kowdiar-Kuravankonam road. Time 10am to
will go on floors next year. for him, the process was smooth. to seeing such humour in be heard in Painkili, Daveed 8pm. Contact: 9447001722
All these are production “In the case of all the projects Malayalam cinema and I like to experiment, and Odum Kuthira Chadum
ventures of Maddock Films, [Munjya, Stree 2 and the so I was not sure if the perhaps, because I Kuthira. “Working in Artistic dialogues
which boasts commercially and upcoming one], they showed me comedy would work in Bollywood was pretty easy ‘You cannot act upon what you cannot see’ , a
am not an expert. I
critically-acclaimed movies such the entire movie with a reference Munjya. But when I saw when compared to Malayalam multi-disciplinary exhibition reflecting on
believe that when I women’s predicament in Malayalam cinema, at
as Cocktail, Badlapur, Hindi BGM. They asked me to say yes people enjoying it so because the trend and demand
Medium, Luka Chuppi, Mimi etc. only if I liked the movie.” much, I was sure that work with what I keep changing here. I don’t Neighbour art gallery, Kesavadasapuram, from
While Stree, Bhediya, Munjya and Justin says that in Munjya, a Stree 2 will be a super know, that clicks think the work I did December 8 to February 8. From 11am to 7pm.
Stree 2 are part of its supernatural spooky, yet fun movie about a hit.” there is as good as Contact: 6235099333
universe. young man and a vengeful spirit, There are not many JUSTIN VARGHESE what I have
Joji’s BGM, which got Justin his he was given a free rein. “It was composers from Malayalam been doing in For events, contact metroplustvm@thehindu.co.in
first State award, marked his an interesting exercise. For who have tasted success in Hindi Malayalam.”

Nainu Oommen Culinary treat Saraswathy Nagarajan Tribute to the sultan
nainu.oommen@thehindu.co.in A scene from the play;
Smoked brisket and
here was Vaikom

slider; (below) Steven (below) Pramod Payyannur.
he red, blue and white hues Muhammad

of Big Poppa’s Bistro at Daniel. NAINU OOMMEN Basheer, smoking SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
Kazhakuttam is a subtle tip of a beedi and sitting in his
the hat to Uncle Sam by its owner, armchair beneath the prisoners. He throws her
26-year-old Steven Netto. The blue shade of the mangosteen a rose over the wall.
seats inside the individual booths tree. Beside him was his Towards the end of the
invoke an image of a vintage diner, favourite gramophone. nearly 90-minute play, we
featured in multiple US sitcoms of The iconic image of also witness a lonely
the ‘90s but with a classy makeover. Malayalam literature’s Narayani waiting for
However, be it the booths or the beloved writer, often Basheer and his soulful
portraits populated with the official called the Beypore words to her,” says
colours of the States, none of them Sultan, was recreated in Pramod.
scream “USA”, but confidently the US during a play The play fused local
conveys what the restaurant Mathilukalkkappuram, rituals, folklore and music
promises to deliver. which was premiered in to travel in time to
Big Poppa’s Bistro opened in late New Jersey. Basheer’s magical world.
September this year and is “very The Chicago-based Art In addition to verses of

New York” as intended by Steven. Lovers of America (ALA), Changampuzha and
His admiration for American rapper a bunch of literature buffs Kumaran Asan, songs of
The Notorious B.I.G resulted in the in the US, were keen on Saigal and Pankaj Mullick,
cafe being named after a hit song by staging a play during the the author’s favourite
the artist. second edition of a singers, were melded into
The menu of Big Poppa’s Bistro
features burgers, steaks and
sandwiches along with other dishes.
However, their speciality is the beef
brisket, served only during the
smokehouse literary fete organised by
the association. They
contacted playwright and
director Pramod
Payyannur who wrote
In Basheer’s
the play by musician
Ramesh Narayanan who
composed the music.
Since Pramod was
based in the city, the

weekends with corn bread, coleslaw Big Poppa’s Bistro at Kazhakuttam serves American Mathilukalkkappuram, initial reading of
and an in-house barbecue sauce. The inspired by some of the the play and
brisket, a cut of meat from the lower
dishes such as briskets, burgers and steaks popular works of the rehearsals were
chest of beef, is slow cooked for over author. Pramod is the done online.
a day in a custom-made smoker with rub which forms a bark around the provide the much-needed acid for director of Most of the
a secret spice rub. “The brisket is meat as a result of the long cooking the dish and onions add crunch to Balyakalasakhi, the actors were
smoked for 22 hours in the smoker, process, does not overpower but this “mini-burger”. screen adaptation of Mathilukalkkappuram, which employed and so
which uses mango and jackfruit complements it. The tender slice of Apart from beef, Big Poppa’s Basheer’s eponymous they could begin
wood, followed by a resting period beef dipped in a mildly sweet Bistro also serves smoked pork and novel. premiered in the US, celebrates rehearsals only after
of four hours,” says Steve Daniel, barbecue sauce, placed between chicken. The smoked meats are the life and works of Vaikom work. “That was around
head of operations. corn bread slices with a touch of shredded and mixed with a sauce Beyond the tales 6am in India. I would be
coleslaw on top makes for a and served inside a sandwich. The Mathilukalkkappuram Muhammad Basheer up every day to interact
New experience delightful bite. pork sandwich (₹495) contains (Beyond Walls) wove in with them. The actors
Being the first place in the city to Another appetiser, tallow fries mayo, cheese and a pork sauce characters and nuggets also lived in different time
serve brisket, the chefs had also to (₹195) uses rendered beef fat instead which uses the drippings from meat from the author’s popular following Basheer’s (inspired by his zones in the US. It was a
deal with a lot of misinformation of oil to fry the thickly-cut potatoes. during its cooking. works and went beyond passing, which Kurup sir incarceration and challenge that we
associated with the cooking of meat. The tallow adds a beefy flavour to The menu also includes steaks the stories to portray the had recited in his own romance with Narayani, a accepted,” says Pramod.
“When people see pink meat, they the fries which are crispy on the and burgers starting from ₹350 and essence of his life and voice,” explains Pramod. woman prisoner he had Alan G John and Kiran
fear whether it’s blood or not. I outside but soft and fluffy on the ₹650 respectively. There are four personality. Pramod points out that never seen but only James played Basheer the
explain to them that it’s myoglobin inside. options in terms of cuts of steaks and “MT Vasudevan Nair Basheer was a freedom heard), Amma and author and Basheer in
(the protein that gives the red colour The slider with a mini version of a they are served with a Chimichurri sir was so pleased with fighter who had begun Premalekhanam. prison respectively. By
to the meat),” says Steve, who beef patty used in the sauce, carrots, broccoli, mashed our effort that he agreed walking from Vaikom in “As Saigal’s sonorous the first week of
also heads the kitchen. burgers, with cheese potatoes and a compound butter. to read out a message on Kottayam district to ‘Soja Rajakumari’ filled November, Pramod left
The slow-cooked and gherkins in Desserts available are brownies the significance of participate in the Salt the air, the audience saw for the US to work with
brisket with a blush between the potato with ice cream, strawberry cheese Mathilukal and Basheer, Satyagraha. “He was a Basheer in prison, even the troupe.
of pink on the sides is buns, is simple but cake blonde and Matilda cake. which preceded and humanist; the Sufi as his favourite song plays He remembers the
a perfect holds true to the concluded the play. We philosophy that he on the radio. They also standing ovation the play
introduction for American were also able to include followed embraced saw him before his got as the curtain fell after
anyone who flavours it The briskets, served on weekends, are literatteur ONV Kurup Nature and her release from prison and the premiere in New
has not had aims to priced ₹450 and ₹900 for 100 and 200 sir’s tribute to Basheer. It creations.” his farewell to Narayani Jersey on November 16.
it before. replicate. grams respectively. Big Poppa's Bistro, was a poem ‘Soja The playwright chose whom he had never seen The play is likely to be
The The located at Devs Sakura, Kazhakkuttam, Rajakumari’, which was nuggets from Basheer’s on account of the wall staged in Chicago, Atlanta
seasoning gherkins is open from 1pm to 11pm. written during the days works such as Mathilukal that separated the and Houston in the US.

16 Friday, December 6, 2024


Light at the
end of the An approach bridge will have to be
constructed across the Iruvazhinji river to

access the proposed tunnel from
Muthappanpuzha, near Anakkampoyil, in
Kozhikode district. K. RAGESH

A proposed tunnel road through the ghats linking Kozhikode plemented, this project will destroy the biodiver-
sity of our ‘camel hump’ mountains like Vellari-
with the hill district of Wayanad is seen by environmentalists as a mala, Puthumala, and Chembra hills in
harbinger of doom for the fragile hills and the people, while Wayanad,” Badusha argues. He also complains
that the Union government is yet to give any reply
the locals on either side of the project are largely excited to a series of petitions submitted by the environ-
about the opportunities it’s believed to bring. mentalists along with supporting facts and fi-
Mithosh Joseph travels to the area to gauge public gures to expose the State’s “misleading claims”.
Kerala Forest Minister A.K. Saseendran, ho-
sentiment about the massive infrastructure project wever, maintains that the State government has
complied with all legal requirements to secure
sanction for the project. “A tunnel road is the on-
ly practical option before us because all the ear-
assim Peroor, 31, a small-time restaurant lier proposals related to the development of by-

J owner from Wayanad’s Meppadi village,

turns emotional as he recalls the heart-
breaking departure of his 60-year-old
father hit by COVID-19 in 2021. A two-hour-long
snarl-up on the hairpin curves of the 14-km
A tunnel road
is the only
pass roads to Wayanad have been opposed by the
Union government from time to time. For us, the
success of similar tunnel projects in other parts
of the country is a confidence-building factor to
proceed with our plan,” he says.
Thamarassery ghat road was spoiling the golden
hour intervention for the elderly man, who later option before Complied with regulations: Minister
succumbed to the illness at a hospital in us because all “Since 1994, we have been seriously thinking of
Kozhikode. the earlier various viable alternatives to bypass the ghat
Jassim points out that he represents thousands proposals road. There is no going back now as we have com-
of such hapless villagers in Wayanad who are related to the plied with all the regulations in the way it has
waiting for the proposed 8.11-km-long four-lane development been done by other States to get the Centre’s go-
twin tunnel road linking Kozhikode district’s The entry to the proposed twin-tunnel at Muthappanpuzha, near Anakkampoyil, in Kozhikode district. K RAGESH ahead for such projects,” the Minister insists.
of bypass
Anakkampoyil in Thiruvambady panchayat with Thiruvambady MLA Linto Joseph says the pro-
Wayanad district’s Kalladi in Meppadi roads to trekked through an interior forest road for kilo- recent petitions to the MoEFCC, they have sought ject is expected to secure stage -2 clearance soon
panchayat. Wayanad metres to reach Kalladi. “Though there were pro- to repeal the stage-1 clearance accorded to the from the Central government as procedures for
“We will fight for it as we will not be able to have been posals to develop the same path as a bypass road project. the same are in the final stages. “We hope to se-
survive such tormenting experiences again,” he opposed by for the Thamarassery ghat road, it was resisted They argue that the State government fur- cure the crucial final environmental clearance as
says, greeting the customers at his restaurant the Union by the State Forest department as it would have nished “misleading information” about the “high well from the Union government which will ena-
near the proposed project area. government entailed losing vast swathes of forest land. Now, hazard zone” before the Union government and ble us to sign the final agreement for construc-
Wayanad, prone to natural disasters such as the tunnel road is the only practical option,” he did not dwell on the question of the feasibility of tions,” he adds.
from time to
the landslides early this year, does not have spe- reasons. the project across such a vulnerable terrain. Any Joseph, a strong advocate of the project,
cialty medical care facilities. This forces the peo- time. The project, proposed between the scenic evaluation of the project, they insist, must be in brushes off opposition to the project as stemming
ple to travel to Kozhikode for treatment. A.K. Chembra and Vellarimala hill ranges on the West- view of its impact on human settlements, partic- from a deep ‘misunderstanding’. “Konkan Rail-
Forest Minister
ern Ghats, has grabbed attention now as the Bho- ularly because the landslides in Wayanad’s Choo- way Corporation Limited is the special purpose
Reduction in travel distance pal-based Dilip Buildcon Limited has secured ralmala early this year had claimed over 230 lives vehicle for this work. We have carried out all the
Even as a section of environmentalists opposes the ₹1,341-crore contract for the construction of while 130 remained missing. required scientific impact studies and public
the multi-crore project that passes through the the twin-tunnel, which received stage-1 clearance hearings to secure the legal approvals,” he says.
environmentally sensitive areas of the Western from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Environmentalists raise concerns The alternative proposal to develop roads is not
Ghats, the villagers on either side of the proposed Climate Change (MoEFCC) in 2023. The Kolkata- They dub the project area, comprising mountain going to be easy as the Forest department is sure
project consider it a lifeline for their survival. The based Royal Infra Construct is the winner of slopes, as landslide-prone during monsoons. Cit- to stand in its way, he reasons.
main attraction for them is the drop in the travel another contract for the construction of an ap- ing a stability study done by the State govern- M.M. Philip, the convener of a local action
distance between Anakkampoyil and Meppadi proach bridge across the Iruvazhinji river to the ment itself, they say several locations along the committee for the tunnel road project at Anak-
from 42 km to just 20 km. They also say that this tunnel at a cost of ₹80.4 crore. The project, fully project site could witness overburden slides. The kampoyil, challenges the project’s detractors to
will cut short the distance between Kozhikode funded by the Kerala Infrastructure Investment plantation village of Puthumala, which witnessed disprove the results of various impact studies
town and Kalpetta, the district headquarters of Fund Board [KIIFB] and billed to be the third lon- a massive landslide in 2019, is approximately 0.85 conducted by expert agencies. “We are con-
Wayanad, from the present 85 km to 54 km. Tra- gest underpass in the country, is expected to be km from the proposed tunnel road. Moreover, vinced about the merits of this project. There is
vel along the narrow ghat road that winds up its ready in four years. Thiruvambady village in Kozhikode and Vellari- no feeling of insecurity among the local resi-
way to Wayanad is time-consuming, they mala village in Wayanad have been categorised as dents. People who oppose it may have other in-
maintain. Approach road work on ecologically sensitive areas, they say. tentions,” he says.
Ashraf Pulikkalakath, a Gulf returnee living at The construction of a 17.1-km approach road N. Badusha, an environmentalist who leads The presidents of the Thiruvambady and Mep-
Kalladi in the proposed project area, has no from Thiruvambady to Marippuzha is also in full the WPSS, believe that modernisation and streng- padi panchayats have also adopted a stance sup-
qualms about giving up his 1,100-sq. ft. house swing now apart from the electrification works thening of the already existing five ghat roads — portive of the project. Thiruvambady grama pan-
that he built with the savings from his 30 years of to support the related civil works. This ₹108- Nadukani, Thamarassery, Pakramthalam, Periya chayat president Bindu Johnson says protests are
expatriate life for the project. “My wife and three crore road project will be completed by the Ura- and Boys Town — will go a long way in providing a natural against any project, but the best available
children also support my stance. We have trust in lungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society. sustainable solution to the traffic-related issues in option will have to be chosen for development.
the government’s rehabilitation package as sever- Field-level inspections to carry out work at the Wayanad. “As the starting point of the project is in Thiru-
al people have already received it,” the 55-year- other end of the tunnel at Kalladi in Wayanad are “We have decided to move a writ petition in vambady panchayat, we will be committed to ex-
old explains. also progressing with the support of local the Kerala High Court seeking the cancellation of tending all ground support,” she adds.
His neighbour, tourism entrepreneur Jabirsha administrators. the stage-1 clearance granted to the project. If im- K. Babu, the president of Meppadi panchayat,
Vellathoor, is also firm in his decision to give up Officials of the State Public Works department echoes the same sentiment. He feels that the pro-
his house and land for the tunnel project estimat- say it is one of the 30 projects being monitored ject will be a gamechanger for tourism entrepre-
ed to cost ₹1,500 crore. “We have no other practi- directly by the Chief Minister. The project will neurs of his panchayat. “No major land acquisi-
cal option to bypass the nine hairpin curves on see the acquisition of 34.30 hectares of forest tion is required in our area to complete it. As
the Thamarassery ghat road. The completion of land and 16.175 hectares of private holdings, in- development is our first priority, we wholeheart-
this project will definitely help our people to cluding 8.0525 hectares under Kodenchery and edly welcome and support this ambitious pro-
quickly access various hospitals, educational in- Thiruvambady taluks in Kozhikode district and ject,” he asserts.
stitutions and the Calicut International Airport,” 8.1225 hectares under Vellarimala village in
he points out. Wayanad district. As much as 17.26 hectares SIA suggests mitigation measures
spread across Chullikkad, Kollivayal, Madappa- A social impact assessment (SIA) done by the
Boost to tourism projects ramba and Manalvayal villages under the Waya- Centre for Management Development, an auto-
People who live on the other side of the proposed nad South Division will be used for afforesta- nomous institution under the State government,
tunnel at Muthappanpuzha, near Anakkampoyil, tion in line with the Centre’s guidelines issued has maintained that any adverse impact of the
in Kozhikode district see it as a golden opportun- while giving preliminary sanction to the project project can be minimised with effective mitiga-
ity to boost domestic tourism enterprises. A.J. in 2023. tion measures as it is a lasting solution to the tra-
Johny, a settler-farmer from the village, says the But environmentalists see the project as a vel woes of the people in the region. Nearly
project comes as a blessing for poor farmers, harbinger of disaster. 14,000 vehicles pass through the ghat road every
who have been going through an acute financial Ever since the official launch of the sub-sur- day, and the volume increases to 20,000 during
crisis with falling agricultural production and face work for the project by Chief Minister Pina- festival seasons, which highlights the need for an
prices. A growth in tourism ventures coupled rayi Vijayan on October 5, 2020 the Wayanad alternative road, the SIA report states, adding
with better value for land is sure to save the farm- Prakruthi Samrakshana Samiti (WPSS), a collec- that it can even serve as a lifeline for emergency
ers from the looming financial crisis, he argues. tive of environmentalists for Wayanad, has been evacuation in case of any calamity in Wayanad.
Xavier Pattaparambil, another local resi- at the forefront of intensified agitations citing its Jassim Peroor, a native of Meppadi, shows the area But the green activists aren’t convinced. “The
dent, recalls the olden days when the villagers ecological impact on the Western Ghats and the proposed for the twin tunnel at Kalladi in Wayanad tunnel road is going to be the last nail in Waya-
from Anakkampoyil and Muthappanpuzha safety of the people living at the foothills. In two district. K RAGESH nad’s coffin,” says Badusha.
Friday, December 6, 2024 17
Pink cherry certainly does more Bumrah in the shortlist for ICC It is awesome to have someone like We try not to notice and just
than the red one, says Rohit player-of-the-month award Scotty come straight in: Cummins go about our things: Cummins


Rohit Sharma on Thursday said every batter has to devise his own Jasprit Bumrah was on Thursday nominated as one of the three Australia skipper Pat Cummins welcomed pacer Scott Boland’s Pat Cummins is under the pump after the loss in the opening Test in
method to deal with the challenges posed by the pink ball during contenders for the ICC player-of-the-month award for November return to the XI in Adelaide. “As a captain, it is pretty awesome to Perth. Asked about the external noise, Cummins had his riposte:
the day-night Test against Australia as it would do a bit more than following his superb show in India’s win against Australia in Perth. have someone like Scotty come straight in... he can bowl a huge “When things don’t go right there are enough commentators that
the red cherry. “You are so used to playing with red ball, and pink The speedster was nominated along with South African left-arm amount of overs, is super consistent, and has performed at this will support you, but also some that will try and create some
ball certainly does a little bit more than the red one,” said Rohit. seamer Marco Jansen and Pakistan pacer Haris Rauf. level,” said Cummins. Boland has replaced Josh Hazlewood. headlines. We try not to notice and just go about our things”.

Chance for India to set right its Rahul will open, I will bat
away record in pink-ball Tests in the middle-order: Rohit

K.C. Vijaya Kumar
The visitors will look to banish the demons of 2020 when the team was bundled out for a paltry 36 at this venue ADELAIDE

Rohit Sharma had a half-

smile when asked about
INDIA IN AUS batting in the middle-order
in the Canberra game
K.C. Vijaya Kumar against the Prime Minis-
ADELAIDE ter’s XI. This was a teaser
aimed at getting a break-
lazing sunshine and ing-news quote from the

B dry heat prevailed

for a large part of
Thursday before the clouds
Indian captain. “We were
just looking at getting some
time against the pink ball,”
made a fleeting appearance he said with a straight face
over the Adelaide Oval. The as the press-conference
air was still and through the warmed up at the Adelaide Continuity: The opening combination will continue, says Rohit. AFP
public-address system, the Oval here on Thursday.
national anthems of India A few minutes later, he It was brilliant to watch, this series.” And about the
and Australia were played was directly asked about and I felt that there is no conditions, Rohit added:
as part of the preparations the opening combination need to change that (open- “We have watched a lot of
for the day-and-night se- for the second Test and ing combination) now. But, games that have been
cond Test that will com- this time he was quick: yes, personally it was not played here and we do un-
mence here on Friday “K.L. Rahul will open, I will easy but for the team, this derstand what the condi-
afternoon. bat somewhere in the (decision) made sense.” tions have to offer.”
There is forecast for the middle-order.” Asked about the omis- The Indian skipper also
odd thunder-shower on the The statement of the sion of R. Ashwin and Ra- praised Jaiswal and debu-
opening day, a disruption day had arrived and he ex- vindra Jadeja in the first tants Harshit Rana and Nit-
that may not have a major plained the rationale be- Test at Perth, Rohit ex- ish Kumar. “This young
effect. India leads 1-0 in the hind this batting rejig: plained: “It is never an ea- generation has no appre-
Border-Gavaskar Trophy “These two guys (Rahul sy decision. These two hensions. They just want
series, an advantage that and Yashasvi Jaiswal) bat- guys have won many to win games,” Rohit said
Rohit Sharma’s men want ted brilliantly. I was at matches for us. The idea is besides hoping that Wash-
to build upon at a venue home with my new-born in to pick the team based on ington Sundar will remain
which offers mixed signals my arms and I was watch- what is needed and that is injury-free and grow in his
from the past. ing how KL (Rahul) batted. what we will do through career.
Sunil Gavaskar, Sandeep
Patil, Sachin Tendulkar, Ra-
hul Dravid, Virender Seh-
wag, Ajit Agarkar and Virat
Kohli, have been heroes
here at varying points. Hun-
dreds, wickets and tri-
There is a great feeling
umphs in the 2003 and
2018 games, add to the halo
before the 36 registered in
around the team: Cummins
the 2020 pink-ball Test, off-
ers a grim reality check. K.C. Vijaya Kumar we have prepared like we
In the lead-up to the lat- ADELAIDE always do and there is a
est contest, there have great feeling around the
been exhaustive discus- Shubman Gill slotting Perth, remains to be seen. tours. Pat Cummins and his are searching for runs. A quiet optimism and a team.”
sions about how the pink themselves back. The form- Kohli’s unbeaten 100 in the men are keen to win and Among the bowlers, hint of irritation were evi- When a question veered
ball would move under er also put to rest all the first Test, the manner in the Australian skipper said: Scott Boland, who will re- dent as Pat Cummins towards thoughts about Vi-
lights and the tricky phase speculation over his batting which Jasprit Bumrah has “We had a long break after place injured Josh Hazle- spoke to the media at the rat Kohli’s ton and what it
of dealing with twilight. In- position by clearly stating occupied head-space the first Test and now this wood, has the requisite Adelaide Oval here on means, Cummins paused
dia has won three of its four that K.L. Rahul will open among all Aussie batters, second Test seems like a skills as Australia continues Thursday. The Australian and said: “Honestly, I don’t
day-and-night Tests and all along with Yashasvi Jaiswal. and the performance of the first Test for us.” to have a potent seam at- captain confirmed one have too many thoughts on
those triumphs were script- The Indian captain said two debutants Harshit Ra- The 295-run loss at Perth tack while off-spinner Nath- change in the playing ele- that, sorry.”
ed in home conditions. that the duo played well na and Nitish Kumar Red- did amplify the external an Lyon would chip in too. ven with Scott Boland step- He then turned expan-
Having lost the lone over- atop the order at Perth and dy, are all handy psycholog- critical voices Down Under, With the River Torrens ping in for an injured Josh sive about Marnus Labus-
seas encounter here in in the team’s interest it is ical brownie points. but the host would rather flowing nearby, both rivals Hazlewood. chagne’s preparation: “He
2020, the visitors get a better he himself plays in Australia at home tends to not read too much into would hope to cause some Stressing that he and his is training well like he al-
chance to make amends. the middle order. be dominant even if India these inputs. The worries, ripples at this lovely men were in a good space ways does, hitting millions
It helps that a full- Whether India steps in has punctured this percep- though, remain as middle- ground. ahead of the second Test, of balls. He is trying to plan
strength playing eleven is without R. Ashwin and Ra- tion through series victo- order bulwarks Steve Smith Match starts at 9.30 a.m. the host skipper said: about how he is going to
on the cards with Rohit and vindra Jadeja, like it did at ries over the previous two and Marnus Labuschagne IST. “Look, the team is great, score a 100 in this Test.” Labuschagne. AFP

Schutt leads the charge as Australia Just more of the same, says Scheffler
women steamroll India in opener on preparations for the coming year
sured knock to ensure a mething that happens pay us to come out and
INDIA IN AUSTRALIA comfortable win. Her ef- GOLF overnight, it takes a lot of play, that’s great, I’m not
fort included a six off Re- time and I still feel like going to say no to it.
Press Trust of India nuka in the cow corner V.V. Ramanan there are areas of my game “I’m going to do the best
BRISBANE region. NASSAU that I can continue to im- I can in my community to
Her opening partner prove without making steward that money well,”
India put up a dismal show Phoebe Litchfield (35 off 29 Scottie Scheffler was both drastic changes to the DNA was the matter-of-fact res-
with the bat as Australia balls) was the aggressor in humorous and frank with of what I do.” ponse from a star who led
stamped its superiority ov- their 48-run stand, smash- his replies as the world’s Queried on his views on the Tour in earnings this
er the visitors with a five- ing six fours in a row, four top-ranked golfer spoke to the reports of Americans year, raking in more than
wicket win in the first Wo- of those coming off Renuka the media ahead of the de- being paid for their servic- $29 million in prize money.
men's ODI here on and two off debutant pacer fence of his crown at the es in the Ryder Cup, Schef- At the same time, he al-
Thursday. Titas Sadhu. Hero World Challenge that fler said he had no pro- so echoed Irishman Rory
Opting to bat, India col- began at Albany on blem with the idea but McIlroy’s view that players
The second ODI will be
lapsed for 100 all out in Thursday, Scheffler. GETTY IMAGES added that he was not in were more than willing to
played at the Allan Border
34.2 overs with Australia The American, who the game for the money. pay to be part of the team
Field here on December 8.
pacer Megan Schutt re- Megan’s day out: Schutt struck at regular intervals as the reaped it rich in 2024, said well, it’s more of just conti- “As far as I’m con- in the biennial competition
turning an impressive five- Indian batters kept returning to the dugout. GETTY IMAGES The scores: that there would not be nuing to improve on and cerned, I don’t play golf for between the USA and
wicket haul. India 100 in 34.2 overs (Megan much of a change to his enhance the things that money. I’ve been playing Europe.
Australia did experience kur struck twice in the Debutant opener Geor- Schutt 5/19) lost to Australia preparations after such an we’ve worked on for years golf my whole life for free (The writer is in Baha-
a minor stutter in the run same over, before coasting gia Voll (46 not out off 42 102/5 in 16.2 overs (Georgia Voll incredible year. now,” said Scheffler. and the money’s just a bo- mas at the invitation of He-
chase, when Renuka Tha- to victory in 16.2 overs. balls) produced a mea- 46 n.o., Renuka Thakur 3/45). “As 2024 went pretty “Getting better is not so- nus. If somebody wants to ro MotoCorp)
18 Friday, December 6, 2024

Sport Thiruvananthapuram

쑽 No breakthrough yet as Liverpool held in
Newcastle thriller,
string of draws continue Arsenal beats United
Game 9 of the World Championship also ends in a peace treaty after 54 moves, the sixth
straight in the sequence; the match is tied 4.5-4.5 as it heads into a rest day on Friday


Polgar hails ‘classy’ Gukesh for Gukesh vs Ding
Arjun Erigaisi appreciation 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 Bb4+ 4.
Bd2 Be7 5. Bg2 d5 6. Nf3 0–0 7.
0–0 c6 8. Qc2 Nbd7 9. Rd1 b6 10.
Susan Polgar was impressed with Gukesh’s reply
Bc3 Bb7 11. Nbd2 Qc7 12. Rac1
to a question at the press conference about Arjun Rfd8 13. b4 c5 14. bxc5 bxc5 15.
Erigaisi reaching the magical 2800 Elo mark. The Qb2 Nb6 16. Ba5 dxc4 17. Nxc4
former World champion called the Indian ‘classy.’ Bxf3 18. Bxb6 axb6 19. Bxf3 Ra6
Gukesh had said: “Congrats to Arjun, it’s fully 20. Qb5 Rxa2 21. Nxb6 Qa7 22.
deserved. He is the second Indian after Vishy Sir Qb1 Rb8 23. dxc5 Ra6 24. Qb5
to cross 2800... it’s a very important Bxc5 25. Qxc5 Qxb6 26. Qxb6
achievement. Raxb6 27. Rc6 Rxc6 28. Bxc6 g5 Costly error: Newcastle’s Schar, right, about the make Liverpool
“It motivates the others to work even harder. I keeper Kelleher pay dearly for his blunder. REUTERS
am also happy for him, but it’s also a motivating
factor.” Agence France-Presse Curtis Jones levelled be-
LONDON fore Anthony Gordon res-
tored Newcastle’s lead. Sa-
Deadlock: Gukesh and Ding haven’t been able to find a win for the last six games. FIDE Liverpool’s Premier lah twice converted Trent
Rickelton’s ton powers SA vel, at 4.5-4.5. One needs Ding, however, not for the
League lead was cut to se-
ven points by Arsenal and
Alexander-Arnold assists
to turn the game around,
on first day of second Test

7.5 points to lift the World first time here, made up Chelsea after the Reds con- taking his tally for the sea-
title. for the lost time, and he ceded a 90th-minute son to 15 goals.
Ryan Rickelton’s maiden Test century In Game nine, Gukesh even pushed Gukesh be- equaliser in a thrilling 3-3 However, there was a
spearheaded South Africa to 269 for seven P.K. Ajith Kumar
had the white pieces. In hind at one stage. draw at Newcastle on late sting in the tale as a
against Sri Lanka on the opening day of the SINGAPORE 29. Kg2 Rb2 30. Kf1 Kg7 31. h3 h5
keeping with the theme of After an initial exchange 32. Ra1 Rc2 33. Bb5 Rc5 34. Bd3
Wednesday. rare error from Liverpool
second Test at St. George’s Park in Gqeberha on here wasn't much his title match, he chose a of pieces, the Indian had a Chelsea thrashed 10- goalkeeper Caoimhin Kel-
The scores: South Africa 269/7 in 86.3 overs (Rickelton 101,
Bavuma 78, Verreynne 48 batting) vs. Sri Lanka.
T to choose between
Ding Liren and D.
Gukesh on Thursday. Just
new opening. He began
with moving his Queen’s
pawn by a couple of
slightly better position,
with some space advan-
tage, but that wasn’t going
Nd7 35. f4 gxf4 36. gxf4 Rc3 37.
Kf2 Nc5 38. Ke3 Nxd3 39. exd3
Rc2 40. Kf3 Rd2 41. Ra3 Kg6 42.
Rb3 f6 43. Ra3 Kf5 44. Ra5+ e5 45.
man Southampton 5-1 to go
second on goal difference
ahead of Arsenal, which
leher allowed Fabian Schar
to squeeze in a late equalis-
er for the Magpies.
as it has been for much of squares, and it was a Cata- to be enough at this level. fxe5 Rxd3+ 46. Ke2 Rxh3 47. exf6+ beat Manchester United
this match for the World lan Opening for the first The game meandered to- Kxf6 48. Kf2 h4 49. Kg2 Rg3+ 50. 2-0. Manchester City The results: Premier League:
Kh2 Kg6 51. Rb5 Rg5 52. Rxg5+ Arsenal 2 (Timber 54, Saliba 73)
chess championship. time here. wards a dead draw snapped its seven-game
Kxg5 53. Kh3 Kf6 54. Kxh4. bt Manchester United 0; Aston
Zimbabwe pips Pakistan in The two previous games
may have witnessed some
Another theme of this
match has been Ding’s
The queens were ex-
Game drawn
winless run by beating Not-
tingham Forest 3-0 to go
Villa 3 (Rogers 21, Watkins
28-pen, Cash 34) bt Brentford 1
thriller for consolation win sharp battles, though they struggle with the clock. He changed on the 26th move fourth. (Damsgaard 54); Everton 4 (Young
both were drawn. Not on went with that theme for and the ending featured Mohamed Salah’s se- 10, Mangala 33, Dawson 49-og,
Zimbabwe grabbed a consolation two-wicket this night. this game, too, as he took rook and minor piece with staring at each other, just a cond-half double was not 72-og) bt Wolves 0; Manchester
victory over Pakistan in a thrilling final Twenty20 It was a peaceful draw in on his time to find the right equal number of pawns on square apart. enough to extend Liver- City 3 (Silva 8, De Bruyne 31,
international in Bulawayo on Thursday, with the ninth game at World answers to the questions the same flank. Any result It was indeed an even pool’s seven-game winning Doku 57) bt Nottingham Forest 0;
tailender Richard Ngarava getting the team over Resorts Sentosa. They posed by Gukesh’s excel- other than a draw, at this fight. The accuracy level run in all competitions as it Newcastle 3 (Isak 35, Gordon 62,
the line with one ball to spare. The visitors won signed the peace treaty af- lent preparation, for which level of chess, was as just for both players was over failed to win for just the Schar 90) drew with Liverpool 3
(Jones 50, Salah 68, 83);
the series 2-1. ter 54 moves. he had thanked his team at about as likely as snow in 99 percent – 99.2 for Gu- third time in 21 games un-
Southampton 1 (Aribo 11) lost to
And the two men could the press conference after Chennai. kesh and 99.3 for Ding. der Arne Slot. Twice the Chelsea 5 (Disasi 7, Nkunku 17,
The scores: Pakistan 132/7 in 20 overs (Salman Agha 32) lost
to Zimbabwe 133/8 in 19.5 overs (Brian Bennett 43, Abbas have a bit more peace: they the previous game. Then there was none on That means they were league leaders were forced Madueke 34, Palmer 76, Sancho
Afridi 3/24). Toss: Pakistan. head into a rest day on Fri- Ding had to make 21 the board: all the pieces making the best possible to come from behind at St. 87).
day. They will resume their moves in about half-an- and pawns were ex- moves – according to the James’ Park as Alexander La Liga: Athletic Bilbao 2
engrossing battle on Satur- hour while Gukesh had an changed, leaving just the computers, even -- at just Isak blasted Newcastle into (Berenguer 53, Guruzeta 80) bt
day with the scores still le- hour and 20 minutes. two kings on the board, about every turn. a 1-0 half-time lead. Real Madrid 1 (Bellingham 78).
Dabang Delhi plays out
thrilling tie against Yoddhas
UP Yoddhas and Dabang Delhi K.C. produced a
gripping contest, battling to a thrilling 32-32 tie in
Hyderabad edges Mumbai Lacklustre National wrestling
championships begin today
their opening match of the Pune leg of the Pro
Kabaddi League on Thursday. For Yoddhas,
Gagan Gowda scored 13 points and Bhavani
Rajput bagged 10 points while Ashu Malik picked
Eagles to stay on top
up yet another Super 10 for Dabang.
Sports Bureau Zenep & Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan N. Sudarshan ad-hoc body will bring cen- the World U-23 and World
MUMBAI 12-13; Benjamin & Vishnu bt BENGALURU sure from the sport’s world Championship.
Jeevan & Karan 13-12). governing body, United The 500 odd who will
Harriet Dart beat Zenep Rajasthan Rangers bt Chennai The three-day Senior Na- World Wrestling, which is participate in Bengaluru
Sonmez 15-10 to pave the Smashers 51-49 (Cristina Dinu lost tional Wrestling Champion- why the present set of of- will no doubt gain from the
way for Hyderabad Strik- to Conny Perrin 11-14; Arthur Fery ship will get underway at fice-bearers are continuing. competitive experience,
bt Hugo Gaston 16-9; Cristina &
ers’ 52-48 victory over Yash the Koramangala Indoor Caught in this messy but they will not taste the
Rohan Bopanna bt Rithvik
Mumbai Eagles in the preli- Bollipalli & Conny 14-11; Arthur & Stadium here from Friday, state of affairs are some of associated perks. Decks
minary phase of the Tennis Bopanna lost to Gaston & Rithvik but with its sheen signifi- the country’s top wrestlers, were in fact cleared for the
Premier League (TPL) at 10-15). cantly wiped out. who will thus not be parti- nationals only after WFI
the CCI here on Thursday. Gujarat Panthers bt Bengaluru SG The Sanjay Singh-led go- cipating in the nationals. told the High Court that the
Karan Singh, Zenep and Pipers 53-47 (Ekaterina Kazionova verning panel of the Wres- Railway Sports Promotion results will not considered
Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan bt Gabriela Knutson 14-11; Sumit tling Federation of India Board (RSPB) will not be for selections.
did well in the next three Nagal bt Bernabe Miralles 13-12; (WFI), under whose aegis sending athletes, but has Among those to watch
Odisha’s home scoring streak rubbers to keep the Mum-
bai team close to the top.
Ekaterina & Vijay Sundar
Prashanth lost to Gabriela &
the nationals is being held,
stands de-recognised by
allowed a few to turn out
for their respective states.
out for will be Manipur’s Y.
Minakshi Devi (50 kg), an
ends, goes goalless with MCFC Hyderabad stayed on Harriet Dart. Anirudh Chandrasekar 11-14;
Sumit & Vijay bt Bernabe &
the Union Sports Ministry. Aman Sehrawat, a bronze U-23 Asian Championship
top with 164 points, fol- And a month ago, the Delhi medallist at the Paris Olym- gold medallist (2024), Del-
Anirudh 15-10).
Odisha FC and Mumbai City FC played out a lowed by Mumbai (157) and over defending champion High Court restrained the pics, is a Railways wrestler. hi’s Sushma Shokeen (53
goalless draw in a Indian Super League match in Rajasthan Rangers (154). Bengaluru SG Pipers. Punjab Patriots bt Bengal Wizards WFI from holding the na- This is not the first time kg), a bronze medallist in
58-42 (Elina Avanesyan bt Kamilla
Bhubaneswar on Thursday as the Juggernauts Sumit Nagal did well to
The results (league):
tionals and called for an In- the WFI has been in chop- Asian Wrestling Champion-
Rakhimova 13-12; S Mukund bt
were unable to find the back of the net for the win his singles against Ber- Hyderabad Strikers bt Yash Niki Poonacha 18-7; Avanesyan & dian Olympic Association py waters in event-related ship (2022), and Sunil Da-
first time in a home game after 10 matches. nabe Miralles and the dou- Mumbai Eagles 52-48 (Harriet Dart Saketh Myneni lost to Kamilla & (IOA)-appointed ad-hoc matters. In October, it was barpurya (87kg Greco-Ro-
The game began on a positive note for Odisha bles with Vijay Sundar bt Zenep Somnez 15-10; Benjamin Sriram Balaji 10-15; Mukund & committee to run the barred by the High Court man), an Asian Wrestling
as it stepped on the offensive right from the start Prashanth to guide Gujarat Lock lost to Karan Singh 12-13; Saketh bt Balaji & Poonacha sport. from holding selection Championship gold medal-
to assert itself but there were no goals. Panthers to a 53-47 victory Harriet & Vishnu Vardhan lost to 17-8). But the presence of an trials to choose teams for list (2020).

An all-round batting effort sees Mumbai edge


Group-A: Rajkot: Meghalaya Hemang Patel 30) bt Karnataka Jharkhand; UP 4(20),
142/7 in 20 overs (Arpit Bhatewara 203 in 19.1 overs (Manish Pandey Jharkhand 0(20).

Andhra by four wickets in exciting contest 31) lost to Punjab 144/3 in 9.3
overs (Abhishek Sharma 106 n.o.);
Toss: Meghalaya; Points:
30, Mayank Agarwal 45, R. Smaran
49, Ravi Bishnoi 3/28); Toss:
Karnataka; Gujarat 4(24),
Group-D: Visakhapatnam:
Pondicherry 175/8 in 20 overs
(Arun Karthik 30, Akash Kargave
Punjab 4(20), Meghalaya 0(0). Karnataka 0(12). 58, Kunal Yadav 3/38) lost to
Rajasthan 153/9 in 20 overs Tripura 136 in 19.3 overs (Bikram Railways 178/4 in 13.3 overs (Ravi
V.V. Subrahmanyam 3x6) joined the latter to put dav earlier. (Kartik Sharma 46, Mahipal Das 52, Mura Singh 51, Chirag Jani Singh 56 n.o., Ashutosh Sharma 50
HYDERABAD up another 75 off 35 balls With 30 needed off the Lomror 45, Mohammed Shami 3/24, Dharmendrasinh Jadeja n.o.); Toss: Railways; Railways
for the second wicket in a last two overs, Suryansh 3/26) lost to Bengal 154/3 in 18.3 3/19) lost to Saurashtra 141/6 in 4(14), Pondicherry 0(8).
K. Srikar Bharat for Andhra hurry to keep Andhra’s spoiled Andhra’s party with overs (Abishek Porel 78, Sudip 13.3 overs (Prerak Mankad 46, Vizianagaram: Odisha 205/7 in
and Ajinkya Rahane for bowlers at bay. three sixes off pacer Sasi- Kumar Gharami 50 n.o.); Toss: Ruchit Ahir 37 n.o.); Toss: Tripura; 20 overs (Gaurav Choudhary 74,
Mumbai scored brilliant Clearly, Andhra’s ploy to kanth in the 19th over Bengal; Bengal 4(24), Saurashtra 4(24), Tripura 0(8). Aashirwad Swain 43 n.o.) lost to
90s for their teams but opt for left-arm spinner Vi- which saw Mumbai score Rajasthan 0(20). Tamil Nadu 194/5 in 20 overs (N. Chandigarh 209/8 in 20 overs
what separated the winner nay backfired as he went 24 runs, and expectedly Mizoram 123 in 18.3 overs (Jehu Jagadeesan 57, Tushar Raheja 55, (Arslan Khan 51, Amrit Lubana 52,
Anderson 33, T. Ravi Teja 3/26, B. Indrajith 37) beat Uttarakhand Gaurav Puri 37); Toss:
was a stunning cameo by wicketless, conceding 38 wrapped up the match.
Nitin Sai Yadav 3/21) lost to 100 in 20 overs (Aditya Tare 31; Chandigarh; Chandigarh 4(16),
Suryansh Shedge (30, 8b, runs in four overs. Earlier, Andhra openers Hyderabad 127/0 in 11.4 overs Sandeep Warrier 4/21); Toss: Odisha 0(6).
2x4, 3x6) as the latter re- There was a handy con- Bharat (93, 53b, 8x4, 4x6) (Aman Rao 67 n.o., Rohit Rayudu Uttarakhand; TN 4(12), Group-E: Hyderabad: Andhra
corded a remarkable, four- tribution from Shivam and Ashwin Hebbar (52, 53 n.o.); Toss: Mizoram; Uttarakhand 0(8). 229/4 in 20 overs (K.S. Bharat 93,
wicket win to top Group E Dube (34, 18b, 3x4, 2x6) 29b, 7x4, 2x6) put on 105 in Hyderabad 4(12), Mizoram Group-C: Mumbai: Arunachal Ashwin Hebbar 52, Ricky Bhui 68)
in the Syed Mushtaq Ali but, it was Rahane’s show just 9.2 overs treating the 0(0). Pradesh 89/7 in 20 overs lost to Mumbai 233/6 in 19.3 overs
T-20 cricket championship all the way. The India star Mumbai attack of Shardul Group-B: Indore: Baroda 349/5 (Siddharth Balodi 36, Techi Doria (Prithvi Shaw 34, Ajinkya Rahane
under lights at Rajiv Gandhi showcased his skills as an Thakur, Mohit Avasthi, and in 20 overs (Shashwat Rawat 43, 32, Aayush Singh 4/18) lost to 95, Shivam Dube 34, Suryansh
Stadium here on Thursday. all-format player with a Shivam Dube with utter Abhimanyusingh Rajput 53, Delhi 92/0 in 6.1 overs (Yash Dhull Shedge 30 n.o., C. Stephen 4/45).
Chasing 230 to win, wide range of strokes but contempt. Bhanu Pania 134 n.o., Shivalik 35 n.o., Priyansh Arya 54 n.o.); Maharashtra 231/4 in 20 overs
Sharma 55, Vishnu Solanki 50) bt Toss: Arunachal; Delhi 4(24), (Ruturaj Gaikwad 97, Siddharth
Mumbai was off to a rous- missed out on a thoroughly Captain Ricky Bhui
Sikkim 86/7 in 20 overs; Toss: Arunachal 0(0). Mhatre 32 n.o., Dhanraj Shinde 32
ing start with Prithvi Shaw deserving century (95, 54b, chipped in with a superb 68 Baroda; Baroda 4(24), Sikkim Uttar Pradesh 160/8 in 20 overs n.o.) bt Services 190/8 in 20 overs
(34, 15b, 4x4, 2x6) and Ra- 9x4, 4x6) when he had to (31b, 7x4, 4x6) to help And- 0(0). (Priyam Garg 31, Rinku Singh 45, (Mohit Ahlawat 37, Vikas Hathwala
hane putting on 51 runs in go for the slog off left-arm hra post what looked a Gujarat 251/5 in 20 overs (Aarya Bal Krishna 3/27) bt Jharkhand 47, Mohit Rathee 34); Toss:
just four overs. Then skip- pacer C. Stephen, who also challenging score of 229 for Smashing success: Suryansh played a match-winning cameo Desai 73, Urvil Patel 33, Abhishek 150 in 19.5 overs (Anukul Roy 91, Services; Maharashtra 4(12),
per Shreyas Iyer (25, 11b, got rid of Suryakumar Ya- four at the break. against Andhra. V.V. SUBRAHMANYAM Desai 47, Axar Patel 56 n.o., Bhuvneshwar Kumar 3/6); Toss: Services 0(8).
Friday, December 6, 2024 19

NZ unchanged in its bid to Shah vows to

better cricket’s
A case of vanishing stars at
profile Mahatma Gandhi University
hit back against England Press Trust of India
Opener Conway and wicketkeeper Blundell retain their places despite lean form;
Jay Shah, the newly ap- Stan Rayan
Skipper Latham says he expects the green-looking pitch to suit pace pointed ICC chairman, on KOCHI
Thursday vowed to take
cricket to “unprecedented Shiny Wilson still sweats
heights” following his first when she talks about Ma-
visit to the headquarters of hatma Gandhi University
the game's global govern- (MGU)’s debut in the all-In-
ing body as its head. dia varsities athletics
championship in 1983-84.
The Kottayam-based un-
iversity had just come into
Adi Seshan being then and Shiny ran
six events, winning three
and Sachidev golds, and played a big role
in MGU winning the wo-
qualify men’s team championship
that year. Not a good sign: Just four women ran the 800m final at the MGU’s
“That was the toughest athletics championships at Pala recently and Uttar Pradesh’s
Sports Bureau meet of my life. I ran the Shivanki, left, won the gold. STAN RAYAN
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 200m, 400m, 800m,
1500m and the two relays lay gold medallists V.K. Vis- brought in another angle.
Kerala’s R. Adi Seshan and and we had heats, semifi- maya and Shiny — was con- “Now, the problem is,
Sachidev came out un- nals and final in almost all ducted as a direct final. private universities (out-
scathed in the qualifying the events,” Shiny told The Kerala, the land of P.T. side Kerala) are ‘buying’ all

round and made it into the Hindu from Chennai. “And Usha, Shiny Wilson, M.D. our athletes. They don’t
Key players: New Zealand skipper Latham believes he has insurance in the form of spinning all-rounders Phillips and Rachin, in pic., main draw in the under-11 the 400m was held just 20 Valsamma, Anju Bobby Ge- need to study there, you
if the pitch breaks up. Right: Root will hope on send down a few over if the need arises. AFP category of the UTT Na- minutes after the 1500m orge, Preeja Sreedharan just go and perform and
tional-ranking table tennis final.” and Tintu Luka, did not you will get a degree. Many
Test at the Basin Reserve. “We saw last time that up a healthy rivalry bet- tournament at the Jimmy Shiny, at Pala’s Alphon- have a single woman in the of our athletes go to Alva’s
ENGLAND IN NZ Australia’s Nathan Lyon the wicket took a little bit George Indoor Stadium sa College then, went on to Indian team at the last two College and Mangalore Un-
ween Joe Root and Harry
took 10 wickets in a 172-run of spin and that surprised Brook, who are one and here on Thursday. become the first female In- Olympics and the MGU iversity,” said Binu.
Agence France-Presse defeat of New Zealand in us a little bit,” Latham told two respectively in the up- In the boys’ qualifying dian track athlete to enter meet gave enough reasons More universities from
WELLINGTON March and England will be reporters. “But going by dated ICC Test batting round, Seshan trounced the Olympics semifinal at for the dismal scene. other States are now trying
looking for success from its this surface and the First rankings. Veteran Root re- Akhil Vinod of Tamil Nadu Los Angeles 1984, in her fa- “It’s a problem getting to attract Kerala athletes of-
ew Zealand named own off-spinner, Shoaib Class games played here, tained the top spot while 11-4, 11-1, 11-2 and then vourite 800m where she quality athletes in Kerala. fering them good amounts

N an unchanged team
on Thursday as it
looks to hit back in the se-
Bashir, who claimed four
first-innings wickets in
the balance we’ve gone in
with is right for this wicket.
We have some spin options
Brook is up two places to
second following his dy-
namic 171 in Christchurch.
came back to beat Jeena-
palli Vaibhav of Andhra
Pradesh 8-11, 11-5, 11-7, 11-7.
also won Asian titles.
A lot has changed at the
MGU. The university which
Getting jobs is not easy
here and youngsters try to
go abroad after completing
to run for them.
Last year’s World Un-
iversity Games in China,
cond Test against England, Skipper Tom Latham in the top seven anyway.” The third and final Test In the girls’ section, Sa- produced the country’s plus two,” said Thanka- which saw some of India’s
resisting the urge to recall defended New Zealand’s Top-order batsman will be in Hamilton from chidev beat Manvi Ghosh greatest 800m runner is chan Mathew, athletics top athletes in action,
batsman Will Young or decision to again overlook Young was named player- December 14. 11-8, 7-11, 8-11, 11-5, 11-9 to now unable to even fill the coach at Alphonsa College, threw up plenty of surpris-
field a specialist spinner. his squad’s lone spinner, of-the-series against India book a place in the main lanes in the two-lapper. MGU women’s champion. es and many questions too.
A day after the visitor Mitchell Santner, who was after scoring 244 runs at The squads: New Zealand: Tom draw. Uttar Pradesh’s Ana- Just four women ran the “Many others who are Are these athletes really
announced it would play highly effective during the just under 50, but the 32- Latham (Capt.), Devon Conway, nya Singh mounted a spi- 800m at the recent MGU here want to do nursing to students of the university
the same XI that won the recent 3-0 sweep away in year-old was replaced by Kane Williamson, Rachin rited recovery to down championships in Pala and get jobs abroad. And the they represent, was one
series-opener in Christ- India. the fit-again Kane William- Ravindra, Daryl Mitchell, Tom Karnataka’s Dhanwita Pat- that included Uttar Pra- State Government’s sup- question many kept ask-
Blundell, Glenn Phillips, Nathan
church by eight wickets, Latham said he expect- son in Christchurch. tankudi 11-13, 10-12, 11-6, desh’s Shivanki Awasthi port for athletes is less ing. The World University
Smith, Tim Southee, Matt Henry,
the Black Caps followed ed the green-looking pitch Opener Devon Conway Will O’Rourke. 11-8, 11-6. who had been roped in by now, funds don’t come on Games come again next
suit for the match starting to suit pace but believes he and wicketkeeper Tom Delhi’s Jenya also se- Alphonsa College and who time and sports hostel ath- year, this time in Germany,
England: Zak Crawley, Ben
in Wellington on Friday. has insurance in the form Blundell have retained Duckett, Jacob Bethell, Joe Root,
cured a place in the main went on to win the event. letes don’t get kits.” and proper screening
Four seamers will spear- of spinning all-rounders their places despite lean Harry Brook, Ollie Pope, Ben draw with a 6-11, 14-12, 7-11, And the women’s 400m Binu George Varghese, should be done to ensure
head the home attack des- Glenn Phillips and Rachin form. Stokes (Capt.), Chris Woakes, Gus 11-8, 13-11 win over Aadhya — a race where MGU had Dean and Director, MGU’s that only genuine students
pite spin being the decisive Ravindra if the pitch Meanwhile, England Atkinson, Brydon Carse, Shoaib Madhusudhana of Karnata- produced Olympian Anilda School of Physical Educa- get to catch the flight to the
factor in the most recent breaks up. captain Ben Stokes talked Bashir. ka. Thomas, Asian Games re- tion and Sports Sciences, Games.

20 Friday, December 6, 2024

Sport Thiruvananthapuram

쑽 Piyush fires Rajasthan Tanisha beats
Odorizzi to
boys to the title make the
Scores 27 points as team beats Karnataka and retains crown; Deepika,
Nidhi star for Karnataka as it defeats TN in a closely-fought girls’ final TENNIS

Sports Bureau

Three-time Olympic gold Sixth seed Tanisha Kash-

yap beat Caterina Odorizzi
medallist Dujardin suspended of Italy 7-5, 6-3 in the pre-
quarterfinals of the
Three-time Olympic dressage gold medallist $15,000 ITF women’s s tou-
Charlotte Dujardin was on Thursday banned for a nament in Stellenbosch,
year following a horse-whipping controversy that South Africa, on Thursday.
led to her withdrawal from the Paris Games. The
British rider’s international suspension, handed
out by the International Federation for
Equestrian Sports, is backdated to July this year. Altenburg Bayern’s Kane steps
joins Kalinga
Alexandersson named India Lancers’ up recovery from
women’s U-20, U-17 coach coaching staff torn hamstring
Swede Joakim Alexandersson on Thursday was
appointed chief coach of the India women’s U-20 Press Trust of India

and U-17 national teams by the All India Football BHUBANESWAR Agence France-Presse
Federation. The 48-year-old Alexandersson has MUNICH
come as part of an agreement between the All Valentin Altenburg, who
India Football Federation and the Swedish led Germany to a bronze Bayern Munich striker Har-
Football Association. His stint will commence medal at the 2016 Rio ry Kane has made a return
with a two-month long U-20 national camp Olympics, was on Thurs- to individual fitness train-
beginning in Bengaluru from December 10. Champions: Karnataka girls and Rajasthan boys who triumphed. day named the head of Ve- ing as he continues his re-
danta Kalinga Lancers’ covery from a hamstring
a closely-fought girls’ final The results: Finals: Boys: coaching staff for the up- tear, the club announced Kane AP
BASKETBALL Rajasthan 85 (Piyush Choudhary
and regain the trophy. coming Hockey India on Thursday. “Welcome
LIVE TELECAST 27, Bupendra Singh 22, Zuber
Tamil Nadu boys and League (HIL). back on the pitch, Harry striker would return before
쑽 Sports Bureau Khan 16, Muhammed Raje Khan
Kerala girls claimed the A respected figure in in- Kane!” Bayern said in a the end of the year.
Australia vs India: 2nd Test, day 1, Star Sports 1 (SD & HD) & KOLKATA 13) bt Karnataka 67 (Samarth
third spots. Manur 24, Harshan Yatish 19,
ternational hockey with ov- statement. The England captain
Hotstar, 9.30 a.m. The champions, run- er a decade of experience, Kane missed the mid- was seen watching from
Aditya Shenoi 10).
U-19 Asia Cup: Semifinals, India vs Sri Lanka, Sony Sports ajasthan boys and ners-up and third-place the 43-year-old is the youn- week German Cup defeat the stands at Bayern’s Al-
Ten 5 (SD & HD) & LIV, 10.30 a.m.; Bangladesh vs Pakistan, So-
ny Sports Ten 3 (SD & HD) & LIV, 10.30 a.m.
South Africa vs Sri Lanka: 2nd Test, day 2, Sports 18-1 (SD
& HD) & JioCinema, 1.30 p.m.
R Karnataka girls
emerged as cham-
pions in the 39th National
finishers received ₹3 lakh,
₹2 lakh, and ₹1 lakh each.
Bhupendra Singh (Ra-
Girls: Karnataka 61 (Deepika P.P.
16, Nidhi Umesh 16, Mahek
Sharma 11, Taarusree Tarun 10)
bt Tamil Nadu 54 (Jeffrin A. 15,
gest senior men’s coach in
Germany’s hockey history.
He has also guided the
by Bayer Leverkusen after
suffering the injury in the
first half of Saturday’s 1-1
lianz Arena on Tuesday as
the host lost 1-0 to Leverku-
sen in the last 16 of the cup.
youth basketball cham- jasthan) and Taarusree Ta- Smitha Sundaresh 10). national team to silver me- draw at Borussia Dort- The 31-year-old arrived
Chess: World Championship, FIDE YouTube Channel, 2.30 pionships on Thursday. run (Karnataka) were ad- Third spot: Boys: Tamil Nadu dals at the European mund. in Munich in the summer
p.m. 101 (Aakash L. 35, Priyadarsan Bayern issued a state- of 2023 with a history of
Rajasthan rode on top- judged the ‘Most Valuable Championships in 2019
ISL: Sports 18-3 & JioCinema, 7.30 p.m. scorer Piyush Choudhary’s Player’ among boys and A.R. 22, Yadesh Kumar 22, Vishal and 2021, and a bronze in ment on Sunday confirm- ankle injuries but had mis-
PKL: Star Sports 2 (SD & HD) & Hotstar, 8 p.m. V. 16) bt Haryana 100 (Shekhar
27 points to beat Karnataka girls and bagged a prize 2023. Kalinga Lancers will ing Kane had a tear in his sed only two games for the
Rathee 24, Veer Singh 22, Ajay 21,
Golf: Hero World Challenge, FanCode, 12 a.m. (Saturday). 85-67 in the final to retain money of ₹50,000 each. Chirag 16).
play their first match right hamstring and would club until the hamstring
Bundesliga: Sony Sports Ten 2 ( SD & HD) & LIV, 1 a.m. its title. Yadesh Kumar (Tamil Girls: Kerala 83 (Diya Biju 22,
against UP Rudras in Rour- be missing “for the time tear.
(Saturday). Deepika P.P. and Nidhi Nadu) and Nidhi Umesh Arthika K. 20, Liya Maria 14, kela on Dec. 30. “I’m grate- being”. Kane has scored 20
Serie A: gxr.world, 11 p.m. & 1.15 a.m. (Saturday). Umesh scored 16 points (Karnataka) were named Vaigha 11, Ananymol 8, Cloudia ful to Vedanta Kalinga Lan- Bayern coach Vincent goals in 19 games in all
New Zealand vs England: 2nd Test, day 2, Sony Sports Ten apiece to help Karnataka the best boys and girls 6) bt Maharashtra 54 (Reva cers for giving me this Kompany said on Monday competitions for Bayern
5 (SD & HD) & LIV, 3.30 a.m. (Saturday). defeat Tamil Nadu 61-54 in shooters. Kulkarni 24). opportunity,” he said. that he hoped the star this season.

Friday, December 6, 2024 I

Can The Adelaide Oval become

Siraj’s theatre of dreams?
He will have his first taste of pink-ball action starting Friday. The Hyderabad quick has been working hard at nets to familiarise himself with a cherry he isn’t accustomed to,
and a useful outing against a Prime Minister’s XI in Canberra on Sunday means he is as prepared as possible


R. Kaushik able allies. Siraj led the wicket-taking third outing, in his new avatar as the Bumrah was the star, of course, with five THE GIST
charts with 41 scalps, Milind took 35 and bowling lynchpin. wickets in the first innings and three in
ere, in Australia, was where it Ravi finished with 34 sticks as Hyderabad He has only two other five-wicket the second, but he couldn’t have done it

H all started for Mohammed

Siraj. When India travelled
down under in November
2020 for a multi-format series played
under the giant shadow of the
relished the tournament being played on
neutral venues and therefore having the
opportunity to ply their wares in the
north and the east of the country, where
there was plenty of assistance for the
hauls, both overseas and the last of them
in January, when he destroyed South
Africa on the first morning in Cape Town
with six for 15, but especially in Shami’s
long injury-enforced absences, he has
all alone. Old buddy Siraj and new
colleague Harshit Rana stepped up, Siraj
reaping the rewards for a necessary shift
in attitude with two for 20 from 13 terrific
overs in the first dig and three for 51 on a

The pink ball, with a harder,
more pronounced seam and
multiple layers of lacquer to
ensure the shine doesn’t go off
coronavirus, the Hyderabadi quick had quicks during the winter. slotted in as an excellent foil for the slower, easier-to-bat surface in the rapidly, can take some getting
already made his international debut in It was a given that when Arun returned irrepressible Bumrah, who isn’t just the second. used to
both limited-overs formats, but was still a to the Indian set-up in the middle of 2017 premier pacer in the world right now but From Friday, Siraj will have his first
work in progress when it came to the after Ravi Shastri replaced Kumble, Siraj also a guide and a mentor to his taste of pink-ball action, all other things 쑽
five-day game. He came to Australia as would break down the doors to national fast-bowling comrades. being equal. He hasn’t played in any of Hitting the deck back of a
understudy to Jasprit Bumrah, Umesh selection. He made his international Since that bittersweet Australia India’s previous four day-night Tests and length and getting the ball to
Yadav and Mohammed Shami, and sat debut in a T20I against New Zealand in sojourn in 2020-21, Siraj has a runner-up has been working hard at nets to nip around awkwardly at pace
out the opening Test in Adelaide. By the November that same year, and his first medal each in the World Test familiarise himself with a cherry he isn’t is a Siraj speciality which the
end of the four-Test series, he was 50-over outing came some 14 months Championship (2021 and 2023) and the accustomed to. The pink ball, with a pink ball will facilitate under
perforce compelled to assume the status later, on a limited-overs tour of Australia 50-over World Cup (2023) as well as the harder, more pronounced seam and lights
of the lead paceman with the following India’s historic 2-1 triumph in winner’s medal at the T20 World Cup in multiple layers of lacquer to ensure the 쑽
aforementioned trio picking up the preceding Test series. By the time of Bridgetown earlier this year. After a brief shine doesn’t go off rapidly, isn’t anything
tour-ending injuries at various stages. the 2020-21 tour to the Antipodes, Siraj lull when the lack of numbers in the like its white or red counterparts and can Although he has boasts
Not long after the Indians landed in had made good on his promise. wickets column weighed him down and take some getting used to, not just for the exceptional numbers
Australia following the delayed IPL 2020 took the fun out of his bowling, a spell of batters and the fielders but also the (averaging 53.2 deliveries per
Test scalp) Siraj will be mindful
in the UAE, Siraj lost his father, Steely resolve self-introspection and commonsensical bowlers. Siraj admitted to ‘some
of adding to the wickets
Mohammed Ghaus, after a brief ailment. Summoning the fortitude to stay on and messaging from Arun and Bumrah have confusion’ initially when bowling with
column — without losing sight
Had he returned to India at the time, his process his emotions in physical solitude brought him back on track and Siraj is the pink ball, but after numerous overs in of the fun element and without
tour would have been practically over in the immediacy of his father’s demise, beginning to more and more resemble the nets and a useful outing against a going consciously looking for
because of the quarantine regulations as Siraj was excellent in his three Tests in the ‘streak bowler’ who, like England’s Prime Minister’s XI in Canberra on wickets.
they existed. His mother exhorted him to Australia in 2020-21. In both Melbourne, Stuart Broad, is known to get on a roll Sunday, he is as prepared as possible in
stay on with the team because that’s what where he made a solid debut with five and wreak havoc in a single spell, like in the reasonable turnaround time between
‘your father would have wanted’. Ravi wickets, and in Sydney, he had Bumrah’s Cape Town early this year or in the final the first and the second Tests.
Shastri, the head coach, drilled home a expertise and experience to feed off. By of the Asia Cup against Sri Lanka in
similar message. Despite restrictions on the time of the decider in Brisbane, with Colombo in September last year. The need of the hour
physical contact with the squad members the series level 1-1 and Bumrah took Siraj is at that stage of his career where
all in mandatory isolation, Siraj was joining the burgeoning list of the injured, Quiet reflection he will feel the need to start his pulling
overwhelmed by the support, the two-Test veteran was expected to lead After Cape Town, India played Test his weight more consistently. His 32 Test
understanding and empathy he received the way. cricket exclusively at home between appearances have brought him 85
from his colleagues. The boy quickly India’s attack for that Brisbane game January and November before embarking wickets, which might not appear a lot,
grew up to become a man. read Shardul Thakur (one Test old, and for Australia. Siraj figured in eight of but he has on an average bowled eight
who had bowled only 10 balls in Test those ten matches against England, and a half overs less in a Test than
The story behind the man cricket on debut before limping off Bangladesh and New Zealand, but Bumrah has. In 41 Tests, Bumrah
Siraj’s is one of those heartwarming injured two years previously), Navdeep managed just 12 wickets, four of those averages 192.7 balls per game; the
stories that serves as an inspiration for Saini (one Test) and debutants T. coming in a single innings against the corresponding number for Siraj is 141.4.
everyone aspiring to dream big. It wasn’t Natarajan and Washington Sundar. It was Englishmen in Rajkot. With Shami still on Bumrah, the genius that he is, takes a
until he was in Class Seven that he first a far cry from the line-up that started the the sidelines and the tour of Australia, wicket every 43.6 balls, Siraj averages
played cricket, and his first taste of the series – Bumrah, Umesh, Shami and R. where pace would play a big part, 53.2 deliveries per Test scalp. As far as
cricket ball was only in 2015, when he Ashwin. Australia hadn’t lost at the Gabba imminent, Siraj sat back and reflected on support acts go, these are terrific
was 21. Remarkably, that same year, he since 1988, India was without more than why success was proving elusive. numbers, but history will eventually
made his Ranji Trophy debut, and the big half the XI that started the showdown in “I also spoke to Arun sir and he told judge a player on statistics, not context,
breakthrough came the following season, Adelaide. David vs Goliath? Or a rout of me to stop chasing wickets. He urged me and that’s why Siraj will be mindful of
under fortuitous circumstances. epic proportions? to enjoy my bowling and have fun and adding to the wickets column – without
In the one year that Anil Kumble was Siraj gave India a dream start by pointed out that if I did that, the wickets losing sight of the fun element and
head coach of the national team, Bharat packing off David Warner in the first over would come on their own,” Siraj said the without going consciously looking for
Arun slipped into a similar role with the of the Test, but it was in the second other day. “Jassi bhai (Bumrah) also said wickets.
Hyderabad state side. The 2016-17 season innings, with India trailing by 33, that he pretty much the same thing. That’s what I Hitting the deck back of a length and
was to be a watershed in Siraj’s career. truly stepped up. He got rid of Marnus did in Perth; I forgot about wickets and getting the ball to nip around awkwardly
Under S. Badrinath’s captaincy and with Labuschagne, Matthew Wade (first ball) focussed on the process.” at pace is a Siraj speciality which the pink
Arun steering the ship with his firm but and Steve Smith, and when Thakur held That worked wonders. The spring in ball will facilitate under lights, when
benevolent hand, Hyderabad surged into the catch at third-man to see the back of his step was back, the mouth worked seam movement is exaggerated. The
the quarterfinals on the back of their last man Josh Hazlewood, completed his overtime, the ball left his hand Adelaide Oval could so easily turn out to
pace attack with Siraj in the forefront, first five-for in Test cricket. In the most beautifully and asked numerous be Siraj’s theatre of dreams, with a bit of
and M. Ravi Kiran and Chama Milind as extenuating of circumstances, in only his searching questions of Australia’s batters. help from Bumrah and the Aussie batters.
II Friday, December 6, 2024


How tuberculosis destabilises

the mental moorings of patients
TB is stigmatised due to the fear of contagiousness, association with poverty, and unhealthy behaviour. This leads to both social and self-stigma, The Institute of Mental Health Erragadda in
Hyderabad. FILE PHOTO
which leads to mental health challenges. These mental health issuescause hopelessness, despair, and impaired decision-making skills

Chapal Mehra
Lancelot Pinto
Why mental
n 2022, 2.42 million Indians were health patients
I diagnosed with tuberculosis. A
silent crisis, TB is associated with
a deep stigma, and those
affected have stories of being ostracised
and mistreated by families, communities,
continue to stay
in institutions
and even the health system. All of this has
a significant impact on the mental health
of those fighting TB. In truth, TB and
mental illness are co-epidemics.
after rehab?
Evidence suggests that people with Snehal Mutha
mental health issues are more likely to
develop TB. Also, TB-related stigma On a rainy September morning in Karjat,
adversely impacts a TB-affected near Mumbai, 25 patients from the
individual’s mental health from diagnosis Regional Mental Hospital (RMH),
through treatment and its side effects. Yerwada, arrived at the Shraddha

TB-related mental health issues also Rehabilitation Centre, run by an NGO, to
significantly diminish an individual’s be reunited with their families. Among
quality of life. the patients was Lukhi, a woman in her
Why does this happen? TB is 40s. Lukhi was brought to the RMH in
stigmatised due to the fear of 2016 and lived there for eight years,
contagiousness, association of the disease though she was ready to be discharged
with poverty, and unhealthy behaviour. within a year.
This leads to both social and self-stigma, Lukhi’s is not an isolated case.
which leads to mental health challenges. Hundreds continue as residents of
These mental health issues lead to general government-run mental health
feelings of hopelessness, despair, and institutions for years across India, even
impaired decision-making skills, which after completing treatment, experts and
can also lead the individual to lose hope activists say. Last year, the National
in recovery, not be able to follow Human Rights Commission stated that
medical advice, discontinue treatment, over 2,000 patients who were fit to be
etc. discharged continued to remain at 47
government mental healthcare
Physical scars institutions. The NHRC report states:
TB treatment is long and comes with “None of the institutes have taken
extreme side effects. This leads to several effective and long-term measures to
mental health issues that affect the ensure that a mentally ill person can
individual but sometimes even families exercise his right to unfettered
who are providing care. Those affected community living.”
see changes in physical appearance, In 2022, Mumbai-based psychiatrist
extreme side effects from rashes to Harish Shetty filed a petition in the
psychotic episodes, and lose Bombay High Court, taking up the matter
self-confidence. It comes as no surprise of a woman who had been a resident of
that the mental toll often parallels the the Regional Mental Hospital, Thane, for
physical damage. Up to 84% of patients 12 years. His plea said that this was a
with TB have concomitant depression. violation of the provisions of the Mental
It’s important for policy and Healthcare Act, 2017, and also violated the
programmes to recognise that the rights of the individual. He said families
association of TB and poor mental health A patient is examined at a TB hospital in Gauhati. AP must be kept engaged throughout, and
is bidirectional. While the TB stigma, the process should ensure patients return
prolonged treatment, and adverse side part of TB care. Studies have used simple promising. India could leverage Mental health support is needed
effects can have deleterious effects on an questionnaires to screen all patients with smartphone penetration to deliver such not only from the perspective of Hundreds continue as residents
individual’s mental health, poor mental TB at the time of diagnosis and these have services if they are not available locally. the individual but also to arrest of government-run mental health
health can also predispose a person to yielded a good sensitivity. These As is the case for most community-based institutions for years across
TB transmission. Studies have
TB. A weakened immune system known questionnaires can be self-administered, mental health interventions, we need to
demonstrated that those with India, even after completing
to be associated with mental stress and or administered by community health move out of hospitals and deliver such
depression possibly contributes to workers or DOTS providers. Offering services close to communities. mental disorders are less likely to treatment
vulnerability. In addition, addiction to psychological support during treatment There is also an urgent need to engage adhere to treatment, more likely
tobacco, alcohol, and narcotics, all should also be a standard of care, with the with communities not just to be to drop out, and have a higher home as soon as treatment is completed.
associated with mental health disorders, knowledge that treatment can be arduous spokespersons but also work with those risk of poorer outcomes Most patients of mental healthcare
has been associated with a high incidence and stressful. affected through support groups and institutions are brought in by families who
of TB, suggesting a causal association. The informational support both to affected do not have access to mental healthcare
global burden of disease study estimates Screening for mental stress individuals and families. This has been mental health care needs of TB-affected in their hometowns, are unable to care
that in 2017, 197·3 million (95% UI Offering mental health supportive done successfully in certain small individuals. Addressing the intersection of for their loved ones, or are found
178·4–216·4) Indians had mental health services is needed not only from the experiments but now needs to be TB and mental health demands a wandering. While some get treated and
disorders, making such persons a sizable perspective of the individual patient, but expanded at a national level to create collaborative and comprehensive rejoin their families, others remain at
TB high-risk population. also from a perspective of arresting TB community-based support systems and approach. Policymakers must focus on institutions for years or even decades.
Standards of care in TB now mandate transmission. Studies have demonstrated destigmatize mental health and TB. The creating integrated policies that provide Under the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017,
screening for diabetes and HIV infection that those with unaddressed mental community needs to be stakeholders at all mental health (MH) support. They also a person cannot be admitted to a
among those diagnosed. Shouldn’t we health disorders are less likely to adhere levels in policy and programme design. need to allocate resources and prioritise hospital/mental health institute for more
also screen for depression and other to treatment, more likely to drop out of When care needs to be escalated, MH services within TB programmes. We than 90 days. This admission can be
mental health issues? In a global survey of the treatment programme, and have a pathways for early referral to psychiatrists need to start by recognising that TB and extended, or the patient can be
national TB programmes (NTP’s) of 26 higher risk of poorer outcomes. and prompt initiation of treatment need mental health are commodities, and the readmitted for up to 90 days in cases of
countries, it was found that only two Once screened, we need to address the to be in place. This is likely to be integration of mental health care in TB patients who still require care, but the
NTPs included routine screening for any need for psychological support. While the challenging, considering the dearth of care is needed at every step of the TB care State’s Mental Health Review Board
mental disorder, four assessed alcohol or challenges of limited personnel numbers psychiatrists in the country. Given the cascade. (MHRB) has to review these cases. But in
drug use, and five had standard protocols remain, multiple studies have magnitude of the burden of mental health (Chapal Mehra is an independent public practice, the law is often not
for the co-management of disorders. demonstrated the effectiveness of remote disorders in the country, training more health consultant: implemented, say experts.
India needs to lead the way with a digital therapies such as cognitive psychiatrists to serve an unmet need chapal@piconsulting.in; Lancelot Pinto Mumbai-based psychiatrist Swarali
comprehensive framework and policy on behaviour therapy for mild depression. needs to be prioritised. is a consultant pulmonologist and an Kondwilkar said institutions do contact
TB and mental health. This should App-based solutions, augmented with We cannot eliminate TB from India epidemiologist at P.D. Hinduja National families of patients when they have their
incorporate mental health screening as artificial intelligence, have been unless we comprehensively address the Hospital, Mumbai: lance.pinto@gmail.com) details, but when patients from other
cities/States are involved, this may be
neglected. “The institution does not have
the will to go the extra mile and find the
family. Many families lack the resources to
Please send in your answers to travel and find their relatives. In some of
THE SCIENCE QUIZ science@thehindu.co.in these cases, it is assumed that the patient
is abandoned.” Language is also a barrier
in several cases. In some cases, the

What is universal healthcare? patients remain because they have

nowhere to go.
Families are often overwhelmed by the
process of seeking treatment and
Ramya Kannan comprehensive provision and free services to caregiving, and acceptance of a diagnosis
all. When was the NHS launched? of a mental illness does not come easily to
X many, said Padmavati Ramachandran,
On December 12, the world will observe QUESTION 3 director, Schizophrenia Research
International Universal Health Coverage Day, One American President attempted twice to Foundation, Chennai. “Stigma continues
and nations will dust off their old promises to establish UHC in the United States and failed to persist against persons with mental
provide universal health coverage for their both times. Who was this? illnesses. Families may be afraid to allow
populations. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) X relatives to mingle. When this continues,
encompasses equal access for all to good QUESTION 4 the caregiver also starts withdrawing from
quality health services and affordability for all. The U.S. government claims it is the largest social activities; the whole family is then
Here’s some trivia to update your knowledge of payer of healthcare in the United States, affected and may feel that leaving the
UHC. covering nearly 90 million Americans. What are patient at an institute is their only choice.”
X the various insurance schemes through which it
QUESTION 1 does this?
Primary healthcare is the fulcrum of UHC, at the X
very root. When did the World Health QUESTION 5
Organization embrace PHC as a part of its goal In 2018, India launched the Aushman Bharat
of health for all? scheme as its path to reach UHC for its people. For feedback and suggestions
X It was launched with two components: one was for ‘Science’, please write to
QUESTION 2 the setting up of a vast network of health and science@thehindu.co.in with the
The British National Health Service (NHS) was welfare centres delivering comprehensive X subject ‘Daily page’
an early forerunner of healthcare for all, with primary health care. What was the second? Visual: We all know who this is. Your question is: What is his link with UHC in the US? GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP
Thiruvananthapuram www.thehindu.com Friday, December 6, 2024
● ●


Text&Context 0
The delivery time of Srinagar’s night The solar electricity NHAI’s special purpose The economic losses
M-Now, Myntra’s quick temperature drops to contract signed by vehicle to raise funds due to natural
commerce service season’s lowest Meta with Invenergy via green bonds disasters in 2024
minutes. Fashion and degrees Celsius. Cold MW. Meta Platforms In ₹ crore. The In $ billion. In a year set

30 lifestyle e-commerce
platform Myntra on Thursday
announced the launch of its quick
-2.1 conditions intensified in
Kashmir as the minimum
temperature settled below the freezing
760 Inc. announced a deal
to buy green credits
from four large U.S. solar energy projects
1,000 National
Authority of India (NHAI) said its special
310 to be declared the
hottest on record,
natural disasters caused $310 billion in
commerce service ‘M-Now’, which promises point across the valley, with a few places that will help it meet its clean electricity purpose vehicle DME Development Ltd. will economic losses globally in 2024, as
delivery within 30 minutes. In November, experiencing the season’s coldest night. goals. Meta signed four contracts with raise ₹1,000 crore through green bonds to climate change increasingly takes its toll,
Myntra piloted M-Now in select pin codes The city registered a low of -2.1 degrees energy project developer Invenergy for 760 implement climate-friendly measures on Swiss Re said on Thursday. AFP
of Bengaluru to test its feasibility. PTI Celsius on November 28 as well. PTI MW of solar electricity. REUTERS the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway project. PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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Is Syria’s Assad regime in danger?


What was the role of Russia in the Syrian civil war back in 2016? How was the Bashar al-Assad regime able to recapture Aleppo then? Who are the Hayat Tahrir
al-Sham and what is their connection to the al-Qaeda? How were the militants able to make such extensive territorial gains?


Stanly Johny 쑽
Islamist militants in Syria’s
The story so far: northwest launched a surprise
slamist militants in Syria’s

attack last week against the
northwest launched a surprise forces of President Bashar
attack last week against the forces al-Assad and made dramatic
of President Bashar al-Assad and territorial gains.
made dramatic territorial gains. The
Syrian civil war, which broke out in 2011 쑽
amidst Arab Spring-inspired The HTS is led by Abu
anti-government protests, had entered Mohammad al-Julani, a
into a frozen stage in late 2016 after the 42-year-old Syrian militant.
regime recaptured most of its territories. Dramatic offence: Militants of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham drive along a street in al-Rashideen, Aleppo province, Syria on November 29. REUTERS Julani had moved to Iraq in his
There was relative calm, but no real peace early 20s to fight the American
in the Arab republic. With the latest out such an attack against an enclave of 3 occupation of the country
clashes, peace has been broken and hot million people without Russia’s active (2003) and joined the al-Qaeda.
war has resumed. support. Turkish President Recep Tayyip When the al-Qaeda in Iraq was
Erdogan staunchly opposed any offensive commanded by Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi, Julani emerged as
How has Syria’s control map changed at Idlib, saying it would trigger another
one of his close lieutenants.
in the span of a week? refugee influx into Turkey. This was also
In 2015, before Russian President the time Russia’s Mr. Putin and Mr. 쑽
Vladimir Putin decided to send troops to Erdogan entered into an entente. Russia
Without direct support from
Syria, the Assad regime was on the brink forced Syria to accept a ceasefire, leaving Iran, Hezbollah and Russia,
of collapse. He had lost most of the Idlib in the hands of the HTS and the SNA. Syria’s troops were vulnerable.
population centres, except Damascus and This led to the tense calm in Syria. The militants, reportedly
the Alawite-dominated coastal cities. However, geopolitical dynamics have backed by Turkey, made use of
There were multiple rebel and jihadist since shifted. Russia launched its invasion that vulnerability and made
factions such as the Free Syrian Army, of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Moscow swift advances to capture the
Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda’s Syria branch) is today preoccupied with the ongoing whole of Aleppo.
and the Islamic State (IS). The IS was war, and has also withdrawn thousands of
controlling eastern Syrian cities of Raqaa soldiers from Syria. During the height of
and Deir Ezzor as well as the ancient city the civil war, Qassem Soleimani, the
of Palmyra. Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian charismatic Iranian Quds Force General,
Army were controlling parts of Idlib in the was in charge of building and deploying
northwest. Other militant groups were Shia militias in Syria that fought the
controlling Hama, Homs, and even some anti-regime militants. Gen. Soleimani was
neighbourhoods of Damascus. In the assassinated by the Americans in January
south, Daara and Quneitra were restive. 2020. Over the past year, several senior
The Russian intervention played a Iranian Generals were killed in Syria by
pivotal role in turning around the civil Israeli air strikes. Hezbollah, which fought
war. While Kurdish militias, backed by the on the frontlines against the rebels during
U.S., fought the IS in the east and in the the early phase of the civil war, is today
Kurdish border towns, the Syrian army, busy reorganising itself after months of
backed by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, direct fighting with Israel. Israel’s
fought other rebel groups, recapturing repeated air strikes in Syria over the past
lost territories. For example, by several years have substantially weakened
December 2016, more than a year after Iranian, regime and Hezbollah positions
the Russian arrival, the regime retook in the country. These geopolitical
Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city and its developments provided an opportunity
commercial capital. The militants for the militants to launch their offensive.
continued to hold on to Idlib when the Without direct support from Iran,
war got frozen. Hezbollah and Russia, Syria’s troops were
Last week, the rebels launched their vulnerable. The militants, reportedly
offensive from Idlib. Their initial objective backed by Turkey, made use of that
was to capture the western vulnerability and made swift advances to
neighbourhoods of Aleppo. But the ease capture the whole of Aleppo.
with which they pushed the regime forces
out of Aleppo’s suburbs prompted them What happens next?
to expand the scope of the offensive and It took four years for Mr. Assad to
march towards the city. Within days, they recapture Aleppo in 2016. It took just four
captured Aleppo. They have now entered days for him to lose it to the HTS. This is
Hama, a regime stronghold. In the an embarrassing setback for the regime.
northeast of Aleppo, militants have On December 5, the militants entered
captured territories from Kurdish rebels. (SNA), is practically a sidekick of the empire in Idlib. The Islamic State was Hama, the central city. They are now
In less than a week, the Idlib militants jihadist HTS. The ongoing offensive is led defeated and Baghdadi was killed, but likely to march towards Homs. The
have more than doubled the territories by the HTS, along with the SNA. Julani emerged as the face of the collapse of the regime forces in the north
they hold. anti-regime Syrian militancy. He first has reinvigorated other smaller rebel
What is HTS? changed the name of al-Nusra to Jabhat groups elsewhere in the country who
Who are the main actors? The HTS is led by Abu Mohammad Fateh al-Sham. Later, the name was started attacking government positions,
There are three main actors in Syria al-Julani, a 42-year-old Syrian militant. changed again to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham especially in the south. The regime faces a
today. The most important actor is the Julani had moved to Iraq in his early 20s (HTS) as he sought to distance his group full-blown civil war. It’s too early to rule
regime, which is backed by Iran and Shia to fight the American occupation of the from al-Qaeda — though the HTS never out Mr. Assad, who survived a years-long
militias from Iraq and Russia. The second country (2003) and joined the al-Qaeda. renounced its Islamist ideology. Over the civil war once. His regime has deep roots
player is the Syrian Democratic Forces When the al-Qaeda in Iraq was years, Julani’s men built a parallel state in in the coastal regions and among the
(SDF), which is basically an umbrella commanded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Idlib. Julani is a U.S.-designated terrorist, country’s minorities. After the initial
militia group involving the People’s Julani emerged as one of his close but, after establishing his rule over Idlib, setback, regime forces are now
Protection Forces (YPG), the main Syrian lieutenants. When Baghdadi decided to he declared that his fight was against Mr. coordinating with Iran for
Kurdish militia that controls Syrian send a contingent of al-Qaeda jihadists Assad, not against the U.S. He has not reinforcements. Thousands of fighters
Kurdistan (Rojava). From the early stages across the border to Syria to fight faced any major attacks from the U.S., from Iraqi militias such as Kataib
of the civil war, the regime and the YPG President Assad after the civil war broke which still has hundreds of soldiers in Hezbollah and Badr Organisation have
had entered into a detente. The Kurds, out, he chose Julani to lead the pack. He eastern Syria. already joined the battle. But the regime’s
who got their relative autonomy, and the set up Jabhat al-Nusra. Later, Julani fell inability to arrest the militant advances
regime forces stayed away from targeting out with Baghdadi as the former wanted Why did the militants attack now? should set alarm bells ringing in
each other. The third actor is Hayat Tahrir al-Nusra to join the Islamic State. Julani Julani had always said that bringing down Damascus. The militants on the other side
al-Sham (HTS), the main anti-government wanted to retain his group as an the Assad regime was one of his sense a great opportunity in expanding
force that is in control of Idlib. The autonomous al-Qaeda branch in Syria. objectives. The Syrian regime wanted to their territorial control. Syria appears to
Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army, which is When the world’s focus shifted towards attack Idlib and recapture the be getting ready for another prolonged
today called the Syrian National Army the Islamic State, Julani steadily built his governorate. But it could not have carried spell of bloodshed.
IV Friday, December 6, 2024

Text&Context Thiruvananthapuram



Know your
K. Subramanian

“Here is the ‘wood interdental stimulator’

you wanted.”
“Wood interdental stimulator! A very
long name for a toothpick, don’t you
“What’s in a name?”, said

“A lot actually. Last week, you called a
pencil ‘a portable, hand-held
communications inscriber.’ And today you
call a toothpick, ‘a wood interdental
stimulator’. It all sounds crazy.”
“It does, doesn’t it? It’s called the
language of ‘doublespeak’.”
“Yes, and the purpose of doublespeak
GETTY IMAGES is to only pretend to communicate.”
“What do you mean ‘pretend to

Critical measures: should film reviews on

communicate?’ You mean it actually
“No, it doesn’t. Doublespeak is the
kind of language that is ambiguous or

social media platforms be banned?

“You mean it’s like the kind of language
politicians use?”
“It’s not just politicians who indulge in
doublespeak. Everyone makes use of it.
In a post-internet world, the know-how of film criticism is scattered but accessible, and the growing passion for movies has enabled audiences to read Advertisers, bureaucrats,...”
films more sensibly. Therefore, a gag order on a platform censors every voice, good or bad “Can you give some examples?”
“When the U.S. invaded Grenada in the
1980’s, it didn’t call it an invasion. The
Bhuvanesh Chandar tended to pride itself on one key aspect — stigmatised as a profession as immoral pigeonhole such critics as ‘niche’ and Government announced that there had
that audiences have the final say and that paupers to being denounced as the killers offer other film-related opportunities like been a ‘pre-dawn vertical insertion’.”
arlier this week, the Tamil Film the industry respects their judgement. of a ‘creator’s child,’ the film critic has interviews to the same sensationalist “But who would understand something

E Active Producers Association

(TFAPA) filed a writ petition in
the Madras High Court, seeking
a ban on movie reviews on social media
for the first three days of release. The
Closely observing recent discourses
paints a startling picture of the idea of
film criticism that remains. You exit a
cinema hall on a Friday afternoon and are
faced with a mike-borne journalist asking
always been the film industry’s favourite
punching bag to vent its shortcomings.
Pensiveness, insight, and the ability to
read films and write incisive pieces that
celebrate and propagate film appreciation
YouTube media they claim need
The industry believes that promotions
and reviews, positive or negative,
certainly influences the opinion of the
like ‘pre-dawn vertical insertion’?”
“That’s exactly the point. No one is
expected to understand it. You see the
aim of doublespeak is to make the bad
appear good, the simple appear complex,
counsel representing the TFAPA listed for your review — an industry-propagated are what the pundits claim differentiate a audiences. Introspectively, even if film the unpleasant, attractive...”
three reasons that necessitated the technique used in post-release critic. But in a democratised post-internet critics are shielded from any future “So instead of saying there are lots of
request — review bombing through campaigns. Or you are an independent world, the know-how of film criticism is censorship, a gag order on platforms poor people in India, I would...”
reviews shot in cinema theatres, YouTube reviewer shooting a video scattered but accessible, and the growing meant for all would disrupt the quiet in “...Say, there are many ‘fiscal
stage-managing fake reviews by review for your portal. If you shower passion for movies has enabled audiences an ecosystem that both film producers underachievers’. Or you could refer to
purchasing bulk tickets, and intentionally praises on the film, it can be used to to read films more sensibly. In the and film critics depend upon. them as ‘economically non-affluent’.”
propagating a negative image of the film further promote the title; if you criticise it competitive media space of today, the “Economically non-affluent’! Sounds
through fake social media accounts. in a language the makers deem offensive, passion and resolve it takes to make film The law’s reaction very impressive.”
These are pivotal concerns that need you might be slapped with a defamation criticism a profession, build experience From what transpired at the Madras High “One of the aims of doublespeak is to
redressal and creators must be protected suit or a copyright strike. Or, as a recent over time, and sharpen said skills are Court during the hearing of the TFAPA’s make things sound impressive. For
from targeted harassment. Paid reviews example showed, the partner of the film’s what sets apart a film critic from a film arguments, one is certain that the court example, instead of saying our roads are
are real and, as Taapsee Pannu recently leading man would label you a pawn of a buff with a blog. In all their steps to tackle stands against curtailing free speech, full of potholes, we could say there are
quoted Shah Rukh Khan as saying, are larger ‘propaganda group’. The very abusive trolls, film producers have lending an ear only to guidelines that can many ‘pavement deficiencies’. And if a
nothing more than advertisement spaces people who empower the audiences as maintained that their steps protect the keep online platforms safe from targeted patient dies because the doctor gave him
for sale. And so when the said space is ‘kings’ strip away their powers to decide interests of sensible reviews, but one attacks and intentional review bombings. the wrong treatment...”
used to unfairly demean a film, a for themselves. wonders who the adjudicator of Earlier, in 2021, in hearing a petition to “...Something which happens
business, or an entity, the legislature A star like Vijay Deverakonda might reviewing sensibilities is. A gag order ban film reviews for seven days of the everywhere.”
needs to step in and protect the affected argue that his film Family Star was a censors every voice, good or bad. release, the Kerala High Court appointed “Then the doctor could say it was a
parties. However, concerns also arise victim of review bombings, and Jyotika Read the finer lines of TFAPA’s writ an amicus curiae, who suggested a few ‘diagnostic misadventure of a high
about the apparent discrepancies in how might have evidence to call the Kanguva petition and you sense a generousness regulations for movie reviews, including a magnitude’.”
film chambers navigate these issues; like debacle the handiwork of Suriya haters, towards critics from notable newspapers 48-hour cooling-off period; avoiding “And what about the poor patient?”
the ambiguity in using terms like but refraining from specifically calling out and online portals, “who provide spoilers in reviews; avoiding disrespectful “Well, he ‘merely failed to fulfil his
‘reviewers,’; the irony in how YouTube these fake accounts or nefarious internet constructive criticism.” But what language, personal attacks, or derogatory wellness potential’.”
reviews are used when favourable and entities serves no purpose or change. confidence does an ecosystem that remarks; and constituting a dedicated “His, ‘wellness potential’!”
flattering; and who is referred to as a Instead, it suggests an attitude of attacks one section of the audience’s portal to resolve grievances related to “Well, you’d better get used to it
‘reviewer’. intolerance towards criticism. Calling freedom of speech instil in others? In the review bombings. because doublespeak is becoming a part
these reviews the work of a homogenous past, names like Kairam Vashi and Amol How the Madras High Court might of our everyday life. Just look around you.
Who is a reviewer? group called ‘reviewers’ or ‘social media Kamwal have been attacked for their navigate TFAPA’s complaints remains to Teachers are beginning to call themselves
Every time a star film that had promised reviewers’ also adds to the woes of the unfavourable reviews. The irony is in how be seen, but the ambiguous usage of ‘learning facilitators’ or ‘classroom
big bites the dust, we are reminded of the industry’s favourite scapegoat producers who claim to stand by terms by the producers’ body does raise educators’.”
times when the filmmaking ecosystem —traditional film critics. From being noteworthy newspapers and portals, concerns about censorship. “Stop, Stop! I think I’ve heard enough.
And irregardless of what you...”
“Yes, irregardless. And don’t tell me
the word doesn’t exist, because I’ve heard
Please send in your answers to it being used.”
THE DAILY QUIZ dailyquiz@thehindu.co.in “It’s used, all right. But it’s considered
substandard. ‘Regardless’ is the standard.
The President of South Korea declared martial law and was forced to withdraw the Published in The Hindu on May 3, 1994.

decision. A quiz on some instances of martial law being imposed across the world
Radhika Santhanam X Questions and Answers to the
QUESTION 3 previous day’s daily quiz: 1. Nelson
X In 1978, soon after martial law was declared, Mandela’s birthname. Ans: Rolihlahla
QUESTION 1 security forces fired on a large protest at the Jaleh 2. Nelson Mandela’s nickname inspired
This liberal was once Chairman of the Square killing at least 100 people. This event led from a popular novel about a hero
Chinese Communist Party. When he died, to the abolition of the monarchy in that country with a secret identity. Ans: The black
thousands mourned him and demanded less than a year later. What is it known as? pimpernal
that his legacy be recognised. The X 3. The island where Mandela spent 18
mourning soon turned into protests against QUESTION 4 of his 27 years in imprisonment. Ans:
the corrupt and repressive one-party rule, In the 1900s, Hawaii spent three years under Robben Island
and soon, martial law was declared in martial law since military officials doubted the 4. This man shared the Nobel Peace
Beijing. Name this leader, who China loyalty of at least one third of its residents. After Prize with Mandela. Ans: F.W. de
rehabilitated in 2005. what incident did Hawaii suddenly wake up to Klerk
X this announcement and who were these 5. The movie in which Mandela
QUESTION 2 residents? appeared in a guest role. Ans:
This Irish officer ordered martial law in X Malcom X
most parts of a particular region in India QUESTION 5 Visual: The connection between
following a bloody incident under British X has been under martial law since 2022. The UN Mandela and this flower. Ans: It is
rule. He was assassinated by a urged X to take a “compassionate and humane” named after him as Paravanda For feedback and suggestions for
revolutionary, who was played by Vicky approach to the enforcement of martial law after Nelson Mandela Text & Context, please write to
Kaushal in a 2021 film. Who was this officer reports emerged that the men of X were defying Visual question: Early Birds: Rajib Ganguly| Rahul letters@thehindu.co.in
and who was the character played by orders to stay and were attempting to cross into This Chief of Army Staff was also Chief Martial Law Nair| Dhruv Yadav| Jose Joji| Giselle with the subject ‘Text & Context’
Kaushal? neighbouring countries to claim asylum. Name X. Administrator. He went on to serve as President. Name him. Pulikkoden

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