Sector of Indian Economy
Sector of Indian Economy
Sector of Indian Economy
i. The goods which are used for final i. The goods which are used up in producing final goods
consumption. & services.
ii. Value of final goods is included in the ii. The value of intermediate goods is not included in the
ii. These are big units. ii. These are small and scattered units.
iii. They follow the labor laws given by the iii. They do not follow the labor laws given by
government. the government.
iv. There are some formal processes and iv. There are no formal processes and
procedures in this sector. procedures in this sector.
vi. There are fixed working hours and workers are vi. There are no fixed working hours and
paid for overtime. workers are not paid for overtime.
vii. There are some other benefits like paid vii. There are no benefits like paid holidays,
holidays, medical facilities, a safe working medical facilities, a safe working environment,
environment, a provident fund, etc. provident fund, etc.
Flexible Labor Laws: It means:
The company hires workers for a short period.
A lot of pressure and work overtime with no extra payment.
No work when there is no demand.
Government can:
Set some laws to see that the companies see the welfare of the workers.
See if the labor laws are properly implemented.
Government can create opportunities for alternative employment.
Sectors in Terms of Ownership: Public and Private Sectors
Public Sector Private Sector
i. The sector of a nation's economy which is i. The sector of a nation's economy which is owned and
under the control of the government is known controlled by private individuals or companies is known
as the public sector. as the private sector.
ii. Government owns most of the assets and ii. Ownership of assets and delivery of services is in the
provides all the services. hands of private individuals or companies.