Female Promotion
Female Promotion
Female Promotion
Class X Unfit to undergo training or perform expected tasks (s/p brain attack/stroke
especially with residual/severe physical disability; aneurysm; chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; heart failure/bi-pass surgery and other
advanced heart disease; kidney failure/end stage renal disease; end stage
carcinoma and other similar illnesses)
The procedure and medical requirement Class Physically fit for any role and fit to Shall
discussed in the previous circular A perform all physical events perform
particularly in Table 1 shall be adhered to, and
while the following table (Table 2), shall pass all
be an addendum and suppletory to the required
previous MC. PAT
Table 2. Medical Classification Based on Class Fit and able to perform all physical Will
Medical Evaluation in relation to the B1 events but with medical findings; perform
status of fitness in the performance of the physically under- developed or and
Physical Ability Test (PAT) as part of the with minor/correctible defects (i.e. pass all
requirements for promotion in particular error of refraction, dental carries, required
for female personnel. mild defective hearing, and other PAT
similar defects but otherwise fit to events
perform expected tasks.
Class B2 Able to perform some physical events (with May perform and pass all
hypertension; diabetes; intermittent attacks of joint required PAT events or may
pathology – osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gout; to perform and pass selected
include knee/joint insufficiency) alternative PAT events
Class C Fit to perform selected physical events (with history May perform alternative PAT
of surgery - particularly with metal implants on joints events
and extremities; amputation of any body part; use
of limb prosthesis; and those with back problems)
Class D Temporarily unfit Personnel on intensive phase of PTB treatment must complete
to perform this phase of treatment and secure clearance from qualified
expected physician with relevant required test with improved results.
physical events *Six (6) months is the maximum allowable period, for personnel
(pulmonary who underwent a major surgical procedure, to be allowed to
tuberculosis (PTB) perform certain PAT events upon review/validation of submitted
in intensive surgical clearance and the type of surgery will be qualified by
phase of BJMP medical officer. The presence or attendance of the
treatment, post- candidate may be required on the scheduled PAT.
surgical For pregnant personnel - they must secure a certification from
procedure and their attending physician or obstetrician as to their status. Said
any stage of certification will be qualified by the BJMP medical officer in
pregnancy) charge of the medical evaluation, whether to require the
pregnant personnel to perform simple walking (as tolerated) or
her mere presence or attendance during the scheduled PAT be
Class E S/p Caesarean Section, s/p *s/p CS can be cleared after 6 months;
Spontaneous or Assisted Vaginal **s/p S/AVD can be cleared after 3
Delivery, s/p Dilatation and Currettage months
***s/p D & C can be cleared after 2
Class X Unfit to undergo training or perform Not cleared to perform any PAT event
expected tasks (s/p brain attack/stroke and shall be deemed unfit.
especially with residual/severe physical
disability; aneurysm; chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease; heart failure/bi-pass
surgery and other advanced heart
disease; kidney failure/end stage renal
disease; end sage carcinoma, and other
similar illnesses)
Female Personnel who are classified either as Class D or E, shall be deemed qualified
to proceed with the process of promotion, provided they have complied all the
necessary diagnostic procedures, relevant medical documents reviewed, verified
and evaluated by the BJMP Medical team.
Upon having been classified as either Class D or E, they shall henceforth be
exempted from the performance of the Physical Ability Test only in consideration of
the specified provisions in Table 2. This shall mean that the numerator and
denominator for the computation of the points required along with the merits shall
be deducted to supply for the exemption.
As discussed earlier in the Background/Rationale and as provided for by law,
adjustments may be made to balance any physical differences between sexes.
Evidently, the most vital physical difference between men and women is "child
bearing" hence it is morally and legally adept to make necessary adjustment as
regards the minimum qualification for classification for physical testing.