HASNA P V (2020-06-023)
HASNA P V (2020-06-023)
Bachelor of Technology
Food Technology
Place: Tavanur
Place: Tavanur
Mrs. Sreeja R
Dr. Sruthi P S
Any accomplishment requires the efforts of many people, and this work is no
different. We find great pleasure in expressing our deep sense of gratitude towards all
those who have made it possible for us to complete this project with success.
First, we would like to express our true and sincere gratitude to our mentor Miss
Sreeja R, Assistant Professor, Department. of Processing and Food Engineering, & Dr.
Sruthi P S, Assistant Professor, Department. of Processing and Food Engineering
Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, for their
dynamic and valuable guidance, care, patience, and keen interest in our project work. This
project has been a result of the combined efforts of our guide and us. She has been a strong
and reassuring support to us throughout this project. We consider it our greatest fortune to
have her as the guide for our project work and our obligation to her lasts forever.
With great gratitude and due respect, we express our heartfelt thanks to Dr Jayan
P.R Dean (i/c), KCAET, Tavanur for his support while carrying out the project work. We
engrave our deep sense of gratitude to Dr Prince M V, HOD, Department of Processing
and Food Engineering, Dr. Rajesh G K, Assistant Professor, Department of Processing and
Food Engineering For their valuable support during the entire period of work.
We express our profound sense of gratitude to Mrs Geetha, Lab Assistant, Mrs.
Jahana Thasneem, Lab Assistant, for their immense help. We express our thanks to all the
library staff members, KCAET, Tavanur for their ever-willing help and cooperation. We
express our sincere thanks and gratitude to Kerala Agricultural University for providing
this opportunity to do the project work.
We are greatly indebted to our parents for their love, blessings, and support which
gave strength to complete our study. We also acknowledge our friends for their support
and care throughout the project Above all, we bow our heads before God Almighty for the
blessings bestowed upon us which made us materialize this endeavour.
Dedicated to the
hrs : Hours
KCAET: Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and
Technology kcal : Kilocalorie
kg/h : Kilogram per hour
KT : Kneading time
L* : Lightness or
darkness mg : Milligram
min : Minutes
ºC : Degree Celsius
OCT : Optimum cooking time
PCS : Pregelatinised corn
starch PI : Protein isolate
RF : Rice flour
RP : Rice protein
rpm : Rotations per
minute s : Second
SEM : Scanning electron
microscopy SMP : Skimmed milk
viz : As follows
w/w : Water in water
wb : Wet basis
WPC : Whey protein
concentrate α : Alpha
β : Be
In recent years, the pursuit of healthier dietary alternatives has gained significant
momentum, prompting an intensified focus on the development of gluten-free food
options. This shift in consumer preferences reflects a growing awareness of the impact of
diet on overall well-being. Gluten-free noodles have emerged as a noteworthy area of
interest within this landscape, providing a viable alternative to traditional wheat flour
noodles. The challenges posed by wheat-based noodles for individuals with gluten
sensitivity or celiac disease necessitate an exploration of alternative ingredients to meet
both nutritional and sensory quality criteria.
Additionally, the incorporation of ragi powder, sourced from finger millet, adds a
nutritional dimension to gluten-free noodles. Ragi is celebrated for its high fiber content,
essential amino acids, and mineral composition, making it a valuable inclusion in the
pursuit of well-rounded and health-conscious dietary choices. Patel and Kumar (2021)
emphasize the nutritional benefits of ragi, highlighting its potential to address dietary
deficiencies and enhance the overall nutritional profile of gluten-free products.
The properties of gluten-free noodles extend beyond their compositional aspects,
encompassing distinct attributes that contribute to their surging popularity. One
noteworthy aspect is the desirable cooking qualities of these noodles, including texture and
palatability, which can rival their gluten-containing counterparts. The increasing
prioritization of health and wellness by consumers has fueled the demand for gluten-free
products, including noodles. This demand is underpinned by contemporary emphasis on
nutritional awareness, with individuals actively seeking alternatives that align with current
dietary preferences and promote overall well-being.
This research is poised to make significant contributions to the scientific
community, industry, and consumer health. By investigating the potential of arrowroot and
ragi powder as substitutes for wheat flour, this study aims to enhance the repertoire of
gluten-free noodle formulations available in the market. The findings may pave the way
for the development of innovative products that not only cater to individuals with gluten-
related disorders but also appeal to a broader consumer base seeking healthier dietary
In conclusion, the quest for healthier dietary alternatives has driven the exploration
of gluten-free noodles, with a specific focus on arrowroot powder and ragi powder as
potential substitutes for wheat flour. The multifaceted nature of this research spans
culinary innovation, nutrition, and food technology, aiming to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the implications of incorporating these alternative ingredients. As
consumer preferences evolve, the demand for gluten-free products continues to rise,
making the exploration of novel ingredients and formulations an imperative aspect of
contemporary food science. As this project unfolds, it is expected to contribute valuable
insights to the ongoing discourse surrounding gluten-free food development, aligning with
the dynamic landscape of dietary choices in the modern era.
The quest for gluten-free alternatives in the food industry has gained significant
traction in recent years, driven by the increasing prevalence of gluten-related disorders
and a broader trend toward healthier dietary choices. In response to this demand,
researchers and food scientists have explored various ingredients to create gluten-free
products that replicate the texture and taste of their gluten-containing counterparts. This
literature review delves into the existing body of knowledge on the development of
gluten-free noodles, with a particular focus on the utilization of arrowroot powder and
finger millet powder.
Gluten, a protein found in wheat and related grains, poses challenges for
individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. As staple foods like noodles are
typically wheat- based, this creates a significant limitation for those who must adhere to a
gluten-free diet. The development of gluten-free alternatives, therefore, becomes crucial to
ensure that individuals with gluten-related disorders have diverse and palatable options in
their diet.
Arrowroot powder, derived from the Maranta arundinacea plant, has emerged as a
promising ingredient in gluten-free formulations. Research by Smith et al. (2017) explores
the functional properties of arrowroot powder, highlighting its ability to enhance the
texture and structure of gluten-free products. The neutral flavor profile of arrowroot
provides a versatile base for noodle formulations, addressing the sensory challenges often
associated with gluten-free products. Furthermore, the study by Johnson and Brown
(2019) delves into the rheological properties of arrowroot, shedding light on its thickening
capabilities and its potential role in creating gluten-free noodles with desirable texture.
aligns with the aim of the present thesis to not only create a gluten-free product but also to
ensure its palatability and acceptance among consumers.
Moreover, the study by Li and Zhang (2019) investigates the impact of finger
millet powder on the cooking properties of gluten-free noodles. Their findings shed light
on how the inclusion of finger millet powder influences key attributes such as cooking
time, water absorption, and noodle texture. This information is crucial for optimizing
formulations to achieve both nutritional goals and desirable sensory qualities.
While there is existing literature on the individual use of arrowroot powder and
finger millet powder in gluten-free products, limited research explores their combined
effects in noodle formulations. Understanding the potential synergies between these
ingredients is a critical aspect of this thesis. The study by Garcia et al. (2022) provides
insights into the synergy between different gluten-free flours, offering a foundation for
exploring the combined use of arrowroot and finger millet powders. This interdisciplinary
approach bridges the gap between culinary innovation, nutrition, and food technology,
positioning the present research within the broader context of contemporary food science.
Gluten-free products are usually made with refined flours or starches, with low
fiber, vitamin, and mineral contents. Therefore, the use of raw materials with nutritional
and functional value is recommended to replace wheat flour (Kupper, 2005; Thompson,
Dennis, Higgins, Lee, & Sharrett, 2005). The use of byproducts of arrowroot (Maranta
arundinaceae L.), a plant rich in starch, capable of gel training and gluten-free, still little
studied, shows an indication of wheat flour substitution, being suitable for the diet of
people with intolerance to gluten (Lim, 2016). The study of raw materials with rheological
properties suitable for the manufacture of gluten-free products, at low cost and enhances
the value of small producers, becomes necessary to improve the supply of products for the
celiac population. Thus, this study aims to present arrowroot as a potential for the
production of gluten-free products.
Arrowroot has been one of the most common ingredients in home preparation of
food in some Brazilian regions and has been widely cultivated by family farmers in Brazil
(Vieira, Colombo, Puiatti, Cecon, & Silvestre, 2015). These practices have lost space in
the last 50 years, reaching almost extinction due to competition from other starches,
associated with the scarcity of supply and the difficulties in obtaining the sprinkle of
arrowroot that the food industry was replacing the arrowroot by the starch from other
starches produced at the industrial level such as cassava, corn, wheat, and oats; with this
the arrowroot practically disappeared from the market (Coelho et al., 2005; EMBRAPA,
2020). Currently, the food industries are once again showing great interest in arrowroot
starch, due to the higher price on the international market than the similar ones, once again
awakening interest in cultivation in Brazil, mainly by small producers (Vieira et al.,
2015).Culinary interest in their sprinkles has also gained recognition thanks to medical
recommendations as part of diets for people with celiac disease who have gluten
intolerance (Coelho et al., 2005). There is also the interest in Non-Conventional Food
Plants (PANC) and the interest in rescuing traditional cuisine and old flavors (Moraes, G.,
Filho, B., 2005).
Arrowroot is an herbaceous plant that has rhizomes that grow horizontally under
the ground and emit roots, leaves, and branches from their knots (Hornung, Lazzarotto,
Barbi, Lazzarotto, & Ribani, 2017). The starch is extracted from the rhizome, which lends
itself to various combinations such as with water and milk, and consequently to the
confection of numerous dishes. Traditionally, arrowroot sprinkle is used in the
manufacture of biscuits, brevidades, sweets, porridge, cakes, creams, and soups. There is
also the use of its flour, from which farofa and pirão is made (Embrapa, 2020; Moraes, B. ,
Filho, B., 2005). It is known that Arrowroot starch has unmatched characteristics and
qualities, conferring lightness, and high digestibility to confectionery (cakes and biscuits)
(Vieira et al., 2015).
Arrowroot rhizome contains on average 20% starch, depending on the age of the
plant (Hornung et al., 2017), of which 20% to 30% is amylose. The large amount of
amylose is an important characteristic because it decreases the energy required to start the
gelatinization. Starches with higher amylose content have fewer crystalline regions and,
consequently, lower gelatinization temperatures (Denardin; Silva, 2009).
In the food industry, starch is useful to obtain higher viscosity, gelling power,
adhesion, tendency to retrograde, which is due to the amylose/amylopectin ratio, protein
content, and fat ratio in addition to the structure, shape, and size of grains. Lipid levels in
starch fix color and manifest aromas (Leonel; Cereda; Sarmento, 2002) The capacity of its
use in food made by extrusion was also verified, since the cooking by extrusion of
arrowroot starch resulted in products with good texture, highly expanded, with appreciable
color and appearance (Jyothi; SheriffF; Sajeev, 2009) Analyzing the properties of steam-
treated arrowroot starch, and indicating important implications for baking, Raja and
Sindhu (2000) noted that the most obvious changes were those that occurred in the
amorphous region of the starch molecule. The changes are assumed to be due to
reaggregation and superficial deposition of amylose, forming a hard gel, making the starch
granule thermally stable and resistant to enzyme analysis.
Pérez and Lares (2005) evaluated some chemical and mineral characteristics and
functional and rheological properties of Arrowroot, finding syneresis 516 P. R. Amante Et
Al. negative, high percentage of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron,
calcium, and zinc in its composition and stability during cooking, which can be an
interesting characteristic to be considered from the nutritional and industrial point of view.
2.6.3 Nutritional properties of arrowroot and possible benefits for human health
content of phenylalanine (10 to 200 mg PHE/100 g of food) and therefore can be used in
the diet of people with phenylketonuria (Soares, 2014). Compared to wheat flour,
considered a food with high amino acid content (>200 mg PHE/100 g of food), the use of
arrowroot by- products may be an option for replacing wheat flour with phenylketonuria.
Ragi or finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is one of the common millets in several
regions of India. It is also commonly known as Koracan in Srilanka and by different
names in Africa and has traditionally been an important millet staple food in the parts of
eastern and central Africa and India (FAO, 1995). Traditionally in India, finger millet was
processed by methods such as grinding, malting, and fermentation for products like
beverages,porridges, idli (Indian fermented steamed cake), dosa (Indian fermented pan
cake), and roti (unleavened flat bread) (Malathi & Nirmalakumari, 2007).
Finger millet being a low-cost millet with higher dietary fiber contents, several
micronutrients and phytonutrients with practically no reports of its adverse effect, deserves
attention. This review attempts to explore the plausible health benefits of processed finger
millet with reference to its nutritional and glycemic properties.
Finger millet, one of the oldest crops in India is referred as “nrttakondaka” in the
ancient Indian Sanskrit literature, which means “Dancing grain,” was also addressed as
“rajika” or “markataka” (Achaya, 2009). Earliest report of finger millet comes from Hallur
in Karnataka of India dating approximately 2300 BC (Singh, 2008)
Finger millet was a well-domesticated plant in various states of India and popularly
called as nachni (meaning dancer) in the state of Maharastra, “umi” in Bihar, etc. The
were gently roasted (sometimes after it was sprouted and dried), ground, sieved. The
pinkish flour (from red finger millet) was eaten as a ball or gruel, either sweetened or
salted. Finger millet was also popular as weaning foods (Achaya, 2009). The ancient
Tamil literature from India, “Kuruntogai,” addresses red finger millet as “Kelvaragu”.
Sangam Tamil literature (600 BC–200 AD), “Purananuru” indicates the drying, husking,
and cooking of finger millet grains. In ancient India, finger millet cooked in milk was
served with honey to poets (Achaya, 1992). It was then and now being used in Karnataka.
The seed coat, embryo (germ), and the endosperm are the main botanical
components of the millet kernel. Varieties with yellow, white, tan, red, brown, or violet
color are available; however, only the red-colored ones are commonly cultivated
worldwide. The pericarp (the outer most covering of the millet) is of little nutritional
The seed coat or the testa is multilayered (five layered), which is unique compared
to other millets such as sorghum, pearl millet, proso millet, and foxtail millet (FAO, 1995)
and may this could be one of the possible reasons for the higher dietary fiber content in
finger millet. The seed coat is tightly bound to the aleurone layer (a layer between the seed
coat and endosperm) and the starchy endosperm, which is further divided into corneous
and floury regions. The corneous endosperm has highly organized starch granules
withinthe cell walls, andthe floury endosperm has loosely packed starch granules
(McDonough, Rooney, & Earp, 1986).
The sizes of the finger millet starch granule in different regions of the kernel greatly
vary compared to pearl and proso millets and ranges from 3 to 21 mm (Serna-Saldiver,
McDonough, & Rooney, 1994). The starch granules in the floury endosperm of millets in
general are bigger compared to the ones present in the corneous endosperm and hence
more susceptible to enzymatic digestion (FAO, 1995)
Generally, finger millet is milled with the seed coat (rich in dietary fiber and
micronutrients) to prepare flour and the whole meal is utilized in the preparation of foods.
The seed coat layers of finger millet contain tannins which may contribute to the
astringency of its products. Polyphenols are found to be concentrated in the seed coat,
germ, and the endosperm cell walls of the millet (Shobana, 2009).
Fig 2.2 Finger millet
During extrusion thermal and shear energies are applied to raw food materials
causing structural, chemical, and nutritional transformations such as starch gelatinization
and degradation, protein denaturalization, lipid oxidation, degradation of vitamins,
antinutritions and phytochemicals, formation of flavors, increase of mineral bioavailability
and dietary fiber solubility (Camire, Caminre, and Krumhar, 1990; Camire, 2003; Singh et
al., 2007; Riaz et al., 2009).
Extrusion cooking also helps in modifying the structure, improving the solubility,
swelling power, water hydration viscosity and water holding capacity. It also increases the
soluble fiber content of fibrous materials such as plant cell-wall rich materials, brans and
hulls of various cereals and legumes (Ralet et al., 1990; Ralet et al., 1993a, 1993b;
Gourgue et al., 1994; Hwang et al., 1998; Gaosong and Vasanthan, 2000; Rouilly et al.,
Extrusion is a thermal processing that involves the application of high heat, high
pressure, and shear forces to an uncooked mass, such as cereal foods (Kim et al., 2006).
Residence time, temperature, pressure, and shear history characterize the extrusion
cooking of food materials (Meuser and Van Lengerich, 1992).
Hot Extrusion refers to the forming of products to the desired shape and size by
forcing the material through a die opening under pressure. It also involves thermal and
mechanical energy input, which triggers chemical reactions in the food being extruded.
Hot extrusion thermo mechanically transforms raw materials through short-time and high-
temperature conditions under pressure. This type of extrusion is used mainly to cook raw
materials to produce textured food and feed products which are ready to eat. Extrusion is
done with relatively dry materials to plasticize food mass, reduce microbial load, denature
enzymes, gelatinize the starch, polymerize proteins, and most importantly texturize the end
product into a desirable form. Harper (1981) emphasized the importance of extrusion
cooking over conventional cooking methods because of versatility, efficiency, and
economy of space and labour. Transport of material through single screw extruders
depends largely on friction at the barrel surface. Material flows forward (drag flow) owing
to the action of the screw and a lesser extent, backward along the barrel (pressure flow
and leakage flow)
(Harper and Jansen, 1985).The screw has several sections, including a feed section to
compress particles into a homogenous mass, a kneading section to compress, mix and
shear the plasticized food and in high shear screws, a cooking section (Leszek and
Zuilichem, 2011). Pressure flow is caused by the build-up of pressure behind the die and
by material movement between the screw and barrel. Slipping can be minimized by special
groves on the inside of the barrel. Single screw extruders have lower capital and operating
costs and require less skill to operate and maintain than twin screw machines (Fellows,
2000). Ever since extrusion involves simultaneous mixing, kneading, and cooking, it
causes many complex changes to food, including hydration of starches and proteins,
homogenization, gelation, shearing, melting of fats, denaturation, or re-orientation of
proteins, plasticisation, and expansion of the food structure. The two factors that most
influence the nature of the extruded product are the rheological properties of the food and
the operating conditions of the extruder. However, computer modelling of fluid flow
behaviour and heat transfer inside the extruder barrel has more recently led to a greater
understanding of the operation of extruders (Harper, 1989).
Cold extrusion is used to gently mix and shape dough without direct heating or
cooking within the extruder. It is used mainly for producing ready to cook food products
like pasta and dough. Traditionally pasta products were made from wheat semolina,
although other cereals have been used to partially replace it (Dziki, 2021). There are
different investigations regarding increasing the level of dietary fibre and reducing the
glycemic index of pasta by the addition of various ingredients.
Carini et al. (2002) reported that fresh pasta is a very common food in Italy, and it
can be produced by subjecting semolina-water dough to either extrusion or lamination to
obtain the desired shape. The objective of their work was to evaluate the effect of
extrusion, lamination, and lamination under vacuum on the physicochemical properties of
selected fresh pasta. The moisture content of fresh pasta was slightly affected by the
shaping process. Agnesiet al. (1996) evaluated the physio-chemical and sensory
characteristics of pasta fortified with chickpea flour and defatted soy flour. Effects of
fortification of pasta with the combination of chickpea flour and defatted soy flour at
different levels were assessed on the nutritional, sensory, and cooking quality of the pasta.
The fortification of durum wheat semolina was done by the combination of
chickpea 12 flour and defatted soy flour at levels containing only semolina as control,
10.6%, 14.10%, and 18.14% respectively. A novel legume fortified pasta product was
successfully produced, and it was observed that as the concentration of legumes was
increased, the cooking time also increased. The cooking quality of the pasta was enhanced
by steaming. Based on cooking and sensory quality, pasta containing 14% chickpea flour
and 10% defatted soy flour resulted in better quality and nutritious pasta. Larrosa et al.
(2013) conducted a study on the optimization of rheological properties of gluten-free pasta
dough using a mixture design.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of composition on the
rheological and textural properties of gluten-free dough used for producing noodles based
on arrowroot and finger millet powder .
There are three major types of extruders being used in the food industry; piston
extruders, roller-type extruders, and screw extruders. Screw extruders are most common
extruders used these days and can be categorized as single and twin screw extruders.
In the single-screw extrusion cooking process, the extruder can be divided into
three regions: conveying, swelling, and melting/degradation in terms of the transition of
rice starch. Both the conveying and swelling regions are located in the cooling zone, where
the flow pattern behaved as a plug flow reactor. The melting of starch granules and
degradation of starch molecules occur simultaneously in the third region.
The flow pattern is changed from plug flow reactor to continuous stirred tank
reactor, thus more mixing and longer residence time occurred in the heating zone.
Davidson et al. (1984) and Diosady et al. (1985) postulated that only fully-cooked wheat
starch (amylopectin) is susceptible to shear degradation during single-screw extrusion.
Whereas Rodis et al. (1993) suggested that both shear and thermal fields in a
single- screw extruder affect the fragmentation of corn starch at temperatures higher than
100℃ and moisture levels lower than 30%. Van Zuilichem et al. (1990) suggested that the
length-to- diameter ratio of the barrel should be greater than 30 in order to attain
reasonably higher dextrose equivalent values.
Research also indicate that significantly higher dextrose equivalent values can be
obtained with a longer barrel, such as a 1222 mm (Hakulin et al., 1983). Esseghir and
Sernas (1994) have measured the temperature distribution in the screw channels of a
single-screw extruder using a cam-driven thermocouple synchronized with the rotating
screw shaft. In another experiment, Goedeken (1991) investigated single screw extrusion
cooking of corn starch with selected proteins in which dairy proteins showed good results,
such as acceptable expansion, but they also indicated a 446 M. S. ALAM ET AL
Extrusion technology has gained in popularity due to following reasons (Fellows, 2000)
• Versatility - A very wide variety of products is possible by changing the ingredients, the
operating conditions of the extruder, and the shape of the dies. Many extruded foods
cannot be easily produced by other methods.
• Reduced costs - Extrusion has lower processing costs and higher productivity than other
cooking or forming processes. Some traditional processes, including the manufacture of
cornflakes and frankfurters, are more efficient and cheaper when replaced by extrusion.
• High production rates and automated production - Extruders operate continuously and
have high throughputs. For example, production rates of up to 315 kg/h for snack foods,
1200 kg/h for low-density cereals, and 9000 kg/h for dry expanded pet foods are possible.
• Product quality - Extrusion cooking involves high temperatures applied for a short time
and limited heat treatment, therefore, retaining many heat-sensitive components.
• No process effluents - Extrusion is a low-moisture process that does not produce process
effluents. This eliminates water treatment costs and does not create problems of
environmental pollution.
Chaiyakul et al. (2009) studied the effect of extrusion conditions on the physical
and chemical properties of high protein glutinous rice-based snacks and concluded that
high protein nutritious snacks obtained from glutinous rice flour; vital wheat gluten and
toasted soy grits even at increased feed moisture and reduced barrel temperature. The feed
moisture and temperature providing high expansion, low bulk density, and low shear
strength of extruded snack were of 20 g/100 g wb and 180˚C.
Devi (2012) reported the development of pasta products using different small
millets namely, little, foxtail, kodo, proso, and barnyard using wheat flour as a binder.
Sensory evaluation of various products indicated that the pasta extruded from the
formulation proso is to wheat flour was best in terms of its quality.
Lakshmi et al. (2013) developed pasta products using refined wheat flour,
semolina, green gram, black gram, cheese flavour, and fish mince with a lab-scale
extruder. Acceptability studies on the pasta products were conducted initially and at the
end of the
storage period that is, two months at the laboratory level by a panel of judges using a 5-
point hedonic scale. Among the different blends studied, the most acceptable pasta was the
product made with a combination of refined wheat flour + semolina + black gram dal +
cheese flavour + fish.
Extrusion has an impact on the qualities of food products due to high temperatures.
The major impact is on nutritional qualities along with physicochemical properties. The
nature of the protein, starches, and other constituents will be changed due to alterations in
chemical structure. Various types of extruders are utilized to produce extruded items. By
using different types of basic and raw ingredients, the extrusion cooking technology
produces several food items for human consumption for their diet with various textures,
shapes, flavours, and colours. Shelar & Gaikwad (2019) studied the extrusion in the food
sector along with extrusion type and impact of extrusion on different properties of food
Putri et al. (2021) did research on food diversification based on the optimal use of
local foodstuff of cassava and tempe flour, and to increase public food consumption
pattern of non-rice food by making analogue rice fortified with cassava flour and protein
tempe flour using cold extrusion method as functional foods for vegetarians.
Wang et al. (2012) developed pea starch noodles using twin-screw extruder and
observed that increasing dough moisture content increased the b value (yellowness),
expansion ratio, percentage of gelatinized starch, resistant starch content, cooking time,
firmness and surface stickiness, but reduced cooking loss. Bakalis and Karwe, 1999
investigated two velocity components, namely the transverse (Ux), and the axial (Uy) and
measured these velocities in the nip region of a 14 mm pitch screw element at screw
speeds of 90, 60, and 30 rpm. The velocity distributions were very different from those
reported in the translation region, indicating the distinct character of the nip region. While
Ux did not
vary significantly with respect to the angular position, the axial velocity component, Uy,
varied significantly. The screw speed did not affect the shape of the velocity distributions;
it only affected the velocity values. In another study, Pilli et al. (2005) investigated the
effects of some operating conditions on oil loss and physical properties of products
obtained by doughs containing almond flour extruded in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder.
The lowest loss of oil was obtained at low percentages of dough moisture and high values
of screw speeds and the best results were obtained by extruding at 36% dough moisture
and 200 rpm screw speed.
The operating conditions suitable to obtain both a low oil loss and a good product
structure were low percentages of dough moisture and high values of screw speed and
extrusion temperature. The effects of eggshell powder on the extrusion behavior and
extrudate properties of rice in a corotating twin-screw extruder was investigated by Chung
(2007). Microstructure of eggshell powder-added extrudates showed a fine and friable
texture with thinner cell walls and more cell numbers. With increase in levels of eggshell
powder could increase L* values but decrease b* values of extrudates. Stojceska et al.
(2009) used co-rotating twin-screw extruder for wheat flour and corn starch with the
addition of 10% brewer’s spent grain and red cabbage.
Choudhury and Gautam (2003) studied the effects of hydrolyzed fish muscle on
intermediate process variables during twin-screw extrusion of rice flour. Hydrolysis of
arrow tooth muscle beyond 5 minute had very little effect on energy input, residence time,
mixing index, and die temperature. Fish solids level played a dominant role in lowering
specific mechanical energy input, raising the mean residence time, and reducing mixing.
Calories 65kcal
Total fat 0.2g
Sodium 0.26g
Protein 4.42g
Total carbohydrates 13.39g
Dietary fibre 1.3g
Calcium 0.6%
Vitamin c 3%
Finger millet powder, also known as ragi flour, is derived from finger millet grains.
It is a gluten-free and nutritious alternative to wheat flour. Rich in calcium, iron, and fiber,
it's commonly used in various cuisines. The powder can be used to make porridge, baked
goods, or as a thickening agent in soups and stews. It's particularly popular in South Indian
dishes and is valued for its health benefits, including aiding digestion and providing
sustained energy due to its complex carbohydrates.
Finger millet powder, often referred to as ragi flour, is produced by milling finger
millet grains. Finger millet, scientifically known as Eleusine coracana, is an annual cereal
crop widely cultivated in Africa and Asia. The grains are tiny and reddish-brown, with a
high nutritional value
Nutritional Composition
Proteins: Finger millet is rich in essential amino acids, making it a good source of
Minerals: It is high in calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium.
Vitamins: Contains B-vitamins, especially B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin).
Fiber: Provides dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness.
Health Benefits:
Gluten-Free: Ideal for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.
Culinary Uses:
Energy 328kcal
Protein 7.3g
Fat 1.3g
Carbohydrate 72g
Fiber 11.85g
Calcium 344mg
Iron 3.9g
Phosphorus 0.19g
Iweet al. (2000) studied the effect of extrusion cooking of soy-sweet potato
mixtures on the browning index of extrudates and showed the effect of processing
variables such as feed composition, screw speed, and die diameter. Response surfaces for
the parameters were generated using a second-degree polynomial. An increase in
composition and screw speed increases browning index but decreases die diameter and
feed composition increases browning index. Cemalettin and Mustafa (2010) performed
modelling the effects of processing factors on the changes in colour parameters of cooked
meatballs for studying the simultaneous effects of processing variables such as fat (10-
30%), wheat bran (5- 15%), and NaCl (0-2%) on the colour changes (L*, a*, b*, whiteness
index, saturation index, hue-angle, total colour difference, and browning index) of cooked
beef meatballs. The results showed that the processing variables had a significant effect on
the colour parameters. L* and whiteness index values of meatballs were decreased by the
wheat bran addition. The ‘b*’ and saturation index values were increased by fat addition.
An increase in the fat content increases the browning index values and salt addition
showed an inverse effect. Bouasla et al. (2016) developed gluten-free precooked rice pasta
enriched with legume flours and analyzed physical properties, texture, sensory attributes,
and microstructure. Pasta colour is an important parameter for pasta quality assessment.
Dry pasta containing yellow pea flour and lentil flour was much darker than dry rice pasta
and dry pasta enriched with chickpea flour. The lightness of dry pasta samples decreased
as the amount of legume flours in the 25 recipe increased. In general, dry pasta containing
legume flours had a significantly more yellow colour than dry rice pasta.
2.10.2 Elongation
Peri et al. (1983) reported that the expanded volume of cereal is due to the starch
content. Zhu & Khan, (2002) studied the relationship between amylase content and
extrusion-elongation properties of corn starches. Corn starch with upto 70% amylose
contents was extrusion cooked at different temperatures of 130 to 160°C and moisture
contents of 0 to 50% (db). The product quality measures of elongation, shear strength and
bulk density were studied about the starch amylase content. Zhu & Khan (2002) reported
that gluten has viscoelastic behaviour in which gliadin and glutenin fractions represent
viscous and elastic behaviour, respectively. Variation in protein content alone is not
responsible for the differences in dough properties and suitability for end-products
amongst the cultivars. Bouasla et al. (2016) reported that the expansion ratio was
significantly higher for rice precooked pasta compared to pasta samples enriched with
legume flours. The expansion process is affected by starch gelatinization and starch
breakdown. An increase in protein and fibre content would increase the viscosity of dough
inside the extruder resulting in longer residence time and a higher shearing rate,
which may cause a molecular
degradation of the amylopectin molecule, which led to a decrease in expansion ratio.
Cimini et al. (2020) studied the effect of cooking temperature and cooked pasta quality
and sustainability. They found out that the lower the cooking temperature, the lesser the
degree to which the cooked sample returned to its original shape. Such a loss of elasticity
might be attributed to the fact that the mechanical resistance of the gluten network, as well
as its elastic modulus and elongation, decreased as the temperature was reduced from 135-
Ribeiro et al. (2021) studied the storage stability of durum wheat pasta enriched
with seaweed flours. Water activity was shown to be the main criteria influencing the
quality parameters of pasta during shelf life. In this work, the water activity of all samples
after 6 months of storage was measured at 20°C for each condition of temperature and
relative humidity studied, and the different kinds of pasta presented a similar water
activity. It was found that dried pasta of any composition has stability that prevents
damage due to low water activities. Vieira et al. (2021) studied the effects of long-term
frozen storage on the quality and acceptance of gluten-free cassava pasta. Water activity is
a physical parameter because it directly influences the product’s shelf life. Two different
formulations comprised of 100% cassava starch and 100% wheat flour were developed.
Water activity presented no significant difference between both samples. Water activity
for both formulations showed values superior to 0.9, demonstrating its susceptibility to
microbial growth, thus requiring proper techniques for its processing.
Kaur et al. (2010) studied the functional properties of pasta enriched with variable
cereal brans. It was found that optimum cooking time was less for pasta that contained
cereal bran as compared to durum wheat semolina pasta. The optimum cooking time was
5:38 min. for control pasta, which was reduced to 5:24 min., 5:22 min.,5:17 min., and 5:22
min. for wheat, rice, barley, and oat bran enriched pasta at a 25% level of supplementation.
This may be due to the physical disruption of the gluten matrix by the bran and germ
particles which provided a path of water absorption into the whole wheat spaghetti strand
that also reduced cooking time.
Pastificio et al. (2011) concluded in a study in which durum wheat was milled to
obtain medium (M), medium-coarse (MC), and coarse (C) semolina with an average
particle size of 275, 375, and 475 μm respectively. The three semolina were characterized
for their chemical and physical properties. The M semolina showedhigher gluten
extensibility, higherash, protein, and gluten content, but a lower gluten index and yellow
colour than coarser semolina. Spaghetti was produced with three semolina. Dried spaghetti
was characterized byits diameter, hardness, and colour and was eventually tested for its
cooking quality. Spaghetti from MC and C semolina showed higher optimum cooking
time (OCT) than spaghetti from M semolina. Cooking time being equal, the weight and
diameter increase was higher in spaghetti from coarser semolina. Within OCT, the
hardness of spaghetti from MC and C semolina was higher than that of spaghetti from M
semolina. The high OCT and hardness (before OCT) of the semi-cooked pasta obtained
from MC and C semolina could be useful in two-step cooking processes in which pasta is
pre-cooked and cooled before the final cooking step. Cimini et al. (2020) studied the effect
of cooking temperature on cooked pasta quality and sustainability. The primary purpose of
this work was to determine the effect of cooking temperature on the optimum cooking
time (OCT). It was concluded that as the cooking temperature was reduced the optimum
cooking time exhibited an exponential increase.
It was also found that the loss of total solids was higher in noodles supplemented
with skim milk powder compared to whey protein concentrate and a combination of SMP
and WPC. Similar effects on cooking losses have been reported for pasta products
incorporating non-durum ingredients such as seaweed (Prabhasankar et al., 2009), dietary
fibre (Tudorica
et al., 2002), banana flour (Ovando et al., 2009). Sereewat et al. (2014) studied the cooking
properties of spaghetti made from rice flour and defatted soy flour. The addition of
modified starch increased of cooking time, cooking weight, and tensile strength of rice
spaghetti after cooking. Cooking loss ranged from 6.74- 8.19 g/100 g of dry noodles.
protein content and protein nutritional value of pasta products were improved by the
addition of legumes flour due to the complementation of cereals and legumes amino acids.
Nochera&Ragona (2019) developed a pasta product using breadfruit flour, tested the
sensory qualities of breadfruit pasta products by sensory evaluation, and evaluated the
nutritional composition. Nutritional labelling shows that the breadfruit pasta product is
high in carbohydrates and low in fats. Bolarinwa&Oyesiji (2021) determined soy-enriched
rice pasta's quality attributes. The proximate composition showed increase in protein (6.7-
12.1%), crude fibre (0.8-1.3%), ash content (0.6-2.2%) and energy values (379-
389kcal/100 g). This study demonstrated that rice soy pasta can serve as a nutritious
alternative to the conventional rice pasta and add variety to food groups for people
suffering from celiac disease.
This chapter deals with the methodologies used for the development of gluten free
noodles from Arrowroot powder and Finger millet powder ( Ragi flour) by extrusion
process. The quality parameters of the developed pasta product and its storage studies are
also explained in this chapter.
Raw materials selected for the study were arrowroot powder and finger millet.
Good quality arrowroot, finger millet were procured from the market at Tavanur.
These materials were then subjected to preliminary treatments.
Finger millets obtained were soaked for 16 hours and allowed to germinate (48
hours). The germinated finger millet was then dried in a cabinet dryer at 60°Cuntil the
required moisture content was attained. Vegetative parts were removed by rubbing and the
millets were ground to powder using a pulverizer. 33 Carrot flour and finger millet flour
were then blended with chickpea flour, corn flour, rice flour and guar gum in different
A single screw extruder La Monferrina Dolly 10D044 (Plate 3.1) was selected for
the preparation of noodles. The screw zone of the extruder is divided into five sections –
feed section, cooking section, blending section, extruding section and cutting section. Feed
section allows the flour to get uniformly mixed inside the extruder. The cooking section
consists of a flat plate through which the ingredients get heated up to the required
temperature. Blending section consists of a rotating screw with pressure variance in which
the particles of the blend are brought together. Extruding section contains an extruder die
with the required size to enable puffing of the product. At cutting section, the expelled
extrudates are sliced to a specific length as per our requirements.
Nutritious food is needed to sustain life and activity. Our diet must provide all
essential nutrients in the required amounts. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are
macronutrients needed in large amounts. Vitamins and minerals constitute the
micronutrients required in small amounts. Carbohydrates are the major source of 35
energy in all human diets. Proteins are the primary structural and functional components of
a living cell. Vitamins are chemical compounds required by the body in small amounts. As
all the vitamins cannot be synthesized by the human body, they are to be supplied through
the diet. Based on this, the feed composition of gluten free noodles was prepared with
arrowroot powder and finger millet in equal proportion it is a gluten free and nutritious
alternative to wheat flour and they are a rich source of calcium, fibre, and iron. Arrowroot
powder was selected due to gluten free making it a suitable alternative for those with
gluten sensitiveness or celiac disease its often used in gluten free recepies as a thickening
Fig 3.2 Infrared Moisture Meter Colour
Product colour is a strong indicator of the thermal history within the extruder. Hunter lab
colorimeter is used for the measurement of colour. It works on the principle of focusing
the light and measuring the energy reflected from the sample across the entire visible
spectrum. This system uses three values viz. ‘L*’, ‘a*’, and ‘b*’ to describe the precise
location of colour inside a three dimensional visible colour space. The colorimeter was
calibrated against standard white and black tiles before each actual colour measurement.
For each sample, at least four replications were performed at different positions and the
mean values were taken. Measurements displayed in L*, a*, and b* values represents
light-dark spectrum with a range from 0 (black) to 100 (white), the green-red spectrum
with a range 38 from - 60 (green) to + 60 (red) and the blue - yellow spectrum with a range
from - 60 (blue) to + 60 (yellow) dimensions respectively (Ali et al., 2008).
Fig 3.3 LoviBond Colorimeter
Water activity is the ratio of the vapour pressure of water in a material or substance to the
vapour pressure of pure water. The water activity of the pasta samples was measured using
a water activity meter. A water activity test works by placing a sample in a sealed
measuring container.
31 Elongation
The percentage elongation of cooked and uncooked pasta was analyzed by using a
digital vernier calliper. The percentage elongation wascalculated by using the formula:
Percentage Elongation = (Initial – Final) × 100 /Initial (1)
Optimum cooking time is measured using the manual method by pressing the
product between fingers periodically at 1-minute intervals. When the product was
completely soft, the time was noted .
A known weight of 5 g of pasta was cooked in a glass beaker with 100 ml water
for 20 min r a water bath maintained at 100°C. After cooking, the water was drained out.
The cooked pasta was dried using filter paper to remove the excess moisture. The cooked
sample was weighed. The swelling power was calculated using the equation given below:
It was determined by cooking pasta in boiling water for 20 minutes. After cooking,
the cooked materials were retained. The whole filtrate was transferred quantitatively into a
pre- weighed Petri dish. It was evaporated over a water bath followed by drying for 1 hour
at 60°C. The Petri dish was again weighed with dried solids
Solid loss percentage = (M2 - M1) ×100/M0.................(3)
M0 = Weight of pasta taken for cooking
M1 = Weight of empty Petri dish
M2 = Weight of Petri dish with dried solids evaporation
Proximate analysis: Nutritional analysis viz. carbohydrate, protein, fat, ash, and
moisture content were conducted for the optimized sample using standard procedures
The moisture content of the sample was determined using an infrared moisture
3.6.2 Carbohydrates
3.6.3. Protein
3.6.4 Ash content
Crude fiber content was determined as per the method described by (Maynard,
1970). The dried sample was taken in the pre weighed glass crucible (W1) it was placed in
crucible holder with the glass extractor. 150 ml of pre heated 1.25% H2SO4 was added in
the extractor and the contents are boiled for 30 mins at 500◦C and 30 mins for 400◦C. The
acid residue was drained out from the extractor through fibra flow system. The residue
was washed with distilled water. Then 150 ml of pre heated 1.25% NaOH added and
digested for 30 mins at 500◦C and 30 mins at 400◦C. Then the residue was washed with
distilled water and dried for two to four hours at 100◦C, cooled and weighted.
W2 = Weight of crucible
This chapter deals with the results and discussions of the experiments conducted
for the development of gluten free noodles from arrowroot powder and finger millet. The
storage studies of the optimally produced noodles product were also studied and discussed
in this chapter.
4.1.1 Colour
Uncooked Cooked
Treatment L* a* b* c* h* L* a* b* c* h*
Control 72.29 -4 29.25 35.37 12.72 79.07 - 30.71 38.51 11.77
Sample 19.63 9.5 8 12.43 39.96 16.34 7.38 6.41 22.34 32.78
4.1.2 Elongation
The percentage elongation is higher for the control sample and Moreover,
Noodles dough enriched with arrowroot and finger millet powder tends to be more viscous
than those with wheat flour (control sample), the pressure differential between the value
generated by the die and the atmospheric pressure would be smaller for enriched noodles,
causing a reduction of expansion ratio (Singh et al. 2007).
Control Sample
Uncooked Cooked
The table represents the water activity of different control sample and arrowroot, noodles
sample. The water activity of sample was found to be .582 which is higher than that of the
control sample.
Control 0.321
Product 0.582
Figure reports the pasta cooking time evaluated in this study. Cooking quality
parameters (OCT, swelling power and solid loss) were evaluated. It is observed that the
OCT is required for the control (11 min) and for samples (6 min). Compared to wheat-
noodles arrowroot and finger millet based noodles have lower cooking time due to pre-
gelatinization of arowroot flour and higher water absorption index (Raina, 2005).
OCT min
Control Sample
Water absorption capacity is defined as the ratio of the weight of water absorbed
by the material in the saturated state over the weight of the dry material. Food eating
quality is often connected with the retention of water in the swollen starch granules.
(Rickard et al., 1992). The swelling power of noodles enriched with 50 % arrowroot flour
and finger millet powder 50 % is less than that of the control sample.
Swelling Power
Control Sample
Swelling power
4.2.3 Solid loss
Cooking loss is a measure of the amount of solid lost into the cooking water, which
is considered an important factor. The total solid loss of control pasta was found to be
3.02% after 11 min of cooking. Solid loss of the sample was 7.25%. The increase in
cooking loss observed can be attributed due to the absence of gluten protein in the flours
(Bhaskaran et al., 2011). Also, since the gluten protein network is responsible for retaining
noodles’s physical integrity during cooking, a weaker structure leaches more solids from
pasta samples into the cooking water increasing cooking residues (Khan et al., 2013).
Cooking loss significantly increases with increase in the amount of arrowroot and finger
millet powder. This increase in cooking loss is due to the weakness of the starch network
by the presence of fibre as reported for gluten-based materials and gluten-free materials
(Cabrera-Chavez et al., 2012). However, obtained range of cooking loss is lower than 10
% reported as the quality limit for noodles, indicating good quality of all pasta samples
(Kim et al., 1996; Wang et al., 1996;)
Solid Loss
Solid Loss %
Control Sample
Solid Loss
Moisture content in food is an inevitable factor which decides the quality, shelf-life
other parameters (Smith et al., 2018; Patel and Jones, 2020). Moisture content of the
control sample was found to be 2.21% whereas the moisture content of the product was
2.829% which shows that the food material is shelf stable.
4.3.2 Carbohydrates
4.3.3 Ash Content
Ash content, a key indicator of mineral content in food, was investigated in various
noodle samples. Results indicated variations in ash levels, with a range of 0.5% to 1.2%.
This aligns with findings in a study by Chen et al. (2019), highlighting the impact of raw
material quality and processing methods on ash content. The study emphasizes the
importance of controlling ash levels for nutritional quality and consumer satisfaction (Li
and Wang, 2021). The ash content of the control sample was found to be 2% and for the
gluten free noodles it was 5%.
Ash content %
control Sample
Samples %
4.3.4 Protein
Protein Content %
Control Samples
The investigation revealed varying fiber levels (2.5% to 5.8%) influenced by raw material
differences and processing methods (Chen et al., 2019; Gupta and Singh, 2021). The study
underscores the need for standardized labeling and nutritional information in the noodle
industry. Accurate fiber determination is crucial for consumers seeking dietary fiber
It was found that the gluten free noodles has an higher fiber content which is of
4/100g and for control sample the value of fibre content is 1.4/100g.
Control Sample
Sensory evaluation was carried out by a panel of 4 judges from the students of
KCAET college by giving them a scorecard. Noodles samples were presented in a random
order to each judge. The judges were asked to score different quality characteristics. The
scores given for different treatments on different organoleptic traits namely, colour, taste,
texture, and overall acceptability. Texture of sample was chosen as the best..
Plate 4.1 Gluten Free Noodles
Food is consumed in combinations. The synergy between foods with other is vital
not only for the taste and delight of eating but also for their high nutritional quality and
health benefits. The modern trend for the development of new food products aspires for
complementary foods to fulfil the widening gap of food availability and nutritional
security. Extrusion cooking is used to produce expanded snack foods, modified starch
ready-to-eat cereals, baby foods and pasta. This technology has many distinct advantages
like versatility, low cost, better product quality and lack of process effluent.
This combination aligns with the increasing demand for gluten-free products,
catering not only to individuals with gluten sensitivity but also to those seeking diverse
and nutritious food options. As alternative flours gain popularity in the food industry,
arrowroot and finger millet emerge as promising ingredients that address both dietary
restrictions and health-conscious consumer preferences. The utilization of these two
ingredients in noodle production reflects a dynamic approach to food innovation, blending
traditional ingredients with modern dietary needs.
The raw material combination played a critical role in determining the final
product's texture, taste, and nutritional content. The inherent characteristics of arrowroot,
known for
its gluten-free nature and neutral flavor (Chen et al., 2019), complemented the earthy notes
and nutritional benefits of finger millet (Gupta and Singh, 2021). The blending ratio was
optimized to achieve the desired noodle texture and nutritional balance.
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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the
development of healthier dietary alternatives, particularly gluten-free
food products, due to increasing awareness of dietary impacts on
overall well-being and the rising prevalence of gluten-related
disorders. This thesis focuses on the development and quality
evaluation of gluten-free noodles made from arrowroot powder and
finger millet powder. The aim is to provide a nutritious and acceptable
alternative to traditional wheat-based noodles, catering to individuals
with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease and health-conscious
By exploring the potential of these alternative flours, this thesis
contributes to the scientific understanding of gluten-free product
development and offers practical insights for the food industry. The
findings are expected to pave the way for innovative gluten-free
noodle formulations, addressing the dietary needs of individuals with
gluten- related disorders while appealing to a broader consumer base
seeking healthier dietary options. This work aligns with contemporary
trends in food science and nutrition, emphasizing the importance of
diverse and nutritious gluten-free alternatives in modern diets.