a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Initial separation of laminar boundary layer for steady flow around square cylinders at 45° incidence is
Received 15 August 2017 investigated numerically using a blockage of 0.05. The cylinder shapes differ solely at the base region
Revised 21 April 2018
where corner rounding of various degrees is provided such that the base point approaches the center
Accepted 20 May 2018
of the cylinder as the corner radius continues to increase. The normalized corner radius is varied be-
Available online 22 May 2018
tween 0 and 0.25, in steps of 0.05. A very narrow regime of Reynolds number (Re) bounded by 6 and
Keywords: 8.2 is found to surprisingly accommodate a wide description of flow physics unforeseen in common ge-
Inclined square cylinder ometries, i.e. circle, square and ellipse at 0° or 90° incidence, etc. These include secondary (no wake)
Secondary separation followed by primary (wake) separation, simultaneous primary and secondary separation, vortex merger,
Vortex merger degeneration of half-saddles, dual nature of a singular point, etc. A very interesting vortex structure forms
Topology when separation bubbles meet at the sharp base point, yet do not form a wake immediately. This unique
structure however, disappears once the base is rounded. Two fundamental and novel flow topologies are
Flow separation map
proposed and it is demonstrated that the classical wake topology is a degenerated structure of the pro-
posed topologies. Each of the proposed topologies satisfies the kinematic requirement of [6] implying
that the intermediate vortical structures are stable. Overall, three distinct regimes of separation are iden-
tified - regime I for secondary separation, regime II for simultaneous primary and secondary separation
and regime III for primary separation alone. A ‘flow separation map’ that completely specifies all the
regimes of separation is presented for the first time for steady flow past a symmetric obstacle. The flow
bifurcation is a function of corner radius. The maximum number of bifurcations equals three and this is
associated with small values of radius of curvature. For secondary separation, the critical Re marking its
onset is virtually constant at 7.3. The occurrence of secondary separation ceases to exist beyond a nor-
malized corner radius of 0.15. Among the cylinder shapes considered, it is only for this cylinder that the
number of singular points on the surface or number of no-slip critical points reaches a maximum value
of 8.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction body flows (Kanpur, India, 2011), the series of seven IUTAM sym-
posiums on Bluff Body wakes and vortex-induced vibrations from
The flow around stationary bluff bodies at low to moder- 1998 to 2010, etc. Consequently, quite a vast literature is available
ate Reynolds numbers is a relatively older, well developed and on steady separated flow past bluff obstacles of various shapes. The
yet highly active research area. Excellent reviews [24] and texts literature concerning steady separated flow past symmetric and in-
[20,27] are dedicated entirely to bluff body flows. Detailed dis- clined cylinders suggests that all the possible wake structures be-
cussions on the separation of boundary layer from a stationary long to either of the two fundamental types: classical wake flow
circular cylinder are available in the texts by Batchelor and Trit- for symmetric bodies [24] and alleyway flow with one attached
ton [1,23], among others. The topics of boundary layer separation and one detached vortex for inclined bodies [2] and [17] for in-
and bluff body wake have been the subject matter of several in- clined ellipse, [25] for inclined square). For a symmetric obsta-
ternational symposiums, such as, IUTAM symposium on bound- cle, the classical closed wake bubble originates invariably from the
ary layer separation (London, 1986), IUTAM symposium on bluff base. For an asymmetric obstacle in contrast, separation does not
originate from the base but from the upper rear surface [17]. The
closed wake flow and the alleyway flow (open wake flow where
Corresponding author. wake stagnation point does not form) may be considered to be
E-mail address: ssen@iitism.ac.in (S. Sen). associated with ‘primary or main separation’. The mode of steady
0045-7930/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
30 D. Kumar et al. / Computers and Fluids 171 (2018) 29–40
separation resulting neither in a wake flow nor alleyway flow, but and 45°. For each orientation, the total number of nodes on the
in forming separation bubbles at locations other than the base, cylinder surface (Nt ) was 40. The values of Res determined by Zaki
is termed in the present work as ‘secondary separation’. It is to and Gad-El-Hak [26] were 2.5 for zero incidence and 5 for 45°
be noted that the terminology secondary separation is being used incidence. Extensive numerical investigation (using finite-volume
here for flow around symmetric obstacles. Identification of even method) on flow around an inclined (at 0◦ − 45◦ ) square cylinder
newer wake topologies from symmetric obstacles is the prime im- in the periodic vortex-shedding regime (Re = 45 − 200) was con-
petus behind the current body of work. Based on numerical inves- ducted by Sohankar et al. [19]. The wake transition of inclined
tigation on low Reynolds number (Re) steady flow around a square square cylinders were investigated by Tong et al. [22] employing
cylinder inclined at 45° to the free-stream, we document, for the PIV and [18] numerically. Yoon et al. [25] employed finite-volume
first time, existence of previously unreported vortical structures method and investigated the onset of unsteadiness and transition
appearing on such a simple geometric shape. The vortical struc- to three-dimensionality for flow around inclined square cylinders.
tures correspond to laminar boundary layer separation with for- The value of critical Reynolds number marking the onset of vortex-
mation of two distinct separation bubbles (without formation of a shedding (a two-dimensional phenomenon) reported by Yoon et al.
wake) as well as simultaneous formation of wake and two distinct [25] is 39. The onset of mode A instability signifying the transi-
separation bubbles. In each case, progressive rise in Re above the tion to three-dimensionality is close to Re = 116 (Fig. 22 of [25]).
separation Reynolds number (Res ) leads to coalescence of all the For Re = 20, they reported classical wake flow for 0° and 90° inci-
vortical structures and eventual formation of the classical standing dences and alleyway flow for 29.7° incidence.
wake vortex containing the twin eddies. Merger of like sign vor-
tices in the regime of unsteady laminar flow past a 45° inclined 1.2. Flow past an inclined elliptic cylinder at low Re
square cylinder at high Re was reported by Yoon et al. [25]. The
instance of vortex merger noted in the current study in the con- Based on computational results for flow around inclined elliptic
text of steady separated flow appears to be a novel observation. cylinders, [2,12] presented ‘flow domain map’ and ‘bifurcation dia-
We propose topologies for each of the newly identified vortical gram’, respectively. These maps demarcate the regimes of attached
structures due to separation and also establish their validity via flow and flow with a separation bubble. Later, [17] presented de-
satisfaction of the kinematic constraint (see Eq. (5) in Section 4.2) tailed topology of the vortical structures formed due to flow sepa-
proposed by Hunt et al. [6]. ration from an inclined elliptic cylinder. This topology (Fig. 5b of
The topology of a flow field is a graphical presentation of the [17]) shows fluid streams or alleyways in between the attached
critical points as well as separatrices. The critical points in a flow bubble and an unattached vortex.
field are the zero-vorticity or zero-shear stress singular points. De-
pending on whether a critical point is located on a no-slip bound- 1.3. Objectives of the current work
ary or within the fluid, [13] further classified the critical points
into no-slip and free-slip critical points, respectively. The cate- Table 1 summarizes the earlier studies relating to inclined
gorization of a critical point into a node or a saddle is due to square and elliptic cylinders at low Re. In this table, r/D denotes
its topological characteristics [6]. The Poincare–Hopf index the- the normalized corner radius where D is the characteristic dimen-
orem or Poincare Bendixson theorem defines a relationship be- sion of the square cylinder (see Fig. 11). For each study involving a
tween the number of nodes and saddle points in a smooth vec- square cylinder at incidence, the corners of the cylinder are sharp.
tor field. According to this theorem, the number of nodes on the The earlier study by Zaki and Gad-El-Hak [26] used a very coarse
surface of an isolated three-dimensional object exceeds the num- mesh as well as a very small Nt value of 40. These choices might
ber of saddle points by two [6]. For a two-dimensional object (a have significantly affected the accuracy of their results. The value
cross-section) in a flow, [6] extended the Poincare–Hopf theorem of Res determined by Sen et al. [16] for zero incidence was 1.15, sig-
and proposed a kinematic balance between the number of nodes, nificantly smaller than the one presented by Zaki and Gad-El-Hak
half-nodes, saddles, half-saddles and connectivity of the flow sec- [26]. Sen et al. [16] used a stabilized finite-element formulation
tion. The Poincare index or winding number of a critical point is and a much finer non-uniform mesh with 158,138 nodes, 157,108
defined in two-dimensions as an integer that corresponds to the elements and Nt = 664. Using the same finite-element formulation
number of revolutions a point makes along a closed curve sur- as employed by Sen et al. [16] and a sufficiently fine non-uniform
rounding the critical point. The index is positive for counterclock- mesh, the current study predicts Res = 7.3 for 45° incidence. This
wise revolutions and vice versa. The saddle is assigned with the value also exhibits a large difference with that obtained by Zaki
index value of +1 while a node is assigned with index value of and Gad-El-Hak [26]. Zaki and Gad-El-Hak [26] did not investigate
−1. the separation mechanism and flow topology in the neighbourhood
In the following two sub-sections, an account of earlier investi- of Res .
gations on low Re flow past square and elliptic cylinders is pro- The discussions in Section 1.1 suggest that the initial separa-
vided. This is followed by a discussion on the objectives of the tion of laminar boundary layer from an inclined square cylinder
current work which revolves around secondary separation, a phe- is still unexplored. To the best of the knowledge of the Authors
nomenon that is being reported for the first time in conjunction from available literature, steady separation from a symmetric and
with steady flow past a symmetric obstacle at low Re. common bluff obstacle relates invariably to wake formation alone.
Interestingly, an exception to this general trend of symmetric sep-
1.1. Flow past an inclined square cylinder at low Re aration is found in the current investigation (see Fig. 12). Bifurca-
tion in a flow corresponds to topological changes as an outcome
One of the earlier efforts to investigate the low Re flow around of small change in a controlling parameter, such as Re. Therefore,
a square cylinder at incidence via numerical experiments was due onset of separation from an attached flow also represents a bifur-
to [26]. To analyze the flow around stationary and freely rotatable cation. We designate this bifurcation as ‘first bifurcation’ in the
square cylinders, they conducted experiments as well as computa- steady flow. Zaki and Gad-El-Hak [26] also presented graphically,
tions. The numerical method involves finite-difference discretiza- the dependence of Res on angle of attack (Fig. 5 of their paper);
tion of the streamfunction-vorticity (ψ − ω) transport equations. this depiction corresponds to the first bifurcation. Except for [26],
They employed a uniform grid of 200 × 100 for zero incidence none of the earlier studies listed above on steady separated flow
configuration and 200 × 300 for incidence angles of 10°, 22.5°, 35° past an inclined square cylinder deals with flow bifurcation. It is
D. Kumar et al. / Computers and Fluids 171 (2018) 29–40 31
Table 1
Flow past stationary square and elliptic cylinders at incidence: summary of earlier experimental and numeri-
cal studies at low Re. The acronyms FDM, FVM, SEM and FEM stand for finite-difference method, finite-volume
method, spectral-element method and finite-element method, respectively.
Fig. 1. (a) The structured, non-uniform and multi-block finite-element mesh used for computing flow around the r/D = 0.25 cylinder. The mesh consists of 94,694 nodes
and 93,952 bilinear quadrilateral elements. Figure 1b shows exaggerated view of the mesh near the cylinder.
therefore of intrigue to investigate in details, additional bifurca- stabilized finite-element formulation are discussed in Section 2.
tions, if any, for r/D ≥ 0. For symmetric bodies, the mode of separa- Section 3 addresses the accuracy and convergence issues of the
tion is ‘apparently’ primary alone. In this body of work, additional computed results. The main results are presented and discussed in
bifurcations as well as newer modes of steady separation are iden- Section 4. In this Section, flow features such as, evolution of sepa-
tified. One implication of this identification is that given a symmet- rated structures as functions of corner radius, novel topologies, co-
ric body, multiple steady bifurcations are possible even at low Re. alescence of vortices, degeneration of half-saddles, etc., are investi-
The flow separation map discussed in Section 4.3 is a bifurcation gated in details. Finally, in Section 5, a few concluding remarks are
diagram. This diagram is the first one of its kind. Identification of made.
secondary separation for a cylinder with sharp trailing edge natu-
rally induces further queries: can the secondary separation exist in 2. Governing equations and finite-element formulation
case a curvature is added at the trailing tip? How does the sepa-
rated structures evolve with the magnitude of corner radius? What 2.1. The equations of fluid motion and boundary conditions
is the relationship between corner radius and number of bifurca-
tions? Can a bifurcation be asymmetric? Efforts are made here to Let ⊂ R2 be the spatial domain. The boundary of is de-
address these queries. noted by and is assumed to be piecewise smooth. The spatial
A finite-element formulation incorporating stabilization against coordinates are denoted by x (= x, y ). The equations governing the
spurious modes of velocity and pressure has been employed for steady flow of an incompressible fluid of density, ρ , are:
discretization of the conservation equations of mass and linear mo-
mentum (see Section 2). The computational domain containing the ρ (u · ∇u − f ) − ∇ · σ = 0 on , (1)
cylinder is rectangular. To explore the flow separation in the neigh-
bourhood of its onset, computations have been performed for the
inclined cylinder with sharp cornered as well as rounded trail- ∇ · u = 0 on . (2)
ing edge or base. The cross-stream projection of the cylinder (D)
and free-stream speed (U) are used to define Re. By varying the Here u (= u, v ), f and σ denote the fluid velocity, body force
radius of curvature (r) at the trailing edge of the cylinder (see per unit volume and the Cauchy stress tensor, respectively. The
Fig. 11), a total of six different shapes are generated, i.e. trail- stress is the sum of its isotropic and deviatoric parts:
ing edge with sharp corner (r/D = 0) and rounded corners (r/D = σ = −pI + T, T = 2 με ( u ) ,
0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25). The computational domain is discretized
via bilinear quadrilateral elements with equal order of interpola- ε (u ) = 1
2 ((∇u ) + (∇u )T ) (3)
tion for velocity and pressure. The computational mesh shown in where p, I, μ and ε are the pressure, identity tensor, dynamic
Fig. 1a for the r = 0.25D cylinder consists of 94,694 nodes and viscosity of the fluid and strain rate tensor, respectively. In the
93,952 bilinear quadrilateral elements. The mesh is structured and present simulations, we have employed the slip boundary condi-
non-uniform. It is composed of five rectangular mesh blocks. The tion on the lateral boundaries of the computational domain. Free-
mesh block containing the cylinder is shown in Fig. 1b. An account stream speed condition is prescribed on the upstream boundary.
of the structure of such meshes can be found in [15]. No-slip condition on velocity is applied on the surface of the cylin-
The outline of the rest of the article is as follows. The governing der. At the downstream boundary, a Neumann condition for veloc-
conservation equations for incompressible fluid flow as well as the ity is specified that corresponds to the stress-free condition.
32 D. Kumar et al. / Computers and Fluids 171 (2018) 29–40
Fig. 4. Surface vorticity (first column) and streamwise velocity contours (second through fifth columns) for inclined square cylinder with r/D = 0.0, 0.05 and 0.1 respectively.
The circumferential angle is measured counter-clockwise from the forward stagnation point.
Fig. 5. Secondary separation from an inclined square cylinder with sharp and rounded trailing edges: streamline plots for r/D = (a) 0 at Re = 8, (b) 0.05 at Re = 7.8 and (c)
0.1 at Re = 7.65. The separation bubbles forming on the rear lateral edges are symmetric about the plane of symmetry.
D. Kumar et al. / Computers and Fluids 171 (2018) 29–40 35
Fig. 6. Surface vorticity and streamwise velocity contours for inclined square cylinder with r/D = 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 respectively. The circumferential angle is measured
counter-clockwise from the forward stagnation point.
maximum of eight singular points on the surface. A nominal in- Regime II involves simultaneous primary and secondary separation
crease of Reynolds number to Rem = 7.398 leads to coalescence and regime III is associated with primary separation alone. The
of all three vortical structures. The separation bubbles disappear first regime corresponds to r/D ≤ 0.1, in which only separation bub-
and the already existing wake bubble enlarges. Even though the bles appear and a wake does not form. The second regime seen
Res is virtually identical for r/D = 0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 cylinders, for r/D = 0.15 is associated with two separation bubbles as well
the bubble sizes at Res are different. In particular, the size decays as the closed wake. Finally, r/D = 0.2 and 0.25 belong to the third
as r increases. When the normalized corner radius is increased to regime where separation results in the formation of a wake with
0.2 and beyond, the secondary separation disappears completely. closed streamlines. The intermediate regime relating to r/D = 0.15
For such cylinders, Res also represents Rew and Rem does not exist. marks a change in vortex arrangement and hence r = 0.15D rep-
The mode of separation turns primary alone and separation initi- resents the critical radius of curvature (rcr ) of the trailing edge.
ates at lower Re. The corresponding Res values are 6.9 and 6.45 for It is interesting to note that Res is approximately constant at 7.3
r = 0.2D and 0.25D, respectively. For these cylinders, the second for r ≤ rcr . We therefore conclude that the cylinders having r ≤ rcr
and third rows of Fig. 6 depict the development of wake bubble. behave as congruent bluff bodies. This can be further established
The first column of Figs. 4 and 6 demonstrate the cases of sec- with the aid of Table 5. For each r ∈ [0, 0.15], the characteristic flow
ondary separation (Fig. 4(a,f,k)), simultaneous secondary and pri- quantities such as, Res , −C pb , Cd and Cdp possess almost identical
mary separation (Fig. 6a) and primary separation (Fig. 6(f,k)). respective values. In contrast, for r > rcr , base suction continues to
In summary, strong dependence of the mode of separation and rise with r.
type of consequent vortical structures on the corner radius is ob- The inception of separation bubble is explained by analyzing
served and three distinct regimes (I, II and III) of initial separa- ∂C
surface pressure gradient ( ∂ sp ) of the r/D = 0 cylinder (for in-
tion are identified. The regime I is linked to secondary separation. stance) at Re = 7.3 = Res . Here, the direction s is measured from
36 D. Kumar et al. / Computers and Fluids 171 (2018) 29–40
Fig. 8. Proposed wake topology in the (a) pre-critical and (b) critical regimes of steady separated flow past a square cylinder at 45° incidence. The pre-critical regime is
associated with secondary separation alone whereas both primary (attachment in fluid) and secondary (attachment on body) separation are observed in the critical regime.
Fig. 9. Illustration of merger of the separation bubbles for r/D = 0: (a) proposed wake topology in the pre-critical regime prior to the formation of wake. Figure (b) depicts
the formation of the singular point at the base due to merging of two reattachment points. The decomposition of this point into a full and half-saddle is illustrated in (c).
Distribution of streamwise velocity along the axis of symmetry and starting from the base is shown in (d) for Re corresponding to secondary and primary separation.
(or V3 and V4) are distinct and have same sense of rotation. When sultant classical wake always contains four half-saddles on the
they grow and get joined at a point (C1 or C2) on the surface cylinder surface. For the first regime, degeneration of attachment
(Fig. 10a), the sense of rotation remains identical. Subsequently, points A2 and A3 (Fig. 8a) is involved in the formation of the clas-
this point degenerates, the like sign vortices V1 and V2 coalesce sical wake. The second regime involves degeneration of singular
and form what is the upper part of the classical wake. points in enlarging the already existing wake bubble. Therefore, the
The classical wake consisting of twin standing eddies is shown degeneration process relates to secondary separation alone. In con-
in Fig. 11. The singular points are identified as: N = 2, S = 1, trast, for primary separation, the classical wake structure appears
N = 0 and S = 4. We conclude that irrespective of the num- at Res itself; degeneration is not relevant in regime III.
ber of half-saddles in the pre-critical and critical regimes, the re-
38 D. Kumar et al. / Computers and Fluids 171 (2018) 29–40
Fig. 10. Evolution of vortical structures for the rounded square cylinder with r/D = 0.15: (a) topological configuration corresponding to onset of merging of separation
bubbles and wake for regime II, (b) formation of singular points C1 and C2 due to coalescence of attachment and separation-type half-saddles and (c) decomposition of
points C1 and C2 reveal dual nature.
Table 6
Effect of corner rounding on the onset of primary and secondary separation: sum-
mary of the values of Re marking the onset of separation, merger of vortices and
formation of classical wake. For three bifurcations, Rew = Rem = Res and for single
bifurcation, Rew = Res . The order in which the number of singular points on the
cylinder varies with each bifurcation is shown in the last column.
Fig. 12. Schematic of wake topologies demonstrating the existence of all three (1, 2 and 3) bifurcations for r/D = (a) 0 and (b) 0.15, respectively. In both cases, the first
column represents attached flow.
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for r/D = (a) 0.05 and (b) 0.15. For r/D = 0.05, existence of reverse flow near the base at Re = 8.01 slightly exceeding Rem confirms that Rem = 0. Existence of reverse flow
for r/D = 0.15 at all Re ≥ Res also suggests for the absence of the Rem interval.
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