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Dear Camper

Take careful note of the instructions in this letter to ensure that you have an enjoyable time at this Camp.
TRANSPORT: Be in Canning Garden Methodist Church (CGMC) on MONDAY, 19th Dec by 10.15am. All are to gather at Concourse. EXTRA: Check-in is 2pm. Please ensure you take an early lunch or pack your lunch box with you for the journey up. We will serve hot drink and light snack only upon arrival and our 1st meal is Dinner. On the last day of camp, we are expected to leave from campsite at 2pm. Do inform your parents/guardian to pick you up from CGMC on THURSDAY, 22nd Dec. We expect to arrive around 4.30pm and will dismiss from Concourse.

CAMP RULES: We do not approve of Boy-Girl Relationships (BGR) in our youth group (MYF) or at this Camp. Couples pairing off or wandering away (including individuals) from the group is not permitted at any time. No smoking, alcohol or drugs are allowed. You should not have in your possession any dangerous/explosive items that can cause harm/injury to you, another camper or damage to the campsite property. Rude language/gesture, rough play is not acceptable by us. Do not enter into the sleeping quarters/accommodation block of the opposite sex or leave the campsite once we have check-in. Switching of room/dorm is not permitted. Be in your assigned room by 11pm - lights out. Any music or conversation should be toned down. No wondering out of your room/dorm is permitted after this time unless theres an emergency (this need to be reported to Pastor Elaine Low or your Camp Papa: Chin Wai Jon or Camp Mama: Natasha Tan) or when its time to wake-up according to Camp Schedule. Your dressing should be modest/appropriate (eg. no revealing clothes or those with vulgar/suggestive logos, pictures, slogans). Guys are not to wander around campsite without your T-shirt on at any time. You are to participate fully in the programmes listed in the Camp Schedule and follow the instructions of all Camp Personnel on duty. Be considerate by being punctual at all times. You will be in your groups for games/activity and cell time. The Bus List, Games Group, Cell Group and Rooming List will be made known to you later (on Dec 16 th) via the Church Notice Board. Keep your room/dorm and the public washroom clean at all times. Be considerate to others waiting for their turn to bathe by keeping your bathing time short. Safety for any individual and care for camp property is important. Any injury or damage of property must be reported to any of the Camp Personnel for further action. You are to be responsible for your personal belongings. Label your belongings so that if lost, it can be returned to you (if we find it). THINGS TO BRING CHECKLIST:

Your Identity Card (I.C) or Passport (non-Malaysian) - original copy. A BIBLE. Pen and paper/notepad for taking down notes. EXTRA: Raincoat or umbrella and torch light (important for Group Activity). Bring along a plastic bag with you if you are
prone to vomit during the bus journey to and from Cameron Highlands.

Sufficient clothes for entire stay but keep your luggage compact due to limited storage space in bus. You may want to

include: (a) Dark colored T-shirts for games on the 2nd day and 3rd day (both afternoons) as you may sweaty/dirty/wet. This will be held in the campsite compound. The games during 2nd and 3rd day (night) will also involved a fair bit of moving, so bring extra clothes to change if you get sweaty. (b) Bring sufficient warm clothing or jacket to keep warm.

Toiletries (eg. toothbrush, toothpaste, hair shampoo, soap, comb, lotion, face and bath towels etc). A plastic bag to place your soiled clothes. Suitable non-slip footwear eg. shoes/sports shoes (for games in campsite) and non-slip slippers (for use at public washrooms and toilets). Your own medication (for your personal use if you have any allergies or medical condition). You are NOT TO GIVE your own medication to any camper. If you need medical attention during the camp, please refer to our Camp Personnel for assistance. OTHERS: (a) A water bottle/tumbler for your own use. Please drink sufficient water to avoid falling sick during Camp. (b) Sports items eg. Table Tennis bats and balls, basketball, football should you wish to make use of the facilities during your free time. (c) Some extra cash if you intend to buy can strawberry popsicle, short bread etc from the canteen. Bring your own supply of snacks, titbits etc. to munch in case you are hungry during your free time. DO NOT BRING: Any of your expensive/valuable items or wear jewelry as we will not be responsible for the loss of such items. If theres no urgent need for the use of a hand-phone in this Camp, please do not bring it along. You can make use of the following personnels mobile phone, in case you need to make important calls to your parents/guardian. Please hand the slip of Important Contacts at Campsite (For Parents) to and for your parents/guardians attention!


Pastor Elaine Low: 016-5068673

Lim Gueh Im: 016-4857370

Note to PARENTS: We do not encourage Visitors during the course of this Camp. In the event of any emergency/important matters that you need to see/pick up your children before camp ends, you need to contact Pastor Elaine Low prior to dropping in at the Campsite as we want to ensure security for all the campers under our care. If your child travel using a photocopied I.C: Do note that in any event that your child need to present his/her I.C during security check by any relevant authorities, and your child have a photocopied I.C, then you would be contacted or may need to produce your childs original I.C to the authorities concerned (should there be such a need).

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