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Teachers Day Celebration at Doon Business School! Guest Lecture By Tanya Purhoit

Dibya and Somdutta poem. The event he students and faculties knowledge of the working nature
from MAMC - 3rd continued with of Mass Communication of industry.
Semester. Later, the s o u l f u l were privileged to The visit of Anchor/Actor Miss
stage was taken over performances of welcome Anchor/Actor Miss. Tanya Purohit to the Mass
by Rajan from BAMC Durba and Khushi Tanya Purohit for the guest Communication department on
- 5th Semester and from BAMC - 3rd session on “A Roadmap to September 8, 2023, for the guest
Teacher’s Day Celebration of Mass Aparna from BAMC - Semester. Prime-Time Anchoring” on 8th session on "A Roadmap to
Communication Department!!!
3rd Semester, the Later it continued September 2023. Prime-Time Anchoring" was a
Every year on 5th dedication of with a gratitude gift Tanya Purohit is a sports anchor momentous occasion. Tanya,
September, the students was an treat to our beloved and Indian Bollywood actress. known for her roles in NH 10 and
e d u c a t i o n a l to watch. Somadutta faculty member to She made her debut in NH 10 as ' Te r r o r S t r i k e - B e y o n d
institution feels lit up from MAMC - 1st m a k e t h e m 'Manju' and 'Terror Strike- Boundaries,' and her hosting in
and alive with Semester presented remember their Beyond Boundaries'. Later in the 13th IPL edition, shared
vibrant colors, an classical delight importance in 2020, her career took a revolving valuable insights during the
laughter, and an watch which was building their turn when she appeared as a lecture. Her natural charisma
atmosphere filled continued with song students career. host in the 13th edition of the and engaging personality
with gratitude and attribution by Prachi We celebrate this Indian Premier League (IPL). captivated the students, leading
thankful nature from BAMC 1st day, let's remember During the guest lecture, the to discussions on critical aspects
towards the guiding Semester. In the profound impact interaction between her and the of anchoring such as body
light of the students, b e t w e e n t h e teachers have on our mass communication language and voice modulation.
TEACHERS. The performances our lives, not just department students was Interactive exercises fostered a
celebration began host continued with academically but as successfully established strong connection between
with the meticulous games to entertain mentors and guides because of her natural aura. Her Ta n y a a n d t h e s t u d e n t s ,
planning of students. our guest. on the path to personality, body language, and providing them with practical
Cultural Programs voice modulation were the main industry knowledge. This event
To continue the brighter future.
are always a topics discussed during the was a tremendous honor for
entertainment and "Teachers: The
combination of session. In between Doon Business School, offering
treats for our guest, architects of a
music, dance, conversations, some exercises students a glimpse into the world
host Rajan, as a brighter future,
speech, and poetry. took place to form a relatable of prime-time anchoring.
beautiful dance shaping minds,
Likewise, the event bond between her and the "Unlock the secrets of prime-time
performance. kindling curiosity,
started with the students anchoring with Tanya Purohit:
Advik from BAMC - and lighting the path Meeting such a good personality where news meets storytelling,
traditional welcome 3rd Semester took to success."
of the professors was an honor for Doon Business connecting and engaging
hands on a stage School. It helped the students an audiences."
leading to a dance through performing
performance by insight

Inauguration of Phoenix Media Club with Hindi Diwas Janmashtami Celebrations in Doon Business School!

Doon Business our cultural heritage and other regional The essence of Janmashtami Following closely, the B.Com
School witnessed a and fostering languages, came alive at [DBS University team demonstrated remarkable
dynamic fusion of national unity. recognizing their Name] as students gathered to strength and determination,
culture and media The Phoenix Media integral role in commemorate the occasion with securing the second spot and
as it celebrated the Club, a novel shaping our cultural immense zeal and vigor. The earning a trophy and certificate.
inauguration of the addition to the identity. The highlight of the celebration was The BCA team, known for their
Phoenix Media Club institution's vibrant inauguration of the the thrilling Dahi Handi precision and teamwork, claimed
alongside the extracurricular Phoenix Media Club competition and a lively dance the third position and received
commemoration of offerings, was and the celebration contest that enthralled the accolades in the form of a trophy
Hindi Diwas on officially introduced of Hindi Diwas at audience with its energy and and certificate.
September 14, during the event. It Doon Business passion. This event, meticulously In addition to the Dahi Handi
2023. The event seeks to provide a School were not organized by the competition, the
radiated energy and dynamic platform for merely events but university's J a n m a s h t a m i
enthusiasm, students passionate affirmations of our c u l t u r a l celebration also featured
bringing together about various media commitment to committee, drew a a lively dance
students, faculty, facets, including celebrate diversity, sizable crowd of competition, showcasing
and staff to embrace journalism, heritage, and the students and the diverse cultural
the rich tapestry of photography, and boundless potential faculty, united in talents of [DBS
Indian heritage. filmmaking. Club of the media. their unique and University Name]
The occasion objectives were In summation, the vibrant celebration of Lord students. The performances
commenced with the elucidated, and confluence of the Krishna's birth.In the Dahi Handi spanned classical to
ceremonial lighting membership inauguration of the competition, teams representing contemporary styles, reflecting
of the lamp, enrollment was met Phoenix Media Club different departments vied to the rich diversity of talent within
symbolizing the with fervor, with with the celebration break a high-hanging pot filled the university.
triumph of numerous students of Hindi Diwas at with curd, emulating Lord The dance competition ignited
knowledge over eager to partake. Doon Business Krishna's iconic childhood game. the audience, who cheered
ignorance. Dr. These presentations School was a The competition was intense, fervently for their favorite teams.
Rajesh Kumar, not only captivated momentous showcasing remarkable agility The enthusiasm was infectious,
Director of Doon the audience but occasion that and teamwork. Ultimately, the and the students poured their
Business School, also instilled a deep exalted linguistic Agriculture team emerged hearts into their performances.
delivered a sense of pride in our diversity, cultural victorious, showcasing The judges faced a daunting task
heartening inaugural linguistic and heritage, and the exceptional coordination and in selecting the winners, as all the
address, cultural roots.The spirit of media strategy. Their rapid success teams exceptional skills and
underscoring the event culminated enthusiasts. drew thunderous applause from creativity, making it a truly
profound with a solemn the crowd, and they received a memorable Janmashtami
significance of Hindi pledge to uphold trophy and cash prize. celebration at [DBS University
Diwas in preserving and respect Hindi Name].


Interviewer: Good day, levels. This system retail chains and online store. We encouraged Mr. Sumit, for imparting
everyone. Today, we are facilitates timely retailers? customers to utilize our your valuable insights
honored to have Mr. reordering of products to online ordering and and experiences with us
Sumit, the proprietor of a prevent stockouts and Mr. Sumit: Competition is delivery services to today. It has been a
general store in minimize the risk of an ever-present reduce in-store pleasure conversing with
Rajnandgaon, overstocking. challenge, but we interactions. It was a you and gaining deeper
Chhattisgarh, India, with Additionally, we closely believe that, as a local demanding period, but insights into the realm of
us. We will be discussing monitor customer general store, we we successfully adapted general stores and sales
various facets of preferences and possess a unique to serve our community's strategies.
operating a general seasonal demands, advantage. We place a needs.
store, with a particular allowing us to fine-tune strong emphasis on Interviewer: As we delve
focus on sales strategies our inventory fostering robust Interviewer: It's further into the world of
and experiences. Thank accordingly. relationships with our heartening to witness general stores and sales
you for joining us, Mr. customers. Our your adaptability in the strategies, I'd like to
Sumit. Interviewer: That personalized service and face of adversity. explore the role of
certainly sounds like an our ability to meet Looking forward, what is community engagement.
Mr. Sumit: Thank you for efficient approach. specific needs set us your vision for the future Could you tell us how your
having me. I'm delighted Shifting the focus to apart. Furthermore, we of your general store? general store actively
to share my experiences sales, could you share emphasize the quality of engages with the local
and insights. some strategies you our products and the Mr. Sumit: Our vision for c o m m u n i t y i n
employ to bolster sales convenience of shopping the future revolves Rajnandgaon?
Interviewer: To begin, in your general store? at a neighborhood store. around sustained growth
could you provide some and evolution in Mr. Sumit: Community
insight into your general Mr. Sumit: Certainly. We've also embraced response to the evolving engagement is at the
store and the genesis of Over the years, we've technology to some needs of our customers. heart of our business.
your journey in this found We intend to We've established strong
business? several expand our ties with the residents
strategies online presence here. Beyond providing
Mr. Sumit: Certainly. I to be quite and enhance essential goods, we
initiated my general store effective. our e- organize occasional
about 15 years ago. It all Firstly, commerce community events and
commenced with a exception offerings. workshops, especially
strong desire to cater to al Additionally, we related to topics like
the everyday needs of customer are exploring nutrition, household
the local community here service is opportunities to budgeting, and local
in Rajnandgaon. I aimed paramoun establish culture. These initiatives
to create a convenient t. Our staff additional not only create a sense of
one-stop shop for is trained branches in belonging but also offer
essential items, to be various parts of value beyond just
spanning groceries, friendly, Rajnandgaon, shopping.
household goods, and knowledg making our
more. Over time, our eable, and services even Interviewer: Thank you,
store has expanded its always more Mr. Sumit, for sharing
product range to ready to accessible. your expertise and
accommodate a broader assist e x p e r i e n c e s . Yo u r
customer base. customers Ultimately, we journey as a general store
. Creating aspire to remain owner is not only inspiring
extent. We offer online
Interviewer: That's a welcoming atmosphere a trusted and but also a testament to
ordering and delivery
impressive, Mr. Sumit. within the store is indispensable part of our the importance of
services, which have
Could you elaborate on fundamental. community, offering community and
garnered positive
some of the key products quality products and adaptability in the world of
responses, particularly
available in your store? Secondly, we regularly exceptional service for retail. We appreciate your
during the pandemic. It's
offer promotions and many years to come. insights and wish you
about striking a balance
Mr. Sumit: Of course. discounts, particularly on continued success in your
between tradition and
Our general store offers popular items. This not Interviewer: That business.
a diverse array of only attracts customers certainly sounds like a
products, encompassing but also encourages promising trajectory. Mr. Sumit: Thank you very
Interviewer: Adapting to
groceries, fresh produce, them to make additional Before we conclude, do much for having me, and I
changing circumstances
snacks, cleaning purchases. Moreover, we you have any counsel for hope our conversation
is pivotal. How has the
supplies, toiletries, and stay attuned to prevailing aspiring entrepreneurs or has provided valuable
COVID-19 pandemic
even basic electronics market trends and individuals considering insights for those
impacted your general
and stationery items. Our introduce new products launching their own considering venturing into
store, and what
aim is to provide a that align with customer general stores? the world of general
measures did you put in
comprehensive shopping demand. stores.
place to navigate it?
experience for our Mr. Sumit: Certainly. My
valued customers. Lastly, we leverage data advice would be to
Mr. Sumit: The pandemic
analytics to gain insights commence with a clear
Interviewer: It seems you into our customers' vision and a genuine
have a wide range of purchasing patterns. This passion for serving your
challenges. Initially, there
products. How do you enables us to tailor our community. Building
was a surge in demand
effectively manage your promotions and robust customer
for essential items, but
inventory to ensure a recommendations, relationships is key.
there were also
consistent supply of thereby enhancing the Maintain adaptability and
disruptions in the supply
items your customers overall shopping a willingness to embrace
chain. We had to
require? experience. change, particularly in
collaborate closely with
the dynamic market of
our suppliers to ensure a
Mr. Sumit: Effective Interviewer: today. And most
steady inflow of goods.
inventory management is Personalization and data importantly, prioritize
pivotal in our business. analytics are indeed quality and customer
To address safety
We employ a powerful tools in satisfaction above all
concerns, we
computerized inventory contemporary retail. How else.
implemented rigorous
system that enables real- do you address
hygiene and sanitation
time tracking of stock competition from larger Interviewer: Thank you,
protocols within our

Photo Feature

"Champion of the QR Treasure Hunt Unearthed! Extraordinary wit and

determination lead to victory. A event organised by college start-up ANUSHA
#QRHuntWinner #TreasureHuntTriumph"

"Unstoppable Spirit! The fearless participants of the Dahi Handi

competition gave it their all in a thrilling display of teamwork and
#DahiHandiChampions #TeamworkUnleashed”

“"Educational Excellence! Miss Tanya Purhoit graced Doon Business School with
her wisdom during an inspiring guest lecture. Here's a glimpse of the enlightening
#GuestLecture #KnowledgeSharing"

“Nature's Perfect Harmony - Witness the flawless symmetry of Mother

Earth's artistry in this breathtaking photo feature. The balance of
beauty captured in every detail.
#SymmetryInNature #NaturePhotography"

"Chasing Dreams Amongst Clouds - A tribute to the cloud lovers who find
inspiration, solace, and endless wonder in the ever-changing canvas of the sky.
Join us on a visual journey through their lens.
#CloudLovers #SkyGazing”

“A Moon is like a shining route of the dark map to the happiness”

#darkmoon #shiningarmour #routetohappiness


MEN only make them 'self- number of male rape overcome their this world are
EMPOWERMENT - independent' and cases is probably far anxiety and suffering from low
'self-reliant' but also greater because of uneasiness over esteem due to family
Men's empowerment make them underreporting and women assuming pressure which can
is the process of understand the hard societal shame their roles as be suspected by
encouraging men to work of homemakers associated with male superiors and social Excessive Alcohol
live purposeful lives and working women. victimization and leaders. Men who Consumption, Bad
by attending to the Men's Empowerment different saying struggle with sexual Hygiene, Self-
particular is the technique of around the globe, harassment or deprecation, and
requirements and recognizing the which is vital to molestation Self-criticism.
challenges they beauty, valuable emphasize. One more frequently face major In December 2022,
confront in today's supportive nature, thing that will help challenges when Four women raped a
society. This includes and importance of raise men's reporting such man in Jalandhar, It
encouraging gender men as an individual empowerment is instances, including shows that the
equality, combating in society. Men can letting young boys lack of access to Gender-Neutral laws
negative gender experience rape in release their support and In India must be
stereotypes, and various contexts, emotions and break resources and fear of crying.
addressing concerns including in the taboo that “Men being criticized or In Conclusion, For
including men's relationships, conflict don't cry”. Crying is disbelieved. Males gender equality to be
health, mental or war, and prisons. an emotion that are not free from the achieved and a more
health, and well- helps to release stress common problems of inclusive society to be
being. In India, there Men can be raped in and understand the family pressure. One created, men's
is a famous saying, various settings, beauty of pain which of the most common empowerment is a
“मद को दद नही ं होता ||” including marriages, is left behind. Some expectations from critical and essential
which has resulted in violent conflicts, war, men even find it men in the family is component. It aims
the negative impact and prisons. difficult to express to be the to address these by
of men The National Crime their hidden breadwinner and be promoting men's
empowerment in Records Bureau emotions which have financially available rights, opportunities,
India. To begin with (NCRB) of India been kept inside their for the family which and recognition of
men's empowerment, reports that 1,473 hearts for a lifetime. acts as a pressure the particular
we should train incidences of rape and can result in difficulties, demands,
young boys in basic against men were Men's empowerment depression, peer and problems they
life skills from an registered in 2019. is crucial because it pressure, and encounter.
early age. It will not However, the true will enable men to anxiety. Many men in


"Unleashing technology and software funding has been a and setbacks. and rural development.
Innovation: The development, combined game-changer for Indian
Entrepreneurship with a growing appetite startups. Venture capital Remarkable Success The Road Ahead-
Ecosystem in India” for innovation, laid the firms, angel investors, Stories-
foundation for what and even global tech As India continues its
India, a country known would become a giants have poured No discussion of Indian journey in the world of
for its diverse culture, burgeoning startup billions into the Indian entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship, the
rich history, and a billion- ecosystem. Today, cities startup ecosystem. This complete without road ahead is promising
plus population, is also like Bengaluru, influx of capital has highlighting some but challenging. Startups
emerging as a Hyderabad, and Mumbai allowed innovative remarkable success are exploring new
powerhouse in the world are recognized as startups to grow and stories. From e- frontiers such as artificial
of entrepreneurship. In startup hubs, home to expand rapidly. commerce giants like intelligence, blockchain,
recent years, India has numerous tech giants, Flipkart and Amazon and sustainable
witnessed a surge in unicorns, and aspiring India to tech disruptors technology. With a young
startups and entrepreneurs. like Ola and Paytm, and dynamic population
entrepreneurial ventures, Government Initiatives Indian startups have eager to make a mark,
making it one of the and Policies made their mark on the India's entrepreneurship
most exciting and One of the driving global stage. These ecosystem is poised for
dynamic ecosystems for forces behind India's stories of resilience, even greater growth and
business innovation. entrepreneurship surge innovation, and growth innovation in the coming
This feature article is the government's serve as inspiration for years.
explores the thriving proactive approach. Challenges and Hurdles- aspiring entrepreneurs.
entrepreneurship Initiatives like "Make in In conclusion, India's
landscape in India, India," "Startup India," While the Indian Social Impact entrepreneurship
shedding light on its key and "Digital India" have entrepreneurship ecosystem is a
elements, challenges, created a favorable landscape is promising, Entrepreneurship - fascinating blend of
and remarkable success environment for startups. it's not without its Beyond the world of tech tradition and innovation,
stories. Simplified regulations, challenges. The startups, India is also where ancient wisdom
tax incentives, and competition is fierce, and witnessing a surge in meets cutting-edge
The Rise of the Indian easier access to funding startups often grapple social impact technology. It's a story of
Startup Ecosystem - have all played crucial with issues such as entrepreneurship. resilience, creativity, and
roles in nurturing funding gaps, regulatory Organizations are the indomitable spirit of
India's journey into entrepreneurship. hurdles, and a lack of leveraging business entrepreneurs who are
entrepreneurship took skilled talent. Moreover, models to address shaping India's future
flight in the early 2000s Investment and Funding- the road to success can critical societal issues, while making a global
with the IT boom. The be arduous, with many including healthcare, impact.
country's prowess in The availability of startups facing failures education, clean energy,

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