Table 1 | Risk factors for stress-ulcer bleeding from multiple regression analysis not. Of note, after the inclusion of old studies (16 of 20
were published before 1994), the meta-analysis mostly
Reference Risk factor for stress related OR (95% CI or
mucosal damage* P value)
assessed H2RAs and was unable to accurately compare
PPIs to H2RAs. Furthermore, in two meta-analyses
Cook et al. (1994)4 Respiratory failure requiring mechanical 15.6 (P <0.001)
ventilation for >48 h
published in 2012 and 2013—which included 13 RCTs
totalling 1,587 patients10 and 14 RCTs totalling 1,720
Laine et al. (2008)3, Coagulopathy (platelet count <50,000 4.3 (P <0.001)
Cook et al. (1994)4 platelets per ml3, INR >1.5, or
patients,12 respectively—PPIs were not found to be more
partial-thromboplastin time more than effective than H2RAs in reducing overall mortality (ICU
two times the control value) mortality OR = 1.19; 95% CI 0.84–1.68 and RR = 1.01;
Cook et al. (1999)20 Maximum serum creatinine level 1.16 (1.02–1.32) 95% CI 0.83–1.24, respectively). A study by Kotlyanskaya
MacLaren et al. (2014)27 Acute kidney injury 1.21 (1.02–1.43)
et al.60 (published in abstract form) was not included
in the meta-analysis by Barkun et al.10 and is the only
MacLaren et al. (2014)27 Acute respiratory failure 1.31 (1.10–1.56)‡
difference between the two meta-analyses.
MacLaren et al. (2014) 27
Age >50 years (vs <40 years)
50–59 years 1.46 (1.18–1.83)‡
60–69 years 1.66 (1.26–2.19)‡ Data from observational cohorts
70–79 years 1.72 (1.27–2.34)‡ Few reports are available on the effect of SUP on overall
>80 years 2.04 (1.48–2.83)‡ or ICU mortality rates. A retrospective cohort study,
MacLaren et al. (2014)27 Acute hepatic injury 1.56 (1.29–1.88)‡ published in 2014, used information from the Colorado
MacLaren et al. (2014) 27
Chronic hepatic injury 1.85 (1.47–2.33)‡ Multiple Institutional Review Board and analysed data
from 35,312 patients requiring mechanical ventilation
MacLaren et al. (2014) 27
Sex: male versus female 1.17 (1.03–1.33)‡
for >24 h.38 Propensity-score-adjusted and propensity-
*Other risk factors that were identified by simple regression analysis, but lost statistical significance after
multiple regression include: hypotension; sepsis; hepatic failure; glucocorticoid administration; and score-matched multivariate regression models sug-
anticoagulation therapy. ‡Propensity score odds ratio. Abbreviation: INR, international normalized ratio. gested that PPIs were associated with an increased risk
of death in the ICU compared with H2RAs (15.3% versus
12.3%, respectively; P <0.001).38 Unfortunately, this study
becomes inactive if the pH is >4.5.37 In addition, pepsin cannot conclude on causation because of its design and
facilitates the lysis of clots, which could enhance bleeding the inability to completely remove confounding factors;
from SRMD.57,58 moreover, the authors did not assess patients in the ICU
who did not receive SUP and thus the net effect of PPIs
Pharmacological prophylaxis of SRMD or H2RA cannot be estimated.
Initiation of SUP using acid-suppressants in the ICU
setting is now established practice. Two landmark studies Prevention of bleeding
published in 1994 and 1999 by the Canadian Critical Results from randomized clinical trials
Care Trials Group serve as the benchmark for SUP in Results are more consistent in supporting a role for SUP
this context,4,20 and 1999–2010 estimates indicate that in reducing the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. In the
~90% of patients in ICU receive some type of SUP.6 The Krag et al.59 meta-analysis, the risk of bleeding in the ICU
different approaches to prevent SRMD-related bleeding was reduced by 59% (fixed effect RR 0.41; 95% CI 0.31–
are based on the understanding of the pathophysiology 0.53) in patients treated with SUP compared with those
and recognized risk factors described earlier. treated with placebo or no prophylaxis. Interestingly,
the meta-analysis by Barkun et al.10 suggested the same
Effect on mortality magnitude of reduced risk of bleeding in patients treated
Results from randomized clinical trials with PPIs compared with those treated with H2RAs
No single study or meta-analysis has reported a (OR = 0.30; 95% CI 0.17–0.54), as did the meta-analysis
decreased overall mortality related to SUP approaches. by Alhazzani et al.,12 showing that both clinically impor-
To our knowledge, Krag and colleagues59 have published tant RR = 0.36; 95% CI 0.19–0.68) and overt bleeding (RR
the most recent meta-analysis of randomized clinical 0.35; 95% CI 0.21–0.59) were reduced in patients treated
trials comparing SUP versus placebo or no prophylaxis with PPIs compared with those treated with H2RAs. On
in 2014. In this analysis, 20 trials totalling 1,971 patients the contrary, another meta-analysis published in 2010
were included; all studies were judged as being at high did not find strong arguments in favour of PPIs over
risk of bias as advised by the Cochrane Collaboration. H2RAs for stress-related UGIB or for mortality.13
Among these 20 randomized controlled trials (RCTs),
16 were single-centre trials, 18 assessed H2RAs and two Data from observational cohorts
assessed PPIs. Using overall mortality as a primary end SUP has become the standard of care in the ICU, some-
point, no statistically significant difference was reported times irrespective of the presence of risk factors; the
between patients receiving SUP and those receiving no benefit of SUP using real-world data is therefore not easy
prophylaxis or placebo (fixed effect relative risk [RR] to estimate because of the absence of a control group.
1.00; 95% CI 0.84–1.20; P = 0.87; I2 = 0%).59 Similarly, A retrospective single-centre German study published
no difference was observed between treatment versus in 2014, in which 91.3% of the patients received SUP
placebo across all subgroup analyses; for example when (mostly PPIs), did not suggest any difference in terms
assessing H2RAs or PPIs, or patients fed enterally or of bleeding between no treatment and any of the SUP
infection (OR 1.14; 95% CI 1.02–1.27).77 Buendgens et al.6 For patients receiving enteral nutrition or medication
reported an OR of 3.11 (95% CI 1.11–8.44) for patients of any type there is no reason to prescribe intravenous
receiving PPIs versus no SUP, which is much stronger PPIs, enteral route is the most appropriate. SUP should
than the risk associated with the use of third-generation not be given to low-risk patients because of the potential
cephalosporins (OR 1.8; 95% CI 1.0–3.23) or fluoro increased risk of nosocomial infection.
quinolone (OR 1.87; 95% CI 1.1–3.14); no such risk was
described for H2RAs. MacLaren et al.38 also suggested Enteral nutrition for prophylaxis of SRMD
the risk of C. difficile infection to be higher in patients The use of acid blockers or antisecretory agents in
on PPIs than H2RAs (3.4% versus 2.6%, respectively; patients in the ICU has been questioned because of
P = 0.002). Interestingly, an online survey conducted uncertain efficacy and safety concerns. Furthermore, the
among Australian and New Zealand intensive care phy- rationale for PPI or H2RA use might be considered weak
sicians suggests that C. difficile is perceived as less of a as decreased mucosal blood flow with subsequent tissue
threat (14% of the physicians perceived C. difficile as ischaemia is thought to be the mechanism responsible for
a threat) than ventilator-associated pneumonia (21% of stress-induced gastropathy, with an amplification loop
the physicians).78 driven by subsequent activation of inflammatory and
vasoconstrictive mediators, a mechanism that PPIs
Risk:benefit ratio of SUP and/or H2RA are unlikely to have an effect on. Enteral
Defining the risk:benefit ratio of SUP in patients who are nutrition has been suggested to improve mucosal blood
critically ill or on mechanical ventilation is not easy, as flow and reverse the generation of these inflammatory
both bleeding and ICU-acquired infections carry a risk mediators.82 However, clinical studies evaluating the
of increased death in ICU (OR 1.59; 95% CI 1.06–2.41 effectiveness of enteral nutrition versus acid-suppressive
C. difficile-associated diarrhoea; OR 1.82; 95% CI 1.52– medications have shown variable results.83 No RCTs to
2.18 nosocomial infection; OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.19–5.25 date have assessed enteral nutrition as SRMD-related
UGIB).6 Overall, mortality might be the best reflec- bleeding prophylaxis in critically ill patients. One
tion of a risk:benefit analysis. Meta-analyses from RCTs RCT published in the early 1990s only described that
report no effect on mortality, whereas data from observa- additional prophylaxis in the form of sucralfate or
tional studies suggest—although not unanimously—that ranitidine added no protective effect to total parenteral
PPIs might increase mortality compared with H2RAs.38 nutrition alone.84
Nevertheless, as there are strong arguments in favour of a Marik et al.1 performed a systematic review of the lit-
protective effect of PPIs in the prophylaxis of stress-ulcer erature to investigate the benefits and risks of SUP in the
bleeding, with no clearly proven increased risk of adverse ICU setting and the possible influence of enteral nutri-
events, the risk:benefit ratio of SUP in high-risk patients tion. A total of 1,836 patients across 17 studies were
can be considered positive. included in the analysis and they found that the reduced
risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with H2RAs (OR 0.47;
Actual trends in SRMD prophylaxis 95% CI 0.29–0.76) was only observed in patients not
Despite the vast number of publications on the topic that receiving enteral nutrition. Furthermore, whereas
have defined the most relevant risk factors for SRMD H2RAs apparently did not carry an increased risk of
and discussed the use of sucralfate, PPIs or H2RAs, nosocomial pneumonia in fasting patients, a signifi-
epidemiological studies published in 2014 highlight cant increase in risk was observed among enterally fed
that the proportion of patients in ICU receiving SUP is patients (OR 2.81; 95% CI 1.2–6.56; P = 0.02).1 Similarly,
>90% and although most of them receive PPIs, a sub- hospital mortality was also found to be increased in
stantial proportion (up to 20%) receive a combination patients receiving enteral nutrition and H2RA therapy
of different medications, including PPIs and H2RAs.6,38,79 (OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.04–3.44; P = 0.04), suggesting that
Additionally, it has been shown that, although most SUP might be unnecessary and possibly deleterious in
of the patients receiving SUP in ICU present with at this patient population.1 Interestingly, studies originating
least one recognized risk factor, continuation of acid- from the same team have suggested that enteral feeding
suppressive therapy during hospitalization outside the can either have no effect on clinically important bleeding
ICU occurs in >86% of patients and that 24.2% are (multiple regression OR 1.0; P = 0.99),4 or may decrease
being discharged from the hospital still receiving acid- the risk by 70% (OR: 0.30; 95% CI 0.13–0.67; P = ns).20
suppressive therapy.80 The cost implications of this issue Unfortunately, shortcomings in the identification of who
are discussed later. had received enteral nutrition and the lack of per-patient
Among patients with no risk factors it is indeed of analyses limit any conclusions that can be made.
concern that up to 68.1% are being placed on prophylaxis
at ICU admission; 60.4% continue treatment upon trans- Management of UGIB in the ICU
fer from the ICU and about 30% are being discharged Critical care physician perspective
home on an agent without a new indication.79,81 Most of the guidelines that have been published on man-
In conclusion, it seems reasonable to recommend aging gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU are based on
SUP (preferably with PPIs) in high-risk patients, that is, the non-ICU literature as there is not enough supporting
those with well-defined risk factors such as mechanical evidence to specifically develop treatment paths.85,86 An
ventilation for at least 48 h and coagulation disorders. urgent need exists to produce evidence as some of the
guidelines published outside the ICU setting 87 might not Enteral nutrition must be stopped and gastric content
be adaptable to patients bleeding in ICU. We describe removed with soft aspiration to enable gastroscopy, or
the management of UGIB in the ICU on the basis of prokinetic agents considered, as discussed later. For the
expert opinion. same reason, sedation and analgesia should be reinforced
The management of patients with SRMD is similar to in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. In patients
that of other patients in the ICU presenting with non- on anticoagulants, coagulopathy is usually reversed, using
variceal UGIB, keeping in mind the commonly more vitamin K, vitamin‑K-dependent factors or fibrinogen;
severe disease acuity and multiple comorbidities often however, this process should not delay early endoscopy,
present in this ICU patient population. Detailed reviews defined as within 24 h of acute UGIB, keeping in mind
and contemporary consensus recommendations have that endoscopic haemostasis can be safely performed in
been published on the management of patients with patients with an elevated INR as long as it is not supra
nonvariceal UGIB.85,87–89 The approach might, of course, therapeutic (that is, up to around 2.5).87,88 A platelet trans-
be altered if the critically ill patient is suspected to have fusion threshold of 50 × 109/l has been proposed for most
variceal bleeding. 90 Although airway, breathing and patients, with a target of 100 × 109/l for patients in whom
circulation remain the most crucial steps in the initial platelet dysfunction is suspected.98
assessment of patients presenting with acute UGIB, these Well-validated risk stratification scoring systems in
factors have usually already been optimized in an ICU the setting of UGIB can help identify the ideal time to
setting. A minimum blood work-up in all patients should perform endoscopy.99 The Rockall score can be calcu-
include bloodtyping and crossmatching for an appropri- lated using data for seven pre-endoscopic factors (clinical
ate number of units of packed red blood cells along with Rockall) and 11 postendoscopic factors.100 The use of pro-
determinations of haemoglobin, haematocrit, platelets kinetics before endoscopy might be considered in selected
and electrolyte levels, and coagulation time. Depending patients. Indeed, meta-analyses show that erythromycin
on the severity of the acute bleed and if it is indicated is associated with a decreased need for repeat endoscopy
(mainly when prothrombin time and factor V are <50% in patients with evidence of ongoing active bleeding and
of the normal range), prompt and appropriate resuscita- blood in the stomach (haematemesis, coffee ground vom-
tion with either crystalloids or colloids, packed red blood iting, or bloody nasogastric aspirate).101 However, use of
cells and fresh frozen plasma, is required.87,88 erythromycin has failed to change outcomes in terms
Vitamin K, vitamin‑K-dependent factors or fibrino- of length of stay, transfusion requirements and need for
gen are usually administered in case of anticoagulant surgery in patients with nonvariceal UGIB.
supratherapeutic dosing. Saline or Ringer acetate are pre- Although many patients might already be on a PPI in the
ferred to hydroxyethyl starch, as hydroxyethyl starch has ICU, it is nonetheless pertinent that a Cochrane system-
been shown to increase the need for renal-replacement atic meta-analysis found no evidence that pre-endoscopic
therapy in patients in the ICU and might even increase administration of PPIs led to a reduction in the most
the risk of severe bleeding (RR 1.52; 95% CI 0.94–2.48; important clinical outcomes, but this practice does result in
P = 0.09).91,92 A systematic review of 10 RCTs comparing a downstaging of high-risk endoscopic ulcers into low-risk
restrictive versus liberal red blood cell transfusion strate- lesions.102 Therefore, this approach might be cost-effective
gies in 1,780 patients with suspected UGIB from a variety when early endoscopy is not feasible or local expertise is
of clinical settings, including the ICU and patients with limited. The use of pre-endoscopic PPIs, however, should
SRMD, concluded that a restrictive approach led to a not replace appropriate initial resuscitation or delay the
42% reduction in the probability of receiving transfu- performance of early endoscopy.103 The optimal dose
sions with no effect on mortality, rates of cardiac events, remains unknown but many clinicians choose to use the
morbidity, or length of hospital stay.93 These data support high-dose intravenous PPI infusion of an 80 mg bolus fol-
a restrictive strategy with a haemoglobin transfusional lowed by 8 mg/h infusion,104 as the highest quality evidence
threshold value of <70 g/l for transfusion, which is comes from trials using this regimen.
further strengthened by the results of a recent large RCT
in patients with variceal and nonvariceal UGIB pub- The gastroenterologist perspective
lished in 2013.94 Nevertheless, in critically ill patients On the basis of RCT data, current management rec-
a haemoglobin transfusional level ~90 g/l has been ommendations for UGIB suggest the performance of
proposed, mostly in case of coronary artery disease,95 early endoscopy within 24 h of presentation.87,88 In the
although red blood cell transfusion increases oxygen ICU a more urgent endoscopy might be considered as
delivery but not oxygen consumption.96 The objective it has been suggested that in patients with a Glasgow–
is to maintain mean arterial pressure >65 mmHg and Blatchford score >12, mortality is reduced when endo
urinary excretion >0.5 ml/kg/h. scopy is performed within the first 13 h.105 In patients
Placement of a nasogastric tube might be appropri- with massive haematochezia and/or in case of haemo-
ate in the ICU, mostly to assess for rebleeding as altered dynamic instability guidelines published in 2006 recom-
gastrointestinal motility and the use of vasopressive mend performing upper endoscopy as soon as possible
drugs might delay exteriorization of bleeding or haemo- in the presence of this symptom as it will be a presenting
dynamic changes. However, as the negative predictive feature in ~10% of patients ultimately found to have an
value of a nasogastric tube aspirate is low, around 60%, upper gastrointestinal source of bleeding.106 The treat-
its usefulness is questioned.97 ment of ulcers (if noted at endoscopy) is well defined
and outlined later. The treatment of other lesions, such the hospital setting.114 The second decision model con-
as Dieulafoy ulcers or mucosal vascular abnormalities cluded that PPI prophylaxis was the most cost-effective,
has been less well studied, but in the presence of one in fact economically dominant, prophylactic strategy.115
or multiple lesions that are thought to be the source of However, in both cost-effectiveness analyses, the prob-
bleeding, an assessment of the presence of high-risk stig- ability of ventilator-associated pneumonia occurrence
mata of the lesion(s) is performed. Whether gastroduo- affected the aforementioned conclusions even though
denal ulcers, erosions or oesophagitis are noted, if only it remains controversial as to whether or not acid sup-
low-risk stigmata are present, single intravenous PPI pression increases the risk of this iatrogenic complica-
therapy is indicated without endoscopic haemostasis. tion. The discrepancy in these conclusions highlights
Endoscopic therapy is recommended only for high-risk the poor quality, small sample sizes and limited gen-
endoscopic lesions and is the cornerstone of manage- eralizability of contemporary care trials, emphasizing
ment with modalities that include injection, mechani- the need for prospective controlled assessments of both
cal and thermal treatments.87,88 Haemostatic powders bleeding and possible infectious complications.
have now been adapted for use in the gastrointestinal A number of society guidelines have been published
tract,107 resulting in substantial reductions in rebleeding over the past 15 years in an attempt to optimally guide
in select patients, but reported benefits on mortality and acid-suppression use for SRMD prophylaxis, with most
rates of surgical intervention are variable, although the published before the flurry of meta-analytical studies
data are purely observational and patient numbers are discussed above. These society guidelines include an
limited.87,88 Following successful endoscopic haemosta- authoritative set of recommendations by the American
sis, PPI therapy has further improved outcomes. A high- Society for Health-System Pharmacists that were devel-
dose intravenous PPI approach has been favoured by oped for the most part before the PPI era.116 In 2008, the
guidelines (80 mg bolus if the patient has not been on a Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma guidelines
PPI, followed by 8 mg/h for 72 h); however, the optimal suggested no differences in efficacy between H2RAs and
dose and route of administration remain unclear.87,88 PPIs.117 In 2013, although no specific trials have inves-
The acute management of patients on antiplatelet tigated the benefit of SUP in patients with sepsis, the
agents is based on weighing risks and benefits, but RCT Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines favoured the use
data support the early reintroduction of acetylsalicylic of PPIs over H2RAs for SRMD prophylaxis.96
acid within 3–5 days of the acute haemorrhage in patients Although uncertainty exists about the optimal strat-
with bleeding ulcers who are taking acetylsalicylic acid egy for effective SRMD prophylaxis in high-risk patients,
for secondary cardiovascular disease prevention.108 The it is well established that antisecretory therapy is not
theoretical interaction between clopidogrel and PPI warranted in patients at low risk, as discussed earlier.
seems unlikely to be of clinical importance and should Although the definitions of inappropriate use have varied
not deter physicians from administering PPIs, if clini- among studies and with the publication of the latest
cally indicated.109 The long-term secondary prophylaxis meta-analytical data, inappropriate in-hospital use is
of patients with SRMD-related bleeding has not been common. Outside the ICU, in-hospital PPI use has been
studied, but it is reasonable to at least consider applying shown to vary between 50% and 60% of patients, with
the same recommendations as for bleeding ulcers occur- 18–34% of patients erroneously discharged on a PPI into
ring outside the ICU. However, discussion of this idea is the community with attendant inpatient and outpatient
beyond the scope of this Review.87,88 costs.77 A retrospective chart review of 1,769 patients
admitted to family medicine and general internal medi-
Cost considerations and guidelines cine teaching services demonstrated an inappropriate
In 1995, a Canadian matched cohort study identified in-hospital acid-suppressive agent use of 22.1% (pre-
clinically important bleeding to be associated with per sumably in large part because of unjustified concerns of
patient costs of ~CND$12,215.110 Schupp et al.111 subse- SRMD).118 In total, 54% of these patients were discharged
quently performed an economic analysis, but unfortu- on antisecretory medication that were deemed unneces-
nately limited the costs solely to drug acquisition. More sary upon audit review, with an estimated annual inpa-
important cost-drivers are known to include possible tient and outpatient cost of US$67,000. A 2010 analysis
complications of SRMD and its prophylaxis,112 daily costs of a US national administrative database demonstrated
and duration of hospital stay, especially in the ICU. a ~69% rate of inappropriate prescribing for SRMD
Two decision models have assessed the cost- prophylaxis in ICU or Coronary Care Unit.119 Resulting
effectiveness of SRMD prophylaxis using either H2RA overall hospital and discharge medication costs might
or PPI therapies during hospitalization. One study reach US$753,267 per year nationally over the 30 days
concluded that H2RA therapy seems to reduce costs after leaving the hospital.118
with comparable survival benefit compared with PPIs Although early interventional studies suggested
for SUP.113 However, this study adopted mortality as a that the implementation of guidelines might impact
primary effectiveness measure, an outcome that has favourably on practice and resource utilization in the
not been shown to be affected by SRMD prophylaxis, as ICU,120,121 a 2013 national cluster RCT demonstrated no
discussed earlier.10,12 Also, this analysis included the pos- differences in hospital use of PPIs for nonvariceal UGIB
sible complication of C. difficile infection, even though following a structured multidisciplinary multifaceted
this association with PPI use remains highly debated in educational intervention.122
New approaches still associated with substantial mortality and costs, and
New therapeutic approaches might be assessed based on prospective trials comparing modern-day prophylactic
an improved understanding of the underlying mecha- approaches, including enteral nutrition, are needed. The
nisms. For example, increasing gastrointestinal micro- almost universal (>90%) prescription of SUP in critically
vascular blood flow might be beneficial. As discussed ill patients must be questioned and the risk:benefit ratio
previously, improved management of cardiac output in reassessed because of the decrease in incidence of SMRD.
the ICU can explain the decrease in SRMD over time, In addition to randomized trials, there is a need for pro-
although the link between recognized risk factors, spective cohort studies to better quantify and understand
such as sepsis, and SRMD might not involve decreased outcomes in the real-word setting.
microcirculation.123 As reported in a 2014 review, several Treatment strategies need to be evaluated on a case-
studies have attempted to increase microcirculatory flow by-case basis, taking into account the expected benefits
parameters but with limited efficacy.124 Other pharmaco of therapy balanced against the patient’s risk factors
logical options to prevent SRMD can be hypothesized for bleeding and the risk of nosocomial pneumonia or
based on its pathophysiology. For example, gastric C. difficile infection in the local epidemiological context.
bicarbonate secretion is stimulated by nitric oxide in a Generally speaking, SUP is not warranted in non-ICU
process that involves cyclic GMP, under the control of patients, except where confirmed clinical indications
phosphodiesterase 1 and 5; phosphodiesterase 5 inhibi- exist. Educational programmes are needed to decrease
tors, such as sildenafil, might increase bicarbonate secre- unjustified overuse of SUP in patients in ICUs127 and
tion. Additionally, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors might promote appropriate treatment discontinuation after
increase mucosal blood flow, as it has been shown that ICU and upon hospital discharge.
vardenafil protects the digestive tract after ischaemia–
reperfusion injury.125 As HSPs (mostly HSP70) protect
the gastric mucosa through inhibition of apoptosis, pro- Review criteria
inflammatory cytokines and cell adhesion molecules, We conducted a literature search using the OVID,
regulators that enhance HSP70 expression could rep- MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and ISI Web of Knowledge
resent interesting agents for the prevention of SRMD. 4.0 databases to identify articles published in English or
Unfortunately, most of the HSP70-targeted compounds French from January 1994 to 15th October 2014. A highly
that are being developed are inhibitors.126 Moreover, it sensitive search strategy was used to identify randomized
is highly challenging to design and power clinical trials controlled trials, cohort and case–control studies
conducted in adults, using combinations of search terms,
aimed to compare new therapeutic options to PPIs or
including: “stress ulcer bleeding”, “stress related mucosal
H2RAs. Indeed, with an actual prevalence of SMRD lesion”, “stress related mucosal disease”, “stress
of ~1%, more than 10,000 patients would have to be ulcer”, “gastroduodenal damages”, “intensive care unit”,
included to prove a 50% relative risk reduction. “critically ill”, “epidemiology”, “prevention”, “prophylaxis”,
“guidelines”, “histamine–2 receptor antagonists”,
Conclusions “sucralfate” and “proton pump inhibitors”. In addition,
Stress-ulcer bleeding is an increasingly less frequent con- recursive searches and cross-referencing were performed
dition in the contemporary era of markedly improved and manual searches of the reference lists of articles
identified in the initial search were completed.
overall care for critically ill patients. However, SRMD is
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