T11 Solution
T11 Solution
T11 Solution
that is, both drift term and volatility term are allowed to
depend on X(t) and t.
To prove it, the key idea is the Ito’s lemma, i.e. show that
d log(S(t)) = µ − dt + σdB(t)
U (s + t) − U (t) = B 2 (s + t) − B 2 (t)
= (B(s + t) − B(t) + B(t))2 − B 2 (t)
= (B(s + t) − B(t))2 + 2(B(s + t) − B(t))B(t)
Zt = αWt + βBt , t ≥ 0.
Zt − Zs ⊥ Zu , 0 < u ≤ s < t.
Wt − Ws ⊥ Wu , Bt − Bs ⊥ Bu ,
together with {Wt }t≥0 and {Bt }t≥0 are independent, we see
Zt − Zs ⊥ Zu must hold. In other words, {Zt }t≥0 has
independent increments;
Liu Ruihan rhliu@connect.hku.hk STAT3603
Solution of Exercise 2
(3) (Stationary normal increments). If {Zt }t≥0 is a standard
Brownian motion, then it should have
Note that {Wt }t≥0 and {Bt }t≥0 are independent. We have
Zt − Zs indeed follows a centered normal distribution with