Contract of Indemnity
According to the Section 124 of the Indian Contract Act “ A
Contract by which one party promises to save the other party
from the loss caused to him by the conduct of the promisor
himself ,or by the conduct of any other person is called a
Contract of indemnity.”
The person who promises to make good the loss is called the
indemnifier (promisor)
The person whose loss is to be made good is called the
indemnified or indemnity-holder(Promise)
The Contract of Indemnity is a Class of contingent contract.
A and B claim certain goods from a railway company as rival
owners. A takes delivery of the goods by agreeing to
compensate the railway company against loss in case B turns
out to be the true owner. This is a contract of indemnity
between A and the railway company.
A and B go into a shop. B says to the shopkeeper “ let A have
the goods, I will see you paid.” This is a contract of
Rights of Indemnity-holder when
According to section 125 an indemnity holder is entitled to
recover from the promisor (i.e.indemnifier)
1.All damages which he may be compelled to pay in respect of
any matter in the suit to which the promise to indemnify
2.All costs which he may be compelled to pay in bringing or
defending such suits.
3.All sums which he may have paid under the terms of any
compromise of any such suit. The compromise should not be
contrary to the orders of the indemnifier and should be
prudent or authorised by the indemnifier.
Essentials of a Contract of Indemnity
There must be two parties in a contract of indemnity,i.e.
Indemnifier and the Indemnified
A Contract of Indemnity may be Express or implied
The contract being a species of contract ,is subject to all the rules
of contract such as free consent,legality of object,capacity of
parties etc.
Consideration in the case of contract of Indemnity is essential to
enable the indemnity holder to make claim for compensation
A Contract of Indemnity is enforceable only when the Promisee
suffers a loss the happening of which is unknown and against
which the Indemnity holder was promised to be protected.
Contract of Guarantee
It is a Contract to perform the promise or discharge the
liability of a third person in case of his default.(Sec.126)
The person who gives the guarantee is called the ‘ Surety’
The person in respect of whose default the guarantee is given
is called the ‘ Principal Debtor’
The person to whom the guarantee is given is called
A Guarantee may be either Oral or Written
It may be Express or Implied
S (Surety) requests C (Creditor) to lend Rs.1,00,000 to
P(Principal Debtor) and guarantees that if P fails to pay the
amount, he will pay. This is a Contract of Guarantee.
Bank of Bihar Ltd. Vs. Dr. Damodar
Bank of Bihar Lent money to Damodar Prasad on the
Guarantee of Mr. Paras Nath Sinha .
The Guarantee Bond signed by Mr. Sinha in favour of the
Bank stated that the surety would pay the liabilities of the
Principal debtor up to Rs.12,000 and interest thereon within
two days of the Demand.
Damodar Prasad defaulted on paying back the principal and
The Bank sent several demand notices to both the parties but
neither responded
The Bank filed a suit against them in the Court of Patna.
The Court decreed the Suit against both Mr. Prasad and Mr.
The Court further directed that the Bank should exhaust its
remedies against Mr. Prasad before turning to the Surety
However the bank was not satisfied with the order of the
Court as it was not as per the provisions of Section 128 of the
Indian Contract Act and appealed to the Supreme Court.
As per Sec.128 the liability of the surety is coextensive with
that of the Principal Debtor unless it is otherwise provided
by the Contract.
Decission of Supreme Court
The Demand for payment of the liability of the Principal
Debtor was the only condition for the enforcement of the
Neither the principal debtor nor the surety discharged the
admitted liability of the principal debtor in spite of demands.
Under Section 128 of the Indian Contract Act the liability of
the surety is coextensive with that of the principal debtor.
The Surety thus become liable to pay the entire amount.
His Liability was immediate. It was not deferred until the
creditor exhausted his remedies against the principal debtor.
Before payment ,the surety has no right to dictate terms to
the creditor and ask him to pursue his remedies against the
principal in the first instance.
In the absence of some special equity, the surety has no right
to restrain an action against him by the creditor on the
ground that the principal is solvent or that the creditor may
have relief against the principal in some other proceedings.
Similarly where the creditor has obtained a decree against the
surety and the principal ,the surety has no right to restrain
execution against him until the creditor has exhausted his
remedies against the principal
Essential Features of a Contract of
2.Primary Liability in some person
3.Essentials of a Valid Contract
Writing not necessary
Extent of Surety’s Liability
1.It’s Co-extensive
Under Section 128 of the Indian Contract Act the liability of
the surety is coextensive with that of the principal
debtor,unless it is otherwise provided in the Contract.
The Surety is liable for what the principal debtor is Liable
2.Limitation of Surety’s Liability
3.Liability under continuing guarantee(Sec.129)
Kinds of Guarantee
1.Specific Guarantee
2.Continuing Guarantee
Rights of Surety
The Surety has rights against
1.The Creditor
2.The Principal Debtor
3.The Co-Sureties