Welcome back. There's a lot of exciting material to go over this week, and one
of the first topics that Mike will share with you in a little bit is a deep dive into
how transformer networks actually work. >> Yeah, so look, it's a complicated
topic, right? In 2017, the paper came out, Attention is all You Need, and it laid
out all of these fairly complex data processes which are going to happen
inside the transformer architecture. So we take a little bit of a high level view,
but we do go down into some depths. We talk about things like self-attention
and the multi-headed self-attention mechanism. So we can see why it is that
these models actually work, how it is that they actually gain an understanding
of language. >> And it's amazing how long the transformer architecture has
been around and it's still state of the art for many models. >> I remember
after I saw the transformer paper when it first came out, I thought, yep, I get
this equation. I acknowledge this is a math equation. But what's it actually
doing? And it's always seemed a little bit magical. It took me a long time
playing with it to finally go, okay, this is why it works. And so I think in this
first week, you learn the intuitions behind some of these terms you may have
heard before, like multi-headed attention. What is that and why does it make
sense? And why did the transformer architecture really take off? I think
attention had been around for a long time, but actually thought it was, one of
the things that really made to take off was it allowed attention to work in a
massively parallel way. So it made it work on modern GPUs and could scale it
up. I think these nuances around transformers are not well-understood by
many, so looking forward to when you deep dive into that. >> Absolutely, I
mean, the scale is part of it and how it's able to take in all that data. I just
want to say as well, though, that we're not going to go into this at such a level
which is going to make people's heads explode. If they want to do that, then
they can go ahead and read that paper too. What we're going to do is we're
going to look at the really important parts of that transformer architecture
that gives you the intuition you need so that you can actually make practical
use out of these models. >> One thing I've been surprised and delighted by is
how transformers, even though this course focuses on text, it's been really
interesting to see how that basic transformer architecture is creating a
foundation for vision transformers as well. So even though in this course you
learn mostly about large language models, models about text, I think
understanding transformers is also helping people understand this really
exciting vision transformer and other modalities as well. It's going to be a
really critical building block for a lot of machine learning. >> Absolutely. >>
And then beyond transformers, there's a second major topic that looking
forward to having this first week cover, which is the Generative AI project
Lifecycle. I know a lot of people are thinking, boy, does all this LM stuff, what I
do of it? And the Generative AI project Lifecycle, which will talk about in a little
bit, helps you plan out how to think about building your own Generative AI
project. >> That's right, and the Generative AI project Lifecycle walks you
through the individual stages and decisions you have to make when you're
developing Generative AI applications. So one of the first things you have to
decide is whether you're taking a foundation model off the shelf or you're
actually pre-training your own model and then as a follow up, whether you
want to fine tune and customize that model maybe for your specific data. >>
Yeah, in fact, there's so many large language model options out there, some
open source, some not open source, that I see many developers wondering,
which of these models do I want to use? And so having a way to evaluate it
and then also choose the right model sizing. I know in your other work, you've
talked about when do you need a giant model, 100 billion or even much bigger
versus when can a 1 to 30 billion parameter model or even sub 1 billion
parameter model be just fantastic for a specific application? >> Exactly, so
there might be use cases where you really need the model to be very
comprehensive and able to generalize to a lot of different tasks. And there
might be use cases where you're just optimizing for a single-use case, right?
And you can potentially work with a smaller model and achieving similar or
even very good results. >> Yeah, I think that might be one of the really
surprising things for some people to learn is that you can actually use quite
small models and still get quite a lot of capability out of them. >> Yeah, I
think when you want your large language model to have a lot of general
knowledge about the world, when you wanted to know stuff about history and
philosophy and the sizes and how to write Python code and so on and so on. It
helps to have a giant model with hundreds of billions of parameters. But for a
single task like summarizing dialogue or acting as a customer service agent
for one company, for applications like that, sometimes you can use hundreds
of billions of parameters models. But that's not always necessary. So lots of
really exciting material to get into this week. With that, let's go on to the next
video when Mike will kick things off with a deep dive into many different use
cases of large language models.