Star. Star.
I _______ thought I'd see the time when you would ___.
I'm on my own
No _____ ____
I've my sister to fight for me
I can't pretend that you ______
Cause you love ________ more than me
I'm not lying, so often you _______ me
Over you
ADD is my excuse
And with my excuse I shot you down
And I know I've got to _______
But I can never ______ out how
How can I say I'm _______ when I know __ ___ ___ ______
Do it again
I know what I did but I still don't know the reason
I wanna say I'm _______ but I know __ ___ ___ ______
__ ___ ___ ______
I'll do it to you
I don't wanna hurt you _________
How can I say I'm sorry when I know __ ___ ___ ______
__ ___ ___ ______
I know what I did but I still don't know the reason
How can I say I'm ______ when I know __ ___ ___ ______
__ ___ ___ ______
I'll do it to you
I don't wanna hurt you anymore
“Video 1”
“Video 2”
“Video 3”
3. What did she tell the old man she was going to do?