Task information
• In Part 1 you hear eight short unrelated extracts from monologues or exchanges. There is one
multiple-choice question per extract, each with three options. You hear each extract twice.
• Part 1 tests your understanding of: gist, detail, opinion, attitude, function, purpose,
relationship, topic, place, situation, agreement, etc.
• The question includes information about the situation (e.g. a phone call, a radio programme,
an extract from a play, etc.) followed by a direct question (e.g. How does she feel?).
Understanding distraction
1 Study this multiple-choice question and the recording script below.
Why is B correct? Why are A and C wrong?
You hear a man talking about buying a bicycle.
What most attracted him to this bike?
A its special features
B its condition
C its price
the seller to see if it was still for sale and whether he’d drop the
price because it seemed a bit high to me. He wouldn’t, but I
liked the sound of it and we arranged a time for me to call round
later. Well as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. It was just
an ordinary bike really, nothing remarkable about it at all, but it’d
obviously been very well looked after. It was a few years old, but B Tip! Don’t choose your
answer until you’ve
you really couldn’t tell. So I bought it there and then.’ heard the whole text at
least once.
2a 1 02 Look at the next question and listen twice to the recording. Which is the correct answer,
A, B or C? Why?
You overhear a conversation in a café between two people.
Why didn’t she call him?
A She didn’t have his number.
B It was too late in the evening.
C Her phone wasn’t working.
Tip! You won’t hear the
b 1 02 Listen again. Why are the other two answers wrong?
same words as the
words in the question,
so listen for the same
Action plan
1 For each question, quickly read the first line. 4 Check your answer the second time you listen,
What’s the situation? Will you hear one person making sure that you have not made a mistake
or two? Female or male? – speakers may use words connected with more
2 Look at the direct question and stem (e.g. Who than one option.
is the woman?) and underline the key words. 5 If you’re still not sure which is the correct answer,
3 When you first hear the recording, try to think cross out any you are sure are wrong and guess.
of an answer to each question in your own 6 When the recording has finished and you have
words. Then choose (from A, B or C) the option chosen your answer, forget about that question
most like your answer. and concentrate on the next one.
1 You hear a customer talking to a shop assistant about a coat she bought.
What does she want?
A a different kind of item
B the same item but in a different size
C her money back
4 You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of short stories.
The man says that one of the rules is that
A you have to be over sixteen to enter.
B you can submit more than one entry.
C your entry must be emailed.
1 Read the first two lines of questions 1–8 below. For each one, answer these questions where possible.
1 What is the situation? Tip! Read the question and try to imagine the situation.
2 Will you hear one female, one male, or two speakers? Who’s talking to whom? Where? Why? When? How
do they feel?
2 What is the focus of the question in the second line?
Tip! Remember that you can change your mind about
Example: question 1: language function an answer while you listen for the first or the
second time.
3 1 14 Follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you.
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer
(A, B or C).
7 You hear a man and woman talking about a flat they are considering renting.
What do they both like about it?
A the size
B the low rent
C the furniture
2 01 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.
3 You hear a woman talking on the radio about a place called Dolphin Bay.
Where did she first hear about Dolphin Bay?
A on the Internet
B on the radio
C on television
8 You overhear a driving instructor talking to a learner after the lesson has ended.
What mistake did the learner make?
A He ignored a road sign.
B He was driving too fast.
C He failed to look in the mirror.
2 05 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.
5 You hear two parents talking after watching their son play in a football match.
What do they agree about?
A Their son was the best player in his team.
B The referee was unfair to their son’s team.
C Their son’s team should have won the game.
6 You hear a man talking on the radio about a castle by the sea.
How does the speaker suggest visitors get to the castle?
A by car
B on foot
C by public transport
3 01 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.
1 You hear a man talking on the radio about a new airport terminal.
Why does he compare the terminal to a factory?
A to criticise the way people are treated there
B to emphasise the enormous size of the building
C to describe its efficiency in processing passengers
4 You hear a man and a woman talking about a hotel they have recently stayed at.
They agree that
A the location was convenient.
B the price of the room was reasonable.
C the meals were good.
7 You hear a man talking on the radio about his early life.
What does he say about his school days?
A He regrets not studying harder.
B He remains friends with some classmates.
C He disliked some of his teachers.
8 You hear a man telling a woman about an art gallery he has visited.
The man says the art gallery
A was too crowded.
B had recently moved.
C had too few works on display.
3 05 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.