Safdar - Multan
Safdar - Multan
Safdar - Multan
1. Introduction
The educational benefits of single-sex and co-educational schooling for boys and girls have
become controversial after the rapid growth of co-educational schools in Pakistan. Even in the
developed countries where co-education has become a norm, the question of relative benefits of single-
sex and co-educational schooling is still under discussion. Recent studies (Jackson, 2002; Warrington
and Younger, 2002) have examined the benefits of single-sex classes for different subjects in co-
educational schools in order to address the gap in performance of boys and girls. Western countries
adopted co-educational schooling because of its promise of gender equality. That is why along with
educational perspective, this subject is also discussed from economic, medical and moral point of view
(Arnot, M., 1983, 1984, 1994, 2002; Sax, L., 2005).
2. Literature Review
In any study related to the comparison of single-sex and co-educational schooling, the work of R. R.
Dale (Dale, 1969, 1971, 1974) is given special consideration. It has been accepted as a classic work on
this subject (A. E. P. 1988). During his 26 years long research in United Kingdom, he conducted surveys
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with students and teachers and did action research in both co-educational and single-sex schools to
understand their relative merits. He reviewed the research already done on this subject and published
findings of his own research in Mixed or Single-Sex School? (Dale, 1969, 1971, 1974). He concluded that
co-education provided a better environment for students and staff and the question of co-educational
and single-sex schooling should not be raised again (Dale, 1974). However, his findings regarding the
advantages of co-education for girls are not supported by strong evidence (Caspi, 1995; Riordan, 1990,
1985; Carpenter and Hayden, 1987). Moreover, the work of Dale has now become out dated as values,
policies and even laws have changed.
The earlier studies (Dale, 1969, 1971, 1974; Davies, 1950; Valentine, 1950; Moreton, 1939; Clark,
1937; Walton, 1935; Tyson, 1928) found co-educational schooling better for academic and emotional
development of students. Whereas, contemporary longitudinal studies confirm that single-sex schooling
can produce better results (Grace, 2012; Spielhofer, O’Donnell, Schagen, Benton and Schagen, 2002;
Harker, 2000; LePore and Warren, 1997; Lee and Marks, 1990; Lee and Bryk, 1986; Riordan, 1985).
However, the results of these studies become insignificant when statistical control on extraneous
variables is applied (Marsh 1989). Some of the studies conclude that single-sex schools produce higher
academic achievement, self-esteem, self-concept, career and educational aspirations and locus of
control (Watson, Quatman, and Edler, 2002; Woodward, Fergusson and Horwood, 1999; LePore and
Warren, 1997; Riordan, 1994, 1990, 1985; Brutsaert and Bracke, 1994; Lee and Bryk, 1986). Whereas,
remaining studies indicate no effect of co-educational / single-sex schooling on these variables (Harker,
2000; Harker and Nash, 1997; Conway, 1996; Daly and Shuttleworth, 1996; Daly, 1996; Young and
Fraser, 1992; Marsh, 1991, 1989; Lee and Marks, 1990; Marsh, Smith, Marsh, and Owens, 1988). Which
mode of schooling produces better results is still debatable. Existing research on this subject does not
provide final solution. However, it can be seen that in the contemporary studies there is no proof in
favour of co-educational schooling. It confirms that earlier supporters of co-educational schooling were
fascinated by this idea. Most of this research on this subject was conducted in developed countries
where co-educational schools have established as a norm and they are run by state whereas single-sex
education is available only in private schools. However in Pakistan, situation is different as most of the
government schools are single-sex while private schools are both single-sex and co-educational.
Therefore, a comparative study of befits of single-sex and co-educational schooling was much needed in
3. Research Methodology
The decision about research methodology and sampling techniques was made on the bases of
literature review and nature of target population. In the experimental research it is required to
manipulate independent variable in order to see its effect on dependent variable(s). However, it was not
possible to manipulate independent variable type of school students attended in the present study.
Therefore, the ex post facto approach was found to be the most appropriate one for the present study
because the main objective was to “explore possible causal relationships among variables that cannot be
manipulated by the researcher” (McMillan and Schumacher, 1997). Its literal meanings are in retrospect
or after the fact and it refers to a research which investigates possible cause of an effect in retrospect
(Gay, Mills and Airasian, 2006). The ex post facto approach was also found useful as the development of
students in these schools could also be examined by using their data from previous years.
In an ex post facto research, it is required to statistically control any possible effects of background
variables from the effect of independent variable which was type of school students attended in the
present study. Whereas, background variables were related to students’ family and school such as
strength of English language class, medium of instruction, education level of parents, economic status
Review of Economics and Development Studies, Vol. 6 (2) 2020, 545-555
of the family etc. It was tried to include maximum number of family and school related factors to
ensure that reliable results were obtained. Only after statistical control over these background
variables, the results could predict the effect of the independent variable precisely. Some of these
variables were eliminated during sampling but others which could not be eliminated were statistically
controlled in the analysis of co-variance.
An achievement test and students’ grades in the subject of English in the previous exams were
used to determine students’ academic achievement in English. Data related to grades from 2001 to 2005
was collected from school record. For that purpose, a data sheet was prepared to collect data regarding
percentage of their marks obtained in the subject of English in the previous years. The same data sheet
was also used to collect data related to background variables. The data related to mother tongue of
students was also considered but it was not included in the statistical analysis as no student selected
English language as mother tongue.
4. Data Analyses
For data analysis, a master table was prepared on the bases of data collected from schools. Table
1 given below shows the total number of students included in the present study.
Table 1:
School Type
SS* CoEd** Total
Girls 140 122 262
Boys 156 158 314
Total 296 280 576
*SS = Single sex / **CoEd=Co-educational
T-test of independent samples, regression analysis and analysis of co-variance were used in data
analyses to determine whether students’ achievement in English is different in single-sex and co-
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educational schools.
Table 2:
Results from t-test of independent samples indicate that students from single-sex schools have
performed better as compared to students from co-educational schools in achievement test as their
mean difference is 4.598. This difference is statistically significant as probability of error is less than
.001 (p<.001). Just like combined samples in separate samples for girls-only, mean difference is 3.805
in favour of single-sex schools (p<.001) and in separate samples for boys-only, mean difference is 5.053
in favour of single-sex (p<.001). It has also been observed that girls had performed better than boys in
both single-sex and co-educational schools, that raises another question whether students’ performance
in certain subjects is connected to their sex.
Table 3:
Gain = Grade 05 – Grade 01
Results from t-test of independent samples indicate that students from single-sex schools have
gained more in grades from year 2001 to 2005 than students from co-educational schools as the mean
difference of gain in grades is .22403 in favour of single-sex schools and this mean difference is
Review of Economics and Development Studies, Vol. 6 (2) 2020, 545-555
statistically significant as probability of error is less than .001 (p<.001). Just like combined sample in
separate samples for girls-only, mean difference is .17740 in favour of single-sex schools (p<.005) and
in separate samples for boys-only, mean difference is .26663 in favour of single-sex schools (p<.001).
These differences can be considered a result of students’ lack of concentration on the studies in co-
educational environment.
The difference in the education level of father was statistically significant for girls-only and
combined samples whereas the difference in the education level of mother was statistically significant
for boys-only and combined samples. Difference in sex of the teacher was statistically significant only
for boys-only sample and girls-only sample because teachers of the same sex according to the type of
school are appointed in single-sex schools i.e. female teachers in girls-only schools and male teachers in
boys-only schools.
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Table 4:
∆ = Mean difference
These differences of background variables highlight their importance in the data analysis.
Therefore all the background variables whose differences were statistically significant in these
comparisons were selected for further analyses for better explanation of the difference in the students’
academic achievement in English in single-sex and co-educational schools.
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Table 7:
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Table 8:
It can be seen in the analyses of co-variance that even after controlling confounding variables
and students’ previous performance, students in single-sex schools have achieved better grades and
score on achievement test in English. This difference in their performance can be associated with social
and gender environment of these institutions. Students’ lower scores in co-educational schools indicates
that they are distracted in the presence of members from opposite sex. It can be explained on the bases
of gender-segregated society in Pakistan. Here, boys and girls remain separate in almost all the domains
of life. When they get a chance to study together in co-educational schools, they find it difficult to
concentrate on their studies. Consequently, they achieve less as compared to students in single-sex
schools. Hence, this study supports the findings of Woodward, Fergusson and Horwood (1999), LePore
and Warren (1997), Riordan (1994), Riordan (1990), Lee and Bryk (1986), Riordan (1985).
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