x Eco Pre Board Exam 24
x Eco Pre Board Exam 24
x Eco Pre Board Exam 24
J.P.Nagar, Bengaluru – 78
DATE: 05/12/2024
Total Number of Questions: 10 Total Number of Pages: 05
5. Products which are identical is shape, size and quality are called as ------------.
a) Heterogenous. b) homogenous c) assorted d) diversified
8. Currency notes of -------------- and --------------- were banned on 8th November 2016.
a) Rs.50 & Rs.100 b) Rs.500 & Rs. 1000
c) Rs.500 &Rs.200 d) Rs. 500 & Rs. 100
11. pick out the factor which is not a demerit of indirect taxes.
a) unjust to poor b) a tool of economic policy
c) inflationary in nature d) high administrative cost.
12. which of these is a type of public debt in which the government pays regular interest but
does not refund the principal amount for the duration of the loas,
a) internal debt b) redeemable debt c) volutanary debt d) irredeemable debt
15. study the image given below and identify the economic concept depicted in the image.
Question 2
i. Define simple division of labour with suitable example. [2]
ii. The image given below represents factor affecting demand. Analyze the two impacts of
these factors on the demand curve for normal goods.
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iv. What is meant by oligopoly? Give an example.
Question -3
The household savings rate in India has hit a five-decade low in 2022-23, according to the
Reserve Bank of India. Deputy Governor Michael Patra explained that the decline is due to
increased spending after pandemic-related restrictions were lifted, as well as an increase in
liabilities, particularly in the form of home loans.
104216266.cms?from=mdr )
i. Discuss the potential types of deposits that will increase savings habits in the country. [2]
ii. What is meant by Bank Rate? [2]
iii. Give two points of difference between public and private finance. [2]
iv. What is digressive tax? Give an example. [2]
Question -4
i. Give two reasons for an increase in public expenditure in recent times. [2]
ii. Define Public Debt? Give two sources of public debt. [2]
iii. State one favorable impact each of inflation on farmer and business person. [2]
iv. Give the expanded form of COPRA and RTI. [2]
(Attempt any four questions from this section)
Question 5
i. Define the term entrepreneur. Discuss three ways by which an entrepreneur promotes
economic growth. [5]
ii. Differentiate between extension of demand and increase in demand [5]
Question 6
i. Read the extract and answer the following questions [5]
Rita’s business experienced substantial rise in the cost of raw materials used in the
manufacturing sector due to global supply disruptions and rising commodity prices. As a
result, her business was facing with higher production cost.
a) Identify the concept pointed here.
b) State four reasons behind it.
ii. Differentiate between primary and derivative deposits. [5]
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Question 7
i. Monopolistic competition is the perfect blending of monopoly and perfect
competition. With reference to this explain five features of monopolistic
competition. [5]
ii. Explain briefly the qualitative methods adopted by the Reserve bank of India to
control credit. [5]
Question 8
i. Define GST. State three benefits of GST. [5]
ii. Mention five differences between a direct and indirect taxes [5]
Question 9
i. What is meant by the term demand pull inflation? Discuss three causes of demand-pull
inflation. [5]
ii. Explain the following reference to the barter system of exchange: [5]
a) Lack of common measure of value.
b) Lack of deferred payment
Question 10
i. Explain five ways in which consumers are exploited [5]
ii. What is meant by consumer awareness? State three rights of a consumer. [5]
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