EDE final
EDE final
EDE final
1 3.Proposed Methodology 1
4. Action Plan 2
5. Resources Required 2
1.Rationale 4
4. Literature Review 5-8
Annexure I
Sunglasses or sun glasses (informally called shades) are a form of protective eyewear
designed primarily to prevent bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or
discomforting the eyes. They can sometimes also function as a visual aid, as variously
termed spectacles or glasses exist, featuring lenses that are colored , polarized or darkened.
• Incorporating the latest design, which has massive impact on the overall
functioning of the businesssetup.
3. Proposed Methodology:
Discover a watch company. Witnesses’ first-hand how watch components are made, and more
than that, assembles your own watch according your taste. This is what the Swiss Academy is
determined to offer all its participants. Two dedicated and highly trained watchmakers will
accompany you throughout the entire day.
4. Action Plan:
Sr. Planned Planned Name of Responsible
Details of Activity
No. Start date Finish date Student
1 Search the topic 01/02/2023 08/02/2023
5. Resources Required:
Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks
Processor i3,4GB,512GB
1 Computer 1
2 Operating System WINDOWS 10 1
3 Software Google 1
6. Names of Student with Roll No.:
No Enrollment No. Name of Student Roll No.
Micro-Project Report
In today’s world eyewear business becomes a major business to build. There are many brands are
available in market which provide best quality specs & sunglasses to the customer. It's a profitable
business. The markup in the optical industry is generally 100%. The most important part of it is making
the right purchase from your supplier, as some part of your goods will remain unsold, and your profit
depends strictly on the illiquid goods. And India is the largest casual, formal & sunglasses market to start
the business. From this project we will gain some business ideas and experience to start a eyewear
business. Our project helps us to build some business ideas and strategy for small startups. In future if
we want to start a small business then this project helps us to build a small business.
Incorporating the latest design, which has massive impact on the overall functioning of the
1) There is more choices and demand for new generation.
2) It is not a seasonal business.
3) There’s a tendency for dumping.
4) Make people attractive by frames, frames are like jewelry on our face.
4. Literature Review:
Vision Business
Craft a vision treatment and enabling mission statements for our Watchbusiness
A vision statement should stretch the imagination while providing guidance and clarity. It
will inform direction and set priorities while challenging employees to grow. But above all a
vision statement must be compelling not just to the high- level executives of your company but
to all employees.
Success factors
1) Being steady and planned Be innovative
2) To evaluate market opportunities
3) To create efficiency and speed is processes Being sustainable Principles
4) We are customer and consumer focused We value our properties
5)It is important for us to ensure employee participation
We like to be competitive About business Identifies the business opportunities suitable for
our business There are many business opportunities for variety of different industries in
our business.
Those with an enviable track record in sitting up or helping to grow business have easily
transferable skill they can be used to make from home.
Listen to your potential clients and post leads
When you’re targeting potential customers listen to their needs, wants, challenges and
frustrations with ourindustry.
This will help you to find opportunities to develop more tailored products and services,
home your target market and identify and overcome common objections.
Listen to yourcustomers
When you are talking to your customers listen what they are saying about yourindustry
products and services.
1.Digital watches
2.Hybrid watches
3.tactile watches
4.Touchscreen watches
5.Casual watches
6.dress watches
7.Fashion watches
In the watch industry, marketing and selling are playing a big role, sales have big concern
with the profit but marketing of any product of any product in sector is with
the need, want and recruitment of with the organization profitably. It means that you haveto
work on the strategy which the company is adopting in marketing.
Watches store have a lot of growth potential as local provider because the market for high –
fashion Watch is open in a Watch store can even become a multi- national provider if they rare
interesting or incredibly reliable Watches.
At some point however, watch store owner will need to differentiate themselves from the
competitor it pays off to either specialize in particular type of Watch or to offeran incredibly
diverse stock.
A SWOT analysis of our Watch business product and services Business overview While a
watches store can exist alongside a main department storemost are independent store sell
Before starting your business, you should market a product, it helps to create a buyer to
reach with your promotion materials. These are the low cost/ no cost method and you can use
different one at different stages of your business cycle, or you may utilize them all at once
from your business inception.
When you build business, the first thing you want to secure is customer base.
With a decent printer, a phone, and an internet connection device you can put together afairy
extensive advertising campaign without having to pay for a space.
Following are small business marketing techniques: -
1. Flyers:
This is the broadly method of cheap advertising. A flyer is a form of paper advertisement
intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in apublic place, handed
out to individuals or sent through the mail.
Advertising posters are a common print promotional technique used by small
businesses. A poster includes a visual design, images, colours and copy. It
provides a message intended to promote brand awareness or call attention to a company event.
Relative to other small-business ad opportunities. Everyone in the business world knows the
importance of posters and ads in advertising for specific products. Posters arean integral
part of advertising.
you to assemble your own highly crafted, mechanical, manually wound wrist watch piece
by piece. You will then be guided through all final check points such as quality control,
regulating precise time keeping, and ensuring the watch is waterproof.
6. Actual Resources Used:
3 Software Google 1
This project helps us to provide information about the watch business. And how to start
awatch business or any kind of business infuture.