The QCC302x and QCC303x SoC series is Powerful tri-core processing designed
a family of flash programmable Bluetooth®
audio System-on-Chips (SoCs) based on an to support flexible innovation
ultra-low power architecture and optimized Tri-core processing is delivered by two dedicated
for use in compact, feature-optimised, configurable 32-bit application processor subsystems
affordable wireless earbuds, hearables, and a single Qualcomm® Kalimba™ DSP audio
headsets and speakers. subsystem, and is designed to support freedom and
flexibility for innovation. A new feature rich audio
These SoCs are engineered to help deliver development kit (ADK) and enhanced development tools
extraordinary audio quality while significantly are designed to help reduce time needed for integration
improving battery life in next-generation and commercialization.
devices, by helping to reduce power
consumption by up to 50 percent compared Advanced array of audio technologies
to previous generation entry-level devices.
Includes support for Qualcomm® aptX™ audio
technology, designed to help create consistent, high-
The flexibility provided by the flash
quality audio streaming over Bluetooth, as well as,
programmable applications processor and
Qualcomm® cVc™ Noise Cancellation Technology to
configurable audio digital signal processors
help suppress background noise and echo feedback for a
(DSPs), helps manufacturers to easily quieter and more seamless user experience.
differentiate products with new features
without extended development cycles.
Enhanced Qualcomm TrueWireless™
The QCC302x/QCC303x series Stereo functionality
bring together an array of Qualcomm
Technologies’ innovations designed to Qualcomm TrueWireless™ technology supports a truly
wire-free listening experience, including robust overall
deliver an outstanding yet affordable user
connectivity when making calls and listening to music, an
experience and expand the availability of
easier pairing experience and balanced power distribution
wireless headsets, earbuds and speakers
between earbuds for longer usage time.
including entry-level and mid-tier offerings.