Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
*Bloom’s COs
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a With relevant diagrams explain types of optical fibers, considering
L2 01 8
the number of modes and material composition of the core.
b A manufacturing engineer wants to make an optical fiber that has a core
index of 1.480 and a cladding index of 1.478. Find the core size for single- L1 01 4
mode operation at 1550 mm?
c Explain the different types of fiber materials used for fabrication of optical
L2 01 8
fiber and their requirements?
Q.02 a Define what is signal attenuation in optical fiber? Explain different types
L2 01 8
of absorption losses in optical fibre.
b Consider a 30-km long optical fiber that has an attenuation of 0.4 dB/km
at 1310 nm. Determine the optical output power, if 200 𝜇𝑤 of optical L4 01 4
power is launched into the fiber. Express the output power in dBm units.
c Explain with the neat diagram, types of bending losses in optical fiber. L2 01 8
Q. 03 a Explain the cross section of GaAlAS double hetero (DH) structure LED
L2 02 10
showing energy band diagram and refractive index profile.
b With relevant diagrams, explain the principles of conversion of optical
L2 02 10
signal to electrical signal by a PIN photodetector.
Q.04 a With the help of a schematic diagram, explain the construction and
L2 02 10
working of Reach-through avalanche photodiode (RAPD).
b Explain in brief operational principle and implementation of WDM
L2 02 10
network with neat diagram.
Q. 05 a Outline the overview of Public Fiber Network (Terrestrial Network)
L2 03 8
Architecture with the help of a diagram.
b Define the following parameters w.r.to WDM signal transmission: i)
Channel Spacing ii) Power spectrum iii) Bandwidth iv) Spectral efficiency L1 03 6
and v) Wavelength standards
c Explain the advantages of Optical Networks. L2 03 6
Q. 06 a With the help of a diagram, explain WDM wavelength-routing network. L2 03 8
b Distinguish between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching and explain
L4 03 6
with neat diagram.
c Briefly explain Optical power and loss. L2 03 6
Q. 07 a Explain about WDM a) Transmitter and b) Receiver. L2 04 10
b Explain the benefits of SONET/SDH over PDH with suitable diagram. L2 04 10
Q. 08 a Explain the Components of WDM link with suitable diagram. L2 04 10
b Explain different Ethernet topologies. L2 04 10
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Q. 09 a With neat Block Diagram Explain about wavelength-routing mesh
L2 05 10
network elements
b Explain different OADM architectures with suitable diagrams. L2 05 10
Q. 10 a Outline the features of wavelength-routing network architecture. L2 05 10
b Explain the key functions of Optical Cross Connect (OXC) in a large
L2 05 10
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.
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Model Question Paper-2/2 with effect from 2021(CBCS Scheme)
Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
Module -1 Taxonomy COs Marks
Q.01 a Explain what is the significance of Numerical Aperture? Derive an expression
for Numerical Aperture of the step index optical fiber in terms of refractive L2 1 7
indices of core and cladding material of fiber.
b Consider a multimode silica optical fiber that has a core refractive index of
1.480 and a cladding refractive index of 1.460. Find (a) The critical angle at
L1 1 6
the core–cladding interface; (b) The Numerical aperture (NA) and (c) The
acceptance angle in air for the fiber.
c Compare Single mode and multimode step index and Graded index optical
L4 1 7
fiber with diagram.
Q.02 a Outline various attenuation mechanisms in an optical fibre. L2 1 8
b Consider a graded-index multimode fiber for which the index profile ∝ = 2,
the core index n1= 1.48 the core- cladding index difference ∆ = 0.01 and the
L1 1 4
core radius of 25𝜇𝑚. If the radius of curvature of the fiber is R = 1.0 cm, what
percentage of the modes remain in the fiber at a 1300-nm wavelength?
c Explain with neat waveforms, the Signal Dispersion Mechanism within the
L2 1 8
optical fiber.
Q. 03 a With the help of schematic diagrams, explain the design features of an edge
L2 2 6
emitting LED.
b Explain with neat diagram the working of polarization – independent isolator. L2 2 8
c A double-heterojunction InGaAsP LED emitting at a peak wavelength of
1310 nm has radiative and non-radiative recombination times of 30 and 100
ns, respectively. The drive current is 40 mA. Determine (a) The bulk L4 2 6
recombination time; (b) The internal quantum efficiency; and (c) The internal
power level.
Q.04 a Derive the expression for internally generated power and efficiency in a LED. L3 2 8
b Define the terms i) spontaneous emission ii) stimulated emission iii) quantum
L1 2 6
c Define non-reciprocal components. Explain the operational concept of a
L2 2 6
three-port circulator with relevant diagram.
Q. 05 a With the help of a neat diagram, explain different multiplexing techniques for
L2 3 8
increasing the transmission capacity on an optical fiber.
b Summarize the wavelength standards of WDM system. L2 3 6
c Explain two fundamental services offered by carriers to the customers with
L2 3 6
type of Multiplexing used.
Q. 06 a Explain about second generation optical network. L2 3 10
b Explain the evolution of optical fiber transmission system with suitable
L2 3 10
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Q. 07 a Explain the frame structure of Ethernet. L2 4 10
b Explain the features of Optical Transport Network. L2 4 10
Q. 08 a Briefly explain about the WDM link transmitter using suitable mathematical
L2 4 8
b With the help of a diagram, explain the layers of SONET/SDH. L2 4 6
c Explain the layers of Optical Transport Network (OTN) hierarchy. L2 4 6
Q. 09 a With the help of a neat diagram explain the three functional elements of
L2 5 10
Optical line terminal (OLT).
b Explain the role of Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (OADM)With three-node
L2 5 10
linear network example.
Q. 10 a With Block Diagram Explain about wavelength-routing mesh network
L2 5 10
b With the help of block diagram explain the use of an Optical Line Amplifier
L2 5 10
in Optical Fiber link.
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.
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