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Central Public Works Department

NIT No:82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai
Name of work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves along
with internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block
SH: Cleaning and Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site.

1 Index 1
2 NIT Notice 2

3 Information And Instructions For Contractors For E- Tendering 3-5

4 Proforma for receipt of deposition of Original EMD 6

5 List of documents to be scanned and uploaded by the tenderers 7
6 CPWD –6 – for e-tendering 8-10
7 General Information 11-13
8 Percentage Rate Tender & Contract For Work Including (CPWD-7 ) 13-14
9 Proforma Schedules 14-22
10 Affidavit for Non-Black Listing as per Form “J” 23
11 Affidavit for Back – to back basis as per Form „G” 24
Annexure –II (Declaration about Site Inspection Site visit in the presence of AE/JE -
12 25
Mandatory )
13 Annexure-III Details Of Contractor 26
Guarantee offered by Bank to CPWD in connection with the execution of contracts)
14 Form of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit /performance Guarantee/Security 27-28
Deposit/Mobilization Advance
15 Special Conditions 29-33
16 Additional Condition 34-35
17 Additional Specifications 36-37
18 Condition For Cement and Steel to be brought by the Contractor 38-40
Particular Specification and Additional Conditions For Water Proofing Work &
19 Guarantee to be executed by contractor for removal of defects after completion of work 41-43
in respect of water proofing works.
20 Labour Conditions 44-45
21 List of approved make and materials 46-87
22 Schedule of Quantities 88-89
23 Percentage schedule for vendors 89-91

ECPT Rs. 1,53,312/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Three Thousand and Three Hundred Twelve
Certified that the NIT contains 91pages only

Assistant Engineer

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



The Assistant Engineer, AE-1/II, CPWD, Chennai invites on behalf of President of India,
online Percentage Rate tenders from the approved and eligible Contractors of the Central PWD
for following work:-

NIT No.82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

Name of work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith
internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and
Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

Estimated Cost : Rs.1,53,312/-

Earnest Money : Rs.3,066/-

Period of Completion : 10 (Ten days )

Last time and date of submission of Bid up to 15:00 hrs on 10-01-2025

The Tender forms and other details can be obtained from the Web Site
https://www.etender.cpwd.gov.in or www.cpwd.gov.in

Assistant Engineer
IIITDM Campus,
Chennai 600 127.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



(Application for inviting open Bids)

The Assistant Engineer, AE-1/II, Central P.W.D., Chennai invites on behalf of President of India, Online Percentage Rate tender from the
approved and eligible Contractors of the Central PWD for the work mentioned below.

Sl. NIT No Name of work & Location Estimated Earnest Period of Last date Time and date of
no cost put to Money completi and time of opening of bid
bid Rs. on submission
Rs. of bid
on line
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 82/AE- Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Rs.1,53,312/- Rs.3,066/- 10 (Ten ) Up to 15.00 Up to
I/II/C2D/2024- Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith Days Hrs 15:30 hrs
25/Chennai internal electrification and central air on on
condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab 10-01-2025 10-01-2025
block SH: Cleaning and Marking of Newly
Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


1. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should only
submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents
2. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid documents.
3. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types
of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with
and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website
https://www.etender.cpwd.gov.in or www.cpwd.gov.in or from www.eprocure.gov.in free of
4. The contractor can deposit original Original EMD issued from in the office of Assistant Engineer
inviting bids and AE-1/II,2/II,4/II or division office of Executive Engineer, in CPWD within the
period of bid submission. (The EMD documents shall only be issued from the place from which
the office of receiving division office is situated). The contractor shall obtain the receipt of EMD
from the concerned Executive Engineer in the prescribed format uploaded by NIT issuing
Executive Engineer. The bid document as uploaded can be viewed and downloaded free of cost
by anyone including intending bidder. But the bid can only be submitted after uploading the
mandatory scanned documents such as Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker‟s Cheque or
Deposit at call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipts and Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank
towards EMD in favour of Executive Engineer as mentioned in NIT, receipt for deposition of
Original EMD to division office of Executive Engineer C2D CPWD ,Chennai -06 and other
documents as specified.
5. But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of Original EMD issued from in the office of
Assistant Engineer inviting bids and AE-1/II,2/II,4/II division office of Executive Engineer, in
CPWD within the period of bid submission. (The EMD documents shall only be issued from the
place from which the office of receiving division office is situated) and uploading the mandatory
scanned documents such as Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque or Deposit at call
Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipts and Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank towards EMD in
favour of Executive Engineer as mentioned in NIT, receipt for deposition of Original EMD to
division office of Executive Engineer, C2D, CPWD documents as specified.
6. Copy of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as required
shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of tender submission.
However, certified copy of all scanned and uploaded documents as specified in press notice shall
have to be submitted by the lowest bidder only within a week physically in the office of tender
opening authority.
7. Those Contractors not registered on the Website mentioned above are required to get registered
8. The intending bidder must have valid class – III digital signature to submit the bid.
9. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process, After opening of bids
he will receive the competitor bid sheets.
10. Contractor can upload documents on the form of JPG format and PDF format.
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


11. If a tenderer does not quote any percentage above / below / At par on the total amount of the
tender or any section / subhead in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid
and will not be considered as lowest tenderer. For further details refer General Conditions of
Contract 2023 – Maintenance works
12. CGST@1%, SGST@1% & labor Cess 1% etc., as applicable shall be borne by the contractor
himself. The contractor shall quote his rates considering all such taxes including GST. Any
recovery towards GST is notified by the competent authority, the same shall be effected
and no claim what so ever shall be entertained by CPWD. The contractor shall quote his
rates accordingly.
13. GST @ 2% to be recovered in each running/final bill.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



Receipt of deposition of original EMD ( Receipt No ---------------/ Date--------------------)

1. Name of Work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves
alongwith internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block
SH: Cleaning and Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

2. NIT No: 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

3. Estimated Cost : Rs.1,53,312/-

4. Amount of EMD :Rs.3,066/-

5. Last Date of Submission of EMD : 10-01-2025


1. Name of Contractor :___________________________________________

2. Form Of EMD : __________________________________________

3. Amount of EMD : ___________________________________________

4. Date of Submission of EMD : ____________________________________

Signature, Name and Designation of

EMD Receiving officer (EE/ AAO/ AE)
along with office stamp

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


List of Documents to be submitted by the tenderers in various forms to be scanned and uploaded
in JPG format or PDF format within the period of Tender submission

1. Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand draft or Bankers cheque or Fixed Deposit
Receipts from any of the Commercial Bank towards EMD in favour Executive Engineer,
Chennai 2 Division, CPWD, Chennai -06

2. Copy of receipt for deposition of Original EMD issued from in the office of Assistant Engineer
inviting bids and AE-1/II,2/II,4/II or division office of Executive Engineer, in CPWD with in the
period of Bid submission

3. Certificate of Registration for Goods & Service Tax (GST) of the state in which the work is to be
taken up, if already obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST Registration in the
state in which the work is to be taken up, or as required by the GST authorities, then in such a
case the bidder shall upload following undertaking with the bid document "If work is awarded to
me, I/we shall obtain GST Registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up,
within one month from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by
CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/we shall be responsible for any delay in payments
which will be due towards me/us on account of the work executed and/or for any action taken by
CPWD or GST department in this regard"

4. Valid CPWD enlistment office order.

5. Notarized Affidavit of „Non-black listing‟ by CPWD/ State/ Central departments/ PSU/
Autonomous bodies as per Form “J” Not older than the date of Notice Inviting Tender. (Name of
work shall be entered in Form J invariably) ( page No : 23)

6. Notarized Affidavit of “No back -to-back execution of work” as per Form "G" on NonJudicial
Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- duly signed by the authorized person of agency / firm.
(page No :24).
7. Declaration about site inspection as per Annexure II, Site visit in the presence of
AE -Mandatory (page No :25)
8. Annexure-III Details Of Contractor (page No :26)
Document to be submitted after acceptance
1. Licenses/Registrations or proof of applying for labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC &
BOCW Welfare Board.
Note: All the above document must be clearly displayed and seen by the tender opening
authority before opening the actual bid.
Assistant Engineer
IIITDM Campus,
Chennai 600 127.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



Percentage Rate tenders are invited on behalf of President of India from approved and eligible contractors of
CPWD for the work “Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith
internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and
Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site”.

1. The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of submission of Tenders. In case the
last date of submission of tender is extended, the enlistment of Contractor should be valid on the original
date of submission of tenders.
1.1. The work is estimated to cost of Rs.1,53,312/- This estimate cost, however, is given merely as a rough
1.1.1. The authority competent to approve NIT for the combined cost and belonging to the major discipline will
consolidate NITs for calling the tenders. He will also nominate Division which will deal with all matters
relating to the invitation of tenders.
For composite tender, besides indicating the combined estimated cost put to tender should clearly
indicates the estimated cost of each component separately. The eligibility of tenderer will correspond to
the combined estimated cost of different components put to tender.
1.2. Intending tenderer is eligible to submit the tender provided he has definite proof from the appropriate
authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority, of having satisfactorily completed
similar works of magnitude specified below:

Criteria of eligibility for submission of tender documents.

1.2.1 Deleted.
1.2.2 Deleted
1.2.3 Deleted.
2 Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderers on prescribed Form No. CPWD 7 (or other
Standard Form as mentioned) which is available as a Government of India Publication and also available
on website www. CPWD.Gov.in. Tenderers shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of
the said form which will form part of agreement.
3 The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 10 (Ten days) from the date of start as defined in
Schedule “ F” or from the first date of handing over the site, whichever is later, in accordance with the
phasing, if any, indicated in the tender documents.
4 (i) The site for the work is available. *
(ii) The architectural and structural drawings for the work are available. *
The architectural and structural drawings shall be made available in phased manner, as per
requirement of the same as per approved programme of completion submitted by the contractor
after award of the work. *
5 The tender document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of
items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contractor to be complied with and other

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


necessary documents except Standard General Conditions of Contractor Form can be seen from website
https://etender.cpwd.gov.in/ or www.cpwd.gov.in free of cost.
6. Earnest Money in the form of Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand draft or Bankers
cheque or Fixed Deposit Receipts from any of the Commercial Bank towards EMD in favour
Executive Engineer, Chennai 2 Division, CPWD, Chennai -06 at Call receipt (drawn in favour of
Executive Engineer, Chennai 2 Division, Chennai.) or Fixed deposit Receipt (drawn in favour of
Executive Engineer, Chennai 2 Division , Chennai.) shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-
Tendering website within the period of bid submission. Original EMD issued from in the office of
Assistant Engineer inviting bids and AE-1/II,2/II,4/II or division office of Executive Engineer,
in CPWD, within the period of bid submission.
7. Scanned copy of this receipt along with scanned copy of the EMD shall also be uploaded to the e-
tendering website by the bidder up to the specified bid submission date and time.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case, minimum 50% of
earnest money or Rs. 20 lac, whichever is less, shall have to be deposited in shape prescribed above, and
balance may be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank having validity for six
months or more from the last date of receipt of bids which is to be scanned and uploaded by the intending
7A) The contractors registered prior to 01.04.2015 on e –tendering portal of CPWD shall have to
deposit tender processing fee at existing rates, or they have option to switch over to the new
registration system without tender processing fee any time.
8 The contractor whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish performance guarantee of 5% (Five
Percent) of the bid amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form
of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10000/-) or Deposit at Call receipt of any scheduled
bank/Banker‟s cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand Draft of any scheduled bank/Pay order of any
Scheduled Bank of any scheduled bank (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1,00,000/-) or
Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State
Bank of India in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor whose bid is accepted fails to
deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule „F‟, including the
extended period if any, the contractor shall be suspended for one year and shall not be eligible to bid for
CPWD tenders from date of issue of suspension order.
The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either copy of applicable
licenses/registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labor licenses, registration with EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including Provident Fund code No. if applicable and also ensure
the compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub contractors, if any engaged by the contractor for
the said work and Programme Chart (Time and Progress) within the period specified in Schedule
9 Intending Tenders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves
before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub- soil (so far as is practicable), the
form and nature of the site, the means to access the site, the accommodation they may require and in
general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other
circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full
knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge consequent on any
misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and
maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers
and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all
contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done
and of conditions and rate at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the government
and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.

10. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or
any other tender and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the
assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any
condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.

11. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders
submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.
12. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting the
whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.
13. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of
Contractors of Horticulture/ Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of contracts, which
his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of
Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer ( both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of
persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are
near relatives to any gazette officers in the Central Public Works Department or in the ministry of urban
Development. Any breach of this condition by of contractors of this Department.
14. No Engineer of gazette rank or other gazetted officers employed in Engineering or Administrative duties
in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor for the
period of one permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if
either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained
the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in
the contractor‟s service.
15. The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for the period of 30 days from the date of
opening of tender. If any bidders withdraws his bid before the said period or makes any modification in
the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the tenderer shall
not be allowed to participate in the re tendering process of the work. Further, the tenderer shall be
suspended for one year and shall not be eligible to bid for CPWD tenders from date of issue of
suspension orders.
16. This notice tender shall from the part of the contract document. The successful tenderer/ Contractor, on
acceptance of his tender by the Acceptance Authority shall within 15days From the stipulated date of start
of the work, sign the contract consisting of:-
(a) The notice Inviting Tender, all the document including additional condition, specification and drawing, if
any, forming part of the tender as uploaded at the time of invitation of tender and the rate quoted online at
the time of submission of bid and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.
(b) Standard C.P.W.D. Form 7 (GCC for CPWD Works 2023) with amendments or as amended/ modified
upto last date of submission of Tender.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


1. No work shall be done after 7 P.M. Due to exigencies of work, if work needs to be done beyond 7
pm, necessary prior permission shall be obtained from the Client Department. The work shall be
executed without creating disturbance to the movement of the people on the adjoining roads. Care
shall be taken to prevent dust spreading beyond the building to be demolished. The work shall be
executed without making heavy sounds.

2. The buildings shall be in the custody of the successful bidder from the date of acceptance of the
3. If the successful bidder fail(s) to observe or perform any provisions of the contract or become(s)
insolvent, or make(s) arrangement with creditors or breach if any gratuity, gift loan, perquisite
reward or advantage pecuniary or otherwise shall either directly or indirectly be given promised or
offered by the purchaser or the successful bidder’s servants or agents to any public officer or person
in the employment of the President in any way relating to the office or employment or if any such
officer or person shall become in any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract the
Engineer-In-charge may determine the contract without notice and without prejudice to recover from
the successful bidder of any loss thereby incurred.

4. The work shall be executed in compliance with the complete labour act in force, regarding payment
of minimum wages, advances, over time, gratuity, provident fund, providing medical and other
facilities and the safety measures to be taken as applicable as per the labour act.

5. The ground where the buildings are located shall be levelled without undulations and dressed
neatly after completion of the work.
6. The Contractor shall carry out the work without disturbing / damaging the other existing structures
and trees / plants etc which are not in the purview of the contract. Any damage / disturbance made
by the contractor to the adjacent / nearby buildings / structures will be rectified at the risk and cost
of the contractor.
7. The contractor shall ensure the safety of the public / animals etc during the execution of the work.
Necessary precautionary measures shall be taken.
8. The Contractor shall abide to the restrictions, rules, regulations and timings imposed by the
department on the working and on movement of labour, materials etc.
9. No temporary electrical connection shall be provided by the Engineer-in-charge/CPWD. The
contractor shall make his own arrangement of temporary electrical connection from the
TANGEDCO, fuel/generator for running of tools, plants and machinery required for demolition work.
However, the department shall assist the agency in forwarding the application. The Contractor
shall take instructions from the Engineer-In-Charge for stacking of materials. No excavated earth /
building rubbish shall be stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services, compound walls
are existing.
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


10. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement to obtain photo id pass / group pass for entry of
labours, materials, machinery and vehicle in to the IIITDM Campus, Chennai. if necessary.
11. The work shall be carried out with least hindrances to the adjoining building and offices and the
contractor shall be responsible for any damages caused to the existing fixtures, electrical fittings
and other services etc in the course of execution and the contractor shall make good any such
damages at his own cost.
12. The debris / building rubbish waste and the like as generated from the work spot should be taken
out IIITDM Campus, Chennai. All the waste and debris material should be disposed off the
campus in a legal and environmental friendly way as per contract.
13. No one is allowed to enter into workspace and work site without adequate foot protection..
14. Inserting of bare wires for tapping the power from electrical sockets is completely prohibited.
15. All unsafe conditions, unsafe acts identified by contractor, reported by site supervisors and / or
safety personnel to be corrected immediately.
16. No children shall be allowed to enter the work space.
17. Restrictions may be imposed by the security staff of client department etc., on the working and for
movement of labour, materials etc. The contractor shall be bound to follow all such
restrictions/instructions and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
18. The department shall not be liable for any payment in respect of any damages or compensation
payable accordingly to law in respect or in consequences of any accident or injury or loss of life to
any workman or other person in the employment of the contractor or any sub-contractor, except an
accident or injury resulting from any act or default of the Employer, his agents or servants. The
contractor shall insure against such liability with an insurer approved by the employer for sum as
per established norms during the entire period till the completion of the contract.
19. Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard Specification occurs in the documents relating to
this contract, the same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued there to or revision thereof if
any, up to the date of receipt of tenders.
20. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rate tendered by the contractor for the
items of the work shall be considered, as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required,
for which no extra payments will be made. This will include water encountered from any source,
such as rains, floods, sub-soil water table being high or due to any other cause whatsoever.
21. GST and Labour Cess etc., or any other tax applicable in respect of this contract shall be payable by
the Contractor and Government will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same.
However 2% (TWO PERCENT) of the gross bill amount will be deducted at source, towards GST, from
each running account and Final bill paid to the contractor by the Executive Engineer, Chennai 2
Division, CPWD, Chennai-600006 or his successors thereof as per the Section 51 of the GST Act

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil





Percentage Rate Tender & Contract for Works

Tender for the work of: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith
internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and
Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

(i) Last date and time of submission of e-tenders shall be up to 15:00 hrs on 10-01-2025
(ii) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 15:30 hours on on 10-01-2025in the
office of AE-1/II /CPWD/Chennai-127
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A,B,C,D,E & F, Specifications applicable,
Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special
conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other
contents in the tender document for the work.
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the time specified in
Schedule „F‟, viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the
Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such
conditions so far as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for 30 days from the due date its opening in case of single bid system/ Ninety
(90) days from the date of opening of technical bid in case tenders are invited on 2 bid/envelope system /one
hundred twenty (120) days from the date of opening of technical bid in case bids are invited on 3 bid/envelope
system for specialized work (strike out as the case may be) and not to make any modifications in its terms and
A sum of Rs.3,066/- is hereby forwarded in cash/ receipt Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand draft
or Bankers cheque or Fixed Deposit Receipts from any of the Commercial Bank towards EMD in favour
Executive Engineer, Chennai 2 Division, CPWD, Chennai -06 If I / We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance
guarantee within prescribed period, I / We agree that the said President of India or his successors in office shall
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further,
If I / We fail to commence work as specified, I / We agree that President of India or the successors in office shall
without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said performance
guarantee absolutely. The said performance guarantee shall be a guarantee to execute all the works referred to in
the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at the
rate to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form.
Further, I / we agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest Money or Performance Guarantee as aforesaid, I / we
shall be debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records connected with the
work as secret / confidential documents and shall not communicate information / derived there from to any person
other than a person to whom I/we am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any
manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.
Dated…………………….. Signature of contractor
Postal Address
Witness :


The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me

for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs. --------------------------------------------------- /-

Rupees ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- only).

The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement:-



For & on behalf of the President of India.


Dated……………………… Designation…………………………………

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



Schedule of quantities: As per separate schedule attached


Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor.

Sl. Description of item Quantity Rate in figures & Place of issue

No. words at which the
material will be
charged to the

1 2 3 4 5
----------NIL -------

Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor.

Sl. No Description Hire charges per day Place of issue

1 2 3 4

Extra schedule for specific requirements / documents for the work, if any Nil

Reference to General Conditions of Contract . General Conditions of Contract 2023- Maintenance works
vide No: DG/CON/Maintenance works 2023/09 dated: 03.06.2024
Name of work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith internal
electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and Marking
of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

Estimate cost of work : Rs.1,53,312/-

i) Earnest money : Rs.3,066 /-(to be returned after receiving performance guarantee)

ii) Performance Guarantee: 5% of tendered value

iii) Security Deposit : 2.5% of tendered value

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


General Rules & Directions: General Conditions of Contract 2023- Maintenance works vide No :OM No:
DG/CON/Maintenance 2023/09 dated: 03.06.2024

Officer inviting tender : AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai

Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to

be executed beyond which rates are to be determined in
accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3. see clause 12
Definitions :

2 (v) Engineer- in- Charge for Civil: AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai

2 (viii) Accepting Authority AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai

2 (x) Percentage on cost of materials and

Labor to cover all overheads and profits. 15 %

2 (xi) Standard Schedule of Rates for Civil : DSR 2023 with upto date correction Slips /
Standard Schedule of Rate for Elect.:

2(xii) Department Central P.W.D___

9 ii) Contract Form: Standard CPWD Contract Form 7 as per appended correction slip to General Conditions
of Contract 2023- Maintenance works vide No: DG/CON/Maintenance works 2023/09 dated: 03.06.2024
Clause 1
i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee 7 days
Programme chart (Time and progress) and applicable
laborlicense, registration with EPFO , ESIC and
BOCW welfare board or proof of applying thereof
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance

ii) Maximum allowable extension with late fee @0.1% per

day of performance Guarantee amount beyond the period
(provided in i) above 3 days

Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2. CHIEF ENGINEER, CHENNAI, CPWD, CHENNAI-90

Clause 2A
Whether clause 2 A shall be applicable NO

Clause 5
Authority to decide
i) Extension of time ……….. AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai-127
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


ii) Rescheduling of mile stone……….. AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai-127

iii) Shifting of date of start in case of

delay in handing over of site ……….. AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai-127

Number of days from the date of issue of letter

acceptance for reckoning date of start 7 days

Mile stone(s) as per table given below:-

Sl. Time in days from Amount to be withheld in case of
No. Description date of start of non achievement of Mile(s) Stone


PRORORMA OF SCHEDULES Clause 5 Schedule of Handing over of Site:-

Time period for handing over

Part Portion of Site Description reckoned from date of issue
of letter of intent:

Part A Portion without any Site available From the date of acceptance
hindrance of work
Part B Portion with encumbrances NA NA

Part C Portion dependent on work of NA NA

other agencies

Time allowed for execution of work. 10 (Ten) days

Authority to give fair and reasonable extension of time for /AE-1/II/CPWD/Chennai.

Completion of work:

Clause 6, 6A

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Clause applicable -6A / EMB. (Electronic Measurement Book in ERP)

i) For works having estimated

cost more than Rs.15 Lacs -

ii) For works having estimate cost

Rs.15 lacs or less-contractor’s
option either Clause 6 or Clause 6A
(to be exercised at Tender submission). -

Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with net payment / adjustment
of advances for material collected , if any since the last such on completion of work

No Running Account Bill shall be paid for the work till the applicable labor licenses, registration with
EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board, whatever applicable as submitted by the contractor to the
Engineer-in Charge.
Clause 10A
List of testing equipment to be provided by the contractor: Not Applicable

Clause 10B (ii)

Whether Clause 10B (ii) shall be applicable: Not Applicable

Clause 10C
Component of labor expressed as percent of Value of work. : Not Applicable

Clause 10CA
Component of labor expressed as percent of Value of work. : Not Applicable

Material Covered under Nearest Material for which All Base price and period of Material
Clause 10CA India Wholesale Price Index is covered under Clause 10CA Per MT
to be allowed

Cement - Rs.5,400/- per MT (March- 2023)

TMT bar - Rs.63,500/- per MT(March- 20223)

Structural steel - Rs. 61,700/- per MT(March-2023)

Base price of all the materials covered under clause 10CA is to be mentioned at the time of approved of
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Clause 10 CC
Clause 10 CC to be applicable in contracts with stipulated period
of completion exceeding the period show in next column Not Applicable

Clause 11
Specifications to be followed for execution of work
For Civil Work : CPWD specification 2019 Vol. I to II amended upto date.

Type of work : Maintenance work

Clause 12:
12.2 & 12.3 Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for
works for all items No Limit
12.5 (i) Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2
& 12.3 shall apply for Building work
: No Limit
(ii) Deviation Limit for items in earthwork

NOTE: As per DG/CON/312 no substitute item is allowed.

Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates. CE ,Chennai, CPWD, Chennai-90
Clause 18 :
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at site:-
As per the list mentioned in the para F2 of the Additional Specifications

Clause 19C:- Executive Engineer, (Civil)

Chennai 2 Division
CPWD, Chennai-600006

Clause 19D ;- Executive Engineer, (Civil)

Chennai 2 Division
CPWD, Chennai-600006

Clause 19G :- Executive Engineer, (Civil)

Chennai 2 Division
CPWD, Chennai-600006

Clause 19K:- Executive Engineer, (Civil)

Chennai 2 Division
CPWD, Chennai-600006

Clause 25(i)
Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee:

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


(i) For all claims in dispute:

(a) Conciliator: (Special Director General or the Additional Director General
concerned with the work, as applicable)
(b) Arbitrator Appointing Authority: Chief Engineer(Chennai), CPWD, Chennai or
his successor or thereof
(c) Place of Arbitration: Chennai, Tamil Nadu.


The Chief Engineer, Chennai.
Subject: Notice for appointment of Arbitrator for adjudication of disputes relating to agreement

Dear Sir,
In terms of clause 25 (Arbitration Clause) of the aforesaid agreement, particulars of which are given
below, I/we hereby give you notice to appoint an arbitrator for adjudication of disputes mentioned below:
1. Name of applicant
2. Whether applicant is Individual/Prop. Firm/Partnership Firm/Ltd. Co.
3. Full address of the applicant
4. Name of the work and contract number in which arbitration sought
5. Name of the Division which entered into contract
6. Contract amount
7. Date of contract
8. Stipulated date of start of work
9. Stipulated date of completion of work
10. Actual date of completion of work (if completed)
11. Total number of claims made
12. Total amount claimed
13. Date of intimation of final bill (if work is completed)
14. Date of payment of final bill (if work is completed)
15. Amount of final bill (if work is completed)
16. Date of reference made to SDG/ADG for conciliation, if applicable:
17. Date of termination of conciliation proceedings:
18. I/We hereby give consent for appointment of Arbitrator of MoHUA Waiver agreement as per
Appendix –XIX is enclosed Or
I/We do not give consent for appointment of Arbitrator of MoHUA.
I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We
enclose following documents.
1. Statement of claims with amount of claims.
2. * Agreement of Waiver of Section 12(5) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. 1996 in
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


(Strikeout if not applicable)

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the applicant)

(only the person/authority who signed the contract should sign here)

Copy to:
1. The Executive Engineer, C2D, Central PWD, Chennai-06

Agreement towards waiver of Section 12(5) of Arbitration & Conciliation Act
1. Whereas certain disputes have arisen between M/s …………………………………. (claimants) and M/s

…………………………. (respondents) relating to agreement No………….

2. And whereas the parties are aware that Shri ……………………… is on the cadre of CPWD, presently on

deputation as Arbitrator, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India.

3. I/We agree for the appointment of Shri ….. …………………….. as the sole Arbitrator for adjudication

of the disputes, and we hereby waive the applicability of Section 12(5) of the Arbitration &

Conciliation Act, 1996.

(only the person/authority who signed the contract should sign here)
Name …………………..……………….
Date …………………………..…….…

(The name of the Arbitrator, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India
may be enquired form the Engineer-in-charge, if required).

Clause 32
Minimum Qualifications & experience required for Principal Technical Representative.

Sl. Designation Minimum qualification Discipline Numbers Rate of recovery

No. and experience required Number per month per
required person in case of
non compliance.


I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Clause 38
i) Schedule / statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis of
Delhi Schedule of Rates 2023 printed by C.P.W.D with upto date correction slips
ii) Variations Permissible on theoretical quantities.
a) Cement for works with estimated cost put to
tender not more than Rs. 5 Lakhs. 3% plus / minus
For works with estimated cost put to
tender more than Rs. 5 Lakhs. 2% plus / minus
b) Bitumen All works. 2.5% plus only & Nil on minus side
c) Steel Reinforcement and structural steel
Sections for each diameter, section 2% plus / minus
and category
d) All other materials. Nil

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



Name of work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith internal
electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH:
Cleaning and Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

NIT.No: 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

I/we undertake and confirm that our firm/partnership firm has not been blacklisted by any
state/Central Departments/PSUs/Autonomous bodies during the last 7 years of its operations. Further
that, if such information comes to the notice of the department then I/we shall be debarred for bidding
in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such information comes to the notice of department on any day
before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-charge shall be free to cancel the agreement and to forfeit
the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee (Scanned copy of this notarized
affidavit to be uploaded at the time of submission of bid)

NOTE: Affidavit to be furnished on a ‘Non-Judicial’ stamp paper worth Rs.100

Signature of Bidder(s) or an authorized

Officer of the firm with stamp

Signature of Notary with seal

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



NAME OF WORK: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith internal
electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH:
Cleaning and Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

N.I.T. No. : 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

I / we undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/ have not been got executed
through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/we shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer in charge shall be
free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/ Performance Guarantee.

NOTE: Affidavit to be furnished on a ‘Non-Judicial’ stamp paper worth Rs.100/-

Signature of Bidder(s) or an authorized

Officer of the firm with stamp

Signature of Notary with seal

(Scanned copy to be uploaded at the time of submission of Bid)

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil




The Assistant Engineer

IIITDM Campus,
Chennai -127

Sub: NIT No: : 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

for the work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith internal
electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and Marking
of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

Dear Sir,

It is hereby declared that as per CPWD–6 FOR e-BIDDING, I/ We the bidder inspected and
examined the subject site and its surrounding and satisfy myself / ourselves as to the nature of the
ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable),the forms and nature of the site./ ourselves before
submitting the bid, the accommodation which may require and all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect our bid have been obtained.

I/We the bidder shall have full knowledge of the site and no extra charge consequent upon any
misunderstanding or otherwise shall be claimed in later date.

I /We bidder shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at own cost all materials,
tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for
executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.

Submission of a bid by me/us implies that I / We have read this notice and all other contract
documents and has made myself /ourselves aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done
and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.

Yours faithfully

(Duly authorized signatory of the bidder)

Site visit in the presence of
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


NAME OF WORK: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves alongwith
internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and
Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

NIT NO: 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

Name of Tenderer: ----------------------------------------

Registration class/Department : ----------------------------------------

Validity of Registration : -----------------------------------------

Address of the Tenderer : ----------------------------------------


Contact Telephone no. : ------------------------------------------

Mobile no. : -------------------------------------------

E-mail ID : --------------------------------------------

Yours faithfully

(Duly authorized signatory of the bidder)

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


On non- judicial stamp paper of minimum Rs. 100

(Guarantee offered by Bank to CPWD in connection with the execution of contracts)
Form of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit /performance
Guarantee/Security Deposit/Mobilization Advance

1. Whereas the Executive Engineer (name of division) CPWD on behalf of the President of India
(herein after called "The Government”)has invited bids under................................... (NIT number)
...................... dated for................................................... (name of work). The Government has further
agreed to accept irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs. ....................... (Rupees ………………... only)
valid upto ......................... (date)*.......................... as Earnest Money Deposit from .........................
(name and address of contractor)' ............................................,(hereinafter called "the contractor") for
compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said NIT.

Whereas the Executive Engineer…………….. (name of division) CPWD on behalf of the President of
India (hereinafter called "The Government”) has entered into an agreement bearing number with
......................(name and address of the contractor)……….. . (hereinafter called "the Contractor”) for
execution of work............. ... (name .of work) …......... The Government has further agreed to accept an
irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs. ....................... (Rupees .... only) valid upto ........ (date)........as
Performance Guarantee/ security Deposit/ Mobilization Advance from the said Contractor for
compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.

2. We, ............... (indicate the name of the bank) (herein after referred to as ,”the Bank”)hereby
undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding Rs................... (Rupees ….........
only) on demand by the Government within 10 days of the demand.
3. We ........................ (indicate the name of the Bank) do here by undertake to pay the amount due
and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government
stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the
said contractor. Any such demand made on the Bank shall, be conclusive as regards the amount
due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee
shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ........ (Rupees ...................only)
4. We, .................. (indicate the name of the Bank) ............... , further undertake to pay the
Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal, our liability under this
Bank Guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bank
Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor
shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
5. We, ..................... (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the Government shall have
the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligation here
under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of
performance by the said contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to
time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said contractor and to forbear
or enforce any of the terms and conditions rerating to the said agreement and we shall not be
relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of the Government or any
indulgence by the Government to the said contractor or by any such matter or thing whatsoever
which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving
6. We,................ (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the Government at its option
shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor at the first
instance without proceeding against the contractor and notwithstanding any security or other
guarantee the Government may have in relation to the Contractor's liabilities.
7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in constitution of the Bank or Contractor.
8. We, ...................... (indicate the name of the Bank) undertake not to revoke this guarantee except
with the consent of the Government in writing.
9. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to ……… unless extended on demand by the Government.
Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is restricted to
Rs……… (Rupees ………..only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us within the date
of expiry or extended date of expiry of this guarantee, all our liabilities under this guarantee shall
stand discharged.



1. Signature .................. Authorized signatory

Name and address
Staff code no.
Bank seal
2. Signature ……………
Name and address

*Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 90 days where only financial bids are invited
and 180 days for two/three bid system from the date of submission of tender'

**In paragraph 1, strike out the portion not applicable. Bank Guarantee will be made either for
Earnest Money or for performance guarantee/security deposit/mobilization advance, as the case may

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



1. Before tendering, the contractor shall inspect the site of work and shall fully acquaint himself
about the conditions prevailing at site, availability of materials, availability of land and suitable
location for construction of godowns, stores and camp, transport facilities, the extent of lead and
lifts involved in the work (over the entire duration of contract) including local conditions, as
required for satisfactory execution of the work and nothing extra whatsoever shall be paid on this
2. The contractor shall at his own expense and risk arrange land for accommodation of labour,
setting up of office, the storage of materials, erection of temporary workshops, and construction
of approach roads to the site of the work including land required for carrying out of all jobs
connected with the completion of the work. However, the departmental land, to the extent
available may be allowed to be used for the purpose free of rent without accepting any
responsibility for the delay, if any, on this account. The contractor shall have to abide by the
regulations of the authorities concerned and the directions of the Engineer-in-charge for the use
of the land available at the site of work. If during construction it becomes necessary to remove or
shift the stored materials shed workshop, access roads, etc. to facilitate execution of any other
work by any other agency, the contractor shall do as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and no
claim whatsoever, shall be entertained on this account.
3. It shall be deemed that the contractor shall satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the
work, transport facilities, availability of land for setting up of camp etc. The department will bear
no responsibility for lack of such knowledge and the consequences thereof.
4. The contractor shall have to make approaches to the site, if so required and keep them in good
condition for transportation of labor and materials as well as inspection of works by the
Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
5. The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the work in coordination
with the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representatives and for the correctness of the
positions, levels, dimensions and alignments of all parts of the structure and for the provisions of
all necessary instruments appliances and labor in connection therewith. If at any time, during the
progress of work, any error appears or arises in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of
any part of the work, the contractor on being asked to do so by the Engineer-in-charge, shall
rectify such error to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. The checking by the Engineer-
in-charge or his authorized representative shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for
the correctness of any setting out of any line or level. The contractor shall carefully protect and
preserve all bench marks pegs and pillars provided for the setting out of works.
6. All setting out activities concerning establishment of benchmarks, theodolite stations centre line
pillars etc. including all materials, tools, plants, equipments, theodolite and all other instruments,
labor etc. required for performing all the functions necessary and ancillary thereto at the
commencement of the work, during the progress of the work and till the completion of the work
shall be carried out by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


7. The Contractor or his authorized representative shall associate in collection, preparation,

forwarding and testing of such samples. In case he or his authorized representative is not present
or does not associate him, the result of such tests and consequences thereon shall be binding on
the contractor. The contractor or his authorized representative shall remain in contact with the
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative associated for all such contact with the
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative associated for all such operations. No claim
of payment or claim of any other kind, whatsoever, shall be entertained from the contractor.
All testing charges shall be borne by the contractor / department in the manner indicated below.
By the contractor, if the results show that the material does not confirm to relevant specifications
and BIS codes or any other relevant code for which confirmatory test is carried out.
By the Department, if the results show that the material conforms to relevant BIS codes
or any other relevant code for which confirmatory test is carried out.
8. The necessary tests shall be conducted in the laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The
samples for carrying out all or any of the tests shall be collected by the Engineer-in-charge or on
his behalf by any other officer of CPWD. The contractor or his authorized representative shall
associate himself in collection, preparation, packing and forwarding of such samples for the
prescribed tests and analysis. In case he or his authorized representative is not present or does not
associate himself, the results of such tests and consequences thereon shall be binding on the
9. Materials used on work without prior inspection and testing (where testing is necessary) and
without approval of Engineer-in-charge are liable to be considered unauthorized, defective and
not acceptable. The Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers to require removal of any or all of
the materials brought to site by contractor which are not in accordance with the contract,
specifications or do not conform in character or quality to the samples approved by the Engineer-
in-charge. In case of default on the part of the contractor in removing rejected materials, the
Engineer-in-charge shall be at liberty to have them removed at the risk and cost of the contractor.
10. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the Water required for execution of work
and get the water tested at his own cost with regard to its suitability for use in the works and get
written approval from the Engineer-in-charge before he proceeds with the use of same for
execution of work. Nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor on this account.
11. The work shall be carried out in such a manner so as not to interfere/or effect or disturb other
works being executed by other agencies, if any.
12. Any damages done by the contractor to any existing work or work being executed by other
agencies shall be made good by him at his own cost.
13. The work shall be carried out in the manner complying in ail respects with the requirement of
relevant rules and regulations of the local bodies under the jurisdiction of which the work is to be
executed and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
14. For completing the work in time, the contractor might be required to work in two or more shifts
and no claims whatsoever shall be entertained on this account, notwithstanding the Fact that the
contractor will have to pay to the laborers and other staff engaged directly or indirectly on the
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


work according to the provisions of the labor regulations and the agreement entered upon and/or
extra amount for any other reasons.
15. There is no electric power supply at the site of work. The contractor will have to make his own
'arrangement for obtaining electric connection from the state electricity board and make
necessary payments directly to the department concerned and/or install generators at the site of
work, if required and nothing extra whatsoever will be payable on this account.
16. The drawings for the work attached in the document relating to this contract and all other
drawings that will be issued by the Engineer-in-charge during the execution of work shall at all
times be properly correlated before executing any work and no claim whatsoever shall be
entertained on this account.
17. The contractor shall maintain in good condition all work executed till the completion of the
entire work entrusted to the contractor under this contract and nothing extra shall be paid on this
18. No payment will be made to the contractor for damage caused by rain, floods and other natural
calamities whatsoever during the execution of the works and any damage to the work on this
account shall have to be made good by the contractor at his own cost and nothing whatsoever '
shall be paid on this account.
19. The rates for all items of work, unless clearly specified otherwise, shall include the cost of all
labor materials, de-watering and other inputs involved in the execution of the items.
20. Unless otherwise provided in the schedule of quantities or CPWD specifications the rates
tendered by the contractor shall be all-inclusive and shall apply to all heights, depths, leads and
21. No claim whatsoever for idle labor, additional establishments, costs of hire and labor charges for
tools and plants etc. would be entertained under any circumstances.
22 For the safety of all labor directly or indirectly employed in the work for the performance of the
contractor's part of this agreement, the contractors shall, in addition to the provisions of CPWD
safety code and directions of the Engineer-in-charge make all arrangements to provide facility as
per the provisions of Indian Standard Specifications (Codes) listed below and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account.
1. IS 3696 Part I Safety Code for scaffolds and ladders
2. IS 3696 Part II Safety Code for scaffolds and ladders Part II ladders
3. IS 764 Safety Code for excavation work
4. IS 4081 Safety Code for Blasting and Drilling operations,
5. IS4138 Safety Code for working in compressed air.
6. IS 7293 Safety Code for working with construction machinery
7. IS 7969 Safety Code for storage and handling of building materials
23. The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid all accidents by exhibiting necessary caution
boards and by providing red flags, red lights and barriers. The contractor shall be responsible for
any accident at the site of work and consequences thereof.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


24. Royalty at the prevalent rates and all other incidental expenditure shall have to be paid by the
contractor, on all the boulders, metal single, earth, aggregates, sand, bajri, Brick bats etc.
collected by him for the execution of the work direct to the concerned Revenue Authority of the
State or Central Government and the amount paid shall not be reimbursed in any form
25. In case of specifications the following hierarchy will be followed:
(1) Nomenclature of the item.
(2) Additional Specifications, particular specifications, special / additional condition if
any as defined in the contract documents.
(3) Drawings
(4) CPWD Specification.
(5) BIS Specification (Latest version) if CPWD specification not available.
(6) Manufacturers specifications if BIS specification not available.
(7) Sound engineering practices. Standard text books.
(8) If none of the above is available decision of Engineer-in-Charge will be Final.
26. All Stone aggregates, sand, stone dust, etc shall be obtained only from the quarry or other source
approved by the Engineer in charge before they are actually procured and used in the work. The
rate for the items mentioned in the schedule of quantities includes all charges and nothing-extra
payable on any account.
27. The additional specifications given below are not substitute to C P W D specifications or I S
specifications. These shall be read along with C P W D specifications or I S specifications.
27.1 The work shall be carried out using metric dimensions only and shall be measured and paid in
metric dimensions. F P S units, if any, mentioned in drawings etc are for guidance only.
27.2 Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard Specification occurs in the documents relating to
this contract the same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued there to or revision there of if
any, up to the date of receipt of tenders.
27.3 Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rate for the items of the work shall be
considered, as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required, for which no extra
payments will be made. This will include water encountered from any source, such as rains,
floods, sub-soil water table being high or due to any other cause whatsoever.
27.4 The tenderer shall study the item description, the relevant drawings and satisfy himself the item
of work to be carried.
27.5 The contractor shall produce the copy of the current validity of the BIS certification of the
agency from whom materials was procured by the contractor. BIS marked materials shall also be
got tested. The materials and the quantity for which tests to be conducted shall be decided by the
27.6 The rate shall be for all heights and locations and shall include all material, labor etc unless
specified in the item description.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


28. Labour Cess 1% etc., as applicable shall be borne by the contractor himself. Any recovery
towards GST is notified by the competent authority, the same shall be effected and no
claim what so ever shall be entertained by CPWD. The contractor shall quote his rates
The rate for providing and fixing water supply and sanitary fittings, the rate is inclusive of cost
of removing the existing damaged ones, unless otherwise specified separately.
29 For the item of providing and laying granite / vitrified tile flooring, the rate quoted shall be
inclusive of protective coat of plaster of paris of required thickness, if necessary.
30. The rate quoted for tile flooring is inclusive of any hacking of base slab for better bonding of
cement mortar as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
31. GST @ 2% to be recovered in each running/final bill.
32. All expenditure to be incurred for testing of samples e.g. Packaging, Sealing, transportation,
loading, unloading etc, including testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



1. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining electric connections if required
and make necessary payments directly to the department concerned.

2. Other agencies doing works related with this project will also simultaneously execute the works
and the contractor shall afford necessary facilities for the same. The contractor shall leave such
necessary holes, openings etc. for laying/burying in the work of pipes, cables, conduits, clamps,
boxes and hooks for fan clamps etc. as may be required for other agencies. Conduits for
electrical wiring/cables will be laid in a way that they leave enough space for concreting and do
not adversely affect the structural members. Nothing extra over the agreement rates shall be paid
for the same.

3. Some restrictions may be imposed by the security staff etc., on the working and for movement of
labour, materials etc. The contractor shall be bound to follow all such restrictions/instructions
and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.

4. The building work will be carried out in the manner complying in all respects with the
requirements of relevant byelaws of the local body under the jurisdiction of which the work is to
be executed or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and nothing extra will be paid on this

5. The work of water supply, internal sanitary installations and drainage work etc. shall be carried
out as per local Municipal Corporation or such local body-bye-laws and the contractor shall
produce necessary completion certificate from such authorities after completion of the work.

6. Water tanks, taps sanitary, water supply and drainage pipes, fittings and accessories should
conform to byelaws and specifications of the Municipal Body/Corporation where C P W D
specifications are not available. The contractor should engage licensed plumbers for the work
and get the materials (fixtures/ fittings) tested by the Municipal Body/ Corporation authorities
wherever required at his own cost.

7. The contractor shall comply with proper and legal orders and directions of the local or public
authority or municipality and abide by their rules and regulations and pay all fees and charge,
which he may be liable.

8. The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installation(s) as per standing
specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra whatsoever shall be payable
to the contractor for the test.

9. Any cement slurry added over base surface (or) for continuation of concreting for better bond is
deemed to have been in built in the items and nothing extra should be payable (or) extra cement
considered in consumption on this account.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


10. The structural and Architectural drawings shall at all times be properly correlated before
executing any work. However, in case of any discrepancy in the item given in the schedule of
quantities appended with the tender and Architectural drawings relating to the relevant item, the
former shall prevail unless and otherwise given in writing by the Engineer-in-charge.

11. The contractor shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge for stacking of materials in
any place. No excavated earth or building material shall be stacked on areas where other
buildings, roads, services compound walls are to be constructed.

12. If as per Municipal / Local body rules the huts for labor are not be erected at the site of work by
the contractors, the contractors are required to provide such accommodation as is acceptable to
local bodies and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

13. Royalty at the prevalent rates shall have to be paid by the contractor on all the boulders, metals,
shingle sand and bajri etc., collected by him for the execution of the work direct to the Revenue
authority or authorized agent of the State Government concerned or Central Government.

14. Wherever Hindi version also exists, and if there be variations between Hindi and English version
in any part of the tender documents, the English version alone shall prevail.

15. The Rate for RCC works include cost of concreting in sloped & curved roof, chajjas & beams
and no extra rate shall be payable on any account.

16. The Rate for Centering & shuttering under concrete items include cost of centering and
shuttering in curves & arches up to 20 degrees.

17. The Contractor should construct proper mortar bands of lean mix with adequate depth & smaller
size over the curved roof for flooding with water & proper curing. In case of Arches, wet gunny
bags shall be used for a period of two weeks.

18. Contractor has to make his on arrangement of water at site of work. If Government water is used
by contractor recovery for the same @1% on gross work done will be effected from R/A Bills
and Final Bill respectively.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


The additional specifications given below are not substitute to C P W D specifications or I S
specifications. These shall be read along with C P W D specifications or I S specifications.
1. The work shall be carried out using metric dimensions only and shall be measured and paid in metric
dimensions. F P S units, if any, mentioned in drawings etc are for guidance only.
2. Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard Specification occurs in the documents relating to this
contract the same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued there to or revision thereof if any, up to the
date of receipt of tenders.
3. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rates for the various items are for all heights
and locations.
4. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rate for the items of the work shall be
considered, as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required, for which no extra payments will
be made. This will include water encountered from any source, such as rains, floods, sub-soil water table
being high or due to any other cause whatsoever.
5. The tenderer shall study the item description, the relevant drawings and satisfy himself the item of work
to be carried.
6. The contractor shall produce the copy of the current validity of the BIS certification of the agency from
whom materials was procured by the contractor. BIS marked materials shall also be got tested. The
materials and the quantity for which tests to be conducted shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
1. The timber to be used in the work should be best quality specified.
2. All glass panes used for doors and windows shall be single sheet.
1. The Mixing of Concrete shall be done in the mechanical mixer. Besides the mixer should also have
arrangement for weighing water so that, water cement ratio can be controlled more effectively.
2. For all RCC works only factory made round type cover blocks shall be used instead of pre cast cover
blocks as per of CPWD Specification 2002. The CPWD specification stands modified to the
1. The aluminium doors, windows, ventilators, fixed glazing etc shall be manufactured as per architectural
drawings. Section manufactured by standard manufactures shall be used. The name of the manufacturers shall
be got approved from the Engineer – in – charge in advance.
2. The contractor shall submit necessary drawings, based on the architectural drawings supplied to him,
indicating the section numbers as per manufacturers catalogue, their unit weight, total weight of each unit,
method of jointing the various members including details of hinges, rollers, handles etc to the Engineer – in –
Charge for his approval. Only after the drawings are approved the required material shall be procured. The
Engineer – in – Charge may modify the drawings and the work should be executed as per the modified
drawings .

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


3. The weight of the doors, windows etc shall be calculated considering the length and weight per unit length of
various aluminium members only. The weight of gaskets, glazing, rollers, stoppers etc shall not be
4. The anodic coating of the aluminium section shall be as per the thickness specified in the schedule of
quantities. The thickness of anodic coating shall be got tested in a reputed laboratory. Method of sections
shall be employed for finding the thickness. The anodic coating shall confirm to IS 1868: 1982.
5. The various tests on aluminium sections shall be conducted in accordance with relevant I S codes.
6. The weight of aluminium section shall be least of the following
i) Actual weight per unit length.
ii) Weight as mentioned in the catalogue of the manufacturer.
7. The fabricated aluminium sections shall be given a lacquer coating which shall be maintained during the
construction period to prevent damage to the aluminium sections. The same shall be cleaned and polished
before handing over the building.
8. The doors, windows, ventilators etc shall be provided with glass of specified type and thickness. Weather
sealing neoprene gaskets shall be provided while fixing the glass.
9. If the thickness of glass is not mentioned then the same shall be as per C P W D specifications as per area of
10. The sliding shutters of windows shall be provided with superior quality nylon / metal rollers , aluminium
stoppers and special type locking arrangements. The arrangements shall be got approved from the Engineer –
in – Charge before procuring them.
11. The aluminum sections shall be connected to each other, wherever needed, using extruded aluminium angles
of suitable size and thickness not less than 6 MM using stainless steel screws. Such connecting angles
shall not be measured for payment.
12. Wherever aluminium doors, windows etc are to be fixed touching the soffit of beams a clear gap of min 6 mm
may be left between the bottom of beam and top of aluminium member and the same shall be filled with
silicon sealant of approved quality.
The rate shall be for all heights and locations and shall include all material, labor etc unless specified in the
item description.
In respect of Item no. --- ie filling in foundations, plinth and the area wherever required with available
earth and earth carted from outside, the rate is inclusive for all lifts and leads of filling and nothing extra
shall be payable.
Standard of acceptance shall be as specified in CPWD Specification 2019 Field laboratory: The contractor
shall at his own cost, equip and establish a field laboratory at the site of work with requisite man power
for carrying out all mandatory tests for RCC works. The apparatus, instrument and equipment to be
provided in the laboratory, is as per the drawings and directions of the Engineer – in – Charge as detailed

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



1.1. The contractor shall procure 43 grade (conforming to IS: 8112) ordinary Portland cement as
required in the work, from reputed manufacturers of cement having a production capacity of one
million tones per annum or more, such as ACC, Ultra Tech, J.P.Rewa, Vikram, Shree Cement,
Birla Jute, Coromondal, Deccan, Dalmia, Ramco and Cement Corporation of India, etc., as
approved by the Ministry of Industry, Government of India, and holding license to use ISI
certification mark for their product whose name shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-
Charge. Supply of cement shall be taken in 50 kg bags bearing manufacturer‟s name and ISI
marking. Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be got tested in accordance with
provisions of relevant BIS codes. In case, test results indicate that the cement arranged by the
contractor do not conform to the relevant BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be
removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within a week‟s time of written order
from the Engineer-in-Charge to do so.
1.2. The cement shall be brought at site in bulk asd of approximately 50 tonnes or as decided by the
1.3. The cement go-down of the capacity to store a maximum of 2000 bags of cement shall be
constructed by the contractor at site or work for which no extra payment shall be made. Double
lock provision shall be made to the door of the cement go-down. The keys of one lock shall
remain with the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative and the key of the other lock
shall remain with the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward and
safety of the cement go-down. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement
godown by the Engineer-in-Charge at any time.
1.4. The contractor shall supply free of charge the cement required for testing. The frequency and the
details of the tests shall be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge depending on the quantum of
supply in each batch. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor/Department in the manner
indicated below:
a) By the contractor, if the results show that the cement does not conform to the relevant
BIS codes.
b) By the Department, if the results show that the cement conforms to relevant BIS codes.
1.5. The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in the contract. The theoretical consumption of cement shall be worked
out as per procedure prescribed in the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein.
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Items for which standard coefficients for cement consumption are not available in DSR 2021, the
same shall be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.6. Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.7. The cement bags shall be stacked on proper floors consisting of two layers of dry bricks laid on
well-consolidated earth at a level of at least one foot above ground level. The stacks shall be in
rows of 2 and 10 bags high with minimum of 0.60 m clear space alround. The bags should be
placed horizontally continuous in each line. Actual size/shape of godown shall be as per site
requirements and nothing shall be paid on this account. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge
regarding capacity shall be final.
Cement register for the cement shall be maintained at site. The account of daily receipts and
issues of cement shall be maintained in register in the pro forma prescribed and signed daily by
contractor or his authorized agent.
2. Special conditions for steel reinforcement bars:

(1) The CPWD/Contractor shall procure TMT bars of various grades from primary steel
producers such as SAIL, TATA Steel ltd, RINL, Jindal Steel ltd and JSW steel ltd., or any other
manufacturers listed in the list of JPC Kolkata having valid BIS license for IS: 1786-2008.
(2) The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-charge in
respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work.
(3) Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in –Charge as per the provisions in
this regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the
contractor does not conform to the specifications. The same shall stand rejected, and it shall be
removed from the site of work by the contractor at his cost within a week time or written orders
from the Engineer in Charge to do so.
(4) The steel reinforcement bars shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or more as
decided by the Engineer.
(5) The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as
to prevent their distortion and corrosion, and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars of
different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
(6) For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test, elongation ete. Specimens
of sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar random, and at frequency not less than
that specified below:
For consignment below For consignment
Size of bar 100 tonnes consignment above 100
Under 10 mm dia One sample for each 25 One sample for each 40
bars tonnes or part there of tonnes or part there of
10 mm to 16 mm One sample for each 35 One sample for each 45
dia bars tonnes or part there of tonnes or part there of
Over 16 mm dia One sample for each 45 One sample for each 55
bars tonnes or part there of tonnes or part there of
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


(7) The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including its
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor.
(8) The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel shall be
worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed by
conditions laid therein. In case the consumption is less than theoretical consumption including
permissible variations recovery at the rate so prescribed shall be made. In case of excess
consumption no adjustment need to be made.

(9) The steel brought to site and the steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without
the written permission of the Engineer in charge.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



6.1 The work shall be got executed as per CPWD Specifications and as per the manufacturer’s
specification through specialized agency as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall furnish the following particulars immediately after the issue of letter
of acceptance by the department.
(a) The name of the specialized firm.
(b) The trade names of the product, which would be used.
(c) List of works where the treatment has been used.
(d) Quantity of chlorides and sulphides used in the product.


6.2 The contractor shall be fully responsible for and shall guarantee proper performance of the
entire waterproofing system for a period of 5 (Five) years to be reckoned from the date after the
maintenance period prescribed in the contract, which shall be furnished in a non-judicial
stamp paper of value not less than Rs.100/- in approved proforma before final payment and
shall not in any way limit any other rights of the Employer may have under the contract
.Guarantee for water proofing shall comprises of all the items described above in particular
All water-proofing work shall be carried out through approved specialist agency as per
method of working approved by the Engineer-in-charge. However the contractor shall be
solely responsible for waterproofing treatment until the expiry of the above guarantee period.

Five years guarantee in prescribed proforma attached shall be given by the contractor for
the water proofing treatment. In addition 10% (ten percent) of the cost of these items of water
proofing under this sub head shall be retained as guarantee to watch the performance of the
work executed. However, half of this amount (withheld) would be released after Two and half
years from the date of completion of the work, if the performance of the waterproofing works is
satisfactory. The remaining withheld amount shall be released after completion of Five years
from the date of completion of work, if the performance of the waterproofing work is
satisfactory. If any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, it should be rectified by the
contractor within seven days of issuing of notice by the Engineer-in-Charge and, if not attended
to, the same shall be got done through other agency at the risk and cost of the contractor and
recovery shall be effected from the amount retained towards guarantee. In any case, the
contractor and the specialist agency, during the guarantee period, shall inspect and examine the
treatment once in every year and make good any defect observed and confirm the same in
writing. The security deposit can be released in full, if bank guarantee of equivalent amount,
valid for the duration of guarantee period, is produced and deposited with the Department.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil




This agreement made this day of ____________________Two Thousand and ____________ between
_________________________________________ (Name of Contractor) hereinafter call Guarantor of
the one part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the Government of the other part).

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract (hereinafter

called the Contract) dated ____________and made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE
part and the GOVERNMENT of the other part where by the Contractor inter alia, undertook to render
the buildings and structures in the said contract recited completely water and leak proof.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said structures
will remain water / leak proof for ten years from the date of completion of work.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that water proofing treatment given by him will render
the structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment shall be
FIVE years to be reckoned from the date completion of work.

Provided that the Guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquakes or structural
defects or misuse of roof or alterations and for such purpose
a) Misuse of roof shall mean by operation, which will damage roofing treatment, like chopping of
firewood and things of the same nature, which might cause damage to the roof.
b) Alteration shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of roof or construction adjoining
to existing roof, where by roofing treatment is removed in parts.
c) The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to cause of leakage shall be final.

During this period of guarantee, the Guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any defects
being found, render the building water proof at his own cost, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall commence the work for such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of
the notice from the Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects, failing which the work
shall be got done by Department through some other contractor at the GUARANTOR‟S cost and risk.
The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost, payable by the Guarantor shall be final and

That is the Guarantor fails to execute the necessary rectification or commits breach there under then the
Guarantor will indemnify the Principal and his successors against all loss, damage, cost expense or
otherwise which may be incurred by him by reasons of any default on the part of GUARANTOR in
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and / or damage
and / or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and
binding on the parties.
In witness where of these present, has been executed by the Obligator ________________________ and

by ____________________________________ for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT of INDIA on the

__________ day of __________ month of ______________ year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by (OBLIGATOR) in the presence of:



Signed for and on behalf of The PRESIDENT OF INDIA in the presence of:



I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



1. The Agency should Process the certificate of at least 10 Employees are covered under the EPF & ESIC
2. The Agency has to inspect the premises & the area under this contract & quote rates accordingly for
effective maintenance and nothing extra payable. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for
equipment like Tools & plants for skilled and unskilled labours and trolleys, Black Plastic Carry bags to
dispose the waste materials up to dust bin and other tools on his own arrangement, and Department will
not issue any materials.. Under No circumstances the materials, debris to be thrown from different floors
to ground floor directly. All the Debris to brought down by manually through stair case & lift shall not be
used under any circumstances.
3. Some restrictions may be imposed by the security staff etc., on the working and for movement of labour,
materials etc. The contractor shall be bound to follow all such restrictions/instructions and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
4. The contractor shall comply with proper and legal orders and directions of the local or public authority or
municipality and abide by their rules and regulations and pay all fees and charge, which he may be liable.
5. The Agency has to arrange one supervisor to monitor the labours deployed in different works under this
contract and will report the day to day event to the JE/AE in-charge of work. The wages of supervisor to
be loaded in proportion and nothing extra shall be payable on this account..
6. The work has to be carried out in the occupied Office premises. Hence, due care shall be taken not to
disturb the existing installation and the occupancy. No extra shall be allowed on account of the above.
7. 1% labor welfare cess will be recovered on total value of work done in each bill. The cleaning work to be
done to the satisfaction of Engineer – in – Charge after completion of day work.
8. The tenderer shall have to pay minimum wages to the labourer as prescribed / issued by the Deputy Chief
labor Commissioner (Central), Ministry of labor and employment, , Government of India from time to
time. Any tenderer quoted below the prescribed minimum wages shall have to give an undertaking to the
Department for ensuring the minimum wages to the labourers. Minimum wages for unskilled person and
skilled person and the payment to be made only by ECS or through Cheque. The wages shall be paid in
the presence of junior / Asst. Engineer and every bill should accompany the wage register duly counter
signed by the Junior Engineer / Asst. Engineer –in-charge.in order to verify the minimum wages are being
paid by the agency. Unless the Wage register is submitted along with the bill no payment shall be made.
The Same to be uploaded in WPMS on weekly basis.
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


9. Minimum wages to be ensured to workers as per latest minimum wages act. Prevailing then. The wages
are to be paid as per the minimum wages act circulated by the DLC, Government of India.
10. Whenever the repair works are on at the end of the periodical cleaning of surroundings and staircase area
shall be duly entered in the register and got signed by the authorized official from the service center / JE
/AE in charge of the work, daily. In case of non satisfaction of cleaning the same will be recorded in the
register on the respective day and recovery will be made
11. All safety measures in respect of labours deployed by the agency rest with the contractor and incase of
any accident 100% responsibility lies with the contractor for any compensation payable to the worker.
12. Passport size of the photograph of the labours deployed by the agency along with the address proof
mentioning name of the labours duly countersigned by the agency to be submitted by the agency to the
Asst. Engineer in charge of the work at the time of commencement of work. Whenever labor deployed are
changed the ID proof mentioned above to be submitted to Asst. Engineer in charge in order to update the
database of the labor deployed in up-keeping the campus.

Assistant Engineer

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


List of Approved Civil materials

NOTE: Not withstanding to the approval given in the list, the field staff are requested to observe the
following conditions
1. Equivalent material and finishes of any other make may be used on written request of the contractor, in
case of unavoidable circumstances and also if it is established that minimum three brands are not specified
below or three brands out of all brands specified below are not available in the market, after written approval
of the alternate brand by the NIT approving authority. This substitution shall be subject to cost adjustment in
case the substituting brand is available at cheaper rates in market than those mentioned herein above. There
shall be no cost adjustement if the substituting brand is costlier in market than those mentioned herein.
2. In addition, the brands approved as hereunder, should have valid and active BIS certificate as on the date of
supply for the work.

3. Material shall conform to make in India policy of Government of India as on the date of supply for the
4. Other brands not included in the list below but having BIS certificate on the date of supply for the work
shall only be allowed against note (1) above.
5. In case of non availability of BIS codes for any of the materials incorporated above, the Engineer-in-charge
shall send the materials for testing as per the relevant ASTM or EN codes and satisfy himself before using the
same in work.
Sl.No Material Description
Brand Make


Premise Agends Bayer Ltd
1 Chloropyriphos
NOBAN Chemtts Wets & Flows Pvt. Ltd

HILBAN Hidustan Insecticides Ltd.


ACC ACC cements Ltd
Ordinary Portland Cement
(43 grade ) / Portland Ultra Tech Ultra Tech Cement Ltd.
Pozzolona Cement (PPC) Coromandal India Cements Ltd.
Chettinadu Chettinadu Cements Corporation Ltd.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Bharathi Bharathi Cement Corporation Ltd.

Dalmia Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd.

Zuari Zuari Cement Limited.

JSW JSW Cement Ltd.,

Japee Cement Japee Cement Ltd
Maha Cement Myhome Industries Pvt Ltd.
J.K Cement J.K Cement Pvt. Ltd
Ambuja Cement Ambuja Cements Ltd
Penna Cement Penna Cement Industries Ltd.
Konark Cement Konark Cement
Centuary Cement Birla Gold Cement
Shree Cement Shree Cement
Ramco Cement Ramco Cement Ltd
Sagar Cement Sagar Cement Ltd
Emami Cement Emami Cements Ltd
MAPEI Construction Products India Pvt.
Impermo Snowcem Paints

Duraseal Apurva India Pvt. Ltd.

ACCO Proof ACC Cement Ltd.

Dr.Fixit Pidilite Industries
Ferrous crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Damp Proof course
1 materials Fosroc Fosroc Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd.
CICO CICO Industries
SIKA Sika India Pvt. Ltd
PIDILITE Pidilite Industries Ltd.
Asian Paints smart
Asian Paints Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Weather Coat Roof

Berger Paints
Polytancreteiwl Sunanda Speciality coatings Pvt.ltd.
Wallshield 2K Berger Paints
Kunal Conchem Pvt Ltd




SAIL Steel Authority of India Ltd.


1 TMT bars Fe-500D
VIZAG Rastriya Ispat Nigam Ltd.

JSW JSW Steel Ltd

Shyam Steel Shyam Steel Industries ltd.
Contrament, power flow MC Bauchemie (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Sunanda Chemicals Sunanda Chemicals Ltd.
Plastiment, Sikament Sika Inida Pvt Ltd.,
Conplast SP430 FOSROC India
Chryso-HP / Delta /
Chryso India Pvt. Ltd.,
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of products
Plasticiser & Super

CICO CICO Industries

Smart Care Techno
Plast/Smart Care Asian Paints Ltd
Maximo Plast
Endura H.R. Jhonsons
KCPL Kunal ConchemPvt. Ltd.,
Dura board HD100 Supreme Industries
Expansion Joint Bitumen DURAFILL Supreme Industries
board STP Shalimar Tar Products

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


CRUX Crus processing systems Pvt Ltd

VSL VSL India Pvt Ltd

4 Post Tensioning system
Ultracon Ultracon Structural Systems Pvt Ltd

BBR BBR (India) Pvt Ltd

DP wires DP Wires Ltd
5 PT Strands TATA Wiron TATA Steel Ltd
Usha Martion Usha Martion Ltd

Dunlop India Tyre & Rubber Co (India) Ltd.

Vamorganic Vamorganic Ltd.,

Sika Sika India Pvt. Ltd
Fevicol Pidilite Industries
6 Adhesives
Proofex of adhesive Fosroc India Ltd
CICO CICO Industries
Asian Paints Asian Paints

MAPEI Construction Products India P

Kerabond Plus

Ardex Ardex Endura Adhesive India Pvt. Ltd


Fugabella, Porcelana Kerakoll India Pvt. Ltd.
Dr.Fixit Pidilite Industries
7 Grout
Weber Saint-GobinIndiaPvt. Ltd

Ferrous crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.

FosrocGP2 Fosroc India Ltd
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of products
Fugabella, Porcelana KerakollIndiaPvt. Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


MAPEI Construction Products India P


KCPL Kunal ConchemPvt. Ltd.,

Asian paints Smart Care SC GP Grout Grey

Pidilite Pidilite Industries Ltd.

Care Care

MAPEI Construction Products India P

Mapefill GPIN


Smart Care SC GP Grout
Asian Paints
HomeshieldSupergrout Berger Paints
Ultra Tech Ultra Tech Concrete
8 Ready Mix Concreate RMC (India) RMC (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Lafarge Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd

Mechanical coupler for Dextra Dextra India Pvt., Ltd.


Sanfield Sanfield India Ltd


Xtralite ULTRATECH Cement Ltd

Areocon HIL
Green way building materials India Pvt.
1 AAC Blocks Nucon

Renacon Renaatus Procon Pvt. Ltd.

Birla Aerocon HIL Ltd (CK Birla Group)


I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Ultrtech Ultratech cements Ltd.

Ardex Endura/Gold Star Ardex Endura

Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Adhesive for AAC Block
2 Smart Care Tile
/Tiles Asian Paints
Berger Paints

Tile Adhesive Plus


Jayna ply Jain Wood Industries
Raavella door Raavella Industrials (P) Ltd

Kailash Hi tech Timber Industries India

Pvt. Ltd

Shakthi Shree Shakthi Modern Flush doors

Greenlam Greenlam Industries

Mayur Mayur Plywood
MP Ply wood products MP Wood products
Archidply Archidply Industries Ltd
Wooden Flush door
1 D.E.C Infrastructure & Project (India)
shutters DEC
Greenpanel Greenpanel Industries Ltd.
Jain Doors Jain Doors Pvt. Ltd,

Indian Timber Products Indian Timber Products

Kitply Kitply Industries Ltd.

DuroFlushdoors Duro Ply Industries Ltd.

Kenwood Kenwood Ply & Board

Century Century Flush Doors

2 Water Proof Plywood, Jayna ply Jain Wood Industries

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Commercial ply, Fire Greenpanel Greenpanel Industries Ltd.

retardant ply and Block
Archidply Archidply Industries Ltd
boards, BWR Marine Ply,
BWR/ MR Ply. Kitply Kitply Industries Ltd.

Duroply Duro ply Industries Ltd.,

Century ply Century Flush Doors

Wuudply M/s Prime Veneers Ltd.

Green Lam Green lam Industries Ltd.

Centuary Centuray laminates
Merino Merino laminates
Royal touche Royal touche laminates
Kitmica Kitply Industries Ltd.
Formica Formica Laminates (India) Pvt Ltd.
3 Laminates Heritage Deco Mica Limited, Ahmedabad
Decolam Decolam India Pvt Ltd.
Archidply Archidply Industries Ltd
Sonear Sonear Laminates
Sunmica Sunmica Industries

Vidya Ply Vidya Ply & Board Pvt.Ltd.

Novapan GVK NovapanIndustries Pvt Ltd.,

Merino Marino laminates
Kitlam Kit PlyIndustires Ltd,
Ecoboard Ecoboard Industries Ltd.
Associate Associate Décor Limited
Prelaminted particle board
4 Archid ply Archid ply industries Ltd.
MDF (Exterior Grade)
TESA Balaji Action Buildwell
Centuary Centuary MDF
Green lam Green lam industries Ltd.
Heritage Deco Mica Limited, Ahmedabad
Greenpanel Greenpanel Industries Ltd.
Greenpanel Greenpanel Industries Ltd.
5 Veenering
Centuary Centuary MDF
6 FRP Door Frames & Jain Doors Jain Doors Pvt. Ltd,

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Shutter Signum Signum Fire Protection India Pvt. Ltd

Meena Fibre Glass, Meena Fibre Glass
Duroplast Duroplast extrusion Pvt Ltd
Cactus Cactus
Polyline Polyline
1.Factory made panel
door shutter, 2.Factory
7 made wire mesh door Jain doors Jain doors Pvt Ltd
shutters 3.LVL door

Pergo Red Floor India

High Density (HDF)
Prelaminated board Armstrong Armstrong world Industries
Green ply Green ply Industries Ltd.,
Gyproc Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Gyproc India Ltd
Lafarge Lafarge Gypsum India Pvt Ltd
9 Gypsum board
USG Boral Board USG Boral Board India (P) Ltd
Armstrong Armstrong wold Industries
Dorma Dorma India Pvt Ltd
Kich Kich Architectural Products Ltd.
Classic Classic hardware
Hafele Hafele India Pvt. Ltd
Ozone Ozone Hardware.
10 Glass Door Hardware Geze Geze GMBH
Define Define Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
Squash Squash glass doors
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd
D P Garg Pvt Ltd

Godrej Godrej locking solution & systems

Hardwyn Hardwyn hardware
Dorma Dorma India Pvt Ltd.
Hydraulic door closers/
11 Everite Everite agencies
Floor springs
MAGNUM KIT Mukund Overseas
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd
Geze GezeGMBH

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Garg D P Garg Pvt Ltd

Ingersolrand Ingersolrand India Pvt Ltd
OZONE Ozone Hardware.
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd
Godrej Godrej locking solutions& systems
Harrison Harrison locks
Plaza Bharat lock House
Yale ASSA ABLOY India (P) Ltd.
12 Locks & Latches
Hitech Globe Locks India
Hafele Hafele India Pvt. Ltd
Link Link Locks
Geze GezeGMBH
Garg D.P. Garg Pvt Ltd.,
Shakthi Hormann Shakthi Hormann Pvt Ltd,
Promot Promot fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.

Godrej Godrej Security solutions

Metalic / Steel Fire Door , Signum Fire Signum Fire Protection India Pvt. Ltd
frame and shutters MPP Schodders MPP Technology Pvt.Ltd.

NAVAIR NAVAIR International Pvt Ltd

Sukri Sukri Fire doors Pvt.Ltd

Kenwood Kenwood Ply & Board
Hilti Hilti India Pvt Ltd.
Raven Raven Global
14 Fire Smoke Seal Promat Promat fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.
Atroflame Ltd.
Ironite Ironite
Hardonite, Hardonite
FOSROC Fosroc India
Non Metalic Floor
15 SIKA SIKa India
Surface Hardners
BASF BASF India Ltd.,
CICO, CICO Technologies Ltd.,
Pidilite PidiliteIndustries Ltd,

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Dorma Dorma India Pvt. Ltd

Ingersolrand Ingersolrand (India) Ltd,
Geze GezeGMbH
16 Fire rated hardware
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd
Garg D.P. Garg Pvt Ltd.,
Backers FS Backers FS
NAVAIR NAVAIR International Pvt Ltd
Promot Promot fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.
17 Non Metalic Fire door
Godrej Godrej Security solutions
Kenwood Kenwood Ply & Board

Kundan Kundan Industries Ltd.

Pooja Pooja SteelCorportion

18 Stainless steel screws Atul Atul fasteners Ltd.

Alloy Alloy ltd
GKW GKW Limited
Nettlefold Nettlefold screws

Hafela Hafele India Pvt. Ltd

Alu Alpha Alu Alpha India

Earlt Bihari EarltBihari India Pvt .Ltd.
Butt Hinges openable
window shutters Dorma DormakabaIndiaPvt. Ltd

Garg D.P. Garg Pvt Ltd.,

Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd

Jolly Jolly Engineering works

Garg D.P Garg& Company

Amit Lovely metal industries Pvt Ltd.
Mild Steel Butt Hinges /
20 Jyoti Jyoti Architectural Pvt Ltd.
Piano hinges
Supreme Supreme
Saswat Saswat
Deepak Deepak
Swift Swift screws

21 Stainless steel Butt hinges Prayag PrayagPolymers (P) Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Ozone Ozone Hardware.

Dorma Dormakaba India Pvt Ltd

Dorma Dorma India Pvt Ltd
Ingersolrand Ingersolrand (India) Ltd,
22 Concealed tower bolt Alu Alpha Alu Alpha India
Garg D.P. Garg Pvt Ltd.,
DORSET Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd
Fenesta Fenasta DCM Shriman
QUTE QuteextrusionPvt. Ltd
LG LG Housys India
Profine India Window technology Pvt
Duroplast Duroplast extrusion Pvt Ltd

Polyline Polyline extrusion Pvt Ltd

Aparna Venstar Aparna Enterprises Ltd.

AMD AMD overseas Impex (India) Pvt. LTD.
SimtaAstrix Simta clear coats pvt.Ltd
UPVC doors, frames and Rajshri Rajshri Productions Pvt. Ltd.
window profiles

Prominance Prominance Window Systems

Marcolini Mathura Polypack(P) Ltd.

Akshara Polymerss Akshara Polymerss

Encraft Encraft India Pvt.Ltd.

Rehau Rehau Unlimited Polymer Solutions

Aluplast Alu Alpha India

B.G Shirke Construction Technology

Pvt Ltd.

Hetich HetichIndia Pvt .Ltd.

24 Stainless friction hinges
Haffle Haffle India Pvt .Ltd.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Securistyle Securistyle India Pvt .Ltd.

Earl Bihari Earl Bihari India Pvt .Ltd.
ROTO ROTO Frank Asia
Saint Gobain, Saint Gobain India Pvt .Ltd. ,

Asahi Asahi India glass .Ltd.

25 Float Glass
Pilkinton Pilkinton India Pvt .Ltd.

Modiguard Gujarat Guardian Ltd.

Saint Gobain, Saint Gobain India Pvt .Ltd. ,

Asahi Asahi India glass .Ltd.

26 Reflective glass
Pilkinton Pilkinton India
Glaverbel Glaverbel India
Modifloat Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
Saint Gobain, Saint GobainIndia Pvt .Ltd.
FUSO FUSO Glass India Pvt .Ltd.
Tempered reflective/clear Gurind Gurind India
glass Impact safety Impact safety glassworkes Pvt Ltd
Asahi Asahi India glass Ltd,
Modiguard Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
Contra flam/ Pyroswiss
Saint Gobain India Pvt Ltd.
of SanitGobain
28 Fire rated glass Pyran of Schott Schott glass India Pvt .Ltd.
Pilkinton Pilkinton India
Promat Promat fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.
Hilti Hilti India Pvt .Ltd.
Fischer Fischer India
Anchor Anchor Ltd

Anchor/ SS Stone Dash Kundan Kundan Industires Ltd.

Nutech Nutech Construction Chemicals

Canon Cannon

Wurth Wuerth India Pvt. Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Trixel Axel India Pvt.Ltd

Helfen Helfen Anchoring System


30 Partions Birla Aerocon HIL Ltd (CK Birla Groups)
1 Structural Steel VIZAG RINL
Apollo APL Apollo
M.S.Pipes / Tubes SAIL SAIL
and Hollow sections. TISCO TATA STEEL
METPRO MKK Matel Section Pvt. Ltd.
R.K. Steel Manufacturing CompnayPvt.
R.K. Steel
2 Ltd.,
Apollo APL Apollo
Kalinga Kalinga Tubes
Nezone Nezone Tubes Limited
Salem SAIL
Jindal JSW
Stainless steel pipes / SAIL SAIL
Connect Connect ltd.
Ark Ark Product Pvt. Ltd

Kundan Kundan Industires Ltd

Stainless steel Bolts, Pooja Pooja Steel Corrporation

washers, nuts
Atul Atul fasterners Ltd

Hilti Hilti India Pvt. Ltd

Kundan Kundan Industires Ltd

Stainless steel pressure
plate screws
Pooja Pooja steel corporation

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Atul Atul fasterners Ltd

Advani Advani oerlikon Ltd.

6 Welding rods
ESAB ESAB India Pvt. Ltd


7 Metal Deck Sheet
8 Shear Stud/Connector KOCO KOSTER & Co.
Madhu Industries, Madhu Industries, San Harvic, NCL
Steel Windows/Pressed
9 San Harvic, San Harvic
Steel Frames
NCL NCL Industries
M S Precision Tubes R K Steel Manufacturing Compnay Pvt
10 R K Steel
(cold seamless pipes Ltd
Asian (AGL) Asian Granite India Ltd
RAK RAK Ceramic IndiaPvt Ltd.
Kajaria Kajaria Ceramic Ltd
Restile Restile Ceramic Ltd
Somany Somany Ceramic Ltd
Jhonson Prism Jhonson Ltd
Vitrified tiles & Bath Orient Bell Orient Bell Ltd
room anti-skid tiles Varmora Granito Granite Ptd
Varmora Granito
Oasis Oasis Vitrified Pvt Ltd
Naveen Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd.,
Anuj Aravid Ceramic Industries Ltd
Asttra Tile and Pavers
Viero Aparna Tiles
Aparna Vitero Aparna Enterprises Ltd
Asian (AGL) Asian Granite India Ltd
Glazed Wall Ceramic
2 RAK RAK Ceramic IndiaPvt Ltd.
Kajaria Kajaria Ceramic Ltd
Somany Somany Ceramic Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Jhonson Prism Jhonson Ltd

Orient Bell Orient Bell Ltd
Varmora Granito Granite Ptd
Varmora Granito
Oasis Oasis Vitrified Pvt Ltd
Naveen Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd.,
Anuj Aravid Ceramic Industries Ltd
Eurocon Eurocon tiles India
Dazzle Dazzle Designer tiles Pvt Ltd
Ultra Ultra tile private Ltd.
Cement concrete parking Aravid Ceramic Industries
3 Anuj
tiles Limited,
Hindustan tiles Hindustan tiles, Ranchi Pune
Poddar Paddar Udyog
Asttra Asttra tile and pavers company
NTC parking tiles
Armstrong Armstrong flooring
Synthetic Sports Track
4 LG LG Hausys India
Wondor floor RMG Polyvinyl India Ltd
Armstrong flooring India Pvt
5 Linoleum Sports Flooring Forbo Forbo flooring India Pvt Ltd
Gerflor Gerflor flooring
Hewetson Hewetson India
Unifloor Unifloor Inida Ltd
Unitile Unitile Office system Pvt Ltd
False flooring Kebao Inner Space (Distributors)
Access floor system Access Floor System
Armstrong Armstrong flooring
Werner Durafloor Werner Gmbh
Engineered wooden
7 Pergo Redfloor India
Mikasa Real wood floors Green Lam Industries
New wood New wood india Ltd
8 White Cement ACC ACC Cements Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Birla Birla Corportion Ltd.

JK White JK Cement ltd.
9 Vitrified Paving tiles PAVIT PAVIT ceramics Pvt Ltd.
TOLI TOLI Corporation
10 Synthetic Carpet tiles Hollitex Hollitex Carpet tiles
Standard Carpets Standard Carpets
Italia Tile Italia Mosaics Pvt Ltd
Palladio Palladio Mosaics
Bisazza Bisazza Italy
Coral Coral tiles
11 Glass Mosaic tiles Mridul Mridul tiles
Birla white Birla Corporation Ltd
JK White J K Cement Ltd
PAVIT Ceramics Pvt Ltd
PAVIT (Eco Tile)
LG Hausys LG Hausys
12 PVC Flooring Ger flor Gerflor flooring
Armstrong Armstrong world Industires
Unistone Unistone
13 Grass Paver
Ultra Ultra Ltd

Elastospray BASF
Thermal Insulation Pidilite Pidilite industries
treatment Rock India Pvt.LTd Rock India Pvt.Ltd
Weathercoat Kool & Seal Berger Paints
Roof Tiles (for PAVIT (Eco Tile) PAVIT Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Temperature reduction) Anuj Aravid Ceramic Industries Ltd
Twingerinsul U.P.Twigafiber glass Ltd
Lloyd Insulation Lloyd Insulation (India ) Ltd
Saint Gobain Gyproc Saint GobainGyproc India
3 Acoustic Insulation
Himalyan Acoustics Himalyan Acoustics
Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt. Ltd.
Anutone Anutone Acoustics Ltd.
UPVC Pipes and fittings Supreme Superme Industries Ltd.
(Rain water pipes) Prince Prince pipes and fittings Ltd.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Finolex Finolex Industries Ltd.

Prepoly Premier PVC Industry.
Astral Astral polytechnik Ltd.
Ajay Ajay Industrial Corporation
Sharon Sharon Extrusions.
Vectus Vectus
Prayag Prayag Polimers (P) Ltd
Flow Guard Flow Guard
Truflow HSIL Ltd of Hindware
Ashirwad Ashirwad PVC Pipes
Lloyd Insulation Lloyd Insulation (India) Ltd
Jindal Mectec/ Jindal Meetee Pvt Ltd
Sandwich PUF panelled
5 Danpalon Danapal Light architecture
roofing sheets
GE Plastic GE Silicones
Lexan Lexan Ltd
Danapalon Danapal Light Architecture
Alcox Hindeggan Alcox Ltd
6 Polycorbanate roof sheets Polygal Polygal India Pvt Ltd
MG Polyplast MG Polyplas
GE Lexon GE Silicones
Aerolite Andhra Polimers Pvt Ltd
Anutone Anutone Accoustics Ltd
Armstrong Armstrong World Industries
Ramco Ramco Industries Ltd
Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt Ltd
7 False Ceilings
Himalyan Acoustics Himalyan Acoustics
Saint Gobain Gyproc Saint Gobain Gyproc India
Gridsquare Gridsquare Ceilings
USG Boral USG Boral
Hunter Dougals Hunter Dougals
Armstrong Armstrong World Industries
Gypframe steel British Gypsum
False ceiling members
(Perimeter, ceiling Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt Ltd
section, intermediates Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Gyproc
angles etc)
Aerolite Andhra Polimers Pvt Ltd
Gridsquare Gridsquare Ceilings

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Hunter Dougals Hunter Dougals

Non Asbestos fiber sheet

9 Charminar Fortune HIL Ltd (CK Birla Group)
(Cement roofing sheets)

Lloyd Metel Craft Lloyd Insulation (India ) Ltd

Galvolume sheet for Tata Blue Scope Tata Bluescope
10 roofing, cladding, Bhushan Bhushan steel
sandwhitch panel JSW JSW
ESSAR Essar Group
SUB HEAD No.13 & 14
Premium gloss enamel Asian paint Ltd
Dulex ICI dulex Ltd
Nerolac NerolacPaints Ltd
1 Synthetic enamel Paint
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon Paint India Ltd.
Surfa Coats Surfa coats Pvt Ltd
Wood primer Asian paint
Dulex ICI dulex
NerolacKansiaNerolac Paints
2 Pink primer Nerolac
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon
High performance yellow metal
Asian paint
Dulex ICI dulex
Red Oxide Zinc Chromate
3 Nerolac Neroloc Paints Ltd
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon
Tractor Aqalock Asian paint
Dulex ICI dulex
Nerolac Neroloc Paints Ltd
4 Oil Bound Distemper
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon
mG Polyplast Neroloc Paints Ltd
Tractor emulsion (premium) Asian paint
5 Acrylic emulsion
Dulex ICI dulex

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Nerolac Neroloc Paints Ltd

Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon
Surfa Coats Surfa coats Pvt Ltd
Asian exterial wall primer Asian paint
Berger Berger Paints
6 Water Proof Cement paint Cem Colour Snowcem Paints
Surfa Surfacoats (India) Pvt Ltd
ACE / Apex Asian paint
Dulex ICI dulex
Acrylic smooth exterior Nerolac Neroloc Paints Ltd
paint Berger Berger
Nippon Nippon
Surfa Coats Surfa coats Pvt Ltd
ULTIMA Asian paint
Dulex ICI dulex
Premium Acrylic smooth Nerolac Neroloc Paints Ltd
8 exterior paint with silicon
additives Berger Berger
Nippon Nippon
Surfex Rain Shield Surfa coats Pvt Ltd
J.K.wall putty J.K. Cement Ltd.
Birla wall case Birla Cements Ltd.,
Asian paints Asian paints Ltd
Altek NCL Alltek&seccold Ltd.
9 Cement based wall putty
Birla Hil HIL Ltd (CK Birla Group)
Berger Berger
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura India Pvt. Ltd.
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Apex Duracast Asian paint
10 Acrylic Texured Plaster
Spectrum Paints Spectrum Paints Ltd
Heritage Heritage Rajkamal Group
Asian Paints Asian Paints
Neroloc Neroloc Paints Ltd
Ready Mix Cement
11 Wall Plast Wall Plast products Pvt Ltd

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Readi Plast Ultra tech cement Ltd

Ramco super plaster melamine Ramco Cement Ltd
Gyproc Plasters Saint Gobain Gyproc India
Ultra tech Ultra tech Cement Ltd
Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt Ltd
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt Ltd
Asian paints Asian paints
12 Melamine Polish Polycure Polycuremalaysia
Melamine Gold wudfin Pidilite industries
Jotun Jotun paints
Hilti Hilti India
13 Fire retardant paint Akzonobel DulexAkzonobel Paints
Asian Paints Asian Paints
Berger Berger paints India Ltd.
Anticorrosive bitumastic
14 Shalimar Shalimar paints India Ltd.
IS 158 bituminous black Asian Paints
Asian paints Asian paints
15 Cement Primer JK Primaxx JK Cement Ltd.
Berger Berger paints India Ltd.
Berger Berger paints India Ltd.
Shalimar Shalimar paints
Asian Epoxy Asian Paints
STP Ltd. Shalimar Tar Products
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura India Pvt. Ltd.
16 Epoxy Paint
MAPEI Construction Products
Mapecoat L24
India P Ltd.
Nerolac Neroloc Paints Ltd
Sunanda Speciality Coatings
Sun Epoxy Paint Pvt,Ltd

Fosroc Fosroc India

Laticrete MYK Laticrete India
17 Epoxy Coating
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura India Pvt. Ltd.
MAPEI Construction Products
Mapecoat DW25
India P Ltd.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Sunanda Speciality Coatings
Sun Epoxy Paint
Dow corning Dow corning India
BASF BASF India Ltd.
18 Sililcon coating
GE GE Silicones
Wacker Wacker silicones.
Asian expoxy Asian paints
Berger Berger Paints India Ltd
Textured Acyrlic Exterior Surfa Coats Surfa coats Pvt Ltd
paint Akzonobel DulexAkzonobel Paints
Ebco Ebco
Neroloc Neroloc Paints Ltd
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Ready made/ Gysum
20 Gyproc Cute 100 Gyproc India
Ultra tech Ultra tech Cement Ltd
PU Enamel Metalic Paints Akzonobel Akzonobel Paints
21 on MS Structure & Epoxy Asian Asian paints
paints (Premium Quality) Berger Berger Paints India Ltd
MRF MRF Paints
Smart care Asian paints
Pidilite Pidilite Industries
22 Resistant Liquid applied
coating) Fosroc Fosroc India
PU Roofkoat Berger Paints
High end Exterior
23 Allura/ Graniza Range Asian paints
SKK Brand SKK Ltd
Berger Berger Paints India Ltd
Dazzle Dazzle designer tiles (P) Ltd.
Interlocking Concrete Ultra Ultra tiles Pvt Ltd.,
Paver Blocks Shree Shree Bharat Paver blocks
Hindustan tiles Hindustan tiles, Ranchi Pune
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Vyara tiles VYARA TILES Pvt.Ltd.,/Surat

Basant Betons Basant Betons
Asttra Tile and Pavers
3M 3M Science
Solar studs/ Median Avery Dennison Avery Dennison India Pvt Ltd.
markers Nippon carbideIndustires
Polycorbonate Convex
3 mirrors, Rubberised road Unique safety solutions Unique safety solutions
Modi Guard Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd.,
1 Mirrors AIS mirror Asahi India glass Ltd,
Atul Atul glass Industries Ltd.,
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.,
Hindware HSIL Ltd,
Roca ROCA Bath room products
Parryware ROCA BathPvt. Ltd.,
Kohler Kohler world wide
Somany Somany Ceramic Ltd,
Vitreous Commodes/ Golf Ceramics (Prayag) Golf Ceramics Ltd
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.,
Rak Ceramics Rak Ceramics India Pvt. Ltd
Jaquar Jaquar Group
Bathsense Asian paints
Parryware ROCA Bath Pvt. Ltd.,
Shakti Shakti Enterprises
Flushing Cistern with
3 Hindware HSIL Ltd,
Rak Ceramics Rak Ceramics India Pvt. Ltd
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.,
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Kohler Kohler world wide

Jaquar Jaquar Group
Bathsense/TECE Asian paints Ltd
Parryware ROCA Bath Pvt. Ltd.,
Shakti Shakti Enterprises
4 Urinals Hindware HSIL Ltd,
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.,
Rak Ceramics Rak Ceramics India Pvt. Ltd
Supreme SupermeIndustires Ltd.
Astral Astral polytechnik Ltd.
Finolex Finolex Industries Ltd.,
Ajay Ajay Industries Ltd.
Vectus Vectus Industries Ltd.,
Prince Prince Pipes and fittings
SWR / UPVC Pipes&
5 Prayag Prayag polymers Pvt Ltd.,
Sentini Flopipes, India Private
Birla Hil HIL Ltd (CK Birla Group)
Astral Astral Poly Technik Limited,
Flowgard Ashirwad PVC Pipes
Truflow HSIL Ltd of Hindware
Jhonson PrisionJhonson Ltd.,
Diamond Pheonix Appliances Pvt. Ltd.
Jindal Centuarypolytech
Kingston Kingston brass India
Jyoti (India) matel Industries
Pvt Ltd.
Hindware HSIL Ltd
Stainless Steel Kitchen Blue stone sanitary Industries
6 Silver shine
sink Pvt. Ltd.
Prayag PrayagPolimers (P) Ltd.
Navkar Shri Navkar Metals Ltd.
Futura Kitchen Sinks India Pvt.
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.,
Nilkanth Nilkant
Joyna Joyna

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Franke Franke India Ltd.

AOS Systems, AOS Systems
Parryware, Parryware
Sensor Based Auto flush
7 Hindware, HSIL Ltd
Grohe, Grohe
Jaquar Jaquar Group
Kochier Kochier
Neco JayaswalNeco Ltd
Raj Pattern Makers and
Founders Pvt. Ltd.
Centrifugally Caste
SKF brand SKF Industries
8 (Spun) Iron Soil waste,
Pipes and fittings. HEPCO Hepco
Bengal Iron Corporation Bengal Iron Corporation
M/s.Babulal Bajaj Iron

Sleek Asian Paints

Modular Kitchen/
9 Wardrobes/ Hardware and Godrej Godrej & Boyee Co
Spacewood Spacewood
Evoke Evoke
TATA TATA Steel Ltd.,
Zenith Zenith Birla (India) Ltd.
Jindal Jindal Pipes Ltd.,
1 G I Pipes R.K. Steel Manufacturing
R.K. Steel
CompnayPvt. Ltd.,
Apollo APL Apollo
PE-AL-PE Composite
2 Kitec Kitec Industries (India) Pvt Ltd
Zoloto Zoloto Industries
Unik Unikmalleables
3 G I Pipe fittings
HB HB Industries
ICS Sgreesamarth Engineers

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


R.K. Steel Manufacturing

R.K. Steel
CompnayPvt. Ltd.,
Zoloto Zoloto Industries
leader leader valves Ltd.,
4 Water supply Valves
ARCO Arco valves Pvt. Ltd.,
Nanda Nanda Miller company
Supreme Supreme Industries Ltd.
Finolex FinolexIndustries Ltd.
Astral Astral Polytechnik Ltd.,
Prince Prince Pipes andfinttings Ltd,.
Ajay Ajay Industrial corporation
Prayag Prayag polymers Pvt Ltd.,
Vectus Vectus Industries Ltd.,
5 CPVC pipes and fittings
Truflo HIS Ltd.
Anil Anil Thermoplastics Pvt. Ltd.
Birla Hil HIL Ltd (CK Birla Group)
Sentini SentiniFlopipesIndiaPvt. Ltd.
Astral Astral Poly Technik Limited,
Ashirwad Ashirwad PVC Pipes
Flowgard Flowgaurd
Sintex Sintexplastic technology Ltd,.
PVC / HDPE water
6 Vectus Vectus Industries Ltd.
storage tanks
Supreme Supreme Industries Ltd.
Water supply fixtures like
Jaquar Jaquar Group
bibcock, Shower panels
CP Brass fixtures like
bibcock, angle cock , Piler Roca bath room products Pvt.
Cock, mixtures, Showers Ltd,
Metro Metro sanitationsPvt. Ltd.,
Waterman Kewal brothers
7 Seiko Seiko Sanitations
Prayag Prayag polymers Pvt Ltd.,
Kingston Kingston brass India
Johnson Prism Jhonson Ltd
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.,
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Kirloskar Kirloskar brothers Ltd.,

8 Air release valve RBM AFS Ltd.,
Kartar Kartar valves private Ltd.,
Jindal Jindal saw Ltd.
Centrifugally (Spun) Cast
9 Kesoram Kesoram Industries Ltd.
Iron Pipes
Electrosteel Electrosteel castings Ltd.
Kartar KartarValves Private Ltd.
Neco Jayaswal Neco Ltd
Electrosteel Electrosteel castings Ltd.
10 Spun Cast iron Fittings Kapilansh Centrifugal Kapilansh Dhatu Udyog(P)Ltd.
SKF brand Pvt. Ltd.,

Kirloskar Kirloskar brothers Ltd.,

Kartar Kartar valves private Ltd.,
CI double flange sluice
11 IVS Indian valves private Ltd.,
Zoloto Zolota Industries
Leader Leader valves Ltd.
Kirloskar Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.,
CI double flanged non
12 Fluidtech Fluidtech
return valve
Zolto Zolota Industries
Zolto Zolota Industries
Leader Leader valves Ltd.
13 Gun metal Valves
Sant Sant valves Pvt Ltd,
Audco L&T Valves
PTMT/PVC water supply PEARL Precision Products
fittings like bibcocks,
14 Prayag Prayag Polymers (P) Ltd
pillar cock, Angle valve,
Stop Valve etc. Supreme Supreme Industries
Prayag, Prayag Polymers (P) Ltd
Leader, Leader valves Ltd.
15 Float Valve (Ball Valve) Zoloto, Zolota Industries
IBP IBP Industries
Arco Arco valves Pvt. Ltd.,
DEC Infrastructure & Project
16 HDPE Pipes DEC
(India) Pvt Ltd
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



Indian Hume Pipe Indian Hume Pipe Ltd.,
1 *RCC Pipes Jain & Co Jain spun pipes Co.,
Lakshmi Sood&Sood Lakshmi Sood&Sood Pipe Co.
(*) Madurai spun pipes has been discontinued from the approval list as they have confirmed that
they do not possess BIS license.
Neco JayaswalNeco Ltd.,
BIC Bengal iron corporation
2 CI Manhole cover DEC Infrastructure & Project
(India) Prviate Limited.
HEPCO Binay Udyog Pvt. Ltd.
KK Manhole and gratings Co
Pvt Ltd.,
Advent Advent concrete vision
3 SFRC Cover and grating Nu-Tech concrete products
(P) Ltd,.
Kutty Kutty Industries
DEC DEC I & P India Pvt.Ltd.
KK Manhole and gratings Co
KK India
Plastic Encapsulated Foot Pvt Ltd.,
4 KGM KGM Exports .
Accurate Buildcon Accurate Buildcon company.
Neco JayaswalNeco Ltd
Sri Jagannath Iron Foundry
Pvt. Ltd.
Spun cast iron covers & Kapilansh Centrifugal Kapilansh Dhatu Udyog(P)Ltd.
Pvt. Ltd.,
SKF brand


Hindalco Hindalco Industries Ltd.,
jindal jindalAluminium Ltd.,
Aluminium Bhoruka BhorukaAluminium Ltd.,
doors/windows sections
Indal Indian Aluminium Ltd.,
Padmavathi Extrusion Private
Padmavathi Extrusion

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Hydro Hydro Extrusion

Omalco Extrusion Omalco Extrusion Pvt. Ltd.
Bhoruka BhorukaAluminium Ltd.,
Define Define Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
Schueco SchuecoIndiaPvt. Ltd.,
BhorukaAluminium Ltd.,
Aluminium systems/ Kawneer India
Anodised aluminium
fittings for Hardima Hardima sales corporation
Everite Everite Agencies
Sigma Corporation
Jyothi Industries
Earl Bihari Pvt. Ltd.
Earl Bihari
3 Friction stay hinges
Kinlong Industries
Anand Anand NVH products (P) Ltd.,
Roop Roop Polymers Ltd.,
Bohra Bohra rubber Pvt Ltd.,
4 EPDM Gaskets
Hanu Industries
Amee Rubber Industries Pvt
Amee Rubber
5 Silicon Gaskets Sree Gaurav Sree Gaurav Rubber Products
3M 3M
Sun Sun
6 Masking Tapes Wonder polymer
Wonder Tape Industries
Roop Polymers Ltd.,
Twigaifiber glass ltd
Rockwool/ Glasswool Llyod Insulation
7 Llyod Insulation Ltd.
Supereme Industries ltd

8 Aluminium Formwork MFE(MIVAN) MIVAN

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


S-Form S-Form
Aluminium Composite M/s.Alstone Industries Pvt
Panel Ltd., New Delhi.
Fosroc Fosroc India
Sika Sika India
Dr.Fixit PidiliteIndustires
CICO CICO Technologies Ltd.,
Impermo Snowcem paints
Accoproof ACC cements Ltd.,
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura (India) Ltd
Alchemica Alchemica Ltd.
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
1 Water proofing compound MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of
Penetron Penetron India Pvt.Ltd
Smart Care Asian Paints

Cementmix Plus/Advanced Latex

Berger Paints

Shaliplast LW+ STP Ltd

Mapecure AS/Mapecure E M/s MAPEI Constructions
30/Mapecure ASE Product India Pvt. Ltd.
KCPL Kunal ConchemPvt. Ltd.,
BASF BASF India Ltd.,
Texsa Texsa India Ltd
WR Grace WR Grace Co India Pvt Ltd,
Dr.Fixit PidiliteIndustires
Membarane Water Alchemica Alchemica Ltd.
proofing system
Hydro tech Hydro tech Ltd
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
MYK Arments range of
MYK Schomburg
Smart Care Water Proofing
Asian paints

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Ardex Endura Ardex Endura ltd

Mapeplan TU S20/Planiseal M/s MAPEI Constructions
88/Planiseak 288 Product India Pvt. Ltd.
Sunanda Speciality Coatings
Elastoroof PU/Sunroof PU/Sunkote
KCPL Kunal ConchemPvt. Ltd.,
BASF BASF India Ltd.,
MC-Bauchemie MS-Bauchemie India Ltd.,
Sika Sika India
Sunanda speciality coating Pvt
Sunanda speciality coating
Perma construction Aid Pvt
Chemical water proofing Perma construction Aid
3 Ltd,
system Fosroc Fosroc India
Dr.Fixit PidiliteIndustires
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Smart Care Asian Paints
Latexshield 2K/Tankshield PW Berger Paints
KCPL Kunal ConchemPvt. Ltd.,
Hydrotite Sika India
BASF BASF India Ltd.,
Dr.Fixit PidiliteIndustires
4 Water stops Hydroswell Sika India
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura ltd
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Smart Care Asian Paints
STP Shalimar Tar Products
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Bitumat Co. Ltd, Bitumat Co. Ltd,
Atactic Polypropylene Pidilite PidiliteIndustries Ltd,
5 (APP) Modified Water Ardex Endura Ardex Endura
proof Membrane Hydrotech Ltd. Hydro tech Ltd
Smart Care Asian Paints
Proshield Berger Paints
IWL India Limited IWL India Limited
Smart Care Asian Paints
EPDM Water Proofing
6 Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Pidilite Pidilite Industries
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


STP Shalimar Tar Products

Fosroc Fosroc India
Alucobond 3A Composites India Pvt.Ltd.
M/S Euro panel products Pvt.
M/S Aludecor Lamination Pvt.
Aluminium composite
1 Reynobond Reynobond
Alpolic Alpolic
Alstrong Alstrong
Hynadecor Hynadecor AC Panels, Delhi
Alstone Alstone, New Delhi
Eurobond Eurobond Pvt.Ltd.,Delhi
Modi, Modi Guard
Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd.,
2 Structural Glazing
Glaverbel Glaverbel India
Asahi, Asahi India glass Ltd,
Dorma, Dormakaba India Pvt. Ltd
Sevax Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd.,
Spider Patch Fittings for
3 Kich Kich India
Structural Glazzing
Ozone Ozone Ltd
Hafele Hafele Ltd
Rex Polyextrusion Rex Polyextrusion Ltd,
Akash Enterprises Akash Enterprises
1 PVC Perforated Pipes
Zenplas Pipes Zenplas Pipes Pvt. Ltd.,
Supreme Supreme Industries
Koochi Play Koochie Play Systems Pvt.Ltd
2 Play Equipements
Playworld Systems Playworld Systems India
Dow corning Dow corning India
Wacker Wacker Silicones.
GE GE Silicones
3 Structural Sealant
Fosroc Fosroc India
BASF BASF India Ltd.,
STP Ltd. Shalimar Tar Products

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Asian paints Smart Care Sealant

Dr.Fixit PidiliteIndustries Ltd,
Chemetall-Raj BASF India Ltd.,
Fosroc Fosroc India
Techseal Choksey Chemical Pvt. Ltd,
Tuff seal Bondit construction Chemical
4 Poly-sulphide sealant Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
MYK Arments range of
MYK Schomburg
Pidilite PidiliteIndusteries
STP Ltd. Shalimar Tar Products
Smart Care Asian Paints
Bitumen Impregnated
5 Shalitex STP Limited
6 Polyethylene backer rod Supreme Supreme Industries
CICO Poxy CICO Technologies Ltd.,
Fosroc Fosroc India
Shalibons STP Limited
7 Epoxy
Ardex ArdexEndura (India) Pvt. Ltd,.
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Asian paints Asian Paints
Weather / Structural Dow corning Dow corning India
Silicon sealent Momentive (GE) GE Silicones
Terrafirma Terrafirma GRC Industries
9 GRC Jali Ecovision Ecovision Industries Pvt Ltd
Mahesh GRC Mahesh Prefab Pvt Ltd
Cool grills Cool grills , pune
10 Air Transfer grills
Systemair India Systemair India Pvt Ltd
Ply wood for concrete
11 Balajee ply Balajee ply product Pvt Ltd
shuttering work
Unistone Unistone
12 Grass Paver
Ultra Ultra Ltd
Smart Care Asian Paints
Llyod Insulation Llyod Insulation (India) Ltd
13 Puff Insulations Fosroc Fosroc India
Pidilite Pidilite Industries Ltd
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Supreme Supreme Ltd

Alstone Industries Pvt
Ecoste Wood Polymer
Composite, Delhi
Wood Polymer Magma M/s SMP Impex Bangalore
Composite materials for
Kumar Arch Tech Pvt Ltd,
14 door frames and shutters, Echon
plain/pre laminated
boards for wall linings etc Rajeswari Products Pvt Ltd M
Qute Extrusions Pvt Ltd
Prominance Prominance Window Systems
Epitome Bamboowood Products Mutha Industries
Bamboo wood Flooring Flooring India Company,
15 Floor India
and wall Paneling Panipat Haryana
Ecorgreen flooring Jupiter Traders, Banglore.
Prapt Organics Parapat Organics
Organic microbes for
16 Mygreen Bin Mygreen Bin
Shara Eco Products Shara Eco Products

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


As on 02.12.2020
List of Approved Electrical materials
NOTE: Not withstanding to the approval given in the list, the field staff are requested to observe
the following conditions
1 Equivalent material and finishes of any other make may be used on written request of the
contractor, in case of unavoidable circumstances and also if it is established that minimum
three brands are not specified below or three brands out of all brands specified below are
not available in the market, after written approval of the alternate brand by the NIT
approving authority. This substitution shall be subject to cost adjustment in case the
substituting brand is available at cheaper rates in market than those mentioned herein
above. There shall be no cost adjustement if the substituting brand is costlier in market
than those mentioned herein.

2 In addition, the brands approved as hereunder, should have valid and active BIS certificate
as on the date of supply for the work.

3 Material shall conform to make in India policy of Government of India as on the date of
supply for the work.

4 Other brands not included in the list below but having BIS certificate on the date of
supply for the work shall only be allowed against note (1) above.

5 In case of non availability of BIS codes for any of the materials incorporated above, the
Engineer-in-charge shall send the materials for testing as per the relevant ASTM or EN
codes and satisfy himself before using the same in work.

Internal Electrical Installations

Sl.No Name of Product Manufacture By

PVC insulated copper Anchor/Finolex/Havells/RR

1 conductor FRLS copper Kabel/Asmon/Mescab/L&T/KEI/Power
ISI marked. flex/Superlite/Polycab/Q-flx/Goldmedal/Orbit/Laser Cables.
2 MCB/ DB‟s anasonic by Anchor/Asmon/Havells/BCH/C&S/Indo
Asian/Gold Medal/Great White.
Legrand Ekinox3/Schneider ACTI9/Siemens
3 Betagard/Myrius/Crabtree/Panasonic/Havells/Eaton/ABB/G
E/Hager/L&T/Asmon/Panasonic by Anchor/Asmon.
4 UTP Cable
Pannet/Havells /Batra / Henlay

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Finolex/Sterlite Tech /Commscope/ Corning/ Panduit/

5 OFC Cable
XLPE UG Aluminium Cables/RR Kable/Henlay/Polycab/Gold Medal/Orbit/Laser
/Copper LT Cable Cables/great White/ Q-Flx/Waina/Lappakable/Anchor
7 Cable glands Jainsons/Cornet/Dowells/Prabath/polycab/Peeco/Gripwel/R
8 Cable Lugs
aychem/Grandlay/multi/Capital/Schneider Electric.
9 DWC Pipe Gemini/Rex/Duraline
PVC Conduit (ISI
Emjay/Javeri)/D.E.C Infrastructure & Project/
10 Marked) (Colour-
11 GI Pipe Jindal/ TATA/ Zenith Birla/ SAIL.
12 Telephone/ Cat 6 Cable Legrand/ Delton/ AMP/ Havells/ Superlite/ Q-
Flx/Orbit/Laser Cables/ Great White.
Legrand-Myrius/ Crabtree-Althena/MK-
Modular Switches &
LogicPlus/Honeywell BenzPlus/Anchor
Sockets, Fan Regulator,
13 (RomaPlus)/Schneider
RJ-45 Data Socket for
CMS applications.
Asian/C&S/Gold Medal/ Great White/Zencilo & Panasonic.
Modular type switches/ Legrand-Myrius-Arteror/Schneieder-Opale-Livia/MK-
GI Boxes/ Sockets Elements/Crabtree/ Panasonic/ Havells (ORO)/ MK-Logic
14 T.V/Telephone/LAN Plus/ Honeywell (Benz Plus)/Anchor/ (Roma
socket Outlet etc for Plus)/Savic/Crab tree-Athena/Lisha/Polycab/Indo
Normal application. Asian/C&S/Gold Medal/Great White/Zencilo & Panasonic.
AC Ceiling Fans (Star
15 Crompton/Orient/Havells/Bajaj/Anchor Panasonic/Polycab.
BLDC Fans (Ceiling
16 Fans/Wall Fans/Pedestal ATOMBERG-Efficio.
Fans/Exhaust Fans)
17 Exhaust Fans
All LED Fittings ls/Corvi/Syska/Panasonic/Eveready/Lighting
18 (Indoor/Outdoor Light Technologies/Litaski/polycab/Elenserve/Banbury/K-
Fittings) Lite/Gold Medal/Venture Lightings/Great

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Tricolite Electric Industries (Pvt.) ltd./Advance Panel and

Electrical LT Panel Switchgears Pvt.Ltd/Adlec Mundka/Neptune/Power Control
Boards/Feeder Equipments/Load Controls/Amararaja/Leela Electric and
19 pillars/Meter Manufacturer having in-house 7 tank process,powder
Boards/Control & Relay coating facility,CNC Machine having CPRI approved for
Panels. relevant bus bar rating.(The decision of the Engineer-in-
charge will be final and binding.)
Changeover L&T/ABB/Schneider/C&S/Legrand/Havells/Indo
Switches,SDFU Asian/GE/Socomee/Siemens/hager/Anchor.
Moulded Case Circuit
21 Breaker/Motor protection
vells/BCH/Indo Asian/Eaton.
circuit breaker Electric

22 Phenolic laminated sheet. 3 mm thick with ISI mark

Ammeter/Voltmeter/Com AE/Mecon/Schneider/L&T/HPL/C&S/Conserve/Kaycee/Cr
bined Meters ompton Greaves/Seomee (Diris).
24 Analogue Panel meters AE/Mecon/Schneider/L&T/HPL/C&S/Conserve/Kaycee.

25 TV Coxial Cable Havell‟s/Finolex/Anchor/DELTON/RR KABEL/Superlite.

Cable trays (Hot Dip

26 RMCON/Profab/Indiana/MBM/Legrand/BEC.
Fire Extinguisher (With
27 CeaseFire/Safex/Minimax/Agni/Usha Fire Safety/Padmini.
ISI mark)
28 MS Conduits(ISI Marked)
Birla/NIC/Steel Kraft.

29 Connector/Terminal block Wago/Elemac/Phoenix/Essen/Connectwel.

30 CAT 5/6 Cables & Wires
PVC Battern/Angle
31 Anchor/Salzer/Havells/Emporer/K555.
Rising main,End Feed C&S/Legrand/Schneider/Siemens/L&T/ABB-Megaduct (If
Unit,Tap Off Box Air Insulated)/Godraj (S.M.A.R.T.)Zucchini.
Wall Bracket- fancy and
33 Havells/Wipro/Philips/Crompton.
decorative wall bracket
34 ACB 415V,400 A-2000A
ger/GE/Crompton/Indo Asian/Eaton.
35 DLP Trunking Legrand/OBO Betterman/Schneider/MK

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Floor Trunking/Raceway
36 Honeywell MK/OBO Betterman/Legrand/Profab
37 Selector Switch BCH/Rishabh/Conserv/Kayee/AE/Crompton greaves.
Multifunction Meter/Load
38 Schneider/Siemens/Legrand/Secure/Socomec (Diris)
Capacitor and Harmonic
39 Block Reactor Thyristor L&T/ Schneider/Neptune/Siemens/Legrand.
APFC Relay
40 Schneider/ L&T/ Neptune/Siemens/Legrand.
(Microprocessor based)
Automatic transfer switch Havells/ABB/ Siemens/ L&T/
(4P,100A,Std,Automatic) Schneider/Legrand/Anchor/Hager.

Architectural Lighting
Poles & Decorative
42 K-Lite.
Brackets (Street Light

43 Water Supply pumpsets Karvel/Lubi/Deccan.

Liquid & Gas Flow Level

44 Magnum/Presevi.

Note: Modular Switch/Bell Push/Socket /Fan regulator shall be of same make For items where
preferred makes are not specified the decision of the Engineer-in-charge will be final and

Providing Fire Alarm System

All the components of the entire FA system shall be preferably from a single manufacturer only.
S.No Name of the Product Manufactured by
Addressable Multi
1 sensor smoke
Detectors/Heat detector
Networkable Intelligent (EDWARD)/RAVEL/MIRCOM.
Analog Addressable
Main Fire Alarm Control
Panel with Battery
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



Addressable Control
4 Module,isolator
module,monitor module
5 elephone jack,telephone
Digital Amplifier
6 /Emergency voice
evacuation system
7 Response Indicator Agni/Edward/Ravel/Bosch/Notifier/Siemens

All component serial no.1 to 6 shall be UL listed without fail.If any product above is not having
UL listing,the same shall not be used.

PA System

S.No Name of the Product Manufactured by

1 Cat-6 Cable, Wires
Panasonic/Havells/Batra Henlay / Belkin/ Belden/ KEI/
2 Speaker & accessories Ateis/Audiotrak/Bosch/Philips/Honeywell/TOA/JBL
3 Voice evacuation system
Twisted pair shielded Cu Finolex/Fusion Polymers/Polycab/RR kabel/ Havells/
conductor Avocab / Lapp
Metallic/GI Conduit (ISI AKG/BEC/NIC/Steel Kraft/VIMCO / Gupta/ RMCON/
approved) Javeri
Accessories for
AKG/BEC/NIC/Steel Kraft//VIMCO / Jindal/Tata/Zenith
6 Metalic/GI Conduit (ISI

Royal electronics /Agni/ Tyco/Legrand /BOSCH/ Notifier/

7 Talk back system

TTA Panel conforming

8 BOSCH/Notifier/Siemen/Edward/Schenider
to IS 61439 Design
9 Any other item. As per approval of Engineer-in-charge.
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


NOTE: Equivalent material and finishes of any other specialized make may be used, in
case it is established that the brands specified above are not available in the market but
only after approval of the alternate brand by the Competent Authority/ NIT Approving

S.No Name of the Product Manufactured by




4 NRV (Ball Valve)/ Y NORMEX/ Audco/ Intervalve/Honeywell

5 First aid hose reel with PADMINI/Minimax/Newage/Omex.
ISI mark.
6 First aid hose reel with NEW AGE/ SAFEX/EVERSAFE/ OMOX/ PADMINI.
ISI mark with hose reel
7 CANVAS HOSE ISI NEW AGE/ arihant/ winco/ padmini.
branch pipe all with ISI
WITH ISI mark.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


All item 1 to 6 except 5 shall be UL listed and UL marked. Any other accessories not specified
shall be UL listed and UL marked only.

Approved makes for Solar Water Heater

Name of the Product Manufactured by
1 uPVC pipe. Ashirwad/ Finolex/Surya/Jindal/Apollo.
2 GI Pipe. Tata/Zenith Birla/ Jindal.
3 Steel Sheet. Tata/Sail/Jindal.
4 Solar Water Heater. Bosch/ Havells/KCP solar/Honeywell/ Racold/
Emmvee/ Kotak Urja/ Jain Inigation/ Siemens/
5 Mineral wool. Rockwool/Twiga.
6 Nitrile Rubber. Kflex/ Armafex/Acroflex.
Technical Specifications for split type Air Conditioners
1 Air conditioners shall be procured and installed through Dealers authorized by OEM.
2 Unarmoured cables shall be for connections between outdoor and indoor units shall be one
of these makes given in IEI package only.
3 Compressors provided shall have minimum five year warranty.
4 Air conditioning units shall have rating as per BOQ.
5 Condensers shall have copper coils.
6 Refrigerant used shall be R410a.
Description of Item Approved make
1 Air conditioner. Carriier/LG/Samsung/Voltas/Daikin/Hitachi/Blue/S
2 Air/ Water Cooled Chiller. Voltas/ Kirloskar.
3 HVAC Calibration. Magnum/ Presevi.
1 Transformer (Oil Type/ Dry Type) Crompton Greaves/ Kirloskar/ ABB/ AREVA/
Wilson/ Schneider/ Voltamp.
1 Packaged Substation/ Unitised Crompton Greaves/ Amararaja/ ABB/ Voltamp.
(a) Substation
I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


2 H.T.Cables CCI/ UNISTAR/ Gloster/ Finolex/ Havells/ KEI/

RPG/ Anchor.
3 H.T.Cables jointing Kits Rayhem/ 3M/CCI-Xicon/ Denson/ M-seal.
4 Selector Switches for LT Panels Kayee/ BCH/ L&T Saizer/ Siemens/ Schneider
5 Contractors for APFC panels. Siemens/ ABB/ L&T/GE/C&S/Schneider Electric/
6 Electronic Load Manager HPL/ AE/Schnider/ Mecon/ L&T/ Conzerv.
7 Indicating Lamps (LED Type). Siemens/ Teknic/ L&T/ BCH/ C&S/ ABB/
8 Push Buttons. Siemens/ Teknic/ L&T/ BCH/ C&S/ ABB/
9 M.V.Power Capacitors L&T Heavy Duty Box Type// Siemens Epcos V
(AC) 3PH.50HZ/ Neptune Model LLM/ Schneider
Varplus Energy (MDXL) 440V Range- Box Type.
10 APFC Relay Siemens/ EPCOS/ L&T/ GE/ ABB/ Schneider/
NEPTUNE/ Havells.
11 Current Transformers for LT Kappa/AE/BCH/L&T/ABB/ Siemens/ GE/ MECO/
12 Relays SEGC/Crompton/Siemens/GE/ABB/Schneider/L&
13 Fire extinguishers Minimax/Safex/Ceasefire/Agni/Usha Fire Safety/
14 Sub Station Fire accessories. ISI marked (Wherever available) (Note: Where no
ISI mark is available, the decision of the Engineer-
in-charge shall be binding and final on the
15 First Aid Box As approved by the State Fire Services Department.
16 MS Channel iron/ GI Pipes SAIL/ Jindal/ Tata/ Zenith.
17 LV Glands & Lugs. Jainsons/ Comet/ dowells.
18 Sandwich type bus trunking Legrand/ L&T/ Schneider/ C&S.
19 HT Panel. ABB/ Siemens/ Schneider/ System Control/
Kirloskar/ BK Power.
20 Electric insulation mat with ISI Dozz/ Padmini/ Raychem/ Jyoti Rubber Udyog.

Note: In case make of any equipment or material is not specified in the NIT, the decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge in this regard will be final.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil



a) Approved makes as approved by SDG (PR) vide Lr. No. 32/2/2019-

NP/SDG(PR)/1046-56(H) dated 13.03.2020 (List under Annexure B) & Lr.No: -
31/03/2020-Works/Spl.DG(PRC)1055-56 dated:19.04.2021.

b) Approved makes as approved by CE (CZ) vide Lr. No. 32/04/2019/CE

Chennai/3868-75(H) dated 02.12.2020 (List under Annexure II).

c) Materials shall satisfy the revised preference to make in India order

issued vide Order No. P45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) dated 04.06.2020 of the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

Note: In case make of any equipment or material is not specified in the NIT, the
decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this regard will be final.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Schedule of Quantity
NIT NO: 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai
Name of Work : Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves along with
internal electrification and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning
and Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site
Sl.No Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank

vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of
1 girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above 6501.80 sqm 18.56 120673.00
ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance
of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared.

Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar

unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials by
mechanical means, including loading, transporting,
2 50.00 cum 278.42 13921.00
unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or
as approved by Engineer-in-charge, beyond 50 m
initial lead, for all leads including all lifts involved.

Taking out existing kerb stones /small stone boulders

of all types from footpath/ central verge, including
removal of mortar etc., disposal of unserviceable
3 material to the dumping ground, for which payment 100.00 metre 41.51 4151.00
shall be made separately and stacking of serviceable
material within 50 metre lead as per direction of

Taking out existing CC interlocking paver blocks

from footpath/ central verge, including removal of
rubbish etc., disposal of unserviceable material to the
4 60.00 sqm 138.97 8338.00
dumping ground, for which payment shall be made
separately and stacking of serviceable material within
50 metre lead as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


Mark the outer line of the building plan on the site

using electronic instruments/total stations as directed
5 by the Engineer in charge. The rate is inclusive of 1.00 Job 6229.00 6229.00
labor, materials, and transportation, no additional
payment shall be made in this regard.

Total 153312.00

Note: Rate inclusive of Applicable rate of GST @ 18% and no claim shall
be entertained on account of GST

Signature of Contractor Assistant Engineer

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


N.I.T. No: 82/AE-I/II/C2D/2024-25/Chennai

Name of work: Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board cupboard/ shelves along with internal electrification and
central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in the lab block SH: Cleaning and Marking of Newly Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site

Name of the Contractor
Estimated above or below Total Cost
Sl.No. Name of component % in Figures
cost ( Rs) the estimated (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Making of Internal partition, False ceiling, Ply board
cupboard/ shelves along with internal electrification
1 and central air condition setup for Faculty cabin in 1,53,312
the lab block SH: Cleaning and Marking of Newly
Proposed Boys Hostel (G+14) Site
Grand Total

Note: Rate inclusive of Applicable rate of GST @ 18% and no claim shall be entertained on account of
1. The Column Nos 4&5 are mandatory to be filled by the bidders/ tenderers. If all these columns are left blank, the tender
become invalid.
2. The amount in figures in column No.6 shall appear automatically corresponding to the percentage quoted in column No.4 & 5.

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


3. The tenderer is need to quote the percentage only above or below or at par with the estimated cost to cover all the
rates of item covered under the respective packages.
4. The percentage shall be written in 2 (two) place of decimal.
5. If the percentage selection in column No 4 is " At Par", by default the percentage will be considered as " Zero" only. In other
words if "At par" is selected in column No.4, then no need to fill column No.5
6. The rate for the payment of each item will be - measured quantity x estimated cost of that particular item x tender percentage
corresponding package respectively.

Signature of Contractor Assistant Engineer,

AE-1/II, CPWD, Chennai-127

I - Nil O - Nil C - Nil


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