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1 author:
Athol Carr
University of Canterbury
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All content following this page was uploaded by Athol Carr on 26 May 2015.
Fast 64bit structural analysis RuaumokoStudio is a structural analysis framework for the Performance Based Engineering (PBE)
engine based on Ruaumoko3D; evaluation of buildings. The framework draws together the world’s most advanced ‘building
the product of more than 40 focused’ nonlinear structural analysis software, Ruaumoko3D and the leading Building Information
years of active development at Modelling (BIM) application for structural engineers, Autodesk Revit. RuaumokoStudio offers a shift
the University of Canterbury. from an analyst-centric building evaluation to a collaborative team approach with more efficient
allocation of technical resources and significant time savings.
Collaborative paradigm shift in
PBE with analytical modelling
RuaumokoStudio Other PBE
done by both technicians and
engineering analysts in parallel.
Nonlinear pushover and time history analysis
Tight integration with Fast 64bit multi-threaded nonlinear analysis engine
Autodesk Revit 2015 Building Seamless integration with Revit for efficient team
Information Modelling (BIM) collaboration
software for easy development Next generation library of component and hysteresis models
of large and complex buildings.. Automated ASCE41-13 procedures with customizable
Enhanced Revit analytical overrides
modelling tools for rapid Scalable cloud based analysis, post-processing and reporting
definition and editing of
analytical model properties. Efficient Workflow
Next Generation element RuaumokoStudio allows an unlimited number of participants to contribute to the modelling and
models with over 60 hysteresis analysis effort. This flexibility promotes collaboration and better distribution of tasks across both
rules to capture nonlinear engineers and technicians. Technicians can immediately commence creation of the model based on
response of any structural architectural or as-built specifications. In parallel and using the same model, analysts in the team
component. can define and assign modelling parameters and acceptance criteria to structural components.
Cloud based analysis and
post-processing of results for Create physical and analytical Export model topology
evaluation is undertaken. The analysis process requires relatively short bursts of computing power.
Other PBE software is heavily reliant on internal computing infrastructure. RuaumokoStudio shifts
peak computing loads to the more capable, scalable and cost effective cloud platform offered by
Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Analyses are initiated and managed using the RuaumokoStudio Analysis Management Console (AMC)
web application. The AMC scales the available computing resource based on specified prerequisites
Analysis Management Console.
such as minimum processor speed and maximum hourly cost. It then distributes analysis tasks to
each computing instance and monitors progress. RuaumokoStudio Analysis Management Console.
As each analysis is completed, the output is transferred to low cost scalable storage. Post-processing
of the analysis results is done remotely. Both raw and processed output can be interrogated using
the RuaumokoStudio Query web application without the need to download large results files to the
local network.