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Introduction to the

Philosophy of the
Human Person
Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
What words come to
mind when you hear the
word Philosophy? Why
do we need to study
After going through this lesson, you are able to:

1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial

point of view PPT11/12-Ia-1.1
2. Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a
broad perspective on life PPT11/12-Ib-1.2
Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete
3. situation from a holistic perspective PPT11/12-Ib-
What is Philosophy?
Philosophy -etymologically
Philo – to love
Sophia – wisdom
Philosophy –“love of wisdom”
Wisdom – is the goal of Philosophy
Wisdom -The quality of having
experience, knowledge, and good
judgment; the quality of being wise.
For example:
You may be very knowledgeable about
how to raise a baby after reading
countless books, attending classes, and
talking to wise friends and family
Philosophy – the science that by
natural light of reason studies the
first causes or highest principle
of all things.
There are four (4) considerations
under the definition
2.Natural light of reason
3.Study of all things
4.First Cause or Highest Principle
• The investigation is systematic.
• It follows certain steps or it employs
certain procedures.
• An organized body of knowledge.
Natural light of reason
• Not using any other laboratory instrument or
investigative tools
• Not on the basis of supernatural
revelation (Theology)
• Philosopher is only using his natural capacity
to think or simply human reasons
• Unaided reason.
Study of all things
• Other sciences concern only with
a particular object of investigation
• Anthropology – the study of human beings in relation
with the society
• Sociology – the study society
Study of all things
• Philosophy studies human beings,
society, religion, language, and God,
among other concerns.
Study of all things
• Philosophers question almost
• It is multidimensional or holistic
First Cause or Highest Principle
• Principle – is that from which
something proceeds in any manner
First Cause or Highest Principle
• First principles
Principle of identity – Whatever is “
is” . And whatever is not “is not”.
Everything is what it is.Everything is it s
own being,and non being is not being.
First Cause or Highest Principle
• First principles
Principle of Non-Contradiction - it
is impossible for a thing to be or not
to be at the same time, and at the
same respect.
First Cause or Highest Principle
• First principles
Principle of excluded Middle – a thing
is either is or is not; everything must be
either be or not be. Between being and
not- being, there is no middle ground
First Cause or Highest Principle
• First principles
Principle of Sufficient Reason –
nothing exists without a sufficient
reason for its being and existence.
Domains of Philosophy,
certain basic problems
• Nature of universe
• The standard of justice
• The validity of knowledge
•The correct application of
•The criteria of beauty
Five Branches of Philosophy
1. Metaphysics
• (Nature of universe)
2. Ethics
•(The standard of justice)
3. Epistemology
• (The validity of knowledge)
4. Logic
• (The correct application of
5. Aesthetics
• (The criteria of beauty)
How to attain wisdom?
• Through emptying
Intellectually – simplicity
and humility Empty cup is
more useful than the full one.
Spiritually – poverty in
spirit means compassion.
(Christian Philosophy)
Physically –refrain from
the misuse of the senses,
thereby emphasizing a
unified whole.
“Without the virtue of
emptying, students will only
learn partial philosophy that
is knowledge-based, without
becoming holistic.”
“Acquiring wisdom through
various dimensions of being
human includes the
psychological, social, emotional,
and moral aspects.”
The most notable ancient
Greek philosophers are:
Pythagoras (570 BCE to 495
BCE)- A mathematician and
scientist, he was credited
with formulating the
Pythagorean theorem.
Pythagoras of Samos
Pythagorean theorem- The theorem
is named for the Greek
philosopher Pythagoras. The theorem
has been proven numerous times by
many different methods – possibly .
The Pythagoreans were a religious
sect or cult whose beliefs were based
on the power of numbers; honesty;
living a simple, unselfish life; and
generally trying ...
Heraclitus (535 BCe to 475
BCE)- He proposed that
everything that exists is
based on a higher order or
plan which he called logos.
“ No man ever steps in
the same river twice,
for it’s not the same
river and he’s not the
same man.”
Democritus (460 BCE to 370
BCE)- He devoted himself to
the study of the causes of
natural phenomena.
Democritus, known in
antiquity as the 'laughing
philosopher' because of
his emphasis on the value
of 'cheerfulness,' was one
of the two founders of
ancient atomist theory.
Diogenes of Sinope (412 BCE
to 323 BCE)- He was a known
advocate of living a simple
and virtuous life.
Diogenes of Sinope He
thought that happiness
could be attained not by
satiating the desires
inculcated into us via
the process of
Epicurus (341 BCE to 270
BCE)- He believed that
philosophy could enable man
to live a life of happiness.
Epicurus, the most pleasant life
is one where we abstain from
unnecessary desires and
achieve an inner tranquility
(ataraxia) by being content with
simple things, and by choosing
the pleasure of philosophical
conversation with friends over
the pursuit of physical pleasures
like food, drink, and sex
Socrates (470 BCE to 399 BCE)- He was
considered the foremost philosophers of
ancient times. He was credited with
formulating the Socratic method- means of
examining a topic by devising a series of
questions that let the learner examine and
analyze his knowledge and views regarding
the topic.
Socrates is best known for his
association with the Socratic
method of question and
answer, his claim that he was
ignorant (or aware of his own
absence of knowledge), and his
claim that the unexamined life
is not worth living, for human
Plato (427 BCE to 347 BCE)- A student of
Socrates, he wrote down his mentor’s
teaching and incorporated some of his own
ideas into them. Plato’s most significant
ideas included his Theory of Forms, which
proposes that everything that exist is based
on an idea or template than can only be
perceived in the mind
Plato is also known for his dialectic- a method
of inquiry where two opposing ideas are
discussed in an attempt to arrive at new
knowledge. Plato’s lasting contribution to
learning was his founding of the Academy, an
institution of higher learning.
Plato's most famous work
is the Republic, which details
a wise society run by a
philosopher. He is also famous
for his dialogues (early, middle,
and late), which showcase his
metaphysical theory of forms—
something else he is well
known for.
Aristotle (384 BCE to 322 BCE)- He attended the
Academy, and was the prominent student of Plato.
For him, all ideas and views are based on
perception and our reality is based on what we
can sense and perceive. His studies in logic led to
the formulation of a formal process of analyzing
reasoning which give rise to deductive reasoning-
the process by which specific statements are
analysed to reach a conclusion or generalization.
Nicomachean Ethics. Based on
notes from his lectures in the
Lyceum, Aristotle posits happiness
(eudaimonia) or 'living well' as the
primary goal in human life. Named
for his son, Nicomachus, the Ethics
considers how man should best live
and those virtues which produce

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