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NP - 019
d:odde *&do6 *.*?:*efl d-uldo / dJa?s
, r
(NEP) (F + R) Tgert B'bt*
dqd ?,Pm ddd dg€ - 3
aoc6cs, dqd
Max. Marks : 60
Time :ZVz Hours
e3ua;'od rf SdJ4 ed-e"htu'
2) o$d,1 d eaaoBr doado$
ll. Faer>rqdorleri erodorr' (100 ddrlgd a:eddod)'
1) dddLd.
2) ilaefd$)-
udroe;dd:* aoD dJabe
lV. 2023 do- duort,tdd olnd oJDd de,J($J "T"9-1-
d Habed uod: edr udouro' (1x4=4)
deg s,Joitgood deqQmoiigri d&rod-g
.-rg rlililfilffrilrflilililtflfllilt
1) rloro 2) rloroandedef
3) doroozrd 4) rlortoeroou:
2) dqoind ailEorlddab ?
Illllilil !l|Il iltililtililt]il flfl
NP - 044
lll semester B.coq./B.B.A.
: Exbmination, February/March 2024
firr-gp) (Freshers + Repeaters)
Generic English
Time : 2/z Hours Max. Marks : 60
lnstructions :1) Answer ail the Sections,
2) Write the correct question number.
Reading and Listening Skills
Play and Persuasive Speeches
t. Answer any five of the following questions in one or two sentences. (5x2=10)
1) How did Yavakri die in the play ?
2) Which community did Nittitai betong to ?
3) What do "Fire and Rain" symbolise in the play ?
4) What role did Aravasu play in the'Triumph of Lord lndra, ?
5) What was Aravasu's desires in life ?
6) What does Nittilai's father and the villagers decide when Aravasu does not
arrive on time ?
7) what were the two questions that Nittilai wanted to ask yavakri ?
lt. Answer any two of the following questions in about a page. (2x5=10)
1) Give a character analysis of Aravasu in the play "Fire and the Rain,,.
2) What role does Anthafa play in "Fire and the Rain,,?
3) Explain the role played by Brahma Rakshasa.
llt. Answer any one of the following questions in two or three pages. (1x10=10)
1) What is the significance of fire sacrifice arranged in the play "Fire and the
Rain" ?
2) Compare and contrast the characters of Aravasu and Paravasu in the
]il flfllllllllllil ll]
NP - 044 I lllilil
lV. Answer any two of the following questions in about a page. (2x5=10)
1) As mentioned in Winston Churchill's speech, how did Britain defend itself
when the world assumed it was completely defeated ?
2) What is Rowling's final message to people who enjoy privileges ?
3) Bring out the details of how the pillars of cultural value system are useful
according to Narayan MurthY ?
Speaking and Writing Skills
2) Draft an informative presentation on 'Professional Etiquettes in workplace'.
Vl. Answer any one of the following in a paragraph using the following hints :
1) Write a Descriptive Essay on the topic'A difficult situation that taught you
something valuable'.
2) Complete the paragraph using the following hints :
Iililtil ililtil ilil ililtil] ilil
,_7 NP - 321
lll Semester B.Com. Exa Kiniition, February/March 2024
(NEP) (F+R)
3.1 : Corporate Accounting
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (6x2--12)
a) State any two features of brand.
b) Who is an underwriter ?
c) What do you mean by normal rate of return ?
d) What is tax deducted at source ?
e) State any four reasons for valuation of shares .
6% debentures { 4,00,000.
The market value of fixed assets is 12% more than the book value and that
of current assets is 5% less than book value. There is an unrecorded liability
of t 15,000.
Ascertain the value of Eq. shares by net asset method.
NP - 321 -2- Iilililtilil il ililtililtlil lill
3. Ganesh Co Ltd. issued 50,000 shares of t 10 each. The whote issue was fully .
5. How do you show the following items while prepare company final accounts ?
a) Goods destroyed by fire
b) Calls in arrears 8t
c) Discount on issue of shares
d) lnterim dividend. ;
t 2 on application, T 4 on allotment
{ 3 on first call and balance in final call.
All the shares were duly subscribed for the amount were duly received.
Give journal entries in the books of the company only for first call and finql
calls due and received.
Iilililtil1ililililtilillillilt NP - 321
7. ABC Co Ltd. issue 1,00,000 equity shares of t 100 each MNO and P underwrites
the entire issue in the proportion of 30%, 30/",20% and 20/" respectively. They
also apply for firm share applications as follows. M - 3,000 shares, N - 2,000
shares, O - 2,000 shares and P - 3,000 shares. Asides the firm application,
the public apply for 60,000 shares of which marked applications are as follows :
M - 10,000 shares, N - 6,000 shares, O - 8,000 shares and P - 16,000 shares.
Calculate the net liability and total liability of each underwriter treating :
8. Following are the Balance Sheet of Dasappa Ltd. as on 31-3-2022. You are
required to prepare final accounts of the company as per Amended Act 2013
and after taking additional information into consideration :
Debits t Credits
Premises 30,72,000 Share Capital 40,00,000
Plant 33,00,000 12"/" Debentures 30,00,000
Stock on 1-4-2A21 7,50,000 P&LA/C 2,62,500
Debtors 8,70,000 Creditors 7,70,000
Goodwill 2,50,000 Sales 41,50,000
Bank balance 4,06,500 General Reserve 2,5O,OOO
Calls in arrears 75,000 RDD as on 01-04-2021 35,000
lnterim dividend 3,92,500
Purchases 18,50,000
Preliminary expenses 50,000
Wages 9,79,800,
General expenses 68,350
Salaries 2,02,250
Bad debts 21,100
Debenture interest paid 1,90,000
1,24167 r5OO 1,24,67,5O0
NP - 321 IililIiltliltffiililtflililtffir
Additional lnformation : .
a) Closing stock 31-3-2022 is valued at t 10,50,000.
b) Depreciate plant aI15"/".
c) Write off t 5,000 from preliminary expenses.
d) Half year debenture interest is due.
e) Transfer t 25,000 to general reserve.
0 Ignore Corporate Dividend Tax (CDT).
9. Following is the Balance Sheet of Sharma Ltd. for the year ended 31-3-2023.
Liabilities T Assets t
Share Capital Buildings 2,00,000
20,000 shares of t 10 2,00,000 Machinery 1,00,000
P&LA/C 2,00,000 Debtors 1,00,000
6% Debentures 1,00,000 Stock 80,000
Creditors 1,00,000 ' Cash 1,20,000
6,00,000 6,00,000
Normal rate of return on average capital employed is 10%. Find out the value of
Goodwill on the basis of 2 years purchase of super profits. Building is revalued
. at { 3,50,000 and machinery at t 90,000.
10. On 31-3-2021 the Balance Sheet of SABS Co. Ltd. shows the following position.
Liabilities T Assets t
Share Capital (of t 10 each) 16,00,000 Fixed assets 20,00,000
Reserves 2,60,000 Current assets 8,O0,OOO .
ilillllil]tilililtililil]fir NP - 321
d{d eldr.!
A?tDd -a
1. odDdde 6 wd-{,doderi erudoxr. -'9e erud-$dod 2 erodrlgd:dd. (6x2=12)
a) 'zrgrocf'd o$ad)de add; {A*dd$d}.9e&.
b) sDoea qldddoadd: aodd olD& ?
c) xapadea sro"o$ dd aodded: z
d) dmetdO_dori EadztroelenAd aodde$ t
e) ded:rl$ dPe.:rdnddd o5Ew6 rodearlsd:n Sea.
f) t,etuo$odo_dedr19 add#rnA xdref d*roddl udou:o.
g) SeBr dfoe,rrd ?,ie3o$d1&dadA$d odn{oaddro 4 erodrlgdl dioxr.
Dq>il -,t,
o$docddra *Ja$ {,5.r19i1 ru30&. E,g i,5,.3;:J 12 eodrl$d: a.looOd:gi. (3x12=36)
7. azrtu dod& Otuaicr { 1 00d 1 ,00,000 xadnd, ded:rl$d1ado:idr. e{rrlgdl MNO
ild? P aou $DeO qJdddo?ddJ 30%, 30/",20% drd? 20% {,dneado_$d:aan
aDoeO ?Pddi &ead:qd. erdd: iodo$ ded: edro$$4* d$dodod &ead:aod.
M - 3,000 ded:rl$c, N - 2,000 ded:rl$:
O - 2,OOO ded:rl$: P - 3,000 ded:rl$c
llllllll lllll lll illit ilr
I il1il ilil -7- NP - 321
dodob ded:rrsd,1 droddrdaxr xadraed& oo,ooo ded:zrgdq $o€o,eJddr.
e{i190_rbdrdr droad ded:rl$ erdrrlst dr d$dodo8d.
M - 10,000 ded;rl9c, N - 6,000 ded.>rl$o
O - 8,000 dedorl$: P - 16,000 ded:rl$;
* {>ee.rpd-rddil9od {,8e
aDoeo qJdddmdd 0*g drdl s"t^Dsj?sa"zDooo$d}
dr d$dodod dod:bBobo.
i) ear{dddd doedd:d1rb&dr drEad edroS:odl doitrd,$.
ii) &ord ?iddd doeEd:dl rbcb$ dDdd erdrobod) doitrd$.
8. eoadd dod& eo$drd c@d d$ aoaod 31-3-2022d0d: dr d$dodoed, dsri
CeGd:d dqjS dDb.Arf$dl rlsodri drld:dood: dod&o$ ero8d>$de xrddaxr.
alr J rJ.;.
e^.Ait 'iI l\/., t fie6d$c
ii!. *-il op{>lm
.l^l ei 9 V UJ U C^J L, t c,
30,72,000 dedc uodanS 40,00,000
; 33,00,000 12o/o r,JedgdqJ 30,00,000
ma.t: J
01-04-2021 7,50,000 d{aad
eDqJ d:Q 2,62,500
+ it rI lv\, 8,70,000 dsdrf$J 7,70,000
l^,'-/'\r^ 2,50,000 d>ooe,lrl$c 41,50,000
FadJadd &Q &:eBer: 2,50,000
-'....- cJ-q )-) JJ--
N/\C).J 4,06,500
Edrl$ zroE dra 75,000 erd)droo?id xne;i1$
q&f\-/gJ^r n=?zi asosati
vqr\_i \)9 Qlav<) 3,92,500 abeOd &reBer:
a)0eOrlS,: 18,50,000 01-04-2021 35,000
J^f -J-J-
c"Jo, -J^^o./
Uv(pO| cJi:O.J/ )?J 50,000
-. J
9J c,l t-/ 9,79,900
c"JCO I )V\, 69,350
cJ(9c0f )\lJ 2,02,250
ililaortJd iae-rd#: i, 21,100
r..l +-^^qJ r^ J-
--.-lJ / lV c"IJf CrN ^6.JCA creJcJ9/dJ(J,
1,24,67 1500 1,24,67,500
dqd dnb8zl$.l :
a) Ooaod 31-3-2122docb ero8d: a.rxD&d die.r, T 1O,5O,OOO.
b) xoddrl$ ai:eOd idde de. 15%.
c) { 5,000r19d} agdorpd dajfleod dridr 6"8d)d
d)$rlS d>e0d ua* cdr ddrdo .adro{ mdgBadrd&.
e) { 25,000 xDdrodd &Qri dnard# dDad)d&.
0 CDT ed1Oe.trflx.
NP - 321 ililflilil][llllilil|lillll]
dJa. 3 md8$a3edc, dozidC)O_ do. 2.50,' dode.: ddrl dro. 2.50 a:Eu deoddl
dodoJ.: ddo$ dodCrO_ aad8da3eaahd. dode ddc: 5,000 ded:if$dtr drd)
ero8dc ddo$ '18,000 dedcrl$dco doddciG& Aero_ dedcrleJc zSoocaado"afl
dcdE deaddco doCDn &edorerDfld. dceOddd$ eodrl$dco adref ufol
I lllM ffil lll lllll lllll llll llll NP - 923
lll Semester B.Gom. Examinatidn, February/March 2024
(NEP) (F+R)
Paper - 3.2.2: lndian Financial Services
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (6x2=12)
olngoaddo ercb erod-{,dorleri erodol. {,9Cood: wd--'q;,d4C)ro addr ercdrf$dl
a) Define stock exchange.
de& a&d,ro$ d:odec:dtr md&Dr0s.
g) What is derivatives ?
wd6,it$: aodded> ?
h) What is repurchase agreement ?
ilc,J $oea ,",qod aodded: t
NP - 323 Iililil]iltilililtililtililllil
Answer any three questions. Each question carries four marks. (3x4=12)
oSndoaddro ilJo& ddorteri erudo&. dg me.u*erodrlrb.
2. State the objectives of financial system.
dearaxrd ddd{o$ wdedrlgdl getuo.
. Answer any three questions. Each question carries twelve marks. (3x12=36)
olngaaddro drJa& d,d*rleri erudo&. {,ocood
ddotu dqd& erodrigc.
7. What is financial system ? Explain the impact of financial system on economic
deaaa&d drd*aodded: ? ererareddqo$o_deauard ddddgb q?paddq edo&.
8. what is mutual fund ? Exprain the types of mutual fund schemes.
dd{d &e aodded> z ddFd eeo$ oed Coexdrisdi ado&.
9. Define venture capital. Explain the types of venture capital.
uodaasdq mr&Dre&. x-rddoedrs uodaasd aad {,aaddsd1
&qail - a
Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question.carries two marks. (6x2=12)
cln$ ddo el dr erud - {, do,19q
oa enod o:r . {, I o1o o d> erod-d,dojro
I addr
uodrt$dl dooa&dd.
1. a) What is a statutory company ?
' voidud dod& aodded: ?
b) State any 2 features of public company.
xadrzg0d Eod&o$ olndoaddo add: iteoeEsorl$di e9,x.
c) What is an agenda ?
uooJ:rdoe3 aodded: t
d) State any two functions of promoter.
{, ddrdd oindoaddo add: uaC:rrl$d} .99,$.
NP - 324 ililililililtililflil]tililtil
AqDil - L)
Answer any three questions. Each question carries four marks. (ix4=12)
Cnd;aaddrD dlra$ €,d4d9dtr erudo:r. {,edoodl €,d{Cr: oae.qetod,isq
f aaA=?ri:P
q.IJerv(r\ J9 (J.
azIod - :J
' Answer any thnee questions. Each question carries twelve marks. (3x12=36)
cnd;oaddra ilJa$ €,d*dsd1 wdor. {,go3oodl €,d4o1rra dqdd erodrigdl
f a^Ar{.i-€
q)Jcruqr!}J9 (J.
a) 26 1949 b) 26 2 1950
c) 26 i 1946 d) 262 o1949
2) Tenure of Rajya Sabha
a) 6years b) 5 years c) 7 years d) 4 years
a) 6zE b) 5 # c) 7 rr d) 4 zE
3) Present Speaker of Lok Sabha
a) Om Birla b) M. Tambi Dorai
c) Meera Kurmarí d) Balararm Jakhar
a) 2.0 b) 0.I æs
C) 3Eo d) 230 s
NP 174 -2
a) 0OTOHO jod
c) B. w0. a d) 3o. 3. BO.S0Üe@o
6) Who calls the Joint Session ?
a) Vice President b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
c) President d) Speaker of Rajya Sabha
10) Under the Citizenship Act, 1955 by which of the following ways can a
person become a citizen of India ?
a) By Birth b) By Descent
c) By Registration d) Allof the above
b) JodoJOdOFJ OT
a) apod
c) eoJro aOT d) aeeJ JOge
II. Answer any five of the following questions in not more than 60 words: (5x5=25)
19) The Lok Sabha is a stronger house than the Rajya Sabha.Justify.
IV. Answer any one of the following question in not more than 400
words: (1×15=15)
1) $OdDIlSr n
2) dedr dDdrdq . ;
Np - 020 llllllllllffillilllllililllilfft
Vl. E$dod andrrl$t1eotetril s[oarEodO&. (Zx2;4)
1) & urtQ UBS t'ooddunnd.
2) Dde doedo$ 6nnod DrlDa$Dor>de P
l. Answer any five of the following questions in one or two sentences : (5x2=10)
7) Which is the final boon that Aravasu asks from Lord lndra ?
l!. Answer any two of the followihg questions in about a page : (2x5=10)
NP - 043 rrilfirrffrrilliltItfllllllllt
lll. Answer any one of the following questions in two or three pagos : (1xl0*10)
1) Wisdom is the right use of knowledge, How does this statement
contradict naillVa and Yavakri's use of knowtedge ?
2) What is the slgnificance,of fire sacrifice arranged in the play ?
$peaklng and Wrltlng Sltlllr
Vl. Write any one paragraph using the following hints : (lxS=S)
1) ln the examth"ll - nervous and sweating - tdacher hands the question
paper - subject is different; unable to understand questions - looks at
friend - busy writing. '
2) I went trekking with friends - outskirts of Bengaluru - saw an old man at a
tea ehop - had a conversatlon - he iE a farmer - unable to sell vegetables
dua to lack of frequency of buses - asks for a llft to the clty market - otfer
llft to hlm - llfe-changlng philosophical conversatlons with hlm.
Illllffitililtrillilt]iltfiililr NP - 043
Ililffitlilllflrilurruililill NP - 263
Ill Semester B.Com. Degree Examination, March/April2023
(NEP) (2022-23 and Onwards) (Freshers)
Paper - 3.1 : Corporate Accounting
Time : 2Vz Hours Max. Marks : 60
lnstruction : Answer should be written in English or Kannada only.
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (6x2=121
a) State any two'types of share capital.
b) What is partial undenruriting ?
c) Give the meaning of intangible assets.
d) Mention any four factors influencing goodwill.
e) State any two features of Brand.
f) Mention any two circumstances under which shares are valued.
g) How do you ascertain the value of Warrants ?
h) How do you treat advance tax paid in financial statement of companies ?
2. Sky Ltd. made an issue of 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. Payable
Rs. 5 on application and Rs. 5 on allotment. All the shares are subscribed and
amounts duly received. Pass journal entries to give effect to these.
3. A company issued 1 ,00,000 shares valued at 100 per share. The shares were
underwritten as follows : X : 30,000 shares, Y : 50,000 shares. The public
applied for 70,000 shares. Det€rmine the liability of X, Y, and the company.
4. The net profits of a company for the past 5 years are 2017-18 Rs. 80,000,
2018-19 Rs. 9O,OOO, 2019-20 Rs. 94;000,2020-21 Rs. 80,000 and 2021-22
Rs. 96,000. The Capital employed in the business is Rs. 8,00,000 on which a
reasonable rate of return of 10/" is expected. Calculate the value of goodwill
of the company under the capitalization of average profits method.
NP - 263 -2- I|ilililtiltilililltflilillill
5. The following is the Balance Sheet of MARIA Trading Co. Ltd. as on 31-03-2022:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
1000, 60/" Preterence 10,000 Buildings 27,500
shares of Rs. 10 each Machinery 32,500
4000 Equity shares Patents 5,000
of Rs. 10each 40,000 Sundry debtors 20,000
Reserve Fund 25,000 Other current assets 30,000
Profit and Loss 8,000
Sundry creditors 32,000
1,15,000 1 ,15,000
1) ]he value of machinery was under depreciated by Rs. 2,500 and value of
Building !p. R". 65,000 and Goodwill is Rs. '10,000:
2) Rs. 3,000 worth of debts are bad.
3) The preference shares have priority for capital payment.
Calculate the intrinsic,yalue of both types of shares.
6. Under what no-tes (Heading) do you show the following items in the financial
statements of Companies.
a) Provision for taxation
b) Live stock
c) Work-in-progress
d) Bills payable
e) Debentures.
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 12 marks. (3x12=36)
7. The Bharath Trading Company Ltd. with a registered capital of Rs 2,OO,OO0
issued 1O,OO0ueguity shares of Rs. 10 each. Payable n's. g on Appiication,
Rs.2 on allotment, Rs. 3 on first call and Rs. 2 on flnal call. AII the shares were
subscribed and the money duly received except the first call on 1,000 shares
and final call on 2,000 shares. Give the Journal entries
8. Nikhil Ltd. invited applications from the public for 2,50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each.
Entire issue was underwritten by underwriters. A, B, C and D to the extent of
30"/",25"/o,25o/o,20% with the provision of firm underwriting of B,O0O shares,
12,000 shares, Nil shares and 30,000 shares respectivety.-tfre underwriting
contract provides that underwriters be given credit for firm applications. Th6
gompany received applications for 1,80,000 shares excluding firm underwriting,
including marked applications out of which marked applications were as undeT:
ililtill]fl ilililtililtilrllll NP - 263
A- 48,000 shares
B- 40,000 shares
C- 24,000 shares
D- 48,000 shares
Prepare a statement showing the net liability of underwriter.
11. From the following trial balance prepare Final Accounts of Nischal trading
company for the accounting period ending on 31.rMarch 2022.
Particulars Dr. Cr.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Sales 3,27,OOO
General reserve 6,000
Opening inventories 29,200
Trade payable 12,945
Purchase of goods 1,16,040
Depreciation on tangible assets 7,750
Trade receivables 42,500
Salary expenses 49,235
Provision for Bad and Doubtful debts 2,500
Cash and cash equivalents 17,750
Tangible assets 77,500
Freight 24,440
Amortizations on tangible assets 9,250
Sundry expenses 21,430
Share capital (Eqqity shares of 100 each) 1,25,000
Profit and Loss A/c 3,500
Preliminary expenses 10,000
Power and Fuel 27 Joa
Bad debts 1,750
lntangible assdts 43,000
Total 4,76,945 4,76,945
Adjustments , '
A?.prl -o
2. do, Oaru3cr dddr 1,00,000 €rtai ded:zt$d1 den do. 10ri addd d>aood.
#'*eXaieaod do. 5d1 erdron dradol>O-ilq doddoJ: dradoi>qs
drD. d#qo(
ddaogd. ae4ded:rl$ z3ooaeiadoahoaod d:8 d"gdq ioolroR ts*edodeDnd.
ab ee)d$rl$ er odrt$d:o erdo& zsdref dilro& rl9d1 O ea.
3. r.ocb dodCIo3> {,e fieori 100 d dJEord 1 ,00,000 ded:il$dlo &ead;. ded.>d$d1
6r d$Rdod udo$enfld : X : 30,000 ded:rl$;, Y : 50,000 ded:rl$c. ;odras&dd)
70,000 ded:rlerl erdr Be)#d&.X, Y drQ dod&od: dodrrooEo$de &dro*.
4. ds3d 5ddrrl9O_dod&o3: e{S enqJrlqb 2017-18 dro. 80,000, 2018-19 dra. 90,000,
2019-20 dto. 94,000,2020-21, dro. 80,000 drd: 2021 -22d$.96,000. drdaaddO-
doadolnndrd rSodaa$d drd. 8,00,000 und:ol erdd a3:eeJ Bd;oasBil"dei6Do$d
dd 10% Ooesienfld. uodaageddead erGod:O_ dod&o$ doodO errd eq5DddO-
8e8rdPe.:rddtr eJdoaa8.
^J9\-,l lUL/\-\J
-or-iir 6,25,000 droadd$) 2,50,000
25,00,000 25,00,000
droadd$jc 8% dacro srooarilqDRd. bood 4 ddril$ dorio$ doddd e{9 enqJ
$draan dro. 3,92,500, dro. 4,22,500, d!a. 4,25,000 d:d: 4,30,000 dJo. rl$)
snd:dd. doad uodanSd ioaio errdd xadnd, dddod 20Y" qrnd. 3 ddrrl$
irad d ero qJ a) o e A o$ a Oa d d O_ 6 e I r dJE o, dQ d{-- 8.
10. tuetud dod&o3c d* d$nd *Qde, drdl dodnaoditeod 31-12-2022 dod dedcrl$
#errddl* add: a@dil90_eJaa;md alnB :
i) 0*9 erx, aed.
ii) eqrAo ee?d.
?rodddd$b drag
(dro.) (dJo.)
40,000 de&rl$c SeBrdPe.:, 25,000
den do. 10 4.00.000 &d
erR) 5,00,000
tuede,rr 0Q *1 50,000 64d er&rl$r 2,00,000
dabsjdo 25,000
5% sae,:dgd$) 50,000
:oorrodd: 1,50,000
dorirron &:eiel 50,000
7,25,040 7,25,000
31-12-2022 doo'c Ed d*dgrfgd,:o do. 6,00,000 a'cdg Se8rdcEe.rrddco
dra. 37,500 rt$od: dPOredOdenhd. drodo$ ilo& ddrri$: e{9 en$ dro. 37,500,
dro. 39,000 ilQ dro. 43,500 snd: eddO_2O% ud:o uoou:oodenog:6. er6"o$d
dd 10% sfld.
NP - 263 IflilililililtililI]illililfft
11 . d$nd aoddaio$
qj zo8ogrod edsf $,eaori'dod&od:31
Z.J )----
dnatrr 2022 dod:
- drodrira$bd
eJd,dg udQrl coga$ eJEdif$dtr dolDo&.
addil$b d6os6 g6$t
dno-ooo t*']
;odnd, A)eder: 6,000
agdoqJd eroed: 29,200
aarmd dooaoi:rl$r 12,945
dd$rl$ aDoeO 1 ,1 6,040
B{and *Qdq &eOd Bdde T,Tso
aaraadd leromdrri$: 42,SOO
BouS dr,idqr AJ
d%Arq iodolndd;oe.:i1eri A)erw 2,SOO
dilc$ drQ drlc$ ,dDd 1TJSO
{drd *Qrlst, 7T,1OO
dd& xarld 24,440
B{and *Qne abeod qloe{ 9,2s0
uriurlo$ d?"*if9r 21,430
dedr uodaa$ ({,e t 00 deddsic)
d{Ed0^3 1,25,000
Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (6x2=12)
ohdeoddo etd: erud-{,doderi erudo&. €,.9Crood: erod-€,d*oilo add: erodrl9dl
cDJeJULJ()J9 C).
1. a) money market.
dearox: IjJidrdos c$Q. uD, srj 01.
b) Expand NSDL and CSDL.
NSDL ildr GSDL edl eio&.
c) What is financial service ?
drao:,d dedd#c .todded: t
d) What is stock exchange ?
ded: ;&dro$ codded: ?
e) What is leasing ?
f'Jgn ;odoed: t
f) Wfiut is commercial paper ?
oodz;, oo5oe& ? ig
g) Give the meaning of online trading.
uordrd mrmdd efrrdd; Bell.
h) Define financial system.
deauo:rd dd d{olrd} aa, aro, 0e.
Np - 265 lllllllillllllfllllillllllilllllll
Answer any three questions, Each question carries four marks. (3x4=12)
c1>dmddo C).a& €,d"rrl9ri erudol. {,.9cl,o oei: q{oJ- Nae.::r erodrlwd: d,ro ood:dd.
2. State the importance of financial services.
fa{:{:i {.rr' q.oq
@ t c ocr^!
=im:?. n t- c^J I tv cJd, CJ.,\J&J I+^J\J\
u.ItolJ 9v ;v .
Answer any three questions. Each question carries twelve (3x12=gg) marks.
oXndoaddra *Jo& €,,d{rl9ri erudo&. {,,8olood: €,-d4ohrD dqdd> erodrldd; CeoOd.:dd.
oafu* oJ, Bea, d, ro ouo erQq q OddJ ( NS I DC) d erud edrlgr drAl ro o$ r r19d1 r"3zs rt.
10. Explain the various Money Market lnstruments.
dead d:a&du3f;$ aad erudddearl$$4 adO&.
S$'arl - a
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (6x2=12)
oh$coddo eg$ wd-{,dorlsdl w$o&. €,eohoc$ erud-6d.ojr" odd> elodrigdl
a) What is prospectus ?
doaSo$ dgd aodded: ?
Np _ 266 ililil]ilfllllll]illillllllllll
cqnrl - D
Answer any three questions, Each question carries four marks. (3x4=12)
Cn{oaddo d}ra$ €,d4rl$dtr erudOxi. {,9Cood: Ed4o1rra ooel*eodtl$So
2. State any four features of a company.
dod&o$ obdeodd^ uo*o e.:d ear19d1 eexr.