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INDEX . . . . . . .
AUTHOR ................................ 167
............................. ............. 175
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Contributors to Volume 58
Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors’ contributions begin.
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This volume is concerned entirely with the subject that has become popularly
known as “spintronics” or “magnetoelectronics”.The utilization of the electronic
spin degree of freedom in devices has already had a revolutionary impact. The
impetus for development of the relevant science and technology was provided by
the discoveryof the metallic giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect, independently,
by Fert and Gruenberg in 1988. This discovery led to a highly sensitive magnetic
sensor which was utilized in read-heads of magnetic hard disk drives. Commercial
devices were announced by IBM in November 1997,just nine years after discovery
of the GMR effect. By now they constitute a multi-billion dollar business. Other
applications such as magnetic random access memory (MRAM), the spin field
effect transistor and spin controlled laser emitting diodes have been demonstrated
or are under development. These applications rely on the ability to control the spin
degrees of freedom in solids and aim to reduce power consumption, to overcome
speed limitations associated with ordinary electronics, or in the more distant future
to implement schemes for quantum information processing and computing.
The enabling research effort is directed in part towards obtaining a deeper
understanding of the physics of spin lifetimes and transport and tunneling of spin-
polarized carriers across heterojunctions in new combinations of materials. In
addition to their extensive utilization in conventional electronics, semiconductor
systems, the subject of this volume, are particularly attractive for studies of spin-
based phenomena in solids because circularly polarized light can be used to inject
and detect spin orientation.
This volume contains two articles by Samarth and by Bronold, Saxena and
D. L. Smith dealing respectively with an introductionto semiconductorspintronics
and a theoretical description of electron spin dynamics relevant to experimental
measurements.While both articles are clear and self-contained,it might be helpful
for the uninitiated to begin with some more qualitative recent overviews in readily
accessible journals (Science and Scientific American). The articles by G. Prinz,
by S. A. Wolf et al, and by D. D. Awschalom, M. E. Flatte and N. Sam& are
to be recommended in this respect. They are referenced on p. 74 as numbers, 4, 1,
and 10 respectively.
In the first article Samarth presents a selective overview of semiconductorspin-
tronics which emphasizes some of the basic ingredients of this rapidly burgeoning
of the underlying theory which distinguishes clearly between the relatively well
understood and open areas which still require intensive research.
Like Samarth’s article, this review focuses on the physical processes in group
IV, 111-V and II-VI semiconductors having the diamond or zinc-blende crystal
structures. It begins with a discussion of the interaction governing spin-dependent
processes. This is followed by a kinetic theory for electron spin dynamics, and
application to several semiconductor systems. In particular it offers a theoretical
description of the important topic of spin injection at interfaces between a spin-
polarized contact and a non-magnetic semiconductor.
Section I1 is devoted to a review of the relevant semiconductorelectronic struc-
tures, the development of the spin-dependent Hamiltonian, the various scattering
mechanisms, hyperfine interactions, spin-dependent optical properties that can
lead to non-equilibrium distributions, and the g factor. Section III develops a
semi-classical kinetic equation for the density matrix describing non-equilibrium
spin distributions including explicit collision integrals. Keldysh Green’s function
techniques are used to derive a Fokker-Planck equation for the non-equilibrium
spin polarization. This equation permits the calculation of spin relaxation rates
which are applied to bulk semiconductors and quantum wells in Section IV.
The ability to inject spin polarized currents into a semiconductoris basic to most
semiconductor devices. Section V utilizes spin-dependent transport equations to
describe spin-injection. It is suggested that efficient spin injection into a semicon-
ductor is difficult. For example, properly designed interface doping profiles turn
out to be crucial. The physical origin of the tunneling spin dependence essential
to the MRAM is explored and the current experimental situation is summarized.
Specific situations under discussion concern an n-type doped large g-factor semi-
magnetic semiconductor polarized by a magnetic field and a ferromagnetic metal
injecting spins into a nonmagnetic semiconductor Spatial inhomogenieties asso-
ciated with interfaces, superlattices and heterostructures present both theoretical
and experimental problems, and point to the need for further investigations. The
overall progress of spintronics will be determined by the solutions of problems
such as these. In addition the materials issues necessary for reproducible scaled-up
fabrication techniques require further development.
An Introduction to Semiconductor
Department of Physics and Materials Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State
University. Universiiy Park, PA 16802
I. Introductio ..................................... 1
......................... 6
mediated Ferromagnetism in Di
Magnetic Semiconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2. Ferromagnetism in the 111-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3. Crystal Growth and Defects in Gal-,Mn,As . . . . 14
4. Magnetic Properties of Gal-,Mn,As . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5. Magneto-transport in Gal-,Mn,As . . . . . . .................... 27
6. Measurements of Spin Polarization in Gal-x ....................... 29
7. Criteria for Identifying a Ferromagnetic Semiconductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
III. Coherent Spintronics with Conventional Semiconductor Heterostructures . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8. Optical Measurements of Spin Coherence: Experimental Techniques . . . . . . . . . . 36
9. Measurement of Spin Coherence in Bulk Semiconductors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
10. Spin Coherence Measurements in Semiconductor Quantum Dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1 1. Electrical Manipulation of Spin Coherence in Semiconductor Heterostructures . . 45
12. All-optical Coherent Manipulation of Spin in Semiconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
13. Spin Coherence in Hybrid Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Heterostructures . . . . . . . 57
IV. SemiconductorSpintronic Devices. . . . . ................... 60
14. The Datta-Das Spin-Field Effect Transistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
.................. 63
V. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . .............. 71
1. Introduction
When Richard Feynman boldly speculated in 1959 about the technological pos-
sibilities latent in the manipulation of “quantized energy levels, or the interac-
tions of quantized spins, etc.,”’ even he might not have imagined the current
explosion of scientific and technological activity directed at the quantum func-
tionality embodied in his visionary speech. Contemporary materials engineering
R. P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, Massachussets
(1999). 136.
. Spin polarized electrons (or holes) can be introduced into a conventional semi-
conductor through optical pumping,” via ferromagnetic contact^,'^ or by the
proximity effect of a vicinal ferromagnetic s u ~ f a c e ;this
~ ~spin-polarized
*~~ pop-
ulation of charge carriers can subsequently be manipulated via electric and/or
magnetic fieldsthat either may be externally applied or may arise due to intrinsic
effects within a semiconductor crystal (such as strain-induced piezoelectricity,
spin-orbit coupling, and nuclear hyperfine fields).16
2. Alternatively, in a “magnetic semiconductor,” charge carriers can be exchange
coupled with magnetic ions incorporated into the semiconductor lattice
i t ~ e l f ; ’ ~ such
- ’ ~ interactions often enhance “bare” Zeeman effects, resulting in
large magneto-optical and magneto-resistiveeffects, and can also lead to a col-
lective ordering of the magnetic ions.”
Both of the preceding approaches raise many interesting issues from the vantage
point of condensed matter physics. These include questions such as the funda-
mental understanding of the transport and injection of spin in conventional semi-
conductors and their heterostructures, the understanding and control of quantum
coherent spin phenomena in semiconductors, and the nature and origin of ferro-
magnetism in magnetic semiconductors. Progress toward the resolution of many
of these issues is of course inextricably linked with the development and control
of new materials, which consequently forms a substantial and critical componentof
semiconductor spintronics. This is perhaps best exemplified by the current state of
understanding about ferromagnetic semiconductors,where basic materials science
issues (for instance, defects and phase separation) can often muddy attempts to
grasp the essential physics through idealized models.
As implied by the introductory paragraph, semiconductor spintronics is moti-
vated by the prospects for new technological possibilities that utilize the spin de-
gree of freedom. The idea of using spin-dependentphenomena for opto-electronic
devices was perhaps first recognized many decades ago, with the invention of the
InSb-based Raman spin-flip laser.” Other device applications have focused on
B (mT)
II. FerromagneticSemiconductors
45 E. Dagotto, Nanoscale Phase Separation and Colossal Magnetoresistance: The Physics of Mangan-
ires and Related Compounds, Springer-Verlag. (Berlin).
T. Kasuya and A. Yanase,Rev. Mod. Phys. 40,684 (1968).
47 A. Mauger and C. Godart, Physics Reports 141,51 (1986)
48 T. Story, R. R. Galazka,R. B. Frankel. and P. A. Wolff, fhys. Rev. Lett. 56,777 (1986).
49 H. Munekata et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1849 (1989).
50 H. Ohno et al., fhys. Rev. Len. 68,2664 (1992).
51 H. Ohno et 01.. Appl. fhys. Lett. 69 363 (1996).
52 F. Matsukura, H. Ohno, A. Shen, and Y.Sugawara, Phys. Rev. E 57, R2037 (1998).
systems wherein one can test fundamental and applied concepts relevant to semi-
conductor spintronics.
It is also noteworthy that mean field theories developedto understand the origins
of ferromagnetismin the 111-Mn-V semiconductors20~53-56 have lead to predictions
of ferromagnetismin a much wider class of magnetically doped semicond~ctors.~~
Complementary to this mean field approach that relies on carrier-mediated fer-
romagnetism, first principles calculations have also predicted the existence of
ferromagnetic ground states in many different These predictions
have prompted intense interest in the crystal growth of magnetic semiconduc-
tors that include new 11-VI magnetic semiconductors such as (Zn,Cr)Te,@mag-
netic 111-V p h o ~ p h i d e s ? ~and
, ~ ~a n t i m ~ n i d e s magnetic
;~~ group N
semiconductors;’’ as well as various other complex phosphides and o ~ i d e s ? ~ - ~ ~
In some cases, such as (Zn,Mn)Te and (Cd,Mn)Te, the theoretical predictions have
been vindicated by experiment;7c78 in others, such as the nitrides and oxides, the
current experimental data-while indicating tantalizingly high values of 7’‘-still
need to be complemented by additional measurements to rule out extrinsic origins
for the observed f e r r o m a g n e t i ~ m . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
" S. Das Sarma, E. H. Hwang, and A. Kaminski, Solid Srar. Commun. 127.99 (2003) and references
M. Berciu and R. N. Bhatt, Phys. Rev. Letr. 87, 107203 (2001), and references therein.
83 G. Alvarez, M. Mayr, and E. Dagotto, Phys. Rev. Len. 89,277202 (2002).
84 A. Kaminski and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. Len. 88,247202 (2002).
85 C. Timm, F. Schiifer, and F. von Oppen, Phys. Rev. Lerr. 89, 137201 (2002).
86 P. Mahadevan and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 68,075202 (2003).
The d-d superexchange between the d-electrons of the magnetic ions: This is a
short-ranged antiferromagnetic interaction and is mediated by the intervening
anion.87 In the 11-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors, this interaction is char-
acterized by an exchange integral J d 10 K, while in Gal-,Mn,As, J d 5 1 K.
The s-d(p-d) exchange between the d-electrons and the band electrons (holes):
This interaction is purely ferromagnetic (potential exchange) for conduction
band states and is predominantly antiferromagnetic (kinetic exchange) for va-
lence band states. qpically, the p-d exchange integral is much larger than the
s-d exchange.88
One might anticipate that the two systems of spins (free carriers and local
moments) in a diluted magnetic semiconductor will influence each other through
the sp-d exchange interaction. This interplay is indeed observed in experiments.
Localized charge carriers (e.g., acceptor-boundholes) can align the Mn ions within
their vicinity, forming a “bound magnetic p ~ l a r o n ; ”conversely,
~~ the alignment
of the Mn ions by an external magnetic field can enhance the spin splitting of
conduction and valenceband states via an exchange field,88resulting in a significant
spin polarization of the electron or hole gas.88qw As we will soon see, the sp-d
exchange between free electronsholes and Mn d-electrons is also responsible
for mediating a collective, ferromagnetic alignment of the Mn spins under the
right circumstances. We now discuss the magnetic behavior of a diluted magnetic
semiconductor as a function of the free carrier density.
At low carrier densities, the global magnetic properties of a diluted magnetic
semiconductorare relatively insensitiveto the presence of free carriers. The system
can be modeled quite simply as a collection of S = 5 / 2 spins randomly distributed
on an fcc lattice, and coupled by antiferromagneticd-d superexchange. Depending
on the magnetic ion concentration and temperature, the system exhibits paramag-
netic, spin glass, or short-range antiferromagnetic order. (The spin glass phase
originates in the frustration that is inherent in the randomly diluted fcc lattice.) In
the paramagnetic phase, for an external magnetic field H.2, the magnetization M,
is described by a Brillouin function that is empirically modified to account for the
antiferromagneticMn-Mn interactions.
” B. E. Larson, K.C. Hass, H. Ehrenreich, and A. E. Carlsson, Solid State Commun. 56,347 (1985).
” J. Kossut, in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Semiconductor and Semimetals, vol. 25, eds. J. K.
Furdyna and J. Kossut, Academic Press, New York (1988), 183.
89 P. A. Wolff, in Ref. 88,413.
I. P. Smorchkova, N. Samarth, J. M. Kikkawa, and D. D. Awschalom, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 3571
Mn2+ ions reduce the magnetization from that of non-interacting Mn2+ ions, the
standard Brillouin function is adjusted by using the parameters S,,, (which is the
saturation value for the spin of an individual Mn2+ ion and is smaller than 5/2)
and the rescaled temperature Teff = T To. We note that for a given distribution
of magnetic spins on the lattice, there is a well-defined statistical distribution of
magnetic ions, with isolated spins, pairs of spins, triplets, etc. Due to the anti-
ferromagnetic coupling between nearest neighbor Mn2+ spins, the magnetization
at modest fields is dominated by the paramagnetic response of isolated single
spins. At very high magnetic fields, the presence of the antiferromagneticcoupling
between Mn spins reveals itself directly in abrupt changes in magnetization?’
In addition, as we briefly mentioned, the localization of the free carriers at low
temperatures (on the insulating side of the metal-insulator transition) can in fact
significantly perturb the magnetic moments within the localization radius, forming
“bubbles” of magnetization known as bound magnetic polarons. In fact, some of
the first predictions for ferromagnetism in the diluted magnetic semiconductors
were based on a scenario of the percolation of bound magnetic polarons.82Models
along these lines continue to attract attention, particularly within the context of
ferromagnetic ordering in Gal-,Mn,As at low concentrations where the states are
strongly l ~ c a l i z e d . ~ ~ * ~ ~
As the carrier density increases, the effects of the sp-d exchange on the global
magnetization can eventually overcome the antiferromagnetic coupling between
local moments, and-under the right circumstances-this can lead to spontaneous,
long-range ferromagnetic ordering of the local moments mediated by the delocal-
ized carriers. This has been treated in mean field approaches that use a continuum
a p p r o ~ i m a t i o n ? ~ ~wherein
~ ~ - ~ ’ the random arrangement of magnetic ions on a
semiconductor lattice is replaced with a uniform background. Such a simplifica-
tion isjustified because the typical distance between magnetic ions is much smaller
than the Fermi wavelength h~ of the electrons9r holes in the extended band states.
In such a model, a Mn ion located at position R experiences a local exchange field
proportional to the hole spin polarization.
where ( ~ ( 2 represents
)) the hole spin density at the Mn sites, and J is the s-d(p-d)
exchange integral. The Mn ions then align according to Eq. 2.1 in the net magnetic
field given by the sum of the local exchange field and any external magnetic field.
When the local exchange field is strong enough to overcome the effects of the
antiferromagnetic Mn-Mn exchange, a spontaneous ferromagnetic alignment of
the system becomes possible.
9’ S. A. Crooker, N. Samatth, and D.D.Awschalom, Phys. Rev. B 61, 1736 (2000), and references
At least two complementary approaches have been used to determine the con-
ditions for such carrier-mediated ferromagnetism. The carrier spin density can be
calculated by solving the free particle Schrdinger equation in the presence of
a kinetic-exchange field determined by the polarization of the Mn ions.53 Addi-
tional effects such as Coulomb potentials in heterostructures can also be included
in this calculation, as well as exchange-correlation effects within the local spin
density approximation. An alternative approach uses a methodology (inspired by
early work by Zener)92wherein the Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional is
minimized with respect to the Mn magnetization for a given temperature, external
magnetic field, and carrier density.57 Both these approaches essentially produce
the same physical result, which correlates the Curie temperature with a variety of
system parameters according to the following equation:
Here, g* is the g-factor of the carriers mediating the sp-d exchange, and xf is the
interactingcarrier spin susceptibility.The carrier spin susceptibilityis transparently
related to the Fermi wave vector kF through the total energy of the system. In
particular, when contributions from the kinetic exchange dominate those from the
potential exchange, Tc m*kF, where kF is the Fermi wave vector and m* is the
effective mass of the carriers. It follows that TC where x is the fraction
of lattice sites occupied by Mn ions and n is the carrier density.
These insights provide a “confidence test” for the mean field approach. We
anticipate that TC will be higher in materials with larger effective mass and larger
carrier-ion exchange. Both these characteristics favor ferromagnetism in p-type
diluted magnetic semiconductors over n-type materials; the absence of evidence
for ferromagnetism in the n-doped 11-Mn-VI materials supports this prediction.
In addition, by evaluating kinetic and exchange contributions to the carrier spin
susceptibility using detailed band structure, the mean field approach provides the
means to quantitativelycalculate various physical parameters such as Tc, the mag-
netic anisotropy coefficients,spin stiffness,and carrier spin polarization. The use of
a realistic Kohn-Luttingerdescription of the valence band structure is particularly
crucial in the context of hole-mediated ferromagnetism.
How representative of reality is the model system that we have just described
when compared with real materials? It turns out that that it is in fact well repre-
sented by the 11-Mn-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors,where the substitutional
Mn ions are isoelectronic and do not perturb the host semiconductorband structure
qualitatively, except to alter the band parameters such as the energy gap and the
effective mass in a well-understood fashion.I7 Here, the predictions of the mean
field theory correspond very well to observationsof ferromagnetismin the p-doped
93 T. Died, cond-maU0307503.
94 A. Shen et al., J. Ctysr. Gmwrh 175/176, 1069 (1997).
95 B. Beschoten er al., Phys. Rev. Len. 83,3073 (1999).
96 J. Okabayashi er al., Phys. Rev. B 64,125304 (2001).
97 Y.Nagai et 41.. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40,623 1 (2001).
98 E. J. Singley er al., Phys. Rev. Len. 89,097203 (2002).
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102. Instead of και δικης, I read και μετα δικης.
106. The cock was sacred to Apollo, and therefore its heart was believed to be
the instrument of divination in sacrifices. The chemic Olympiodorus says, “that the
cock obscurely signifies the essence of the sun and moon.” See, in the additional
notes, what is said by Proclus concerning the cock, in his treatise On Magic.
107. It is well observed by Ficinus, in lib. i. Eunead. ii. Plotin. “that the fire
which is enkindled by us is more similar to the heavens than other terrestrial
substances. Hence it participates of light, which is something incorporeal, is the
most powerful of all things, is as it were vital, is perpetually moved, divides all
things, without being itself divided, absorbs all things in itself, and avoids any
foreign mixture: and lastly, when the fuel of it is consumed, it suddenly flies back
again to the celestial fire, which is every where latent.”
108. For this vehicle is luciform, and consists of pure, immaterial, unburning,
and vivific fire. See the fifth book of my translation of Proclus on the Timæus.
109. Proclus in Tim. lib. v. observes concerning the telestic art, or the art
which operates through mystic ceremonies, “that, as the oracles teach, it
obliterates through divine fire all the stains produced by generation.” Η τελεστικη
δια του θειου πυρος αφανιζει τας εκ της γενεσεως απασας κηλιδας, ως τα λογια
διδασκει. Hence another Chaldean oracle says, τῳ πυρι γαρ βροτος εμπελασας
θεοθεν φαος εξει. i. e. “The mortal who approaches to fire will have a light from
divinity.” Hercules, as we also learn from Proclus, was an example of this telestic
purification. For he says, Ηρακλης δια τελεστικης καθῃραμενος, και των αχραντων
καρπων μετασχων, τελειας ετυχε εις τους θεους αποκαταστασεως, in Plat. Polit. p.
382. i. e. “Hercules being purified through the telestic art, and participating of
undefiled fruits, obtained a perfect restoration to the Gods.”
110. In the original, λεγω δε της θειας ψυχης τε και φυσεως, αλλ’ ουχι της
περικοσμιου τε και γενεσιουργου. But it appears to me that we should here read,
conformably to the above translation, λεγω δε της θειας, ψυχης τε και ψυσεως,
αλλ’ ουχι μονου της περικοσμιου τε και γενεσιουργου.
111. These media consist of the order of Gods denominated αρχαι, or rulers,
and of those called απολυτοι, or liberated; the former of which also are
denominated supermundane, and the latter supercelestial, in consequence of
existing immediately above the celestial Gods. See, concerning these media, the
sixth book of my translation of Proclus on the Theology of Plato.
112. Proclus on the First Alcibiades observes, “that about every God there is an
innumerable multitude of dæmons, who have the same appellations with their
leaders. And that these are delighted when they are called by the names of Apollo
or Jupiter, because they express in themselves the characteristic peculiarity of their
leading Gods.” In the same admirable commentary, also, he says, “that in the most
holy of the mysteries [i. e. in the Eleusinian mysteries], prior to the appearance of
divinity, the incursions of certain terrestrial dæmons present themselves to the
view, alluring the souls of the spectators from undefiled good to matter.”
in the sixth book of the Æneid observes, “more pontificum, per quos ritu veteri
in omnibus sacris post speciales Deos, quos ad ipsum sacrum, quod fiebat necesse
erat invocari, generaliter omnia numina invocabantur.” i. e. “This is spoken after
the manner of the pontiffs, by whom, according to ancient rites, in all sacrifices,
after the appropriate Gods whom it was necessary to invoke to the sacrifice, all the
divinities were invoked in general.” And in his Annotations on the seventh of the
Æneid he informs us, “that king Œneus offered a sacrifice of first fruits to all the
divinities but Diana, who being enraged sent a boar [as a punishment for the
neglect].” With respect to this anger, however, of Diana, it is necessary to observe
with Proclus, “that the anger of the Gods does not refer any passion to them, but
indicates our inaptitude to participate of them.” Ο γαρ των θεων χολος, ουκ εις
εκεινας αναπεμπει τι παθος, αλλα την ημων δεικνυσι ανεπιτηδειοτητα της εκεινων
116. In the original θυμον τινος: but it is doubtless requisite to read with Gale,
θεσμον τινος. This I have translated a certain divine legislation, because we are
informed by Proclus, in Platon. Theol. lib. iv. p. 206, “that θεσμος is connected
with deity, and pertains more to intelligibles; but that νομος, which unfolds
intellectual distribution, is adapted to the intellectual fathers.” Ο γαρ θεσμος
συμπλεκεται τῳ θεῳ, και προσηκει μαλλον τοις νοητοις ο δε νομος την νοεραν
εμφαινων διανομην, οικειος εσι τοις νοεροις πατρασι.
118. This particular respecting the apples of gold is added from the version of
Scutellius, who appears to have translated this work from a more perfect
manuscript than that which was used by Gale.
119. The conjecture of Gale, that for ἢ το εν Αβυδῳ in this place, we should
read ἢ το εν αδυτῳ, is, I have no doubt, right. For the highest order of intelligibles
is denominated by Orpheus the adytum, as we are informed by Proclus in Tim. By
the arcanum in the adytum, therefore, is meant the deity who subsists at the
extremity of the intelligible order (i. e. Phanes); and of whom it is said in the
Chaldean Oracles, “that he remains in the paternal profundity, and in the adytum,
near to the god-nourished silence.”
120. For εις το φαινομενον και ορφμενον σωμα, I read εις το φερομενον κ. τ.
122. Conformably to this, Martianus Capella also, in lib. ii. De Nuptiis Philol.
&c. speaking of the sun, says, “Ibi quandam navim, totius naturæ cursus diversa
cupiditate moderantem, cunctaque flammarum congestione plenissimam, et beatis
circumactam mercibus conspicatur. Cui nautæ septem, germani tamen, suique
similes præsidebant in prora. Præsidebat in prora felis forma depicta, leonis in
arbore, crocodili in extimo.” For these animals, the cat, the lion, and the crocodile
were peculiarly sacred to the sun. Martianus adds, “In eadem vero rate, fons
quidem lucis æthereæ, arcanisque fluoribus manans, in totius mundi lumina
fundebatur.” i. e. “In the same ship there was a fountain of etherial light flowing
with arcane streams, which were poured into all the luminaries of the world.”
Porphyry, likewise, in his treatise De Antro Nymph. says, “that the Egyptians
placed the sun and all dæmons not connected with any thing solid or stable, but
raised on a sailing vessel.”
123. In the original παν ζωδιον, which Gale erroneously translates animalia
124. Of this kind are the following names in Alexand. Trallian. lib. ii. Μευ,
Θρευ, Μορ, Φορ, Τευξ, Ζα, Ζων, Θε, Λου, Χρι, Γε, Ζε, Ων, i.e. Meu, Threu, Mor,
Phor, Teux, Za, Zōn, The, Lou, Chri, Ge, Ze, Ōn. By these names Alexander
Trallianus says, the sun becomes fixed in the heavens. He adds, “Again behold the
great name Ιαξ, (lege Ιαω), Αζυφ, Ζυων, Θρευξ, Βαϊν, Χωωκ, i. e. Iaō, Azuph, Zuōn,
Threux, Baïn, Chōōk.” Among the Latins, also, Cato, Varro, and Marcellus de
Medicamentis Empiricis, there are examples of these names; the power and
efficacy of which, as Gale observes, are testified by history, though it is not easy to
explain the reason of their operation.
126. See the additional notes at the end of vol. v. of my translation of Plato,
where many of these names are beautifully unfolded from the MS. Scholia of
Proclus on the Cratylus.
127. See the additional notes at the end of vol. v. of my translation of Plato,
and also the notes to my translation of Aristotle de Interpretatione, in which the
reader will find a treasury of recondite information concerning names, from
Proclus and Ammonius.
128. Most historians give the palm of antiquity to the Egyptians. And Lucian,
in lib. De Syria Dea, says, “that the Egyptians are said to be the first among men
that had a conception of the Gods, and a knowledge of sacred concerns.——They
were also the first that had a knowledge of sacred names.” Αιγυπτιοι πρωτοι
ανθρωπων λεγονται θεων τε εννοιην λαβειν και ιρα εισασθαι——πρωτοι δε και
ονοματα ιρα εγνωσαν. Conformably to this, also, an oracle of Apollo, quoted by
Eusebius, says that the Egyptians were the first that disclosed by infinite actions
the path that leads to the Gods. This oracle is as follows:
For Εβραιων in this oracle I read Χαλδαιων, because I have no doubt that
either Aristobulus the Jew, well known for interpolating the writings of the
Heathens, or the wicked Eusebius as he is called by the Emperor Julian, have
fraudulently substituted the former word for the latter.
129. Prayers of this kind are such as those of which Proclus speaks in Tim. p.
65, when he says, “The cathartic prayer is that which is offered for the purpose of
averting diseases originating from pestilence, and other contagious distempers,
such as we have written in our temples.” Καθαρτικαι δε (ευχαἰ, επι αποτροπαις
λοιμικων νοσημοτων, ἢ παντοιων μολυσμων’ οιας δε και εν τοις ιεροις εχομεν
130. Porphyry, in lib. ii. De Abstinentia, mentions Seleucus the theologist, and
Suidas says that Seleucus the Alexandrian wrote 100 books concerning the Gods.
131. These books (βιβλοι) were most probably nothing more than short
discourses, such as the treatises now are which are circulated as written by
Hermes, and which, as Iamblichus informs us, contain Hermaic doctrines.
132. A great priest, a scribe of the Adyta in Egypt, by birth a Sebanite, and an
inhabitant of Heliopolis, as he relates of himself.
133. In the original, πρωτος και του πρωτου θεου και βασιλεως, which Gale
translates, prior etiam primo Deo, et rege [sole]. But the addition of sole in his
translation is obviously most unappropriate and false: for Iamblichus is evidently
speaking of a deity much superior to the sun.
134. For Ημηφ here, Gale conjectures that we should read Κνηφ Kneph: for
Plutarch says that the unbegotten Kneph was celebrated with an extraordinary
degree of veneration by the Egyptian Thebans.
135. Hence the moon is said by Proclus to be αυτοπτον της φυσεως αγαλμα,
the self-visible statue or image of nature.
136. Proclus in Tim. p. 117, cites what is here said as the doctrine of the
Egyptians, and also cites for it the authority of Iamblichus. But his words are, και
μην και η των Αιγυπτιων παραδοσις τα αυτα περι αυτης (της υλης) φησιν. ο γε τοι
θειος Ιαμβλιχος ιστορησεν οτι και Ερμης εκ της ουσιοτητος την υλοτητα
παραγεσθαι βουλεται., i. e. “Moreover the doctrine of the Egyptians asserts the
same things concerning matter. For the divine Iamblichus relates that Hermes also
produces matter from essentiality.”
137. This is most probably the Chæremon who is said by Porphyry, in lib. iv.
De Abstinentia, “to be a lover of truth, an accurate writer, and very conversant with
the Stoic philosophy.” Τοιαυτα μεν τα κατ’ Αιγυπτιους υπ’ ανδρος φιλαληθους τε
και ακριβους, εντε τοις Στωϊκοις πραγματικωτατα φιλοσοφησαντος
138. This was the ninth king in the twenty-sixth dynasty of the Saitan kings.
139. This city is mentioned by Plato in the Timæus, who represents Critias as
saying “that there is a certain region of Egypt, called Delta, about the summit of
which the streams of the Nile are divided, and in which there is a province called
Saitical.” He adds, “of this province the greatest city is Saïs, from which also King
Amasis derived his origin. The city has a presiding divinity, whose name is, in the
Egyptian tongue, Neith, but in the Greek Athena, or Minerva.” It is singular that
Gale, who is not deficient in philology, though but a smatterer in philosophy,
should have omitted to remark in his notes this passage of Plato.
140. Proclus, in MS. Comment, in Alcibiad. cites one of the Chaldean oracles,
which says,
i. e. “There is a transmitting name which leaps into the infinite worlds.” And in
his MS. Scholia in Cratyl. he quotes another of these oracles, viz.
145. i. e. Through a period of 300,000 years; and Procl. in Tim. lib. iv. p. 277,
informs us that the Chaldeans had observations of the stars which embraced whole
mundane periods. What Proclus likewise asserts of the Chaldeans is confirmed by
Cicero in his first book on Divination, who says that they had records of the stars
for the space of 370,000 years; and by Diodorus Siculus, Bibl. lib. xi. p. 118, who
says that their observations comprehended the space of 473,000 years.
146. “We say,” says Hephestion, “that a star is the lord of the geniture, which
has five conditions of the lord of the nativity in the horoscope; viz. if that star
receives the luminaries in their proper boundaries, in their proper house, in their
proper altitude, and in the proper triangle.” He also adds, “and if besides it has
contact, effluxion, and configuration.” See likewise Porphyry in Ptolemæum, p. 191.
147. According to the Egyptians every one received his proper dæmon at the
hour of his birth; nor did they ascend any higher, in order to obtain a knowledge of
it. For they alone considered the horoscope. See Porphyry apud Stobæum, p. 201,
and Hermes in Revolut. cap. iv.
148. In the original ενταυθα δε ουν και η της αληθειας παρεστι θεα, και η της
νοερας επιστημης. But instead of η της νοερας απιστημης, which appears to me to
be defective, I read η κτησις της νοερας επιστημης.
150. In the original, by a strange mistake, των θνητων is inserted here instead
of των νοητων, which is obviously the true reading. The version of Gale also has
151. i. e. Man, considered as a rational soul, connected with the irrational life;
for this man has dominion in the realms of generation.
152. See the second edition of this work in Nos. XV. and XVI. of the
153. i. e. Of natures which are not connected with body.
154. For in these, all are in each, but not all in all.
156. And in consequence of this mistake, for αυτο in this place, we must read
162. The German editor of these Scholia, instead of πρακτικῃ which is the true
reading in this place, and which he found in the manuscript, absurdly substitutes
for it πυκτικῃ, as if Hercules was a pugilist. See my translation of the Dissertation
at Maximus Tyrius, on the Practic and Theoretic Life.
“‘The City of Dreadful Night’ ranks with Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat as a lyrical
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ampler ether, a diviner air, his verse has not only the impressiveness of power, but
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“Messrs. Reeves & Turner and Mr. Dobell have published in two volumes the
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all wit,’ as he terms it himself. The sad story of his life is told with sympathy and
fairness in a memoir by Mr. Bertram Dobell, who has edited the work. The
pessimistic and heterodox utterances of the author of ‘The City of Dreadful Night’
were never likely to be very popular, but this excellent edition will be very welcome
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Crown 8vo, pp. 334. Price 7s. 6d.
“Such is the story which Mr. Salt tells, and tells simply and sympathetically. He
‘had not the advantage of personal acquaintance with James Thomson,’ but he
writes as if he had. There is a brighter side to the picture, and to this also the
biographer does justice. He throws into relief the brighter qualities of this unhappy
man; his social gifts, his brilliant talk, his capacity of friendship, receptivity and
humour, and above all, his popularity. We are treated to plenty of his letters, and
these really are a treat.... But whatever the demerits of Mr. Salt’s criticism, this
seems certain: that the perusal of his ‘Life of James Thomson’ will prove in most
cases a prelude to the perusal of James Thomson’s works.”—Scots Observer.
Crown 8vo, pp. 282. Price 6s.
“Of the essays in this volume, the principal are those on Emerson, Burns,
Shelley, Blake, and Walt Whitman. All these contain solid, though unequal work,—
the first named, for instance, reproducing Emerson’s peculiar staccato style too
closely to be pleasant. Those on Blake and Walt Whitman are, we think, his best,
though we are not sure that we agree with Mr. Robertson in thinking that Thomson
was really more competent in prose than in poetry.”—The Speaker.
“Mr. Bertram Dobell has now issued the second part of his ‘Catalogue of
Privately Printed Books,’ coming down to the letter N. This consists, it may be as
well to state, entirely of such books as are in Mr. Dobell’s own possession; but as he
has been collecting them for many years past, and as he appends copious notes to
the titles, the work will always possess a permanent bibliographical value. We
observe that he describes a large number of pieces printed at the private press of
Charles Clark, of Great Totham, Essex, which possess little interest beyond
curiosity; but he seems to have none of the dialect specimens of Prince L. L.
Buonaparte, and the only examples of Mr. Daniel’s Oxford Press, that we have
found are under the head of Canon Dixon [others have since been noticed]. The
Appleton Press of Mr. W. J. Linton is fairly represented, and so is that of the late
Halliwell-Phillipps. Altogether the curious reader will find here much to interest
him in one of the by-paths of literature.”—The Academy.
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