1. Introduction
Direct inventory
Indirect inventory
i. Direct inventory
It plays direct role in the manufacture of product such as:
Raw materials
Inprocess inventories (= work in progress)
Purchased parts (purchasing of some components instead of
manf. in the plant)
Inished goods.
ii. Indirect inventory
it helps the raw materials to get converted into finished part. such as:
- miscellaneous consumable – brooms, cotton, wool, jute,
- welding electrode, solders etc.
- abrasive mat – emery cloth, sand paper etc.
- brushes, maps, etc.
- oil greases etc.
- general office supplies – candles, sealing wax etc.
- printed forms such as – envelope, letter heads, quotation
forms etc.
Inventory control
The relevant costs for how much & when decisions of normal inventory
keeping one:
1. Cost of capital
Since inventory is equivalent to locked-up working capital the cost of
capital is an important relevant cost. this is the opportunity cost of
investing in inventory.
2. Space cost
Inventory keeping needs space and therefore, how much and when
question of inventory keeping are related to space requirements. this
cost may be the rent paid for the space.
3. Materials handling cost
The material need to be moved within the warehose and the factory and
the cost associated with the internal movement of materials (or
inventory) is called materials handling cost.
4. Obsolescence, spoilage or Deterioration cost
If the inventory is procured in a large quantity, there is always a risk of
the item becoming absolute due to a change in product design or the
item getting spoiled because of natural ageing process. Such cost has a
relation to basic question of how much and when?
5. Insurance costs
There is always a risk of fire or theft of materials. a firm might have
taken insurance against such mishaps and the insurance premium paid
are the relevant cost.
6. Cost of general administration
Inventory keeping will involve the use of various staffs. with large
inventories, the cost of general administration might go up.
7. Inventory procurement cost
Cost associated with the procurement activities such as tendering,
evaluation of bids, ordering, follow-up the purchase order, receipt and
inspection of materials etc. is called inventory procurement cost.
EOQ represent the size of the order (or lot size) such that the sum of
carrying cost (due to holding the inventory) and ordering cost is minimum. it is
shown by point A of figure 2.1.
The following assumptions are considered for the sake of simplicity of model.
Carrying cost per year = × Cc --------------(3)
Since the 2nd derivative is +ve, we can equate the value of first derivative to
zero to get the optimum value of Q.
i.e ., Co + Co
2 =0
Cc D
:- 2 = Q 2 Co
:- Q2 = Cc
:- Q = J -------(8)
So, optimum Q = EOQ = J
Ex: ABC company estimates that it will sell 12000 units of its product for the
forthcoming year. the ordering cost is Rs 100/- per order and the carrying cost
per year is 20% of the purchase price per unit. The purchase price per unit is Rs
i. Economic Order Quantity
ii. No. of orders/year
iii. Time between successive order.
Therefore (i) EOQ = J 2×100×12000
= 490 units approx.
Cc =J 10
D 12000
No. of orders/year = Q∗ = = 24.49
Q∗ 490
When items are purchased in bulk, buyers are usually given discount in the
purchase price of goods. this discount may be a step function of purchase
quantity as stated in the Following.
0 ≤ Q1 < b1 → P1
b 1 ≤ Q2 < b2 → P2
: :
: :
bn-1 ≤ Qn → Pn
The procedure to compute the optimal order size for this situation is
given in the following steps.
Step- 1
Find EOQ for nth (last) price break
Q*n = J2CoD
Step- 2
Q*n-1 = J 2 CoD
i Pn–1
If it is greater than or equal to bn-2, then compute the following and select
the least cost purchase quantity as optimal order size; otherwise go to step-3
i) TC (Qn-1)
ii) TC (bn-1)
Q*n-2 = J 2 CoD
I Pn–2
If it d greater than or equal to bn-3, then compute the following and select
the least cost purchase quantity; otherwise go to step-4.
Continue in this manner until Q*n-k ≥ bn-k-I. Then compare total cost
n(Q*n-k), n(b n-k), n(bn-k+1)………….. n(bn-1) corresponding to purchase quantities
Q*n-k, bn-k, bn-k+1, ……….bn-1 respectively. Finally select the purchase quantity
w.r.t. minimum total cost.
Ex: Annual demand for an item is 4800 units. ordering cost is Rs 500/- per
order. inventory carrying cost is 24% of the purchase price per unit. the price
break are given below.
Quantity Price
2000 ≤ Q3 (b3) → 8
Since Q2 > b1 i.e., 1200, find the following costs & select the order size
based on least cost.
TC(Q2) = 9 × 4800 + 500 × 4800
1491+ 2
= Rs 46420 (approx)
0.24 ×8×2000
TC (b2) = 8 × 4800 + 500 × 4800
2000+ 2
= Rs 41,520 (approx)
The least cost is Rs 41,520, Hence optimal order size is 2000.
It is a manufacturing model
(b) With shortage.
During the period t1, the item is produced at the rate of k units per
period and simultaneously it is consumed at the rate of r units per period. So
during this period, the inventory is built at the rate of (k-r) units per period.
During the period t2, the production of items is discontinued but the
consumption of item is continued. Hence the inventory is decreased at the of r
units per period during this period.
The various formulae for this situation
2 Cor
Economic Batch Quantity (EBQ) = J
Cc (1–r/k)
t1* = Q*/K
t2* = Q∗[1–r/k]
Cycle time = t1* + t2* (Refer Operation Research Book by Kanti Swarup
for detail)
r = 24000 units/year
k = 48000munits/year
EBQ = 2 Co.r
JCc (1–r 2×200×24000 = 980 approx.
= J20(1–24000/48
/k) 000)
Q∗ 980
t*1 = = = 0.02yr = 0.24 montℎ
k 48000
Q∗ r 980 24000
t*2 = (1 − k) = 24000 (1 − ) = 0.02yr = 0.24 montℎ
r 48000
In this model, the items are produced and consumed simultaneously for a
portion of cycle time. The rate of consumption of items is uniform through out
the year. The cost of production per unit is the same irrespective of production
lot size. In this model, stock out/shortage is permitted. It is assumed that the
stock out units will be satisfied from the units which will be produced at a later
date with a penalty (like rate reduction). This is called back ordering. The
operation of this model is shown in fig. 2.4. .
The variables which are used in this model are given below.
Co = cost/setup
Cc = carrying cost/unit/period
Cs = shortage cost/unit/period.
Q1 = Maximum inventory
By applying mathematics
2 Co kr (Cc+Cs)
Q* = EBQ = J Cc (k–r) ----------(1)
2 Cor(k–r) Cs --------------(2)
Q*1 = J Cc k
× Cc+Cs
2 Co Cc r(k–r)
Q*2 = J Cs(Cc+Cs)× k
Also Q*1 = ( . Q∗) − Q ∗
k 2
Q∗ Q1 ∗ Q
∗ Q2 ∗ Q2∗
t* = ;t*1 = ; t*2 = ; t*3 = ; t*4 =
r k–r r r (k–r)
The situation where demand is not known exactly but the probability
distribution of demand is known (from previous data) is called a stochastic
The optimum order level will thus be derived by minimizing the total
expected cost rather than the actual cost involved.
Penalty costs are associated with producing Q which is less than the amount
actually demanded (i.e. Q < r). It is denoted by the shortage cost (Cs). This may
be made up of either
Similarly we assume that the penalty costs are associated with producing Q,
which is lying surplus even after meeting the demand (i.e. Q ≥ r). We denote
this cost by Cc, as unit cost of oversupplying. This may be made up of either
Expected cost of over production = Cc ∑ r=1 P(r)---------(2)
Let on amount Q+1 instead of Q be produced. Then the total expected cost
equation →
TEC(Q)= Cc ∑ Q+1 (Q + 1 − r ). P(r)+ Cs ∑ œ (r − Q − 1 )P(r)-----(6)
r=1 r=Q+2
Δ[TEC(Q)] = (Cc+Cs)P(r ≤ Q) - Cs
And Δ[TEC(Q-1)] = (Cc+Cs) P(r ≤ Q-1) – Cs
Q = quantity produced
The total expected cost (TEC) associated with producing an amount Q when
facing a demand known only as a continuous random variable is given by:
Q œ
TEC(Q) = Cc ∫ ( − r )F (r)dr + Cs ∫Q (r − Q )ƒ(r)dr ------(11)
r=1 Q
= Cc [∫1 ƒ(r)dr + (Q − Q ). 1 −(Q − 1 )ƒ(1). 0]+Cs[-
œ dr
∫ (ƒ(r)dr + (r − Q)ƒ(r) /−(Q − Q)ƒ(Q). 1]
Q dQ
Q œ
= Cc ∫ ƒ(r)dr − Cs ∫ ƒ(r)dr
1 Q
Q œ Q
= Cc∫ ƒ(r)dr − Cs[∫ ƒ(r)dr − ∫ ƒ(r)dr]
1 1 1
= (Cc+Cs)∫1 ƒ(r)dr − Cs ∫1œ ƒ
s(irn)cedr = 1
→ 6TEC(Q) = 0 = (Cc + Cs)∫ Q ƒ(r)dr = Cs =∫ Qƒ(r)dr = Cs
6Q 1 1 Cc+Cs
& P(r ≤ Q) = Cc+Cs --------------(12)
6 2 TEC(Q)
= (Cc + Cs )ƒ(Q) > 0
Ex: A newspaper boy buys paper for Rs 1.40 and sells them for Rs 2.45. He can't
return unsold newspaper. Daily demand has the following distributions.
Number of 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Probability 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.02
If each days demand is independent of the previous days, how many papers he
should order each days?
r 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
P(r) 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.02
∑ P(r) 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.23 0.38 0.53 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.92 0.98 1.0
Cs 1.05 = 0.4285
Now = 1.40+1.05
Now 0.38 < 0.4285 < 0.53 ; so the number of newspaper ordered = 30.0
= day
× LT in days.
i) 'A' items are high valued items hence should be ordered in small
quantities in order to reduce capital blockage.
ii) The future requirement must be planned in advanced so that
required quantities arrive a little before they are required for
iii) Purchase and stock control of A items should be taken care by top
executives in purchasing department.
iv) Maximum effort should be made to expedite the delivery.
v) The safety stock should be as less as possible (15 days or less).
vi) 'A' items are subjected to tight control w.r.t.
Storing method
vii) Ordering quantities, reorder point and maximum stock level should
be revised more frequently.
The following example will give a clear and wide information about ABC
analysis. Prepare ABC analysis on the following sample of items in an
Item Annual usage unit Unit cost (Rs) Annual usage (Rs) Ranking
a 30,000 0.01 300 6
b 2800 1.5 4200 1
c 300 0.10 30 9
d 1100 0.5 550 4
e 400 0.05 20 10
f 2200 1.0 2200 2
g 1500 0.05 75 8
h 8000 0.05 400 5
i 3000 0.30 900 3
j 800 0.10 80 7
A company that has not made ABC analysis of its inventory makes 4
orders/year in respect of each item to get 3 months supply of every item.
Taking a sample of 3 items, with different levels of annual consumptions, their
average inventory (which is one half of order quantity) is worked out in the
following table.
But keeping the same no. of orders/year (i.e. 12), inventory can be reduced by
39% by segregating them according to their usage value (ABC analysis) as
illustrated in the following table.