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/ 135
01-08 23:01:13.
675 1314 1314 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/app/Gboard:
Package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin at /system/app/Gboard ignored: updated
version 153613101 better than this 83221721
01-08 23:01:16.536 1314 1428 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.email.partnerprovider flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1314 ,pkg=null
01-08 23:01:16.536 1314 1428 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.userdictionary flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1314 ,pkg=null
01-08 23:01:16.536 1314 1428 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.media.module flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1314 ,pkg=null
01-08 23:01:26.113 1314 1946 D _V_VivoWatchdogImpl: /dev/block/mmcblk0p50
237536 23040 214496 10% /cache
01-08 23:01:28.536 2045 2045 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1840
01-08 23:01:30.536 1773 1796 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes (user not unlocked)
01-08 23:01:30.536 1314 2203 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
01-08 23:01:30.536 1773 2430 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes (user not unlocked)
01-08 23:01:37.536 1314 2200 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.mediatek.internal.stk.command flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
01-08 23:02:17.315 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLcmBrightnessManager: DisplayToken
android.os.BinderProxy@d668a0e, setLcmBacklight lcmFloat = 0.2019536, brightness =
827, useSurfaceControl status false
01-08 23:02:17.317 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.2019536;
setBrightness = 827
01-08 23:02:53.536 1314 3790 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-08 23:03:06.536 1314 2200 D _V_BarAnimController: fillFakeBarsWithContent skip
capture as last capture time is in 100ms with animation has not been started
01-08 23:03:08.536 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 779; targetLcm = 707; pemLcm = 778; step = 1; gap = 112
01-08 23:03:08.536 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.39051804; mInvisibleBright = 0.39051804; mActualLcm = 778; mTargetLcm = 707;
mPemScale = 0.8; mApparentBrightness = 0.39051804
01-08 23:03:08.536 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.39051804; finalBrightness =
0.38232064; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
01-08 23:03:08.536 1314 1757 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.38232064, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
01-08 23:03:51.536 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.39051804; finalBrightness =
0.38147554; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
01-08 23:03:51.536 1314 1757 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.38147554, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
01-08 23:03:57.536 1314 1797 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-08 23:04:07.536 1314 4056 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10180; state: ENABLED
01-08 23:04:19.536 1799 1968 D _V_DisplayManager: Lock :android.os.Binder@37b3980
tag : keyguard-blur has already been released !
01-08 23:04:20.536 1314 1424 D _V_VivoWidgetAppControllx: mWidgetStartSwitch is
01-08 23:04:58.370 1314 1528 D DeviceIdleController: Time to remove uid 10131:
01-08 23:05:02.657 1314 1528 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10131, timeNow=253675
01-08 23:06:07.536 1314 3766 D _V_ActivityTaskManager: startPausingLocked r:
ActivityRecord{c9f6cd u0 com.whatsapp/.HomeActivity t9 d0} ,caller by
01-08 23:06:28.283 1314 3790 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{com.whatsapp:
parentWindow@30c72c2: 21c3e81 u0 PopupWindow:da50b86}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=47, requestedHeight=46, attrs.width=-2, attrs.height=-2, compatFrame
= Rect(59, 1490 - 106, 1536), mAttrs.privateFlags = 42018000, mInvGlobalScale = 1.0
01-08 23:06:59.536 1314 3290 D _V_VivoWidgetAppControllx: mWidgetStartSwitch is
01-08 23:07:13.383 1314 3815 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{com.whatsapp:
parentWindow@30c72c2: c4347f u0 PopupWindow:da50b86}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=47, requestedHeight=46, attrs.width=-2, attrs.height=-2, compatFrame
= Rect(59, 1490 - 106, 1536), mAttrs.privateFlags = 42018000, mInvGlobalScale = 1.0
01-08 23:07:17.536 1314 1314 W Looper : Drained
01-08 23:07:17.536 1314 1314 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 121ms main
h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=4
01-08 23:07:27.536 1314 2159 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:radio.data.stall.recovery.action value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
01-08 23:08:04.536 1314 3815 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-08 23:09:05.536 15668 15668 D _V_AppWidgetProvider: onReceive widgetClint
runnable start package:com.google.android.contacts
01-08 23:09:16.536 1314 1502 D _V_VivoPKMSUtils: isSupportRomVersion configOsName
is null
01-08 23:09:18.545 1314 16097 E ActivityManager: 6.2%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 4.9% user + 1.2% kernel / faults: 51
minor 10 major
01-08 23:10:36.436 1314 1314 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 426ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.SessionManager$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda2@cbbe536 m=0
01-08 23:10:39.536 1314 4060 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-08 23:10:52.536 1314 2202 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-09 00:59:04.281 1314 14253 E ActivityManager: 21%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 18% user + 3.5% kernel / faults: 345
minor 4 major
01-09 08:46:20.408 1314 20302 E ActivityManager: 0.3%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 12
minor 13 major
01-09 08:46:23.536 1314 1659 D _V_VivoBrightnessPolicyService: Target percent is
already set to 0.0%.
01-09 08:46:23.536 1314 1595 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-09 09:22:49.536 1314 1936 W Telecom : bt: maybeUnbindCallScreeningService -
already unbound
01-09 09:29:57.536 1742 1742 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: Failed to
register radio mode change callback
01-09 09:32:12.520 1799 1799 E _V_ANRMonitor: at
01-09 09:32:14.959 1314 22099 E ActivityManager: 0%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 3 major
01-09 09:32:16.164 1314 22380 D _V_VivoWatchdogImpl: /dev/block/mmcblk0p50
237536 23040 214496 10% /cache
01-09 09:33:07.141 1314 22099 E ActivityManager: 0%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor
6 major
01-09 09:33:16.536 1314 3815 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-09 09:33:16.118 1314 4060 D JobServiceContext: doCallback of :
JobStatus{9ca32f0 #u0a101/11012
com.vivo.weather.provider/.dataParse.WeatherHandleJobService u=0 s=10101
01-09 09:33:24.536 1314 1432 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
01-09 09:33:24.536 1314 1432 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:2dd3f98 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
01-09 10:01:09.087 23787 23787 E _V_ANRMonitor: at
01-09 10:34:53.012 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:34:53.012 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:34:53.012 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:35:05.536 15153 17173 E ttheif : [ttheif_dec.c,
heif_get_orientation_from_exif, 2844]heif_get_orientation_from_exif error
01-09 10:35:10.779 15153 15563 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:35:18.375 15153 15528 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:35:19.067 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:35:19.067 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:35:19.067 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:35:37.536 541 17265 E android.hardware.media.c2@1.2-mediatek: [DEBUG]
01-09 10:35:40.870 832 17504 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:35:41.167 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:35:41.167 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:35:41.167 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:35:45.766 15153 15971 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:35:46.281 580 17536 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56229,
01-09 10:36:05.536 541 17295 E android.hardware.media.c2@1.2-mediatek: [DEBUG]
01-09 10:36:07.513 15153 15386 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [06:0x68383500]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6f8e0f00 frame=536 [ 576x1024: 576,7F000001]
01-09 10:36:07.767 15153 15527 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:36:08.551 832 17789 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:36:08.730 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:08.730 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:08.731 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:09.563 15153 15368 E ttheif : [ttheif_dec.c,
heif_get_orientation_from_exif, 2844]heif_get_orientation_from_exif error
01-09 10:36:09.564 15153 15368 E ttheif : [ttheif_dec.c,
heif_get_orientation_from_exif, 2844]heif_get_orientation_from_exif error
01-09 10:36:11.979 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:11.979 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:11.979 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:15.185 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:15.185 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:15.185 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:19.792 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:19.792 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:19.792 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:23.072 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:23.072 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:23.072 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:27.944 832 18311 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:36:28.481 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:28.481 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:28.481 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:32.943 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:32.943 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:32.943 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:33.536 586 586 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 10:36:37.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:56365, idx:6
01-09 10:36:45.826 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:45.826 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:45.826 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:50.054 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:36:50.054 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:36:50.054 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:36:58.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:56436
hint:25 pid:551 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:56436
01-09 10:36:58.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
01-09 10:37:05.658 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:37:05.658 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:37:05.659 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:37:06.308 832 19038 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:37:09.536 520 864 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10540, nid:0
01-09 10:37:19.090 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:37:19.090 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:37:19.090 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:37:22.259 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56536
01-09 10:37:22.259 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:56536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:56536
01-09 10:37:22.260 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56536,
01-09 10:37:22.261 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:56536, idx:6
01-09 10:37:22.765 1314 3815 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3815
01-09 10:37:48.609 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:37:48.609 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:37:48.609 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:37:50.742 832 19606 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:37:50.841 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:37:50.841 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:37:50.841 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:38:20.536 520 864 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10540, nid:0
01-09 10:38:20.536 541 17588 E C2MtkVdec: [0xBAB78800] fetch graphic block err =
01-09 10:38:27.233 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:38:27.233 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:38:27.233 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:38:30.065 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:38:30.065 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:38:30.065 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:38:33.366 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:38:33.366 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:38:33.366 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:38:35.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:38:35.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:38:35.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:38:36.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56341, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2203
01-09 10:38:39.253 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:38:39.253 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:38:39.254 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:38:41.382 15153 15559 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:38:41.821 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:38:41.821 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:38:41.821 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:39:01.536 20033 20190 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
01-09 10:39:05.704 15153 15968 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:39:17.186 832 20503 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:39:17.566 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:39:17.567 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:39:17.567 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:39:25.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
01-09 10:39:26.997 23787 23787 E _V_ANRMonitor: at
01-09 10:39:27.536 580 20548 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56956,
01-09 10:39:27.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:56956, idx:-1
01-09 10:39:29.389 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:39:29.389 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:39:29.389 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:39:37.660 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:39:37.660 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:39:37.660 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:39:39.903 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:39:39.903 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:39:39.903 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:39:44.846 1314 20543 E ActivityManager: 5.2%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 3.8% user + 1.3% kernel / faults: 111
minor 16 major
01-09 10:39:45.536 539 840 I hwcomposer: [DEV] DispDevice::frameConfig isHBM:0
01-09 10:39:49.113 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:39:49.113 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:39:49.113 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:02.887 832 20841 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:40:03.013 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:03.013 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:03.014 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:09.485 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:09.485 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:09.485 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:27.692 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:27.692 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:27.692 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:28.510 832 20882 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:40:42.398 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:42.398 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:42.398 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:43.121 832 21157 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:40:44.788 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:44.788 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:44.788 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:47.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:47.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:47.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:49.755 21186 21224 E GODZILLA: SetStackSize to 536576
01-09 10:40:53.380 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:53.404 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:53.536 21186 21318 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/flv1
01-09 10:40:56.115 13978 13992 I com.whatsapp: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 25296(1800KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(208KB) LOS objects, 32% free,
11MB/16MB, paused 449us,258us total 536.945ms
01-09 10:40:56.536 21186 21186 V _V_ActivityThread:
handleActivityConfigurationChanged forceUpdate=false overrideConfig=false
r.overrideConfig=false mPendingOverrideConfig=null
01-09 10:40:56.899 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:56.907 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:56.938 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:57.267 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 535; targetLcm = 572; pemLcm = 536; step = 1; gap = 161
01-09 10:40:57.267 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.37606692; mInvisibleBright = 0.37606692; mActualLcm = 536; mTargetLcm = 572;
mPemScale = 0.9; mApparentBrightness = 0.37606692
01-09 10:40:57.268 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLcmBrightnessManager: DisplayToken
android.os.BinderProxy@d668a0e, setLcmBacklight lcmFloat = 0.13089134, brightness =
536, useSurfaceControl status false
01-09 10:40:57.268 1314 1757 D _V_VivoLcmSre: onBrightnessChanged brightness=536
01-09 10:40:57.268 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.13089134;
setBrightness = 536
01-09 10:40:57.269 1314 1428 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:536 pkg:android userId:0
01-09 10:40:57.270 1488 1488 D android.hardware.lights-service.mediatek: write
536 to /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness, result: 0
01-09 10:40:57.279 904 995 D AAL : onBacklightChanged: 535/1023 ->
01-09 10:40:57.316 832 21500 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:40:57.327 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:57.344 1314 1431 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: display Info =
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false,
gameContentTypeSupported false, density 300, 269.21 x 269.21 dpi, appVsyncOff
2400001, presDeadline 28600000, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 44 - 0, 0)
waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(270, 0 - 450, 44), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -90,0 L -30,44 L 30,44 L 90,0 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0},
deviceProductInfo null, state ON, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0,
brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4, roundedCorners
RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 1515)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 1515)}]},
01-09 10:40:57.375 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:40:57.413 904 995 D AAL : 01-09 10:40:57.396 BL= 536,ESS= 256,
01-09 10:40:57.434 1314 1757 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 536; targetLcm = 572; pemLcm = 537; step = 1; gap = 161
01-09 10:40:57.486 904 995 D AAL : onBacklightChanged: 536/1023 ->
01-09 10:40:57.582 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x259], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
01-09 10:40:57.587 536 3962 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
01-09 10:40:57.593 536 3962 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[0], flag 6
01-09 10:40:57.604 536 3962 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x6, device: 0x2
01-09 10:40:57.608 536 3962 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
01-09 10:40:57.613 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x25a]
01-09 10:40:57.645 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
01-09 10:40:57.645 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
01-09 10:40:57.725 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
01-09 10:40:57.727 536 13559 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 10:40:57.761 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
01-09 10:40:57.762 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
8, spkAnaType = 3
01-09 10:40:57.765 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
5, device= 2, index= 7
01-09 10:40:57.772 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
01-09 10:40:57.772 536 13559 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 10:40:57.928 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:40:57.954 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 938 ms, totalMuteFrame 1076714 ms, normalFrame 1185936 ms
01-09 10:40:57.954 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x6,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
01-09 10:40:57.954 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
01-09 10:40:57.954 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
01-09 10:40:57.954 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
6, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
01-09 10:40:57.954 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
01-09 10:40:57.970 536 13573 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
01-09 10:40:57.972 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 13573 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
01-09 10:40:57.972 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
01-09 10:40:58.007 536 536 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:88587): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=13420
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
01-09 10:40:58.012 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
01-09 10:40:58.012 536 13573 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: source file
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Open audio-conf
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
project_name:PD2236F_EX, result:10
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Open cmdline error
01-09 10:40:58.013 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Can't find the
bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 W libc : Access denied finding property
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: product
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: platform:MTK6765,
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: No platform and
project files, copy src_file to dst_file:/vendor/firmware/awinic_params.bin
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
01-09 10:40:58.014 536 13573 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D [Awinic]: init Done !
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: free memory
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
01-09 10:40:58.020 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:40:58.021 536 13573 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xb820ea00 Init lib v125
01-09 10:40:58.022 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
01-09 10:40:58.022 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:40:58.022 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:40:58.022 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:40:58.027 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:40:58.027 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:40:58.027 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
01-09 10:40:58.027 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetCardIndexByString()++
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:40:58.027 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetCardIndexByString()--
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:40:58.036 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:40:58.036 536 13573 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
01-09 10:40:58.036 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:40:58.036 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
01-09 10:40:58.036 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
01-09 10:40:58.037 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
01-09 10:40:58.038 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xb88f9700
01-09 10:40:58.038 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:40:58.044 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 0, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
01-09 10:40:58.044 536 13573 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
01-09 10:40:58.044 536 13573 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=default;", (scene = default, vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
01-09 10:40:58.049 536 13573 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
01-09 10:40:58.049 536 13573 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
01-09 10:40:58.052 536 13573 D android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek:
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=default;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xb4016e88, value_str = default,
max_value_str_leng = 20
01-09 10:40:58.055 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:40:58.055 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
01-09 10:40:58.063 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:40:58.066 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:40:58.072 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
01-09 10:40:58.073 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
01-09 10:40:58.074 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2217,model=V2217", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
01-09 10:40:58.086 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xb81eec80, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xb7498740, retval 0x0
01-09 10:40:58.087 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
01-09 10:40:58.087 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xb81eec80, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
01-09 10:40:58.088 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
01-09 10:40:58.091 536 13573 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 0 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 8192
01-09 10:40:58.091 536 13573 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[0] Unsupport handler
01-09 10:40:58.091 536 13573 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 0 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 8192
01-09 10:40:58.098 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_init
01-09 10:40:58.099 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_init
01-09 10:40:58.099 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
01-09 10:40:58.101 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
01-09 10:40:58.101 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xb794d000
01-09 10:40:58.101 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 1, sr
01-09 10:40:58.101 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
01-09 10:40:58.101 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 48k
params invalid, fill bypass
01-09 10:40:58.102 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 2
01-09 10:40:58.102 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
01-09 10:40:58.103 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
01-09 10:40:58.105 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
01-09 10:40:58.139 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
OpenSpeakerPath(), isModeInPhoneCall = 0, isModeInVoipCall = 0, isVoipEnable = 0
01-09 10:40:58.139 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
OpenSpeakerPath(), defined MTK_2IN1_SPK_SUPPORT
01-09 10:40:58.139 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
01-09 10:40:58.139 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
01-09 10:40:58.140 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:40:58.140 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
01-09 10:40:58.140 536 13573 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
01-09 10:40:58.140 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
01-09 10:40:58.185 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:40:58.255 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:40:58.281 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:40:58.696 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:40:59.325 23787 4184 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=925ms; Flags=0,
FrameTimelineVsyncId=1937971, IntendedVsync=37129445279416, Vsync=37130228612765,
InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=37130233136366, AnimationStart=37130233138596,
PerformTraversalsStart=37130233691443, DrawStart=37130306610904,
FrameDeadline=37129465279416, FrameInterval=37130233006596,
FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=37130312392750, SyncStart=37130323301981,
IssueDrawCommandsStart=37130324994520, SwapBuffers=37130378225366,
FrameCompleted=37130381771135, DequeueBufferDuration=0,
QueueBufferDuration=2486385, GpuCompleted=37130378766904,
SwapBuffersCompleted=37130381771135, DisplayPresentTime=0,
01-09 10:40:59.536 539 840 I hwcomposer: [DEV] DispDevice::frameConfig isHBM:0
01-09 10:40:59.626 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
01-09 10:40:59.626 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
01-09 10:40:59.626 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
01-09 10:40:59.626 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
01-09 10:40:59.626 536 13559 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 0
01-09 10:40:59.626 536 13559 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
01-09 10:40:59.627 536 13559 V sbs_log : agc_end
01-09 10:40:59.627 536 13559 V sbs_log : agc_end
01-09 10:40:59.627 536 13559 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xb820ea00) 0x0 0x0
01-09 10:40:59.627 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
01-09 10:40:59.627 536 13559 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
01-09 10:40:59.628 536 13559 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
01-09 10:40:59.628 536 13559 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
01-09 10:40:59.629 536 13559 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
01-09 10:40:59.629 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
01-09 10:40:59.629 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
01-09 10:40:59.629 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xb81eec80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb7498740, retval = 0
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb8375150
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 I [Awinic]: reset done !
01-09 10:40:59.630 536 13559 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
01-09 10:40:59.631 536 13559 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
01-09 10:40:59.631 536 13559 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
01-09 10:40:59.631 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
01-09 10:40:59.631 536 13559 D [Awinic]: End Done !
01-09 10:41:00.536 1314 1428 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:551 pkg:android userId:0
01-09 10:41:01.536 547 603 D IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache
rebuild was required
01-09 10:41:02.087 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x25a], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
01-09 10:41:02.088 536 3962 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
01-09 10:41:02.088 536 3962 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[0], flag 6
01-09 10:41:02.088 536 3962 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x6, device: 0x2
01-09 10:41:02.088 536 3962 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
01-09 10:41:02.088 536 3962 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x25b]
01-09 10:41:02.179 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 1, devices 0x2, index 1, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
01-09 10:41:02.181 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
10, spkAnaType = 3
01-09 10:41:02.183 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
1, device= 2, index= 1
01-09 10:41:02.195 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
01-09 10:41:02.197 536 13559 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 10:41:02.239 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:41:02.240 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 976 ms, totalMuteFrame 1077786 ms, normalFrame 1186357 ms
01-09 10:41:02.240 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x6,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
01-09 10:41:02.240 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
01-09 10:41:02.240 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
01-09 10:41:02.241 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
6, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
01-09 10:41:02.241 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
01-09 10:41:02.241 536 13573 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
01-09 10:41:02.242 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 13573 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
01-09 10:41:02.242 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
01-09 10:41:02.245 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: source file
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Open audio-conf
01-09 10:41:02.246 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
project_name:PD2236F_EX, result:10
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Open cmdline error
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Can't find the
bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 W libc : Access denied finding property
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: product
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: platform:MTK6765,
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: No platform and
project files, copy src_file to dst_file:/vendor/firmware/awinic_params.bin
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
01-09 10:41:02.247 536 13573 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
01-09 10:41:02.248 536 13573 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D [Awinic]: init Done !
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: free memory
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xb820ea00 Init lib v125
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.249 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
01-09 10:41:02.251 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetCardIndexByString()++
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.251 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetCardIndexByString()--
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.254 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.255 536 13573 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
01-09 10:41:02.255 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.255 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
01-09 10:41:02.255 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
01-09 10:41:02.255 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
01-09 10:41:02.256 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xb88f9700
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 0, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 1, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=default;", (scene = default, vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek:
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=default;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xb4016e88, value_str = default,
max_value_str_leng = 20
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.257 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.258 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
01-09 10:41:02.258 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.258 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
01-09 10:41:02.258 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.258 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.258 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [default] not found,
use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2217,model=V2217", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xb81eec80, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xb7498dc0, retval 0x0
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xb81eec80, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
01-09 10:41:02.259 536 13573 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
01-09 10:41:02.260 536 13573 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 0 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 8192
01-09 10:41:02.260 536 13573 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[0] Unsupport handler
01-09 10:41:02.260 536 13573 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 0 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 8192
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_init
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_init
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xb794d000
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 1, sr
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
01-09 10:41:02.261 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 48k
params invalid, fill bypass
01-09 10:41:02.262 536 13573 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 2
01-09 10:41:02.262 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
01-09 10:41:02.262 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
01-09 10:41:02.263 536 13573 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
OpenSpeakerPath(), isModeInPhoneCall = 0, isModeInVoipCall = 0, isVoipEnable = 0
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
OpenSpeakerPath(), defined MTK_2IN1_SPK_SUPPORT
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
01-09 10:41:02.300 536 13573 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
01-09 10:41:02.390 21186 21418 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:41:02.399 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:41:02.409 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:41:02.436 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
01-09 10:41:02.732 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
01-09 10:41:02.732 536 13559 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 10:41:02.732 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: setParameters(), setCustScene =
01-09 10:41:02.732 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setScene(), scene =
01-09 10:41:02.732 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: getSceneIndex(),
VideoScene index nout found, use GAIN_SCENE_INDEX_DEFAULT
01-09 10:41:02.732 536 13559 D AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController:
setCustScene(), Scene(VideoScene) NOT support. return
01-09 10:41:02.751 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x24b], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
01-09 10:41:02.751 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=2
01-09 10:41:02.751 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[1], flag 8
01-09 10:41:02.751 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x8, device: 0x2
01-09 10:41:02.751 536 13559 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
01-09 10:41:02.751 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x25c]
01-09 10:41:02.774 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 3, devices 0x2, index 13, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
01-09 10:41:02.774 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
10, spkAnaType = 3
01-09 10:41:02.774 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
3, device= 2, index= d
01-09 10:41:02.795 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:41:02.804 536 25920 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 981 ms, totalMuteFrame 370602 ms, normalFrame 13540736 ms
01-09 10:41:02.804 536 25920 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
01-09 10:41:02.804 536 25920 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
01-09 10:41:02.805 536 25920 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
01-09 10:41:02.805 536 25920 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
01-09 10:41:02.805 536 25920 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
01-09 10:41:02.805 536 25920 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
01-09 10:41:02.805 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 25920 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
01-09 10:41:02.805 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
01-09 10:41:02.807 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
01-09 10:41:02.812 536 25920 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
01-09 10:41:02.812 536 25920 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: source file
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Open audio-conf
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
project_name:PD2236F_EX, result:10
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Open cmdline error
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Can't find the
bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 W libc : Access denied finding property
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: product
01-09 10:41:02.813 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: platform:MTK6765,
01-09 10:41:02.814 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: No platform and
project files, copy src_file to dst_file:/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_video.bin
01-09 10:41:02.797 536 536 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:88594): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=13420
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
01-09 10:41:02.823 536 25920 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
01-09 10:41:02.825 536 25920 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
01-09 10:41:02.825 536 25920 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
01-09 10:41:02.825 536 25920 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
01-09 10:41:02.825 536 25920 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
01-09 10:41:02.825 536 25920 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
01-09 10:41:02.827 536 25920 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D [Awinic]: init Done !
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: free memory
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xb820f400 Init lib v125
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetCardIndexByString()++
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.828 536 25920 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetCardIndexByString()--
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
01-09 10:41:02.830 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.830 536 25920 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
01-09 10:41:02.830 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.830 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
01-09 10:41:02.830 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
01-09 10:41:02.830 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xb88f9e00
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=VideoScene;", (scene = VideoScene, vol_level = -1, bt_codec =
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek:
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=VideoScene;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xb3af4e88, value_str = VideoScene,
max_value_str_leng = 20
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [VideoScene] not
found, use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [VideoScene] not
found, use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.836 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [VideoScene] not
found, use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Caller wants to load
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Scene [VideoScene] not
found, use default scene
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2217,model=V2217", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xb81eef00, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xb6aae500, retval 0x0
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xb81eef00, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
01-09 10:41:02.837 536 25920 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
01-09 10:41:02.838 536 25920 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
01-09 10:41:02.838 536 25920 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
01-09 10:41:02.838 536 25920 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
01-09 10:41:02.839 536 25920 V sbs_log : agc_init
01-09 10:41:02.841 536 25920 V sbs_log : agc_init
01-09 10:41:02.841 536 25920 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
01-09 10:41:02.841 536 25920 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
01-09 10:41:02.841 536 25920 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xb6b3c000
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 1, sr
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 48k
params invalid, fill bypass
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 2
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x2,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1 SampleRate = 48000
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
startOutputDevice(), defined MTK_2IN1_SPK_SUPPORT
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
01-09 10:41:02.842 536 25920 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 2048, mInterrupt = 0.042667, mode = 1, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
01-09 10:41:02.859 536 13559 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb4218ab8
01-09 10:41:03.264 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
01-09 10:41:03.264 536 13559 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 10:41:03.331 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 0
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 V sbs_log : agc_end
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 V sbs_log : agc_end
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xb820ea00) 0x0 0x0
01-09 10:41:03.332 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 2
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xb81eec80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb7498dc0, retval = 0
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb8375150
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 I [Awinic]: reset done !
01-09 10:41:03.333 536 13559 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
01-09 10:41:03.334 536 13559 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
01-09 10:41:03.334 536 13559 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
01-09 10:41:03.334 536 13559 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
01-09 10:41:03.334 536 13559 D [Awinic]: End Done !
01-09 10:41:03.497 1314 1590 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = true, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 91, .batteryVoltage = 4314, .batteryTemperature =
259, .batteryCurrent = 536, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 3565000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
01-09 10:41:32.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:57386
hint:25 pid:551 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:57386
01-09 10:41:32.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
01-09 10:41:34.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57393, idx:21
01-09 10:42:00.736 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:57536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:57536
01-09 10:42:00.736 1314 4060 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57536
01-09 10:42:00.737 1314 4060 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57536,
01-09 10:42:00.738 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57536, idx:6
01-09 10:42:01.221 1314 1935 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1935
01-09 10:42:37.536 1314 3500 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57694
01-09 10:42:38.664 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:42:38.664 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:42:38.664 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:42:39.679 832 23693 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:42:41.437 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:42:41.437 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:42:41.437 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:42:42.536 520 864 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10540, nid:0
01-09 10:42:45.064 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:42:45.064 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:42:45.064 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:42:49.911 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:42:49.911 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:42:49.911 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:04.536 541 21400 E android.hardware.media.c2@1.2-mediatek: [DEBUG]
01-09 10:43:13.536 541 21400 E android.hardware.media.c2@1.2-mediatek: [DEBUG]
01-09 10:43:16.348 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:16.348 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:16.348 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:19.229 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:19.229 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:19.229 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:21.194 832 24182 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:43:21.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:21.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:21.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:21.536 1314 4056 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57841
01-09 10:43:22.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
01-09 10:43:22.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
01-09 10:43:22.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
01-09 10:43:24.641 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:24.641 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:24.642 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:25.934 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:25.934 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:25.934 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:28.768 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:28.768 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:28.768 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:44.128 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:44.128 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:44.128 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:43:44.743 832 24293 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:43:57.214 832 24306 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:43:57.281 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:43:57.281 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:43:57.281 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:00.979 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:00.979 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:00.980 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:09.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:58088, idx:6
01-09 10:44:09.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
01-09 10:44:10.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:58094, idx:6
01-09 10:44:13.400 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:13.400 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:13.400 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:13.836 832 24345 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:44:22.195 832 24361 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:44:22.248 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:22.248 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:22.248 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:26.697 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:26.697 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:26.697 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:31.427 832 24388 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:44:31.495 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:31.495 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:31.495 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1180: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
01-09 10:44:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1180 update cmd:1404300 param:0
01-09 10:44:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] (more)
/proc/perfmgr/boost_ctrl/eas_ctrl/perf_prefer_idle set +prefix:3 0;
01-09 10:44:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1180 update cmd:1408300 param:0
01-09 10:44:40.958 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:40.958 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:40.958 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:41.420 832 24435 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:44:43.726 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:43.726 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:43.726 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:54.096 832 24463 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:44:54.148 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:54.148 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:54.148 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:44:57.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:44:57.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:44:57.726 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:09.460 832 24497 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:45:09.510 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:09.510 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:09.510 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:18.536 586 2307 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices
selected devices {type:0x2,@:}, mPhoneState 0
01-09 10:45:18.548 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:18.548 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:18.548 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:18.968 832 24518 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:45:28.154 832 24538 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:45:28.207 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:28.207 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:28.208 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:33.387 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:33.387 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:33.388 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:33.826 832 24574 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:45:36.055 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:36.055 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:36.056 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:37.538 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:37.538 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:37.538 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:40.927 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58536
01-09 10:45:40.928 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:58536 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:58536
01-09 10:45:40.928 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58536,
01-09 10:45:40.928 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:58536, idx:21
01-09 10:45:41.114 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3766
01-09 10:45:42.064 832 24615 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:45:42.116 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:42.116 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:42.116 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:45:52.996 832 24649 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:45:53.048 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:45:53.048 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:45:53.048 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:01.072 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:01.072 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:01.072 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:01.500 832 24671 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:46:01.536 586 586 I APM_AudioPolicyManager:
[MTK_APM_Route]setOutputDevices mIoHandle 13 : changing device 0x2 to 0x2, delayMs
= 0, force = 1
01-09 10:46:03.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:03.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:03.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:07.121 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:07.121 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:07.121 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:08.376 832 24710 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:46:08.430 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:08.430 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:08.430 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:15.345 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:15.345 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:15.345 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:15.536 1314 2019 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58668
01-09 10:46:15.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:58668 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:58668
01-09 10:46:33.900 832 24799 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:46:33.946 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:33.946 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:33.946 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:40.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:40.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:40.279 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:43.594 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:43.594 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:43.594 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:53.536 405 405 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=13978
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
01-09 10:46:56.647 832 24882 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:46:56.702 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:46:56.702 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:46:56.702 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:46:57.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58927, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2203
01-09 10:47:08.076 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:08.076 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:08.076 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:08.539 832 24906 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:47:10.153 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:10.153 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:10.153 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:29.248 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:29.249 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:29.249 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:29.688 832 24942 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:47:32.448 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:32.448 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:32.448 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:33.699 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:33.699 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:33.699 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:35.953 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:35.953 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:35.953 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:38.303 6848 25021 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:47:38.398 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:38.398 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:38.398 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:43.603 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:43.603 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:43.603 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:47:52.950 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:47:52.950 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:47:52.950 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:01.315 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:01.315 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:01.315 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:04.147 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:04.147 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:04.147 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:05.801 832 25142 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:48:05.862 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:05.862 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:05.862 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:11.748 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:11.748 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:11.748 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:12.854 832 25175 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:48:12.903 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:12.903 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:12.903 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:21.536 1314 2866 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59351, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2866
01-09 10:48:24.355 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:24.355 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:24.355 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:25.236 832 25201 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:48:39.340 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:39.340 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:39.340 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:48:39.781 832 25231 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:48:46.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:59522 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:59522
01-09 10:48:49.469 1314 4056 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59536
01-09 10:48:49.469 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:59536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:59536
01-09 10:48:49.470 1314 4062 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59536,
01-09 10:48:49.470 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:59536, idx:6
01-09 10:48:49.536 1314 4062 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59537,
01-09 10:48:49.961 1314 3290 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3290
01-09 10:48:54.883 832 25277 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:48:54.946 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:48:54.946 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:48:54.946 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:00.412 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:00.412 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:00.412 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:01.582 832 25322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:49:01.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:01.634 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:01.634 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:08.649 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:08.649 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:08.649 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:09.703 832 25343 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:49:09.771 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:09.771 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:09.771 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:13.368 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:13.368 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:13.368 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:34.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:34.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:34.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:35.206 832 25393 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:49:37.176 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:49:37.176 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:49:37.176 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:49:42.946 580 25536 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59888,
01-09 10:49:45.536 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 10:49:45.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:59920, idx:6
01-09 10:49:48.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:59938, idx:22
01-09 10:50:08.935 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:08.935 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:08.935 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:10.194 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:10.194 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:10.194 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:12.536 586 20717 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 10:50:12.536 586 16556 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
01-09 10:50:12.546 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:12.546 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:12.546 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:14.037 832 25807 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:50:14.119 832 25816 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:50:14.124 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:14.124 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:14.124 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:17.414 832 25839 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:50:17.466 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:17.466 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:17.466 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:19.533 832 25852 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:50:19.588 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:19.588 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:19.588 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:23.061 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:23.061 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:23.061 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:25.057 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:25.057 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:25.057 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:27.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:27.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:27.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:34.786 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:34.786 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:34.786 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:35.536 586 20717 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 10:50:35.536 586 586 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 10:50:45.170 832 25916 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:50:45.246 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:45.246 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:45.246 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:51.169 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:51.169 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:51.170 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:50:51.744 832 25932 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:50:53.425 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:50:53.425 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:50:53.425 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:51:00.553 832 25960 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:51:00.604 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:51:00.605 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:51:00.605 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:51:10.536 1314 3290 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60333,
01-09 10:51:20.288 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:51:20.288 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:51:20.288 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:51:20.729 832 25991 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:51:28.930 832 26020 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:51:28.977 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:51:28.977 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:51:28.977 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:51:47.429 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:60536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:60536
01-09 10:51:47.430 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60536
01-09 10:51:47.430 1314 4055 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60536,
01-09 10:51:47.431 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:60536, idx:6
01-09 10:51:47.740 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3766
01-09 10:51:48.536 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60547
01-09 10:51:48.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:60547 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:60547
01-09 10:51:58.135 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:51:58.135 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:51:58.135 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:51:58.539 832 26052 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:52:03.001 832 26091 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:52:03.061 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:03.061 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:03.061 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:22.987 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:22.987 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:22.987 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:23.456 832 26108 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:52:23.536 1314 1644 E _V_FeatureNotify: In notify, onFeatureChanged,
clientPid: 22724, clientTid: 22724
01-09 10:52:28.655 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:28.655 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:28.655 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:29.137 832 26131 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 10:52:30.318 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:30.318 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:30.318 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:34.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:34.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:34.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:38.384 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:38.384 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:38.384 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:46.206 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:46.206 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:46.207 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:51.091 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:51.091 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:51.091 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:52:58.013 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:52:58.013 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:52:58.013 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:00.561 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:00.561 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:00.561 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:01.467 6848 26780 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:53:02.225 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:02.225 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:02.225 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:02.278 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:02.278 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:02.278 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:03.102 6848 26864 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:53:04.653 6848 26927 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:53:04.762 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:04.762 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:04.762 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:09.425 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 19:0xb507d720
crop=[0,0,480,848] xform=0x00 time=37860.5361 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-09 10:53:10.428 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 09:0x7e07fd80
crop=[0,0,480,848] xform=0x00 time=37861.5368 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-09 10:53:15.981 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:15.981 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:15.981 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:16.536 541 27027 E MDP : DpAsyncBlitStream:: thie platform
unsupport 10bit format
01-09 10:53:21.165 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:21.165 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:21.165 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:21.395 1314 1642 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: system_server
01-09 10:53:21.461 6848 27102 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:53:21.532 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:21.532 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:21.532 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:26.911 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP default-
size=[720x1272] default-format=1 BQDUMP transform-hint=00 frame-counter=536
01-09 10:53:32.482 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:32.482 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:32.482 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:34.284 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:34.284 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:34.285 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:35.764 6848 27280 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:53:35.851 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:35.856 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:35.856 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:39.300 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:39.300 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:39.300 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:40.419 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 05:0x7f8b8ee0
crop=[0,0,480,592] xform=0x00 time=37891.5364 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-09 10:53:46.584 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP >[00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=ACQUIRED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.585 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP >[00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=ACQUIRED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.613 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.614 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.632 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.633 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.673 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.673 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.686 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.686 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.701 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.702 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.731 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.731 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:46.871 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x7f8b6e60]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0c20 frame=536 [ 480x 592: 480,32315659]
01-09 10:53:49.742 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:49.742 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:49.742 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:51.387 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:51.388 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:51.388 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:52.536 1314 1996 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61042
01-09 10:53:52.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:61042 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:61042
01-09 10:53:52.536 1314 1996 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61042,
01-09 10:53:53.007 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:53.007 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:53.007 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:53:55.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61060, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2203
01-09 10:53:56.634 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:53:56.634 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:53:56.634 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:03.387 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:03.387 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:03.387 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:06.468 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:06.468 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:06.468 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:07.786 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:07.786 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:07.786 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:09.286 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:09.286 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:09.286 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:11.990 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:11.990 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:11.991 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:13.152 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:13.152 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:13.152 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:14.485 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:14.485 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:14.485 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:44.536 1314 1425 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61404, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1425
01-09 10:54:54.750 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:54.750 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:54.750 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:55.999 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:55.999 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:55.999 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:54:58.322 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:54:58.323 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:54:58.323 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:12.439 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:61536
hint:1157 pid:580 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:61536
01-09 10:55:12.520 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 10:55:12.520 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:61536, idx:21
01-09 10:55:12.539 580 27512 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61536,
01-09 10:55:12.540 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:61536, idx:-1
01-09 10:55:13.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:61543, idx:21
01-09 10:55:16.127 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:16.127 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:16.127 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:22.533 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:22.533 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:22.533 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:28.563 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:28.563 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:28.563 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:33.222 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:33.222 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:33.222 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:35.391 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:35.391 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:35.391 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:43.265 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:43.265 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:43.265 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:44.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:44.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:44.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:46.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61700
01-09 10:55:46.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:22 hdl:61700 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:61700
01-09 10:55:46.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [fpsgo_noctrl_render_thread] -9255,
01-09 10:55:46.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61700,
01-09 10:55:46.536 1314 1996 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61700,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:1996
01-09 10:55:46.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PE] system_server update cmd:2000300
01-09 10:55:56.473 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:56.473 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:56.473 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:55:58.766 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:55:58.766 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:55:58.766 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:01.939 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:01.939 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:01.939 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:05.760 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:05.760 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:05.760 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:08.718 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:08.718 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:08.718 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:11.396 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:11.396 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:11.396 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:11.573 6848 27777 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:56:11.682 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:11.682 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:11.683 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:27.302 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:27.302 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:27.302 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:37.810 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:37.810 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:37.810 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:39.009 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:39.009 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:39.009 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:57.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:56:57.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:56:57.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:56:57.536 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62076
01-09 10:57:00.770 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:00.770 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:00.770 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:03.422 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:03.423 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:03.423 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:04.558 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:04.558 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:04.558 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:06.842 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:06.842 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:06.842 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:09.458 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:09.458 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:09.458 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:13.254 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:13.254 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:13.254 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:16.204 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:16.204 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:16.204 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:28.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:28.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:28.062 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:34.806 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:34.806 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:34.806 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:50.492 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:50.492 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:50.492 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:54.795 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:54.795 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:54.795 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:57:58.665 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:57:58.666 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:57:58.666 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:58:00.440 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:58:00.441 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:58:00.441 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:58:02.265 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:58:02.265 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:58:02.265 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:58:32.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:58:32.776 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:58:32.776 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:58:44.252 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:58:44.252 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:58:44.252 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:58:44.507 1314 1642 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: system_server
01-09 10:58:45.989 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:58:45.989 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:58:45.989 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:59:10.746 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:59:10.746 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:59:10.746 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 10:59:42.351 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:62536
hint:1157 pid:580 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:62536
01-09 10:59:42.431 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 10:59:42.431 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:62536, idx:21
01-09 10:59:42.451 580 28301 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62536,
01-09 10:59:42.452 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:62536, idx:-1
01-09 10:59:51.349 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 10:59:51.475 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 10:59:51.475 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 10:59:51.475 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:00:16.810 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:00:16.810 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:02:47.697 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:02:47.697 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:05:24.769 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:05:24.769 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:05:24.781 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:05:24.781 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:08:27.536 23787 23923 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:20000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.systemui.util.sensors.ThresholdSensorImpl$1 num: 1
01-09 11:08:29.536 586 1663 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 11:08:29.599 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:08:29.600 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:08:29.600 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:08:30.977 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:08:33.718 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:08:33.718 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:08:33.718 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:08:34.536 23787 24074 E _V_PushBuriedPointClient: ERROR sending list to
Service!!! Exception = java.lang.RuntimeException: Not allowed to write file
descriptors here; mIsConn = true,MSG = 13
01-09 11:08:36.767 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:08:36.767 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:08:36.767 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:08:42.039 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:08:42.039 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:08:42.039 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:08:43.325 832 29599 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:08:49.862 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:08:49.862 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:08:49.864 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:08:52.639 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:08:52.639 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:08:52.640 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:13.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:62892, idx:21
01-09 11:09:20.319 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:20.319 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:20.319 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:21.146 832 30004 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:09:23.033 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:23.033 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:23.033 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:29.872 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:29.872 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:29.872 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:35.488 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:35.488 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:35.488 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:37.077 832 30344 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:09:37.188 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:37.188 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:37.188 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:37.285 832 30360 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:09:37.459 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:37.461 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:37.461 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:40.536 1314 3790 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63041,
01-09 11:09:42.800 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:42.800 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:42.801 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:46.536 597 728 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
01-09 11:09:46.712 832 30727 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:09:46.891 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:46.891 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:46.891 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:48.898 28412 30377 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:09:48.924 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:48.924 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:48.925 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:51.351 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:51.351 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:51.352 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:52.536 1314 3549 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63089
01-09 11:09:52.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:63089 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:63089
01-09 11:09:52.536 1314 3500 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63089,
01-09 11:09:53.959 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:53.959 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:53.959 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:57.018 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:57.018 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:57.018 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:09:58.696 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:09:58.696 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:09:58.696 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:03.620 832 30915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:10:03.734 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:03.734 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:03.734 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:15.765 832 30941 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:10:15.832 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:15.832 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:15.832 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:24.835 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:24.835 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:24.835 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:25.558 832 30969 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:10:26.973 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:26.973 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:26.973 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:28.624 832 30996 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:10:28.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:28.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:28.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:38.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:38.203 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:38.203 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:40.844 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:40.844 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:40.844 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:43.071 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:43.071 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:43.071 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:45.252 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:45.252 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:45.252 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:46.998 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:46.998 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:46.998 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:48.432 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:48.432 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:48.432 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:10:52.297 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:10:52.297 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:10:54.838 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:10:54.838 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:10:54.838 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:09.238 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:09.238 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:09.238 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:10.536 586 1662 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 11:11:10.540 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:10.540 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:10.541 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:12.090 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:12.090 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:12.090 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:12.518 832 31218 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:11:15.628 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:15.628 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:15.628 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:16.494 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:11:16.494 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63536, idx:23
01-09 11:11:19.339 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:19.339 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:19.339 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:22.357 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:22.357 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:22.357 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:45.887 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:45.887 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:45.887 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:46.696 832 31378 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:11:47.898 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:47.898 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:47.898 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:48.299 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63536, idx:-1
01-09 11:11:50.280 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:50.280 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:50.280 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:51.849 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:51.849 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:51.849 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:11:52.604 832 31441 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:11:52.673 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:11:52.674 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:11:52.674 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:01.185 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:01.185 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:01.185 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:01.541 832 31500 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:12:03.859 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:03.859 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:03.860 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:06.189 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:06.189 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:06.189 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:06.661 580 31536 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63798,
01-09 11:12:09.560 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:09.560 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:09.560 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:12.467 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:12.467 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:12.467 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:25.152 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:25.152 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:25.152 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:25.979 832 31644 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:12:26.536 1314 1935 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63919
01-09 11:12:26.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:63919 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:63919
01-09 11:12:27.604 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:27.604 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:27.604 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:36.586 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:36.586 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:36.586 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:12:42.511 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:12:42.511 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:12:42.511 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:01.656 832 31826 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:13:01.758 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:01.758 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:01.758 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:02.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:02.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:02.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:04.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:64020
hint:1155 pid:580 duration:515 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:64020
01-09 11:13:04.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2001000
-1 1500000 -1
01-09 11:13:04.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
01-09 11:13:04.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
01-09 11:13:06.742 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:06.742 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:06.742 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:07.929 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:07.929 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:07.929 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:09.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:09.708 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:09.708 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:12.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:12.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:12.278 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:15.348 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:15.348 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:15.349 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:15.830 13978 31936 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: com.whatsapp
01-09 11:13:15.941 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:15.941 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:15.941 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:18.079 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:18.079 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:18.079 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:22.536 1314 2866 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:64099, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2866
01-09 11:13:23.404 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:23.404 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:23.404 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:26.756 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:26.756 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:26.756 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:38.414 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:38.414 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:38.415 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:39.692 832 32002 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:13:39.842 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:39.842 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:39.842 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:13:41.786 832 32019 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:13:42.484 13978 32026 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: com.whatsapp
01-09 11:13:58.148 832 32065 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:13:58.297 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:13:58.297 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:13:58.297 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:03.119 832 32084 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:14:03.256 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:03.256 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:03.256 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:11.224 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:11.224 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:11.224 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:13.306 832 32111 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:14:13.457 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:13.457 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:13.457 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:17.536 1314 3815 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:64373
01-09 11:14:17.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:22 hdl:64373 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:64373
01-09 11:14:17.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [notify_targetFPS_pid] 14957,
01-09 11:14:17.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PE] system_server update cmd:2000200
01-09 11:14:23.285 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:23.285 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:23.285 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:24.536 1314 3815 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:64417
01-09 11:14:24.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:22 hdl:64417 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:64417
01-09 11:14:24.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [fpsgo_noctrl_render_thread] -14957,
01-09 11:14:24.536 1314 3815 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:64417,
01-09 11:14:24.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:64417,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:2203
01-09 11:14:28.911 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:28.911 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:28.911 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:31.346 832 32168 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:14:31.487 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:31.487 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:31.487 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1159: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 1000000
-1 1000000 -1
01-09 11:14:36.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:36.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:36.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:38.509 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:38.510 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:38.510 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:14:50.306 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:64536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:64536
01-09 11:14:50.306 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:64536
01-09 11:14:50.307 1314 2866 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:64536,
01-09 11:14:50.308 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:64536, idx:6
01-09 11:14:53.371 1314 3766 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:64536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3766
01-09 11:14:59.851 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:14:59.851 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:14:59.852 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:15:03.515 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:15:03.515 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:15:03.515 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:15:04.111 832 32249 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:15:23.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:15:23.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:15:23.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:15:31.204 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:15:31.204 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:15:31.204 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:15:32.882 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:15:32.882 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:15:32.882 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:15:40.513 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:15:40.514 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:15:40.514 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:15:41.971 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:15:41.971 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:15:41.971 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:16:45.290 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:16:45.758 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:16:45.758 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:16:45.758 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:17:12.536 1314 2019 E CameraService_proxy: Top task with package name:
com.vivo.faceui not found!
01-09 11:17:13.142 889 32536 E af_mgr_v3: WAR-ROI : [X]525 [Y]365 [W]230 [H]230 -
> [X]525 [Y]365 [W]230 [H]230, [XNUM] 12->0, [YNUM] 12->0 (ConfigHWReg)
01-09 11:17:48.183 832 32750 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:17:48.357 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:17:48.357 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:17:48.357 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:17:52.815 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:17:52.815 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:17:52.815 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:17:55.121 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:18:01.536 586 16556 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 11:18:01.568 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:18:01.568 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:18:01.571 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:18:02.536 1314 3791 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:64862
01-09 11:18:03.506 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:18:03.506 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:18:03.506 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:18:08.495 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:18:08.496 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:18:08.496 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:18:10.025 23787 1024 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:18:10.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:18:10.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:18:10.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:18:28.193 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:18:28.193 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:18:28.194 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:02.358 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:02.358 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:02.358 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:06.899 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:06.899 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:06.899 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:07.648 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:20:10.536 580 2520 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65031,
01-09 11:20:11.147 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:20:11.289 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:11.289 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:11.289 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:31.960 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:31.960 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:31.960 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
23787:com.android.systemui/u0a48 pkg com.android.systemui
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
23787:com.android.systemui/u0a48 pkg com.android.systemui
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.536 1314 3826 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:34.573 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:20:51.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:51.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:51.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:52.988 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:52.988 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:20:53.259 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:53.259 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:53.259 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:20:56.038 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:20:56.039 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:20:56.039 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:00.645 832 3108 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:21:00.717 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:00.717 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:00.717 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:01.257 832 3124 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:21:04.154 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:04.154 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:04.155 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:05.585 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:05.585 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:05.585 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:07.269 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:07.269 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:07.269 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:09.564 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:09.564 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:09.564 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:18.723 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:18.724 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:18.724 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:22.267 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:22.267 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:22.267 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:28.829 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65360
01-09 11:21:28.830 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:24 hdl:65360 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65360
01-09 11:21:28.830 1314 3796 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65360,
01-09 11:21:28.831 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65360, idx:24
01-09 11:21:28.832 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:28.832 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:28.832 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:28.958 1314 4061 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65361
01-09 11:21:28.958 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:24 hdl:65361 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65361
01-09 11:21:28.958 1314 4061 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65361,
01-09 11:21:28.959 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65361, idx:24
01-09 11:21:29.273 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65362
01-09 11:21:29.273 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:23 hdl:65362 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65362
01-09 11:21:29.274 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65362,
01-09 11:21:29.275 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65362, idx:23
01-09 11:21:29.378 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:23 hdl:65363
hint:1159 pid:580 duration:400 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65363
01-09 11:21:29.384 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:24 hdl:65364
hint:1159 pid:580 duration:400 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65364
01-09 11:21:29.742 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65361, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3826
01-09 11:21:29.742 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65365
01-09 11:21:29.743 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:65365 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65365
01-09 11:21:29.743 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65365,
01-09 11:21:29.743 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65365, idx:21
01-09 11:21:29.779 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:21:29.779 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65363, idx:23
01-09 11:21:29.783 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:21:29.783 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65364, idx:24
01-09 11:21:29.799 580 3293 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65363,
01-09 11:21:29.800 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65363, idx:-1
01-09 11:21:29.804 580 3294 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65364,
01-09 11:21:29.805 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65364, idx:-1
01-09 11:21:29.821 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65360, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3826
01-09 11:21:29.822 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65366
01-09 11:21:29.822 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:65366 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65366
01-09 11:21:29.823 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65366,
01-09 11:21:29.823 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65366, idx:21
01-09 11:21:29.872 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65367
01-09 11:21:29.872 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:65367 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65367
01-09 11:21:29.872 1314 3796 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65367,
01-09 11:21:29.873 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65367, idx:21
01-09 11:21:30.024 1314 3796 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65367, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3796
01-09 11:21:30.024 1314 3796 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65368
01-09 11:21:30.025 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:65368 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65368
01-09 11:21:30.026 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65368,
01-09 11:21:30.026 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65368, idx:21
01-09 11:21:30.283 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65365, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1518
01-09 11:21:30.283 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65369
01-09 11:21:30.283 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:65369 hint:-
1 pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65369
01-09 11:21:30.284 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65369,
01-09 11:21:30.284 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65369, idx:21
01-09 11:21:30.331 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65366, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1518
01-09 11:21:30.624 1314 1518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65369, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1518
01-09 11:21:31.014 1314 1936 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65368, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1936
01-09 11:21:31.724 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:31.724 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:31.724 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:33.018 6848 3361 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:21:33.368 536 13573 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:21:33.368 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:21:33.370 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:33.370 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:33.370 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:21:34.905 536 13573 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:21:34.905 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:21:34.907 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:21:34.907 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:21:34.907 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:22:23.516 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65536
01-09 11:22:23.516 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:65536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65536
01-09 11:22:23.518 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65536,
01-09 11:22:23.519 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65536, idx:6
01-09 11:22:24.539 1314 2201 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2201
01-09 11:22:34.694 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:22:46.130 6848 3191 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:22:46.386 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65362, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3826
01-09 11:22:47.714 536 13573 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:22:47.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:22:47.716 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:22:47.716 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:22:47.716 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:23:23.468 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:23:23.468 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:23:37.954 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:23:37.954 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:23:37.954 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:23:39.124 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:23:39.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:23:39.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:23:41.138 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:24:01.620 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:01.621 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:01.621 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:12.917 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:12.918 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:12.918 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:15.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:15.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:15.725 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:18.073 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:18.073 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:18.073 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:21.933 6848 4240 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:24:22.023 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:22.023 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:22.024 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP- BufferQueue
mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=19
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP mQueueBufferCanDrop=1
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP default-
size=[720x1272] default-format=1 BQDUMP transform-hint=00 frame-counter=403
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
mTransformHintInUse=00 mAutoPrerotation=0
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMPFIFO(1):
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer:
BQDUMP(mConsumerName=SurfaceTexture-0-6848-2, mConnectedApi=3,
mConsumerUsageBits=256, mId=1ac000000048, producer=[6848:com.whatsapp.w4b],
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 06:0x7fa74800
crop=[0,0,480,848] xform=0x00 time=39275.6598 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMPSlots:
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x83cb10e0]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f7056a0 frame=399 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [01:0x83cb1400]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f705cc0 frame=400 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [02:0x823bda00]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7fdbf220 frame=386 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP >[03:0x823c1ec0]
state=ACQUIRED 0x7f706040 frame=402 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [04:0x823be860]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f706f20 frame=401 [ 480x 848: 4
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: Slots:
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x83cb10e0]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f7056a0 frame=399 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [01:0x83cb1400]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f705cc0 frame=400 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [02:0x823bda00]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7fdbf220 frame=386 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP >[03:0x823c1ec0]
state=ACQUIRED 0x7f706040 frame=402 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [04:0x823be860]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f706f20 frame=401 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [05:0x7fa73ae0]
state=DEQUEUED 0x7f705da0 frame=385 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [06:0x7fa74800]
state=QUEUED 0x7fdc1980 frame=403 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [07:0x7fc0c300]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82d9e680 frame=388 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [08:0x7fc0ece0]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82d9f720 frame=384 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [09:0x7fc0df20]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82d9fe20 frame=387 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x7fc0e560]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da0440 frame=389 [ 480x 848: 480,32315659]
01-09 11:24:36.536 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [11:0x7f304300]
state=DEQUEUED 0x82da08a0 frame=390 [ 480x 848
01-09 11:24:40.962 6848 9431 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP default-
size=[720x1272] default-format=1 BQDUMP transform-hint=00 frame-counter=536
01-09 11:24:44.536 6848 6848 E om.whatsapp.w4: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
01-09 11:24:44.536 6848 6848 E om.whatsapp.w4: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
01-09 11:24:53.498 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:53.498 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:53.498 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:53.657 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:53.657 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:53.657 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:24:55.827 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:24:55.827 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:24:55.827 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:02.811 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:02.811 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:02.811 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:13.536 1314 3815 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66007, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3815
01-09 11:25:40.029 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:40.029 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:40.029 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:41.597 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:41.597 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:41.597 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:43.174 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:43.174 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:43.174 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:44.972 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:44.972 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:44.972 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:49.972 832 4525 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:25:50.088 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:50.088 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:50.088 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:52.712 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:52.712 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:52.712 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:25:53.664 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:25:53.664 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:25:56.369 832 4835 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:25:56.471 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:25:56.471 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:25:56.471 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:00.905 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:00.905 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:00.905 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:02.908 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:02.908 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:02.908 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:04.536 580 5011 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66194,
01-09 11:26:07.294 832 5081 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:26:07.374 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:07.374 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:07.374 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:10.833 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:10.833 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:10.833 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:13.947 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:13.947 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:13.947 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:23.324 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:23.324 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:23.324 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:23.884 832 5206 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:26:25.060 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:25.060 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:25.060 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:26.145 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:26.146 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:26.146 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:30.944 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:30.944 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:30.944 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:32.170 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:32.170 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:32.170 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:42.981 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:42.981 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:42.982 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:26:59.693 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:26:59.694 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:26:59.694 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:27:01.166 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:27:01.166 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:27:01.166 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:27:03.536 1314 2203 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66472,
01-09 11:27:11.234 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:66536 hint:25
pid:551 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:66536
01-09 11:27:11.335 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66536, idx:6
01-09 11:27:25.937 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:27:25.937 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:27:25.937 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:27:27.912 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:27:27.912 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:27:27.912 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:22.686 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:22.686 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:22.686 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:24.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:24.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:24.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:27.067 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:27.067 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:27.067 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:36.203 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:36.203 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:36.203 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:37.804 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:37.805 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:37.805 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:39.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:39.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:39.775 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:43.355 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:43.355 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:43.355 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:45.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:45.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:45.633 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:46.740 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:46.740 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:46.740 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:48.092 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:48.092 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:48.092 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:49.419 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:49.419 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:49.419 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:56.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:56.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:56.494 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:28:58.043 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:28:58.043 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:28:58.043 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:00.057 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:00.057 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:00.057 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:11.213 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:11.214 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:11.214 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:13.592 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:13.592 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:13.592 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:17.601 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:17.601 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:17.602 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:20.703 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:20.704 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:20.704 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:49.002 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:49.002 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:49.002 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:50.200 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:29:50.200 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:29:50.200 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:29:52.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:67090
hint:1157 pid:580 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:67090
01-09 11:30:46.536 1314 1424 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67121, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1424
01-09 11:30:53.687 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:30:54.270 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:30:54.270 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:30:54.270 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:30:55.536 2045 2290 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
01-09 11:31:04.104 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:04.104 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:04.104 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:31:05.989 23787 23915 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:31:08.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
01-09 11:31:08.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] (more)
/proc/perfmgr/boost_ctrl/eas_ctrl/perf_prefer_idle set +prefix:3 0;
01-09 11:31:08.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
01-09 11:31:08.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
01-09 11:31:11.698 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:11.698 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:11.698 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:31:14.174 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:14.174 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:14.174 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:31:14.536 2107 9100 E _V_ObjectFactory: create IntArrayStringArrayArgs
01-09 11:31:14.536 2107 9100 E _V_rms : undef process event 13
01-09 11:31:16.925 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:16.925 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:16.925 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:31:18.118 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:18.118 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:18.118 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:31:19.201 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:19.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:19.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:31:40.134 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:31:40.134 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:31:40.134 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:32:27.741 1314 1937 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67536
01-09 11:32:27.741 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:67536 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67536
01-09 11:32:27.742 1314 1937 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67536,
01-09 11:32:27.743 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67536, idx:6
01-09 11:32:28.243 1314 3151 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3151
01-09 11:32:50.066 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:32:50.066 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:32:50.066 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:32:52.687 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:32:52.688 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:32:52.688 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:32:55.189 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:32:55.190 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:32:55.190 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:32:58.352 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:32:58.352 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:32:58.352 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:32:58.536 586 1191 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
01-09 11:33:01.195 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:01.196 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:01.196 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:03.932 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:03.932 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:03.932 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:06.088 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:06.089 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:06.089 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:08.094 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:08.094 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:08.094 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:10.589 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:10.589 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:10.589 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:12.212 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:12.212 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:12.212 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:13.732 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:13.732 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:13.732 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:17.442 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:17.442 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:17.442 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:22.315 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:22.315 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:22.315 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:23.490 6848 6281 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:33:23.650 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:23.650 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:23.651 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:24.658 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:33:24.658 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:33:40.086 6848 6281 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:33:41.065 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:33:41.065 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:33:41.065 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:33:49.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67918, idx:6
01-09 11:33:52.536 1314 3790 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67924
01-09 11:34:03.223 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:03.223 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:03.223 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:05.400 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:05.400 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:05.400 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:15.393 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:15.393 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:15.394 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:18.642 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:18.642 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:18.642 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:19.871 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:19.871 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:19.871 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:22.159 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:22.159 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:22.159 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:52.876 580 6536 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68303,
01-09 11:34:52.985 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:52.985 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:52.985 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:34:53.536 1314 1644 E _V_FeatureNotify: In notify, onFeatureChanged,
clientPid: 1314, clientTid: 1314
01-09 11:34:56.257 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:34:56.258 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:34:56.258 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:08.257 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:08.257 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:08.258 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:09.639 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:09.639 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:09.639 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:11.076 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:11.076 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:11.077 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:12.429 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:12.429 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:12.429 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:14.860 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:14.860 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:14.860 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:17.536 586 1663 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
01-09 11:35:17.547 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:17.547 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:17.547 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:20.182 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:20.183 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:20.183 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:25.871 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:25.871 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:25.871 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:27.271 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:27.271 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:27.271 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:30.409 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:30.409 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:30.409 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:33.849 6712 6784 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:35:33.919 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:35:33.920 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:35:33.920 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:35:42.771 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:68536 hint:25
pid:551 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:68536
01-09 11:35:42.870 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68536, idx:6
01-09 11:36:29.193 6712 7322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:36:29.491 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:36:29.492 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:36:29.492 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:36:55.379 6712 7322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:36:55.518 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:36:55.519 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:36:55.519 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:36:56.200 536 13573 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:36:56.200 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:36:56.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:36:56.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:36:56.202 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:36:56.229 536 25920 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:36:56.229 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:36:56.230 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:36:56.230 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:36:56.230 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:36:57.351 6712 7322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:37:20.536 1314 3826 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68720,
01-09 11:38:44.237 832 7875 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:40:11.899 832 8372 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:40:30.202 6712 7322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:40:30.407 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:40:30.407 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:40:30.407 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:41:45.621 6712 7322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:41:45.761 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:41:45.761 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:41:45.761 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:42:12.833 536 13573 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:42:12.833 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:42:12.838 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:42:12.838 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:42:12.838 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:42:12.840 536 25920 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-09 11:42:12.840 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-09 11:42:12.844 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:42:12.844 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:42:12.845 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:42:13.852 6712 7322 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:44:24.536 580 8936 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:69338,
01-09 11:44:41.536 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:45:14.878 1314 9736 E ActivityManager: 60%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 53% user + 6.6% kernel / faults: 493
minor 4 major
01-09 11:45:16.324 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.346 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.358 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.383 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.404 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.426 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.446 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.471 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.498 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.513 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.533 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.544 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.565 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.581 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.602 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.636 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.646 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.658 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.683 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.683 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.027983,0.000043, totalTime 0.028029 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:16.702 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.724 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.759 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.762 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.784 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.803 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.818 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.838 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.858 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.888 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.907 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.921 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.929 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023643,0.000032, totalTime 0.023677 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:16.938 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:16.976 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.001782,0.044336,0.000046, totalTime 0.046164 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:16.986 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.035 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 13228,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:17.076 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 24748,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:17.117 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 32428,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:17.161 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 40108,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:17.165 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.115676,0.073640,0.000063, totalTime 0.189378 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.173 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.188 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.212 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.227 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022440,0.000046, totalTime 0.022489 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.234 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.251 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.268 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.290 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.311 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.348 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.043078,0.000046, totalTime 0.043126 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.356 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.359 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.380 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.031118,0.000035, totalTime 0.031155 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.383 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.400 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.405 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.024187,0.000039, totalTime 0.024227 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.410 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.436 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000198,0.019898,0.011018, totalTime 0.031113 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.442 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.451 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.471 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.489 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.022807,0.000180, totalTime 0.022990 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.491 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.511 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.532 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.549 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023933,0.000044, totalTime 0.023979 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.554 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.580 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.595 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.610 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.644 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.651 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.668 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022687,0.000447, totalTime 0.023135 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.676 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.692 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.715 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.733 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.753 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.771 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.795 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.809 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.840 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.852 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.874 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.887 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.022475,0.000045, totalTime 0.022523 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.894 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.914 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.930 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:17.952 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.027222,0.000061, totalTime 0.027286 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:17.960 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.009 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.018 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.036 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.037 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.068 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.043632,0.000077, totalTime 0.043710 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.078 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.107 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.123 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.130 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 42 ms, totalMuteFrame 1736528 ms, normalFrame 1685653 ms
01-09 11:45:18.153 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.187 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.250 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.023343,0.000049, totalTime 0.023393 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.252 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.294 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.314 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.029094,0.000062, totalTime 0.029158 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.320 536 8688 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xb5e54fc0: 61456 -> 122896, data_count 59308, write_size 3840, free_space 2132
01-09 11:45:18.332 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.353 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.375 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.387 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.404 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.415 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.451 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.497 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.513 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.026914,0.000039, totalTime 0.026955 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.528 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.543 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.549 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.558 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.565 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.569 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.584 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.589 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.591 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.596 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.613 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.618 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.619 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.034081,0.000339, totalTime 0.034422 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.622 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.627 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.641 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.689 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 43948,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:18.697 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.065901,0.000082, totalTime 0.065984 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.737 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.738 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.738 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.738 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.739 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.752 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.773 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.791 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.026035,0.000062, totalTime 0.026099 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.796 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.811 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.832 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.027591,0.000051, totalTime 0.027645 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.837 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.864 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.864 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 11340 ms, normalFrame 173320 ms
01-09 11:45:18.857 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.003612,0.021170,0.000182, totalTime 0.024963 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.889 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.896 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.914 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.933 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.966 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:18.948 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.021067,0.000994, totalTime 0.022063 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:18.983 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.034640,0.000223,0.000090, totalTime 0.034954 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.291 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.332 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 40108,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:21.332 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.045948,0.001650, totalTime 0.047600 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.342 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.350 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.357 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.002 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.007 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000000,0.023620,0.000058, totalTime 0.023678 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.015 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.025 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.035 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000223,0.028110,0.000066, totalTime 0.028400 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.049 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.056 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.066 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.023303,0.000053, totalTime 0.023357 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.378 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.392 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.120 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.144 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.162 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.170 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.184 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.193 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.199 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.221 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.232 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.251 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.273 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.290 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.309 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.333 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.026046,0.001915, totalTime 0.027963 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.339 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.356 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.371 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.404 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.411 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.026150,0.000060, totalTime 0.026213 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.427 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.444 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.460 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.476 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 53628, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 53628, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:45:19.484 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.037734,0.000059, totalTime 0.037795 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.496 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.508 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.540 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.542 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.036807,0.000049, totalTime 0.036857 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.565 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022049,0.000034, totalTime 0.022083 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.576 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 9, dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53628, oif: 51,
ethDstMac: 54:41:05:00:bb:d8, ethSrcMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53628,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:45:19.579 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.587 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.609 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.615 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.618 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.649 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.663 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.683 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.699 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.718 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.728 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.748 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.769 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.789 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.809 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.828 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.848 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.871 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.891 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.913 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.912 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.021806,0.000983, totalTime 0.022792 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.933 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.950 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.967 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022185,0.000276, totalTime 0.022463 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:19.970 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:19.994 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.010 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.028 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.048 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.071 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023893,0.002016, totalTime 0.025910 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:20.078 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.107 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.112 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.133 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.145 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 5 ms, totalMuteFrame 1737344 ms, normalFrame 1686853 ms
01-09 11:45:20.190 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.193 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.215 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.232 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.251 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.262 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.290 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.311 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.335 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.346 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.355 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.374 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.394 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.408 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.430 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.448 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.020770,0.001753, totalTime 0.022524 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.411 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.452 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.477 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.492 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.516 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.533 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.551 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.432 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.587 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.590 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.609 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.631 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.650 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.672 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.689 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.722 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.729 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.753 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.768 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.789 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.810 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.830 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.847 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.868 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.888 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.915 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.934 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.952 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.972 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:20.990 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.013 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.028 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.048 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.073 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.088 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.112 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.128 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.148 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.455 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.030246,0.000058, totalTime 0.030306 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.459 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.468 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.487 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.508 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.169 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.191 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.209 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.228 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.248 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.268 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.538 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.033364,0.000040, totalTime 0.033406 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.545 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.557 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.570 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.593 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.608 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023258,0.000069, totalTime 0.023329 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.612 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.632 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.650 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.676 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.031085,0.000061, totalTime 0.031148 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:21.680 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.689 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.707 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.727 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.747 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.770 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.791 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.807 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.829 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.849 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.867 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.867 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 11340 ms, normalFrame 176340 ms
01-09 11:45:21.889 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.908 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.928 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.951 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.968 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:21.987 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:22.007 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:22.027 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:22.049 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.024253,0.000077, totalTime 0.024332 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:22.051 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:37.413 1314 10006 E ActivityManager: 61%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 52% user + 8.1% kernel / faults: 97
minor 1 major
01-09 11:45:38.536 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:45:39.770 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.775 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.024776,0.000038, totalTime 0.024816 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:39.776 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.046032,0.000234,0.000028, totalTime 0.046294 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:39.779 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.782 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.791 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.800 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.807 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.828 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.850 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.877 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.895 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.908 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.928 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.949 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.971 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:39.994 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.015 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.030 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025625,0.000048, totalTime 0.025674 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:40.035 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.058 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.070 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.089 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.107 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.130 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.167 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.021959,0.000414, totalTime 0.022375 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:40.168 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.174 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.201 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.214 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.235 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.252 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1743418 ms, normalFrame 1700885 ms
01-09 11:45:40.259 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.270 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.293 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.318 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.334 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.363 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.376 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.392 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.410 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.437 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.461 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.476 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.031187,0.000034, totalTime 0.031222 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:40.492 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.506 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.515 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.536 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.552 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.572 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.593 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.613 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.634 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.652 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.671 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.693 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.718 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.736 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.755 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.772 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.803 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.823 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.038080,0.000039, totalTime 0.038120 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:40.831 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.842 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.859 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.878 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.891 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.924 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.934 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.029543,0.000054, totalTime 0.029598 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:40.942 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.953 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:40.970 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.019089,0.005409, totalTime 0.024500 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:40.985 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.046 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.061 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.082 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.092 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.092 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.124 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.124 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.156 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.050097,0.000051, totalTime 0.050148 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:41.167 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.214 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.221 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.258 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.283 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.305 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.317 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.337 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.349 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.349 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025054,0.000024, totalTime 0.025080 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:41.359 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.377 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.401 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.413 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.428 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.431 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.026494,0.000023, totalTime 0.026519 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:41.445 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.460 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.466 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.476 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.497 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.512 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.552 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.573 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.584 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.610 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.626 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.648 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.660 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.678 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.694 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.722 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.734 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.758 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.787 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.800 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.814 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.862 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.870 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025595,0.000027, totalTime 0.025623 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:41.878 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.886 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.897 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.911 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.930 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.948 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.973 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:41.988 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.007 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022138,0.000044, totalTime 0.022183 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:42.022 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.022 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 11480 ms, normalFrame 196340 ms
01-09 11:45:42.041 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.049 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.068 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.089 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.109 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.129 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.150 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.168 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.188 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.208 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.229 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.250 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.273 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.288 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.309 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.329 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.024904,0.000040, totalTime 0.024945 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:42.337 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.350 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.370 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.405 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.422 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.441 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.453 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.470 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.498 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.513 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.529 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.561 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.574 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.029059,0.000054, totalTime 0.029115 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:42.580 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.600 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.609 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.629 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.647 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.021450,0.000747, totalTime 0.022199 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:42.653 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.671 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.689 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.714 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.729 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.749 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.771 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.795 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.822 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.837 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.860 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.875 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.889 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.921 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.931 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.977 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:42.996 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.003 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.020 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.040 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.051 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.080 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.107 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.112 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.140 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.157 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.168 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022067,0.000056, totalTime 0.022124 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:43.183 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.204 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.220 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.237 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.255 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1743418 ms, normalFrame 1703888 ms
01-09 11:45:43.258 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.291 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.302 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.311 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.351 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.026211,0.000024, totalTime 0.026236 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:43.356 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.361 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.383 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.393 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.417 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.432 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.450 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.471 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.490 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025113,0.000032, totalTime 0.025146 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:43.493 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.515 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.542 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.552 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.024194,0.000248, totalTime 0.024444 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:43.584 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.600 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.622 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.629 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.630 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.021795,0.001049, totalTime 0.022845 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:43.633 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.672 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.684 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.700 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.714 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.732 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.752 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.773 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.789 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.809 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.828 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.848 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.868 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.888 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.915 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.927 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022938,0.000061, totalTime 0.022999 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:43.933 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.953 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.968 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:43.990 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.008 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022076,0.000150, totalTime 0.022228 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.015 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.032 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.048 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.070 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.088 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.088 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 20 ms, totalMuteFrame 12300 ms, normalFrame 197600 ms
01-09 11:45:44.108 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.128 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023659,0.000067, totalTime 0.023728 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.132 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.149 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.171 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.188 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.208 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.228 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.250 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.025048,0.000055, totalTime 0.025105 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.254 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.280 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.307 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.320 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.336 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.356 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.367 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.388 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.408 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.430 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.451 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.470 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.495 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.515 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.531 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.549 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.024292,0.000048, totalTime 0.024341 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.555 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.569 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.587 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022091,0.000048, totalTime 0.022141 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.591 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.613 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.628 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.655 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.676 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.696 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.708 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.735 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.750 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.777 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.798 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.821 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.835 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.873 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.047728,0.000043, totalTime 0.047772 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.886 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.893 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.907 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.910 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023035,0.000045, totalTime 0.023081 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.927 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.934 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.953 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:44.968 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023033,0.000043, totalTime 0.023077 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:44.977 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.035 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.049 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.024923,0.000037, totalTime 0.024962 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.050 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.057 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.062 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.075 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.092 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.109 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.130 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.147 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022378,0.000050, totalTime 0.022430 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.154 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.172 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.207 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022533,0.000061, totalTime 0.022596 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.267 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.040503,0.000057, totalTime 0.040561 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.286 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.286 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.286 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.286 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.292 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.296 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.317 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.328 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.348 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.373 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.387 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.408 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.428 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.447 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.477 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.489 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.512 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.529 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.554 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.571 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.590 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.621 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.036563,0.000036, totalTime 0.036600 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.624 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.639 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.647 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000000,0.025248,0.000042, totalTime 0.025290 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.655 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.669 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.696 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.713 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.028197,0.000051, totalTime 0.028250 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.718 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.729 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.748 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023691,0.000051, totalTime 0.023744 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.761 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.775 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.793 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.812 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.837 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.852 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.027229,0.000037, totalTime 0.027267 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:45.869 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.881 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.898 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.919 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.931 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.949 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.977 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:45.995 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.010 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.028 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.055 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.030527,0.000038, totalTime 0.030566 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.062 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.074 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.090 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.109 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.129 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.158 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.171 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025934,0.000058, totalTime 0.025994 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.185 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.189 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.213 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.228 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022306,0.000052, totalTime 0.022360 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.237 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.257 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1743418 ms, normalFrame 1706890 ms
01-09 11:45:46.267 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022189,0.000031, totalTime 0.022222 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.286 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.286 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 20 ms, totalMuteFrame 13100 ms, normalFrame 198960 ms
01-09 11:45:46.297 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.304 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.345 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.357 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.364 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.377 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.428 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.440 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.445 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.449 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022647,0.001212, totalTime 0.023861 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.468 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.486 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.497 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.514 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.570 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 47788,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:46.611 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 55468,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:45:46.615 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.108695,0.000030, totalTime 0.108727 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.633 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.651 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.671 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.692 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.707 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.719 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.725 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.740 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.751 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.788 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.810 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.025017,0.000034, totalTime 0.025052 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.820 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.843 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.869 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.869 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.024488,0.000108, totalTime 0.024598 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.876 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.893 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.907 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.907 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022619,0.000027, totalTime 0.022647 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:46.913 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.925 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.931 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.934 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.942 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.953 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.970 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:46.993 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.016 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.045 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.051 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.075 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.091 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.128 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.141 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.167 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.023054,0.000034, totalTime 0.023089 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.184 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.196 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.217 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.236 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.028880,0.000424, totalTime 0.029305 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.249 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.252 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.271 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.271 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.026163,0.000049, totalTime 0.026213 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.279 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.297 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.318 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.339 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.361 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.381 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.396 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.423 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.438 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.462 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.038010,0.000026, totalTime 0.038038 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.481 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.490 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.501 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.509 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.534 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.554 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.571 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.589 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.609 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.629 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.648 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.669 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.689 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.709 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.728 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.755 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.782 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.787 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.020518,0.001495, totalTime 0.022014 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.796 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.827 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.839 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.848 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.023143,0.000036, totalTime 0.023181 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.866 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.877 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.898 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.917 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.937 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:47.951 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.026329,0.000065, totalTime 0.026396 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:45:47.964 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:48.000 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:48.014 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:48.026 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:45:48.497 832 10279 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:45:53.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:23 hdl:69451
hint:1157 pid:580 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:69451
01-09 11:45:54.744 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 58536, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 58536, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:45:54.750 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 9, dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 58536, oif: 51,
ethDstMac: 54:41:05:00:bb:d8, ethSrcMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 58536,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:46:08.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69528, idx:21
01-09 11:46:09.273 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:21 hdl:69536
hint:1157 pid:580 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:69536
01-09 11:46:09.354 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:46:09.354 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69536, idx:21
01-09 11:46:09.375 580 10641 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:69536,
01-09 11:46:09.376 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69536, idx:-1
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not delete entry (key: iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6,
src4: /, dst4: /, srcPort: 38702, dstPort: 443):
deleteMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: android.system.ErrnoException:
deleteMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
com.android.networkstack.tethering.BpfMap.deleteMapEntry(Native Method)
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
$r8$lambda$ozTqz6s4K_T002rxqL3mi1wWqWs(Unknown Source:0)
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onFileDescriptorEvents(Unknown Source:2)
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:09.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:10.151 536 8687 E AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
GetCaptureTimeStamp pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret: -1, pcm_get_error: , time:
0.000000000, frameInfo_get = 0
01-09 11:46:18.385 1314 10410 E ActivityManager: 63%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 53% user + 10% kernel / faults: 311
01-09 11:46:18.808 536 8687 E AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
GetCaptureTimeStamp pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret: -1, pcm_get_error: , time:
0.000000000, frameInfo_get = 0
01-09 11:46:20.085 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.093 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.108 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.136 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.153 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.173 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.191 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.211 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.227 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022172,0.000029, totalTime 0.022203 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.230 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.249 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.268 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.291 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.026170,0.000048, totalTime 0.026219 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.300 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.314 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.332 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.026329,0.000206, totalTime 0.026536 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.333 536 13573 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 5909 ms, totalMuteFrame 1756794 ms, normalFrame 1727573 ms
01-09 11:46:20.336 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.352 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.381 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.036772,0.000046, totalTime 0.036819 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.389 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.398 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.407 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025345,0.000056, totalTime 0.025402 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.412 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.432 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.453 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.474 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.502 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.036468,0.000054, totalTime 0.036524 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.518 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.524 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.525 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022561,0.000146, totalTime 0.022707 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:22 hdl:69571
hint:25 pid:551 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69571
01-09 11:46:20.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
01-09 11:46:20.543 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.550 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.573 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.588 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022686,0.000044, totalTime 0.022732 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.592 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.623 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.633 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.642 597 597 I BufferQueueProducer:
(this:0xb3a47d5c,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:597) queueBuffer: fps=0.12 dur=8536.38
max=8536.38 min=8536.38
01-09 11:46:20.650 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.671 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.687 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022418,0.000040, totalTime 0.022459 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:20.725 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.725 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.731 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.752 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.774 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.798 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.809 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.828 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.850 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.869 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.887 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.907 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.927 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.947 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.975 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:20.994 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.009 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.035 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.057 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.031262,0.000068, totalTime 0.031333 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.068 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.093 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.035473,0.000061, totalTime 0.035536 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.093 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.105 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.129 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.136 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.163 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.172 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.193 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.193 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 14120 ms, normalFrame 232520 ms
01-09 11:46:21.227 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.232 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.249 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022981,0.000067, totalTime 0.023050 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.254 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.271 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.293 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.307 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.021953,0.000051, totalTime 0.022005 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.317 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.337 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.348 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022424,0.000042, totalTime 0.022467 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.357 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.369 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.389 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.414 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.432 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.450 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025333,0.000044, totalTime 0.025378 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.467 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.488 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.490 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023419,0.000049, totalTime 0.023470 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.515 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.600 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 105388,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:46:21.604 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.604 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.078190,0.000038, totalTime 0.078230 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.610 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.627 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.638 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.644 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.645 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.651 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.662 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.674 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.028920,0.000044, totalTime 0.028965 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.683 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.692 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.715 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.731 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.747 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022518,0.000044, totalTime 0.022563 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.757 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.770 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.798 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.800 586 8679 W AudioFlinger_Threads: Overrun! RsmpInBuffer drop
data 320, front:3953600
01-09 11:46:21.827 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.829 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.847 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.867 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.022082,0.000046, totalTime 0.022129 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:21.880 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.899 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.915 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.934 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:21.958 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 I EffectsFactory: Effect_Command(): self =
0xb81cbb20, cmdCode = 4
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect = 0xb81cbb20,
effectId = 41
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb5fcc800, effect = 0xb81cbb20
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=2
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xb81cbb20
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
01-09 11:46:25.386 536 13559 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease(): 0xb81cbb20
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 I EffectsFactory: Effect_Command(): self =
0xb81cbb70, cmdCode = 4
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect = 0xb81cbb70,
effectId = 42
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb5fcc800, effect = 0xb81cbb70
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=1
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xb81cbb70
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
01-09 11:46:25.387 536 656 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease(): 0xb81cbb70
01-09 11:46:22.636 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.648 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.668 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.690 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.710 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.729 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.747 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.768 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.788 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.808 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.828 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022959,0.000050, totalTime 0.023010 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:22.832 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.859 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.868 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.023019,0.000057, totalTime 0.023078 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:22.880 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.889 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.942 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.961 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.977 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:22.994 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.007 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.017 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.031 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.025136,0.000056, totalTime 0.025193 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.042 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.051 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:25.455 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +releaseAudioPatch() handle
[0x46e] current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
01-09 11:46:25.456 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: releaseAudioPatch()
releaseAudioPatch Mixer->0x00000002, handle 1134
01-09 11:46:25.456 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: Still have AudioPatches routing
to outputDevice, Don't routing null Size 2
01-09 11:46:25.456 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: Still have AudioPatches routing
to outputDevice, Don't routing null Size 2
01-09 11:46:25.456 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: releaseAudioPatch() remove
handle [46e] OK, current mAudioHalPatchVector size 2
01-09 11:46:25.456 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: -releaseAudioPatch() handle
[0x46e] status [0]
01-09 11:46:23.080 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.087 536 656 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb69d0ab8
01-09 11:46:23.149 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.024508,0.000036, totalTime 0.024546 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.197 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.202 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.203 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.203 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.203 586 8679 W AudioFlinger_Threads: Overrun! RsmpInBuffer drop
data 320, front:3975360
01-09 11:46:23.211 536 8690 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 116908,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
01-09 11:46:23.222 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.043053,0.029675,0.000046, totalTime 0.072775 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.229 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.236 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.248 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.248 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.263 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000000,0.040070,0.000039, totalTime 0.040109 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.275 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.281 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.290 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.021540,0.005251, totalTime 0.026792 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.291 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.324 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.339 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.361 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.035998,0.000067, totalTime 0.036066 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.384 536 656 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb69d0ab8
01-09 11:46:23.396 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.413 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000000,0.031707,0.000034, totalTime 0.031742 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.421 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.449 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.464 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.480 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.507 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.022011,0.000024, totalTime 0.022036 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.509 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.531 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.541 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.552 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.027074,0.000030, totalTime 0.027106 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.572 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.582 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.610 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.629 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.024153,0.000022, totalTime 0.024178 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.642 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.655 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000136,0.025458,0.000017, totalTime 0.025611 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.665 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.688 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.029302,0.000034, totalTime 0.029337 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.700 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.701 536 8688 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xb5e096c0: 122896 -> 245776, data_count 120748, write_size 3840, free_space 2132
01-09 11:46:23.710 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.003110,0.021842,0.000027, totalTime 0.024979 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.727 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.737 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.752 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.021571,0.005671, totalTime 0.027244 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:23.753 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.772 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.796 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.812 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.830 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.837 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.865 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.872 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.894 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.900 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.910 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.917 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.923 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.930 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.946 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
01-09 11:46:23.947 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
01-09 11:46:23.951 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
01-09 11:46:23.951 536 656 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
01-09 11:46:23.953 536 656 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 0
01-09 11:46:23.953 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.957 536 656 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
01-09 11:46:23.958 536 656 V sbs_log : agc_end
01-09 11:46:23.959 536 656 V sbs_log : agc_end
01-09 11:46:23.959 536 656 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xb820ea00) 0x0 0x0
01-09 11:46:23.961 536 656 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
01-09 11:46:23.962 536 656 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
01-09 11:46:23.963 536 656 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
01-09 11:46:23.964 536 656 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
01-09 11:46:23.964 536 656 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
01-09 11:46:23.967 536 656 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
01-09 11:46:23.967 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
01-09 11:46:23.968 536 656 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
01-09 11:46:23.970 536 656 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
01-09 11:46:23.970 536 656 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
01-09 11:46:23.970 536 656 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
01-09 11:46:23.971 536 656 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xb81eec80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb32f3c80, retval = 0
01-09 11:46:23.972 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:23.973 536 656 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb8375150
01-09 11:46:23.978 536 656 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
01-09 11:46:23.979 536 656 I [Awinic]: reset done !
01-09 11:46:23.983 536 656 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
01-09 11:46:23.983 536 656 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
01-09 11:46:23.983 536 656 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
01-09 11:46:23.983 536 656 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
01-09 11:46:23.987 536 656 D [Awinic]: End Done !
01-09 11:46:23.990 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.015 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.030763,0.000073, totalTime 0.030837 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:24.019 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.023 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.045 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.028716,0.000052, totalTime 0.028770 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:24.048 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.068 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.088 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.111 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.131 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.148 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.168 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.188 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.210 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.210 536 8685 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 14120 ms, normalFrame 235540 ms
01-09 11:46:24.230 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.260 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.274 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.288 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.308 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.332 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.348 536 8687 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000001,0.023097,0.000043, totalTime 0.023141 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-09 11:46:24.353 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.372 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.389 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.413 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.428 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.454 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.468 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.488 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.508 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.528 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.551 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.570 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.590 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.608 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.628 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.652 536 8685 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-09 11:46:24.658 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateSinkMetadataV7(),
sink_metadata = 0xb69d0c20, Project config MTK_BT_HEARING_AID_SUPPORT is not
support, return
01-09 11:46:24.662 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 32
01-09 11:46:24.662 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: close()
01-09 11:46:24.662 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateStandByFrameCount(),
update the mStandbyFrameCount = 0-> 4001280
01-09 11:46:24.662 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +close()
01-09 11:46:24.665 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
pthread_join hProcessThread done
01-09 11:46:24.665 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xb850ee00, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xb82e1620
01-09 11:46:24.665 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: close()
01-09 11:46:24.685 536 8687 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -readThread(),
pid: 536, tid: 8687
01-09 11:46:24.685 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: pthread_join
hReadThread done
01-09 11:46:24.687 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: close ozo
deinit vafx_ozo == NULL
01-09 11:46:24.687 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -close()
01-09 11:46:24.688 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopInputDevice_l(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, stop_device = 0x80000004,
mStartInputDeviceCount = 1, mMicInverse = 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport = 1
01-09 11:46:24.688 536 13559 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceSettingByName() DeviceName = Mic1TypeACCMode descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
01-09 11:46:24.688 536 13559 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceSettingByName() DeviceName = Mic2TypeACCMode descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
01-09 11:46:24.688 536 13559 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
01-09 11:46:24.688 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xb850f400, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xb82e1620
01-09 11:46:24.690 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: close()
01-09 11:46:24.695 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mCaptureDataProviderEchoRef detach done
01-09 11:46:24.695 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
01-09 11:46:24.695 536 13559 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xb81ef900,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xb2beef00, retval = 0
01-09 11:46:24.697 536 13559 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xb83752a0
01-09 11:46:24.697 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -close()
01-09 11:46:24.697 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: closeWavDump()
01-09 11:46:24.697 536 13559 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
01-09 11:46:24.849 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +releaseAudioPatch() handle
[0x46c] current mAudioHalPatchVector size 4
01-09 11:46:24.849 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: releaseAudioPatch()
releaseAudioPatch 0x80000080->Mixer, handle 1132
01-09 11:46:24.850 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
166, keyValuePairs = routing=0
01-09 11:46:24.851 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingInputDevice(),
input_device: 0x80000004 => 0x0
01-09 11:46:24.851 536 13559 W AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingInputDevice(),
input_device(0x0) is AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE(0x0) or current_input_device(0x80000004),
01-09 11:46:24.851 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: releaseAudioPatch() remove
handle [46c] OK, current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
01-09 11:46:24.851 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: -releaseAudioPatch() handle
[0x46c] status [0]
01-09 11:46:24.878 536 13559 I StreamHAL: removeEffect(): halEffect = 0xb81cbab0,
effectId = 40
01-09 11:46:24.878 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), this =
0xb5fcc800, effect = 0xb81cbab0
01-09 11:46:24.884 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=3
01-09 11:46:24.885 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xb81cbab0
01-09 11:46:24.887 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
01-09 11:46:24.887 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 2 to 1
01-09 11:46:24.887 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
01-09 11:46:24.912 536 13559 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease(): 0xb81cbab0
01-09 11:46:24.917 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
01-09 11:46:24.936 536 13559 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 11:46:24.954 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setMode(), mAudioMode: 3
=> 0, mEnterPhoneCallMode = 0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0,
resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
01-09 11:46:24.954 536 13559 D _V_AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
setCustSPKProfile, choose SPK_OUT_DEVICE_CTRL_PRE_PMU speaker
01-09 11:46:24.978 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x2, index 6, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
01-09 11:46:24.978 536 13559 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
9, spkAnaType = 3
01-09 11:46:24.979 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
01-09 11:46:24.979 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -setMode(), mAudioMode =
0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0, resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
01-09 11:46:25.119 536 13559 I EffectsFactory: Effect_Command(): self =
0xb81cbb20, cmdCode = 9
01-09 11:46:25.122 536 656 I EffectsFactory: Effect_Command(): self =
0xb81cbb70, cmdCode = 9
01-09 11:46:25.130 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x46d], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
01-09 11:46:25.130 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
01-09 11:46:25.130 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[0], flag 6
01-09 11:46:25.130 536 13559 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x6, device: 0x2
01-09 11:46:25.130 536 13559 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
01-09 11:46:25.130 536 13559 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x46e]
01-09 11:46:25.170 23787 23787 E _V_ANRMonitor: at
01-09 11:46:26.196 536 656 D DeviceHAL: closeInputStream mOpenedStreamsCount 4
01-09 11:46:26.197 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +closeInputStream(), in =
0xb5fcc800, size() = 1
01-09 11:46:26.197 536 656 D AudioALSAStreamIn: ~AudioALSAStreamIn()
01-09 11:46:26.197 536 656 D AudioUtility: ~AudioThrottleTimeControl()
01-09 11:46:26.197 536 656 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32
DESTORY, handle 0xb8660cc0, mTotalHandleNum 3
01-09 11:46:26.214 536 656 I EffectsFactory: EffectRelease(): 0xb81cbc60
01-09 11:46:26.516 536 656 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
01-09 11:46:26.516 536 656 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 11:46:27.290 536 656 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
01-09 11:46:27.290 536 656 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
01-09 11:46:27.302 23787 10158 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=786ms; Flags=0,
FrameTimelineVsyncId=2175987, IntendedVsync=40582094183653, Vsync=40582744183666,
InputEventId=2112288408, HandleInputStart=40582747640495,
AnimationStart=40582747643571, PerformTraversalsStart=40582751481956,
DrawStart=40582875369956, FrameDeadline=40582130850320,
FrameInterval=40582747257033, FrameStartTime=16666667, SyncQueued=40582875987264,
SyncStart=40582876605725, IssueDrawCommandsStart=40582876778879,
SwapBuffers=40582878109110, FrameCompleted=40582881205110, DequeueBufferDuration=0,
QueueBufferDuration=1963692, GpuCompleted=40582879375495,
SwapBuffersCompleted=40582881205110, DisplayPresentTime=0,
01-01 01:00:00.929 11004 11004 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:3632536220): avc:
granted { search } for scontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tcontext=u:r:vold:s0 tclass=key
01-09 11:46:30.536 1314 2200 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:69604
01-09 11:46:32.922 1314 10410 E ActivityManager: 29%
536/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 25% user + 3.9% kernel / faults: 144
minor 7 major
01-09 11:46:35.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 35758, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 35758, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:46:38.536 1314 1569 D BatteryStatsService: notePemString noteWhich:
56,arg1: 1, arg2: 0, arg3: 1000, arg4: 0, name: com.vivo.daemonService
01-09 11:46:41.427 1314 4057 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not get stats entry of interface index 9: : findMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: android.system.ErrnoException:
findMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
com.android.networkstack.tethering.BpfMap.findMapEntry(Native Method)
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
$r8$lambda$ozTqz6s4K_T002rxqL3mi1wWqWs(Unknown Source:0)
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onFileDescriptorEvents(Unknown Source:2)
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: at
01-09 11:46:56.536 1314 2309 E Tethering: [BpfCoordinator] ERROR Setting data
limit for ccmni1 failed.
01-09 11:47:13.765 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:47:13.765 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:47:13.765 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:47:17.442 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:47:17.916 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:47:17.916 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:47:17.916 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:47:20.290 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:47:20.290 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:47:20.290 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:47:22.394 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:22.396 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 9, dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631, oif: 51,
ethDstMac: 54:41:05:00:bb:d8, ethSrcMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:23.280 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:23.283 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 9, dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631, oif: 51,
ethDstMac: 54:41:05:00:bb:d8, ethSrcMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:23.327 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:23.329 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 9, dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631, oif: 51,
ethDstMac: 54:41:05:00:bb:d8, ethSrcMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:23.363 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 51, dstMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443, oif: 9,
ethDstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethSrcMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 53631, dstPort: 443,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:23.386 1314 2309 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not insert entry (iif: 9, dstMac: 00:00:00:00:00:00, l4proto: 6, src4:
/, dst4: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631, oif: 51,
ethDstMac: 54:41:05:00:bb:d8, ethSrcMac: e6:dc:d8:06:86:09, ethProto: 2048, pmtu:
1500, src46: /, dst46: /, srcPort: 443, dstPort: 53631,
lastUsed: 0): android.system.ErrnoException: writeToMapEntry failed: EBADF (Bad
file descriptor)
01-09 11:47:24.036 12044 12118 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:47:24.109 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:47:24.109 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:47:24.110 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:47:24.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69732, idx:6
01-09 11:47:29.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69744, idx:-1
01-09 11:47:45.479 11175 11175 E _V_ANRMonitor: at
01-09 11:47:51.985 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:47:51.985 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:47:51.985 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:01.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:01.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:01.125 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:02.536 1314 12996 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:0, bootpEndOffset:309
01-09 11:48:03.691 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:03.691 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:03.691 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:04.934 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:04.934 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:04.934 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:06.995 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:06.995 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:06.996 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:11.695 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:11.695 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:11.695 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:13.313 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:13.313 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:13.313 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:14.637 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:14.637 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:14.637 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:17.624 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:17.624 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:17.624 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:19.029 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:19.029 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:19.029 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:22.300 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:22.300 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:22.300 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:26.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:26.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:26.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:27.874 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:27.874 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
11175:com.android.systemui/u0a48 pkg com.android.systemui
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 1314 4055 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 11:48:28.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:70036
hint:1155 pid:580 duration:1237 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:70036
01-09 11:48:31.413 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:31.413 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:31.413 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:33.553 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:33.553 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:33.553 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:34.720 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:34.720 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:34.720 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:41.560 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:41.560 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:41.560 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:45.506 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:45.506 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:45.506 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:49.257 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:49.257 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:49.257 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:50.379 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:50.379 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:50.380 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:48:58.830 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:48:58.830 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:48:58.831 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:49:01.498 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:49:01.498 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:49:01.498 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:49:11.443 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:49:11.806 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:49:11.807 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:49:11.807 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:49:23.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70397, idx:21
01-09 11:49:23.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
01-09 11:49:27.614 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:49:27.614 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:49:27.615 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:49:29.094 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:49:31.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70453, idx:-1
01-09 11:49:36.536 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 11:49:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70467, idx:6
01-09 11:49:38.854 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:49:38.854 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:49:38.854 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:49:45.000 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:49:45.223 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:49:45.223 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:49:45.223 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:49:46.794 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:49:46.885 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:49:46.885 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:49:46.885 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:50:48.376 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:50:48.532 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:50:48.532 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:50:48.532 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:06.536 543 577 E power : ISystemSuspend::getService() failed.
01-09 11:51:07.301 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:07.301 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:07.301 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:08.234 889 20720 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:70536
01-09 11:51:08.234 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:24 hdl:70536 hint:-
1 pid:889 duration:3000 lock_user:camerahalserver => ret_hdl:70536
01-09 11:51:08.292 889 20720 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70536,
01-09 11:51:08.293 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70536, idx:24
01-09 11:51:09.192 11175 14769 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:09.374 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:09.374 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:09.374 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:12.596 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:12.729 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:12.729 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:12.729 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:13.950 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:14.014 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:14.015 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:14.015 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:16.445 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:16.513 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:16.513 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:16.513 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:17.430 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:20.112 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:20.184 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:20.184 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:20.184 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:21.059 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:23.706 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:23.802 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:23.802 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:23.802 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:24.823 14165 14165 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:51:24.878 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:24.878 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:24.878 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:27.855 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:27.855 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:27.855 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:29.427 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:29.427 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:29.427 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:31.748 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:31.748 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:31.749 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:33.592 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:33.592 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:33.592 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:36.950 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:36.950 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:36.950 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:38.864 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:38.864 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:38.864 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:40.163 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:40.163 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:40.164 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:51:51.891 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:51:51.891 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:51:51.891 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:52:08.064 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:52:08.064 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:52:08.064 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:52:14.951 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:52:14.951 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:52:14.951 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:52:15.982 832 15267 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:52:16.114 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:52:16.114 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:52:16.114 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:52:21.424 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 11:52:21.620 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:52:21.620 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:52:21.620 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:55:25.884 832 15361 E AudioTrack: reset buffer count to 22560
01-09 11:55:25.884 832 15361 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 11:55:25.884 832 15361 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name
01-09 11:55:25.988 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 11:55:25.988 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 11:55:25.989 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 11:58:35.634 832 15390 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:01:22.947 832 15390 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(166654372)
nowUs(41478536014) frames(7348780) framesAt(41478520644)
01-09 12:02:15.588 832 16667 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:05:22.036 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:05:22.036 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:05:29.169 832 16870 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:08:21.087 832 16896 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:08:29.086 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:08:29.086 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:08:29.197 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:08:29.197 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:08:29.198 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:08:32.300 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 12:08:32.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:08:32.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:08:32.707 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:08:36.364 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:08:36.364 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:08:36.364 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:08:39.424 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:08:39.424 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:08:39.424 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:08:44.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:70975 hint:-1
pid:1314 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:70975
01-09 12:08:44.536 1314 3796 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70975,
01-09 12:08:47.164 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:08:47.164 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:08:47.164 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:08:57.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71035, idx:6
01-09 12:08:57.836 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 12:08:58.165 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:08:58.165 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:08:58.165 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:11:13.562 832 17377 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:11:13.656 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:11:13.656 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:11:13.657 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:15:06.322 832 17406 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:17:24.705 832 17432 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:20:34.313 832 17461 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:23:44.079 832 17494 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:27:24.108 832 17536 E AudioTrack: reset buffer count to 22560
01-09 12:27:24.108 832 17536 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:27:24.108 832 17536 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name
01-09 12:30:37.421 832 17568 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:31:00.451 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:31:00.451 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:31:00.965 536 25920 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 525269 ms, normalFrame 16047616 ms
01-09 12:31:04.010 536 25920 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 525269 ms, normalFrame 16050645 ms
01-09 12:31:06.028 17592 17592 W ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:100536): avc: denied
{ read } for name="pid_max" dev="proc" ino=11638721 scontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:proc_pid_max:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
01-09 12:31:07.013 536 25920 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 525269 ms, normalFrame 16053632 ms
01-09 12:31:07.543 832 17568 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(29935602)
nowUs(43263131536) frames(1319727) framesAt(43263121716)
01-09 12:33:29.468 832 17610 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:36:21.268 832 17634 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:40:13.985 832 17668 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:41:01.530 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:41:01.530 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:41:01.812 536 25920 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 527360 ms, normalFrame 16645418 ms
01-09 12:42:32.388 832 17701 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:45:41.992 832 17770 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:48:51.795 832 17922 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:48:51.910 832 17926 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:48:51.945 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:48:51.945 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:48:51.945 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:48:52.082 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 12:48:52.082 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 12:48:52.082 536 25920 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 12:51:09.225 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:51:09.225 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 12:52:32.175 832 18102 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:55:45.503 832 18132 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 12:58:37.513 832 18286 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:01:29.250 832 18353 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:05:21.943 832 18426 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:07:40.430 832 18459 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:10:49.536 1314 3290 E NotificationVibratorHelper: Error creating
vibration waveform with pattern: [0]
01-09 13:10:50.004 832 18508 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:11:09.993 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:11:09.993 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:13:20.564 536 25920 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 535082 ms, normalFrame 18573568 ms
01-09 13:13:59.733 832 18685 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:17:39.701 832 18719 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:20:52.954 832 18762 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:21:29.377 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:21:29.377 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:21:29.377 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:23:21.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71277, idx:6
01-09 13:28:51.197 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:28:51.197 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:33:17.672 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:33:17.672 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:40:54.830 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:40:54.830 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:40:56.808 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:40:56.808 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:40:56.811 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:40:57.536 1314 1707 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
num: 5
01-09 13:40:58.438 11175 11283 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name:
01-09 13:41:00.323 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:00.323 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:00.323 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:01.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71339, idx:-1
01-09 13:41:08.989 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:08.989 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:08.989 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:12.761 832 19803 E AudioTrack: 72153618 process_name: mediaserver
01-09 13:41:12.913 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:12.914 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:12.914 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:15.806 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:15.806 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:15.807 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:18.441 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:18.441 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:18.441 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:31.213 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:31.213 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:31.213 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:37.915 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:37.915 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:37.915 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:42.175 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:42.175 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:42.175 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:44.745 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:44.745 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:44.745 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:48.075 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:48.075 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:48.075 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:51.339 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:51.339 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:51.339 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:52.883 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:52.883 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:52.883 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:54.107 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:54.107 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:54.107 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:41:54.901 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:71536 hint:25
pid:551 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:71536
01-09 13:41:55.060 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71536, idx:6
01-09 13:41:56.525 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:41:56.525 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:41:56.525 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:10.167 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:10.167 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:10.167 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:23.983 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:23.983 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:23.984 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:28.085 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:28.085 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:28.085 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:34.812 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:34.813 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:34.813 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:45.014 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:45.014 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:45.014 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:58.431 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:58.431 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:58.431 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:42:59.656 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:42:59.656 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:42:59.657 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:43:04.343 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:43:04.343 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:43:04.343 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:43:27.267 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:43:27.267 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:43:27.267 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:43:27.536 1314 1935 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
01-09 13:43:34.565 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:43:34.565 1314 1542 E ActivityManager: at
01-09 13:43:37.536 2107 3973 E _V_rms : undef process event 13
01-09 13:43:37.536 551 569 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0
01-09 13:43:37.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71728, idx:21
01-09 13:43:42.854 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:43:42.854 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:43:42.854 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:43:46.828 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:43:46.828 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:43:46.828 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:43:55.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:43:55.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:43:55.714 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:00.471 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:00.471 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:00.471 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:03.694 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:03.694 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:03.694 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:08.444 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:08.444 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:08.444 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:10.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71849, idx:6
01-09 13:44:10.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: 1160: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
01-09 13:44:10.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1160 update cmd:1000000, param:-
01-09 13:44:10.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1160 update cmd:1408300 param:0
01-09 13:44:11.099 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:11.099 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:11.099 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:18.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:18.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:18.243 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:21.740 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:21.740 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:21.741 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:379)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at a1.a.d(ReflectUtils.java:1)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at i1.a.b(CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate.java:2)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at k0.b.k(PushEngineFlowMeter.java:3)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at k0.b.h(PushEngineFlowMeter.java:1)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at k0.b.n(PushEngineFlowMeter.java:10)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at com.vivo.push.PushInterfaceManager.getState(PushInterfaceManager.java:1)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at com.vivo.push.stat.monitor.if.try(MonitorIndex.java:1)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at com.vivo.push.stat.monitor.if.do(MonitorIndex.java:21)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at com.vivo.push.try.short.run(MqttPushConnection.java:4)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:233)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:334)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
01-09 13:44:26.536 2024 2281 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
... 18 more
01-09 13:44:27.681 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:27.681 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:27.681 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:29.948 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:29.948 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:29.949 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:31.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:6 hdl:71952
hint:1157 pid:580 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:71952
01-09 13:44:36.536 551 607 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-09 13:44:36.536 551 607 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:72012, idx:6
01-09 13:44:37.861 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:37.861 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:37.862 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:38.536 466 471 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
01-09 13:44:42.551 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:42.551 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:42.551 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:45.553 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:45.553 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:45.554 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:49.095 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:49.095 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:49.095 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:52.663 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:52.663 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:52.664 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:54.609 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:54.610 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:54.610 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:44:59.951 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-09 13:44:59.951 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-09 13:44:59.951 536 13573 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-09 13:45:11.534 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLcmBrightnessManager: DisplayToken
android.os.BinderProxy@d668a0e, setLcmBacklight lcmFloat = 0.3953602, brightness =
1619, useSurfaceControl status false
01-09 13:45:11.534 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.3953602;
setBrightness = 1619
01-09 13:45:11.536 1314 1428 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:1619 pkg:android userId:0
01-09 13:45:11.536 1314 1757 D LocalDisplayAdapter: LCM set backlight status true
01-09 13:45:12.892 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLcmBrightnessManager: DisplayToken
android.os.BinderProxy@d668a0e, setLcmBacklight lcmFloat = 0.4019536, brightness =
1646, useSurfaceControl status false
01-09 13:45:12.898 1314 1757 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.4019536;
setBrightness = 1646
01-09 13:45:13.536 1314 1757 D LocalDisplayAdapter: LCM set backlight status true
01-09 13:45:13.536 1314 1314 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
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