unit 3 notes
unit 3 notes
unit 3 notes
Emotional development
Goodness of fit and temperament
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Bowlby’s Theory
The ethological perspective of British psychiatrist John Bowlby (1969, 1989) also stresses the
importance of attachment in the fi rst year of life and the responsiveness of the caregiver.
Bowlby maintains both infants and their primary caregivers are biologically predisposed to form
attachments. He argues that the newborn is biologically equipped to elicit attachment behavior.
The baby cries, clings, coos, and smiles. Later, the infant crawls, walks, and follows the mother.
The immediate result is to keep the primary caregiver nearby; the long-term effect is to increase
the infant’s chances of survival. Attachment does not emerge suddenly but rather develops in a
series of phases, moving from a baby’s general preference for human beings to a partnership with
primary caregivers.
Bowlby believed that the human infant, like the young of other animal species, is endowed with
a set of built-in behaviors that help keep the parent nearby to protect the infant from danger and
to provide support for exploring and mastering the environment (Waters & Cummings, 2000).
Contact with the parent also ensures that the baby will be fed, but Bowlby pointed out that
feeding is not the basis for attachment. Rather, attachment can best be understood in an
evolutionary context in which survival of the species—through ensuring both safety and
competence—is of utmost importance.
According to Bowlby, the infant’s relationship with the parent begins as a set of innate signals
that call the adult to the baby’s side. Over time, a true affectionate bond forms, supported by new
cognitive and emotional capacities as well as by a history of warm, sensitive care. Attachment
develops in four phases:
1. Preattachment phase (birth to 6 weeks). Built-in signals— grasping, smiling, crying, and
gazing into the adult’s eyes— help bring newborn babies into close contact with other humans,
who comfort them. Babies of this age recognize their own mother’s smell, voice, and face (see
Chapters 3 and 4). But they are not yet attached to her, since they do not mind being left with an
unfamiliar adult.
2. “Attachment-in-the-making” phase (6 weeks to 6–8 months). During this phase, infants
respond differently to a familiar caregiver than to a stranger. For example, at 4 months, Timmy
smiled, laughed, and babbled more freely when interacting with his mother and quieted more
quickly when she picked him up. As infants learn that their own actions affect the behavior of
those around them, they begin to develop a sense of trust—the expectation that the caregiver will
respond when signaled—but they still do not protest when separated from her.
3. “Clear-cut” attachment phase (6–8 months to 18 months– 2 years). Now attachment to the
familiar caregiver is evi dent. Babies display separation anxiety, becoming upset when their
trusted caregiver leaves. Like stranger anxiety (see page 186), separation anxiety does not always
occur; it depends on infant temperament and the current situation. But in many cultures,
separation anxiety increases between 6 and 15 months. Besides protesting the parent’s departure,
older infants and toddlers try hard to maintain her presence. They approach, follow, and climb on
her in preference to others. And they use the familiar caregiver as a secure base from which to
4. Formation of a reciprocal relationship (18 months to 2 years and on). By the end of the
second year, rapid growth in representation and language permits toddlers to understand some of
the factors that influence the parent’s coming and going and to predict her return. As a result,
separation protest declines. Now children negotiate with the caregiver, using requests and
persuasion to alter her goals. For example, at age 2, Caitlin asked Carolyn and David to read a
story before leaving her with a babysitter. The extra time with her parents, along with a better
understanding of where they were going (“to have dinner with Uncle Charlie”) and when they
would be back (“right after you go to sleep”), helped Caitlin withstand her parents’ absence.
According to Bowlby (1980), out of their experiences during these four phases, children
construct an enduring affection and tie to the caregiver that they can use as a secure base in the
parents’ absence. This image serves as an internal working model, or set of expectations about
the availability of attachment figures and their likelihood of providing support during times of
stress. The internal working model becomes a vital part of personality, serving as a guide for all
future close relationships (Bretherton & Munholland, 2008). Consistent with these ideas, as early
as the second year, toddlers form attachment-related expectations about parental comfort and
In one study, securely attached 12- to 16-month-olds looked longer at a video of an
unresponsive caregiver (inconsistent with their expectations) than a video of a responsive
caregiver. Insecurely attached toddlers, in contrast, did not distinguish between the two (Johnson,
Dweck, & Chen, 2007; Johnson et al., 2010). With age, children continually revise and expand
their internal working model as their cognitive, emotional, and social capacities increase and as
they interact with parents and form other bonds with adults, siblings, and friends.
Critical period- 0-2 years for forming secure attachment.
● Foundation of relationships: early attachment impacts future bonds
● Emotional development: supports emotional regulation
● Disruption risks: broken attachment can lead to emotional and mental health issues.
Maternal sensitivity
Emphasised caregiver’s responsiveness to the child’s signals as the key to debveloping a secure
attachment. sensitive , attuned caregiving promotes security.
Ainsworth's study linked attachment types to caregiving during the baby's first year. Secure
attachment resulted from sensitive caregiving, while insecure attachment was associated with
insensitive caregiving. The study inspired extensive research on attachment, highlighting its
importance in developmental psychopathology. Attachment involves complex biological,
psychological, and behavioral processes, including neurophysiological developments, hormonal
systems (e.g., oxytocin), and the right orbitofrontal cortex's role in social bonding and emotion
Sensitive parenting promotes secure social bonds, while insensitive parenting, whether neglectful
or intrusive, can lead to insecure attachments. Physiological studies reveal differences in infants
of depressed mothers, emphasizing the impact of caregiving on brain activity. Even within the
normal range of caregiving behaviors, variations in sensitivity influence infants' emotional
outcomes. Subtle emotional insensitivity can have lasting effects, potentially more damaging
than physical neglect alone.
In summary, Ainsworth's study identified attachment patterns, linking them to caregiving quality
and inspiring research on the biological and behavioral aspects of attachment. It emphasized the
critical role of sensitive parenting in promoting secure attachments and highlighted the long-term
impact of early caregiving on emotional development.
Melanie Klein’s
Object relations theory
Object relations theory is based on the assumption that all individuals have within them an
internalized and primarily unconscious realm of relationships. These relationships refer not only
to the world around the individual, but more specifically to other individuals surrounding the
Object relation theory is largely concerned with how people interact with others, how those
interactions are internalized, and how these newly internalized object relations impact one’s
psychological framework. The term “object” alludes to the possible manifestation of fear, want,
envy, or other similar emotions. The object and subject are separated, enabling a more simplistic
approach to addressing the deprived areas of need when used in the clinical setting.]
Klein suggested that the infant could relate – from birth – to its mother, who was deemed either
“good” or “bad” and internalized as archaic part-object, thereby developing a phantasy life in the
infant. Because of this supposition, Klein’s beliefs required her to proclaim that an ego exists
from birth, enabling the infant to relate to others early in life.
- Paranoid schizoid position
The paranoid-schizoid position is a developmental stage occurring in the first few months
of life. During this phase, the infant perceives objects as either entirely good or bad. This
splitting serves as a defense mechanism against anxiety.
The infant projects aggressive impulses onto external objects, leading to persecutory
anxiety. Simultaneously, the infant introjects good experiences, creating idealized internal
Key features of this position include:
● Splitting of good and bad objects
● Projection of aggressive impulses
● Introjection of good experiences
● Persecutory anxiety
This position helps the infant manage overwhelming emotions and lays the groundwork for later
psychological development.
Depressive position
The depressive position emerges around 3-4 months of age. It marks a significant shift in the
infant’s perception of objects. The infant begins to integrate good and bad aspects of objects,
recognizing them as whole entities.
This integration leads to:
● Decreased splitting and projection
● Increased ability to tolerate ambivalence
● Development of concern for the object
The infant experiences guilt and anxiety about potentially harming the loved object. This concern
motivates reparative impulses, fostering the capacity for love and empathy.
The depressive position is not a fixed stage but a psychological state that individuals may revisit
throughout life.
The anxieties associated with the depressive position change from a fear of being destroyed to a
dread of harming others. In reality or phantasy, one now realizes the ability to injure or drive
away someone one ambivalently loves. Depressive defenses include manic defenses,
suppression, and reparation.
The manic defenses are the same defenses evidenced in the paranoid-schizoid position, but now
mobilized to protect the mind from depressive anxiety. As the depressive position brings about
an increasing integration in the ego, earlier defenses change in character, becoming less intense
and allowing for an increased awareness of psychic reality.
Klein contended that those who fail to overcome their depressive state in childhood will continue
to deal with it in adulthood. For example, the root of a person’s continued suffering from deep
guilt feelings over the death of a loved one could be discovered in an unworked-through
depressive state.
The guilt is there because of a lack of differentiation between phantasy and reality. It also
functions as a defense mechanism to defend the self against unbearable feelings of sadness and
sorrow, and the internal object of the loved one against the unbearable rage of the self, which, it
is feared, could destroy the internal object foreve
- Phantasy: Melanie Klein’s theories emphasized the interplay between internal fantasies
and external reality in child development. Her work explored how unconscious
phantasies shape a child’s perception of the world and relationships.
Klein believed that unconscious phantasy plays a crucial role in a child’s inner world.
These phantasies are not mere daydreams, but powerful psychological forces that
influence behavior and emotions.
In Klein’s view, infants experience primitive phantasies from birth. These early
phantasies often involve the mother’s breast as an object of both love and aggression.
Through play therapy, Klein observed children expressing complex phantasy lives. She
interpreted their play as a window into their unconscious thoughts and feelings.
Klein argued that helping children work through their phantasies in analysis could lead to
healthier psychological development.
- Aggression and death drive: Klein’s work highlighted the importance of aggressive
phantasies in child development. She believed these phantasies were a normal part of
psychological growth, not necessarily tied to real-life trauma.
According to Klein, children naturally experience aggressive impulses towards loved
ones. These impulses can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety.
Klein theorized that unresolved aggressive phantasies could contribute to psychological
difficulties later in life. She emphasized the importance of working through these
phantasies in therapy.
While Klein acknowledged the impact of real-world trauma, she focused more on internal
psychological processes. This approach differed from other theorists who placed greater
emphasis on external events.
Infant characteristics
Since attachment forms through a relationship between two partners, infant characteristics can
impact how easily it develops. Prematurity, birth complications, and illness can make caregiving
more challenging, leading to attachment insecurity in stressed families (Poehlmann & Fiese,
2001). However, at-risk newborns with patient, attentive caregivers often secure strong
attachments (Brisch et al., 2005). Difficult temperaments increase the likelihood of insecure
attachments, especially if caregivers are anxious or inconsistent, leading to “disharmonious
relationships” by age 2 (Symons, 2001). Gene-environment interactions also play a role: infants
with a gene linked to poor self-regulation are more prone to disorganized attachment if their
mothers experience unresolved trauma (van IJzendoorn & Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2006).
Although temperament influences attachment, its heritability is low, as most parents adapt their
caregiving to meet each child's needs (Roisman & Fraley, 2008).
The "goodness of fit" perspective suggests attachment security can be achieved with sensitive
caregiving that matches the child’s needs, even in challenging cases (Seifer & Schiller, 1995).
Parent training interventions have proven effective in enhancing both caregiving sensitivity and
attachment security, especially for difficult-to-care-for infants (Velderman et al., 2006). However,
when parents face personal or environmental stressors, infants with health issues or challenging
temperaments are at higher risk for attachment problems.
Family Environment
After Timmy’s birth, his parents divorced, and his father moved away. Vanessa, stressed and
working long hours, placed 1-month-old Timmy in Ginette’s child-care home. Often working
late, she relied on a babysitter to pick Timmy up and put him to bed, and she rarely picked him
up herself. By his first birthday, Timmy didn’t respond to Vanessa like other children did with
their parents.
Timmy’s behavior reflects a repeated finding: Job loss, a failing marriage, and financial
difficulties can undermine attach ment by interfering with parental sensitivity. These stressors
can also affect babies’ sense of security directly, by altering the emotional climate of the family
(for example, exposing them to angry adult interactions) or by disrupting familiar daily routines
Social support fosters attachment security by reducing parental stress and improving the quality
of parent–child communication. Ginette’s sensitivity was helpful, as was the parenting advice
Vanessa received from Ben, a psychologist. As Timmy turned 2, his relationship with his mother
seemed warmer.
Impact of Parenting,
Researchers have found that aspects of the authoritarian parenting style can sometimes lead to
positive child outcomes in certain ethnic groups, contrary to Baumrind's predictions (Parke &
Buriel, 2006). The meaning and effects of authoritarian practices may vary by cultural context.
For instance, some Asian American parents follow traditional practices that may appear
authoritarian, exerting substantial control over their children’s lives. However, Ruth Chao (2001,
2005, 2007; Chao & Tseng, 2002) argues that this style differs from strict authoritarianism, as it
reflects concern and involvement in children’s lives and can be understood as a form of
“training.” This parenting approach is believed to contribute to Asian American children's high
academic achievement (Stevenson & Zusho, 2002).
In Latino families, an emphasis on respect and obedience, often seen as authoritarian, can be
constructive rather than controlling. Rather than restricting development, it fosters a self and
identity rooted in family values (Harwood et al., 2002).
Even physical punishment, typically linked to the authoritarian style, has varying effects across
contexts. African American parents are more likely than non-Latino White parents to use
physical punishment (Deater-Deckard & Dodge, 1997). However, while it is associated with
increased aggression and behavioral issues in non-Latino White children, it does not have the
same effects in African American families. This difference may be due to African American
parents’ need to enforce rules in dangerous environments (Harrison-Hale, McLoyd, & Smedley,
2004). Nonetheless, using physical punishment for discipline remains a point of concern.
(another book)
Parenting style has been found to predict child well-being in the domains of social competence,
academic performance, psychosocial development, and problem behavior. Research in the
United States, based on parent interviews, child reports, and parent observations consistently
● Children and adolescents whose parents are authoritative rate themselves and are rated
by objective measures as more socially and instrumentally competent than those whose
parents are nonauthoritative (Baumrind, 1991; Weiss & Schwarz, 1996; Miller et al.,
● Children and adolescents whose parents are uninvolved perform most poorly in all
● In general, parental responsiveness predicts social competence and psychosocial
functioning, while parental demandingness is associated with instrumental competence
and behavioral control (i.e., academic performance and deviance). These findings
● Children and adolescents from authoritarian families (high in demandingness, but low in
responsiveness) tend to perform moderately well in school and be uninvolved in
problem behavior, but they have poorer social skills, lower self-esteem, and higher
levels of depression.
● Children and adolescents from indulgent homes (high in responsiveness, low in
demandingness) are more likely to be involved in problem behavior and perform less
well in school, but they have higher self-esteem, better social skills, and lower levels of
The relationship between marital confl ict and the use of punish ment highlights the importance
of coparenting, which is the support that parents provide one another in jointly raising a child.
Poor coordination between parents, undermining of the other parent, lack of cooperation and
warmth, and disconnection by one parent are conditions that place chil dren at risk for problems
(McHale & Sullivan, 2008). A recent study revealed that coparenting predicted young children’s
effortful control above and beyond maternal and paternal parenting (Karreman & others, 2008).
Parents who do not spend enough time with their children or who have problems in child rearing
can benefi t from counseling and therapy. To read about the work of marriage and family
counselor Darla Botkin, see Connecting With Careers .
A research review concluded that corporal punishment by parents is associated with higher levels
of immediate compliance and aggression by the children (Gershoff, 2002). The review also
found that corporal punishment is linked to lower levels of moral internalization and men tal
health (Gershoff, 2002). A recent study also discovered that a his tory of harsh physical
discipline was related to adolescent depression and externalized problems, such as juvenile
delinquency (Bender & others, 2007).
reasons for avoiding spanking or similar punish ments? The reasons include:
● When adults punish a child by yelling, screaming, or spanking, they are presenting
children with out-of-control models for handling stressful situations. Children may
imitate this aggressive, out-of control behavior.
● Punishment can instill fear, rage, or avoidance. For example, spanking the child may
cause the child to avoid being around the parent and to fear the parent.
● Punishment tells children what not to do rather than what to do. Children should be given
feedback, such as “Why don’t you try this?”
● Punishment can be abusive. Parents might unintentionally become so aroused when they
are punishing the child that they become abusive (Knox, 2010).
Most child psychologists recommend handling misbehavior by reasoning with the child,
especially explaining the consequences of the child’s actions for others. Time out , in which the
child is removed from a setting that offers positive reinforce ment, can also be effective. For
example, when the child has misbehaved, a parent might take away TV viewing for a specifi ed
Some experts (including Diana Baumrind) argue that much of the evidence for the negative
effects of physical punishment are based on studies in which parents acted in an abusive manner
(Baumrind, Larzelere, & Cowan, 2002). She con cludes from her research that when parents used
punishment in a calm, reasoned manner (which she says characterized most of the authoritative
parents in her studies), children’s development benefi tted. Thus, she emphasizes that physical
punishment does not need to present children with an out-of-control adult who is yelling and
screaming, as well as spanking.
Abuse (Child Maltreatment)
Unfortunately, punishment sometimes leads to the abuse of infants and children. Whereas the
public and many professionals use the term child abuse to refer to both abuse and neglect,
developmentalists increasingly use the term child maltreatment (Cicchetti, 2011; Cicchetti &
Toth, 2011; Cicchetti & others, 2010a, b) . This term does not have quite the emotional impact of
the term abuse and acknowledges that maltreatment includes diverse conditions.
Types of Child Maltreatment
● Physical abuse is characterized by the infl iction of physical injury as a result of
punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking, or otherwise harming a child. The
parent or other person may not have intended to hurt the child; the injury may have
resulted from excessive physical punishment (Milot & others, 2010).
● Child neglect is characterized by failure to provide for the child’s basic needs (Newton &
Vandeven, 2010; Thompson, 2010). Neglect can be physical (aban donment, for
example), educational (allowing chronic truancy, for example), or emotional (marked
inattention to the child’s needs, for example). Child neglect is by far the most common
form of child maltreatment. In every country where relevant data have been collected,
neglect occurs up to three times as often as abuse.
● Sexual abuse includes fondling a child’s genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy,
exhibitionism, and commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of
pornographic materials (Bahali & others, 2010; Leventhal, Murphy, & Asnes, 2010).
● Emotional abuse (psychological/verbal abuse/mental injury) includes acts or omissions
by parents or other caregivers that have caused, or could cause, serious behavioral,
cognitive, or emotional problems (van Harmelen & others, 2010; Wekerle & others,
Although any of these forms of child maltreatment may be found separately, they often occur in
combination. Emotional abuse is almost always present when other forms are identifi ed.
Consequences of Abuse
Among the consequences of child maltreatment in childhood and adolescence are poor emotion
regulation, attach ment problems, problems in peer relations, diffi culty in adapting to school,
and other psychological problems such as depression and delinquency. Maltreated young
children in foster care were more likely to show abnormal stress hormone levels than
middle-SES young children living with their birth family. In this study, the abnormal stress
hormone levels were mainly pres ent in the foster children who were neglected, best described as
“institutional neglect”. Abuse also may have this effect on young children.
Adolescents who experienced abuse or neglect as children are more likely than adolescents who
were not maltreated as children to engage in violent romantic relationships, delinquency, sexual
risk taking, and substance abuse.
Later, during the adult years, individuals who were maltreated as children often have difficulty in
establishing and maintaining healthy intimate relationships. As adults, maltreated children are
also at higher risk for violent behavior toward other adults—especially dating partners and
marital partners—as well as for substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.
In one study of maltreating mothers and their 1-year-olds, two treatments were effective in
reducing child maltreatment:
(1) home visitation that emphasized improved parenting, coping with stress, and increasing
support for the mother; and
(2) parent-infant psychotherapy that focused on improving maternal-infant attachment.