Understanding and predicting human behaviour for social communities - User data
management - Inference and Distribution - Enabling new human experiences - Reality
mining - Context – Awareness- Privacy in online social networks - Trust in online
environment – What is Neo4j, Nodes, Relationship, Properties
1.0 Understanding and Predicting Human Behavior for Social Communities. Describe the
architectural framework and methodology for human behavior understanding and
prediction. (Nov/Dec'18)
However, despite all the technological revolutions, for the end user (Humans) it is
the perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) that counts, where QoE is a consequence of a
user’s internal state (e.g., predispositions, expectations, needs, motivation, mood), the
characteristics of the designed system (e.g., usability, functionality, relevance) and the
context (or the environment) within which the interaction occurs (e.g., social setting,
meaningfulness of the activity).
Dealing with the previously enumerated challenges and trying to achieve the
aforementioned goal, we propose an architectural framework and a methodology, which
together will pave the way to understand and predict human behavior in future social-aware
multimedia systems. Furthermore, our work overviews some application scenarios, which
could benefit from such innovation, namely advertising, augmented reality and self-
awareness systems.
With the aim of inferring users needs, desires or intentions, several research initiatives from
different fields (e.g., eHealth, Marketing, Telecoms) are starting to become a reality. Despite the
different methodologies and approaches, the user requirements and the technologies involved to
address the problems are usually the same.
∙ They commonly involve social network analysis, context-awareness and data mining. The basic
motivation is the demand to exploit knowledge from various amounts of data collected,
pertaining to social behavior of users in online environments.
∙ A prime example of this are the research efforts dedicated towards the Enron email dataset.
Together, these techniques proved to be useful for analysis of social network data, especially for
large datasets that cannot be handled by traditional methods.
Real world situations usually have to be derived from a complex set of features. Thus, context or
behavior aware systems have to capture a set of features from heterogeneous and distributed sources
and process them to derive the overall situation.
∙ Therefore, recent approaches are intended to be comprehensive, i.e., comprise all components and
processing steps necessary to capture a complex situation, starting with the access and
management of sensing devices, up to the recognition of a complex situation based on multiple
reasoning steps and schemes.
∙ To handle complex situations, the concept of decomposition is applied to the situation into a
hierarchy of sub-situations.
∙ These sub-situations can be handled autonomously with respect to sensing and reasoning. In this
way, the handling of complex situations can be simplified by decomposition.
∙ Another similar perspective is called layered reasoning, where the first stage involves feature
extraction and grouping (i.e., resulting in low-level context), the second event, state and activity
recognition (i.e., originating mid-level context), while the last stage is dedicated to prediction and
inference of new knowledge.
In this sense, combining all of pre-enunciated concepts with ontologies and semantic
technologies, we present a generic framework for managing user related data, which,
together with a specific methodology will pave the way to understandng and predicting future
human behavior within social communities.
1.2 Enabling New Human Experiences. (Discuss enabling New Human Experiences in detail and
reality Mining.9Apr/May'18)(Or)Explain the steps used for enabling human behavior
understanding and prediction.Nov-2019
After over viewing how the challenges related with the user data management and new
knowledge inference are dealt, it is important to understand what are the technologies behind
it, how to link them and what can they achieve when combined in synergy. Altogether,
dealing with different aspects, they are capable of covering both the emotional and rational
aspects inherent to human behavior.
1.2.1 The
Technologies Social
Humans in all cultures at all times form complex social networks; the term social network
means ongoing relations among people that matter to those engaged in the group, either for
specific reasons or for more general expressions of mutual solidarity. Likewise, social
networks among individuals who may not be related can be validated and maintained by
agreement on objectives, social values, or even by choice of entertainment. They involve
reciprocal responsibilities and roles that may be altruistic or self-interest based. Usually,
network members tend to trust and rely on each other, and to provide information that other
members might find useful and reliable. Social networks are trusted because of shared
experiences and the perception of shared values and shared needs. This phenomenon has
recently created and converted existing online communities into complex online social net-
works. Although the behavior of individuals in online networks can be slightly different from
the same individuals interacting in a more traditional social network (reality), it gives us
invaluable insights on the people we are communicating with, which groups are we engaged,
which are our preferences, etc.
To overcome the discrepancy between online and “offline” networks, reality mining
techniques can
be empowered to approximate both worlds, proving awareness about people actual behavior.
It typically analyzes sensor data (from mobiles, video cameras, satellites, etc) to extract
subtle patterns
that help to predict and understand future human behavior. These predictive patterns begin
biological “honest signals,” human behaviors that evolved from ancient primate signaling
mechanisms, and which are major factors in human decision making. In fact, these systems
enable us to have the “big picture” of specific social contexts by aggregating and averaging
the collected data (e.g., identify and prevent epidemics). Moreover, it allows data/events
correlation and consequently future occurrences extrapolation. Context-
In today’s services, the sought to deal with linking changes in the environment with
computer systems is becoming increasingly important, allowing computers to both sense and
react based on their environment. Additionally, devices may have information about the
circumstances under which they are able to operate and based on rules, or an intelligent
stimulus, react accordingly [15]. By assessing and analyzing visions and predictions on
computing, devices, infrastructures and human interaction, it becomes apparent that:
a. context is available, meaningful, and carries rich information in such environments,
b. that users’ expectations and user experience is directly related to context,
c. acquiring, representing, providing, and using context becomes a crucial enabling technology for
the vision of disappearing computers in everyday environments.
1.2.2 Architectural Framework and Methodology
In order to enable human behavior understanding and prediction, there are several independent
but complementary steps that can be grouped into three different categories: Data Management, New
Knowledge Generation and Service Exposure and Control. Figure 1 depicts these relationships as
well as the sequence of activities involved.
The third layer is divided into two main capabilities. The first is user-centric and re- lates to the
ability of the user to stay in control of the whole scenario, enabling it to specify when, what, why,
who, where and how the data is or can be accessed. This opens the doors for opportunistic
communications, as user context is disclosed ac- cording to contextual privacy policies and
settings, enabling systems and devices to sense how, where and why information and content are
being accessed and respond accordingly. Innovations
Trust systems can in general be used to derive local and subjective measures of trust, meaning that
different agents can derive different trust in the same entity. Another characteristic of trust systems is
that they can analyze multiple hops of trust transitivity Reputation systems on the other hand normally
compute scores based on direct input from members in the community which is not based on
transitivity. Still there are systems that have characteristics of being both a reputation system and a
trust system.
This approach assumes a trust network among users and makes recommendations based
on the ratings of the users that are directly or indirectly trusted by the target user.
Trust could be used as supplementary or replacement of collaborative filtering system
Trust and reputation systems can be used in order to assist users in predicting and
selecting the best quality services
Binomial Bayesian reputation systems normally take ratings expressed in a discrete
binary form as either
o positive (e.g. good) or
o negative (e.g. bad).
Multinomial Bayesian reputation systems allow the possibility of providing ratings with
discrete graded levels such as e.g. mediocre – bad –average – good – excellent
Trust models based on subjective logic are directly compatible with Bayesian reputation
systems because a bi-jectivemapping exists between their respective trust and reputation
This provides a powerful basis for combining trust and reputation systems for assessing
the quality of online services.
Trust systems can be used to derive local and subjective measures of trust, meaning that
different agents can derive different trust in the same entity.
Reputation systems compute scores based on direct input from members in the
community which is not based on transitivity
Bayesian reputation systems are directly compatible with trust systems based on
subjective logic, they can be seamlessly integrated. This provides a powerful and
flexible basis for online trust and reputation management.
Online Social Networks
A social network is a map of the relevant ties between the individuals, organizations,
nations etc. being studied.
With the evolution of digital age, Internet provides a greater scope of implementing
social networks online. Online social networks have broader and easier coverage of
members worldwide to share information and resources.
The first online social networks were called UseNet Newsgroups. designed and built by
Duke University graduate students Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis in 1979.
Facebook is the largest and most popular online social network at this moment
It had 350 million Monthly Active Users (MAU) at the beginning of January 2010. But
it has been growing too fast around the world since then.
As on 10 February 2010, roughly 23 million more people are using Facebook compared
to 30 days ago, many in countries with big populations around the world. This is an
interesting shift from much of Facebook‟s international growth to date.
Once Facebook began offering the service in multiple languages it started blowing up in
many countries like Canada, Iceland, Norway, South Africa, Chile, etc.
The United States is at the top with more than five million new users; it also continues
to be the single largest country on Facebook, with 108 million MAU
Table a Top ten mostly visited social networks in Jan‟09– based on MAU
MS Access, SQL server all the relational database management system use tables to
store or present the data with the help of column and row but Neo4j doesn’t use
tables, row or columns like old school style to store or present the data.
What is a Graph Database?
A graph database uses graph theory to store, map, and query relationships. It consists
of nodes, edges, and properties, where:
Nodes represent entities such as people, businesses, or any data item.
Edges (or relationships) connect nodes and illustrate how entities are related.
Properties provide additional information about nodes and relationships.
This structure allows graph databases to model real-world scenarios more naturally
and intuitively than traditional relational databases.
Features of Neo4J
High Performance and Scalability
Neo4j is designed to handle massive amounts of data and complex queries quickly
and efficiently. Its native graph storage and processing engine ensure high
performance and scalability, even with billions of nodes and relationships.
Cypher Query Language
Neo4j uses Cypher, a powerful and expressive query language tailored for graph
databases. Cypher makes it easy to create, read, update, and delete data, allowing
users to perform complex queries with concise and readable syntax.
ACID Compliance
Neo4j ensures data integrity and reliability through ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability) compliance. This guarantees that all database transactions are
processed reliably and ensures the consistency of the database even in the event of
Flexible Schema
Unlike traditional databases, Neo4j offers a flexible schema, allowing users to add or
modify data models without downtime. This adaptability makes it ideal for evolving
data structures and rapidly changing business requirements.
Neo4j Usage
If your Database Management System has so many interconnecting relationships then
you can use Neo4j that will be the best choice. Neo4j is highly preferable to store
data that contains multiple connections between nodes. This is where the Neo4j
comes in it’s more comfortable to use with relational data than the relational
database. Because Neo4j doesn’t require a predefined schema, you just need to load
the data here the data is the main structure. It is schema optional Database
Management System.
There are some unique features that will make you choose Neo4j over any other
Database Management System. Neo4j is surrounded by relationships but there is no
need to set up primary key or foreign key constraints to any data. Here you can add
any relation between any nodes you want. That makes the Neo4j extremely suited for
Networking data, below is the list of data areas where you can use this Database
Management System.
Social network analysis like in Facebook, Twitter or in Instagram
Network Diagram
Fraud Detection
Graph based searched of digital assets
Data Management
Real-time product recommendation
Advantages of Neo4j:
1. Representation of connected data is very easy.
2. Retrieval or traversal or navigation of connected data is very fast.
3. It uses simple and powerful data model.
4. It can represent semi-structured data is easy.
Disadvantages of Neo4j:
1. OLAP support for these types of databases is not well executed.
2. In this area, still there are lots of research happening around.
Nodes are used to represent entities (discrete objects) of a domain.
The simplest possible graph is a single node with no relationships. Consider the following graph,
consisting of a single node.
The example graph shown below introduces the basic concepts of the property graph:
A relationship describes how a connection between a source node and a target node are related. It
is possible for a node to have a relationship to itself.
A relationship:
Connects a source node and a target node.
Has a direction (one direction).
Must have a type (one type) to define (classify) what type of relationship it is.
Can have properties (key-value pairs), which further describe the relationship.
Relationships organize nodes into structures, allowing a graph to resemble a list, a tree, a map, or
a compound entity — any of which may be combined into yet more complex, richly inter-
connected structures.
Relationship type
A relationship must have exactly one relationship type.
Below is an ACTED_IN relationship, with the Tom Hanks node as the source node and Forrest
Gump as the target node.
Observe that the Tom Hanks node has an outgoing relationship, while the Forrest Gump node has
an incoming relationship.
Properties are key-value pairs that are used for storing data on nodes and relationships.
The value part of a property:
Can hold different data types, such as number, string, or boolean.
Can hold a homogeneous list (array) containing, for example, strings, numbers, or boolean values.
Example 1. Number