GK pinnacle 7th edition
GK pinnacle 7th edition
GK pinnacle 7th edition
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
Ancient History
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
1. Prehistoric And Indus Valley 166 - 168 01 - 28 28
Medieval History
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
10. Humayun and Sher Shah Suri 195 368 - 377 10
11. Akbar 195 - 197 378 - 400 23
Modern History
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
1. The Revolt of 1857 207 - 208 536 - 545 10
2. Governors and Viceroys 208 - 211 546 - 577 32
3. British acts and Policies 211 - 215 578 - 622 45
10. Indian National Congress and Its 232 - 234 817 - 842 26
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
3. Article, Schedule, Parts and list 245 - 256 48 - 161 114
5. Fundamental Rights and Duties 260 - 265 201 - 255 55
6. Committee Reports 265 - 267 256 - 268 13
8. President, Vice President and Prime 271 - 276 314 - 363 50
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
1. Solar system and its planets 290 - 293 01 - 44 44
2. Longitudes and latitudes 293 - 294 45 - 60 16
3. Continents and Oceans 294 - 298 61 -102 42
7. Minerals and Energy Resources in India 310 - 314 251 - 298 48
21. World geography and Map 360 - 362 830 - 848 19
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
2. Concepts of Demand and Supply 371 - 372 34 - 44 11
3. Cost, Production, Consumption and 372 - 373 45 - 60 16
4. National Income, Inflation, Budget, 374 - 383 61 - 154 94
Taxation and GDP
5. Money Banking and Financial 383 - 393 155 - 262 108
8. Government Schemes 394 - 397 175 - 312 38
9. Five - Year Plans 397 - 400 ap 313 - 335 23
10. Indian Economy : Central Problems 400 - 404 336 - 375 40
and Planning
11. Stock, Debentures and Foreign trade 404 - 405 376 -386 11
12. Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy 405 - 407 387 - 408 22
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
4. Electric Current and Its Effects 414 - 418 42 - 81 40
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
2. Metals, Non-metals and Alloys 435 - 437 25 - 53 29
3. Acid, Bases and Salt 437 - 439 54 - 83 30
6. Periodic table 445 - 451 159 - 221 63
7. Ideal Gas Law 451 222 - 230 9
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of questions
7. Cell: Basic Unit of life 486 - 496 150 - 251 102
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2. Important One liners 2024 - 25 08 - 20 - -
* SSC exams also have the same weightage percentages as mentioned in our book.*
Pinnacle Static GK
painted to symbolise the type of dances include Tarangmel, performed
Static GK character they are playing? during Dussehra and Holi, and Dhalo,
SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (2nd Shift) performed by women during the Pausha
Dance (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Odissi moon festival by communities like
(c) Kathakali (d) Kathak Kunbis and Gaudis. The Dhangar
Q.1. Which of the following folk dances community performs the Dhangar dance
is performed by the fisherfolk of the Sol.5.(c) Kathakali, which originated in during their annual fair and Navratri.
Mithila region in Bihar? 17th-century Travancore (Kerala), draws
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon) its foundation from Sage Bharata's Natya Q.10. Which of the following dance
(a) Karma (b) Nrityakali Shastra. Its characters are distinguished forms emotes a play through dancing in
(c) Kamala (d) Jiya by makeup: Pacha (noble gods), Katti which the song is customarily in
(anti-heroes), Thadi (bearded roles), Kari Manipravala language ?
Sol.1.(c) Kamala. Folk dances of Bihar : (evil), and Minukku (virtuous women SSC MTS 14/11/2024 (2nd Shift)
Karma, Kajri, Jhumar, Jharni, Jat Jatin, /sages). Key instruments include (a) Kathak (b) Mohiniattam
Jhumeri, Sohar Khelwana, Natua, Chenda, Maddalam, Chengila, and (c) Sattriya (d) Kuchipudi
Nachini, Jhijiya, Dhamar jogira, Krishi Elaththalam, with songs called
Sol.10.(b) Mohiniattam, a classical
Nritya. Attakkatha.
dance from Kerala, features graceful
Q.2. Chad Laho is a dance-festival, Q.6. _________ dance is embedded in the movements and expressions to narrate
primarily celebrated by which of the stories from the epics Mahabharata, Hindu mythological stories, with songs in
following tribes of Meghalaya? Ramayana and Puranas. Manipravalam blending Sanskrit and
SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Malayalam.
(a) Khasi (b) Garo (a) Kathakali (b) Kuchipudi
Q.11. Mohiniyattam is associated with
(c) Jaintia (d) Hojang (c) Sattriya (d) Odissi
which of the following traditional dance
Sol.2.(c) Jaintia. Chad Laho dance Sol.6.(a) Kathakali literally means "story styles?
festival is celebrated as a thanksgiving play." It is a classical dance form from SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
festival to God after the harvesting Kerala, known for its heavy and elaborate (a) Samapadam (b) Tribhanga
makeup, intricate costumes, and (c) Chowk (d) Lasya style
season. Other folk dances of Meghalaya
dramatic expressions.
and their Tribes: Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem Sol.11.(d) Lasya style. Mohiniyattam : A
(Khasis tribe), Beh-dien-khlam (Jaintias), Q.7. Which of the following Indian tribal
SSC MTS 01/10/2024 (1st Shift) Sol.7.(a) Dhimsa. Dances of Andhra waist, and knees). Chowk : A position
(a) Ghodemodni (b) Zemmado Pradesh: Buttabommalu, Dappu Dance, imitating a square - a very masculine
stance with the weight of the body
Assam's Bodo tribe. Bardo Chham is Q.12. Khuallam is a famous dance of:
celebrated in Thane, Sattari, and nearby
from Arunachal Pradesh, while Jhumur is SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) Gujarat (b) Uttar Pradesh Holi to celebrate the triumph of good
means “row of warriors” is a dance. It is
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Haryana
regarded as a remnant of the Dravidian over evil. It is popularly referred to as the
forms of worship that existed before the Sol.20.(c) Uttarakhand. Langvir Nritya is Holi dance due to its association with the
advent of Brahmanism. The percussion a dance form practiced by only men. The festival.
instruments used are padayani thappu, dancers use a long bamboo pole. Folk Q.25. Giddha dance is a folk dance of
chenda, para and kumbham. Other dances of Uttarakhand: Jhora, Chholia, which of the following states ?
dances of Kerala : Mudiyettu, Barada Nati, Pandav Nritya, Chancheri, SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift)
Thiruvathirakali, Kolkali, Oppana, Chhapeli, Thali, Rasu Nritya, Jaguars. (a) Manipur (b) Punjab
Kummattikali, Chavittu Natakam.
Q.21. Which of the following dances (c) Nagaland (d) Odisha
Q.16. In which of the following states of developed in the monasteries of Assam? Sol.25.(b) Punjab. Gidda is performed by
India is Hojagiri dance predominantly SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (2nd shift) women during social gatherings. Other
performed ? (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kathak folk dances of Punjab : Bhangra, Daff,
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift)
performed during the Hojagiri Festival or Srimanta Sankardev in the 15th century. SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Laxmi Puja, which occurs on the full He promoted “ek sharan naam dharma” (a) Kathak (b) Kuchipudi
moon night following Durga Puja, (devotional chanting of one God’s name). (c) Sattriya (d) Odissi
typically a few days after Dussehra. In 2000, the Sangeet Natak Akademi
recognized Sattriya as a classical dance. Sol.26.(c) Sattriya. The Sattriya dance
Q.17. In which of the following states is
form was introduced in the 15th century
the Chu-Faat dance performed? Q.22. 'Chhau' is a popular dance of which A.D by Mahapurusha Sankaradeva. It
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) of the following state ? became popular as a part of the
(a) Haryana (b) Uttarakhand SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) Vaishnava Bhakti Movement in Sattra
(c) West Bengal (d) Sikkim (a) Gujarat (b) Haryana (Hindu monasteries).
(c) Jharkhand (d) Kerala
Sol.17.(d) Sikkim. Chu-Faat, meaning
Q.27. Jagoi and Cholom are two
"Snowy Range" (Chu) and "Worship" Sol.22.(c) Jharkhand. Chhau dance has
divisions in the Indian classical dance
(Faat), is a folk dance of Sikkim martial and folk traditions. It is found in
form of ________.
performed in honor of Mount three styles named after the location
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Khangchendzonga. Other folk dances of where they are performed, i.e., the Purulia
(a) Kathak (b) Bharatanatyam
Sikkim - Sikmari, Singhi Chaam or the Chhau of West Bengal, the Seraikella
(c) Manipuri (d) Kathakali
Snow Lion Dance, Yak Chaam, Khukuri Chhau of Jharkhand and the Mayurbhanj
Naach. Chhau of Odisha. The Cultural Ministry of Sol.27.(c) Manipuri. Jagoi refers to the
India has included Chhau in the list of gentle and graceful movements, often
Q.18. ‘Kuki dance’ is a folk dance of India
classical dances making a total of 9 depicting devotion and love. Cholom
that is predominantly performed in _____.
classical dance forms. refers to the fast-paced and energetic
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Q.23. Gugga is the famous ritualistic movements, often depicting heroic and
(a) Nagaland (b) Karnataka
dance of ________, which is performed in martial themes. Other dances and their
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
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division: Kathakali (Kerala) - Satvika, Cultural Heritage of India since 2010 ? (c) Vira and Toda (d) Jagoi and Cholom
rajasika and tamasika. Bharatanatyam SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
(Tamil Nadu) - Nritta, Nritya and Natya. (a) Garba (b) Kalbelia Sol.36.(d) Jagoi and Cholom. Manipuri is
(c) Ghumar (d) Matki an ancient classical dance form from
Q.28. The Chau dancers of ___________ Manipur. It has two main styles : Jagoi,
organise a festival named Chau-Jhumur Sol.32.(b) Kalbelia : It has other names which is gentle, and Cholom, which is
Utsav, where an open stage is designed like 'Sapera Dance' or 'Snake Charmer vigorous, reflecting the lasya and
for the performance by Chau groups. Dance'. This dance is particularly tandava elements described in Sanskrit
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) performed by a Rajasthani tribe called literature.
(a) Jharkhand (b) West Bengal 'Kalbelia'.
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh Q.37. How many types of makeup
Q.33. The Bhotia dance form is a (vesham) are used for the performers of
Sol.28.(b) West Bengal. folk-dance from which of the following Kathakali dance?
Chhau is performed in three styles Indian states? SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
across eastern India: Purulia Chhau - SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) (a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 11
West Bengal. Seraikela Chhau - (a) Odisha (b) Goa
Jharkhand. Mayurbhanj Chhau - Odisha. (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Uttarakhand Sol.37.(c) 5. The five major Veshams in
Kathakali (Kerala), are Kathi (Knife),
Q.29. Which of the following states/UTs Sol.33.(d) Uttarakhand. The Bhotia Pacha (Green), Thaadi (Beard), Minukku
is Rauf a folk dance? dance performed by the Bhotia tribe of (Radiant), and Kari (Black). The Pacha
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift) Uttarakhand. Other folk dances: Veshams represent noble and divine
(a) Karnataka Uttarakhand - Jhora, Chholia, Langvir characters. Kathi represents characters
(b) Kerala Nritya, Barada Nati, Pandav Nritya, that are arrogant and evil, although they
(c) Lakshadweep Chancheri, Chhapeli. possess a vein of gallantry.
(d) Jammu and Kashmir
Q.34. With reference to Saila dance Q.38. Indian Classical Dance is an
Sol.29.(d) Jammu and Kashmir. Rauf is a consider the following statements and umbrella under which various performing
popular dance form performed by select the correct option. arts whose theory and practice can be
women during weddings and other a) A group comprising of male traced to the Sanskrit text, Natya-Shastra,
celebrations. performers. the foundational treatise by:
b) The dance is performed with bamboo SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.30. Bhavai is a dance form that sticks. (a) Panini (b) Bhasa
belongs to which of the following states? c) It is performed after the cutting of (c) Patanjali (d) Bharata Muni
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) crops.
(a) Bihar (b) Odisha SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) Sol.38.(d) Bharata Muni. He was an
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh (a) a, b, c (b) Both b and c ancient Indian dramatist and
(c) Both a and c (d) Both a and b musicologist. Natya-Shastra is also
Sol.30.(c) Rajasthan.
Meena, Bhil, or Kumhar tribal only by boys after the harvest season in Svapnavasavadutta (The dream of
communities. The performers balance the Hindu month of Aghan (November Vasavadatta). Patanjali - Mahabhasaya
eight to nine brass pitchers or earthen -December). Other folk dances of (Sanskrit grammar).
pots on their heads as they dance. Other
Varnam and Tillana are regular patterns Maharashtra - Dhangari Gaja, Lavani, hand, head and neck movements and eye
of which of the following classical dance Povada, and Koli dance. movements.
forms of India?
Q.45. Cheraw dance belongs to which of Q.49. Jaita is the main dance form of
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
(a) Sattriya (b) Bharatanatyam the following states? which state?
Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
(c) Manipuri (d) Kathak
(a) Nagaland (b) Gujarat (a) Karnataka (b) Rajasthan
Sol.41.(b) Bharatanatyam, a classical (c) Mizoram (d) Uttarakhand (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
setting the tone. Jatiswaram: Pure oldest traditional dances. Other Jat community, especially in the
dance, showcasing rhythmic patterns. traditional dances of Mizoram include Bundelkhand region, during weddings
Shabdam: Combination of music and Khuallam, Sarlamkai, Chheihlam, and and festivals. Other folk dances of Uttar
dance, with emphasis on expression. Mizo. Pradesh include: Nautanki, Raslila, Kajri.
Varnam: Central piece, highlighting the
Q.46. Bharatanatyam of Tamil Nadu has Q.50. When was Bharatanatyam banned
known: (a) 1885 (b) 1910 (c) 1897 (d) 1927
Q.42. 'Lai Haraoba' is the earliest form of Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
(a) Sadir (b) Jagoi (c) Cholom (d) Gat Sol.50.(b) 1910. Bharatanatyam (Tamil
dance of which of the following classical
Nadu): It traces its origins back to the
dance forms of India?
Sol.46.(a) Sadir (or Dasi Attam). The Natyashastra, an ancient treatise on
Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
dance of Bharatanatyam belongs to the theatre written by the mythic priest
(a) Kuchipudi (b) Manipuri
Carnatic system of southern India. Jagoi Bharata. Features :- It encompasses
(c) Kathakali (d) Mohiniattam
and Cholom are the two main divisions in Bhav, Rag, Ras and Taal. It consists of six
Sol.42.(b) Manipuri (Manipur) classical Manipur’s dance. The term gat refers to a portions: Alarippu (Invocation),
dance is associated with rituals and stylized way of walking that is used to Jathiswaram (Nritta part), Shabdam
traditional festivals; there are legendary express scenes from daily life. It is also a (Short compositions with word), Varnam
references to the dances of Shiva and type of rhythmic footwork that is usually (a story, that includes both Nritta and
Parvati. The male dancers play the Pung performed at the end of a rendition. Nritya), Padam (Religious prayer, Bhajan,
and Kartal while dancing. It is an Keerthanam) and Tillana (Origin in the
Q.47. Select the INCORRECT Tarana of Hindustani Music).
important festival of the Meitai tribe.
combination of folk dance and its
Q.43. Archaeological evidence of which respective state. Q.51. What is a one act play of Sattriya
of the following dance forms dating back Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) called?
to the 2nd century BC was found in the (a) Dhangari Gaja - Maharashtra SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
caves of Udayagiri and Khandagiri ? (b) Dandiya Raas- Gujarat (a) Ekam Nat (b) Vishesham Nat
Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4) (c) Dollu Kunitha - Karnataka (c) Anant Nat (d) Ankiya Nat
(a) Kathak (b) Kuchipudi (d) Paika - Kerala
Sol.51.(d) Ankiya Nat: It is a form of
(c) Manipuri (d) Odissi
Sol.47.(d) Paika - Kerala. The Paika Sattriya that involves musical drama or
Sol.53.(d) Manipuri dance. The themes Manipuri classical dance is known as: (a) Kathak (b) Kuchipudi
used in Manipuri dance forms: Mostly SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) (c) Odissi (d) Kathakali
influenced by Hindu Vaishnavism (a) Choloms (b) Pareng (c) Maiba (d) Ras
themes. It also includes themes related Sol.62.(a) Kathak is famous for its
to Shaivism and Shaktism and regional Sol.58.(a) Choloms. The Kirtan form of spectacular footwork, amazing spins,
deities. Tandav Manipuri depicts themes congregational singing accompanies the Nazakat and Padhant. Natwari Nritya is
of Shiv, Shakti or Krishna as warrior. dance which is known as Sankirtana in also known as the dance of Krishna.
Manipur. The male dancers play the Pung
Q.54. In 2010, considering its and Kartal while dancing. The masculine Q.63. Dandari (Dancing) troupes perform
outstanding value and vulnerability, aspect of dance - the Choloms are a part ________ during the festival of Diwali for
UNESCO recognised 'Mudiyettu', an age - of the Sankirtana tradition. a fortnight with participation from Kolam
(a) Kerala (b) Telangana session called sevakali and undertaken (c) Ghusadi (d) Rout Nacha
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu in the precincts of a temple ?
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Sol.63.(c) Ghusadi (in the Adilabad
Sol.54.(a) Kerala. Mudiyettu - A ritual (a) Kathakali (b) Kathak district of Telangana). Baiga Pardhoni
dance drama based on the mythological (c) Odissi (d) Kuchipudi (Madhya Pradesh) dance is performed by
tale of a battle between the Goddess Kali the Baiga tribals. Raut Nacha
and the demon Darika. Sol.59.(a) Kathakali (dance of Kerala). (Chhattisgarh) is mainly performed by
Performed in Orissa for centuries by Q.71. In the performance of _______ Harvest Season accompanied by musical
young boys, who dress as women to dance, on one side raasa dances are Instrument Madal, Nagara and Bansi.
praise Jagannath and Krishna. performed by women, whereas on the Other Tribal Dances: Santhali Dance -
opposite side instrumentalist play the Santhal (West Bengal, Jharkhand).
Q.67. The Songi Mukhawate dance of
________ celebrates the victory of truth pung choloms (drums) and the karataala Bamboo Dance - Mizoram. Kalbelia
(cymbals). Dance - Kalbelia Community (Rajasthan).
over falsehood. The name of the dance is
derived from the two lion masks worn by SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Bhagoria Dance - Bhils (Madhya
(a) Kathakali (b) Yakshagana Pradesh). Dhimsa Dance - Porja Tribe
performed as an integral part of the Manipuri martial arts Thang Ta, Sarit (a) Tapu (b) Karma
worship of Devi (mother goddess) on the Sarak and Maibi Jagoi dance. Kartal (c) Sangphao (d) Kaksar
full moon night of the lunar month of Cholom - This is a group dance, where
dancers form a circle. Women dance in Sol.75.(a) Tapu. Indian folk and tribal
Chaitra (March/April).
dances : Arunachal Pradesh - Buiya,
which of the following states ? Q.72. The Lambadi dance is a folk dance Popir, Bardo Chham, etc. Assam - Bihu,
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift) form of the_______tribe and originated in Bichhua, Bagurumba, Khel Gopal, Tabal
(a) Meghalaya (b) Assam Andhra Pradesh. Chongli, Jhumura Hobjanai etc.
(c) Mizoram (d) Arunachal Pradesh SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Nagaland - Chong, Nuralim, Temangnetin,
(a) Sugali (b) Banjara Rangma, Zeliang, etc. Mizoram - Cheraw
Sol.68.(d) Arunachal Pradesh. (c) Nakkala (d) Dabba Yerukula Dance (Bamboo dance), Khuallam,
Rikham Pada Dance : Performed by the Chailam, Zangtalam, Khanatm, etc.
women of the Nishi tribe only to express Sol.72.(b) Banjara - A nomadic tribe of Manipur - Thang Ta, Lai Haraoba, Pung
their love for their husbands and to offer India. The community was denotified in Cholom, Nupa Dance, etc. Tripura -
their reverence to the gods. Other dances the 1950s but was listed under the Hojagiri. Meghalaya - Laho, Shad Suk
of Arunachal Pradesh : Bhuiya dance, Habitual Offenders Act, 1952. Other Mynsiem, Nongkrem.
Chalo dance, Wancho dance, Pasi names of Banjara : Lambani in Karnataka
Kongki, Ponung dance and Popir dance. and Gwar or Gwaraiya in Rajasthan. Q.76. Chali, Jhumura and Nadu Bhangi
Language of Banjara : ‘Gorboli’ ‘Gor mati are associated with which Indian
Q.69. Which form of Indian dance is said Boli’ or ‘Brinjari’, an independent dialect. classical dance form?
to be 'soft and suitable for female The dialect falls in the category of SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift)
presentation' ? Indo-Aryan Language. Another Tribal (a) Kathakali (b) Sattriya
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (1st Shift) dance of Andhra Pradesh - ‘Dhimsa’ (c) Manipuri (d) Kuchipudi
(a) Nritta (b) Taandava (Performed by the Porja tribes).
(c) Laasya (d) Nritya Sol.76.(b) Sattriya (Assam): Gayan
Q.73. The Balti dance of _____ is distinct -Bhayanar Nach, Kharmanar Nach are
Sol.69.(c) Laasya. The Indian classical as it has its own costume, music and also associated with Sattriya dance.
dances have two basic aspects: Tandava songs in the Balti language. The dance is There were two dance forms prevalent in
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Assam before the neo-Vaishnava associated with which of the following Princely states was primarily associated
movement i.e Ojapali and Devadasi with Indian states? with Kathak?
many classical elements. Two varieties SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift)
of Ojapali dances are still prevalent in (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh (a) Tripura (b) Avadh
Assam i.e. Sukananni or Maroi Goa Ojah (c) Kerala (d) Gujarat (c) Baroda (d) Vijaynagar
and Vyah Goa Ojah. Sukananti Ojapali is
of Shakti cult and Vyah Goa Oja paali is Sol.81.(c) Kerala. Other folk dances : Sol.86.(b) Avadh. Kathak (Uttar Pradesh)
of Vaishnava cult . Ottam Thulal, Kaikottikali, Tappatikali, - It was performed under the Mughal
Kali Auttam. Andhra Pradesh - Ottam emperors. Exponents - Pandit Birju
Q.77. Which of the following is a Thedal, Kummi, Siddhi, Bhamakalpam, Maharaj, Shovna Narayan, Shambhu
traditional dance form of Sri Lanka? Veeranatyam, Dappu, Tappeta Gullu, Maharaj, Lachhu Maharaj. Other dances
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift) Lambadi, Dhimsa, Kolattam, Butta of Uttar Pradesh: Charkula, Khyal,
(a) Bihu (b) Kathak Bommalu. Raslila, Nautanki Dance, Kajri. Tripura -
(c) Kandyan dance (d) Bharatanatyam Hojagiri, Garia, Jhum, Bijhu, Sangrai,
Q.82. Tevitichiyattam, Nangai Natakam Lebang boomani.
Sol.77.(c) Kandyan Dance (Developed and Dasiyattam are the forms of which
during the Kandyan kings' reign) - It is an of the following classical dances? Q.87. The Pakhawaj syllables are
ancient dance style narrating stories SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st shift) primarily used to conclude which of the
from the Indian epic Ramayana. Other (a) Odissi dance (b) Kathakali dance following Indian classical dances?
dances of Sri Lanka: PahathaRata (c) Sattriya dance (d) Mohiniyattam dance SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (4th shift)
Netum, Sabaragamuwa. (a) Manipuri (b) Kathak
Sol.82.(d) Mohiniyattam dance(Classical (c) Odissi (d) Kathakali
Q.78. The traditional singing of 'Nat' is dance form of Kerala in South India).
associated with _________Dance. Sol.87.(c) Odissi. The "Mangalacharan,"
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (3rd shift) Q.83. Sarhul is a famous tribal festival of a concluding prayer or benediction, is
(a) Kathak (b) Manipuri dance in which state ? often recited using Pakhawaj bols,
(c) Odissi (d) Chhau SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift) creating a powerful and symbolic ending.
(a) Assam (b) Sikkim
Sol.78.(b) Manipuri. Nat is the Manipuri (c) Jharkhand (d) Chhattisgarh Q.88. Bharatanatyam expresses South
classical style of singing, Pung or the Indian religious themes and spiritual
Manipuri classical drum is the musical Sol.83.(c) Jharkhand. Sarhul - The ideas of ______.
instrument used. Manipuri Dance Styles - festival of the Oraon tribe. It is the SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
Raas, Nata-Sankirtan, Pung Cholam festival of the New Year and celebrated (a) Sufism (b) Shaivism
(Dancers play the pung or drum while in the Hindu month of Chaitra, three days (c) Buddhism (d) Jainism
dancing), Dhola Cholam, Kartal Cholam, after the appearance of the new moon. It
Thang ta (martial art form). is also a celebration of the beginning of Sol.88.(b) Shaivism - A Hindu tradition
spring. (which worships Shiva) that most
Q.79. The ‘Karma’ tribal dance form is accepts ascetic life and emphasises
associated with which of the following Q.84. Ghurehi is the folk dance of which yoga. The followers of Shaivism are
states? of the following Indian states? called Shaivas or Shaivites.
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift) SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd shift) Bharatnatyam (Tamil Nadu) : It traces its
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Goa (a) West Bengal (b) Himachal Pradesh origins back to the Natyashastra, an
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka (c) Karnataka (d) Jharkhand ancient treatise on theatre written by the
tribe), Khamba Lim, Kuki Dance, (Founded by Janakiprasad). Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 1)
Leshalaptu, Mayur Dance (Animal (a) Odissi (b) Kathak
dance). Modse (Ao tribe), Monyu Asho, Q.97. The 'Joenpa Legso' is a welcome (c) Sattriya (d) Bharatanatyam
Sadal Kekai (Kuki tribe), Seecha & Kukui dance of___________.
Kucho (Angami tribe), Rengma. SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift) Sol.101.(a) Odissi. Kathak : North Indian
(a) Afghanistan (b) Bhutan dance. Worship of Hindu god Krishna (or
Q.92. Thabal Chongba is a folk dance of (c) Sri Lanka (d) Bangladesh Shiva or Devi in some cases). Sattriya :
which Indian state ? Assam. Worship of Lord : Shiva Nataraja.
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift) Sol.97.(b) Bhutan. Other Dances of Bharatanatyam (Oldest classical dance) :
(a) Goa (b) Mizoram Bhutan - Drametse NgaCham Dance, Pa Tamil Nadu. Worship : Lord Shiva.
(c) Manipur (d) West Bengal Cham Dance, Zhungdra Dance, Boedra
Dance. Dance forms of other countries : Q.102. Which of the following classical
Sol.92.(c) Manipur. Folk dances : Afghanistan - Atan, Ishala and Natsa. Sri dance forms begins with a drum playing
Manipur - Rasa lila, Gaura Lila, Pung Lanka - Kandyan dance. performance called 'Kelikottu'?
Q.93. The Raigarh Gharana is associated SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift) Sol.102.(d) Kathakali (Kerala, classical
with which of the following dance forms? (a) Kathak (b) Kathakali dance). The instruments used are -
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift) (c) Sattriya (d) Odissi Chenda (Cylindrical drum), Madhalam (a
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Evening) the ceremonial worship of Murugan the establishes eye contact with the
(a) Himachal Pradesh Hindu God of war ?
(b) Madhya Pradesh SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Morning) SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Mayilattam (b) Yaksha
(a) Kathakali (b) Manipuri
(d) Andhra Pradesh (c) Kavadi attam (d) Kummi (c) Kuchipudi (d) Bharatnatyam
Sol.106.(a) Himachal Pradesh. Nati - It Sol.110.(c) Kavadi attam (Burden Dance) Sol.114.(b) Manipuri. The dance in
was listed in the Guinness Book of World - part of Thaipusam festival and is Manipur is associated with rituals and
Records as the largest folk dance in the celebrated in Tamil Nadu. Yakshagana traditional festivals, there are legendary
world. It is known as Tandi in upper (song of the yaksha) - celebrated in references to the dances of Shiva and
districts of Garhwal. Karnataka. It has originated as a product Parvati and other gods and goddesses
Q.107. Jhijhiya is a famous folk dance of of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. who created the universe.
Bihar and is performed in the Kummi - celebrated in Tamil Nadu and
Kerala. Mayilattam - performed in the Q.115. Which of the following dance
mythological town of Mithila. This dance
celebrated to worship the three forms of Q.111. _______ poses are depicted on the (a) Panwariya (b) Dhaman
Lord ___________ . gopurams of the Chidambaram temple (c) Buiya (d) Garba
on the occasion of Sangrai festival
and festivals. Kanjar tribe inhabited
Q.123. Which is one of the most famous during the month of Chaitra (in April) of
some parts of the Kota and Baran
dance forms of Assam performed by the the Bengali calendar year.
districts of Rajasthan. Gond tribe -
'Kulis' (people who work in the tea
Karma, Goncho Dance. Bharia tribe - Q.128. Which of the following is a
gardens) during autumn?
Bharam, Setam, Saila, and Ahirai dance. traditional masked dance of West
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) Mahasu dance (b) Jhumur dance Bengal?
Q.119. Ghoomar dance form was
(c) Lambadi dance (d) Karga dance SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Afternoon)
developed by which of the following
tribes are found in the states of Lim, Bhaona, Oja Pali). neem and fig trees by the local Sutradhar
Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, community. Gidda (Punjab); Kavadi
Q.124. Which of the following dance (Tamil Nadu); Jawara Dance (Madhya
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura.
Q.120. Which of the following is the main SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Afternoon)
Sol.124.(b) Biraha is an Ahir ethnic (a) Kasauli (b) Coorg
percussion instrument used in the
Bhojpuri folk genre from Uttar Pradesh, (c) Itanagar (d) Gangtok
performance of Mohiniyattam dance ?
Bihar, and Jharkhand.
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning) Sol.129.(b) Coorg. There are many other
(a) Sitar (b) Edakka Q.125. Gatka, a traditional fighting style traditional dance forms of Karnataka
(c) Dhumsa (d) Nagada of the Nihang Sikh warriors, used both which include Dollu Kunitha, Suggi
for self- defence as well as a sport, has Kunitha, Kamsale, Gorava Kunitha,
Sol.120.(b) Edakka. The musical
originated from which of the following Somana Kunitha, Bolak-aat, Komb-aat,
instruments used in Mohiniyattam:-
states of India ? Bhootha Aradhane, Yaksha Gana, Naga
Mridangam or Madhalam (barrel drum),
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning) Mandala, Veeragase.
Idakka (hourglass drum), flute, Veena,
(a) Gujarat (b) Rajasthan
and Kuzhitalam (cymbals). Nagadas are Q.130. ______ is a popular folk dance of
(c) Bihar (d) Punjab
used in Punjabi and Rajasthani folk Minicoy Island.
music. Dhumsa used in 'Seraikella Sol.125.(d) Punjab. Famous Martial Arts SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Morning)
Chhau' dance of Orissa and 'Purulia in India: Kalaripayattu (Oldest Martial Art (a) Leshalaptu (b) Aaluyattu
Chhau' dance of West Bengal. in India; Kerala), Silambam (Tamil Nadu), (c) Lava (d) Moyashai
Thang-ta, and Sarit Sarak (Manipur),
Q.121. Which folk dance represents a Sol.130.(c) Lava. Nagaland Famous folk
Thoda (Himachal Pradesh), Lathi (Punjab
mock fight between Goddess Durga and dance - Leshalaptu, Aaluyattu, Moyashai,
and Bengal), Inbuan Wrestling (Mizoram),
Mahishasura? Modse, Bamboo Dance, Agurshikukula,
Musti Yuddha (Varanasi), and Pari -
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon) Butterfly Dance, Sadal Kekai, Changai
Khanda (Bihar).
(a) Bhangra (b) Raslila Dance, Kuki Dance, Khamba Lim, Mayur
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Dance, Monyoasho, Rengma, Seecha and Lahоо. (a) Kalasha (b) Kamandal
Kukui Kucho, Shankai, War Dance and (c) Kumbha (d) Kapala
Zeliang Dance . Q.136. In which of the following states is
the ‘Mathuri’ folk dance practised? Sol.141.(a) Kalasha (Earthen pot). This is
Q.131. ______ is a mask dance popular in SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) a female dominated dance. Normally in
South Malabar. (a) Telangana (b) Haryana this dance style, women perform carrying
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening) (c) Uttarakhand (d) Uttar Pradesh a ‘Kalash’ on their shoulders or heads.
(a) Dhangar (b) Kummattikali
Sol.136.(a) Telangana. The most popular Q.142. Which of the following dance
(c) Parichakali (d) Zemmado
folk dances of Telangana are Perini forms is also known as the 'Royal Dance
Sol.131.(b) Kummattikali. Dhangar - The Sivatandavam, Dappu Dance, Lambadi, of Ladakh' ?
Dhangar dance is performed by the Oggu Katha, Chindu Bhagavatam, SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
shepherd community of Goa during Gussadi Dance, Tholu Bommalata. (a) Yak dance (b) Jabro dance
Navratri. Parichakali (Lakshadweep). Dances of Uttarakhand- Choliya, (c) Shondol dance (d) Koshan dance
Other famous folk dances of south India Jhumelo, Pandavart / Pandava Leela,
Sol.142.(c) Shondol dance.
are - Padayani or Paddeni (Kerala), Langvir, Chanchari, Chhapeli, Tandi,
It is a famous dance which was earlier
Kummi and Kolattam (Tamil Nadu), Chaunfula, Jhoda, Thadiya.
used to be performed by artists for the
Kargam and Puli Vesham (Tamil Nadu).
Q.137. ‘Ranapa’, a folk dance form of King of Ladakh on special occasions.
Q.132. In which of the following dances Odisha, consists of enacting chapters
chairs on heads with lighted diyas are from the life of Lord ______. Arts Personality
performed by women ? SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Morning) (a) Indra (b) Ram (c) Krishna (d) Hanuman Q.143. ‘Raga Mala’ is an autobiography
(a) Dhangari Gaja Dance (b) Koli Dance of who among the following musicians?
(c) Tamasha Dance (d) Chari Dance Sol.137.(c) Krishna. Ranapa is
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon)
performed on the stilt and accompanies
(a) Lata Mangeshkar (b) Amjad Ali Khan
Sol.132.(d) Chari Dance (Rajasthan). by drum music, along with songs related
(c) Ravi Shankar (d) A R Rahman
Chari dance describes the art of to Lord Krishna childhood stories.
collecting water in a chari or pot by the Sol.143.(c) Ravi Shankar (sitarist):
Rajasthani Women. Q.138. Which of the following is a dance
Awards - Bharat Ratna (1999), Padma
form of West Bengal where there is a
Vibhushan (1981), Padma Bhushan
state of ______ (a) Bhavai (b) Alkap (c) Tippani (d) Hudo
Lata: A Life in Music (author - Yatindra
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Evening) .
Sol.138.(b) Alkap. Mishra).
(a) Karnataka (b) Assam
(c) Odisha (d) Sikkim Q.139. ‘Bolak-aat’ is a ______ from the Q.144. Who among the following
state of Karnataka. musicians plays Carnatic music and also
Sol.133.(a) Karnataka. It is primarily
known as 'God of Ghatam'?
associated with the ______ tribes of India. Sol.139.(c) Dance form. This dance form
Sol.144.(c) TH Vinayakram (popularly
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Morning) is performed by Kodava men in the back
known as Vikku Vinayakram) is a
(a) Mewati (b) Khasi (c) Jatapus (d) Bhil of an oil lamp in an open field. The men
renowned Indian percussionist and a
hold chiavari (yak fur) in one hand and
Sol.134.(a) Mewati. It is performed master of playing the ghatam (a
the Kodava short sword (odi-kathi) in the
during the monsoons to the traditional South Indian clay pot
other while performing this dance.
accompaniment of large drums. Dances instrument). His Awards: Padma Shri
of Haryana include the ‘chaupaia’, which Q.140. Hallisaka is a group dance native (2002), Padma Bhushan (2014), Sangeet
is a devotional dance and is performed to ______. Natak Akademi Award (1988), Grammy
by men and women carrying ‘manjiras’. SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening) Award (1991).
(a) Rajasthan (b) Goa
Q.145. Kamala Lakshmi Narayanan is
Q.135. 'Chad Sukra', a popular traditional (c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat
recognised all over the world as the
dance - festival of Meghalaya, is
Sol.140.(d) Gujarat. It is a type of group foremost proponent of __________, a
celebrated as a ______.
dance in which a young man stands in southern Indian classical dance form
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening)
the middle of damsels who form a that combines artistic expression with
(a) community marriage festival
circular ring by joining hands. The time rhythmic footwork.
(b) thanksgiving festival
(tala) is kept by clapping and is SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Evening)
(c) birth festival
accompanied by singing. (a) Kathak (b) Bharatanatyam
(d) sowing festival
(c) Kuchipudi (d) Mohiniyattam
Sol.135.(d) Sowing festival. Folk Dance Q.141. Kadsa is a dance style performed
of Meghalaya: Behdienkhlam, Nоngkrem, by women in Jharkhand, carrying a ____. Sol.145.(b) Bharatanatyam. Kamala
Shad Suk Mynsiem, Wangala, Dоrsegata, SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) Lakshmi Narayanan was invited to
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perform for Queen Elizabeth II during her (c) Shiv Kumar Sharma (d) Kishan Maharaj (a) Sangita Kalanidhi
coronation festivities in 1953. Awards: (b) Oscar
Kalaimamani (1967), Padma Bhushan Sol.149.(a) Bhimsen Joshi. His Awards: (c) Grammy
(1970). She is a preeminent artist of the Bharat Ratna (2009), Padma Vibhushan (d) Sangeet Natak Akademi
Vazhuvoor tradition of the dance. In 2010 (1999), Padma Shri (1985). Lalit Kala
she received a National Heritage Kendra - Established in 1987. Sol.153.(c) Grammy. His music album
Fellowship from the National Endowment with Ry Cooder, A Meeting by the River,
Q.150. Lalita J Rao is associated with won him a Grammy Award. He also
for the Arts for her contributions to the which of the following gharanas?
arts. received the Sangeet Natak Akademi
SSC MTS 28/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Award in 1998, the Padma Shri in 2002,
Q.146. Who is revered as ‘Karnataka (a) Kirana gharana (b) Jaipur gharana and the Padma Bhushan in 2017.
Sangeeta Pitamaha’ ? (c) Agra gharana (d) Benaras gharana Famous Mohan Veena players: Pandit
SSC MTS 08/10/2024 (1st Shift) Sol.150.(c) Agra gharana. Awards of Joydeep Mukherjee, Poly Varghese.
(a) Jagannatha Dasa (b) Purandara Dasa Lalita J Rao - Sangeet Natak Akademi
(c) Gopala Dasa (d) Vijaya Dasa Q.154. In the year 1952, who among the
Award 2017 for her contribution to following lent his voice for the film ‘Amar
Sol.146.(b) Purandara Dasa composed Hindustani vocal music. Sujan Singh Bhupali’, which was being produced in
thousands of devotional songs, known founder of the Agra Gharana of music. two languages simultaneously and he
as 'Devaranamas', in praise of Lord Some Singers of the Agra Gharana: sang in both Bengali and Marathi ?
Vishnu. The original name of Purandara Ustad Vilayat Hussain Khan, Ustad SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Das was Srinivasa Nayaka. Vyasatirtharu Sharafat Hussain Khan, Khadim Hussain (a) Kishore Kumar
was the guru of Purandara Dasa. Khan Sahab, Ustad Faiyaz Khan, Dr (b) Hemanta Mukherjee
Pournima Dhumale. Gharana and (c) Debabrata Biswas
Q.147. R Muthukannammal, who was Founders: Kirana gharana - Abdul Wahid (d) Manna Dey
awarded the Padma Shri in 2022, is a Khan, Jaipur Atrauli - Alladiya Khan,
__________ dancer. Benaras gharana - Janaki Prasad and Sol.154.(d) Manna Dey was a renowned
SSC MTS 30/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Sukhdev Maharaj.
Indian playback singer, music director,
(a) Garba (b) Sadir (c) Rouf (d) Chhau and musician. He had a classical music
Q.151. Which of the following awards
background, being part of the
Sol.147.(b) Sadir. R Muthukannammal is and recognitions was NOT received by
Bhendibazaar Gharana. He received
a seventh generation veteran Sadir Vempati Chinna Satyam?
Padma Shri in 1971, Padma Bhushan in
dancer from the Indian State of Tamil SSC MTS 28/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
2005 and Dadasaheb Phalke award in
Nadu. She is the only surviving person (a) Kalidas Samman
among the 32 Devadasis who served the (b) Honorary doctorate
deity at the Viralimalai Murugan temple. (c) Sangeet Natak Akadami Award Q.155. Which of the following
Sadir, a traditional South Indian classical (d) Padma Shri personalities is a Padma Shri awardee
dance and precursor to Bharatanatyam, folk singer from the state of Uttar
originated from Dasiattam over 2,000 Sol.151.(d) Padma Shri. Vempati Chinna
Pradesh ?
years ago and was named in the 17th was a Kuchipudi dancer and a guru. He
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
was taught by Vedantam Lakshmi
founded his Kuchipudi Art Academy at Q.152. Which of the following awards Sol.155.(b) Ajita Srivastava.
was won by Lata Mangeshkar in the year
(c) Nagaland (d) Manipur
Sol.158.(c) Kirana. Gangu Bai Hangal Sol.162.(c) Odissi. Ranjana Gauhar also
was an Indian singer of the khayal genre received the Sangeet Natak Akademi Sol.166.(b) Assam. Bhupen Hazarika
of Hindustani classical music from Award in 2007. Other renowned Odissi (Sudhakantha) was a singer known for
Karnataka. She received the Padma Shri dancers include Kelucharan Mohapatra, his baritone voice. He received the
in 1962, the Padma Bhushan in 1971, and Mayadhar Raut, Sanjukta Panigrahi, National Film Award for Best Music
the Padma Vibhushan in 2002. Ratikant Mohapatra, Deba Prasad Das, Direction in 1975, the Sangeet Natak
Kumkum Mohanty, Pankaj Charan Das, Akademi Award (1987), Bharat Ratna
Q.159. Chittani Ramachandra Hegde was (2019), Padma Vibhushan (2012), Padma
associated with which of the following and Aruna Mohanty.
Bhushan (2001), and Padma Shri (1977),
dances? Q.163. Which Indian singer wrote ‘Raag Dada Saheb Phalke Award (1992), Asom
Gwalior Gharana, the oldest Khayal Khan, Pandit Nikhil Ranjan Banerjee,
Q.170. Indian classical violinist Nityanand Haldipur. Agra gharana :
Gayaki style.
Annavarapu Rama Swamy was awarded Founders - Haji Sujan Khan; Ustad
with the _____________ in 2021. Q.174. Who among the following Gagghe Khuda Bakhsh. Gwalior Gharana
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(a) Padma Shri Odissi? na
classical dancers is NOT related to : Founders - Ustad Hassu Khan, Ustad
Haddu Khan and Ustad Nathu Khan.
(b) Sangeet Natak Akademi SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (1st Shift) Kirana Gharana : Founders - Abdul Karim
(c) Padma Vibhushan (a) Geetanjali Lal (b) Mayadhar Raut Khan and Abdul Wahid Khan.
Annavarapu Ramaswamy, a renowned Indian Kathak dancer and choreographer. Academy (IIFA) Award in the Best
Indian classical violinist from Andhra Notable Odissi dancers include Playback Singer Female category in
Pradesh, is noted for his contributions to Kelucharan Mohapatra, Deba Prasad Das, 2002?
music, including the invention of new Madhavi Mudgal, Sonal Mansingh, SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Ragas and Talas such as Vandana Raga, Pankaj Charan Das, Aruna Mohanty, and (a) Devdas (b) Humraz
Sri Durga Raga, Tinetradi Tala, and Ileana Citaristi. (c) Om Jai Jagdish (d) Lagaan
Vedadi Tala.
Q.175. Which Indian musician and sitar Sol.178.(d) Lagaan. Asha Bhosle: She
Q.171. Which Indian musician from player is the founder of the National was officially acknowledged as the most
Maharashtra received the Padma Orchestra of India? recorded artist in music history by the
Vibhushan 2023 ? SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Guinness Book of World Records in
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (a) Ravi Shankar 2011. Her Award: Dadasaheb Phalke
(a) Ramdas Palsule (b) Bharat Kamat (b) Shahid Parvez Khan Award (2000), Padma Vibhushan (2008),
(c) Zakir Hussain (d) Milind Date (c) Kishan Maharaj Banga Bibhushan (2018), Maharashtra
(d) Ayyagari Syamasundaram Bhushan (2021), Filmfare Lifetime
Sol.171.(c) Zakir Hussain (tabla player). Achievement Award (2001).
Awards - Padma Shri (1988), Padma Sol.175.(a) Ravi Shankar. He was an
Bhushan (2002), Sangeet Natak Akademi Indian musician and player of the sitar, Q.179. ____________ is often touted as
Award (1991), Kalidas Samman (2006). who was influential in stimulating the "Tansen of the 20th century," this
Other Maestro Of Tabla: Pandit Ramdas Western appreciation of Indian music. musical genius blended the best of
Palsule, Bharat Kamat, AllaRakha Khan. His Awards: Bharat Ratna (1999), Padma classical music and created a unique
Vibhushan (1981), Padma Bhushan style of his own.
Q.172. The renowned ghazal singer Girija (1967) and Grammy Award (1968) for SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Devi was born in ________. Best Chamber Music Performance for (a) Ustad Ali Baksh Khan
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) his work "West Meets East". (b) Bade Ghulam Ali Khan
(a) Karnataka (b) Bihar (c) Mubarak Ali Khan
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Punjab Q.176. Who among the following was the (d) Barkat Ali Khan
youngest recipient of the Sangeetha
Sol.172.(c) Uttar Pradesh. Girija Devi Kalanidhi awarded by the Music Sol.179.(b) Bade Ghulam Ali Khan. He
was a Thumri singer of the Senia and Academy in 1947? was an Indian vocalist from the Kasur
Banaras gharanas. She was dubbed as SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Patiala Gharana. His Award: Padma
the 'Queen of Thumri' for her contribution (a) Semmangudi Radhakrishna Srinivasa Bhushan (1962), and Sangeet Natak
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Akademi Award (1962). renowned Indian vocalist, composer, and Q.188. Which famous santoor player was
innovator in Carnatic music. His Awards: honoured with the Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan
Q.180. Papanasam Ramayya Sivan was Padma Shri (1971), Padma Vibhushan Award in 1998?
an Indian composer of which music (1991), Sangeet Natak Akademi Award SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift)
style? (1975), Mahatma Gandhi Silver Medal (a) Tarun Bhattacharya
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) from UNESCO (1995). (b) Shivkumar Sharma
(a) Qawwali (b) Carnatic music (c) Satish Vyas
(c) Bhajan (d) Folk music Q.184. Who among the following (d) Abhay Sopori
dancers was the first one from the state
Sol.180.(b) Carnatic music. of Odisha to be conferred the Padma Sol.188.(b) Shivkumar Sharma was an
Paapanaasam Raamayya Sivan was Vibhushan Award? Indian classical musician and santoor
awarded the Sangeetha Kalanidhi by the SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) player. His Other Awards: Padma
Madras Music Academy in 1971. He also (a) Uday Shankar Vibhushan (2001), Padma Shri (1991).
composed film scores for Kannada and (b) Pandit Birju Maharaj
Tamil cinema in the 1930s and 1940s Q.189. Which of the following playback
(c) Kelucharan Mohapatra
and was known as Tamil Thyagaraja. singers is the recipient of the Karnataka
(d) Guru Bipin Singh
Amir Khusrow (1253-1325) is credited Ratna Award 2005?
with creating qawwali, while Tukadoji Sol.184.(c) Kelucharan Mohapatra : SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Maharaj introduced the Bhajan and the Awards - Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (a) Sistla Janaki (b) Ravindra Jain
Kanjiri Bhajan, performed with the Kanjiri (1966), Padma Shri (1974), Padma (c) Pandit Jasraj (d) Bhimsen Joshi
instrument. Bhushan (1988), Sangeet Natak Akademi Sol.189.(d) Bhimsen Joshi. He belongs
Fellowship (1991), Padma Vibhushan to the Kirana gharana tradition of
Q.181. The famous santoor player Pandit (2000).
Shivkumar Sharma received the________ Hindustani Classical Music. Awards -
in the year 1986. Q.185. Harmonium player, Tulsidas Bharat Ratna (2008), Padma Bhushan
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Borkar, was awarded with the __ in 2016. (1985), Padma Vibhushan (1999).
(a) Maharashtra Gurav Puraskar SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.190. For which of the following tribal
(b) Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (a) Padma Shri (b) Padma Bhushan music and dance forms was Arjun Singh
(c) Sanskriti Award (c) Bharat Ratna (d) Padma Vibhushan
Dhurve conferred with Tulsi Samman?
(d) Kalidas Samman SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Sol.185.(a) Padma Shri. Tulsidas Borkar
the performing arts. The santoor, a Jalgaonkar, Ustad Rafiuddin Ahmed, traditional art form of the Baiga tribe, an
trapezoid-shaped hammered dulcimer Ustad Nizamuddin, Shankar Mahadevan, indigenous community in Madhya
made of walnut, is popular in India. and Bhishmadev Bedi. Pradesh. Arjun Singh Dhurve: Awards -
the Government of India. was conferred on Ustad Amjad Ali Khan? Q.191. Which playback singer was
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) honoured with the Nightingale of Asia
(a) Bharat Ratna (a) 20th (b) 19th (c) 21st (d) 18th Award in 1987?
dancer, is associated with which of the Rao. of Kathakali - Kanak Rele, Kottakkal
following dance forms? Sivaraman, Guru Kunchu Kurup.
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) Q.198. Thiyam Suryamukhi Devi who
(a) Bihu (b) Odissi received the Sangeet Natak Akademi Q.202. Siyaram Tewari belongs to which
(c) Kuchipudi (d) Laho Awards 2003, is known for her of the following music Gharanas ?
contribution to the: SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.194.(b) Odissi. Awards of Sanjukta SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) (a) Dagari (b) Kirana
Panigrahi: Padma Shri (1975) and (a) Manipuri dance (b) Odissi dance (c) Darbhanga (d) Bettiah
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1976). (c) Gotipua dance (d) Kathak dance
Odissi dance exponents: Kelucharan Sol.202.(c) Darbhanga. Siyaram Tiwari
Mohapatra, Kumkum Mohanty, Protima Sol.198.(a) Manipuri dance. Thiyam was an esteemed Indian classical singer
Bedi, Sujata Mohapatra. Suryamukhi Devi - She created her own and a prominent exponent of the
solo composition such as Basanta Dhrupad genre in Hindustani classical
Q.195. Chitra Visweswaran is a famous Barnar Sakhi Ukti. Other Manipuri music. Award : Padma Shri (1971).
dancer of which of the following dance Exponents : Guru Bipin Singh, Maisnam Notable singers from this gharana
genres? Amubi Singh, Rajkumar Singhajit Singh, include Ram Chatur Mallick, Pandit Vidur
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) Mallick, Padmashri Pandit Ram Kumar
Q.199. Who among the following Padma Q.203. Who among the following is NOT
Sol.195.(d) Bharatnatyam (Tamil Nadu). an Odissi dancer ?
is an Indian classical dance form School of Dance in Delhi in 1990.Awards:
Q.206. Mallika Sarabhai is famous for originating from the state of Kerala. Padma Shri (1968), Padma Vibhushan
which of the following dances? Other Mohiniyattam exponents - Gopika (2001), Padma Bhushan (2016), Sangeet
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) Varma, Neena Prasad, Mandakini Trivedi, Natak Akademi Award (1977).
(a) Sattriya (b) Kathak Pallavi Krishnan.
(c) Odissi (d) Kuchipudi Q.215. Who among the following
Q.211. Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma, an personalities was awarded the Sangeet
Sol.206.(d) Kuchipudi. Mallika Sarabhai : accomplished Santoor player, originally Natak Akademi Award (for her
Awards - Sangeet Natak Akademi Award hails from the State /UT of: contribution to Manipuri Dance)?
(2000), Padma Bhushan (2010), French SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Palme D'or (1977, The highest Civilian (a) Jammu and Kashmir (a) Urmila Nagar
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) Sol.211.(a) Jammu and Kashmir. Awards Sol.215.(b) Kalavati Devi. She received
(a) Ali Baksh Khan (b) Nathu Khan of Shiv Kumar Sharma : Padma the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in
(c) Abdul Wahid Khan (d) Chhaju Khan Vibhushan (2001), Padma Shri (1991). 2003. Other Manipuri dancers: Nirmala
Santoor players : Abhay Sopori, Bhajan Mehta, Guru Bipin Singh, Charu Mathur,
Patiala gharana was originally founded Sangeet Natak Akademi Awardee and
Q.212. Indian musician, composer and year : Urmila Nagar (Kathak) - 2003,
by Mian Kallu, Ali Baksh Khan and Fateh singer Shubha Mudgal was awarded with
Ali Khan were instrumental in its Mallika Sarabhai (Bharatanatyam and
the _______ in 2000. Kuchipudi) - 1999-2000. Nirmala
development and prominence. Other SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
exponents of Patiala Gharana : Bade Ramachandran (Bharatnattayam) - 2004.
(a) Padma Shri
Ghulam Ali Khan, Munawar Ali Khan, (b) Padma Bhushan Q.216. Who among the following was the
Raza Ali Khan, Ajoy Chakraborty, Dilshad (c) Padma Vibhushan co-winner of Bharat Ratna with Lata
Khan, Parveen Sultana, Begum Akhtar, (d) Sangeet Natak Akademi Mangeskar in the year 2001?
Naina Devi, Nirmala Devi and Lakshmi SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Shankar. Sol.212.(a) Padma Shri. Shubha Mudgal (a) Bismillah Khan (b) Ravi Shankar
is known for her works in Hindustani (c) Bhimsen Joshi (d) Asha Bhosle
Q.208. Shovana Narayan has been classical music. Awards : Rajiv Gandhi
honoured with the Padma Shri for her National Sadbhavana Award (2016), Best Sol.216.(a) Bismillah Khan. He was a
contribution to which Indian dance form? Non-Feature Film Music Direction (1995) Hindustani classical shehnai player. His
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) for Amrit Beej. awards: Bharat Ratna (2001), Padma
(a) Odissi (b) Kathak Vibhushan (1980), Padma Bhushan
(c) Kathakali (d) Kuchipudi Q.213. Sangeet Majumdar was (1968), Padma Shri (1961). Sangeet
felicitated by Casa De La, Spain for her Natak Akademi has decided to institute
Sol.208.(b) Kathak. Shovana Narayan contribution to which of the following “Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar”
received the Padma Shri in 1992 and Indian Classical Dances? from the year 2006. Awards of Lata
sangeet natak akademi award in 1999. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) Mangeskar: Padma Bhushan (1969),
Q.209. Who among the following is the (a) Mohiniyattam (b) Kathak Padma Vibhushan (1999), Bharat Ratna
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Pinnacle Static GK
(2001). (c) Alladiya Khan Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
(d) Omkarnath Thakur (a) Kuchipudi (b) Manipuri
Q.217. Begum Akhtar a famous singer (c) Kathak (d) Bharatanatyam
from India is known for which of the Sol.220.(c) Alladiya Khan. The
following genres? Jaipur-Atrauli Gharana is a Hindustani Sol.224.(a) Kuchipudi. Vedantam
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) music tradition renowned for its unique Satyanarayana Sarma, popularly known
(a) Ghazal music (b) Sufi music style of khayal singing. It stands out for as Satyam, was an Indian classical
(c) Folk music (d) Carnatic music its distinctive vocal aesthetics, raga dancer and choreographer. He was
repertoire, and technical skill. Gharana of known for his portrayal of female
Sol.217.(a) Ghazal music. Awards of Hindustani classical music and its characters such as Usha (Usha
Begum Akhtar (Mallika-e-Ghazal): Founders : Gwalior Gharana (Nanthan Parinayam), Deva Devi (Vipra Narayana),
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1972), Khan), Agra Gharana (Hajisujan Khan), and Mohini (Mohini Rukmangada). His
Padma Bhushan (1975), Padma Shri Rangeela Gharana (Faiyyaz Khan), Kirana award: Padma Shri (1970).
(1968). Famous Indian ghazal singers: Gharana (Abdul Wahid Khan).
Jagjit Singh, Hariharan, Bhupinder Singh. Q.225. Who among the following was
Sufi singers - Ali Azmat, Ali Baba Khan. Q.221. Ricky Kej, a globally acclaimed awarded the Pandit Bhimsen Joshi
Carnatic singers - Charulatha musician from India, won the 57th Lifetime Achievement Award, 2014 ?
Chandrasekhar, Soorya Narayanan, Grammy Award for which of the Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
Vishwas Hari. following albums ? (a) Pandit Ravi Shankar
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) (b) Saraswati Abdul Rane
Q.218. Natya Sangeet is a form of (a) Winds of Samsara (c) Pandit Kumar Gandharv
musical play in classical music still (b) Mystic Mountains (d) Prabha Atre
prevalent in Maharashtra. Bal (c) Mountain Dreams
Gandharava is an exponent of this (d) Divine Tides Sol.225.(d) Prabha Atre (vocalist). Her
musical form. What is actual name of Awards : Padma Shri (1990), Padma
Balgandharva? Sol.221.(a) Winds of Samsara. It reflects Bhushan (2002), Padma Vibhushan
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 4) the concept of rebirth and the cyclicality (2022), Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
(a) Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande
(b) Narayan Shripad Rajhans na
of life, a key belief in Indian religions.
Ricky Kej won his third Grammy in 2023
(1991) for her contribution to Hindustani
vocal music.
(c) Mallikarjun Mansur for "Divine Tides" in the Best Immersive
(d) Vishnu Digambar Paluskar Audio Album category. He won his Q.226. Who among the following is
second Grammy Award for "Ballad of conferred upon Padma Shri 2021 for
Sol.218.(b) Narayan Shripad Rajhans. He Maya" in 2019. his/her contribution to Panthi folk dance
was a renowned Marathi singer and Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
stage actor, famous for portraying Q.222. The first musician to be awarded (a) Satyaram Reang
female characters in Marathi plays at a with the highest civilian award of India, (b) Radhe Devi
time when women were not permitted to the ‘Bharat Ratna’ was __________. (c) Dulari Devi
act on stage. Natya Sangeet is a form of Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3) (d) Radhe Shyam Barle
drama that combines prose and poetry (a) Sudha Ragunathan
Sol.226.(d) Radhe Shyam Barle. She is a
through songs to convey the story, akin (b) Madurai Mani Iyer
Panthi folk dancer and artist. Panthi is a
to musicals. The term "Dramatic Music" (c) Lalitha Venkataraman
folk dance of the Satnami community of
founded the Kalakshetra Foundation in (b) Guru Amubi
Q.230. Who among the following Chennai in 1936. The foundation was (c) Rajkumar Singhajit Singh
musicians is given credit for declared as an institution of national (d) Phanjoubam Iboton Singh
collaborating with the famous band ‘The importance by an Act of Parliament in
Beatles’ ? 1993. It is an important centre for the Sol.238.(a) Guru Bipin Singh. He is
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) study and performance of fine arts, known as the Father of Manipuri Dance.
(a) Pandit Kumar Gandharva especially Bharatanatyam dance and Manipuri dancers - Darshana Jhaveri,
(b) Pandit Bhimsen Joshi Carnatic music. Guru Amubi, Rajkumar Singhajit Singh,
Sol.230.(c) Pandit Ravi Shankar Subrahmanyam was selected for Kerala's Q.239. Ammanur Madhava Chakkiar was
(Founder of the National Orchestra of prestigious choreography award awarded the Padma Shri for his
India) : Indian musician and composer, 'Nishagandhi Puraskaram' instituted by contribution to which of the following
and known for popularising the Indian the state tourism department. dance forms ?
classical instrument Sitar all over the SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning)
world. Awards - Bharat Ratna (1999), (a) Kutiyattam (b) Yakshagana
Award (1962), Sangeet Natak Akademi Sol.234.(b) Bharatanatyam. Her Awards: Sol.239.(a) Kutiyattam (Kerala) - Its
stylized and codified theatrical language,
Mohiuddin Dagar. Four schools of Sneha Bajaj, Kamalini Asthana and Nalini Kartik Ram, Pt. Kalyan Das Mahant,
Dhrupad: the Gauri (Gauhar), Khandar,
Asthana. Shree Firtu Maharaj and Pt. Barman Lal.
Nauhar, and Dagar.
Q.247. Famous Bollywood actress Hema Q.251. In which Indian musician's name
Q.243. Rani Machaiah is a___folk dancer Malini is a trained________dancer. did the state of Massachusetts in the
who was awarded Padma Shri in 2023. SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (1st Shift) USA declare April 20th in 1984 as a day
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift) (a) Kathak (b) Bharatanatyam in his name?
(a) Ummathat (b) Lambadi (c) Odissi (d) Kuchipudi SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
(c) Gussadi (d) Dhimsa (a) Brij Narayan (b) Ali Akbar Khan
Sol.247.(b) Bharatanatyam (Tamil (c) Rajeev Taranath (d) Amjad Ali Khan
Sol.243.(a) Ummathat - The traditional Nadu). Hema Malini: Awards - Padma
dance form of Coorg (Karnataka) Shri (2000). Sol.251.(d) Amjad Ali Khan (sarod
performed by the Kodava women. player). His Awards : Padma Shri (1975),
Q.248. Which of the following musicians Padma Bhushan (1991), Padma
Q.244. Indian classical vocalist Pandit
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) Naushad (d) RD Burman is from Andhra Pradesh ?
(a) Patiala Gharana (b) Dagari Gharana SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(c) Gwalior Gharana (d) Mewati Gharana Sol.248.(d) RD Burman : Indian music (a) Usha Uthup (b) Asha Bhosle
director, composer, and singer. Indian (c) Alka Yagnik (d) S Janaki
Sol.254.(c) Kalbelia (‘Sapera Dance’ or Q.259. Which of the following music Sol.263.(b) Waheeda Rehman. Other
‘Snake Charmer Dance’). This dance is directors is known as 'Mozart of Awards : Filmfare Award for Best Actress
particularly performed by a Rajasthani Madras'? (1969), Filmfare Lifetime
tribe called 'Kalbelia'. Songs and dances SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Achievement Award (1995), Madhya
are an expression of the Kalbelia (a) AR Rahman (b) Madan Mohan Pradesh government's National Kishore
community’s traditional way of life. It was (c) RD Burman (d) Himesh Reshammiya Kumar Samman (2020).
included in UNESCO’s List of Intangible
Sol.259.(a) AR Rahman was born in Q.264. Sutapa Talukdar is associated
Cultural Heritage in 2010.
1967 in Madras (Tamil Nadu). His with which Indian Classical dance form ?
Q.255. Who among the following is the Awards: Padma Bhushan (2010), Padma SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift)
Indian classical dancer who masters Shri (2000); Two Oscar Awards (2009), (a) Kuchipudi (b) Odissi
both Bharatanatyam and Odissi dancing BAFTA Awards (2009), Golden Globe (c) Bharatanatyam (d) Mohiniyattam
style? (2009) and Two Grammy Awards (2010).
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift) Sol.264.(b) Odissi. Sutapa Talukdar
Q.260. The four Nattuvanars namely Awards - Sangeet Natak Akademi
(a) Shovana Narayan
Ponaiyah, Vadivelu, Sivanandam and Awards (2019).
(b) Guru Bipin Singh
Chinnaiya, who are renowned as
(c) Padma Subrahmanayam
Tanjaore Bandhu shaped up the modern Q.265. Who among the following is a
(d) Sonal Mansingh
day _________. famous music director?
Sol.255.(d) Sonal Mansingh received SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (2nd Shift) SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift)
Padma Bhushan (1992), Padma (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kuchipudi (a) Khayyam (b) Sameer
Vibhushan (2003). (c) Kodiattam (d) Kathakali (c) Anjaan (d) Kaifi Azmi
Q.256. Deba Prasad Das, Pankaj Charan Sol.260.(a) Bharatanatyam. The term Sol.265.(a) Khayyam (Mohammed Zahur
Das and Gangadhar Pradhan are ‘Nattuvanar’ means dance teacher. Khayyam Hashmi) was a famous music
associated with which of the following director in Hindi cinema. Award - Padma
Q.261. The efforts of Malayalam poet Bhushan (2011). Sameer was a lyricist.
dance forms ?
Vallathol Narayana Menon and dancer
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Anjaan was an Indian lyricist. Kaifi Azmi
and guru Kalyanikutty Amma brought was a poet.
(a) Odissi (b) Bharatanatyam
back and gave a new life to the dance
(c) Manipuri (d) Kathak Q.266. Talat Aziz is primarily a____singer.
form ________ .
Sol.256.(a) Odissi - Classical dance SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift) SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st shift)
forms of Odisha. Its dance theoretical (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kuchipudi (a) Hindustani Classical
base traces back to ‘Natya Shastra’ of (c) Mohiniyattam (d) Kathakali (b) Carnatic Classical
Bharatamuni. (c) Ghazal
Sol.261.(c) Mohiniyattam. Dance and
(d) Folk
Q.257. Bhanu Ji is associated with which their Exponents : Mohiniyattam (Kerala) -
of the following Gharanas of Kathak? Sunanda Nair, Jayaprabha Menon, Pallavi Sol.266.(c) Ghazal. Musical genres and
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Krishnan. Bharatanatyam (Tamil Nadu) - singers: Ghazal - Jagjit Singh (King of
(a) Lucknow (b) Raigarh Mrinalini Sarabhai, Rukmini Devi Ghazals), Hariharan, Pankaj Udhas,
(c) Banaras (d) Jaipur Arundale, Padma Subrahmanyam, Yamini Bhupinder Singh; Hindustani Classical -
Krishnamurthy. Ananda Shankar, Tansen. Carnatic
Sol.257.(d) Jaipur Gharana of Kathak Classical - M. S. Subbulakshmi, Aruna
was conceived by Bhanu Ji Maharaj. Q.262. Who was the music director of Sairam, M. Balamuralikrishna. Folk -
Exponents of Jaipur gharana: Chunnilal the famous song "Aye Mere Watan Ke Swaroop Khan, Sharda Sinha, Kailash
Prasad, Kundan Lal Gangani, Sunder Logon" sung by Lata Mangeshkar? Kher.
Prasad, Mangala Bhat. SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) Kishore Kumar (b) Rajesh Roshan Q.267. Who among the following
Q.258. Who is the first female classical (c) C Ramchandra (d) Anand Raaj Anand personalities is an award winning
dancer in Indian history to be nominated Bhojpuri folk singer?
as a Member of Rajya Sabha, the upper Sol.262.(c) C Ramchandra. Deshbhaki SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift)
house of the Parliament of India? songs and their singers : Aisa Desh hai (a) Ila Arun (b) Rabbi Shergill
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) mera (Lata Mangeskar), Mera Rang De (c) Malini Awasthi (d) Papon
(a) Mukti Mohan Basanti Chola (Udit Narayan), Yeh Desh
(b) Shobha Naidu hai veer jawano ka (Mohammad Rafi), Sol.267.(c) Malini Awasthi - An Indian
(c) Sanjukta Panigrahi Teri Mitti (B Praak), Sandese Aate hain folk singer who sings in Bhojpuri,
(d) Rukmani Devi Arundale (Sonu Nigam), I Love my India Awadhi/Audhi, and Hindi languages.
(Hariharan), Mera Mulk Mera Desh Award - Padma Shri (2016). Ila Arun is an
Sol.258.(d) Rukmani Devi Arundale was (Aditya Narayan and Kumar Sanu), Mere Indian film actress, music composer and
an Indian classical dancer of Desh ki Dharti (Mahendra Kapoor). singer. Rabbi Shergill is a Punjabi folk
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Pinnacle Static GK
singer. Papon is an Assamese folk Q.272. Who among the following Q.276. Guru Bipin Singh, a Nrityacharya
singer. personalities is associated with awardee, Sangeet Natak Akademi
synthesising classical and modern Indian awardee and Kalidas Samman awardee,
Q.268. Kottakkal Nandakumaran Nair is dance through a theatre group called was renowned for promoting which
a Sangeet Natak Akademi 2019 Awardee Ranga Sri Little Ballet Troupe ? classical dance form?
for his contribution to ________. SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift) SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift) (a) Guru Bipin Singh (a) Manipuri (b) Kuchipudi
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Contemporary (b) Pandit Birju Maharaj (c) Odissi (d) Kathak
(c) Kathakali (d) Odissi (c) Shanti Bardhan
(d) Remo Fernandes Sol.276.(a) Manipuri. Awards of Guru
Sol.268.(c) Kathakali (Classical Indian Bipin Singh - Sangeet Natak Akademi
dance of Kerala). Kottakal Sol.272.(c) Shanti Bardhan - A junior Award (1966), Kalidas Samman (1989),
Nandakumaran Nair - He is famous for colleague of Uday Shankar, produced Title of Hanjaba by the Maharaja of
his ‘Kathi’ Veshas and has skill in some of the most imaginative dance Manipur.
enacting ‘Pacha’ and ‘Minukku’ veshas. -dramas of the 20th century. He
produced Ramayana, in which the actors Q.277. Urmila Satyanarayanan is an
Q.269. Who among the following exponent of which Indian classical dance
moved and danced like puppets.
personalities won the Sangeet Natak form ?
Akademi Award 2021 for contribution to Q.273. Who among the following SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Manipuri Dance? personalities coined the term 'Odissi' for (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kathak
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st shift) Odisha's classical dance? (c) Manipuri (d) Sattriya
(a) Bhuvan Kumar SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (4th shift)
(b) Thokchom Ibemubi Devi (a) Kabichandra Kalicharan Patnaik Sol.277.(a) Bharatanatyam. Urmila
(c) Sruti Bandopadhyay (b) Kelucharan Mohapatra Satyanarayanan (Tamil Nadu) - Awards:
(d) Kumkum Dhar Kalaimamani award (1997), Nritya
(c) Raja Rammohan Roy
(d) Rabindranath Tagore Choodamani (2001).
Sol.269.(b) Thokchom Ibemubi Devi.
The Manipuri Dance, also referred to as Sol.273.(a) Kabichandra Kalicharan Q.278. Satyaram Reang received the
the Manipuri Raas Leela, is anchored in Patnaik. His Contribution was in the field Padma Shri for promoting the Hojagiri
the Vaishnava faith of the Meiteis. The of Odissi music, Odissi dance and Odia dance form. He belongs to which of the
four Jhaveri sisters (Nayana, Ranjana, theatre. Some of his major published following states?
Suverna and Darshana) are classical works: Kalanka Bhanjana, Milana SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Manipuri dancers. Bhuvan Kumar (Chhau Madhuri, Daridrya Bhanjana. (a) Sikkim (b) Manipur
Dancer) (c) Assam (d) Tripura
which of the following genres of music? SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (4th shift) Award (1986), Hojagiri dance (Reang
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd shift) (a) Radha Sridhar community).
(a) Folk (b) Carnatic (b) Surupa Sen
(c) Dhrupad (d) Ghazal (c) Anupama Hoskere Q.279. Who among the following Indian
(d) Kaushalya Reddy classical tabla players was called
known for which of the following
Q.283. Ramkrishna Talukdar received the Q.287. Which dancer was the first person classical dances of India?
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2018 from Odisha to get Padma Vibhushan in Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 1)
for his contribution to the Sattriya dance 2000 ? (a) Odissi (b) Manipuri
form. To which state does this dance Graduate Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 1) (c) Kathak (d) Kathakali
form belong? (a) Guru Shyama Charan Pati
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift) (b) Guru Bipin Singh Sol.291.(a) Odissi (2016). Other Awards
(a) West Bengal (b) Assam (c) Guru Mayadhar Rout : Bhumiputra Samman (2016), Nritya
(c) Meghalaya (d) Jharkhand (d) Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Choodamani (2014). Sangeet Natak
Akademi Award (Odissi) - Pankaj Charan
Sol.283.(b) Assam. Ramkrishna Talukdar
Sol.287.(d) Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. Das (1970), Deba Prasad Das (1970),
(c) Gujarat (d) Assam dancer duo have been conferred with the
(c) Raja Chakradhar Singh
Padma Shri in 2022. They are renowned
(d) Janaki Prasad Sol.288.(d) Assam. Jyoti Prasad Agarwal for which of the following dance forms?
- First filmmaker of Assam. He made the Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
Sol.284.(d) Janaki Prasad. Notable
first Assamese Movie - ‘Joymoti’ (1935). (a) Kuchipudi (b) Manipuri
dancers - Sitara Devi, Kamalini Asthana
His Famous Play - ‘Sonit - Konwari’, (c) Bharatnatyam (d) Kathak
and Nalini Asthana. Ishwari Prasad -
‘Rupalim’, ‘Karengar Ligiri’, ‘Lobhita’ and
Founder of the Lucknow Gharana;
'Joymoti’. His death anniversary (17 Sol.292.(d) Kathak. Kamalini Asthana
Notable dancer - Pandit Birju Maharaj.
January) is observed as ‘Silpi Divas’ in and Nalini Asthana (Agra, Uttar Pradesh)
Shambhu Maharaj - Celebrated Guru of
Assam. known for their performances of the
the Lucknow Gharana.
Benaras Gharana style of Kathak.
Q.285. Which danseuse among the Q.289. The noted danseuse Yamini
following was called to perform for Krishnamurthy opened Yamini School of Q.293. Surupa Sen is a famous _________
Queen Elizabeth-ll's coronation festivities Dance in_________, in the year 1990. dancer.
in 1953 ? Higher Secondary 28/06/2023 (Shift - 2) Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3) (a) Mumbai (b) Delhi (a) Kathak (b) Kathakali
(a) Mrinalini Sarabhai (c) Chenna (d) Hyderabad (c) Odissi (d) Bharatanatyam
(b) Sitara Devi Sol.289.(b) Delhi. Yamini Krishnamurthy Sol.293.(c) Odissi. Awards of Surupa
(c) Rukmini Devi Arundale - Awards - Padma Shri (1968), Sangeet Sen: Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
(d) Kamala Lakshmi Narayanan Natak Akademi (1997), Padma Bhushan (2018), Raza Foundation Award (2006).
Sol.285.(d) Kamala Lakshmi Narayanan (2001), Padma Vibhushan (2016), "Natya Q.294. Who was the recipient of Ustad
(Bharatanatyam). Awards - Padma Shastra" award (2014). Autobiography - Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar 2017 for
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Kathak ? Sol.298.(a) Tabla. Ustad Shafaat Ahmed Q.303. Lata Mangeshkar recorded her
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 3) Khan (Delhi gharana). Awards - Padma first playback song for a _________ film.
(a) Jitendra Maharaj (b) Rajendra Gangani Shri Award in 2003. Famous Tabla SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Morning)
(c) Geetanjali Lal (d) Vidha Lal players - Zakir Hussain, Trilok Gurtu, (a) Bengali (b) Punjabi
Kishan Maharaj, Alla Rakha, Aban Mistry. (c) Marathi (d) Tamil
Sol.294.(d) Vidha Lal. She is a disciple of
Kathak dancer Geetanjali Lal of Jaipur Q.299. Who among the following was Sol.303.(c) Marathi. Lata Mangeshkar -
Gharana. Awards: ‘Sri Krishna gana awarded the Bharat Ratna in 2001 and She recorded her first song “Naachu Ya
sabha endowment award (2010) and has been credited with taking the Gade, Khelu Saari Mani Haus Bhaari” in
Guinness world record for the most shehnai from the marriage mandap to 1942 at age of 13 for Marathi film Kiti
number of spins (103) in one minute the concert hall ? Hasaal and recorded her last song
(2011). SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Evening) ‘Saugandh Mujhe Is Mitti Ki’ in 2019.
(a) Ravi Shankar
Q.295. Papanasam Sivan was related to (b) Ali Akbar Khan Q.304. Alla Rakha left home at age 12 to
the following music? (c) Hariprasad Chaurasia learn a musical instrument under the
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 3) (d) Bismillah Khan great master (ustad) Mian Qadir Baksh.
(a) Carnatic (b) Punjabi He became a renowned player of
(c) Khyal (d) Dhrupad Sol.299.(d) Bismillah Khan (Ustad). ________.
Awards: Sangeet Natak Akademi Award SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning)
Sol.295.(a) Carnatic. Papanasam Sivan (1956), Sangeet Natak Akademi (a) Sarod (b) Sarangi (c) Tabla (d) Sitar
Awards: Padma Bhushan (1972), Fellowship (1994), Swathi Sangeetha
Sangeet Natak Academy Fellow (1962), Puraskaram (1998) by Government of Sol.304.(c) Tabla. Alla Rakha specialized
President Award (1962). Kerala, T Choudayya National Award in Hindustani classical music. He was
(1995) by Government of Karnataka, born in Ghagwal (Jammu and Kashmir).
Q.296. Who among the following He is a player of Tabla and Pakhawaj.
Tahar Mausique from the Republic of
musicians was awarded a Grammy in the Awards: Padma Shri (1977) and Sangeet
Iran (1992), Tansen Award by Govt. of
Music Album category for his Natak Akademi (1982).
Madhya Pradesh.
collaborative album ‘Global Drum Project’
along with Mickey Hart, Sikiru Adepoju Q.300. Ustaad Allauddin Khan, a famous Q.305. Who popularised the ‘Pandanallur
and Giovanni Hidalgo ? Indian musician is associated with Style’ in Bharatanatyam and received
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 4) __________ musical instrument. Padma Bhusan in 2004?
(a) Ricky Kej (b) Vikku Vinayakram SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning) SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Morning)
(c) Zakir Hussain (d) A R Rahman (a) Surbahar (b) Santoor (a) Kumari Kamala (b) Madhuri Dixit
(c) Sarod (d) Sitar (c) Mallika Sarabhai (d) Alarmel Valli
Padma vibhushan (2023) National (1971), Sangeet Natak Akademi (1954). the Padma Shri (in 1991) from the
Heritage Fellowship (1999), Sangeet Government of India, after
Natak Akademi Award (1990), Kalidas Q.301. Saswati Sen is the proud recipient Vyjayanthimala .
Samman (2006), Guru Gangadhar of the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for
2004-2005. She is recognized for which Q.306. Who among the following is a
Pradhan Lifetime Achievement Award (In
(c) Uday Shankar
(c) Elam Endira Devi (d) Charu Mathur Padma Bhushan (2012), Padma Shri
(d) Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra
(1975), Sangeet Natak Akademi (1982),
Sol.314.(c) Elam Endira Devi (Manipur). Sangeet Natak Akademi Tagore Ratna
Sol.309.(a) Guru Bipin Singh.
She is an Indian classical dancer and (2012), Kalaimamani (Tamil Nadu) -
Q.310. Who is noted as a pristine Indian teacher. She performed in the film 1978.
Classical Dancer to perform at Salzburg ‘Matamgi Manipur’, which won the
Festival in 2015? National Film Award (1972). Other Q.319. Budhaditya Mukherjee is
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening) awards - Excellence Award, Nritya Rani associated with which of the following
of the Pandanallur style of (a) Ustad Amir Khan House of Commons, London.
Bharatanatyam. Awards - Padma (b) Doreswamy V. Iyengar
Bhushan (2004), Chevalier of Arts and (c) Dr. Lakshminarayana Subramaniam Q.320. Shri Mani Prasad is associated
Letters award (2004), Sangeet Natak (d) Ustad Bundu Khan with which form of music?
Akademi Award (2001). SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
foremost exponents of ________. Amarnath, Shankar Lal Mishra, Kankana (c) Carnatic vocal music
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning) Banerjee, Purvi Mukherjee. Other gharana (d) Hindustani vocal music
(a) santoor (b) tabla (c) sitar (d) veena and its founder - Gwalior Khayal style
(Ustad Nathan Pir Baksh), Agra Sol.320.(d) Hindustani vocal music.
Sol.311.(d) Veena. Jayanthi Kumaresh is Pandit Mani Prasad was an Indian
(Hajisujan Khan), Rangeela (Faiyyaz
known for her mastery of the Saraswati classical vocalist from the Kirana
Khan), Jaipur (Alladiya Khan).
veena, a plucked string instrument that is gharana (singing style). He was awarded
one of the most important instruments in Q.316. Who among the following is a Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2019.
Carnatic music. Awards - Sangeet sitar maestro of global acclaim? Hindustani music is the classical music
shikhar samman award (2019); Music SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening) of the Northern parts of the Indian
academy award (2015). (a) Bismillah Khan subcontinent. Carnatic Music originated
(b) Girija Devi from Southern India, the city of
Q.312. In 2019, the Government of India
(c) Shahid Parvez Khan Hyderabad and other Dravidian-speaking
honoured Milena Salvini, an Italian-born
(d) Vishwa Mohan Bhatt regions of India.
Kathakali dancer, with which of the
following awards? Sol.316.(c) Shahid Parvez Khan. Awards Q.321. Shri Jatin Goswami received
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Evening) - Kalajyothi Lifetime Achievement Award several honours for his contribution to
(a) Padma Shri (b) Bharat Ratna (2020), Sangeet Natak Akademi Award SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(c) Padma Vibhushan (d) Padma Bhushan (2006), Padma Shri Award (2012). (a) Bharatnatyam Dance
Sol.312.(a) Padma Shri. Milena Salvini - Q.317. Which former Miss India, also the (b) Kathak Dance
Obtained a two-year scholarship to train recipient of the Sangeet Natak Akademi (c) Sattriya Dance
in Kathakali at the Kerala Kalamandalam Award, popularised Indian classical (d) Manipuri Dance
founder-principal of the Nalanda Nritya Guru ML Koser Award (2013), Art Karat
Q.323. The poet saint Kabir Das was Kala Mahavidyalaya in Mumbai. Awards Award (2014), Bharat Nirman’s Social
born in sometime in the 15th century. and Honors: Padma Shri (1990), Kalidas Responsibility Award (2014) etc.
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (1st Shift) Samman (Madhya Pradesh, 2006),
(a) Kashi (b) Amritsar Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1994), Q.332. Who among the following is a
(c) Somnath (d) Agra Padma Bhushan (2013). famous performer of the Kathakali
classical dance?
Sol.323.(a) Kashi (Uttar Pradesh). Kabir Q.328. Rajashree Shirke was given which SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (1st Shift)
was a 15th century mystic poet, saint of of the following prestigious dance (a) Pankaj Charan Das (b) Sunanda Nayar
the Bhakti Movement. Books - Bijak, Kabir awards of 2013 for her excellence in (c) Gopinath (d) Raja Reddy
Parachai, Sakhi Granth, and Kabir Kathak?
Granthawali. His verses are found in SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift) Sol.332.(c) Gopinath. Awards and
Sikhism's scripture Guru Granth Sahib. (a) Sangeet Natak Academy Award Honors: Sangeet Natak Akademi's award
Saint Kabir was the contemporary of Guru (b) Padma Shri (1965), 'Kala Tilakam' by the Guruvayur
Nanak and Delhi Sultan Sikandar Lodhi. (c) Kalidas Samman Devaswom (1968), 'Kala RatIn’ title by
(d) National Film Award the Travancore Devaswom Board (1973),
Q.324. Aditi Mangaldas is a leading etc.
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kuchipudi the Year, Best Shikshak for the year 2007,
awarded which of the following Indian
(c) Kathak (d) Kathakali and Title "Khosrovani" by Halim Academy
civilian honours in 1986?
of Sitar. Shambhu Maharaj was the first
Sol.324.(c) Kathak. Awards Received by SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Kathak dancer to win Sangeet Natak
Aditi Mangaldas - National Sangeet (a) PadmaBhushan (b) Padma Shri
Academy Award in 1955.
Natak Akademi award in 2013. (c) BharatRatna (d) Padma Vibhushan
Q.329. Who among the following Indian Sol.333.(b) Padma Shri. Rajkumar
Q.325. Who among the following was the
classical musicians has an auditorium Singhajit Singh (Manipuri dancer).
guru of Pandit Ravi Shankar ?
named after it in Tehran, Iran? Awards and Honors - Sangeet Natak
SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (3rd Shift) Akademi Award (1984), Sangeet Natak
(a) Bismillah Khan (b) Amjad Ali Khan
(a) Ustad Bismillah Khan Akademi Fellowship (2011), Tagore
(c) Ali Akbar Khan (d) Allaudin Khan
(b) Ustad Sultan Khan Award (2014), Delhi Sahitya Kala
Sol.325.(d) Allauddin Khan (Sarod (c) Ustad Zakir Hussain Parishad Award (1975), Manipur Sahitya
player) was the guru of Pandit Ravi (d) Ustad Vilayat Khan Parishad Nritya Award (1975), etc.
Shankar. He was awarded the Padma
Bhushan (1958) and the Padma Sol.329.(a) Ustad Bismillah Khan Q.334. Which of the following Gharanas
Vibhushan (1971), Sangeet Natak (shehnai) - Become the third classical does Padma Bhushan Kishori Amonkar
Akademi award and Sangeet Natak musician of India after M. S. belong to?
Akademi Fellowship (1954). Subbalakshmi and Ravi Shankar to be SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
awarded the Bharat Ratna (2001). (a) Gwalior (b) Kirana
Q.326. In which state is the Maihar court (c) Patiala (d) Jaipur - Atrauli
where Baba Allauddin Khan was a Q.330. Who among the following was the
musician? first recipient of the State annual award Sol.334.(d) Jaipur - Atrauli. Kishori
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Amonkar - She was a performer of the was given the Prani Mitra Award in 1968. Sangeet Natak Akademi (1993). Sangeet
classical genre khyal and the light SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift) Natak Akademi Award (1994).
classical genres thumri and bhajan. (a) Dr Padma Subrahmanyam
Awards and Honors: Padma Bhushan (b) Shovana Narayan Q.344. Sharmila Biswas, who was
(1987), and Padma Vibhushan (2002), (c) Rukmini Devi Arundale awarded the 'Best Choreography Award'
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (1985) (d) Bipin Singh in 1998 by the Ministry of Information
and the Sangeet Natak Akademi and Broadcasting, represents which of
Fellowship (2009). Sol.339.(c) Rukmini Devi Arundale the following classical dance forms?
(Bharatanatyam). Awards: Padma SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Q.335. Who among the following Bhushan (1956), Sangeet Natak Akademi (a) Manipuri (b) Odissi
personalities is an exponent of Kathak Award (1957). (c) Kathakali (d) Kathak
dance in India?
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift) Q.340. Who among the following is NOT Sol.344.(b) Sharmila Biswas (Odissi
(a) Prerna Shrimali (b) Usha Uthup an exponent of Mohiniyattam classical dancer and choreographer) established
(c) Suman Kalyanpur (d) Monali Thakur dance form? Odissi Vision and Movement Center
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift) (1995, Kolkata). Awards: Sangeet Natak
Sol.335.(a) Prerana Shrimali. She is a (a) Smitha Rajan Akademi Award (2012), Uday Shankar
senior dancer of Jaipur Gharana of (b) Jayaprabha Menon Award for Best Choreography (1998),
Kathak. Honours - 2001 Rashtriya Ekta (c) Prateeksha Kashi Mahari Award (2010).
Award (57th Birth Anniversary of Rajiv (d) Radha Dutta
Gandhi). Q.345. With which instrument is Ustad
Sol.340.(c) Prateeksha Kashi (Kuchipudi Sultan Khan associated?
Q.336. Guru Nileshwar Mukherjee is the dancer). Awards and honours: Ustad SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (4th Shift)
exponent of which of the following Indian Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar (2014), (a) Sitar (b) Sarod (c) Tabla (d) Sarangi
classical dance forms? Aditya Vikram Birla Kalakiran Puraskar
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift) (2014), Aryabhata International Award Sol.345.(d) Sarangi. He was one of the
(a) Sattriya (b) Manipuri (2011), Kalabharathi National Young founding members of the Tabla Beat
(c) Odissi (d) Kathak Talent Award (2014), Natyaveda Award Science (Indian Fusion group) with Zakir
(2014). Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty Hussain and Bill Laswell. Awards: Padma
Sol.336.(b) Manipuri. Amma: Mother of Mohiniyattam. Bhushan (2010), Sangeet Natak Akademi
(1992), American Academy of Artists
Q.337. With which instrument do the Q.341. Surekha Punekar is a _________ (1998).
sisters Lalita and Nandini identify? dancer from the Indian state of
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Maharashtra. Q.346. Who among the following teamed
(a) Mandolin (b) Violin SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift) up with flautist Hariprasad Chaurasia and
(c) Sarod (d) Flute (a) Tamasha (b) Lavani guitarist Brij Bhushan Kabra and
(c) Povada (d) Koli produced a concept album, 'Call of the
Sol.337.(b) Violin. Awards and Honors:
Valley' (1967)?
`Kalaimamani’ (Tamil Nadu), Title of Sol.341.(b) Lavani. Vithabai SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift)
`Haratha Violin Vadya Thilakangal’, Best Narayangaonkar, Kantabai Satarkar, (a) Tarun Bhattacharya (b) Bhajan Sopori
senior violinist (Madras music academy, Mangala Bansode, Sandhya Mane, (c) Shivkumar Sharma (d) Satish Vyas
and Indian fine arts society). Violinist in Roshan Satarkar are well known artists
India: Mysore brothers – Mysore Nagaraj presenting Lavani on stage. Sol.346.(c) Pandit Shivkumar Sharma
and Mysore Manjunath, Abhijith P. S. Nair, (santoor player).
Q.349. Who among the following has the Q.353. Hari Prasad Chaurasia, an Indian Sol.357.(a) Qawwali. Nusrat Fateh Ali
credit to invent and create a new style of flutist, is associated with which of the Khan (President of Pakistan Award for
‘Bharatanatyam’ ? following music gharanas? Pride of Performance by the Government
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (3rd Shift) SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon) of Pakistan). Indian folk music -
(a) Yamini Krishnamurthy (a) Maihar (b) Rampur-Jaipur Bhavageethe (Karnataka and
(b) Dr Padma Subrahmanyam (c) Senia (d) Prasanna Maharashtra), Bhangra and Giddha
(c) Rukmini Devi Arundale (Punjab), Lavani (Maharashtra). Alha
(d) Chinta Ravi Bala Krishna Sol.353.(c) Senia gharana (Founder - (Madhya Pradesh) and Panihari, Pankhida
Bilas Khan and Naubat Khan). Official and Maand (Rajasthan).
Sol.349.(b) Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam: Biography of Hari Prasad Chaurasia -
Awards - Sangeet Natak Akademi Award 'Breath of Gold' (2019) by Sathya Saran. Q.358. Who among the following was a
(1983), Padma Bhushan (2003) Padma Other famous flutists - Ronu Majumdar, famous sitar player ?
Shri (1981). Pravin Godkhindi, Raghunath Seth. Other SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
Gharana - Agra (Hajisujan Khan), (a) Zakir Hussain
Q.350. Which Gharana was propounded Lucknow (Bindadin Maharaj), Banaras (b) Hari Prasad Chaurasia
by Bade Fateh Ali Khan and Ali Baksh (Pandit Ram Sahai), Jaipur (Ustad (c) Raja Khan
Jarnail Khan? Alladiya Khan). (d) Nikhil Banerjee
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Evening)
(a) Gwalior Gharana Q.354. Which extraordinary scholar and Sol.358.(d) Nikhil Banerjee (Maihar
(b) Agra Gharana artist of the 17th century AD composed Gharana). Awards - Padma Shri (1968),
(c) Patiala Gharana Bhaamaakalaapam, a dance drama Padma Bhushan (1987). Hari Prasad
(d) Bhendi Bazaar Gharana based on Kuchipudi? Chaurasia (Flute Player), Zakir Hussain
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening) (Tabla Player). The Sangeet Sudarshana
Sol.350.(c) Patiala Gharana. Malika (a) Sachindra Yogi (b) Shivendra Yogi states that the sitar was invented during
Pukhraj, Gauhar Jan, Ghulam Ali are all (c) Siddhendra Yogi (d) Sidharth Yogi the 18th century by a fakir named Amir
related to Patiala Gharana. Gwalior Khusru.
Gharana : Ghulam Hassan Shaggan, Sol.354.(c) Siddhendra Yogi. Bhama
Vasundhara Komkali, Narayanrao Bodas, Kalapam (story of Satyabhama, wife of Q.359. Laxmipriya Mohapatra was
Sunanda Patnaik. Agra Gharana : Yaqoob the god Krishna). Most popular classical associated with which of the following
Hussain Khan, Yusuf Hussain Khan, dance-dramas, Kathakali (sage Bharata). classical dances of India ?
Q.362. Who among the following Gonsalves, Adnan Sami Khan, George brilliance. Who is he?
dancers was awarded the Queen Victoria Brooks, etc. The saxophone is a type of SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Silver Medal of the Royal Society for the single-reed woodwind instrument with a (a) Ustad Bismillah Khan
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, London conical shape, usually made of brass. (b) Pandit Shivkumar Sharma
in 1958 ?
Graduate Level 01/08/2022 (Shift - 4 ) na
Q.367. Radha Sridhar received the
(c) Ustad Zakir Hussain
(d) Jagjit Singh
(a) Sitara Devi Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for the
(b) Sonal Mansingh year 2018 for her contribution to which Sol.371.(b) Pandit Shivkumar Sharma.
(c) Sanjukta Panigrahi classical dance of India? He was awarded Platinum Disc for music
(d) Rukmini Devi Arundale SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Afternoon) of film Silsila, Gold Disc for music of film
(a) Kathak dance (b) Kuchipudi Faasle, Platinum Disc for music of film
Award (1957), Prani Mitra Award (1968). established Venkatesha Natya Mandira with which classical dance of India?
in 1969. She choreographed her first SSC MTS 20/07/2022 (Morning)
Q.363. Who achieved fame for the dance-drama based on the Ramayana, (a) kathak (b) kuchipudi
(a) Anita Ratnam Q.368. Dr N Rajam is known for playing Sol.372.(c) Odissi. Minati Mishra was a
the ________. recipient of the 1975 Orissa Sangeet
Sol.375.(b) Kelucharan Mohapatra. He is Q.380. Shamshad Begum, one of the first Parameswara Iyer.
an exponent of Odissi Dance. he women to sing playback for Hindi
choreographed a number of dance - movies, was conferred with the Q.385. Padma Shri awardee Guru
dramas in Odissi style, including prestigious OP Nayyar Award for her Gangadhar Pradhan is an accomplished
"Panchapuspa", "Krushna Gatha", "Geeta contribution to Hindi film Music in the dancer of which of the following dance
Govinda", "Urbashi", "Krushna Leela", year _____. forms ?
"Sakhigopal", "Konark" and "Sri Kshetra". SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Evening)
(a) 2001 (b) 2009 (c) 2012 (d) 2005 (a) Manipuri (b) Kathakali
Q.376. The Nooran Sisters are renowned (c) Odissi (d) Kathak
for which of the following genres of Sol.380.(b) 2009. Award: Padma Bhushan
Indian Music? (2009). Sol.385.(c) Odissi. He was awarded the
Sol.376.(b) Sufi. The Nooran Sisters forms? Q.386. Who among the following
(Jyoti Nooran and Sultana Nooran) are a SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Afternoon) versatile musicians of India won the Best
Sufi singing duo from Jalandhar, India. (a) Sattriya (b) Mohiniyattam Music Director National Award for the
They perform Sham Chaurasia gharana (c) Kuchipudi (d) Bharatanatyam Hindi movie ‘Rudaali’ and was also
Q.377. Which of the following Hindustani (Last Awarded) - Durgesh Gangani (a) Bhupen Hazarika (b) Manas Robin
vocalists from Allahabad, along with her (Kathak), Dr Manju Elangbam (Manipuri), (c) Joi Barua (d) Jayanta Hazarika
famed contemporary Gauhar Jaan, had Madhulita Mohapatra (Odissi) .
the privilege of performing for Emperor Sol.386.(a) Bhupen Hazarika. He
Q.382. Which of the following dancers of received Bharat Ratna Award in 2019. He
George V at the Delhi Darbar in 1911 ? Mohiniyattam form of Indian classical
SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Morning) is from Assam.
dance was given the Devadasi National
(a) Shobha Abhyankar (b) Annupamaa Award in 2013? Q.387. Ashish Sankrityayan is an
(c) Allah Jilai Bai (d) Janki Bai SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Evening) exponent of _________ music.
Sol.377.(d) Janki Bai. She was popularly (a) Smitha Rajan (b) Jayaprabha Menon SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Evening)
known as “Chhappan chhuri” or the (c) Sunanda Nair (d) Gopika Verma (a) Odissi (b) Dhrupad
'woman with 56 stab wounds'. Shobha (c) Thumri (d) Kajari
Sol.382.(b) Jayaprabha Menon. Prerana
Abhyankar (Pune) - Mewati Gharana. Deshpande, a kathak dancer, has been Sol.387.(b) Dhrupad. In Hindustani
Annupamaa (Chennai)- Carnatic Music, awarded the Devadasi National Award music, there are ten main singing styles:
Allah Jilai Bai (Rajasthan) - Folk Music. for her contribution to Kathak dance in Dhrupad, Tappa, Chaturang, Ragasagar,
Q.378. Padma Shri awardee Gopal 2016. Dhamar, Hori, Khayal, Tarana, Sargam,
Prasad Dubey was awarded for his and Thumri. Every composition in the
Q.383. Padma Shri awardee Guru Amubi Carnatic style is made up of several
contribution to which of the following Singh was conferred the award for his
dances? parts: Pallavi, Anu Pallavi, Varnam and
significant contributions in which of the Ragamalika.
SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Afternoon) following dance forms ?
(a) Sattriya (b) Panthi SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Afternoon) Q.388. The nineteenth century saw the
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golden age of Kathak under the Bade Ghulam Ali Khan (vocalist, from (c) Ghulam Mustafa Khan
patronage of Wajid Ali Shah, the last Patiala Gharana), Ustad Amir Khan (d) Chhannulal Mishra
Nawab of __________. (founder of the Indore gharana) and
SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Evening) Sadarang (Khayal Gharana). Sol.396.(b) Dr. Mangalampalli Balamurali
(a) Hyderabad (b) Rampur Krishna (Andhra Pradesh) was an Indian
(c) Oudh (d) Jaunpur Q.393. Who among the following Indian Carnatic vocalist, he also played the
Playback Singers holds the Guinness kanjira, mridangam, viola, and violin. He
Sol.388.(c) Oudh. He patronised the world record for singing the highest was conferred with many prestigious
Lucknow Gharana of Kathak. number of songs in one day? awards Padma Shri (1971), Padma
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Morning) Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan (1991),
Q.389. Shobana Chandrakumar, a
(a) Alka Yagnik (b) Kumar Sanu Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des
recipient of Padma Shri, is a dancer of
(c) Kavita Krishnamurthy (d) Udit Narayan Lettres (2005), National Film Awards
which of the following Indian classical
(1976, 1987), and the Sangeet Natak
dance forms? Sol.393.(b) Kumar Sanu holds the Akademi Award (1975).
SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Morning) Guinness world record for singing the
(a) Manipuri (b) Bharatanatyam highest number of 28 songs in one day Q.397. Which artist’s musical album is
(c) Kathak (d) Odissi in 1993. Honours- Maharashtra Ratna titled ‘Land of Gold’ ?
Awards (2014), Mahanayak Samman SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Afternoon)
Sol.389.(b) Bharatnatyam. Padma Shri
Lifetime Achievement: as Bengali (a) Mita Nag
(2006). She won the Kalaimamani (Tamil
Playback Singer (2014), Dr. Babasaheb (b) Anupama Bhagwat
Nadu) award in 2011. She won the
Ambedkar Nobel Award (2017), Bishesh (c) Anoushka Shankar
Kalarathna (Kerala) award in 2013.
Sangeet Mahasanman (2019). (d) Rajna Swaminathan
Q.390. The first recipient of the National
Q.394. Padma Shri Guru Mayadhar Sol.397.(c) Anoushka Shankar (British-
Award for Best Music Direction was
Raut’s pioneering spirit revived which of Indian American Sitar player) won a
_______ who was honoured for his
the following dances in the 1950s and Grammy nomination for her album, “Land
composition in the Tamil film Kandan
redefined the grammar and Abhinaya of Gold”. Her other notable albums are
vocabulary of the dance form? RISE, Traveller, Traces of You, Home, and
SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Morning) Love Letters. Anupama Bhagwat (Sitarist;
(a) KV Mahadevan (b) Vidyasagar
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Odissi ‘Confluence’, ‘Ether’, ‘Epiphany’, ‘Colours
(c) Deva (d) Karthik Raja
(c) Manipuri (d) Kuchipudi of Sunset’, ‘Sanjh’), Rajna Swaminathan
did Pandit Bhimsen Gururaj Joshi give (a) Alwar (b) Gwalior
Government of India and the title of (c) Banaras (d) Jaipur
his first ever live performance?
‘Rajya Gayika’ by the Government of
Swaroop Khan and Mame Khan are Q.406. In India, the tradition of singing following dance forms?
famous for which of the following? ghazal was established by _________. SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening) SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Morning) (a) Kuchipudi (b) Bharatanatyam
(a) Rajasthani folk music (a) Hazrat Ali (c) Kathak (d) Mohiniyattam
(b) Hindustani classical vocal (b) Hazrat Amir Khusrau
(c) Playing percussion instruments (c) Hazrat Nizamuddin Sol.410.(d) Mohinyattam. Awards of
(d) Playing string instruments (d) Hazrat Shahenshahwali Kalamandalam Kshemavathy Pavithran:
Padma Shri (2011), Sangeet Natak
Sol.402.(a) Rajasthani folk music. The Sol.406.(b) Hazrat Amir Khusrau. He is Akademi Award (1998), Kerala
most famous Rajasthani Maand singer is called the father of qawwali. He is known Sangeetha Nataka Akademi Award
Allah Jilai Bai (Bikaner Gharana). Other as the Parrot of India. Famous Books (1975) (for Bharatanatyam) and the
Rajasthani folk singers are Ila Arun, written by him are Tughlaqnama, Nuh - Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi
Rapperiya Baalam, and Rajnigandha sipihr and Khaizan-ul-futuh. Fellowship (2015).
Q.407. Manjamma Jogati became India’s Q.411. Who among the following Indian
Q.403. Which of the following Hindustani first transgender folk dancer to receive a musicians introduced shehnai to the
musical Gharanas is the oldest among all Padma Shri honour for her contribution concert stage and was selected to
the Khayal Gayaki styles? to art in the year ____. perform for the ceremony at Delhi’s
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening) SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Afternoon) historic Red Fort on the occasion of
(a) Agra Gharana (b) Kirana Gharana (a) 2012 (b) 2021 (c) 2009 (d) 2018 India’s Independence Day on 15 August
(c) Atrauli Gharana (d) Gwalior Gharana
1947 ?
Sol.407.(b) 2021. She was awarded SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Evening)
Sol.403.(d) Gwalior vocal Gharana is Padma Shri for her contribution to the
widely regarded as the oldest Gharana (a) Ali Bakhsh (b) Anant Lal
field of folk arts. First transgender (c) Bismillah Khan (d) Ali Ahmad Hussain
founded by Nathan Pir Bakhsh and Utsad Padma Shri Awardee (Narthaki Nataraj;
Nathu khan. Famous artists include Dr. Bharatnatyam dancer; 2019) Sol.411.(c) Ustad Bismillah Khan.
Meeta Pandit, Ustad Bade Inayat Hussain
Khan, Krishnarao Shankar Pandit, Q.408. Who among the following wrote Q.412. Which of the following Indian
Narayanrao Bodas, etc. Founders of Agra two books on the history and dance classical Bharatanatyam dancers
Gharana (Hajisujan Khan), Kirana (Abdul structure of Mohiniyattam? received the honours of Padma Shri in
Wahid Khan) and Atrauli (Alladiya Khan). SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Morning) 1981 and Padma Bhushan in 2003 ?
(a) Kalamandalam Radhika SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Evening)
Q.404. The important singers of (b) Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty Amma (a) Savitha Sastry
_________Gharana are Faiyyaz Khan, (c) Kalamandalam Hymavathi (b) Mallika Sarabhai
Latafat Hussein Khan and Dinkar Kakini. (d) Thankamani (c) Rukmini Devi
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening) (d) Padma Subrahmanyam
(a) Patiala (b) Mewati Sol.408.(b) Kalamandalam Kalyanikutty
(c) Agra (d) Benaras Amma. She got several titles and awards Sol.412.(d) Padma Subrahmanyam
which are "Kavayithri' title given by (Tamil nadu) was awarded the Sangeet
Sol.404.(c) Agra Gharana is a tradition of Vallathol (1940), Sangeet Natak Akademi Natak Akademi Award (1983).
Hindustani classical vocal music fellowship (1974), Kerala Sangeet Natak
descended from the Nauhar Bani (during Q.413. Allah Jilai Bai, a singer from
Akademi fellowship (1974), 'Keerthi Rajasthan is famous for which of the
the reign of Emperor Alauddin Khilji of Shanku' title given by Kerala following ?
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SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening) award (2004), Odisha Sangeet Natak
(a) Ghazals (b) Folk songs (a) Kedarnath Sahoo Akademi Award, and Tulsi Award.
(c) Bhajans (d) Hindustani classical music (b) Gopal prasad Dubey
(c) Suddhenra Narayan Singhdeo Q.422. Who among the following is a
Sol.413.(b) Folk songs. Allah Jilai Bai (d) Makar Dhwaja Darogha 19th century exponent of the Kathak
was well versed in Maand, Thumri, dance?
Khayal and Dadra. Her best-known piece Sol.417.(d) Makar Dhwaja Darogha SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Morning)
is Kesaria Balam. She was awarded the (Jharkhand) is known for his expertise in (a) Jatin Goswami
Padma Shri (1982) and Sangeet Natak the classical dance form of Chhau. (b) Kalka Prasad
Akademi Award (1988). (c) Bhabhananda Barbayan
Q.418. Who among the following Indian (d) Krishna Panicker
Q.414. Rama Vaidyanathan was awarded musicians founded Harmony and
with the honour of the Devadasi National Universality through Music (HUM) to Sol.422.(b) Maharaj Kalka Prashad
Award in 2013 for her contribution in perform in different parts of the world belonged to the Lucknow Gharana. He
which of the following Indian dance and draw people’s attention to specially - used to live in Banaras and promoted
forms? abled children? Kathak-style dance and Thumri singing.
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening) He plays Tabla and Pakhawaj. Jatin
(a) Mohiniyattam (b) Odissi (a) Kumar Bose Goswami (Sattriya), Bhabhananda
(c) Kuchipudi (d) Bharatnatyam (b) Sandeep Das Barbayan (Sattriya), and Krishna Panicker
(c) Swapan Chaudhuri (Mohiniyattam).
Sol.414.(d) Bharatnatyam. She was (d) Anindo Chatterjee
awarded the Sangeet Natak Akademi Q.423. Which dancer was awarded in
Award (2017), the National Excellence Sol.418.(b) Sandeep Das (Born: Patna; 1968 with a gold medal by the Mexican
Award by the All India National Unity Benaras Gharana) is an Indian Tabla Government for her choreography for the
Conference (1999), and the dance title of player and composer currently based in Ballet Folklorico of Mexico?
"Bharatha Rathna '' (Sri Lanka; 1998). Boston, Massachusetts, United States. SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Afternoon)
He won a Grammy Award for Best World (a) Sonal Mansingh
Q.415. Who among the following got the Music Album, in 2017, for the album Sing (b) Shovana Narayan
Sangeet Natak Akademi 2017 for her Me Home. (c) Mrinalini Sarabhai
contribution to Odissi dance? (d) Rukmani Arundale
SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Afternoon) Q.419. Guru MK Saroja has been
(a) Sujata Mohapatra conferred with the Padma Shri for the Sol.423.(c) Mrinalini Sarabhai (Kerala)
(b) Shobha Koser relentless pursuit of which of the was an expert dancer in Bharatanatyam,
(c) Rama Vaidyanathan following dances? and Kathakali. Awards - Padma Shri
(d) L N Oinam Ongbi Dhoni Devi SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Afternoon) (1965) and Padma Bhushan (1992). Her
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Mohiniyattam autobiography - ‘The voice of the Heart-
Sol.415.(a) Sujata Mohapatra. She was (c) Odissi (d) Kuchipudi an autobiography’.
Puruskar (2008). Shobha Koser (Kathak (2011), Sangeet Natak Akademi Tagore _________ Gharana.
dancer), Rama Vaidyanathan Ratna (2011), Sangeet Natak Akademi SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Afternoon)
(Bharatnatyam), and L N Oinam Ongbi Award (1995). (a) Gwalior (b) Rangeela
(c) Manipuri (d) Odissi Q.432. In 1976, Natya Tarangini, was following state governments ?
founded in the National Capital Region, SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Sol.427.(d) Odissi. He was awarded the by world renowned Kuchipudi Dance duo (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra award 2019, ___________. (c) Maharashtra (d) Himachal Pradesh
Central Sangeet Natak Akademi Award SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Afternoon)
(2005), Orissa Sangeet Natak Academy (a) Seetha Nagajothy and P Nagajothy Sol.436.(a) Kerala. The Harivarasanam
Award, Veda Vyas Award, etc. (b) Pasumarthy Vithal and Bharati Award is a music honor created by
(c) Radha and Raja Reddy Kerala's government and the Travancore
Q.428. Who among the following was the (d) Jayarama Rao and Vanashri Rao Devaswom Board. It recognizes artists
founder of the Banaras Gharana of style who use music to promote the values of
of khayal singing? Sol.432.(c) Radha and Raja Reddy. Sabarimala, such as unity and equality.
SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Evening) Awards - Padma Shri in 1984, Padma The award, which includes ₹1 lakh, a
(a) Ustad Inayat Khan Bhushan in 2000, Sangeet Natak citation, and a plaque, is announced
(b) Pandit Gopal Mishra Akademi Award (1991) etc. yearly before Sabarimala's Makaravilakku
Sol.428.(b) Pandit Gopal Mishra (Sarangi exponents of the___________ Gharana. Government of Madhya Pradesh in 1980
player). The chief exponents of the SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Evening) to the exponents of Hindustani classical
Benaras Gharana are Rajan Mishra, Sajan (a) Benaras (b) Gwalior music ?
Mishra, Girija Devi, and others. Ustad (c) Delhi (d) Patiala
2018. Headquarter - New Delhi.
Sol.442.(b) Odissi dance and music.
3.Radha Sridhar received the Sangeet
Natak Akademi Award in the year 2018 Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Award was Q.446. Guru Gopinath National Award
instituted in the year 1995 by Shri 2021 was honoured to whom among the
for her contribution to Kathak.
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Ratikant Mohapatra to confer recognition following Kathak dancers?
on individuals for their contribution to the SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) Both 1 and 2 (b) Only 3
(c) Both 2 and 3 (d) Both 1 and 3 fields of Dance, Music, Cinema and (a) Durga Lal (b) Roshan Kumari
Theatre. Award amount - 1,00,000 (c) Kumudini Lakhia (d) Shambhu Maharaj
contribution to Bharatanatyam. Sangeet Dance is called. founded the KADAMB Centre for Dance
Natak Akademi Awards also known as SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (2nd Shift) in 1964. Awards - Padma Shri (1987),
the Akademi Puraskar Instituted in 1952, (a) Ethnic dance honor Padma Bhushan (2010). “Guru Gopinath
it recognizes excellence and sustained (b) Indian Award Desiya Natya Puraskaram” is the highest
contribution to the performing arts. The (c) Abhinandan Saroja Award award conferred by the Government of
honour of Akademi Fellow carries a (d) classical respect Kerala for excellence in dance.
purse money of Rs. 3,00,000 while the Sol.443.(c) Abhinandan Saroja Award. It Q.447. Select the correct statement
Akademi Award carries a purse money of is presented by the National Institute of about the achievements of Sruti
Rs 1,00,000 besides a Tamrapatra and
(c) Mrinalini Sarabhai (d) Alarmel Valli (a) MS Subbulakshmi
Sol.449.(b) ₹3 lakh. Sangeet Natak (b) Ravi Shankar
Akademi Fellowship: Awarded for the Sol.454.(d) Alarmel Valli. She is an (c) Hariprasad Chaurasia
performing arts in India, Sponsored by exponent of the Pandanallur style (d) Bismillah Khan
(Sangeet Natak Academy), First awarded (Bharatnatyam).
Sol.459.(c) Hariprasad Chaurasia. He
(1954: Allauddin Khan, Hafiz Ali Khan,
Q.455. The Kalaimamani awards are served as the artistic director of the
Ariyakudi Ramanuja Iyengar, Karaikudi given in which of the following states of World Music Department at the
Sambasiva Iyer, and Prithviraj Kapoor).
Award ? (c) Kerala (d) Odisha (1992), Padma Vibhushan (2000). Flute -
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift) Pannalal Ghosh, T.R. Mahalingam, N.
Sol.455.(a) Tamil Nadu. Ramani.
(a) 2015 (b) 2019 (c) 2007 (d) 2001 The Kalaimamani is the highest civilian
Sol.450.(c) 2007. Manna Dey belonged award in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It Q.460. Buddhadev Dasgupta is famous
to the Bhendi Bazaar Gharana and was is awarded for best in Arts. It was first for playing which of the following
trained under Ustad Aman Ali Khan. awarded in 1954. musical instruments ?
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.451. How much purse money was Q.456. ‘Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva (a) Sarod (b) Sarangi
given to a recipient of the Akademi Puraskar’ is given by which of the (c) Bansuri (d) Mridangam
instrument used in Hindustani classical
music with a lower pitch than the sitar. (c) Different materials used in the Sharma.
Annapurna Devi was first trained in musical instruments
(d) The uses of the musical instruments Q.471. Which of the following
classical music under her father Ustad statements is INCORRECT about the
‘Baba’ Allauddin Khan, and established in different occasions, such as
wedding, festivals and public Music of India?
the Maihar-Senia gharana with his help. SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift)
She was honored with the Padma gathering
(a) Tala is a cyclic arrangement of time
Bhushan in 1977, Sangeet Natak Sol.467.(a) Different sounds of the units.
Akademi Award in 1991. Other Surbahar musical instruments. Musical (b) The sruti is a unit of measure or small
Exponents - Ustad Imrat Khan, Instruments were categorised into four difference between the various
Buddhaditya Mukherjee, Pushparaj groups in Bharat Muni's Natya Shastra consecutive pitches within a grama or
Koshti, Kushal Das. (written between 200 BC and 200 AD): a scale.
Q.464. Arvind Parikh, a Padma Bhushan Avanaddha Vadya (membranophones or (c) A raga is believed to have started as a
percussion instruments), Ghan Vadya tribal or folk tune.
(a) Sitar (b) Bansuri and Tat Vadya (chordophones or stringed Community of Manipur as a popular
(c) Tabla (d) Sarangi instruments). accompaniment to their songs
Srivastava. Q.480. Padma Shri Awardee Gosaveedu SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Shaik Hassan is known for playing: (a) Tabla (b) sarangi
Q.475. Bundu Khan was a _________ Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) (c) Ghatam (d) Flute
player of Delhi gharana. (a) Nadaswaram (b) Ghatam
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) (c) Violin (d) Veena Sol.484.(d) Flute. Prabhat Sarma’s
(a) santoor (b) flute awards:- Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
(c) sarod (d) sarangi Sol.480.(a) Nadaswaram is a double (2003), Asom Shilpi Diwas Award by the
reed wind instrument from South India. Assam government (2001). Flute is the
Sol.475.(d) sarangi. Bundu Khan was Gosaveedu Shaik Hassan received part of the woodwind family group.
trained by his grandfather Saungi Khan. Padma Shri Award in 2022. Musical
Some sarangi players from the Delhi Instruments and Exponents: Q.485. Famous musician Talvin Singh is
gharana: Shahnawaz Khan, Nabeel Khan, Nadaswaram - Umapathy Kandasamy, associated with playing the____.
Sabri Khan, Abdul Latif Khan. Karukurichi Arunachalam, Namagiripettai SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
Krishnan. Ghatam - T. H. Vinayakram, (a) tabla (b) Flute (c) veena (d) shehnai
Q.476. Anantha R Krishnan is associated
with which musical instrument ? Giridhar Udupa. Violin - Gajananrao Sol.485.(a) Tabla. Other tabla players:
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Joshi, Sangeeta Shankar, N. Rajam. Zakir Hussain, Ustad Allah Rakha, Pandit
(a) Tabla (b) Mridangam Veena - Jayanthi Kumaresh, Sundaram Shankar Ghosh, Pandit Udhai Mazumdar,
(c) Violin (d) Drums Balchander, Veenai Dhanammal. Pandit Vijay Ghate.
Sol.476.(b) Mridangam - Percussion Q.481. Who among the following Q.486. Neeruswamy Pillai and
instrument. Mridangam - KV Prasad, SV musicians played Carnatic music with Rajaratanam Pillai are exponents of
Rajarao, Umalayapuram Sivaraman, Ghatam? which musical instrument?
Palghat Mani Iyer. Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2) SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening)
(a) Ramnad Raghavan (b) TH Vinayakram (a) Mridangam (b) Mandolin
Q.477. The famous musician Vishnu (c) Ali Akbar Khan (d) KV Prasad (c) Nadaswaram (d) Sarangi
Govind Jog is primarily associated with
which of the following musical Sol.481.(b) TH Vinayakram. He is also Sol.486.(c) Nadaswaram. It is a double
instruments? known as Vikku Vinayakram, is an Indian reed wind instrument from South India.
Higher Secondary 21/06/2024 (Shift - 2) percussionist revered as the "God of Other Exponents - Sheik Chinna Moulana,
(a) Violin (b) Flute Ghatam." The ghatam is a clay pot used Karukurichi Arunachalam, Thiruvizha
(c) Tabla (d) Veena in various musical repertoires, Jayashankar, and Namagiripettai
particularly in South India. Krishnan.
Sol.477.(a) Violin. Violin - M.S.
Gopalakrishnan, N.R. Muralidharan, M. Q.482. Uppalapu Shrinivas was a Q.487. Who among the following Indian
Chandrasekharan, Lalgudi Jayaraman. _________ player who was awarded with musicians is the inventor of Mohan
the Padma Shri in 1998. Veena?
Q.478. Mohan Shyam Sharma is a Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3) SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (1st Shift)
famous musician associated with the : (a) veena (b) violin (c) mandolin (d) tabla (a) Totaram Sharma
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2) (b) Braj Bhushan Kabra
(a) Tabla (b) Sarod Sol.482.(c) mandolin - stringed musical
(c) Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt
(c) Pakhawaj (d) Drums instrument. Uppalapu Srinivas: Awards -
(d) Sandeep Das
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (2009).
Sol.478.(c) Pakhawaj. It is a two-headed Some other musicians and instruments: Sol.487.(c) Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt.
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Awards - Grammy Award (1994) for Best Sol.492.(c) Pakhawaj is a barrel-shaped, SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Global Music Album (A Meeting by the two-headed drum, originating from the (a) Pandit Ravi Shankar
River), Sangeet Natak Akademi Award Indian subcontinent. Totaram Sharma (b) Vishwa Mohan Bhat
(1998), Padma Shri (2002), Padma received Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (c) Pandit Ayodhya Prasad
Bhushan (2017). Other Mohan veena (2011). Famous Pakhawaj Players: (d) Bismillah Khan
players - Harry Manx, Matt Malley. Pandit Purushottam Das, Mohan Shyam
Totaram Sharma (pakhawaj player). Brij Sharma, Bhavani Shankar, Pandit Prem Sol.497.(c) Pandit Ayodhya Prasad.
Bhushan Kabra (guitar player). Sandeep Vallabh. Percussion Instruments:- Ghatam - TH
Das (tabla player). Vinayakram, EM Subramaniam,
Q.493. The musician Sivamani is Mridangam- Dakshinamurthy Pillai, Rajna
Q.488. Ustad Akbar Ali Khan is associated with which musical Swaminathan. String Instruments :-
remembered for his contribution to which instrument? Guitar - Braj Bhushan Kabra.
of the following musical instruments? SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift) (a) Drums (b) Violin (c) Shehnai (d) Sarod Q.498. Which of the following
(a) Tabla (b) Santoor (c) Sitar (d) Sarod instruments is performed by Nandini and
Sol.493.(a) Drums. Awards - Ragini Shankar ?
Sol.488.(d) Sarod. Akbar Ali Khan Kalaimamani (2009), Padma Shri (2019). Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
(Maihar gharana). Awards- Padma (a) Veena (b) Sitar
Bhushan (1967), Padma Vibhushan Q.494. Select the correct sequence of (c) Violin (d) Mridangam
(1989). Famous Players (Sarod): Amjad the musical instruments according to the
Ali Khan, Buddhadev Das Gupta, Tejendra given sequence of their associated Sol.498.(c) Violin. Other Exponents -
Majumdar, Allauddin Khan. personalities : Ustad Allah Rakha, Jyotsna Srikanth, Abhijith P.S. Nair, L.
Totaram Sharma, TH Vinayakam. Subramaniam, K. Vaidyanathan, Nagai R
Q.489. RK Bijapure played which of the SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift) Muralidharan, Mohanan Chandrasekaran.
following musical instruments? (a) Tabla, Ghatam, Pakhawaj
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift) (b) Ghatam, Pakhawaj, Tabla Q.499. Which of the following music
(a) Harmonium (b) Tabla (c) Tabla, Pakhawaj, Ghatam instruments are solid instruments?
(c) Ravanahatha (d) Sitar (d) Pakhawaj, Tabla, Ghatam SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) Tata Vadya (b) Ghana Vadya
Sol.489.(a) Harmonium. R K Bijapure Sol.494.(c) Tabla, Pakhawaj, Ghatam. (c) Avanaddha Vadya (d) Sushira Vadya
(1985 - "Karnataka Kala Tilak" by Tabla is the most famous percussion
Sangeet Nritya Academy). Harmonium - instrument of North India. Pakhawaj is Sol.499.(b) Ghana Vadya. Solid
Purushottam Walawalkar, Appa an ancient drum, it is the preferred instruments are usually played with a
Jalgaonkar. Ravanahatha - Dinesh percussion instrument of the ancient striker or hammer. These instruments are
Subasinghe. singing style called Dhrupad. A Ghatam not capable of producing definite pitches
is a large, narrow-mouthed earthenware that are required for creating a melody.
Q.490. Which musical instrument Dr A P That is why their use is limited in
pot used as a percussion instrument.
J Abdul Kalam, former President of India, classical music. Tata Vadya - These are
used to play ? Q.495. Tansen, who was included in the Stringed instruments. Avanaddha Vadya -
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift) Navaratnas of Akbar, was an expert in These are percussion instruments.
(a) Guitar (b) Sarod (c) Veena (d) Piano playing which of the following musical Sushira Vadya - These are wind
instruments? instruments. The Shehnai is a popular
Sol.502.(b) Sushira Vadya (Wind Nikhil Jyoti Ghosh was a _________ player.
instrument). Example - Flute, Shehnai, SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Morning) Sol.512.(d) Sarod. The percussion family
Nadaswaram. Ghana Vadya - Considered (a) sarod (b) tabla of musical instruments consists of
to be the world's first instrument. It does (c) harmonium (d) flute membranophones and idiophones.
not require tuning. Example - Manjira, Examples- Ghatam, Tabla, Mridangam,
Khartal, Chimta, Ghatam, Jaltarang etc. Sol.507.(b) Tabla. Pandit Nikhil Jyoti timpani, xylophone, cymbals, snare drum,
Avanaddha Vadya - Sound produced by Ghosh was an Indian musician known for bass drum, tambourine, maracas, gongs,
striking on animal skin. Example - Tabla, his proficiency on the percussion chimes, celesta, and piano. Sarod,
Mridangam, Dhol, Damru etc. instrument tabla. He was awarded the stringed musical instrument of the lute
Padma Bhushan (1990) and the Ustad family.
Q.503. Bickram Ghosh, a recipient of Hafiz Ali Khan Award (1995).
Global Indian Music Award, is a music Q.513. Which of the following musical
composer and an Indian classical Q.508. Who among the following is an instruments is also known as a ‘Mangal
_________ player. outstanding player to have mastered the Vadya’ ?
SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Evening) surbahar instrument ? SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Morning)
(a) tanpura (b) sarangi SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Evening) (a) Shehnai (b) Tabla
(c) tabla (d) bansuri (a) Ustad Imrat Khan (b) Allaudin Khan (c) Santoor (d) Damaru
Ghosh won the 2012 Global Indian Music Sol.508.(a) Ustad Imrat Khan. He was Khan is a famous Shehnai Player.
Academy (GIMA) Awards in the Best awarded the Sangeet Natak Akademi Shehnai is a wind instrument made of
Pop/Rock Single category for his Award (1988), and the Padma Shri award wood and metal.
composition, Vande Mataram. (2017).
Q.514. A distinct ‘Dhrupad style’ is
Q.504. Rajeev Taranath, a disciple of Ali Q.509. Lalgudi Gopala Iyer Jayaraman associated with the ______ gharana.
Akbar Khan, is a ________ player. used to play which of the following SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Afternoon) instruments? (a) Ajrada (b) Nathdwara
(a) tabla (b) Flute (c) Sarod (d) Santoor SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Afternoon) (c) Jafferkhani (d) Bishnupur
(a) Harmonium (b) Flute
Sol.504.(c) Sarod. He is conferred with Sol.514.(d) Bishnupur. Tansen was a
(c) Mridangam (d) Violin
many awards such as the Padma Shri famous Dhrupad instrument player. It is
(2019), Sangeet Vidhwan Award (2018), Sol.509.(d) Violin. Lalgudi Gopala Iyer the oldest known style of major vocal
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award Jayaraman was an Indian Carnatic styles associated with Hindustani
(1999-2000), Sangeet Nritya Akademi violinist, vocalist and composer. He was classical music, Haveli Sangeet of
Award (1993), Karnataka Rajya Prashasti awarded the Padma Shri (1972), Padma Pushtimarg Sampraday and also related
(1996). Bhushan (2001) and National Film Award to the South Indian Carnatic tradition.
(Best Music Direction; Sringaram; 2006).
Q.505. Pandit Ananda Gopal Q.515. Which of the following
Bandopadhyay was a _________ player of Q.510. Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri is instruments is normally played in a
the Banaras gharana. associated with _________ instrument. vertical position and with an arched
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Evening) SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Morning) bow?
(a) sarangi (b) sarod (c) sitar (d) tabla (a) veena (b) harmonium SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Evening)
(c) tabla (d) bansuri (a) Sitar (b) Sarangi
Sol.505.(d) Tabla. In 1965, he won the (c) Shehnai (d) Veena
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Sol.515.(b) Sarangi. The Sarangi is a Sol.520.(d) Ektara is a drone flute (a) Mumbai (b) New Delhi
fretless, bowed string instrument used in consisting of a gourd resonator covered (c) Chennai (d) Bengaluru
Hindustani classical music and folk with skin, through which a bamboo neck
traditions of north India. is inserted. Ektara means “one string”. Sol.525.(a) Mumbai. The Kala Ghoda
Arts Festival, initiated in 1999, is a
Q.516. 'Ponu Yoksi', a sword like Q.521. 'Khuang' is a traditional musical nine-day annual celebration of arts
instrument used during ceremonial instrument of which state? organized by the Kala Ghoda
dances performed by the priests, belongs SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Morning) Association. Other festivals in Mumbai:
to: (a) Jharkhand (b) West Bengal Dahi Handi Festival, Ganesh
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) (c) Assam (d) Mizoram Chaturthi/Ganeshotsav, Banganga
(a) Himachal Pradesh Festival, Elephanta Festival.
(b) Madhya Pradesh Sol.521.(d) Mizoram. It is made up of a
(c) Uttar Pradesh hollow tree, wrapped on both sides with Q.526. Losoong festival is predominantly
(d) Arunachal Pradesh animal skin. celebrated in Sikkim by which of the
following tribes?
Sol.516.(d) Arunachal Pradesh. Some Q.522. The wood of which of the SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
popular instruments (Arunachal Pradesh) following trees is used to make the large (a) Bhil (b) Khasi (c) Kurumba (d) Bhutia
include drums, cymbals, Ujuk Tapu, Ame plucked string instrument used in
Bali, Emul, Pui, Kiring, Guga etc. Carnatic classical music known as Sol.526.(d) Bhutia. Losoong, also called
Bobbili Veena/Saraswathi Veena? Namsoong by the Lepchas in the
Q.517. 'Chinkara' is a ______ musical SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Morning) Sikkimese, is usually the time when the
instrument popular in the state of (a) Teak wood (b) Jackfruit wood farmers rejoice and celebrate their
Madhya Pradesh. (c) Walnut wood (d) Sandal wood harvest. Festivals of Sikkim and
SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Afternoon) Community: Barahimizong (Mangar),
(a) plate (b) membrane Sol.522.(b) Jackfruit wood. Bobbili Sonam Lochar (Tamang), Tamu Lochar
(c) stringed (d) wind Veena is carved from a single piece of (Gurung), Teyongsi Srijunga Sawan
jackfruit wood. Tongnam (Limboo).
Sol.517.(c) Stringed. It is made of
parchment, wood and steel. This Festivals Q.527. ‘Dashain’ and ‘Tihar’ are popular
instrument is used by the ‘Pradhan’ festivals of which neighbouring country
community of Madhya Pradesh and the Q.523. The birth anniversary of Lord of India?
‘Meo’ community of Rajasthan. Jhulelal of the Sindhi community is also SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift)
known as_________. (a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal
Q.518. The traditional binding instrument
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning) (c) Pakistan (d) Bangladesh
(a) Sikkim (b) Kerala (c) Goa (d) Manipur Sol.523.(c) Cheti Chand marks the by Hindus. Tihar, also known as
beginning of the Lunar Hindu New Year Deepawali or Yamapanchak. Festivals of
Sol.518.(d) Manipur. Pena is also known
for Sindhi Hindus. Celebrated on the first Nepal: Biska Jatra, Gai Jatra, Indra Jatra,
holds deep spiritual significance for the Bangladesh - Shakrain, Pahela Baishakh.
Ravanahatha, Ubo or the Kenda, found in
Sindhi community. Pakistan - Shandur Polo Festival, Mela
various parts of the country.
Chiraghan, Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh.
Q.519. The musical instrument 'Kartal' Q.524. Kharchi Puja of Tripura is
celebrated in the month of __________. Q.528. In which of the following states
from the state of Rajasthan comes under
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon) is Aoleang Monyü celebrated, which is an
the category of ______.
(a) September-October (b) April-May ancient spring festival celebrated by all
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning)
(c) January-February (d) July-August Konyaks in the month of April?
(a) electrophones (b) membranophones
SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) chordophones (d) idiophones Sol.524.(d) July - August. Kharchi Puja (a) Bihar (b) Telangana
Sol.519.(d) Idiophone is a percussion occurs during the month of ‘Ashad’ on (c) Odisha (d) Nagaland
instrument. It is classified as an the ‘Shukla Ashtami’ day. It is also known
as the 'Festival of 14 Gods,' this Sol.528.(d) Nagaland. Aoleang is
idiophone because the entire instrument
traditional event centers around the observed to mark the end of the old year
vibrates to produce a sound on its own.
worship of Chaturdasa Devata, housed in and to welcome the new-year beginning
Q.520. The ______ is a single string the ancient Ujjayanta Palace, the with spring. This festival is celebrated
musical instrument made using bamboo ancestral deity of the Tripuri people. annually as part of the Mini Hornbill
and a gourd, mostly used by traditional Other Festivals of Tripura: Pilak, Garia Tribal Festival. Festivals of Nagaland:
folk singers in Maharashtra. Puja, Bijhu, Owa. Hornbill, Sekrenyi, Moatsu Mong,
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) Suhkruhnye, Bushu, Yemshe, Metumniu,
(a) Edakka (b) Ekkalam Q.525. Where is the Kala Ghoda Arts Metemneo, Ngada, Tokhu Emong.
(c) Esraj (d) Ektara Festival organised every year?
SSC MTS 21/10/2024 (1st Shift) Q.529. Vangpui Kut festival is organised
SSC MTS 30/10/2024 (2nd Shift) holy river/any water body. The second Assam : Ambubachi festival, Bihu, Majuli
(a) Jammu and Kashmir day of Chhath, also known as Kharna, festival. Madhya Pradesh : Khajuraho
(b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli involves devotees observing a day-long festival, Lokrang Festival, Bhagoria Haat
(c) Andaman and Nicobar Islands fast. The third day of Chhath goes in the Festival.
(d) Lakshadweep preparation of the prasad (offerings) for
Q.537. ‘Sangken’ is a festival celebrated
the evening offerings, also known as
Sol.530.(d) Lakshadweep. Attolu Eidu Sanjhiya Arghya. On the fourth and final in Arunachal Pradesh by people of which
festival was conducted across of the following religions?
Festival? (a) Meghalaya (b) Odisha festival. The Khampti and Singpho tribes
SSC MTS 30/10/2024 (2nd Shift) (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Bihar of the Lohit district in Arunachal Pradesh
springtime festival of the Bodo Tithi (fifth day) of the lunar fortnight of the Thai New Year’s national holiday.
community that marks the beginning of Bhadrava (August-September), the day More Buddhists festivals include Buddha
the New Year in the month of Baisakh after Ganesh Chaturthi. Other festivals: Purnima, Hemis Festival, Losar Festival,
(mid-April). The Bagurumba dance or Odisha - Ratha Yatra, Raja Parba, Lumbini Festival, Parinirvana Day,
'Butterfly Dance,' is performed by Bodo Chandan Yatra, Bali Jatra. Rumtek Chaam Festival and Mani Rimdu
women. The Bagurumba dance is a Festival.
celebration of life, nature, and the vibrant Q.535. Which of the following festivals is
culture of the Bodo tribe. Bhortal Nritya celebrated as the birth anniversary of Q.538. Shab-e-Barat is celebrated by
(Assam) - Performed by Barpeta tribe , Guru Nanak Dev? which religious group?
Jhumur dance (Assam) - Performed by SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift) SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift)
the Kulis (tea tribe). (a) Hola Mohalla (b) Baisakhi (a) Muslim (b) Buddhist (c) Jain (d) Parsi
(c) Gurpurab (d) Chappar Mela
Q.532. Lathmar Holi is primarily Sol.538.(a) Muslim. Shab-e-Barat, also
celebrated in the state of: Sol.535.(c) Gurpurab. Guru Nanak known as Mid-Sha'ban, is observed on
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift) Jayanti, also known as Gurpurab, the 15th night of Sha'ban in the Islamic
(a) Karnataka celebrates the birth anniversary of the calendar. Festivals celebrated by :
(b) Arunachal Pradesh first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak Dev. This Muslim - Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha etc;
(c) Uttar Pradesh festival occurs on Kartik Poornima, the Buddhist - Buddha Purnima, Vesak etc;
(d) Himachal Pradesh fifteenth lunar day of the month of Kartik, Jain - Mahavir Jayanti, Paryushana etc;
typically in November on the Gregorian Parsi - Navroz, Jamshedi Navroz etc.
Sol.532.(c) Uttar Pradesh. Lathmar Holi calendar. Hola Mohalla, or Hola, is a
is celebrated in the twin towns of three-day Sikh festival that usually takes Q.539. In which state/UT is the Hemis
Barsana and Nandgaon, also known as place in March. Vaisakhi, celebrated on festival celebrated?
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SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) 1975. Some festivals which have been Rongker, Bohaggiyo Bishu, and
(a) Punjab (b) Sikkim organized in Madhya Pradesh are Jal Ambubashi Mela.
(c) Lakshadweep (d) Ladakh Mahotsav, Mandu Mahotsav, Orchha
Mahotsav, Satpura Cycle Safari, Heritage Q.548. ‘Atla Taddi’ is the widely
Sol.539.(d) Ladakh. Festivals in India: Run. celebrated festival of which Indian state?
Ladakh: Sindhu Darshan Festival, Losar SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Festival, Tak-Thok, Matho Nagrang. Q.544. Kajari Mahotsav is primarily (a) West Bengal (b) Punjab
celebrated in which of the following (c) Bihar (d) Andhra Pradesh
Q.540. Thrissur Pooram is one of the districts of Uttar Pradesh?
famous temple festivals celebrated in SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Sol.548.(d) Andhra Pradesh. Atla Taddi,
_______. (a) Mirzapur (b) Gorakhpur a traditional Hindu festival where women
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) Kushi Nagar (d) Jhansi pray to Goddess Gauri for marital
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala blessings. It occurs on the third night
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu Sol.544.(a) Mirzapur. The festival is after the full moon in the Aswiyuja
celebrated in honor of King Kantit month, usually in September or October.
Sol.540.(b) Kerala. Thrissur Pooram is Naresh's daughter, Kajali, renowned for Other festivals of Andhra Pradesh: Ugadi,
celebrated in the Malayalam month of her melodious love songs. Other major Ratha Saptami, Tirupati Ganga Jatara,
Medam (April-May). Other festivals: festivals in Uttar Pradesh include Ganga Pyditthallamma utsavam, Rottela
Kerala - Onam, Vishu, Attukal Pongala. Mahotsav in Varanasi and Taj Mahotsav Panduga (Rotiyaan ki Eid), Visakha Utsav,
Q.541. The festival of ‘Rath Yatra’ of Puri in Agra. Lumbini festival.
in Odisha is dedicated to which deity? Q.545. The chariot festival is dedicated Q.549. Kati Bihu is celebrated in which of
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift) to Lord Jagannath along with Subhadra the following months in Assam?
(a) Lord Jagannath (b) Lord Ganesha and _________ . SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(c) Lord Shiva (d) Lord Hanuman SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (a) March (b) October
Sol.541.(a) Lord Jagannath. Rath Yatra (a) Balabhadra (b) Sudama (c) January (d) November
(c) Hanuman (d) Arjuna
Festival : Celebrated on the second day Sol.549.(b) October. Kati Bihu is one of
of the bright fortnight in the month of Sol.545.(a) Balabhadra. Lord Jagannath, the three Bihu festivals celebrated in
Ashadha, this festival features a public his brother Balabhadra, and his sister Assam. Kati means to cut and this day
procession with three large chariots Subhadra are a trio of deities worshiped marks the time of relocation of rice
carrying the deities Jagannath, at the Jagannath temple (Puri, Odisha). It saplings. It is also known as Kongali
Balabhadra, Subhadra. is one of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites. Bihu. There are another two Bihu
Q.542 Paryushana festival is celebrated The temple was built on the basis of festivals celebrated in Assam - Bhogali
by the people of which of the following Kalinga architecture. (Magh Bihu) is observed in January and
communities? Rongali (Bohag Bihu) is observed in April.
Q.546. Navratri festival is dedicated to Other festivals of Assam: Baishagu,
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (1st Shift)
inspires Jains worldwide to remember (c) Durga (d) Saraswati Q.550. Which of the following is a
the roots and philosophies of Jainism. festival primarily celebrated in the state
social purpose as well. Other Religious SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
where people fast and pray to the nine (a) Baishagu (b) Chhath
festivals : Jain - Mahavir Jayanti, Rohini
forms of Goddess Durga, an incarnation (c) Raja Parba (d) Me-Dam-Me-Phi
Vrat, Samvatsari, Meru Trayodashi etc.
of Parvati, who defeated Mahishasura.
Muslim - Eid ul Fitr, Eid ul Adha,
The two popular folk dances of Gujarat, Sol.550.(c) Raja Parba. It is a unique
Ramadan, Muharram etc. Sikh - Hola
the Garba and Dandia are performed by festival celebrating the onset of the
Mohalla, Vaisakhi, Maghi etc. Hindu -
both men and women during this monsoon and the earth’s womanhood. It
Holi, Diwali, Rakshabndahn etc.
occasion on every night. is held for three days in the month of
Q.543. Which of the following festivals is June. Odisha's famous festivals include
Q.547. In which of the following states is Konark Dance Festival, Kalinga
celebrated in Madhya Pradesh?
Me - dam - me - phi festival primarily Mahotsava, Durga Puja, Chhau Festival,
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
celebrated? Puri Beach Festival, Nuakhai, Pakhala
(a) Thaipusam Festival
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Dibasa, and Laxmi Puja.
(b) Jaisalmer Desert Festival
(a) Bihar (b) Assam
(c) Bihu Festival
(c) Nagaland (d) Odisha Q.551. By what name is the festival of
(d) Khajuraho Dance Festival
Makar Sankranti celebrated in Assam?
Sol.543.(d) Khajuraho Dance Festival - Sol.547.(b) Assam. Me-Dam-Me-Phi is a SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Organized by the Kala Parishad of the community festival celebrated by the (a) Pedda Padunga (b) Thai Pongal
Madhya Pradesh government. It is a Ahom people in memory of their dearly (c) Pongal (d) Magh Bihu
seven-day long festival which usually departed. ‘Me’ means offering, ‘Dam’
takes place from the 20th of February to means ancestors and ‘Phi’ means god. Sol.551.(d) Magh Bihu. Makar Sankranti
the 26th of February. It is held at The major festivals celebrated in Assam is celebrated in January and marks the
Khajuraho temples. It was started in are Bihu, Baishagu, Ali-Ai-Ligang, Baikho, transition of the sun into the zodiac sign
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Q.556. The ‘Lokranjan’ festival
(a) Bihu (b) Doljatra (b) Goa
celebrates the folk and tribal culture of
(c) Ambuchi Mela (d) Rongker (c) Sikkim
which Indian state? (d) Himachal Pradesh
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Sol.552.(b) Doljatra (Dol Purnima) is a
Hindu festival that celebrates the love (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jharkhand Sol.559.(c) Sikkim. 'Sakewa' is an annual
(c) Manipur (d) Meghalaya festival and is celebrated as a tribute to
between Radha and Krishna, observed on
the full moon day of the Falgun month. mother nature. The rituals for this
Sol.556.(a) Madhya Pradesh. Lokranjan particular festival are performed in an
Bihu consists of three festivals - Rongali, is a vibrant tribal dance festival held
Kongali, and Bhogali - celebrated by all open space, which is also known as
annually in Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, Bhoomi Puja or Chandi Puja. Other
Assamese people, regardless of religion. organized by the Adivasi Lok Kala important festivals of Sikkim: Losung,
Ambubachi Mela is held at the Kamakhya Academy in association with the Madhya
Temple in Guwahati, dedicated to Drupka Tesh, Bumchu, Saga Dawa, Dasin
Pradesh Tourism Development and Phang Lhabsol .
Goddess Kamakhya, a Shakti deity. Corporation. Celebrated from 8th to 12th
Q.553. Makar Sankranti is the festival December. Some popular folk dances of Q.560. ‘Hampi Utsava,’ which is
dedicated to which of the following Madhya Pradesh include Jawara, Matki, celebrated in Karnataka, is also called
Lords? Aada, Khada Nach, Phulpati, Grida Dance, ____________. The festival that captures
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) Selalarki, Selabhadoni, and Maanch. the pomp, splendour and glory of the
During this occasion, a relic called Alam believed to have spent a considerable
Q.563. In which country is the ‘Kachin
is taken out as a procession. This festival amount of time in this region. Other
Manaw Festival’ celebrated ? is known as Peerla Panduga in festivals of the state with districts: Kajli
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift)
Telangana. Other festivals of Muslims : Teej - Bundi, Abhaneri festival’ - Dausa,
(a) Myanmar (b) Maldives Id-ul-Zuha, Shab-e-Barat, Milad-un-Nabi, Marwar Festival - Jodhpur. Momasar -
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Nepal
Ramadan, Eid al-Adha. Bikaner, Chandrabhaga - Jhalawar,
Sol.563.(a) Myanmar. In the Kachin Matsya - Alwar, Kolayat - Bikaner,
Q.567. Bali Yatra, is a traditional cultural
Manaw Festival, the Kachins perform the Kumbhalgarh fort festival - Udaipur,
festival of which state ? Ranakpur pali.
Manaw dance - a dance that was part of SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift)
the Nat (spirit worship) many years ago. (a) Odisha (b) Bihar Q.571. Pinjore heritage festival is
Famous festivals of Myanmar : Thingyan, (c) West Bengal (d) Assam organised by the state of ________.
Ananda Pagoda Festival, Kyaukse SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift)
elephant dance festival. Sol.567.(a) Odisha. Bali Jatra is the (a) Uttarakhand (b) Sikkim
(a) Khordad Sal (b) Gahambars Yatra, Ratha Yatra, Kalinga Mahotsav, This event is organized to celebrate and
(c) Pateti (d) Jamshed-e-Navroz Konark Dance Festival, Ekamra Utsav, honor the unique heritage of Pinjore and
Sol.564.(a) Khordad Sal. The Gahambars etc. its renowned Mughal Gardens. The
were established as a means of festival was first introduced in 2006.
Q.568. Jamshedi Navroz is a festival of
celebrating the six primordial elements _________ community. Q.572. In Gujarat, the festival Makar
of creation: sky, water, earth, plants, SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift) Sankranti is celebrated as:
animals, and humans. Papeti (Navroz or (a) Christian (b) Hindu (c) Parsi (d) Jain SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift)
Parsi New Year) is a festival celebrated (a) Dakshinayan (b) Uttarayan
by the Parsi community. It marks the Sol.568.(c) Parsi. Navroz has links with (c) Paschimayan (d) Purbayan
start of the Iranian calendar and is an the legend of King Jamshid of Iran, also
auspicious occasion for the Zoroastrian called Jamshedi Navroz. It is celebrated Sol.572.(b) Uttarayan. Makar Sankranti
community. on the first day of the first month of the denotes the entry of the sun into the
Fasli calendar, which usually falls on zodiac sign of Makara (Capricorn) as it
Q.565. Which of the following is the August 18 or August 19. travels on its celestial path. As part of
festival of Kerala that heralds the harvest the official celebration of 'Uttarayan', the
season, lasts for 10 days, and has snake Q.569. Dussehra festival is celebrated in Gujarat government has been hosting the
boat races etc? which of the following Hindu months ? International Kite Festival since 1989.
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
(a) Vishu (b) Thiruvathira (a) Vaisakha (b) Ashwin Q.573. The Kutch festival is held at _____.
(c) Thrissur Pooram (d) Onam (c) Ashadha (d) Chaitra SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Bhuj
Sol.565.(d) Onam. Onam is the biggest Sol.569.(b) Ashwin. Other Hindu (c) Rajkot (d) Surat
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Sol.573.(b) Bhuj. It is a carnival of music, Rann Utsav, Dang Darbar, Modhera state: Gangaur Festival (Jaipur), Desert
dance, and natural beauty in White Rann. Dance Festival, Madhavrai Festival, and Festival (Jaisalmer), Summer Festival
Other important festivals of Gujarat: Bhadra Purnima Fair. (Mount Abu), Pushkar Fair (Pushkar),
International Kite Festival (known as Mewar Festival (Udaipur). Andhra
Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan) - Q.577. With reference to Chethiagiri Pradesh - Ratha Saptami, Ugadi. Odisha -
Celebrates Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan Vihar festival consider the following Ratha Yatra, Bali Jatra. Karnataka -
in Ahmedabad. Tarnetar fair - Based on statements and select the correct option. Pattadakal, Ugadi.
the legend of Draupadi's swayamvara. i) It is a Buddhist festival.
Megh Malhar Parv -an annual celebration ii) It is held at Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh. Q.581. Which festival is celebrated after
that takes place in the Saputara region iii) Relics of SariPutta and Maha the month of Ramzan ?
every monsoon. Navratri - : Festival Moggallana are worshiped SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
celebrating feminine divinity, Shakti. SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift) (a) Eid ul Fitr (b) Muharram
(a) Both ii and iii (b) Both i and iii (c) Milad un Nabi (d) Jammat Ul Vida
Q.574. Easter is a religious festival of: (c) Both i and ii (d) i, ii, iii
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) Sol.581.(a) Eid ul Fitr. It is a religious
(a) Hindus (b) Christians Sol.577.(d) i, ii, iii. Other Buddhist festival celebrated by Muslims at the end
(c) Buddhists (d) Sikhs festivals include Buddha Purnima, Hemis of the holy month of Ramzan. It is
Festival, Losar Festival, Lumbini Festival, celebrated on the first day of Shawwal,
Sol.574.(b) Christians. Easter celebrates Parinirvana Day, Rumtek Chaam Festival the tenth month of the Islamic calendar.
the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the and Mani Rimdu Festival. Everyone celebrates this festival together
dead.It is observed on the first Sunday and prays to God for happiness, peace,
following the full Moon after the spring Q.578. Every year in the month of and prosperity.
equinox. The custom of decorating eggs February, this camel festival is organised
is practiced during Easter. The holiday by Rajasthan Tourism Development Q.582. Kojagiri Poornima is a festival
Corporation in __________. celebrated primarily in _______ on the full
concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a
series of events and holidays that begins SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) moon day of Ashwin month.
(a) Jaisalmer (b) Jodhpur SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
with Lent (a 40-day period of fasting,
prayer and sacrifice) and ends with Holy (c) Bikaner (d) Barmer (a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Bihar
Week, which includes Holy Thursday, Sol.578.(c) Bikaner. Bikaner Camel
Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Festival happens in January month which Sol.582.(a) Maharashtra. Sharad
Q.575. 'Tamu Lochar' is one of the Bikaner celebrates in honor of the 'Ship Purnima is also known as Kojagiri or
traditional festivals of the_________of of the Desert', the Camel. Festivals of Raas Purnima. It is a harvest festival.
Sikkim. It is celebrated to mark the Rajasthan: Desert Festival, Pushkar Fair, Other festivals of Maharashtra : Gudi
beginning of their new year, which falls Jaipur Literature Festival, Nagaur Fair, Padwa or Chaitra Pratipada, Pola, Narali
on the 15th day of Pusa, according to the Kite Festival, Mewar Festival, Urs Purnima, Ratha Saptami, Marabats and
Hindu calendar Vikram Samvat and 30th Festival, Brij Holi, Elephant Festival, Badgyas, etc,.
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) Sol.583.(a) Christmas : It is observed on
Sol.575.(a) Gurung community.
(a) Ashwin (b) Magha December 25. It corresponds to the
Festivals celebrated in Sikkim: Maghe
(c) Chaitra (d) Kartika traditional date of the winter solstice on
Sankranti, Sonam Lochar, Losar,
the Roman calendar. Good Friday is a
Ramnawami (Chaite Dasain), Sakewa,
Sol.579.(d) Kartika. Diwali, the Hindu Christian holiday commemorating the
Saga Dawa, Eid Ul Fitr, Bhanu Jayanti,
festival of lights. Diwali marks the day crucifixion of Jesus and his death at
Drukpa Tshechi, Tendong Lho Rum Faat,
when lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after Calvary. It is observed during Holy week
Indrajatra, Pang Lhabsol, Barahimizong,
14 years of exile after defeating King as part of the Paschal Triduum. Easter
Kagyed Dance. Vikram Samvat was
Ravan. The months of the Hindu calendar (Pascha) celebrates the Resurrection of
started in 57 B.C. when the emperor
in order are : Chaitra, Vaisakha, Jyaistha, Jesus Christ on the third day after his
Vikramaditya defeated Sakas.
Asadha, Shravana, Bhadra, Asvina, Crucifixion. Eid ul-Fitr is a Muslim festival
Q.576. International Kite Festival is a Kartika, Agrahayana, Pausa, Magha, and ending Ramadan, observed with prayers,
popular cultural festival of which state? Phalguna. feasts, and charity.
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift)
Q.580. Goga Navami, which is primarily Q.584. Ugadi is celebrated primarily in
(a) Goa (b) Manipur
celebrated in the Indian state of_______is which of the following states on the first
(c) Gujarat (d) Chhattisgarh
dedicated to the snake God, Gogaji. day of the Chaitra month of the Hindu
Sol.576.(c) Gujarat. The International SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) calendar?
Kite Festival marks the days in the Hindu (a) Rajasthan (b) Andhra Pradesh SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift)
calendar when winter begins turning to (c) Odisha (d) Karnataka (a) Odisha (b) Assam
summer, known as Makar Sankranti or (c) Karnataka (d) Uttarakhand
Uttarayan. Other Festivals of Gujarat: Sol.580.(a) Rajasthan. Other festivals of
(Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya the Indian state of _________.
Q.586. Which of the following states is
Pradesh), Lathmar Holi (Uttar Pradesh), Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
associated with the Bonalu festival? Holla Mohalla (Punjab), Shigmo (Goa), (a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Royal Holi (Udaipur), Kumaoni Holi and (c) Assam (d) Uttarakhand
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka Khadi Holi (Uttarakhand), Manjal Kuli
(c) Kerala (d) Telangana Sol.593.(c) Assam. Rongker, winter
(Kerala), Dol Jatra (West Bengal),
Yaosang (Manipur), Phaguwa (Bihar). post-harvest festival, is celebrated either
Sol.586.(d) Telangana. Bonalu is a on 5th January or 5th February as per the
traditional Hindu festival, dedicated to Q.590. In which of the following states is convenience of the villagers. Festival and
Goddess Mahankali, and its name the Behdienkhlam festival celebrated in their tribes : Kherai Puja of the Bodos; the
"Bonalu" derives from the Telugu word the month of July ? Baikhu and Pharkantis of the Rabhas; the
"Bona" meaning "food" or "offering." It is Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4) Ali-ai-ligang and Parag of the Mishing
celebrated in Ashada month (June-July). (a) Meghalaya (b) Haryana tribe; and the Sagra-misawa, wansawa,
Other states and their festivals : Tamil (c) West Bengal (d) Bihar and laghun of the Tiwas.
is celebrated in which of the following festival of the Jaintia tribes. Other (c) Mumbai (d) Chennai
(c) Hareli (d) Pongal with which of the following festivals ? around a bamboo stick of about 5 feet
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) long and Marathis place neem leaves
Sol.597.(d) Pongal. It is a harvest (a) Diwali (b) Dusshera along with sugar candy garland on it. The
festival celebrated by the Tamil (c) Holi (d) Shiv Ratri stick is then placed in a silver or bronze
community. It is primarily celebrated in pot. In Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka Sol.601.(c) Holi: A Hindu festival that is Pradesh this festival is also known as
and Puducherry. Other harvesting celebrated in the spring season. Ugadi. It is celebrated in the first month
festivals: Karma (Jharkhand), Bhogali Bhagoria is a tribal festival that is of Chaitra.
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Mizoram SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) from the Indian Hornbill, a bird that is an
(a) 12 (b) 9 (c) 15 (d) 5 essential character of the folk tales of
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) (a) Vaisakh (b) Jyaistha
(a) Nagaland (b) Meghalaya (c) Bhadra (d) Ashadha Q.616. The Sakraat festival is celebrated
(c) Mizoram (d) Manipur with the 'Budigali' or 'Kalasi' dance in
Sol.612.(a) Vaisakh (2nd month of the _________ , where women take part in this
Sol.608.(c) Mizoram. Chapchar kut Hindu Calendar). Buddha Purnima
celebrated every year in the month of dance, carrying decorative pots on their
(Buddha Jayanti) commemorates the heads.
March after the completion of the jhum birth, enlightenment (nirvana), and death
operation (Clearing of the remnants of SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(parinirvana) of Gautama Buddha (a) Odisha (b) Nagaland
(a) Assam (b) Punjab and their Festivals: Arunachal Pradesh - (d) 1st and 5th December
(c) Jharkhand (d) Meghalaya Boori Boot, Myoko, Pongtu, Murung,
Solang, Mopin, Monpa. Kerala - Snake Sol.617.(d) 1st and 5th December. The
Sol.609.(d) Meghalaya. Chad Shukra is a
Boat (Vallam Kali), Theyyam, Onam, Konark Dance Festival is held at an
sowing festival of Jaintia communities.
Attukal Pongala. Andhra Pradesh: open-air auditorium in the backdrop of
Other festivals of Meghalaya -
Pongal, Ugadi, Rottela Panduga, Prabhala the Sun Temple (Black Pagoda). Dance
Behdienkhlam (Jaintia), Wangala (Garo),
Theertham, Visakha Utsav, Tirupati Festival in India - Bamnia Chhau Dance
Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem (Khasi),
Tirumala Brahmotsavam, Lumbini Festival (West Bengal), Khajuraho Dance
Nongkrem (Khasi).
Festival, Rayalaseema Food and Dance Festival (Madhya Pradesh),
Q.610. ______ is celebrated in Jharkhand Festival, etc. Mamallapuram Dance Festival and
immediately after Diwali on the new Natyanjali Festival (Tamil Nadu),
moon day in the honour of cattle. Q.614. 'Losoong' festival, celebrated by Nishagandhi Dance Festival (Kerala),
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (3rd Shift) the tribal community in _______ , is Sirpur Music and Dance Festival
(a) Bhagta Parab (b) Makar usually the time when the farmers rejoice (Chhattisgarh).
(c) Rohini (d) Sohrai and celebrate their harvest.
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Q.618. Bastar Dussehra is celebrated in
Sol.610.(d) Sohrai - A chief festival of (a) Sikkim (b) Jharkhand which of the following states?
Santhal tribe. It is celebrated on (c) Odisha (d) West Bengal SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift)
Amavasya (new moon) in the Hindu (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Haryana
month of Kartik (October-November). It Sol.614.(a) Sikkim. Losoong (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Jharkhand
is known for the care of domestic (Namsoong) is a Sikkimese New Year
animals, such as cows and buffaloes. festival. The festival is celebrated by Sol.618.(c) Chattisgarh. Bastar
Other festivals of Jharkhand: Sarhul, Bhutia and Lepcha tribes in India, Bhutan Dussehra (75 days long) started in the
Karam, Hal Punhya, Bhagat Parab, Rohini, and Nepal. Famous Festivals in Sikkim: 13th Century during the reign of the 4th
(c) Mayurbhanj Palace (d) Jaipur Palace Q.625. Chaitrual and Phulaich are the Goddess Meenakshi, considered to be
festival of which of the following states ? Lord Vishnu’s sister. Celebrated in
Sol.620.(a) Mysore Palace (Karnataka). Madurai.
Established - 1912, Started construction SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift)
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Gujarat
in 1897. It was the residence of Q.630. In which city of Assam is the Tea
Wodeyars rulers who ruled Mysore for (c) Uttarakhand (d) Haryana Festival celebrated every year?
seven centuries. Nizam Palace (Kolkata) Sol.625.(a) Himachal Pradesh. Chaitrual SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift)
- It was constructed in 1933. (festival of pictures) - celebrated in the (a) Guwahati (b) Silchar
(a) Kerala (b) Gujarat the Hindu month of Bhadrapada (August year during the winter season between
(c) Mizoram (d) Himachal Pradesh. - September). November and January. Major festivals
celebrated (Assam): Bihu, Baishagu,
festival), Lyuva Khutla (Mara Tribes) in Ambubashi Mela and Jonbill Mela.
Mizoram, Uttarayan (Gujarat), Lohri SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Assam (b) Bihar
(Punjab), Onam (Kerala), Bhogali Bihu Q.631. Which festival traces its origin to
(Assam), Pongal (Tamil Nadu), Gudi (c) Mizoram (d) West Bengal the Tibetan New Year and in Ladakh, it is
Padwa (Maharashtra), Ugadi (Andhra Sol.626.(a) Assam. Rajini Gabra and celebrated every year at the end of the
Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka). Harni Gabra is an annual festival of the harvesting season?
Dimasa tribe. This socio-religious festival SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift)
Q.622. Of which of the following states is (a) Losar festival (b) Matho Nagrang
Jallikattu a famous bull-taming festival ? is celebrated before starting new
cultivation. (c) Yuru Kabgyat (d) Dosmoche
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Karnataka (b) Kerala Q.627. Nag Panchami is celebrated in Sol.631.(a) Losar festival: It is
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu which month of Hindu Calendar? celebrated in India in various parts such
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift) as Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Sikkim,
Sol.622.(d) Tamil Nadu. Jallikattu : Part The Lahaul district of Himachal Pradesh.
of Pongal celebrations on Mattu Pongal (a) Shravan (b) Kartik
(c) Sharad (d) Asadh It marks the beginning of the Tibetan
day which occurs annually in January. new year. It is usually celebrated by the
Some Other Festivals : Natyanjali Dance Sol.627.(a) Shravan. Other festivals in tribes who believe in the Mahayana sect
Festival, Karthigai Deepam, Aadi Shravan month - Raksha Bandhan, of Buddhism like the Sherdukpens,
Perukku. Hariyali Teej, Narali Purnima. Kartik Khamba, Memba, Monpa tribe, etc.
Q.623. Kajari festival is celebrated in Month festival - Karwa Chauth, Rama
Ekadashi, Dhanteras, Lakshmi Puja Q.632. The 'Kambala' festival is
which of the following states ? organised by farming communities in the
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd shift) (Deewali), Bhaiya Dooj, Chhath Puja.
Ashad - Jagannath Rathyatra, Guru state of ________.
(a) Punjab (b) Jharkhand SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Karnataka Purnima, Yogini Ekadashi. Sharad
Purnima is the harvest festival that is (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Rajasthan
Sol.623.(c) Chhattisgarh. Kajari Festival - celebrated during the holy month of (c) Karnataka (d) Madhya Pradesh
as a procession. Sol.643.(d) Jammu and Kashmir. Navreh
Q.634. Doongri festival of Himachal - It falls on the first day of the Chaitra
Pradesh is primarily celebrated by which Q.639. Makaravilakku festival is Navratri. On this day Kashmiri pandits
religious community? celebrated in which of the following look at a bowl of rice which is considered
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift) Indian states ? as a symbol of riches and fertility.
(a) Buddhist (b) Sikh Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu Q.644.__________ is a festival of sowing
(c) Muslim (d) Hindu
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka seeds in the field. It is a major festival
marks the end of the winter solstice. (a) Lohri (b) Hola Mohalla customary dance festival, celebrated
(c) Teej (d) Baisakhi annually in Sikkim falls on the 28th and
Q.649. Kicheri is a harvest festival and 29th day of the tenth month according to
involves ritual bathing, celebrated majorly Sol.654.(d) Baisakhi (Sikh New Year) the Tibetan calendar and December
in _________. commemorates the formation of Khalsa month according to the English calendar.
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) Panth by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699. It is
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Haryana mainly celebrated in the states of Punjab Q.659. A Hindu festival celebrated by the
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Gujarat and Haryana. It is a spring harvest Tamil community that falls in the Tamil
in different states with different names - (three-day long Sikh festival which (c) Onam (d) Thaipusam
Uttarayan in Gujarat, Maghi in Punjab, normally falls in March), Teej (also
Magha Saaji in Himachal Pradesh, Sol.659.(d) Thaipusam (This festival is
known as Teeyan, dedicated to the onset
Sol.651.(d) Galdan Namchot is often Sol.656.(b) Puthandu (Puthuvarudam, Q.661. Which Indian religious festival has
celebrated in Tibet, Mongolia and Tamil New Year). Chittirai (14 April) on recently been included in the
Ladakh. This Festival marks the the Tamil calendar, celebrated as a representative list of intangible cultural
beginning of the New Year in Ladakh. festival by Tamil Hindus of Tamil Nadu heritage of humanity by UNESCO, an
and Puducherry. organisation of the United Nations?
Q.652. Which among the following is the SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
monsoon mud festival of Goa ? Q.657. Wangala festival is celebrated by (a) Durga Puja (b) Ramnavami
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (4th Shift) which of the following tribes? (c) Janmashtami (d) Mahashtami
(a) Sarhul (b) Karma SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(c) chikal kalo (d) Ladainha (a) Bhil tribe (b) Garo tribe Sol.661.(a) Durga Puja (Durgotsava or
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Sharadotsav) is a ten-day Hindu festival. Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Himalayan Festival, Doongri Fair, Sazo
The festival of Durga Puja is observed to (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Goa Festival, Phulaich Festival, Sair Festival,
celebrate the triumph of goddess Durga (c) Sikkim (d) Rajasthan Nuala Festival, Khepa Festival, Minjar
over Mahishasura. It is held in September Fair, Renuka Fair, Markand Fair, Rali Puja
or October in Kolkata (West Bengal). It Sol.666.(a) Madhya Pradesh. Other Festival, Deotsidh Fair.
was included in the UNESCO List of festivals - Meghnad parv (Gond tribe),
Intangible Cultural Heritage (2021, List Ratona (Baiga tribe), Bhagoriya (bhil Q.672. ‘Maru Mahotsav’ also known as
was established in 2008). tribe), etc. desert festival is celebrated in ______.
SSC MTS 20/07/2022 (Morning)
Q.662. Guru Purnima, a festival Q.667. Sammakka-Sarakka Jatara is (a) Jaipur (b) Leh
celebrated by Hindus, Jains and celebrated in which of the following (c) Jaisalmer (d) Srinagar
Buddhists in India falls in which month of states of India?
Hindu calendar? Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Sol.672.(c) Maru Mahotsav (Jaisalmer
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift) (a) Odisha (b) Tamil Nadu desert festival) is held in the Hindu
(a) Kartika (b) Vaisakha (c) Telangana (d) Chhattisgarh month of Magh (February), three days
(c) Sravana (d) Ashadha prior to the full moon. The festival is
Sol.667.(c) Telangana. Festivals of celebrated amidst the beautiful dunes of
Sol.662.(d) Ashadha. It is observed on Telangana - Bathukamma, Bonalu, the Thar Desert in the Sam dunes.
the Full Moon day (Purnima) in the Hindu Medaram Jatara.
month of Ashadha (June -July). Guru Q.673. In which district of Rajasthan is
Q.668. The International Sand Art festival the Elephant festival celebrated every
Purnima (Vyaas Purnima) is celebrated in is usually held in _______.
India, Nepal, and Bhutan by Hindus, year?
SSC MTS 13/07/2022 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 21/07/2022 (Morning)
Jains, and Buddhists.
(a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra (a) Alwar (b) Kota (c) Jaipur (d) Ajmer
Q.663. Thiruvathira is a cultural festival (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Odisha
of which of the following Indian states? Sol.673.(c) Jaipur. Elephant Festival, a
Sol.668.(d) Odisha. Art Festivals of India: traditional festival of Rajasthan, held
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon)
Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (Mumbai). every year at Jaipur Polo Ground on the
(a) Karnataka (b) Kerala
Ellora-Ajanta International Festival day of Holi.
(c) Telangana (d) Tamil Nadu
(Aurangabad). Surajkund Crafts Mela
Sol.663.(b) Kerala. The 'Thiruvathira' (Haryana). Taj Mahotsav (Agra). Q.674. The Deccan festival is a five-day
festival is celebrated to commemorate Serendipity Arts Festival (Goa). long festival which reflects the culture of
the plea of Goddess Parvathi who used the Deccan. The festival is associated
Q.669. The Festival of Salhesh is with which state?
to regularly observe fast on Thiruvathira
celebrated in the state of:
Bihar - Chhath Puja, Buddha Jayanti, Q.675. Soorya Classical Dance Festival is
(a) Sekrenyi festival (b) Losoong festival
Sonepur Cattle Fair, Rajgir Mahotsav, held in ________ for 10 days every year.
(c) Hornbill festival (d) Majuli festival
Q.683. Kaveri Sankramana is a festival observed by and for women, Teeyan or
Sol.678.(a) Ossuary Feast. Goddess celebrated in____in the month of October. Punjabi. Teeyan begins on the third day
Jagadhatri Puja is worshiped in the West SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) of Saawan Maas and ends on Saawan
Bengal region. Gajan is a Hindu festival, (a) Telangana (b) Andhra Pradesh Purnima, spanning a total of thirteen
associated with such deities as (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka days.
Shiva-Parvati. Kalpataru Utsav is an
Sol.683.(d) Karnataka. Kaveri Q.689. In which festival of Maharashtra
annual religious festival observed by Sankramana is celebrated at Talakaveri in
monks of the Ramakrishna Math. and Chhattisgarh, are the bullocks and
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Ganga Dussehra (b) Pola festival
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Goa (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Vata Poornima (d) Jiviti Puja
(c) Kerala (d) Himachal Pradesh (c) Kerala (d) Goa
Festival, Attuvela Mahotsavam; Tamil Q.685. Drukpa Tsechi, a festival Amavasya (the new moon day) in the
Nadu - Chithirai Thiruvizha Festival; celebrated in Sikkim, is associated with month of Shravana (usually in August).
Karnataka- Vairamudi Garuda Utsavam which of the following personalities?
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) Q.690. Which of the following festivals is
Festival, Karaga Festival; Andhra Pradesh
(a) Mahavir Swami (b) Lord Rama called the month of merits and is
- Kotappakonda Temple Fair; Uttarakhand
(c) Lord Buddha (d)LordKrishna celebrated between May and June?
- Nanda Devi Festival, Vaikunth
SSC CHSL 9/08/2021 (Evening)
Chaturdashi Mela.
Sol.685.(c) Lord Buddha. This festival (a) Saga Dawa (b) Bhanu Jaati
Q.680. The Kodava community of Coorg celebrates Lord Buddha's first preaching (c) Losar (d) Losoong
worships weapons during the ______ of the Four Noble Truths to his first five
disciples at Sarnath. Sol.690.(a) Saga Dawa. It is the most
significant and sacred for the followers
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Morning)
Q.686. In which of the following months of Mahayana Buddhism who, on this
(a) Madai (b) Kailpodh
is the ‘Valvil Ori Vizha’ festival of Tamil auspicious occasion, commemorate
(c) Thaipusam (d) Bhagoriya
Nadu celebrated? Lord Buddha’s birth, his attainment of
Sol.680.(b) Kailpodh. It is celebrated in SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Afternoon) enlightenment and salvation from this
September. Kail means weapon or armor (a) June (b) January (c) May (d) August corporeal world. It is celebrated in
and Pold means festival. Puttari is the Sikkim.
Sol.686.(d) August. It is celebrated in a
harvest festival of Kodava community.
grand manner in the Kolli Hills of Tamil Q.691. Arthunkal Feast and Vettukad
Q.681. Which of the following festivals is Nadu. Festival are church festivals from the
also known as the 'Manipuri New Year' ? state of ______.
Q.687. ______ festival in the Bastar region SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Morning)
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Evening)
and goddesses at the sacred site Sol.696.(d) Karnataka. Kadalekayi Sol.700.(b) Assam. Ambubachi Mela is
Haraothel of Koubru Hill. Parishe is an annual groundnut fair held an annual four-day Hindu mela held at
in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, at the Bull Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati, Assam.
Temple, usually in November or It symbolizes the fertility cult of Goddess
Fairs December. Dedicated to Lord Ganesha, it Kamakhya. Other Fair of Assam -
marks the harvest season for Jonbeel Mela.
Q.693. Bhavnath Mahadev fair is held groundnuts. The fair features prayers,
every year in which of the following cultural events, and local markets where Q.701. Bahu Mela in_______is the major
places? farmers sell their fresh produce. It is a festival held at the Kali Temple in the
SSC MTS 14/10/2024 (1st Shift) centuries-old tradition celebrating Bahu Fort twice a year.
(a) Jabalpur (b) Chennai Karnataka's agricultural heritage. Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
worldwide tourist attraction. Other fairs Sol.697.(c) West Bengal. Poush Mela is Festival, Saffron Festival and Gurez
celebrated in Gujarat: Chitra-Vichitra Fair, an annual fair and festival that takes
Dangs Durbar Fair, Shamlaji Fair, and place in Santiniketan, in Birbhum District,
Tarnetar Fair (Trinetrashwar Mahadev marking the harvest season. Other Fair of Q.702. The Dang Darbar Fair is held
Fair). West Bengal - Kenduli Mela, Bhim Mela, every year in which Indian state?
Rash Mela, Ganga Sagar Mela, Jalpesh Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Q.694. In which of the following states is
Mela, Kolkata Book Fair. (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Rajasthan
the Bhadaravi Poonam Mela organised
(c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat
every year in the Nilkanth Mahadev Q.698. Gangaur Festival, Pushkar Fair,
temple premises in Babra? Nagaur Fair and Urs Fair are the popular Sol.702.(d) Gujarat. Dangs Darbar is a
SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (2nd Shift) fairs and festivals of which state? fair held during the Holi festival in Ahwa
(a) Rajasthan (b) Himachal Pradesh SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift) district in Gujarat. Traditionally, tribal
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Gujarat (a) Rajasthan (b) Tripura people perform dance and music,
(c) Punjab (d) Maharashtra celebrating it as a festival. Notable
Sol.694.(d) Gujarat. Ambaji Bhadarvi
festivals in Gujarat include Navratri, Rann
Poonam Fair takes place in the month of Sol.698.(a) Rajasthan. Other fairs and Utsav, International Kite Festival
Bhadarvo Ambaji, Gujarat. The fair is festivals in Rajasthan: Camel Festival, (Uttarayan), Modhera Dance Festival,
organized by the Shri Arasuri Ambaji Mahaveerji Fair, Baneshwar Fair , Kolayat Makar Sankranti, Janmashtami, and
Mata Devasthan Trust and the Fair, Marwar Festival, and Dhulandi Diwali.
Banaskantha District Administration. The Festival. Fairs and Festivals of India:
fair is considered a major religious Tripura - Poush Sankranti, Garia, and Q.703. Identify the cultural festival on the
gathering in western India, with over 25 Kharchi. Punjab - Chhappar Mela, Lohri, basis of given clues:
lakh devotees visiting the temple town. Hola Mohalla, and Baisakhi. Maharashtra i) This festival brings together craftsmen
Other Fair of Gujarat - Tarnetar Fair, - Banganga Festival, and Pola Festival. like potters, embroiderers, weavers, wood
b) It begins on Purnima (full moon night) Ashwin Amavasya Mela is celebrated in
(a) Cuttack (b) Sambalpur
and Kartik month. Uttar Pradesh.
(c) Jaipur (d) Alwar
c) It is celebrated in the Madhya Pradesh
Sol.704.(d) Alwar (Rajasthan). The Shri
Jagannathji Mela starts with a SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (1st shift)
(a) Both a and b (b) Both a and c
procession of Lord Jagannath passing Q.713. AR Rehman, Gulzar and _____ won
through the city. Other Fairs of Rajasthan: (c) Both b and c (d) a, b, c
the 52nd annual Grammy Award for the
Karni Mata Mela (Bikaner); Beneshwar
Sol.708.(a) Both a and b. Sonepur Cattle best motion picture song ‘Jai ho’.
Mela (Dungarpur) and Pushkar Fair Fair is one of Asia's largest cattle fairs, SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(Ajmer). organized at the confluence of two rivers, (a) Danny Boyle (b) Tanvi Shah
the Ganga and Gandak in Bihar. Nagaji (c) Dev Patel (d) Freida Pinto
Q.705. The world's largest camel fair is
held in which of the following cities? Fair is celebrated in the tribal area of
Sol.713.(b) Tanvi Shah. She is the first
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (1st Shift) Madhya Pradesh.
Indian Woman to win a Grammy Award.
(a) Bikaner (b) Pushkar Q.709. Sheorinarayan fair is held in Grammy Award is given in the field of
(c) Barmer (d) Udaipur which of the following states? Music. It is presented by the Recording
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (4th shift) Academy of the United States. First
Sol.705.(b) Pushkar (Rajasthan) camel
(a) West Bengal (b) Jharkhand Indian who won a grammy award was
fair held each November at the time of
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Madhya Pradesh Pandit Ravi Shankar. A R Rahman won
the Kartik Purnima. Fairs/Festivals of
Two Grammy Awards in 2010. The record
Rajasthan : Bikaner camel festival is Sol.709.(c) Chhattisgarh. The fair is held for the most Grammy Awards won is held
celebrated in the month of January. every year in the month of February by Beyoncé (USA).
Barmer Cattle Fair is held every year in during the Magh Purnima. The
the months of March and April. The Sherorinarayan Temple which is devoted Q.714. With which of the following
Mewar festival Udaipur, is held each year to Lord Rama is the main venue of this states is the Bhatiali folk music, which is
in March-April to welcome spring. The Fair. mostly sung by the fishermen,
Bundi Festival is celebrated in the month associated ?
of Kartik (October-November). Q.710. Ganga Sagar Mela is conducted
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift)
at the mouth of the river Hooghly in ____.
(a) Kerala (b) Andhra Pradesh
Q.706. Kumbh Mela and Sangam are SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(c) West Bengal (d) Odisha
famous in which state? (a) West Bengal (b) Bihar
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift) (c) Goa (d) Andhra Pradesh Sol.714.(c) West Bengal. Bhatiali music
(a) Meghalaya (b) Uttar Pradesh is a river song characterized by its soulful
Sol.710.(a) West Bengal. Gangasagar
(c) Manipur (d) Sikkim and melancholic tunes, reflecting the
fair is held annually on the occasion of
Sol.706.(b) Uttar Pradesh. This fair Makar Sankranti (January) on Sagar lives and struggles of the fishermen
starts on the day of Makar Sankranti. Island's southern tip, where the Ganges community. Other folk music of West
This fair is held every 12 years, with the river enters the Bay of Bengal. This Bengal: Baul, Bhawaia, Kirtan, Gambhira,
location of the observance rotating confluence is Gangasagar. Fairs of West Shyama Sangeet, Lalon Geeti. Other
among four pilgrimage sites on the four Bengal: Bera Utsav, Orange Festival, Rath States and their folk music: Kerala -
sacred rivers: Ganga at Haridwar, Triveni Yatra Festival, Jalpesh Festival, Ramkeli Kathakali Music, Mappila Pattu,
Sangam at Prayagraj, the Godavari at Mela, Poush Mela, Raas Mela, Book Fair Ottamthullal Songs, Sopanam, Kolkali.
Nashik, and Shipra at Ujjain. Ardha (half) & Film Festival, etc. Andhra Pradesh - Madiga Dappu, Mala
Sol.716.(b) Pandavani. It is a folk music (a) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B (b) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A
forms in Carnatic Classical is the
tradition from Chhattisgarh. It narrates (c) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A (d) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C
simplest composition of raga?
the story of the five Pandava brothers SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift)
Sol.719.(b) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A. "Aye Mere
(protagonists of the epic Mahabharata). (a) Kirtnam (b) Varnam
Watan Ke Logo" is a patriotic song
This age-old musical form was kept alive (c) Gitam (d) Pada
written in Hindi by Kavi Pradeep,
by performers like Teejan Bai, Jhaduram
composed by C. Ramchandra, and sung
Devangan, Ritu Verma, Usha Barle and Sol.723.(c) Gitam. The main traditional
by singer Lata Mangeshkar. Jana Gana
Shantibai Chelak. Folk songs of forms of improvisation in Carnatic music
Chandra Chatterjee.
scholarly compositions in Telegu and
Q.717. Who is known as the ‘Father of Tamil.
Q.720. Which folk music does NOT
Carnatic Music’?
belong to Nagaland?
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift) Q.724. Who among the following wrote
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift)
(a) Vidyaranya the popular Telugu patriotic song
Sol.726.(c) Agra Gharana was founded Sol.730.(d) AR Rahman. Some Patriotic Q.734. Community tradition is related to
by Haji Sujan Khan. Agra was an songs and their Singers: ‘Aye mere watan which of the following music streams?
important part of Braj Bhumi, the land of ke logo’ (Lata Mangeshkar), ‘Yeh Desh SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Shri Krishna, and home to Bhakti and Sufi Hai Veer Jawanon Ka’ (Mohammed Rafi), (a) Hindustani Classical Music
saints like Surdas and Raskhan. The ‘Bharat Ka Rahnewala Hoon’ (Mahendra (b) Karnataka Classical Music
Gwalior Gharana, considered the oldest Kapoor), ‘Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani’ (c) Hindustani Lokgeet
Khayal Gharana in Indian classical music, (Udit Narayan), ‘Aao Bachho Tumhe (d) Karnataka Lokgeet
was founded by Nathan Khan, and
Tansen was one of its earliest and most na
Dikhaye’ (Kavi Pradeep), ‘Nanha Munna
Rahi Hun’ (Shanti Mathur), ‘Ae Watan Sol.734.(a) Hindustani Classical Music
famous vocalists. Tere Liye (Mohammad Aziz & Kavita is traditionally passed down through oral
Krishnamurthy)’, ‘Teri Mitti’ (B Praak), traditions in a teacher-student
Q.727. In classical Carnatic music, ‘Sandese Aate Hai’ (Sonu Nigam & Roop (guru-shishya) relationship within
tempo is called as ________. Kumar Rathod). Gharanas (musical schools), which
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift) preserve unique styles and reflect
(a) padam (b) gita (c) laya (d) achala Q.731. In which of the following states community traditions across different
are the Pai songs accompanied by the regions.
Sol.727.(c) laya. Carnatic music Saria dance sung during the rain
originated in South India whereas festivals? Q.735. Which folk music is a mix of
Hindustani music originated in North SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) Indian and western music and is popular
India. Different forms of Carnatic Music: in Goa?
Carnatic music), Kirtanam (focused on Sol.731.(c) Madhya Pradesh. Pai song is (c) Pawada (d) Maand
devotion), and Kriti (an evolved form of sung to pray for a good monsoon and a
Kirtanam). good harvest. The Saira dance is Sol.735.(a) Mando. It is a beautiful
performed by members of the peasant dance performance and represents the
Q.728. In Hindustani classical music, community to seek the blessings of Lord meeting point of Indian and western
according to Vishnu Narayana Indra (rain god) for a good harvest. Other traditions. Other fairs and festivals of
Bhatkhande, how many thaats are the festivals of Madhya Pradesh: Lokrang Goa include: Fatorpa Zatra, Shigmo
origins of ragas? Festival, Akhil Bharatiya Kalidas Festival, Shirgao Jatra, Sao Joao Festival,
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) Samaroh, Lokranjan or Khajuraho Sangodd, Chikalkalo, and Tripurari
(a) 72 (b) 52 (c) 10 (d) 20 Festival, Bhagoria Haat Festival, Nagaji Poornima. Marwar Festival (originally
Fair, and Chethiyagiri Vihara Festival. known as the Maand Festival) is
Sol.728.(c) 10. These 10 thaats are: celebrated in memory of the heroes of
Bilawal, Khamaj, Kafi, Asavari, Bhairav, Q.732. The music of traditional Rajasthan.
Bhairavi, Todi, Purvi, Marwa, Yaman. _________consists of thumri and other
Each thaat has a specific arrangement of lyrical song forms. Q.736. Who has written the patriotic
whole and half steps, and ragas are SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (2nd shift) song ‘Sandese Aate Hai’?
derived from these thaats by using (a) Kathakali (b) Sattriya SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift)
different combinations of notes, (c) Kathak (d) Kuchipudi (a) Irshad Kamil (b) Javed Akhtar
ornamentations, and emotional (c) Gulzar (d) Sameer Anjan
expressions. Sol.732.(c) Kathak. The word "Kathak" is
derived from "Katha," meaning story. Sol.736.(b) Javed Akhtar. His other
Q.729. Which of the following songs did Kathak has three main schools or songs - Kandho Se Milte Hain Kandhe
AR Rahman record with Michael gharanas-Lucknow, Jaipur, and (Lakshya); Ye Jo Des Hai Tera
Jackson? Banaras-each with its unique emphasis. (Swadesh). His awards: Padma Bhushan
Sol.737.(b) Dhrupad is a genre in Q.741. Which statement about Classical Sol.744.(a) A love poem. A type of lyrical
Hindustani classical music (HCM). Other Carnatic Music is correct? composition that often deals with
vocal forms associated with HCM: SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) themes of love, devotion, or emotions. It
Khayal, Ghazal, Dhammar, Tarana and (a) The compositions are either in is known for its expressive and emotive
Thumri. Main traditional forms of Telugu, Kannada, Tamil or Sanskrit. qualities. Some key terminologies: raga,
Carnatic music: Alapana, Niraval, Pallavi, (b) The compositions are either in tala, krithi, varnam, pallavi, anupallavi,
Ragam, Kalpnaswaram, Thana. Marathi, Odia, Konkani or Bengali. charanam, alapana, javali, tillana,
(c) The compositions are either in swaram.
Q.738. 'Pankhida' songs are sung by Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi or Sanskrit.
peasants of _____ while working on the Q.745. Which statement about Syama
(d) The compositions are either in
fields. Sastri is correct?
Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil or Bengali.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh Sol.741.(a) Carnatic music in the South (a) His famous composition is
(c) Rajasthan (d) Odisha Indian languages, is a system of music Pancharatna Kritis.
commonly associated with South India, (b) His signature name was Guruguha.
Sol.738.(c) Rajasthan. 'Pankhida' songs (c) A crater on planet mercury is named
including the modern Indian states of
(Karnataka and Maharashtra), Bhangra Carnatic Music. They are credited with
Balamuralikrishna, Semmangudi
and Giddha (Punjab), Lavani creating a new era in Carnatic music
Srinivasa Iyer, Bombay Jayashri, Aruna
(Maharashtra), Alha (Madhya Pradesh) history by bringing about a noticeable
and Panihari, Pankhida and Maand change in the existing tradition.
(Rajasthan). Tyagaraja: A Telugu composer known for
wall painting tradition in Bihar, Jharkhand (a) Patiala Gharana (b) Agra Gharana Subhash Chandra Bose - “Jai Hind”, “Tum
and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. States and
(c) Dagari Gharana (d) Indore Gharana Mujhe Khoon Do, Mai Tumhe Azadi
their folk music: Bihar- Bidesia, Kajari, Dunga”. Mahatma Gandhi - “Karo ya
and Sukar ki Biah. Uttar Pradesh- Birha, Sol.752.(c) Dagari Gharana. Umakant
Maro”. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee -
Nauka Jhakkad, Kajri, Rasiya etc. and Ramakant Gundecha are together “Vande Mataram”. Pandit Madan Mohan
known as the Gundecha Brothers. They
Q.749. What is Miyan ki Todi in Malviya - “Satyameva Jayate”.
received the Sangeet natak academy
Hindustani music ? award in 2017. Hindustani Music Q.756. 'The forty minutes raga’ is an
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift) Gharanas and founders: Gwalior album composed by _________ .
(a) Kirtan (b) Tanam (c) Chhand (d) Raag (Nanthan Khan); Agra (Hajisujan Khan); SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Rangeela (Faiyyaz Khan); Jaipur Atrauli (a) Bhimsen Joshi
its name to the Todi thaat, one of the ten Q.753. In the Hindustani music system,
types of classical music according to the the ________ are allotted to different Sol.756.(c) Ali Akbar Khan (Sarod
musicologist Bhatkhande.
hours of the day and different seasons. player). He was an Indian Hindustani
Ragas from the Todi raganga (class of SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift) classical musician of the Maihar
ragas) include Bilaskhani Todi, Gujari
(a) ragas (b) gita (c) varnas (d) srutis gharana. His other Album name : Garden
Todi (also called Gurjari Todi), Desi Todi, of Dreams, In Concert 1972, The 80
Hussaini Todi, Asavari Todi and Bahaduri Sol.753.(a) ragas. Its schedules: Four Minute Raga, Shree Rag. His awards :
Todi. praharas (periods) in the first half of the Padma Vibhushan (1989), Padma
day and four in the second half. Srutis Bhushan (1967). Other Indian sarod
Q.750. The famous folk music of divide the frequencies in an octave into
Rajasthan that was developed in royal players : Amjad Ali Khan, Amaan Ali
22 distinct parts. Varnam is a musical Khan, Satyaki Banerjee.
courts is known as: form in Carnatic music. In Hindustani
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift) music, there are various singing styles, Q.757. Who is the author of the poetry
(a) Maand (b) Lavani including Dhrupad, Tappa, Chaturang, 'Chand Pukhraj Ka'?
(c) Sohar (d) Dandiya Ragasagar, Dhamar, Hori, Khayal, Tarana, Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Sol.750.(a) Maand. It is similar to the Sargam, and Thumri. (a) Anand Bakshi (b) Gulzar
thumri and the ghazal. Folk music and (c) Gurmel Singh (d) Shailendra
Q.754. The Lucknow Gharana which
dance styles of Rajasthan: Ghoomar, came into existence in the time of Wajid Sol.757.(b) Gulzar. His awards :
Bhavai, Kachhi Ghodi, Kalbelia, Kathputli. Ali Shah was developed by who among Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2013;
Other folk dance: Lavani is a folk dance the following? Padma Bhushan in 2004; Sahitya
and music genre that originated in SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift) Akademi Award for Urdu in 2002. His
Maharashtra. Sohar is sung during (a) Ustad Bakhtawar Khan other Poems - Triveni, Raat Pashmine Ki,
Childbirth in Bihar. Dandiya (Dandiya (b) Pandit Kalka Prasad Suspected Poems. Anand Bakshi -
Raas) performed during the Navaratri (c) Pandit Thakur Prasad Nagme, Kisse, Baatein, Yaadein. Gurmel
festival in Gujarat. (d) Pandit Bindawar Prasad Singh - Economic Liberalisation and
Q.751. In which Gharana do singers Indian Agriculture. Shailendra - Na Bairi
Sol.754.(c) Pandit Thakur Prasad. The Na Koi Begana.
perform the Khandhar Vani and Gauhar
19th century saw the golden age of
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Q.758. Who was the singer of the life - sustaining character of the (Maharashtra), Bhavgeet (Karnataka),
famous song 'Mere Desh Ki Dharti Sona Brahmaputra. Bhuta song of Kerala is Nattupura Pattu (Tamil Nadu), Zeliang
Ugle' from the film 'Upkar' (1967) ? based on superstitions to send away evil (Nagaland), Maand (Rajasthan), Kajari
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) ghosts and spirits. (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar), Baryi (Arunachal
(a) KJ Yesudas (b) Suresh Wadkar Pradesh).
(c) Manna Dey (d) Mahendra Kapoor Q.763. Qawwali was brought in India
from _____. Q.768. Owi, a typical folk song which is
Sol.758.(d) Mahendra Kapoor (Indian SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift) made up of couplets describing women’s
playback singer) received Padma Shri (a) Turkey (b) Mongolia maternal and marital homes and is sung
(1972). Famous Patriotic songs: "Hai (c) Saudi Arabia (d) Persia by village womenfolk while performing
preet jahan ki reet sada, main geet routine chores throughout the day,
wahan ke gata hoon" (Mahendra Kapoor), Sol.763.(d) Persia. Qawwali is religious belongs to which state?
“Des rangila" (Mahalakshmi Iyer), "Maa Sufi music that celebrates devotion and SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Afternoon)
tujhe salam" (AR Rahman), "Kar chale one's relationship with God. Amir (a) Mizoram (b) Goa
hum fida jaan-o-tan saathiyon” Khusrau is the popularly acknowledged (c) Assam (d) Maharashtra
(Mohammed Rafi), "Aye mere pyare father of Qawwali. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
watan, aye mere bichchde chaman, recognised as "Shahenshah-e-Qawwali". Sol.768.(d) Maharashtra.
tujhpe dil qurban" (Manna Dey). Q.764. Which of the following pairs of Q.769. Which of the following is a form
Q.759. Rabindra Sangeet is associated Thumri Singing-characteristics is correct ? of devotional poetry sung in praise of
with: I. Poorab - fairly slow and staid God Vithoba?
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift) II. Punjab - more mercurial SSC MTS 12/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Rabi (b) Ravindra Jain SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning) (a) Shabad (b) Abhang
(c) Rabindranath Tagore (d) Ravi Shankar (a) Only I (b) Both I and II (c) Tevaram (d) Bhatiali
(c) Only II (d) Neither I nor II
Sol.759.(c) Rabindranath Tagore. Sol.769.(b) Abhangs are sung during the
Rabindra Sangeet is a set of folk songs Sol.764.(b) Both (I) and (II). The thumri pilgrimage to the temples of Pandharpur,
sung during festivals and rituals in West is another North Indian vocal form and is by the devotees. Tevaram - The Ancient
Bengal. Folk songs in West Bengal : based on the romantic-devotional Tamil Shaivite Devotional Hymns of
Bhatiali, baul. literature inspired by the bhakti Tamil Sangam Period. Shabads are
movement. The text is usually derived devotional songs of the Sikhs sung in
Q.760.Who is credited with creating the from the Radha-Krishna theme and is of gurdwaras or religious occasions.
popular Raga Miya Ki Malhar? primary importance.
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift) Q.770. Bhalari is one of the popular folk
(a) Tansen (b) Amir Khusrau Q.765. ______ is a vocal form of music songs of ______, sung by farmers while
(c) Meera Bai (d) Zakir Hussain from the state of Punjab. working in their fields.
SSC CGL 13/04/2022(Morning) SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
Sol.760.(a) Tansen. Compositions - (a) Qawwali (b) Ghazal (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
Darbari Kanhra (night raga), Mian Ki Todi (c) Tappa (d) Bhajan (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Bihar
(morning raga), Mian ki Sarang (mid-day
raga). Miya ki Malhar (seasonal raga). Sol.765.(c) Tappa. The ghazal is a form Sol.770.(b) Maharashtra.
of amatory poem or ode, originating in
Q.761. Carnatic music is confined to____. Arabic poetry. Bhajan refers to any Q.771. Padavali Kirtan refers to songs
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift) devotional song with a religious theme or composed in the medieval period of
(a) Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and spiritual ideas, specifically among Indian West Bengal (15th to 17th century) in
Rajasthan religions, in any language. praise of ______.
(b) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Morning)
Haryana Q.766. Lalita is a form of folk music from (a) Shakti (b) Vishnu
(c) Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and ______. (c) Shiva (d) Brahma
Haryana SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Rajasthan Sol.771.(b) Vishnu. The term padavali
(d) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
(c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat literally means "gathering of songs".
Nadu and Kerala
Q.772. A Shadava Raga has only ______
Sol.761.(d) Carnatic Music : It is Sol.766.(c) Maharashtra. Famous folk
notes in its scale.
accompanied by instruments such as the music of Maharashtra are Bhajan,
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Afternoon)
flute, veena, nadaswaram, mridangam Bharud, Gondhal, Kirtan, Lalita, Abhangas
(a) seven (b) eight (c) five (d) six
and ghatam. Purandaradasa is and Tumbadi singing.
considered to be the father of Carnatic Sol.772.(d) Six. There are around 83
Q.767. Which of the following is a folk
music. ragas in Indian classical music.
song genre popular in parts of West
Q.762. The most distinctive type of folk Bengal, Assam and Bangladesh?
songs of Assam are ________. SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Evening) Painting/ Dress/ Tribes
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (4th Shift) (a) Chalo (b) Roppi
(a) Qawwali songs (b) Bihu songs (c) Bhawaiya (d) Rekham Pada Q.773. Elelakkaradi dance of Kerala is
(c) Teej songs (d) Bhuta songs performed by which of the following
Sol.767.(c) Bhawaiya. Chalo (folk song tribes?
Sol.762.(b) Bihu songs. It celebrates the of Haryana). Baul (Bengal), Lavani SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
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(a) Irular tribe (b) Kurumba tribe Uttarayan (Gujarat), Maghi (Punjab), family ?
(c) Adiyan tribe (d) Mavilan tribe Magha Saaji (Himachal Pradesh), Khichdi SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Morning)
(Uttar Pradesh), Pongal (Tamil Nadu). (a) Garo (b) Gondi (c) Korwa (d) Bhil
Sol.773.(a) Irular tribe. Elelakkaradi : The
dance resembles the fight of the people Q.778. With the arrival of spring, _______ Sol.782.(d) Bhil. They are considered as
against the wild bears which often attack villages dance to the melodious singing one of the oldest tribes in India. They
their tribal hamlets. of 'Bagurumba'. were mainly found in parts of Rajasthan,
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Gujarat, Malwa, Madhya Pradesh and
Q.774. Which country do the ‘Veddas’
(a) Bodo (b) Khasi (c) Garo (d) Karbi Bihar. Pahari Korwa is mainly
traditional forest dwellers who foraged,
concentrated in Jashpur, Sarguja and
hunted and lived in close-knit groups in Sol.778.(a) Bodo. Other tribes and their Raigarh districts of Chhattisgarh. They
caves in the dense jungles? dances : Khasi - Nongkrem dance. Garo - are a branch of the Kolarian tribe and
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift) Wangala dance. Karbi - Domahi Kikang speak Mundari language.
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal dance.
(c) Myanmar (d) Bhutan Q.783. Warli Painting is the folk painting
Q.779. Santhal community is an ethnic of state of India.
Sol.774.(a) Sri Lanka. Some tribes from group of ________ India.
different countries : Nepal - Tamang, SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Morning)
Newar, Tharu, Rai, Limbu, and Bhutia. (a) Manipur (b) Mizoram
(a) eastern (b) northern
Myanmar - Burmese, Rakhine, Kachin, (c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra
(c) southern (d) western
Danu, Lisu. Bhutan - Monpa, Brokpa,
Sol.783.(d) Maharashtra. Warli painting
Bumthangpa, Tibetans. Pakistan - Sol.779. (a) Eastern. Santhal community
is a form of tribal art mostly created by
Pashtuns, Sindhis, Muhajirs. is primarily found in the states of
the tribal people from the North Sahyadri
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha, and
Q.775. In which state is the Raika tribe Range in Maharashtra. Other folk
Bihar. Tribes in five distinct regions are :
found? paintings - Bihar (Madhubani Paintings),
Himalayan region (Gaddi, the Jaunsari,
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (3rd shift) Odisha (Pattachitra Art), Gujarat (Pithora
the Naga, etc.), Middle India (Munda, the
(a) Kerala (b) Manipur Painting), Andhra Pradesh (Kalamkari
Santhal), Western India (Bhil, the Grasia),
(c) West Bengal (d) Rajasthan Paintings), West Bengal (Kalighat Pat
South Indian Region (Toda, the Chenchu)
Art), Miniature Painting (Rajasthan),
and the Islands Region (with tribes like
Sol.775.(d) Rajasthan. The Raika tribe is Tanjore Painting (Tamil Nadu), Gond
the Onge in Bay of Bengal). Highest
renowned for herding animals,
Dhanka, Garasia, Kathodi etc. Q.780. Garo tribe is related with which
originated in the state of ________
region of India?
Q.776. Which of the following tribes does SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon)
NOT live in India? (a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka
near the shores of Lake Victoria and rags. Other famous paintings: Gujarat -
Kurumba, and Irula; Eastern region -
other African Great Lakes." Region wise Rabari Embroidery, Pithora Paintings;
Munda, Santhal, and Oraon; Central
Tribes of India : Western region - Bhil, Karnataka - Mysore painting; Rajasthan -
region - Baiga, Muria, Gonds.
Gond, and Koli; South region - Toda, Phad Paintings.
Kurumba, and Irula; Eastern region - Q.781. Which of the following is NOT a
Q.785. Thangka painting style depicts
Munda, Santhal, and Oraon; Central major tribe of South India?
_________ deity.
region - Baiga, Muria, Gonds. SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(a) Dang (b) Toda (c) Badaga (d) Irula
Q.777. Manipur's ____________ tribe (a) Islamic (b) Buddhist
celebrates the 'Gaan-Ngai' festival, which Sol.781.(a) Dang (Gujarat). Major tribes:- (c) Jewish (d) Hindu
is a post-harvest festival of the tribe Tamil Nadu - Irulas, Badagas, Todas,
Sol.785.(b) Buddhist. Thangka Painting
living in the regions of Manipur. Kotas, Kurumbas; Andhra Pradesh
is a Tibetan Buddhist Painting painted on
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift) -Gadaba, Andh, Sadhu Andh, Thoti;
cotton and silk cloths. Kalighat Painting -
(a) Chothe (b) Zeliangrong Arunachal Pradesh - Apatanis, abor,
(c) Inpui (d) Gangte Dafla, Galong, Momba, Tagin; Assam -
Bodo, Chakma, Dimasa, Hajong, Garos, Q.786. In which of the following states is
Sol.777.(b) Zeliangrong. Gaan-Ngai is
Khasis. Major facts: The Gond and Bhil Bhiti Chitra (fresco painting) a popular
celebrated by the Zeliangrong tribe of
comprise the largest tribal group of India. art form?
Manipur, Nagaland, and Assam. The
The smallest tribal community is the SSC MTS 07/10/2021 (Morning)
festival usually falls in December or
Andamanese. (a) Karnataka (b) Nagaland
January and is a time of feasting,
(c) Haryana (d) Maharashtra
dancing, and merry-making. Some Q.782. Which of the following tribes
harvest festivals celebrated in India: belongs to the Indo - European Linguistic
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Sol.786.(c) Haryana. Mata Mansa Devi Q.792. 'Eravalla, Kadar, Muduvar' are Apatani and Bokar fall under the Tani
Temple, Kalayat Kapil Muni Temple, and languages spoken by the tribes primarily dialect which is a type of Tibeto-Burman
Havelis at Bhiwani possess illustrious in the state of ______. Language and is widely spoken in
examples of such paintings. SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Morning) Arunachal Pradesh.
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala
Q.787. The ‘Paitkar’ paintings are unique (c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra Q.797. ______ is one of the important
cultural symbols of ______. crafts of Uttar Pradesh which entails
SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.792.(a) Tamil Nadu - is also home to delicate traditional hand embroidery on
(a) Jharkhand (b) Chhattisgarh tribal languages such as Irula, Kurumba, fabrics like chiffon, muslin, organza,
(c) Telangana (d) Karnataka Badaga, Yerukala, Sholaga, Kanikaran, organdie and silk.
Malsar, Malapandaram, Wayanad Chetti, SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
Sol.787.(a) Jharkhand. Paitkar painting Muthuvan, Toda, and Kota. (a) Knitting (b) Crochet
is a folk painting found in East India in (c) Chikankari (d) Needle lace
the form of scrolls. The Paitkar painting Q.793. Where in India can we find the
occurs in the bordering areas of Jarawa and the Onge tribes? Sol.797.(c) Chikankari. Chikan in literal
Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa and SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Morning) sense means embroidery. This art form
is considered as the oldest tribal painting (a) Daman and Diu is known to be introduced by Mughals.
of India. (b) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
(c) Chhattisgarh Q.798. Mekhela Chador' is a traditional
Q.788. To which of the following states (d) Arunachal Pradesh dress from the state of:
do 'Kajali Paintings', in which no brush is SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Morning)
used, traditionally belong ? Sol.793.(b) Tribes of Andaman and (a) Tripura (b) Odisha
SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Afternoon) Nicobar Islands : Onges, Jarwas, (c) West Bengal (d) Assam
(a) Jharkhand (b) Tamil Nadu Shompen, and Sentinelese.
(c) Kerala (d) Rajasthan Sol.798.(d) Assam.
Q.794. 'Bauche' is a traditional
Sol.788.(d) Rajasthan. Kajali paintings bridegroom’s sword worn during a tribal Q.799. Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet,
are made from black kajal and stone wedding ceremony in: Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh were
colors, and require extensive hard work SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Evening) famous for their______.
and expert hands. (a) Andhra Pradesh SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening)
(b) Uttar Pradesh (a) artwork (b) western music
Q.789. Which one of the following is a (c) Madhya Pradesh (c) social work (d) ballet performances
ritual folk art traditional to the state of (d) Arunachal Pradesh
Kerala? Sol.799.(a) Artwork.
Thrissur districts. Nauvari (Goa), Jiasen or Dhara Sol.800.(d) Telangana. Chenchus are
(Meghalaya), Risa and Rikutu- (Tripura). Adivasi, a designated Scheduled Tribe in
released into the atmosphere is equal to
Q.804. Anna Chandy, the first Indian Uber Cup, Sudirman Cup.
the amount of carbon that is absorbed by
woman to serve as a judge at a high
Q.808. Who was the first female Indian carbon sinks. Indira Gandhi International
court was appointed in which High
wrestler to win Gold at the Airport (IGIA) in Delhi is the first airport in
Commonwealth Games ? India to achieve net zero carbon
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift) emission status. The Airports Authority
(a) West Bengal (b) Kerala
(a) Babita Phogat (b) Alka Tomar of India (AAI) is a statutory body
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Geeta Phogat (d) Sakshi Malik constituted under the Airports Authority
Sol.804.(b) Kerala. She was the first of India Act, 1994. Founded - 1 April
Sol.808.(c) Geeta Phogat. She achieved 1995. Headquarters - Rajiv Gandhi
female judge in India, the first woman to
this feat in the 55 kg freestyle category at Bhawan (New Delhi).
become a judge of a High Court. She
wrestler to win a medal at the Olympics ? awarded the first Arjuna Award in
Q.805. Ranjana Prakash Desai who
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift)
is recognized as the father of Indian Sol.819.(b) March 1891 - Only Men’s Q.823. Who was appointed as the first
competition. The first World Weightlifting woman Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal
Railways, while John Mathai was the first
railway minister of India. Championships for women took place in Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi ?
the United States in 1987. International SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.816. In which of the following cities Weightlifting Federation (IWF) founded in (a) Geeta Bhat (b) Jayati Ghosh
has India's first underwater train project 1905. Indian Weightlifting Federation (c) Utsa Patnaik (d) Santishree Pandit
been launched ? formed in 1935.
SSCStenographer12/10/2023(Afternoon) Sol.823.(d) Santishree Pandit.
(a) Patna (b) Kolkata Q.820. In which of the following years Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) was
(c) Allahabad (d) Haridwar was the first radio show broadcast in established - 1969 by an act of
India? parliament. G. Parthasarathy was the
Sol.816.(b) Kolkata. Underwater train SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift) First Vice-Chancellor.
project: It is part of the Kolkata Metro's (a) 1923 (b) 1936 (c) 1911 (d) 1927
East-West Corridor. The underwater Q.824. The first Paralympic games were
section of the tunnel passes under the Sol.820.(a) 1923. The Radio Club of held in which year?
Hooghly River. Bombay made the first-ever broadcast in SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
the country in June 1923. The Indian (a) 1962 (b) 1960 (c) 1964 (d) 1961
Q.817. Who was the first defence Broadcasting Company (IBC) came into
minister of India? being on 23 July 1927. All India Radio: Sol.824.(b) 1960. The first Paralympic
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) Founded - 1936, Headquarters - Games - Rome (Italy). First winter
(a) Kailash Nath Katju (b) Baldev Singh Paralympics Games - Sweden (1976).
(India), ICC Women's T20 Champions (c) Mehr Chand Mahajan (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Maharashtra
Trophy 2027 (Sri Lanka). (d) M Patanjali Sastri
Sol.836.(c) Tamil Nadu. India's first
Q.828. When did India win the first World Sol.832.(a) Hiralal Jekisundas Kania. elephant death audit framework:
Cup title in Hockey? The Supreme Court (Article 124) was Introduced in - 2022. The framework
SSC CGL 24/07/2023( 4th shift) established at Calcutta as a court of aims to improve transparency and
(a) 1975 (b) 1978 (c) 1971 (d) 1982 record through the Regulating Act of accountability in the management of
1773. Now, It comprises the Chief elephant deaths in the state.
Sol.828.(a) 1975. India defeated Justice and not more than 33 other
Pakistan under the Captaincy of Ajit Pal judges. Q.837. India participated in the Olympic
Singh in 3rd edition of Hockey World Games for the first time in ______.
Cup. Hosted by - (Malaysia). India has Q.833. Which among the following is SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon
won 8 Gold medals in Olympics hockey India's first Human spaceflight (a) 1908 (b) 1900 (c) 1922 (d) 1904
six of them in a row (from 1928-1956) programme?
Sol.837.(b) 1900. Athlete Norman
and added two more at Tokyo (1964) and SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Evening)
Moscow (1980). (a) Shukrayaan (b) Gaganyaan Pritchard represented India at the Paris
(c) Mangalyaan (d) Chandrayaan - 1 Olympics.
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift) demonstration of human spaceflight officer to be promoted to the rank of field
(a) Indian Petrochemicals Corporation capability. It will be launched at the end marshal ?
Limited of 2023 or in 2024. Mars Orbiter Mission SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(b) Gas Authority of India Limited (MOM, Mangalyaan): Launch vehicle - (a) Vikram Batra (b) Karam Singh
(c) Haldia Petrochemicals Limited PSLV-C25, Date - 5 November 2013. (c) Sam Manekshaw (d) KM Cariappa
(d) National Organic Chemical Industry Chandrayaan-1 (India's first moon Sol.838.(c) Sam Manekshaw: Chief of
Limited mission): Launched on - 22 October the Army Staff of the Indian Army during
2008. Place - SDSC SHAR (Sriharikota). the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Field
Sol.829.(d) National Organic Chemical
Chandrayaan-2: Launched on - 22 July Marshal is a five–star General officer
Industry Limited : It was established in
2019. Launch vehicle - GSLV Mk III-M1. rank and the highest attainable rank in
1961. Other companies and their
Chandrayaan - 3 : Launched on - 14 July the Indian Army. KM Cariappa: First
founding years: Gas Authority of India
2023. Launch vehicle - LVM3 M4. Indian Commander -in-Chief of the Indian
Limited (GAIL) - 1984. Haldia
Petrochemicals Limited - 1985. Dr V. Q.834. Which is the first garden - tomb in Army. Vikram Batra: Martyr of Kargil war,
Krishnamurthy is known as the 'Father of the Indian subcontinent? Param Vir Chakra (1999).
Public Sector Undertakings' in India. SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Afternoon) Q.839. Who was the first woman of
Q.830. Which state had the first female (a) Taj Mahal Indian origin to go to space?
Governor in independent India? (b) Qutb Shahi Tombs SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (2nd shift) (c) Humayun's Tomb (a) Nagin Cox (b) Yogita Shah
(a) West Bengal (b) Rajasthan (d) Aurangzeb's Tomb (c) Kalpana Chawla (d) Sirisha Bandla
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Gujarat Sol.834.(c) Humayun's Tomb (Maqbara-i Sol.839.(c) Kalpana Chawla
Sol.830.(c) Uttar Pradesh (Sarojini Humayun). It is situated in Delhi. It was
Naidu). First female in India : President - designed by Mirak Mirza Ghiyas and his Q.840. Who was the first Indian woman
cinema in 1992 ? Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
first Indian to get an Oscar Award?
(a) Garima Lahiri (b) Apurva Lahiri
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (2nd Shift) SSC MTS 07/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Tarun Majumdar (b) K Viswanath (c) Arundhati Ramsingh (d) Mawya Sudan
(a) Bhanu Athaiya (b) Satyajit Ray
(c) Satyajit Ray (d) T Rama Rao Sol.845.(d) Mawya Sudan. First female (c) AR Rahman (d) Resul Pookutty
Sol.841.(c) Satyajit Ray was the first combat pilots commissioned in the IAF
Sol.850.(a) Bhanu Athaiya. She was a
Indian who received such an award from in 2016: Avani Chaturvedi (became first
costume designer in more than 100
the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts woman fighter pilot of India), Bhawana
movies and won an Oscar award in 1983
and Science. Awards - Dadasaheb Kanth, and Mohana Singh. In 2015, the
for the movie ‘Gandhi’.
Phalke Award (1984), Bharat Ratna Government of India opened up the
(1992). Padma Shri (1958), Padma combat roles to women in the Indian Air Q.851. In which Olympic games did India
Bhushan (1965), JLCCA Ramon Force (IAF) on an experimental basis for win the gold medal in men's hockey, for
Magsaysay Award (1967), Padma five years. First woman pilot of India the first time post-independence?
Vibhushan (1976) etc. (Sarla Thakral). SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Priya Jhingan (b) Harita Kaur Deol (c) Prathama Grameen Bank 1948 Summer Olympics.
(c) Bhawana Kanth (d) Shanti Tigga (d) Vikas Bank
Q.852. Which of the following was the
Sol.842.(c) Bhawana Kanth. Priya Sol.846.(c) Prathama Grameen Bank first language conferred with the status
Jinghan: The First Lady Cadet to join the was set up on October 2, 1975. Owner- of Classical Language in India?
Indian Army Officer. Harita Kaur Deol:The Government of India (50%), Nationalised SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Afternoon)
first Indian woman to fly solo in an Avro Banks (35%), State Governments (15%). (a) Kannada (b) Sanskrit
HS-748 aircraft. Shanti Tigga: She was (c) Tamil (d) Malayalam
Q.847. The first playback song in Hindi
the first female jawan in the Indian Army. Movies was recorded by music directors Sol.852.(c) Tamil. Six languages in India
Q.843. Indian Army’s 1st women combat RC Boral and Pankaj Mullick in which namely Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit, Kannada,
aviator is ___________ . year? Malayalam and Odia have been given the
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (3rd Shift) SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Morning) status of classical language.
(a) Punita Arora (b) Divya Ajit Kumar (a) 1939 (b) 1941 (c) 1943 (d) 1935
Q.853. Who among the following was the
(c) Abhilasha Barak (d) Priya Semwal Sol.847.(d) 1935, for the Nitin first Finance Minister of independent
Bose-directed film, Dhoop Chhaon, by India?
Sol.843.(c) Abhilasha Barak. The Army
music directors RC Boral and Pankaj SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Aviation Corps is a form of the Army that
Mullick (Main khush hona chahun, sung (a) RK Shanmukham Chetty
was formed in November 1986. Punita
by Suprava Sarkar, Parul Ghosh and Uma (b) TT Krishnamachari
Arora was the first woman Lieutenant
Shashi Devi). (c) Syama Prasad Mukherjee
General of the Indian Army. She held the
ranks of Lieutenant General in the Indian Q.848. Who among the following was the (d) Jagjivan Ram
Army and Surgeon Vice Admiral in the first Indian Governor of Reserve Bank of
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Sol.853.(a) RK Shanmukham Chetty was Sol.858.(c) Aryabhatta. Rohini was SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Morning)
the first Finance Minister of independent India's first satellite launched from an (a) Dilip B Bhosale
India when the country's first budget was Indian - made launch vehicle. (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty
tabled in Parliament on 26 November (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose
1947. Q.859. Who among the following was the (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi
first Indian to win a seat in the House of
Q.854. Who among the following was the Commons? Sol.864.(c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose. The
first-ever Indian to receive the Bharat SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) Lokpal has jurisdiction over the central
Ratna award? (a) MN Roy (b) Dadabhai Naoroji government to inquire into allegations of
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) (c) WC Bonnerjee (d) Hasrat Mohani corruption against its public
(a) Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya functionaries and for matters connected
(b) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Sol.859.(b) Dadabhai Naoroji. The House to corruption.
(c) Pandurang Vaman Kane of Commons is the lower house
(d) Purushottam Das Tandon (democratically elected house) of the Q.865. In which year did India host the
Parliament of the United Kingdom. Commonwealth Games?
Sol.854.(b) Chandrasekhara Venkata SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Afternoon)
Raman. Bharat Ratna was introduced on Q.860. Who among the following is the (a) 2018 (b) 2010 (c) 2006 (d) 2014
2nd January 1954. The First 3 persons to first-ever woman fighter pilot to have
receive Bharat Ratna (1954) - C taken part at a Republic Day Parade? Sol.865.(b) In 2010, India hosted the
Rajagopalachari, S Radhakrishnan & CV SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) Commonwealth Games. The event was
Raman. (a) Anny Divya first held in 1930, and with the exception
(b) Bhawna Kanth of 1942 and 1946, has taken place every
Q.855. Which country launched the first (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal four years since then.
artificial satellite Sputnik 1? (d) Avani Chaturvedi
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) Q.866. What is the name of the first
(a) USSR (b) France (c) USA (d) Germany Sol.860.(b) Bhawna Kanth. She was crude oil pipeline constructed in India?
declared as the first combat pilot along SSC CHSL 12/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.855.(a) USSR. It was launched into with two of her cohorts Mohana Singh (a) Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni
an elliptical low Earth orbit by the USSR and Avani Chaturvedi. Pipeline
on 4 October 1957 as part of the Soviet (b) Kandla-Bhatinda Pipeline
space program. Launch site: Baikonur Q.861. Who was the first Director - (c) Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) Gas
been the first sportsperson to receive the (a) Lord Curzon Sol.866.(a) Naharkatia - Nunmati -
Padma Shri award from the Government (b) Alexander Cunningham Barauni Pipeline. The pipeline between
of India? (c) Mortimer Wheeler Naharkatia and Nunmati became
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) (d) John Marshall operational in 1962 and between
(a) Balbir Dosanjh (b) Milkha Singh Nunmati and Barauni in 1964.
(c) Manpreet Singh (d) Dhanraj Pillay Sol.861.(b) Alexander Cunningham. ASI
Shri (1957). He wrote two books: his and the conservation and preservation of Government of India?
autobiography The Golden Hat Trick cultural monuments in the country. SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Evening)
each year on 14th January as a mark of kabaddi court? some of the terms used in ________.
respect and recognition of the services SSC MTS 08/10/2024 (2nd Shift) SSC MTS 29/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
rendered by Field Marshal KM Cariappa, (a) 11 m (b) 15 m (c) 17 m (d) 13 m (a) Horse Polo (b) Golf
the first Indian Commander -in-Chief of (c) Chess (d) Swimming
the Indian Armed Forces who retired on Sol.874.(d) 13 m. The Kabaddi court
14 Jan 1953. measures 13 × 10 meters for men and 12 Sol.878.(b) Golf. A chip is a short golf
× 8 meters for women. It is basically a shot usually made by a player who is
combative sport, with seven players on near, but not on, the putting surface. A
each side; played for a period of 40 condor is perhaps the rarest shot in all of
minutes with a 5 minutes break (20 - 5 - golf. It refers to a golf score that is 4
Q.871. When and where was the first
20). shots under par on any individual hole.
(b) 1888, Church Road site, Wimbledon height? club head, and is used almost exclusively
(c) 1887, Church Road site, Wimbledon SSC MTS 17/10/2024 (3rd Shift) to “drive” the ball from the tee box.
(d) 1887, Worple Road Site, Wimbledon (a) Three chances (b) Two chances
(c) Four chances (d) Six chances Q.879. In basketball, how many points
Sol.871.(a) 1877, Worple Road Site,
are awarded when a basket is scored
Wimbledon. The Wimbledon Open was Sol.875.(a) Three chances. The high from outside the 6.25-metre line ?
organized by the All England Lawn jump is a track and field event in which
(a) London 2012 (b) Rio 2016 hockey team won their first Olympic gold
status at the United Nations in 2009.
(c) Athens 2004 (d) Beijing 2008 medal in this tournament, beating the
Q.887. When was the Indian Hockey Netherlands. The team was led by
Sol.882.(a) London 2012. Gagan Narang Federation established? captain Jaipal Singh and Dhyan Chand,
is an Indian sports shooter and is SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift) who scored the most goals with 14.
associated with air rifle shooting. He won (a) 1925 (b) 1955 (c) 1945 (d) 1935 India's hockey team is the most
the bronze medal in the Men’s 10 meter successful in Olympic history, winning
air rifle event. He received the Arjuna Sol.887.(a) 1925. Indian Hockey eight gold medals in 1928, 1932, 1936,
award in 2005. Indian Shooters : Abhinav Federation was the administrative body 1948, 1952, 1956, 1964, and 1980.
Bindra, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Vijay of field hockey in India. Headquarters -
Kumar, Manu Bhaker, Swapnil Kusale. New Delhi. The International Hockey Q.892. In which of the following years
Federation was established in Paris in was the Pro Kabaddi League established
Q.883. At which Olympics was Kho-Kho 1924, initiated by Paul Leautey. in India?
featured in an exhibition in the main SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.888. Which Indian marathon event is
(a) Kaveri Trail Marathon Kabaddi season in 2014 saw eight teams
Sol.883.(a) 1936. The Olympics were (b) Pinkathon participating in the league. By Season 5,
held in Berlin. The Kho-Kho team (c) Delhi Half Marathon the number of teams competing grew to
consists of 12 players, but only 9 players (d) Mumbai Marathon 12.
pieces used in chess? associated with which of the following Q.905. India hosted the Asian Games in
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (1st Shift) national sports events? which of the following years?
(a) 18 (b) 16 (c) 19 (d) 17 SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) Khelo India Youth Games (a) 1954 and 1986 (b) 1951 and 1982
Sol.896.(b) 16. There are six different (b) Khelo India Winter Games (c) 1951 and 1986 (d) 1954 and 1982
types of chess pieces. Each side starts (c) Khelo India University Games
with 16 pieces : eight pawns, two Sol.905.(b) 1951 and 1982. The Asian
(d) National Games Games are organized by the Olympic
bishops, two knights, two rooks, one
queen, and one king. King : Moves one Sol.900.(d) National Games. Council of Asia (OCA) every four years,
square in any direction. Queen : Moves The National Games are organized by the with headquarters in Kuwait. The 20th
any number of squares diagonally, Indian Olympic Association (IOA). The Asian Games will be held in Nagoya,
horizontally, or vertically. Rook : Moves IOA is responsible for the regulations of Japan, in 2026. Kamaljeet Sandhu
any number of squares horizontally or the games. IOA: Founded - 1927, became the first Indian woman to win an
vertically. Bishop : Moves any number of Headquarter - New Delhi. First National individual gold medal at the 1970 Asian
squares diagonally. Knight : Moves in an Games organised in Lahore (1924). First Games. Bangkok, Thailand, has hosted
'L-shape' (two squares in one direction Modern National Games - New Delhi the most Asian Games (1966, 1970,
1978, and 1998), followed by South
squares on its first move) and captures Q.906. Where was the 1st World Cup of
diagonally one square forward. India in Olympics for how many times?
Kabaddi organised in 2004?
(d) Sachin Tendulkar SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) Badminton (b) Cricket Q.919. The first Indian Olympic Games
Sol.909.(b) Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He is (c) Kabaddi (d) Hockey was hosted by which of the following
also known as "Thala," and "MSD,". Virat cities?
Kohli, nicknamed "Cheeku," "King Kohli," Sol.914.(d) Hockey. Jaipal Singh Munda SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
and "The Run Machine," is renowned for was the first captain of the Indian field (a) Lahore (b) Madras
his batting. Kapil Dev, known as the hockey team to clinch gold in the 1928 (c) Bombay (d) Allahabad
"Haryana Hurricane," was famous for his Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. Other
aggressive play, while Sachin Tendulkar Hockey Players: Major Dhyan Chand, Sol.919.(a) Lahore. Dr. A. G. Noehren
is affectionately called the "God of Rani Rampal, PR Sreejesh, Dhanraj Pillay, and Harry Crowe Buck launched the first
Cricket” and "Master Blaster”. Gurjit Kaur, Navjot Kaur, Manpreet Singh, Indian Olympic Games in Lahore in 1924
Sol.910.(b) Bicycle Kick: This is a type of Sol.915.(b) 2014. Saikhom Mirabai Sol.920.(c) 64. A standard chessboard
kick in football where a player, while Chanu: She is an Indian weightlifter from consists of 8 rows and 8 columns,
airborne, kicks the ball overhead using a Imphal city, Manipur. She won the silver resulting in a total of 64 squares. This is
cycling motion of the legs. Important medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in the calculated by multiplying the number of
Terminologies: Football - Direct free Women's 49 kg category. She also rows by the number of columns (8 × 8 =
kick, Set, Volley, Service line, Header, Free became only the second Indian woman 64).
Kick, Penalty Kick, Hat-trick. Cricket- after PV Sindhu to win an Olympic silver Q.921. In field hockey, ________ occurs
Third man, Overs, LBW (Leg Before medal. Awards: Major Dhyan Chand Khel when a player pushes the ball and raises
Wicket). Ratna (2018), Padma Shri (2018). Other it off the ground.
weightlifters - Karnam Malleswari, SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.911. The first Indian woman to hold Jeremy Lalrinnunga, Deepak Lather,
the Under - 20 World Wrestling (a) bully (b) slap
Vikas Thakur. (c) flick (d) centre pass
Championship is _________.
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Q.916. How many athletes were selected Sol.921.(c) flick. During a penalty corner,
(a) Antim Panghal (b) Pranati Nayak to represent India at the 1924 Paris the attacker must use a push, scoop, or
(c) Swati Sanjay (d) Hina Khalifa Summer Olympics ? flick shot to avoid fouls. Internationally,
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift) the "drag flick" is the most popular lifted
Sol.911.(a) Antim Panghal. She is an (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 8
Indian wrestler from Haryana. shot in penalty corners.
Sol.916.(d) 8. India's Olympic Journey: Q.922. In which year did Indian archers
Q.912. In chess which of the following India's first participation in the Olympics
may move only diagonally? participate in the Olympics for the first
was in 1900 in Paris, France, with time?
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) Norman Pritchard representing the
(a) The Bishop (b) The Knight SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift)
country. (a) 1980 (b) 1973 (c) 1988 (d) 1975
(c) The Queen (d) The Rook
to 28 inches. The weight of the ball shall Indira Gandhi Stadium (New Delhi), Rajiv The game is played with two teams of
Gandhi International Cricket Stadium
be between 410 to 450g which is equal seven players each. Other terminologies
to 14 to 16 oz at the start of the match. (Hyderabad), Narendra Modi Stadium in Kabaddi : Chain Tackle - A defensive
(Ahmedabad), Lal Bahadur Shastri
Air pressure should be equal to 0.6–1.1 tactic where the opponents form chains
atmosphere (600–1,100 g/cm2) at sea Stadium (Hyderabad), Arun Jaitley by holding hands in twos or threes. Dubki
Stadium (New Delhi), Major Dhyan Chand
level. - An escape technique used by raiders
Hockey Stadium (Lucknow). who face a chain tackle. Golden Raid - It
Q.924. Of the football clubs listed below,
(c) Madras FC (d) Calcutta FC (a) Yellow (b) Black (c) Red (d) Blue statements is correct with respect to the
Badminton game and match length?
Sol.924.(d) Calcutta FC. It was Sol.928.(c) Red. Yellow colour Card - A
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift)
established in 1872. The oldest club that card used to warn a player in Football. In
(a) A match consists of the best of two
is currently active is the Mohun Bagan football, there are 11 players on each
games of 21 points
side. A standard football match is 90
AC, which was established in 1889. The (b) A match consists of the best of five
Indian Football Association (IFA) was minutes made up of two 45-minute
games of 21 points
halves. FIFA recommendations for field
established in Calcutta in 1893. The All (c) A match consists of the best of three
India Football Federation (AIFF) was dimensions in professional football are
games of 21 points.
(c) Goa (d) Karnataka
Sol.939.(b) White. Goal-posts and Sol.943.(d) In basketball, the five
Sol.935.(a) Kerala. Kalaripayattu is a
martial art based on the ancient cross-bars must be made of wood, metal positions on the court are: Point guard -
or other approved materials. They may Usually the team's best ball handler and
knowledge of the human body. The
Various Martial Art Forms in India: Thang be square, rectangular, round, half-round playmaker. Shooting guard - A scoring
or elliptical in shape. The International specialist who can shoot from outside.
Ta - Manipur, Lathi Khela - West Bengal,
Gatka - Punjab, Mallakhamb - Madhya Football Association Board (IFAB) is an Small forward - Often considered the
international self-regulatory body of most versatile player, responsible for
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (3rd shift) SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift) Q.944. Where did the indigenous sport
(a) Madras (b) Delhi (a) Ranjit Singh Bedi (b) Ranjit Singhji ‘Gatka’ originate from ?
(c) Calcutta (d) Shimla (c) Ranjit Patel (d) Ranjit Wadekar SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift)
(a) Punjab
Sol.936.(c) Calcutta. The first hockey Sol.940.(b) Ranjit Singhji. He was ruler
(b) Manipur
club formed in the then Calcutta (now of the princely state of Nawanagar (c) Rajasthan
Kolkata) in 1855. The Hockey (Gujarat) from 1907 to 1933. Ranji (d) Jammu and Kashmir
Association was founded in 1886. The Trophy was started by the Board of
Indian Hockey Federation was the Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) in 1934 Sol.944.(a) Punjab. Gatka is a traditional
administrative body of field hockey in after his death in 1933. The Ranji Trophy fighting style of the Nihang Sikh warriors,
India, incorporated in 1925. The is a premier domestic first-class cricket used both for self- defence as well as a
International Hockey Federation is the championship played in India and sport. Famous Martial Arts in India:
global governing body of field hockey organized annually by the BCCI Kalaripayattu (Oldest Martial Art in India;
founded on 7th January. (Headquarters - Mumbai). Kerala), Silambam (Tamil Nadu),
Thang-ta, and Sarit Sarak (Manipur),
Q.937. The term ‘banana kick’ is Q.941. What is the minimum over rate Thoda (Himachal Pradesh), Lathi (Punjab
associated with which sport ? per hour in a test match? and Bengal), Inbuan Wrestling (Mizoram),
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (3rd shift) SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift) Musti Yuddha (Varanasi), and Pari
(a) Ice Hockey (b) Football (a) 17 overs per hour -Khanda (Bihar).
(c) Boxing (d) Hockey (b) 13 overs per hour
(c) 15 over per hour Q.945. The Thomas Cup is associated
Sol.937.(b) Football. The duration of the (d) 10 overs per hour with which of the following sports?
match is 90 minutes divided into two SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift)
equal halves of 45 minutes each with an Sol.941.(c) 15 over per hour. In ODIs, (a) Badminton male
interval of 10 - 15 minutes. Other bowling teams must complete the (b) Badminton female
important terminology : Football - Back required 50 overs in 3.5 hours, or a (c) Tennis female
Heel, Bicycle Kick, Corner Kick, Foul. minimum of 14.28 overs per hour. For (d) Tennis male
Boxing - Bout, Clinch, Knock Out. Hockey T20s, the requirement is 14.11 overs per
- Bender, Celly, Grinder. hour, according to ICC’s rules. Sol.945.(a) Badminton male. Thomas
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Cup is a Biennial event. The first Q.949. In kabaddi, when a raider touches Advancing. Football - Dribble, Attacker,
tournament was held in 1948 - 49 and any body part of any defender or any part Bicycle kick.
won by Malaya. India’s men’s badminton of their clothing, it is called:
team won the Thomas Cup title for the SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift) Q.953. What is the duration of single
first time ever in 2022 by defeating (a) catch (b) tag round in free style wrestling ?
Indonesia. Uber Cup - First held in (c) raid (d) pursuit SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift)
1956–1957 and contested at three year (a) 3 min (b) 2.5 min
intervals, it has been contested every two Sol.949.(b) A tag is a crucial aspect of (c) 3.5 min (d) 2 min
years since 1984. the game, as it allows the raider to score
points by touching multiple defenders Sol.953.(a) 3 min. A typical freestyle
Q.946. Where and when was India’s first during a raid. The raider must then return wrestling bout, much like Greco-Roman,
Senior National Archery Championship to their own side of the court before is divided into two periods of three
held ? taking a breath, making the tag a high - minutes each with a 30-second break in
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift) pressure and thrilling moment in the between. For official Under-15, cadets,
(a) Chennai, 1975 (b) Delhi, 1973 game. and veteran competitions, the periods
(c) Delhi, 1975 (d) Chennai, 1973 are curtailed to two minutes each.
Q.950. Pusarla Venkata Sindhu won
Sol.946.(b) Delhi, 1973. The Senior silver medal in badminton in which Q.954. India is home to the second
National Archery Championship was Olympics Games ? oldest cricket club in the world. Where is
introduced as part of organized archery SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift) it situated?
in India, largely due to the efforts of Prof. (a) Beijing 2008 (b) Rio 2016 SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Vijay Kumar Malhotra, who played a key (c) Tokyo 2020 (d) London 2012 (a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata
role in introducing and promoting the (c) Hyderabad (d) Chennai
sport in the country. 1972: Archery is Sol.950.(b) Rio 2016. The 2016 Summer
Olympics were held in Brazil, in the city of Sol.954.(b) Kolkata. The world's first
included as an Olympic discipline in the Cricket club - Hambledon, England
Munich Games. 1975: Modern archery Rio de Janeiro. Mascot - Vinicius. She is
the only Indian woman to have won (1760). Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) -
takes root in India, with the 1787. First Cricket club in India - Calcutta
establishment of the Archery Association multiple medals at the Olympics - a silver
medal in women's singles at Rio 2016 Cricket club (1792). First ever
of India. international cricket match - US vs
and a bronze at Tokyo 2020. Her awards:
Q.947. With which of the following Padma Bhushan (2020), Padma Shri Canada in 1844. India played their first
sports is Lovlina Borgohain associated? (2015), Arjuna Award (2013), and Major International cricket match - Against
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna (2016). England in 1932.
(a) hockey (b) basketball
Q.951. What is the standard size of Q.955. In which year did the Indian
(c) boxing (d) cricket football team go on its first known
basketball for men?
Sol.947.(c) Boxing. Lovlina Borgohain SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift) official international tour?
won a bronze medal at Tokyo 2020 in the (a) 05 (b) 08 (c) 07 (d) 06 SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift)
welterweight category (69kg). She (a) 1947 (b) 1950 (c) 1914 (d) 1924
Sol.951.(c) 07. Basketball dimensions
became only the third Indian boxer to bag Sol.955.(d) 1924. An Indian team,
an Olympic boxing medal after Vijender according to category: Men: Size 7,
comprising both Indian and British
Circumference 749-780mm, Weight
Singh at Beijing 2008 and Mary Kom at players, visited Sri Lanka (Ceylon at the
London 2012. 567-650g. Women: Size 6, Circumference
time) for what was the Indian football
in a five-day format which comprises two Stadium (Kollam), Indira Gandhi Stadium
Sol.958.(a) White flag. A Red Card is innings each. It is considered the (Kohima).
used by the officials to remove a player pinnacle form because it tests teams
Q.967. What are the standard
from the match. A yellow card in football over a longer period of time. Test cricket
measurements of a cricket pitch?
is a disciplinary warning that a referee consists of three sessions of two hours
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift)
shows to a player who breaks a rule. each, the break between sessions being
(a) 20 yards by 10 ft (b) 22 yards by 12 ft
Modern football originated in Britain in 40 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes.
(c) 20 yards by 12 ft (d) 22 yards by 10 ft
the 19th century. Some famous The International Cricket Council (ICC)
footballers include: Lionel Messi, governs Test cricket. Sol.967.(d) 22 yards by 10 ft. In the
Cristiano Ronaldo, Diego Maradona, game of cricket, the cricket pitch
Q.963. According to rules laid down by
Zinedine Zidane, Pele, Johan Cruyff,
the International Football Association consists of the central strip of the cricket
Franz Beckenbauer. field between the wickets. Dimensions of
Board (IFAB), what can be the maximum
length of a goal line in football ? Cricket Wicket - Height of 28” (71.12 cm)
Q.959. The number of white pawns in
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift) and width of 9” (22.86 cm). Bat - Length
chess is _______.
(a) 40 m (b) 100 m (c) 90 m (d) 50 m should be not more than 38 inches (96.5
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
cm) and the width not more than 4.25
(a) 14 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 10 Sol.963.(c) 90 m. International Football inches (10.8 cm) and made up of Wood
Sol.959.(c) 8. The pawns begin the game Association Board established in 1886. only. Ball - Weight between 5.5 ounces
on the second and seventh rank: White's FIFA recommendations for field and 5.75 ounces, and shall measure
dimensions in professional football are
pawns start on the second rank, while between 22.4 cm and 22.9 cm in
Black's pawns are located on the seventh 105 metres in length and 68 metres in circumference.
rank. Each player begins a game with width. Number of Players - 11 players.
Q.968. Which of the following is NOT the
eight pawns, one on each square of their Q.964. What is the duration of colour of a warning card in kabaddi?
second rank. The white pawns start on International hockey match? SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift)
a2 through h2; the black pawns start on SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) (a) Yellow (b) Green (c) Black (d) Red
a7 through h7. (a) 55 min (b) 50 min
Sol.968.(c) Black. The warning card in
(c) 60 min (d) 70 min
Q.960. In which year was the All India kabaddi: Green Card - As an initial
Football Federation (AIFF) formed? Sol.964.(c) 60 min. The total duration of warning. Yellow Card - 2 minutes
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift) a field hockey match is 60 minutes (four suspension from the game along with
(a) 1947 (b) 1937 (c) 1957 (d) 1967 quarters of 15 minutes each). Before one technical point to the opponent
2019, matches were played for 70 team. Red Card - 1 technical point to the
Sol.960.(b) 1937. Before AIFF, football
minutes, with a five-minute halftime team along with the suspension from the
was governed by the Indian Football
break after 35 minutes. Common rules of match. The team who has lost the player
Association (IFA), established in Kolkata
Hockey: Hockey Stick Weight: Must not has to continue the match with the
in 1893. AIFF joined FIFA (Federation
exceed 737 grams. Hockey Ground remaining no. Black card is used in the
Internationale de Football Association) in
Dimensions: 91.4 meters long and 55 sport of badminton to indicate
1948 and is responsible for managing
meters wide. disqualification.
football in India, with its headquarters
located in New Delhi. FIFA, the global Q.965. What is the minimum number of Q.969. In badminton, 0 points is called
governing body for football, was founded football players required in a team for a ______.
in Paris (France) in 1904. match to start? SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
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(a) out (b) love (c) in (d) play Sol.973.(a) Basketball. Dribbling is the part in Modern Olympics for the first time
act of continuously bouncing the ball on SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.969.(b) love: It means one player is the floor with one hand at a time. It's the (a) 1896 (b) 1904 (c) 1900 (d) 1916
at zero point. The word Love comes from only legal way for a player to maintain
the French word l'oeuf – which means possession while walking or running. Sol.977.(c) 1900. Athens hosted the first
egg which is the shape of zero. Other Key terms of Basketball: Assist, Olympics in 1896, starting the tradition of
Badminton Terminology: Shuttlecock, Block, Blocking, Boxing out, Center, the Games being held every four years.
Fail, Smash, Deuce, Black Card. Charging, Crossover, Defense, Dribbling, The Olympic flag was designed in 1913
Dunk, Field goal, Forward, Free throw, by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. India first
Q.970. In Fencing, a defensive blade
Guard, Key, Offense, Pass, Rebound, Shot, took part in the Olympics in 1900 in
movement that blocks the opponent’s
Three-point-line, Traveling, and Turnover. Paris, represented by Norman Pritchard,
offensive action is called ____________.
an Anglo-Indian. Norman Pritchard, an
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.974. The term 'Libero' is used in _____ . Indian-born athlete, was the first Asian to
(a) reprise (b) saber
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) win an Olympic medal.
(c) redoublement (d) parry
(a) snooker (b) basketball
(c) volleyball (d) badminton Q.978. Who among the following was the
Sol.970.(d) Parry. Fencing is a combat
founding president of the Indian Olympic
sport featuring sword fighting with three
Sol.974.(c) volleyball. In volleyball, the Association?
disciplines: foil, epee, and sabre. Each
libero is a specialized defensive player SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
uses a different blade and has its own
responsible for receiving serves, digging (a) Dorabji Tata (b) AG. Noehren
rules. Key terms include Allez, Attack,
attacks, and improving ball control. They (c) Jamsetji Tata (d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Beat, Counter-parry, Riposte, and Touche.
wear a different-colored jersey and are
Notable Indian fencers are C.A. Bhavani Sol.978.(a) Dorabji Tata. The Indian
not allowed to serve, block, or attack the
Devi, Bibish Kathiresan, Ena Arora, and Olympic Association (IOA) is the
ball above the net. Other Terminologies -
Yashkeerat Kaur Hayer. governing body for the Olympic
Cut Shot, Dig, Dink, Double Hit,
Penetration, Sidearm, Booster, Spikers. Movement and the Commonwealth
Q.971. In cricket, a fast, head-high
Games in India. It was established in
delivery of the ball is referred to as _____.
Q.975. What is the height of the stump 1927, with Sir Dorabji Tata serving as the
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift)
from the ground in cricket? Founding President and Dr. A.G. Noehren
(a) bouncer (b) duck
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) as the Secretary General. Its
(c) leg-bye (d) grubber
(a) 27 inch (b) 25 inch headquarters are located in New Delhi,
man, Googly, Short-pitched, Full toss, Dimensions : Minimum length of a of Sports transformed into the
Square, Square leg, Square leg umpire, cricket bat is 38 inches and 4.25 inches Department of Youth Affairs and Sports?
Yorker, Wicket, Timed out, Pitch, Stump, wide. The cricket ball must weigh SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Bail, Beamer, Seamer, Hit wicket, Sawn between 155.9 and 163 g. 8.81 inches - 9 (a) 1983 (b) 1982 (c) 1985 (d) 1984
off, Pavilion, Toss, Maiden over, No ball, inches is the average circumference of
Sol.979.(c) 1985. The Ministry of Youth
Caught, Bowled, Leg Before Wicket, the standard cricket ball in international
cricket. Affairs & Sports was initially set up as
Stumped, Run-out. the Department of Sports in 1982 at the
Q.972. In Equestrian sports, ______ Q.976. In basketball, _________ is when a time of organization of the IX Asian
occurs when a horse or rider lowers an referee throws the ball up at the centre Games in New Delhi . Its name was
element of a jump that establishes the circle to determine which team gets changed to the Department of Youth
height of an obstacle. possession. affairs & sports during celebration of the
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) International Youth Year, 1985. It became
(a) knockdown (b) canter (a) a hook ball (b) a dunk ball a Ministry on 27th May, 2000.
(c) clean round (d) curb (c) a jump ball (d) a high ball Subsequently, the Ministry has been
bifurcated in Deptt. of Youth Affairs and
Sol.972.(a) knockdown. Penalties: A Sol.976.(c) a jump ball. Basketball is Deptt. of Sports under two separate
knockdown usually results in 4 penalty played between two teams consist of secretaries w.e.f. 30th April, 2008.
points. Types of Knockdowns: twelve (12) members each. But only five
Knockdowns can occur due to various players from each team may be on the Q.980. The number of players in baseball
reasons, including the horse's mistake, court at one time. Shooting with either is:
rider error, or a combination of both. one hand or both hands is done in the SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
Impact on Score: Accumulating penalty following ways - Jump shot, Dunk shot, (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 7
points can significantly affect a rider's Free throw, Layup, Three-point shot, Hook
shot. A hook shot is where the player Sol.980.(c) 9. Number of players in
overall score and ranking in the
swings the ball up and over their head in game: Cricket (11), Curling (4), Football
a sweeping motion with one hand. A (11), Futsal (5), Hockey (11), Ice Hockey
Q.973. In which of the following games dunk shot is where a player jumps and (6), Basketball (5), Rugby Football (15),
is the term 'Dribbling' used ? pushes the ball through the basket while Polo (4), Water Polo (7), Volleyball (6),
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) it's still in their hand. Beach Volleyball (2), Kabaddi (7),
(a) Basketball (b) Cricket Lacrosse (12), Handball (7), Kho Kho (9).
(c) Baseball (d) Volleyball Q.977. In which year did women take
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Q.981. In which year, for the first time, edition of the Asian Games was held in as a shot, as far as possible. The shot is
was a resolution on the National Sports New Delhi on 8 to 11 March 1951. The typically made of brass, iron, or steel with
Policy laid in both Houses of Parliament 19th Asian Games were held in a smooth surface for a better grip. For
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) Hangzhou, China, from September 23 to junior male athletes, the standard shot
(a) 1984 (b) 2014 (c) 1948 (d) 2000 October 08, 2023. put weight is 6 kilograms (13.2 pounds),
while for senior female athletes, it is 4
Sol.981.(a) 1984. The National Sports Q.985. Which of the following is NOT an kilograms (8.8 pounds), and for junior
Policy was formulated with the objective Indian tournament? female athletes, it is 3 kilograms (6.6
of raising the standard of Sports in the Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 4) pounds). The diameter of the shot
country. National Sports Day - 29th (a) UEFA Champions League ranges from 110-130 mm for men and
August (to honor the birth anniversary of (b) Durand Cup 95-110 mm for women.
Major Dhyan Chand). (c) Santosh Trophy
(d) Subroto Cup Q.989. In which sport is a shuttlecock
Q.982. What is the colour of the antenna used ?
used on the volleyball net? Sol.985.(a) UEFA Champions League. It Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) is an annual club football competition (a) Basketball (b) Kabaddi
(a) Red and white (b) Yellow and black organized by the Union of European (c) Football (d) Badminton
(c) Black and white (d) Green and white Football Associations (UEFA) and
contested by top-division European Sol.989.(d) Badminton. Equipment -
Sol.982.(a) Red and white. Antennas are
clubs. It was founded in 1955. Some Racket, net and shuttlecock are required.
used to help players and referees
prominent football trophies in India Court - The length and width of the
determine if a ball is in or out of bounds.
include the Durand Cup, Santosh Trophy, doubles court shall be of 13.40 m × 6.10
Court Dimensions: Court = 18 x 9m;
Federation Cup, I-League Trophy, Indian m. The height of the net is 1.55 m at the
Diagonal = 20.12m; Attack line = 3m
Super League (ISL) Trophy, IFA Shield, sides and 1.52 m at the centre. The
from centre. Ball: circumference is
Rovers Cup, Sait Nagjee Trophy, Subroto game became an international sport
65–67 cm and its weight is 260–280
Cup, and Bordoloi Trophy. after the first All England Championship.
grams. Net top is set at the height of
In 1934, the International Badminton
2.43 m for men and 2.24 m. for women. Q.986. The All India MCC Murugappa Federation (IBF) was formed and the
Height is measured at the centre of the Gold Cup Tournament in Chennai is held
rules of the game were standardized.
court. There are two teams comprising 6 for which sport?
players each on the court. Volleyball was Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1) Q.990. What is it called in basketball
invented by William G. Morgan in the year (a) Basketball (b) Handball when a shot goes through the basket
1895. (c) Hockey (d) Football without touching the rim or backboard?
Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Q.983. What is the size of a standard Sol.986.(c) Hockey. Murugappa Gold (a) Screen (b) Dime
table tennis ball? Cup Hockey Tournament 2024 : Winner - (c) Swish (d) Technical foul
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) Railways Sports Promotion Board
orange or white in colour made of Q.987. Gloves are NOT used in which of refers to a precisely delivered pass that
celluloid or similar plastic material with a
Olympics and their venues: 2024 - Paris SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
Sol.993.(a) Kathmandu. The South Asian (France), 2028 - Los Angeles (U.S.A). (a) Jousting (b) Barrel racing
Games are held with the motto "Peace, Winter Olympics and their venues: 2026 - (c) Equestrian vaulting (d) Steeplechase
Prosperity, Progress." The next edition of Milan–Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy). Baron
the South Asian Games will take place in Pierre de Coubertin founded the Sol.1002.(c) Equestrian vaulting. It was
2025 in Lahore, Pakistan. These games International Olympic Committee (IOC) in demonstrated as an art at the 1920
aim to promote unity and cooperation 1894. Antwerp Olympics. Jousting - Medieval
among South Asian nations through tournament that saw knights compete
Q.998. ‘Let Ball’, 'Stroke Ball' and 'No Let' against each other on horseback. Barrel
sports. are part of which game ? racing - An event in which a horse and
Q.994. With which sport is the Burdwan SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) rider attempt to run a cloverleaf pattern
Trophy associated? (a) Squash (b) Rugby around preset barrels in the fastest time.
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) (c) Handball (d) Polo
(a) Powerlifting (b) Weightlifting Q.1003. The Athletics Federation of India
Sol.998.(a) Squash. Terminologies : Foot
Q.999. In table tennis, the period during The Athletics Federation of India (AFI) is
Basalat Jha Trophy, B. C. Gupta Trophy, which a ball is in play is called __________. the apex body for running and managing
Sol.995.(a) Cricket. The CK Nayudu tennis. Dead - A ball without any spin. Q.1004. ______ hosted the 2nd Olympic
Trophy is a domestic first-class cricket Games in _______.
Q.1000. The rule that ‘it can move only
tournament in India, named after the SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
one square in any direction’ applies to
famous Indian cricketer CK Nayudu. (a) France, 1900 (b) Japan, 1900
whom in a game of chess?
Sports and trophy/tournament : Cricket - (c) USA, 1900 (d) England, 1900
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
Ranji trophy, Deodhar Trophy, Duleep
(a) The Rook (b) The King Sol.1004.(a) France, 1900. First Olympic
Trophy, G. D. Birla Trophy, Irani Trophy,
(c) The Bishop (d) The Queen games were held in Athens (1896). India
Sahara Cup, Vijay Merchant Trophy, Rani
Jhansi Trophy. Football - Durand Cup, Sol.1000.(b) The King. Chess - A board first participated at the Olympic Games
Santosh Trophy (National Football), Sir game for two players, called White and in 1900. The Summer and Winter
Ashutosh Mukherjee Trophy, Subrata Black. It is played on a chessboard with Olympic Games are still held every four
Mukherjee Cup (National school 64 squares arranged in an 8 × 8 grid. years. The five rings represent the union
football). Basketball - Bangalore Cup, Different movement rule: Rook - Moves of the five inhabited continents – Africa,
of Sports is situated in______. (a) 5 minutes (b) 3 minutes Headquarter is located in Chennai, Tamil
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) (c) 4 minutes (d) 6 minutes
Nadu. Volleyball is played by two teams
(a) Patiala (b) Bengaluru of six players on a court divided by a net.
(c) Kolkata (d) New Delhi Sol.1010.(a) 5 minutes. Other used
penalty cards : Red card - A player being Volleyball-court is 18m long and 9m
Sol.1006.(a) Patiala. Netaji Subhas permanently suspended from the game. wide. Terms related to Volleyball - Spike,
National Institute of Sports : Established Green card - An official warning when a Block, Serve, Dig, Set, Attack, Rotation,
- 1961, Commonly known - National minor offense has occurred. White card - Ace, Side out, Net violation, Kill, etc.
Institute of sports (NIS). It is the It is used in bandy to indicate a Q.1014. In football, a kick is awarded to
Academic Wing of the Sports Authority five-minute timed penalty given to a the opposition player when a player has
of India (SAI). It is Asia’s largest sports player. Blue card - It is used in bandy to committed a foul. What is the kick
Sol.1007.(c) 7.32 m. Dimensions - length meters; game lasts for 90 minutes with
(a) Volleyball (b) Badminton two halves of 45 minutes; Players - 11.
of 115 yards and width of 75 yards. A
minimum overs can a team play in a day ? (a) 161 gm - 156 gm (b) 163 gm - 156 gm (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 3
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) (c) 160 gm - 156 gm (d) 162 gm - 156 gm
(a) 60 (b) 80 (c) 70 (d) 90 Sol.1027.(c) 2. Vinesh Phogat became
Sol.1023.(b) 163 gm - 156 gm. Hockey’s the first Indian woman wrestler to win
Sol.1018.(d) 90. Test cricket: Longest Related Dimensions : Pitch boundary - gold in both Commonwealth and Asian
form of cricket. Test matches are played The pitch on which field hockey is played Games. Her Awards: Major Dhyan Chand
for five days which comprises two is 91.4m long and 55m wide. Goal post - Khel Ratna (2020), Arjuna Award (2016).
innings by each team. Each goal post is 2.14m high and 0.05m Some Indian Wrestlers - Sakshi Malik,
(a) 1947 (b) 1951 (c) 1921 (d) 1909 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) cricket?
(a) red (b) pink (c) yellow (d) green SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
Sol.1019.(d) 1909. Imperial Cricket
Conference (ICC) - The governing body Sol.1024.(c) Yellow. A ball of lemon (a) Economy rate (b) Batting average
of world cricket. It was renamed as yellow color made of wool between 22 to (c) Strike rate (d) Batting rate
International Cricket Council (ICC) in 23 grams of weight and between 5 to 5.5 Sol.1028.(c) Strike rate. Batting average:
1989. Headquarters - Dubai. cm in diameter. Its racket: Weight from
for double matches in Lawn Tennis? SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift) Dead Time, Double post, Dry Pass.
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift) (a) 2.10 (b) 2.11 (c) 2.12 (d) 2.13
(a) 38 feet (b) 36 feet Q.1041. Which of the following is NOT
(c) 34 feet (d) 32 feet Sol.1036.(d) 2.13. Size of swimming the first day event in the decathlon?
pool (Olympics) : 50 m long, 25 m wide SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd shift)
Sol.1031.(b) 36 feet. Lawn Tennis Terms and minimum 2 m depth, divided into 10 (a) Discus throw (b) Shot put
- Ace, Advantage, Deuce, Backspin, Deep, lanes. Types of Swimming - Freestyle, (c) 100 metre dash (d) 400 metre dash
Double Bagel, Groundstroke, Approach Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly,
Shot. Double Matchcourt Size - Length Medley, Marathon swimming (in open Sol.1041.(a) Discus throw. Men’s
(78 feet). Single match Court Size - water environments as the rivers, lakes, decathlon : Day 1 - 100 metres running,
Length (78 Feet), Width (27 feet). sea). Famous Olympic Swimmers - Long jump, Shot put, High jump, 400
Michael Phelps, Sajan Prakash, Krisztina metres running. Day 2 - 110 metres
Q.1032. What is the distance between Egerszegi, Virdhawal Khade, Shivani hurdles, Discus throw, Pole vault, Javelin
the goal line and the penalty spot in Kataria. throw, 1500 metres running. Women’s
Q.1033. The term ‘tackle point’ is Q.1042. What is the distance between
Sol.1037.(c) Shot Put. the hurdles in 100 m women's hurdles in
associated with ________. Sports Terminology : Wrestling -
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift) metres ?
Freestyle, Bridge out, Breakdown. Weight SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Football (b) Baseball Lifting - Snatch, Jerk.
(c) Hockey (d) Kabaddi (a) 7.50 (b) 9.00 (c) 8.00 (d) 8.50
Q.1038. Who was the first American
Sol.1033.(d) Kabaddi. Terminology in Sol.1042.(d) 8.50 m. In sprint hurdle
male athlete to win the Marathon gold
Sports : Kabaddi - All-out, Ankle hold, races for women, the first hurdle is 13 m
medal in the Olympic Games?
Bonus line, Frog Jump, Lona etc. (42 ft 8 in) from the starting line. In the
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift)
long hurdle events, whether for men or
(a) Abebe Bikila (b) Thomas Hicks
Q.1034. How many Gold medals India women, the first hurdle is 45 m (147 ft 8
(c) Frank Shorter (d) John Hayes
won in the Olympics between 1928 and in) from the starting line and the distance
1980? Sol.1038.(b) Thomas Hicks. between hurdles is 35 m (114 ft 10 in).
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift) Top Marathon Runners : Kelvin Kiptum,
(a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8 Q.1043. What are the events in
Eliud Kipchoge, Kenenisa Bekele, Sisay
powerlifting ?
Lemma, Birhanu Legese, Mosinet
Sol.1034.(d) 8. India has won 10 gold SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift)
Geremew, Dennis Kimetto, Evans Chebet,
medals at the Olympics. The men’s (a) Squats, bench press and deadlift
Gabriel Geay, Lawrence Cherono.
hockey team itself accounts for eight of (b) Squats, lat pull down and curl
them. After Abhinav Bindra (men’s 10m Q.1039. In which year did India make its (c) Curls, bench press and squat
air rifle shooting - Beijing 2008), Neeraj One - Day International (ODI) debut? (d) Curls, over arm lift and deadlift
Chopra (men’s javelin throw - Tokyo SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st shift)
2020) is the second individual Olympic (a) 1971 (b) 1974 (c) 1975 (d) 1972 Sol.1043.(a) Squats, bench press and
of bowlers in a 50 over ODI match has to Los Angeles Games. Half-Marathon :
Other Indian international footballers - 13.1 miles (approximately 21.0975
be 5. The maximum number of overs per
Sunil Chhetri, Bhaichung Bhutia, Shabbir kilometres). India’s Marathon players -
Ali, Climax Lawrence, Gouramangi Singh, bowler in T20 Cricket is 4. The first ODI
was played on 5 January 1971 between Nitendra Singh Rawat, Ram Singh Yadav,
Subrata Pal, I. M. Vijayan, Mahesh Gawli, Srinu Bugatha, Rashpal Singh.
Manitombi Singh. Australia and England at the Melbourne
Cricket Ground.
Q.1055. Khelo India Winter Games
Q.1045. Which country came out with started in which year?
the first 'official' compilation of volleyball Q.1050. Sports Authority of India, the
apex body for sports promotion, was set SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (2nd shift)
rules and was published by the YMCA? (a) 2022 (b) 2020 (c) 2019 (d) 2018
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (3rd shift) up in the year ________.
(a) Germany (b) The US SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift) Sol.1055.(b) 2020. The first Khelo India
(c) The UK (d) Australia (a) 1990 (b) 1961 (c) 1984 (d) 1982 Winter Games were held in two legs at
Sol.1050.(c) 1984. Sports Authority of two different venues : Leh (Ladakh),
Sol.1045.(b) The US. William G. Morgan - Gulmarg (Jammu and Kashmir).
Sol.1059.(b) 0. Beach Volleyball - Team - commits a foul outside the circle. match interrupted by weather or other
Two players. Terms related - Ace, Block, Penalty corner - Awarded to the circumstances. The method was devised
Attack, Chicken wing, Forearm pass, etc. opposition team when a player commits by Frank Duckworth and Tony Lewis.
a foul within the striking circle. Players in
Q.1060. The Nehru trophy boat race was Q.1068. In which of the following sports
organized by which of the following Hockey - 11 (10 field players and 1
goalkeeper). is the technique clean and jerk used?
states ? Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
SSC CGL 24/07/2023( 4th shift) Q.1064. Deepika Pallikal is associated (a) Wrestling (b) Hammer throw
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu with _____. (c) Bodybuilding (d) Weightlifting
(c) West Bengal (d) Kerala SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(a) squash (b) billiards Sol.1068.(d) Weightlifting. Clean and
Sol.1060.(d) Kerala. Nehru boat race - It
Indian to break into the top 10 in the The snatch - Weightlifter picks up the
August every year. Traditional Sports of Professional Squash Association barbell and lifts it above his head in one
Indian states : Seval Sandai or Women's rankings. The World Squash singular motion.
Cockfighting - Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Federation (WSF) - The global governing
Andhra Pradesh. Maramadi Bull Surfing - body for the sport of squash; Q.1069. In hockey, if the umpire indicates
Kerala. Kambala, Hori habba - Karnataka. Headquarters - Hastings (UK); the direction with one arm raised
Jallikattu, Pallanguzhi - Tamil Nadu. horizontally, it Means___________ .
Establishment - 1967.
Bullock cart race - Maharashtra. Camel Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
racing - Rajasthan. Dhopkhel - Assam. Q.1065. The number of flights in a 110 m (a) Goal scored (b) Bully
hurdle race is______. (c) Timing (d) Free hit
Q.1061. Who among the following is
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift)
India's second GrandMaster after Sol.1069.(d) Free hit. Umpires Signal in
(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 11
Viswanathan Anand ? Hockey : Time Start - Turn Towards the
SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 2nd shift) Sol.1065.(c) 10. It is a track event in other umpire with one arm straight up in
(a) P. Harikrishna (b) Dibyendu Barua athletics. It is for both men and women. the air. Time Stopped - Turn towards the
(c) Sasikran Krishnan (d) Abhijit Kunte Dimensions : Standard heights of the other umpire and cross fully extended
hurdle : Distance (110 m/100 m) - Men's arms at the wrists above the head. Hit for
Sol.1061.(b) Dibyendu Barua.
(1.067 m), under 20 Women (0.838 m), behind the back-line (16-yard hit) - Extend
Grandmaster (GM) a title awarded to
under 20 Men (0.991 m). Distance (400 both arms horizontally sideways. Penalty
chess players by the world chess
m) - Men's (0.914 m), under 20 Women Stroke - One arm points to the penalty
organization FIDE (Federation
(0.762 m), under 20 Men (0.914 m). spot, the other points straight in the air.
Internationale des Echecs). Formed on
There are 10 hurdles in the 400 m hurdle Obstruction - Hold crossed forearms in
20 July 1924. Headquarters - Lausanne
race. There are 28 hurdle jumps and 7 front of the chest. Kicks - Slightly raise a
water jumps in 3000 m steeplechase leg and touch it near the foot or ankle
Q.1062. In which of the following sports, event. with the hand.
apart from volleyball, do players make
use of the Screen technique? Q.1066. Which of the following players is Q.1070. Which of the following
SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 3rd shift) associated with billiards ? weightlifting styles is used in
(a) Basketball (b) Cricket Graduate Level 28/06/2023 ( Shift - 3) powerlifting?
Bib, Busnari. Football - Bending the Ball, the first Indian female to win a 4-star Commonwealth Games, 1958 Tokyo
Direct Free Kick, Dribble. Swimming - tournament in 2006. Medal Record - Asian Games (200m and 400m), 1962
Butterfly, Breaststroke. Polo - Chukker, Bronze (Olympics, 2012), Gold (2010 and Jakarta Asian Games (400 m and 4 х 400
Foul, Knock-in. Riding - Dressage, Bridle, 2018 Commonwealth). Awards - Arjuna m relay). Awards - Padma Shri (1959).
Reins. Award (2009), Padma Shri (2010), Major Famous players related to sports: Track
Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna (2009–2010), and field sprinters - Hima Das, Dutee
Q.1072. In Table Tennis, the length of Padma Bhushan (2016). Chand, Amiya Kumar Mallick, Amlan
upper surface of the table is______ Borgohain.
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Evening) Q.1076. The First Field Handball World
(a) 264 cm (b) 780 cm Championships were played in Germany Q.1080. Who was the first Indian and
(c) 274 cm (d) 270 cm in______. Asian tennis player to win an Olympic
1.525 m wide, and 0.76 m high. Table (c) Purav Raja (d) Leander Paes
tennis (ping-pong /whiff-whaff) is the World Championships was played on the
national sport of China. Table tennis was 5th and 6th February 1938, hosted by Sol.1080.(d) Leander Paes. He won a
first played as an Olympic sport at the Germany, under the International bronze medal in men's single at the 1996
1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. The Amateur Handball Federation (IAHF). Summer Olympics in Atlanta. KD Jadhav
name table tennis was adopted in Only 4 teams participated : Germany, - The first athlete from independent India
Austria, Sweden and Denmark. Germany
racing sport? Sol.1088.(d) Tennis (Men). Other Cups Sol.1093.(b) Unlimited. There's no limit
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon) related to Tennis : Wimbledon Trophy, on the number of times one can replay
(a) Formula One (b) Super Bowl Wightman Cup (Women). when it has hit the net.
(c) Tour de France (d) Wimbledon
Q.1089. Which of the following pairs of Q.1094. Players that stop dribbling in
Sol.1084.(a) Formula One - Highest "term-sports" is correct? handball have to pass or shot within:
class of international racing for open - I. Offside - Football , II. Par - Golf SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift)
wheel single-seater formula racing cars SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (1st Shift) (a) 5 second (b) 30 second
sanctioned by the Fédération (a) Only II (b) Both I and II (c) 10 second (d) 3 second
Internationale de l'Automobile. (c) Neither I nor II (d) Only I
Sol.1094.(d) 3 seconds. If a handball
Q.1085. Judo has its origin in the ancient Sol.1089.(b) Both I and II. Terms related player takes more than three steps
_______ art of Ju-jitsu. with Golf : Hole , Bogey , Put , Stymie , without dribbling (bouncing the ball) or
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon) Caddie, Tee, Links, Putting the green. holds the ball for more than 3 seconds
(a) Malaysian (b) Korean Some prominent golfers of India are : without bouncing it, shooting or passing,
(c) Chinese (d) Japanese Aditi Ashok, Diksha Dagar, Jeev Milkha then that is deemed 'walking' and
Singh, Anirban Lahiri, Shubhankar possession is lost. Terminology used in
Sol.1085.(d) Japanese. Kano Jigoro
Sharma, Arjun Atwal, Shiv Kapur, Jyoti Handball : Court player, Goalie, Corner
invented Judo in 1882. Judo was
Randhawa, Udayan Mane, Gaganjeet Throw, Free throw, Penalty throw,
developed as a martial art for
It emphasizes throws, joint locks, and Q.1090. The term 'Back-stick' is used in
pins to subdue opponents. The terms which of the following games/sports ? Q.1095. The length of a Beach Volleyball
Kumi-Kata, Shintai, Ukemi are associated SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (1st Shift) court is:-
with judo. National games : Japan - (a) Basketball (b) Badminton SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Sumo Wrestling; South Korea - (c) Hockey (d) Volleyball (a) 12 m (b) 16 m (c) 20 m (d) 15 m
Taekwondo; Malaysia - Sepak Takraw
Sol.1090.(c) Hockey. Back stick is a Sol.1095.(b) 16 m long & 8 m wide. Two
(Kick volleyball); China - Table Tennis
penalty for hitting the ball on the rounded teams of two or more players. An
(Ping Pong).
back side of the Stick. Other Olympic sport since the 1996 Summer
Q.1086. In which country did the game of terminologies used in the game of Olympics (Atlanta). Beach Volleyball is
cricket start? hockey : Bully, Circle, Charging, Channel, the modified form of the game Volleyball.
SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon) Clear, Chip, Crumbs, The “D”, Drag flick, Volleyball - court is 18m long and 9m
(a) New Zealand (b) South Africa Flagrant foul, Flick, Flat-stick tackle, Foot, wide. Two teams of six players. An
(c) India (d) England Green Card, Hacking, Hooking, Indian Olympic sport since the 1964 Summer
Dribble, Jink, Leading pass, Yellow Card, Olympics (Tokyo). Federation
Sol.1086.(d) England. The world's first
Tomahawk, Tackle, Sweep hit, Swatting, Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) is the
Cricket club - Hambledon, England.
Scoop, Red Card, Pitch, etc. international governing body for both of
Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) - 1787.
the games.
First Cricket club in India - Calcutta Q.1091. In AIBA Boxing Junior Boys and
Cricket club (1792). First ever Girls Competitions, the bouts must Q.1096. Pivoting is related to which of
international cricket match - US vs consist of each round of _______ minutes. the following sports?
Canada in 1844. India played their first SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift)
International cricket match - Against (a) 5 min (b) 3 min (c) 1 min (d) 2 min (a) Hockey (b) Volleyball
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(c) Badminton (d) Basketball Sol.1101.(d) 1960. India has won 35 (a) front court (b) back court
medals at the Olympics since the 1900 (c) restricted area (d) middle court
Sol.1096.(d) Basketball. Pivoting in edition. Gold medal winners from India :
basketball is when a player stands still Jaipal Singh (1928 - Amsterdam), Lal Sol.1105.(b) Back court. The centre line
and steps with one foot. The foot that Bokhari (1932 - Los Angeles), Dhyan is marked parallel to the end lines from
stays on ground is called pivot foot. Chand (1936 - Berlin), Kishan Lal (1948 - the midpoint of the side lines. It extends
Basketball (court - 28 m × 15 m) - 2 London), K.D. Singh (1952 - Helsinki), 0.15 m beyond each sideline. The
teams of five active players each. In Balbir Singh Sr (1956 - Melbourne), backcourt is the half of the court that the
Olympics since 1936. Charanjit Singh (1964 - Tokyo), team with the ball advances the ball from
Vasudevan Bhaskaran (1980 - Moscow), into the frontcourt. In a basketball game,
Q.1097. In all AIBA Boxing competitions, the frontcourt is the side of the court on
the rest time between each round is Abhinav Bindra (2008-Beijing), and
Neeraj Chopra (2021-Tokyo). which the team with possession of the
________minutes. ball is attempting to score, and is also
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift) Q.1102. Which of the following strokes in known as that team's offensive end of
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 swimming does NOT start with a dive the court.
Sol.1097.(a) 1. into the pool from outside?
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Q.1106. In which game/sport is the area
AIBA Boxing competitions - comprising of bout called a ring?
three rounds of three minutes in men, (a) Butterfly (b) Backstroke
(c) Breaststroke (d) Freestyle SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (4th Shift)
and four rounds of two minutes in (a) Taekwondo (b) Judo
women. Sol.1102.(b) Backstroke : (c) Karate (d) Boxing
Q.1098. In Tennis which of the following The backstroke is unique because it’s the
only stroke done on the back. It’s the Sol.1106.(d) Boxing. Other Facts of
scores is a complete set? Boxing - Clinching refers to the act of
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (2nd Shift) third-fastest competitive swimming
leaning excessively on the opponent for
(a) 5 - 3 (b) 6 - 4 (c) 6 - 6 (d) 6 - 5 stroke – faster than the breaststroke but
slower than the butterfly. Butterfly : Start support. Parrying refers to the act of
blocking a blow from the opponent using
Sol.1098.(b) 6 - 4. A tennis match is by putting both of your arms straight in
composed of points, games, and sets. front of you at the 12 o’clock position, the glove. A knock out is an automatic
win. Knockdown that happens when a
Tennis is played in points : Four points palms slightly tilted outward at about a
win a game, six games win a set, and two shoulder’s width apart. boxer falls to the ground.
or three sets win a match. A set consists Q.1107. Asiad is regulated by_________.
of a number of games (a minimum of Q.1103. In hockey, what is the meaning
of the signal if the umpire points both SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift)
six). A set is won by the first side to win (a) International Olympic Council
arms horizontally towards the goal?
six games with a margin of at least two (b) Commonwealth Games Federation
games over the other side (e.g. 6-3, 6-4 SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(a) Free hit (b) Penalty corner (c) Indian Olympic Council
or 7-5). (d) Olympic Council of Asia
(c) Penalty stroke (d) Goal scored
Q.1099. The age range for the Youth Sol.1107.(d) Olympic Council of Asia
Boxer category is: Sol.1103.(b) Penalty Corner. Umpire
(OCA). Asiad (Asian Games) - Held every
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (2nd Shift) signals in Hockey : Free hit (Indicate the
direction with one arm raised horizontally four years. First held in 1951 in New
(a) 15 – 16 years (b) 19 – 20 years Delhi. Indian Olympic Association -
(c) 17 – 18 years (d) 13 – 18 years and open hand at face level), Penalty
stroke (One arm points to the penalty governing body for the Olympic
Sol.1099.(c) 17 – 18 years. IBA Youth spot, the other points straight in the air), Movement and the Commonwealth
World Boxing Championships (began in Goal scored (point both arms horizontally Games in India. Commonwealth Games
1979 & held biennially since 1990). towards the center of the field). Federation - international organisation
responsible for the direction and control
Q.1100. In football, when the ball strikes Q.1104. Which of the following sports of the Commonwealth Games.
the frame of the goal or the referee and was initially known as Poona? International Olympic Council -
remains within the goal and touch lines, SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (4th Shift) responsible for Olympic games.
it is: (a) Badminton (b) Baseball
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (2nd Shift) (c) Volleyball (d) Kho-Kho Q.1108. What is the distance of the
(a) foul (b) still in play penalty mark from the midpoint of the
(c) a misconduct (d) out of play Sol.1104.(a) The modern version of goal post in football?
Badminton has its origins in the city of SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Sol.1100.(b) still in play. Other terms Pune in India and was initially called (a) 10 m (b) 15 m (c) 11 m (d) 13 m
related to Football : Back of the net, 'Poona', which was played by British army
Ball-to-hand, Bicycle kick, Box-to-box officers stationed in India in the 1860s. In Sol.1108.(c) 11m. Some Facts - All free
player, Chip shot, Clean sheet, Hoof, 1873 the duke of Beaufort introduced the kicks and corners are direct and
Dummy run etc. sport at his country estate, Badminton opposition must be 3 metres away.
House, from which the game derives its Dribble is keeping control of the ball
Q.1101. In which of the following name. while running.
Olympic games did India NOT win Gold?
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (1st Shift) Q.1105. The Basketball centre line is part Q.1109. The first edition of the
(a) 1948 (b) 1928 (c) 1932 (d) 1960 of the: Commonwealth Youth Games was
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift) organised in which of the following
Advantage. "Tournament of the Continents". The disqualification of the athlete(s) making
International Volleyball Federation (FIVB)
Q.1111. In cricket, if the umpire raises the false start. Any athlete(s) making
2023 World Cup (Host - Brazil, China and further false starts in the race shall be
an index finger above the head it Japan).
means_________ disqualified.
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (4th Shift) Q.1115. When and where was the Q.1119. In which of the following
(a) dead ball (b) wide ball maiden Athletics World Cup organised, countries was the 1979 Asian Wrestling
(c) no ball (d) batsman is out that was discontinued after its first Championships organised by the Asian
arms in a sweeping motion out in front of (c) Tokyo, 2020 (d) Beijing, 2018
the chest), No ball (One arm fully (a) Lahore, Pakistan (b) Oarai, Japan
extended horizontally), Free hit (One Sol.1115.(a) London 2018. Eight teams (c) Jalandhar, India (d) Tehran, Iran
hand held above their head and making a participated in the maiden Athletics Sol.1119.(c) Jalandhar, India.
circular motion), Wide Ball (Both arms World Cup (China, France, Great Britain,
extended horizontally), Six runs (Both Jamaica, Poland, South Africa and the Q.1120. A FIBA sanctioned game of
arms held high above their head), dead United States). The 2022 World Athletics basketball typically consists of ______.
ball (crossing and uncrossing his arms in Championships held at Eugene, Oregon, SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon)
front of his body) etc. United States. The World Athletics (a) 4 quarters of 15 minutes each
over of a T20 International match? The width of a turf pitch is 3.05m. (c) Paragliding (d) Paralympics
SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Morning)
Q.1129. Who among the following Indian Sol.1133.(c) Paragliding. Adventure
(a) Wanderers Stadium
players is also known as 'Dhing Express'? Sports - Air Based : Powered Hang
(b) Kingsmead Stadium
SSC MTS 21/07/2022 (Afternoon) gliding, Parasailing, SkyDiving /
(c) Mabhida Stadium
(a) Dutee Chand (b) Neeraj Chopra Parachuting and Hot Air Ballooning. Land
(d) Newlands Cricket Ground
(c) Hima Das (d) PT Usha Based : Mountaineering, Trekking, Rock
Sol.1123.(b) Yuvraj Singh hit 6 sixes in Climbing, Sport Climbing, Camping, Snow
Stuart Broad's over in the 21st match of Sol.1129.(c) Hima Das, is an Indian Skiing, Mountain Biking and Zipline.
the first T20 world cup between India and sprinter from the state of Assam. She
holds the current Indian national record Q.1134. In which sport does the score
England at Kingsmead Cricket Ground in
in 400 metres with a timing of 50.79 s depend on putting the ball in a hole?
Durban, South Africa.
that she clocked at the 2018 Asian SSC CHSL 27/05/ 2022 (Afternoon)
Q.1124. In basketball, a free-throw is Games in Jakarta, Indonesia. (a) Hockey (b) Baseball
basketball team has 12 players, with five (a) No limit (b) 3 (c) 10 (d) 5 as few strokes as possible. Trophies
basketball players on the court at any associated with Golf are FedEx Cup,
given time. Sol.1130.(a) no limit . All five skaters and Walker cup, Ryder Cup, Augusta Masters,
the goalie can be substituted at any time British open, Canada cup.
Q.1125. Who among the following is the during a hockey game.
first Indian Grandmaster to become Q.1135. In which track and field event is
Women's Chess World Rapid Champion? Q.1131. The equipment bolt is used in the baton used?
SSC MTS 13/07/2022 (Afternoon) which sport? SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Evening)
(a) Tania Sachdev (b) Koneru Humpy SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Afternoon) (a) Hammer throw (b) Relay race
(c) Harika Dronavalli (d) Bhakti Kulkarni (a) Swimming (b) Mountaineering (c) High jump (d) Steeplechase
(c) Cycling (d) Motor sports
Sol.1125.(b) Koneru Humpy is the first Sol.1135.(b) A relay race is an event
Indian Grandmaster to become women Sol.1131.(b) Mountaineering. More where a team of four athletes runs equal
Chess World rapid champion. equipment used in Mountaineering are predetermined distances in a sprint race,
Climbing pack, Rope(s) (dry preferred), each passing a rod-like object called the
Q.1126. What is the height of the goal - Helmet, Harness (with adjustable leg 'baton' to the next person to continue the
post according to FIFA? loops), Crampons, Ice axe (with leash), race. The last runner in a relay is called
SSC MTS 14/07/2022 (Afternoon) Belay/rappel device, Pulley. the 'anchor'.
(a) 6 ft (b) 8 ft (c) 10 ft (d) 12 ft
Q.1132. What is the name of the Q.1136. In running events who counts
Sol.1126.(b) 8 ft. The standard traditional Indian sports shown in the the laps ?
soccer/football goal dimensions are 24ft picture below? SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Morning)
(7.32 metres) wide and 8 ft (2.44 metres) (a) Lap counter (b) Lap scorer
high. Both goalposts and the crossbar (c) Time keeper (d) Lap recorder
have the same width and depth of 12cm.
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Sol.1136.(b) Lap scorer counts the lap in place on a large floor mat? Q.1146. ______ is the first woman hockey
the running events. Running events SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening) player to receive the Rajiv Gandhi Khel
include : Sprints (100m, 200m, 400m), (a) Uneven parallel bar Ratna Award.
Middle distance (800m, 1500m), Long (b) Floor exercise SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Evening)
distance (3000m Steeplechase, 5000m, (c) Vaulting table (a) Rani Rampal (b) Vandana Katariya
10,000m), Hurdles (110/100m, 400m), (d) Balance beam Question (c) Nikki Pradhan (d) Sharmila Devi
Relays (4 x100m, 4 x 400m).
Sol.1141.(b) A floor exercise is a Sol.1146.(a) Rani Rampal. The new
Q.1137. What is the other name of trap gymnastics event in which movements name of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
shooting? are performed on the floor in an area of is Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award.
SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Morning) 12 metres (40 feet) square. Uneven
(a) Clay-pigeon shooting parallel Bar is an Olympic gymnastics Q.1147. Los Angeles Clippers and
(b) Crawl shooting event performed only by women. Portland Trail Blazers are ______ teams.
(c) Wood-pigeon shooting Vaulting is a gymnastics exercise in SSC CGL 18/04/2022(Morning)
(d) Pigeon shooting which the athlete leaps over a form that (a) Women’s Tennis (b) Men’s Basketball
was originally intended to mimic a horse. (c) Women’s Hockey (d) Men’s Volleyball
Sol.1137.(a) Clay-pigeon shooting is the The balance beam is one of the events
other name of trap shooting. The other Sol.1147.(b) Men’s Basketball. It is a
that comprise a total artistic gymnastics game played between two teams of five
disciplines are skeet shooting and program.
sporting clays. players each on a rectangular court.
Q.1142. Where is the JRD Tata Sports Basketball is the national game of Serbia,
Q.1138. Which kind of sport is bungee Complex located ? Lithuania and Estonia.
jumping? SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Morning) Q.1148. Participation in which of the
(a) Visakhapatnam (b) Ranchi following activities is NOT recommended
(a) Adventure sport (b) Recreational sport
(c) Rourkela (d) Jamshedpur for the motor development of a student?
(c) Para sport (d) Special sport
Sol.1142.(d) Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. It SSC CGL 20/04/2022(Morning)
Sol.1138.(a) Adventure sports - Skiing, is used mostly for association football (a) Playing cricket
Dirt biking, Scuba diving, Zorbing, etc. matches and athletics competitions. (b) Joining a dance class
Recreational sport - swimming, cycling, Cricket stadium in Jamshedpur is (c) Attending Yoga sessions
football, yoga, etc. Para sport - Archery, Keenan Stadium. (d) Helping the visually challenge
Marathon competitions. SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Morning) able to run, hop, balance on one foot,
(a) 13.57 m (b) 9 m (c) 12 m (d) 10.97 m throw and kick a ball, climb up stairs or
Q.1139. In which sport is the term LONA playground equipment, ride a tricycle,
(c) Volleyball (d) Soft ball however, differs for doubles (10.97 m)
and singles (8.23 m). There are four main Q.1149. The European Champions Cup
Sol.1139.(a) In Kabaddi When a team types of surface for tennis courts: Grass, or Heineken Cup is associated with
knocks out all the players of the other Which sport?
Champions League, UEFA European (a) Lawn tennis (b) Golf
Championship, Copa America, The Q.1158. Who among the following was (c) Field hockey (d) Cricket
English Premier League , etc. the first Indian swimmer to swim across
the English Channel in 1958 ? Sol.1163.(c) Field hockey. A 16-yard hit
Q.1153. The gymnast Dipa Karmakar SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) is awarded to the defence when a foul is
belongs to the state of ______. (a) Shamsher Khan (b) Mihir Sen committed inside their striking circle by
SSC MTS 12/10/2021 (Evening) (c) Brojen Das (d) Virdhawal Khade the opposition or when the ball is hit over
(a) Maharashtra (b) Haryana the backline by the opposing team.
(c) Manipur (d) Tripura Sol.1158.(b) Mihir Sen. Arati Saha the
first Asian woman to swim across the Q.1164. In which of the following sports
Sol.1153.(d) Tripura. Dipa Karmakar is English Channel. Gertrude Ederle is the shakehand grip used?
an Indian artistic gymnast. She won a becomes the first woman to swim across SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Afternoon)
bronze medal at the 2014 the English Channel. Matthew Webb was (a) Badminton (b) Squash
Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. the first swimmer to swim across the (c) Cricket (d) Table tennis
English Channel.
Q.1154. Produnova is related to which of Sol.1164.(d) Table tennis. It is the typical
the following sports? Q.1159. Who is known as the ‘Wizard of European type grip where the head of the
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Morning) Hockey’ ? racket faces up, and your hand looks like
(a) cycling (b) Gymnastics SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) it's ready to shake a person's hand.
(c) Diving (d) Solitary swimming (a) Balbir Singh ‘Penhold grip’, ‘Common grip’ and
(b) Dhanraj Pillay ‘Forehand’ grip are some of the other
Sol.1154.(b) Gymnastics. Produnova is (c) Mohammed Shahid grips used in Table tennis.
related to women's artistic Gymnastics (d) Major Dhyan Chand
vault consisting of a front handspring Q.1165. Birdie, eagle and albatross are
onto the vaulting horse and two front Sol.1159.(d) Major Dhyan Chand. all terms used in ______.
somersaults in a tucked position off it. SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Morning)
Dipa Karmakar is one of five women Q.1160. With which of the following (a) golf (b) polo (c) baseball (d) football
gymnasts in the world to have sports is the Ruia Gold Cup associated ?
successfully executed the highly-difficult SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.1165.(a) Golf. Some Terms used in
Produnova vault. Dipa Karmakar finished (a) Water polo (b) Bridge Golf - par, bogey, double bogey, triple
in fourth place at the Rio 2016 Olympics. (c) Badminton (d) Swimming bogey, ace, handicap, etc. terms used in
Baseball- strikeout, base, walk, home run
Q.1155. Which state in India houses The Sol.1160.(b) Bridge. Other trophies hit, bat, batter, etc.
National Institute of Water Sports? associated with Bridge include Basalat
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) Jha Trophy, Holkar Trophy and Singhania Q.1166. With which sport are Vijay
(a) Maharashtra (b) Goa Trophy. Amritraj and Anand Amritraj associated?
(c) Karnataka (d) Assam SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.1161. In cricket, which of the following (a) Table tennis (b) Cricket
Sol.1155.(b) Goa. The National Institute fielding positions is behind the batsman? (c) Lawn tennis (d) Football
of Water Sports was established in July SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Evening)
1990. (a) Mid-wicket (b) First slip Sol.1166.(c) Lawn tennis.
(c) Mid off (d) Cover
Q.1156. Which Indian cricketer has Q.1167. Which of the following animals
featured in the most number of Sol.1161.(b) A slip fielder is placed is made to race in the traditional sport
Q.1169. Who among the following was (a) Brad Friedel (b) Alan Burgess
the first para-athlete to receive the Rajiv Sol.1178.(d) bowling.
(c) Ivan Cordoba (d) Erik Karlsson
Gandhi Khel Ratna? Q.1179. To which of the following Indian
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.1173.(b) Alan Burgess, New Zealand states does Mardani Khel, one of the
(a) Mariyappan Thangavelu first-class cricketer, and World War II famous martial art forms in India
(b) Devendra Jhajharia veteran. He was a tank driver in World belong?
(c) Varun Singh Bhati War II. In June 2020, Burgess became SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Morning)
(d) Naresh Kumar Sharma the world’s oldest living first-class (a) Maharashtra (b) Uttar Pradesh
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna - the highest Shabana Akhtar, the first female athlete particularly known for its use of the
sports award in the country. He is an to represent Pakistan, participate? uniquely Indian patta (sword) and vita
Indian Paralympic javelin thrower SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Morning) (corded lance).
(a) Vijay Hazare (b) Hemu Adhikari Sol.1174.(b) Shabana Akhtar was author of the book 'The House of Blue
(c) Bishan Singh Bedi (d) Lala Amarnath Pakistan's first woman to compete at the Mangoes'?
Olympics when she took part in the SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning)
Sol.1170.(d) Lala Amarnath Bharadwaj,
women's long jump at the 1996 Summer (a) David Davidar
known as the father figure of Indian
Olympics in Atlanta, United States. (b) Durjoy Data
Cricket, captained India in the first Test
(c) Arvind Adiga
series and won against Pakistan in 1952. Q.1175. Who among the following won a
(d) Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
He was the first batsman to score a bronze medal at the World Athletics
century for India in Test cricket. Championship in Paris in 2003? Sol.1180.(a) David Davidar. His Other
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Evening) Books: “The solitude of emperors”,
Q.1171. Which two Indians became the
(a) Krishna Poonia (b) Seema Punia “Ithaca”, and “Nila amera kuṭhi”.
first pair to reach the finals of all Grand
(c) PT Usha (d) Anju Bobby George
Slams in a year in the Open era, winning Q.1181. Who among the following is the
the French Open and Wimbledon as top Sol.1175.(d) Anju Bobby George is a author of the book ‘The Glassblower’s
seeds? retired Indian athlete. She made history Breath’?
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Morning) when she won the bronze medal in the SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening)
(a) Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi long jump at the 2003 World (a) Bharati Mukherjee
(b) Yuki Bhambri and Leander Paes Championships in Athletics in Paris and (b) Sunetra Gupta
(c) Rohan Bopanna and Mahesh became the first Indian athlete ever to (c) Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Bhupathi win a medal in a World Championships in (d) Shobha De
(d) Rohan Bopanna and Yuki Bhambri Athletics jumping 6.70 m.
Sol.1181.(b) Sunetra Gupta. Her Other
Sol.1171.(a) Leander Paes and Mahesh Q.1176. Where were the first Winter Books: “Memories of Rain”, and “A Sin of
Bhupathi. In 1999, the duo reached the Paralympics Games held ? Color”. Authors and their books: Shobha
finals of all four Grand Slams, winning SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Morning) De - “Starry Nights”, “Speedpost”. Bharati
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Mukherjee - “Desirable Daughters”, “Miss Q.1185. Which of the following fictional Q.1189. The famous novel ‘The house of
New India”. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - towns is mentioned in the English novel blue mangoes’ is written by:
“The Palace of Illusions”, “The Last ‘In Custody’ written by Anita Desai? SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
Queen”. SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (2nd Shift) (a) Romila Thapar (b) Shashi Tharoor
(a) Kanthapura (b) Mirpore (c) David Davidar (d) Anees Salim
Q.1182. Who among the following is the (c) Malgudi (d) Lilliput
author of the book 'The Thousand Faces Sol.1189.(c) David Davidar is an Indian
of Night'? Sol.1185.(b) Mirpore. In Custody (1984) novelist his other books include “The
SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Afternoon) is a novel set in Delhi by Anita Desai. Her solitude of emperors” and “Ithaca”.
(a) Githa Hariharan (b) Urvashi Butalia other novels include “Journey to Ithaca”, Romila Thapar - “Somanatha”, “The Past
(c) Meena Alexander (d) Namita Gokhale “Clear Light of Day”, “Fasting, Feasting”, Before Us”. Shashi Tharoor - “The
“The Zigzag Way”, and “The Peacock Paradoxical Prime Minister”, “Riot: A
Sol.1182.(a) Githa Hariharan. Authors Garden”. Malgudi is a fictional town Love Story”. Anees Salim - “The Blind
and their books: Githa Hariharan - “When located in south India in the novels and Lady’s Descendants”, “Fly, Hasina, Fly”
Dreams Travel”, “Ghosts of Vasu Master”. short stories of R.K. Narayan. Lilliput and “Vanity Bagh”.
Urvashi Butalia - “The other side of fictional island nations that appear in the
silence”, “The Persistence of Memory”. novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Q.1190. ‘Running for My Life: One Lost
Meena Alexander - “Fault lines”, “Illiterate Swift. Boy’s Journey from the Killing Fields of
heart”. Namita Gokhale - “Things to Sudan to the Olympic Games’ an
Leave Behind”, “The Book of Shadows”. Q.1186. Who wrote the novel 'The autobiography depicting the struggle for
Catcher in the Rye'? life to success in life is written by who
Q.1183. The historical fiction ‘The Glory SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift) among the following personalities?
of Patan’ by KM Munshi was originally (a) HG Wells (b) Ernest Hemingway SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
written in which Indian language? (c) Mark Twain (d) JD Salinger (a) Noah Lyles (b) Jesse Owens
SSC MTS 30/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) Lopez Lomong (d) Arnold Palmer
(a) Malayalam (b) Bengali Sol.1186.(d) JD Salinger was an
(c) Tamil (d) Gujarati American author. His other works include Sol.1190.(c) Lopez Lomong is an
Indian independence movement activist, Hemingway - “The Old Man and the Sea”, Usain Bolt (sprinter); “Ace against Odds” -
politician, writer from Gujarat state. “The Sun Also Rises”. Mark Twain - Sania Mirza (Tennis); “A Shot at History” -
Books by him: ‘’Krishnavatara II The “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “The Abhinav Bindra (Shooter);
Wrath Of An Emperor’’, ‘’Atta Ke Svapna’’, Innocents Abroad”. “Controversially Yours” - Shoaib Akhtar
‘’Gaurava K Pratka’’, ‘’Lopamudra’’, (Cricketer).
‘‘Pratiodha’’, ‘’Akhand Hindustan’’, ‘’Gujarat Q.1187. Epic Poem, Savitri, described by
and Its Literature’’, ‘’The Book of its author as ‘A Legend and a Symbol’, Q.1191. Yashodhara Dalmia is the author
Satyabhama’’, ‘’The Ruin That Britain was written by _____. of which famous book?
Wrought’’, ‘’Kakani Raashi Ane Chiye Tej SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 28/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
Thik’’. (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (a) Paintings in the Kangra Valley
author of the book named (d) Baba Saheb Ambedkar (d) Indian Art
SSC MTS 16/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Sol.1187.(b) Aurobindo Ghosh. Savitri Sol.1191.(c) The Painted World of the
(a) Tarabai Shinde poem was based on the legend of Savitri Warlis. Her Other Books include “Amrita
(b) Pandit Ramabai and Satyavan in the Mahabharata. His Sher-Gil: A Life”, “Sayed Haider Raza”.
(c) Rashasundari Devi other books include “The Life Divine”, Other Authors: Vijay Sharma - “Painting in
(d) Sarojini Naidu “The Human Cycle”, “The Secret of the the Kangra Valley”. Walter M. Spink -
Veda” and “The Synthesis of Yoga”. “Ajanta, A Brief History and Guide”, “The
Sol.1184.(a) Tarabai Shinde was a axis of Eros”.
feminist activist who protested Q.1188. ‘Once a Dancer’ is the
patriarchy and caste in 19th century autobiography of ________________. Q.1192. Which book has been authored
India. She is known for her published SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift) by Rabindra Bharali?
work, Stri Purush Tulana, originally (a) Yamini Krishnamurthy SSC MTS 29/10/2024 (1st Shift)
published in Marathi in 1882. Pandita (b) Audrey Hepburn (a) Indie 101
Ramabai wrote the Stree Dharma-Neeti (c) Allegra Kent (b) The Forgotten Forms of Hindustani
(1882) book on the duties and moral (d) Sudha Chandran Music
obligations of women in India. (c) The Music Room
Rassundari Devi wrote the autobiography Sol.1188.(c) Allegra Kent is an American (d) Music to my Ears
'Amar Jibon' (1876). Sarojini Naidu (first ballet dancer. Her other books include
Governor of United Provinces) - The “Ballerina Swan”, “Dancers' Body Book”. Sol.1192.(b) The Forgotten Forms of
Village Song, The Golden Threshold, The Other Options: Yamini Krishnamurthy Hindustani Music. Dr. Rabindra Bharali
Sceptred Flute. (Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi) - “A has been trained under the able guidance
Passion For Dance: My Autobiography”. of Pt. Deepak Chatterjee of Rampur
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Sahaswan Gharana and Pt. Mukul Governor ? Baniya: Peasants and Usurers in Western
Shiputra of Gwalior Gharana. Other SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift) India’’. Sumit Sarkar - ‘’Writing Social
Books: ‘’Indie 101’’ - Ritnika Nayan, (a) Draupadi Murmu History’’, ‘’The Swadeshi Movement in
‘’Music to My Ears’’ - Celine L. A. (b) Baby Rani Maurya Bengal, 1903-1908’’.
Simpson, ‘’The Music Room’’ - Namita (c) Kiran Bedi
Devidayal. (d) Anandi ben Patel Q.1200. Which famous book was written
by ‘Haripala’?
Q.1193. Who among the following is the Sol.1196.(c) Kiran Bedi. She is the first SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift)
author of the autobiography 'Lone Fox woman in India to join the officer ranks of (a) Gita Govinda
Dancing: My Autobiography'? the Indian Police Service (IPS) in 1972. (b) Sangeet Darpan
SSC MTS 29/10/2024 (2nd Shift) Her other books: ‘It's always possible’, (c) Sangeet Ratnakara
(a) Khushwant Singh (b) Brij Mohan Kaul ‘Himmat Hai’, ‘Dare to Do! For the New (d) Sangeeta Sudhakara
(c) Ruskin Bond (d) John Dalvi Generation’.
Sol.1200.(d) Sangeeta Sudhakara. The
Sol.1193.(c) Ruskin Bond. His other Q.1197. ‘Ungalil Oruvan’ (One Among term ‘Carnatic’ and ‘Hindustani’ to
books: “The Room on the Roof”, “The You) is the autobiography of which of the classify musical styles first appeared in
Blue Umbrella”, “Roads to Mussoorie”. following chief ministers? it. The Gita Govinda is a work composed
Authors and Books: Khushwant Singh - SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) by the 12th-century Hindu poet,
“Train to Pakistan”. Brij Mohan Kaul - (a) MK Stalin Jayadeva. Sangeet Darpan is a musical
“Confrontation with Pakistan”. John Dalvi (b) K Chandrashekhar Rao treatise on Indian classical music written
- “Himalayan Blunder”. (c) Basavaraj Bommai by Damodar Pandit. The
(d) Pinarayi Vijayan Sangita-Ratnakara (Ocean of Music and
Q.1194. Who among the following Dance) is one of the most important
authors wrote ‘Kamayani’, Sol.1197.(a) MK Stalin. Other Chief musicological texts from India.
‘Dhruvswamini’, ‘Kankal’, ‘Titli’, ministers’ books : Mamata Banerjee - ‘My
‘Skandagupta’, ‘Lahar’ and ‘Mamta’? Unforgettable Memories’, Yogi Q.1201. The famous book 'Sangraha
SSC MTS 30/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Adityanath - ‘Hathyoga : Swaroop evam Choodamani', which deals with the
(a) Jaishankar Prasad
(b) Suryakant Tripathi Nirala na
Sadhna’, Arvind Kejriwal - ‘Swaraj’. current system of Carnatic music was
written by:
(c) Bhisham Sahni Q.1198. Who has written the book SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (2nd shift)
(d) Krishna Sobti Sangeet Bal Prakash? (a) Damodara Misra (b) Haripala
as Chhayavadi kavi. Other Author and (c) Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande Muni authored the Brihaddesi, a
Books: Jaishankar Prasad - Iravati, Kānan (d) Bhimsen Joshi significant text in the study of Indian
kusum, Chandragupta. Suryakant Tripathi music. Bharata Muni is traditionally
Nirala - Ram Ki Shakti Pooja, Kukurmutta, Sol.1198.(b) Vishnu Digambar Paluskar attributed with the Natya Shastra, an
Parimal. Bhisham Sahni - Tamas, founded the Gandharva Mahavidyalaya in ancient musical and dramatic treatise.
Lahore in 1901. His notable works
Raagas) in nineteen volumes, and (a) Swami Shraddhanand
Q.1195. In 1973, the first female high Mahilaa Sangeet (Ladies' Music). (b) Dwarkanath Tagore
court judge of India Anna Chandy Paluskar also innovated musical (c) BR Ambedkar
published her autobiography ____________ performances through enterprises like (d) Jyotiba Phule
in Malayalam. Tablaa Tarang (Tabla Vibrations) and
SSC MTS 05/11/2024 (1st Shift) Kaashtha Tarang (Wood Vibrations). Sol.1202.(d) Jyotiba Phule. He founded
(a) The Test of My Life the Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873.
(b) Playing it My Way Q.1199. Who is the author of the book Famous Books and Authors : Swami
(c) Atmakatha 'From Plassey to Partition and After : A Shraddhanand - “Hindu-Sangathan -
(d) The Race of My Life History of Modern India'? Savior of the Dying Race”. BR Ambedkar
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift) - “The Annihilation of Caste”, “Thoughts
Sol.1195.(c) Atmakatha. Anna Chandy (a) Romila Thapar on Pakistan”, etc.
was the first woman judge in India and (b) Devid Hardiman
the Commonwealth, appointed as a (c) Sekhar Bandyopadhyay Q.1203. Who among the following is the
munsif in 1937. She later became the (d) Sumit Sarkar author of the book 'The Guide'?
first female High Court judge in India in SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
1959. Other Autobiographies: Yuvraj Sol.1199.(c) Sekhar Bandyopadhyay. His (a) Rohinton Mistry (b) RK Narayan
Singh - ‘’The Test of My Life’’, Sachin other Book: ‘’Caste and Partition in (c) Vikram Chandra (d) Shashi Tharoor
Tendulkar - ‘’Playing it My Way’’, Milkha Bengal: The Story of Dalit Refugees,
1946-1961’’. Romila Thapar - Sol.1203.(b) RK Narayan. His other
Singh - ‘’The Race of My Life’’. books: ‘Malgudi Days’, ‘Swami and
‘’Somanatha’’, ‘’Sakuntala: Texts,
Q.1196. Who has written the book Readings, Histories’’. Devid Hardiman - Friends’, ‘The Vendor of Sweets’, ‘A Tiger
‘Fearless Governance’, published in ‘’Gandhi in His Time and Ours: The Global for Malgudi’, ‘The English Teacher’, ‘The
January 2021, describing her stint as Legacy of His Ideas’’, ‘’Feeding the Dark Room’ and ‘Mahatma Ka Intezaar’.
(a) Arjun Singh Sol.1209.(d) Radhika Vaz. Hilarious (a) Salman Rushdie (b) Vikram Seth
(b) Satyajit Ray Comedy Novels by Indian Writers: ‘The (c) Khushwant Singh (d) Ruskin Bond
(c) Phoolan Devi Unproposed Guy’ - Bhavik Sarkhedi and
(d) Khushwant Singh Suhana Bhambhani, ‘Mrs Funnybones’ - Sol.1213.(d) Ruskin Bond. His Other
Twinkle Khanna, ‘The Great Indian Novel’ books: ‘The Great Train Journey’, ‘The
Sol.1205.(d) Khushwant Singh. Books by Room on the Roof’, ‘The Blue Umbrella’,
- Shashi Tharoor, ‘English, August’ -
Him: ‘’Train to Pakistan’’, ‘’Sex, Scotch & ‘Delhi Is Not Far’. Other writer and book:
Scholarship’’, ‘’Land of Five Rivers’’, ‘’A Upamanyu Chatterjee, ‘Anything for You,
Ma’am’ - Tushar Raheja, ‘Tongue - in - Khushwant Singh - ‘The train to Pakistan’,
History of the Sikhs’’, ‘’I Shall Not Hear ‘The end of India’, ‘The Company of
the Nightingale’’. Cheek’ - Khyrunnisa A, ‘Dissected’ -
Naveen Kakkar, ‘Hostelitis’ - Srinivas Women’.
Q.1206. Whose autobiography is titled ‘A Addepalli, ‘The Backbenchers Series’ -
Indian novelist, poet, entrepreneur and Q.1210. The book ‘A suitable Boy' was Sol.1214.(b) Amish Tripathi. His other
feminist. Bindu Bhatt is a Gujarati
translator. Her books : ‘Chhinnmasta’, (a) Arundhati Roy (b) Kiran Desai Indrapramit Das - ‘The Devourers’, ‘Infinity
‘Anya Se Ananya’, ‘Peeli Aandhi’, etc. (c) Vikram Seth (d) David Davidar war’. Vikram Chandra - ‘Sacred Games’,
Autobiography of Mannu Bhandari - ‘Ek
Sol.1210.(c) Vikram Seth. Some of his ‘Red Earth’ and ‘Pouring Rain’, ‘The
Kahaani Yeh Bhi’.
notable works include ‘The Golden Gate’, Srinagar Conspiracy’. Ravi Subramanian
Q.1207. ‘Anup Rag Vilas' is a book ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’, ‘An Equal - ‘Bankerupt’, ‘the Name of God’, ‘God is
written by which of the following Music: A Novel’, ‘Beastly Tales’, ‘Two a Gamer’.
musicians? Lives’, ‘All You Who Sleep Tonight’. Q.1215. Which of the following books is
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.1211. Which of the following books written by Rabindranath Tagore ?
(a) Pandit Kumar Gandharva
was written by Chitra Banerjee SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
(b) Pandit Jasraj
Divakaruni? (a) Non - Violent Resistance
(c) Pandit Birju Maharaj
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) (b) The Essential Writings
(d) Pandit Dinkar Kaikini
(a) Malgudi Days (c) The Way to God
Sol.1207.(a) Pandit Kumar Gandharva. (b) The Palace of Illusions (d) Nationalism
He was conferred the title ‘Kumar (c) A Fine Balance
Gandharva’ by the Shankaracharya. His Sol.1215.(d) Nationalism. His other
(d) The feast of roses books: “Gitanjali”, “Gora”, “The
Awards: Padma Bhushan (1977) and
Padma Vibhushan (1990). Other books Sol.1211.(b) The Palace of Illusions. Postmaster”. “Non-Violent Resistance” or
and authors: Pandit Jasraj - ‘Rasraj’. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is an (Satyagraha) written by Mahatma
Pandit Birju Maharaj - ‘The Master Indian-born American author. Books Gandhi. “The Way to God” written by
Through My Eyes’, ‘Rasgunjan’. Pandit authored by Her: ‘’Arranged Marriage: Dwight L. Moody.
Dinkar Kaikini - ‘Living Music’. Stories’’, ‘’The Mistress of Spices’’, ‘’Sister
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Q.1216. Who among the following is the Chakraborty - ‘Stranger Trilogy’, ‘Forever Sol.1223.(c) Milkha Singh, also known
author of the book ‘Those Pricey Thakur is True’, ‘Half Torn Hearts’. Samit Basu - as the Flying Sikh, was awarded the
Girls’ ? ‘The Simoqin Prophecies’, ‘The City Padma Shri in 1959. Other notable
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) Inside’, ‘Chosen Spirits’. Amish Tripathi - autobiographies by sports persons: PT
(a) Pratibha Ray (b) Preeti Shenoy ‘The Immortals of Meluha’, ‘The Secret of Usha (Golden girl), Sachin Tendulkar
(c) Anuja Chauhan (d) Anita Nair the Nagas’, ‘The Shiva Trilogy’. (Playing It My Way), Yuvraj Singh (The
test of my life), Saina Nehwal (Playing To
Sol.1216.(c) Anuja Chauhan. Books and Q.1220. Who among of the following is Win), Muhammad Ali (The Greatest: My
Authors: Anuja Chauhan - ‘Club You To the author of the book Making India Own Story), Sania Mirza (Ace against
Death’, ‘Battle for Bittora’, ‘The Fast And Awesome? Odds), Mary Kom (Unbreakable).
The Dead’ and ‘The Zoya Factor’. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Pratibha Ray - ‘Yajnaseni: The Story of (a) Chetan Bhagat Q.1224. Who is the author of the book 'A
Draupadi’, ‘Citadel of Love’. Preeti Shenoy (b) Vikram Seth Life Misspent'?
- ‘Life is what you make it’, ‘The Secret (c) Aravind Adiga Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Wish List’, ‘It Happens for a Reason’. (d) Siddhartha Mukherjee (a) Dushyant Kumar
Anita Nair - ‘Ladies Coupe’, ‘The Better (b) Harivansh Rai Bachchan
Man’, ‘Lessons in Forgetting’, ‘Cut Like Sol.1220.(a) Chetan Bhagat. His other (c) Suryakant Tripathi Nirala
Wound’. books: ‘One Indian girl’, ‘Half Girlfriend’, (d) Maithili Sharan Gupta
‘The 3 Mistakes of My Life’ and ‘2 States’.
Q.1217. The book Godaan was authored Other Authors and books: Vikram Seth - Sol.1224.(c) Suryakant Tripathi Nirala :
by ______________ in 1936. ‘A Suitable Boy’, ‘The Golden Gate’, ‘An Other notable Hindi poets and their
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) Equal Music’. Aravind Adiga - ‘The White works: Suryakant Tripathi Nirala: "Saroj
(a) Mahatma Gandhi Tiger’, ‘Selection Day’, ‘Last Man in Smriti", "Parimal", "Anaamika. Maithili
(b) Munshi Premchand Tower’. Siddhartha Mukherjee - ‘The Sharan Gupta: "Bharat-Bharati",
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru Emperor of All Maladies’, ‘Holding "Jayadrath Vadh". Harivansh Rai
(d) Mulk Raj Anand Broadband’, ‘Fatehpur Sikri and Agra’. Bachchan: "Madhukalash", "Milan
Yamini". Dushyant Kumar: "Saaye Mein
Sol.1217.(b) Munshi Premchand. His Q.1221. Which of the following novels Dhoop", "Ek Kanth Vishpayi".
other books : ‘Kaphan’, ‘Namak ka was written by George Orwell?
daroga’, ‘Nirmala’, ‘Gaban’, ‘Do Bailon Ki Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1) Q.1225. Which author wrote the
Katha’, ‘Poos Ki Raat’, ‘Shatranj ke (a) Brave New World autobiography 'Baluta' ?
Khiladi’, ‘Sevasadan’. Mahatma Gandhi - (b) Fahrenheit 451 Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’, (c) Animal Farm (a) Daya Pawar (b) Nirmal Verma
‘Hind Swaraj’. Jawaharlal Nehru - ‘The (d) Pride and Prejudice (c) Chitra Mudgal (d) Teji Grover
the Black Waters’. Days (1934)”, “Coming Up for Air (1939)”, for his contributions to Dalit literature.
“Down and Out in Paris and London Other Authors and works : Nirmal Verma
Q.1218. ‘Along The Red River : A Memoir’ (1933)”. ‘Brave New World” is written by - Parinde, Jalti Jhari, London ki raat.
is a book about the life of _____. Aldous Huxley (1932), “Fahrenheit 451” is Chitra Mudgal - Ek Jamin Apni, Gilli
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) written by Ray Bradbury (1953), “Pride gaddu, Bayan. Teji Grover - Sapne Mein
(a) Nirupama Borgohain and Prejudice” is written by Jane Austen Prem Ki Saat, Neela, Maine Ek Line
of My Life’, Saina Nehwal - ‘Playing to (Nasser Hussain), Straight from the (d) Lal Bahadur Shastri
Win’. Sania Mirza - ‘Ace against Odds’.
Heart (Kapil Dev), Out of My Comfort
Zone (Steve Waugh), Portrait of a Rebel Sol.1236.(a) Jawaharlal Nehru. Other
Q.1229. Who among the following wrote Books by him : “The Discovery of India”,
(Kevin Pietersen).
the book ‘Long Walk to Freedom’? “An Autobiography”, “Glimpses of World
Higher Secondary 21/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Q.1233. Who among the following is the History”. Other Authors and Books :
(a) Winston Churchill (b) Barack Obama author of the book ‘The Complete Subhas Chandra Bose - “Azad Hind”, “The
(c) Nelson Mandela (d) Mother Teresa Adventures of Feluda’? Indian Struggle”, “Dreams of a Youth”.
Sol.1229.(c) Nelson Mandela. He was Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) Mahatma Gandhi - “The Story of My
South Africa's first democratically (a) Mrinal Sen (b) Ritwik Ghatak Experiments”, “Hind Swaraj”, “Satyagraha
(c) Goutam Ghosh (d) Satyajit Ray in South Africa”. Chandrika Prasad
Obama - “Dreams from My Father”, “The Vibhushan in 1976, the Padma Bhushan Q.1237. Who among the following is the
Audacity of Hope”, “Of Thee I Sing”, “A in 1965, and the Oscar Award for lifetime author of the novel 'Ret Samadhi' ?
Promised Land”. achievements in cinema in 1992. His
cricketers has co-written the book named (c) Shashi Tharoor (d) Jhumpa Lahiri
'281 and beyond'? Sonar Kella, and Gangtokey Gondogol.
Other Author: Mrinal Sen - Always Being Sol.1237.(b) Geetanjali Shree. Her book
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Born. 'Tomb of Sand (Ret Samadhi)' has
(a) Rahul Dravid (b) Ajay Jadeja
become the first Hindi novel to be
(c) Saurav Ganguly (d) VVS Laxman
Q.1234. ‘Total Recall: My Unbelievably awarded the prestigious 2022
Sol.1230.(d) VVS Laxman (Vangipurapu True Life Story’ was authored by whom International Booker Prize. The book was
Venkata Sai Laxman) is a former Indian among the following personalities in translated in english by Daisy Rockwell.
international cricketer. Rahul Dravid - addition to Peter Petre ? Hamara Shahar Us Baras, Khali Jagah
“The Nice Guy Who Finished First”; Kapil Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2) and Pratinidhi Kahaniyan are other books
Dev - “Straight from the Heart”; Sunil (a) Andre Agassi by her. Other Authors and Books : Shashi
Gavaskar - “Sunny Days”; Sourav Ganguly (b) Pete Sampras Tharoor - The Great Indian Novel, A
- “A Century is Not Enough”; Suresh (c) Malcom X Wonderland of Words. Jhumpa Lahiri -
Raina - “Believe”. (d) Arnold Schwarzenegger The Namesake, The Lowland.
Q.1231. ‘My Country, My Life’ is an Sol.1234.(d) Arnold Schwarzenegger. He Q.1238. Which of the following novels is
autobiographical text of which of the served as the 38th governor of California written by the Indian author Kiran Desai?
following Indian politicians? from 2003 to 2011. He is also a Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2) celebrated author, with notable works (a) The Inheritance of Loss
(a) Narendra Modi including: Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life, (b) The Circle of Reason
(b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee The New Encyclopedia of Modern (c) The Golden House
(c) Lal Krishna Advani Bodybuilding, Arnold: The Education of a (d) A Suitable Boy
(d) Sharad Pawar Bodybuilder.
Sol.1238.(a) The Inheritance of Loss.
Sol.1231.(c) Lal Krishna Advani. He is a Q.1235. Which of the following is the Other books by Kiran Desai: ’Hullabaloo
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in the Guava Orchard’, ‘Consumer Identity Raza - “A Village Divided”, “Neem Ka “The Unheard Cry for Meaning”, “Man's
and Fashion’, ‘Emblems of Ped”. Mohan Rakesh - “Another Life: Search for Ultimate Meaning”.
Transformation’. Amitav Ghosh - ‘The Thirteen Stories and a Play”. Harishankar
Circle of Reason’. Parsai - “Hum Ek Umra Se Waqif Hain”, Q.1248. Who among the following is the
“Rani Nagfani ki Kahani”. author of the book ‘India After Gandhi:
Q.1239. The novel ‘Raavan - Enemy of The History of the World's Largest
Aryavarta’ is written by whom among the Q.1244. Who wrote the book ‘If God Was Democracy’ ?
following writers? A Banker’? SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) (a) Ramchandra Guha
(a) Kiran Desai (b) Amish Tripathi (a) Ravi Subramanian (b) Amitav Ghosh (b) Anuja Chauhan
(c) Ruskin Bond (d) Amitav Ghosh (c) Jhumpa Lahiri (d) Ashwin Sanghi (c) Ravinder Singh
(d) Sandhya Menon
Sol.1239.(b) Amish Tripathi. He is an Sol.1244.(a) Ravi Subramanian. His
Indian author and diplomat, best known books: “The Incredible Banker”, “In the Sol.1248.(a) Ramchandra Guha. Authors
for “The Shiva Trilogy” and “Ram Name of God”, “God Is A Gamer”, “I and their books: Ramchandra Guha -
Chandra” Series. His Other Books: “The Bought the Monk’s Ferrari”, “Don't Tell Gandhi Before India, Environmentalism:
Immortals of Meluha”; “The Secret of the The Governor”. A Global History, Rebels Against the Raj,
Nagas”, "The Oath of the Vayuputras”; Makers of Modern India, This fissured
“Scion of Ikshvaku”; “Sita: Warrior of Q.1245. Who among the following is the land, The Unquiet Woods, Democrats and
Mithila”. author of the novel 'Maila Anchal' ? Dissenters . Sandhya Menon - “When
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) Dimple Met Rishi”, “There's Something
Q.1240. The novel 'The White Tiger' was (a) Kamleshwar about Sweetie”.
written by: (b) Phanishwar Nath 'Renu’
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) (c) Harishankar Parsai Q.1249. The novel ‘The Mountain of
(a) Aravind Adiga (b) Indu Sundaresan (d) Kashinath Singh Light’ is written by _____________.
(c) Amitav Ghosh (d) Vikram Chandra SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Sol.1245.(b) Phanishwar Nath 'Renu’. (a) Anukrti Upadhyay
Sol.1240.(a) Aravind Adiga received the Other Novels - ‘’’Parti Parikatha’’, ‘’Kitne (b) Meena Kandasamy
Man Booker Prize in 2008 for his novel Chaurahe’’, ‘’Paltu Babu Road’’. Authors (c) Indu Sundaresan
‘The White Tiger’. His other novels and their books: Kamleshwar - ‘’Aagami (d) Zarreen Khan
include ‘Last Man in Tower’ and Atit’’, ‘’Partitions’’, ‘’Murdon Ki Duniya’’.
‘Selection Day’. Authors and their notable Harishankar Parsai - ‘’Viklang Shraddha Sol.1249.(c) Indu Sundaresan: Her other
works: Indu Sundaresan - ‘The Twentieth Ka Daur’’, ‘’Ghaayal Basant’’, ‘’Badchalan’’, books - “The twentieth wife”, “The feast
Wife’, ‘The Feast of Roses’. Amitav Ghosh ‘’Apni Apni Bimari’’, ‘’Tulsidas Chandan of roses”. Books and authors: Anukrti
- ‘Sea of Poppies’, ‘The Shadow Lines’. Ghise'’. Kashinath Singh - ‘’Rehan Par Upadhyay - “Bhaunri”, “Kintsugi”, “Daura”,
Vikram Chandra - ‘Sacred Games’, ‘Red Ragghu’’, ‘’Kashi Ka Assi’’. “The Blue Woman”. Meena Kandasamy -
Earth and Pouring Rain’. “Ms.Militancy”, “When I Hit You”, “The
Q.1246. 'The Last Song of Dusk’ is the Gypsy Goddess”. Zarreen Khan - “Koi
Q.1241. Who among the following debut novel of: Good News?”, “I Quit! Now What?”.
authored the book ‘Unbreakable’? SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4) (a) Ravinder Singh Q.1250. ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird
(a) Shantanu Naidu (b) Indra Nooyi (b) Ira Trivedi Sings’ is an autobiography of ________.
(c) Mary Kom (d) Kapil Dev (c) Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
“Midnight's Children”, “Quichotte”, (a) Me SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
“Shame”, “Luka and the Fire of Life”, “The (b) Becoming (a) Salim Ali (b) Raj Kapoor
Golden House”. Famous V.S. Naipaul - (c) Too Many Reasons to Live (c) Kapil Dev (d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
“A House for Mr. Biswas”, “A Bend in the (d) Open: An Autobiography
River”, “In a Free State”. Sol.1263.(a) Salim Ali (Birdman of India).
Sol.1258.(d) Open: An Autobiography Other books by him - “The books of
Q.1254. Who is the author of the novel Another book by him: The Whirl. He is an Indian birds”, “Indian hill birds”, “A
'Before We Visit the Goddess'? American tennis player. pictorial guide to the birds of the Indian
“Mistress of Spices”, “The Last Queen” Indian Bengali filmmaker. His first film
was Pather Panchali (1955), which won (c) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
and “Queen of dreams”. (d) Dr. Kamal Ranadive
author of the book 'On Writing: A Memoir Shonku” (Bengali), “Sonar Kella” Other Books: “The Problem of the
of the Craft' ? (Bengali), “Jakhan Choto Chilam” Rupee”, “The Annihilation of Caste”,
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) (Bangali). “Buddha Or Karl Marx”.
(a) F Scott Fitzgerald
(b) Clive Staples Lewis Q.1260. Who is the author of the book Q.1265. Who among the following is the
(c) Ernest Hemingway ‘The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on author of the Hindi novel 'Raag Darbari' ?
(d) Stephen King Life’s Journey’ ? SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) (a) Shrilal Shukla (b) Rahul Sankrityayan
Sol.1255.(d) Stephen King (American). (a) Muhammad Ali (b) Jake LaMotta (c) Premchand (d) Kashinath Singh
His Other Books - “Fairy Tale”, “Billy (c) Roberto Duran (d) Eugene J Bullard
Summers”, “It”, “The Shining”, “Carrie”. Sol.1265.(a) Shrilal Shukla . His notable
Other Authors: F. Scott Fitzgerald - “The Sol.1260.(a) Muhammad Ali. His Other works: Raag Darbari, Makaan, Bisrampur
Beautiful and Damned”, “The Great Book - “The Greatest: My Own Story”. Ka Sant and Sooni Ghaati Ka Sooraj.
Gatsby”. Clive Staples Lewis - “The
Q.1261. Who among the following is one Q.1266. The film based on which of the
Chronicles of Narnia”, “Mere Christianity”.
of the co-authors of the book, 'Cracking following novels by Amrita Pritam won
Ernest Hemingway - “The Sun Also
The Code : My Journey in Bollywood' ? the National Film Award ?
Rises”, “A Farewell to Arms”.
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Q.1256. 'A Grain Of Sand In The (a) Harshvardhan Kapoor (a) Nagmani (b) Raseedi Ticket
Hourglass of Time' is an autobiography (b) Nawazuddin Siddique (c) Village No.36 (d) Pinjar
of which Indian politician ? (c) Ayushmann Khurrana
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) (d) Rajkumar Rao Sol.1266.(d) Pinjar : Theme - Partition
(a) IK Gujral (b) Manmohan Singh and Communal Conflict. Based on -
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Violence done upon women at the time SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (3rd Shift) An Experiment in Autobiography - (Author
of the Partition of India in 1947. Amrita (a) Poonam Surie (b) Andy Marino - Khwaja Ahmad Abbas). Mai Ek Harfan
Pritam : Punjabi author and Poet. Books - (c) Daman Singh (d) Raghav Bahal Maula is the autobiography of A.K.
“Revenue Stamp- an autobiography”, Hangal.
“Rasidi ticket”, “ . Ajj Aakhaan Waris Shah Sol.1271.(b) Andy Marino. Books by
Nu”. him:- “Escape From Chernobyl”, “It Rides Q.1276. Which of the following
a Pale Horse”, “Escape from East Berlin”. autobiographies was written by the
Q.1267. Who authored the book ‘Poverty Indian female poet Kamala Das, who was
and Un-British Rule in India' in 1901, Q.1272. Who among the following is the nominated for Nobel Prize for literature
which was highly critical of the economic author of the book 'The Buddha and his in 1984?
impact of British Rule? Dhamma', which appeared in 1957 after Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 1)
SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift) the death of its author? (a) My Story
(a) Pherozeshah Mehta SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift) (b) A Life Less Ordinary
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) A Life Apart
(c) WC Bonnerji (b) BR Ambedkar (d) Smritichitre: The Memoire of a
(d) Badruddin Tyabji (c) Mahatma Gandhi Spirited Wife
(d) Motilal Nehru
Sol.1267.(b) Dadabhai Naoroji. Other Sol.1276.(a) My Story. “A Life Less
books by Him - “The Wants and Means of Sol.1272.(b) BR Ambedkar. His Other Ordinary” (Baby Halder). “A Life Apart”
India”, “The Manners and Customs of the Books - “Castes in India”, “The Problem (Neel Mukherjee). “Smriti Chitre: The
Parsees” “The European and Asiatic of the Rupee”, “Bahishkrit Bharat”, “The Memoirs of a Spirited Wife” (Lakshmibai
Race”. Annihilation of Caste”, “Federation Tilak). “How I Became a Hindu” (Sita
Versus Freedom”, “Thoughts on Ram Goel).
Q.1268. Who was the author of the Pakistan”, “Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah” ,
famous book 'The Economic History of “Mr. Gandhi and Emancipation of Q.1277. 'Vikramarjuna - Vijaya'
India" ? Untouchables”, “Pakistan Or Partition Of composed by Pampa was written in
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift) India”, “Who were the Shudras”, “The which of the following languages?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) PC Dutta Untouchables”, “Buddha Or Karl Marx”. Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 1)
(c) RG Bhandarkar (d) RC Dutt (a) Sanskrit (b) Tamil
Q.1273. Six Machine: I Don't Like Cricket (c) Telugu (d) Kannada
Sol.1268.(d) RC Dutt. Other Books: “The ... I Love It' is a book written by:
Epic Of The Bharatas Mahabharatas”, Graduate Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 1) Sol.1277.(d) Kannada. Other ancient
“The peasantry of Bengal”. (a) Andre Russell (b) Kieron Pollard books and their writers - Panini-
(c) Chris Gayle (d) MS Dhoni (Ashtadhyayi), Patanjali (Mahabhasya),
(d) Kareena Kapoor Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3) SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) Michael Jackson (b) Stevie Wonder (a) Acharya Pingala (b) Aryabhata
Sol.1269.(b) Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, (c) Bob Dylan (d) Kurt Cobain (c) Srinivasa Ramanujan (d) Neena Gupta
writer and filmmaker, shines a light on
Rabindranath Tagore is a collection of Sol.1285.(c) Malik Muhammad Jayasi. It
______. was written in Awadhi language. Q.1290. Who wrote the book "A Brief
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Evening) Kuldeep Nayar - “Beyond the Lines”, History of Time"?
(a) devotional songs (b) poems “India after Nehru” and “Emergency SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(c) English shayaris (d) short stories Retold”. Kalidasa -
“RituSamhara or The Six Seasons'' , “The
(a) Stephen Hawking
(b) Albert Einstein
Sol.1281.(d) Short stories. Megha Duta”. Al - Biruni - “Kitab ul-Hind''. (c) John Watson
Galpaguchchha is a collection of sixty - Tulsidas - ‘Ramcharitrmans’. (d) Neil Degrasse Tyson
‘Chaturanga’, ‘Shesher Kobita’, ‘Char sports persons? Answers To The Big Questions”, “The
Adhyay’, and ‘Noukadubi’. Poetry - SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Evening) Theory of Everything”, “Black Holes: The
Gitanjali (Nobel Prize in Literature in (a) Wasim Akram (b) Yuvraj Singh Reith Lectures”, “The Universe In A
1913). (c) Imran Khan (d) Anil Kumble Nutshell”. The Black Hole War - Written
by Leonard Susskind.
Q.1282. 'In The Afternoon of Time' is an Sol.1286.(d) Anil Kumble. Awards of Anil
autobiographical book by __________. Kumble - Arjuna award (1995) and Q.1291. Who wrote the novel "Life of Pi"?
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Morning) Padma Shri (2005). SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning)
eastern and Western cultures. Books (a) dance (b) acting
Sol.1294.(b) “Unguarded”. Mithali Raj: written by Swami Vivekananda - ‘Raja (c) direction (d) novels
Awards - Arjuna Award (2003), Padma Yoga’, ‘Jnana Yoga’, ‘Karma Yoga and Sol.1302.(d) Novels. His major works
Shri (2015), Khel Ratna Award (2021). Bhakti Yoga’, ‘Pathways to Joy: The
include the novels ‘War and Peace
An autobiography of players - ‘’All round Master’, ‘Meditation and Its Methods’, (1869)’, ‘Anna Karenina’, ‘Sevastopol
view’’ - Imran Khan. ‘’No Holding Back’’ - ‘Vedanta: Voice of Freedom’, ‘My India:
Sketches’, ‘Resurrection’, ‘Childhood’, ‘My
Michael Holding. “One more over’’ - The India Eternal’, ‘Chicago Addresses’, confession’, ‘The Three Questions’, ‘Hadji
Erapalli Prasanna. ‘My Idea of Education’, ‘Pearls of
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon) Q.1303. Who is the author of the book
(a) Mark Twain (b) Charles Dickens Q.1299. Who wrote the famous novel 'Languages of Truth: Essays 2003-2020' ?
(c) Oscar Wilde (d) Jane Austen "Durgeshnandini" ? SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (4th Shift)
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) Vikram Sampath (b) Salman Rushdie
Sol.1295.(b) Charles Dickens. Novels of (a) Rabindranath Tagore (c) Kabir Bedi (d) Meghan Markale
Charles Dickens: ‘Great Expectations’, (b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
‘The Pickwick Papers’, ‘A Tale of Two (c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee Sol.1303.(b) Salman Rushdie. He is an
Cities’, ‘David Copperfield’, ‘Little Dorrit’, (d) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay Indian-born British-American novelist.
in the 6th century. Other Great Epics of Hand, Great Anarch! India, 1921-1952’, ‘A
Tamil Literature are Cilappatikaram Q.1315. Which of the following novels is
Passage to England’, ‘To Live or Not to
(written by Ilango Adigal, story of Live’. ‘Matters of Discretion’ (Inder Kumar the first in the series of the trilogy written
Kannaki and Kovalan), Civaka Cintamani by Akshat Gupta?
Gujral), ‘The Race of My Life’ (Milkha
(written by Tirutakkatevar, story of King Singh), Graduate Level 04/08/2022 (Shift - 2)
Caccantan), Kundalakesi (composed by (a) The Hidden Hindu
Nagasena, story of Kundalakesi and Q.1311. ‘The Godfather of Soul’ is an (b) Scion of Ikshvaku
Kalan), and Valayapathi (story of a father autobiography of __________, who was (c) The Immortals of Meluha
who has two wives). one of the greatest singers. (d) Secrets of the Goddess
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
Q.1307. In which year, James Mill (a) Tina Turner (b) Kurt Cobain Sol.1315.(a) ‘The Hidden Hindu’. ‘7
Published a massive three-volume work, (c) Johnny Cash (d) James Brown Secrets of the Goddess’ (Devdutt
"A History of British India"? Pattanaik), ‘Scion of Ikshvaku’ (Amish
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift) Sol.1311.(d) James Brown books - ‘I Feel Tripathi), ‘The Immortals of Meluha’
(a) 1815 (b) 1807 (c) 1805 (d) 1817 Good: A Memoir of a Life of Soul’, ‘Soul (Amish Tripathi).
Classics’, ‘Roots of Rhythm Series’. Tina
Sol.1307.(d) 1817. James Mill was Q.1316. Who is the author of the book
parts: Hindu, Muslim and British. Other (a) Pranab Mukherjee (b) Jaswant Singh
Works: Commerce Defended (1808), Q.1312. ‘Tess of the d'Urbervilles’ was (c) Sitaram Yechury (d) M J Akbar
Government (1820), Elements of Political written by:
Economy (1821), Liberty of the Press Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Sol.1316.(c) Sitaram Yechury. Books:
(1825), etc. (a) Charles Dickens (b) DH Lawrence ‘Socialism in a Changing World’, ‘Left
(c) Leo Tolstoy (d) Thomas Hardy Hand Drive: Concrete Analysis of
Q.1308. ‘Mein Kampf’ of Adolf Hitler was Concrete Conditions’, ‘Communalism vs.
originally written in which of the following Sol.1312.(d) Thomas Hardy. Other Secularism’, and ‘Ghrina Ki Rajniti’.
languages? Books - ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’,
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Evening) ‘Jude the Obscure’, ‘The Return of the Q.1317. Which of the following novels is
(a) Japanese (b) English Native’ etc. D.H. Lawrence - ‘Lady based on the Member of Parliament
(c) German (d) French Chatterley's Lover’, ‘Women in Love’, (India), Phoolan devi, and written by the
‘Sons and Lovers’, ‘The Rainbow’ etc. author Roy Moxham?
Sol.1308.(c) German. Adolf Hitler, leader SSC MTS 15/07/2022 (Morning)
of the Nazi Party (from 1920/21) and Q.1313. ‘Courage and Commitment: An (a) Outlaw: India’s Bandit Queen and Me
chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany Autobiography’ is written by an Indian (b) Lilavati’s Daughters
(1933–45). Politician? (c) Spy Princess
Graduate Level 02/08/2022 (Shift - 3) (d) The Woman Who Knew Infinity
Q.1309. ‘Dollar Bahu’ is written by whom (a) Margaret Alva (b) Rahul Gandhi
among the following Indian authors? (c) LK Advani (d) Shashi Tharoor Sol.1317.(a) ‘Outlaw: India's bandit
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning) queen and me’. ‘Lilavati's Daughters’ -
(a) Kiran Desai (b) Arundhati Roy Sol.1313.(a) Margaret Alva. Famous Ramakrishna Ramaswamy and Rohini
(c) Sudha Murty (d) Khushwant Singh Indian personalities and their Godbole. ‘Spy Princess’ - Shrabani Basu.
Q.1318. ‘Khullam Khulla’ is the Sol.1323.(b) Bill Gates. Sol.1328.(a) George Harrison. Justin
autobiography of whom among the The Unauthorized Autobiography - Elon Bieber- ‘First Step 2 Forever : My Story’, A
following persons? Musk. “Jeff Bezos - Biography of a R Rahman- ‘Notes of a Dream’, Elton
SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Evening) Billionaire Business Titan” - Elliolt Renold. John- ‘Me’.
(a) Shashi Kapoor (b) Amitabh Bachchan
(c) Rishi Kapoor (d) Shatrughan Sinha Q.1324. Who among the following is the Q.1329. 'The Man Who Made the
author of ‘Set the Boy Free’ ? Elephant Dance by Kurien’ is the audio
Sol.1318.(c) Rishi Kapoor. ‘Anything But SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Afternoon) autobiography of ____.
Khamosh’ - Shatrughan Sinha. "Shashi (a) David Niven (b) Johnny Marr SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Afternoon)
Kapoor: The Householder, the Star" - (c) Paul Kalanithi (d) Bill Browder (a) M Karunanidhi (b) Dr. Verghese Kurien
Aseem Chhabra. ‘Amitabh Bachchan the (c) Temsula Ao (d) Saurabh Duggal
legend’ - Bhawna Soumya. Sol.1324.(b) Johnny Marr. David Niven-
‘The Moon's a Balloon’, ‘Bring on the Sol.1329.(b) Dr. Verghese Kurien (Father
Q.1319. Who is the author of the book Empty Horses’. Paul Kalanithi - ‘When of White Revolution). M. Karunanidhi-
'Slumdog Millionaire'? breath becomes air’. Bill Browder - ‘Red ‘Karunanidhi: The Definitive Biography’
SSC MTS 22/07/2022 (Afternoon) Notice’, ‘Freezing Order’. written by Vaasanthi. Saurabh Duggal-
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam (b) Vikas Swarup Akhada: ‘The Authorized Biography of
(c) Kiran Desai (d) R K Narayan Q.1325. _________’s ‘The Year of the Mahavir Singh Phogat’.
Runaways’ follows the lives of three
Sol.1319.(b) Vikas Swarup. His Famous migrant workers who flee India to look Q.1330. Who among the following is the
books: ‘Q & A: Slumdog Millionaire’, ‘Six for work in England. author of the book ‘Boys Don’t Cry’?
Suspects’, ‘The Accidental Apprentice’. SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Morning)
(a) Neel Mukherjee (b) Sunjeev Sahota (a) Zuni Chopra (b) Meghna Pant
Q.1320. Who among the following is the (c) Shashi Tharoor (d) Khushwant Singh (c) Melita Tessy (d) Insiya Patanwala
author of 'Abhinaya Darpan'?
SSC MTS 22/07/2022 (Evening) Sol.1325.(b) Sunjeev Sahota - ‘The Year Sol.1330.(b) Meghna Pant - ‘Feminist
(a) Amar Singh (b) sushruta of the Runaways’ was shortlisted for Rani’, ‘One and a Half Wife’, ‘The Terrible,
(c) yask (d) Nandikeshwar 2015 Man booker prize. Other books- Horrible, Very Bad Good News’.
account of dance movements and Marathi novel ‘Mrityunjay’? SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Evening)
expressions. SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon) (a) Tell Her Everything
(a) Bhalchandra Nemade (b) Sleeping on Jupiter
Q.1321. Who is the author of the (b) Shivaji Sawant (c) Midnight’s Children
controversial novel ‘Lajja’ ? (c) Ranjit Desai (d) The Illicit Happiness of Other People
(c) Shobhaa De (d) Kiran Bedi Sol.1326.(b) Shivaji Sawant. Her Everything - Mirza Waheed,
Some popular books by him are ‘Chhava’ ‘Midnight’s Children’ - Salman Rushdie,
Sol.1321.(b) Taslima Nasrin. Some of (Novel), ‘Yugandhar’ (Novel), ‘Kavadase’, ‘The Illicit Happiness of Other
her famous books are - ‘My Girlhood’, ‘Kanchan Kan’, ‘Ladhat’, ‘Ashi Mane Ase People’-Manu Joseph.
‘French Lover’, ‘Revenge’, ‘Selected Namune’.
Columns’ etc. Q.1332. Which journalist’s autobiography
Q.1327. Which of the following books is is titled the ‘Devil’s Advocate: The untold
Q.1322. Which of the following Marathi an autobiography of the Indian story’?
writers was the author of the constitutional jurist Fali S Nariman? SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Morning)
autobiography ‘Majya Jalmachi SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Evening) (a) Vir Sanghvi (b) Pranoy Roy
Chittarkatha’ ? (a) Courage and Commitment (c) Vinod Dua (d) Karan Thapar
SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Afternoon) (b) Before Memory Fades: An
(a) Kusumagraj Autobiography Sol.1332.(d) Karan Thapar. His other
(b) Sunita Deshpande (c) Wandering in Many Worlds books include “Face To Face India -
(c) Shivaji Sawant (d) All From Memory: An Autobiography Conversations With Karan Thapar”, “
(d) Shantabai Krushnaji Kamble Sunday Sentiments, Wisdom Tree”, “More
Sol.1327.(b) Before Memory Fades: An Salt Than Pepper”, etc.
Sol.1322.(d) Shantabai Krushnaji Autobiography. ‘Wandering in Many
Kamble. She wrote the first female Dalit Worlds’- V. R. Krishna Iyer, ‘All From Q.1333. Surendranath Banerjee’s
autobiography. Memory: An Autobiography’ - B. V autobiography is called ____________.
Acharya. SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Afternoon)
Q.1323. Among the following famous (a) Hind Swaraj
personalities, whose autobiography is Q.1328. ‘I, Me, Mine’ is the autobiography (b) A Nation in the Making
‘The Road Ahead’ ? of which international musician? (c) Young India
SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Evening) SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Evening) (d) Hints for Self Culture
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Sol.1333.(b) A Nation in the Making. Sol.1338.(d) Haruki Murakami. (d) Unstoppable: My Life So Far
‘Hind Swaraj’- Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Young Some more Popular Books by him -
India’ - ‘Lala Lajpat Rai, ‘Hints for Self "Kafka on the Shore", "Norwegian Wood", Sol.1343.(d) ‘Unstoppable: My Life So
Culture’ - Har Dayal. "1Q84", "After Dark", "A Wild Sheep Far’ (Maria Sharapova), ‘But Seriously’
Chase", "The Elephant Vanishes" etc. (John McEnroe), ‘Unbreakable’ (Mary
Q.1334. The famous novel ‘Anand Math’ Kom), and ‘Open’ (Andre Agassi).
was originally written in _________ Q.1339. Which of the following is 'George
language. David Roberts’ thriller novel that is based Q.1344. The historical fiction novel ‘The
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Afternoon) on his own experience in Mumbai? King Within’ is authored by:
(a) Bengali (b) Hindi (c) Sanskrit (d) Odia SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Evening) SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) Area of Darkness (b) Amrit Aur Vish (a) Krishna Sobti (b) Indu Sundaresan
Sol.1334.(a) Bengali. It was written by (c) Shantaram (d) Kurukshetra (c) Nandini Sengupta (d) Kiran Nagarkar
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and
published in 1882. India’s National Song Sol.1339.(c) Shantaram. George David Sol.1344.(c) Nandini Sengupta - ‘The
‘Vande Matram’ has been taken from Roberts - ‘The Mountain Shadow’, ‘The Poisoned Heart’, ‘The Ocean’s Own’, ‘The
Anand Math. Spiritual Path’, ‘Shantaram Part Two’, etc. Blue Horse and Other Amazing Animals
‘Area of Darkness’ (V.S. Naipaul), ‘Amrit from Indian History’, ‘Babies from the
Q.1335. Who among the following has Aur Vish’ (Amritlal Nagar) and Heart: A Complete Guide to Adoption’,
written ‘Sangeet Kala Prakash’ ? ‘Kurukshetra’ (Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar'). etc.
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening)
(a) Prabhu Atre Q.1340. Which Indian cartoonist’s Q.1345. ‘Finding My Way’ is a famous
(b) Pandit Jasraj autobiography is titled ‘The Tunnel of autobiography written by which of the
(c) Ramakrishnabuva Vaze Time’? following Gond artists of India with the
(d) Pandit Kumar Gandharva SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Morning) help of Mukul S Anand?
(a) Ajit Ninan (b) RK Laxman SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Evening)
Sol.1335.(c) Ramakrishnabuva Vaze. He (c) OV Vijayan (d) Mario Miranda (a) Venkat Raman Singh Shyam
was a Hindustani classical musician of (b) Dhavat Singh Uikey
the Gwalior tradition. Pandit Jasraj Sol.1340.(b) RK Laxman. Most famous (c) Bhajju Shyam
(Mewati Gharana), Pandit Kumar books: OV Vijayan- Thalamurakal (d) Jangarh Singh Shyam
Gandharva (Singing Emptiness: Kumar (Generations; 1997), Mario Miranda- The
Gandharva Performs the Poetry of Kabir), Life of Mario 1950 and Ajit Ninan- “Like Sol.1345.(a) Venkat Raman Singh
and Prabha Atre (Kirana Gharana). That Only”. Shyam and Mukul S Anand. Dhavat Singh
Uikey- ‘Where has the Tiger Gone?’,
Q.1336. Who among the following is the Q.1341. Who among the following was Bhajju Shyam - ‘The Nightlife of Trees’,
author of the book ‘Sultry Days’? the author of the famous work “Sangita and ‘Jangarh Singh Shyam: The
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening) Ratnakara” ? Enchanted Forest’ - Aurogeeta Das.
(a) Anita Nair (b) Nikita Singh SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Morning)
Q.1346. Which of the following is the
(c) Shobhaa De (d) Judy Balan (a) Sharngadeva (b) Lochan Kavi
(c) Jaidev (d) Ramamatya debut novel of Indian novelist Chetan
Sol.1336.(c) Shobhaa De - ‘Sethji’, Bhagat, who received the Society Young
‘Bollywood Nights’, ‘Snapshots’, ‘Speed Sol.1341.(a) Sharngadeva. Authors and Achievers Award and the Publisher’s
Post’, ‘Socialite Evenings’, ‘Second their books: Lochan Kavi - “Raga Recognition award for his works?
Thoughts’, ‘Sisters’. Anita Nair - ‘The Tarangini”. Jaidev - “Gita Govinda”, and SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Afternoon)
Better Man’, ‘Mistress’, and ‘Lessons in “Love Song of the Dark Lord”. (a) The Three Mistakes of My Life
mockingbird’? Q.1354. Which of the following Q.1359. Who among the following is the
SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Morning) autobiographies is written by former author of the book ‘The Coalition Years’?
(a) Mary Shelley (b) George Orwell English footballer, David Beckham SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
(c) Harper Lee (d) Charles Dickens published in 2003 ? (a) Giani Zail Singh (b) APJ Abdul Kalam
SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Evening) (c) Pranab Mukherjee (d) KR Narayanan
Sol.1349.(c) Harper Lee - ‘Go Set a (a) A Shot at History
Watchman’, etc. .Mary Shelley- ‘The Last (b) The Greatest: My own Story Sol.1359.(c) Pranab Mukherjee - ‘The
Man’, ‘Mathilda’, ‘Frankenstein, A (c) My Side Dramatic Decade: The Indira Gandhi
Longman Cultural Edition’, etc. (d) Standing my Ground Years’, ‘The Turbulent Years’, ‘Thoughts
and Reflections’.
Q.1350. Which of the following Sol.1354.(c) ‘My Side’. Personality and
Q.1360. ‘Si-yu-ki’ or ‘The Records of the
(c) Narendra Modi (d) Manmohan Singh the World '', “Travels in the Land of Kubilai
(d) Abba - God’s greatest Gift to Us Khan ''.
Sol.1364.(c) Roald Dahl. Lewis Carroll : Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas was (d) Satya Nadella
‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’ (1865) published from ______ in 1810.
and ‘Through the Looking-Glass’, and SSC MTS 02/11/2021 (Morning) Sol.1375.(d) Satya Nadella. “Hit Refresh:
‘What Alice Found There’ (1872). (a) Delhi (b) Calcutta/Kolkata The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul
(c) Madras/Chennai (d) Bombay/Mumbai and Imagine a Better Future for
Q.1365. Who is the author of the book Everyone” is a nonfiction book by Satya
'The Tales of Beedle The Bard' ? Sol.1370.(b) Calcutta (Kolkata). Nadella and co-authors Jill Tracie
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Afternoon) Nichols and Greg Shaw, with a foreword
Q.1371. Willy Wonka is a fictional
'My Master' ?
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (a) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Evening)
Stone”, “The Ink Black Heart’’, “Troubled (b) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (a) Swami Vivekananda
Blood”. (c) Matilda
author of the book titled 'Speaking Truth Sol.1371.(b) Charlie and the Chocolate
to Power: My Alternative View' ? Factory written by Roald Dahl. Charlotte's Sol.1376.(a) Swami Vivekananda. Other
SSC MTS 12/10/2021 (Morning) Web (E. B White), Matilda (Roald Dahl). books - ‘Meditation and Its Methods’,
(a) Subramanian Swamy ‘Jnana Yoga’, ‘Work and Its Secret’,
(b) Mani Shankar Aiyar Q.1372. Who among the following is the
author of the book ‘The Anarchy: The ‘Thoughts of Power’.
(c) P Chidambaram
(d) Arun Shourie Relentless Rise of the East India Q.1377. Who among the following is the
Company’? author of ‘The Brahma Sutra – The
Sol.1366.(c) P Chidambaram. Other SSC MTS 02/11/2021 (Afternoon) Philosophy of Spiritual life’?
books: “Fearless in Opposition”, (a) Shoshana Zuboff (b) Sumit Sarkar SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Evening)
“Standing Guard”, Undaunted - “Saving (c) Shashi Tharoor (d) William Dalrymple (a) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
the Idea of India”. (b) Indira Gandhi
Sol.1372.(d) William Dalrymple. More
(c) Sarojini Naidu
Q.1367. Who among the following is the famous books by him are- ‘Kohinoor: The
(d) Rajendra Prasad
author of the Hindi poetry book Story of the World’s Most Infamous
‘Chheelate Hue Apne Ko' ? Diamond’, ‘Return of a King’, ‘The Last Sol.1377.(a) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) Mughal’, ‘Nine Lives’, ‘White Mughals’, Other books - ‘The Hindu view of life’,
(a) Nand Kishore Acharya (b) Javed Akhtar ‘From the Holy Mountain’. ‘The Pursuit of Truth’.
(c) Rahat Indori (d) Gulzar
Q.1373. Who wrote the book 'The Quest Q.1378. Who among the following had
Sol.1367.(a) Nand Kishore Acharya. for Equity in Development'? authored ‘Buddha Gaya: The Hermitage
Other famous books by him- ‘Sanskriti ka SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Morning) of Sakya Muni’ in 1878 ?
Vyakarna’, ‘Sabhyata ka Vikalp’, ‘Gulam (a) Amartya Sen SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Morning)
Badshah’, etc. He was awarded Sahitya (b) Montek Singh Ahluwalia (a) Alexander Cunningham
Akademi Award 2019 in Hindi literature. (c) Raghuram Rajan (b) Rajendralala Mitra
(d) Manmohan Singh (c) HH Cole
Q.1368. Who among the following is the (d) John Marshall
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Sol.1378.(b) Rajendralala Mitra. More their Nicknames: Bihar Kesri - Sri Krishna (1875), Assam University, Banaras Hindu
books by him are ‘The Chandogya Sinha, Bihar Vibhuti - Dr. Anurag Narayan University (1916), Central University of
Upanishad’, ‘Antiquities Of Orissa’, ‘The Singh, Iron Man of India - Vallabhai Patel, Gujarat (2009).
Sanskrit Buddhist literature of Nepal’ etc. Biswa Kavi - Rabindranath Tagore,
HH Cole - appointed as the Curator of Netaji - Subhash Chandra Bose. Q.1386. Who was the first woman
Ancient Monuments in 1880. Lokmanya Tilak - Bal Gangadhar Tilak. graduate of Calcutta University ?
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (1st shift)
Q.1379. Which Nobel laureate wrote the Q.1383. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who (a) Sarojini Naidu
book ‘India: A Million Mutinies Now’ and was the first Home Minister of India, is (b) Annie Besant
Role in History'? known by which sobriquet? (c) Kadambini Ganguly
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift) (d) Rajkumari Amritkaur
(a) Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul (a) Father of Indian Unrest
(b) Olga Tokarczuk (b) Iron man of India Sol.1386.(c) Kadambini Ganguly and
(c) Peter Handke (c) Grand old man of India Chandramukhi Basu were the first BA
(d) Patrick Modiano (d) Morning star of Indian Renaissance graduates in the British empire in India.
She was the South Asia's first female
Sol.1379.(a) Vidiadhar Surajprasad Sol.1383.(b) Iron man of India. Sardar surgeon. Rajkumari Amritkaur - The first
Naipaul. Other novels - ‘A House for Mr Vallabhbhai Patel is popularly known as Health Minister of India (1947).
Biswas’, ‘A Bend in the River’, ‘Miguel the "Iron Man of India" due to his crucial
Street’, ‘In a Free State’. role in the unification and integration of Q.1387. Who among the following
Indian princely states such as advocated the ideology of "oru jati, oru
Q.1380. Who is the author of the book Travancore, Hyderabad, Junagadh, matam, oru daivam manushyanu" (one
'Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa'? Bhopal into the Indian Union. Other caste, one religion, one god for
SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Afternoon) sobriquet personalities: Father of Indian humankind)?
(a) Krishna Sobti (b) Rita Kothari SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift)
Unrest - Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Grand old
(c) Sugathakumari (d) Mahasweta Devi man of India - Dadabhai Naoroji, Morning (a) Birsa Munda
(b) Narayana Guru
Sol.1380.(d) Mahasweta Devi-‘Imaginary star of Indian Renaissance - Raja Ram
Mohan Roy. (c) Swami Shraddhanand
Maps’, ‘Hazaar Chaurasi ki Maa,’ ‘Breast (d) Keshub Chunder Sen
Stories’, ‘Chotti Munda and His Arrow’, Q.1384. Which of the following is an
‘Five Plays’, etc. autobiography of a Bengali illiterate Sol.1387.(b) Narayana Guru. He belongs
woman who secretly acquired literacy to Ezhava caste and was considered
‘avarna’. He built a temple dedicated to
Famous Personality skills to read sacred texts in an age when
girls and women were denied education Lord Shiva at Aruvippuram which was
and deemed fit only for household against the caste based restrictions of
Q.1381. Who among the following was a
chores ? the time. He established the Sree
poet who won the Nobel Prize for
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam
literature in 1913 ?
(a) Jina Amucha by Baby Kamble (SNDP), a charitable society. His Books:
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(b) Amar Jiban by Rassundari Devi “Advaitha Deepika”, “Asrama”and
(a) Aurobindo Ghose
Sol.1381.(d) Rabindranath Tagore. He Devi. She was the first Indian woman to
write an autobiography and the first Q.1388. Which of the following persons
was also referred to as ‘Gurudev’,
Bengali to write an autobiography. has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ?
‘Kabiguru’, and ‘Biswakabi’. He got Nobel
Authors and Books: Baby Kamble - ‘’The SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
Prize for his work Gitanjali. He was a
Prisons We Broke’’. Lakshmibai Tilak - (a) C. V. Raman (b) Kailash Satyarthi
Bengali poet, novelist, and painter, who
‘’Smritichitre’’. Kamala Suraiyya - ‘’The Old (c) Amartya Sen (d) Rabindranath Tagore
was highly influential in introducing
Indian culture to the west. He was the Playhouse And Other Poems’’,
Sol.1388.(b) Kailash Satyarthi was
first non-European to receive the Nobel ‘’Padmavati the Harlot and Other Stories’’.
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014
Prize. Q.1385. Who became the first "for the struggle against the suppression
Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru of children and young people and the
Q.1382. Which Indian political leader was
University in 1969 ? right of all children to education". He
called as Lok Nayak?
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (4th shift) founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) BD Nagchaudhuri (b) G Parthasarathi (Save the Childhood Movement) in 1980.
(a) Ram Manohar Lohia
(c) Y Nayudamma (d) KR Narayanan
(b) Jai Prakash Narayan Q.1389. In 2019, a minor planet between
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Sol.1385.(b) G Parthasarathi. Jawaharlal Mars and Jupiter was named after whom
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose Nehru University (JNU): A public major among the following Indian musicians by
research university located in New Delhi, the International Astronomical Union
Sol.1382.(b) Jai Prakash Narayan. He
India. It was established in 1969 and (IAU) ?
received the Ramon Magsaysay Award
named after Jawaharlal Nehru, India's SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift)
(1965) and Bharat Ratna (1998,
first Prime Minister. Other Central (a) Pt Hari Prasad Chaurasia
posthumously). Famous Personalities &
Universities : Aligarh Muslim University (b) Pt Ravi Shankar
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(c) Ustad Zakir Hussain Teacher. She was honoured with a Missile Development Program (IGMDP)
(d) Pt Jasraj doodle on her 191st birth anniversary by in India?
Google On 9 January 2022. India's First SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Sol.1389.(d) Pt Jasraj. The International
Female Engineer - Ayyalasomayajula (a) Har Gobind Khorana
Astronomical Union (IAU) has named
Lalitha. First Indian female doctor of (b) Vikram Sarabhai
minor planet 2006 VP32 (number -
western medicine - Anandi Gopal Joshi. (c) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
300128), discovered on November 11,
(d) Homi J. Bhabha
2006, as 'Pandit Jasraj'. He became the Q.1394. Shiv Dayal Saheb, a banker from
first Indian musician to get honored with Agra founded the Radha Soami Satsang Sol.1398.(c) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.
this unique recognition. in _________. IGMDP was an Indian Ministry of
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning) Defence programme to research and
Q.1390. Which of the following
(a) 1842 (b) 1880 (c) 1861 (d) 1875 develop a comprehensive range of
architects designed the Gateway of
missiles. The project started in 1982 -
India? Sol.1394.(c) 1861. Shiva Dayal Saheb 1983 (completed in 2008) under the
Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3) founded the sect ‘Radha Soami Satsang’ leadership of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
(a) Herbert Baker (b) George Wittet on Basant Panchami. The sole purpose (missile man of India). Prithvi, Agni,
(c) Henry Irwin (d) Lauri Baker of this satsang is to experience the Trishul, Akash, Nag missiles have been
divinity of God who resides in all of us. developed under this.
Sol.1390.(b) George Wittet. Gateway of
India (1924). The foundation stone was Q.1395. Satyajit Ray was honoured with Q.1399. Who among the following is
placed in 1911 in Bombay. The Bharat Ratna in 1992. He was a famous famously called the Iron Lady of India?
monument was erected to ________ . SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (4th Shift)
commemorate the landing of King SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon) (a) Mary Kom
George V and Queen Mary at Apollo (a) Physicist (b) Filmmaker (b) Deepika Padukone
Bunder in India. Other Architects and (c) Cricketer (d) Lawyer
(c) Lata Mangeshkar
their works: Henry Irwin - Ambas Vilas
Sol.1395.(b) Filmmaker. Other Awards of (d) Indira Gandhi
Palace (Mysore). Lauri Baker - The Indian
Coffee House, Central for Development Satyajit Ray: Padam Shri (1958), Padam Sol.1399.(d) Indira Gandhi. She was the
Studies (Kerala). He was known as the Bhushan (1965), Dada Saheb Phalke third prime minister of India from 1966 to
“Brick Master of Kerala” and “Gandhi of award (1985), Ramon Magsaysay Award 1977 and from 1980 until her
Architecture”. (1967) and Bharat Ratna (1992). assassination in 1984. She was India's
Q.1396. Who is famously known as Bihar first and, to date, only female prime
Q.1391. To which state of India did
Kesari ? minister of India. Awards - Bharat Ratna
Fathima Beevi, the first woman Supreme
(1971), and Bangladesh Freedom Honour
Babu. He served as the first Chief famously known as the "The parrot of
(2024). First female judge of India -
Minister of Bihar from 1946 to 1961. India"?
Justice Anna Chandy.
the first Woman Prime Minister of which Ajatshatru), Karpuri Thakur (Jana Nayak), (c) Pandit Ravishankar (d) Kalidas
country ? Spacing 7 -Lala Lajpat Rai (Punjab
Sol.1400.(a) Amir Khusro: He was a poet
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Evening) Kesari).
in Delhi Sultanate. He is sometimes
(a) Austria (b) Italy (c) Spain (d) Ukraine
Q.1397. Who is famously known as the referred to as the "voice of India" or
Sol.1392.(b) Italy. First Female Prime father of the Indian nuclear programme? "Parrot of India" (Tuti-e-Hind), and has
Minister of Some Countries: Austria - SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (2nd Shift) been called the "Father of Urdu
Brigitte Bierlein. Spain - María Teresa (a) Homi J. Bhabha literature”. He was a mystic and a
Fernández de la Vega. Ukraine - (b) Vikram Sarabhai spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya of
Tymoshenko. India - Indira Gandhi. (c) C.V.Raman Delhi.
Bangladesh - Sheikh Hasina Wazed. (d) Venkatraman Radhakrishnan
Q.1401. Which Indian cricketer is also
Pakistan - Benazier Bhutto.
Sol.1397.(a) Homi J. Bhabha. Bhabha known as Little Master ?
Q.1393. Fatima Sheikh was widely Atomic Research Centre (Mumbai - SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
regarded as _______. 1954), Tata Institute of Fundamental (a) Umesh Yadav (b) Virat Kohli
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning) Research (Mumbai - 1945), ISRO (c) Sunil Gavasker (d) Kapil Dev
(a) India's First Female Muslim (Bangalore - 1969), DRDO (New Delhi -
Sol.1401.(c) Sunil Gavasker. Haryana
Entrepreneur 1958). Vikram Sarabhai - Father of Indian
Hurricane - Kapil Dev, Captain Cool -
(b) India's First Female Doctor Space Programme. APJ Abdul Kalam -
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, The Wall - Rahul
(c) India's First Female Muslim Teacher Missile Man of India.
Dravid, Jumbo - Anil Kumble, Turbanator -
(d) India's First Female Engineer
Q.1398. Who among the following was Harbhajan Singh, Master Blaster - Sachin
Sol.1393.(c) India's First Female Muslim the architect of the Integrated Guided Tendulkar, Hit - Man - Rohit Sharma,
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Nawab of Nazafgarh - Virendra Sehwag. Sol.1407.(c) Cartoonist. Mario de Marks the adoption of the Indian
Miranda : Awards - Padma Shri (1988), Constitution in 1950. Independence Day
Q.1402. Who among the following is Padma Bhushan (2002), Padma (August 15) - Commemorates India's
referred to as ‘Prince of Bhangra’, due to Vibhushan (2012). independence from British rule in 1947.
his Bhangra music? Gandhi Jayanti (October 2) - Celebrates
SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Evening) Q.1408. Lal Bahadur Shastri was born on the birth anniversary of Mahatma
(a) Diljit Dosanjh (b) Sukhbir Singh ______. Gandhi.
(c) Arijit Singh (d) Shaan SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) 2 October 1869 (b) 12 October 1904 Q.1412. In India, Teachers’ Day is
Sol.1402.(b) Sukhbir Singh. He was (c) 12 October 1869 (d) 2 October 1904 celebrated annually on September 5 to
nominated and won the 1996 Channel V mark the birthday of:
Awards in three categories: Best Debut Sol.1408.(d) 2 October 1904. He was SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Album, Best Male Vocalist and Best born in Mughalsarai, UP. He served as (a) APJ Abdul Kalam
Music Video (for "Punjabi Munde") for his the second Prime Minister of India. The (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
first album ‘New Style’. Iconic slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisaan” (c) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
was given by him. (d) Subash Chandra Bose
Q.1403. The Open Hand Monument in
Chandigarh was designed by ______. Q.1409. Veteran freedom fighter, social Sol.1412.(c) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Evening) reformer and feminist Savithribai Phule He served as India's first Vice-President
(a) Matthew Nowicki (b) Maxwell Fry hailed from which of the following states from 1952 to 1962. He was awarded the
(c) Le Corbusier (d) Albert Mayer of India? Bharat Ratna in 1954. APJ Abdul Kalam :
SSC CGL 03/03/2020 (Morning) He was an Indian aerospace scientist
Sol.1403.(c) Le Corbusier. Chandigarh
(a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha and the 11th President of India. His
city was designed by Le Corbusier .
(c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat birthday on October 15 is celebrated as
Matthew Nowicki was chief architect of
the new Indian city of Chandigarh. Albert Sol.1409.(a) Maharashtra. She was the World Students' Day to honor his
Mayer known for plan of Chandigarh. first female teacher of India. dedication to education. Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel : His birthday (October
Q.1404. Who among the following was 31) is celebrated as National Unity Day or
Important Days
the prime minister of India in 1978 ? Rashtriya Ekta Diwas in India. Subhas
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) Chandra Bose : His birthday (January 23)
Q.1410. On which of the following dates
(a) Gulzari Lal Nanda (b) Charan Singh is celebrated as Parakram Diwas in India.
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri (d) Morarji Desai does India celebrate its Constitution
Day? Q.1413. In November 2021, the
Sol.1404.(d) Morarji Desai. He was SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift) government declared November 15 as
leading the government formed by the (a) 26th January (b) 26th November ‘Janjatiya Gaurav Divas’. It happens to be
Janata Party. He is the oldest person to th
(c) 15 August (d) 2nd October the birth anniversary of which of the
hold the office of prime minister, at the following freedom fighters?
(c) Nirala (d) Premchand independence from British rule in 1947). President Murmu paying tribute to
Sol.1405.(d) Premchand was an Indian 2nd October : Gandhi Jayanti (the Bhagwan Birsa Munda in Khunti district,
writer known for his modern Hindustani birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, celebrated Jharkhand. Birsa Munda (1875-1900)
literature. as a national holiday and also observed was born into a Munda family, a tribal
as International Day of Non-Violence). group residing in Chotanagpur. He led the
Q.1406. With which of the following 26th January : Republic Day (the Munda Rebellion, a significant tribal
literary magazines was poet and writer Constitution of India came into force on uprising in the region south of Ranchi,
Amrita Pritam associated? 26 January 1950). between 1899 and 1900.
SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Morning)
Q.1411. The birth anniversary of Q.1414. National Sports Day is
(a) Shabad (b) Nagmani
Mahatma Gandhi is celebrated as the celebrated on the birthday of _______.
(c) Awaaz (d) Preetlari
national festival of India. In which of the SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.1406.(b) Nagmani. Amrita Pritam (a) Kapil Dev (b) Roop Singh
following years was Gandhi ji born ?
was an Indian novelist, essayist and poet, (c) Major Dhyan Chand (d) MS Dhoni
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
who wrote in Punjabi and Hindi. She
(a) 1885 (b) 1869 (c) 1890 (d) 1877 Sol.1414.(c) Major Dhyan Chand.
edited Nagmani, a monthly literary
magazine in Punjabi for several years. National Sports Day is celebrated on
Sol.1411.(b) 1869. 2nd October is also
August 29th to honor the legendary
observed globally as the International
Q.1407. Mario de Miranda was a ______ hockey player Major Dhyan Chand, who is
Day of Non-Violence in recognition of his
from the state of Goa. regarded as one of the greatest field
contributions to peace and non-violent
SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Evening) hockey players. Other Personalities and
movements. India's three national
(a) designer (b) vocalist Days Celebrated: Mahatma Gandhi:
festivals are: Republic Day (January 26) -
(c) cartoonist (d) poet Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October), Jawaharlal
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Nehru: Children's Day (14 November), Q.1418. Independence Day is celebrated Muslims around the world fast and focus
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: National Unity every year in Pakistan on _________. their attention on giving to charity
Day (31st October), APJ Abdul Kalam: SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (known as Zakat), observed?
World Students' Day (15th October). (a) 30 January (b) 14 August SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(c) 31 December (d) 23 March (a) Ninth (b) Second (c) Seventh (d) Sixth
Q.1415. When is National Javelin Day
celebrated in India ? Sol.1418.(b) 14 August. India - 15 Sol.1422.(a) Ninth. Ramadan begins and
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift) August 1947. Independence Day of other ends with the appearance of the crescent
(a) 12th January (b) 7th August Countries: Bangladesh - 26 March 1971, moon. Islamic months- (1) Muharram,
(c) 6th August (d) 29th August Sri Lanka - 4 February 1948, Nepal - 21 (2) Safar, (3) Rabi al-Awwal, (4) Rabi
December 1923, China - 1 October 1949, al-Thani, (5) Jumada al-Awwal, (6)
Sol.1415.(b) 7th August. National Myanmar - 4 January 1948, America - 4 Jumada al-Thani, (7) Rajab, (8) Shaban,
Javelin Day is celebrated in India on July 1776, Canada - 1 July 1867. (9) Ramadan, (10) Shawwal, (11) Dhu
August 7th to commemorate Neeraj al-Qadah, (12) Dhu al-Hijjah (month of
Chopra's gold medal in the men's javelin Q.1419. When was the International Day Hajj). Other festivals of muslims:
throw event at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. of the Girl Child 2021 celebrated? Muharram, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, Mawlid
The Athletics Federation of India (AFI) SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift) an-Nabi and Eid ul-Azha.
established the day to celebrate Chopra's (a) 14 October (b) 12 October
achievement and promote the sport of (c) 13 October (d) 11 October Q.1423. When was the International Day
javelin throwing in India. Other Important for Elder Persons 2021 celebrated?
Days: 12th January: National Youth Day Sol.1419.(d) 11 October. International SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 3rd shift)
(Swami Vivekananda's birthday), 29th Girl Child Day - First time celebrated in (a) 1 October (b) 3 October
August: National Sports Day (birth 2012. It is celebrated by the United (c) 4 October (d) 2 October
anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand). Nations General Assembly. Other
important Days: 5 October - World Sol.1423.(a) 1 October. Important Days
Q.1416. The National Youth Day or the Teachers' Day, 2 October - Gandhi in October : 2 October - International day
‘Yuwa Diwas’ is celebrated on which day Jayanti, 23 March - Sahid Diwas, 22 April of non-violence, 9 October - World Post
in India ?
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) na
- Earth Day, 5 June - Environment Day. Day, 10 October - World Mental Health
Day, 16 October - World Food Day, 17
(a) 26 January (b) 12 January Q.1420. According to the Indian calendar, October - International Day for the
(c) 14 April (d) 26 November Vasanta Season falls in which months? Eradication of Poverty, 24 October -
of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel), 5th Sol.1420.(a) Chaitra-Vaisakha. Seasons (c) Pongal (d) Puthandu
September - Teachers' Day (Celebrates according to the Hindu Calendar:
the birth of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan), Grishma ritu - Jyeshtha and Aashaadha, Sol.1424.(d) Puthandu. Mahamaham is
14th November - Children's Day Varsha ritu - Shravana and Bhadrapada, a Hindu festival celebrated every 12
(Celebrates the birth of Jawaharlal Sharad ritu - Ashwin and Kartik, Shishir or years during the Tamil month of Masi.
Nehru), 30th January - Martyrs' Day Shita ritu - Magha and Phalguna. Hindu
Q.1425. Easter is celebrated on which of
period when Muslims mourn the
Peace (UN), 26 September - World
martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, son
Sol.1428.(d) 25 January. Other Environmental Health Day, 10 September
of Hazrat Ali and Grandson of Prophet
important days - 1 January - Global - World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD).
Family Day. 9 January - Pravasi Bharatiya
Divas. 12 January - National youth day. Q.1438. In which month, Hiroshima Day
Q.1433. International Tiger Day is
15 January - Thal Sena Divas (Army Day). is observed across the world?
observed on_
25 January - Indian Tourism Day. 21 SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift)
February - International Mother Language (a) October (b) August
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning) Q.1434. In India, National Statistics Day August (Fat Man) of Nagasaki, at the end
(a) Eight (b) Seven (c) Five (d) Six is celebrated on of World War II (1939 - 1945). World War
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift) I - 1914 to 1918. The atomic bomb is
Sol.1429.(b) Seven. States formed on (a) 22nd June (b) 15th June based on the principle of nuclear fission.
1st November : Andhra Pradesh (1956), (c) 28th June (d) 29th June
Karnataka (1956), Kerala (1956), Madhya Q.1439. "World Refugee Day" is observed
Sol.1434.(d) 29th June (Celebrated as every year on______.
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift) Sol.1446.(b) 24th December. On this day (c) 13 May (d) 30 September
(a) Sakhawat Hussain Day the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 had
Sol.1452.(b) December 2. June 5: World
(b) Sharan Rani Backliwal Day received the assent of the president. Environment Day. 30 September:
(c) Amjad Ali Khan Day World Consumer Rights Day - 15 March.
International Translation Day.
(d) Allauddin Khan Day
Q.1447. When is National Handloom Day Q.1453. World Thyroid Day is observed
Sol.1442.(c) Amjad Ali Khan Day (sarod celebrated? on ______.
player) - 21st Rajiv Gandhi National SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sadbhavna Award, Padma Shri (1975), (a) 23rd August (b) 18th November (a) 30th April (b) 17th June
Padma Bhushan (1991), Padma (c) 15th September (d) 7th August (c) 25th May (d) 23rd March
Vibhushan (2001), Sangeet Natak
Akademi Award (1989), Fukuoka Asian Sol.1447.(d) 7th August (Celebrated Sol.1453.(c) 25th May. 17th June - World
Culture Prize in 2004. Since 2015). National Handloom Day is Day to Combat Desertification and
celebrated to mark the beginning of Drought. 23rd March- World
Q.1443. Which of the following Swadeshi Andolan on August 7, 1905. Meteorological Day.
environment events is observed by Aim - To encourage indigenous
switching off all lights at homes, industries including handloom weavers. Q.1454. On which date International Day
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Morning) Conservation Day observed? (a) 22nd June (b) 20th May
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) World Environment Day (c) 17th May (d) 22nd May
(b) Earth Hour Day (a) 12th July (b) 5th August
(c) Earth Charter Day (c) 28th July (d) 30th May Sol.1454.(d) 22nd May. Proclaimed by
(d) Earth Day the United Nations in December 2000 to
Sol.1448.(c) July 28. Objective - Raise commemorate adoption of the final draft
Sol.1443.(b) Earth Hour Day. It is awareness about the importance of of Convention on Biological Diversity on
observed on 26 March every year. Earth protecting our natural resources and the 22 May 1992 by the Nairobi Final Act of
Day is an annual event on April 22 to environment. World Environment Day the Conference.
demonstrate support for environmental (5th June). International Day for
protection. Theme- Invest In our Planet. Biological Diversity (22nd May). Q.1455. The birth anniversary of _____ is
celebrated as 'International Nurses Day'
Q.1444. Which day has been declared by Q.1449. When is the Hindi Diwas every year.
the World Health Organization as Hand observed annually ? SSC CGL 03/03/2020 (Evening)
Hygiene Day? SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Clara Barton (b) Alice Walker
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon) (a) 14 March (b) 6 April (c) Florence Nightingale (d) Mother Teresa
(a) 5th May (b) 18th August (c) 14 September (d) 2 October
(c) 21st July (d) 14th June Sol.1455.(c) Florence Nightingale (the
Sol.1449.(c) 14 September (Celebrated foundational philosopher of modern
Sol.1444.(a) 5th May. National Ice Since 1953). On 14 September 1949, the nursing). International Nurses Day (12th
Cream Pie Day is observed annually on Constituent Assembly accepted Hindi in May) is celebrated to commemorate her
August 18th. 14th June- World Blood the Devanagari script as the official birth in 1820. The event was established
Donor Day. language of India. World Hindi Day - in 1974 by the International Council of
January 10. Nurses (ICN).
Q.1445. Which of the following decades
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States G.K. Burman language spoken by the Tripuri Sol.1465.(a) Madhya Pradesh. The
people of the Indian state of Tripura and Sanchi Stupa was declared a world
Q.1456. Sama Chakeva is a folk dance neighboring areas of Bangladesh. The heritage site by UNESCO in 1989. Sanchi
based on the mythological story of the official languages of Tripura are Bengali, is a Buddhist complex, famous for its
siblings Sama and Chakeva, in which the English and Kokborok. Tripura : Capital - Great Stupa, on a hilltop at Sanchi Town
brother goes to an extreme extent to Agartala. State Animal - Phayre's langur. in Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh. It
save his sister. With which State of India State bird - Green imperial pigeon. State was originally commissioned by the
is this folk dance associated? tree - Agar. State flower - Nageshwar. Mauryan emperor Ashoka. UNESCO
SSC MTS 14/10/2024 (3rd Shift) World Heritage Sites in India: Ajanta
Q.1461. Which state hosts the Nehru Caves (1983), Group of Monuments at
(a) Assam (b) Haryana
trophy boat race? Mahabalipuram (1984), Mahabodhi
(c) Bihar (d) Punjab
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya (2002).
Sol.1456.(c) Bihar. Sama Chakwa (a) Kerala (b) Goa
festival is celebrated in the Mithila (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu Q.1466. ‘Lai-Phi’ and ‘Chin-Phi’ are the
Region (Bihar and some parts of Nepal). cultural costumes of which state?
Sol.1461.(a) Kerala. The Nehru Trophy SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.1457. Which of the following Boat Race is an annual event held in the (a) Nagaland (b) Uttarakhand
states/UTs has the first 100% fully digital Punnamada Lake in Alappuzha district of (c) Manipur (d) Sikkim
literate Panchayat in India? Kerala. The race was first held in 1952 to
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) commemorate a visit by India's first Sol.1466.(c) Manipur.
(a) Kerala (b) Puducherry Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, to the Manipur Traditional Costumes: For
(c) Maharashtra (d) Delhi state. Women - Innaphi, Phanek, Mayek Naibi,
Kanap Phanek. For Men - Dhoti with a
Sol.1457.(a) Kerala. Pullampara grama Q.1462. Lal Thanhawla holds the record jacket, white turban, Khamen Chatpa,
for the longest-serving Chief Minister of
panchayat in Thiruvananthapuram has Ningthoupee dress.
become the first digitally literate ________, occupying the position for five
terms. Q.1467. Match the states in column A
panchayat in Kerala. The Digi Pullampara
project was started on August 15, 2021. SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) with their official languages in column B.
(a) Meghalaya (b) Manipur Column A Column B
Q.1458. Which of the following states (c) Mizoram (d) Sikkim (States) (Official Languages)
launched the first Migration Monitoring
4. Goa d. Kannada
(c) Kerala (d) Goa
Q.1463. Baiga is a folk music of Baiga SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.1458.(a) Maharashtra. Migration Tribe from which of the following states? (a) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d (b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
Monitoring System provides updated SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift) (c) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c (d) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
information on migrant pregnant women, (a) Assam (b) Bihar
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Madhya Pradesh Sol.1467.(b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c. States
lactating mothers, and children. It is
launch center (spaceport) operated by Park - A UNESCO world heritage site of
India and known for one horned structures, the Vivekananda Mandapam
the Indian Space Research Organisation
Rhinoceros. National Parks in India : Jim and the Shripada Mandapam.
(ISRO). It is located in Sriharikota, district
Nellore. Other space center: Vikram Corbett National Park - Uttarakhand, Q.1479. Rann Utsav is celebrated in
Sarabhai Space Centre: Located in Ranthambore National Park - Rajasthan, which of the following states?
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Indian Blackbuck National Park, Gir National SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Institute of Space Science and Park - Gujarat. Kanha National Park - (a) Goa (b) Punjab (c) Gujarat (d) Haryana
Technology (IIST): Located in Madhya Pradesh, Bhitarkanika National
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Dr. Abdul Park - Odisha. Sol.1479.(c) Gujarat. Rann Utsav - It was
Kalam Island (formerly Wheeler Island): conceptualised as a three-day festival,
Q.1475. According to the Ministry of which progressively evolved into a
Located off the coast of Odisha.
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2) SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Q.1480. Which of the following states
(a) Sikkim (b) Assam (a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat has the honour of being India's first
(c) Kerala (d) Uttar Pradesh carbon-free state?
one of the five highest airports in India. Top Natural Rubber producing Indian (b) Himachal Pradesh
States: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Tripura,
helps in recharging the groundwater Q.1487. The famous Dhamek Stupa is caves: Madhya Pradesh - Udayagiri
located in which of the following states?
levels. Rainwater harvesting is already a Caves (Vidisha), Pandav Caves
common practice in Mizoram. SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening) (Pachmarhi), Dharmrajeshwar Caves
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh
(Mandsaur), Bhimbetka Caves (Bhojpur
Q.1483. Lotia is a regional music form of (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Himachal Pradesh Raisen), Lohani Caves (Mandu) etc.
which state ?
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (3rd shift) Sol.1487.(b) Uttar Pradesh. Dhamek Q.1491. Which Indian state is home to
(a) Odisha (b) Rajasthan Stupa - It is located at Sarnath, in the Buddhist cave temples known as
(c) Assam (d) Bihar Varanasi. It was built in 249 B.C. by Barabar Caves?
Ashoka the Great. It was made to SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Morning)
Sol.1483.(b) Rajasthan. Lotia - It is sung commemorate the event of Lord Buddha (a) Bihar (b) West Bengal
by the peasants while working in the giving the first sermon to his first five (c) Sikkim (d) Uttar Pradesh
fields on the occasion of Lotia festival in disciples. Other stupas: Swayambhunath
the Chaitra month according to the Hindu Stupa - Kathmandu (Nepal), Bharhut Sol.1491.(a) Bihar. The Barabar Hill
calendar. Stupa - Satna District (Madhya Pradesh), Caves are the oldest surviving rock-cut
Kesariya Stupa - East Champaran District caves in India. These are supposed to
Q.1484. In which state is the Maski
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh). These caves are situated in the twin hills
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Andhra Pradesh of Barabar (four caves) and Nagarjuni
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Karnataka Q.1488. Which among the following (three caves). Most caves at Barabar
Buddhist Universities is located in Bihar, consist of two chambers, carved entirely
Sol.1484.(d) Karnataka. Maski India?
inscription : Ashoka's minor rock edict. It out of granite.
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Morning)
is situated on the banks of the Muski (a) Vallabhi University Q.1492. The rock - cave temple of
River, a tributary of the Tungabhadra (b) Somapuri University _______ is the largest monolithic structure
River. The inscription is written in the (c) Nalanda University in the world.
Brahmi script. The edict was the first of (d) Nabadwip University SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon)
Emperor Ashoka to include the name (a) Udaygiri (b) Ajanta
Ashoka and not by his usual title Sol.1488.(c) Nalanda University (The (c) Ellora (d) Badami
‘Devanampiya Piyadasi’. Discovered by - world’s first residential University) - Built
C. Beadon in 1915. by Kumaragupta (Gupta dynasty). Sol.1492.(c) Ellora. The caves are
Prominent rulers - Harshavardhana of dedicated to Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Q.1485. Which of the following states Kannauj, Pala Rulers, and many scholars Jainism. The Kailasa Temple (Ellora): It
used EVMs for the first time in the patronized Nalanda. is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is
general elections held in May 1982 ? located in the Aurangabad district of
Graduate Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 4) Q.1489. The head office of National Bank Maharashtra, India. It is dedicated to
(a) Kerala (b) Andhra Pradesh for Agricultural and Rural Development is Lord Shiva and is the largest and most
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Maharashtra located in ________. impressive cave in the Ellora complex. It
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (afternoon) is a monolithic structure (carved out of a
Sol.1485.(a) Kerala (Ernakulam, Parvur (a) Pune (b) Mumbai
Vidhan Sabha). Electronic Voting single rock).
(c) Chennai (d) Kolkata
Machine (EVM) - In 1989, the Parliament Q.1493. The Elephanta Caves are located
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in which state? Sol.1497.(b) Maharashtra. Pandavleni Diamond - Asansol (West Bengal), City of
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) Caves - These are built on the Tri Rashmi Peace - Bardhaman (West Bengal),
(a) Gujarat (b) Rajasthan hill about 3004 feet above sea level. Temple City of India - Bhubaneswar
(c) Maharashtra (d) Karnataka These caves are a group of old Buddhist (Odisha), The Venice of the East -
caves (250 B.C. - 600 A.D.). Alappuzha (Kerala), Garden City of India -
Sol.1493.(c) Maharashtra. Elephanta Bengaluru (Karnataka), Detroit of Asia -
Caves: Declared a UNESCO World Q.1498. Dhuska is the most popular food Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Manchester of
Heritage Site in 1987. item of state of __________ . South India - Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu),
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (3rd Shift) Scotland of India - Coorg (Karnataka),
Q.1494. Which city in India is associated (a) Punjab (b) Jharkhand
with the tea industry? School Capital of India - Dehradun
(c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh (Uttarakhand), Queen of the Hills -
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) Panipat, Haryana Sol.1498.(b) Jharkhand. Other Foods of Darjeeling (West Bengal).
(b) Ahmedabad, Gujarat Jharkhand- Handia, Litti Chokha, Mirchi Q.1502. Which among the following is an
(c) Darjeeling, West Bengal Ka Salan, Mitha Khaja, Rugra. Punjab: Indian martial art from Manipur ?
(d) Madurai, Tamil Nadu Sarso ka saag and Makki di Roti, Lassi, SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Gobhi - Shalgam- Gajar Pickle, Pinni. (a) Muay Thai (b) Kalaripayattu
Sol.1494.(c) Darjeeling, West Bengal. Kerala: Erissery, Sadya, Appam With
Darjeeling Tea was the first product to (c) Tháng Tại (d) Gatka
Ishtu, Idli Sambar, Nadan Kozhi
get the Geographical Indication (GI) tag Varuthathu. Andhra Pradesh: Pulihora, Sol.1502.(c) Thang-Tai (sword and
in India, in October 2004. Kangra Tea Gutti vankaya kura, Chepa Pulusu, spear) - It is dedicated to fighting skill
from Himachal Pradesh also has GI tag Gongura Pickle Ambadi, Pesarattu, Gutti and worship. The Meitei creation of
status. GI tag is regulated by the Vankaya Koora, Punugulu, Bobbatlu, Thang-ga goes back to antiquity.
Geographical Indications of Goods Medu Vada, Uppindi.
(Registration and Protection) Act of Q.1503. India's First open Rock Museum
1999. Q.1499. Kye Gompa, the largest centre of is located in which city ?
Buddhist learning in the Western SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (1st Shift)
Q.1495. The Ganesh-rath is one of the Himalayas, is situated in the state/union (a) Varanasi (b) Chennai
finest monolithic temples located in territory of___________. (c) Mysuru (d) Hyderabad
______. SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift)
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon) (a) Uttarakhand (b) Himachal Pradesh Sol.1503.(d) Hyderabad. Other Famous
(a) Somnath (b) Mahabalipuram (c) Punjab (d) Jammu & Kashmir monuments : Char- Minar, Makka Masjid
(c) Varanasi (d) Nagpur both built by Quli Qutub Shah.
Sol.1499.(b) Himachal Pradesh. Famous
Sol.1495.(b) Mahabalipuram. The Buddhist monasteries: Hemis Monastery Q.1504. Nasik is also known as _____
Ganesh - rath - It is one of ten rathas - Ladakh, Tabo Monastery - Himachal capital of India.
("chariots") carved out of pink granite Pradesh, Tsuglagkhang Monastery - SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift)
within the group of monuments of the Himachal Pradesh, Thiksey Monastery - (a) Wine (b) Gold (c) Orange (d) Cotton
Pallava Period at Mahabalipuram, a Leh, Ladakh, Tawang Monastery -
UNESCO-inscribed World Heritage Site Sol.1504.(a) Wine. Nashik ("Wine Capital
Q.1496. Which state became the first to Ghoom Monastery - West Bengal, ethanol (12%). Nashik is situated on the
implement "New Education Policy" at pre Lingdum Monastery - Sikkim. banks of river Godavari. The Godavari
- primary level? Q.1500. Aga Khan Palace is located in starts from Trimbakeshwar, Maharashtra
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon) _______ city of Maharashtra. and flows to the Bay of Bengal. It is also
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Haryana SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift) known for hosting the Kumbh Mela every
(c) Kerala (d) Uttarakhand (a) Pune (b) Aurangabad 12 years.
Sol.1496.(d) Uttarakhand. National (c) Ahmednagar (d) Mumbai Q.1505. Which among the following is
Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was Sol.1500.(a) Pune. This Palace was built the official sport of Maharashtra, as of
announced by the Ministry of Education. in 1892 by Sultan Muhammed Shah Aga 2022?
It was based on the recommendation of Khan III in the district of Pune SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (1st Shift)
the ‘Kasturiranjan committee’. Aim - (Maharashtra). (a) Mallakhamb (b) Kalaripayattu
Transform the Indian education system (c) Sand sculptures (d) Dahi-Handi
to meet the needs of the 21st Century. Q.1501. Which Indian city is also known
Karnataka became the first state to as Queen of Deccan? Sol.1505.(d) Dahi - Handi. It is an
adopt NEP in higher education. SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (4th Shift) entertainment and competitive event
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Pune celebrated with Hindu festival Krishna
Q.1497. The famous Pandav Leni Caves (c) Amritsar (d) Puducherry Janmashtami (birth of God Krishna).
is located in which of the following Madhya Pradesh (Mallakhamb), Kerala
states? Sol.1501.(b) Pune. Some Indian Cities (Kalaripayattu). Puri Beach (Odisha) -
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon) and Sobriquets : City of Taj - Agra (Uttar Here, Sudarsan Pattnaik showcases his
(a) Odisha (b) Maharashtra Pradesh), Boston/Manchester of India - sand arts. Mysore Sand Sculpture
(c) Kerala (d) Bihar Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Sangam City - Museum - It is home to several sand
Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh), Land of Black models and was founded by M N Gowri.
known as “The silk city”, and “The green workers.
city”. Surat (located on the River Tapi) SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift) Q.1516. In which state in India is
has been called “The gateway to Mecca”. (a) Kerala (b) Assam Chandratal wetland located?
Old name of Surat - Suryapur. (c) Tripura (d) Andhra Pradesh Higher Secondary 05/08/2022 (Shift - 2)
(a) Vijayawada (b) Naraura followed by West Bengal. Jorhat has the
(c) Tarapur (d) Rawat Bhata world famous Tocklai Experimental Sol.1516.(b) Himachal Pradesh.
Centre. China (1st) and India (2nd) are Important Wetlands - Pong dam, Renuka
Sol.1508.(a) Vijayawada. Nuclear power the largest tea producing countries in the Wetland (Himachal Pradesh), Tampara
plants in India: Kakrapar Atomic Power world. Lake (Odisha), Yashwant Sagar (Madhya
Station (1993, Gujarat), Kalpakkam, Pradesh), Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary
Q.1513. The Kashi Yatra Scheme was
Construction: Chutka (Madhya Pradesh), Sol.1513.(a) Karnataka government has Q.1517. Which state of India has set up
Gorakhpur (Haryana), Bhimpur (Madhya launched the Kashi Yatra scheme. It District Investment Promotion Agencies
Pradesh), Mahi Banswara (Rajasthan), offers cash assistance of Rs 5,000 to (DIPA) ?
Haripur (West Bengal), etc. pilgrims who visit the Kashi Vishwanath SSC MTS 12/07/2022 (Morning)
Temple (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh). The (a) Karnataka (b) Haryana
Q.1509. In which of the following states (c) Odisha (d) West Bengal
was 'Kudumbashree,' women-oriented, Kashi Vishwanath Temple (Jyotirlingas)
community-- based, poverty-reduction is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The current Sol.1517.(c) Odisha Government has set
programme implemented ? structure was built by the Ahilyabai up District Investment Promotion
SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (4th Shift) Holkar of Indore (Maratha ruler) in the Agencies (DIPA) to promote and
(a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala year 1780. facilitate investment across the State.
(c) Bihar (d) Uttar Pradesh Q.1514. India's first Olympic Values Q.1518. The Janjira Fort is situated on a
Sol.1509.(b) Kerala. Education Programme (OVEP) was small island in the Arabian sea, off the
The name Kudumbashree in Malayalam launched in _____. coast of______.
language means 'prosperity of the SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift) SSC MTS 22/07/2022 (Evening)
family'. The 'Kudumbashree' SHG (Self (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Punjab (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
Help Groups) was started in 1998. (c) Odisha (d) Haryana (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
Q.1510. India’s First AI-powered, end - to Sol.1514.(c) Odisha. The Olympic Values Sol.1518.(b) Maharashtra. Janjira fort is
- end digital Lok Adalat was launched in Education Programme (OVEP) of the situated on an oval-shaped rock off the
________. International Olympic Committee (IOC) Arabian Sea coast near the port town of
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift) was launched in Odisha by Chief Minister Murud, 165 km south of Mumbai,
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan Naveen Patnaik, in collaboration with the Maharashtra. Some other forts in
annual rainfall in South India, is located originated centuries ago as a staple food Saree - West Bengal.
in which state? in the court of Magadha.
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Morning) Q.1530. 'Muya Awandru' is a traditional
Q.1525. In the context of the culture of food of this Indian state.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka
Uttarakhand, 'Kafuli' is the name of a: SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Morning)
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening) (a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka
Sol.1520.(b) Karnataka. Agumbe ( 'Cobra (a) cuisine (b) folk dance (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Tripura
Capital' of India) is registered as a (c) festival (d) style of painting
(a) Odisha (b) Karnataka 'Banni' mainly reared? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) West Bengal (d) Tamil Nadu SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening) (a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka
(c) Uttar Pradesh Nirmal Painting, Kolattam states has the famous tourist destination
(d) Himachal Pradesh Bhamakalapam, Veeranatyam, called Pamban Island?
Burrakatha, Dhimsa. SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.1535.(d) Himachal Pradesh. Other (a) Kerala (b) Andhra Pradesh
Pahari dialects spoken here - Chambiali, Q.1541. Which of the following is a site (c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu
Churahi, Mandeli, Himachali and Kuluhi. of archaeological importance in Jammu
and Kashmir? Sol.1546.(d) Tamil Nadu. Pamban
Q.1536. Which of the following is the SSC MTS 02/11/2021 (Morning) Island or Rameswaram Island is an
State Tree of Maharashtra ? (a) Maski (b) Burzahom island located between peninsular India
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) (c) Brahmagiri (d) Watkal and Sri Lanka, on the Adam's Bridge
(a) Mango (b) Jammi archipelago.
Q.1537. Which of the following is the Q.1542. Chutka Atomic Power Plant is (b) Nagaland
state bird of Rajasthan? situated in which of the following states? (c) Telangana
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) SSC MTS 02/11/2021 (Evening) (d) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) Indian Roller (a) Haryana (b) Gujarat
(b) Crane Crane (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan Sol.1547.(d) Arunachal Pradesh. Dibang
(c) Asian Cuckoo is named after the Dibang River or the
(d) Son Chiraiya (Great Indian Bustard) Sol.1542.(c) Madhya Pradesh (in Mandla Talon as the Mishmis. It has an area of
district). Presently, India has 22 nuclear 9,129 square kilometers (3,525 sq mi).
Sol.1537.(d) Son Chiraiya (Great Indian power reactors. Kudankulam Nuclear
Bustard). State Animal: Chinkara and Power Plant is the largest nuclear power Q.1548. Where is the Kudremukh iron ore
Camel. State Dance- Ghoomer, State tree- station in India, situated in Kudankulam mine located?
Khejri (Prosopis Cineraria), State Flower- Tamil Nadu. Tarapur Atomic Power SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Evening)
Rohida (Tecomella Undulata). Station (1969) is located in Tarapur, (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Bihar
Maharashtra is the first atomic power (c) Odisha (d) Karnataka
Q.1538. Which state among the following
is the largest producer of coffee? plant in India. Sol.1548.(d) Karnataka (Panambur,
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) Q.1543. 'Panche' is a traditional sarong Mangalore). Other Iron Ore mine states -
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu worn by the men in the state of ______. Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Morning) Q.1549. In which of the following
Sol.1538.(a) Karnataka. Kodagu (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka states/union territories is India’s highest
Chikmagalur and Hassan districts are (c) Assam (d) Sikkim Meteorological Centre situated?
major coffee producer regions of the Sol.1543.(b) Karnataka. Panche (Dhoti) - SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Morning)
state. This unstitched cloth is wrapped around (a) Assam (b) Meghalaya
the legs and knotted around the waist. (c) Ladakh (d) Jammu and Kashmir
Q.1539. ‘Balchao’ and ‘Sorpotel' are the
traditional culinary dishes of: Q.1544. In which present-day state will Sol.1549.(c) Ladakh. Districts in the
Sol.1556.(b) Himachal Pradesh. Woven Q.1562. ‘Ramoji Film City’ is located
Sol.1551.(a) Andhra Pradesh. in all shapes and sizes, Rahide comes in close to which of the following cities?
Sri Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna Temple is different fabrics and patterns. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
located in Srisailam, district Kurnool, in (a) Pune (b) Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh. Sri Bhramaramba Q.1557. Which modern-day Indian state (c) Mumbai (d) Gurugram
Mallikarjuna Temple, Srisailam Temple is was created on 1 April 1937 as the
a historic temple dedicated to Shiva and United Provinces by the Britishers? Sol.1562.(b) Hyderabad. It is the largest
Parvati. SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Morning) integrated film city in the world and it has
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Arunachal Pradesh been certified by the Guinness World
Q.1552. The Sufi shrine Charar-e-Sharief (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh Records as the largest studio complex in
(or Sharif) is located near ______ city. the world.
Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Noorani. 1975 - 36th constitutional amendment (c) Nagapattinam (d) Madurai
act, 1975.
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Morning) Himachal Pradesh come into existence? and handlooms and silk. Vailankanni
(a) Foxtail Orchids (b) Shirui Lily SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Evening) (Velankanni) is also known as the
(c) Pink Rhododendron (d) Retusa (a) 1971 (b) 1947 (c) 1956 (d) 1965 Lourdes of the East.
Sol.1553.(b) Shirui Lily (Lilium Sol.1558.(a) 25th January 1971. The Q.1564. The longest continuous wall in
mackliniae). Foxtail Orchids State of Himachal Pradesh Act was India, the second longest in the world, is
(Rhynchostylis retusa) or Kopou Flower passed by Parliament on 18th December at ______ Fort.
is a flower of Assam. Pink Rhododendron 1970. Thus it emerged as the eighteenth SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
is a flower of Himachal. state of the Indian Union. (a) Kumbhalgarh (b) Chittorgarh
(c) Mehrangarh (d) Kangra
Q.1554. Which of the following states Q.1559. 'Sandalwood' is the state tree of
emerged as a separate state in 1963 ? ______. Sol.1564.(a) Kumbhalgarh (Rajasthan).
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Morning) SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Evening) The Great Wall of China is the longest
(a) Nagaland (b) Mizoram (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Karnataka wall in the world.
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Tripura (c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan Q.1565. Salsette Island is situated in
Sol.1554.(a) Nagaland became the 16th Sol.1559.(b) Karnataka. Mysore city which state of India ?
state of India on 1 December 1963. Other (Karnataka) is also known as SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Afternoon)
states were conferred statehood on ‘Sandalwood city of India’ . (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Andhra Pradesh
Mizoram (20 February 1987), Arunachal (c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala
Pradesh (20 February 1987), Tripura (21 Q.1560. Dogri language is mainly spoken
January 1972). in which of the following states/union Sol.1565.(c) Maharashtra (on India’s
territories? west coast). The highest point is the
Akademy. Other renowned Dance
Sol.1567.(c) Thrissur and Thiruvalla. was founded by Manipuri dancer and
Institutes : Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur
Famous twin cities of India: Hyderabad choreographer Guru Bipin Singh. Some
Dance Academy (Manipur), Nalanda
and Secunderabad, Vijayawada and notable dance institutions established by
Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya (Mumbai),
Amaravati, Kochi and Ernakulam, Kolkata famous dancers : Kalakshetra
Ballet Repertoire Academy of India
and Howrah, Jalpaiguri and Siliguri. Foundation (Tamil Nadu) - Rukmini Devi
(Mumbai), Sri Thyagaraja College of
Arundale; Shri Ram Bharatiya Kala
Q.1568. Which city of India is known as Music and Dance (Hyderabad), and
Kendra (New Delhi) - Sumitra Charat
Nrityanjali Institute of Performing Arts
organisations in India provides facilities Gauri. Other dance Academy: Bhartendu (1973) - Mumbai. National Ballet
for acquisition of satellite data and its Natya Academy (Lucknow), National Academy of India (2002). Sri Thyagaraja
processing? Dance Academy (Delhi). Government College of Music & Dance
SSC MTS 13/11/2024 (3rd Shift) (1952) - Hyderabad. Nrityanjali (1963) -
(a) National Remote Sensing Centre Q.1573. In which of the following cities Mumbai.
(NRSC) of Manipur is the Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Forest Research Institute (FRI) Manipur Dance Academy located ? Q.1577. Who established Shantiniketan
(c) Indian Institute of Remote Sensing SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift) and when?
(IIRS) (a) Imphal (b) Ukhrul SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(d) Wildlife Institute of India (WII) (c) Chandel (d) Thoubal (a) Mahatma Gandhi, 1910
(b) Ravindranath Tagore, 1901
Sol.1569.(a) National Remote Sensing Sol.1573.(a) Imphal. Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Ravindranath Tagore, 1905
Centre (NRSC) is a premier organization Manipur Dance Academy, a unit of the (d) Devendranath Tagore, 1915
located in Hyderabad, under the Indian Sangeet Natak Academy in New Delhi, is
Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It is dedicated to teaching Manipuri dance Sol.1577.(b) Ravindranath Tagore, 1901.
responsible for remote sensing satellite and music. Established in 1954. Other Shantiniketan Initially founded as an
data acquisition and processing, data renowned Dance Institutes : National ashram by Debendranath Tagore in 1863
dissemination, aerial remote sensing and Institute of Kathak Dance (New Delhi), and later expanded by Rabindranath
decision support for disaster Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya Tagore into a center for learning and
management. (Mumbai), Ballet Repertoire Academy of culture, it evolved into Visva-Bharati
India (Mumbai), Sri Thyagaraja College of University in 1921. In 2023, Shantiniketan
Q.1570. The head office of Board of Music and Dance (Hyderabad), and was recognized as India's 41st UNESCO
Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is Nrityanjali Institute of Performing Arts World Heritage Site. Other Institutes and
located in ________. (Mumbai). Founders : Rishi Valley (1926, Andhra
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Pradesh) - J. Krishnamurti; Auroville annual music conferences, leading to the Sol.1584.(d) Harsh Vardhan Shringla.
(1968, Tamil Nadu) - Sri Aurobindo; December Music Festival of Madras, one The G20, or Group of 20, is an
Sabarmati Ashram (1915, Gujarat) - of the world's largest cultural events. intergovernmental forum consisting of
Mahatma Gandhi. Sangita Kala Acharya : This award was 19 sovereign countries, the European
instituted in 1993 and is given to those Union (EU), and the African Union (AU). It
Q.1578. Which of the following institutes who have contributed by bringing several addresses major global economic
was founded by Mrinalini Sarabhai who disciples to the concert platform. issues, including international financial
was a Bharatanatyam and Kathakali stability, climate change, and sustainable
dancer? Q.1581. Sports Authority of India comes development. India hosted the 18th G20
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift) under which ministry? summit in New Delhi on 9 September
(a) Sri Thyagaraja College of Music and SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) 2023, with the theme "One Earth, One
Dance (a) Ministry of Education Family, One Future," inspired by ancient
(b) Nrityanjali Institute of Performing (b) Ministry of Social Justice Sanskrit texts. Brazil will host the G20 in
Arts (c) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 2024, followed by South Africa in 2025.
(c) Darpana Academy of Performing Arts (d) Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
(d) Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya Q.1585. The ICAR – Sugarcane Breeding
Sol.1581.(d) Ministry of Youth Affairs Institute is located at:
Sol.1578.(c) Darpana Academy of and Sports. Sports Authority of India : SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Performing Arts. It is a school for Formed in - 1984. Headquarters - (a) Vellore (b) Coimbatore
performing arts in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Lodhi Road, (c) Tirunelveli (d) Cuddalore
established by Mrinalini Sarabhai and Delhi. Ministry of Education - Department
Vikram Sarabhai in 1949. Mrinalini of School Education & Literacy, Sol.1585.(b) Coimbatore. The Sugarcane
Sarabhai’s Awards : Padma Bhushan Department of Higher Education. Breeding Institute (SBI): Established in
(1992) and Padma Shri (1965). Ministry of Health and Family welfare - 1912. The Indian Council of Agricultural
Department of Health & Family welfare, Research (ICAR) , an autonomous body,
Q.1579. Which of the following is India’s and Department of Health Research. coordinates agricultural education and
national academy of dance ?
research in India and reports to the
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Q.1582. Where was the first official Department of Agricultural Research and
(a) Lalit Kala Akademi summit of the Non-Aligned movement
Education, Ministry of Agriculture,
(b) Centre for Cultural Resources and held? established on July 16, 1929, in New
Training SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(c) Centre for Indian Classical Dances (a) India (b) Yugoslavia
(d) Sangeet Natak Akademi (c) New York (d) Egypt Q.1586. Which of the following
organisations is associated with the
Sol.1579.(d) Sangeet Natak Akademi Sol.1582.(b) Yugoslavia. The development of the web version: e -
was set up in 1953. It has three Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was GOPALA application?
constituent units, two of these being founded in 1961 with the view to SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
dance-teaching institutions: the advancing the interests of developing (a) National Dairy Development Board
Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance countries in the context of Cold War (NDDB)
Academy (JNMDA) at Imphal, and confrontation. The first summit was (b) Indian Council of Agricultural
Kathak Kendra in Delhi. Lalit Kala attended by 25 countries. Research
Mountaineering Institute, located in autonomous body, operates under the it as International Day of Non-Violence.
Ministry of Tourism, Government of SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Darjeeling, West Bengal. It was founded
on November 4, 1954, by Pandit India. Other institutes include: Rajeev (a) United Nations
Gandhi National Youth Development (b) BRICS Nations
Jawaharlal Nehru to commemorate the
first successful ascent of Mount Everest (Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu), Swami (c) South Asian Association for Regional
Vivekanand National Institute of Cooperation
by Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Sir
Edmund Hillary. Rehabilitation Training and Research (d) Group of 20
(Cuttack), Marine Engineering and
Q.1589. Lakshmibai National Institute of Research (Kolkata), and Aryabhatta Sol.1596.(a) United Nations passed a
Physical Education (LNIPE) is located at Research Institute (Nainital). resolution in 2007 to observe Gandhi
______. Jayanti (October 2) as the International
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift) Q.1593. Lakshmibai National College of Day of Non-Violence every year. BRICS
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Haryana Physical Education is located at ______. Nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China and
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Punjab SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift) South Africa. Established - 2009. The
(located in Gwalior) is a higher education (c) Shahdara, Delhi Kathmandu (Nepal). Established - 8
institute deemed-to-be-university, under (d) Patiala, Punjab December, 1985. G-20: Established -
in physical education, coaching and Kerala. LakshmiBai National College of Q.1597. Indian Industrialists reacted
sports in the country. Former names - Physical Education (LNCPE): It was against colonial policies that restricted
Lakshmibai College of Physical founded in 1985 under the auspices of business activities and formed an
Education. Established - 1957. Campus - the Department of Youth Affairs and organization in 1927. What was it called?
Shaktinagar. Sports, Ministry of Human Resource SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Development, Government of India. (a) Indian Industrial and Commercial
Q.1590. Where is the ITC Sangeet Congress (IICC)
Research Academy located? Q.1594. In which year was Dattopant (b) Organization of Industries of India
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift) Thengadi National Board for Workers (OII)
(a) Kolkata (b) Delhi Education and Development established (c) Federation of the Indian Chamber of
(c) Bengaluru (d) Indore SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) Commerce and Industries (FICCI)
(a) 1978 (b) 1968 (c) 1948 (d) 1958 (d) Confederation of Indian Industries
Sol.1590.(a) Kolkata. ITC Sangeet (CII)
Research Academy (ITCSRA) is a Sol.1594.(d) 1958. The Dattopant
Hindustani classical music academy run Thengadi National Board for Workers Sol.1597.(c) FICCI: It is the largest and
by the corporate house, ITC Limited. Education and Development (DTNBWED) oldest apex business organisation in
Formation - 1978. Objective - The is an autonomous body under the India. Founded: 1927, Headquarters: New
creation of an effective training system, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Delhi. IICC: Founded - 1920,
to rationalise traditional data with the Government of India. Its objective is to Headquarters - New Delhi. CII: Founded -
help of modern research methods. promote education and development 1895, Headquarters - New Delhi.
programs for workers in both organized
Q.1591. In which year was the Marris and unorganized sectors. The Board has Q.1598. Which of the following
College of Music established in India ? its Headquarters at New Delhi. It ministries of the Government of India has
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under it the Council of Scientific & SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift) 1982. Role - Development of agriculture,
Industrial Research (CSIR)? (a) 1948 (b) 1958 (c) 1975 (d) 1981 small-scale industries and other allied
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift) economic activities in rural areas. Other
(a) Ministry of Commerce and Industry Sol.1601.(b) 1958. Defence Research Institutions, Establishment Year and
(b) Ministry of Earth Sciences and Development Organisation (DRDO) : Headquarters : Indian Council of
(c) Ministry of Science and Technology The Research and Development wing of Agricultural Research (ICAR), 1929 - New
(d) Ministry of Education the military's research and development, Delhi. The National Institute for Rural
headquartered in Delhi. Achievements of Development (NIRD), 1977 - Hyderabad.
Sol.1598.(c) Ministry of Science and DRDO : Agni and Prithvi series of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) April 1, 1935
Technology. Council of Scientific & missiles, Light combat aircraft (Tejas), - Mumbai.
Industrial Research (CSIR): The largest Multi-barrel rocket launcher (Pinaka)
research and development (R&D) Mk-I, Pilotless Target Aircraft ‘Lakshya-I. Q.1605. One of the important institutes
organization in India. Established - 1942, associated with the green revolution is
Headquarters - New Delhi. Founder(s) - Q.1602. Indian Academy of Sciences, the Indian Agriculture Research Institute.
Arcot Ramasamy Mudaliar, Shanti founded in 1934 by CV Raman, is Where is it located?
Swaroop Bhatnagar. President: Prime situated in__________ SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Minister of India. Motto - “CSIR-The SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift) (a) Mumbai (b) Ludhiana
Innovation Engine of India”. Parent (a) Mumbai (b) Hyderabad (c) New Delhi (d) Patna
institution - Ministry of Science and (c) Bangalore (d) New Delhi
Technology, Government of India. Sol.1605.(c) New Delhi. The Green
Sol.1602.(c) Bangalore. The Indian revolution started in the 1960s, using
Q.1599. Which of the following countries Academy of Sciences - Registered as a high yielding variety (HYV) seeds,
is NOT a member of SAARC (South Asian society in 1934 with the aim of mechanised farm tools, irrigation
Association for Regional Cooperation)? promoting the progress and upholding facilities, pesticides, and fertilisers.
the cause of science, in both pure and
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift) Agricultural Institute - National Academy
(a) Pakistan (b) Myanmar applied branches. C.V. Raman, won the of Agricultural Research Management
Nobel Prize in Physics (1930) for his
(c) Afghanistan (d) Bhutan (NAARM) - Hyderabad. Established -
work on the scattering of light. India 1976. Central Potato Research Institute
Sol.1599.(b) Myanmar. SAARC (South celebrates National Science Day on 28
(CPRI) - Shimla. Indian Institute of
Asian Association for Regional February of every year to commemorate Horticultural Research - Bangalore,
Cooperation) is the regional the discovery of the “Raman effect”.
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st shift) Q.1606. Which of the following trade
Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Founded : (a) New Delhi (b) Hyderabad agreements aims to 'strengthen intra
8 December 1985, Dhaka (Bangladesh). (c) Allahabad (d) Bangaluru -SAARC economic cooperation to
Objectives - To promote economic Sol.1603.(a) New Delhi. The Indian maximize the region's potential for trade
cooperation, social progress, and cultural National Science Academy (formerly and achieve development for their
development among its member states. known as The National Institute of people'?
Sciences of India). Established - January SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.1600. Indian council of Historical
1935 at Calcutta. Headquarters - Delhi. (a) APTA (b) SAFTA (c) NAFTA (d) LAIA
Research, an autonomous organization,
was set up by the Government of India in Aim: Promotion of scientific knowledge. Sol.1606.(b) SAFTA (South Asian Free
_______. Institutions and Place - The Defence Trade Area) - Formed in 2004 at 12th
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift) Research and Development Organisation SAARC convention held in Islamabad,
(a) 1991 (b) 1982 (c) 1972 (d) 1962 (DRDO) - New Delhi; Indian Space Pakistan. Member countries -
Research Organisation (ISRO) - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,
Sol.1600.(c) 1972. Indian Council of Bengaluru; Indian Institute of Sciences
Historical Research (ICHR) - It is a Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
(IISC) - Bengaluru; Council of Scientific Headquarter - Kathmandu (Nepal).
captive body of the Ministry of Education, and Industrial Research (CSIR) - New
Government of India established by an NAFTA - North American Free Trade
Delhi; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Agreement. APTA - Asia-Pacific Trade
administrative order. Aim - To promote (BARC) - Trombay, Mumbai.
and give directions to historical research Agreement. LAIA - Latin American
and to encourage and foster objective Q.1604. Which of the following Integration Association. SAARC - South
and scientific writing of history. institution has been accredited as Asian Association for Regional
Headquarters - New Delhi. Regional National Implementing Entity for Cooperation.
centers - Pune (Maharashtra), Bengaluru Adaptation Fund under United Nations Q.1607. Where is the National Dope
(Karnataka), and Guwahati (Assam). Framework Convention on Climate Testing Laboratory located?
Founded : 27 March 1972. First Change (UNFCCC) in India? SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
chairman - Ram Sharan Sharma. SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st shift) (a) Mumbai (b) Bangalore
(a) ICAR (b) NIRD (c) NABARD (d) RBI (c) Punjab (d) New Delhi
Q.1601. Defence Research Development
Organisation (DRDO), which is under the Sol.1604.(c) NABARD (National Bank for
Sol.1607.(d) New Delhi. National
Ministry of Defence Government of India, Agriculture and Rural Development): A
Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) was set up
was formed in the year _______. Statutory body. Established - July 12,
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as a registered society under the Ministry of Road Transport and (MHA) banned PFI for five years. All
Societies Registration Act of 1860 to Highways. However, since 2015, it has Tripura Tiger Force {founded on 11 July
regulate dope control programmes to been overseen and operated by the 1990, Headquarters (Bangladesh)}.
promote education and research and Ministry of Defence. The BRO Raising Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
create awareness about doping and its ill Day is held every year on May 7. {founded in June 1976, Headquarters
effects. The World Anti-Doping Agency (Muzaffarabad, Pakistan occupied
(WADA, 1999) was set up under the Q.1611. Which is the governing body for Kashmir (Pakistan)}.
International Olympic Committee and Badminton in India ?
recognised by the UNESCO International SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon) Q.1615. The headquarters of the National
Convention against Doping in Sport (a) Indian Badminton Agency Institute of Oceanography of India is
(2005). (b) Indian Badminton Association located at:
(c) Badminton Association of India SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Q.1608. Forest Research Institute, (d) Badminton Agency of India (a) New Delhi (b) Hyderabad
Dehradun was established as Imperial (c) Kanyakumari (d) Goa
Forest Research Institute. In which year Sol.1611.(c) Badminton Association of
was it established as "Imperial Forest India - An association registered under Sol.1615.(d) Goa. National Institute of
Research Institute"? the societies act. It was formed in 1934, Oceanography (NIO) of India -
Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3) and has been holding national-level headquartered at Dona Paula, Goa.
(a) 1905 (b) 1908 (c) 1907 (d) 1906 tournaments in India since 1936. regional offices in Kochi, Mumbai, and
Headquarter - New Delhi. Badminton Vizag. It is one of the 38 constituent
Sol.1608.(d) 1906. Forest Research Tournaments: Thomas Cup, Uber Cup, laboratories of the Council of Scientific &
Institute (FRI), DehraDun began as Forest Sudirman cup, Premier Badminton Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi.
School in 1878. Wildlife Institute of India League, Yonex All England Open. NIO was founded on 1 January 1966.
(1982) headquarter - Dehradun. Central
Q.1612. Which institution launched a list Q.1616. The Indian Institute of remote
Tobacco Research Institute (1947) -
Rajahmundry, All Indian Institute of of 50 iconic Indian heritage textiles? sensing was established at:
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift) SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Medical Science (1956) - New Delhi,
Central Rice Research Institute (1946) - (a) Ministry of textile (b) NITI Aayog (a) Khadakwasla (b) Shimla
(c) Ministry of Culture (d) UNESCO (c) Dehradun (d) Kochi
Cuttack, Central Leather Research
Institute (1948) - Chennai, Central Potato
Sol.1612.(d) UNESCO (United Nations Sol.1616.(c) Dehradun. Aryabhatta
Research Institute (1949) - Shimla,
Spices Board of India located? Some important Indian Heritage Textiles: Centre (NRSC) in Hyderabad. Space
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Evening) Toda embroidery and Sungadi (Tamil Applications Centre (SAC) in
(a) Bengaluru (Karnataka) Nadu), Himroo weaves (Hyderabad), Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Satish Dhawan
(b) Kochi (Kerala) Bandha tie and dye weaving (Sambalpur, Space Centre SHAR (SHAR or SriHarikota
(c) Pune (Maharashtra) Odisha), Kunbi weaves (Goa). Range) in Nellore district, Andhra
Board is a statutory body constituted which organization? woman director general of the Council of
since 1987 under the Spices Board Act, SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift) Scientific and Industrial Research?
1986 by merging the erstwhile (a) ISRO (b) HAL (c) DRDO (d) BHEL SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Cardamom Board and Spices Export (a) Sanjay Verma
Sol.1613.(b) HAL. The ALH Mk-III (b) Vinod Aggarwal
Promotion Council under the
helicopters, indigenously manufactured (c) Nallathamby Kalaiselvi
administrative control of the Department
by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). (d) Prakash Chand
of Commerce. Kerala is known as the
HAL: Established - 23 Dec 1940.
spice garden of India.
Headquarters - Bengaluru. Sol.1617.(c) Nallathamby Kalaiselvi.
Q.1610. Which organisation is Council of Scientific and Industrial
responsible for the development and Q.1614. Which political organization was Research (CSIR): Founded: 26 September
maintenance of the roads on the Indian banned in September 2022 by 1942, Headquarters: New Delhi.
borders? Government of India under the Unlawful
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning) Activities (Prevention) Act ? Q.1618. The abbreviation “CPCL” is
(a) Border Roads Organisation SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift) associated with the petroleum industry in
(b) Western Roadways Organisation (a) Khalistan Zindabad Force India. Expand “CPCL”:
(c) National Green Highways Project (b) Popular Front of India (PFI) SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(d) Eastern Roadways Organisation (c) All Tripura Tiger Force (a) Central Petroleum Corporation Limited
(d) Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front (b) Coimbatore Petroleum Corporation
Sol.1610.(a) Border Roads Organisation. Limited
It was founded in 1960 with the goal of Sol.1614.(b) Popular Front of India (PFI). (c) Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
developing critical highways in the This political party was Founded on 22 (d) Corporation of Petroleum and
northern and northeastern border November 2006, Headquarters (New Chemicals Limited
territories. The BRO was once part of the Delhi). The Ministry of Home Affairs
Q.1620. GATT was established in 1948 Sol.1623.(d) 1954. Lalit Kala Akademi, for the Study of Culture and Civilization in
with ______ countries as the global trade National Academy of Art, New Delhi was Shimla?
organization to administer all multilateral set up by the Government of India as an SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening)
trade agreements by providing equal autonomous body, on 5th August 1954 (a) International Centre
opportunities to all countries in the
international market for trading na
by the then Honourable Minister for
Education, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
(b) Abdul Kalam Centre
(c) Tagore Centre
purposes. (d) Nehru Centre
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning) Q.1624. Which organisation was created
(a) 29 (b) 23 (c) 35 (d) 28 in 1988 by the World Meteorological Sol.1627.(c) Tagore Centre. It was
Organization (WMO) and the United established in 2013. Former President
Sol.1620.(b) 23. The General Agreement Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated it at the
on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (1947) assess the science related to climate Indian Institute of Advanced Studies
covers international trade in goods. change? (IIAS, established - 1964) in Shimla
GATT became WTO (World Trade SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Evening) (Himachal Pradesh).
Q.1621. ______ was established in 1948 (AYCC) (a) 1980 (b) 1983 (c) 1976 (d) 1975
with 23 countries as a global trade
organization to administer all multilateral Sol.1624.(a) Intergovernmental Panel on Sol.1628.(d) 1975. It is also known as
trade agreements. Climate Change (IPCC)- Headquarters: the Washington Convention which is a
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Afternoon) Geneva; Founder: Bert Bolin; Founded: multilateral treaty to protect endangered
(a) World Trade Organization 1988. ICAN- Formation: 1989; plants and animals. Location- Geneva,
(b) International Reciprocal Trade Headquarters: Bonn; Founder: Michael Switzerland.
Association Oppenheimer. Global Green Growth Q.1629. Where is the headquarters of the
(c) General Agreement on Tariffs and Institute- Formation: 2010; International Hockey Federation (FIH)
Trade Headquarters: Seoul. AYCC- Formation : located?
(d) World Chamber of Commerce 2006; Headquarters : Melbourne. SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.1621.(c) General Agreement of Q.1625. Which of the following is an (a) Australia (b) Nepal
Tariffs and Trade. Its purpose was to Indian ‘not for profit’ organization, (c) Switzerland (d) Bhutan
liberalize trade by reducing tariffs and working on sustainable solutions to make Sol.1629.(c) Switzerland.
reducing quotas among member sanitation and water accessible to all? The International Hockey Federation is
countries. It was replaced by the World SSC CGL 13/04/2022(Afternoon) the governing body for the sport of
Trade Organisation in 1995. (a) Pratham (b) Helpage India hockey. Founded: 1924 in Paris (France).
(c) Goonj (d) Sulabh International The Indian Hockey Federation (IHF):
Q.1622. Where is the Indian Institute of
Skiing and Mountaineering situated ? Sol.1625.(d) Sulabh International was Formed - 1925, Headquartered in New
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Morning) founded by Bindeshwar Pathak (Padma Delhi.
(a) Dalhousie (b) Gulmarg Vibhushan 2024). Pratham is an
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Q.1630. In which of the following states (a) May 1946 (b) December 1945 Sol.1639.(b) Myanmar. Ethnic Groups:
is the headquarters of IDBI (Industrial (c) October 1945 (d) February 1946 Nepal (Chhetri, Bahun, Magar, Rana
Development Bank of India) located? Tharu, Tamang, Newar, Gurung).
SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Morning) Sol.1635.(c) October 1945. India joined Afghanistan (Pashtun, Hazaras,
(a) Haryana (b) Maharashtra the United Nations and was among the Turkemens, Uzbeks, Nuristanis).
(c) Karnataka (d) West Bengal 50 countries to sign it. SriLanka (Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Moors,
Q.1636. India signed Panchsheel Treaty Sri Lanka Kaffirs).
Sol.1630.(b) Maharashtra (Mumbai).
IDBI was constituted under the Industrial with which country ? Q.1640. Match India’s neighbouring
Development Bank of India Act, 1964. An SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Afternoon) countries in column A with their official
industrial bank is a state-chartered, (a) Nepal (b) Pakistan languages in columnB.
financial institution, owned by a (c) China (d) Bangladesh Column A Column B
commercial firm, that is not regulated by Sol.1636.(c) China. The Five Principles (Country names) (Official Languages)
a federal banking agency. of the Panchsheel Agreement (April 29, 1. Sri Lanka a. Mandarin
1954) - Mutual respect for each other’s 2. China b. Burmese
Q.1631. Where is the headquarters of the 3. Myanmar c. Tamil
Badminton World Federation located? territorial integrity and sovereignty,
Mutual non-aggression, Mutual non 4. Bhutan d. Dzongkha
SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Morning) SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Malaysia (b) Japan -interference in each other’s internal
affairs, Equality and mutual benefit, (a) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c (b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
(c) Singapore (d) Switzerland (c) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d (d) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
Peaceful co - existence.
Sol.1631.(a) Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur). Sol.1640.(d) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d. Official
International Badminton Federation: World G.K. languages of India's neighboring
Founded in 1934 with nine member countries: Afghanistan - Dari and Pashto,
nations (Canada, Denmark, England,
Q.1637. Match the following Bangladesh - Bengali, Nepal - Nepali,
France, Ireland, Netherlands, New neighbouring countries with their official Pakistan - Urdu, Sri Lanka - Sinhala and
Zealand, Scotland and Wales).
languages correctly. Tamil, Maldives - Dhivehi.
Q.1632. Which of the following Country name Official Languages
Q.1641. Who is known as the 'Father of
organizations releases the Global 1. Afghanistan a. Dzongkha
Bangladesh' from the following options ?
Innovation Index? 2. Bhutan b. Burmese
SSC Stenographer12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
(c) UNDP (a) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d (b) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b (d) Sheikh Hasina
(d) WTO (c) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b (d) 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b
Sol.1641.(a) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Sol.1632.(b) The Global Innovation Index Sol.1637.(b) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b. Country (First President of Bangladesh).
was started in 2007 by INSEAD and and Official language: Bangladesh Bangladesh: First Prime Minister -
World Business. (Bengali), Israel (Hebrew), Maldives Tajuddin Ahmad. First female prime
Groups : Punjabis - Pakistan, Pashtuns - southernmost continent) - It is the only DESA), India overtakes China as the
Afghanistan, Yamato - Japan, Inuit - continent with no permanent human world’s most populous country (As of
Greenland, Khalkh - Mongolia, Bantu - habitation. There are 7 continents in the April 2023).
Central, East and Southern Africa, Han - world: Asia, Europe, Africa, North
China. America, South America, Antarctica and Q.1654. Before being renamed, Mount
Australia. India is located in the southern Everest was simply known as ______.
Q.1645. Which is the national fruit of part of the Asian continent. SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Morning)
Bangladesh ? (a) Peak IX (b) Peak XV
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift) Q.1650. What is the national sport of (c) Peak XII (d) Peak VI
(a) Pomegranate (b) Mango Bhutan?
(c) Apple (d) Jackfruit SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.1654.(b) Peak XV. Mount Everest is
(a) Ice Hockey (b) Cricket a peak in the Himalayan mountain range.
Sol.1645.(d) Jackfruit. National fruits (c) Archery (d) Volleyball It is located between Nepal and Tibet.
and Countries: India (Mango), Nepal The mountain was named after George
(Raspberry), Saudi Arabia (Dates), Serbia Sol.1650.(c) Archery - It is a game of
(Blueberries), Afghanistan (Thimphu), National flower (Blue poppy), Goddess of the World.” The Nepali name
(Pomegranate), New Zealand (Kiwifruit), National Tree (Himalayan cypress), is Sagarmatha. In 1953 Edmund Hillary
Pakistan (Mango - Summer and Guava - National animal (the takin), National and Tenzing Norgay were the first
Winter). Anthem (Druk Tsendhen). National
Sol.1658.(a) Sri Lanka. The Sinha Flag or Q.1664. Which one of the following is the Sol.1669.(d) Dhebar Lake in Rajasthan.
Lion Flag consists of a golden lion largest valley in Asia? Miyun Reservoir is the largest artificial
holding a kastane sword in its right SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Morning) lake in Asia.
fore-paw in a maroon background with (a) Alai valley (b) Dang valley
four gold box leaves, one in each corner. (c) Chuy valley (d) Fergana valley Q.1670. The ______ in China is the world’s
longest man-made waterway.
Q.1659. The international agreement Sol.1664.(b) Dang valley. It lies between SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Afternoon)
Montreal Protocol is related to: the Mahabharat Range in the north and (a) Corinth Canal (b) Kiel Canal
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Evening) the Churia Range in the south. (c) Suzhou Canal (d) Grand Canal
(a) Wildlife
(b) Ramsar sites Q.1665. In the context of the Sri Lankan Sol.1670.(d) Grand Canal. The waterway
(c) the ozone layer Civil War, what does the first ‘T’ in LTTE is the link of the Yellow river and Yangtze
stand for? River.
-depleting substances and reduce their Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. LTTE
was a military separatist group fighting in WANs ?
concentration in the atmosphere to help
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
protect the earth's ozone layer. for an independent homeland for Hindu
Tamils in Northeastern Sri Lanka. (a) High-Level Data Link Control
(d) It actively manages each byte Sol.1682.(c) 1, 2 and 3. Skype is a
Q.1675. Which of the following keyboard communication platform that allows
shortcuts is commonly used to rename a transferred.
users to make voice and video calls,
file or folder in Windows OS? Sol.1679.(a) Direct Memory Access send instant messages, and share files
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 (DMA) is a technique that allows data to over the internet.
(a) F2 (b) Alt + Enter be transferred between memory and
(c) Ctrl + R (d) Ctrl + F5 input/output devices without involving Q.1683. The default width of a column in
the processor. MS-Excel is:
the AutoText entry, F4: Repeats the last broadband uses various technologies Alignment- General , Vertical Alignment-
action, F5: Opens the Find and Replace for higher speeds. Bottom. Cell Fill Color: No fill (white
dialog box with the Go To tab active. (d) Broadband is slower than dial-up. background). Page Margins: 1 inch (2.54
cm) on all sides. Zoom Level: 100%.
Q.1677. What application software is Sol.1680.(c) Dial-up: Uses a traditional
utilised for managing extensive data telephone line to connect to the internet. Q.1684. In MS Word, which option allows
collections and executing queries? This method is slow and can be you to align text in a way that it appears
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 interrupted by phone calls. Broadband: vertically at the bottom of a cell or text
(a) Antivirus software Uses various technologies like cable, box?
(b) Database management system fiber optic, or DSL to provide high-speed SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift)
software internet access. It offers significantly (a) Center Alignment
(c) Word processing software faster speeds than dial-up and is not (b) Justify Alignment
(d) Paint interrupted by phone calls. Examples of (c) Bottom Alignment
Internet Service Providers (Broadband): (d) Distributed Alignment
Sol.1677.(b) Popular DBMS Software: Jio, Airtel, Vi, BSNL, Atria Convergence
Relational DBMS (RDBMS) - Oracle Sol.1684.(c) Bottom Alignment.
Technologies, Hathway, Exitel
Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft This option ensures that the text is
SQL Server. NoSQL DBMS positioned at the bottom edge, leaving
(Non-Relational Databases) - MongoDB, Q.1681. Average function is listed in the space above it. Center Alignment:
Cassandra, Redis. Cloud-Based DBMS - drop - down menu of which of the Centers text horizontally in the cell or text
Amazon RDS, Google Cloud Firestore, following tools? box. Justify Alignment: Aligns text evenly
Azure SQL Database. SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) along both the left and right margins.
(a) Move function Distributed Alignment: Distributes text
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evenly across the width, with equal of cells organized in rows and columns. that is printed above the baseline,
spacing between characters and words. It is the working surface you interact with smaller than the regular text. It is often
to enter data. Each worksheet contains used to represent exponents, footnotes,
Q.1685. Symmetric encryption is also 1048576 rows and 16384 columns and or endnotes. Examples: 10̣2 - 2 above 10
known as: serves as a giant table that allows you to is called the superscript.
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift) organize information.
(a) public-key encryption Q.1693. The moderate margin of a page
(b) hybrid encryption Q.1689. What will happen when you in MS Word can be applied to the page
(c) conventional encryption select the cell contents of a particular from which of the following?
(d) asymmetric encryption row in MS-Excel and then click the Delete SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift)
button? (a) View Tab (b) Page Layout Tab
Sol.1685.(c) conventional encryption. SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) (c) Review tab (d) Design Tab
Public key encryption, also known as (a) First five cell entries will be deleted
public key cryptography. The Hybrid (b) Only first three cells will be deleted Sol.1693.(b) Page Layout Tab : This is
Encryption primitive combines the (c) Entire row will be deleted where you adjust the layout settings of
efficiency of symmetric encryption with (d) Entries in all the selected cells will be your page, including margins, orientation,
the convenience of public key deleted and size.
(asymmetric) cryptography. Asymmetric
encryption is a security technique that Sol.1689.(d) Microsoft Excel is a Q.1694. In Microsoft Excel, which chart
uses two different keys to encrypt and spreadsheet editor developed by type is best suited for comparing
decrypt data. Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, proportions or percentages of a whole?
iOS and iPadOS. It features calculation or SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift)
Q.1686. Which kind of computer security computation capabilities, graphing tools, (a) Line Chart (b) Bar Chart
requires verifying the genuineness of the pivot tables, and a macro programming (c) Scatter Chart (d) Pie Chart
individuals or organisations that want to
language called Visual Basic for Sol.1694.(d) Pie Chart: A circular chart
access a system? Applications (VBA). Excel forms part of divided into sectors, each representing a
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift)
the Microsoft 365 suite of software. proportion or percentage of the whole.
(a) Authentication (b) Non-repudiation
(c) Availability (d) Confidentiality Q.1690. Which of the following is the
Q.1695. Which of the following occupies
maximum file size that can be attached less memory when saving an MS-Word
Sol.1686.(a) Authentication. Computer to an email message in Gmail?
security (Cybersecurity), is the protection SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift) SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift)
of computer systems and information (a) 100 MB (b) 200 MB (a) .docx (b) .docm (c) .doc (d) .docc
from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. (c) 25 MB (d) 50 MB
and footers for odd and even pages in a messages from one user to one or more combination of the words "doc" and "xml"
document? recipients via the internet. and is an evolution of the older .doc
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Different Odd & Even Pages Q.1691. In Microsoft PowerPoint, what
(b) Page Breaks is the shortcut key combination to insert Q.1696. Which was the first
(d) Different First Page SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift) computer in the world ?
(a) Ctrl + I (b) Ctrl + N SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Sol.1687.(a) Different Odd & Even (c) Ctrl + D (d) Ctrl + M (a) ENIAC (b) Mark I
Pages. Microsoft Word is a word
(c) Napier's bones (d) Pascaline
processor program developed by Sol.1691.(d) Ctrl + M. Microsoft
Microsoft. It was first released on PowerPoint is a presentation program, Sol.1696.(a) ENIAC. Designed by John
October 25, 1983, under the name created by Robert Gaskins, Tom Rudkin Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. Mark I
Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems. Initial and Dennis Austin at a software was designed in 1937 by Harvard
release - October 25, 1983. company named Forethought, Inc. graduate student Howard H. Aiken to
Shortcut keys in Microsoft Powerpoint : solve advanced mathematical physics
Q.1688. On what type of data can MS Ctrl + I - Add or remove italics to problems. Napier's bones is a manually -
Excel functions operate? selected text. Ctrl + N - Create a new operated calculating device created by
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) slide. Ctrl + D - Duplicate the selected John Napier. Pascaline world's first
(a) External data sources only object or slide. calculator invented by mathematician
(b) Entire worksheets only
(c) Range of cells or groups of cells Q.1692. In MS-Word, a number printed
(d) Individual cells only above the base line is called ___________ . Q.1697. Which feature in MS Word
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (2nd shift) allows you to see a document's layout
Sol.1688.(c) Range of cells or groups of (a) superscript (b) strikethrough and formatting as it will appear when
cells. MS Excel, a worksheet, also known (c) subscript (d) above BL printed?
as a spreadsheet, is a table into which SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
you enter data and data label. Worksheet Sol.1692.(a) superscript. In Microsoft (a) Screen View (b) Draft View
used in Excel documents is a collection Word, a superscript is a number or text (c) Print Preview (d) Reading View
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Sol.1697.(c) Print Preview. Draft View: SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) transitions, and focus on a single slide
Simplified view for editing, without layout (a) timings (b) letters without distractions.
details. Reading View: Optimized for (c) numbers (d) numbers with letters
on-screen reading, not editing. Q.1707. Which of the following
Sol.1702.(c) Numbers. In MS Excel, rows represents the Two - Factor
Q.1698. In a spreadsheet, page are named after numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4 Authentication (2FA)?
orientation is changed through etc. and the columns are named with SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift)
___________. capital letters A, B, C etc. (a) The use of two different credentials
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) to verify identity
(a) paper dialog box Q.1703. In Microsoft Word, which option (b) A tool for optimising system
(b) print dialog box allows you to exclude specific sections resources
(c) page setup dialog box or types of text from the spelling and (c) A security measure to prevent
(d) format dialogue box grammar check? physical damage to a PC
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) (d) A technique for organising files and
Sol.1698.(c) page setup dialog box. This (a) spell check (b) Thesaurus folders on a PC
dialog box allows you to adjust various (c) Exclusion Dictionary (d) AutoCorrect
page settings, including: Page orientation Sol.1707.(a) Two-Factor Authentication
(landscape or portrait), Paper size, Sol.1703.(c) Exclusion Dictionary. (2FA) is a security process that requires
Margins, Headers and footers, Print area. MS-WORD: It is an application two different credentials to verify an
component of MS-Office which is used to individual's identity.
Q.1699. Which of the following steps is do document, brochure, invitation and
used to format a cell in an MS Excel book preparation. It enables us to Q.1708. What enables IoT devices to
Spreadsheet? prepare, modify, design and edit the gather data and exchange it over the
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) desired documents. It was first released network?
(a) Select cell → Right click → Format in 1983, under the name Multi-Tool Word SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift)
cell for Xenix systems. (a) Biochip transponders
(b) View Select cell → Format (b) Data encryption techniques
(c) Select cell → View → Format cell Q.1704. Which MS Excel function can be (c) Human interaction
(d) Menu → Select cell → Format used to sum up the numbers entered in a (d) Actuators and sensors
group of cells?
Sol.1699.(a) In Excel, cell alignment is SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (2nd shift) Sol.1708.(d) Actuators and sensors. The
how your text or numbers are positioned (a) AVERAGE (b) COUNT Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the
in the cell. You can align vertically, (c) SUM (d) MAX interconnected network of physical
meaning towards the top, the middle or devices, vehicles, appliances, and other
the bottom. And also align horizontally, Sol.1704.(c) SUM. Example of SUM objects embedded with sensors,
meaning to the left, the center or to the function: =SUM(A1:A10) adds up the software, and connectivity capabilities.
right. values in cells A1 through A10.
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift) in a word-processing application is SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift)
(a) Justified (b) Center called: (a) .doc (b) .docx (c) .txt (d) .ppt
Sol.1700.(a) Justified alignment is (b) mail merge is a presentation program that allows
typically used in paragraph formatting to (c) data concatenation users to create slideshows and
align text to both the left and right (d) data integration presentations using slides, images,
margins. Common shortcut keys related videos, animations, and other features.
Sol.1705.(b) Mail Merge. Data
to line alignment in MS Word: Horizontal
Accumulation: Refers to the process of Q.1710. Which of the following is an
Alignment: Ctrl + L = Left align, Ctrl + E =
collecting and storing data. Data example of system software ?
Center align, Ctrl + R = Right align, Ctrl +
Concatenation: Means linking or SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift)
J= Justify align (in some applications).
combining data from multiple sources (a) Microsoft Word
Q.1701. How can we add text to a slide into a single sequence. Data Integration: (b) Adobe Photoshop
in MS-PowerPoint ? Involves combining data from multiple (c) Windows operating system
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift) sources into a unified view. (d) Google Chrome
(a) Note box (b) Dialogue box
Q.1706. Which view in MS PowerPoint is Sol.1710.(c) Windows operating system.
(c) Notes page (d) Textbox
useful for editing or formatting a single Some examples of operating systems
Sol.1701.(d) Textbox. In Microsoft slide at a time? include Apple macOS, Microsoft
PowerPoint, a Text Box is a graphical SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift) Windows, Google's Android OS, Linux OS,
element that allows you to add text to a (a) Normal view (b) Reading view and Apple iOS.
slide. It's a container that holds text, and (c) Outline view (d) Slide Sorter view
Q.1711. In MS Word, which option allows
you can position it anywhere on the slide.
Sol.1706.(a) Normal view: Allows you to you to insert a new column in a table
Q.1702. Rows in MS-Excel are identified edit text and images, format slide while simultaneously shifting the existing
by: elements, add animations and columns to the right ?
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SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) Sol.1715.(b) Ctrl + P. Other important Gmail is the email service provided by
(a) Insert Table shortcut keys: Ctrl + X - Cuts selected Google. Created by - Paul Buchheit.
(b) Insert Column to the Right text or files and copies them. Ctrl + V - Launched - April 1, 2004.
(c) Insert Columns Pastes the contents of your clipboard
(d) Insert Column to the Left into the current cursor location on a PC. Q.1720. Which keyboard key is used to
Ctrl + C - Copies highlighted text or jump the cursor to the next cell of the
Sol.1711.(b) Insert Column to the Right. images. Ctrl + N - Creates a new page. table in MS Word?
In Microsoft Word: To add a column to Ctrl + B - Bolds selected text. Ctrl + Z - SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift)
the left of the cell, click Insert Left in the Undoes a change made to a document. (a) Tab (b) Home (c) Ctrl (d) Shift
Rows and Columns group. Ctrl + Y - Redoes an action. Sol.1720.(a) Tab. In MS Word, pressing
Q.1712. When a new text document is Q.1716. To create a new MS Word Tab moves the cursor to the next cell in
created in MS-Office 2016, the default document, which of the following steps the row, while pressing Shift+Tab moves
text size of the document is _____. is correct? the cursor to the previous cell.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
(a) 14 points (b) 10 points Q.1721. Which Excel feature allows you
(a) File Tab → Start to simultaneously edit the same cell or
(c) 12 points (d) 11 points (b) File Tab → Recent range of cells with multiple users in
Sol.1712.(d) 11 points. 11 point size (c) File Tab → Open real-time?
means it is approximately 0.152778 (d) File Tab → New SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift)
inches. 72 points size means the text Sol.1716.(d) File Tab → New. Some (a) co-authoring
size equals 1 inch. The default font style Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl (b) Track Changes
in MS Word 2016 is Calibri. The default + O - Opens a document, Ctrl + W - (c) Conditional Formatting
font and size can be changed in the Word Closes a document, Ctrl + B - Applies or (d) Data Validation
Options or by selecting a different font or
removes bold formatting, Ctrl + I - Sol.1721.(a) Co-authoring. Microsoft
size for the document. Applies or removes italic formatting, Ctrl Excel is a spreadsheet editor developed
Q.1713. Which of the following is an + U - Applies or removes underline by Microsoft for Windows, macOS,
input device? formatting. Android, iOS and iPadOS. It features
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift) Q.1717. Application software includes a calculation or computation capabilities,
(a) Keyboard (b) Speaker variety of programs that are designed to graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro
(c) Monitor (d) Printer meet the information processing needs programming language called Visual
of _____________. Basic for Applications (VBA). Excel
Sol.1713.(a) Keyboard. Input devices forms part of the Microsoft 365 suite of
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
Q.1714. How can you access the Step by Software, Web Browsers. Sol.1722.(d) Function key F5. Some
Step Mail Merge Wizard in Microsoft Q.1718. Where can you find the options other function keys: F2 - Selects the text
Word? ‘From Beginning’ and ‘From Current Slide’ box that contains an object or text, F3 -
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift) to run a slide show in MS PowerPoint? When used with Shift, toggles between
(a) Clicking on the Mailings tab SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift) lower case, sentence case, and upper
(b) Pressing Ctrl + M (a) Slide Show tab (b) Home tab case for selected text. F7- Opens the
(c) Pressing F12 (c) View tab (d) Slide Sorter tab Spelling dialog box to identify and correct
(d) Clicking on the File menu spelling errors. F9 - When used with Shift,
Sol.1718.(a) Slide Show tab. Microsoft shows or hides gridlines.
Sol.1714.(a) Ctrl + M in Microsoft Word PowerPoint is a presentation program,
is used to indent a paragraph, not to start created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Q.1723. How does the CPU distinguish
the Mail Merge Wizard. F12 opens the Austin. It was released on April 20, 1987. between each memory cell ?
"Save As" dialog box in Microsoft Word, SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift)
not developer tools (which happens in Q.1719. What should you click to choose (a) By its byte size (b) By its capacity
web browsers). the date for sorting in Gmail? (c) By its address (d) By its data item
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
Q.1715. In MS-Word, a document may (a) The filter icon Sol.1723.(c) By its address. The Central
be printed using ______________. (b) The ‘Date within’ field Processing Unit (CPU) is the primary
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift) (c) The ‘1 Day’ dropdown menu component of a computer that acts as
(a) Ctrl+X (b) Ctrl+P (d) The calendar icon its “control center.” It has three main
(c) Ctrl+V (d) Ctrl+C parts: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), control
Sol.1719.(b) The ‘Date within’ field. unit (CU), and memory unit.
Q.1729. In MS Word, which option allows SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift)
(c) The printer icon
you to quickly remove all formatting from (a) Click the Help button on the ribbon
(d) The floppy disk icon
selected text while retaining the (b) Click the Microsoft Office button and
Sol.1725.(d) The floppy disk icon. It is underlying text content ? then, click Help
on the upper-left corner of the Word app SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift) (c) Type ‘help’ in the search bar and then,
is the Save As button. It will open a file (a) Clear Formatting (b) Paste Special press Enter
location tab where we can select and (c) Format Painter (d) Cut (d) Press F1
save our documents.
method can be used to move around a formatting, or as plain text. Format Toggles the "AutoText" feature on/off. F4:
table in Microsoft Word? Painter: It is used to copy formatting Repeat last action. F5 - Go to a specific
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) from one section of text and apply it to page, bookmark, or section (similar to
(a) Pressing the ‘Ctrl’ key and clicking on another. It's helpful for maintaining Ctrl + G). F6 - Move cursor to task pane
the cell consistency in document formatting. (e.g., Navigation, Styles).
(b) Pressing the ‘Enter’ key or using the
(d) Right-clicking on the cell and (c) Inches (d) Centimetres (a) Auto max (b) Max
selecting ‘Move to Next Cell’
(c) Auto high (d) High
Sol.1730.(b) Points. Microsoft Office
Sol.1726.(b) Some commonly used
was Initial release - October 1, 1990. It Sol.1735.(b) Max.
shortcuts in Microsoft Word for
featured Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
navigating the document: Ctrl + Left Q.1736. What is ‘Phishing’ in the context
Arrow: Move the cursor one word to the Q.1731. The slide number can be added of network security?
left. Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move the cursor to each slide of the MS PowerPoint SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024
one word to the right. Ctrl + Up Arrow: presentation from which of the (a) A type of computer worm that
Move the cursor up by one paragraph. following? spreads through email attachments.
Ctrl + Home: Move the cursor to the SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift) (b) An attack that floods a network with
beginning of the document. Ctrl + End: (a) Footer (b) Page Formatting excessive traffic to disrupt its
Move the cursor to the end of the (c) View (d) Table Design operation.
document. Ctrl + Page Up: Moves the (c) A social engineering attack that tricks
Sol.1731.(a) Footer. Microsoft Power
cursor to the top of the previous page. users into revealing sensitive
Point is a presentation program, created
Q.1727. What function does the public by Robert Gaskins, Tom Rudkin and information.
key serve in digital signature verification? Dennis Austin at a software company (d) A type of malware that spreads
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (2nd shift) named Forethought, Inc. It was released through infected USB drives.
(a) To encrypt the digital signature on April 20, 1987, initially for Macintosh
Sol.1736.(c) Four types of phishing :
(b) To decrypt the digital signature computers only. Operating system -
Spear Phishing, Whaling, Vishing, Email
(c) To ensure confidentiality during Microsoft Windows. Written in - C++
Phishing. More types of cyber attacks:
transmission (back-end).
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Malware (short for “malicious software”) (c) SMPT (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) packets?
is a file or code, typically delivered over a (d) DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023
network, that infects, explores, steals or Protocol) (a) Packet filtering
conducts virtually any behavior an (b) Application - level gateway
attacker wants. Spoofing is the act of Sol.1740.(d) DHCP . It is a network (c) Circuit - level gateway
disguising a communication from an protocol that is used to configure (d) Network filtering
unknown source as being from a known, network devices to communicate on an
trusted source. IP network. An Internet Protocol (IP) Sol.1744.(a) packet filtering. It is a
address is the unique identifying number powerful security technique against
Q.1737. What protocol is commonly assigned to every device connected to intrusions from external networks. An
used for sending and receiving emails? the internet. IP (version 4) addresses are application-level gateway (ALG) is a type
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 32-bit integers that can be expressed in of firewall that filters traffic at the
(a) SSH (Secure Shell Protocol) hexadecimal notation. An IPv6 address is application layer of the OSI (open
(b) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 128 bits long compared with the 32 bit systems interconnection) model.
(c) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) address of IPv4.
(d) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Q.1745. Which of the following
Q.1741. In MS-Excel 365, you can use statements is/are correct for email ?
Sol.1737.(b) The Secure Shell (SSH) _________ when you want to change a cell I. A user can check the email header prior
protocol is a method for securely reference within a formula without to downloading.
sending commands to a computer over changing the formula itself. II. A user can partially download an
an unsecured network. SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 email.
(a) INDIRECT (b) VLOOKUP SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023
Q.1738. What is the purpose of the (c) TRANSPOSE (d) MATCH (a) Only II (b) Only I
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in a Central (c) Neither I nor II (d) Both I and II
Processing Unit (CPU)? Sol.1741.(a) INDIRECT. Other functions:
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 VLOOKUP - Looks for a value in the Sol.1745.(d) Both I and II. Different Parts
(a) It executes program instructions by leftmost column of a table, and then of Email: Sender/from, subject line,
performing calculations and logical
comparisons. column we specify. TRANSPOSE - na
returns a value in the same row from the pre-header, salutation, email body,
Closing line, Signature, Call to Action
(b) It manages the data flow between the Converts a vertical range of cells to a (CTA), Attachments. A call to action
CPU fan. horizontal range, or vice versa. MATCH - (CTA), if defined, is an instruction to the
(c) It controls the speed of the CPU fan. Returns the relative position of an item in reader that encourages them to take
(d) It connects the CPU to peripheral an array that matches a specified value immediate action.
devices. in a specified order.
equal to), AND, OR, NOT. The primary between CPU and the main memory. SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023
function of an ALU is to store and SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 (a) Cloud (b) Wide
retrieve data from memory. There can be (a) status (b) control (c) Compact (d) Stretch
more than one ALU in a CPU. (c) data (d) address
Sol.1746.(c) Compact. In Windows 11
Q.1739. Which keyboard shortcut opens Sol.1742.(d) address bus. A computer under View menu (Tiles, content, details
File Explorer (previously known as bus is a set of conductors that enable pane, preview pane, show). Under Show
Windows Explorer) in Windows 10? information to be transmitted between menu (Navigation pane, compact view,
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 computer components, such as printers, item check boxes, file name extensions,
(a) Ctrl + P (b) Win + E modems, and monitors. hidden items).
(c) Ctrl + C (d) Alt + Tab
Q.1743. Which of the following parts of Q.1747. A _________ is a program that
Sol.1739.(b) Win + E. File explorer given URL is a 'domain name' ? can self - replicate and propagate over
shortcuts in Windows 11: Alt + D: Select http://www.india.in/tallybook/tallybook.x the network.
the address bar. Ctrl + E: Select the yz SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023
search box. Ctrl + N: Open a new window. SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 (a) worm (b) trojan horse
Num Lock + asterisk (*): Display all (a) http: (b) www.india.in (c) boot sector virus (d)macro virus
subfolders under the selected folder. (c) tallybook (d) tallybook.xyz
Num Lock + plus (+) : Display the Sol.1747.(a) Worm. A boot sector virus
contents of the selected folder. Num Sol.1743.(b) www.india.in. A URL is a type of malware that infects a
Lock + minus (-): Collapse the selected (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique system's boot partition or the Master
folder. identifier used to locate a resource on Boot Record (MBR) of a hard disk. A
the Internet. http: This is the protocol macro virus is a computer virus written in
Q.1740. Which networking protocol is used for communication, in this case, the same macro language used to create
used to assign IP addresses dynamically indicating Hypertext Transfer Protocol. software programs such as Microsoft
to devices on a network? Excel or Word.
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 Q.1744. Which of the following types of
(a) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) firewall operates at the Network layer to Q.1748. When the sender and receiver of
(b) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) examine incoming and outgoing an email are on the same system, we
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need only ______ user agents. connects two or more packet-switched files and folders.
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 networks. (b) A type of malware that spreads
(a) two (b) three (c) four (d) six through email attachments.
Q.1752. Which backup device provides a (c) A security mechanism that filters and
Sol.1748.(a) two. When the sender and convenient way to create system images controls network traffic.
the receiver of an e-mail are on different and complete backups, but may require a (d) A hardware device used to boost
systems, we need two UAs (User Agents) lengthy restoration process? network performance.
and a pair of MTAs (client and server). SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
MTAs- Message transfer agents. (a) Tape drive Sol.1755.(c) A firewall is defined as the
(b) Network-attached storage (NAS) system which analyzes and filters
Q.1749. What is the primary purpose of (c) Solid-state drive (SSD) incoming or outgoing data packets
RAM (Random Access Memory) in a (d) DVD-RW disc based on predefined rules.
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 Sol.1752.(a) A tape drive is a device that Q.1756. In computer registers, MAR
(a) Storing permanent data and files stores computer data on magnetic tape, stands for ______.
(b) Providing long-term storage for especially for backup and archiving SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
programs purposes. DVD Rewritable (DVD RW) (a) Main Access Register
(c) Providing temporary storage for data discs are designed to store up to 4.7GB (b) Memory Access Register
that the CPU is currently processing or 120 minutes of DVD-quality video. (c) Memory Address Register
(d) Managing peripheral devices (d) Main Address Register
Q.1753. Which of the following is not an
Sol.1749.(c) RAM is a computer or example of a web browser? Sol.1756.(c) MAR (Memory Address
laptop’s short-term memory. It’s where SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 Registers). It holds the address of the
the data is stored that the computer (a) Facebook (b) Apple Safari location to be accessed from memory.
processor needs to run applications and (c) Google Chrome (d) Opera MAR and MDR (Memory Data Register)
open files. The information stored in together facilitate the communication of
RAM can be checked with the help of Sol.1753.(a) Facebook (social the CPU and the main memory. Memory
BIOS (Basic Input / Output System). BIOS networking site). Examples of social Data Registers: It contains data to be
is the program a computer's networking sites: Twitter, Instagram, written into or to be read out from the
microprocessor uses to start the Linkedin, Snapchat, Google meet. A web addressed location. More types of
computer system after it is powered on. browser is an application for accessing registers : AC (accumulator), DR (Data
RAM is volatile in nature, which means websites and the Internet. Examples: registers), PC (Program counter), IR
the data is lost when the device is Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, (index registers), MBR (Memory buffer
switched off. Safari, Microsoft Edge, Netscape registers).
Navigator, Mosaic.
Q.1750. What is a cell in Microsoft Q.1757. What is a ‘Trojan’ in the context
Excel? Q.1754. What is the function of the of network security?
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 cache memory in a computer’s memory SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
(a) A separate file used to store data. hierarchy? (a) A protocol used for secure
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
(c) The intersection of a row and a (b) A program that monitors network
column in a worksheet. (b) To store frequently used data for traffic for security breaches.
(d) A small diagram or chart. faster access by the CPU. (c) A type of firewall that protects against
(c) To control the flow of data between viruses and malware.
Sol.1750.(c) Cells are the basic building the CPU and memory. (d) Malicious software disguised as
blocks of a worksheet. A worksheet (also (d) To manage the allocation of memory legitimate software to gain
known as a spreadsheet) consists of resources to different programs. unauthorised access.
cells in which we can enter and calculate
data. The active cell is the selected cell Sol.1754.(b) Cache memory is a chip - Sol.1757.(d) A Trojan virus spreads
in which data is entered when we begin based computer component that makes through legitimate-looking emails and
typing. A range is a group of two or more retrieving data from the computer's files attached to emails, which are
cells in a worksheet. memory more efficient. It is an extremely spammed to reach the inboxes of as
fast memory type that acts as a buffer many people as possible.
Q.1751. Which networking device between RAM and the CPU. It holds
operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model and frequently requested data and Q.1758. In File Explorer of Window 10,
forwards data based on MAC addresses? instructions so that they are immediately the keyboard shortcut ‘Num Lock +
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 available to the CPU when needed. It is Asterisk sign (*)’ is used to ______.
(a) Switch (b) Hub (c) Firewall (d) Router costlier than main memory or disk SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
memory but more economical than CPU (a) display all subfolders under the
Sol.1751.(a) Switch. A network switch
registers. selected folder
connects devices in a network to each
(b) open the properties dialog box for the
other, enabling them to talk by Q.1755. What is a ‘Firewall’ in the context
selected item
exchanging data packets. A hub is a of network security?
(c) display the contents of the selected
device that links multiple computers and SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
devices together. A router is a device that (a) A software application for managing
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(d) collapse the selected folder could be for a business card, brochure, Q.1766. A ___________ is an electronic
resume, presentation. device that receives a weak signal and
Sol.1758.(a) File explorer keyboard regenerates it.
shortcuts: Num Lock + plus (+): Display Q.1762. Which of the following types of SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift)
the contents of the selected folder. Num hackers, also known as crackers, hack to (a) hub (b) router (c) repeater (d) switch
Lock + minus (-) : Collapse the selected gain unauthorised access to a system
folder. Ctrl + Shift + E: Display all folders and harm its operations or steal sensitive Sol.1766.(c) Repeater operates at the
above the selected folder. Ctrl + Shift + N: information? physical layer. It is a powerful network
Create a new folder. SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 hardware device that regenerates an
(a) White hat (b) Black hat incoming signal from the sender before
Q.1759. In Windows 10, which of the (c) Red hat (d) Gray hat retransmitting it to the receiver.
following keyboard shortcuts is used to
display and hide the desktop? Sol.1762.(b) Black Hat. A white hat Q.1767. Which of the following shortcut
SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 (ethical hacker) is an individual who uses keys is used to make the contents of a
(a) Windows logo key + D hacking skills to identify security cell underlined in MS-Excel 365?
(b) Windows logo key + H vulnerabilities in hardware, software or SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(c) Windows logo key + C networks. A red hat is a hacker who (a) Ctrl + 6 (b) Ctrl + 3
(d) Windows logo key + G takes aggressive steps to stop black hat (c) Ctrl + 2 (d) Ctrl + 4
hackers. A gray hat is a computer
Sol.1759.(a) Windows logo key + D. security expert who sometimes violates Sol.1767.(d) Ctrl + 4. Some other
Windows logo key + G - It is used to open ethical standards but doesn't have shortcut key in MS-Excel 365: Ctrl + 0 -
Xbox Game Bar when a game is open. malicious intentions. To hide the selected column, Ctrl + 1 -
Windows logo key + C - It is used to open Open the Format Cells dialog box, Ctrl + 2
chat from Microsoft Teams. Windows Q.1763. Which of the following is a mini - - Bold text or remove bold formatting, Ctrl
logo key + H - It is used to Launch voice DIN connector used to connect a + 3 - Italicize text or remove italic
typing. keyboard and mouse to a PC compatible formatting, Ctrl + 5 - Apply or remove
computer ? strikethrough formatting, Ctrl+6 Hides
Q.1760. Which of the following is NOT a SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 and shows hidden objects, Ctrl + 8 -
part of an email address? (a) Ethernet port (b) VGA port Display and hide the outline symbols, Ctrl
SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 (c) PS/2 port (d) RS232 port + 9 -To hide a row.
(a) Email service provider's domain
(b) '@' symbol Sol.1763.(c) PS/2 port:- The PS/2 port is Q.1768. In a star network, how many
(c) Username a 6-pin mini-DIN connector used for lines are required for connecting N nodes
(d) Photo connecting keyboards and mice to a PC to the host node?
is the name we choose to be identified Q.1764. What is the diameter of a Blu-ray Sol.1768.(d) N-1. Network topology -
with for e-mail purposes and that we Disc? Arrangement of a network, comprising
have provided to the email host to create SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 nodes and connecting lines. There are 6
our email account. '@' symbol- @ (a) 115 mm (b) 100 mm types of topology, Bus Topology - Every
(pronounced "at the rate of" ) is the (c) 110 mm (d) 120 mm computer is connected to a common bus
separates the name of the user from the node is connected to two other nodes,
user's Internet address. Mail Server - A 120 mm in diameter and 1.2 mm thick, forming a loop. Tree Topology - A central
mail server transfers and delivers email the same size as DVDs (digital root node from which all other nodes
messages between two or more mail versatile/video disks) and CDs (Compact branch out, Star Topology - Each device
clients. Domain - A domain name forms disks). Currently, 50GB and 25GB on the network is connected to a central
part of the Uniform Resource Locator capacity, Blu-ray Disc media is available hub, Mesh Topology ({n(n-1)/2})- Each
(URL) and is the address for a webpage. in both the BD-RE rewritable and BD-R node is connected to every other node in
Example:- ssccglpinnacle@gmail.com. recordable formats. the network, Hybrid Topology - It is a
Q.1765. The _______ unit is that part of combination of two or more network
Q.1761. Identify whether the following topologies.
statements are true or false with the CPU which controls or directs the
reference to MS-Word 2010. operations of the processor. Q.1769. Which of the following shortcut
(i) A template can be selected while SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 keys is used to move the cursor one
creating a new document. (a) control (b) memory word to the left in MS-Word 365 ?
(ii) The keyboard shortcut for going to (c) arithmetic logic (d) data SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (1st Shift)
the end of a document is Shift + End. Sol.1765.(a) Control. A control unit (a) Ctrl + PageUp
SSC CHSL Tier - II 26/06/2023 handles all processor control signals. (b) Ctrl + Left arrow key
(a) (i) False (ii) False (b) (i) True (ii) True The control unit is made up of flip-flops, (c) Shift + Left arrow key
(c) (i) True (ii) False (d) (i) False (ii) True logic gates, digital circuits and encoder (d) Shift + PageUp
Sol.1761.(c) (i) True (ii) False. In and decoder circuits that are wired in a Sol.1769.(b) Ctrl + Left arrow key. Ctrl +
Microsoft Word, templates are pre specific and fixed way. Page Up - Moves the cursor one Line Up.
-designed documents. The template The Shift + left arrow and Shift + right
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arrow combinations - moving the cursor Q.1774. IBM 360 was developed in which Q.1777. The CPWD along with the
to the beginning and the end of a line of the following generations of computer ? Ministry of Road Transport and
respectively. SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift) Highways works for public infrastructure.
(a) Second Generation What is the full form of CPWD?
Q.1770. Sam wants to share his (b) First Generation Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
presentation with larger audience via (c) Third Generation (a) Central Public Welfare Department
emails. Which feature of MS PowerPoint (d) Fourth Generation (b) Central Public Welfare Design
365 can he use for it? (c) Central Political Welfare Design
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift) Sol.1774.(c) Third generation. First (d) Central Public Works Department
(a) Save As (b) Print (c) Share (d) Info Generation (1940 - 56): Vacuum tubes
were used. Example: ENIAC (Electronic Sol.1777.(d) The Central Public Works
Sol.1770.(c) Share. Features of Numerical Integrator And Computer), Department (CPWD) operates under the
Microsoft Powerpoint 365 - Designer, EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of
Smart Lookup, QuickStarter, New charts, Automatic Computer), EDSAC (Electronic India. It acts as the builder, developer,
Morphing, Real-time collab, Version Delay Storage Automatic Calculator), and manager of Central government
History, Zoom for non-sequential UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer properties. Over time, its operations have
presentations. I), IBM 701, IBM 650 etc. expanded to include roadways and
Q.1771. Natural language processing bridge engineering. Established in 1854,
(NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence Full Forms its headquarters is located in the Central
that helps computers _______ human Secretariat in New Delhi.
language. Q.1775. What does SAARC stand for?
Q.1778. What is the full form of RIDF ?
I. understand SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning)
II. Interpret (a) South Asian Association of Regional
(a) Rural Infrastructure Development
III. manipulate Climate change
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift) (b) South Asian Association for Regional
(b) Rural Infrastructure Development
(a) I, II and III (b) only I and III Cooperation
(c) only I and II (d) only II and III (c) South Asian Association of Regional
(c) Road Infrastructure Development
Sol.1771.(a) I, II and III. Natural Fund
(d) South Asian Association of Regional
Language Processing (NLP) refers to the (d) Rural Industries Development Fund
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening) of RDA. Chola Temples”, with the other two being
(a) Periodic Vulnerable Tribal Groups SSC MTS 21/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Gangaikonda Cholapuram and
(b) Periodic Various Tribal Groups (a) Request Diet Allowances Airavatesvara temple.
(c) Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (b) Recommended Dietary Allowances
(d) Particularly Various Tribal Groups (c) Request Dietary Allowances
(d) Recommend Diet Allowances na Q.1790. The Sun Temple at Konark was
built under the rule of which dynasty?
Sol.1782.(c) Particularly Vulnerable SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Tribal Groups. It is a sub-classification of Sol.1786.(b) The Recommended Dietary (a) Pandya Dynasty
a Scheduled Tribe or section of a Allowance (RDA) is the average daily (b) Pallava Dynasty
Scheduled Tribe that is considered more dietary intake level that is sufficient to (c) Rashtrakuta Dynasty
vulnerable than a regular Scheduled meet the nutrient requirement of nearly (d) Eastern Ganga Dynasty
Tribe. PVTGs reside in 18 States and one all (97 to 98 percent) healthy individuals
union territory. in a particular gender and life stage Sol.1790.(d) Eastern Ganga Dynasty.
group. Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century CE
Q.1783. With respect to sports, WADA Sun temple at Konark in Puri district,
stands for______________ . Q.1787. In the context of the banking Odisha. This temple is attributed to King
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Evening) sector, what does ‘F’ stand for in IFSC?
(d) World Autonomous - Doping Agency Chandrabhaga Mela takes place here
Sol.1787.(d) Financial. IFSC stands for
Sol.1783.(b) World Anti-Doping Agency - every year in the month of February. This
Indian Financial system Code. It is an 11
It was established in 1999 as an temple is also called "Black Pagoda". The
digit alphanumeric code used to uniquely
international independent agency temple was declared a UNESCO World
identify bank branches within the
composed and funded equally by the Heritage Site in 1984.
National Electronic Funds transfer
sport movement and governments of the (NEFT) network by the central bank. Q.1791. Lad Khan Temple at Aihole in
world. The First World Conference on Karnataka is an example of which of the
Doping in Sport held in Lausanne
Religious Places following styles of temple architecture?
(Switzerland) in 1999. Headquarter - Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
Montreal, Canada. (a) Dravida (b) Nagara
Q.1788. At which place was the
Q.1784. What is the full form of NCRB? magnificent temple of Saiva constructed (c) Vesara (d) Pagoda
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift) by the great Rashtrakuta King ‘Krishna I’?
Sol.1791.(c) Vesara style of temples is a
(a) National Currency Records Branch SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift)
combination of both Nagara (North
(b) National Capital Register Bureau (a) Badami (b) Kanchi
India) and Dravida (South India), its
(c) National Criminal Records Bureau (c) Kannauj (d) Ellora
superstructure is bell-shaped. Examples
(d) National Crime Records Bureau of Vesara Style temples in Karnataka:
Sol.1788.(d) Ellora. The temples at Ellora
Sol.1784.(d) National Crime Records Caves (Maharashtra) were built by the Mahadeva temple (Ittagi);
Bureau is an Indian government agency Rashtrakuta and Yadava dynasties. Kasivisvesvara temple (Lakkundi);
responsible for collecting and analyzing Rashtrakuta dynasty built the Hindu and Kallesvara Temple (Kukkanur).
crime data as defined by the Indian Penal Buddhist caves during their reign. The
Q.1792. The Trimbakeshwar Temple,
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which is situated in Nashik, Maharashtra, the four holy sites related to the life of (c) Maldives (d) Sri Lanka
was built by : the Lord Buddha, and particularly to the
Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3) attainment of Enlightenment. First Sol.1799.(a) Nepal. Pashupatinath
(a) Maharaja Ganga Singh temple was established in the 3rd Temple (Dedicated to Lord Shiva):
(b) Maharana Pratap century BC by Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Stretches on both sides of the Bagmati
(c) Balaji Baji Rao Famous Temples in Bihar: Vishnupad River. It was conferred the status of a
(d) Shivaji Mandir and Mangala Gowri Temple World Heritage Site in 1979 by the United
(Gaya), Pawapuri Jal Mandir (Nalanda) Nations Educational, Scientific and
Sol.1792.(c) Balaji Baji Rao. and Mithila Shakti Peeth (Darbhanga). Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Trimbakeshwar Temple, a renowned
religious center, houses one of the twelve Q.1796. Bhitargaon Brick temple is a Q.1800. The Sirpur Shrine is situated in
Jyotirlingas and is located at the foot of good example of architecture of which of which of the following states?
Brahmagiri Hill in the city of Trimbak. the following periods? SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Other notable temples and their builders SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) Odisha (b) Uttar Pradesh
include the Brihadeeswara Temple (Raja (a) Mughal period (b) Gupta period (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Bihar
Raja Chola I of the Chola dynasty), (c) Maurya period (d) Chola period Sol.1800.(c) Chhattisgarh. Temples in
Konark Sun Temple (King Chhattisgarh: Maa Bamleshwari Devi
Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga Sol.1796.(b) Gupta Period. Bhitargaon
Temple: It is situated in Kanpur (Uttar Temple, Mahamaya Temple,
Dynasty), and the Kailasa Temple at Chandrahasini Devi temple,
Ellora (Krishna I of the Rashtrakuta Pradesh) and is one of the earliest
surviving brick temples of India. It was BhoramdeoTemple, Danteshwari Temple.
built during the 5th century AD. Other Q.1801. The lofty gates erected in the
Q.1793. Select the correct combination Gupta period Architectures: Ajanta,
courtyard of the temples in south India
of the temple and the state in which it is Ellora, Sarnath. Temples built during were called ____________ .
located. Gupta Period: Dashavatara Temple SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift)
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) (Deogarh), Bhitari Temple (Ghazipur). (a) mandap (b) ardhmandap
(a) Mahakaleshwar (c) vimana (d) gopuram
Jyotirlinga-Uttarakhand Q.1797. The ‘Mukteshwar’ dance festival
is held from 14th to 16th January at the
(b) Somnath Jyotirlinga Sol.1801.(d) Gopuram - A monumental
Temple-Maharashtra Mukteswar temple in the state of _______. entrance tower, built in the Dravidian
SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Gujarat, Jagannath Temple - Odisha, Jagannath Temple (Puri), Sun Temple Q.1802. Builders of which of the
Badrinath Temple - Uttarakhand, Golden (Konark), Maa Tara Tarini Temple following temples had constructed a 4
Temple - Punjab, Meenakshi Temple - (Purusottampur), Lingaraj Temple km long incline for placing 90 tonnes of
Tamil Nadu. Hoysaleswara Temple - (Bhubaneswar), Brahmeswara Temple stone on top of the tallest shikhara
Q.1794. In which state is the Bhitari Q.1798. The most famous of all Jain
festivals, Mahamastakabhisheka is (a) The Sun Temple
temple situated? (b) Rajarajeshvara Temple
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (3rd Shift) performed every 12 years at the
Digambara sacred complex at _______ in (c) Kandhariya Mahadeva Temple
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Odisha (d) Gangadikondha Temple
(c) Jharkhand (d) Bihar Karnataka.
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Sol.1802.(b) Rajarajeshvara Temple. It
Sol.1794.(a) Uttar Pradesh. The Victory (a) Keelakuilkudi (b) Jinanathapura was built by Rajaraja Chola I, in
of Skandagupta over the Huns is (c) Shravanabelagola (d) Puliyarmala Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. It is dedicated to
mentioned in Bhitari Inscription. Other Lord Shiva.
Religious Sites of Uttar Pradesh: Sarnath, Sol.1798.(c) Shravanabelagola (Hassan
Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Banke Bihari district of Karnataka) - Gomateshwara Q.1803. The Jagannath Temple in Puri
Temple, ISKCON Vrindavan, Banaras statue located in this place and built depicts which Indian classical dance
Ghats. under the Ganga dynasty. Karuppanna form?
Swamy Temple (Keelakuilkudi, Madurai), SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift)
Q.1795. Where is the Mahabodhi temple Shantinatha Basadi temple (a) Kuchipudi (b) Bharatanatyam
situated? (Jinanathapura), Puliyarmala Jain (c) Kathak (d) Odissi
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Temple (Kalpetta Wayanad - Kerala).
(a) Varanasi (b) Bodh Gaya Sol.1803.(d) Odissi. Lord Jagannath is
(c) Patna (d) Agra Q.1799. The famous 'Pashupatinath worshipped as Vishnu or Narayana or
Temple' is located in which country from Krishna and deity Balabhadra as Shesha.
Sol.1795.(b) Bodh Gaya (Bihar). The the following?
Mahabodhi Temple (located on the SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (1st Shift) Q.1804. In which of the following
banks of the Niranjana River) is one of (a) Nepal (b) Bhutan countries is the Hindu religious place
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'Chandranath Hill' located? Beechupally Anjaneya Swamy Temple. situated in Tamil Nadu ?
Graduate Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 1) SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(a) Bhutan (b) Nepal Q.1808. Dilwara Temples at Mount Abu, (a) Shore temple
(c) Bangladesh (d) Sri Lanka Rajasthan is an example of _______ (b) Kailasa temple
temple architecture. (c) Virupaksha temple
Sol.1804.(c) Bangladesh. Chandranath SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Evening) (d) Jagannatha temple
Temple :- It is located on top of the (a) Buddhist (b) Jain
Chandranath Hill, is a famous Shakti (c) Mughal (d) Dravida Sol.1812.(a) The Shore Temple
Peeth located near Sitakunda in (Dravidian style). It is located in
Bangladesh. Sol.1808.(b) Jain. Dilwara Temple Mahabalipuram (Tamil Nadu). It was
(Nagara Style of Architecture): Built by designated a UNESCO World Heritage
Q.1805. In North Indian temple Vimal Shah and designed by Vastupala. site in 1984. It was built in the reign of
architecture , which element denotes the Other Jain Architecture: Ellora Caves Narasimhavarman II.
superstructure or tower above the (Maharashtra), Hathi Gumpha.
sanctum and the pillared mandapas? Q.1813. Which among the following is
Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 1) Q.1809. ______ was considered as the NOT a component of Lion Capital at
(a) Kalasha (b) Amalaka most important part of some of the Sarnath, India?
(c) Shikhara (d) Antarala earliest Hindu temples. SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon) (a) Carved cow representing South
Sol.1805.(c) Shikhara - A tower, in (a) Shikharas (b) Garbhagriha direction
elevation, which is progressively inclined (c) Gatas (d) Mandapa (b) Figures of 4 lions
in a convex curve. The three most (c) Dharma Chakras
common temple architecture are: Nagara Sol.1809.(b) Garbhagriha - Inner
(d) Lotus base bell
in the north (between the Himalayas and chamber of the temple where the main
Vindhyas), and Dravidian in the south. deity was placed. It is also known as Sol.1813.(a) Carved cow representing
The Vesara style of temples is an Sanctum Sanctorium. Other parts of South direction. The top of the
admixture of Nagara and Dravidian Hindu Temple : Mandapa - Incorporates column—the capital—has three parts.
styles. space for a large number of worshippers, First, a base of a lotus flower (ubiquitous
Shikhar - Mountain-like spire, Vahan - symbol of Buddhism). Then, a drum on
Q.1806. Which of the following temples Vehicle of the temple’s main deity, which four animals are carved represents
is built in the style of the Rekha Deula or Amalak and Kalash - Crowning elements. the four cardinal directions: a horse
(d) Kandariya Mahadev Temple in (Pampapathi Temple) was built by Temple, _______ was the place of ritual
Madhya Pradesh Lakhan Dandesha in Dravidian style on worship, where only the king, his family
the south bank of the river Tungabhadra members and the priests used to gather.
Sol.1806.(b) Sri Jagannath Temple in SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening)
Odisha. It was built by Anantavarman at Hampi (Capital of Vijayanagara).
nearby district's Temple architecture (a) Jalandhar (b) Ajmer
called? Q.1821. Harmandir Sahib is situated in (c) Panipat (d) Patna
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Morning) which city of Punjab?
(a) Kalasha (b) Antarala SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Evening) Sol.1825.(b) Ajmer. Dargah Sharif of
(c) Amalaka (d) Jagati (a) Bathinda (b) Amritsar Ajmer Sharif is a Sufi tomb (dargah) of
(c) Kapurthala (d) Patiala the revered Sufi saint, Moinuddin Chishti,
Sol.1817.(c) ‘Amalaka’ is one of the located at Ajmer, Rajasthan. The shrine
important elements of Temple Shikhara Sol.1821.(b) Amritsar, Punjab. Golden has Chishti's grave (Maqbara).
(Tower) in Nagara Shaili usually found in Temple (Sri Harmandar Sahib) is the
Uttara Bharatha. A mandir ‘kalash’ is a preeminent spiritual site of Sikhism. Q.1826. In which of the following states
metal or stone spire used to top the Some other spiritual sites of Sikhism are is Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha
domes of Hindu temples. In Hindu the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur in Temple located?
temple architecture, the ‘jagati' is the Kartarpur (Pakistan), and Gurdwara SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Morning)
raised surface of the platform or terrace Janam Asthan in Nankana Sahib (a) Karnataka (b) Telangana
upon which some Buddhist or Hindu (Pakistan), etc. (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala
temples are built. Sol.1826.(d) Kerala. The temple is
Q.1822. A 7 meter high sculpture known
Q.1818. Khajuraho temple in Madhya as 'Sadashiva', representing three dedicated to Lord Ayyappa Swamy.
Pradesh is an example of ___________ aspects of Lord Shiva is found at ______ Kerala's renowned Sabarimala Temple is
Sol.1835.(a) Draupadi Ratha.
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat
(c) West Bengal (d) Assam Q.1839. Norman Ernest Borlaug was
Q.1836. Which tales are related with the
painting and sculptures of the Ajanta awarded the _____ in 1970 for his
Sol.1830.(c) West Bengal. Terracotta contributions to the green revolution.
temples are known for their Hindu SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift)
SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Afternoon)
temples made from local terracotta, such (a) Nobel Prize in Physics
(a) Hitopadesha Tales
as the pyramid-shaped Rasmancha, (b) Nobel Peace Prize
(b) Panchatantra Tales
established around 1600. (c) Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Sol.1831.(a) New Delhi. Swaminarayan 40 and someone who works in the field
of food and nutrition security and hunger
Akshardham is the world's largest Awards
high and 356 ft in width. It was with reference to the Padma awards. Q.1840. In which year was the first
inaugurated on 6 November 2005. SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (1st Shift) Arjuna Award given to a woman hockey
(a) The Padma award can be used as a player?
Q.1832. Kartarpur Sahib corridor
suffix or prefix to the awardees’ name SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift)
connects Dera Baba Nanak Shrine in
(b) The total number of Padma awards to (a) 1963 (b) 1964 (c) 1962 (d) 1961
Gurdaspur, India to Kartarpur Gurudwara
be given in a year should not more
in Pakistan, which is located near the
than 150. Sol.1840.(d) 1961. Arjuna Award:
banks of the river _____.
(c) The Padma Awards are given Awarded for consistent good
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
annually. performance in sports over 4 years. The
(a) Ravi (b) Jhelum (c) Sutlej (d) Chenab
(d) The names of the awardees are never winners of the Arjuna Award receive a
Sol.1832.(a) Ravi. Kartarpur Corridor published in the Gazette of India. statuette of Arjuna, a certificate and a
was first proposed in early 1999 by Atal cash prize 15 lakhs. First woman hockey
Sol.1837.(c) Padma Awards, which were player awarded - Anne Lumsden. Football
Bihari Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif, the
instituted in the year 1954, are Olympian PK Banerjee was the first
Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan
announced every year on the occasion of footballer to win the prestigious
respectively at that time.
Republic Day. The award is given in 3 accolade.
Q.1833. Birthplace of Guru Nanak, categories, namely, Padma Vibhushan
known as Nankana Sahib today, was for exceptional and distinguished Q.1841. In which year was MS Dhoni
earlier called. service; Padma Bhushan for awarded Padma Shri Award?
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Morning) distinguished service of a high order; and SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Roda (b) Umarkot Padma Shri for distinguished service. (a) 2009 (b) 2010 (c) 2007 (d) 2012
(c) Rai Bhoi di Talwandi (d) Luni The total number of awards to be given
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Sol.1841.(a) 2009. The Padma Shri, is Sports”. The award comprises a Q.1848. The _________ is/are given for
the fourth-highest civilian award of the medallion, a certificate, and a cash prize outstanding performance in sports and
Republic of India, after the Bharat Ratna, of Rs. 25 lakh. First recipient (1991-92) - games over a period of the previous four
the Padma Vibhushan and the Padma Viswanathan Anand (Chess). Rani years and for showing qualities of
Bhushan. Established - 1954. Mahendra Rampal is the first woman Hockey Player leadership, sportsmanship and a sense
Singh Dhoni: Awards - Padma bhushan to receive the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna of discipline.
(2018), Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award Award in 2020. Winner (2022) - Achanta SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(2007). Sharath Kamal (Table Tennis). (a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (MAKA)
Q.1842. Which of the following awards is Q.1845. The government of India (b) Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar
presented for lifetime achievement in recently changed the name of Rajiv (c) Arjuna Awards
sports and games? It was instituted to Gandhi Khel Ratna Award to Dhyan (d) Dronacharya Awards
honour those sportspersons who have Chand Khel Ratna Award, Dhyan Chand
contributed to sports by their served in the Indian army as a : Sol.1848.(c) Arjuna Awards : Instituted
performance and continue to contribute SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) in 1961; Cash prize - ₹15 lakh; First
to the promotion of sports even after (a) Major General (b) Major awarded to football Olympian PK
their retirement from an active sporting (c) General (d) Field Marshal Banerjee; First woman awardee - Anna
career. Lumsden (Hockey). Arjuna Awards 2023 :
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (2nd shift) Sol.1845.(b) Major. The Major Dhyan Aditi Gopichand Swami (archery),
(a) Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Chand Khel Ratna Award is India's Mohammed Shami (cricket), Aishwary
(b) Arjuna Award highest sporting honor, awarded annually Pratap Singh Tomar (shooting), among
(c) Dhyanchand Award by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and others. MAKA (The Maulana Abul Kalam
Sports. Dhyan Chand, a legendary hockey
(d) Dronacharya Award Azad) Trophy : Given to an institution or
player, received the Padma Bhushan, university for top performance in
Sol.1842.(c) Dhyan Chand Award. It is India's third highest civilian award, in inter-university tournaments.
awarded annually by the Ministry of 1956. His birthday, August 29, is Dronacharya Award : India's highest
Youth Affairs and Sports. Instituted in celebrated as National Sports Day. The sports honor for coaches. Rashtriya Khel
2002. The first recipients - Shahuraj Khel Ratna award comes with a prize of Protsahan Puraskar : Awarded to
Birajdar (Boxing), Ashok Diwan (Hockey), ₹25 lakh, recognizing outstanding organizations and individuals for sports
and Aparna Ghosh (Basketball). Major achievements in sports. promotion and development.
the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the (a) Pitambar Pant National Environment
award that does NOT include a cash Fellowship Award
reward? Grameen Bank and pioneering the
(b) Sanjay Gandhi Award for Environment
(b) Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, was the first
Regional Rural Bank established on 2 Fellowship Award for Biodiversity
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy
of the Indian cricket team when India induction Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker,
lifted a World Cup trophy (1983). Awards (d) Discovery of receptors for economist and civil society leader who
- Padma Bhushan (1991), Arjuna Award temperature and touch was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
for Cricket (1979), C. K. Nayudu Lifetime 2006 for founding the Grameen Bank and
Sol.1855.(a) Discovery of transistor
Achievement Award (2013). effect. Nobel Prize: Started in 1901, work to “create economic and social
development from below”.
Q.1853. Who received the Nobel Prize in Alfred Nobel (discovered the Dynamite in
1901 for 'recognition of the extraordinary 1867). Indian who recieved Nobel prize: Q.1859. Who along with Arthur Compton
services rendered by the discovery of the First - Rabindra Nath Tagore - 1913 received the Nobel Prize in 1927 for the
laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic (Literature), Chandrashekhara Venkat development of the cloud chamber for
pressure in solutions'? Raman - 1930 (Physics), Har Gobind the detection of charged particles?
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift) Khorana - 1968 (Physiology or Medicine), SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Hermann Emil Fischer Amartya sen - 1998 (Economics), Kailash (a) Charles Wilson (b) Frederick Soddy
(b) Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Satyarthi - 2014 (Peace). (c) Ernest Lawrence (d) Harold Urey
Sol.1853.(b) Jacobus Henricus van't celebration of which day ? Nobel Prize in chemistry for his research
Hoff. Nobel Prize - 1902 - Hermann Emil SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (4th shift) on radioactive decay and his formulation
Fischer “in recognition of the (a) Republic Day of the concept of isotopes. Ernest
(b) Independence Day
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift) choreographer, K Shivashankar, won given in the field of law. The Pritzker
(a) Sunita Sharma (b) Renu Kohli which of the following prestigious Prize award is given in the Architecture
(c) Purnima Mahato (d) Hansa Sharma awards in 2010 for the best field.
choreography in the Telugu film
Sol.1862.(d) Hansa Sharma. The Magadheera? Q.1872. The Gitanjali Literary Prize is
Dronacharya award contains a medallion, SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon) awarded in association with which
a certificate, and a money prize of Rs 15 (a) National Film Award country?
lakh (lifetime) and 10 Lakh (regular). (b) Filmfare Award SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Afternoon)
First awarded (1985) - Bhalachandra (c) International Film Academy Award (a) Germany (b) England
Bhaskar Bhagwat (Wrestling), Om (d) Guild Award (c) France (d) The US
Prakash Bhardwaj (Boxing), O. M.
Sol.1872.(c) France.
(a) Mohan Chand Sharma Q.1868. Who was awarded the Nobel Q.1873. The 'Amrita Devi Bishnoi
(b) Hemant Karkare Prize in Physics in 1926, ‘for his work on National Award' is given for :
(c) R P Diengdoh the discontinuous structure of matter’? SSC MTS 12/10/2021 (Morning)
(d) Mohit Sharma SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Evening) (a) environment protection
named after the Indian mathematician the then Prime Minister of India, Atal
Srinivasa Ramanujan. It was founded in Sol.1880.(c) Barack Obama. He was Bihari Vajpayee.
2004 and was first awarded in 2005. awarded in 2009 for his “extraordinary
Another Award, SASTRA Ramanujan efforts to strengthen international Q.1885. In which year did the Bhopal gas
Prize was established in 2005. diplomacy and cooperation between tragedy occur?
people.” SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift)
Q.1877. Which of the following (a) 1984 (b) 1982 (c) 1988 (d) 1985
organizations awards the Nobel Q.1881. Who among the following was
Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences? the first recipient of the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Sol.1885.(a) 1984. The Bhopal disaster
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Evening) Ratna Award? or Bhopal gas tragedy was a chemical
(a) Norwegian Nobel Committee SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 (Afternoon) accident in December 1984. Over 40 tons
(b) Karolinska Institute (a) Vijay Amritraj of methyl isocyanate gas leaked from the
(c) The Royal Swedish Academy (b) PT Usha Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL)
Sciences (c) Sachin Tendulkar pesticide plant in Bhopal (Madhya
(d) Swedish Academy (d) Viswanathan Anand Pradesh). Other Major Industrial
disasters in India: Chasnala Mining
Sol.1877.(c) The Royal Swedish Sol.1881.(d) Viswanathan Anand. He is Disaster - In 1975, a coal mine in
Academy Sciences. It was first awarded an Indian chess grandmaster and also Jharkhand experienced the Chasnala
in 1969 to Dutch economist Jan the former world champion. Rajiv Gandhi mining accident. Jaipur Oil Depot Fire -
Tinbergen and Norwegian economist Khel Ratna Award (Dhyanchand Khel The oil store owned by the Indian Oil
Ragnar Frisch "for having developed and
Ratna) is given for the spectacular and Company in Rajasthan had this industrial
applied dynamic models for the analysis most outstanding performance in the accident in 2009.
of economic processes. field of sports by a sportsperson over a
period of four years. The award was Q.1886. In which year did Swami
Q.1878. Who is the first Indian to have
started in the year 1991-92. Vivekananda give his speech at the
won the Pulitzer Prize?
Chicago Parliament of Religions?
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) Q.1882. Name the first actor to win the SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Gobind Behari Lal Oscar Awards? (a) 1893 (b) 1892 (c) 1891 (d) 1890
(b) Sanghamitra Kalita SSC CGL 9/03/2020 (Morning)
(c) Jhumpa Lahiri (a) Warner Baxter (b) Emil Jannings Sol.1886.(a) 1893. Swami Vivekananda
(d) Geeta Anand (c) Lionel Barrymore (d) Charlie Chaplin was born Narendra Nath Datta, on 12th
January 1863 in Calcutta. He was the
Sol.1878.(a) Gobind Behari Lal. He was Sol.1882.(b) Emil Jannings. The first foremost disciple of Ramakrishna
an Indian-American journalist and Academy Awards ceremony was held in Paramahamsa and a world
independence activist. He won the Hollywood on May 16, 1929. spokesperson for Vedanta. He founded
Pulitzer in 1937 in the journalism
the Ramakrishna Mission in May 1897,
category. Pulitzer Prize - First awarded -
1917. Presented by - Columbia
Important Events after his guru Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa. His books are
University. Awarded for - Excellence in
Q.1883. Where was the first meeting of 'Jnanayoga’, ‘Bhaktiyoga’, ‘Rajayoga’, ‘To
newspaper journalism, literary
the Employment Working Group of G20 the youth of India’ etc. He established the
achievements, musical composition.
conducted ? Belur Math in Belur, Howrah district. He
Q.1879. The Indira Gandhi Award for SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) died in 1902 in Belur Math in West
National Integration is accorded by the: (a) Jaipur (b) Jodhpur Bengal.
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Q.1887. The Beating Retreat Ceremony Sol.1890.(d) Mame Khan - An Indian Sol.1894.(b) 1962. The National
during Republic Day is held every year at Rajasthani folk singer who is known for Integration Council (NIC) is a group of
which of the following places? his Sufi and folk music performances. senior politicians and public figures in
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Cannes Film Festival (Festival de India that looks for ways to address the
(a) Hyderabad (b) Jaipur Cannes) - A film festival held annually in problems of communalism, casteism,
(c) New Delhi (d) Bengaluru Cannes (France). First held - 1946. The and regionalism.
festival came to provide a rendezvous for
Sol.1887.(c) New Delhi. The Beating those interested in the art and influence Q.1895. In which of the following years
Retreat Ceremony is held every year at of the movies. was the National Food Security Act
the Vijay Chowk on January 29, marking enacted in India?
the conclusion of the Republic Day Q.1891. Reni Village in Garhwal was SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
celebrations. The first Beating Retreat known for what environmental (a) 2013 (b) 2009 (c) 2012 (d) 2011
ceremony in India was held in 1955, movement in 1970?
during the state visit of Queen Elizabeth SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Afternoon) Sol.1895.(a) 2013. National Food
II and Prince Philip. It was conceived by (a) Save Silent Valley Movement Security Act - The Act legally entitled
Major GA Roberts and commissioned by (b) Chipko Movement 75% of the rural population and 50% of
then-Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. (c) Jungle Bachao Andolan the urban population to receive
(d) Appiko Movement subsidized food grains under Targeted
Q.1888. Who takes the salute during the Public Distribution System.
Republic Day parade at New Delhi? Sol.1891.(b) Chipko movement.
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) Sunderlal Bahuguna gave the movement Q.1896. In which year was ‘Ramlila’
(a) Chief Justice (b) Governor the proper direction. Save Silent Valley inscribed on the UNESCO Representative
(c) President (d) Prime Minister was a social movement (in 1973) aimed List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of
at the protection of Silent Valley, Humanity ?
Sol.1888.(c) President. Republic Day SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
Palakkad district of Kerala, India. In the
parade takes place every year on 26 early 1980s, the Jungle Bachao Andolan (a) 2010 (b) 2008 (c) 2006 (d) 2012
January at Kartavya Path (Former Raj
(Singhbhum District, Jharkhand) and the Sol.1896.(b) 2008. UNESCO Intangible
Path), New Delhi. The parade marches Appiko Movement forest-based
from the Rashtrapati Bhavan on the Cultural Heritage India - Ramman (2009),
environmental movements (Uttara Chhau dance, Kalbelia, Mudiyettu (2010),
Kartavya Path to India Gate and from Kannada district of Karnataka in the
there to Red Fort. It opens with the Buddhist chanting of Ladakh (2012),
Army, Navy, and Air Force, along with Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods (2014), Nouroz, yoga - (2016), Kumbh
their bands. tableaux from various states in 1944? Mela (2017), Durga puja (2021).
signifying their cultures are displayed. A SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Morning)
(c) John Mathai (a) 1885 (b) 1870 (c) 1860 (d) 1865
Q.1889. The Rajpath was decided to be a
(d) RK Shanmukham Chetty
permanent venue for the Republic Day
onwards? He was an Indian lawyer, economist, and Association. He joined the Brahmo
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) politician who served as independent Samaj in 1857.
(a) 1955 (b) 1959 (c) 1958 (d) 1951 India's first finance minister from 1947 to
1948. Q.1898. When was the construction of
Sol.1889.(a) 1955. The initial four
the Rashtrapati Bhavan completed?
Republic day parades were held at
Q.1893. In which year the post of SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Afternoon)
different places that were Irwin
National Security Advisor created in (a) 1929 (b) 1953 (c) 1949 (d) 1959
Amphitheatre, Kingsway, Red Fort and
Ramlila Maidan respectively between India?
Sol.1898.(a) 1929. Rashtrapati Bhavan:
1950 to 1954. The French army was the SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Afternoon)
The official residence of the President of
first foreign army to participate in India’s (a) 2000 (b) 1998 (c) 2003 (d) 1999
India. Designed by Edwin Landseer
Republic Day Parade in 2016 (67th Lutyens. It took 17 years to complete it.
Sol.1893.(b) 1998. Brajesh Mishra was
Republic day). The chief guest of the first
appointed as the first National Security
Republic Day Parade was the President Q.1899. When was the Rovers Cup
Advisor of India. Ajit Kumar Doval is the
of Indonesia Sukarno was the chief started?
current National Security Advisor of
guest. SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 1891 (b) 1952 (c) 1981 (d) 1931
Q.1890. Who among the following
Q.1894. In which year was the first
singers became the first Indian folk artist Sol.1899.(a) 1891. The Rovers Cup was
meeting of the National Integration
to attend the Cannes Film Festival 2022 ? a football tournament held in India. It
Council held?
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift) was started by British football
SSC MTS 12/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Gurudas Man (b) Daler Mehndi enthusiasts in Bombay.
(a) 1955 (b) 1962 (c) 1951 (d) 1965
(c) Teejan Bai (d) Mame Khan
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Q.1900. When was WhatsApp (a) 1950 (b) 1952 (c) 1956 (d) 1947 (a) 1991 (b) 1994 (c) 1993 (d) 1992
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Afternoon) Sol.1906.(b) 1952. Freedom fighter Potti Sol.1912.(d) 1992. National Stock
(a) 2008 (b) 2007 (c) 2009 (d) 2010 Sriramulu wanted the capital of Andhra Exchange of India Limited is the leading
Pradesh to be built in Rayalaseema. It stock exchange of India, located in
Sol.1900.(c) 2009. WhatsApp was was due to his 58 day fast, a separate Mumbai. It was the first dematerialized
founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum . Andhra state was carved out of the electronic exchange in the country.
erstwhile Madras Presidency with
Q.1901. When was the Secretariat of the Kurnool as its capital. Q.1913. In which year was the
SAARC set up? foundation stone for the Gateway of
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Evening) Q.1907. When was the PIN Code (Postal India laid in Bombay (now Mumbai)?
(a) 1987 (b) 1984 (c) 1986 (d) 1985 Index Code) introduced in India? SSC CGL 03/03/2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) (a) 1913 (b) 1915 (c) 1905 (d) 1920
Sol.1901.(a) 1987. The SAARC (a) 1949 (b) 1969 (c) 1972 (d) 1963
Secretariat was established in Sol.1913.(a) 1913 (by then governor of
Kathmandu. Its role is to coordinate and Sol.1907.(c) 1972. Postal Index Number Bombay, Sir George Sydenham Clarke). It
monitor the implementation of SAARC code - Also known as Zip code or area was built in greeting the arrival of
activities, service the meetings of the postal code, Pin code is the post office King-Emperor George V and Queen Mary,
association and serve as the channel of numbering code system used by the the first British monarch to visit India.
communication between SAARC and postal service of India, India Post.
other international organizations. Q.1914. In which period was the
Q.1908. When was the Human legendary Victoria Terminus Station
Q.1902. When was the Eden Gardens Development Report first published? (currently Chhtarpati Shivaji Maharaj
Stadium, Kolkata established? SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Morning) Terminus), Mumbai built?
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Evening) (a) 1980 (b) 2000 (c) 1990 (d) 1981 SSC CGL 04/03/2020 (afternoon)
(a) 1875 (b) 1854 (c) 1885 (d) 1864 (a) 1878 to 1883 (b) 1843 to 1853
Sol.1908.(c) 1990. Human Development (c) 1933 to 1943 (d) 1911 to 1921
Sol.1902.(d) 1864. Eden Gardens Report is an annual report published by
Stadium is the oldest cricket stadium in the Human Development Report Office of Sol.1914.(a) 1878 to 1883.
India. the United Nations Development The Chhatrapati Shivaji station, formerly
Programme. known as Victoria Terminus, was
Q.1903. When was Safari first released
(a) 2015 (b) 2014 (c) 2016 (d) 2017 Building in the BBD Bagh or Dalhousie
Sol.1903.(b) 2003. A mobile version has area of Kolkata constructed?
been bundled with iOS devices since the Sol.1909.(b) 2014. In February 2014, SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Morning)
iPhone’s introduction in 2007. Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, (a) 1900 (b) 1833 (c) 1850 (d) 1910
2014 bill was passed by the Parliament
Q.1904. In which year did UNESCO
of India for the formation of Telangana Sol.1915.(b) 1833. The beautiful colonial
include Yoga in its Intangible Cultural state comprising ten districts from building was designed in Italian style
Heritage list?
(a) 2014 (b) 2016 (c) 2018 (d) 2015 Q.1910. In which year was the ‘Ramnath India till the year 1937.
Goenka Excellence in Journalism’ award
Sol.1904.(b) 2016. UNESCO List of instituted in India? Q.1916. In which of the following years
Intangible Cultural Heritage includes SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening) were two additional Commissioners
those intangible elements that help (a) 2010 (b) 2006 (c) 2008 (d) 2007 appointed to the Election commission of
demonstrate diversity of cultural heritage India for the first time?
and raise awareness about its Sol.1910.(b) 2006. Ramnath Goenka SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Evening)
importance. Excellence in Journalism’ awards are (a) 1989 (b) 1991 (c) 1990 (d) 1998
given for both print journalism as well as
Q.1905. In which year did the Dalai Lama
broadcast journalism. Sol.1916.(a) 1989.
cross over into India and take asylum?
Originally the commission had only a
SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 (Afternoon) Q.1911. In which year was the Rigveda
Chief Election Commissioner. It currently
(a) 1957 (b) 1959 (c) 1962 (d) 1952 manuscript included in the UNESCO's
consists of the Chief Election
Memory of the World Register?
Sol.1905.(b) 1959. Dalai Lama fought Commissioner and two Election
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
his way through the snow to reach Commissioners.
(a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2004 (d) 2007
Chutangmu, a tiny Assam Rifles outpost
Q.1917. Which of the following years is
near Tawang, to request asylum in India. Sol.1911.(d) 2007. The Rigveda, the
called the Year of the Great Divide in the
oldest among the four Vedas (Rigveda,
Q.1906. In which year was a separate demographic history of India?
Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda).
Andhra state formed after the linguistic SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Morning)
reorganization of the then Madras Q.1912. When was the National Stock (a)1951 (b)1921 (c)1931 (d)1911
province? Exchange of India established?
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) Sol.1917.(b) 1921 is a “year of the great
Behera, Sanchita Bhattacharyaa, SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening)
Q.1928. During the Green Revolution
Sharmila Biswas. (a) Guru Ram Das
period in India, child nutrition-focused
(b) Guru Arjan Dev
Q.1919. The Lucknow Gharana of Kathak scheme, the Integrated Child
(c) Guru Nanak Dev
was founded by ___________ , a devotee Development Scheme (ICDS) was
(d) Guru Gobind Singh
of the Bhakti movement who lived in launched in ________.
southeast Uttar Pradesh. Sol.1923.(b) Guru Arjan Dev. He was the SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift) fifth Sikh Guru and laid the foundation of (a) 1972 (b) 1977 (c) 1975 (d) 1976
(a) Ram Kumar (b) Bhagwan Ram Tarn Taran Sahib in 1596.
Sol.1928.(c) 1975. The ICDS scheme
(c) Ishwari Prasad (d) Shyam Kumar
Q.1924. Who among the following provides services to children under 6
Sol.1919.(c) Ishwari Prasad. Some invented the aeroplane? years of age, pregnant and lactating
Important gharanas and their founders: SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 (Afternoon) mothers, and women aged 16–44. The
Kirana gharana - Ustad Abdul Karim (a) Auguste and Louis Lumière program's goals are to improve the
health, nutrition, and education of the
Jaipur-Atrauli gharana - Alladiya Khan. Awaas yojana, the cost of unit assistance
Sol.1924.(c) Orville and Wilbur Wright
Q.1920. Who among the following was is shared between Central and State
(Wright brothers). Auguste and Louis
the founding member of Sri Sai Nataraja Governments in the ratio ___________ in
Lumiere invented cinematograph and
1. The UDAN scheme has completed five economy and a digitally empowered Sol.1939.(b) 2%. The Pradhan Mantri
years since its implementation in 2017. society by ensuring digital services,
Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), launched on
2. It is the flagship scheme of the digital access, digital inclusion, digital 18 February 2016 by Prime Minister
Ministry of Science and Technology. empowerment and bridging the digital
Narendra Modi, is an insurance service
3. The Airports Authority of India is the divide. Coordinated by : Ministry of for farmers' crops. It follows the "One
implementing agency of this scheme. Electronics and Information Technology.
Nation–One Scheme" concept, replacing
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift) the earlier National Agriculture Insurance
(a) Only statement 3 Q.1936. In which year was Smart Cities
Scheme and Modified National
connectivity to remote and regional areas (c) To facilitate bank loans for SC/ST and
while making air travel more affordable. environment. The Central Government
women entrepreneurs
has decided to extend the deadline for
The scheme was introduced in 2016 as (d) To support all types of startups
part of the National Civil Aviation Policy. Smart Cities Mission till 31st March
offers a monthly pension of ₹3,000 after Sol.1945.(b) Farmer’s. The Farmers' (b) Marginal Farmers Development
Portal is a one-stop platform where Agency (MFDA)
the age of 60. Workers aged 18 to 40
years, with a monthly income of ₹15,000 farmers can access information on (c) Hill Areas Development Programme
seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, credit, best (HADP)
or less, and who are not members of
EPFO, ESIC, or NPS (government-funded), practices, dealer networks, input (d) Command Area Development & Water
availability, beneficiary lists, and weather Management Programme (CADP)
can enroll in the PM-SYM scheme.
advisories. Other government portals
Q.1943. Which of the following include the mKisan Portal, Crop Sol.1949.(b) Marginal Farmers
ministries launched the PM Daksh Insurance Portal, and Participatory Development Agency (MFDA) supports
scheme? Guarantee System (PGS) Portal of India. small and marginal farmers through
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift) credit, training, and technology. The
(a) Ministry of Education Q.1946. The Atal Innovation Mission was Small Farmers Development Agency
(b) Ministry of Electronics and launched in the year ________. (SFDA) was established in 1971 by the
Information Technology SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) All India Rural Credit Review Committee,
(c) Ministry of Social Justice and (a) 2021 (b) 2016 (c) 2014 (d) 2004 which was formed in 1969. Additionally,
Empowerment the Marginal Farmers and Agricultural
Sol.1946.(b) 2016. The Atal Innovation
Sol.1943.(c) Ministry of Social Justice entrepreneurship across the country at Q.1950. The National Youth Policy 2014
and Empowerment. The "Pradhan Mantri school, university, research institution, defines youth as population between the
Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi" MSME, and industry levels, with NITI ages of______ and______.
(PM-DAKSH) scheme was launched in Aayog as the implementing agency. Atal SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
2020-21, and is designed to uplift the Tinkering Labs, a component of AIM, are (a) 20; 29 (b) 15; 25 (c) 15; 29 (d) 10; 19
marginalized sections of society by state-of-the-art spaces established in
schools to foster curiosity and innovation Sol.1950.(c) 15; 29. The National Youth
offering skill development programs. It Policy was first formulated in 1988,
targets SC (Scheduled Caste), OBC among students from grades 6 to 12.
revised in 2003, and again in 2014.
(Other Backward Classes), Economically Q.1947. In Pradhan Mantri Gramin Changes in the socio-economic and
Backward Classes, Denotified tribes, and Awaas Yojana, the cost of unit other conditions of the country require
Safai Mitras, providing upskilling, assistance is shared between Central periodic reformulation to address
reskilling, short-term training, and and State Governments the ratio contemporary issues and promote youth
entrepreneurial development courses. ____________ for the North-Eastern and well-being. India has the highest youth
Q.1944. Under which scheme are the Himalayan states. population in the world.
collateral free loans of up to ₹10 Lakh SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) 90 : 10 (b) 60 : 40 Q.1951. Which of the following is NOT
extended by the Member Lending one of the main pillars of the ‘Namami
Institutions (MLIs) in India? (c) 45 : 55 (d) 50 : 50
Gange Programme’, launched by the
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sol.1947.(a) 90 : 10. Pradhan Mantri Government of India in 2014?
(a) National Strategy for Financial Awaas Yojana : Launched - Urban (25th SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Inclusion June 2015) and Gramin (1st April 2016). (a) Sewerage Treatment Infrastructure
(b) Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana It is a social welfare programme under (b) Industrial Effluent Monitoring
(c) Stand Up India scheme the Ministry of Rural Development. Aim - (c) River Linkage Development
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(d) River-Front Development at creating effective and efficient Q.1958. In which year was the
institutional platforms to enable the rural ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar’ Yojana
Sol.1951.(c) River Linkage poor to increase their household income launched by the Government of India?
Development. The 'Namami Gange by means of sustainable livelihood SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Programme' is an integrated enhancements and better access to (a) 2020 (b) 2022 (c) 2010 (d) 2015
conservation mission approved as a financial services.
flagship program by the Union Sol.1958.(a) 2020. The 'Aatmanirbhar
Government in June 2014. Q.1955. When was the Bharat Nirman Bharat Rojgar' Yojana has been launched
Programme launched by the Government with effect from 1st October, 2020 as
Q.1952. When was the Swarnajayanti of India? part of Atmanirbhar Bharat package 3.0
Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) to incentivize employers for creation of
launched by the Government of India? (a) 2014 (b) 2005 (c) 2010 (d) 2000 new employment along with social
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (2nd shift) security benefits and restoration of loss
(a) 1999 (b) 2000 (c) 1995 (d) 1991 Sol.1955.(b) 2005. The Bharat Nirman of employment during Covid-19
program was a Union Government pandemic.
Sol.1952.(a) 1999. The objective of the program launched to improve rural
SGSY is to bring the assisted infrastructure. The program's objectives Q.1959. __________ is one of the well -
Swarozgaris above the poverty line by included: Developing rural roads, Building known schemes sponsored by the Union
providing them income generating assets rural housing, Improving rural telephony, Government of India. It was launched in
through bank credit and Government Electrifying rural areas, and Providing November 2015 with the aim of rescuing
subsidy. rural water supply and irrigation. the country’s ailing electricity distribution
Q.1953. How might ICT enhance the companies.
Q.1956. Which of the following is NOT a SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift)
openness of e-land records? poverty alleviation programme in India?
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift) (a) One Nation, One Grid
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift)
(a) Enabling quick search and retrieval of (b) Integrated Power Development
(a) Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme (IPDS)
land records (b) Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar
(b) Facilitating manual record updates (c) Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana
Yojana (d) Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti
and amendments (c) Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana
(c) Enforcing strict regulations on land Yojana
(d) Integrated Rural Development
transactions Program Sol.1959.(c) Ujwal DISCOM Assurance
(d) Reducing the need for land surveys Yojana. Key Features of UDAY: Financial
and assessments Sol.1956.(a) Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha
Turnaround: Allows state governments to
Abhiyan. It is a holistic scheme of
take over 75% of DISCOM debt and pay
provide real-time updates and tracking of the unified national power grid.
Minister Rozgar Yojna (PMRY) scheme is
land records, reducing delays and Integrated Power Development Scheme
to provide assistance to the educated
Project: Objective: To promote (a) Information and Broadcasting
Q.1969. In October 2020, which of the
sustainable and inclusive cities with core ministry
infrastructure, a high quality of life, a (b) Power ministry following Ministries launched the
clean environment, and smart solutions. Ayushman Sahakar Scheme, to assist
(c) Railways ministry
(d) Civil Aviation ministry cooperatives in the creation of
Q.1962. When was the Prime Minister’s healthcare infrastructure?
Employment Generation Programme Sol.1965.(b) Power Ministry. SADUN is a Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
(PMEGP) launched? joint initiative of the Ministry of Power, (a) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) United States Agency for International (b) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(a) 2008 (b) 2009 (c) 2006 (d) 2012 Development (USAID) and Power Finance (c) Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Corp. This initiative aims to promote Welfare
aims to create employment opportunities Q.1966. In which year was the 'Prime Farmers Welfare. The scheme is
in rural and urban areas. The scheme Minister Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar implemented by the National Cooperative
provides financial assistance for setting
development, product trials, market entry Government of India ? Q.1979. In which year was the Pradhan
and commercialisation on 19 April 2021? SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) (a) 25 to 60 years (b) 30 to 60 years (PMRPY) launched?
(a) Start-up India Seed Fund Scheme (c) 15 to 35 years (d) 14 to 40 years
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(SISFS) (a) 2018 (b) 2015 (c) 2016 (d) 2022
(b) Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana Sol.1975.(c) 15 to 35 years. Deen Dayal
(PMRY) Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalyaya Yojana Sol.1979.(c) 2016. PMRPY : a scheme to
(c) Procurement and Marketing Support (Launch - 2014) : It is a demand-driven incentivise employers registered with the
(PMS) Scheme placement linked skill training initiative Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
(d) Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana working under the National Rural (EPFO) for job creation. Administered by
(PMMY) Livelihood Mission (NRLM). Scheme was - The Employees' Provident Fund
funding to startups at the initial stages. Q.1976. In which year was the Training of Q.1980. Which of the following options
Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana (1993) Rural Youth for Self Employment best describes the purpose of Pradhan
(TRYSEM) scheme launched by the Mantri Shram Yogi Mann-Dhan (PM-SYM)
focuses on self-employment
opportunities for unemployed youth. Government of India? scheme, 2019 ?
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift)
a view to conserve water for the future (c) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and campaign initiated by the Government of
this Mission launched on 24th April, India at Rajpath (New Delhi) on October
Urban Transformation
2022. (d) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban 2, 2014 to eliminate open defecation and
improve solid waste management.
Q.1983. Which of the following is the Renewal Mission
largest pan-India scheme to strengthen Sol.1986.(d) Jawaharlal Nehru National Q.1991. How many engines drive 'PM
health care infrastructure across the Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) - A Gati Shakti', a project launched by the
country with focus on primary, secondary massive city-modernization scheme central government with an aim to
and tertiary care services? launched by the Government of India revolutionise infrastructure in India?
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift) under the Ministry of Urban SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) LaQshya (b) AB-PMJAY Development. Launched - December (a) Two (b) Seven (c) Nine (d) Four
(c) PM-ABHIM (d) PM-MI 2005. Closed - 2014. Sol.1991.(b) Seven. Gati Shakti scheme
Sol.1983.(c) PM-ABHIM (Prime Minister Q.1987. When was the National Urban (2021) or National Master Plan for
Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Health Mission approved by the multi-modal connectivity plan comes
Mission): Ministry ( Ministry of Health Government of India ? under the Ministry of Commerce.
and Family Welfare), launched (October
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift) Q.1992. What is the aim of the
2021). (a) 2014 (b) 2015 (c) 2012 (d) 2013 Annapurna Yojana of the Government of
Q.1984. The 'Right to Work' plan, under Sol.1987.(d) 2013. The National Urban India?
the National Rural Employment Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Sol.1994.(d) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana - It Q.1998. The Union Government's "PAHAL (a) 2018 (b) 2001 (c) 2020 (d) 2019
was launched in April 1989 by merging Scheme" is related to _______ .
National Rural Employment Program SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Morning) Sol.2002.(d) 2019. Fit India Movement
(NREP) and Rural Landless Employment (a) Girl Scholarship was launched on the occasion of
Guarantee Programme (RLEGP). It was (b) Medical Subsidy National Sports Day to make fitness an
replaced by Jawahar Gram Samridhi (c) LPG Subsidy integral part of the daily lives of the
Yojna on 1 April 1999 and on 25 (d) Bathroom Construction people of India.
Guinness Book of World Records (largest scheme was launched by the ______.
(Now replaced by Pradhan Mantri Gramin SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Awas Yojana). Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG), was
launched on 01 June 2013 by the (a) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Q.1995. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. (b) Ministry of Culture
Yojana was launched in ___________. (c) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Q.1999. The National Literacy Mission (d) Ministry of External Affairs
Sol.1995.(a) 2000. Pradhan Mantri (a) 1971 (b) 1982 (c) 1988 (d) 1998 Urban Affairs (MoHUA) launched the
SAAR program under the Smart Cities
(c) Ministry of Women and Child Sol.2010.(b) Ministry of Rural
Development. Mission Antyodaya is a Q.2015. The Kamakshi Saunsthan
Development and Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation convergence and accountability temple of Goa is crowned with the
framework aiming to bring optimum use ________ two-storied tower and with a
(d) NITI Aayog and Piramal Foundation
and management of resources. It was golden Kalash perched on its Shikhar.
Sol.2006.(d) NITI Aayog and Piramal adopted in the Union Budget 2017-18. SSC MTS 12/11/2024 (2nd Shift)
Foundation. NITI stands for “National (a) pentagonal (b) circular
Institution for Transforming India” Q.2011. In which year was the ‘Target (c) hexagonal (d) octagonal
Innovation Mission. SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) century, is located in the village of
(a) 2015 (b) 2014 (c) 2013 (d) 2016 Shiroda, Goa. The temple complex,
Q.2007. In which year was the known as 'Sthal' or 'Thal', is accessed
Immunization Programme introduced in Sol.2011.(b) 2014. TOPS facilitates through a grand Mahadwar (temple gate)
India as ‘Expanded Programme of selected athletes with support staff and and includes key features like Sabha
training personnel, sports psychologists,
(a) Telugu (b) Malayalam originally known as MetSat-1. Launched
(c) Marathi (d) Kannada Sol.2025.(a) Sikhism. The concept of
by vehicle PSLV - C4. On February 5, 2003
it was renamed to Kalpana-1 by the “Langar” is an integral part of Sikh
Sol.2018.(a) Telugu. Telugu Language culture, symbolizing equality, service, and
Day is celebrated every year on August Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee in memory of Kalpana Chawla community bonding. It is commonly
29. In 2008, Telugu was granted the served at Gurdwaras (Sikh temples) and
status of a classical language. Nicolo di (NASA astronaut who perished in the
Space Shuttle Columbia disaster). was introduced by Guru Nanak
Conti, who visited the Vijayanagara (1469-1539). Similar tradition of
Empire, found that the words in the Q.2022. In whose ashram did the Beatles Annadanam (food donation) exist in
Telugu language end with vowels, just compose rock music in 1968 influenced Hinduism.
like those in Italian, and hence referred to by classical music?
it as "The Italian of the East”. SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift) Q.2026. Which of the following is NOT
(a) Osho Rajnish Ashram one of the classical languages of India?
Q.2019. To enhance the interoperability SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
(b) Maharshi Aurobindo Ashram
between the Indian and Russian Armies, (a) Odiya (b) Malayalam
a joint training exercise called _________ (c) Pandit Ravishankar Ashram
(d) Maharshi Mahesh Yogi Ashram (c) Kannada (d) Magahi
commenced at Prudboy Ranges,
Volgograd in the year 2021. Sol.2022.(d) Maharshi Mahesh Yogi Sol.2026.(d) Magahi (Magadhi) is an
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift) Indo-Aryan language spoken in Bihar,
(c) VARUNA 2021 (d) SHAKTI 2021 Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) to take part in a eastern India, and in the Terai of Nepal.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) training All the Classical Languages are listed in
Sol.2019.(a) INDRA 2021. 12th Edition of the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
Indo-Russia Joint Military Exercise course at Maharshi Mahesh Yogi's
Ashram. Maharshi Mahesh Yogi is the Six languages that enjoy the ‘Classical’
INDRA 2021 : Objective - Conduct status in India: Tamil (declared in 2004),
counter-terror operations under UN founder of the Transcendental
Meditation technique. Sanskrit (2005), Kannada (2008), Telugu
mandate. Participation - 250 personnel (2008), Malayalam (2013), and Odia
from India and Russia. Indian Army Q.2023. The institute established by (2014).
Contingent - Mechanised Infantry Kaka Hathrasi in 1932 is:
Battalion. The 13th edition of the Indra SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) Q.2027. Oil India Limited (OIL) is under
naval exercise was hosted by India in the (a) Sangeet Karyalaya the administrative structure of:
Bay of Bengal in November 2023. (b) Music Art Centre SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
(c) Music Art Kendra (a) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Q.2020. What kind of technology is most (b) Ministry of Power
frequently used to manage and digitise (d) Swar Sangam Kendra
(c) Ministry of New and Renewable
e-land records? Sol.2023.(a) Sangeet Karyalaya: Located Energy
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift) - Hathras (Uttar Pradesh). The institute (d) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural .
(a) Virtual Reality (VR) was founded with the aim of promoting Gas
(b) Blockchain Indian classical music and preserving the
(c) Augmented Reality (AR) cultural heritage of India. Kaka Hathrasi Sol.2027.(d) Ministry of Petroleum and
(d) Geographic Information System (GIS) published the monthly magazine Natural Gas. Oil India Limited (OIL) is a
"SANGEET" in 1935. Maharatna company. Headquarter -
Sol.2020.(d) Geographic Information Noida. Established - 1959. For a
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company to be categorized as a (d) Ministry of Finance (d) Malwa plateau
Maharatna status, It should be listed on
an Indian stock exchange and have an Sol.2031.(a) Ministry of Electronics and Sol.2034.(a) Chota-Nagpur plateau. This
average annual turnover of over ₹25,000 Information Technology. Aadhaar card plateau covers parts of Jharkhand,
crore during the previous three years. is a 12-digit unique identification number Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and West Bengal.
India now has 14 Maharatna, 24 issued by the Unique Identification Mundari is a Munda language, belonging
Navratna and 62 Miniratna CPSEs. Authority of India (UIDAI) to every to the Austroasiatic language family.
individual resident of India. It serves as Chhota Nagpur plateau is called the
Q.2028. In which year was the National proof of identity, which is linked to the “Heart of industrial India” because it is
Human Rights Commission established individual's biometric and demographic rich in minerals and power fuels. The
in India? information. The Aadhaar programme highest mountain peak of Chota Nagpur
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) was launched in 2009 by the UIDAI with Plateau is Parasnath.
(a) 2003 (b) 1995 (c) 1993 (d) 2005 the goal of providing a unique and
verifiable identity for every resident of Q.2035. Which is an advanced weather
Sol.2028.(c) 1993. The National Human India. satellite of India configured with
Rights Commission (NHRC) was improved imaging system and
established on October 12, 1993. Its Q.2032. Which of the following atmospheric sounder ?
statute is contained in the Protection of statements is/are correct? SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
Human Rights Act, 1993, and is in I- Radio broadcasting started in India in (a) GSAT-7A (b) INSAT -3D
conformity with the Paris Principles, 1923 by the Radio Club of Bombay. (c) RS-D1 (d) SROSS-2
adopted for promoting and protecting II- All India Radio came into being in
human rights. Section 2 (d) of the 1936. Sol.2035.(b) INSAT - 3D: Launched -
Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 III - In 1976, TV was delinked from All 2013; Launch Vehicle - Ariane-5 VA-214.
defines human rights as rights relating to India Radio (AIR) and got a separate Important Satellites: SARAL (2013):
Climate & Environment, Earth
life, liberty, equality and dignity of the identity as Door darshan (DD).
individual, guaranteed by the SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift) Observation. RISAT-1 (2012): Earth
Observation. RISAT-2 (2009): Earth
Constitution. (a) I, II and III are correct
(b) Both I and II are correct. Observation. Bhaskara-I (1979): Earth
Q.2029. Annamacharya composed Observation, Experimental. GSAT-7A
(c) Both II and III are correct.
Sankirtans in praise of which God? (d) Only III is correct. (2018): Communication. Rohini Satellite
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift) RS-D1 (1981): Earth Observation.
(a) Lord Shiva (b) Lord Venkateshwara Sol.2032.(a) I, II and III are correct.
(c) Lord Rama (d) Lord Krishna Radio broadcasting was changed to All Q.2036. Rajasthani architecture is also
India Radio (AIR) in 1936 and to known as:
Sol.2029.(b) Lord Venkateshwara. Akashwani in 1957. AIR (Akashvani) is Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Annamacharya was a Telugu musician, India's national public radio broadcaster. (a) Indo-Saracenic (b) Maru-Gurjara
composer, and a Hindu saint. The Sri It was owned by the Ministry of (c) Greco-Roman (d) Sharqi
Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh. and 179 dialects. region of Rajasthan and Gujarat, blending
Q.2030. Which is the only surviving Q.2033. Who was the Indian Buddhist regional traditions with elements of
specimen of the ancient Sanskrit theatre monk who is credited with the Hindu, Jain, and Mughal architecture.
recognised by UNESCO as a Masterpiece development of many ancient martial art The term "Maru" refers to the desert
of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of forms in the 5th century? region (Marwar) of Rajasthan, and
Humanity? SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift) "Gurjara" refers to the region of Gujarat,
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift) (a) Bodhidharma (b) Paramartha highlighting the cultural influence from
(a) Bhavai (b) Kutiyattam (c) Atisa (d) Bodhiruchi both areas.
(c) Kathakali (d) Yakshagana
Sol.2033.(a) Bodhidharma. He was a Q.2037. Sashastra Seema Bal is the lead
Sol.2030.(b) Kutiyattam. It blends semi-legendary Buddhist monk who lived intelligence unit for the_________and
Sanskrit classicism with Kerala's local during the 5th or 6th century CE. In Indian Bhutan borders and the coordinating
traditions, featuring expressive eye philosophy, he is commonly considered agency for national security activities.
movements (neta abhinaya) and the founder of Chan Buddhism in China. Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
gestures (hasta abhinaya). Traditionally, It was later known as Zen in Japan. (a) Nepal (b) Myanmar
it is performed in Kuttampalams, Bodhidharma is also credited with (c) Pakistan (d) Bangladesh
theaters found in Hindu temples. founding the famous Shaolin school of
Sol.2037.(a) Nepal. Sashastra Seema
Chinese martial arts. He is known as a
Q.2031. The UIDAI is under the Bal (SSB) was established as the Special
Tripitaka Dharma Master.
jurisdiction of which of the following Service Bureau in May 1963.
ministries? Q.2034. In which of the following regions Headquarter - New Delhi. Motto - Service,
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift) of India is the Mundari language spoken? Security and Brotherhood. The Border
(a) Ministry of Electronics and SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift) Security Force (BSF) is responsible for
Information Technology (a) Chota-Nagpur plateau the Bangladesh and Pakistan borders,
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs (b) Baghelkhand while the Indo-Tibetan Border Police
(c) Ministry of Education (c) Thar desert (ITBP) oversees the border with China.
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Q.2038. Which geostationary weather Q.2042. What was the style of Shantiniketan institute in ___________.
satellite launched by the European Space architecture used in Laxmi Vilas Palace SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning)
Agency in 1977 that provides weather of Vadodara, Gujarat ? (a) 1905 (b) 1901 (c) 1903 (d) 1899
imaging of Earth at both visible light and Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
infrared wavelengths? (a) Indo-Islamic (b) Hindu Temple Sol.2047.(b) 1901. Santiniketan literally
Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2) (c) Indo-Saracenic (d) Mughal means “abode of peace” in Bengali.
(a) Himawari (b) Meteosat Q.2048.Which of the following is NOT a
(c) QuikSCAT (d) Landsat Sol.2042.(c) Indo-Saracenic. Laxmi Vilas
Palace of Vadodara was built by family in classification of Modern Indian
Sol.2038.(b) Meteosat - The first Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III in 1890. Languages ?
European geostationary weather satellite, SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Evening)
launched in November 1977 by the Q.2043. Rani - Ki - Vav (the Queen's (a) Indo - European (b) Sino - Tibetan
European Space Agency (ESA). stepwell) is situated on the banks of (c) Indo - African (d) Dravidian
Himawari is a Japanese weather satellite which river ?
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning) Sol.2048.(c) Indo-african. People of
series. QuikSCAT was a NASA satellite India speak a large number of languages
that measured ocean winds. Landsat is a (a) Ganga (b) Yamuna
(c) Krishna (d) Saraswati which are broadly divided into the
series of Earth observation satellites following four families: Indo-European
focused on land use, geology, and natural Sol.2043.(d) Saraswati. Rani-ki-Vav Family (Arya), Dravidian Family (Dravida),
resources, not specifically weather (UNESCO World Heritage Site) - Its Austric Family (Nishada), and Sino
imaging. construction is attributed to Udayamati Tibetan Family (Kirata).
Q.2039. ________ is a mode of (the spouse of the 11th-century
Chaulukya king Bhima - 1) in Patan Q.2049. Who hosted the first meeting of
communication in itself, and it also
(Gujarat). It is on the new 100 rupee note India-Central Asia Summit?
regulates the use of other means of SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(coloured Lavender).
communication. (a) India (b) Kyrgyzstan
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Q.2044. The famous Sheesh Mahal in (c) Kazakhstan (d) Tajikistan
(a) Television (b) Phone Punjab was built by which of the
(c) Satellite (d) Radio following rulers? Sol.2049.(a) India. Prime Minister Shri
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning) Narendra Modi hosted the first meeting
Sol.2039.(c) Satellite. On the basis of of the India-Central Asia Summit on 27
configuration and purposes, satellite (a) Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh
Remote Sensing Satellite System (IRS, Sol.2044.(c) Maharaja Narinder Singh. fired from _____.
established in 1988). A communication Sheesh Mahal - It is located in Patiala SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (1st Shift)
satellite is an artificial satellite that (a) Rutland Island, Andaman
amplifies and relays radio signals (b) Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh
between a transmitter and receiver on Q.2045. How many UNESCO Natural (c) Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Earth. Notable communication satellites: World Heritage sites are there in India? (d) Chandipur, Odisha
GSAT-31; GSAT-7A; GSAT-11; EDUSAT. SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) Seven (b) Four (c) Six (d) Five Sol.2050.(d) Chandipur, Odisha.
Q.2040. Who among the following Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles -
designed the India Gate ? Sol.2045.(a) Seven. UNESCO (United Ashwin, Sagarika, K-4 and K-5. Surface
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Nations Educational, Scientific and -to-surface Missiles - Prithvi I, Prithvi II,
(a) Lord Wavell (b) Lord Dalhousie Cultural Organization) World Heritage Agni (I - V), Dhanush, Prahar and Shaurya
(c) Edwin Lutyens (d) John Nash Convention which was established in (Medium-Range Ballistic Missile).
Sol.2040.(c) Edwin Lutyens. India Gate Q.2051. The world's highest motorable
was constructed in 1931. The India Gate Q.2046. Lomas Rishi cave is situated in road passes through_________pass in
is a war memorial located astride the which of the following Hills? India, as of 2022.
Kartavya path (formerly Raj path) on the SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning) SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (4th Shift)
eastern edge of the ‘ceremonial axis’ of (a) Vindhyas Hills (b) Barabar Hills (a) Khunjerab (b) Rohtang
New Delhi. (c) Aravali Hills (d) Satpura Hills (c) Dihang (d) Umling La
Q.2041. The Rajgir Zoo is located in Sol.2046.(b) Barabar Hills (Bihar). It was Sol.2051.(d) Umling La. It connects
which of the following states? constructed by emperor Ashoka for the Chisumle and Demchok village. The
SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (2nd shift) use of Ajivaka. Buddhist, Hindu and Jain Border Roads Organization (BRO) has
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Madhya Pradesh sculptures are also found there. It constructed the road at an altitude of
(c) Gujarat (d) Bihar includes four caves - Lomas Rishi Caves, 19,300 feet. Highest motorable roads in
Sudama caves, Vishwakarma Caves, and India - Dungri La (Uttarakhand,18,406 ft),
Sol.2041.(d) Bihar. Zoos in India : Sri Karan Chaupar caves. The Barabar Hill Marsimik La (Jammu & Kashmir, 18,314
Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens Caves are the oldest surviving rock-cut ft), Donkia La (Sikkim,18,045 ft), Photi La,
(Karnataka), Nandankanan Zoological caves in India. (Jammu & Kashmir - 18,124 ft), Khardung
Park (Odisha), Rajiv Gandhi Zoological La (Jammu & Kashmir - 17,583 ft) etc.
Park (Maharashtra). Q.2047. Rabindranath Tagore started
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Q.2052. Market Based Economic inaugurated in Hyderabad in the memory SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Dispatch (MBED) Mechanism is related of ________ . (a) The Altai Railway
with which of the following ministry? SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (2nd Shift) (b) The Amur Railways
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) Saint Ramanujacharya (c) Trans - Baikal Railway
(a) Ministry of Power (b) Swami Vivekananda (d) Trans - Siberian Railways
(b) Ministry of Corporate Affairs (c) Swami Dayananda
(c) Ministry of Finance (d) Shri Ravi Das Sol.2060.(d) The Trans-Siberian Railway
(d) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium is the longest railway system connecting
Enterprises Sol.2056.(a) Saint Ramanujacharya. St. Petersburg in Western Russia to
Statue of Equality: Height - 216 feet. Vladivostok on the Pacific coast. India's
Sol.2052.(a) The Ministry of Power. The Material - Panchaloha. Statue of Unity - longest distance train (Vivek Express -
Electricity Act, 2003 - An Act to Tallest statue in world - 182 meters - Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari-4189 km).
consolidate the laws relating to Located in Kevadia, Narmada District,
generation, transmission, distribution, Gujarat. Swami Vivekanand Statue - 33 ft Q.2061. At present, the Grand Trunk
trading and use of electricity. tall - Ranchi Jharkhand. Road extends from___________ in India.
SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Q.2053. Intermediate Range Ballistic Q.2057. Chandigarh International Airport (a) Kashmir to Kanyakumari
Missile Agni-4 has been successfully test has been renamed as__________ (b) Amritsar to Kolkata
fired in _________. SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (4th Shift) (c) Chennai to Kolkata
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) Manmohan Singh International (d) Agra to Kolkata
(a) Pokhran Firing Range, Rajasthan Airport
(b) Neil Island, Andaman and Nicobar (b) Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Sol.2061.(b) Amritsar to Kolkata. Grand
Islands Airport Trunk Road was built by Sher Shah Suri in
(c) Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh (c) Guru Gobind Singh International the 16th century. National Highway 1 is
known as Sher Shah Suri Marg.
(d) APJ Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha Airport
(d) Rajguru International Airport Q.2062. Which city is called the
Sol.2053.(d) APJ Abdul Kalam Island,
Odisha. The Agni-IV (range 4000 Km) is a Sol.2057.(b) Shaheed Bhagat Singh ‘Manchester of India’?
two-stage surface-to-surface missile. It International Airport (Chandigarh, SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift)
has been developed by DRDO (Defence Punjab). Guru Gobind Singh Airport (a) Ludhiana (b) Visakhapatnam
Research and Development (Maharashtra). Amritsar International (c) Hyderabad (d) Ahmedabad
Organisation). Airport renamed as Sri Guru Ram Das Sol.2062.(d) Ahmedabad - Boston of
Jee International Airport (Amritsar, East' . Visakhapatnam - City of Destiny,.
Q.2054. Which among the following is a Punjab). Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
surface-to-surface missile of India? Jaipur - Pink City. Surat - Silk City of India,
International Airport (Kolkata). Bharat Diamond City of India. Akola - Cotton City
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (3rd Shift) Ratna Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(a) Javelin (b) AIM-120 AMRAAM of India. Coorg (Karnataka) - Scotland of
International Airport (Nagpur,
implemented in India? (a) 1930s (b) 1910s (c) 1920s (d) 1900s
Organisation} is a ballistic missile SSC CGL Tier II 07/03/2023
developed under the Integrated Guided (a) 2015 (b) 2004 (c) 2013 (d) 2010 Sol.2063.(c) 1920s. The Imperial Record
Missile Development Programme Department (Now- The National Archives
(IGMDP). On October 27, 2021, (test fired Sol.2058.(c) 2013. "None of the above" of India) was set up on 11 March 1891 in
on) the country celebrated 75th infantry (NOTA): It does not hold any electoral Calcutta (Kolkata). In 1926 the
day. The missiles developed under value, it allows the voter to indicate Department was shifted into its new
IGMDP (established in 1983) are Prithvi, disapproval of all of the candidates, it building in New Delhi. It is the biggest
Agni, Trishul, Akash, Nag. does not provide for a ‘right to reject’. archival repository in South Asia.
Q.2055. The S-400 Triumf (Russian for Q.2059. When was 'Vayudoot' airline Q.2064. Which of the following
Triumph) Missile System is _____ missile setup in India? statements is/are true about the
defence system designed in Russia. SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (1st Shift) communication development in India?
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift) (a) 1981 (b) 1991 (c) 1971 (d) 1969 A. TV services began in India before
(a) air - to - underwater Independence.
(b) surface - to - air Sol.2059.(a) 1981. The airline was
headquartered at New Delhi's Safdarjung B. TV was delinked from All India Radio.
(c) surface - to - surface C. Doordarshan got a separate identity in
(d) air - to - air Airport. It ceased operations on 1 April
1997. Air India (J.R.D Tata , 1932,). 1976.
Sol.2055.(b) surface - to - air. This Kingfisher airlines (Vijay Mallya, 2003, SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning)
System is an anti-aircraft missile defence Ceased operations: 20 October 2012). (a) Only C (b) Both A and B
system developed by Russia's Almaz (c) Both A and C (d) Both B and C
Central Design Bureau. Q.2060. The railway system connecting
St - Petersburg to Vladivostok is Sol.2064.(d) Both B and C. Television
Q.2056. “Statue of Equality” has been _________. started in India on September 15, 1959.
in 2001, is a multi-genre choir, which won SpaceX for NASA’s manned mission to
and Nicobar )}. the International Space Station?
the reality TV show India's Got Talent in
Q.2066. What was the former name of 2010. SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
the Yamuna Expressway Project (a) Crew Centaurus (b) Crew Dragon
constructed in Uttar Pradesh, India? Q.2071. In which year was the ‘Lotteries (c) Crew Shark (d) Crew Aries
SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Evening) Regulation Act’ passed?
SSC CGL 11/04/2022(Morning) Sol.2076.(b) Crew Dragon is the name of
(a) Purvanchal Expressway the spacecraft developed by SpaceX for
(b) Taj Expressway (a) 1998 (b) 1993 (c) 1999 (d) 1991
Q.2067. Which of the following is the Q.2072. Which of the following is an (a) Lion (b) Horse (c) Tiger (d) Elephant
first six-lane expressway in India? indigenous dairy breed of cattle?
Expressway Sol.2072.(a) Red Sindhi is a reputed heat Q.2078. Unique Transaction Reference
(c) Mumbai–Pune Expressway tolerant milch cattle breed originating number is a ______ character code used
(d) Yamuna Expressway from Sindh province of Pakistan. The to uniquely identify a transaction in the
Chippiparai is a breed of sighthound RTGS system.
Sol.2067.(c) Mumbai Pune Expressway. SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Morning)
Purvanchal Expressway (Lucknow- from Tamil Nadu in southern India. The
Kanni is a rare indigenous South Indian (a) 17 (b) 34 (c) 22 (d) 45
Ghazipur).Yamuna Expressway (Noida to
Agra). sighthound breed of dog. The Kombai or Sol.2078.(c) 22. Unique Transaction
Polygar dog is a breed of sighthound Reference number used to uniquely
Q.2068. The Barabati Fort is situated in native to Tamil Nadu. identify a transaction in the RTGS
the city of. system. It is used to identify a specific
SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Evening) Q.2073. ______ is one of the languages in
which the denomination is printed on the bank transaction in India. All banks in
(a) Guwahati (b) Cuttack India use UTR numbers for all types of
(c) Madurai (d) Raipur reverse of a contemporary Indian
currency note. money transfers.
Sol.2068.(b) Cuttack. More Forts in SSC CGL 13/04/2022(Afternoon) Q.2079. Who among the following was
Odisha: Chudanga Gada Fort (a) Burmese (b) Sinhala the founder of Homeopathy?
(Bhubaneswar), Raibania Fort (Baleswar (c) Nepali (d) Dzongkha SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Afternoon)
district), Sisupalgarh Fort (a) Samuel Hahnemann
(Bhubaneswar), Asurgarh Fort (Kalahandi Sol.2073.(c) Nepali. Sinhala, is an Indo -
Aryan language primarily spoken by the (b) FG Hopkins
district), Potagarh Fort. Gulbarga Fort - (c) Robert Koch
Karnataka. Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka.
(d) Selman Waksman
Q.2074. Who among the following was a
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Sol.2079.(a) Samuel Hahnemann Q.2085. In which year was the Marine Sol.2090.(b) Vandana Shiva. Navdanya
espoused the law of cure known as Products Export Development Authority is an Indian-based non-governmental
"Similia Similibus Curentur", or "Like (MPEDA) established in India? organization that promotes biodiversity
Cures Like". SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Evening) conservation, biodiversity, organic
(a) 1948 (b) 1974 (c) 1947 (d) 1972 farming, the rights of farmers, and the
Q.2080. SIMBEX is a military exercise process of seed saving.
conducted between the defense forces Sol.2085.(d) 1972. The Marine Products
of which of the following nations? Export Development Authority (MPEDA) Q.2091. How many windows are there on
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Afternoon) is a statutory body that was established the outside walls of Hawa Mahal of
(a) India and Thailand under the Ministry of Commerce and Jaipur?
(b) India and Singapore Industry for the promotion of the export SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Evening)
(c) India and the US of marine products from India. (a) 965 (b) 964 (c) 953 (d) 973
(d) India and Sri Lanka
Q.2086. Since 2000, Euro norms are Sol.2091.(c) 953. Hawa Mahal of Jaipur
Sol.2080.(b) India and Singapore. India followed in India under the name ______ was designed by Lal Chand Ustad.
and Thailand (Maitree, CORPAT), India Stage Emission Standards for four
and the US (Vajra Prahar, Yudh Abhyas), wheeled vehicles. Q.2092. In which color are the railway
India and Sri Lanka (Mitra Shakti). SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Afternoon) lines and telephone lines shown in the
(a) Bharat (b) Jagat topographic map?
Q.2081. Who among the following is the (c) India (d) Hindustan SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
founder of the field of psychoanalysis? (a) Blue (b) Yellow (c) Black (d) Red
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Morning) Sol.2086.(a) Bharat. Vehicle emission
(a) Carl Jung (b) Kai T Erikson norms were introduced in India in 1991 Sol.2092.(c) Black - Railroads,
(c) Jean Piaget (d) Sigmund Freud for petrol and in 1992 for diesel vehicles. boundaries, telephone lines. Brown -
Topographic contours. Blue - Lakes,
Sol.2081.(d) Sigmund Freud. Carl Jung - Q.2087. When was the Editors Guild of streams, irrigation ditches and other
Founded analytical psychology. Kai T India founded? hydrographic features Red - Land grids
Erikson - specializing in the social SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Morning) and important roads.
consequences of catastrophic events. (a) 1982 (b) 1978 (c) 1956 (d) 1989
Jean Piaget - Worked on child Q.2093. Which of the following was
development. Sol.2087.(b) 1978. It was established previously known as 'the Lady Willingdon
maximum dimensions in this species are (a) Durgapur (b) Jabalpur 1936.
a length of 1.44 m (4.7 ft) and a (c) Jamshedpur (d) Hirapur
Q.2083. ‘Oolong’ is a variant of ______. Steel Authority of India Limited is an SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) integrated steel plant located at Hirapur (a) 9001 (b) 22000 (c) 14001 (d) 27001
(a) jute (b) tea (c) rubber (d) coffee (later to be called Burnpur) in the
Asansol subdivision of Paschim Sol.2094.(c) 14001. ISO 22000 - It is an
Sol.2083.(b) Tea. Oolong - It is a Bardhaman district, West Bengal. international standard for food safety
traditional semi-oxidized Chinese tea. It established by the International
is made from the leaves of the Camellia Q.2089. Where is the Rumi Darwaza Organization for Standardization.
Sinensis plant. The same plant is used to located?
make Green tea and Black tea. SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Evening) Q.2095. Who designed the logo for
(a) Lucknow (b) Gwalior Lokpal in India?
Q.2084. Hakki, Pikki and Siddi are (c) Agra (d) Bhopal SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Morning)
_________ from Karnataka. (a) Deepak Punia (b) Prashant Mishra
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Morning) Sol.2089.(a) Lucknow. It is an imposing (c) Kamareddy (d) B.P.Raju
(a) language (b) Theater form gateway that was built by Nawab
(c) Music type (d) dance form Asaf-Ud-Daula in 1784. Sol.2095.(b) Prashant Mishra. The logo
of Lokpal: LOK - people and PAL -
Sol.2084.(a) Language. Q.2090. In the context of forest caretaker, i.e. "caretaker of people”.
These languages are critically conservation, Navadanya Movement was
endangered in Karnataka. Hakki, Pikki founded in 1987 by ______.
and Siddi is a mix of Konkani, Kannada SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
and Hindi. Kannada is the official (a) Medha Patkar (b) Vandana Shiva
language of Karnataka. (c) Baba Amte (d) Pandurang Hegde
through that access. architecture. Pyramids - Ancient Egypt.
Q.2. The Iron Age site named Tekwada is SSC MTS 11/11/2024 (1st Shift)
located in _________. Q.10. Select the correct alternative on
(a) wooden (b) sandstone
the basis of the given statements on the
SSC MTS 17/10/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) mud (d) iron
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra cities of Harappan civilisation.
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu Sol.5.(a) wooden. Statement I: Most of the Harappan cities
Mohenjo-Daro, discovered by R.D. Banerji were divided into two parts: Higher Town
Sol.2.(b) Maharashtra. The Iron Age is a in 1922, is located on the right bank of and Lower Town.
time period when iron became the the Indus River in southern Pakistan. Statement II: The archaeologists
primary material for tools and weapons. describe the lower part of the towns as
Some Iron Age sites in India: Hallur Q.6. In which Harappan site was a paved Citadel.
2. The ceramic associated with this age Mohenjodaro include the bronze statue Sol.10.(c) Only Statement I is true. The
was Painted Grey Ware. of a dancing girl, the sculpture of a Harappan cities were typically structured
3. The Indus Valley Civilization flourished bearded priest, and the Great Granary. into two distinct sections. The part to the
during the Iron Age. west was generally smaller in area but
Q.7. At which of the following places in
SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (3rd Shift) higher in elevation, which archaeologists
the Indus valley civilisation a brick
(a) Only 2 and 3 (b) Only 1 and 2 refer to as the Citadel. In contrast, the
structure has been identified as a
(c) All 1, 2 and 3 (d) Only 1 section to the east was larger in size but
dockyard meant for berthing ships and
lower in elevation, commonly known as
Sol.3.(b) Only 1 and 2. The Indus Valley handling cargo ?
the Lower Town.
Civilization flourished during the Bronze Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Age, not the Iron Age. The civilisations (a) Mohanjodaro (b) Dhaulavira Q.11. Fire altars were found in which of
that flourished during the Iron Age were (c) Rakhigarhi (d) Lothal the following groups of Harappan cities?
Greece, Rome, Persia and India. SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Sol.7.(d) Lothal (Gujarat). Location: Bank
(a) Kalibangan and Lothal
Q.4. Which of the following statements is of the Bhogwa River. Features : Evidence
(b) Banawali and Chanhudaro
correct ? of the earliest cultivation of rice, Served
(c) Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa
SSC MTS 04/11/2024 (3rd Shift) as a seaport for the Indus Valley people.
(d) Mohenjo-Daro and Dholavira
(a) Harappan culture spread only to
Q.8. In Harappa, the granary had rows of
Sindh and Punjab. Sol.11.(a) Kalibangan and Lothal.
_________ brick platforms for threshing
(b) The script of the Harappan culture Findings of different Indus valley
the grains.
has been deciphered by historians. civilization sites : Kalibangan - Lower
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
(c) At burials in Harappan sites the dead fortified town, Boustrophedon style,
(a) diagonal (b) spherical
were generally laid in pits. Wooden drainage, Copper Ox, Evidence
(c) rectangular (d) circular
(d) Granaries in the Indus Valley of earthquake, Wooden plough, Camel’s
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bone. Lothal - Port Town, Evidence of monument. Type - Clairn Circles type of Q.20. In which of the following sites of
Rice, Graveyard, Ivory scale, Copper dog. Megalith (grave/memorial) were the jadeite stone was found?
Mohenjo-Daro - Prepared Garments, stone pieces set in a circular shape SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Temple-like Palace, Pashupati seal, around the grave. Menhir (standing (a) Mahagara (b) Mehrgarh
Statue of a dancing girl, The Great Bath, stone), Capstone (Single megaliths (c) Hallur (d) Daojali Hading
The Great Granary etc. placed horizontally over burial
chambers), Dolmen (A large capstone on Sol.20.(d) Daojali Hading - A neolithic
Q.12. Which of the following statements two or more support stones creating a site in Dima Hasao District of Assam.
is true about the Great Bath of the Indus chamber). Megalith Sites - Nilaskal Situated near Brahmaputra valley close
Valley Civilisation ? (Karnataka), Hanamsagar (Karnataka), to routes leading into China and
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Junapani (Maharashtra), Hire Benakal Myanmar.
(a) It was used for grain storage. (Karnataka), etc. Q.21. Which of the following metals was
(b) It was used for farming.
used to make weapons and tools in
(c) It was used as the water tank of the Q.16. Cotton was probably grown at
Harappan cities?
city. Mehrgarh from about ________.
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(d) It was probably used for religious SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
(a) Silver (b) Gold (c) Copper (d) Iron
purpose. (a) 7000 years ago (b) 8000 years ago
(c) 6000 years ago (d) 5000 years ago Sol.21.(c) Copper was the first metal
Sol.12.(d) "Great bath" is a public water
used in Indus Valley (Bronze Age
tank located in Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan). Sol.16.(a) 7000 years ago. It is the
civilization) to make tools, utensils, and
It was a large rectangular tank in a oldest agricultural settlement in the
other objects. Other metals used were
courtyard surrounded by a corridor on all Indian subcontinent.
lead, gold, bronze and silver.
four sides. There were two flights of
steps on the north and south leading into Q.17. Which of the following Harappan
Q.22. The Harappan brought Gold from
town was located on Khadir Beyt in the
the tank, which was made watertight by present-day _______ in India.
setting bricks on edge and using a Runn of Kutch and was divided into three
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (4th Shift)
mortar of gypsum. There were rooms on (a) Telangana (b) Tamil Nadu
three sides, in one of which was a large SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(c) Karnataka (d) Kerala
(a) Sotka - koh (b) Chanhudaro
(c) Surkotada (d) Dholavira Sol.22.(c) Karnataka. Gold ornaments
Q.13. Which of the following Indus Valley
civilization (Bronze Age) is also called Brought from present-day Gujarat, Iran
Joshi, located in northeast Bhuj in
the Harappan culture. Other Important and Afghanistan.
Gujarat. Chanhudaro: Discovered in 1931
Sites : Sutkagendor (Dast river,
Stone Age. which means possessing or having
Sol.31.(d) Vanaprastha, where a person
cows. Gotra : It refers to people who are
Q.27. Which of the following is a handed over household responsibilities
to the next generation, took an advisory descendants of a common ancestor
Palaeolithic site of archaeological
role, and gradually withdrew from the through their father's side. Gaveshana:
importance in India?
world. The four stages of the ashrama This means "search for cows," but it can
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Afternoon)
system are : Brahmacharya (Student's also refer to battle.
(a) Chirand (b) Burzahom
(c) Hunasagi (d) Mehrgarh life), Grihastha (household life), Q.36. How many Mandalas were in Rig
Vanaprastha (retired life), Sannyasa
Vedic Samhita?
Sol.27.(c) Hunasagi. Some Old Stone (renounced life). SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Age stone-cutting equipment has been
Q.32. The Vedangas are Hindu auxiliary (a) 11 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 20
found and kept in the Hunasagi Gram
Sol.28.(a) Shortughai was a trading post disciplines connected with studying the Sukta which explains the four Varnas
Vedas, the ancient Indian spiritual were born from the mouth, arms, thighs
Sol.40.(c) Rigveda (Book of Mantras). Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 (Shift - 4)
(a) Ardh-Magadha Prakrit (b) Prakrit (c) Rigveda (d) Samaveda
Dasarajna war was fought between King
(c) Persian (d) Sanskrit
Sudas of the Bharata tribe and a Sol.49.(c) Rigveda. The most commonly
confederation of ten tribes, including the Sol.45.(d) Sanskrit was the first used portion of the Sukta contains 24
Puru, Yadu, Turvasa, Anu, Druhyu, Alina,
Paktha, Bhalanas, Shiva, and Vishanin. na
language spoken in India. Ardhamagadhi
Prakrit was a Middle Indo-Aryan
mantras or stanzas. Purusha Suktam is
dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is
The battle took place on the banks of the language. Prakrit is a group of vernacular described as the great Purusha in the
Parushni (Ravi) river. Middle Indo-Aryan languages spoken in hymn. Purusha Suktam is one of the
India between the third and seventh Pancha Suktam (5 Suktams) – Purusha
Q.41. The main (chief) social unit of the Suktam, Vishnu Suktam, Sri Suktam, Bhu
century BCE.
Aryans was______ . Suktam, and Nila Suktam.
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift) Q.46. As per the Rigvedic or Early Vedic
(a) Rajan (b) Parishad (c) Gana (d) Jana Period (1500-1000 BC), who among the
following was a River Goddess?
consisting exclusively of Brahmins, Rajan Sol.46.(b) Sindhu. The seven rivers a) Makkhali Gosala was the prominent
- A kind of Chief or King. mentioned in the Rig-Veda - Sindhu teacher of this sect.
the birthplace of the first and fourth Jain SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
from among the following.
Tirthankaras. (a) Buddhism (b) Jainism
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) (c) Shaivism (d) Vaishnavism (a) ‘Sanchi Stupa’ is situated in Madhya
(a) Varanasi (b) Dwaraka
Sol.57.(a) Buddhism. The rulers of the Pradesh.
(c) Ayodhya (d) Gaya (b) ‘Bavikonda Stupa’ is situated in
Sailendra built many temples and
monuments, including the Borobudur Andhra Pradesh.
Sol.53.(c) Ayodhya is recognized as the
stupa, which is now a UNESCO World (c) ‘Dhamek Stupa’ is situated in Uttar
birthplace of the first (Rishabhdev) and
Buddhism Bali, and parts of modern-day Malaysia Uttar Pradesh near the town of Piprahwa,
and Thailand. close to the India-Nepal border, this site
Q.54. Which of the following describes is renowned for its archaeological
mounds prevalent in India from the vedic (c) Sanchi Stupa (d) Maha Stupa
(c) A low wall to enclose the structure
(d) The umbrella-shaped structure placed period. Stupas typically consist of Sol.63.(a) Kesariya Stupa (Bihar): It was
at the top of the structure several elements, including a circular discovered in 1958 during an excavation
base or platform, a hemispherical dome led by K.K Muhammed. Shanti Stupa
Sol.54.(a) All forms of Buddhist or Anda, a spire or Harmika, and a (Leh): It was built in 1991 by Japanese
architecture include three primary parasol or Chhatra. Sanchi Stupa in Buddhist Bhikshu Gyomyo Nakamura.
structures: vihara, stupa, and Madhya Pradesh is the most famous of
chaitya-griha. the Ashokan stupas. Q.64. Who among the following has
written the biography of Buddha,
Q.55. Which of the following statements Q.59. The tall sculptures on the Bharhut Buddhacharita ?
is/are correct in context of Buddhist Stupa are the depictions of ________. SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning)
architecture? Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1) (a) Ashvaghosha (b) Nagarjuna
i. The Uddeshika stupa was created as a (a) Mahavira (b) Yakshas and Yakshinis (c) Vasumitra (d) Charaka
memorial. (c) Buddha (d) Bodhisattvas
ii. Paribhogika stupa contained the Sol.64.(a) Ashvaghosha. He was the
buried bodily remains of Buddh. Sol.59.(b) Yakshas and Yakshinis. court poet of king Kanishka. Other
iii. Bharhut stupa is situated in Uttar (nature spirits in Indian mythology linked writers and books: Nagarjuna -
Pradesh. to prosperity and fertility). These figures Mulamadhyamakakarika. Vasumitra -
SSC MTS 15/10/2024 (3rd Shift) symbolize the connection between the Mahavibhasa. Charaka - Charaka
(a) Only i and ii (b) i, ii and iii spiritual and natural worlds and Samhita.
(c) Only i and iii (d) Only i showcase the integration of local
traditions into Buddhist art. Q.65. Which is the oldest Stupa of the
Sol.55.(a) Only i and ii. Bharhut stupa Buddhist Period?
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SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (2nd Shift) rainy season. Important Buddhist viharas I. Gautama Buddha belonged to a small
(a) Dhamek Stupa (b) Mahabodhi Stupa - Ajanta, Ellora. Nasik, Karle, Kanheri, gana known as the Sakya gana and was
(c) Kesariya Stupa (d) Sanchi Stupa Bagh. a Kshatriya.
II. Gautama Buddha passed away at
Sol.65.(d) Sanchi Stupa was built by the Q.70. Buddha meditated for days on end Kusinara.
Mauryan emperor Ashoka in the 3rd under a peepal tree at _____ where he SSC MTS 20/07/2022 (Morning)
century BC in Madhya Pradesh. It was attained enlightenment. (a) Only I (b) Neither I nor II
declared a world heritage site by SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) Only II (d) Both I and II
UNESCO in 1989. (a) Sarnath (b) Bodh Gaya
(c) Kushinagar (d) Ujjain Sol.74.(d) Both I and II. Important places
Q.66. _______ was the first woman to be related to the life of Buddha are - Birth
ordained as a bhikkhuni in Buddhism. Sol.70.(b) Bodh Gaya. Gautam Buddha (Lumbini); Enlightenment (Bodh Gaya at
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift) (Siddharta, Sakyamuni & Tathagata). Bihar); His first Sermon also known as
(a) Dhammananda Bhikkhuni Father: Suddhodana, Mother: Mayadevi. Dharma-Chakra-Pravartana (Sarnath); His
(b) Sujata Birth Place (563 B.C.): Lumbini (Nepal), death or Mahaparinirvana in Kushinagara
(c) Mahapajapati Gotami Capital of Sakya republic. Teachers: (Pali: Kusinārā), Uttar Pradesh.
(d) Sanghamitta Alarakalama and UdrakaRamputra.
Enlightenment : At age of 35 under the Q.75. The earliest Buddhist texts were
Sol.66.(c) Mahapajapati Gotami. Peepal tree at Uruvela (Bodhgaya) on written in:
Sanghamitta was an Indian Buddhist nun banks of river Niranjana (Falgu). SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
and the eldest daughter of Ashoka. Mahaparinirvana (483 B.C.): At (a) Pali (b) Apabhramsha
Sujata fed Gautama Buddha a bowl of Kushinagar at age of 80. Sign:- Lotus and (c) Prakrit (d) Sanskrit
kheera, a milk-rice pudding, ending his Bull - Birth, Horse - Renunciation, Bodhi
six years of asceticism. Venerable Sol.75.(a) Pali. Pali canon, also called
Tree - Enlightenment, Dhammachakra
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni is the first fully Tipitaka (Pali: “Triple Basket”), is the
Pravartana (Sarnath) - First sermon.
ordained Theravadin nun in Thailand. complete canon, first recorded in Pali, of
Q.71. What was the pedestrian path for the Theravada (“Way of the Elders”)
Q.67. With reference to Buddhist devotees to wave in homage to Stupa branch of Buddhism.
architecture, what does chaitya mean? called in Buddhist architecture?
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Afternoon) Q.76. The ‘Gandhara’ School of Art was
SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) Buddha Relics influenced by the art from which of the
(a) Medhi (b) Torana (c) Anda (d) Chattra
Sol.84.(d) Only I. Mahapadma Nanda reign of the Mauryan king, _________.
Purushapura), Kamboj (Rajapura), established the Nanda dynasty in Eastern SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Asmaka (Paithan/Pratisthan), Vajji Magadha. He established Pataliputra (a) Shatadhanvan
(Vaishali), Malla (Kusinara). (Patna, Bihar) as his kingdom's capital. (b) Bindusara
Q.80. Kosala Mahajanapada (6th century (c) Ashoka
BCE) is a part of modern day: Mauryan Dynasty (d) Chandragupta Maurya
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift) Sol.88.(b) Bindusara also known as
(a) Maharashtra (b) Haryana Q.85. With reference to the city
(Vatsa), Malwa and Madhya Pradesh C) City administration was well planned. Rock Edicts of Ashoka is the Kalinga war
(Avanti), Rawalpindi (Gandhara), North Which of the above statements is/are mentioned?
Bihar (Vajji), Jaipur (Matsya), Meerut and correct? SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Haryana (Kuru), Western Uttar Pradesh SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon) (a) XII (b) X (c) XIII (d) XI
-West Frontier Province (Kamboja), Sol.85.(c) A, B, C. The Mauryan Empire, Ashoka discusses the Kalinga War,
Banks of Godavari (Asmaka or Assaka), founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 321 expressing remorse for the loss of life
Deoria and Uttar Pradesh (Malla). BCE, was the first major empire in India. and suffering it caused. It announces his
It stretched from the Oxus Valley to the conversion to Buddhism and
Q.81. Iron mines in Jharkhand attributed Kaveri Delta, covering most of the commitment to non-violence,
to the rise of which of the following subcontinent, with its capital at highlighting the importance of Dharma
kingdoms in ancient India? Pataliputra, a city fortified with 64 gates (righteous living). Major Rock Edict XII:
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift) and 570 towers. Megasthenes, a Greek Deals with Ashoka's tolerance and
(a) Kuru (b) Magadha (c) Kashi (d) Kushan historian, documented India in his work respect for other religions. Major Rock
Indica. Edict X : Discusses Ashoka's duties as a
Sol.81.(b) Magadha.
ruler and his commitment to Dharma.
Q.86. Which of the following edicts of
Q.82. Magadha Mahajanapada was Major Rock Edict XI : Explains the
King Ashoka describes the Kalinga war?
surrounded by the rivers______. principles of Dharma and moral conduct.
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) Rock edict XIII (b) Pillar edict III Q.90. Who among the following generally
(a) Ganga and Jhelum (c) Rock edict II (d) Pillar edict IV used to head the provincial
(b) Ganga and Yamuna
administration under the Mauryas?
(c) Ganga and Son Sol.86.(a) Rock edict XIII. The Edicts of
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(d) Ganga and Ghaghara Ashoka, issued during his reign
(a) Dandapala (b) Kumara
(268–232 BCE), are inscriptions on
Sol.82.(c) Ganga and Son. Magadha (c) Samaharta (d) Prashasti
pillars, boulders, and caves. Key edicts
became the most powerful among the include Pillar Edict I, emphasizing Sol.90.(b) Kumara. The 18 Tirthas were
mahajanapadas in 6th Century AD due to protection of people, and Pillar Edict II, key officials in ancient administration,
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Pinnacle History
including roles like Mantrin (Chief Q.94. Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and Q.99. Who among the following Mauryan
Minister), Purohita (Priest), Senapati daughter Sanghmitra to spread the rulers was the first, who tried to convey
(Army Commander), Yuvaraja (Prince), message of Dhamma to which of the his messages to his subjects concerning
Dauvarika (Chief of Palace Attendants), following countries? the idea and practice of dhamma through
Antarvamsika (Chief of the King’s SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) inscriptions?
Guards), Prasasta (Magistrate), (a) Burma (b) China Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
Samahata (Collector General), (c) Afghanistan (d) Sri Lanka (a) Brihadaratha
Samnidhata (Chief Treasurer), and (b) Ashoka
Pradesta (Commissioner). Other roles Sol.94.(d) Sri Lanka. Ashoka (272 BCE (c) Dasaratha
included Nayak (Town Guard), Paur –232 BCE) was the third king of the (d) Chandragupta Maurya
(Town Chief), Karmanta (Mines Mauryan dynasty (Founder -
Superintendent), Dandpala (Army Chandragupta Maurya). Sol.99.(b) Ashoka was the third emperor
Officer), and Durgapala (Fort Guardian). of the Mauryan Dynasty. To propagate
Q.95. Bhabru-Bairat rock edicts mainly the policy of dhamma, he used the
Q.91. Which of the following was NOT depicting Ashokas' conversion to medium of edicts. These edicts were
one of the basic attributes of Ashokas' Buddhism are found in ___________. used to communicate between the King
Dhamma? Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1) (Ashoka) and his subjects. Few
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (a) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh inscriptions were addressed to the
(a) Political unification (b) Ahimsa (c) Bihar (d) Odisha Buddhist Samgha.
(c) Celibacy (d) Secularism Sol.95.(a) Rajasthan. Bhabru is the only
Q.100. Which of the following was a
inscription in the Boustrophedon script
Sol.91.(c) Celibacy. Ashoka's Dhamma, Ceylonese chronicle that acted as an
(bi-directional script from right to left and
as outlined in his Edicts, emphasized the important literary source of the Mauryan
left to right in an alternate line).
following basic attributes: Ahimsa empire?
(Non-violence), Secularism (Separation Q.96. Who requested the Syrian king to SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
of religion and state), Political unification send a Greek philosopher? (a) Indica (b) Mudrarakshas
(Unity and harmony among subjects). Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 4) (c) Mahavamsa (d) Arthasastra
(a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Bindusara
Q.92. Who among the following envoys Sol.100.(c) Mahavamsa - It was written
(c) Ashok (d) Kunal
was sent by Seleucus I to the court of by Mahanama in Pali language. Literary
Chandragupta Maurya? Sources of Mauryan Period:
ethnographer who authored the famous Q.97. Barabar Cave, famously known for SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening)
work “Indica”, providing valuable insights depicting Ashokas' inscription, is (a) Bindusara (b) Dasharatha
into the Mauryan Empire, including its situated at_______. (c) Ashoka (d) Chandragupta Maurya
administration, society, geography, and Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Sol.101.(d) Chandragupta Maurya: His
Q.93. Which of the following Ashokan the founder of the Mauryan Empire. He
(c) Gaya, Bihar
rock edicts declares prohibition of animal occupied Patliputra (Magadh Empire) in
(d) Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh
sacrifice ? 322 B.C by defeating Dhanananda of
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) Sol.97.(c) Gaya, Bihar. The Barabar Nanda Empire. During his tenure
(a) Major Rock Edict - IV Caves, located in the Makhdumpur Megasthenese (Greek Historian) visited
(b) Major Rock Edict - I region of Jehanabad district, Bihar, date India. He used to follow Jainism.
(c) Major Rock Edict - II back to the Mauryan period (3rd century
(d) Major Rock Edict - III Q.102. What was the function of an
BCE) and were built by Emperor Ashoka
officer called Samaharta?
for Ajivaka ascetics. The caves include
Sol.93.(b) Major Rock Edict - I. There are SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Karan Chaupar, Lomas Rishi, Sudama,
14 Major Rock Edicts of Ashoka in three (a) Reserve the state treasury
and Visvakarma Caves.
languages (Prakrit, Aramaic and Greek) (b) Tax assessment
and two scripts (Brahmi and Kharosthi). Q.98. Who among the following rulers (c) Security assurance
Major Rock Edicts: II - It mentions social was defeated in the battle for Pataliputra (d) To correspond
welfare under Dhamma. Major Rock by Chandragupta Maurya ?
Edict III - It declares that respect for Sol.102.(b) Tax assessment. Officers
Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
parents and for all living things, including during the Mauryan administration:
(a) Megasthenes (b) Dhana Nanda
Brahmanas and Sramanas, is a virtue. Shulkadhyaksha (Officer-in-charge of
(c) Seleucus Nicator (d) Elara
Major Rock Edict IV - Consideration and royal income), Koshadhyaksha (Treasury
non-violence to animals and courtesy to Sol.98.(b) Dhana Nanda. He was the last officer), Lakshanadhyaksha (Coin
relations. Major Rock Edict XIII - It ruler of the Nanda dynasty, and his minting), Rajjukas (Land measurer),
mentions Ashoka’s victory over Kalinga. defeat marked the establishment of the Yukta (Subordinate revenue officer),
Mauryan Empire in India. Sannidata (Treasury head),
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Panyadhyaksha (Office of commerce during the Mauryan empire? Q.112. Which of the following places
department). Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3) does not contain the major inscription of
(a) Brihat Samhita (b) Nitisara Ashoka ?
Q.103. Emperor Ashoka conquered (c) Shulba Sutra (d) Arthashastra SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon)
Kalinga after how many years of his (a) Girnar (b) Kandahar (c) Sanchi (d) Kalsi
coronation? Sol.107.(d) Arthashastra - It focused
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift) primarily on principles and practice of Sol.112.(c) Sanchi. It is a famous
(a) 5 years (b) 8 years statecraft, Written in the Sanskrit Buddhist site with several stupas and
(c) 11 years (d) 15 years language by Kautilya (Chanakya monasteries. Language used in Ashoka’s
/Vishnugupta), who was the Prime inscriptions - Prakrit. Ashoka's name is
Sol.103.(b) 8 years. Ashoka fought the Minister under Chandragupta Maurya’s only used in four of these locations:
Kalinga War in 261 BC. King Ashoka reign. Maski, Brahmagiri (Karnataka), Gujjara
(268 - 232 BC) was the third king of the (Madhya Pradesh) and Nettur (Andhra
Mauryan Empire. Q.108. Nagarjuni Caves were donated to Pradesh).
which of the following sects by
Q.104. How many classes of Indian Mauryans? Q.113. What was the purpose behind the
society are mentioned in Megasthenes Higher Secondary 28/06/2023 ( Shift - 2) Pillars of Ashoka?
book Indica? (a) Ajivika (b) Buddhism SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Morning)
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 ( 3rd shift) (c) Lokayat (d) Jainism (a) To spread bherighosha
(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 7 (b) To spread mass conversion
Sol.108.(a) Ajivika - It was founded by (c) To spread sectarian faith
Sol.104.(d) 7. They were Brahmins
Goshala Maskariputra. It is based on the (d) To spread the dharma policies
(upper class), Philosophers, Farmers,
philosophy that the affairs of the entire
Herders, Artisans, Military, Overseers, Sol.113.(d) To spread the dharma of
universe were ordered by a cosmic force
Councillors and Assessors. policies. Pillars are inscribed with edicts
called Niyati that determined all events,
including an individual’s fate. The seven by the 3rd Mauryan Emperor Ashoka the
Q.105. According to Kautilya's
caves were created by Mauryan time for Great (c. 268 to 232 BCE). There are
Arthashastra, the Commanding Officer of
the Ajivika Sect. seven pillar edicts. The Seventh Pillar
the cavalry in the Mauryan administration
Edict mentions Dhamma Mahamattas
was known as:
Q.109. As per the contents mentioned in and it is the longest pillar almost of all.
SSC CGL 24/07/2023( 4th shift)
Asokan inscriptions, how many major
(a) five (b) six (c) four (d) three SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Evening)
Mauryan Empire: Mantrin (Chief
(a) Barabar and Nagarjuni caves
Minister), Senapati (Commander-in
Sol.109.(a) Five. The five major political (b) Bagh Caves
-Chief), Yuvraj (Crown prince),
(Head of Police), Annapala (Head of food Amitrochates by the Greeks? Constructed by Emperor Ashoka for the
grains department), Pradeshika (District SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening) benefit of Ajivika ascetics. They were cut
administrator), Hastyadhyaksha (Chief (a) Samudragupta (b) Kanishka from a single solid granite block.
Commander of Elephant Corps), (c) Bindusara (d) Chandragupta Ⅰ
Rathadhyaksha (Chief Commander of Q.115. Somewhat before the time of the
Chariot Corps) and Nayaka (City security Sol.110.(c) Bindusara. He was the son of Mauryan empire, about _______ years
officer). Chandragupta Maurya and was the ago, emperors in China began building
second Mauryan emperor of India whose the Great Wall.
Q.106. The Mauryan pillar capital found reign from 297 - 273 BCE. SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
at _______ is popularly known as the Lion (a)1200 (b) 3500 (c) 2400 (d) 600
Capital. Q.111. There were several cities in the
Mauryan empire. Which of the following Sol.115.(c) 2400. Emperor Qin Shi
SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
cities was located on the southernmost Huang ordered construction of the Great
(a) Bhabru (b) Bairat
side? Wall around 221 B.C. It was meant to
(c) Sanchi (d) Sarnath
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Afternoon) protect the northern frontier of the
Sol.106.(d) Sarnath Lion Capital - (a) Girnar (b) Topra empire from pastoral people.
Erected by Ashoka (Around 250 BCE) in (c) Brahmagiri (d) Rupnath
commemoration of Dhammachakra Q.116. Pushyamitra, who was the
pravartana or the first sermon of Buddha. Sol.111.(c) Brahmagiri. The Maurya commander of Brihadratha, the last
The Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath is Empire: Founder - Chandragupta Maurya, Mauryan emperor, killed the king and
the Indian National Emblem. Capital - Pataliputra (modern Patna). established a new dynasty. Which of the
Three important rulers of the Mauryan following was his dynasty?
Q.107. Which of the following texts lays Empire - Chandragupta, his son SSC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023)
down minute details of the Bindusara, and Bindusara’s son, Ashoka. (a) Shunga (b) Kanva
administrative and military organisation (c) Satavahana (d) Chedi
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Sol.116.(a) Shunga Dynasty Founder - 'Kantakasodhana' was prevalent in the (a) Dandin (b) Bhavabhuti
Pushyamitra Sunga. Ruled - From 185 ______ Empire. (c) Kshemendra (d) Harisena
BCE to 73 BCE. Last Ruler - Devabhuti. SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Morning)
Kanva Dynasty Founder - Vasudeva (a) Kushana (b) Mauryan Sol.124.(d) Harisena. He was a Sanskrit
Kanva. Ruled - From 73 BCE to 28 BCE. (c) Chola (d) Rashtrakuta writer and poet in the court of
Last Ruler - Susarma. Satavahana Samudragupta. "Brihat Katha Kosh" is a
Dynasty Founder - Simuka . Famous Sol.120.(b) Mauryan Empire. It literally collection of ancient Indian folk tales and
Ruler - Gautamiputra Satakarni. means ‘removal of the thorns’ and was legends. Bhavabhuti is believed to be the
used in reference to criminal justice in court poet of King Yashovarman of
Q.117. Ashoka appointed ______ to solve ancient India. Kautilya also mentioned Kannauj. His famous plays are
the social problems in his region. the cases that are subject to Kantaka Mahaviracharita, Malatimadhava.
SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Shodhana in his book Arthashastra.
(a) samaharta (b) nyayadhish Q.125. Kalidasa was a famous poet in
(c) amatya (d) dhamma mahamatta Q.121. Who among the following the court of________.
published a set of Ashokan inscriptions Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Sol.117.(d) Dhamma Mahamatta. in 1877 ? (a) Kanishka
Tirthas: The highest category of officials SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) (b) Pushyamitra Shunga
in the administration. There were 18 (a) DC Sircar (c) Harshavardhana
Tirthas. Amatyas: High ranking officials (b) MS Vats (d) Chandragupta II
almost like present-day secretaries. The (c) Alexander Cunningham
important officials in the revenue (d) Colin Mackenzie Sol.125.(d) Chandragupta II, also known
department are Sannidhata: Chief as Vikramaditya, ruled from 380 to 415
treasury, Samaharta: collector general of Sol.121.(c) Alexander Cunningham. He CE and was a renowned patron of arts
revenue. Yuktas: Subordinate officers was the founder of the Archaeological and literature. Kalidasa's notable works,
Survey of India. such as "Abhijnanasakuntalam",
responsible for the Empire’s revenue.
Rajjukas: Officers in charge of land "Meghaduta", and "Raghuvamsa",
Gupta Dynasty showcase his mastery of Sanskrit
measurement and boundary-fixing.
Q.118. Which of the following
Q.122. Rudrasena II of which of the
statements is correct? Q.126. Harisena, the author of Prayag
following dynasties married
I. Most of Ashoka’s inscriptions were Prashasti, was the court poet of which of
Prabhavatigupta, the daughter of
found in different parts of India. Which of of the Gupta dynasty. They established
Q.127. Gupta emperor Chandragupta I
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning) (a) Gupta (b) Pallava
by the Buddhist monk Dataka. Caves in (a) Kalidasa (b) Ghatakarapara (c) Maurya (d) Pushyabhuti
India - Undavalli caves (Andhra Pradesh), (c) Vetala Bhatta (d) Amarasimha
Barabar Caves (Bihar), Badami Cave Sol.139.(a) Gupta dynasty. In Mehrauli
Temples (Karnataka), Udaygiri Caves Sol.134.(c) Vetala Bhatta. Nine jewels (Delhi) an iron pillar was constructed by
(Madhya Pradesh), Ajanta Caves and (Navratna) of Chandragupta II - the famous king Chandragupta II, India,
Ellora Caves (Maharashtra). Amarasimha, Dhanvantari, Harisena, notable for the rust-resistant
Kalidasa, Kshapanaka, Shanku, composition of the metal used in its
Q.130. The Vakataka dynasty was
(c) Samudra Gupta (d) Chandra Gupta II peace and relative inactivity. Q.140. Which of the following offices
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon) was NOT held by the poet Harishena?
Sol.130.(d) Chandra Gupta II. Vakataka (a) Chandragupta I (b) Skandagupta SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift)
ⅩⅦ, ⅩⅨ) are the best examples of Sol.135.(c) Chandragupta II (successor (c) Nagara-shreshthi
Vakataka excellence in the field of of Samudragupta). Kumaragupta I : He (d) Kumar-amatya
Q.131. In which period is the first Mahavihara in 5th century CE. His banker or merchant). Offices held by
inscriptional example of the practice of successor - Skandagupta. Poet Harishena: Maha-danda-Nayaka
Sati found? (Chief Judicial Officer), Kumar-amatya
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift) Q.136. Which king was shown on his (Important minister) and a sandhi -
(a) Maukhari (b) Vardhana coins as a Veena player? vigrahika (Minister of War and Peace).
(c) Satavahana (d) Gupta SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning)
(a) Ashoka Q.141. Fa Xian began his journey back
Sol.131.(d) Gupta. Practice of Sati has (b) Chandragupta Maurya home from which of the following Indian
been found in the Eran Pillar Inscription (c) Samudragupta state?
of Bhanugupta, Madhya Pradesh. Sati (d) Chandragupta I SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Movement : Raja Ram Mohan Roy (a) Bihar (b) Maharashtra
described ‘Sati’ as ‘murder’ according to Sol.136.(c) Samudragupta - He was a (c) Bengal (d) Odisha
every shastra. By his efforts, Bengal Sati ruler of the Gupta dynasty. On several of
Regulation Act was passed to criminalize his coins, he was depicted as seated on Sol.141.(c) Bengal. Fa-Xian (Chinese
the practice of Sati in 1829. a sofa and playing a Veena. He is known traveller) started his journey back home
as the Napoleon of India. He was given from Bengal by boarding a merchant
Q.132. The famous source of the Gupta the title of Kaviraj. ship. He traveled from China to India on
empire, the Prayaga Prashasti is also foot to acquire Buddhist texts. He came
known as the ________. Q.137. After the victory over Sakas, who to India, under the reign of Chandragupta
Graduate Level 27/06/2023 ( Shift - 4) among the following adopted the title of II, and arrived at Pataliputra from the
(a) Allahabad pillar inscription 'Vikramaditya"? northwest.
(b) Ahmedabad pillar inscription SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(c) Bithur pillar inscription (a) Chandragupta I (b) Chandragupta II Q.142. Samudragupta's mother belonged
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Pinnacle History
to which of the following gana? AD) belonged to the Pushyabhuti Harshavardhan sent an envoy to Taizong
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift) dynasty, also known as the Vardhana (Tai-Tsung), the Tang emperor of China
(a) Koliya (b) Lichchhavi (c) Sakya (d) Vajji dynasty. He wanted to extend his power and in return, the Chinese ruler sent three
in the Deccan but he was defeated by embassies to Harsha court.
Sol.142.(b) Licchavi. Samudragupta (335 Pulakesin II, the Chalukya ruler, on the
-375 CE, Kaviraja) was the son of bank of river Narmada. The river thus Q.151. After about 75 years of
Chandragupta I and Queen Kumaradevi became the southern boundary of his Harshavardhana's death ______ rose to
(Licchavi clan). He is called ‘Napoleon of kingdom. Vardhana dynasty: Founder - power in Kannauj.
India’ by V.A. Smith. Pushyabhuti. Capital: Thanesar SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening)
(Thaneshwar), later Kannauj (a) Yashovarman (b) Yadagiri
Q.143. In the context of Gupta (c) Mahendravarman (d) Pulakeshin II
administration, the term 'vithi' referred to (Kanyakubja).
a/an: Sol.151.(a) Yashovarman. He was the
Q.147. Pushyabhuti dynasty, after
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening) founder of the Varman dynasty of Kanauj
Prabhakarvardhana, strengthened its
(a) elephantry unit and surrounding areas during the 8th and
position in the regions of Punjab and
(b) administrative unit the 9th centuries.
Haryana after defeating which of the
(c) personal guard of the king following dynasties? Q.152. What was the period of
(d) soldier SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Harshavardhana's reign?
Sol.143.(b) Administrative unit. In (a) Maukharis (b) Hunas SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Gupta's period, there was a hierarchy of (c) Chalukyas (d) Maitrakas (a) 647 CE to 700 CE
administrative divisions from top to (b) 570 CE to 610 CE
Sol.147.(b) Hunas. The Pushyabhuti (c) 606 CE to 647 CE
bottom. The empire was called by dynasty (Vardhana dynasty) ruled
various names such as Rajya, Rashtra, (d) 545 CE to 570 CE
northern India during the 6th and 7th
Desha, Mandala, Prithvi, and Avani. It was
centuries, emerging after the Gupta Sol.152.(c) 606 CE to 647 CE.
divided into provinces, which were Empire's decline. Its core territory was in Harshavardhana - Last ruler of the
further divided into Vishayas. A
present-day Haryana, with Sthanishvara Vardhana Empire (Pushyabhuti dynasty);
Vishayapati administered the Vishaya. A (Thaneshwar) as the capital. The dynasty Undisputed ruler of Thaneshwar (modern
part of the Vishaya was called Vithi.
reached its peak under Harsha Vardhana, -day Haryana). He was author of three
who reigned from 606 to 647 AD. Sanskrit plays - Nagananda, Ratnavali,
Q.144. Who among the following Gupta
rulers married a girl from the Lichchhavi Q.148. Thaneswar where the Vardhana
clan? dynasty ruled around the present-day Q.153. King Shashanka, against whom
SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Afternoon) state of _______. Harshvardhana declared war, was a ruler
(a) Samudragupta (b) Sri Gupta Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 4) of the ______ kingdom.
(c) Chandragupta-I (d) Ramagupta (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Haryana SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
(c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat (a) Kanyakubja (b) Junagarh
at Prayag (Allahabad)?
7th century.
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
Q.145. Which of the following plays was
(a) Marco Polo (b) Hiuen Tsang
NOT written by Harshavardhana ? Chola Dynasty
(c) Fa-Hien (d) I-tsing
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(a) Vikramorvasiyam (b) Ratnavali Sol.149.(b) Hiuen Tsang (Xuanzang) - Q.154. With reference to medieval
(c) Nagananda (d) Priyadarshika Chinese Buddhist monk who travelled history, consider the following
from China to India to study Buddhism statements.
Sol.145.(a) Vikramorvasiyam is a
and obtain Buddhist scriptures during the 1. The founder of the Chola dynasty
romantic play written by Kalidasa, based
reign of King Harsha Vardhan. Assembly called the ‘Imperial Cholas’ was
on the legend of King Pururava and an
of Prayag (Maha Moksha Parishad) - Vijayalaya (9th century AD).
Apsara named Urvashi. Kalidasa's works
Harsha Vardhan gave all his belongings 2. One of the important dynasties which
include: Abhijnanasakuntalam,
in charity for the welfare of the public. ruled in northern India was
Malavikagnimitram, Kumarasambhavam.
Q.150. Who sent an envoy to the Chinese
Q.146. Pulakeshin II assumed the title of 3. Palas ruled in western India and
court in 641 AD?
‘Dakshinapatheshvara’ (lord of the south) Rashtrakutas ruled in southern India in
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
after defeating which of the following the early years (750 -1000).
(a) Narsimhavarman I
rulers of north India? Which of the given statement(s) is/are
(b) Harsha Vardhan
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) correct?
(c) Narsimhavarman II
(a) Rudrasena II (b) Harshavardhana SSC MTS 12/11/2024 (1st Shift)
(d) Pulakesin I
(c) Dhruvasena II (d) Prabhakarvardhana (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
Sol.150.(b) Harsha Vardhan. In 641 AD (c) 2 only (d) 1 only
Sol.146.(b) Harshavardhana (606-647
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Pinnacle History
Sol.154.(a) 1 and 2 only. The successors celebrated of the Chola kings and Sol.163.(a) Land gifted to Brahmans.
of Vijayalaya expanded the Chola ascended the throne in 985 AD. Rajendra There were five types of 'land gifts' that
kingdom by annexing Pandyan and I, the son of Rajaraja I, became the first Chola kings gave to their people on the
Pallava territories. Rajaraja I, who Chola king to venture to the banks of the basis of Chola inscriptions : Vellanvagai -
became king in 985, strengthened and Ganges, earning the title "Victor of the For non-Brahmana, peasant proprietors.
reorganized the empire. His son, Ganges." Shalabhoga - For the maintenance of a
Rajendra I, further extended the Chola school. Devadana or Tirunamattukkani -
influence with expeditions to the Ganga Q.159. Name the Chola inscription that Land gifted to temples. Pallichchhandam
valley, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia, provided details of the way in which the - Land donated to Jaina institutions.
supported by a powerful navy. Palas sabha was organised in the local
ruled in eastern India and Rashtrakutas administration in the Chola empire. Q.164. The Airavatesvara Temple in
ruled in the Deccan region. SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift) Tamil Nadu was built by _________ .
(a) Thirunanthikarai inscription SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Afternoon)
Q.155. One of the greatest of Chola (b) Thiruvalangadu inscription (a) Rajaraja Chola II
rulers, Rajaraja I ruled from 985 AD to (c) Darsanam Koppu inscription (b) Rajaraja Chola I
______. (d) Uttaramerur inscription (c) Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(d) Maharaja Pratap Singh
(a) 1015 AD (b) 1017 AD Sol.159.(d) Uttaramerur inscription. It
(c) 1014 AD (d) 1018 AD dated 919 CE and 921 CE of the Chola Sol.164.(a) Rajaraja Chola II.
king Parantaka I provides evidence of Airavatesvara Temple is a Hindu temple
Sol.155.(c) 1014 AD. The Chola Empire
India's long history of democratic built in the Dravidian style of architecture.
was founded by Vijayalaya. Rajaraja I
government. Dedicated to - Lord Shiva.
was known for his conquests of South
India and parts of Sri Lanka. He built the Q.160. In the 11th century, the army of Q.165. The term "Vetti" in Chola empire
great Brihadisvara Temple at the Chola which of the following Cholas reached is related to ___________
capital Thanjavur. upto Ganga to invade Bengal? SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift) (a) part payments (b) army
Q.156. Which of the following animals
(a) Rajendra I (b) Rajaraja I (c) forced labour (d) gold coins
was the emblem of the Chola dynasty?
(c) Vijayalaya (d) Rajadhiraj I
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sol.165.(c) Forced labour. Some types of
(a) Wolf (b) Horse (c) Elephant (d) Tiger Sol.160.(a) Rajendra I (1014 and 1044 taxes in Cholas empire: Kadmai or Irai -
CE) - He was also known as Tax on land; Pattam and ayam - Taxes
Sol.156.(d) Tiger. Three dynasties ruled
Gangaikonda Chola. He defeated imposed on non-agricultural professions
during the Sangam Age. Cheras:
Mahipala, the Pala king of Bengal and like artisans and merchants; Nirvilai or
Modern-Day City (Kerala), Ancient Capital
City (Tamil Nadu), Ancient Capital (a) Pallava (b) Chola Q.166. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was a
(Madurai), Important Ports {Muziris (c) Chalukya (d) Rashtrakuta contemporary of which Chola king?
(Muchiri), Korkai, Kaveri}, Emblem (Carp). SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Sol.161.(b) Chola dynasty.
Sol.168.(b) Vijayalaya founded the Chola Q.173. With which of the following relief Sol.176.(d) Force. Kautilya, also known
Empire and captured Thanjavur (Capital sculptures were the walls of the great as Chanakya, outlined the Saptanga
of Chola Empire) in 850 CE. He Stupa of Amaravati in the Lower theory of the state in the Arthashastra,
constructed a temple for the goddess Godavari region adorned? identifying seven key components:
Nishumbhasudini in Thanjavur. SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning) Swami (King), Amatya (Minister),
(a) Sunken relief (b) Freestanding Janapada (Territory), Durga (Fort), Kosa
Q.169. Which of the following towns was (c) Alto-relievo (d) Bas relief (Treasure), Danda (Army or Force), and
grown as a temple town during the Chola Mitra (Ally).
dynasty? Sol.173.(d) Bas relief. The Amaravati
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift) school of art flourished under the Q.177. The Dhakeshwari Temple in
(a) Bhillasvamin (b) Ajmer patronage of the Satavahanas in the present day Bangladesh has been
(c) Ahmedabad (d) Ahmednagar Andhra region. Nagarjunkonda, another constructed under the rule of which
notable site, is renowned for its Buddhist dynasty?
Sol.169.(a) Bhillasvamin. Famous Chola architecture. SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Morning)
dynasty temples: Moovar Koil
(a) Chandela (b) Parmara
(Kodumbalur), Koranganatha (Musiri), Q.174. Select the correct alternative on
(c) Rashtrakuta (d) Sena
Capital, there are four lions mounted Temple, located in the capital, Dhaka.
Q.170. Which of the following territories back- to-back on a circular abacus that Dhakeshwari means "Goddess of Dhaka"
to the south and north were made part of itself rests on a bell-shaped lotus. and was built in the 12th century by King
the Chola kingdom by the successors of
Statement II: The State Emblem is an Ballal Sen of the Sena dynasty.
the ruler Vijayalaya? adaptation of the Lion Capital of Asoka
SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (2nd Shift) at Sarnath in which the bell-shaped lotus Q.178. Nataraja represents the dancing
(a) Pallava and Chera was omitted. figure of which Hindu deity?
(b) Pandyan and Pallava SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning) SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
(c) Rashtrakuta and Chera (a) Only Statement II is true. (a) Kartikeya (b) Vishnu
(d) Vakataka and Satavahana (c) Shiva (d) Ganesh
(a) Maitraka (b) Chalukya Empire. They replaced the Sakas in
Q.182. Details about Sudarshana lake
(c) Pallava (d) Vakataka North-Western India. The Takht-i-Bahi
are given in a rock inscription at Girnar
inscription, dated in 45 AD, refers to
(Junagarh), which was composed to Sol.186.(a) Maitraka. The Maitraka
Gondophernes as a Parthian ruler.
record the achievements of the Shaka dynasty was founded by Senapati
ruler _________. Bhatarka. The decline of the Gupta Q.191. The Maukharis ruled over which
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift) Empire led to the rise of various ruling of the following cities in western Uttar
(a) Rudrasimha III (b) Rudradaman I dynasties across northern India. Among Pradesh that over the time replaced
(c) Chashtana (d) Maues the most notable were the Pushyabhutis Pataliputra as a political centre of north
of Thanesar, the Maukhari of Kanauj, and India?
Sol.182.(b) Rudradaman I. Junagadh
the Maitrakas of Valabhi. SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
inscription is written in the Sanskrit
language. It is located near Girnar hill (a) Kannauj (b) Bareli (c) Agra (d) Kanpur
Q.187. Vasudeva I who issued coins in
near Junagadh in Gujarat. The Junagadh gold (dinars and quarter dinars) and Sol.191.(a) Kannauj. The Maukharis,
rock contains inscriptions of Ashoka
copper (single denomination) was a initially vassals of the Guptas and titled
(one of the fourteen Major Rock Edicts of ________ king. Samantas, gained independence in the
Ashoka), Rudradaman I and SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (3rd Shift) mid-6th century as the Gupta Empire
Q.183. Silappathikaram (the Jewelled Q.192. Under which of the following Pala
Anklet), the earliest epic poem in Tamil Sol.187.(d) Kushana. Vasudeva I was the king's patronage the Vikramshila
was written in the 5th - 6th Century CE by last of the "Great Kushans." He ruled in university in 8th century India was
_________. Northern India and Central Asia, where founded?
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) he minted coins in the city of Balkh. The SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) Tolkappiyar (b) Ilango Adigal Kushana dynasty was founded by Kujula (a) Gopala (b) Mahipala I
(c) Sittalai Sattanar (d) Tirumalisai Alwar Kadphises. (c) Devapala (d) Dharmapala
Sol.183.(b) Ilango Adigal. Ancient Tamil Q.188. Who among the following is the Sol.192.(d) Dharmapala, the second ruler
literature is known as Sangama hero of the Sanskrit historical poem, the of the Pala Dynasty, ascended the throne
Literature. The Sangam literature 'Ramacharita' written by Sandhyakar around 780 AD after Gopala and
includes Tolkappiyam, Ettutogai, Nandi? expanded the empire significantly. He
Pattuppattu, Pathinenkilkanakku, and two SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift) defeated Indrayudha of Kanauj, installing
epics named – Silappathikaram, and (a) Gopala (b) Devapala Chakrayudha as his nominee, but later
Manimegalai (Written by Sittalai (c) Ramapala (d) Dharmapala faced defeat by Rashtrakuta king Dhruva
Sattanar). The earliest known work in near Monghyr, Bihar.
ancient Tamil is Agastyam. Sol.188.(c) Ramapala was the successor
to the Pala king Shurapala II in the Q.193. Three Poets Pampa, Ponna and
Q.184. In the 7th Century AD, a new Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent, Ranna are called as the ‘Three Jewels’ of:
religion called Islam was born in _______ . and 15th ruler of the Pala line. SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift)
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sandhyakar Nandi was patronaged by (a) Kannada Literature
(a) Malaysia (b) South Africa Madanapala, ruler of Pala Dynasty. (b) Telugu Literature
(c) Arabia (d) Indonesia (c) Tamil Literature
Q.189. Vindhyashakti was the founder of
Sol.184.(c) Arabia. Prophet Muhammad (d) Sanskrit Literature
which of the following dynasties?
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Sol.193.(a) Kannada Literature. Pampa, Vidarbha? Brihadratha Maurya. He ruled from 184
also known as Adi Pampa, is renowned SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) BC to 75 BC, driving out the Greeks
for his literary works, including (a) Vakatakas (b) Maukharis through the Shunga-Greek war. The
"Vikramarjuna Vijaya" and "Adi Purana." (c) Maitrakas (d) Chalukyas capital of the Shunga Empire was
Ponna, often referred to as Ponna Pataliputra.
Sol.197.(a) Vakatakas. Vindhyashakti
Kavishwara, served as a court poet for
founded the Vakataka dynasty in the Q.202. Who among the following Pallava
Rashtrakuta king Krishna III and is best
third century. Their history is mainly kings occupied Vatapi (Badami) and
known for his epic "Shantipurana." Ranna
known through land grant charters defeated the Chalukyas?
was a court poet of the Western
issued to Brahmanas. The Maukhari SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Chalukya Empire, and his most
dynasty ruled over (modern day) Uttar (a) Sivaskanda Varman
celebrated work is "Gadayuddha."
Pradesh and parts of Bihar. (b) Parameswaravarman
Q.194. Which of the following kingdoms (c) Simhavarman
Q.198. In 10th century India, Queen Didda
was divided into subdivisions called (d) Narasimhavarman
became the ruler of which of the
Aharas or Rashtras that meant districts?
following regions of north India? Sol.202.(d) Narasimhavarman. Pulakesin
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) II, a ruler of the Chalukya dynasty, reigned
(a) Kushana (b) Parthian
(a) Kannauj (b) Malwa from 610 CE to 642 CE, expanding his
(c) Satavahana (d) Shaka
(c) Delhi (d) Kashmir empire across much of the Deccan
Sol.194.(c) Satavahana : Period : 60 BC - region. However, in 642-643 CE, Pallava
Sol.198.(d) Kashmir. Didda was the ruler
225 AD; Capital - Pratishthana (Paithan) king Narasimha Varman I defeated
of Kashmir from 980 CE to 1003 CE.
and Amravati; Founder - Simuka. The Pulakesin II when his general,
Most knowledge relating to Didda is
lowest level of administration was a Shiruttondar Paranjoti, captured the
obtained from the Rajatarangini. Ashish
grama which was under the charge of a Chalukya capital, Vatapi. Simhavishnu is
Kaul's novel Didda: The Warrior Queen of
Gramika. There were also officers called regarded as the founder of the Pallava
Kashmir is based on Didda's life.
amatyas who were perhaps ministers or dynasty, a Tamil dynasty that ruled parts
advisors of the king. Revenue was Q.199. Mahendravarman I who wrote of South India from the 3rd to the 9th
collected both in cash and kind. It Mattavilasa-prahasana is related to century.
majorly comprised present Andhra which of the following ruling dynasties?
Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra. Q.203. In the context of Mathura school
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
of Art, during which of the following
(a) Tolkappiyam (b) Ettutogai 897 CE) - They ruled a significant portion SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(c) Kalittogai (d) Narrinai of the Deccan, also known as (a) Shaka (b) Parthian
Tondaimandalam, which covered parts of (c) Satavahana (d) Kushana
period of the Sangams. The most (Avanisimha). syncretic empire established by the
well-known surviving works from this Yuezhi in the Bactrian territories in the
period are the Tolkappiyam (a book of Q.200. The Pratiharas who first had their early 1st century. The Mathura School of
grammar attributed to Tolkappiyar), Ettu capital at Bhinmal gained prominence Art flourished under the Kushana
Togai (Eight Anthologies), Pattu Pattu during the rule of: emperor Kanishka during the first century
(Ten Idylls). SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) AD.
(a) Nagabhatta I (b) Nagarjuna
Q.196. The Pandya Kingdom was first (c) Devpala (d) Kanishka Q.204. Which power were the Badami (or
mentioned by Megasthenes, who said Vatapi) Chalukyas originally subjects of ?
that their kingdom was famous for Sol.200.(a) Nagabhatta I (Reign : 730 - SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (2nd shift)
pearls. Their capital was : 760 AD) laid the foundation of the (a) Hoysalas (b) Pandyas
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Pratihara dynasty's power. He is best (c) Kadambas (d) Pallavas
(a) Thanjavur (b) Uraiyur known for defeating the Arabs during
(c) Madurai (d) Kaveripatnam their expansion and building an empire Sol.204.(c) The Kadambas ruled from
that stretched from Gujarat to Gwalior, Banavasi in present-day Karnataka,
Sol.196.(c) Madurai. Megasthenes: A stopping further Arab invasions in marking a significant period in the early
Greek diplomat and historian who eastern Sindh. medieval history of the Deccan region.
mentioned the Pandya Kingdom in his Badami was the capital of the early
book Indica around 300 BCE. The Pandya Q.201. According to the inscriptions, Chalukyan dynasty, which governed the
Kingdom was an ancient Tamil kingdom Pushyamitra Shunga was a devotee of area from 543 to 598 CE. With the
that ruled parts of southern India, which of the following Gods? decline of the Vakataka rule, the
especially Tamil Nadu, from the 6th SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Chalukyas established their dominance
century BCE to the 15th century CE. (a) Rama (b) Shiva (c) Krishna (d) Indra in the Deccan.
Q.197. In peninsular India, which of the Sol.201.(c) Krishna. Pushyamitra Q.205. Which of the following
following kingdoms was the local power Shunga founded the Shunga Empire after statements about the Pala Dynasty of
that ruled over northern Maharashtra and assassinating the last Mauryan emperor, eastern India is INCORRECT?
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Pinnacle History
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (3rd shift) Sol.209.(b) Korkai. Pandya dynasty (4th Sol.213.(a) Rashtrakuta. Dantidurga was
(a) Devapala was the grandson of century BCE to the 17th century CE): the founder of the Rashtrakuta empire
Gopala. Capital - Madurai, Founder - who fixed his capital at Manyakheta or
(b) Dharmapala founded the Valabhi Mudathirumaran. Malkhed near modern Sholapur.
(c) The Pala kings were the followers of Q.210. Dantivarman or Dantidurga was Q.214. During the reign of which of the
Buddhism. the founder of which of the following Pallava kings was the shore temple at
(d) The Pala dynasty was founded by dynasties ? Mahabalipuram built ?
Gopala. SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
(a) Rashtrakuta (b) Chera (a) Paramesvaravarman I
Sol.205.(b) The Vallabhi University was (c) Pala (d) Pratihara (b) Mahendravarman II
founded by Bhattarka, the king of the (c) Narasimhavarman I
Maitraka Empire, not Dharmapala. Pala Sol.210.(a) Rashtrakuta. Manyakheta
(d) Narasimhavarman II
Dynasty: The Pala dynasty was founded was the capital of the Rashtrakuta
by Gopala, probably around 750 AD. kingdom. The Elichpur clan, initially a Sol.214.(d) Narasimhavarman II, also
Dharmapala was the second ruler of the feudatory of the Badami Chalukyas, rose known as Rajasimha, ruled the Pallava
Pala Empire. to power under Dantidurga by dynasty from 700 to 728 CE. He also
overthrowing Chalukya ruler Kirtivarman constructed the Kailasanatha Temple in
Q.206. Who among the following rulers II and establishing an empire in the Kanchipuram.
was a part of the Tripartite Struggle for Gulbarga region. This clan became
the possession of Kannauj? known as the Rashtrakutas of Q.215. Rajataranagini, the book authored
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) Manyakheta, who emerged as a by Kalhana in 12th Century was originally
(a) Prithvi Raj III (b) Yashovarman significant power in written in which of the following
(c) Dharmapala (d) Mahendra Pal Maharashtra-Karnataka region. languages?
Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Sol.206.(c) Dharmapala. The Tripartite Q.211. Krishna III of Rashtrakuta dynasty (a) Tamil (b) Telugu
Struggle, also known as the Kannauj established a victory pillar and a temple (c) Sanskrit (d) Shaurseni
Triangle Wars, took place in the 8th and at which of the following cities of south
9th centuries, between the three India after defeating the Chola ruler Sol.215.(c) Sanskrit. The word
dynasties - The Palas of Bengal, The Parantaka I ? "Rajatarangini" means "River of Kings."
Pratiharas of Central India and The SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) This book chronicles the history of the
dynasty was: Sol.211.(d) Rameswaram. Krishna III sections known as Tarangas (waves).
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift) whose Kannada name was Kannara (939
(a) Balasimha (b) Simharaj – 967 C.E.) was the last great warrior Q.216. Who among the following was the
(c) Singhamvishnu (d) Simhavishnu and able monarch of the Rashtrakuta founder of the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty
dynasty {Founder: Dantivarman}. Its in the region of Malwa in the eighth
Sol.207.(d) Simhavishnu (575-590 AD).
Capital - Manyakheta. Parantaka I was century?
imperial Pallavas. Royal Titles: following translated a few portions of Sol.216.(c) Nagabhatta I. The Gurjara -
Avanisimha (lion of the Earth). His court Mahabharata in Telugu? Pratiharas Dynasty (8th-11th Century
poet Bharavi - Wrote Kiratarjuniya. SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) A.D.) ruled over northern and western
(a) Nanniah (b) Tikkanna India. Nagabhatta I established an
Q.208. Bilhan was a court poet in which
(c) Pampa (d) Kamban empire extending from Gujarat to Gwalior
of the following kingdoms ?
and defied the Arab invasions towards
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift) Sol.212.(a) Nanniah (Nannayya) is
further east of Sindh.
(a) Vijayaditya VII (b) Vikramaditya VI regarded as the first poet of Telugu
(c) Kulottunga I (d) Rajaraja II literature and is part of the famous Q.217. Which of the following
"Trinity of Poets" (comprising Nannaya, statements are true regarding the Ravana
Sol.208.(b) Vikramaditya VI. The
Tikkana and Erra Pragada) in Telugu Phadi cave at Aihole.
Chalukya dynasty was established by
literature. He began the translation of the 1. Nataraja is the important structure at
Pulakeshin I in 543. He took Vatapi
Mahabharata from Sanskrit into Telugu this site.
(modern Badami in Bagalkot district,
during the 11th century under the 2. This Nataraja image is surrounded on
Karnataka) under his control and made it
patronage of the Eastern Chalukya king, the right by four large saptamatrikas and
his capital. He and his descendants are
Rajaraja Narendra. on the left by three large ones.
referred to as "Chalukyas of Badami".
Q.213. Manyakheta or Malkhed was the 3. The figures have slim, graceful bodies
Q.209. Which of the following was the capital of which of the following with long oval faces.
port-city of the Pandyan Kingdom? kingdoms? 4. The temple shows a distinct feature of
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) Pandya architecture of mixing and
(a) Dindigul (b) Korkai (a) Rashtrakuta (b) Shaka incorporation of several styles.
(c) Tenkasi (d) Virudhunagar (c) Satavahana (d) Kushan Higher Secondary 21/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
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(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4 Q.221. Which of the following (c) Maukharis (d) Gaudas
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3 statements about the Kushana dynasty is
INCORRECT? Sol.224.(a) Senas Dynasty: A hindu
Sol.217.(d) 1, 2 and 3. The Ravan Phadi Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) dynasty that ruled over eastern Bengal
cave, located in Aihole, Karnataka, is an (a) The Kushanas were a major ruling and western Bihar for about two
example of early Chalukyan architecture. group in the post-Mauryan period. centuries. Important Rulers - Vijaya Sena,
The First capital of the Chalukya Dynasty (b) Many Kushana rulers also adopted Ballal Sena, Lakshmana Sena. Deva
was Aihole which is clear from the the title ‘devaputra’, or ‘son of god’. dynasty - Ruled over eastern Bengal after
inscriptions found in the caves of Aihole. (c) The First Buddhist Council was the Sena dynasty.
The bronze sculpture of Nataraja was organised by Kanishka.
cast during the period of the Cholas Q.225. Who had Sialkot as his capital ?
(d) Asvaghosha, the author of the SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
dynasty. Buddhacharita, was the court poet of (a) Menander (b) Demetrios
Q.218. Consider the following Kanishka. (c) Eukratides (d) Pushyamitra
statements regarding Kailashnath Sol.221.(c) The First Buddhist Council
Temple, Ellora. Sol.225.(a) Menander: A Greek king who
was held during the reign of King
1. It is built completely in the Dravidian ruled over the Indo-Greek kingdom.
Ajatashatru of the Haryanka Dynasty in
style. Demetrios (Greek king): His capital was
Rajgriha. Kanishka belonged to the
2. Its main deity is Lord Shiva. Takshashila. Eucratides: Expanded the
Kushan dynasty, which was founded by
3. This temple was carved out of a Indo-Greek territories into Bactria and the
Kujula Kadphises. The Fourth Buddhist
portion of a hill. northern regions of India. Pushyamitra
Council was held under the patronage of
4. It was built during the Chola phase at Sunga - An Indian king who ruled over the
Kanishka in Kashmir.
Ellora. Sunga dynasty. His capital was
Which of the given statements is correct ? Q.222. Which of the following rulers is Pataliputra.
Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3) considered as the greatest king of
Q.226. To which of the following
(a) Only 2, 3 and 4 (b) Only 1, 2 and 3 Satavahana dynasty and is described as
dynasties were the Vatapi Chalukyas
(c) Only 1, 2 and 4 (d) Only 1, 3 and 4 the destroyer of the Sakas, Yavanas and
tributary princes?
Sol.218.(b) Only 1, 2 and 3. The Kailasa SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
temple at Ellora was built by the (a) Kalyani Chalukyas (b) Cholas
(a) Simuka
Rashtrakuta king Krishna I in the 8th (c) Pallavas (d) Kadambas
(b) Hala
century. Located in Cave 16, it is (c) Gautamiputra Satakarni Sol.226.(d) Kadamba dynasty (Founder -
dedicated to Lord Shiva and was carved (d) Yajna Sri Satakarni Mayurasharma) was an ancient Indian
from a single rock. Named after Mount
centuries CE.
World Heritage site in 1983. as the "destroyer of the Sakas, Yavanas,
and Pahlavas." He also used the title of Q.227. Which of the following pairs of
Q.219. Who among the following 'Ekabrahaman,' which means the locations are famous for Buddhist
Kushana kings was the founder of the Peerless Brahman. Simuka was the railings and gateways?
Kushana dynasty? founder of the Satavahana dynasty. Hala SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3) was the seventeenth king of the (a) Bharhut and Amravati
(a) Vasudeva I (b) Vima Kadphises Satavahana Dynasty. (b) Patna and Rajgir
(c) Huvishka (d) Kujula Kadphises (c) Parasnath and Ajanta
Q.223. Who was the author of
Sol.219.(d) Kujula Kadphises. Kushan (d) Sarnath and Kushinagar
Dynasty (First-Third Century) : Kanishka - SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) Sol.227.(a) Bharhut and Amravati.
He administered the territory from two (a) Bana (b) Panini Bharhut Stupa is located in Satna,
capitals : Purushapura (now Peshawar in (c) Patanjali (d) Kautilya Madhya Pradesh. It was discovered in a
northern Pakistan) and Mathura. ruined state by Alexander Cunningham
Vasudeva I - Last Kushana Ruler. Sol.223.(c) Patanjali. “The Yoga Sutra”
and his team. The discovered railing and
was also written by Patanjali. Authors
gateway are now on display at the Indian
Q.220. Kathasaritasagara, a collection of and their books: Kalhana -
Museum (Kolkata). Amravati Stupa was
stories, was written in which of the “Rajatarangini”. Vatsayana - “Kamasutra”.
discovered by Colin Mackenzie (1797).
following languages? Vishnu Sharma - “Panchatantra”. Kautilya
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) - “Arthasastra”. Panini - “Ashtadhyayi”. Q.228. Which of the following is the
(a) Pali (b) Sanskrit Megasthenes - “Indica”. Jayadeva - oldest dated fort in India ?
(c) Prakrit (d) Persian “Gitagovinda”. Sri Harsha - “Naishadha SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
Charita”. Banabhatta - “Harshacharita”, (a) Kangra Fort
Sol.220.(b) Sanskrit. The
“Kadambari”. (b) Mehrangarh Fort
Kathasaritsagara (Ocean of Story)
(c) Srirangapatna Fort
written in the 11th century by Somadeva. Q.224. Which of the following dynasties
(d) Golconda Fort
Other Sanskrit Literature: Buddhacarita - succeeded the Palas of Bengal ?
Ashvaghosa; Malavikagnimitram - SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.228.(a) Kangra Fort (Nagarkot Fort).
Kalidasa; Harshacharita - Banabhatta. (a) Senas (b) Devas This fort was built by Susharm Chand
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(Katoch Dynasty). Mohammed Ghazni in Sol.232.(a) Pala Dynasty. Temples and Founder - Chandradeva. After the failure
1009 A.D plundered the Shahi treasury at their associated Dynasty: Khajuraho of the Pratiharas, the Gahadavalas
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. The Katoch Temple (Madhya Pradesh) - Bundelas or established themselves on the throne of
dynasty traces its origins to the ancient Chandelas; Kailash Temple Kanauj. Jai Chand - The last great ruler of
Trigarta Kingdom, mentioned in the (Maharashtra) - Rashtrakutas; Thousand this dynasty. He was killed in the Battle
Mahabharata epic. Forts in India: Pillared Temple, Ramappa Temple of Chandawar in 1194 AD by Mohammad
Golconda Fort - Hyderabad, Mehrangarh (Telangana) - Kakatiyas; Brihadeeswara Ghori.
Fort - Jodhpur (Rajasthan), Srirangapatna Temple (Tamil Nadu) - Cholas;
Fort - Karnataka, Panhala Fort - Kailashnath Temple, Shore Temple Q.237. Alvars were the devotees of
Maharashtra, Daulatabad Fort - (Tamil Nadu) - Pallavas; Dilwara Temple which South Indian cult?
Aurangabad (Maharashtra). (Rajasthan) - Solankies; Virupaksha SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st shift)
Temple (Karnataka) - Chalukyas; Sun (a) Shaktism (b) Saivism
Q.229. Brihat Samhita was the treatise of (c) Jainism (d) Vaishnavism
Temple (Gujarat) - Solankis.
which of the following subjects ?
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) Q.233. Malavikagnimitra, a drama of the Sol.237.(d) Vaishnavism. Nayanars and
(a) Botany (b) Astronomy 5th century CE, was written by Alvars saints belonged to South India.
(c) Geography (d) Natural History SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) Some famous Vaishnava devotees :
(a) Kalidasa (b) Harisena Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Chaitanya
Sol.229.(b) Astronomy. Brihat Samhita - Mahaprabhu, Nimbarkacharya. Jainism -
It is the noted work of Varahamihira. It is (c) Bhavabhuti (d) Pingala
Devotees of Jainism are called Jains
an important encyclopedic text in Sol.233.(a) Kalidasa. He was a court such as Rishabhadeva, Parshvanath,
Sanskrit. Other Samhitas - Jaya Samhita poet of Chandragupta-II (Vikramaditya). Bhadrabahu. Shaktism - Devotees of
(Mahabharat), Charak Samhita Other Books: Meghaduta, Shaktism are called Shaktas. Famous
(Medicinal Science), Sushruta Samhita Kumarasambhava, Raghuvaṃsa, and Shaktas: Adi Shankaracharya, Sarada
(Book on Surgeries and related science).
Vikramorvasiya. Harisena - Court poet of Devi, Paramahansa Yogananda.
Q.230. Which ruler of the Chahamana Samudragupta and composed Prayag
Q.238. In the middle of which century did
dynasty made Ajmer his capital? pillar inscription in Sanskrit. Bhavabhuti -
A great playwright, best known for his the Arab traveller Sulaiman visit India?
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift)
(a) Prithviraj III (b) Prithviraj II play Uttara-Ramacharitam (latter part of
Rama's life). Pingala - Ancient Indian poet (a) 15th (b) 9th (c) 11th (d) 6th
(c) Arnoraj (d) Ajayaraja
and mathematician, and the author of the Sol.238.(b) 9th. Travellers Who Visited
Sol.230.(d) Ajayaraja. Chahamanas or Chandaḥsastra. India: Hiuen Tsang (China) - During the
Chauhans dynasty: Chauhans of Delhi
Q.234. The star-shaped temples were reign of Harshavardhana. Al Biruni
about the life of the 12th century Indian temple dedicated to Lord the reign of Chandragupta Maurya. Abdur
king, Prithviraj Chauhan, was written by: Channakeshava (Vishnu). The temple Razzaq (Persia) - During the reign of
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) was built during the rule of the Hoysala Deva Raya II (Sangama dynasty). Fa Hien
(a) Chand Bardai (b) Banabhatta Empire King Vira Someshwara. (China) - During the reign of
(c) Bharavi (d) Ashvaghosa Chandragupta II. Al Masudi (Arab) - In
Q.235. Which of the following was the 10th century AD.
Sol.231.(a) Chand Bardai. Indian Epics capital of the Hindu Shahi Kingdom?
and writers - Mahabharata (Sage Ved SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (1st shift) Q.239. The rulers of which of the
Vyasa), Ramayana (Valmiki), (a) Srinagar (b) Lahore following Rajput dynasties patronised
Raghuvamsa (Kalidasa), Buddhacharita (c) Waihind (d) Multan Jainism and one of them is reported to
(Asvogosha), Silapadikaram (Ilango have accepted Jainism under the
Adigal in Tamil), Ramcharitmanas Sol.235.(c) Waihind. Hindu Shahi influence of a Jain scholar
(Tulsidas in Awadhi), Kumarasambava kingdom was founded by Kallar. It ruled Hemachandra?
(Kalidasa in Sanskrit). Banabhatta wrote over Kabul and the old province of SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift)
Harshacharita and Bharavi wrote Gandhara from the decline of the Kushan (a) Pratihara (b) Parmara
Kiratarjuniya. empire. This kingdom was known as the (c) Chalukya (d) Chahman
Kabul Shahi dynasty.
Q.232. Siddheshwar Mahadev Temple in Sol.239.(c) Chalukya. Pratihara dynasty
Bengal depicts the architecture of which Q.236. The Gahadavalas ruled over - Nagabhatta I was the founder. The
dynasty.? which region of India ? Pratiharas who ruled over Kannauj for a
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (3rd shift) long time are also called Gurjara-
(a) Pala Dynasty (a) Ajmer (b) Malwa (c) Kanauj (d) Patan Pratiharas. Parmar dynasty - Founded by
(b) Hussain Shahi dynasty Upendra or Krishnaraja. Capital: Ujjain,
Sol.236.(c) Kanauj. Gahadavalas or
(c) Chalukya dynasty Later - Dharan Nagari (Dhar).
Rathors of Kanauj (1090-1194 AD):
(d) Shunga Dynasty
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Q.240. Alha and Udal, who gave stiff SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift) Q.248. The Rampurva bull that was part
resistance to the enemy, belonged to (a) Pushya mitra (b) Bhavbhuti of a Mauryan pillar found in Rampurwa,
which of the following Rajput States? (c) Shashanka (d) Devabhuti Bihar is now placed at _______.
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (3rd shift) SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening)
Sol.244.(d) Devabhuti. He was
(a) Parmar (b) Kalchuri (a) Pradhan Mantri Bhavan
assassinated by his minister (Vasudeva
(c) Chandella (d) Gahadavala (b) Sansad
Kanva). Other Kings of Shunga Dynasty:
(c) Rajpath
Sol.240.(c) Chandella (Founder - Pushyamitra Shunga (Founder of Shunga
(d) Rashtrapati Bhawan
Nannuk). They were originally vassals of Dynasty), Agnimitra, Vasujyeshtha,
the Gurjara - Pratiharas. The Chandelas Vasumitra, Bhagabhadra. Shashanka: Sol.248.(d) Rashtrapati Bhawan. The
initially ruled as feudatories of the The first king of ancient Bengal, governed Pillars of Ashoka are the most famous
Gurjara-Pratiharas of Kanyakubja the Gauda Kingdom from 600 to 625 AD. examples of Mauryan art. The
(Kannauj). Original capital - Khajuraho. Bhavabhuti: A famous Sanskrit Rashtrapati Bhavan houses the imposing
The last King of this dynasty - Paradidev playwright who wrote famous plays like 3rd century BC Ashoka pillar of
(Parmadi). His generals - Alha and Udal. Mahaviracharita, Malatimadhava etc. sandstone known as the Rampurva bull.
Battle of Mahoba: Fought between It got its name from the place of its
Q.245. Of which of the following
Paradidev and Prithviraj Chauhan-III in discovery, Rampurwa in Bihar.
Pratihara kings was Rajashekhara, the
1182 AD.
famous poet and dramatist, the court Q.249. Who among the following was the
Q.241. The Pala Dynasty rulers were poet? last Pallava king?
primarily patrons of which religion? SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 2nd shift) SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (1st shift) (a) Rajapala (b) Devapala (a) Mahendravarman - I
(a) Buddhist (b) Jain (c) Ramabhadra (d) Mahendrapala (b) Aparajitavarman
(c) Hindu (d) Islam Sol.245.(d) Mahendrapala (885-910 AD). (c) Narasimhavarman - I
Works of Rajshekhara: (d) Simhavishnu
Sol.241.(a) Buddhist. Pala Dynasty -
Viddhashalabhanjika, Balabharata,
Founded by Gopala, in 750 AD. They were Sol.249.(b) Aparajitavarman. Pallava
Karpuramanjari, Balaramayana,
staunch supporters of Mahayana dynasty (275 CE to 897 CE) - Also known
Kavyamimamsa. Gurjara Pratihara
Buddhism. They were in a tripartite as Tondaimandalam. Founder - Simha
dynasty (8th to 11th century): Founder -
struggle between the Palas, the Vishnu (Avanisimha). Mahendravarman -
Harichandra. Mihira Bhoja (836-885 AD) -
Pratiharas and the Rashtrakutas for the He defeated the Kalabhras and
“Vinavasavadatta”, “Padmaprabhritaka”, 4th century CE) - The most famous (Madhya Pradesh), made up of
“a bhana” (short one -act monologue). Shaka ruler in India was Rudradaman sandstone. Its first mention is found in ‘al
(130 A.D to 150 A.D.), came to an end Biruni’ And ‘Ibn Battuta’ work. It follows
Q.243. The Ashtadhyayi of Panini is a the Nagara Style of architecture and was
renowned work on ______. with the defeat of the last Shaka ruler,
Rudrasimha III by Chandragupta-II (Gupta recognized by UNESCO as a world
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (1st shift) heritage site in 1986. Other temples built
(a) Mauryan Polity dynasty). Kushans (First – Third
Centuries) - Founded by Kujula by Chandela dynasty (Founder - Nanuka):
(b) Gupta Administration Devi Jagdamba Temple, Chitragupta
(c) Medicine Kadphises.
Temple, Laxmana Temple.
(d) Sanskrit Grammar Q.247. During the reign of which of the
following Pallavas, Hiuen Tsang visited Q.251. In the mid-eighth century,
Sol.243.(d) Sanskrit Grammar. Ancient Dantidurga, a Rashtrakuta chief,
Authors and books : (Kautilya) the Pallava capital Kanchi?
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning) overthrew his Chalukya overlord and
Chanakya's work - “Arthashastra” (on performed a ritual literally called a ______.
(a) Narasimhavarman I
statecraft, political science, economic SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(b) Narasimhavarman II
policy and military strategy). Maharshi (a) Prarthna sabha (b) Golden womb
(c) Mahendravarman II
Charak - “Charaka Samhita” (a famous (c) Horse ride (d) Subsidiary alliance
(d) Mahendravarman I
text of ayurveda) - Ayurveda. “Sushruta
Samhita” - A comprehensive textbook on Sol.247.(a) Narasimhavarman I. He was Sol.251.(b) Golden womb
medicine and surgery. also known as Mahamalla or Mamalla, (Hiranyagarbha). This ritual was
which means "great wrestler”. He took performed with the help of Brahmanas, it
Q.244. Who was the last king of the was thought to lead to the “rebirth” of the
the title Vatapikonda (the conqueror of
Shunga dynasty? sacrificer as a Kshatriya, even if he was
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Pinnacle History
not one by birth. The first known ruler of (a) Three taxes (b) Three ports Q.260. Who among the following was the
the dynasty was Dantidurga who (c) Three chiefs (d) Three horses founder of the Kanva dynasty?
conquered Badami in 752 A.D., defeating SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
the Chalukyas. Sol.256.(c) Three chiefs. It is a reference (a) Narayana (b) Susharman
to the three ruling families of Tamil Nadu (c) Vasudeva (d) Devabhuti
Q.252. The emblem of the Chera Dynasty during the Sangam period: the Cholas,
that controlled the central and northern the Cheras, and the Pandyas. Sol.260.(c) Vasudeva Kanva (73-63 BCE)
parts of Kerala and the Kongu region of founded the Kanva dynasty (72–28 BCE,
Tamil Nadu was _________ . Q.257. The term 'Kammakaras' in ancient Kanvayanas). Rulers of the Kanva
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening) times is related to ________. dynasty - Bhumimitra (64-50 BCE),
(a) birds (b) fish SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening) Narayana (50-38 BCE), Susarman (38-28
(c) bow and arrow gan (d) tiger (a) Landless agricultural labourers BCE). Capital: Patliputra . Devabhuti - the
(b) Craftsmen last ruler of the Sunga Dynasty.
Sol.252.(c) Bow and Arrow Gan. The (c) Tax collecting officer
symbol also appears on the coins the (d) Goldsmith Q.261. The rulers of which of the
dynasty minted. The dynasty controlled following dynasties built the Khajuraho
the central and northern parts of Kerala Sol.257.(a) Landless agricultural temples between 950 to 1050 A.D in
and the Kongu region of Tamil Nadu. labourers. Terminologies related in central India?
Their capital was Vanji, Tamil Nadu. ancient times - Shrenis: In ancient times, SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning)
crafts persons and merchants formed (a) Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty
Q.253. Which of the following is NOT associations. Samaharta and Sanidata - (b) Rashtrakuta Dynasty
part of six schools of Indian Philosophy? Tax collecting officers in ancient times. (c) Pala Dynasty
SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Afternoon) Sonalika is a Sanskrit word that refers to (d) Chandela Dynasty
(a) Samkhya (b) Yoga a goldsmith. Grihapatis- independent
(c) Nyaya (d) Dravida farmers. An agrahara was land granted Sol.261.(d) Chandela Dynasty. The
to a Brahmana. Khajuraho Group of Monuments are a
Sol.253.(d) Dravida. Samkhya: Founded
group of Hindu and Jain temples in
by - Kapila (Book - Samkhya sutra) : It Q.258. Who among the following gave up Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh,
holds that reality is constituted of two his traditional professions and took to Known for its Erotic Sculpture. The
principles of one female (Prakriti) and the arms, successfully established a Pratiharas, also known as the Gurjara
other male (Purusha). Yoga - Union of the kingdom in Karnataka? -Pratiharag (Founder - Harichandra). The
two principal entities. Nyaya: A technique SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (1st Shift) most well-known king of this dynasty
of logical thinking. Author of the Nyaya (a) Vasudeva Kanva was Bhoja or Mihira Bhoja.
Sutras - Gautama. (b) Gurjara-Pratihara Harichandra
Sol.265.(b) Kakatiya. Marco Polo Nataraja temple in Chidambaram, Tamil
mentioned her in his writings. Rudradeva Nadu is one of the famous examples of Q.274. In which of the following battles
I was the first independent ruler of this Gopuram. did Muhammad of Ghor defeat
kingdom of Warangal. Their capital was Jayachandra of Gahadavala dynasty in
Orugallu, now known as Warangal. In Q.270. Who among the following wrote 1194 AD?
the basic text of Vaisheshika philosophy? SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
1323 Prince Jaunakhan (Muhammad bin
Tughlaq) defeated Prataparudra Deva SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Morning) (a) First battle of Tarain
(a) Kanada (b) Shankaracharya (b) Battle of Chandawar
harvesting system channeling the flood Sanskrit text at the foundation of the Sol.274.(b) Battle of Chandawar. Mu'izz
water of the Ganga river in the first Vaisheshika school of Hindu philosophy. ad-Din Muhammad, also known as
century B.C ? Vaisheshika is one of the six classical Muhammad Ghori, was the Sultan of the
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Evening) schools of Indian philosophy, often Ghurid Empire. First battle of Tarain
(a) Kanpur (b) Gorakhpur referred to as "Darshanas." (1191) - Prithviraj Chauhan's Rajput
Books: Kitab-ul-Hind and Tahkik-e- Hind. (China) - Harshavardhana's court; central secretariat).
Al-Beruni (Persia) - Came with Mahmud
Q.278. When did the Mongol ruler Q.285. During the Sultanate of Delhi, the
of Ghazni; Francois Bernier (France) -
Genghis Khan die? term "Ulema" was associated with ______.
Shahjahan and Aurangzeb's court.
SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (3rd Shift) SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) 1219 (b) 1210 (c) 1235 (d) 1227 Q.282. In reference to the Delhi (a) Learned theologians and Jurists
Sultanate, what was the ‘Group of Forty’? (b) Commander-in-chief
Sol.278.(d) 1227. Genghis Khan (original
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2) (c) Postal officer
tribes into a unified Mongolia and then Jurists. Officers in Delhi Sultanate - State
Raziyya’s killing.
extended his empire across Asia to the Level: Amil (Revenue Officer), Barid
(b) They were forty military archers who
Adriatic Sea. His last campaign against (Intelligence agents), Khwaja (Accounts
distinguished themselves by their
best-known Chahamana ruler? transferred military supplies in times law and order), Muftis (Expounder of
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift) of war. law).
(a) Prithviraja III (b) Vigraharaja II (d) They were forty Rajput nobles who
Q.286. Who among the following was the
(c) Prithviraja l (d) Vasudeva planned a coup to dethrone Qutb ud
Sultanate) wrote Tarikh-i-Firozshahi and SSC MTS 05/11/2024 (1st Shift) Malik Ikhtiyar-ud-din Altunia in the Qila
Fatwa-i-Jahandari. (a) Zafar Khan (b) Bughra Khan Mubarak Fort (Bathinda). The book
(c) Khizr Khan (d) Mahmud Khan "Razia Queen of India" was written by
Q.289. Zafar khan was a famous General
Rafiq Zakaria about her life.
of which of the following rulers of the Sol.293.(b) Bughra Khan. After
Delhi Sultanate? Nasir-ud-din Mahmud died in 1266, Q.297. Which of the following Delhi
SSC CGL Tier II 03/03/2023 Ghiyasuddin Balban (1266-1287) sultans introduced two coins, namely
(a) Alauddin Khilji (b) Iltutmish ascended the throne. He was also the silver tanka and copper jital?
(c) Muhammad bin Tughluq (d) Balban first muslim ruler to formulate the ‘theory SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
of Kingship’. Balban introduced the (a) Qutbuddin Aibak (b) Bahlul Lodi
Sol.289.(a) Alauddin Khilji’s Generals : practice of Sijda (prostration) and Paibos (c) Ghiyasuddin Balban (d) Iltutmish
Hizabruddin (Zafar Khan), Almas Beg (kissing the feet of Monarch). Tughril Beg
(Ulugh Khan), Malik Kafur (Taj al-Din Izz revolted against Balban, Sultan of Delhi, Sol.297.(d) Iltutmish (1210 - 1236). He
al-Dawla), Nusrat Khan (Malik Nusrat and declared himself as an independent was a slave and son-in-law of
Jalesari). Muhammad bin Tughlaq ruler of Bengal in 1279. Qutubuddin Aibak, considered the real
(Jauna Khan): Introduced token currency. founder of Delhi Sultanate.
Q.294. Which of the following
Q.290. Who among the following rulers departments of Delhi Sultanate was Q.298. Balban followed the tradition of
ruled before Prithviraj Chauhan over reorganized by Balban? ‘Sijda and Pabos’ from which of following
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (2nd Shift) (a) Diwan-i-Ishtiaq (b) Diwan-i-Arz SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Ghiyasuddin Balban (c) Diwan-i-Risalat (d) Diwan-i-Mustakhraj (a) Persian (b) Roman
(b) Ananga Pala (c) Mangol (d) Chinese
(c) Jalaluddin Khalji Sol.294.(b) Diwan-i-Arz (Department of
(d) Qutbuddin Aibak Military). Central Departments of Delhi Sol.298.(a) Persian. 'Sijda' refers to the
Sultanates: ‘Diwan-i-Risalat’ - Department act of prostration or bowing down, and
Sol.290.(b) Ananga Pala Tomar - of Appeals, ‘Diwan-i-Bandagan’- 'Pabos' refers to the kissing of the
founded Delhi in 1052. An inscription of Department of Slaves, monarch's feet.
Vikram Samvat 1383 in the Delhi ‘Diwan-i-Qaza-i-Mamalik’ - Department of
Museum confirms the founding of Delhi Q.299. Who among the following Delhi
Justice, ‘Diwan-i-Ishtiaq’ - Department of
by the Tomars. Sultanate rulers took the policy of ‘blood
Pensions, ‘Diwan - i - Mustakhraj’-
and iron’ to deal with the Mewati
Departments of Arrears, ‘Diwan-i-Khairat’
Q.291. Who was the author of Tarikh - i - community?
- Department of Charity, ‘Diwan-i-Kohi’-
Mubarak Shahi which is a Persian SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift)
Department of Agriculture, ‘Diwan
language chronicle of the Delhi (a) Qutubuddin Aibak (b) Rajiya
-i-Wizarat’ - Head Wazir, ‘Diwan -i-Waqoof’
Sultanate? (c) Balban (d) Iltutmish
- Department of Revenue.
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) Jawahar-fi-Jawahir Sol.299.(c) Balban. The policy of 'blood
Q.295. Which of the following Sultans of
(b) Khazain-ul-Futuh and iron' implied being ruthless to the
Delhi primarily adopted a policy of
(c) Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi enemies, use of sword, harshness and
consolidation rather than expansion?
(d) Yahya bin Ahmad Sirhindi strictness and shedding blood. Ghiyas ud
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
din Balban was the ninth sultan of the
(a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Balban
Sol.291.(d) Yahya bin Ahmad Sirhindi. Mamluk/Slave dynasty of Delhi.
(c) Alauddin Khalji (d) Bahlol Lodi
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Pinnacle History
Q.300. Mameluke style of architecture (d) Qutb ud-Din Aibak initially a slave who rose to become the
belongs to which dynasty? Sultan of Delhi, ruling from 1266 to 1287
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) Sol.304.(c) Nasiruddin Mahmud CE. He was known for his theory of
(a) Lodi dynasty (b) Slave dynasty (1246-1266 AD) - Eighth ruler of Slave kingship and strong centralized
(c) Khilji dynasty (d) Tughlaq dynasty dynasty (Mamluk dynasty). Minhaj -i-Siraj administration.
was his court historian. Balban
Sol.300.(b) Slave dynasty (1206 - 1290) - (1266-1287 AD) : He pursued the policy Q.309. Quwwat al-Islam mosque and
It is also known as the Mamluk Dynasty. of ‘blood and iron’. Razia Sultan minaret, built during the last decade of
Established by - Qutbuddin Aibak (1206 - (1236-1240 AD) : First muslim woman to the ______ century.
1210). Capitals - Lahore . Famous rule over Delhi sultanate. SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (4th Shift)
buildings built by rulers of the slave (a) eleventh (b) thirteenth
dynasty: Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque, Qutub Q.305. Who among the following
(c) fourteenth (d) twelfth
Minar, Adhai Din ka Jhonpra, Tomb of revolted against Balban, Sultan of Delhi,
Nasir-ud-Din Mohammed, Tomb of and declared himself as an independent Sol.309.(d) Twelfth. Quwwat-ul-Islam
Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish. ruler of Bengal in 1279? Mosque (1192-1198) built by Qutubuddin
SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift) Aibak. Other Monuments of Qutub
Q.301. The Delhi sultan, who succumbed (a) Muhammad Khan complex - Alai Darwaza (by Ala-ud-din
to injuries as a result of his fall from (b) Tughril Beg Khalji in 1311 AD). Tomb of Iltutmish
horse, was __________ . (c) Bughra Khan (1235). Tomb of Imam Zamin (1537).
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) (d) Nasir-ud-din Mahmud
(a) Qutubuddin Aibak (b) Behram Shah Q.310. What is the approximate height
(c) Balban (d) Iltutmish Sol.305.(b) Tughril Beg. Balban (in metres) of the Qutub Minar situated in
(Mamluk dynasty or Slave Dynasty) - Delhi ?
Sol.301.(a) Qutubuddin Aibak (Known as Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban appointed his own SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
Lakh Baksh). He was the slave of son Bughra khan as governor of Bengal. (a) 75 (b) 77 (c) 73 (d) 71
Muhammad Ghori and was the first Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq also
sultan of Delhi Sultanate. He established known as Nasiruddin, was the last sultan Sol.310.(c) 73 (239.5 ft. approx). Qutub
the slave dynasty (Mamluk dynasty). of the Tughlaq dynasty. Minar has five storeys. It was started in
Famous Ruler of Slave Dynasty (1206 1199 by Qutb ud-Din Aibak, completed in
AD-1290 AD): Qutbuddin Aibak Q.306. Who occupied Badaun (A.D. 1220 by his son-in-law Iltutmish.
(1206-1210), Shamsuddin Iltutmish 1197-98) and appointed Iltutmish as its UNESCO (1993). Other Important Minars
(1210-1236), Raziya Sultan (1236-1240), first Muslim Governor? - Charminar, Hyderabad (1591) by
Balban (1266-1287). SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Evening) Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, height is
(a) Prithviraj Chauhan 48.7 m (160 ft).
Sol.302.(c) 1235 AD. Iltutmish (Reign /Mamluk Dynasty)}: He established the (c) Nizam ul-Mulk Junaidi
1210 - 1236 AD) introduced silver coin first Muslim dynasty and was also known (d) Nusrat Khan
(Tanka) and copper coin (Jital), and as Lakh Baksh. He died in Lahore,
completed the construction of Qutub
Pakistan after falling from a horse ride. Sol.311.(c) Nizam ul-Mulk Junaidi.
Minar. He also constructed a large
Iltutmish is known as the real founder of
reservoir Hauz-i-Sultani just outside Q.307. Qutub Minar is an example of
Delhi Sultanate who occupied the throne
Dehli-i-Kuhna. ______ architecture.
in 1210 AD after KIlling Aram Bakshsh.
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Q.303. Who started the practice of He shifted his capital from Lahore to
(a) Indo-Islamic (b) Dravidian
celebrating Nauroz during the Delhi Delhi.
(c) Sufi (d) Mauryan
Sultanate period?
Sol.307.(a) Indo - Islamic. Indo-Islamic Q.312. Ghiyasuddin Balban, ruler of the
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Sikandar Sur architecture is the architecture of the Slave dynasty, took up the title of _______.
(b) Shamsuddin Iltutmish Indian subcontinent produced for Islamic SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Morning)
(c) Ghiyasuddin Balban patrons and purposes. Famous (a) Nur-al-Din (light of the faith)
(d) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq Examples - City of Mandu (Madhya (b) NurMahal (light of the palace)
Pradesh), Taj Mahal (Agra), Gol Gumbaz (c) Zil-i-Ilahi (shadow of God)
Sol.303.(c) Ghiyasuddin Balban. Nowruz (d) JahanPanah (protector of the world)
(Karnataka), Jama Masjid (Delhi) etc.
is the Iranian New Year, also known as
the Persian New Year. Q.308. Who had assumed the title of Sol.312.(c) Zil-i-Ilahi (shadow of God).
Balban? Ghiyas ud din Balban - Abolished
Q.304. Balban served as naib to which of Chahalghani (Council of 40 nobles),
SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023)
the following sultans of Delhi? Introduced Persian customs as sizdah
(a) Kabir Khan (b) Farid Khan
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (4th shift) (c) Ulugh Khan (d) Ayaz Khan (prostration), paibos (kissing feet of
(a) Iltutmish sultan), established Diwan-i-Ariz (defence
(b) Razia Sol.308.(c) Ulugh Kha, whose original
(c) Nasiruddin Mahmud name was Ghiyas ud din Balban, was
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Pinnacle History
Q.313. In which of the following forts Sol.316.(c) Alauddin Khilji. Malik Kafur - SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening)
was Razia Sultan imprisoned by Malik also known as 'Hazar Dinari’ was a slave (a) Alauddin Khalji
Ikhtiyar-ud-din Altunia? of Ala-ud-din Khilji who led his army in (b) Balban
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Evening) the battle against Ramachandra of (c) Iltutmish
(a) Qila Mubarak in Bathinda Devagiri. Administrative Reforms - (d) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(b) Jaigarh fort in Jaipur implemented the system of "dagh Pratha
(c) Golconda fort in Golconda ," branding horses, and "Huliya Pratha (a Sol.320.(a) Alauddin Khalji (1296 -
(d) Mehrangarh fort in Jodhpur system of ranks)" keeping records of 1316). He was the second ruler of Khilji
soldiers. dynasty after Jalaluddin Khilji (Founder -
Sol.313.(a) Qila Mubarak in Bathinda, ‘Khalji Dynasty’). He was also appointed
built by Raja Dab. Jaigarh fort in Jaipur Q.317. Which of the following Sultans of Arizi-i-Mumalik (Minister of War) during
was built in 1726 AD by Jai Singh II. Delhi set up the officers like Barid the reign of Jalaluddin Khilji and laid the
Golconda fort in Golconda was built by (intelligence officer) and Munhiyans foundation of his capital Siri in 1303 A.D.
Qutb Shahi dynasty. Mehrangarh fort in (secret spies) to control the market?
Jodhpur was built by Rao Jodha. Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Q.321. Who was the first to mention the
(a) Ghiyasuddin Balban incident of Jauhar in Persian ?
(b) Alauddin Khalji SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Khilji Dynasty (a) Ibn Batutah (b) Amir Khusrau
(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(d) Shamsuddin Iltutmish (c) Ziauddin Barani (d) Hasan Nizami
Q.314. To control the prices, which of the
following Sultans of Delhi set up three Sol.321.(b) Amir Khusrau. ‘Jauhar’ - The
Sol.317.(b) Alauddin Khalji, ruler of the
different markets for different collective self-immolation by women in
Delhi Sultanate, is known for
commodities in Delhi ? order to escape capture and forced into
implementing significant market reforms
SSC MTS 04/11/2024 (3rd Shift) slavery by invaders in face of imminent
and establishing strict price controls and
(a) Alauddin Khalji defeat.
market regulations.
(b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(c) Ghiyasuddin Balban Q.318. Who among the following Sultans Q.322. During Alauddin Khilji's reign, the
(d) Shamsuddin Iltutmish framed a series of regulations to weaken cloth market was known as______.
the power of nobles? SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift)
Sol.314.(a) Alauddin Khalji. Alauddin set (a) Sarai-i-Adl (b) Mandi
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
up three different markets for different (c) Munhiyans (d) Shahna-i-Mandi
(a) Muhammad bin Tughluq (b) Balban
horses, slaves, cattle, etc. To ensure 1290-1320): He made nobles pay land built three markets of foodgrain, precious
implementation, Alauddin appointed a tax for their holdings. This curbed the clothes and slave cattle near Kushke
superintendent (Shahna-i-Mandi) who excess of wealth owned by nobles. The Sabz (Hara Rajmahal) within the Badaun
was assisted by an intelligence officer. nobles were also ordered not to have gate in Delhi. These were government -
social gatherings or intermarriages aided markets.
Q.315. The first southern campaign of
without his permission. The group of Q.323. Who was the first Sultan of the
Alauddin Khilji in 1307-08 AD was led to
nobles, called "The Forty". Delhi Sultanate to start military
which of the following regions?
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Q.319. Who among the following expeditions into southern India?
Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 1)
Disastrous Projects are: Taxation in the Q.335. Who among the following
Tughlaq Dynasty Doab, Transfer of Capital, Khurasan appointed Aziz Khummar a wine distiller
Expedition, Qarachil Expedition, to high administrative post?
Q.327. The Begumpuri mosque was built Introduction of Token Currency. SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
during the reign of which of the following
rulers of the Delhi Sultanate? na
Q.331. Who invaded India during the rule
(a) Alauddin Khalji
(b) Muhammad Tughluq
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Afternoon) of Tughlaq Dynasty? (c) Jalaluddin Khalji
(a) Sikandar Lodhi SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift) (d) Firuz Shah Tughluq
from February 1324 to 1351. The eldest Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Tughlaq, Timur cook, and two gardeners - Ladha and
son of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq, founder of invaded India in 1398 A.D., leading to the Pira, to high administrative posts. He
decline of the Tughlaq dynasty.
the Tughlaq dynasty, he built the also decided to transfer his capital from
Begumpur Mosque (Jam'i Masjid of Delhi to Devagiri (Daulatabad).
Q.332. Which of the following cities of
Q.328. Who among the following was the Tughlaq ? chronicle first in 1356 and another
first sultan of Delhi Sultanate to visit the SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) version _____ years later.
Ajmer shrine of Khwaja Muinuddin (a) Siri (b) Jahanpanah SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Chishti? (c) Qila-i-Rai Pithora (d) Tughlaqabad (a) three (b) eight (c) two (d) five
SSC MTS 11/11/2024 (1st Shift)
Sol.332.(d) Tughluqabad. Ghiyasuddin Sol.336.(c) Two. Ziauddin Barani
(a) Ghiyasuddin Balban
Tuglaq (reign period : 1320-1324) - (1285–1358 AD) was a prominent
(b) Jalaluddin Khalji
Founder of Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1414 Muslim political thinker of the Delhi
(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
AD). Tughalq was the longest-ruling Sultanate during the reigns of
(d) Khizr Khan
dynasty of Delhi sultanate. City and Muhammad bin Tughlaq and Firoz Shah.
Sol.328.(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq, founder: Siri - Alauddin khilji; Jahanpanah Other Books: Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi and
originally known as Junakhan, ascended - Muhammad bin Tughlaq; Qila-i-Rai Fatwa-i-Jahandari, Sana-i- Muhammadi,
the throne in 1324. He is remembered for Pithora - Prithviraj Chauhan. Tarikh-i-Barmaki, etc.
his efforts to maintain the administrative
and political unity of India. In 1327 A.D., Q.333. Who among the following was the Sayyid Dynasty
he successfully captured Warangal, a successor of Muhammad-Bin Tughlaq to
the throne? Q.337. The author of Tarikh-i-Mubarak
significant event in his reign.
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) Shahi, Yahya Sirhindi claims that the
Q.329. To promote agriculture, (a) Ghiyath-ud-din Tughlaq Shah II founder of ________ dynasty of Delhi
Muhammad Tughlaq founded which of (b) Abu Bakr Shah Tughlaq sultanate was a descendant of Prophet
the following new ministries? (c) Nais-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughlaq Muhammad.
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift) (d) Firuz Shah Tughlaq SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Diwan-i-Arz (b) Diwan-i Amir-i kohi (a) Mamluk (b) Khalji (c) Sayyid (d) Lodhi
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Pinnacle History
Sol.337.(c) Sayyid. Khizr Khan defeated (c) Sayyid dynasty (d) Tughluq dynasty Mughal Period
Sultan Daulat Khan and occupied Delhi,
and founded the Sayyid dynasty in 1414. Sol.341.(a) Lodi dynasty (1451 - 1526). It
Q.346. Consider the following
Capital : Delhi. Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi was founded by Bahlul Lodi (1451 to statements in the context of the Mughal
contains the history of Muhammad Ghori 1489 AD). Sultan Sikandar Lodi founded Rule.
and his rulers up to the third ruler of the Agra in 1504. Famous Historic City and 1. The Mansabdari System was
Sayyid dynasty. their Founder: Fatehpur Sikri (Uttar introduced by Akbar in 1571.
Pradesh) - Akbar, Hampi (Karnataka) - 2. The Second Battle of Panipat was
Q.338. Who was the first ruler of the Harihara I and Bukka Raya I, Udaipur fought in 1556.
Sayyid Dynasty? (Rajasthan) - Udai Singh II, Warangal 3. Maharana Pratap Singh of Mewar was
SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Morning) (Telangana) - Kakatiya dynasty. a contemporary of Babur.
(a) Khizr Khan Which of the statements given above
(b) Alauddin Alam Shah Q.342. Which of the following is/are correct?
(c) Muhammad Shah mosques/masjids was built during the SSC MTS 28/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
(d) Mubarak Khan reign of Lodi dynasty of the Delhi (a) Only 2 (b) Both 1 and 2
Sultanate? (c) Both 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Sol.338.(a) Khizr Khan (In 1414 A.D) - He SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
Sol.346.(b) Both 1 and 2. Maharana
captured the Delhi sultanate from the (a) Begumpuri mosque, Delhi
Pratap Singh was a contemporary of the
Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq (b) Quwwat al-Islam, Delhi
third Mughal emperor Akbar. He is
(Tughlaq dynasty) and founded the (c) Lal Masjid, Delhi
notable for leading the Rajput resistance
Sayyid Dynasty. He was succeeded by (d) Moth ki Masjid, Delhi
against Akbar's expansionist policies,
Mubarak Shah (first Sultan ruler to
Sol.342.(d) Moth ki Masjid, Delhi. It was including in the Battle of Haldighati
appoint Hindu nobles in the court of
built in 1505 by Wazir Miya Bhoiya. (1576) and the Battle of Dewair (1582).
Delhi) and constructed “Mubarakbad”
Begumpuri mosque (Delhi) - It was The Second Battle of Panipat was fought
constructed by Muhammad Tughluq . between Akbar and Hemu. The
Lodi Dynasty mansabdari system was basically a
Q.343. “Double Dome” feature of grading system in order to rank the
Indo-Islamic architecture was introduced officers based on their ranks and
Q.339. Which of the following dynasties
by which dynasty of Delhi Sultanate? salaries.
of the Delhi Sultanate finally annexed
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Morning)
Jaunpur into the empire of Delhi
(a) Slave Dynasty (b) Khilji Dynasty Q.347. Who among the following was the
(c) Tughlaq Dynasty (d) Lodi Dynasty guru of Tansen?
SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
(a) Lodi dynasty (b) Khalji dynasty
Sol.343.(d) Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526). (a) Abul Fazal (b) Shaukat Mian
(c) Tughlaq dynasty (d) Sayyid dynasty Double dome - Built of two layers. There (c) Makarand Mishra (d) Swami Haridasa
is one layer inside which provides a
Sol.339.(a) Lodi dynasty was founded by
ceiling to the interior of the building. The Sol.347.(d) Swami Haridasa. The
the Delhi Sultanate. He also brought the Q.344. Bahlol Lodi was succeeded by his
ruler of Kalpi and Dholpur under the son __________under the title of Sultan Q.348. Who among the following was
Suzerainty of Delhi. Sikandar Shah in 1489. given the charge of looking after the
Graduate Level 03/08/2022 (Shift - 3) imperial household during the Mughal
Q.340. Who among the following was the
(a) Nizam Khan (b) Khizr Khan administration?
last sultan of Delhi sultanate?
(c) Bahlul Shah (d) Sher Shah SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift)
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) Mir Saman (b) Mir Bahri
(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq Sol.344.(a) Nizam Khan {assumed the (c) Mir Bakshi (d) 'Mir-e-aatish'
(b) Sikandar Lodi title Sikandar Shah,founded Agra in 1504,
(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq relocated the capital from Delhi to Agra, Sol.348.(a) Mir Saman. Mir Bahri
(d) Ibrahim Lodi pen name Gulrukh}. (mir-i-bahr) - Responsible for the
maintenance of the river and seaports.
Sol.340.(d) Ibrahim Lodi was the last Q.345. The _____ sultanate is ruled by the Mir Bakshi - Headed military department,
Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate Sharqi dynasty. nobility, information and intelligence
(1206–1526), he became Sultan in 1517 SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Afternoon) agencies. Mir-e-aatish - Head of the
after the death of his father Sikandar (a) Agra (b) Delhi ordinance department.
Khan Lodi. In 1526, he was defeated and (c) Jaunpur (d) Bharatpur
killed in the Battle of Panipat by Babur, Q.349. Name the French jeweler who
giving way to the emergence of the Sol.345.(c) The Jaunpur sultanate was traveled to India at least six times during
Mughal Empire in India. ruled by the sharqi dynasty. It was the Mughal period.
founded by Khwajah-i-Jahan Malik SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (1st shift)
Q.341. Which of the following dynasties of Sarwar in 1394. In 1479, Sultan Hussain (a) Antonio Monserrate
Delhi Sultanate founded Agra city? Khan was defeated by the forces of (b) Jean-Baptiste Tavernier
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Afghan chieftain Bahlul Lodhi and this (c) Seydi Ali Reis
(a) Lodi dynasty (b) Khalji dynasty dynasty came to an end. (d) Peter Mundy
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Pinnacle History
Sol.349.(b) Jean-Baptiste Tavernier. He actual collection. The Jama was the Q.359. Medini Rai of Chanderi, Hasan
came to India during the reign of Shah amount assessed whereas the Hasil was Khan of Mewat and Mahmud Lodi joined
Jahan. Antonio Monserrate : A Spanish the amount received or collected. Banjar Rana Sanga with their forces to fight
missionary, came during the reign of was the worst kind of land that was left against which of the following Mughal
Akbar. Seydi Ali Reis : He was a Turkish out of cultivation for five years or rulers?
traveler who visited India in the 16th upwards. SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
century. Peter Mundy : A European (a) Babur (b) Akbar
philosopher and foreign traveler came to Q.355. Which Mughal prince translated (c) Aurangzeb (d) Humayun
India during the reign of Shah Jahan. the Upanishads into Persian in 1657?
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.359.(a) Babur. He was a descendant
Q.350. Who built the Pathar Ki Masjid in (a) Sultan Luftallah (b) Dara Shikoh of Genghis Khan and Timur, founded the
Patna, Bihar? (c) Murad Mirza (d) Shah Suja Mughal Empire in northern India .
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) Feroz shah Tughlaq (b) Parwez Shah Sol.355.(b) Dara Shikoh. He was the Q.360. The battle of Khanwa was fought
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Alauddin Khilji eldest son and heir-apparent of the between the forces of the Babur and the
Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He Rajput forces led by:
Sol.350.(b) Parwez Shah (Son of Mughal completed the translation of fifty Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Emperor Jahangir) built “Pathar Ki upanishads from their original Sanskrit to (a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Rana Sanga
Masjid” on the banks of River Ganga, Persian in 1657 so that they could be (c) Medini Rai (d) Mahmud Lodi
Patna (Bihar) in 1621. studied by muslim scholars.
Sol.360.(b) Rana Sanga.
Q.351. On 12 August ________ the Mughal Q.356. Who was the Mughal Emperor at
emperor appointed the East India the time of Battle of Plassey? Q.361. Who made the use of Gunpowder
Company as the Diwan of Bengal. SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) common in North India to defeat
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (1st Shift) (a) Alamgir II (b) Siraj- Ud- Daulah enemies?
(a) 1765 (b) 1768 (c) 1772 (d) 1760 (c) Mir Qasim (d) Shah Alam II SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
(a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Babur
Sol.351.(a) On 12 August 1765, the Sol.356.(a) Aziz-ud-din Alamgir II. (c) Rana Sanga (d) Daulat Khan Lodi
Mughal emperor (Shah Alam II) Alamgir II (Reign - 1754-1759) was the
appointed the East India Company as the fifteenth Mughal Emperor. Sol.361.(b) Babur (1526-1530): The first
Diwan of Bengal. Mughal emperor, succeeded to the
(c) Porbandar (d) Surat (a) Battle of Bayana (c) Hindal (d) Kamran
Sol.352.(d) Surat. It grew famous for all (b) Battle of Khanwa
types of textiles, particularly cotton (c) Second battle of Panipat Sol.362.(b) Humayun - The second ruler
textiles. (d) Battle of Chanderi of the Mughal empire. The Afghan
written in _____ emerged victorious against Rana Sanga. 1540. Humayun was the first person who
SSC CGL 20/04/2022(Afternoon) Battles of Babar - First Battle of Panipat developed a citadel in Delhi, named as
(a) Arabic (b) Persian (c) Turkish (d) Urdu (1526) : Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi. “Din Panah”.
Battle of Chanderi (1528): Babar won
Sol.353.(b) Persian. Mughal chronicles against Madiniray. Battle of Ghaghra Q.363. The first battle of Panipat took
such as the Akbar Nama were written in (1529): Babar triumphed over Mahmud place between Babur and _________.
Persian. Some of the famous Books Lodi. SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
during Mughal Reign are Humayun Nama (a) Medini Rai (b) Sikandar Lodi
was written by Gulbadan Begum, Tuzuk - Q.358. The real name of Babur, the (c) Ibrahim Lodi (d) Rana Sanga
E Babari - Babur, Akbar Nama- Abul Fazl, founder of Mughal dynasty in India was:
Tarikh E Akbari - Abul Fazl, Tahakik E SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sol.363.(c) Ibrahim Lodi. The First
Hind- Albiruni, Laila Majnu- Amir Khasuru, (a) Zahiruddin Muhammad Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.
Shahnamah- Firdousi etc (b) Irfanuddin Muhammad Second Battle of Panipat (1556): Hemu
(c) Zainuddin Muhammad Vikramaditya and Akbar . Third Battle of
Q.354. With reference to the Land (d) Ruknuddin Muhammad Panipat (1761): Marathas and Ahmad
Revenue System of Mughal Empire, the Shah Abdali.
term ' was the amount assessed. Sol.358.(a) Zahiruddin Muhammad. Real
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning) names of some Mughal emperors Q.364. Who among the following Mughal
(a) Banjar (b) Polaj (c) Hasil (d) Jama include: Humayun - Nasir al-Din Emperors had assumed the title of
Muhammed, Akbar - Jalal- ud-din Padshah?
Sol.354.(d) Jama. The arrangements for Muhammad Akbar, Jahangir - SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon)
collection of land revenue consisted of Muhammad Salim, Aurangzeb - (a) Jahangir (b) Babur
two stages : first assessment and then Muhi-ud-din-Muhammad. (c) Humayun (d) Akbar
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Pinnacle History
Sol.364.(b) Babur. He was the first was born Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad in the construction of sarais (shelter) for
Timurid ruler who, after his conquest of Kabul. Humayun was the second the convenience of travellers ?
Kabul (1507), assumed the title of Emperor of the Mughal Empire, ruling SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift)
Padshah which means "king of kings" or over present-day Pakistan, Northern (a) Babur (b) Sher Shah Suri
"emperor in persian". India, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh from (c) Akbar (d) Humayun
1530 to 1540 and again from 1555 to
Q.365. After years of wandering Babur 1556. Sol.374.(b) Sher Shah Suri (1540-1545):
seized Kabul in_________. Administrative reforms - Introduction of
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening) Q.370. In 1539, the Battle of Chausa was Rupiya, Built Grand-Trunk Road, Staged
(a) 1501 (b) 1504 (c) 1503 (d) 1502 fought between Humayun and ______. Dak-Chowkis in Sarais.
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Sol.365.(b) 1504. (a) Ibrahim Lodhi (b) Sher Shah Suri Q.375. The historical Sher-Shah Suri
(c) Sikandar Suri (d) Rana Sanga Marg runs between ___________.
Q.366. The famous monument, Aram SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning)
Bagh, was built by Babur. It is located in Sol.370.(b) Sher Shah Suri (Farid Khan, (a) Kanpur and Kanyakumari
1540-1545) - Founder of the Sur Empire, (b) Delhi and Manali
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
constructed the Grand Trunk Road, (c) Delhi and Amritsar
(a) Delhi (b) Uttar Pradesh
introduced the first Rupee (silver coin, (d) Lucknow and Kolkata
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Bihar
Rupia). He defeated Humayun in 1539
Sol.366.(b) Uttar Pradesh. Aram Bagh - and 1540 in the battle of Chausa and Sol.375.(c) Delhi and Amritsar. The
Built by Babur in 1528 in Agra. Kannauj respectively. Grand Trunk Road (formerly known as
Monuments Built by Babur: The avenue Uttarapath, Sarak-e-Azam and Badshahi
Q.371. Sher khan defeated Humayun in Sarak) - Part of National Highway (12, 27,
garden in Kabul, the Panipat Mosque and
the battle of Chausa and Kanauj and 19, 44, 3) in India.
the Kabuli Bagh Mosque.
forced him to flee to________.
Q.367. Where was Babur buried for the Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1) Q.376. Humayun’s Tomb situated in Delhi
first time in 1530 ? (a) Turkey (b) Iraq (c) Iran (d) Uzbekistan is built by ______ .
Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (1st Shift)
Sol.371.(c) Iran. Sher Khan, an ethnic (a) Gulbadan Begum (b) Biga Begum
(a) Kabul (b) Agra (c) Delhi (d) Fargana
Pashtun, defeated Humayun in the (c) Hamida Begum (d) Maham Begum
Sol.367.(b) Agra. On December 26, 1530, battles of Chausa (1539) and battles of
Babur died at Agra. His body was first Bilgram/Kannauj (1540), forcing Sol.376.(b) Biga Begum. The architect
laid at Arambagh in Agra but was later Humayun to flee to Iran. After these was Mirak Mirza Ghiyath.
taken to Kabul, where it was buried. victories, Sher Khan crowned himself
Q.377. Mirza Kamran was the brother of
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (1st Shift) Sol.377.(a) Humayun and son of Babur
(a) Akbarabad (b) Dinpanah
(a) Shahjahan (b) Humayun and Gulrukh Begum. He came to India in
(c) Muhammadabad (d) Siri
Q.385. Which of the following SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning)
defeated Hemu in the Second Battle of
statements about Akbar are true? (a) Rewa (b) Benaras
Panipat, securing control over Delhi.
1 He introduced the Mansabdari system. (c) Gandhara (d) Maghad
Q.381. Who among the following was 2 He defeated and merged the state of
one of the Navratnas of Akbar? Bijapur in his empire. Sol.389.(a) Rewa. Tansen was initially
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift) 3 He made Fatehpur Sikri his capital. the court singer of King Ram Chand. His
(a) Purandar Das (b) Swami Haridas SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) original name was RamaTanu Pandey.
(c) Tansen (d) Amir Khusro (a) All 1, 2, 3 (b) Only 1 and 3 Tansen was the title given to him by Raja
legendary figure in Hindustani Classical Mansabdari system was a system of _________ was the land that has lain
Music. He is known as the "Sangeet ranking government officials and military fallow for three or four years.
Samrat," or "Monarch of Hindustani generals in the Mughal Empire, which SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift)
Music. was introduced by Emperor Akbar in (a) Parauti (b) Polaj (c) Chachar (d) Banjar
1571. Aurangzeb, the sixth Mughal
Q.382. Who among the following was the Sol.390.(c) Chachar. Parauti - The land
emperor (1658-1707), sent his armies to
Vakil under the reign of Mughal Emperor kept out of cultivation temporarily in
conquer the Deccan Sultanates. He
Akbar, who received the title of order to recoup its lost fertility. Polaj -
annexed Bijapur in 1685 and Golconda in
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Morning)
from Alauddin Khilji and made them (a) Bahadur Shah Zafar (b) Humayun (a) Mutamid Khan (b) Inayat Khan
more efficient. (c) Akbar (d) Shah Jahan (c) Abdul Rahim Khan (d) Abul Fazl
Q.394. Ain-i Akbari, a document on life of
Sol.399.(c) Akbar. Murshidabad was Sol.403.(a) Mutamid Khan. He was in the
Mughal ruler Akbar does not contain named by Nawab Murshid Qulī Khan.
information about _________ court of Mughal Emperor Jahangir (4th
Akbar (reign - 1556 - 1605) - Constructed Mughal ruler, 1605 to 1627). ‘Iqbalnama-i
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (4th Shift) Fatehpur Sikri (made it his capital in
(a) Revenues (b) Ancestors Jahangiri’ book was written in Persian
1569), Started a new religion Din-i Ilahi and it covers the first 19 years of
(c) Army (d) Administration (1582), His biography titled Akbarnama Jahangir's reign. Inayat Khan wrote”
Sol.394.(b) Ancestors. Abul Fazl (Wrote by Abul Fazl). Shajahanama”. Abdul Rahim Khan
(Akbar’s court historian) wrote a Q.400. In the context of Mughal translated “Babarnama” to the Persian
three-volume history of Akbar’s reign, administration, which of the following is language.
titled Akbar Nama. The first volume the most appropriate definition of
(the Ain-i Akbari). Ain-i Akbari is divided (a) A clerk in the government treasury
into five volumes . SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(b) A court jester (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) West Bengal
Q.395. Ajmer became the suba (c) A tax levied on the lands over and (c) Punjab (d) Himachal Pradesh
above the original rent
Sirr-i-Akbar (Great Mystery). He was (a) Shah Jahan (b) Jahangir
Q.408. Who among the following has executed in 1659 by Aurangzeb in the (c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
written the ‘Badshah Nama’? war of succession.
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 Sol.417.(d) Aurangzeb (1658 - 1707). He
(a) Babur (b) Abdul Hamid Lahori Aurangzeb reimposed Jizya and Pilgrim tax in 1679
(c) Inayat Khan (d) Abul Fazl and ended the celebration of Navroz.
Q.413. Which Mughal ruler was
Sol.408.(b) Abdul Hamid Lahori - A responsible for the execution of Guru Q.418. Which Mughal Emperor has
historian and traveler who later became a Tegh Bahadur in the year 1675 ? attempted to vandalise the Kailash
court historian of Shah Jahan. “Badshah SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift) Temple at Ellora?
Nama” (Padshahnama) is the official (a) Jahangir (b) Akbar SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Evening)
history of Shah Jahan. (c) Aurangzeb (d) Shahjahan (a) Aurangzeb (b) Humayun
(c) Shah Jahan (d) Babur
Q.409. The mausoleum of the Taj Mahal Sol.413.(c) Aurangzeb. Guru Tegh
was designed by ____________. Sol.418.(a) Aurangzeb {Alamgir, original
(b) Mohammad Isha founded Anandpur Sahib. the court and also the activities of
(c) Shah Jahan ‘jharokha’ (public audience).
(d) Ustad Ahmad Lahori Q.414. Under whose rule did the Mughal
empire achieve its largest territorial Sikh Guru
(a) Guru Gobind Singh (b) Guru Arjan Dev founded a suburban township near
of Pratapgad (1659), Battle of Purandar
(c) Guru Teg Bahadur (d) Guru Nanak Dev Vijayanagar called Nagalapuram after his
(1665), Battle of Sinhagad (1670), Battle
Mother. He wrote the epic Telugu poem
Sol.422.(a) Guru Gobind Singh laid the of Sangamner(1679), etc.
foundation of ‘Khalsa Panth’ on April 13,
1699, situated in Punjab. It is a name Vijaynagar Empire Q.430. The Vijayanagara empire included
given to the religious structure and the people from different cultural regions.
community that manages the affairs of Q.426. The founders of Vijayanagar Which of the following regions was NOT
the global Khalsa community. empire, Harihara and Bukka Raya were a part of it?
the ministers of: Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
Maratha Empire SSC MTS 18/10/2024 (3rd Shift) (a) Tamil (b) Karnataka
Sol.423.(c) Chauth - It was paid to the lineage. Between 1336 and 1565,
Vijayanagara was ruled by three different Q.431. What was the dominant source of
Vijayanagara Empire (1336 -1646) - SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
Q.435. Vijayanagara emperor
Established by Harihara and Bukka on
Krishnadeva Raya founded a suburban (a) Raghunath Rao (b) Narayan Rao
the banks of river Tungabhadra. (c) Baji Rao II (d) Madhav Rao
township near Vijayanagara called
Nagalapuram after his __________. Q.440. Raichur doab, the land between Sol.444.(c) Baji Rao II. The Treaty of
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift) Krishna and Tungabhadra was a reason Bassein (1802): It was signed between
(a) father (b) teacher (c) sister (d) mother of conflict between the kings of Lord Wellesley and Baji Rao II. Other
Vijayanagar and _________ . Treaty: Treaty of Surat (1775) was signed
Sol.435.(d) Mother.
Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4) between Raghunath Rao and the British.
Q.436. The local communities of (a) Malwa (b) Golconda
The Treaty of Salbai (1782) was signed
merchants were known as _________ in (c) Bahamani (d) Bengal
between the Maratha Empire and the
the Vijayanagara empire. Sol.440.(c) Bahamani . The Bahmani British East India Company.
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift) -Vijayanagar conflict started during the
(a) Rachavarus (b) Narapattis Q.445. Which king of Punjab signed a
period of HariHara Raya I. Both kingdoms
(c) Kudirai Chettis (d) Gajapattis tripartite treaty with Shah Shujah and the
wanted to control the fertile and rich
English Company ?
Raichur doab lying between rivers
Sol.436.(c) Kudirai Chettis (Horse SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) - The Marathas won, Second (1803-1805) (d) Bahadurshah Jafar
(a) Germany (b) Portugal
- The British won.
(c) France (d) Spain Sol.455.(b) Shahalam II (Ali Gauhar) -
Q.452. Mir Qasim name is associated Son of Alamgir II. Third Battle of Panipat
Sol.448.(c) France. The Seven Years’ with which of the following battles of (14 January, 1761): Between Maratha
War, which took place between India? Empires and Ahmad Shah Abdali.
1756-1763, was a global conflict that SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift) (Victory - Ahmad Shah Abdali).
spanned five continents, though it was (a) Battle of Kirkee (b) Battle of Buxar
known in America as the ‘French and (c) Battle of Plassey (d) Battle of Lahore Q.456. The Battle of Khatoli fought was
Indian War’. It solidified Britain’s stance in 1517 between the kingdom of Mewar
as the most dominant European country Sol.452.(b) Battle of Buxar (1764) : It under Rana Sanga and ______.
in the world. Reason behind the Seven was fought between the forces of the SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Evening)
Years War - Both England and France British East India Company (led by (a) Sikander Lodi (b) Babur
wanted territories in North America. Hector Munro) and the combined army (c) Ibrahim Lodi (d) Mahmud Lodi
of an alliance of Shuja-ud-Daulah,
Q.449. Who was the Iranian ruler who Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II and Mir Sol.456.(c) Ibrahim Lodhi. The Lodi
attacked the city of Delhi and took away dynasty (1451 - 1526, an Afghan dynasty
(a) Ahmad Shah Qajar (b) Nadir shah Q.453. The second Anglo-Mysore War
Q.457. In which of these battles the
(c) Ahmad Shah Abdali (d) Abbas | came to an end by signing which of the
following treaties? involvement of the Mughal army was not
Sol.449.(b) Nadir Shah. Battle of Karnal SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (3rd shift) there?
(1739) : Fought between - Nadir Shah (a) The Treaty of Arcot SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening)
and Muhammad Shah. Victory - Nadir (b) The Treaty of Madras (a) Battle of Haldighati
Shah easily outnumbered the Mughal (c) The Treaty of Wandiwash (b) Battle of Buxar
forces and the Mughal emperor (d) The Treaty of Mangalore (c) Second Battle of Panipat
surrendered. Nadir Shah took the famous (d) Battle of Aliwal
Kohinoor diamond from India and Shah Sol.453.(d) The Treaty of Mangalore
Jahan's jewel studded peacock from the (1784). The second Anglo-Mysore War Sol.457.(d) Battle of Aliwal (1846) -
throne. (1780 - 84) was fought by Hyder Ali, the British (led by Sir Harry Smith) defeated
Nizam and the Marathas against the Sikh forces (led by Ranjodh Singh
Q.450. Which of the following was the British. Anglo-Mysore Wars : First (1767 Majithia).
first major and decisive victory for the - 69) - Between Hyder Ali and the British,
East India Company on the soil of India? Q.458. Which of the given statements is
concluded with the Treaty of correct?
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Madras.Third (1790 - 92) - The British,
(a) Battle of Sindhuli I. When Alivardi Khan died in 1756,
the Nizam and the Marathas fought Siraj-ud-daulah became the nawab of
(b) First Anglo-Maratha War together against Tipu Sultan, concluded
(c) Battle of Plassey Bengal.
with the Treaty of Seringapatam. Fourth II. In 1757, Robert Clive led the
(d) Battle of Tiruvannamalai (1798 - 99) - Between Arthur Wellesley company’s army against Siraj-ud-daulah
Sol.450.(c) Battle of Plassey (1757). and Tipu Sultan (Died). at Plassey.
This battle was fought between the Q.454. The Battle of Karnal is known for SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Q.460. Who emerged victorious in ‘The SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning) be characterised under 3 broad
Siege of Arcot’ in 1751 AD ? (a) Danish (b) Portuguese categories - Nagara Style (northern
SSC MTS 05/10/21 (Afternoon) (c) French (d) Dutch India), Dravida, and Vesara style
(a) French (b) Dutch (combination of both Nagara and
(c) Portuguese (d) British Sol.465.(b) Portuguese. The battle took Dravida, its superstructure is
place on 29–30 November 1612 off the bell-shaped).
Sol.460.(d) British. The Siege of Arcot
coast of Suvali, a village near Surat city.
was the battle between British and Q.470. Diwan-I-Am, containing the
This relatively small naval battle is
(b) Humayun Shah of the Mughal Emperor Farrukh Siyar. He
(d) Rajamartanda
(c) NizamuddinAhmad III was entrusted first with the governorship
(d) Bahman Shah Sol.476.(c) Prithviraj Raso. It is a Braj of Awadh, and later given charge of the
language epic poem about the life of Deccan.
Sol.473.(b) Humayun Shah. Mahmud
Prithviraj Chauhan. Other Ancient Books
Gawan (Khawaja Mahmud Gilani), a Q.481. Under the Bahmani kingdom, the
and Authors : ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ - Abul Fazl,
Persian trader who arrived in Deccan, provinces were administered by_______
‘Mahabharata’ - Vyasa, ‘Ramayana’ -
rose to prominence in the Bahmani SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Valmiki, ‘Shakuntala’ - Kalidasa, and
Q.474. Match the following books with revolting against the Delhi Sultanate. It
(a) Sawai Mansingh
their respective authors. was divided into four administrative
(b) Maharana Pratap
Book Author regions known as "taraf." These regions
b) Khazain-ul Futuh ii) Hasan Nizami Sol.477.(c) Sawai Jaisingh II founded subedar.
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) (c) A festival of the Nizam Shahi dynasty in the
(a) Ahmad Shah (b) Humayun Deccan, of Ahmednagar (now part of
(d) Religious function
(c) Mujahid Shah (d) Firuz Shah Maharashtra).
Sol.489.(a) Revenue Assignment. Other
Sol.485.(a) Ahmad Shah (1422-1435). Type of Tax : Kara - It was a generic term Q.494. The Imadshahi family was known
Bahmani sultanate was established by used for taxes. Hiranya - Tax on special for the foundation of which state?
Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah (Zafar produce taken in cash. Chat - Security SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift)
Khan) in 1347. Bahmani kingdom Tax. Prataya -Toll Tax. (a) Berar (b) Bidar
comprises the parts of the current day’s (c) Ahmednagar (d) Golkonda
Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra Q.490. Joseph Francois Dupleix was the
Pradesh. Governor General of which of the Sol.494.(a) Berar (Maharashtra). Imad
initiated by which of the following (c) English (d) Portuguese was annexed by Sultan Murtaza Shah of
European nations ? Ahmednagar Kingdom in 1574. Capital -
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.490.(b) French (Last European to Ellichpur.
Mahal’ (Jaipur) is an example of Rajput dynasty in Hyderabad?
(d) Tallapaka Annamacharya
Architecture. Hawa Mahal was built by SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (1st Shift)
Sol.498.(b) Basavanna - Founder of Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in Jaipur. (a) Chiktan Fort (b) Rajgad Fort
Lingayatism; Prime minister of Sikh Style - The Harimandir Sahib (c) Red Fort (d) Golconda Fort
Kalachurya king Bijjala (1157-1167); (Golden Temple). Mughal Style - Taj
Founded the Anubhava Mantapa. Mahal, Humayun’s Tomb, Agra Fort. Sol.508.(d) Golconda Fort - It was built
by the Kakatiya Dynasty. It was the
Q.499. The eleventh century structure of Q.504. Ananga Pala was a ruler of which principal capital of the Qutb Shahi
Graduate Level 27/06/2023 ( Shift - 4) (b) Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty capital in 1674 AD. Chiktan Fort - Kargil
(a) Chandela (b) Paramara (c) Pallava Dynasty (Ladakh).
(c) Nanda (d) Gurjara-Pratihara (d) Khilji Dynasty
Q.509. Which of the following books was
Sol.499.(b) Paramara. 'Bhojshala' is an Sol.504.(a) Rajput Dynasty - It was written by the Roman writer Pliny the
ancient and the only temple of Mata founded by Simharaj, who is famously elder?
Saraswati. It is located in Dhar district of known as the founder of the city of SSC CGL Tier II (03/03/2023)
Madhya Pradesh. The Paramara dynasty Ajmer. Ananga Pala - He was a king of (a) Indica
(Rajput) ruled Malwa and the adjacent the Tomara dynasty, who ruled over (b) Natural History
regions in west-central India from the 9th areas of Delhi in India. (c) Geographica
century to the 14th century. Founder - (d) Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
Upendra or Krishnaraja. Q.505. The Ahom Kingdom in India was
located in the _______. Sol.509.(b) Natural History. Important
Q.500. In which of the following places is SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning) Books and Authors: “Gathasaptashati” -
the Tomb of Ahmad Shah Al Wali (a) Chota Nagpur plateau Hala, “Indica” - Megasthenes,
Bahmani built ? (b) Vindhayas “Geographica” - Strabo, “Periplus of the
Graduate Level 30/06/2023 ( Shift - 1) (c) Brahmaputra valley Erythraean Sea:” - William H Schoff,
(a) Fatehpur Sikri (b) Agra (d) Coastal Odisha “Kathasaritsagara” - Somadeva,
(c) Ashtoor (d) Ajmer “Mudrarakshasa” - Vishakhadatta,
Sol.505.(c) Brahmaputra valley. “Rajtarangini” - Kalhana.
Sol.500.(c) Ashtoor. Ahmed Shah Al Wali Chaolung Sukapha founded the Ahom
Bahamani (1422 to 1436, Bahmani kingdom (13th century) that ruled Assam Q.510. Which of the following cities
Sultanate) - Ashtoor is an important for six centuries. It was annexed by became the capital of Bengal in 1704 ?
center of Indo-Saracenic monuments. British India in 1826 with the signing of SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Twelve imposing mausoleums are the Treaty of Yandaboo. Lachit (a) Howrah (b) Murshidabad
located at Ashtur east of Bidar. Borphukan (military general of Ahom (c) Kharagpur (d) Kolkata
kingdom) defeated mughal forces in the
Q.501. The Hoysaleshvara temple was Sol.510.(b) Murshidabad. Murshid Quli
Battle of Saraighat 1671.
built with which of the following stones Khan (Zamin Ali Quli) transferred his
by a Hoysala king in 1150? Q.506. What did the medieval term capital to the then Mukhsusabad later
Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 1) "Raqs" mean ? came to be known after Murshid Quli
(a) Dark Schist Stone (b) White Marble SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening) Khan as Murshidabad in 1704 A.D.
(c) Sandstone (d) Grey Basalt (a) Dancing (b) Singing Murshidabad (West Bengal) on the banks
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Pinnacle History
of the Bhagirathi became the center of (a) Henry Irwin Q.518. Who among the following was
silk. Murshid Quli Khan (1717-1727) was (b) William Emerson given the title of ‘Uttarapatha Swamin’ ?
the first Nawab of Bengal. (c) Frederick William Stevens SSC MTS 15/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(d) Edwin Lutyens (a) Mahipala (b) Devapala
Q.511. Which of the following statement (c) Dharmapala (d) Gopala
is correct with respect to the Prashastis Sol.514.(a) Henry Irwin. Mysore Palace
and land grants? (also known as Amba Villas) is a Sol.518.(c) Dharmapala assumed the
I. Prashastis were composed by learned historical palace at Mysore in Karnataka. title of Uttarapatha Swamin, Parama
Brahmanas. It was the official residence of the Bhattaraka, Paramesvara, and
II. Kings often rewarded Brahmanas by Wadiyar dynasty. Mysore Palace was Maharajadhiraja. He was the successor
grants of land which were recorded on constructed in Indo-Saracenic style of Gopala (founder of the Pala empire).
copper plates. architecture. He was a pious Buddhist. He founded
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift) Vikramshila University in Bhagalpur,
(a) Only I (b) Both I and II Q.515. The Vimana in the Dravidian style Bihar.
(c) Only II (d) Neither I nor II of temple architecture is usually in which
shape? Q.519. Who was the ruler of Mysore in
Sol.511.(b) Both I and II. Prashastis Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 (Shift - 3) 1761 ?
(metal plates) were written by Brahmans (a) Semi-Circular (b) Cylindrical SSC MTS 21/07/2022 (Afternoon)
in Sanskrit or any regional language. (c) Pyramidal (d) Rectangular (a) Baji Rao (b) Murshid Quli Jafar Khan
They have been written in the 1st (c) Hyder Ali (d) Nizam-ul-Mulk
millennium and onwards in the form of Sol.515.(c) Pyramidal. Gopuram
(entrance gateway in the center of the Sol.519.(c) Hyder Ali. In 1769, he
prose or poetry. Example: Allahabad
front wall). Antarala (vestibular tunnel), defeated the British forces several times
Pillar Inscription Sanskrit poem (by
garbhagriha (the innermost sanctuary of and reached the Madras walls. In the
Harishena in praise of King
a Hindu and Jain temple). Famous second Anglo-Mysore War, he died in
Samudragupta). Agrahara (Agraharam,
Dravidian Temples - Rajarajeswara or 1782 and was succeeded by his son
Ghatoka, Boya) refers to the land, village,
Brihadeshwara temple (Rajaraja Chola at Tipu.
or fields that were given to Brahmans.
Thanjavur), Gangaikondacholapuram
Q.520. In 1590, the Govind Deva temple
Q.512. The craftspersons of Bidar were temple (Rajendra I), Annamalaiyar
of Vrindavan, near Mathura was
so famed for their inlay work in ______. Temple (Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu),
constructed from ______ sandstone.
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (4th Shift) Meenakshi Temple (Tamil Nadu),
Kingdom in the 14th century. Bidar fort In the above mentioned sentences, forts
was built by Ahmad Shah Wali Bahman. is being talked about? Q.521. The book ‘Man Kautuhal’ was
Bidar is also considered one of the SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Evening) compiled by which of the following kings
holiest places for Sikh pilgrimage. (a) Chitradurg Fort (b) Daulatabad Fort of Medieval India?
(c) Fort Aguada (d) Golconda Fort SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Morning)
Q.513. In 1342, one of the nobles, Haji
(a) Raja Mansingh Tomar
Ilyas Khan united Bengal and became its Sol.516.(d) Golconda fort (Hyderabad;
(b) Krishna II
ruler under the title of __________and laid Built by the Qutb shahi dynasty).
(c) Parantaka Viranarayana
the foundation of the Ilyas Shah dynasty. Chitradurga fort (Karnataka; built by the
(d) Rajashekhara Varman
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning) Chalukyas and Hoysalas, later the
(a) Shams-ud-din Iliyas Shah Nayakas of Chitradurga of the Sol.521.(a) Raja Mansingh Tomar. He
(b) Ghiyasuddin Azam Vijayanagar Empire. Daulatabad fort was the ruler of Gwalior. He was a patron
(c) Sultan Abu al-Mujahid (Maharashtra; built by Yadava dynasty), of the Dhrupad genre from Hindustani
(d) Sultan Sayf ad-Din and Aguada Fort (Goa; built by Classical Music. He built Gwalior fort
Portuguese). (Gujari Mahal and Man Mandir Palace).
Sol.513.(a) Shams-ud-din Ilyas Shah The founder of the Tomar dynasty in
{(founder of Bengal Sultanate and Ilyas Q.517. The ancient Neemrana Baori is India was Anangapala I.
Shahi dynasty (First dynasty of Bengal)}. located in which of the following districts
Dynasties of Bengal Sultanate - Ilyas of Rajasthan? Q.522. King Lalitaditya Muktapida ruled
Shahi (1342-1415), Ganesha (1414 SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Evening) over ______.
-1435), Restorer of Ilyas Dynasty (a) Ajmer (b) Alwar (c) Bikaner (d) Jaipur SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Evening)
(Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah-I, 1435 (a) Gujarat (b) Sikkim
-1487), Habshi rule (Shahzada Barbak, Sol.517.(b) Alwar. Famous Baori in India (c) Kerala (d) Kashmir
1487-1494) and Hussain Shahi dynasty - Chand Baori (Rajasthan), Agrasen Ki
Baoli (New Delhi), Rani ki Vav (Gujarat), Sol.522.(d) Kashmir. Aḥmad Shah I was
(Alauddin Hussain Shah - 1494-1519).
Pushkarani (Karnataka), Baoli Ghaus Ali the first independent sultan of Gujarat,
Q.514. Who was the architect of the Shah (Haryana), Mata Bhavani ni Vav who founded Ahmedabad (1411).The
famous Mysore Palace in Karnataka? (Gujarat), Rajon ki Baoli (New Delhi), Chogyal (king who governs with
Graduate Level 03/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Surya Kund (Gujarat). righteousness) Palden Namgyal Thodup
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Pinnacle History
was crushed in 1975 and Sikkim merged Rang Ghar, constructed by the Ahom SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Morning)
with India as its 22nd state. King King Swargadeo Promotta Singha. (a) Alfred Foucher (b) HH Cole
Mahabali ruled over Kerala. (c) John Marshall (d) Rajendra Lal Mitra
Q.528. Who among the following was the
Q.523. Chandannagar was established founder of the Bhakti sect named Sol.533.(b) HH Cole. He was a British
as a French colony in 1673, obtaining 'Pushtimarg'? civil servant and inventor who facilitated
permission from______ the then Nawab SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) many innovations in commerce and
of Bengal, to establish a trading post on (a) Vallabhacharya (b) Kabir Education.
the right bank of the river Hooghly. (c) Shankaracharya (d) Ramanuja
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Evening) Q.534. Who among the following was a
(a) Mansur Ali Khan Sol.528.(a) Vallabhacharya founded the Portuguese writer who wrote about the
(b) Murshid Quli Khan Krishna-centered PushtiMarg sect of trade and society in South India?
(c) Ibrahim Khan Vaishnavism in the Braj region of India, SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Morning)
(d) Mir Zafar and the philosophy of Shuddha advaita (a) Niccolao Manucci
(Pure Nondualism). Pushtimarg is a form (b) Francois Bernier
Sol.523.(c) Ibrahim Khan. French of Krishna worship for adoration. (c) Jean-Baptiste Tavernier
Colonies In India- Pondicherry, Karaikal, (d) Duarte Barbosa
Yanam (Andhra Pradesh) on the Q.529. Who among the following was the
Coromandel Coast, Mahe on the Malabar founder of the Suryavamsi Gajapati Sol.534.(d) Duarte Barbosa was the
Coast and Chandernagor in Bengal. dynasty that ruled parts of Orissa and Portuguese writer who visited India
Andhra Pradesh in the 15th century? during (1500-1516) and wrote about the
Q.524. Hafiz (Hafez) was a ______ SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) trade and society in South India in his
century poet whose collection of poems (a) Bhanu Deva (b) Vasu Deva manuscript, ‘The Book of Duarte
is known as 'Diwan' or 'Diwan-e-Hafiz'. (c) Surendra Deva (d) Kapilendra Deva Barbosa’.
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) 14th (b) 15th (c) 16th (d) 17th Sol.529.(d) Kapilendra Deva was the Q.535. Who among the following was the
founder of the Suryavamsi Gajapati first Portuguese viceroy of India?
Sol.524.(a) 14th-century '. Hafez was an dynasty that ruled parts of Orissa and SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
Iranian poet. His collection of poems Andhra Pradesh in the 15th century (a) Alfonso de Albuquerque
‘Diwan’ is in Persian language. Most of (1434–66 CE). (b) Duarte de Menezes
the parts of ‘Diwan’ are Ghazals. (c) Francisco de Almeida
Q.530. Who among the following was the (d) Lopo Soares de Albergaria
Q.525. In the context of Sufi traditions, Nizam of Hyderabad in 1947?
what is the meaning of the word 'sama'? SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Morning) Sol.535.(c) Francisco de Almeida was
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening) (a) Mir Mahbub Ali Khan (b) Osman Ali the first Portuguese viceroy of India in
(a) recitation of sacred songs (c) Akbar Ali Khan (d) Nasir Jung 1505. He was given the credit of
(b) Magical feat Portuguese possession in India. His
Sol.530.(b) Osman Ali. He was the last
Sol.525.(a) recitation of sacred songs. Hyderabad between 1911 and 1948. captured Goa from the Adil Shahis in
Sufism (tasawwuf) is a mystic sect of 1510 AD.
Islam that emphasizes introspection and Q.531. Which of the following is the
spiritual closeness with God. meaning of ‘Pishtaq’ in the context of
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift) (c) Alamgir II (d) Bahadur shah II
India helped Raja Ram Mohan Roy legally
(a) 1839 (b) 1857 (c) 1887 (d) 1819 abolish the Sati practice?
Sol.543.(d) Bahadur Shah II (Bahadur
Shah Zafar). He was the twentieth and SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Sol.538.(b) 1857. The revolt began on
(a) Lord Ripon
May 10, 1857, at Meerut as a sepoy last Mughal Emperor of India. In 1857
Bahadur Shah II was deposed by the (b) Lord Curzon
mutiny. It occurred during the reign of
(c) Lord Cornwallis
Governor-General Lord Canning. British and exiled to Rangoon.
(d) Lord William Bentinck
Q.539. Which military officer led the Q.544. The sepoys of Meerut arrived at
the Gates of Red Fort to meet the Mughal Sol.548.(d) Lord William Bentinck. He
British forces in the Battle of Chinhat
emperor, Bahadur Shah on _____________. was appointed Governor of Madras in
fought in 1857?
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening) 1803 and assumed the office of
specifically at Ismailganj, where British (a) Lord Wellesley (b) Lord Dalhousie
SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Morning) (c) Lord Mayo (d) Lord Canning
forces clashed with Indian rebels during
(a) King Louis’ (b) King Philips’
the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
(c) Queen Victoria’s (d) Queen Elizabeth’s Sol.549.(b) Lord Dalhousie. The Doctrine
Q.540. Post 1857 revolt, the Peel of Lapse was an annexation policy used
Sol.545.(c) Queen Victoria’s. by the British East India Company to
commission was set up to give
recommendations on____ reorganisation expand its empire in India. Under this
of British India. Governors and Viceroys policy, if a ruler of a dependent state died
Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1) without a male heir, the state would be
(a) military (b) land revenue Q.546. The Permanent Settlement annexed by the British. States annexed
(c) telecom (d) trade introduced by Cornwallis was NOT under the policy: Satara (1848), Jaitpur
prevalent in which of the following and Sambalpur (1849), Baghat (1850),
Sol.540.(a) Military. Reforms After 1857: regions of India? Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1854), Nagpur
The Peel Commission was established to SSC MTS 14/10/2024 (2nd Shift) (1854), Tanjore, and Arcot (1855).
recommend changes in the organization (a) Bengal (b) Bihar
of the colonial armed forces. The (c) Odisha (d) Punjab Q.550. Who asked James Rennel to
proportion of Europeans in the British prepare the map of Hindustan?
Indian Army was increased, and artillery Sol.546.(d) Punjab. The Permanent SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
was placed exclusively under the Settlement, introduced by Lord (a) Lord Ripen (b) Warren Hastings
command of British officers. Additionally, Cornwallis in 1793, established the (c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Robert Clive
the Arms Act of 1878 was enacted to zamindars as the primary landowners
restrict the possession of weapons by and fixed the amount of land revenue Sol.550.(d) Robert Clive served twice as
'unlawful' elements. they had to pay to the East India Governor of Bengal (1758-60 and
Sol.555.(b) Lord Cornwallis (1786 -
was divided into Thanas/Police circles
1793). He is also regarded as the 'Father Sol.559.(c) Only (i) and (iii). Governor
which were headed by Daroga. He also
of Civil Service in India' for his role in general and the related events: Lord
abolished District Faujdari Courts and set
shaping the civil service system. Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856) - Doctrine of
up circuit courts in Calcutta, Dacca,
Mayo, Viceroy of India from 1869 to Lapse policy, Wood’s Despatch 1854.
Murshidabad, and Patna. During his
1872, is known for introducing the first Lord Cornwallis (1786 - 1793) -
tenure, the Third Mysore War (1790-92)
regular census in 1872. Introduction of the Charter Act of 1793,
and Treaty of Seringapatam (1792).
the Third Anglo-Mysore War began and
included the repeal of the Vernacular Q.560. English as the official language of
Victoria's 25-year reign in India. The
Press Act (1881) and a resolution on India for higher education was
foundation stone was laid by the Prince
Commissions was appointed by Lord Ellenborough (1842-1844) - Annexation Q.572. In 1856, Governor-General ______
Curzon to enquire into the working of the Of Sindh (1843). Lord Auckland (1836 - decided that Bahadur Shah Zafar would
police administration? 1842) - The first Anglo-Afghan war be the last Mughal king and after his
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift) occurred during his reign. Lord Lytton death none of his descendants would be
(a) Kitchener Commission (1876-1880) - The Great Indian Famine recognised as kings – they would just be
(b) Hunter Commission of 1876-1878. called princes.
(c) Frazer Commission SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
(d) MacDonnell Commission Q.568. The policy of dual system of (a) Canning (b) Cornwallis
Established by the British. Headed by - (a) Lord Hastings (b) Lord Clive (Last Governor-General and first viceroy
Sir Andrew Frazer and Lord Curzon. (c) Lord Lytton (d) Lord Dalhousie of India) - introduced Indian Penal Code
(IPC), withdrew Doctrine of Lapse.
Q.564. Who among the following has Sol.568.(b) Lord Clive (First governor of
been accused of committing the judicial Bengal in 1765). Dual system - The Q.573. Who among the following was the
murder of Raja Nand Kumar? administration of Bengal was divided into Viceroy of India during the formation of
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (4th shift) two parts : Diwani - The right to collect the Indian National Congress?
(a) Lord Wellesly (b) Lord Dalhousie revenue was given to the company, and SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening)
(c) Lord Cornwallis (d) Warren Hastings Nizamat - Administrative rights were (a) Lord Lytton (b) Lord Ripon
(c) Lord Dufferin (d) Lord Mayo
of the Indian Independence Act, 1947. provincial levels. The number of
of India addressed the Bengal famine of
1943 by ordering the army to distribute members in the Central Legislative
Q.580. Which of the following Acts
relief supplies to the starving rural Council was raised from 16 to 60. The
provided for a system of tribunals and a
Bengalis? act declared Delhi as the capital of
ban on strikes?
SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Evening) British India in place of Calcutta.
SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift)
(a) Lord Wavell (b) Lord Mountbatten
(a) The Trade Disputes Act, 1929 Q.583. Wood’s Dispatch of 1854
(c) Lord Willington (d) Lord Linlithgow (b) Government of India Act, 1912 primarily dealt with which of the
(c) Age of Consent Act, 1891
1929 was a law that aimed to resolve (c) Finance (d) Health
famine of 1943 which is estimated to
have killed up to three million people was industrial disputes by establishing Sol.583.(a) Education. The Wood's
not caused by drought but instead was a tribunals to investigate and settle them. Despatch of 1854 was a formal letter
result of a "complete policy failure" of the Government of India Act, 1912 related to sent by Sir Charles Wood to Lord
then-British Prime Minister Winston the appointment of a separate Governor Dalhousie, the Governor-General of India,
Churchill. of Bengal Province. The Age of Consent that outlined a plan for educational
Act, 1891 raised the age for the reform in India. It recommended that
define and amend the Law Relating to English and vernacular languages, and
Q.578. In which year did the government
Partnership. colleges use English. It is often referred
of British India pass a law according to
which those who converted into Q.581. Under which of the following Acts to as the “Magna Carta of English
Christianity got the right in their ancestral was the power to rule India, transferred Education in India.”
property? from the English East India Company to Q.584. Under which of the following
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening) the British Crown? Acts, the Board of Control was
(a) 1855 (b) 1846 (c) 1839 (d) 1850 SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) established in England to control and
(a) Charter Act of 1833
Sol.578.(d) 1850. The Lex Loci Act of supervise the administration of British
(b) Regulating Act 1773
1850 was an Indian law that allowed India?
(c) Pitt's India Act 1784
people who converted to a different faith SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(d) Government of India Act 1858
to inherit their ancestral property. The (a) Charter Act of 1813
Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850, Sol.581.(d) Government of India Act (b) Regulating Act of 1773
was a law passed in British India under 1858 had the following key provisions : (c) Charter Act of 1793
East India Company rule, that abolished The English East India Company was (d) Pitt’s India Act of 1784
all laws affecting the rights of people abolished, and India came directly under
Sol.584.(d) Pitt’s India Act of 1784. It
converting to another religion or caste. British Crown rule. A new position, the
was introduced during the tenure of Lord
The new Act allowed hindus who Secretary of State for India, was created
Warren Hastings against the backdrop of
converted from Hindu religion to another in the British government to manage
growing concerns about the East India
religion equal rights under new law, Indian affairs. A 15-member council was
Company's mismanagement and
especially in the case of inheritance. established to assist the Secretary of
corruption in India. Provisions: It gave the
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Pinnacle History
British government control over the East repealed in 1952. Indian Slavery Act, is a law that regulates the printing,
India Company. The Act was also called 1843: Abolished slavery in British India. publishing, and registration of books and
‘half-loaf system. newspapers in India. The Act was
Q.588. The British Government passed a passed during the colonial era and was
Q.585. Which of the following Acts law in the year 1856. It was meant for intended to limit free speech by imposing
introduced ‘provincial autonomy’ by which among the following social many procedural requirements for
discontinuing the application of dyarchy? reforms? publishing.
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift) SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Government of India Act, 1919 (a) Widow Remarriage Q.592. Under the Charter Act of 1833 in
(b) Charter Act of 1813 (b) Abolition of the Practice of Sati British India, the East India Company’s
(c) India Council Act, 1909 (c) Abolition of Practice of Child monopoly on trade with which of the
(d) Government of India Act, 1935 Marriage following countries was abolished?
(d) Law against Murdering of Female SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Sol.585.(d) Government of India Act,
Child (a) China (b) Burma
1935. The Act introduced responsible
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Nepal
government in provinces, meaning the Sol.588.(a) Widow Remarriage. The
governor was required to act on the Hindu Widow Remarriage Act of 1856 Sol.592.(a) China. Charter Act of 1833:
advice of ministers responsible to the was enacted with the efforts of Ishwar This act marked the end of the
provincial legislature. Government of Chandra Vidyasagar. The draft of the company’s commercial operations,
India Act, 1919: Introduced dyarchy. Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856 transitioning it into an administrative
Charter Act of 1813: Ended the East India was prepared by Lord Dalhousie and body overseeing British territories in
Company's trade monopoly and allowed passed by Lord Canning. India. This Act made the
Christian missionaries to promote moral Governor-General of Bengal as the
and religious reforms in India. Q.589. Which Act was enacted by the Governor-General of India. Lord William
British which regulated the manufacture,
Bentinck - The first Governor - General of
Q.586. Which Act was passed by the sale, possession and transport of India.
British Parliament in the year 1773 AD to firearms?
regulate the activities of the East India SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift) Q.593. In 1883, which of the following
Company? (a) Indian Arms Act, 1878 allowed Indians to try Europeans in
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (b) The Arms Act,1857 courts of law?
(a) Pitt’s India Act (c) The Arm Rules, 1839 Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
(b) Indian Slavery Act (d) The Firearms Act, 1871 (a) Christian Personal Law
(c) Age of Consent Act (b) Ilbert Bill
(d) Regulating Act Sol.589.(a) Indian Arms Act, 1878. It (c) Indian Penal Code
was enacted under the authority of Lord (d) Murderous Outrage Regulation
Sol.586.(d) Regulating Act. This Act was Lytton, the then Viceroy of India. It
passed in June 1773. It was a response prohibited Indians from possessing, Sol.593.(b) Ilbert Bill. The Ilbert Bill,
to the East India Company's producing, or selling firearms without a introduced by Sir Courtenay Ilbert in
semi-sovereign status in Bengal, Bihar, government license. The Act was 1883, during the viceroyship of Lord
and Orissa, which was created after the
solution. In 1784, the Pitt's India Act was Q.590. Warren Hastings became the Q.594. By the Act of _________, the
passed as a more radical reform. Governor-General of Bengal from Governor General in Council was given
Governor of Bengal after the passing of the power to legislate for the whole of
Q.587. Which of the following Acts gave which of the following Acts ? the British territories in India.
the government enormous powers to SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift) Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
repress political activities, and allowed (a) Charter Act, 1813 (a) Charter Act of 1833
detention of political prisoners without (b) Pitt’s India Act, 1784 (b) Charter Act of 1793
trial for two years? (c) Indian Council Act of 1861 (c) Charter Act of 1853
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (d) Regulating Act, 1773 (d) Charter Act of 1813
(a) India Contract Act, 1872
(b) Rowlatt Act, 1919 Sol.590.(d) Regulating Act, 1773. The Sol.594.(a) Charter Act of 1833. It
(c) Criminal Tribes Act, 1871 act was the first step taken by the British established the Governor General of
(d) Indian Slavery Act, 1843 government to control and regulate the Bengal as the Governor General of India,
affairs of East India company in India. centralizing control over military and civil
Sol.587.(b) Rowlatt Act, 1919 : This Act administration.
passed on March 10, 1919, was Q.591. The Press and Registration of
introduced by British colonial authorities Books (PRB) Act was enacted in which Q.595. The Ryotwari system, devised by
to suppress nationalist and revolutionary year? Thomas Munro, in which peasant
movements in India. The Act opposed by SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) cultivators had to pay annual taxes
Mahatma Gandhi. India Contract Act, (a) 1857 (b) 1877 (c) 1887 (d) 1867 directly to the government, was prevalent
1872: Regulates contracts and in which of the following present-day
Sol.591.(d) 1867. The Press and states/provinces?
agreements in India. Criminal Tribes Act,
Registration of Books (PRB) Act of 1867 Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
1871: Targeted "criminal tribes" and was
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Pinnacle History
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha Warren Hastings was appointed as the (b) Ricardian theory of rent
(c) Rajasthan (d) Punjab Governor-General of the Presidency of (c) Malthusian theory of rent
Fort William (Bengal). (d) Marx's theory of rent
Sol.595.(a) Tamil Nadu. The Ryotwari
System (1820) was devised by Captain Q.599. When was the Defence of India Sol.603.(b) Ricardian theory of rent -
Alexander Read and Sir Thomas Munro. Act enacted? The land of higher fertility gets higher
Under the Ryotwari system, the land SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (2nd Shift) rent than less fertile land. Ryotwari
revenue was paid by the farmers directly (a) 1920 (b) 1918 (c) 1915 (d) 1921 System - The peasants or cultivators
to the state. It was prevalent in most of were regarded as the owners of the land.
southern India, first introduced in Tamil Sol.599.(c) 1915. The Defence of India The cultivators had to pay annual taxes
Nadu. It was later extended to Act (1915) - It was an emergency law directly to the government. Introduced by
Maharashtra, Berar, East Punjab, Coorg that gave the British government in India Thomas Munro and Alexander Read in
and Assam. Mahalwari System (1822) wide powers to suppress dissent and 1820 in the Madras and Bombay
was devised by Holt Mackenzie. maintain public order during World War I. presidency.
It was passed by the then Governor
Q.596. Match the following Acts/Policies General of India Lord Hardinge. Q.604. When was the Secretary of State
with the respective years in which they for India made responsible for the
were put into place. Q.600. Which Act declared that British Government of British India by bringing
rule in India would end by 30 June 1948? about changes in the Home
Acts/Policies Year
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift) Government?
A. Pitt’s India Act 1. 1784
(a) Act of 1858 (b) Act of 1947 SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
B. Permanent Settlement of 2. 1793
(c) Act of 1892 (d) Act of 1961 (a) 1858 (b) 1833 (c) 1857 (d) 1813
C. Introduction of the 3. 1798 Sol.600.(b) Act of 1947. The Indian Sol.604.(a) 1858. Charter Act 1858 -
Subsidiary Alliance System Independence Act 1947 was an Act of The term Governor General changed to
D. Abolition of Sati 4. 1829 Parliament of the United Kingdom that Viceroy for the British crown. The first
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 granted independence to British India. viceroy was Lord Canning. The act ended
(a) A – 4, B – 3, C – 2, D - 1 The Act was passed on July 18, 1947, ‘The Doctrine of Lapse’. It ended the Dual
(b) A – 2, B - 1, C – 4, D – 3 and came into effect on August 15, 1947. government scheme initiated due to
(c) A - 2, B - 1, C - 3, D- 4 The Act divided British India into two Pitt’s India Act.
(d) A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4 independent dominions, India and
powers between the Central and units in (a) Cripps (b) Linlithgow
for the first time in _______ under the
terms of three lists? (c) Cabinet (d) Lansdowne
Government of India Act, 1935.
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
(a) 1862 (b) 1919 (c) 1909 (d) 1935 Sol.605.(a) Cripps. It was sent to India to
(a) 1935 (b) 1937 (c) 1936 (d) 1938
secure Indian cooperation for the British
Sol.601.(d) 1935. Government of India war efforts. It was headed by Sir Richard
Sol.597.(b) 1937, Indian provincial
Act, 1935 : Contain three lists, Federal Stafford Cripps. Gandhi called it 'A
elections: Elections were held in eleven
List (for Centre containing 59 items), post-dated cheque drawn on a failing
provinces - Madras, Central Provinces,
the workings of Government of India Rowlatt Act (1919), Vernacular press act
(GOI) Act, 1919 and suggest measures. Q.613. What is the original name of the (1878).
Empress of India Act and when was it
Q.609. Which act of the British Q.617. In which year through the Indian
Parliament was also known as East India Official Secrets Act was freedom of
Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
Company Act 1793? press curbed?
(a) The Royalty Act of 1876
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Morning) SSC MTS 21/07/2022 (Evening)
(b) The Royal Titles Act of 1876
(a) The Government of India Act, 1793 (a) 1919 (b) 1921 (c) 1904 (d) 1909
(c) The Royal Titles Act of 1877
was an Act of the Parliament of the from 1899 to 1905 curbed the freedom
Sol.609.(b) The Charter Act, 1793. The of Press. Later this act was replaced by
United Kingdom which officially
act was passed by the British Parliament the Official Secrets act 1923.
recognized Queen Victoria (and
to renew the charter of the East India
the movement - Poona and Bombay
(d) Martial law (d) Communist Party of India
(Lokmanya Tilak), Punjab (Lala Lajpat Rai
Sol.621.(d) Martial law. General Dyer and Ajit Singh), Delhi (Syed Haider Raza), Sol.628.(c) All India Muslim League
enacted an Act on April 13, 1919, called Madras (Chidambaram Pillai). supported the move for partition of
martial law
people can
stating that no more than 2
form a group and meet at a na
Q.625. What is the official reason given
Bengal. Founders of All India Muslim
League are Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Aga
by Britishers after partition of Bengal in
place. Khan III, Khwaja Salimullah, Hakim Ajmal
Khan, Waqar-ul-Mulk. It was founded on
Q.622. In which year was the office of the SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning)
30 December 1906.
first Accountant General established in (a) Easy Movement of army
India? (b) To check on Extremist activities Q.629. Moved by the Swadeshi
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) (c) Economic Progress Movement, ______ painted his famous
(a) 1858 (b) 1845 (c) 1890 (d) 1867 (d) Administrative Convenience image of Bharat Mata portraying her as
an ascetic figure.
Sol.625.(d) Administrative Convenience.
1929; First Round Table Conference central legislature.
(1930); Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931). (d) Swadeshi movement
Mahatma Gandhi led the Dandi March Q.638. Mahatma Gandhi called a halt to
Sol.635.(a) Salt Satyagraha. The Dandi
(Salt March) in 1930, accompanied by a the Non-Cooperation Movement after the
March, or Salt Satyagraha, was initiated
group of 78 followers, as a nonviolent Chauri Chaura incident. Where among
by Mahatma Gandhi from Sabarmati
protest against the British salt monopoly. the following places is Chauri Chaura
Ashram on March 12, 1930, and lasted
until April 5, 1930, reaching Dandi
Q.632. In which year was the Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
(Navsari district). C. Rajagopalachari
Sol.632.(c) 1931. The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was against the British salt tax, and town in Uttar Pradesh was the site of a
was signed on March 5, 1931, between Gandhi defied it by collecting natural salt violent clash on February 4, 1922, during
Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Irwin, the from the shore. In the Salt Satyagraha, the Non-Cooperation Movement.
Viceroy of India (1926-1931). The pact Sarojini Naidu persuaded Mahatma Protestors set a police station on fire,
ended the Civil Disobedience Movement, Gandhi to allow women to join the resulting in the deaths of 22 policemen
Q.633. In the second Round Table Gandhi to see the plight of the peasants the abolishment of the Tinkathia System
Conference, Mahatma Gandhi in Champaran? under which the farmers were asked to
represented which of the following SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) cultivate indigo in 3/20th of their holdings
parties? (a) Hasan Mohani (b) Raj Kumar Shukla ?
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) Rajendra Prasad (d) JB Kripalani Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
(a) Communist Party of India (a) Khilafat Movement
Sol.636.(b) Raj Kumar Shukla. The local (b) Kheda Satyagraha
(b) Indian National Congress
Congress leaders Brajkishore Prasad and (c) Champaran Satyagraha
(c) All India Forward Bloc
Raj Kumar Shukla first met Mahatma (d) Ahmedabad Satyagraha
(d) Muslim League
Gandhi at the Lucknow session of the
Sol.633.(b) Indian National Congress. Indian National Congress in 1916 and Sol.639.(c) Champaran Satyagraha
Mahatma Gandhi attended only the invited Mahatma Gandhi to have (1917) was Gandhi's first protest in India
Second Round Table Conference in first-hand experience of the plight of against forced indigo farming.
London in September 1931, presided Champaran peasants. Gandhi arrived in Brajkishore Prasad and Raj Kumar Shukla
over by Ramsay MacDonald. The Champaran on April 15, 1917, to address first met Mahatma Gandhi at the
Conference in London was inconclusive, the grievances of the peasants who were Lucknow session of the Indian National
so Gandhiji returned to India and forced to grow indigo under oppressive Congress in 1916 and invited him to have
resumed civil disobedience. Dr. B.R. conditions. first-hand experience of the plight of
Ambedkar and Tej Bahadur Sapru Champaran peasants.
attended all three Round Table Q.637. Which of the following Pacts
succeeded the Communal Award of Q.640. Which of the following options is
1932? not related to the non-cooperation
Q.634. In which of the following places Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1) movement started by Mahatma Gandhi?
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Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Sol.643.(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale. He Q.648. In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Signing of the resolution of Poorna was a mentor to both Mahatma Gandhi successfully led a strike of ________.
Swaraj in Lahore and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening)
(b) Boycott of foreign goods (a) Army Soldiers (b) Dalits
(c) Distribution of spinning wheels Q.644. In which year was Mohandas (c) Mill workers (d) Traders
(d) Picketing at liquor shops Karamchand Gandhi born?
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift) Sol.648.(c) Mill workers. Ahmedabad
Sol.640.(a) The resolution for Poorna (a) 1659 (b) 1869 (c) 1889 (d) 1879 Mill Strike (1918) - This is considered
Swaraj (complete independence) was the first hunger strike led by Gandhi.
Sol.644.(b) 1869. Mahatma Gandhi: Born
passed at the Lahore session of the Q.649. In Kheda, Gujarat, Patidar
on 2nd October (observed as
Indian National Congress in December peasants organised non-violent
International Day of Non-violence). He
1929, under the leadership of Jawaharlal campaigns against which of the
came back to India on 9th January
Nehru. He hoisted the Indian tricolor flag following demand of the British?
(celebrated as ‘NRI day’ or ‘Pravasi
on the banks of the Ravi river. The SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Bhartiya Divas’ since 2003) 1915 from
non-cooperation movement was (a) Low labour rates
South Africa.
launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920 to (b) Long working hours
persuade Indians to withdraw their Q.645. Who was the founder of Harijan (c) High land revenue
cooperation from the British government Sevak Sangh founded in 1932? (d) Low price for crops
and advocate for self-governance. SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru Sol.649.(c) High land revenue. Kheda
Q.641. Gandhiji gave his slogan of ‘Do or Satyagraha of 1918 was a satyagraha
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
Die’ during which of the following movement in the Kheda district of
(c) Jyotiba Phule
Movements/Satyagrahas? Gujarat in India organized by Mahatma
(d) BR Ambedkar
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4) Gandhi during the period of the British
(a) Civil Disobedience Sol.645.(b) Mahatma Gandhi. Raj. The peasant-Patidar community of
(b) Kheda Satyagraha Organisation Founded by MK Gandhi: Kheda, who refused to accept a 23
(c) Champaran Satyagraha Majdoor Mahajan (1916) in Ahmedabad. percent tax increase imposed on them
(d) Quit India It was related to the labour movement or despite a devastating crop failure and an
textile movement in Gujarat. All-India outbreak of plague and cholera, served
Sol.641.(d) The Quit India Movement
Spinners Association (1925), All-India as the focal point of this satyagraha.
(also known as the August Movement)
the Tinkathia system, which forced (d) B.R. Ambedkar Sol.650.(d) September 1932. Poona
peasants to grow indigo on 3/20th of Pact - Agreement between Mahatma
Sol.646.(a) Mahatma Gandhi. His Ideas -
Q.642. Vallabhbhai Patel and ________ Sarvodaya (Progress of All), Swaraj increased from 71 to 147 in provincial
helped Gandhi in Kheda by organising his (self-rule), Trusteeship (Wealthy people legislatures and 18 percent of the total in
tour of the villages and urging the to look after the welfare of the people). the Central Legislature.
peasants to stand firm against the
government. Q.647. Who among the following Q.651. Gandhiji, aged ______, arrived in
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) returned his/her medal of Kaisar-i-Hind in India in 1915 from South Africa.
(a) Motilal Nehru 1920 ? SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 ( Shift - 3) (a) 52 (b) 46 (c) 28 (d) 34
(c) Indulal Yajnik (a) S Subramania iyer
(b) Sarojini Naidu Sol.651.(b) 46. Gandhiji (born on 2nd
(d) Jamunalal Bajaj
(c) Rabindranath Tagore October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat) went
Sol.642.(c) Indulal Yajnik. Mahatma (d) Mahatma Gandhi to South Africa in 1893 as a lawyer,
Gandhi returned to India on 9 January settling first in Durban before moving to
1915. Sol.647.(d) Mahatma Gandhi. Kaiser - e - Johannesburg.
Hind title was given to Mahatma Gandhi
Q.643. On whose advice did Gandhi by Governor-General of India Lord Q.652. Which of the following Indian
spend a year traveling around British Hardinge in 1915 for his services during freedom fighter said that "Be the change
India to know the people of India? the Boer War (1899 - 1902). Gandhi you wish to see in the world" ?
SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (1st Shift) returned his title in response to the SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(a) Krishna Shankar Pandya Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April (a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah 1919). Rabindranath Tagore returned his (b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(c) Shrimad Rajchandra Knighthood title in response to the (c) Surendranath Banerjee
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale massacre. (d) Mahatma Gandhi
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Sol.652.(d) Mahatma Gandhi. His other Sol.656.(c) The Hunter Commission (c) Kushal Konwar
Famous Quotes: “A man is but the came to India in 1919 under the (d) Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi
product of his thoughts. What he thinks, leadership of William Hunter to
he becomes.”, “Nobody can hurt me investigate the Jallianwala Bagh Sol.660.(c) Kushal Konwar. Facts of Quit
without my permission.” massacre. Another Hunter Commission India Movement - The Quit India
was on Indian Education, prepared in Resolution was passed by the Congress
Q.653. In which of the following years, 1882 by William Wilson Hunter. Working Committee on 8 August 1942 in
did Subhas Chandra Bose refer to Bombay. ‘Quit India’ or ‘Bharat Chodo
Mahatma Gandhi as the “Father of the Q.657. Which of the following is NOT a 'slogan was given in this movement .
Nation”? reason for slowing down the Gandhiji gave the slogan to the people –
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Non-cooperation Movement? ‘Do or die’; It is also known as the India
(a) 1942 (b) 1944 (c) 1939 (d) 1941 SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Morning) August Movement or August Kranti.
(a) Due to the absence of alternative
Sol.653.(b) 1944. Subhas Chandra Bose Indian institution, boycott of British Q.661. Which Newspaper was founded
called Mahatma Gandhi the ‘Father of the Institutions posed a problem. by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in
Nation’ in a radio address from (b) Leaders of the movement shifted 1903?
Singapore on 6 July 1944. their focus towards domestic work SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
thus created a void. (a) Young India (b) Indian Opinion
Q.654. The All-India Khilafat Conference (c) Swaraj Hind (d) Navajivan
in November 1919 took place at: (c) Many lawyers resigned but then
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning) absence of income for a longer Sol.661.(b) Indian Opinion.
(a) Lucknow (b) Delhi period of time compelled them to The Indian Opinion was an important
(c) Bombay (d) Lahore rejoin. newspaper established in 1903 in
(d) Khadi cloth was often more Durban, South Africa, by Mahatma
Sol.654.(b) Delhi. In early 1919, the All expensive than mass-produced Gandhi and M. H. Nazar. It was a primary
India Khilafat Committee was formed mill cloth and poor people could not communication organ of the Natal Indian
under the leadership of the Ali brothers afford to buy it. Congress.
(Maulana Muhammad Ali and Shaukat
Ali), Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Ajmal Sol.657.(b) Mahatma Gandhi started the Q.662. C Rajagopalachari led the Salt
Khan and Hasrat Mohani, to force the Non- Cooperation Movement on 4 Satyagraha in which of the following
British Government to change its attitude September 1920. Lord Chelmsford was states ?
to Turkey. the viceroy of British India during the SSC CGL 20/08/2021(Morning)
Non-Cooperation Movement. The Chauri (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
Q.655. Who among the following called -Chaura incident was the driver of (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Rajasthan
(d) Pattabhi Sitaramayya SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Evening) Kelappan (Malabar), Gopabandhu
(a) 1917 (b) 1934 (c) 1923 (d) 1943 Chaudhary (Orissa).
Chandra Bose a 'Desh Nayak'. The famous Dandi March of Gandhiji, on 12 Expansion of British Rule
famous slogan given by Subhas Chandra March 1930.
Q.663. Which of the following
Bose: “Dilli Chalo, Jai Hind”, "Give me Q.659. Who among the following personalities had the key role in fighting
blood, I will give freedom". Subhas freedom fighters hoisted the Indian flag against the British East India Company in
Chandra Bose Autobiography: “The at the Gowalia Tank Maidan in Mumbai the Battle of Porto Novo?
Indian Struggle”. during the Quit India Movement ? SSC MTS 28/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.656. Which of the following events SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Afternoon) (a) Hyder Ali (b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
occurred as an after-effect of the (a) Aruna Asaf Ali (c) Alamgir-II (d) Gopala Nayaker
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April (b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Tara Rani Srivastava Sol.663.(a) Hyder Ali. The Battle of Porto
1919) ?
(d) Matangini Hazra Novo (1781) was fought between Hyder
SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Ali and the East India Company (EIC), led
(a) Hunger strike to settle disputes Sol.659.(a) Aruna Asaf Ali. Aruna Asaf by Sir Eyre Coote. Hyder Ali was a key
between the mill owners and the Ali popularly known as the 'Grand Old figure in the Anglo-Mysore Wars. The
workers Lady' of the Independence Movement. First Anglo-Mysore War (1767–1769)
(b) Individual princes could sign a
was fought between Hyder Ali and the
separate agreement with the British Q.660. Who among the following was the
EIC. The Second Anglo-Mysore War
(c) Hunter Commission was appointed only martyr of the Quit India phase of the
(1780–1784) also saw Hyder Ali leading
by the British Government freedom movement who was hanged ?
the Mysore forces; however, he died
(d) Popularisation of Charkha and Khadi SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Evening)
during the conflict, after which his son,
and Jail Bharo by Congress (a) Potti Sreeramulu
Tipu Sultan, continued the war.
volunteers. (b) Senapati Bapat
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Q.664. Which of the following battles is India. The first iron and steel mill was Q.672. The British East India Company
considered the formal beginning of the established in 1907, in Jamshedpur by captured Pondicherry (Puducherry) from
British Raj in India? Tata Iron and Steel Company. the French in the year ______.
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift) SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Morning)
(a) First Carnatic War Q.668. In the 18th century, the (a) 1761 (b) 1699 (c) 1674 (d) 1738
(b) Battle of Plassey development of cotton industries in
(c) Battle of Wandiwash Britain resulted in _________ . Sol.672.(a) 1761. Pondicherry got its
(d) Battle of Buxar SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Morning) freedom from the French on 1st
(a) Increase in demand of Indian textile November 1954. The Union Territory of
Sol.664.(b) The Battle of Plassey took in Britain Puducherry comprises the erstwhile
place in Bengal on June 23, 1757. British (b) Decline of textiles production in India French colonies viz. Puducherry, Karaikal,
East India Company troops, led by Robert (c) Increase in demand of Indian textile Mahe and Yanam.
Clive, confronted the forces of in India
Siraj-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Bengal, (d) Decline of British textiles industries in Q.673. Which monument was built in
along with his French allies. The British India 1924 to welcome King George V and
East India Company won this battle. Queen Mary?
Sol.668.(b) Reason for decline: Export of SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Morning)
Q.665. In which year was the battle of textiles to England became more and (a) Gateway of India (b) Bombay Castle
Buxar fought? more difficult because the British (c) Victoria Memorial (d) Chattri Brighton
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Government imposed high duties on
(a) 1793 (b) 1777 (c) 1764 (d) 1757 Indian textiles. Thorp Mill (1764) - The Sol.673.(a) Gateway of India. The
first water-powered cotton mill in the Gateway of India is an Arch-Monument
Sol.665.(c) 1764. Battle of Buxar : world was constructed at Royton, built in the early 20th century in the city
Fought between the British East India Lancashire (England). The first cotton of Mumbai.
Company and the combined armies of
textile mill (India) - Established at Fort
Mir Qasim (Nawab of Bengal), Glastor near Kolkata (1818). The Revolutionaries
Shuja-ud-Daulah (Nawab of Awadh), and
the Mughal Emperor, Shah Alam II. The Q.669. In 1600, the East India company Q.674. Tirot Sing was the leader of which
British East India Company was led by acquired a charter from_________. of the following revolts?
Hector Munro. The Britishers won this SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
battle. The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II (a) Queen Elizabeth I (b) King Edward VI (a) Khasi uprising
- granted the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and (c) King Henry IV (d) Queen Victoria (b) Sanyasi Revolt
Orissa to the East India Company. (c) Poligars’s Revolt
Sol.669.(a) Queen Elizabeth I. By the (d) Singpho’s Rebellion
Q.666. Where was the first jute mill set Charter (1600 A.D), they got the sole
up in India? right to trade with the East, without Sol.674.(a) Khasi uprising. Tirot Sing,
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (3rd shift) competition from other British traders. also known as U Tirot Sing Syiem, was a
(a) Mumbai (b) Rishra The Company's ships first arrived in Khasi chief in the early 19th century. The
(c) Chennai (d) Haryana India, at the port of Surat, in 1608. Khasi uprising (Anglo-Khasi War) was a
conflict between the Khasi people and
Sol.666.(b) Rishra (West Bengal, 1855). Q.670. The first English factory was set the British Empire that took place from
First Jute mill (Acland Mill) - Established up on the banks of the river _______ in 1829 to 1833. The Sanyasi Uprisings
by British entrepreneur George Acland 1651. took place in Bengal between the periods
and Bengali financier Babu By Sumber SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift) of 1770- 1820s. Poligar Revolt fought
Sen in Bengal Presidency. Central (a) Son (b) Yamuna (c) Ganga (d) Hugli between the British and the Poligars,
Research Institute for Jute and Allied feudal lords in southern India. The
Fibers is located in West Bengal. Sol.670.(d) Hugli. First English factory
Singpho Rebellion of 1830 took place in
National jute Board formed by National (Temporary) in India - Masulipattam
Jute board Act, 2008 under the Ministry (1611). First English factory (Permanent)
of Textile. In 1854, the first modern in India - Surat (1613). First factory of Q.675. The planned large-scale
cotton mill was established in Mumbai other European Companies in India: disruption of rail communications and
by Cowaszee Nanabhoy Davar. Dutch - Masulipatnam (Andhra Pradesh) the seizure of arms in Bengal were
in 1605, Portuguese - Calicut (Kerala) in undertaken under the leadership of _____.
Q.667. Which of the following modern 1500, French - Surat (Gujarat) in 1668. SSC MTS 13/11/2024 (3rd Shift)
industries were in operation in India (a) Aurobindo Ghose
during the British Rule ? Q.671. Which of the following pairs is
(b) Surendranath Banerjee
a. Cotton b. Jute c. Iron and Steel correct regarding the East India
(c) Chittaranjan Das
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift) Company army?
(d) Jatin Mukherjee
(a) All of a, b and c (b) Both a and b I. Sawar — Men on horses
(c) Only a (d) Only c Il. Musket — A heavy gun used by infantry Sol.675.(d) Jatin Mukherjee, also known
soldiers as Bagha Jatin, was a prominent
Sol.667.(a) All of a, b and c. British rulers SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (3rd Shift) revolutionary leader in Bengal during the
never permitted modernization nor did (a) Only l (b) Only ll early 20th century who fought against
they encourage the growth of industries. (c) Both l and lI (d) Neither I nor Il British colonial rule. He was a key
The unbalanced and lopsided growth member of the Anushilan Samiti, a
structures were a legacy of British rule in Sol.671.(c) Both l and II.
revolutionary organization that planned
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Pinnacle History
large-scale armed resistance against the who collaborated to promote Indian S.H. Chiplonkar and Mahadev Govind
British. independence from British rule. Shyamji Ranade.
Krishna Varma founded the Indian Home
Q.676. Under the leadership of which of Rule Society, India House, and The Indian Q.683. What was the name of the
the following revolutionaries was the Sociologist in London. Vinayak Damodar campaign led by the Ali brothers and
Chittagong Armoury Raid conducted? Savarkar and his brother Ganesh Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to save the
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Damodar Savarkar established the Ottoman Caliphate as a symbol of unity
(a) Rash Behari Bose (b) Badal Gupta Abhinav Bharat Society, also known as among the Muslim community?
(c) Hemu Kalani (d) Surya Sen the Young India Society, in 1904. SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Faraizi Movement
Sol.676.(d) Surya Sen is also known as
Q.680. Which of the following (b) Ahmadiya Movement
Master Da. He founded The Indian
groups/parties was started in San (c) Wahabi Movement
Republican Army. The Chittagong
Francisco, United States of America (d) Khilafat Movement
Armoury Raid took place on April 18,
during the Indian National Movement?
1930, in Chittagong (now in Bangladesh). Sol.683.(d) Khilafat Movement. It was a
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Ras Bihari Bose was the founder of the political campaign that took place from
(a) Hindustan Socialist Republican
'Indian Independence League’. He 1919 to 1922 in British India. It was a
chaired the Indian Independence League protest against the British government's
(b) Swaraj Party
in 1942 to formally launch the Indian policies towards Turkey and the planned
(c) Khilafat Committee
National Army. dismantling of the Ottoman Empire after
(d) Ghadar Party
World War I. The Faraizi movement was
Q.677. Sido and Kanhu were leaders of Sol.680.(d) Ghadar Party : Founded in started by Haji Shariatullah in 1818. The
which of the following tribal rebellions? 1913 in the U.S. as the Hindi Association Ahmadiyya movement was founded by
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) of the Pacific Coast, it aimed to free India Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1889. Syed
(a) Moplah Rebellion
from British rule. It was founded by Ahmed Barelvi started the Wahabi
(b) Santhal Rebellion Sohan Singh Bhakna and Lala Har Dayal. Movement in the 1820s.
(c) Kol Rebellion
(d) Munda Rebellion Q.681. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee wrote Q.684. Who was executed as an
a novel Anand Math based on which of accomplice to the murder of AMT
Sol.677.(b) Santhal Rebellion (Hul revolt)
the following rebellions/revolts? Jackson ?
began in 1855, led by Sidhu, Kanhu,
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
Madara Mahato, and Joa Bhagat in the Sanyasis rose in rebellion after the great Jackson murder case also known as
Chota Nagpur region. The Munda famine of 1770 in Bengal which caused Nasik Conspiracy (Year 1909). Anant
Rebellion, led by Birsa Munda, took place acute chaos and misery. However, the Laxman Kanhere shot Jackson, the
in the Ranchi area in 1899-1900. immediate cause of the rebellion was the Collector of Nashik, at Vijayanand
restrictions imposed by the British upon theatre. Kanhere was a member of the
Hindus and Muslims. The national song the arrest of Savarkar. Abhinav Bharat
by the British?
of India, 'Vande Mataram’, is an excerpt Society was a secret society founded by
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
taken from the novel Anand Math written Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and his
(a) 1910 (b) 1922 (c) 1923 (d) 1911
by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. brother Ganesh Damodar Savarkar in
Sol.678.(d) 1911. Vinayak Damodar 1904.
Savarkar was sent to the Cellular Jail on Q.682. Who founded the Bombay
the punishment of 'Kala Pani’ under the Presidency Association in 1885 along Q.685. Which of the following
Nashik Conspiracy Case for the murder with Pherozeshah Mehta and KT Telang? revolutionists was associated with the
of the Collector of Nashik District, SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) Anushilan Samiti?
Jackson. While serving his sentence in (a) AK Fazlul Haq SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
the Cellular Jail, he wrote the epic (b) Badruddin Tyabji (a) Rajguru
'Kamala' on the prison walls. (c) Behramji M Malabari (b) Bhagat Singh
(d) Zakir Husain (c) Jatindra Mohan Sengupta
Q.679. In 1910, The United India House (d) Sukhdev
Sol.682.(b) Badruddin Tyabji was the
at Seattle, USA, was set up by _________.
third President (in 1887) of the Indian Sol.685.(c) Jatindra Mohan Sengupta.
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(a) Shyamji Krishna Varma National Congress and the first Muslim Anushilan Samiti was founded by Satish
(b) Tarak Nath Das and GD Kumar to hold that position. Other Political Chandra Bose and Barrister Praanath
(c) Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki organisations and founder: London Mitra. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and
(d) VD Savarkar and Ganesh Indian Society (1865) - Dadabhai Sukhdev were members of the Hindustan
Naoroji. East India Association (1866) - Socialist Republican Association (HSRA),
Sol.679.(b) Tarak Nath Das and GD Dadabhai Naoroji. Poona Sarvajanik involved in the Lahore Conspiracy Case
Kumar. They were Indian revolutionaries Sabha (1870) - G.V. Joshi, S.H. Sathe, of 1929.
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Q.686. In 1908 Khudiram Bose along Q.689. Who among the following (b) Bhagat Singh and Ram Prasad Bismil
with _________ was involved in throwing a founded the Khudai Khidmatgars or the (c) Bhagat Singh and Batukeshawar Dutt
bomb at a carriage believing it to be Red Shirts, a powerful non-violent (d) Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev
occupied by Kingsford, the then sitting movement?
judge of Muzaffarpur. Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Sol.692.(c) Bhagat Singh and
Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3) (a) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Batukeshwar Dutt. They threw bomb
(a) Rajguru (b) Sukhdev (b) BR Ambedkar against the passage of the Public Safety
(c) Prafulla Chaki (d) Bhagat Singh (c) Subhas Chandra Bose Bill and the Trade Disputes Bill which
(d) Mahatma Gandhi would reduce the civil liberties of
Sol.686.(c) Prafulla Chaki was an Indian citizens. They were members of the
revolutionary associated with the Sol.689.(a) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Hindustan Socialist Republican
Jugantar group of revolutionaries. also known as 'Frontier Gandhi' and Association. On 23rd March, 1931
Khudiram Bose was among the youngest 'Bacha Khan', was a prominent freedom Bhagat Singh was hanged in the Lahore
martyrs of India's freedom struggle fighter and advocate of non-violence. He jail at the age of 23.
against the British. At just 15, he had became the first non-Indian to receive
joined Anushilan Samiti and took part in Bharat Ratna in 1987. B.R. Ambedkar Q.693. Who is regarded as the 'Mother of
several revolutionary activities against was the first Law Minister of India and Indian Revolution' ?
the British Raj. He was executed on the architect of the Indian Constitution. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
August 11, 1908, in Muzaffarpur jail in Subhas Chandra Bose was an Indian (a) Annie Besant (b) Usha Mehta
Bihar. nationalist and the founder of the All (c) Madame Cama (d) Kasturba Gandhi
India Forward Bloc. Mahatma Gandhi Sol.693.(c) Madame Cama : She is
Q.687. During British rule in India, who was an Indian lawyer and anti-colonial famous for hosting the precursor to the
among the following unfurled the flag of
nationalist, renowned for his principles of Indian National Flag on foreign soil
India in Germany in 1907? non-violence. (Stuttgart in Germany).
Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
(a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant Q.690. The 'Servants of India Society' Q.694. Which great leader died due to his
(c) Sucheta Kriplani (d) Bhikaji Cama was the brainchild of which of the injuries in the Anti-Simon Commission
following leaders ? Protest of 1928?
Sol.687.(d) Madam Bhikaji Cama. She
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift)
founded the ‘Paris Indian Society’. Annie
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (a) Lala Lajpat Rai (b) Lala Hardayal
Besant (British socialist) - Founded
founded in 1905. Chitranjan Das is member in it, Headed by Sir John Simon.
revolutionaries was one of the
popularly known as Deshbandhu. Lala Simon Commission came to India in
co-founders of the Hindustan Socialist
got established in 1928 at Ferozeshah Q.691. ‘Mitra Mela’ was a revolutionary Q.695. Who among the following, along
Kotla in Delhi? organisation founded by: with her close associates, started the
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale secret congress radio during the Quit
(a) Bhupendra Nath Bose India Movement?
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Khudiram Bose
(c) Bhagat Singh SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift)
(c) Vinayak Savarkar (a) Bhikaiji Cama (b) Lakshmi Sehgal
(d) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Sisir Kumar Bose (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Usha Mehta
Sol.688.(c) Bhagat Singh. The Hindustan Sol.691.(c) Vinayak Savarkar. Mitra Mela
Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), Sol.695.(d) Usha Mehta. Awards -
was founded in the year 1899 in Nashik. Padma Vibhushan (1998).
formerly known as the Hindustan He and his brother Ganesh Damodar
Republican Army (HRA) was founded by established the society (later renamed Q.696. The statement- "We shall die to
Ram Prasad Bismil, Sachindra Nath Abhinav Bharat Society or the Young awaken the nation" was made by.
Bakshi, Sachindranath Sanyal, and India Society). It believed in the concept SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Evening)
Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee. HRA was of Armed rebellion to overthrow the (a) Bagha Jatin
established in October 1924 in Kanpur, British. (b) Pingali Venkayya
Uttar Pradesh, by revolutionaries (c) Bir Tikendrajit Singh
including Ram Prasad Bismil, Jogesh Q.692. On 8th April 1929, who among the (d) Surya Sen
Chatterjee, Chandrashekhar Azad, following two revolutionists threw a
Yogendra Shukla, and Sachindranath bomb in the Central Legislative Sol.696.(a) Bagha Jatin (Jatindranath
Sanyal. HRA took to socialist ideas, Assembly? Mukherjee) - Born on 7th December 1879
under Chandrashekhar Azad leadership, SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) in Kayagram (Nadia district) present-day
in 1928. (a) Bhagat Singh and Rajguru Bangladesh. He acquired the moniker
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‘Bagha Jatin’ when he single-handedly SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift) Q.704. The Koraput Revolution occurred
killed a Bengal tiger in 1906. Bir (a) Bhagat Singh in ______ during the Quit India Movement.
Tikendrajit Singh - He was a prince of the (b) Surya Sen Graduate Level 02/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
independent Kingdom of Manipur. (c) Sachindra Nath Sanyal (a) Orissa (b) the United Provinces
(d) Barindra Kumar Ghosh (c) Bihar (d) Bengal
Q.697. Which freedom fighter was
involved in the Kakori Train Action in Sol.700.(a) Bhagat Singh and Sol.704.(a) Odisha. Koraput revolution
1925, for which the British government Batukeshwar Dutt threw a bomb in the {On August 25, 1942, 19 people died on
condemned him to death? Central Legislative Assembly on 8 April the spot in police firing at Paparandi in
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Morning) 1929. Sachindra Nath Sanyal was Nabarangpur (Odisha). More than a
(a) Ram Prasad Bismil co-founder of the Hindustan Republican thousand were jailed in Koraput district
(b) Lala Hardayal Association (HRA) in 1924. Barindra (Odisha). Veer Lakhan Nayak (Gandhi of
(c) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Kumar Ghosh (younger brother of Sri Odisha) was hanged}. Quit India
(d) Mahatma Gandhi Aurobindo) published the Bengali weekly movement (8 August 1942 - 1944) - led
Jugantar patrika (1906). by Mahatma Gandhi.
Sol.697.(a) Ram Prasad Bismil. Kakori
Train Action - It was a train robbery (part Q.701. Who among the following Q.705. Which of the following
of Kakori Conspiracy) that took place on revolutionaries was associated with statements about Bharat Naujawan
9 August 1925, near Lucknow. It was Swadesh Bandhav Samiti? Sabha is INCORRECT?
organised by the Hindustan Republican SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Graduate Level 05/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
Association (HRA). Ram Prasad Bismil, (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (a) It was founded in Punjab
Ashfaqulla Khan, and Roshan Singh were (b) Bhagat Singh (b) Bhagat Singh became its founding
hanged on 19 December 1927. Rajendra (c) Rajguru secretary
Nath Lahiri hanged on December 17, (d) Ashwini Kumar Dutta (c) It was established in 1927
1927. Sol.701.(d) Ashwini Kumar Dutta (d) It started political work among the
founded the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti on youth, peasants, and workers
Q.698. The Revolutionary Socialist Party
was established in ________. 6th August 1905 in Barisal district Sol.705.(c) Bharat Naujawan Sabha was
SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (4th Shift) (Bangladesh). Weekly paper: Barisal founded in Lahore (1926) by Bhagat
(a) 1936 (b) 1925 (c) 1940 (d) 1929 Hitaishi. He was responsible for the Singh.
creation of the Cooperative Hindustan
Sol.698.(c) 19 March 1940 by Tridib
and the Hindustan Socialist Republican organized the armed rebellion against (a) Mahatma Gandhi
Association . The first general secretary the British Raj in 1879 in Maharashtra? (b) Bishnu Charan Biswas and Digambar
of the party was Jogesh Chandra SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon) Biswas
(a) Vasudev Balwant Phadke
“Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil me (d) Tikendrajit Singh Sol.706.(b) Digambar Biswas and Bishnu
hai, dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil Biswas of Nadia district Bengal led the
mein hai” Sol.702.(a) Vasudev Balwant Phadke - Indigo revolt. This Revolt began as a
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift) Known as the First Revolutionary and nonviolent strike in March 1859, as the
(a) Ramprasad Bismil also the ‘Father of militant nationalism ryots of a village in Bengal's Nadia
(b) Bhagat Singh in India.’ Birsa Munda also known as district all agreed to refuse to grow any
(c) Ras Bihari Bose Dharti Aaba (Father of Earth), belonged more indigo.
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose to the Munda tribe in the Chotanagpur
Plateau area. Q.707. Which of the following
Sol.699.(a) Ramprasad Bismil (poet,
revolutionaries was arrested by the
writer, freedom fighter) - He participated Q.703. The Communist Party of India British as an accused in the Alipore
in the Mainpuri Conspiracy of 1918, and was founded at ________ in October 1920. Bomb Conspiracy Case?
the Kakori Conspiracy of 1925. Subhash SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning) SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Afternoon)
Chandra Bose - “Jai Hind” & “Tum Mujhe (a) Calcutta (b) Britain (a) Kanailal Dutta (b) Rajendra Lahiri
Khoon Do, Mai Tumhe Azadi Dunga”. (c) Lahore (d) Tashkent (c) Roshan Singh (d) Ashfaq Ullah Khan
Mahatma Gandhi - “Karo ya Maro”.
Sol.703.(d) Tashkent. M.N. Roy Sol.707.(a) Kanailal Dutta was among
Muhammad Iqbal - “Sare Jahan Se
(Manabendra Nath Roy), Abani Mukherji, the 33 revolutionaries who got arrested
Achha Hindustan Hamara”. Bankim
founded the Communist Party of India in the Emperor vs Aurobindo Ghosh
Chandra Chatterjee - “Vande Mataram”.
(CPI) in 1920 in Tashkent (now the (Alipore Bomb Case). The Alipore Bomb
Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya -
capital of Uzbekistan). The Communist case was a historic trial in which the
“Satyameva Jayate”.
Party of India was officially formed British Government tried to implicate Sri
Q.700. Which of the following (1925) in Kanpur. Its founders included Aurobindo in various revolutionary
revolutionaries stated during his trial that M. N. Roy, his wife Evelyn Trent, Abani activities.
"he did not wish to glorify the cult of the Mukherji, and M. P. T. Acharya
bomb and pistol but wanted a revolution (Mandayam Parthasarathi Tirumal Q.708. At which of the following jails was
in society"? Acharya). Khudiram Bose sent to the gallows?
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SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening) struggle led by the Rani of Jhansi, Tantia 1916, Tilak founded the Indian Home
(a) Chittagong (b) Barishal Tope, Kunwar Singh and others had Rule League, with its headquarters in
(c) Muzaffarpur (d) Alipore subsided. Poona. The league's first meeting was
held in Belgaum. In September 1916,
Sol.708.(c) Muzaffarpur. Khudiram Q.713. Who was the first general Annie Besant founded the All-India Home
Bose was arrested for trying to secretary of the All India Farmer’s Rule League, based in Madras.
assassinate British judge Douglas Congress? Organizations and their founders : Indian
Kingsford, he was executed on August SSC CGL 17/08/2021(Afternoon) Association - Surendranath Banerjee and
11, 1908, in Muzaffarpur jail in Bihar. (a) Acharya Narendra Dev Ananda Mohan Bose; Theosophical
(b) Swami Sahjanand Saraswati Society - Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel
Q.709. Who among the following
(c) Sardar Vallabhai Patel Olcott, William Quan Judge.
persons was associated with the
(d) N.G. Ranga
Chittagong Armoury Raid?
Q.717. Which of the following events
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Evening) Sol.713.(d) NG Ranga. He was a
took place in the United Provinces in
(a) Vishnu Sharan Dublish freedom fighter from Andhra Pradesh
February, 1922?
(b) Sachindra Nath Bakshi and also received Padma Vibhusan from
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(c) Manmath Nath Gupta the President of India for his
(a) Quit India (b) Chauri Chaura
(d) Ardhendu Dastidar contributions to the peasants'
(c) Khilafat Movement (d) Kakori Incident
Sol.709.(d) Ardhendu Dastidar.
Sol.717.(b) Chauri Chaura Incident took
Q.714. Who among the following was a
Q.710. Who among the following killed place at Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur
leader who led a revolt against British
Michael O'Dwyer, the British officer district of United Provinces (now Uttar
rule from North East India?
Pradesh) in British India. The police there
responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Afternoon)
massacre? fired upon a large group of protesters
(a) Pritilata Waddedar
SSC MTS 08/10/2021(evening) participating in the non-cooperation
(b) Rani Gaidinliu
(a) Ram Prasad Bismil movement. In retaliation, the
(c) Durgawati Devi
(b) Udham Singh demonstrators attacked and set fire to a
(d) Matangini Hazra
(c) Chandrashekhar Azad police station, killing all of its occupants.
(d) Bhagat Singh Sol.714.(b) Rani Gaidinliu was a Naga The incident led to the deaths of three
spiritual and political leader who led a civilians and 22 policemen. Mahatma
Sol.710.(b) Udham Singh. O'Dwyer, was revolt against British rule in India. At the Gandhi halted the non-cooperation
shot dead at a joint meeting of the East age of 13, she joined the Heraka religious movement on 12th February 1922 after
India Association and the Central Asian movement established by her cousin the Chauri Chaura incident.
(c) Sukhdev Thapar (c) Madras (d) Punjab armed unit of Indian supporters that
(d) Khudiram Bose fought under the command of the
Sol.715.(b) Maharashtra. Bal Gangadhar Japanese Empire. It was founded by
Sol.711.(b) Madan Lal Dhingra was an Tilak launched his Home Rule Movement Mohan Singh in September 1942 during
Indian revolutionary independence in 1916. It was primarily centered in World War II.
activist. While studying in England, he Maharashtra, which was his home base.
assassinated Sir William Hutt Curzon He had significant influence and Q.719. Being the President of the Indian
Wyllie, a British official, cited as one of following in this region. He published his National Congress, who among the
the first acts of revolution in the Indian ideas through his newspapers "Kesari" following had called for complete
independence movement in the 20th (in Marathi) and "Mahratta" (in English) independence from the British Raj in
century. from Maharashtra. 1929?
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.712. Veer Surendra Sai was a freedom Q.716. Which of the following (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
fighter from: organisations, divided into two branches, (b) Subhas Chandra Bose
SSC CGL 13/08/2021(Afternoon) was established by Lokmanya Bal (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(a) Nagaland (b) Sikkim Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant? (d) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Telangana (d) Odisha SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(a) Indian Association Sol.719.(a) Jawaharlal Nehru. He was an
Sol.712.(d) Odisha. Veer Surendra Sai (b) Theosophical society Indian freedom fighter who later became
started his revolt against British rule long (c) East Indian Association the first Prime Minister of India. In
before 1857 and continued his guerrilla (d) Home Rule League December 1929, he was chosen as the
war against the British authority from President of the Indian National
1857 till 1864 long after 1857 the Sol.716.(d) Home Rule League. In April Congress during its annual session in
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Pinnacle History
Lahore. At this event, he raised the (a) Syed Ahmed Khan (b) CV Raman Nehru, raised the Indian National Flag
tricolour flag on the banks of the Ravi (c) Rabindranath Tagore (d) JC Bose above the __________ of Red Fort in Delhi.
River. SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift)
Sol.723.(c) Rabindranath Tagore. The (a) Delhi Gate (b) Kashmiri Gate
Q.720. On 31 October 1940, who among Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurred on (c) Ajmeri Gate (d) Lahori Gate
the following was arrested for offering April 13, 1919, when British troops, led by
individual Satyagraha to protest against General Dyer, fired on a peaceful crowd in Sol.727.(d) Lahori Gate. The National
India’s forced participation in the Second Amritsar, killing hundreds. In protest, Flag of India was adopted on 22 July
World War ? Mahatma Gandhi returned the 1947, Designed by Pingali Venkayya.
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift) Kaiser-i-Hind title in 1920. The Hunter
(a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Commission was set up in 1919 to Q.728. Who moved the resolution
(b) Saifuddin Kitchlew investigate the incident. proposing that the National Flag of India
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru be a 'horizontal tricolor of saffron, white
(d) Subhas Chandra Bose Q.724. Who among the following was and dark green in equal proportion '?
one of the founders of the Swaraj Party? SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (1st Shift)
Sol.720.(c) Jawaharlal Nehru. On 31 Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3) (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
October 1940, Jawaharlal Nehru was (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
arrested for participating in individual (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Mahatma Gandhi
Satyagraha, protesting against India’s (c) Jawahar Lal Nehru (d) Dr Rajendra Prasad
forced involvement in the Second World (d) Chittaranjan Das
War. During this period, Nehru also Sol.728.(b) Jawaharlal Nehru. The
engaged in limited Civil Disobedience Sol.724.(d) Chittaranjan Das. The Swaraj Tricolour was adopted as our national
and spent approximately nine years in jail Party, initially called the Congress flag at a Congress Committee meeting in
between 1921 and 1945. Khilafat Swaraj Party, was established in Karachi in 1931.
1923 by Chittaranjan Das and Motilal
Q.721. Who among the following was Nehru. This formation took place after Q.729. Who among the following was the
primarily an integral part of the Indian the Gaya Annual Conference of the founder of 'Tiger Legion' or 'Free India
National Army (INA)? Indian National Congress in December Legion'?
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift) 1922. Other important organizations and SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
(a) Rabindranath Tagore their founders: Indian National Congress (a) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
(b) Subhas Chandra Bose (1885): Founded by A.O. Hume. All India (b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) Chittaranjan Das Kisan Sabha (1936): Sahajanand (c) Sohan Singh Bhakhna
(d) Abanindranath Tagore Saraswati. Azad Hind Fauj (1943): Netaji (d) Lala Hardayal
Subhash Chandra Bose.
collaborators that fought under the Ambedkar in 1927? German Government to fight against the
command of the Japanese Empire. It SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) British.
was founded by Mohan Singh in (a) Nasik Temple Satyagraha Q.730. The authorities of which country
September 1942 in Southeast Asia (b) Dharasana Satyagraha denied permission to land the ship
during World War II. Some notable people (c) Mulshi Satyagraha Komagata Maru, carrying Indians?
associated: Mohan Singh, Habib ur (d) Mahad Satyagraha SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (1st shift)
Rahman, Lt. Col Hori Lal Verma. (a) New Zealand (b) America
Sol.725.(d) Mahad Satyagraha: It is also
Q.722. What is the name of the famous known as the Chavdar Tank Satyagraha, (c) Australia (d) Canada
British social reformer known for begun in Mahad (Raigad), Maharashtra. It Sol.730.(d) Canada. The Komagata Maru
founding the Indian Home Rule League in centered around the Chavdar Tank, a was a coal-transport steamship that had
1916 ? public water source that was reserved been converted into a passenger ship by
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift) exclusively for upper castes. Hong Kong-based businessman Gurdit
(a) Anne Knight (b) Maria Rye Singh. It set off from Hong Kong in April
(c) Catherine Osler (d) Annie Besant Q.726. Who among the following leaders
founded the women's wing of Congress 1914, reaching Vancouver’s harbour a
Sol.722.(d) Annie Besant. Annie Besant, in 1940 ? month later with 376 people on board,
an Irish theosophist, started the Home SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) most of them Sikhs. The steamship
Rule movement in India in 1916, (a) Aruna Asaf Ali (b) Sucheta Kriplani eventually ended up back in India on 29th
demanding self-government similar to (c) Lakshmi Sangal (d) Sarojini Naidu Sep 1914 at Budge Budge, Calcutta.
the Irish Home Rule League. She founded Q.731. The origin of Directive Principles
the Home Rule League in Madras in Sol.726.(b) Sucheta Kriplani (First
female Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh of State Policy can be traced to which of
September 1916 and established over the following?
200 branches across India. from 1963 - 67). She sang Vande
Mataram on 14th August 1947 in the SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.723. Who among the following opening session of Parliament. (a) Gandhi Irwin Pact
personalities renounced his knighthood (b) Poona Pact
after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre? Q.727. On 15 August 1947, the first (c) Second Round Table Conference
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1) prime minister of India, Jawaharlal (d) Karachi Resolution
Q.733. Motilal Nehru, C.R. Das gave up (a) Vedaranyam (b) Tiruchi Q.742._______was executed at Lahore in
their legal practices during which (c) Tirupati (d) Madurai November 1915 for his role in the Ghadar
Movement ? Conspiracy in February 1915.
SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Morning) Sol.737.(a) Vedaranyam. SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Evening)
(a) Self-respect Movement C. Rajagopalachari broke the salt law in (a) Kartar Singh Sarabha
(b) Quit India Movement 1930 at Vedaranyam, a small coastal (b) Tantia Mama
(c) Non-Cooperation Movement town in the then Tanjore District. The first (c) Maganbhai Patel
(d) Civil Disobedience Movement Indian governor of free India was C. (d) Vijay Singh Pathik
Sol.733.(c) Non-Cooperation Movement Sol.742.(a) Kartar Singh Sarabha.
(1920 - 1922). It was organized by Q.738. What was the name of the Ghadar Conspiracy (1915) - Plan to
Mahatma Gandhi to obtain self women's regiment in the Indian National initiate a pan-India mutiny in the British
governance. Many lawyers gave up their Army founded by Subhash Chandra Indian Army during World War by the
practices such as Motilal Nehru, Bose? Ghadar Party (United States), the Berlin
C.Rajagopalachari, Saifuddin Kitchlew, SSC CGL 18/08/2021(Evening) Committee (Germany), the Indian
Vallabhbhai Patel, Asaf Ali, T. Prakasam (a) Rani of Jhansi Regiment revolutionary underground in British India
and Rajendra Prasad. (b) Rani Ahilyabai Regiment and the German Foreign Office.
participated in the All-World Religious women’s journal Bharati). Usha Mehta (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Conference (Parliament of Religions) wrote the book “Mahatma Gandhi and
Humanism”. Pandita Ramabai : She Sol.752.(a) Swami Dayanand Saraswati,
held in 1893 in Chicago?
an Indian philosopher, is known for his
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 wrote the High Caste Hindu Women,
Stree Dharma Neeti, American Encounter. work Satyarth Prakash and the slogan
(a) Swami Dayanand
“Go Back to the Vedas.” He also initiated
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Q.749. Samata Sainik Dal was formed in the Shuddhi Movement. Debendranath
(c) Swami Shahjananda 1927 by whom among the following Tagore founded the Tattvabodhini Sabha
promote and uplift the education of Q.753. With reference to Ishwar Chandra
Bengal, and Ramakrishna Mission in
untouchables. Mahatma Gandhi founded Vidyasagar, consider the following
(a) Atmaram Pandurang Q.750. Who among the following Widow Remarriage Act, 1856, was
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale founded the Atmiya Sabha in 1814? introduced.
(c) Shri Ram Bajpai SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) iii) He was primarily known for his
(d) Ram Mohan Roy (a) Keshab Chandra Sen scholarship in Persian language.
(b) Raja Rammohun Roy Which of the above statements is/are
Sol.746.(a) Atmaram Pandurang. (c) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar correct?
Prarthana Samaj was founded with an (d) Debendranath Tagore SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
aim to make people believe in one God (a) i, ii, iii (b) i, ii (c) i, iii (d) ii, iii
and worship only one God. Sol.750.(b) Raja Rammohun Roy, known
as "the Father of Indian Renaissance," Sol.753.(b) i, ii. Ishwar Chandra
Q.747. When was a Madrasa opened in was an Indian reformer and writer who Vidyasagar's efforts led to the passage
Kolkata to promote the study of Arabic, co-founded the Brahmo Sabha in 1828, of the Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act
Persian and Islamic law? leading to the formation of the Brahmo (Act XV) on July 16, 1856, legalizing
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Samaj, a significant socio-religious widow remarriage in India under East
(a) 1772 C.E. (b) 1783 C.E. reform movement. Honored with the title India Company rule. Drafted by Lord
(c) 1781 C.E. (d) 1774 C.E. of Raja by Mughal emperor Akbar II, his Dalhousie and enacted by Lord Canning,
influence marked the beginning of the law took effect on July 26, 1856.
Sol.747.(c) 1781 C.E. It was set up by
modern thought in Kolkata, particularly
Warren Hastings of the first Governor Q.754. Guru Ghasidas led which of the
with the establishment of the Atmiya
General of East India Company. Other following movements to improve the
Sabha in 1814.
universities and colleges: Aligarh Muslim social condition of leather workers in
University, originally as the Q.751. Which of the following Sikh British India?
Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College reform movements was started in 1873 SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
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(a) Aravipuram Movement Sol.757.(c) Jyotirao Govindrao Phule. He campaigned for the freedom of thought
(b) Satyashodhak Samaj was a prominent social reformer from and expression.
(c) Nirankari Movement Maharashtra who dedicated his life to Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
(d) Satnami Movement eradicating untouchability and caste (a) Young Christian Movement
discrimination. Together with his wife, (b) Young Men's Movement
Sol.754.(d) Satnami Movement. Guru Savitribai, he played a key role in (c) Young Radical Movement
Ghasidas, the Guru of Satnam Dharma, promoting women's education in India, (d) Young Bengal Movement
was a Satnami saint and renowned founding the first girls' school in 1848 at
scholar from Chhattisgarh in the early Bhidewada, Pune. Major Publications: Sol.760.(d) Young Bengal Movement.
19th century. He began preaching in the Tritiya Ratna, Gulamgiri, and Other Reform Organisations and its
deep forests of Chhattisgarh, spreading Shetkarayacha Aasud. Founders : The Brahmo Samaj (1828) -
his teachings. The Satnami movement, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, The Veda Samaj
also known as Satnampanth or Q.758. Match the following movements (1864) - Keshab Chandra Sen and K.
Sadhanpanth, was a social and religious with their respective founders: Sridharalu Naidu, The Prarthana Samaj
movement in India that challenged the a. Faraizi Movement I. Sayyid Ahmad of (1867) - Atmaram Pandurang.
caste system and the prevailing political Rae Bareli
and religious authorities. b. Mohammedan II. Sir Syed Ahmad Q.761. In which of the following years,
Literary Society Khan was the Self-Respect movement started
Q.755. Which was the first c. Indian Patriotic III. Nawab Abdul in Tamil Nadu region?
socio-religious organisation established Association Latif Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
in Bombay in 1840 to work for the d. Wahabi Movement IV. Haji Shariatullah (a) 1925 (b) 1916 (c) 1910 (d) 1930
annihilation of caste? SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (2nd shift) (a) a - IV, b - III, c - Il, d - I Sol.761.(a) 1925. The Self-Respect
(a) Dharma Sabha (b) a - III, b - IV, c - II, d - I Movement was a social and political
movement in South India that sought to
(b) Satyashodhak Samaj (c) a - Il, b - I, c - IV, D - III
(c) Paramhans Mandali (d) a - I, b - II, c - III, d - IV achieve equality and social justice for
people oppressed by the caste system.
(d) Vishwa Jain Sangathan
Sol.758.(a) a - IV, b - III, c - Il, d - I. Other The movement was initiated by E. V.
Sol.755.(c) Paramhans Mandali : Movement/Organisation and their Ramasamy (also known as Periyar).
Founder - Durgaram Mehtaji. Dharma Founders: Bhoodan movement - Acharya
Sabha was formed in 1830 in Calcutta by Vinobha Bhave, Servants of India Society Q.762. Who among the following is
Radhakanta Deb, primarily for the - GK Gokhale, Khudai Khidmatgar - Khan associated with the Theosophical
defense of Hindu orthodoxy. Abdul Gaffar Khan, Arya Samaj - Society?
Dayanand Saraswati, Self-respect Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Q.756. Which organisation was started in Movement - EV Ramaswamy Naicker, (a) Annie Besant (b) Tarabai Shinde
the Pune district of Maharashtra in the Tattvabodhini Sabha - Debendranath (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Savitri Bai Phule
1870s with the aim of promoting Tagore, Abhinav Bharat - Vir Savarkar,
Association is considered to be the first Bharat Ratna (1958), Padma Vibhushan
Mahadev Govind Ranade. political association of modern India. It (1955). The Widow Remarriage
Q.765. Sree Narayana Guru considered was formally launched in Calcutta in Association was founded by Vishnu
the differences based on caste and March 1838. Raja Radhakant dev, Shastri Pandit.
religion as meaningless and advocated Dwarkanath tagore, Prasanna Kumar
the principle of ‘One Caste, one Religion Tagore, Rajkamal Sen and Bhabani Q.773. Who received the title Pandita
and one God’ for all. He belonged to Charan Mitra were its founding from the faculty of Calcutta University for
which of the following organisations? members. her knowledge of Sanskrit?
Lord Shiva at Aruvippuram which was enter temples. Dalits Movements led by
against the caste-based restrictions of one of the 10 women delegates of the
Bhimrao Ambedkar: The second biggest
(a) Karnataka (b) Kerala (d) Syed Ahmad Khan
(c) Abdul Gaffar Khan
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu
Sol.780.(a) Nawab Abdul Latif (Father of (d) Sayyid Ahmad Khan
Sol.776.(b) Kerala. Shri Narayan Guru: muslim renaissance in Bengal). Lord
He led a reform movement against the Lytton gave him The title of "Nawab''. Sol.784.(d) Sayyid Ahmad Khan. Mirza
injustice in the caste-ridden society of Lord Dufferin gave him the title of Nawab Ghulam Ahmad - Founder of the
Kerala in order to promote spiritual Bahadur. Mohammedan Literary Society Ahmadiyya movement. Muhammad
enlightenment and social equality. His was a literary society of Muslims in Allama Iqbal wrote the famous song
'Saare jahan se achha'. He is also known
founded the Indian Association along -religious reforms for which of the and Mahadev Govind Ranade carried out
with Anand Mohan Bose? following societies? their work of religious reforms in
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (1st shift) Maharashtra through which of the
(a) Dada Bhai Naoroji (a) Hindu (b) Muslim (c) Sikh (d) Parsi following organisations?
(b) Gopal krishna Gokhale SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Sol.781.(d) Parsi. Rast Goftar ("The
Sabha that was set up to explore spiritual Kaching district. Nupi Lan : There were Ahmadiyya Movement was founded on
two demonstrations led by women
truth? liberal principles and principles of a
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (2nd shift) against the colonial authorities in universal religion for all humanity. After
Manipur, British India. In 1904, The
(a) Keshab Chandra Sen his death the movement was led by
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy second Nupi Lan began in 1939 in elected successor Hakeem Noor-ud-din.
response to rice exports during World
(c) Debendranath Tagore Mir Nisar Ali (Titu mir) - Narkelbaria
(d) Dayanand Saraswati War II. Nisha Bandh : The women's movement, 1831. Haji Shariatullah -
movement developed in the late 1970s.
associated with Brahmo Samaj? and colleges called D.A.V. What does 'A' (a) Raja Rammohan Roy
Graduate Level 27/06/2023 ( Shift - 4) stand for in D.A.V.? (b) Pandit Vishnu Shastri
(a) Atmaram Panduranga
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Sol.794.(c) Anglo. The acronym DAV Sol.797.(b) Pandit Vishnu Shastri.
Agnihotri? faculty of the University of Calcutta. She Sol.809.(b) Bombay.
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning)
was awarded with the Kaiser-i-Hind
(a) 1892 (b) 1887 (c) 1876 (d) 1863 Q.810. The Vidhava Vivaha Uttejaka
Medal for community service in 1919.
Mandal (Society for Encouragement of
She was one of the ten women delegates
Sol.801.(b) 1887. Dev Samaj is a Hindu Widow Marriage) was established in
of the Congress session of 1889.
reform movement that was founded in __________ in the second half of the
response to the perceived ills of orthodox Q.806. In 1930, _________ led a nineteenth century.
Hinduism. satyagraha for the rights of Graduate Level 05/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
with a motive to purify Sikhism. Baba by William Bentinck in 1829 with the
Mumbai with the help of Shahu of
Dayal Das: founded the Nirankari
Kolhapur. His important writings: ‘The efforts of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Movement. Balak Singh: An Indian Sikh
Annihilation of Caste’, ‘Who Were the
religious leader who founded the Q.811. The Begums of Bhopal founded a
Shudras’, ‘The Untouchables’, ‘Riddles in
Namdhari sect. Thakur Singh primary school for girls in the early
Hinduism’, etc.
Sandhawalia: Founder of Singh sabha. twentieth century at _____.
Q.807. Which of the following was SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Evening)
Q.803. Who emphasized the worship of (a) Lahore (b) Bombay
God as Nirankar (Formless) in Punjab? known as the forerunner of the Brahmo
Samaj? (c) Aligarh (d) Pune
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) Maharaja Ranjit Singh Graduate Level 02/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Sol.811.(c) Aligarh. The Begums of
(b) Baba Ram Singh (a) Prarthana Sabha (b) Atmiya Sabha Bhopal played a vital role, from the early
(c) Baba Dayal Das (c) Paramhansa Sabha (d) Hindu Sabha 20th century, in promoting education
(d) Guru Gobind Singh among Muslim women. They founded a
Sol.807.(b) Atmiya Sabha. Brahmo
primary school for girls at Aligarh.
Sol.803.(c) Baba Dayal Das - Founder of Samaj {Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded
Nawab Begum was the founding
the Nirankari Movement. He emphasized Brahmo Sabha in 1828, Aim - worship of
Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University.
the worship of god as Nirankar the eternal God. It split into two in 1866
(formless). Baba Ram Singh - The leader (Brahmo Samaj of India led by Keshub Q.812. Who among the following was
of the Kuka movement in Punjab. Chandra Sen and Adi Brahmo Samaj led one of the founders of the Deccan
Maharaja Ranjit Singh (“Sher-e-Punjab” or by Debendranath Tagore), Prominent Education Society (1884)?
"Lion of Punjab") - First Maharaja of the Leaders: Debendranath Tagore, Keshub SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Sikh Empire. Guru Gobind Singh - The Chandra Sen, Pt. Sivnath Shastri, and (a) Dadoba Pandurang (b) V R Shinde
tenth and last Sikh Guru. Rabindranath Tagore}. (c) Tulsi Ram (d) G G Agarkar
Allahabad, 1888 (George Yule) - First Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Q.814. Who among the following was
English President; Lahore, 1929 (a) Bombay (b) Bankipur
NOT a Nayanar saint?
(Jawaharlal Nehru); Haripura, 1938 (c) Lucknow (d) Nagpur
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Evening)
(Subhas Chandra Bose) - Bose’s first
(a) Sundarar (b) Appar
term as President. Sol.821.(a) Bombay session. This
(c) Sambandar (d) Andal
session took place at the Gowalia Tank
Sol.814.(d) Andal. The Nayanars were a Q.818. Where was the 1912 session of Maidan (August Kranti Maidan), on
group of 63 poet-saints living in Tamil the India National Congress held in August 8, 1942, where Mahatma Gandhi
Nadu during the 6th to 8th centuries CE Bihar? gave his famous "Do or Die" speech. The
who were devoted to the Hindu god SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) resolution was moved by Jawaharlal
(a) Sahasaram (b) Gaya Nehru.
correct match of Dargah and its Narasinha Mudholkar. In December 1922, (a) Lahore (b) Madras
respective location? the session was held in Gaya under (c) Bombay (d) Karachi
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) Chittaranjan Das, while the 53rd session
took place in 1940 at Ramgarh, near Sol.822.(a) Lahore. On 19 December
(a) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya Dargah -
Ranchi, led by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. 1929, the Indian National Congress
passed the historic ‘Poorna Swaraj’ (total
(b) Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
Q.819. Who amongst the following independence) resolution at its Lahore
Dargah - Delhi
became the president of the second session, with Jawaharlal Nehru elected
(c) Haji Ali Dargah - Mumbai
session of the Indian National Congress as its President. A public declaration was
(d) Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi (chishti)
held in Calcutta in December 1886 ? made on 26 January 1930, a day the
Dargah - Ajmer
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) Congress urged Indians to celebrate as
Sol.815.(a) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya (a) P Ananda Charlu ‘Independence Day.’
Dargah is the Dargah of the Sufi saint (b) Badruddin Tyabji
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya. It is located Q.823. __________ was elected as the
(c) Dadabhai Nauroji
in the Nizamuddin West area of Delhi president of the third session of Indian
(d) William Wedderburn
National Congress.
Q.816. Who among the following is Sol.819.(c) Dadabhai Nauroji. The first Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
known as the 'father of Muslim session of the Indian National Congress (a) KT Telang
renaissance' in Bengal? was held in Bombay in December 1885 (b) Pherozeshah Mehta
SSC CGL 04/03/2020 (Evening) with seventy-two delegates. W.C. (c) Badruddin Tyabji
(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Banerjee served as its first president, (d) AO Hume
(b) Ameer Ali while A.O. Hume took office as the
(c) Nawab Abdul Latif Khan Sol.823.(c) Badruddin Tyabji. Wyomesh
General Secretary. Dadabhai Naoroji also
(d) Nawab Salimullah Khan Chandra Banerjee was the first president,
presided over the 9th session in 1893
presiding over the inaugural session in
Sol.816.(c) Nawab Abdul Latif Khan. His (Lahore), and the 22nd session in 1906
1885, while Annie Besant became the
title, Nawab, was awarded by the British (Calcutta).
first woman to hold the position in 1917.
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Pinnacle History
Q.824. All India Kisan Sabha was (1925, Kanpur session) and the first to revive the Zoroastrian religion and
founded in 1936 at Indian National woman Governor of the United Provinces formed the London India Society in 1865.
Congress (INC) ________ Session as All in 1947. He became a member of the Legislative
India Kisan Congress. Council of Mumbai during 1885-88 and
Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1) Q.828. Which flag of the Indian National President of the Congress Party in 1886
(a) Lucknow (b) Agra Congress was adopted in 1931? (Calcutta), 1893 (Lahore) and 1906
(c) Bombay (d) Delhi SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (Calcutta).
(a) A two colour flag with charkha made
Sol.824.(a) Lucknow. Swami by cloth Q.832. Which Session of Congress and
Sahajananda Saraswati, who founded the (b) A tricolour flag made by Khadi with a Muslim League reached an
Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha in 1929, Charkha symbol understanding of creating a joint front
also led the formation of the All India (c) One colour flag with charkha symbol against the British regime?
Kisan Sabha (AIKS) during the Indian (d) A blue colour flag made by cloth SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
National Congress' Lucknow Session in (a) Bombay (b) Allahabad
1936. The AIKS, also known as the Akhil Sol.828.(b) Ad - Hoc Flag Committee : (c) Lucknow (d) Delhi
Bharatiya Kisan Sabha. Formed in 1947 under Rajendra Prasad.
Pingali Venkayya - Designer of National Sol.832.(c) Lucknow (1916) - President:
Q.825. Indian National Congress Flag of India (1921). The national flag A.C. Majumdar; Lucknow Pact signed
celebrated the first Independence Day in was adopted on July 22, 1947. Ratio of between Congress (Bal Gangadhar Tilak)
Colonial India on _____________ . the length to the breadth of the Indian and Muslim League (Muhammad Ali
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) Flag - 3:2. The national flag of India was Jinnah) to build political consensus;
(a) 2 October 1929 first hoisted on 7th August, 1906 in Unity between two factions - Moderates
(b) 29 December 1929 Kolkata at the Parsee Bagan Square and Extremists of Congress.
(c) 15 August 1930 (Green Park). The first Indian flag was
(d) 26 January 1930 hoisted on a foreign land by Madame Q.833. Which among the following
Bhikaji Cama (1907 - Germany). sessions of Indian National Congress
Sol.825.(d) 26 January 1930. The Indian
was the first session to be presided by a
National Congress passed 'Complete Q.829. In the 1939 Tripuri Congress lady ?
Swaraj' in its Lahore session on 19 Presidential Election, Pattabhi
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Afternoon)
December 1929. The president of this Sitaramayya was defeated by: (a) Calcutta - 1917 (b) Kanpur - 1925
session was Jawaharlal Nehru. SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift) (c) Lahore - 1929 (d) Surat - 1907
(c) WC Banerjee elected as President of the Haripura All Parties Conference to draft a
(d) AO Hume Congress Session in 1938. He resigned Constitution for India.
SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Evening)
(b) Ambica Charan Mazumdar Sol.842.(d) J. B. Kripalani (Acharya also known as the 1946 Calcutta Killings.
Kriplani) was the president of the Indian
(c) Bhupendra Nath Bose
(d) Madan Mohan Malaviya National Congress during the transfer of Miscellaneous
power. He was the husband of Sucheta
Sol.837.(a) Satyendra Prasanna Sinha. Kripalani, who was the first woman chief Q.847. Who among the following was the
1895 - Surendranath Banerjee, 1909 -
minister (Uttar Pradesh). first principal of the Bengal National
Madan Mohan Malaviya, 1916 - Ambica
Charan Mazumdar. College started in 1906 ?
Muslim league SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Morning)
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (2nd Shift) was founded in _________ . (d) Subodh Chandra Mullick
(a) 434 (b) 628 (c) 212 (d) 190 Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
(a) 1910 (b) 1906 (c) 1908 (d) 1904 Sol.847.(c) Aurobindo Ghose was an
Sol.838.(a) 434, Held (December 27-30, Indian philosopher, yogi, poet, and
1886, Calcutta), President (Shri Dadabhai Sol.843.(b) 1906. The All-India Muslim nationalist. He also worked as a
Naoroji), Congress decided to set up
League was formed during the tenure of journalist, editing newspapers such as
Provincial Congress Committees across Lord Minto II, who served as the Viceroy Bande Mataram. The Alipore Bomb Case,
the country.
of India from 1905 to 1910. The League also known as the Muraripukur
was founded in Dhaka, British India Conspiracy or Manicktolla Bomb
Q.839. In which of the following sessions
Association, a heritage welfare (a) Mathura (b) Kolkata
Chittaranjan Das - ‘India for Indians’,
organization of the women by the (c) Benaras (d) Patna
‘Freedom Through Disobedience’.
women for the women. It was formed on
8th May 1917 at Adyar, Chennai by Annie Sol.859.(c) Benaras. The Hindu College
Q.855. Who among the following
Besent. It was the first organization to was founded by Jonathan Duncan, a
freedom fighters of India is the author of
create an overall awakening among British officer, and Raja Rameshwar
the book, 'The Indian Struggle' ?
women and to train them to shoulder Singh, the Maharaja of Banaras. The
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
their responsibility in public services. college was originally known as the
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
Akhil Bhartiya Kalidas Samman Samaroh became a university and was renamed
held in Ujjain in 1958? Sol.855.(d) Subhas Chandra Bose. His Sampurnanand Sanskrit University in
SSC MTS 11/11/2024 (3rd Shift) Books : An Indian Pilgrim, Jaruri Kichu 1974. Raja Ram Mohan Roy established
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru Lekha, Famous Speeches and Letters of the Hindu College in Calcutta in 1817,
(b) Lal Bahadur Shastri Subhas Chandra Bose. which is now known as Presidency
(c) Rajendra Prasad University, Kolkata.
Sol.851.(c) Rajendra Prasad. The Akhil author? Party was founded by _______.
Bharatiya Kalidas Samaroh is an annual SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
cultural festival held in Ujjain, Madhya (a) Hind Swaraj – Mahatma Gandhi (a) Mohan Singh Bhakhna
Pradesh, since 1958, celebrating the (b) Gitanjali – Rabindranath Tagore (b) BR Ambedkar
works of poet Kalidasa. (c) The Discovery of India – Subhash (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Chandra Bose (d) Bhagat Singh
Q.852. Who became the Nawab of
(d) Why I am an Atheist – Bhagat Singh
Bengal after the death of Alivardi Khan in Sol.860.(b) BR Ambedkar was an Indian
the year 1756? Sol.856.(c) ‘’The Discovery of India’’ is a jurist and social reformer who served as
SSC MTS 12/11/2024 (1st Shift) book by Jawaharlal Nehru. the first Minister of Law and Justice and
(a) Shuja-Ud-Daulah (b) Siraj-Ud-Daulah was the chief architect of the
Q.857. Match the following institutes
(c) Saadat Ali Khan (d) Wazir Ali Constitution of India. He was awarded
with their respective founders of British
Sol.852.(b) Siraj-Ud-Daulah. Following India. the Bharat Ratna posthumously in 1990.
Alivardi Khan's death in 1756, Institutes Their respective Organizations and Founders: Swatantra
Sirajuddaulah became Nawab of Bengal founders Shramik Party (B.R. Ambedkar), Swarajya
but faced conflict with the British, who a. Asiatic Society of i. Warren Hastings Party (Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan
aimed to install a puppet ruler. Bengal Das), Muslim League (Agha Khan &
b. Sanskrit College of ii. Lord Wellesley Salimullah), Indian National Congress
Q.853. On which of the following dates Benaras (A.O.Hume).
did the British Empire transfer its powers c. Fort William College iii. Jonathan Duncan
to the Constituent Assembly in India? d. Calcutta Madrasa iv. Sir William Jones Q.861. When was the All India Trade
SSC MTS 13/11/2024 (1st Shift) SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) Union Congress (AITUC) established?
(a) 2nd October (b) 15th August (a) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii (b) a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) 14 November (d) 26th January
th (c) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i (d) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv (a) 1926 (b) 1924 (c) 1928 (d) 1920
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Pinnacle History
Sol.861.(d) 1920. All India Trade Union (d) Gulamgiri remembered as the Butcher of Amritsar
Congress (AITUC) was formed in for his role in the Jallianwala Bagh
Bombay. The AITUC was a broad-based Sol.864.(d) Gulamgiri (Marathi massacre in 1919 ?
organisation involving diverse ideologies. Language), also known as Slavery, SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift)
The main ideological groups were the summarizes the sufferings of (a) William Slim (b) Robert Clive
communists led by S.A. Dange and M.N. lower-caste people and is written in (c) William Birdwood (d) Reginald Dyer
Roy, the moderates led by M. Joshi and Marathi. Phule formed the Satyashodhak
Samaj in 1873. He, together with his wife Sol.868.(d) Reginald Dyer. The
V.V. Giri and the nationalists which
Savitribai Phule, opened a girls' school in Jallianwala Bagh massacre (Amritsar
involved people like Lala Lajpat Rai and
Poona. massacre) took place on April 13, 1919
Jawaharlal Nehru.
(spring festival of Baisakhi) in Punjab. It
Q.862. Who founded the Theosophical Q.865. In his ‘Drain of Wealth’ argument, happened under the rule of Lt. Governor
Society in New York in 1875? who among the following stated that of Punjab, Michael O’Dwyer, and viceroy
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Britain was completely draining India? of India, Lord Chelmsford. People
(a) Naoroji Furdunji and Satyendra Nath SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift) gathered there to protest against the
Bose (a) Badruddin Tyabji Rowlatt Act and arrests of pro-Indian
(b) Baba Dayal Das and Madan Lal (b) Lala Lajpat Rai independence leaders Dr. Saifuddin
(c) Ramabai Ranade and GK Devadhar (c) Dadabhai Naoroji Kitchlew and Dr. Satya Pal.
(d) Madame HP Blavatsky and Colonel (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Q.869. Vasco da Gama, who discovered
Olcott Sol.865.(c) Dadabhai Naoroji - He was the sea route from Europe to India,
Sol.862.(d) Madame HP Blavatsky and known as the "Grand Old Man of India”. belonged to which nation?
Colonel Olcott. The Theosophical He introduced thе 'drain thеory' in his SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
Society, emphasized the study of ancient rеnownеd book "Povеrty and thе (a) England (b) Portugal
Un-British Rulе in India”.
Hindu, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian (c) Spain (d) Germany
philosophies. It advocated for universal
Q.866. Who is the author of the Indian Sol.869.(b) Portugal. Vasco da Gama
brotherhood based on principles from
national anthem? arrived in India at Calicut (Kozhikode) in
the Upanishads and Vedas. Annie Besant
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (2nd shift) 1498 AD during the reign of the Zamorin,
joined the society in 1889 and first came
(a) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay a Hindu ruler. This event marked the
to India on 16 November 1893. Its
(b) Rabindranath Tagore discovery of the sea route from Europe to
founders of the Poona Seva Sadan. Sol.866.(b) Rabindranath Tagore. He Portuguese governor in India. His policy
wrote the Indian national anthem, "Jana is known for implementing the "Policy of
Q.863. What gave a major impetus to the
Gana Mana" in Bengali in 1911, and it Blue Water," which aimed to establish
cotton textile industry in India after
(a) Partition of India in 1947 Q.867. Which Commission drew the Q.870. Tattvabodhini Patrika promoted
(b) Export of raw cotton to England boundary line between India and the study of India’s past in which
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
(a) Charles Corey (b) John Tailor (c) Satyendra Nath Tagore (d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(c) Fredrik Forsyth (d) Edwin Lutyens (d) Surendra Nath Banerjee
Sol.882.(d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh.
Sol.873.(d) Edwin Lutyens (an English Sol.878.(c) Satyendra Nath Tagore Balshastri Jambhekar (Father of Marathi
architect). Other buildings designed by Qualified in 1863. Indian Services Act, Journalism) - He started the very first
him: Rashtrapati Bhavan, India Gate, The 1861 reserved certain positions for newspaper, ‘Darpan’, and revolutionized
Cenotaph Whitehall (London). The Old covenanted civil servants. It was enacted the journalism system in Maharashtra.
Q.874. Who was the political guru of fundamentalism in which Year? (c) Warren Hastings (d) Charles Eyre
Subhash Chandra Bose? SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 3rd shift)
SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) 1917 (b) 1915 (c) 1925 (d) 1910 Sol.883.(b) William Jones. Asiatic
Naidu by Mahatma Gandhi. Notable the two-nation theory" ? Q.897. Identify the freedom fighter who,
Works - The Golden Threshold, The SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon) as a child, hated going to school and
Broken Wing. (a) Syed Ahmed Khan found it suffocating and oppressive.
(b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Q.887. The Deccan Riots of 1875 took (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (a) Mahatma Gandhi
place in ______ . (d) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Morning) (c) Jyotiba Phule
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Bihar Sol.892.(a) Syed Ahmed Khan was the
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) West Bengal (d) Maharashtra founder of Aligarh Muslim University and
a forward looking Islamist reformer. Sol.897.(d) Rabindranath Tagore.
Sol.887.(d) Maharashtra. Deccan Riots: Mohammed Ali Jinnah - First governor - Rabindranath Tagore: Santiniketan
Began at - Supa village (Poona) in 1875. general (1947–48) of Pakistan. (1901), Nobel Prize in Literature (1913,
The farmers’ main motive was to destroy Gitanjali), composed Jana Gana Mana
the account books of the moneylenders Q.893. Who among the following was a (India’s National Anthem) and Amar
Roman Catholic missionary who worked
and they also socially boycotted the Shonar Bangla (Bangladesh’s National
moneylenders. The movement was in Bengal for the majority of his/her life? Anthem). Other Works: Manasi (1890)
supported by the Poona Sarvajanik SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (3rd Shift) [The Ideal One], Sonar Tari (1894) [The
Sabha (co-founded by M G Ranade). (a) Saint Bernadette (b) David of Basra Golden Boat], Gitimalya (1914) [Wreath
(c) Mother Teresa (d) Columba of Songs], and Balaka (1916) [The Flight
SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Afternoon) Macedonia) - Nobel Peace Prize (1979), Q.898. The claim for ‘swarajya’ or
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal founded the Missionaries of Charity. self-government within the British
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh Saint Bernadette - French saint whose Empire, on the model of self-governing
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai visions led to the founding of the Marian colonies like Australia and Canada, was
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak shrine of Lourdes. put forward from the Congress platform
in 1905 by:
Sol.888.(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Q.894. When did Indigo revolt, a peasant
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
movement, start in India?
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
Q.889. What happened in Bengal, India, SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
in 1770 that resulted in the death of (a) 1857 (b) 1861 (c) 1859 (d) 1889
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal
one-third of the population?
Sol.894.(c) 1859 (March). The Indigo (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening)
(a) Massacre (b) Famine Rebellion (Neel Bidroh) started in Bengal Sol.898.(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Slavery (d) Chemical explosion and was a revolt by the farmers against (Diamond of India) was Political Guru of
British planters who had forced them to Gandhi, Congress President (1905),
Sol.889.(b) Famine. 1770 Bengal Famine grow indigo under terms that were established Servants of India Society in
- It affected Bengal and Bihar. Relief - greatly unfavorable to the farmers. 1905, English Newspaper (The Hitavada),
Attempts to prevent export and hoard or founded The Ranade Institute of
monopolize grain; 15,000 was spent on Q.895. The Paris Indian Society was an
Economics (1905), ‘Dharmatma Gokhale’
the import of food grains. Indian nationalist organisation founded
(Writer - Mahatma Gandhi).
in ______.
Q.890. Tribal leader Birsa was SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift) Q.899. Who among the following was the
associated with which tribe? (a) 1907 (b) 1905 (c) 1909 (d) 1900 founder of the Bhoodan Yojana (Land
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Gift) movement? the year ______. (c) Danish (d) Portuguese
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 07/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Tarabai Shinde (a) 1918 (b) 1920 (c) 1921 (d) 1924 Sol.908.(a) French. Battle of
(c) Atmaram Joshi (d) Vinoba Bhave Chandernagore (1757) - Between French
Sol.903.(b) 1920. Oudh Kisan Sabha and British (led by Robert Clive) during
Sol.899.(d) Acharya Vinoba Bhave in (Oudh Farmers Association) was an the Seven Years' War (1756-1763).
1951, the Bhoodan Movement (first association formed by Baba Ram
started in Andhra Pradesh) was initiated Chandra. He was a trade unionist who Q.909. In which of the following years
at Pochampally village (Telangana). The organized the farmers of Oudh and led did Japan invade India resulting in the
Bhoodan movement attempted to the first protest against the landlords. Battle of Imphal?
persuade wealthy landowners to SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Morning)
voluntarily give a percentage of their land Q.904. India and Pakistan had signed the (a) 1944 (b) 1901 (c) 1862 (d) 1899
to landless people. ______, under which the two countries
agreed to sort out differences and Sol.909.(a) 1944. The outcome of the
Q.900. The first President of the All India disputes bilaterally. battle of Imphal was a turning point of
Trade Union Congress was _________. SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Morning) one of the most gruelling campaigns of
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) (a) Calcutta Pact (b) Shimla Pact the Second World War (1939-45).
(a) C Rajagopalachari (c) Lucknow Pact (d) Agra Pact Q.910. In which of the following years
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai was the Bombay Reorganization Act
(c) Chandra Shekhar Azad Sol.904.(b) Shimla Pact was signed in
1972 by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the President passed?
(d) Motilal Nehru SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening)
of Pakistan, and Indira Gandhi, the Prime
Sol.900.(b) Lala Lajpat Rai. All India Minister of India. (a) 1980 (b) 1960 (c) 1956 (d) 1975
Trade Union Congress, AITUC (created Sol.910.(b) 1960. After this act, Bombay
on October 31, 1920 in Bombay) is the Q.905. What was the name of the
operation that led to the annexation of State was dissolved and split on
first Central Trade Union of India and the linguistic lines into the two states of
second largest trade union federation in the Hyderabad State into India?
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) Gujarat (Gujarati speaking population)
India after the Indian National Trade and Maharashtra (Marathi speaking
union Congress. In India, Trade Unions in (a) Operation Sunrise
(b) Operation Unity population).
India are registered under the Trade
Union Act (1926). (c) Operation Polo Q.911. Who among the following is one
(c) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Q.906. With whom is the 'Patharughat Sol.911.(d) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
(d) Bhagat Singh Uprising' associated? BJS was an Indian right-wing political
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) party that existed from 1951 to 1977 and
Sol.901.(b) Dadabhai Naoroji. He was was the political arm of Rashtriya
(a) Lawyers' uprising
Sol.920.(a) Rajagopalachari's formula Trade, and A.V Alexander, First Lord of
of Bhopal that ruled – Nawab Sikandar
Begum:- 1860-1868, Begum Sultan Shah (or C. R. formula or Rajaji formula) was a
Jehan:-1844-1860 and 1868-1901. proposal formulated by Chakravarti
Begum Kaikhusrau Jahan:- 1901-1926, Rajagopalachari to solve the political
Begum Sajida Sultan:- 1961-1995. deadlock between the All India Muslim
League and the Indian National Congress
Q.916. Who among the following was on the independence of British India.
one of the speakers after Jawaharlal
Nehru to address the Parliament on the Q.921. ______ was awarded the Nobel
midnight of 15 August 1947 ? Prize in 1913 and a knighthood in 1915.
SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Evening)
the three main speakers at the Central the Nobel Prize for his literary work. He
Hall of Parliament - Other than JL Nehru was awarded knighthood in 1915 by King
the disadvantaged sections of society.
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift) draft.
3) The Supreme Court has no power of
(a) partial Judicial system
judicial review. Q.8. Secularism is a feature of the Indian
(b) dual judicial system
4) The Constitution provides for universal Constitution, which means:
(c) independent judicial system
adult suffrage. SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift)
(d) plural judicial system
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) (a) The State does not promote any
Sol.2.(c) independent judicial system: It (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 religion.
means that the other organs of the (c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 4 (b) The State promotes the religion of the
praising the amending feature of the Financial Emergency (Article 360). was introduced in the year 1976 of the
Indian Constitution said that ‘This variety 42nd Amendment of the Constitution.
Q.6. Which of the following statement(s)
in the amending process is wise but is
is/are INCORRECT vis-a-vis features of Q.9. In which year did the Indian
rarely found’?
the Indian Constitution? Constitution declare Hindi in Devanagari
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
1) Though India has a federal system, the script to be the official language of the
(a) Granville Austin (b) Ivor Jennings
Constitution does not mention the word
in India ?
Amendment in 1976. Before this, India Q.15. Which of the following statements
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
was described as a Sovereign, are correct in the context of the Indian
(a) 12 January (b) 26 November
Democratic, Republic, and after the Constitution?
(c) 26 January (d) 31 October
amendment, it was changed to 1.There are three major organs of the
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, government, namely Legislature, Sol.18.(b) 26 November. The ‘Purna
Republic. Executive and Judiciary. Swaraj’ resolution, meaning total
2. A separation of functions rather than independence, was passed by the Indian
Q.12. In which of the following years was
India, "Jana-Gana-Mana," was originally banks of the Ravi, taking an oath not to
Sol.15.(b) 1 and 2 only. In the context of rest until Purna Swaraj was achieved.
composed in Bengali by Rabindranath the Indian Constitution: Legislative
Tagore and titled "Bharoto Bhagyo Function - Parliament (Lok Sabha and Q.19. Who among the following is called
Bidhata." It was first publicly sung on Rajya Sabha) makes laws, with the 'Father of Indian constitution'?
December 27, 1911, at the Calcutta (now President giving assent to bills. Executive Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
Kolkata) Session of the Indian National Function - The Prime Minister and the (a) Bhim Rao Ambedkar
Congress. It was translated into Hindi by Council of Ministers execute laws and (b) P Subbarayan
Captain Abid Ali and set to music by are also part of the legislature, linking the (c) Gopinath Bordoloi
Captain Ram Singh. two branches. Judicial Function - The (d) Rajendra Prasad
Q.13. When was the ‘The Objective judiciary interprets laws and administers
Sol.19.(a) Bhim Rao Ambedkar. He
Resolution’ moved by Pt. Jawahar Lal justice, reviewing legislative and
played a pivotal role in drafting the
Nehru ? executive actions for constitutional
Constitution of India, serving as the
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) compliance. This system fosters
Chairman of the Constitution Drafting
(a) 13 December 1946 collaboration and interdependence
Committee. Gopinath Bordoloi was the
(b) 17 November 1946 among branches, with distinct functions
first Chief Minister of Assam. Rajendra
(c) 15 August 1947 but not complete separation of powers.
Prasad served as the first President of
(d) 16 November 1948 Q.16. Who called the preamble of the India. Paramasivan Subbarayan was the
Indian Constitution 'The Political first Minister of Madras Presidency.
Sol.13.(a) 13 December 1946.
The Objective Resolution outlines the Horoscope of our Constitution' ?
Q.20. Who was the designer of India’s
fundamental ideas and philosophy of our Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
national flag?
Constitution, defining the goals of the (a) Dr. KM Munshi
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
Constituent Assembly. It serves as the (b) Sir Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer
(a) BN Rau
basis for the preamble of the (c) M. Hidayatullah
(b) KM Munshi
Constitution. This important resolution (d) Sir Ernest Baker
(c) Pingali Venkayya
was adopted by the Assembly on Sol.16.(a) Dr. KM Munshi. He was a (d) Prem Behari Narain Raizada
January 22, 1947. member of the Drafting Committee of the
Sol.20.(c) Pingali Venkayya :
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Pinnacle Polity
He presented the original design of the (d) Nand Lal Bose Commonwealth in May 1947.
Indian flag with red and green colors to (b) The Constituent Assembly adopted
Mahatma Gandhi in 1921. The National Sol.24.(c) Vasant Krishan Vaidya. The the National Anthem in January
Flag was adopted by the Constituent original version of the constitution was 1950.
Assembly of India on 22 July 1947. beautified and decorated by artists from (c) The Constituent Assembly adopted
Shantiniketan including Nand Lal Bose the National Song in January 1948.
Q.21. Who among the following and Beohar Rammanohar Sinha. (d) The Constituent Assembly adopted
personalities was appointed as the legal the National Flag in July 1949.
advisor of the Constituent Assembly that Q.25. The structural part of the Indian
drafted the document of the Constitution Constitution is, to a large extent, derived Sol.28.(b) The National Anthem of India
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (4th shift) from the Act of _____________. was adopted by the constituent
(a) HVR Iyengar (b) SN Mukherjee SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (4th shift) assembly on 24th January 1950. It was
(c) BR Ambedkar (d) BN Rau (a) 1909 (b) 1935 (c) 1947 (d) 1919 first sung on 27 December 1911 in the
Sol.25.(b) 1935. Government of India Kolkata session of INC. India joined the
Sol.21.(d) BN Rau. On 9 December 1946, Commonwealth in May 1949. The
the Constituent Assembly of India met Act, 1935 provides the establishment of
an All India federation consisting of Constituent Assembly adopted the Indian
for the first time. Temporary President of National Flag On July 22, 1947 and On
constituent assembly - Dr. provinces and princely states as units. It
divided the powers between the centre January 24, 1950, "Vande Mataram" was
Sachchidananda Sinha. Permanent adopted as the national song.
President - Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Vice - and units in terms of three lists- Federal
President - H C Mukherjee. list, provincial list and the concurrent list. Q.29. How many female members were
Jawaharlal Nehru called it a “machine part of the Constituent Assembly that
Q.22. The original Constitution of India with strong brakes but no engine”. He framed the Constitution of India?
was hand written in English by: also called it a “Charter of Slavery”. SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Evening )
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.26. Which is NOT a unitary feature of (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 14 (d) 15
(a) HVR Iyenger
(b) Prem Behari Narayan Raizada the Constitution of India? Sol.29.(d) 15. The Constituent Assembly
(c) Vasant Krishan Vaidya Graduate Level 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 ) was formed on 6 December 1946. The
(d) SN Mukherjee (a) Bicameral Legislature idea for a Constituent Assembly was
(b) Integrated Judicial System proposed in 1934 by M. N. Roy.
Sol.22.(b) Prem Behari Narayan Raizada (c) Single Citizenship
- The calligrapher of the Indian (d) Appointment of the Governor by the Q.30. Who was the chairman of the
Constitution. The original constitution President House Committee of the Constituent
was handwritten by him in a flowing italic Assembly of India ?
style. The original Indian Constitution Sol.26.(a) Bicameral Legislature. SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Afternoon)
was made up of 117,369 words with 251 (legislative body with two houses). At the (a) B Pattabhi Sitaramayy (b) AV Thakkar
pages. central level (Lok Sabha and Rajya (c) JB Kripalani (d) K.M. Munshi
the constituent assembly that drafted the Services, Inequality of Representation in Mandal. JB Kripalani was the president of
document of the Constitution? the Council of States, Centralised Indian National Congress during
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (3rd shift) Electoral Machinery, Special Powers of Independence. K M Munshi - Founder of
(a) KM Munshi Council of State over State List, etc. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (1938), Member of
(b) Vasant Krishan Vaidya the Constituent Assembly of India,
(c) SN Mukherjee Q.27. Which of the following is NOT a Minister for Agriculture & Food (1952–53)
(d) HVR Iyenger federal feature of the Indian Constitution ?
SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Morning) Q.31. GV Mavalankar was the Chairman
Sol.23.(c) SN Mukherjee. The drafting (a) Dual Government of the ______ of the Constituent Assembly
committee was formed under the (b) Division of Powers of India.
chairmanship of Dr B R Ambedkar by the (c) All India Services SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Morning)
Constituent Assembly on 29th August (d) Written Constitution (a) Advisory Committee on Fundamental
1947. The other six members of the Rights, Minorities and Tribal and
committee were K.M. Munshi, Sol.27.(c) All India Services. Federal Excluded Areas
Muhammed Sadullah, Alladi Features of the Indian Constitution - (b) Committee on the Functions
Krishnaswamy Iyer, N. Gopalaswami Division of powers, Supremacy of the (c) Order of Business Committee
Ayyangar, Devi Prasad Khaitan and BL constitution, Written constitution, Rigid (d) Ad hoc Committee on the National
Mitter. constitution, Independent Judiciary, Flag
Bi-cameral Legislature.
Q.24. Who among the following wrote in Sol.31.(b) Committee on the Functions.
calligraphic style the Hindi version of the Q.28. With reference to the Constituent GV Mavalankar was the first speaker of
original Indian Constitution? Assembly, which of the following Lok Sabha. Advisory Committee on
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd shift) statements is Correct ? Fundamental Rights, Minorities and
(a) SN Mukherjee SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Afternoon) Tribal and Excluded Areas - Vallabhbhai
(b) Prem Behari Narain Raizada (a) The Constituent Assembly ratified Patel. Ad hoc Committee on the National
(c) Vasant Krishan Vaidya India’s membership of the Flag - Rajendra Prasad.
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Pinnacle Polity
Q.32. The total membership of the Citizenship, Cabinet system, Prerogative SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
Constituent Assembly was 389, of which writs, Parliamentary privileges, (a) The U.S. (b) Ireland
______ were representatives of princely Bicameralism. Ireland - Directive (c) South Africa (d) Canada
states. Principles of State Policy, Nomination of
SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Evening) members to Rajya Sabha, Method of Sol.39.(a) The U.S. Borrowed Features of
(a) 84 (b) 102 (c) 109 (d) 93 election of the President. Indian Constitution: US - Impeachment of
the president, Functions of president and
Sol.32.(d) 93. The total membership of Q.36. Which of the following vice president, Removal of Supreme
the Constituent Assembly was 389, of Constitutions inspired the law-making Court and High court judges.
which 292 were representatives of the process in India?
provinces, 93 represented the princely SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Q.40. The Indian Constitution borrowed
states and 4 were from the chief (a) Irish Constitution the concept of concurrent list from _____.
commissioner provinces of Delhi, (b) British Constitution SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Ajmer-Merwara, Coorg and British (c) US Constitution (a) USSR (b) Japan
Baluchistan. (d) Canadian Constitution (c) Germany (d) Australia
Q.33. The members of the Constituent Sol.36.(b) British Constitution. Borrowed Sol.40.(d) Australia. Borrowed Features
Assembly signed the Constitution of features of Indian Constitution: British - of Indian Constitution: Australia -
India on ______. Parliamentary government, Rule of Law, Freedom of trade, commerce and
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) legislative procedure, single citizenship, intercourse, Joint-sitting of the two
(a) 26 November 1948 cabinet system, prerogative writs. US - Houses of Parliament. Japan - Concept
(b) 24 January 1950 Fundamental rights, independence of of Procedure established by law.
(c) 26 November 1949 judiciary, judicial review, impeachment of Germany - Suspension of Fundamental
(d) 24 January 1952 the President. Rights during emergency.
Sol.33.(b) 24 January 1950. On that day, Q.37. The concept of ‘Independence of Q.41. From which of the following
the last meeting of the Constituent judiciary’ in the Indian Constitution is Constitutions is the idea of ‘Charter of
Assembly was held and the 'Constitution taken from the Constitution of: Fundamental Rights’ adopted in the
of India' ( with 395 Articles, 8 schedules, SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Indian Constitution?
22 parts) was signed and accepted by (a) Ireland (b) France SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
all. (c) The USA (d) Britain (a) Brazilian Constitution
leaders draft a constitution for India? USA: Fundamental Rights, President’s (d) French Constitution
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) impeachment process, Office of the
(a) 1925 (b) 1950 (c) 1928 (d) 1930 Vice-President. Sol.41.(c) United States of America’s
headed by Pt. Motilal Nehru. This adopted the system of ‘First Past the review, Impeachment of the President,
committee was created when Lord Post’ ? Removal of Supreme Court and High
Birkenhead, Secretary of State of India SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift) Court judges, Post of vice-president.
asked the Indian leaders to draft a (a) Irish Constitution France - Republic, Ideals of liberty,
constitution for the country. (b) French Constitution equality and fraternity in the Preamble.
(c) United States Constitution
(d) British Constitution Q.42. From which country were the
Sources of Indian Constitution ideals of justice of the Indian
Sol.38.(d) British Constitution. The First Constitution borrowed ?
Q.35. Which country has the Republic
Past the Post (FPTP) system, also known Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
feature of the Indian Constitution been
as the simple majority system, is used in (a) The USSR (b) The UK
borrowed from?
India for elections to the Lok Sabha and (c) The US (d) Japan
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
State Legislative Assemblies. Irish
(a) French Constitution Sol.42.(a) The USSR. Borrowed features
Constitution: Ireland uses the Single
(b) Irish Constitution of the Constitution : USSR (Now Russia) -
Transferable Vote (STV) system, a form
(c) British Constitution Fundamental duties, and The ideals of
of proportional representation. French
(d) Australian Constitution justice (social, economic, and political),
Constitution: France employs a
two-round system, where a candidate expressed in the Preamble.
Sol.35.(a) French Constitution. Borrowed
Features of Indian Constitution: France - must win an absolute majority (over 50%) Q.43. The emergency provisions of the
Ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity in in the first round or a relative majority in Indian Constitution are borrowed from
Preamble. Australia - Concurrent list, the second round. the Government of India Act,____________.
Freedom of trade, commerce, and Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Q.39. Judicial Review, a salient feature of
intercourse, Joint - sitting of Parliament. (a) 1931 (b) 1940 (c) 1935 (d) 1933
the Constitution of India, has been
UK - Parliamentary government, Rule of
borrowed from which of the following Sol.43.(c) 1935. The Emergency
Law, Legislative procedure, Single
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Pinnacle Polity
provisions are enshrined in Part XVIII of Supreme court. Borrowed Features of (c) Article 257 (d) Article 123
the Constitution, from Articles 352 to Indian Constitution from Canada -
Sol.50.(c) Article 257 - Control of the
360. The Indian Constitution also Centrifugal form of federalism where the
Union over States in certain cases.
borrowed various features from the center is stronger than the states, To
Article 261 - Public acts, records and
Government of India Act of 1935, provide residuary powers to the Centre,
judicial proceedings.
including the federal scheme, the office Supreme Court’s advisory jurisdiction,
of the governor, the judiciary, and the and Appointment of state governors by Q.51. Article 77 of the Indian
public service commissions. the Centre. Constitution deals with the __________.
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Q.44. From which country has the
Article, Schedule, Parts and list (a) term of office of the Vice-President
concept of Martial Law, which restricts
(b) Vice - President of India
Fundamental rights, borrowed ?
Q.48. Which Articles of the Constitution (c) oath of office by the Vice-President
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon)
of India provide for a parliamentary form (d) conduct of business of the
(a) China (b) The UK
of government at the Centre ? Government of India
(c) Japan (d) The USSR
SSC MTS 07/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
Sol.51.(d) The President shall make rules
Sol.44.(b) The UK. The expression (a) Articles 74 and 75
for the more convenient transaction of
‘martial law’ has not been defined (b) Articles 71 and 72
the business of the Government of India,
anywhere in the Constitution. It refers to (c) Articles 79 and 80
and for the allocation among Ministers of
the suspension of ordinary law and the (d) Articles 76 and 77
the said business. Article 67 - Term of
government by military tribunals. office of Vice - President.
Sol.48.(a) Articles 74 and 75. Article 74:
Q.45. India is a parliamentary democracy Council of Ministers to aid and advise Q.52. Which of the following Articles of
based on the Westminster model of President.-[(1) There shall be a Council of the Indian Constitution mentions, about
_________ . Ministers with the Prime Minister at the
the organisation of 'Village Panchayats'?
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd shift) head to aid and advise the President who SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) the United States of America shall, in the exercise of his functions, act
(a) Article 31 (b) Article 38
(b) South Africa in accordance with such advice. Article (c) Article 36 (d) Article 40
(c) France 75 - Other provisions as to Ministers.-(1)
(d) the United Kingdom The Prime Minister shall be appointed by Sol.52.(d) Article 40 : This article directs
the President and the other Ministers the state to organise village panchayats
Sol.45.(d) The United Kingdom. shall be appointed by the President on and empower them to function as
Countries where the Westminster model the advice of the Prime Minister. self-governing units. Directive Principles
is used - Britain, Canada, New Zealand as of State Policy (DPSPs): Outlined in Part
well as in many parts of Asia and Africa. Q.49. Which of the following articles of IV (Articles 36 - 51) of the Constitution,
British - Parliamentary form of the Constitution of India mentions that inspired by the Irish Constitution.
government, The idea of single every Minister and the Attorney-General
citizenship, The idea of the Rule of law, of India shall have the right to speak in Q.53. Which Article of the Constitution of
Writs, Institution of Speaker and his role, and participate in the proceedings of India deals with the conduct of business
either House of Parliament ? of the Government of a state ?
Q.46. The concept of "Amendment of the (c) Article 89 (d) Article 88 (c) Article 164 (d) Article 166
Q.56. Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI of the to aid and advise the President. Article (d) Articles 79 to 122 in Part V
Indian Constitution deal with the _______.
76 - Attorney-General for India.
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sol.63.(b) Articles 168 to 212 in Part VI.
(a) emergency provisions Q.60. Which of the following articles of Other Articles : Articles 214 to 231 of the
(b) financial relations between the Centre
and the states parliament and its proceedings? na
the Indian constitution deals with the Indian Constitution cover
organisation, powers, and functions of
(c) legislative relations between the SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) the High Courts in India. Articles 243 to
Centre and the states (a) Article 51A (b) Article 36 to 51 243-O in Part IX pertain to Panchayats.
(d) tribunals (c) Article 79 to 122 (d) Article 12 to 35 Articles 79 to 122 in Part V focus on the
Parliament of India.
Sol.56.(c) legislative relations between Sol.60.(c) Article 79 to 122. These
the Centre and the states. Emergency articles in Part V of the Indian Q.64. Which Article of the Indian
Provisions - Part XVIII, Articles 352 - 360. Constitution deal with the provisions Constitution mentions about the
Tribunals - Part XIV-A Article 323A, and related to the Parliament of India, 'Promotion of educational and economic
Article 323B. Financial relations between including its organisation, composition, interests of Scheduled Castes,
the Centre and the states - Part XII, duration, officers, procedures, privileges, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker
and personal liberty. Article 18: Abolition SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) freedom of religion (Articles 25-28),
Cultural and educational rights (Articles
of titles. (a) Article 26 (b) Article 24
(c) Article 32 (d) Article 30 29-30), Right to constitutional remedies
Q.67. Which Articles of the Constitution (Article 32). The Right to property was
deal with citizenship ? Sol.70.(d) Article 30. Other important removed from the list of fundamental
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift) articles: Article 26 - It gives freedom to rights by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978
(a) Articles 5 to 11 (b) Articles 5 to 8 manage religious affairs. Article 24 - It and it was made a legal right under
(c) Articles 5 to 10 (d) Articles 5 to 9 prohibits the employment of children Article 300-A in Part XII of the
Citizenship: Article 5 - Citizenship at the move the Supreme Court for the under which Article of the Constitution?
commencement of the Constitution. enforcement of their fundamental rights. SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Article 6 - Rights of citizenship of certain (a) Article 19 (2) (b) Article 14 (4A)
persons who have migrated to India from Q.71. How many languages are included (c) Article 16 (4A) (d) Article 15 (3B)
Pakistan. Article 7 - Rights of citizenship in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution
of India as scheduled languages? Sol.74.(c) Article 16 (4A). Article 16(4)
Indian Constitution, the Council of England in 1215 under pressure from the Q.84. Which Article of the Indian
Ministers are collectively responsible to barons. Constitution mentions that ‘The Council
the Lok Sabha. of Ministers shall be collectively
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) Q.81.Which Article of the Indian responsible to the Legislative Assembly
(a) 74(1) (b) 72(1) (c) 73(2) (d) 75(3) Constitution mentions about the salaries of the state’ ?
and allowances of the Chairman and SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Sol.77.(d) 75(3). Article 75 (1) - The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and (a) Article 164(3) (b) Article 164(1)
Prime Minister shall be appointed by the the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the (c) Article 164(2) (d) Article 164(4)
75(2) - The Ministers shall hold office (c) Article 94 (d) Article 95 Governor, while other Ministers are
during the pleasure of the President. appointed on the Chief Minister's advice,
Sol.81.(b) Article 97. Other important and they hold office at the Governor's
Q.78. Biological Diversity Act 2002 was Articles: Article 92 - The Chairman or the pleasure. Article 164(3) - Before
passed by the Government of India. It Deputy Chairman not to preside while a assuming office, a Minister must take the
fulfilled ideals of which article of resolution for his removal from office is oaths of office and secrecy administered
Directive Principles of State Policy in the under consideration. Article 94 - Vacation by the Governor, as specified in the Third
Constitution of India ? and resignation of, and removal from, the Schedule. Article 164(4) - A Minister who
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker. is not a member of the State Legislature
(a) Article 49 (b) Article 48A Article 95 - Power of the Deputy Speaker for six consecutive months will cease to
(c) Article 48 (d) Article 47 or other person to perform the duties of hold office at the end of that period.
the office of, or to act as, Speaker.
Sol.78.(b) Article 48A outlines the Q.85. Which Article specifies the
directive principle for environmental Q.82. Which of the following Articles of procedure for amending the Indian
protection and safeguarding forests and the Indian Constitution mentions that the Constitution ?
wildlife. It was added through the 42nd Vice - President of India shall be the ex SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Constitutional Amendment, 1976. The officio Chairman of the Council of (a) Article 365 (b) Article 366
Biological Diversity Act, 2002, was States? (c) Article 368 (d) Article 367
enacted to fulfill India's obligations under SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
the Convention on Biological Diversity. It (a) Article 89 (b) Article 90 Sol.85.(c) Article 368 (Part XX)
established the National Biodiversity (c) Article 91 (d) Article 92 Parliament may amend the Constitution
Authority (NBA), State Biodiversity by way of addition, variation or repeal of
Sol.82.(a) Article 89. Article 64 and any provision in accordance with the
Boards (SBB), and local Biodiversity Article 89(1) state that the Vice President
Management Committees (BMC) to procedure laid down for the purpose.
of India shall serve as the ex officio However, the Parliament cannot amend
regulate access to biological resources Chairman of the Council of States (Rajya
and ensure equitable benefit-sharing. those provisions which form the ‘basic
Sabha). Other related articles include: structure’ of the Constitution. This was
Q.79. Which Article of the Indian Article 90 - Specifies the conditions for ruled by the Supreme Court in the
Constitution mentions about the right of the vacation, resignation, and removal of Kesavananda Bharati case (1973).
the Governor to address and to send the Deputy Chairman of the Council of
States. Article 91- Grants the Deputy Q.86. Which Article of the Indian
messages to the House (or Houses) of
Chairman or another designated person Constitution mentions about the salaries
the state legislature ?
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and allowances of members of the Sol.89.(c) Article 166(1). Other India ?
Legislative Assembly and the Legislative important Articles: Article 163(1) - There SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Council of a state? shall be a Council of Ministers with the (a) Article 120 (b) Article 116
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) Chief Minister at the head to aid and (c) Article 112 (d) Article 110
(a) Article 195 (b) Article 199 advise the Governor in the exercise of his
(c) Article 198 (d) Article 194 functions. Article 164(1) - The Chief Sol.92.(c) Article 112 - The President
Minister shall be appointed by the shall cause, in respect of each financial
Sol.86.(a) Article 195. Important Articles year, to be laid before each House of
Governor and the other Ministers shall be
in Part VI (The States): Article 168 - Parliament a statement of the estimated
appointed by the Governor on the advice
Constitution of Legislatures in States. receipts and expenditure of the
of the Chief Minister. Article 165(1) - The
Article 169 - Abolition or creation of Government of India for that year, which
Governor of each State shall appoint a
Legislative Councils in States. Article 170 is in this Part referred to as "the annual
person who is qualified to be appointed a
- Composition of the Legislative financial Statement". Other important
Judge of a High Court to be
Assemblies. Article 194 - Powers, Articles: Article 110 - Definition of
Advocate-General for the State.
privileges, etc., of the Houses of "Money Bills". Article 116 - Votes on
Legislatures and of the members and Q.90. Which Article of the Indian account, votes of credit and exceptional
committees thereof. Article 199 - Constitution mentions the qualification grants. Article 120 - Language to be used
Definition of “Money Bills”. for membership of the State Legislature? in Parliament.
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Q.87. Which Article of the Indian Q.93. ________ of the Indian Constitution
(a) Article 171 (b) Article 180
Constitution mentions that a person may sets qualifications for being a member of
(c) Article 173 (d) Article 179
be appointed as the Governor of two or Lok Sabha.
more states? Sol.90.(c) Article 173. The person must Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) be at least 25 years old for a seat in the (a) Article 74 (b) Article 84
(a) Article 153 (b) Article 152 Legislative Assembly and at least 30 (c) Article 64 (d) Article 76
(c) Article 151 (d) Article 150 years old for a seat in the Legislative
Sol.93.(b) Article 84 outlines the
Council. Other important Articles : Article
Sol.87.(a) Article 153. The Seventh qualifications for being a member of the
171 - The total number of members in
Amendment Act, 1956, amended Article Lok Sabha. A person must: Be an Indian
the Legislative Council of a State shall
153 to allow a governor to oversee two or citizen; Take an oath or affirmation
not exceed one-third of the total number
more states. Other important articles : before an authorized person appointed
Chairman of the Council of States (Rajya
Q.88. Which Article of the Indian
Q.91. What Article of the Indian Sabha). Article 76 : It is to the
Constitution states that “There shall be a
(c) Article 214 (d) Article 125 the Indian Constitution are related to the
(a) Article 181 (b) Article 200
(c) Article 190 (d) Article 267 Comptroller and Auditor General of India?
Sol.88.(c) Article 214. Other important
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Articles: Article 215 - Every High Court
Sol.91.(b) Article 200. The Governor may (a) Article 147-150 (b) Article 148-154
shall be a court of record and shall have
also return the Bill with a message (c) Article 148-152 (d) Article 148-151
all the powers of such a court including
requesting reconsideration by the House
the power to punish for contempt of Sol.94.(d) Article 148-151. The CAG
or Houses. Article 201 - It states that
itself. Article 217 - Appointment and handles the audit of the accounts of the
when a Bill is reserved for the
conditions of the office of a Judge of a Union and State governments. Article
consideration of the President, the
High Court. Article 245 - Parliament may 148: Establishes the office of the
President may assent to or withhold
make laws for the whole or any part of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
assent from the Bill. Article 190 - A
the territory of India. Article 275 - Article 149: Duties and powers of the
person cannot be a member of both
provides for the grants from the Union to Comptroller and Auditor-General. Article
houses of a state legislature. Article 181
certain States. 150: Form of accounts of the Union and
- The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker not
of the States. Article 151: Mandates the
Q.89. Which Article of the Indian to preside while a resolution for his
presentation of audit reports by the
Constitution mentions that ‘All the removal from office is under
Comptroller and Auditor General to the
executive action of the Government of a consideration. Article 267 - Contingency
President of India, which are then laid
state shall be expressed to be taken in Fund.
before Parliament.
the name of the Governor’ ?
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) Q.92. Which Article of the Indian
Q.95. Which Article of the Indian
(a) Article 163(1) (b) Article 165(1) Constitution deals with the annual
Constitution makes it clear that Directive
(c) Article 166(1) (d) Article 164(1) financial statement of the Government of
Principles of State Policy are
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fundamental in the governance of the outlines the forms of oaths and Public Service Commission for the Union
country and it shall be the duty of the affirmations for various constitutional and a Public Service Commission for
state to apply these principles in making offices : President, Vice-President, Union each State” ?
laws? and State Ministers, Parliament and state SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) legislature candidates, Judges, (a) 315 (4) (b) 315 (1)
(a) Article 46 (b) Article 37 Comptroller and Auditor General. First (c) 315 (3) (d) 315 (2)
(c) Article 44 (d) Article 40 Schedule : Names of the States and
Union Territories, Second Schedule : Sol.101.(b) Article 315 (1). Article 315
Sol.95.(b) Article 37. Directive Principles Provisions for the emoluments, (2) - Two or more States may agree that
of State Policy (DPSP) in Part IV of the allowances, privileges of certain there shall be one Public Service
Indian Constitution are based on the Irish constitutional authorities, and Fourth Commission for that group of States.
Constitution, which in turn was based on Schedule : Allocation of seats in the Article 315 (3) - Any such law as
the Spanish Constitution. Rajya Sabha and union territories. aforesaid may contain such incidental
and consequential provisions as may be
Q.96. Which of the following does NOT Q.99. Which Article of the Indian necessary or desirable for giving effect
come under the Concurrent List? Constitution mentions that ‘In the to the purposes of the law. Article 315 (4)
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) performance of his/her duties, the - UPSC can, if requested by a state
(a) Artificial Habitats Attorney - General for India shall have the government, conduct examinations and
(b) Medical Education right of audience in all the courts in the interviews to select candidates for state
(c) Protection of Wildlife territory of India’? government jobs.
(d) Population Control Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
(a) Article 76(1) (b) Article 76(3) Q.102. Which of the following Articles of
Sol.96.(a) Artificial Habitats. the Constitution of India provides that
The Parliament and state legislatures (c) Article 76(4) (d) Article 76(2)
the Governor appoints the Chief Minister
can both make laws on matters listed
Sol.99.(b) Article 76(3). Article 76 of the and later, the Chief Minister recommends
under the Concurrent List. As of now, the Indian Constitution addresses the the appointment of ministers to the
list includes 52 subjects (originally 47).
Attorney General of India. Under Article Governor?
Some Subjects in Concurrent list: 76(1), the President of India appoints the SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Bankruptcy and insolvency, Forests,
Attorney General. Article 76(2) states (a) Article 163 (b) Article 165
Factories, Boilers, Electricity, that it is the duty of the Attorney General (c) Article 164 (d) Article 167
Newspapers, books and printing presses.
under ________ of the Constitution of the Attorney General holds office at the
pleasure of the President and receives Vice-Chancellors of the universities in the
India with respect to law and order and in state (University Grants Commission
discharge of his functions in relation remuneration as determined by the
(UGC) Regulations, 2018), Advocate
thereto. President.
General for the State (Article 165) etc.
Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Q.100. Match the following subject Article 163 - Council of Ministers to aid
(a) Article 359 A (b) Article 380 A matters with their concerned Articles. and advise the Governor of the State.
(c) Article 371 H (d) Article 361 H
a b
as the Anti-Defection Act, was included President to consult the Supreme Court. States and alteration of areas,
in the Constitution via the 52nd
Article 132 - Appellate jurisdiction of the Boundaries or Names of existing States;
Amendment Act, 1985. Schedule-IX (laws Supreme Court in appeals from High Article 4 : Laws made under articles 2
that are immune from judicial review) - It
Courts in certain cases. Articles 133 and and 3 to provide for the amendment of
was added by the First Amendment Act, 134 grant the Supreme Court appellate the first and the fourth schedules and
jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters supplemental, incidental and
Q.106. Which Article of the Indian from High Courts. consequential matters.
Constitution mentions that all the Q.109. How many schedules are there in Q.112. In India which of the following is a
authorities— civil and judicial— in the our Constitution as of June 2023? Gandhian principle of Directive Principles
territory of India shall act in aid of the SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (1st Shift) of State Policy ?
Supreme Court ? (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 10 SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift)
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) (a) To Separate judiciary from executive
(a) Article 143 (b) Article 141 Sol.109.(c) 12 Schedules in Indian (b) To organise village panchayat
(c) Article 144 (d) Article 142 Constitution: First - List of States and UT; (c) To secure uniform civil code
Second - Emoluments, allowances, and (d) To provide equal pay for equal work
Sol.106.(c) Article 144. Article 142:
declared by the Supreme Court shall be Sixth - Administration of Tribal Areas in panchayats. 43 - Living wage, etc., for
binding on all courts within the territory the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura workers. 43B - To promote voluntary
of India. and Mizoram; Seventh - Union list, State formation, autonomous functioning,
Q.107. Article 149 of the Constitution list and the concurrent list; Eight - List of democratic control of cooperative
deals with ___________ . recognized languages; Ninth - Land societies. 46 - promote educational and
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift) reforms and regulations; Tenth - Anti economic interests of the weaker
(a) the qualifications required for the defection law; Eleventh - Panchayati Raj sections. 47 - To improve public health.
appointment of the Comptroller and and Twelfth - Municipalities. 48 - To prohibit the slaughter of cows,
Auditor-General of India calves and other milch. Other Groups -
Q.110. Which Clause of Article 19 of the Socialist Principle - Article (38, 39, 41, 42,
(b) the duties and powers of the Indian Constitution guarantees the 'right
Comptroller and Auditor-General of 43, 43A, 47). Liberal - Intellectual
to move freely throughout the territory of Principle - Article (44, 45, 48, 48A, 49, 50,
India India' ?
(c) the term of office of the Comptroller 51).
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
and Auditor-General of India (a) Clause (b) (b) Clause (c) Q.113. Which of the following Articles
(d) the appointment of the Comptroller (c) Clause (d) (d) Clause (a) says that double jeopardy which says
and Auditor-General of India that “no person shall be prosecuted or
Sol.110.(c) Clause (d). Article 19 - punished for the same offence more
Sol.107.(b) Part V (Chapter V) of the Protection of certain rights regarding
Indian Constitution (Articles 148-151) than once?
freedom of speech, etc. Other clauses of SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift)
deals with the Comptroller and Article 19(1): Clause (a) grants the
Auditor-General (CAG). Article 148: This (a) Article 21 (2) (b) Article 19 (1)
freedom of speech and expression; (c) Article 20 (2) (d) Article 22 (2)
article deals with the appointment, oath,
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Sol.113.(c) Article 20 (2). Article 21 - Cooperation societies was inserted as Q.121. KA Najeeb Vs Union of India case
Protection of life and personal liberty. one of the DPSPs (Article 43-B). deals with violation of rights under_____
Article 19 (1) - The right to freedom of SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Q.117. The government is bound to
speech and expression. Article 22 - (a) Article 16 (b) Article 21
ensure observance of social welfare and
Protection Against Arrest and Detention (c) Article 14 (d) Article 19
labour laws enacted to secure for
in Certain Cases. Article 22(2) - A person
workmen a life compatible with human Sol.121.(b) Article 21 (Protection of life
who is arrested and detained must be
dignity, under _____ of the Indian and personal liberty). Important Cases
produced before a magistrate within 24
Constitution. related to Article 21: A.K Gopalan vs the
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift) State of Madras 1950 : The Supreme
Q.114. Under which Article of the (a) Article 17 (b) Article 15 court has taken a narrow interpretation
Directive Principles of State Policy, a (c) Article 19 (d) Article 21 of Article 21 in this case. Maneka Gandhi
working woman on maternity leave, must vs. Union of India, 1978: In this case, the
Sol.117.(d) Article 21. Article 15 -
receive all maternity benefits from the SC overruled its judgement of the
Prohibition of discrimination on grounds
employer? Gopalan Case by taking a wider
of religion, race, caste, sex or place of
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift) interpretation of Article 21.
birth. Article 19: Protection of certain
(a) Article 42 (b) Article 44
rights regarding freedom of Speech, etc. Q.122. Which part of the Constitution of
(c) Article 45 (d) Article 43
Article 17 - Abolition of Untouchability. India contains the provisions of the
Sol.114.(a) Article 42. Directive Union Executive?
Q.118. In the Indian Constitution which
Principles of State Policies are SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift)
of the following Articles deals with the
non-justiciable rights (which means that (a) Part V (b) Part III
right to move to the Supreme Court for
they cannot be enforced by a Court of (c) Part IV (d) Part VI
enforcement of Fundamental rights ?
Law). Article 43 - The State shall SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift) Sol.122.(a) Part V. Other parts of
endeavour to secure all workers a living (a) Article 30 (b) Article 32 constitution: Part III - Fundamental Rights
wage and a decent standard of life. (c) Article 33 (d) Article 31 (Article 12 to 35), Part IV - Directive
Article 44 - Uniform civil code for the
Principle of State Policy (Article - 36 to
citizens. Sol.118.(b) Article 32 (Right to
51), Part VI - The States (Article 152 to
Constitutional Remedies) - The ‘Heart
Q.115. 'The state shall endeavour to 237).
and Soul of the Constitution’ by Dr. B.R.
secure to all workers a living wage and a
(c) This is a Gandhian principle of SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift) Fundamental duties (Part IVA Article
Directive Principles of State Policy. (a) Article 47 (b) Article 44 51A) added by the 42nd Amendment Act
(d) This is a liberal principle of Directive (c) Article 46 (d) Article 45 (1976). These duties are non-justiciable,
Principles of State Policy.
(d) power to extend functions of Public (c) Part III (d) Part V SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Morning)
Services Commissions (a) Elections
Sol.130.(b) Part VI Article (152 to 237). (b) Special provisions related to certain
Sol.126.(b) reports of Public Services Article 168 Constitution of Legislatures
Commissions. Articles 315 to 323 (Part in States. Article 169 deals with abolition (c) Constitutional amendments
XIV) of the Constitution of India establish or creation of Legislative Councils in
(d) Special provisions related to
the Union Public Service Commission states. Article 170 - Composition of the municipal corporation
(UPSC) and State Public Service Legislative Assemblies. Article 171 -
Commissions (SPSC). The UPSC Composition of the legislative Councils. Sol.134.(b) Special provisions related to
Chairman is appointed by the President Article 172 - Duration of State certain classes (Article 330 to 342A).
for a term of six years or until the age of Legislatures. Article 330 - Reservation of seats for
Constitution empowers the Supreme there shall be a Legislative Assembly for (Article 368): Amendment of the
Court to review its own judgements or the National Capital Territory of Delhi? Constitution. Part IXA (Article
(a) Article 138 (b) Article 135 (c) Article 233AA (d) Article 237AA Q.135. Which of the following Articles of
(c) Article 136 (d) Article 137 the Indian constitution provides for the
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift) 300A (Added by 44th Amendment Act, Article 120 - Language to be used in
(a) 353 (b) 356 (c) 355 (d) 358 1978). The 104th Constitutional Parliament. Article 121 - Restriction on
Amendment Act of 2019 abolished the discussion in Parliament.
Sol.137.(c) Article 355. Other Articles -
reservation of seats for Anglo-Indians in
Article 353 - States about the Effect of the Parliament and State Legislatures of Q.144. Article 243K of the Indian
the proclamation of emergency. Article
India in January 2020. The amendment constitution is related with which of the
356 - States about the Provision in case also extended reservations for following ?
of failure of constitutional machinery in SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
membership of Panchayat.
Article 19 of the constitution. to impose restrictions on trade, (c) Reservation of seats in Panchayat.
commerce and intercourse through (d) Election to the Panchayats.
Q.138. Which Article of the constitution which Article of the Indian constitution?
of India is related to the Comptroller and SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (2nd Shift) Sol.144.(d) Election to the Panchayats.
Auditor General of India Audit reports? (a) 304 (b) 300 A (c) 303 (d) 302 Panchayati Raj is a three-tiered
Chapter V : Comptroller and Auditor - Article 304: Restrictions on trade, Zila Parishads at the district level. Article
General (CAG) of India (Article 148 - commerce and intercourse among 243E - Duration of Panchayats. Article
151). Article 150: Form of accounts of States. Article 303: Restrictions on the 243D - Reservation of seats in
the Union and of the States. Article 149: legislative powers of the Union and of the Panchayat. Article 243F - Grounds of
Duties and powers of the Comptroller States with regard to trade and disqualification from membership of
and Auditor-General. Article 148: commerce. Article 300A: Persons not to Panchayat.
Comptroller and Auditor-General of India. be deprived of property save by authority
of law. Q.145. Article 350A of the Indian
Q.139. Central Bureau of Intelligence and
constitution is related with______.
Investigation comes under which list of Q.142. Which Article of the Indian
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
the seventh schedule of the Indian constitution states that "Governor has
(a) Special officers for linguistic
constitution ? power to promulgate ordinances during
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (3rd Shift) recess of legislature"?
(b) Facilities for instruction in
(a) Union list (b) Concurrent list SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (4th Shift)
mother-tongue at primary stage
(c) State list (d) Transferred list (a) 212 (b) 214 (c) 213 (d) 210
(c) Direction for development of the Hindi
Sol.139.(a) Union list (100) - Defence, Sol.142.(c) Article 213.The governor can language
Army, International Relations, Ports, issue an ordinance when the state (d) Language to` be used in Supreme
Railways, Census, Communication, legislature is not in session, which must Court and High Courts of India
Central Bureau of Investigation etc. State be approved by the state legislature
Sol.145.(b) Article - 350 : Language to be
list (61) - Public order, Police, Public within 6 weeks of its reassembly. Article
used in representations for redress of
health and sanitation, Hospitals and 210 - Language to be used in the
grievances. Article - 350B: Special Officer
dispensaries, Agriculture, State Public Legislature. Article 212 - Courts not to
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for linguistic minorities. Article- 351: (a) Article 126 (b) Article 127 Sol.153.(c) Part XIV. Union Public
Directive for development of the Hindi (c) Article 128 (d) Article 125 Service Commission (UPSC) is an
language. Article 348 (1)(a): All independent constitutional body. The
proceedings in the Supreme Court and in Sol.149.(b) Article 127. Article 125: talks provisions regarding the composition of
every High Court, shall be in English about the financial privileges and UPSC, the appointment, and removal of
language. allowances that are defined for the its members, and the powers and
judges of the Supreme Court. Article 126: functions of UPSC are provided in Part
Q.146. Which part of the Constitution of Appointment of acting Chief Justice of XIV of the Indian Constitution under
India consists of the idea of a Welfare India. Article 128: Attendance of retired Article 315 to Article 323.
State? judges at sitting of the Supreme Court.
SSC CGL Tier II (02/03/2023) Q.154. Article ______ of the Indian
(a) Directive Principles of State Policy Q.150. Which Article of the Constitution Constitution states that ‘there shall be a
(b) Fundamental Duties of India deals with the Sessions of the Commission for the socially and
(c) Fundamental Rights Parliament? educationally backward classes to be
(d) Preamble SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening) known as the National Commission for
(a) Article 85 (b) Article 89 Backward Classes’.
Sol.146.(a) Directive Principles of State (c) Article 90 (d) Article 101 SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Evening)
Policy is mentioned in Part IV, Article (a) 124 A (1) (b) 243S (1)
36–51. Article 38 gives the idea of a Sol.150.(a) Article 85 - Sessions of
Parliament, prorogation, and dissolution. (c) 243Y (1) (d) 338B (1)
Welfare State.
A session is a period during which a Sol.154.(d) Article 338B (1). Article
Q.147. Which Article of the Constitution House meets almost every day 243S(1) - There shall be constituted
does India mention that business in uninterruptedly to manage the business. Wards Committees, consisting of one or
Parliament shall be transacted in Hindi or Article 90 - Vacation and resignation of more wards, within the territorial area of
English? (and removal from) the office of Deputy
a Municipality having a population of
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Chairman. Article 101- Vacation of seats three lakhs or more.
(a) Article 120 (b) Article 121 in Parliament.
(c) Article 122 (d) Article 119
Q.151. Which chapter of the Constitution
Q.155. Which of the following Articles of
the Constitution of India states that Hindi
Sol.147.(a) Article 120. Article 121 - of India, discusses the Articles of in Devanagari script shall be the official
Restriction on discussion in Parliament. Parliament ? language of the Union?
Article 122 - Courts not to inquire into SSC MTS 25/07/2022 (Morning) SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
proceedings of Parliament. Article 119 - (a) Chapter III (b) Chapter I (a) Article 343(2) (b) Article 354(2)
Regulation by law of procedure in (c) Chapter II (d) Chapter IV (c) Article 343(1) (d) Article 343(3)
Q.148. Which Article of Indian II deals with the Articles of Parliament . stipulated that English and Hindi would
constitution is related with the Special Chapter I (The Executive; Articles 52 to be used for the Union's official business
provisions with respect to the State of 78); Chapter III: Legislative powers of the
(c) Article 371F (d) Article 371A General of India (CAG); Articles 148 to operation.
Sol.148.(c) 371 F - Sikkim (36th Q.156. Which of the following Articles of
Amendment Act, 1975). Article 371 of Q.152. The Article of the Indian the constitution of India provides for the
the Constitution includes special Constitution that deals with all the creation of a GST Council ?
provisions for 11 states (6 states of the executive powers of the Governor is ____ SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Morning)
Northeast). Article 371 - provisions for SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Morning) (a) Article 246A (b) Article 279A
Maharashtra and Gujarat. Article 371 A - (a) Article 150 (b) Article 157 (c) Article 269A (d) Article 323A
Nagaland (13th Amendment Act, 1962). (c) Article 154 (d) Article 156
371 B - Assam (22nd Amendment Act, Sol.156.(b) Article 279A. It empowers
1969). 371 C - Manipur (27th Amendment Sol.152.(c) Article 154- Executive power the president to constitute a joint forum
Act, 1971). 371 D - Andhra Pradesh and of Governor. Article 150 - Form of of the central and states namely, Goods
Telangana (32nd. Amendment Act, 1973). accounts of the Union and of the States. and Services Tax Council. The GST
371 E - To establish Central University in Article 157 - Qualifications for Council is a constitutional body for
Andhra Pradesh. 371 G - Mizoram (53rd. appointment as Governor. Article 156 - making recommendations to the union
Amendment Act, 1986). 371 H - Term of office of Governor. and state government on issues related
Arunachal Pradesh (55th Amendment Act, to Goods and Service Tax.
Q.153. Which Part of the Indian
1986). 371 I - Goa.
Constitution provides for the Union Q.157. According to which of the
Q.149. Which Article of the Constitution Public Service Commission? following Articles of the Constitution of
of India deals with the appointment of ad SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Afternoon) India shall a Money Bill NOT be
- hoc judges? (a) Part X (b) Part VIII introduced in the Council of States ?
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) (c) Part XIV (d) Part XVI SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Afternoon)
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(a) Article 109 (b) Article 354 by a Section of the Population of a State. secures workers' participation in industry
(c) Article 298 (d) Article 193 management; and Article 48(A) protects
Amendments the environment and wildlife.
Sol.157.(a) Article 109. Rajya Sabha
(Council of States), the upper house of Q.165. Which of the following
Q.162. As per the Constitution (Ninety -
the Parliament of India. A money bill is a Constitution Amendment Bills is related
First Amendment) Act, 2003, the total
specific type of financial legislation that to the provision of modifying the list of
number of ministers, including the Prime
exclusively deals with matters related to Scheduled Caste in Tamil Nadu ?
Minister, shall NOT exceed:
taxes, government revenues, or SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
expenditures. (a) The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes)
(a) 20% of the total number of members
Order (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Q.158. As per Article ______ of the of the Lok Sabha
(b) The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes)
Constitution of India, English is the (b) 15% of the total number of members
Order Amendment Act, 2013
official language for all the high courts in of the Lok Sabha
(c) The Constitution (Scheduled Caste)
the country. (c) 10% of the total number of members
Order (Amendment) Bill, 2015
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Evening) of the Lok Sabha
(d) The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)
(a) 329 (1) (b) 336 (1) (d) 25% of the total number of members
Order (Amendment) Bill, 2021
(c) 315 (1) (d) 348 (1) of the Lok Sabha
Sol.165.(d) The Bill amends the
Sol.162.(b) 91st Amendment Act 2003:
Sol.158.(d) Article 348 (1). 329(a) the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order,
The total number of ministers in the
validity of any law relating to the 1950. The Constitution empowers the
Council of Ministers, including the Prime
delimitation of constituencies or the President to specify the Scheduled
Minister, cannot exceed 15% of the total
allotment of seats to such Castes (SCs) in various states and union
number of members in the Lok Sabha.
constituencies, made or purporting to be territories. Further, it permits Parliament
The total number of ministers in a State
made under Article 327 or Article 328, to modify this list of notified SCs. The
Council of Ministers, including the Chief
shall not be called in question in any Statement of Objects and Reasons of the
Minister, cannot exceed 15% of the total
court Bill states that the Bill has been
number of members in the Legislative
introduced to give effect to modifications
Q.159. Which of the following Articles of Assembly of that State.
proposed by the state of Tamil Nadu.
the Constitution of India defines for a
Q.163. Part IV A of the Indian
separate secretarial staff for each House Q.166. Which of the following
the Constitution of India states that there duties, but an additional duty was added
Goods and Services Tax Council (GST
would be no tax levied or collected by the 86th Constitutional Amendment
Council) chaired by the finance minister
EXCEPT by the authority of law? Act, 2002, bringing the total to 11 duties.
of India. 100th Constitutional Amendment
SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) Act, 2015: Ratified the land boundary
Q.164. ____________ Directive principles
(a) Article 107 (b) Article 123 agreement between India and
of State Policy were added to the Indian
(c) Article 265 (d) Article 301 Bangladesh. The 102nd Constitutional
Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional
Sol.160.(c) Article 265. Article 107- Amendment Act of 1976. Amendment Act: Enhanced regulations
Provisions as to introduction and passing SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) to support backward classes in India.
of Bills. Article 301- Freedom of trade, (a) Two (b) Three (c) Five (d) Four The 103rd Constitutional Amendment Act:
commerce and intercourse. Established a 10% reservation for
Sol.164.(d) Four. Economically Weaker Sections.
Q.161. Under which Article of the Indian These Directive Principles of State Policy
Constitution are special provisions (DPSP) are: Article 39(f) which provided Q.167. Which of the following Articles of
provided to language spoken in a section that “the State shall direct its policy the Constitution of India CANNOT be
of the population? towards securing for the children amended with a simple majority ?
SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Evening) opportunities and facilities to develop in SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Article 337 (b) Article 357 a healthy manner and in conditions of (a) 169 (b) 2 (c) 21 (d) 3
(c) Article 347 (d) Article 374 freedom and dignity and for protecting
children and youth from exploitation and Sol.167.(c) 21. Article 21 asserts that no
Sol.161.(c) Article 347 Under part XVII, against material abandonment”; Article person shall be deprived of their life
of the Indian constitution : Special 39(A) promotes equal justice and free except according to the procedure
Provision Relating to Language Spoken legal aid for the poor; Article 43(A) established by law. This means that
the Parliament. Article 56 - Term of office was amended in the Constitution (Fifth strengthen local self-governance by
Amendment Act), 1955 ? establishing democracy at the
of President.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift) grassroots level. Part IX of the
Q.169. On 9 August 2021, the Parliament (a) Article 3 (b) Article 45 Constitution outlines the Panchayati Raj
had passed the Limited Liability (c) Article 17 (d) Article 34 system, with Rajasthan implementing it
Partnership (Amendment) Bill, 2021. It first in Nagaur district on October 2,
amended the: Sol.172.(a) Article 3 deals with the 1959. The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift) formation of new states and the recommended a three-tier structure: Zilla
(a) Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2004 alteration of areas, boundaries, or names Parishad (district level), Panchayat
(b) Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 of existing states. Article 45 was Samiti (block level), and Gram Panchayat
(c) Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2012 amended by the Constitution (village level).
(d) Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2016 (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act of 2002.
The amendment changed the subject Q.176 In which year did the 44th
Sol.169.(b) Limited Liability Partnership matter of Article 45 and made Amendment remove the right to property
Act, 2008. It was published in the official elementary education a fundamental from the list of fundamental rights?
Gazette of India on 9 January 2009 and right under Article 21. SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
has been in effect since 31 March 2009.
Parliament. 29 amendments were made Article 21 A ? was listed under Article 31 before its
to LLP Act 2008 by LLP Amendment Bill SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) deletion. At present the right to property
2021. (a) Eighty-seventh Amendment Act, 2003 is listed under Article 300A as a legal
(b) Eighty-fourth Amendment Act, 2002 right.
Q.170. On 7 November 2022, the (c) Eighty-sixth Amendment Act, 2002
Supreme Court of India upheld the (d) Eighty-fifth Amendment Act, 2002 Q.177. Which among the following is
reservations for the weaker sections INCORRECT about the salient features of
(EWS). Which of the following Sol.173.(c) Eighty-sixth Amendment the 73rd Amendment Act ?
amendments brought this reservation in Act, 2002. This Amendment Act, 2002 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon)
the first place ? made the Right to Education a (a) The Act corresponds to Part III of the
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift) fundamental right for children aged 6-14 Constitution of India.
(a) 101st Amendment of the Constitution by adding Article 21A in Part III of the (b) The Act gives a Constitutional status
(b) 102nd Amendment of the Constitution. The 87th Amendment Act, to the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Constitution 2003 involved readjusting electoral (c) The Act has added the Eleventh
(c) 103rd Amendment of the Constitution constituencies based on the 2001 Schedule to the Constitution of India.
(d) 104th Amendment of the Constitution census. The 85th Amendment Act, 2002 (d) It contains 29 functional items of the
provided for promotion with Panchayats and deals with Article
Sol.170.(c) 103rd Amendment to the consequential seniority for government 243 to 243(O).
Constitution. The 103rd Amendment Act employees from Scheduled Castes and
of the Constitution, 2019 was enacted to Scheduled Tribes. Sol.177.(a) The 73rd Amendment Act - It
introduce reservation for the was enacted in 1992 and came into force
economically weaker sections (EWS). Q.174. The 42nd Amendment of the from April 1993. It added Part IX (Article
Under this amendment, Articles 15(6) Indian Constitution (1976) states that 243 - 243O) to the constitution. It was
and 16(6) of the Constitution were India is a/an ______ nation. enacted to implement the Directive
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Principles of State Policy under Article 40 Amendment Act empowering states and Sol.184.(b) 61st. It was done by
on the recommendation of L.M. Singhvi UTs to identify and specify Socially and amending Article 326 of the constitution
Committee. Educationally Backward Classes? in 1988. 81st Constitutional Amendment
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift) Act 2000 was inserted to protect the
Q.178. How many types of the (a) 105th (b) 104th (c) 103rd (d) 102nd reservation for SCs and STs in backlog of
amendment are mentioned by the Indian vacancies. 52nd Constitutional
Constitution as per Article 368 ? Sol.181.(a) 105th. Reservation in India: Amendment Act 1985, known as
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) Other Backward Class (OBCs) were anti-defection law and 10th schedule
(a) Four (b) Two (c) Five (d) Three included in the ambit of reservation in added in the Indian constitution. 72nd
1991 on the recommendations of the Constitutional Amendment Act 1992
Sol.178.(b) Two. Article 368 (Part XX) Mandal Commission. It recommended a
grants Parliament the power to amend provides reservation to Scheduled Tribes
27% reservation quota for OBC. in Tripura State Legislative Assembly.
the Constitution. Amendments require Constitutional Provisions: Part XVI deals
either (1) a special majority or (2) a with reservation of SC and ST in Central Q.185. Which amendment in the Indian
special majority with ratification by at and State legislatures. 342A - Socially constitution is related to extension of
least half of the state legislatures by a and educationally backward classes. jurisdiction of High Courts to Union
simple majority. The amendment territories ?
procedure is inspired by the South Q.182. In which year was the Andhra SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
African Constitution. Pradesh Reorganisation Act passed? (a) 9th Amendment (b) 7th Amendment
Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3) (c) 1st Amendment (d) 13th Amendment
Q.179. The Unlawful Activities (a) 2013 (b) 2012 (c) 2014 (d) 2015
(Prevention) Act, which provides for the Sol.185.(b) 7th Amendment.
more effective prevention of certain Sol.182.(c) 2014. This constitutional amendment was
unlawful activities of individuals and The States Reorganisation Act (1956), done in 1956 to reorganise the classes of
associations dealing with terrorist under the provisions of Part I (Article 3).
states in the country and to change the
activities, was first put into effect in India The State Reorganisation Commission powers and functions of the state
in the year. (SRC) was constituted in 1953 appointed
governors. 1st Amendment (1951) - The
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift) by Jawahar Lal Nehru. It was headed by rights of property owners and made it
(a) 1991 (b) 1967 (c) 2014 (d) 1947 Sir Fazal Ali. The first state formed on the
more difficult for the government to
linguistic basis is Andhra Pradesh (1 enact land reform measures. It also
Sol.179.(b) 1967. Unlawful Activities October 1953). Formation of other
Q.180. The Family Courts (Amendment) the state to reduce inequalities in (a) Eighth (b) Sixth (c) Fifth (d) Seventh
Act 2022 has amended the Family Courts income, status, facilities, and
Act, 1984. The Act allows ________ to opportunities). Directive Principles of Sol.186.(a) Eighth Schedule.
establish Family Courts. State Policy: Part IV of the Constitution 22 languages in this schedule. 21st
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd shift) of India (Article 36–51). It was borrowed Amendment Act (1967) - Include Sindhi
(a) District Courts from the Irish Constitution. Article 38 (1) language. 92nd Amendment Act (2003) -
(b) State Governments - The State shall strive to promote the Include Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali
(c) Union Government welfare of the people by securing and language. 5th schedule - The President
(d) District Collector protecting as effectively as it may a can declare any such area or the whole
social order in which justice, social, state as a scheduled area. 6th schedule
Sol.180.(b) State Governments. Purpose economic and political, shall inform all - Deals with administration of tribal areas
of establishment of family court - To the institutions of national life. in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram.
promote conciliation and secure speedy 7th Schedule - Deals with the division of
settlement of disputes relating to Q.184. Which among the following powers between the Union government
marriage and family affairs and for Constitutional Amendment Act of the and State governments
related matters. This bill was passed by Indian constitution reduced the age of
Lok Sabha on 26th July 2022. This bill voting from 21 to 18 for elections to the Q.187. The Eighty - ninth Amendment
has granted statutory cover to already Lok Sabha and to the Legislative Act, 2003 of the Indian Constitution
established family courts in Himachal Assemblies of states? established which of the following
Pradesh and Nagaland. SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (2nd Shift) Commission ?
(a) 81st (b) 61st (c) 52nd (d) 72nd SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Q.181. In August 2021, Ram Nath Kovind (a) Competition Commission of India
granted assent to which Constitution (b) National Commission for Backward
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Classes Dadra and Nagar Haveli in the Union of continuance in force of the Proclamation
(c) National Commission for Woman India as a Union Territory ? for a period up to two years.
(d) National Commission for Scheduled SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Afternoon)
Tribes (a) 19th (b) 14th (c) 12th (d) 10th Q.195. An amendment to the Hindu
Succession Act, 1956 was passed in the
Sol.187.(d) The National Commission for Sol.191.(d) The 10th Amendment (1961) year ______.
Scheduled Tribes (NCST) was added Dadra and Nagar Haveli as India’s SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Afternoon)
established by amending Article 338 and seventh Union Territories. The 12th (a) 2012 (b) 2005 (c) 2010 (d) 2008
inserting a new Article 338A in the Amendment (1962) incorporated Goa,
Constitution. Daman, and Diu as the eighth Union Sol.195.(b) 2005. The Hindu Succession
Territory, while the 14th Amendment Act, 1956 is an Act of the Parliament of
Q.188. Which among the following (1962) included Pondicherry as the ninth. India enacted to amend and codify the
constitutional amendments of the Indian The 19th Amendment (1966) abolished law relating to intestate or unwilled
Constitution deals with the formation of Election Tribunals, assigning election succession, among Hindus, Buddhists,
Sikkim as a state? petition trials to High Courts. Jains, and Sikhs.
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) 36th (b) 51th (c) 42nd (d) 30th Q.192. Who among the following Q.196. The 60th Amendment to the
presidents of India gave assent to the Constitution of India increased the
Sol.188.(a) 36th. 51st amendment: 100th Amendment of the Constitution of ceiling of profession tax from ₹ 250 p.a.
Reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha for India ? to ______ p.a.
Scheduled Tribes in Meghalaya, SSC CGL 12/04/2022(Morning) SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Afternoon)
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and (a) Pranab Mukherjee (a) ₹7,000 (b) ₹5,000 (c) ₹1,000 (d) ₹2,500
Mizoram as well as in the Legislative (b) Ram Nath Kovind
Assemblies of Meghalaya and Nagaland. Sol.196.(d) ₹2,500 . The Sixtieth
(c) APJ Abdul Kalam Amendment of the Constitution of India
30th amendment: Abolished provision to
(d) Pratibha Devisingh Patil Act, 1988, amended Article 276 of the
appeal to the Supreme Court on a civil
case related to a certain amount. Sol.192.(a) Pranab Mukherjee. The Constitution relating to taxes on
100th amendment in the Indian professions, trades, callings and
Q.189. Under which Amendment to the Constitution provides for the acquisition employments.
Constitution Act was the reservation for of territories by India and transfer of
OBCs in educational institutions made? Q.197. The 40th Amendment Act of 1976
certain territories to Bangladesh.
for the SCs and STs and special Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment)
representation for the Anglo-Indians in Constitution so as to provide that all
Bill, 2021, which was passed in March lands, minerals, and other things of value
the Lok Sabha and the state legislative
2021 amended the Government of underlying the ocean within the exclusive
assemblies for a further period of ten National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, ___
years i.e., up to 2020 (Article 334). 96th economic zone of India and all other
provisions fully securing the Q.206. Which of the following Articles of
the Indian Constitution contains
constitutional validity of zamindari Sol.202.(c) Duties are enforceable by
abolition laws in general and certain the law. Fundamental Duties are a set of Fundamental Duties?
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
specified State Acts in particular? moral and ethical obligations that are
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening) enshrined in Part IV-A (Article 51A) of the (a) 32A (b) 45A (c) 62B (d) 51A
(a) Fourth Amendment Constitution of India. These duties are Sol.206.(d) 51A. Fundamental Duties
(b) First Amendment non-justiciable, meaning they are not (Part IV - Article 51A): Ten duties were
(c) Third Amendment
enforceable by any court of law (unlike included by the 42nd Amendment Act of
(d) Second Amendment Fundamental Rights). 1976 based on the Swaran Singh
Sol.200.(b) The First Amendment (1951) Q.203. Right of a prisoner to speedy trial Committee's recommendations, and the
introduced provisions for advancing will be categorised in which of the 11th duty was added by the 86th
socially and educationally backward following Fundamental Rights? Amendment Act of 2002.
classes, SCs, and STs, added the Ninth SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift)
on freedom of speech (Article 19) by (c) Right to Constitutional Remedies a park. Which fundamental duty is he
adding grounds such as public order, (d) Right to Equality performing?
friendly relations with foreign states, and SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift)
incitement to an offence. It also upheld Sol.203.(b) Right to Life. Speedy trial is
(a) To strive towards excellence in all
and propagation of religion. Article 26 -
1. To defend the country 17 - Abolition of Untouchability. Article 20 Freedom to manage religious affairs.
2. To pay income tax - Protection in respect of conviction for
3. To cast the vote in election offences. Article 21 - Protection of life Q.215. In which part of the Constitution
4. To safeguard the public property and personal liberty. Article 30 - Right of will you find the six broad categories of
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (1st Shift) minorities to establish and administer Fundamental Rights?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only educational institutions. SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift)
(c) 2 and 3 both (d) 2 and 4 both (a) Part I (b) Part IV (c) Part II (d) Part III
Q.212. Which fundamental duty applies
Sol.209.(c) 2 and 3 both. Fundamental to you when you see your college friends Sol.215.(d) Part III (Articles 12 to 35).
duties were incorporated into the start fighting with the canteen person Six broad categories of Fundamental
Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional when he passes a few anti-religious Rights : Right to Equality (Articles 14-18),
Amendment Act of 1976 on the statements? Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22), Right
recommendations of the Swaran Singh SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) against Exploitation (Articles 23-24),
Committee. Article 51-A (d) states the (a) To promote harmony and spirit of Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles
duty to defend the country and render brotherhood 25-28), Cultural and Educational Rights
national service when called upon to do (b) To value and preserve the rich (Articles 29-30), Right to Constitutional
so, while Article 51-A (i) emphasises the heritage Remedies (Article 32).
duty to safeguard public property and (c) To develop the scientific temper, Q.216. Writ of Mandamus is a
abjure violence. humanism, and the spirit of inquiry Fundamental Right classifiable under:
(d) To protect and improve our natural
Q.210. Which fundamental duty applies SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift)
environment (a) cultural and educational rights
on you when you see a few school
students, on their educational trip to (b) the right to freedom of religion
Sol.212.(a) This fundamental duty
Humayun’s tomb, writing their names on (c) constitutional remedies
encourages citizens to maintain harmony
the walls? (d) the right to equality
and foster a spirit of brotherhood among
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) all people, transcending religious, Sol.216.(c) Constitutional remedies.
(a) To safeguard public property linguistic, or regional differences. It Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article
(b) To defend the country and render applies in situations where religious 32) : This allows Indian citizens to
national service sentiments might cause conflicts. approach the Supreme Court to enforce
(c) To uphold and protect the their fundamental rights. B.R. Ambedkar
sovereignty, unity and integrity of Q.213. Which of the following
described it as the "heart and soul" of the
India statements is INCORRECT regarding
Constitution. The writ in the Indian
(d) To protect and improve the natural Fundamental Rights?
Constitution is borrowed from England.
environment SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
There are five types of writs : ‘Habeas
(a) Fundamental Rights can be enforced
Sol.210.(a) To safeguard public Corpus’, ‘Mandamus’, ‘Prohibition’ ,
by Law.
property. Article 51A —It shall be the duty ‘Certiorari’ , and ‘Quo Warranto’ .
(b) Fundamental rights are derived from
of every citizen of India—(a) to abide by the Britain Constitution. Q.217. Which of the following Articles
the Constitution and respect its ideals (c) The Fundamental Rights are prohibits traffic in human beings and
and institutions, the National Flag and mentioned in the constitution from forced labour ?
the National Anthem; (b) to cherish and article 12 to 35. SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift)
follow the noble ideals which inspired our (d) Article 21 provides the right to life. (a) Article 25 (b) Article 23
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(c) Article 22 (d) Article 28 by the Constitution and respecting its 1) The 44 amendment Act introduced
ideals, as well as the National Flag and Fundamental duties in the Constitution.
Sol.217.(b) Article 23. National Anthem. Cherishing and 2) Fundamental Duties were expanded by
Article 22 - Protection against arrest and following the noble ideals that inspired the 86th amendment act.
detention in certain cases. Article 24 - India's struggle for freedom. Upholding 3) Article 51A (a) entails respect for its
Prohibition of employment of children in and protecting the sovereignty, unity, and ideals and institutions, national flag and
factories, etc. Article 25 - Freedom of integrity of India. Defending the country the national anthem.
conscience and free profession, practice and serving the nation when required. 4) Fundamental Duty obliges parents to
and propagation of religion. Article 28 - provide opportunities for education to
Freedom as to attendance at religious Q.221. ___________ has called the Right their child between 6-14 years of age.
instruction or religious worship in certain to Constitutional Remedy as the ‘Soul of SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift)
educational institutions. the Constitution’. (a) 1 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 4 (d) Only 3
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift)
Q.218. Which Clause of Article 20 (a) Jawaharlal Nehru Sol.224.(a) 1. The 44th Constitutional
incorporates the doctrine of double (b) Lala Lajpat Rai Amendment Act of 1978 was enacted to
jeopardy? (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak undo many changes made by the 42nd
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift) (d) Dr. BR Ambedkar Amendment during the Emergency in
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 4 India. Key provisions include restoring
Sol.221.(d) Dr. BR Ambedkar - the chief judicial review, protecting civil liberties,
Sol.218.(b) 2. Double Jeopardy is a legal architect of the Indian Constitution.
term and it means that a person can not and ensuring that the right to property is
Article 32 grants every individual the right no longer a fundamental right but a legal
be punished for the same offence more to move the Supreme Court for the
than once. Article 20(2) of the right.
enforcement of their fundamental rights.
Constitution of India and Section 300 of The Supreme Court has ruled that Article Q.225. How many fundamental duties
the Criminal Procedure Code say that no
32 is a basic feature of the Constitution. were recommended to be inserted in the
person shall be prosecuted and punished Indian Constitution by the Swarna Singh
for the same offence more than once. Q.222. Certiorari comes under the:
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift) SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Q.219. Article 20 of the Constitution of (a) right to religious freedom
(a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 8
India is related to _____. (b) right to constitutional remedies
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) (c) right against exploitation Sol.225.(d) 8. The idea of Fundamental
(a) equality of opportunities in matters of (d) right to equality Duties (Article 51-A) is inspired from the
public employment Constitution of the USSR (Russia). These
(b) protection in respect of conviction for Sol.222.(b) right to constitutional were incorporated in Part IV-A of the
Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002).
XII. 1976 based on the Swaran Singh
Q.228. Citizens are NOT discriminated Committee's recommendations. Initially
against on the basis of religion, caste or Q.232. Which of the following there were 10 fundamental duties, and by
Fundamental Rights is available for
sex because of: the 86th Amendment of 2002 one more
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift) Indians as well as foreigners? fundamental duty (to provide right to
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Right to Freedom education to all children of the age of 6
(b) Right against Exploitation (a) Right to protection of language, script to 14 years) was added.
and culture of minorities
(c) Right to Freedom of Religion Q.235. Which writ literally means 'what
(d) Right to Equality (b) Equality of opportunity in matters of
public employment is your authority’?
Sol.228.(d) Right to Equality. (c) Right of minorities to establish and SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
The Fundamental Rights (Part III, Articles administer educational institutions (a) Quo-Warranto (b) Prohibition
12-35). Right to equality (Articles 14–18). (d) Right to elementary education (c) Habeas Corpus (d) Mandamus
Article 14: Equality before the law. Article
place of birth. Article 16: Equality of to both citizens and foreigners (except
enemy aliens) include: Article 14, Article Article 226 of the Constitution,
opportunity in public employment. Article respectively. Five types of writs - Habeas
17: Abolition of untouchability. Article 18: 20, Article 21, Article 21A, Article 22,
Article 23, Article 24, Article 25, Article Corpus (To have the body); Mandamus
Prohibition of titles, except for military or
26, Article 27, and Article 28. (We Command); Prohibition (To forbid);
academic distinctions. Certiorari (To be certified).
Fundamental Rights Available Only to
Q.229. How many Fundamental Rights Citizens of India: Article 15, Article 16, Q.236. The original constitution did NOT
were initially provided in the Constitution Article 19, Article 29, and Article 30. mention any fundamental duty because:
of India? SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift)
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) Q.233. All historical monuments have
signages with instructions that public (a) initially fundamental duties were not
(a) Seven (b) Eight (c) Nine (d) Six expected to be performed
should not write on the walls. To which
Sol.229.(a) Seven. Currently there are 6 fundamental duty does the given (b) initially fundamental duties were
Fundamental Rights in the Indian statement belong? punishable as per the constitution
Constitution. The 44th Amendment of SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift) (c) it was expected that the citizens of
1978 removed the right to property from (a) To defend the country and render the country would perform their
the list of fundamental rights, making it a national service duties willingly
legal right under Article 300A. (b) To safeguard public property and to (d) it was expected that the citizens of
abjure violence the country would perform their
Q.230. ______ of the Constitution of India (c) To develop the scientific temper duties forcefully
has provisions for legal enforcement of (d) To promote harmony and spirit of Sol.236.(c) The fundamental duties were
the fundamental rights. common brotherhood incorporated in Part IV-A of our
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
constitution through the 42nd
(a) Article 32 (b) Article 19 Sol.233.(b) Fundamental Duties outline
Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976. At
(c) Article 29 (d) Article 28 the responsibilities of every citizen of
present, there are eleven fundamental
India. These duties include: (a) to abide
Sol.230.(a) Article 32. It grants every duties under article 51 A of the
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constitution. Q.240. If a person who is arrested, is added by which Amendment?
NOT produced before the Magistrate Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Q.237. Which of the following is NOT a (a) 42nd Amendment 1976
within 24 hours from the time of arrest,
fundamental duty of an Indian citizen? (b) 86th Amendment 2002
he will be entitled to be released on the
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) (c) 84th Amendment 2000
writ of ________.
(a) To uphold and protect the (d) 44th Amendment 1978
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
sovereignty, unity and integrity of
(a) Habeas Corpus (b) Prohibition
India Sol.243.(b) 86th Amendment 2002.
(c) Quo-warranto (d) Mandamus
(b) To safeguard public property and to Fundamental Duties (Part IV A, Article
abjure violence Sol.240.(a) Habeas Corpus. 51A): The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976
(c) To vote in public elections The Supreme Court and High Courts in added the first 10 Fundamental Duties to
(d) To value and preserve the rich India have the power to issue writs under the Indian Constitution, following the
heritage of our composite culture Article 32 and Article 226 of the recommendation of the Swaran Singh
Constitution, respectively. Five types of Committee. The 11th Fundamental Duty
Sol.237.(c) To vote in public elections.
writs - Habeas Corpus (To have the states that parents and guardians must
The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 added
body); Mandamus (We Command); provide opportunities for education to
10 Fundamental Duties to the Indian
Prohibition (To forbid); Certiorari (To be their children between the ages of six
Constitution, based on the
certified) and Quo Warranto (By what and fourteen.
recommendations of the Swaran Singh
Committee. The 86th Amendment Act of Q.244. Which Article of the Indian
2002 introduced the 11th Fundamental Q.241. The concept of limited Constitution mentions that every
Duty, requiring parents or guardians to government is a major advancement to religious denomination or section shall
provide educational opportunities to protect the _______ of the citizens from have the right to own and acquire
children aged 6 to 14. These duties are the ruling governments. movable and immovable property?
outlined in Article 51A, under Part IV-A. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) (a) Article 26(c) (b) Article 26(d)
(a) separation of power (c) Article 26(b) (d) Article 26(a)
Q.238. Abolition of titles is mentioned in
which Article of the Indian Constitution? (b) fundamental duties
(c) fundamental rights Sol.244.(a) Article 26(c). Article 26 of
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) the Constitution of India guarantees the
(a) Article 24 (b) Article 18 (d) check and balance
freedom to manage religious affairs as a
(c) Article 23 (d) Article 13 Sol.241.(c) fundamental rights are fundamental right, part of the right to
Sol.238.(b) Article 18 - Abolition of enshrined in Part III of the Constitution religion outlined in Articles 25 to 28.
titles—(1) No title, not being a military or (Articles 12-35). Right to equality Articles 26 - This freedom is subject to
(Articles 14–18); Right to freedom public order, morality, and health,
Prohibition of traffic in human beings and (Article 32).The Right to property (Article religion, (c) own and acquire movable
forced labour. Article 24: Prohibition of 31) was removed by the 44th and immovable property, and (d)
employment of children in factories, etc. Amendment Act, 1978, and is now a legal administer such property according to
right under Article 300-A. law.
(c) Article 14 (1) (d) Article 21 SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift) (Part IVA, Article 51A):- Adopted from the
Constitution of Russia (erstwhile Soviet
(a) Only Article 20 and 21 can be
Sol.247.(a) Article 16 (4). Article 15 (2) - suspended during emergency Union). Fundamental duties - Non -
No citizen shall, on grounds only of justiciable in nature.
(b) They are justiciable
religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, (c) Some fundamental rights are
be subject to any disability, liability, Q.255. Which of the following Articles of
negative in nature the Indian Constitution mentions the
restriction or condition with regard to. (d) Can be suspended during emergency
Article 21 - Protection of life and fundamental duty "sovereignty, unity and
personal liberty. Sol.251.(a) 44th Amendment Act, 1978 integrity of India" is mentioned ?
limits the scope of Article 359 SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning)
Q.248. What is the purpose of the (suspension of the enforcement of the (a) Article 51A (b) (b) Article 51A (e)
Cultural and Educational Rights? rights conferred by Part III during (c) Article 51A (c) (d) Article 51A (d)
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift) emergencies). All fundamental rights
(a) To promote a particular religion Sol.255.(c) Article 51A(c). The 42nd
except articles 20 and 21 can be
(b) To protect the language, culture, and Amendment Act of 1976 added 10
suspended only on the basis of National Fundamental Duties to the Indian
religion of the minority communities Emergency (Article 352). Constitution and created Part IVA.
Right (Article 29 - 30) : Article 29 - duties as well. Which of the following Q.256. The central bank of India or
Guarantees the Protection of Interests of fundamental duties advocates about this Reserve Bank of India was created
Minorities. Article 30 - Guarantees the type of ideals ? before Independence, in the year 1934.
right of minorities to establish and SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift) The recommendation to create a central
administer educational institutions of (a) To defend the country and render bank was made by a commission called:
their choice. national service SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(b) To develop the scientific temper (a) Dr. Raja Chelliah Committee
Q.249. Which of the following is
(c) To safeguard public property and to (b) Kothari Commission
enforceable by the Indian Constitution?
abjure violence (c) Narasimham Committee
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(d) To promote harmony and spirit of (d) Hilton Young Commission
(a) Preamble
(b) Fundamental rights common brotherhood
Sol.256.(d) Hilton Young Commission. It
(c) Directive Principles of State Policy Sol.252.(d) Fundamental Duties: Part is also known as the Royal Commission
(d) Fundamental duties IV-A of the Indian constitution in Article on Indian Currency and Finance, was
51A. Article 51A(e) refers to the duty of established in 1926. The Reserve Bank of
Sol.249.(b) Fundamental Rights (Part III,
every citizen to promote harmony and India (RBI) is India's central bank and
Articles 12-35).
the spirit of common brotherhood regulatory body overseeing the Indian
Q.250. Which of the following amongst all the people of India. ' banking system. It manages the control,
statements is FALSE about the right to issuance, and supply of the Indian rupee.
freedom of religion mentioned in the Q.253. What is the aim of fundamental The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was
Indian Constitution ? rights mentioned in the Indian established on April 1, 1935, in
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift) Constitution ? accordance with the provisions of the
to suggest changes to criminal law for Policy. The Gadgil commission was arrangements between the Union and
faster trials and tougher punishments for formed to study the impact of population States as per the Constitution of India.
those accused of sexual assault against pressure, climate change and Tej Bahadur Sapru Report (1945) - It
women. development activities on the Western related to political and civil rights of the
Ghats. minorities.
Q.258. Which of the following
commissions/committees identified the Q.261. In November 2022, the Supreme Q.264. Rangarajan Committee is
existence of legal provisions for Court upheld the 10% reservation of EWS associated with _______.
implementation of some of the quota. This EWS reservation was granted SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening)
Fundamental Duties? on the basis of recommendations from (a) Election reforms
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) which of the following commissions ?
(d) Justice Verma Committee (c) Mandal commission Sol.264.(d) Estimation of poverty.
(d) Sinho commission Rangarajan Committee - To Review the
identified the existence of following legal Constituted in 2005, and submitted its Planning Commission in June 2012 has
provisions - Prevention of Insults to report in 2010. In 2019, the Cabinet submitted its report on 30th June 2014.
National Honour Act (1971), Protection decided to amend the Constitution As per the report submitted by C
of Civil Right Act (1955), Representation (103rd Amendment) to provide Rangarajan Committee: Persons
of People Act (1951), Wildlife Protection reservation to EWS. Sarkaria spending below Rs. 47 a day in cities
Act (1972) and Forest Conservation Act Commission (1983) - Reviewed should be considered poor. Committee
(1980). center-state relations. Kelkar related to poverty: Planning Commission
Commission (1953) - Also known as the Expert Group (1962), VM Dandekar and N
Q.259. Which of the following First Backward Classes Commission. Rath committee (1971), Y.K. Alagh
committees had recommended the Mandal Commission (1979) - The Committee (1979), Lakdawala
inclusion of a chapter on the Second Socially and Educationally Committee (1993), Suresh Tendulkar
Fundamental Duties in the Constitution Backward Classes Commission. Committee (2005).
of India and stressed that the citizens
should become conscious that, in Q.262. Which of the following persons Q.265. Which of the following
addition to the enjoyment of rights, they was appointed Chairman of the Second commissions recommended that “the
also have certain duties to perform ? National Judicial Pay Commission? appointment of Governor should be non -
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift) SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) partisan” ?
(a) JR Varma Committee (1996) (a) Justice PV Reddi SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(b) Ashok Mehta Committee (1977) (b) Justice JS Verma (a) Fazal Ali Commission
(c) Swaran Singh Committee (1976) (c) Justice R Basant (b) Rajmannar commission
(d) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (1976) (d) Justice AS Anand (c) Sarkaria commission
(d) Mandal commission
Sol.259.(c) Swaran Singh Committee Sol.262.(a) Justice PV Reddi. The
(1976) originally recommended eight second National judicial Pay Sol.265.(c) Sarkaria commission (1983).
Q.267. How many members are there in B. The Speaker of the Legislative
Q.270. Which of the following is NOT a
the Committee on Public Undertakings in
Assembly or Chairman of the Legislative
device of parliamentary proceedings?
India? Council can permit any member to speak
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 (Shift - 4)
in his mother tongue.
(a) Half - an - hour discussion
(a) 22 (b) 15 (c) 35 (d) 30 C. Only the Supreme Court is entitled to
(b) Zero - hour discussion
inquire into the proceedings of the State
Sol.267.(a) 22. Financial Committees:- (c) Two - hour (short) discussion
Public Accounts Committee - 1921, (d) Full - day discussion
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Q.277. When a non-minister proposes a Assembly of a state consists of not more Vidhan Sabha are directly elected by
bill, it is called : than 500 and not less than 60 members people on the basis of universal adult
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) (Legislative Assembly of Sikkim has 32 franchise. The Speaker presides over the
(a) Money Bill members vide Article 371F of the meetings of the House and conducts its
(b) Government Bill Constitution) chosen by direct election proceedings. He maintains order in the
(c) Private Member’s Bill from territorial constituencies in the House, allows the members to ask
(d) Non - Money Bill state. questions and speak. Article 178 - The
1 1 1 1
introduced by ministers only in the Lok (a) th (b) th (c) th (d) rd
Sabha. Government Bill: A bill introduced
4 6 12 3 (a) Censure motion (b) Zero hour
by a minister on behalf of the (c) Privilege motion (d) Question hour
Sol.281.(c) 1/12th. In the legislative
government. It typically reflects the council, members are elected as follows: Sol.284.(d) Question hour. Censure
government's policies. One-sixth by the governor from
Constitution. Short Duration Discussion
99 or when not qualified or when session (November - December) are held
is a procedural device to enable
disqualified. in a calendar year.
members to raise discussion on matters
Q.287. What is the bicameral legislature Q.290. When was the first general of urgent public importance without a
of the Indian Constitution ? election for Lok Sabha held in India ? formal motion on a matter of urgent
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift) public importance. The Speaker can allot
(a) It is a legislative body with four (a) 1950 - 51 (b) 1949 - 50 two days in a week for such discussions.
houses. (c) 1948 - 49 (d) 1951 - 52
Sol.287.(b) The bicameral legislature of Narendra Modi (Bharatiya Janata Party) (c) Minister of Law & Justice
the Indian Constitution refers to a became Prime Minister. Lok Sabha Seat: (d) Parliament of India
543 Parliamentary Constituencies (At
legislative body with two houses: the Lok Sol.293.(d) Parliament of India. Ancillary
Sabha (House of the People) and the present). First Panchayati Raj Election in
powers of the Supreme Court (Article
India was held on 2nd of Oct 1959 in the
Rajya Sabha (Council of States). Lok 140): The Parliament, through legislation,
Sabha: The lower house, consisting of Nagaur district of Rajasthan.
can grant the Supreme Court additional
directly elected members. Rajya Sabha: powers that are in line with the
Q.291. How long can a person remain a
The upper house, consisting of Constitution's provisions. These extra
minister without being a member of
representatives elected by the members powers should help the Court better fulfill
either House of the State Legislature ?
of the state legislative assemblies and by its constitutional jurisdiction. President
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (1st Shift)
members of the Lok Sabha, along with of India : Articles 52 - 62 (Part V),
(a) 15 days (b) 6 months
nominated members. Parliament of India : Articles 79-122 (Part
(c) 1 year (d) 2 months
Q.288. What is the most powerful V), Supreme Court : Articles 124-147
Sol.291.(b) 6 months. Articles 163-164 (Part V).
weapon that enables the Parliament to
deals with the Council of Ministers (CoM)
ensure executive accountability ?
in states. The articles 75 (5) and 164 (4) Q.294. In India, during a meeting of the
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
state that a minister who for any period Legislative Assembly or Council, if there
(a) Approval or refusal of laws
of six consecutive months is not a is no quorum, it shall be the duty of the
(b) The no-confidence motion
member of either house of Parliament or ________ to adjourn the House or suspend
(c) Confirmation of treaties
state legislature respectively shall cease the meeting.
(d) Deliberation and discussion
to be such minister at the expiration of Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
Sol.288.(b) The no-confidence motion. It that period. (a) Chairman/Governor
moved in the Lok Sabha (and not in the (b) Speaker/Chairman
Q.292. Which of the following pairs (c) Governor/Chief Minister
Rajya Sabha) to test the confidence of
is/are correctly matched regarding the (d) Speaker/Chief Minister
the government. It needs the support of
terminology used in the Parliament?
50 members to be admitted. Other ways
A. Appropriation Bill - A Money Bill Sol.294.(b) Speaker/Chairman. Article
to ensure executive accountability:
passed for providing for the withdrawal 100 - Voting in Houses, power of
Appropriation Bill. The Speaker has the Minister Model) at the National level. has a strength of ____, with exceptions
for smaller states.
authority to determine whether or not a Articles 74 and 75 (Part V) provide the
specific bill is a money bill. parliamentary system for the centre. SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Morning)
(a) 600 to 1000 (b) 60 to 500
Article 163 and 164 (Part VI) provides the
Q.296. Archana wishes to contest for parliamentary system for the states. (c) 50 to 400 (d) 10 to 100
Lok Sabha elections in India. What is the
maximum limit of constituencies that Q.300. The Constitution provides for Sol.303.(b) 60 and 500 members .
can she contest? reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha and However an exception may be granted in
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning) State Legislative Assemblies for the: the states of Goa, Sikkim, Mizoram, and
(a) One (b) Four (c) Three (d) Two SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning) the union territory of Puducherry which
(a) scheduled tribes have fewer than 60 members. Maximum
Sol.296.(d) Two. Candidates were (b) other backward classes seats (Uttar Pradesh; 403) and least
allowed to contest more than Two seats (c) differently abled number of seats (Puducherry; 30).
until 1996. As per, Section 33 (7) of the (d) women
two constituencies in the Lok 705 tribes which have been notified. The
Sabha/state, which means candidates largest number of tribal communities are (a) thirty (b) twenty
have to vacate one seat in case of found in Odisha. Related Committees to (c) fifteen (d) Thirty-five
winning both the seats. Schedule tribes: Xaxa Committee (2013), Sol.304.(b) Twenty. The Lok Sabha is
Bhuria Commission (2002-2004), Lokur composed of representatives of people
Q.297. What is the term of the State Committee (1965). The Fifth Schedule of
legislative assembly in India as per chosen by direct election on the basis of
the Constitution deals with adult suffrage. The maximum strength of
Indian constitution ? Administration and Control of Scheduled
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Afternoon) the House envisaged by the Constitution
Areas and Scheduled Tribes in states is now 550 (530 members to represent
(a) 3 years (b) 5 years other than Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura
(c) 4 years (d) 7 years States, 20 to represent Union Territories)
and Mizoram. The Sixth Schedule deals
Sol.297.(b) 5 years. State Legislature with the administration of the tribal areas Q.305. How many organs of government
(Article 168 - 212) comprises Legislative in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and are there according to the Indian
Assembly and Legislative Council. Mizoram. Constitution?
Legislative Council members are elected SSC MTS 12/07/2022 (Evening)
Q.301. Which of the following is NOT a (a) Two (b) Four (c) One (d) Three
for a term of 6 years. kind of question related to Indian
Q.298. The Lok Sabha (House of the Parliamentary Proceedings ? Sol.305.(d) Three Organs: the
People) was duly constituted for the first SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon) Legislature consists of the President and
time on _______ . (a) Starred Question two Houses, known as Council of States
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening) (b) Unstarred Question (Rajya Sabha) and House of the People
(a) 26 April 1950 (b) 17 April 1952 (c) Short Notice Question (Lok Sabha), the Executive consists of
(c) 18 January 1950 (d) 20 April 1951 (d) Long Notice Question the President, the Vice-President, and the
Council of Ministers with the Prime
(a) 10 years (b) 3 years Q.311. The period between prorogation SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) 4 years (d) 6 years of Parliament and re-assembly in a new
(a) He shall not be entitled, without
session is called______. payment of rent, to use his official
Sol.307.(d) 6 years. It is a permanent SSC MTS 21/07/2022 (Afternoon)
body and is not subject to dissolution. (a) adjournment (b) recess (b) He shall not be a member of either
The tenure of a Member of the (c) dissolution (d) cut motion
House of the Parliament.
Legislative Council (MLC) is six years,
(c) The allowances shall not be
with one-third of the members retiring Sol.311.(b) Recess. An adjournment
create a legislative council in the state? of the existing House, and a new House of India outlines the conditions for the
SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Morning) is constituted after general elections are office of the President of India. Article 59
(a) Parliament held. Cut motion is a power given to the (3) - The President shall be entitled
(b) High court of the concerned State members of the Lok Sabha that enables without payment of rent to the use of his
(c) President its members to oppose any demand in a official residences and shall be also
(d) Chief minister of the concerned state
presides over the joint sitting of the two Q.315. Which Article of the Constitution
abolish the State Legislative Council of a houses of Parliament? of India expressly provides that the
state if that state's legislature passes a SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Afternoon) President is eligible for re-election?
resolution for that with a special majority. (a) Chairman of Rajya Sabha SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.309. Which of the following is NOT a (b) Any senior member of Rajya Sabha (a) Article 58 (b) Article 56
feature of parliamentary government in (c) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha (c) Article 59 (d) Article 57
India? (d) Any senior member of Lok Sabha
Sol.315.(d) Article 57. Important articles
SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Evening) Sol.312.(c) Deputy Chairman of Rajya related to the President of India : Article
(a) Membership of the ministers in the Sabha. Article 93 - The Speaker and 52 - The President of India. Article 53 -
legislature, Deputy Speaker of the House of the Executive power of the Union. Article 54 -
(b) Undissolvable lower house People . Article 95 - Power of the Deputy Election of President. Article 55 - Manner
(c) Presence of nominal and real Speaker or other person to perform the of election of President. Article 56 - Term
executives duties of the office of, or to act as, of office of President. Article 58 -
(d) Collective responsibility of the Speaker. Article 96 - The Speaker or the Qualifications for election as President.
executive to the legislature Deputy Speaker not to preside while a Article 59 - Conditions of President’s
Sol.309.(b) Undissolvable lower house. resolution for his removal from office is office. Article 60 - Oath or affirmation by
Features of Parliamentary Government : under consideration. the President.
Nominal and Real Executives, Double Q.313. The salary and allowances of Q.316. In the state legislative assembly,
Membership, Collective Responsibility, leaders of opposition in parliament are the Money bill can be introduced with the
Secrecy of procedure, Prime Ministerial governed by the Act passed for the first prior permission of __________.
Leadership, Majority Party Rule, time by the parliament in the year ______. SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
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(a) Governor (b) Auditor General one - third of the members retire, and at Advocate-General for the State. Term and
(c) Finance Minister (d) CAG the beginning of every third year, Remuneration: The Advocate-General
vacancies are filled through fresh holds office at the pleasure of the
Sol.316.(a) Governor. Money Bills in
elections and presidential nominations. Governor and receives remuneration as
State Legislatures : A Money Bill is a
determined by the Governor.
special type of financial bill that deals Q.320. The ________ of every state
with matters like taxation, borrowing, or unfurls the flag in its capital on the Q.324. Which Article deals with the
expenditure from the state's Republic Day. election of the President ?
Consolidated Fund. Article 198 of the SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Constitution of India deals with the (a) Judge of High Court (a) Article 72 (b) Article 54
special procedure for money bills in state (b) Chief Minister (c) Article 74 (d) Article 66
legislatures. Article 148 : Provision for (c) Governor
the appointment of the Comptroller and (d) Speaker Sol.324.(b) Article 54 - The President
Auditor General of India (CAG) by the shall be elected by the members of an
President. Sol.320.(c) Governor is the electoral college consisting of: (a) the
constitutional head of a state in India, elected members of both Houses of
Q.317. As per article 123, the ordinance appointed by the President. They Parliament; and (b) the elected members
making power is the most important represent the central government at the of the Legislative Assemblies of the
legislative power of ____________. state level. Article 153 - Governors of States.
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift) States.
(a) President Q.325. As per article 158, the Governor
(b) Rajya Sabha Q.321. Which of the following Articles shall NOT be a member of either House
(c) Legislative council states that the Prime Minister should be of Parliament or of a House of the
(d) Chief Justice of India appointed by the President? Legislature of any State specified in
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (1st Shift) ___________ Schedule.
Sol.317.(a) President. Article 123 of the (a) Article 71 (b) Article 66 SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Indian Constitution allows the President (c) Article 75 (d) Article 62 (a) Seventh (b) Fifth (c) First (d) Third
to issue ordinances when Parliament is
not in session, with approval required Sol.321.(c) Article 75. Article 62 - Time Sol.325.(c) First. If a member of either
within six weeks of reassembly. The of holding the election to fill the vacancy House of Parliament or of a House of the
maximum life of an ordinance is six in the office of President and the term of Legislature of any such State be
months and six weeks. Fakhruddin Ali office of the person elected to fill the appointed Governor, he shall be deemed
Ahmed issued the most ordinances in casual vacancy. Article 66 - Election of to have vacated his seat in that House on
India. Article 213 : Power of Governor to Vice-President. Article 71 - Matters the date on which he enters upon his
promulgate Ordinances during recess of relating to, or connected with, the office as Governor. First Schedule - The
Legislature. election of a President or Vice-President. list of names of states and union
territories and their extent and territorial
Q.318. Which Article of the Constitution Q.322. Which of the following is the jurisdictions.
of India provides that ‘there shall be a most controversial Article in the Indian
Vice President of India’ ? Constitution, which provides for Q.326. Which part of the Indian
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) President’s rule in any state? Constitution deals with the election of
(a) Article 61 (b) Article 63 SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift) the Vice President?
(c) Article 65 (d) Article 62 (a) Article 358 (b) Article 356 SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) Article 360 (d) Article 352 (a) Part IV (b) Part III
Sol.318.(b) Article 63. (c) Part VI (d) Part V
The Vice President of India is the Sol.322.(b) Article 356. Other Articles :
second-highest constitutional office in Article 352 - Proclamation of Emergency. Sol.326.(d) Part V (Article 52- 151).
India, after the President. Important Article 358 - Suspension of provisions of Article 66 - Election of Vice President.
Articles related to Vice President: Article article 19 during emergencies. Article The Vice-President shall be elected by
64 - The Vice-President to be ex officio 360 - Provisions as to financial the members of an electoral college
Chairman of the Council of States. emergency. consisting of the members of both
Article 65 - The Vice-President to act as Houses of Parliament in accordance with
Q.323. Who is considered the highest the system of proportional
President or to discharge his functions
law officer of the state in India? representation by means of the single
during casual vacancies in the office, or
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) transferable vote and the voting at such
during the absence, of President.
(a) Advocate general election shall be by secret ballot.
Q.319. How many members are (b) Attorney general
nominated by the President to the Rajya (c) Chief justice of high court Q.327. Who among the following was the
Sabha? (d) Auditor general shortest-serving Prime Minister of India?
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Sol.323.(a) Advocate general. It is a (a) Chandra Shekhar
(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 15
Constitutional post and its authority is (b) Gulzarilal Nanda
Sol.319.(a) 12. This right is granted to mentioned in article 165 of the Indian (c) Charan Singh
the President under the Fourth Schedule Constitution. Appointment: The Governor (d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(Articles 4(1) and 80(2)) of the of each State shall appoint a person
Constitution of India. Every two years, qualified to be a High Court Judge as the Sol.327.(b) Gulzarilal Nanda
(a) two months (b) one month
Governor may from time to time—(a) Independence Day at the Red Fort.
(c) six months (d) three months
prorogue the House or either House; (b)
Q.336. The Governor’s emoluments are
Sol.328.(c) Six months. Article 356 dissolve the Legislative Assembly.
decided by the:
allows the President to issue a
Q.332. Who is considered as the ‘linchpin Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
proclamation if a state's government
of the Government’ ? (a) Prime Minister (b) President
cannot function according to the
Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1) (c) State Legislature (d) Parliament
Constitution. The President can act
(a) President
Parliament within two months. It can be the agent of the central government. The
extended for a maximum of three years, Sol.332.(d) The Prime Minister acts as a Governor of State is appointed by the
with parliamentary approval every six link between the Council of Ministers on President. Article 158 (4) - The
months. the one hand and the President as well emoluments and allowances of the
as the Parliament on the other. It is this Governor cannot be diminished during
Q.329. Among the following, which is not
his term of office. Article 158(3A) - When
a qualification for membership in the role of the Prime Minister which led Pt.
Nehru described him as 'the linchpin of the same person is appointed as the
Vidhan Sabha
Governor of two or more States, the
Q.333. Which option is NOT correct in him are shared by the States.
(b) Have attained the age of 25 Years case of appointment of a Governor ?
(c) Citizen of India Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Q.337. The ministers in the state hold
(d) Knowledge of Politics (a) Citizen of India office during the pleasure of the:
(b) Cannot hold any office of profit during Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
Sol.329.(d) Knowledge of Politics. The
his tenure (a) Deputy Chief Minister
Legislative Assembly, also known as the
(c) Appointed for six years (b) Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
Vidhan Sabha, consists of a maximum of
(d) Should be at least 35 years (c) Chief Minister
500 members and a minimum of 60. Its
(d) Governor
tenure is five years, but the Governor can Sol.333.(c) Appointed for six years.
dissolve it before the completion of the Governors in India are appointed by the Sol.337.(d) Governor. Under Article 164
period. President under Article 155 of the (1) The Chief Minister shall be appointed
Constitution, with a tenure of five years. by the Governor and the other Ministers
Q.330. The minimum strength of the
However, they serve at the President's shall be appointed by the Governor on
Council of Ministers in a state as per the
pleasure and can be removed at any the advice of the Chief Minister, and the
Indian Constitution is ________ .
time. Ministers shall hold office during the
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift)
pleasure of the Governor.
(a) 12 persons (b) 13 persons
Q.334. On whose advice does the
(c) 15 persons (d) 14 persons Q.338. In which year did Dr. Sarvepalli
Governor appoint the ministers ?
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Radhakrishnan assume office as the first
Sol.330.(a) 12 persons. As per the
(a) Prime Minister (b) President Vice-President of India ?
Constitution (91st Amendment) Act,
(c) Chief Minister (d) Vice-President Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
2003, clause 1A was inserted into Article
(a) 1954 (b) 1951 (c) 1952 (d) 1950
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Pinnacle Polity
Sol.338.(c) 1952. Dr. Sarvepalli Third - Sh. V.V. Giri (1967-1969). Fourth - membership of Parliament If he holds
Radhakrishnan served as first vice Sh. Gopal Swarup Pathak (1969-1974). any office of profit, unsound mind,
president of India from 1952 to 1962 and Fifth - Sh. B.D.Jatti (1974-1979). undischarged insolvent, Not a citizen of
the second president of India from 1962 India. Other provisions: Anti-Defections
to 1967. He received Bharat Ratna in Q.342. Who will cause every year, annual (10th Schedule), Section 8 of
1954. Teachers' Day is celebrated on financial statements to be laid before the Representation of People Act 1951.
September 5 in India to honor him. Legislative Assembly of the State?
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) Q.345. Who was the Prime Minister of
Q.339. Which Article of the Indian (a) President India when the Fundamental Duties were
Constitution mentions that ‘The (b) Governor first incorporated in the Constitution of
President shall, notwithstanding the (c) Deputy Chief Minister India?
expiration of his/her term, continue to (d) Chief Minister SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
hold office until his successor enters (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
upon his/her office’? Sol.342.(b) Governor: Financial Powers - (b) Indira Gandhi
Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Money bill can only be introduced in the (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(a) Article 61 (b) Article 56 state legislature on his prior (d) Rajiv Gandhi
(c) Article 58 (d) Article 50 recommendation. No demand for grant
can be made except on his Sol.345.(b) Indira Gandhi : 3rd Prime
Sol.339.(b) Article 56. The President recommendation. Money from the Minister of India and first and, to date,
shall hold office for a term of five years. contingency fund can be withdrawn after only female prime minister of India.
The President may, by writing under his his recommendation for meeting the
hand addressed to the Vice-President, unforeseen expenditures. He constitutes Q.346. Who holds the authority of
resign his office. Other important a finance commission for every 5 years transferring judges from one High court
Articles: Article 61 - Procedure for to review the financial situation of to another High Court?
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift)
impeaching the President of India. Article municipalities and panchayats. Article
58 - Qualifications for election as a 112 - Annual financial statement. Article (a) The senior most judge of Supreme
President of India. Article 50 - The 200 - Assent to Bills.
separation of the judiciary from the (b) The chief justice of india
Q.343. When the President of India (c) The president of india
keeps a bill (except money bill and (d) The law minister of india
Q.340. Which Article of the Indian constitutional amendment bill) pending
Constitution mentions that an election to for an indefinite period, it is called______. Sol.346.(c) The President of India
fill a vacancy caused by the expiration of SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) (Article 52). Article 222 - Transfer of a
the term of office of the President shall (a) absolute veto of the President Judge from one High Court to another.
be completed before the expiration of the (b) amendatory veto of the President Article 217 -Appointment and conditions
term? (c) pocket veto of the President of the office of a Judge of a High Court.
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4) (d) suspensive veto of the President Article 124 - Establishment and
resignation, or removal, requiring the refers to the power of the President to Q.347. Which of the following
election to be held within six months. withhold his assent to a bill passed by statements are correct regarding
Other articles: Article 59: Conditions of the Parliament. The bill then ends and removal of the President of India ?
President’s office. Article 61: Procedure does not become an act. Suspensive A. The impeachment process can be
for impeachment of the President. Article Veto: The President uses a suspensive initiated in either House of Parliament.
60: Oath or affirmation by the President. veto when he returns the bill to the Indian B. The impeachment charges must be
Parliament for its reconsideration. signed by the one-third members of the
Q.341. Who was the second vice - House in which the process is initiated.
President of India? Q.344. The President of India decides on C. In the impeachment process, a 30
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 the question as to the disqualification of days' notice should be given to the
(a) VV Giri Members of Parliament in consultation President.
(b) Krishna Kant with the ____________. D. The impeachment resolution is passed
(c) Dr Zakir Hussain SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) by a majority of two-thirds of the total
(d) Dr S Radhakrishnan (a) Vice President membership of that House.
(b) Supreme Court of India SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Sol.341.(c) Dr Zakir Hussain (1962 (c) Parliament (a) B and C only (b) A, B and C only
-1967) - He was the third President of (d) Election Commission of India (c) A, B, C and D (d) A and D only
India from 1967-1969, and the first Indian
President to die in office in 1969. He was Sol.344.(d) Election Commission of Sol.347.(d) A and D only. Article 61:
awarded Bharat Ratna in 1963. First five India. Article 103 - It deals with the Procedure for impeachment of the
vice presidents of India : First - Dr. decisions of disqualifications of President. The impeachment charges
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1952-1962). members of Parliament. Article 102 - It must be signed by not less than
provides for Disqualification for
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Pinnacle Polity
one-fourth members of the house in (c) Appointment of the Speaker of the (c) Supreme Court Judge
which the process is initiated. A fourteen Legislative Assembly. (d) Prime Minister
day notice should be given to the (d) Appointment of Advocate General of
Sol.353.(b) President. Article 124 (2) -
president. Impeachment of the President the state in consultation with Attorney
Vests power on the President to appoint
was taken from the US Constitution. general.
every Judge of the Supreme Court
Q.348. Which of the following Sol.350.(a) Article 167 imposes on the including the Chief Justice of India.
statements are correct regarding the Chief Minister the responsibility of Article 124 - States the establishment of
State Executive ? keeping the Governor informed of all the Supreme Court. Article 124 (3) -
A. Article 152 of the Indian Constitution decisions made by the Council of Qualification of Supreme court Judge.
states 'Unless the context otherwise Ministers concerning administration and
Q.354. What is the minimum age (in
requires, the expression 'State' does not legislation. Article 178 - It deals with the
years) a person should be if he/she is
include Jammu and Kashmir'. corresponding position for Speaker and
willing to be appointed as the Governor
B. The 7th Constitutional Amendment Deputy Speaker of the Legislative
of a state in India ?
Act has provided for the appointment of Assembly of a state.
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon)
the same person as Governor for two or
Q.351. Who among the following served (a) 28 (b) 30 (c) 35 (d) 40
more states.
C. The Supreme Court clearly mentioned the shortest tenure as the Prime Minister
Sol.354.(c) 35 years. Article 157 -
that the office of the Governor is under of India ?
Qualifications for appointment as
the control of the Central Government. SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift)
Governor (must be a citizen of India and
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift) (a) HD Deva Gowda (b) VP Singh
must have completed 35 years of age).
(a) B and C only (b) A and C only (c) Chandra Shekhar (d) IK Gujral
Article 153 - Governors of States. Article
(c) A, B and C (d) A and B only Sol.351.(c) Chandra Shekhar. Shri 154 - Executive power of State. Article
Gulzari Lal Nanda (11 January 1966 - 24 155 - Appointment of Governor. Article
Sol.348.(d) A and B only. Part VI of
January 1966 and 27 May 1964 - 9 June 58 - The presidential candidate must
Constitution (functioning of state
1964) served the shortest tenure as PM. complete the age of 35 years. Article 84
government). Articles under Part VI :
H D Deva Gowda (June 1, 1996 - April 21, (b) - the minimum age for Lok Sabha
Article 153 - Governors of a state, Article
1997) - 11th Prime Minister of India. V. P. election shall be 25 years.
154 - Executive power of the state, Article
155 - Appointment of governor, Article Singh (December 2, 1989 - November 10, Q.355. Who administers the Union
1990) - 7th Prime Minister of India.
before entering upon his office takes an Q.352. The Inter-State Council consists Sol.355.(a) President. The administrator
oath or affirmation before ____________. of ______ ministers of Cabinet rank in the appointed by the President runs the
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift) Union Council of Ministers nominated by administration on the behalf of the
(a) the Chief Justice of the High Court the Prime Minister of India. President. Part - VIII (Union Territories),
exercising jurisdiction in relation to SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Evening) Article 239 (Administration of Union
the State (a) six (b) two (c) ten (d) four territories). Article 239A (Creation of
15th Leader of the Lok Sabha (2004 – dispute between the Government of
of ministers.
2012), Deputy Chairman of the Planning India and one or more states.
(d) The Governor appoints ministers on
Commission (1991 - 1996), 14th Leader (c) The Supreme Court has very wide
His recommendations.
of the Rajya Sabha (1980 – 1984), advisory jurisdiction over all courts
Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha (2004 Sol.360.(c) The Governor appoints the and tribunals in India.
- 2012), and Member of Parliament, Rajya Chief Minister and other Ministers (d) The original jurisdiction of the
Sabha (1969 - 1981). V.V Giri (4th (Article 164). The Chief Minister is the Supreme Court can be exercised by a
President), K.R Narayan (10th president). head of the State Council of Ministers certificate granted by the High Court.
Q.358. Which of the following state council of ministers). Court has original jurisdiction over any
statements about the Vice President of dispute arising between the Government
India is INCORRECT? Q.361. Who among the following is NOT of India and one or more States.
(c) Attorney General of India (a) 1991 (b) 1988 (c) 1993 (d) 1995
(d) He can be removed from his office by (d) Solicitor General of India
Sol.365.(a) 1991. The first motion to
the President approved through a Sol.361.(d) Solicitor General of India remove a Supreme Court Justice was
resolution passed by the Lok Sabha (the second - highest law officer of the signed in 1991 by 108 Parliament
and Rajya Sabha. country) is appointed by the members. It was filed against Justice V.
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet Ramaswami, accused of misconduct
Sol.358.(d) Vice president of India: The during his tenure as Chief Justice of the
vice president is elected for five years. (ACC). Attorney Generals of India (Article
Haryana and Punjab High Court from
Minimum age: 35. He acts as the 76). Comptroller and Auditor General of
November 1987 to October 1989.
ex-officio chairman of the Rajya sabha. In India (Article 148).
the electoral college for Vice President, Q.366. Which Article of the Constitution
Q.362. Who among the following was the
both elected and nominated members of of India grants power to the President to
third Vice - President of India?
both the Houses of Parliament take part. appoint Judges of the Supreme Court?
SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Morning)
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.359. The emoluments and allowances (a) BD Jatti (b) Zakir Hussain
(a) Article 124(2) (b) Article 123(1)
of the President and other expenditure (c) Gopal Swarup Pathak (d) V. V. Giri
(c) Article 127(3) (d) Article 128(4)
relating to his office is charged on the Sol.362.(d) V. V. Giri. Vice Presidents of
______ of India. Sol.366.(a) Article 124(2). It states that
India - 1st Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, 2nd-
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon) every Supreme Court judge is appointed
Zakir Hussain, 4th Gopal Swarup Pathak,
(a) contingency fund by the President through a warrant, after
5th B D Jatti. 14th- Jagdeep Dhankhan.
(b) estimates fund consulting judges of the Supreme Court
(c) consolidated fund Q.363. The election of the next Vice - and High Courts as deemed necessary.
Jurisdiction (Article 143) - The President
at least 10 years or he must be, in the the rich and the other for the poor?
to seek the opinion of the Supreme
opinion of the President, a distinguished SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
Court. The appellate jurisdiction of the
jurist. (a) Gujarat High Court
Supreme Court can be invoked by a
(b) Supreme Court
Q.368. Articles 214 to 231 in Part VI of certificate granted by the High Court
(c) Himachal High Court
the Indian Constitution deal with the ____. concerned under Article 132(1), 133(1) or
(d) Kerala High Court
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift) 134 of the Constitution. The Supreme
(a) High Courts Sol.371.(b) Supreme Court (SC). Court (Article 124) of India is the apex
(b) District Courts Important Judgements of SC: Navtej judicial body under the Constitution of
(c) Subordinate Courts Singh Johar vs. Union Of India (2018) - India. Inaugurated - On January, 28, 1950.
(d) Supreme Court Decriminalized homosexuality by striking
down parts of Section 377 of the IPC. Q.374. The advisory board under
Sol.368.(a) High Courts. Articles 214 to K.S. Puttaswamy vs. Union of India provisions of Article 22 of the
231 in Part VI of the Constitution deal (2017) - Recognized the right to privacy Constitution is to be consisted of
with the organization, independence, as a fundamental right under Article 21. persons who are, or have been or are
jurisdiction, powers, and procedures of Aruna Ramachandra Shanbaug Vs. Union qualified to be appointed as __________.
the high courts. SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
court or supreme court when a lower Q.372. Which Article of the Indian (c) Judges of High court
court has considered a case going
states come under the _______ of the Court struck down the practice of triple
Supreme Court. established in _______.
talaq and declared it unconstitutional. SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Evening)
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
(a) original jurisdiction Q.380. The Supreme Court of India came (a) 1962 (b) 1947 (c) 1951 (d) 1966
(b) advisory jurisdiction into existence on ___________ .
Sol.383.(d) 1966. The High Court of
(c) Appellate Jurisdiction SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Delhi was established with four Judges.
(d) writ jurisdiction (a) 30 January 1935 (b) 26 January 1950
They were Chief Justice K.S.Hegde,
(c) 15 August 1947 (d) 2 October 1952
Justice I.D. Dua, Justice H.R.Khanna and
Article 131 of the Indian Constitution. the Chamber of Princes in the Parliament was under the jurisdiction of the Punjab
Article 143 of the Indian Constitution House on January 28, 1950. The High Court.
confers upon the Supreme Court foundation stone of the Supreme Court
Q.384. The first High Court in India was
advisory jurisdiction. Article 133 - building was laid by the first President of
established in ______________ .
Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court India, Rajendra Prasad, on October 29,
SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Morning)
in appeals from High Courts in regard to 1954. The 50th Chief Justice of India is
Q.378. In which of the following cases Q.381. Till which year did the High Court
was brought into existence under the
the Supreme Court, while laying out the of Delhi continue to exercise jurisdiction
SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift) for their salaries and allowances.
(c) The Constitution prescribes a very SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) disrespect of the Constitution
difficult procedure for removal of (a) 6 years or up to the age of 65 years
(b) proven misbehaviour or incapacity
judges. (b) 5 years or up to the age of 65 years
(c) murder charges
(d) The legislature is not involved in the (c) 5 years or up to the age of 60 years
(d) lack of knowledge
process of appointment of judges. (d) 6 years or up to the age of 60 years
Sol.387.(b) Proven misbehaviour or
Sol.390.(b) Judges salaries and Sol.394.(a) 6 years or up to the age of
incapacity. Article 124 - There shall be a
allowances are fixed and not subject to 65 years. Article 324 - Superintendence,
Supreme Court of India. Article 143 -
legislative approval. Supreme Court direction and control of elections to be
Power of the President to consult the
Judges {The Salaries, Pension and vested in an Election Commission : (2)
Supreme Court.
Allowances are charged upon the The Election Commission shall consist
Q.388. Which of the following Consolidated Fund of India (Article 266 of the Chief Election Commissioner and
jurisdictions of the Supreme Court allows (1)}, High Court Judges {Salaries and such number of other Election
it to settle disputes between the centre Allowances are charged upon the Commissioners, if any, as the President
and state and amongst states ? Consolidated Fund of the States and the may from time to time fix and the
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift) Pension is charged on the Consolidated appointment of the Chief Election
(a) Appellate (b) Advisory Fund of India} . Commissioner and other Election
(c) Writ (d) Original Commissioners shall, subject to the
Q.391. The Indian judicial system is provisions of any law made in that behalf
Sol.388.(d) Original. The Supreme Court based on: by Parliament, be made by the President.
(Articles 124 to 147, Part V) has Original SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon)
(Article 131), Appellate (Article 133-136), (a) both integrated and dual system Q.395. Who among the following is NOT
and Advisory (Article 143) jurisdiction. (b) dual court system a member of the National Human Rights
Under Original Jurisdiction, SC can hear (c) multiple court system Commission?
the following cases: Any dispute (d) single integrated system SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
between the Indian Government and one (a) District Magistrate
or more States, Any dispute between the Sol.391.(d) single integrated system. (b) Former Chief Justice of the High
Indian Government and one or more The judiciary is the watchdog of Court
States on one side and one or more democracy, and also the guardian of the (c) Former Chief Justice of the Supreme
States on the other side, Any dispute Constitution. Structure of Indian Court
between two or more States. Judiciary {Supreme Court at the top, High (d) Former Judge of the Supreme Court
Courts are below the SC, and below them
Q.389. A Supreme Court or High Court are the district and subordinate courts}. Sol.395.(a) District Magistrate : They are
judge can be removed by the Parliament administrative officers who are
by: Government Bodies responsible for maintaining law and
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon) order in their respective districts.
(a) simple majority National Human Rights Commission
Q.392. How many other members are
(b) both simple and two third majority (NHRC): It is a statutory body established
there in the Finance Commission
(c) special majority on October 12, 1993.
EXCEPT, Chairman ?
(d) two third majority SSC MTS 21/10/2024 (2nd Shift) Q.396. Which part of the Indian
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 Constitution deals with the Election
Sol.389.(c) Special majority. Special
D. A person under circumstances of State out of its revenues. Article 283 -
Sol.397.(a) Article 320. Article 324
undeserved want such as being a victim Custody, etc., of Consolidated Funds,
establishes a single Commission to of a mass disasters Contingency Funds and moneys credited
oversee elections to the Central
E. To file any case in Supreme Court, if to the public accounts.
Legislature, including both the Upper and any person needs free legal aid, the
Lower Houses. Article 328 grants state Q.403. What is the maximum age for a
person’s annual income must be below
legislatures the authority to create 10 lakhs. member of a joint public service
provisions for elections to their commission to hold his/her office as per
arrangements for the constitution of the Sol.400.(a) A, B, C and D only. (c) 65 years (d) 60 years
legislature. Article 332 reserves seats in According to the National Legal Services
state legislative assemblies for Authority (NALSA), the following Sol.403.(a) 62 years. Joint State Public
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. individuals are eligible for free legal aid: Service Commission (JSPSC) - It can be
women and children, mentally ill or created by an act of Parliament at the
Q.398. The establishment of Union
the following features of the Constitution Commission shall hold office for a term
Legal Services Authorities Act of 1987 to
of India ? of six years. In the case of the Union
provide free legal services to the weaker
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift) Commission, his or her minimum age is
sections of society. Its headquarters is
(a) Parliamentary Government 65 years to attain the office.
located in New Delhi.
(b) Federalism
(c) Fundamental Rights Q.401. The Finance Commission of India Q.404. Who was the first chairman of
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy consists of ________. Finance Commission of India?
Higher Secondary 21/06/2024 (Shift - 2) SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning)
Sol.398.(b) Federalism : It refers to a
(a) a Chairperson and four other (a) K Santhanam
form of government in which power is
members (b) KC Neogy
distributed among different layers of
(b) a Chairperson and three other (c) Ashok Kumar Chanda
government. Union Public Service
members (d) PV Rajamannar
Commission is a central recruitment
(c) a Chairperson and two other
agency, while State Public Service Sol.404.(b) KC Neogy.
Commission is responsible for state level The Finance Commission of India is an
(d) a Chairperson and five other
recruitment. These are constitutional independent constitutional body that is
bodies. set up by the President of India after
Sol.401.(a) A Chairperson and four other every five years or earlier to make
Q.399. The Office of the Registrar
members. The Finance Commissions are recommendations on the distribution of
General and Census Commissioner, India
periodically constituted by the President financial resources between the Union
comes under the:
of India under Article 280 of the Indian and the states.
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift)
(a) Ministry of Finance Constitution. Its main function is to
Q.405. Under which of the following Acts
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was the National Commission for (b) Election Commission C. Article 280 of the Indian Constitution
Women established? (c) President talks about the recommendations of the
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) (d) Prime Minister Finance Commission.
(a) The National Commission for Women SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift)
Sol.408.(b) Election Commission -
Act, 1988 (a) A and B only (b) A, B and C
established in 1950. Part XV Election
(b) The National Commission for Women (c) A only (d) B and C only
Commission (324 - 329): Article 326 -
Act, 1990
Elections to the House of the People and Sol.411.(c) A only. Finance Commission
(c) The National Commission for Women
to the Legislative Assemblies of States (FC) is a constitutional body under
Act, 1989
to be on the basis of adult suffrage. Article 280. It is set up after every five
(d) The National Commission for Women
Act, 1987 years or earlier to make
Q.409. In India, which Ministry issues the
recommendations on the distribution of
coins of all denominations ?
Sol.405.(b) The National Commission for financial resources between the Union
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift)
Women is a statutory body set up in and the states.
(a) Ministry of External Affairs
January 1992 under the National
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs Q.412. Which of the following is NOT a
Commission for Women Act, 1990 to
(c) Ministry of Mines Constitutional Body in India?
review the constitutional and legal
(d) Ministry Of Finance Higher Secondary 28/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
safeguards for women; recommend
remedial legislative measures; facilitate (a) Election Commission of India
Sol.409.(d) Ministry of Finance. The
redressal of grievances and advise the (b) State Human Rights Commission
Government of India has the sole right to
Government on all policy matters (c) State Public Service Commission
mint coins. The responsibility for coinage
affecting women. The First Commission (d) Union Public Service Commission of
vests with the Government of India in
was constituted on 31st January 1992 accordance with the Coinage Act, 1906
with Mrs. Jayanti Patnaik as the as amended from time to time. The Sol.412.(b) State Human Rights
Chairperson. designing and minting of coins in various Commission - It is a Statutory body,
Q.406. Which of the following is denominations is also the responsibility established under protection of human
responsible for attending to disputes of the Government of India. Coins are right act 1993. The Chairman and the
concerning recruitment and conditions of minted at the four Indian Government members of the State Commission are
service of public personnel at the Centre? Mints at Mumbai, Alipore (Kolkata), appointed by the Governor. Tenure -
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) Saifabad (Hyderabad), Cherlapally Three years or till they reach the age of
(a) Central Administrative Tribunal (Hyderabad) and Noida (UP). It is issued 70 years.
(b) The Settlement and Appellate for circulation only through the Reserve
Tribunal Bank in terms of the RBI Act. Q.413. In which year did the Election
(c) The Competition Appellate Tribunal Commission of India for the first time in
Q.410. The Chairman of a State Public its history become a multi member body?
(d) Joint Administrative Tribunal
Service Commission can be removed by Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
Sol.406.(a) Central Administrative the order of the __________ . (a) 2004 (b) 2014 (c) 1995 (d) 1989
Tribunal (CAT) - It is a Statutory body, SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift)
established under Administrative (a) Prime Minister (b) President Sol.413.(d) 1989.
Tribunals Act, 1985. It comes under the (c) Governor (d) Chief Minister The Election Commission of India (ECI)
purview of Article 323-A (Added by 42nd is a constitutional body. The Election
members are appointed by the President (adopted on 1 January 1990) turned the
provided in Part XIV of the Article 315 - commission into a 3-member
after consulting the Chief justice of India.
323. Article 317: Removal and Commission. The ECI body administers
Q.407. Who appoints the State Election suspension of a member of both the elections to the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha,
Commissioner ? UPSC or SPSC. Article 316 (Appointment State Legislative Assemblies, State
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) and terms of office of Members) : The Legislative Councils and the offices of
(a) Governor (b) Speaker Chairman and other members of the the President and the Vice President of
(c) Chief Minister (d) Advocate General SPSC are appointed by the Governor of the country.
the State. Term of Office: A member of
Sol.407.(a) Governor. The State Election Q.414. The Gram Sabha is a meeting of
the SPSC shall hold office for a term of
Commissioner (SEC) is appointed by the all adults who live in the area covered by
six years or till the age of 62 years,
Governor on the recommendation of a a ___________.
whichever is earlier.
collegium, comprising the Chief Minister, SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon)
the Speaker of the State Legislative Q.411. Which of the following (a) district (b) city
Assembly and the Leader of Opposition statements is/are correct regarding the (c) state (d) panchayat
in the Legislative Assembly. Power of Finance Commission of India?
SEC - To conduct free, fair and impartial A. The Finance Commission consists of Sol.414.(d) Panchayat. The term Gram
elections to the local bodies in the state. a Chairman and four other members. Sabha is defined in the Constitution of
B. The recommendations made by the India under Article 243(b). Gram Sabha is
Q.408. Who conducts elections for both
Finance Commission are binding on the the primary body of the Panchayati Raj
the houses of Parliament in India?
government and government needs to system and by far the largest. It is a
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
grant funds according to the advice of permanent body. The power to annul a
(a) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
the Commission. decision of the Gram Sabha rests with
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the Gram Sabha only. Related Articles - SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (4th Shift) Polity of neighbouring
243A - Constitution of Gram Sabha. (a) 5, state government
(b) 5, central government
Q.415. The Bureau of Indian Standard is (c) 2.5, state government
a statutory body working under the aegis Q.422. What is the official language of
(d) 2.5, central government
of which union ministry? Bangladesh, a neighbouring country of
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift) Sol.418.(a) 5, state government. India ?
(a) Ministry of Commerce and Industry According to Article 243 (I), the Governor SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Evening)
(b) Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium of a State shall establish a State Finance (a) Bengali (b) Urdu
Enterprises Commission (constitutional body) every (c) Dzongkha (d) Hindi
(c) Ministry of Corporate Affairs 5 years (73rd Amendment Act 1992). It
Sol.422.(a) Bengali. Bangladesh: Capital
(d) Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food distributes state resources to Panchayati
- Dhaka. Currency - Bangladeshi Taka
and Public Distribution Raj institutions at all three levels in the
Other Nation’s Official Languages: Urdu
form of taxes, duties, and levies to be
Sol.415.(d) The Ministry of Consumer (Pakistan), Dzongkha (Bhutan), Hindi
collected by the state and local
Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. It (India), Tamil (Sri Lanka), Mandarin
operates various schemes like Product (China), Burmese (Myanmar), Dari and
Certification (ISI mark), Management Q.419. In which year was the National Pashto (Afghanistan), Nepali (Nepal) and
Systems Certification, Hallmarking of Commission for Protection of Child Dhivehi (Maldives).
Gold and Silver Jewellery/Artefacts and Rights established?
Q.423. Sri Lanka got independence in the
Laboratory Services. Bureau of Indian SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning)
Standards (BIS), earlier known as the (a) 2014 (b) 2007 (c) 2005 (d) 2010
Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
Indian Standards Institution (ISI), was
Sol.419.(b) 2007. (a) 1948 (b) 1950 (c) 1947 (d) 1949
founded in 1947.
The National Commission for Protection
Sol.423.(a) 1948. Sri Lanka got
Q.416. Which of the following is NOT one of Child Rights (NCPCR) is an Indian
independence on February 4, 1948.
of the objectives of the NITI Aayog ? statutory body established by an Act of
National animal of Sri Lanka - Elephant,
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift) Parliament, the Commission for
National flower - Blue Water Lily, The
(a) To develop mechanisms to formulate Protection of Child Rights (CPCR) Act,
national sport - Volleyball. Myanmar (4
credible plans at the village level 2005. The Commission works under the
January, 1948). Bangladesh (26 March
(b) To design and print new currency aegis of Ministry of Women and Child
notes and to bring them in circulation Development, GoI.
(c) To pay special attention to the Q.424. To which neighbouring country
sections of our society that may be at Q.420. What is the tenure of the
Established: 1 January 2015, Chairman: Lankan Accord that aimed to end the Sri
Prime Minister of India, First Chairman: Human Rights Commission: Statutory
Lankan Civil War between Sri Lankan
1950. The concept of PIL was initially sown in force from 19th April, 2017. It replaced
India by Justice Krishna Iyer, in 1976 in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Q.428. The ‘Rule of Law’ is a key feature
Mumbai Kamagar Sabha vs. Abdul Thai. Opportunities, Protection of Rights and
of the Indian Constitution which is a
Full Participation) Act, 1995. Objective -
doctrine ascribed to _____________. Q.432. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar described To ensure that all persons with
SSC MTS 14/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Directive Principles of State Policy as disabilities can lead their lives with
(a) Plato (b) Adam Smith __________of the Indian constitution. dignity, without discrimination and with
(c) Albert Venn Dicey (d) Karl Marx SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift) equal opportunities.
theorist. Adam Smith is most famous for recommended the creation of linguistic
his 1776 book, "The Wealth of Nations." States on the basis of larger linguistic
(d) a novel feature of the constitution
Karl Marx is best known for his theories groups?
that led to the development of Marxism. Sol.432.(d) a novel feature of the Indian SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift)
His books, "Das Kapital" and "The constitution. (a) December 1963 (b) December 1953
Communist Manifesto," formed the basis (c) December 1956 (d) December 1958
of Marxism. Plato was an ancient Greek Q.433. The British Parliament introduced
philosopher. the Indian High Courts Act in which year? Sol.436.(b) December 1953. India faced
Board was established in 1992. However,
naturalization, and incorporation of the government decided to abolish the Q.445. Which of the following is NOT a
territory. Citizenship Determination: The board in 2020 as part of its vision of condition for acquiring the citizenship of
Act defines how to determine Indian "Minimum Government and Maximum India?
citizenship. Citizenship Termination: The Governance". SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Act provides for the termination and (a) Registration (b) Descent
deprivation of citizenship. Election Q.442. Which south-eastern Dravidian (c) Domicile (d) Holding property
Commission of India: PART XV (Article language has been approved by Odisha
Sol.445.(d) Holding property.
(a) Section 10 (4) (b) Section 72 (5) Kandhas community. It is closely related incorporation of territory. Citizenship
(c) Section 62 (5) (d) Section 15 (3) to the Gondi and Kuvi languages. Some (Amendment) Act, 2019: It provides an
other languages included in the eighth accelerated pathway for the citizenship
Sol.439.(c) Section 62 (5) : A person
schedule are: Sindhi was introduced in of the members of six communities
cannot vote in an election if they are in
1967. Konkani, Manipuri, and Nepali in (Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis,
prison or in police custody. However, this
1992. Santali, Dogri, Maithili, and Bodo in and Christians) from Pakistan,
Q.448. Which of the following Sections Lord Cornwallis (1786-93) to check the don't require Parliament's approval.
of the Indian Penal Code deals with corruption in the East India company
'rape'? (EEIC). The Charter Act of 1853 provided Q.455. Who among the following was the
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift) for Open competition for ICS first chairperson of National Commission
(a) Section 370 (b) Section 375 examination. Satyendranath Tagore was for Women and a senior congress leader
(c) Section 380 (d) Section 385 the first Indian to join ICS in 1863. who passed away in 2022?
Aitchson commission (1886) and Lee Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
Sol.448.(b) Section 375. Section 370 of
commission (1926) is related to reform (a) Ambika Soni (b) Sushmita Dev
with theft in a dwelling house, tent, or term of Lok Sabha can be extended for: The National Commission for Women
vessel that is used as a human dwelling Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1) (NCW) is a statutory body of the
or for the custody of property. Section (a) three months at a time Government of India, primarily focused
385 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) deals (b) six months at a time on advising the government on all policy
with putting someone in fear of injury to (c) one year at a time matters affecting women. Established on
commit extortion. According to BNS
the Lok Sabha can be extended by the Jayanti Patnaik, and as of 24 February
Q.449. Who is the Chief Executive Head Parliament. According to Article 83 of the 2024, Rekha Sharma serves as the
of the State ? Indian Constitution, the normal term of chairperson.
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) the Lok Sabha is five years. However,
(a) President (b) Governor (c) CM (d) PM under Article 352, if a National Q.456. Which of the following is the
Emergency is declared, the term of the proposed successor to the Information
Sol.449.(b) Governor. He is appointed by
Lok Sabha can be extended beyond five Technology Act, 2000?
the President for a five-year term and
years. The extension can only be done Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
holds office at the President's pleasure.
for one year at a time and cannot extend (a) Digital India Bill (b) Cyber India Bill
The Governor has several key powers,
beyond six months after the emergency (c) Optical India Bill (d) Multimedia Bill
including appointing the Chief Minister
has ceased to operate.
and other Ministers (Article 164), Sol.456.(a) Digital India Bill. The Digital
assenting or withholding assent to bills Q.453. The Prevention of Seditious India Act (DIA) aims to regulate the
(Article 200), promulgating ordinances Meetings Act was passed in ________ by digital ecosystem, including
(Article 213), and granting pardons the colonial Government. cybersecurity, digital governance, and
(Article 161). Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4) internet intermediaries. The Information
(a) 1898 (b) 1903 (c) 1912 (d) 1907 Technology Act, 2000 (ITA-2000), notified
Q.450. How many members (elected and on 17 October 2000, is India's primary
nominated) were there in the Council of Sol.453.(d) 1907. The Prevention of law addressing cybercrime and
State under the Government of India Act Seditious Meetings Act was brought e-commerce. Secondary legislation
1919 passed by the Parliament of the under the tenure of Lord Minto. The act includes the Intermediary Guidelines
United Kingdom to expand participation was intended to prevent public meetings Rules, 2011, and the IT (Intermediary
of Indians in the government of India? that could promote sedition or disturb
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Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics founded an expatriate Communist Party 2. This Act was divided into two separate
Code) Rules, 2021. of India at Tashkent in 1920? acts for the India and Burma
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) Government.
Q.457. Which of the following does NOT (a) Jolly Kaul (b) M.N. Roy 3. This act commenced from 1 April
come under Directive Principles of State (c) P.C. Joshi (d) Shripad Amrut Dange 1935.
Policy? Select the correct statement(s) using the
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Sol.460.(b) M.N. Roy (Father of Indian code given below.
(a) Promotion of the Welfare of the Communism). He was the first person to SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
People give the idea of a Constituent Assembly (a) Both 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3
(b) Promotion of Indian Local Languages for India and the creator of the Mexican (c) Both 2 and 3 (d) Both 1 and 3
(c) Uniform Civil Code Communist Party. Communist Party of
(d) Promotion of Cottage Industries India (CPI) - It is the oldest communist Sol.463.(a) Both 1 and 2.
party in India. Founded - in modern-day The Government of India Act 1935
Sol.457.(b) Promotion of Indian Local Kanpur on 26 December 1925. First (Commenced in 1937): It provided for the
Languages is primarily governed by the General Secretary - S.V. Ghate . establishment of an All India Federation
provisions of Part XVII of the Indian Headquarters - Ajoy Bhavan (New Delhi). consisting of provinces and princely
Constitution, which deals with official states as units. It divided the powers
languages (Articles 343 to 351). Directive Q.461. Which of the following Acts between the Centre and units in terms of
Principles of State Policy (DPSP) is prevents disrespect to the National Flag three lists, Federal List, Provincial List
covered under Articles 36-51 of Part IV of and National Anthem? and Concurrent List.
the Indian Constitution. Article 38: SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
Promotion of the Welfare of the People. (a) Prevention of insults to National Q.464. Who propounded the concept of
Article 44: Uniform Civil Code. Article 43: Honour Act, 1971 'Rule of Law'?
Promotion of Cottage Industries. (b) Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
2006 (a) AV Dicey (b) CK Daphtary
Q.458. The ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya (c) Protection of National Honour Act, (c) Austin (d) AK Sen
Yojana’ (‘PM-JAY’) scheme of the
government is associated with which of (d) Civil Liberties Act, 2001 Sol.464.(a) AV Dicey. Rule of Law - It
the following Directive Principles of State means all laws apply equally to all
Policy ? Sol.461.(a) Prevention of Insults to citizens of the country and no one can be
SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 National Honour Act, 1971: Insults to above the law. Three principles of Rule of
(a) Participation of workers in the Indian National Flag and Constitution of Law given by A.V. Dicey : Supremacy of
management of industries India - Whoever in any public place or in law, Equality before law, Individual rights.
(b) Promotion of co-operative societies any other place within public view burns, Chander Kishan Daphtary - First solicitor
(c) Equal justice and free legal aid mutilates, defaces, disfigures, destroys, general of India (1950-63).
(d) Duty of State to raise the level of tramples upon or into contempt the
nutrition and the improvement of Indian National Flag or the Constitution Q.465. In which of the following years
public health of India or any part thereof, shall be was the Child Marriage Restraint Act
punished with imprisonment for a term passed?
Sol.458.(d) Article 47 - Duty of the State which may extend to three years, or with SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
to raise the level of nutrition and the fine, or with both. (a) 1856 (b) 1947 (c) 1878 (d) 1929
(Article 36 to 51): Article 38 - State to on 2 September 1946, Liaquat Ali Khan marriage of a girl or a boy before the age
secure a social order for the promotion was given the charge of: of 18 years). Prohibtion of Child Marriage
of welfare of the people. SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) Act (PCMA), 2006 :- It replaced the Child
(a) the External Affairs Ministry Marriage Restraints Act, 1929. The
Q.459. Certain provisions of the Benami (b) the Finance Ministry marriageable age to be 18 and 21 for
Transactions (Prohibition) Act were (c) the Defence Ministry girls and boys respectively Other laws to
struck off by the Supreme Court. In (d) the Home Ministry protect the child :- Juvenile Justice (Care
which year was this law originally and Protection of Children) Act, 2015,
enacted? Sol.462.(b) The Finance Ministry. Interim Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and the
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) Government (1946): Headed by Jawahar Protection of Children from Sexual
(a) 1998 (b) 1980 (c) 1999 (d) 1988 Lal Nehru. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel held Offences Act, 2012.
the Home Affairs, Information, and
Sol.459.(d) 1988. Benami Transactions Broadcasting. Rajendra Prasad held the Q.466. Who described the Indian federal
(Prohibition) Act (Name changed to portfolio of Agriculture and Food. C system as a bargaining federalism?
Prohibition of Benami Property Rajagopalachari was the Education and SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (4th shift)
Transactions Act, 1988 by Section 3 of Arts Minister. Jagjivan Ram held the (a) KC Wheare (b) Ivor Jennings
the 2016 amendment) - It is an Act to Labour Ministry. Jogendra Nath Mandal (c) Granville Austin (d) Morris Jones
prohibit benami transactions and the was the Law Minister.
right to recover property held benami and Sol.466.(d) Morris Jones. Federalism - A
for matters connected therewith or Q.463. Consider the following statement system of government in which powers
incidental. about the Government of India Act, 1935. are divided between two or more levels
1. This act was enacted by the British of government, such as the centre and
Q.460. Who among the following Parliament. the state or provinces. Described - “Quasi
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federalism” (KC Wheare). “Cooperative to equality under Article 14 does not the elected legislative assembly
federalism” (Granville Austin). override the fundamental right to religion {Assembly Seats (70), Lok Sabha seats
'Federalism with Centralising tendency' under Article 25. The notions of rationality (7)}. The Assembly has all the powers
(Ivor Jenning). Federalism concept cannot be invoked in matters of religion. under the State and Concurrent Lists
borrowed from ‘Canada’. The Supreme Court struck down with the exception of public order, police,
provisions of the Kerala Hindu Places of and land.
Q.467. ‘The Constitution of free India Public Worship (Authorisation of Entry)
must be framed, without outside Rules, 1965, and allowed women, Q.473. Offences for which the police can
interference by a constituent assembly irrespective of their age, to enter arrest a person without an order from the
elected on the basis of adult franchise’. Sabarimala temple and worship the deity. court are called _________.
Who made this statement? SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (2nd shift) Q.470. The Taxation Laws (Amendment) (a) Cognizable offences
(a) MN Roy (b) Jawaharlal Nehru Act, 2021, amends the Income Tax Act of (b) Detention offences
(c) Sardar Patel (d) Mahatma Gandhi ________. (c) Non Cognizable offences
Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3) (d) Cross offences
Sol.467.(b) Jawaharlal Nehru - Made (a) 1961 (b) 1974 (c) 1995 (d) 1988
this statement on behalf of the Indian Sol.473.(a) Cognizable offenses - It
National Congress (INC) in 1938. The Sol.470.(a) 1961. Taxation Law includes murder, rape, theft, kidnapping,
idea of Constituent Assembly for India Amendment Act, 2021 - It aims to counterfeiting, etc. Detention - The act of
was first given by M.N.Roy in 1934. withdraw tax demands made using a temporarily holding individuals in
Constituent Assembly : Formed in 1946. 2012 retrospective legislation to tax the custody or confinement, typically by a
Role - Elected to write the Constitution of indirect transfer of Indian assets. Income government or governing authority by
India. Committees with their chairman : Tax Act (1961) - It provides an elaborate removing their freedom or liberty at that
Union Constitution Committee - mechanism for the levying of taxes, their time. Non-Cognizable offences - An
Jawaharlal Nehru. Drafting committee - administration, collection & recovery. It offence for which a Police officer has no
Dr. B R Ambedkar. Provincial Constitution has 298 sections & 14 schedules. authority to arrest without warrant. These
Committee - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. include offences like cheating, assault,
Q.471. The Constitution (One Hundred defamation etc.
Q.468. As per the responsibilities defined and Twenty Seventh Amendment) Bill,
in National Food Security Act, 2013, 2021, was introduced in the Lok Sabha Q.474. Which act has been amended by
which of the following is a responsibility by the ______ in August 2021. the Supreme Court of India to provide
of the state/UT government? Higher Secondary 28/06/2023 (Shift - 2) equal rights to daughters in their
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (4th shift) (a) Minister of Social Justice and ancestral property ?
(a) Transportation of foodgrains up to Empowerment SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Morning)
designated depots in each state/UT (b) Minister of Minority Affairs (a) The Contempt of Courts Act
(b) Allocation of required foodgrains to (c) Minister of Tribal Affairs (b) Hindu Succession Act
states/UTS (d) Minister of Rural Development (c) Hindu Marriage Act
Constitutional status was provided to the property by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and
households. The National Food Security National Commission for Backward Sikhs. Contempt of Courts Act (1971) - It
Act (2013) - 75% of Rural and 50% of Classes under Article 338B. Articles 338 defines the power to punish for contempt
Urban population is entitled to receive and 338A - The National Commission for of court and regulates their procedure.
highly subsidised foodgrains under two Scheduled Castes (SC) and National Hindu Marriage Act (1955) - It defines
categories of beneficiaries – Antodaya Commission for Scheduled Tribes (ST), the minimum age of 18 years for the
Anna Yojana (AAY) households and respectively. 103rd Amendment Act, bride and 21 years for the groom.
Priority Households (PHH). Public 2019:- Reservations for the Economic
Distribution System (PDS) is governed by Q.475. The Union Finance Ministry
Weaker Section and amendment in
provisions of the National Food Security issued a notification amending the
Articles 15(6) and 16(6), provide 10%
Act, 2013 (NFSA). Electoral Bonds Scheme to allow the sale
reservation in public employment.
of electoral bonds for extra _______ days
Q.469. Justice Indu Malhotra penned a Q.472. When were the general elections in the year of general elections to the
dissenting opinion in which of the to the Legislative Assembly of the Legislative Assembly of States and UTs
following landmark judgements? National Capital Territory held for the first with legislature.
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift) time? SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) Basic structure doctrine Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2) (a) 45 (b) 35 (c) 15 (d) 25
(b) Preamble part of the Constitution (a) 1990 (b) 1993 (c) 1992 (d) 1991
(c) Entry of women to Sabarimala Sol.475.(c) 15. Electoral Bonds Scheme:
(d) Land reforms in India Sol.472.(b) 1993. The 69th amendment Launched - 2018 . Bonds are issued only
act, 1991 inserted Article 239AA, which to those political parties that are
Sol.469.(c) Entry of women to registered under section 29A of the
declared the Union Territory of Delhi to
Sabarimala. Justice Indu Malhotra opined Representation of the People Act, 1951.
be administered by a Lieutenant
that religious practices cannot be solely Electoral bonds were a mode of funding
Governor who works on aid and advice of
tested on the basis of Article 14. The right for political parties in India from their
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introduction in 2018 until they were individuals. Objective - To consolidate Q.484. The detention of a person cannot
struck down as unconstitutional by the and amend all existing insolvency laws, exceed ________ unless an advisory board
Supreme Court on 15 February 2024. to simplify and expedite the Insolvency consisting of judges of a High Court
and Bankruptcy Proceedings, to promote reports sufficient cause for extended
Q.476. In which year was the Dowry entrepreneurship. detention.
Prohibition Act passed in India? SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift) Q.480. What are the two most essential (a) one month (b) three months
(a) 1973 (b) 1982 (c) 1961 (d) 1954 rights of a democracy? (c) six months (d) two months
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Sol.476.(c) 1961. Dowry Prohibition Act: (a) Exploitation, preventive detention Sol.484.(b) three months. Article 22
It extends to the whole of India except (b) Equality, Freedom (Part III) grants protection to persons
the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (c) Freedom, preventive detention who are arrested or detained (available
Important Acts in India - Hindu Widow (d) Equality, Exploitation to both citizens and foreigners).
Remarriage Act 1856, Child Marriage Preventive detention means the
Restraint Act 1929, Muslim Women Sol.480.(b) Equality, Freedom. Democracy detention of a person without trial and
Protection of Rights on Marriage Act is a form of government in which rulers are conviction by a court.
2019 (Triple Talaq Act), Rights of elected by the people in a free and fair
Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, elections, on universal adult franchise and Q.485. When was the National
National Security Act 1980. governed on the basis of certain Emergency declared for the first time
fundamental rules like a constitution. under Article 352 ?
Q.477. In which year was the Arms Act Types of Democracy: Direct democracy SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon)
passed in India? and Representative democracy. (a) 1963 - 69 (b) 1961 - 65
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift) (c) 1961 - 67 (d) 1962 - 68
(a) 1951 (b) 1955 (c) 1959 (d) 1964 Q.481. In which year was the Indian
Parliamentary Group established? Sol.485.(d) 1962-68. The National
Sol.477.(c) The Indian Arms Act of SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift) Emergency has been declared 3 times in
1959: As per the preamble, this Act aims (a) 1950 (b) 1949 (c) 1948 (d) 1951 India : 1962 to 1968 {During the
to consolidate and amend the law India-China war, when “the security of
relating to arms and ammunition. The Sol.481.(b) In 1949, The Indian India” was declared as being “threatened
main objective of this Act is to regulate Parliamentary Group was an autonomous by external aggression”, President
and restrict the circulation of arms and body formed in the year 1949 in (Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan)}. 1971
ammunition, which were illegal. It was pursuance of a motion adopted by the {During the Indo - Pakistan war, President
enacted by the Indian government after Constituent Assembly (Legislative) on (V.V.Giri), Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi)}.
independence, recognizing that certain 16th August 1948. Speaker of Lok Sabha 1975 to 1977 {The emergency was
law-abiding citizens must own and use is its ex-officio President. declared on the basis of “internal
firearms for sports, crop protection, and disturbance”, President (Fakhruddin Ali
self-defence. Q.482. If the State government dissolves
Ahmed), Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi)}.
(SMA) is an Indian law that provides a Sol.482.(b) Six months. Under Article Sol.486.(c) Six {Muslims, Christians,
legal framework for the marriage of 243 E - An election to constitute a Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsis, and Jains
people belonging to different religions or Panchayat shall be completed - Before (added in 2014), National Commission
castes. The applicability of the Act the expiry of its duration specified in on Minorities Act 1992}. According to the
extends to the people of all faiths, clause (1) or before the expiration of a 2011 Census {Hindu (79.8%), Muslim
including Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, period of six months from the date of its (14.2%), Christian (2.3%), Sikh (1.7%),
Christians, Jains, and Buddhists, across dissolution. Buddhist (0.7%), Jain (0.4%).
India. The minimum age to get married
under the SMA is 21 years for males and Q.483. Which freedom is considered as Q.487. In which year was the National
18 years for females. the ‘Hallmark of Democracy’? Youth Policy launched by the
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Government of India ?
Q.479. In India, according to the Insolvency (a) Right against exploitation Higher Secondary 05/08/2022 (Shift - 2)
and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the process of (b) Right to freedom of religion (a) 2015 (b) 2014 (c) 2016 (d) 2017
insolvency resolution for companies (c) Freedom of assembly
should be completed in how many days? (d) Freedom of speech and expression Sol.487.(b) 2014. It seeks to define the
SSC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023) Vision of the Government of India for the
(a) 180 (b) 150 (c) 170 (d) 120 Sol.483.(b) The Right to freedom of Youth of the Country. The first youth
Religion (Article 25-28) is considered the policy was released in 1988. National
Sol.479 (a) 180. The Insolvency and Hallmark of Democracy. Fundamental Youth Day is held every year on 12th
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) - A rights are mentioned in Part III (Article January to observe the birth anniversary
time-bound process for resolving 12-35) of the Constitution. of Swami Vivekananda.
insolvency in companies and among
used for showing state code? functionaries. SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Afternoon) (a) Repealed (b) Republic
Q.494. The Indian Forest Act 1927 was (c) Report (d) Representative
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
enacted after repealing which of the
Sol.489.(c) 2. The coding convention following Indian forest acts?
SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Morning) na Sol.498.(a) Repealed. The meaning of
Repeal is to rescind or annul by
used: State code (2 digits); District code
(3 digits); Sub-district code (5 digits); (a) Indian Forest Act, 1882 authoritative act; especially : to revoke or
Village code (6 digits). (b) Indian Forest Act, 1922 abrogate by legislative enactment.
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Morning) Sol.494.(d) Indian Forest Act, 1878. The parties and contesting candidates during
(a) 15th August 1952 Indian Forest Act of 1878 divided Indian election time.
(b) 26th January 1950 forests into reserved forests (completely SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Afternoon)
Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. Motto- Q.495. One-third of the members of the Sol.499.(c) Code of Conduct is a set of
Satyameva Jayate ("Truth Alone Vidhan Parishad retire every ______ years. rules outlining the norms, rules, and
Triumphs") is taken from the "Mundaka SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning) responsibilities or proper practices of an
Upanishad", a part of Upanishads. (a) four (b) one (c) three (d) two individual party or an organisation.
Q.491. The Right of Children to Free and Sol.495.(d) two years. Vidhan Parishad Q.500. In 1977, who became then
Compulsory Education Act 2009 is an Act or Legislative Council is a permanent President of the Janata Party, which
of Parliament which came into force in: body, which can be formed or abolished formed a coalition government at the
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Evening) when the Legislative Assembly passes a centre with Morarji Desai as the Prime
(a) 2012 (b) 2011 (c) 2009 (d) 2010 special resolution. Minister?
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.491.(d) 2010. The Act makes Q.496. Which was the first part of India (a) Charan Singh
education a fundamental right of every to hold an election based on universal (b) George Fernandes
child between the ages of 6 and 14 and adult franchise ? (c) Chandra Shekhar
specifies minimum norms in elementary SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Morning) (d) Madhu Dandavate
schools. (a) Assam (b) Tripura
(c) Manipur (d) Bihar Sol.500.(c) Chandra Shekhar. He was
Q.492. In which of the following years
President of the Janata Party from 1977
was an Act enacted to provide for the Sol.496.(c) Manipur (June 1948). to 1988. Chandra Shekhar was sworn in
reorganisation of the states of India and Maharaja of Manipur Bodhchandra Singh as the ninth Prime Minister of India on
for matters connected therewith? signed the instrument of accession with November 10, 1991 and remained in
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Afternoon) the Indian government on the assurance office until June 21, 1991, for a period
(a) 1947 (b) 1956 (c) 1959 (d) 1962 that the internal autonomy of Manipur spanning 223 days.
would be maintained
the telescope. surface pressure of Mars is 610 Pascals, (c) Ganymede (d) Triton
and its gravity is about one - third of
Q.2. Geoid is the ________ of earth. Earth's. A Martian day lasts 24 hours and Sol.10.(d) Triton (largest moon of
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) 37 minutes. Mars has two moons: neptune). Jupiter: It is the fifth planet
(a) orbit (b) axis (c) colour (d) shape Phobos and Deimos. from the Sun. Revolution - 11 years and
11 months, Rotation - 9 hours 56
Sol.2.(d) shape. The Earth looks Q.7. Which dwarf planet orbits the sun in minutes. Natural Satellites of planets (As
spherical in shape, but it is not a perfect 310 years at a distance between 38.5 to of October 2024) - Jupiter (95), Saturn
sphere. It is slightly flattened at the top 53 AU ? (146), Earth (1, Moon), Uranus (28),
and bottom (near the South and North SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift) Neptune (16).
Poles) and bulges at the Equator due to (a) Eris (b) Ceres (c) Makemake (d) Pluto
the outward force caused by the rotation Q.11. Which of the following rocky
of the Earth. The Geoid shape is not Sol.7.(c) Makemake. It is the third-largest planets is the fastest planet in our solar
perfectly spherical. and second-brightest known dwarf planet. system – traveling through space at
It was discovered in 2005. Pluto was about 29 miles (47 kilometers) per
Q.3. Which is, by far, the closest dwarf discovered in 1930. It was initially second?
planet orbiting at only 2.8 times Earth’s classified as the ninth planet of the Solar
(a) Ceres (b) Makemake satellite named 'Charon'. Sol.11.(b) Mercury. It is the nearest to
(c) Eris (d) Pluto
(a) Oort Cloud (b) Bow Shock downgraded the status of Pluto to that of
Sol.14.(d) Neptune. Planet and Day (c) Asteroid Belt (d) Kuiper Belt a dwarf planet. The Jovian planets are
Length in hours: Mercury (1,408), Venus Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune,
(5,832), Earth (24), Mars (25), Jupiter Sol.18.(d) Kuiper Belt, named after
which are also known as the gas giants.
(10), Saturn (11), Uranus (17). Mercury is Gerard Kuiper, is a region beyond
nearest to the sun. It takes only about 88 Neptune in the outer solar system, Q.23. Which of the following statements
days to complete one round along its proposed by him in 1951. The asteroid about planet Saturn is true?
orbit. belt lies between the orbits of Mars and SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift)
model of the solar system ? (b) Satellites like Enceladus and Titan of
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) the constellation:
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift) Saturn are home to internal oceans,
(a) Nicolaus Copernicus could possibly support life.
(a) Ursa Major (b) Cassiopeia
Sol.19.(a) Ursa Major (Great Bear) is the (d) Saturn is a massive ball made up
Sol.15.(a) Nicolaus Copernicus. third - largest constellation in the sky and mostly nitrogen.
Although Aryabhatta (5th century A.D.) the largest constellation in the Northern
Hemisphere. Orion is three bright stars Sol.23.(b) Saturn is the second largest
hinted at astronomical ideas, Copernicus
the 'Great Red Spot' been observed for (c) 1 day 18 hours (d) 1day
system. According to this hypothesis,
more than 300 years ?
planets formed from smaller bodies Sol.35.(d) 1 day. One spin on the axis of
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (1st shift)
called planetesimals through the process other planets (approximate) : Earth (1
(a) Neptune (b) Mercury
of accretion. day - 23 hours 56 min), Jupiter (9 hours
(c) Jupiter (d) Venus
56 minutes), Saturn (10 hours 40
Q.26. Perihelion is when Earth is ______.
Sol.30.(c) Jupiter is the largest planet in minutes), Uranus (17 hours 14 minutes)
Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
the solar system. It is made mostly of and Neptune (16 hours 7 minutes).
(a) under the sun
Sol.26.(c) nearest to the sun. On 3rd universe? (a) Annular (b) Partial
January, the earth is the nearest to the SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift) (c) Penumbral (d) Total
(a) Harold Jeffrey (b) Edwin Hubble
sun (147 million km). Aphelion is the Sol.36.(c) Penumbral (Lunar eclipse). A
point of the Earth’s orbit that is farthest (c) Fred Hoyle (d) Pierre - Laplace
solar eclipse occurs when the Moon
away from the Sun.
Sol.31.(c) Fred Hoyle. Steady - State passes between the Earth and the Sun.
Q.27. Which is the most widely accepted Theory : It is a theoretical model in which Types of solar eclipse: Total (Completely
model to explain the formation and the Universe is constantly expanding but blocking the face of the Sun), Hybrid (the
evaluation of the solar system? with a fixed average density. The theory Moon is farther away from Earth, it
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) was put forward by three scientists Sir appears smaller than the Sun and does
(a) Cloud hypothesis Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir not completely cover the Sun) and
(b) Gas hypothesis Fred Hoyle in 1948. Annular (when Sun is at or near its
(c) Nebular hypothesis farthest point from Earth).
Q.32. Cosmic snowballs of frozen gases,
(d) Solar hypothesis rock and dust that orbit the Sun are Q.37. In early 1610, who discovered with
Sol.27.(c) Nebular hypothesis - The known as_______. his newly invented telescope that Jupiter
planets were formed out of a cloud of SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Morning) has four moons?
material associated with a youthful sun, (a) Meteors (b) Star SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift)
which was slowly rotating. The theory (c) Meteorites (d) Comets (a) Simon Marius (b) Tycho Brahe
was developed by Immanuel Kant. But (c) Galileo Galilei (d) Johannes Kepler
Sol.32.(d) Comets. Meteors are bits of
Mathematician Laplace revised it in
rock and ice that are ejected from Sol.37.(c) Galileo Galilei. He was an
1796. Other Hypothesis: Big Bang Theory
comets as they move in their orbits Italian astronomer and scientist. He
- Propounded by George Lamaitre related
about the Sun. Meteorites - When a described the rings of Saturn, the phases
to the origin of the universe.
meteoroid survives its trip through the of Venus, sunsets, and the bumpy lunar
Q.28. Terrestrial planets are composed atmosphere and hits the ground, it’s surface. The four moons he discovered
of _______. called a meteorite. Meteorites typically were: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) range between the size of a pebble and a
(a) metals and air (b) rocks and metals fist. Q.38. Who was the first to accurately
(c) metals and gas (d) rocks and gas describe the rings of Saturn as a disc
Q.33. What is the radius of the earth? around the planet in 1655?
Sol.28.(b) Rocks and metals. Terrestrial SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift) SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift)
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(a) Hideki Yukawa Northern Hemisphere during the night Q.47. In which month is the InterTropical
(b) Galileo Galilei and predawn hours. They are also known Convergence Zone (ITCZ) located around
(c) Christiaan Huygens for their bright fireball meteors. The 20°N-25°N latitude (over the Gangetic
(d) Giovanni Cassini Quadrantids can produce over 100 plain) ?
meteors per hour in a moonless sky. SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Sol.38.(c) Christiaan Huygens. His other (a) May (b) August (c) June (d) July
inventions include the pendulum clock, Q.43. In which of the following months
centrifugal governor, and magic lantern. may the meteor shower named Lyrids be Sol.47.(d) July. The Inter Tropical
seen from Earth? Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is a low
Q.39. The moon completes _________ SSC MTS 20/10/2021(Afternoon) pressure zone located at the equator
rotation on its axis as it completes one (a) April (b) February (c) June (d) August where trade winds converge, and so, it is
revolution around the Earth. a zone where air tends to ascend. The
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning) Sol.43.(a) April. The radiant point for the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone located
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 4 Lyrid meteor shower is near the around 20°N-25°N latitudes (over the
constellation Lyra, which has the bright Gangetic plain) in July month is
Sol.39.(c) 1. The Moon is Earth's only star Vega in the east.
natural satellite circling the planet at an sometimes called the monsoon trough.
average distance of 384,400 kilometers. Q.44. How many degrees does the Earth Q.48. Which of the following statements
The Moon's presence helps stabilize our rotate about its own axis in one hour? is INCORRECT regarding the Coriolis
planet and moderate our climate. The SSC CGL 06/03/2020(Afternoon) force?
radius of the Moon is 1.74 × 106 m. (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 24 (d) 15 SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Huygens is the Moon's tallest mountain. (a) It deflects the wind to the right in the
Sol.44.(d) 15. On its axis, the earth
north and left in the south.
Q.40. Which of the following statements rotates 360 degrees every 24 hours.
regarding the moon is correct? (b) It is directly proportional to the angle
of altitude
I. The size of the illuminated part of the Longitudes and Latitudes
moon visible from the Earth increases (c) Deflection is less when the wind is
each day after the new moon day. high
Q.45. The torrid zone lies between ____.
II. After the full moon day, the sunlit part (d) It is absent at the equator.
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
of the moon visible from the Earth (a) Antarctic Circle and Tropic of Sol.48.(c) Deflection is less when the
decreases in size every day. Capricorn wind is high. Coriolis force : An apparent
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) (b) North Pole and Arctic Circle force caused by the earth’s rotation. The
(a) Both I and II (b) Only I (c) Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Coriolis force acts perpendicular to the
(c) Neither I nor II (d) Only II Capricorn pressure gradient force (pressure
second full moon is called a Blue Moon, Capricorn. The Torrid Zone is the thermal
When a full moon occurs at its perigee also affects ocean currents.
zone located between the Tropic of
(the moon is closest to the earth) it is Cancer (23.5°N) and the Tropic of
Q.41. The ______ radiation belts are giant SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (2nd shift)
sunlight. The Temperate Zones lie (a) 81°30ʹ E (b) 82°30ʹ E
swaths of magnetically trapped highly
between the Tropics and the Arctic Circle (c) 83°30ʹ E (d) 84°40ʹ E
energetic charged particles that surround
(66.5° N) and Antarctic Circle (66.5° S),
Earth. Sol.49.(b) 82°30ʹ E. The Standard
characterized by moderate temperatures
SSC CGL 13/04/2022(Morning) Meridian of India, which passes through
with distinct seasons. The Frigid Zones
(a) Van Allen (b) Aurora Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh, also crosses
are found beyond the Arctic and
(c) Kuiper (d) Chinook the following states: Madhya Pradesh,
Antarctic Circles, extending to the North
Sol.41.(a) Van Allen. An aurora is a and South Poles, where temperatures are Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Andhra
natural phenomenon which is extremely cold year-round. Pradesh.
characterized by a display of a
Q.46. At what latitude does the easterly Q.50. Which is the waterbody that
natural-coloured (green, red, yellow or
jet stream blow over peninsular India separates Andaman Islands and Nicobar
white) light in the sky.
during the summer months? Islands?
Q.42. In which of the following periods is SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift) SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift)
the meteor shower named Quadrantids (a) 24°N (b) 30°N (c) 14°N (d) 28°N (a) Eight Degree Channel
generally visible from Earth? (b) Eleven Degree Channel
Sol.46.(c) 14°N. The Jet Stream is a (c) Nine Degree Channel
SSC MTS 20/10/2021(Afternoon)
geostrophic wind blowing horizontally (d) Ten Degree Channel
(a) August/September
through the upper layers of the
(b) October/November
troposphere, generally from west to east. Sol.50.(d) Ten Degree Channel. The 8
(c) May/June
The tropical easterly jet stream, located Degree Channel (north latitude)
(d) December/January
between 8 and 35 degrees north latitude, separates the islands of Minicoy (India)
Sol.42.(d) December / January. is connected to the southwest monsoon and Maldives. The 9 Degree Channel
Quadrantids are best viewed in the in India. (north latitude) separates the Minicoy
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Pinnacle Geography
from the main Lakshadweep archipelago. 22nd December. This period is called westernmost point (Ghuar Moti in Kutch).
The 11 degree channel (north latitude) Dakshinayan. From 22nd December to The easternmost point (Kibithu in
separates the Amindivi Islands subgroup 21st June, the sun keeps on moving Arunachal Pradesh). Indira Col
from the Cannanore Islands in towards the north. This period is called (northernmost point). Indira Point (Great
Lakshadweep Islands. Uttarayan. Nicobar Island, Andaman sea) is the
Southernmost point of India while
Q.51. Identify a factor that does NOT Q.54. The southern part of India lies in Kanyakumari is the southernmost point
determine the temperature of ocean the _________ belt. of the Indian Mainland.
waters. SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1) (a) rain (b) temperate (c) polar (d) warm Q.58. What is the zone between the
(a) Unequal distribution of land and arctic circle and north pole called?
water Sol.54.(d) Warm. The Tropic of Cancer SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(b) Latitude passes through the middle of India. The (a) Torrid zone
(c) Longitude southern parts being closer to the (b) Frigid zone
(d) Ocean currents Equator, experience high temperatures (c) North temperate zone
throughout the year. The northern parts (d) South temperate zone
Sol.51.(c) Longitude. Factors on the other hand lie in the warm
determining ocean water temperature : temperate zone. Sol.58.(b) Frigid zone. The North Frigid
Latitude - Affects the amount of solar Zone, between the North Pole at 90° N
radiation received. Unequal distribution Q.55. Tropic of Cancer (23°30′ N) passes and the Arctic Circle at 66°33′48.7" N,
of land and water - Affects heat through__________ state of India. covers 4.12% of Earth's surface.
absorption and distribution. Ocean SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift)
currents - Transport heat and cold water (a) Punjab (b) Maharashtra Q.59. 1° latitude is equal to approximately
masses globally. Longitude does not (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Kerala ______ km.
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020(Afternoon)
directly influence ocean water Sol.55.(c) Chhattisgarh. The Tropic of
temperature. (a) 111 (b) 145 (c) 133 (d) 122
Cancer passes through eight states in
Q.52. Which of the following sets of India - Gujarat (Jasdan), Rajasthan Sol.59.(a) 111 km. This distance
statements are correct about Inter (Kalinjarh), Madhya Pradesh (Shajapur), decreases marginally as one travels to
Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) ? Chhattisgarh (Sonhat), Jharkhand poles and increases marginally as one
a. The ITCZ is a broad trough of low (Lohardaga), West Bengal (Krishnanagar), goes towards the equator.
(a) Only a and c (b) a, b and c Sol.56.(c) 21 March and 23 September. points of equal abundance values of a
(c) Only b and c (d) a, b and d Equinox is the situation when the equator plant species sampled in different
receives the vertical rays of the Sun and sections of an area. Isobronts - A line
Sol.52.(d) a, b and d. Intertropical
day and night are equal. Spring equinox - drawn through geographical points at
Convergence Zone (ITCZ) - The region
21st March, Autumn equinox - 23 which a given phase of thunderstorm
that circles the Earth, near the equator,
September. 21st June (winter solstice in activity occurred simultaneously.
where the trade winds of the Northern
Southern Hemisphere, Summer solstice
and Southern Hemispheres come
together. Seasonal shifts in the location
in Northern hemisphere) - The rays of the Continents and Oceans
sun fall directly on the Tropic of Cancer.
of the ITCZ drastically affects rainfall in
22 December (Summer solstice in Q.61. Which is the largest sea located in
many equatorial nations, resulting in the
Southern hemisphere, winter solstice in the North Indian Ocean, covering an area
wet and dry seasons of the tropics rather
Northern Hemisphere) - The rays of the of about 3.86 million square kilometres?
than the cold and warm seasons of
sun fall directly on the Tropic of SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Morning)
higher latitudes.
Capricorn. (a) Java Sea (b) Andaman Sea
Q.53. During October-November, the (c) Red Sea (d) Arabian Sea
apparent movement of the sun is Q.57. From the north most to south most
towards the _____. point of India, what is the extent of India? Sol.61.(d) Arabian Sea. The North Indian
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift) Ocean is a region of the Indian Ocean
(a) North (b) North-East (a) 4109 km (b) 2914 km that includes the Bay of Bengal and the
(c) North-West (d) South (c) 3214 km (d) 3785 km Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea shows
higher salinity due to high evaporation
Sol.53.(d) South. The position of the Sol.57.(c) 3214 km. Extent of India: East and low influx of fresh water. The Red
rising sun keeps on moving towards the to west (2,933 km), land frontier (15,200 Sea is located between Africa and Asia.
south in the period from 21st June to km), coastline (7,516.6 km). The The Java Sea is located in Indonesia,
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between the islands of Java and Borneo. the world's largest saltwater lake by SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
The Andaman Sea is located in the volume. The Aral Sea is located between (a) Louis Agassiz
northeastern part of the Indian Ocean. Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan (b) Georges Cuvier
to the south. (c) Abraham Ortelius
Q.62. Which of the following is the (d) Dan Peter McKenzie
largest crustal plate on Earth with an Q.65. Which ocean is encircling the
area of over 103,000,000 km2 ? continent of Antarctica and extends Sol.68.(c) Abraham Ortelius was a Dutch
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) northward to 60 degrees south latitude? mapmaker who proposed in his work
(a) South American plate SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Thesaurus Geographicus that the
(b) African plate (a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Indian Ocean continents were once joined together.
(c) Eurasian plate (c) Pacific Ocean (d) Southern Ocean This idea laid the groundwork for the
(d) Pacific plate continental drift theory, later fully
Sol.65.(d) Southern Ocean. It is the developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912.
Sol.62.(d) Pacific plate : It is the largest newest of the world's five oceans, Wegener suggested that all continents
oceanic plate. Plate Tectonics theory officially designated as a separate ocean formed a single landmass called
given by McKenzie, Parker and Morgan by the International Hydrographic Pangaea ("all earth"), surrounded by a
in 1967. It proposes that the earth’s Organization (IHO) in 2000. The Atlantic vast ocean known as Panthalassa ("all
lithosphere is divided into seven major Ocean is between the Americas and water").
and some minor plates. Major plates : Europe/Africa. The Indian Ocean is
Antarctica and the surrounding oceanic between Africa, Asia, and Australia. The Q.69. Which of the following is NOT a
plate; North American (with western Pacific Ocean is between Asia and the part of the ocean floor?
Atlantic floor separated from the South Americas. Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
American plate along the Caribbean (a) The continental shelf
islands) plate; South American (with Q.66. The name of the strait between the (b) The continental slope
Pacific and Arctic oceans, separating the
western Atlantic floor separated from the (c) The deep sea shelf
North American plate along the Chukchi Peninsula of the Russian Far (d) The deep sea plain
East from the Seward Peninsula of
Caribbean islands) plate; Pacific plate;
India-Australia-New Zealand plate; Africa Alaska, is the : Sol.69.(c) The deep sea shelf. A
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) continental shelf is the submerged edge
with the eastern Atlantic floor plate;
Eurasia and the adjacent oceanic plate. (a) Davis Strait (b) Florida Strait of a continent beneath the ocean. The
(c) Bering Strait (d) Messina Strait continental slope extends seaward from
Q.63. In the context of water bodies, the shelf to the upper edge of a
Neap Tides occur : Sol.66.(c) Bering Strait. Davis Strait : It is continental rise or the point where the
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift) located between Greenland and Baffin slope begins to flatten. An abyssal plain,
(a) when the earth, moon and sun line up Island in Canada. It connects Baffin Bay or deep sea plain, is a flat region on the
in a straight line with the Labrador Sea and is part of the ocean floor, typically found at depths
(b) when the sun and moon are on the Northwest Passage in the Arctic. Florida between 3,000 and 6,000 meters.
opposite sides Strait : It is a channel of water located Oceanic deeps are the deepest parts of
(c) when there is so much interference by between the Gulf of Mexico and the the ocean, covered with fine-grained
continents Atlantic Ocean, separating the Florida sediments such as clay and silt.
(d) when the sun and moon are at right Keys and Cuba. Strait of Messina : It is a Examples of oceanic landforms : Abyssal
angles to each other narrow passage between the eastern plains, Submarine canyons, Deep ocean
coast of Sicily and the western coast of trenches, Guyots, Seamounts, Mid-ocean
Sol.63.(d) During neap tide, gravitational Calabria in southern Italy. It connects the ridges, Abyssal plains, etc.
and centrifugal forces are divided. The Tyrrhenian Sea with the Ionian Sea.
high tides of a neap tide are lower than Q.70. The thermocline layer is the ______
the average high tide and the low tides of Q.67. The peninsular plateau of India layer of the ocean.
a Neap tide are higher than the average was a part of which continent earlier? Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
low tide. Spring tides - When the sun, the SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) (a) second (b) third (c) fourth (d) first
moon and the earth are in a straight line, (a) North America (b) Europe
(c) South America (d) Africa Sol.70.(a) Second. Scientists have
the height of the tide will be higher.
divided the ocean into five main layers.
These are called spring tides, and they
Sol.67.(d) Africa. The Peninsular Plateau Epipelagic Zone - The surface layer from
occur twice a month.
is roughly triangular in shape. The the surface to 200 meters. Mesopelagic
Q.64. Which of the following is a peninsular plateau of India was a part of Zone - The twilight zone or the midwater
landlocked Salt Lake in South-West Asia the supercontinent Gondwana, which zone. Bathypelagic Zone - The midnight
between Israel and Jordan? included Africa, South America, Australia, zone or the dark zone. Abyssopelagic
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) and Antarctica. After breaking up from Zone - The water temperature is near
(a) Don Juan Pond (b) Aral Sea Gondwana, the Indian subcontinent freezing, and there is no light at all.
(c) Caspian Sea (d) Dead Sea drifted northwards and collided with Hadalpelagic Zone - The deepest point in
Eurasia which formed the Himalayas. the ocean is located in the Mariana
Sol.64.(d) Dead Sea. Its salinity of 340
grams per litre of water. The Dead Sea Q.68. In 1596, who suggested in his work
seawater has a density of 1.240 kg/L, 'Thesaurus Geographicus' that the Q.71. In 1962, who published 'The
which makes swimming in its waters continents of the earth were not always History of Ocean Basins', which outlined
similar to floating. The Caspian Sea is located in their present positions ? the theory of how tectonic plates could
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Pinnacle Geography
move, later called 'sea floor spreading' ? average gradient of: of trade winds in a region. La Nina (Little
Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1) SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) Girl in Spanish) - The periodic cooling of
(a) Alfred Wegener (a) 1° or even less (b) 2° or even less ocean surface temperatures in the
(b) Louis Bauer (c) 8° or even less (d) 5° or even less central and east-central equatorial
(c) Harry Hammond Hess Pacific.
(d) George Edward Backus Sol.74.(a) 1° or even less. The
Continental Shelf is the extended margin Q.78. Which of the following oceans is
Sol.71.(c) Harry Hammond Hess, an of each continent occupied by relatively surrounded by the continent of North
American geologist and naval officer. He shallow seas and gulfs. About America and South America to the east?
discovered that the oceans were Continental Shelf : The shelf typically SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (1st Shift)
shallower in the middle and identified the ends at a very steep slope, called the (a) Pacific Ocean (b) Atlantic Ocean
presence of Mid Ocean Ridges, raised shelf break. Their width varies globally, (c) Indian Ocean (d) Arctic Ocean
above the surrounding generally flat sea with an average of about 80 km, but can
floor (abyssal plain) by as much as 1.5 be narrower or even absent in some Sol.78.(a) Pacific Ocean (world’s largest
km. Seafloor spreading is a geologic regions, such as the coasts of Chile and and deepest ocean): It represents 45
process in which tectonic plates—large the west coast of Sumatra. percent of the global ocean surface. The
slabs of Earth's lithosphere—split apart International Date Line (established in
from each other. Q.75. Living organisms have been on 1884) passes through the mid-Pacific
Earth for how much percent of Earth's Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is surrounded
Q.72. Which is the deepest point of history? by the continents of North and South
Earth's oceans with a depth of 11,022 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) America to the west, and Europe and
metres? (a) 60% (b) 40% (c) 80% (d) 20% Africa to the east. The Indian Ocean is
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) bordered by Asia to the north, Africa to
(a) Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench Sol.75.(c) 80%. Taking Earth's age as the west, and Australia to the east.
nearly 4.6 Billion Years (BY), instead of
(b) Indian Ocean's Java Trench
(c) Atlantic Ocean's Puerto Rico Trench 13.7 BY from the Big Bang, unicellular life Q.79. Which of the following oceans
appeared nearly 3.8 BY ago. This extends into the Mediterranean Sea ?
(d) Arctic Ocean's Eurasian Basin
percentage is 3.8/4.6 X 100 = 82.6%, SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Sol.72.(a) Pacific Ocean's Mariana nearly. (a) Indian Ocean (b) Pacific Ocean
Trench. Trenches are long, narrow (c) Atlantic Ocean (d) Arctic Ocean
depressions on the seafloor that form at Q.76. Choose the correct statement(s)
the boundary of tectonic plates where related to ‘continentality’. Sol.79.(c) Atlantic Ocean is the 2nd
one plate is pushed, or subducts, a. The sea exerts a moderating influence largest ocean in the world. The
beneath another. Other Trenches: Puerto on climate. Mediterranean is an intercontinental sea
Rico Trench (8,400 m) - Atlantic Ocean; b. As the distance from the sea spread between Europe, North Africa,
Tonga Trench (10,882 m) - Southwestern increases, the people experience extreme and Western Asia and connected to the
Pacific Ocean; South Sandwich Trench weather conditions. Atlantic Ocean through the strait of
(7,432 m) - Southern Ocean; Java Trench c. As one goes from the surface of the Gibraltar.
(7,187 m) - Indian Ocean. earth to higher altitudes, the atmosphere
Q.80. The mohororvicic (Moho)
Magellan. The International Date Line 'Ring of Fire'. Instrument used for of the absorption of large amounts of
carbon dioxide by the oceans. It results
passes through it. measuring Earthquake: Seismograph.
in the alteration of marine food chains
Q.83. The percentage of earth's water Q.87. What is the average salinity of the and food supply to humans.
found in the oceans is _________.
SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Indian ocean?
Graduate Level 03/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Q.92. The lowest known point on earth is
(a) 94 percent (b) 97.2 percent (a) 350 o/oo (b) 35 o/oo called ________, which is present in the
(c) 90.2 percent (d) 92.2 percent (c) 3.5 o/oo (d) 3 o/oo Pacific Ocean.
seas (0.008 percent), Soil Moisture Factorian Deep is the new deepest point
(0.005 percent), Atmosphere (0.001 Q.88. Tsunami is NOT caused by: in Antarctica's Southern Ocean. The
Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 (Shift - 4) Great Blue Hole is a giant marine
Q.84. How thick is the lithosphere? (c) undersea landslides coral reef located in Australia.
Arctic Ocean. A continental shelf is the the least active. The magnitude scale Sri Lanka, the United States, Malaysia,
edge of a continent that lies under the used to measure earthquakes ranges the United Arab Emirates and the United
ocean. Example of a Continental Shelf from 1 to 12. Kingdom.
Landform: Siberian Shelf, Arctic Ocean.
Q.102. The _____ is responsible for Q.106. The New Moore Island is in
Q.97. Which of the following is a group Earth's magnetic field. geographic proximity to:
of islands found in the tropical oceans SSC CHSL 16/10/2020(Morning) SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
consisting of coral reefs and a central (a) inner core (b) mantle (a) Pakistan (b) Myanmar
depression? (c) outer core (d) crust (c) Bangladesh (d) Sri Lanka
SSC CGL 19/04/2022(Morning)
Sol.102.(c) outer core. On Earth, flowing Sol.106.(c) Bangladesh. New Moore
(a) Guyots (b) Atoll
liquid metal in the outer core of the
Chagos Bank, Macclesfield Bank, lies near the maritime boundary between
Thiladhunmathi, Sabalana Islands. which extends around the planet. India and Bangladesh.
Guyot is an undersea mountain. Lagoons
are shallow bodies of water that are Neighbouring Countries of Q.107. Maldives are located to the south
of which island of India?
separated from the ocean by a barrier India
mountains that rise above the ocean Q.103. Which of the following is in
floor but do not reach the surface. geographical proximity to Sri Lanka? (c) Sri Lanka (d) Andaman and Nicobar
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Q.98. Name the only sea in the world that Sol.107.(b) Lakshadweep. Maldives : Its
(a) Only Karaikal (b) Karaikal and Yanam
does NOT have a land boundary. capital is Male. The Maldives are a group
(c) Only Mahe (d) Only Yanam
SSC MTS 13/10/2021(Evening) of coral atolls that were formed from the
(a) Sargasso Sea (b) Pechora Sea Sol.103.(a) Only Karaikal. Karaikal is a crowns of an ancient volcanic mountain
(c) Amundsen Sea (d) Iroise Sea town in the Union Territory of range.
Puducherry. Sri Lanka, formerly known as
Sol.98.(a) Sargasso Sea. It is a part of Q.108. McMahon Line is the boundary
Ceylon, is an island nation in South Asia.
the Atlantic Ocean. It is named so line between India and _________ .
Located in the Indian Ocean, southwest
because of the presence of brown Higher Secondary 21/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
of the Bay of Bengal, it is separated from
Sargassum seaweed. (a) Nepal (b) China
the Indian peninsula by the Gulf of
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Pakistan
Q.99. Which of the following was NOT a Mannar and the Palk Strait. Sri Lanka
part of Gondwanaland? shares a maritime border with the Sol.108.(b) China. Pakistan shares a
SSC CGL 23/08/2021(Evening) Maldives to the southwest and India to border with India, defined by the Radcliffe
(a) Australia (b) South America the northwest. Line (International Border) and the Line
(c) India (d) North America of Control. India has 15,106.7 Km of land
Q.104. Which of the following pairs do
Sol.99.(d) North America. The ancient NOT share any borders? border and a coastline of 7,516.6 Km
supercontinent Gondwana incorporated SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift) including island territories. India shares
present-day South America, Africa, (a) Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh the longest border with Bangladesh
Madagascar, India, Australia, and (b) Bhutan and Meghalaya about 4,096.7 km and Shortest with
SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Evening) Q.119. What is the salt measurement in
SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Evening)
(a) Sikkim (b) Bihar hypersaline lagoons?
(a) Ghaghara (b) Beas
(c) West Bengal (d) Manipur SSC MTS 14/11/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) Godavari (d) Gandak
(a) 30 to 35 (b) Less than 5
Sol.110.(d) Manipur. Nepal is located to (c) Less than 100 (d) More than 100
Sol.115.(d) Gandak. It comprises two
the North of India. It shares a border with
streams, namely Kaligandak and
five Indian states: Uttarakhand, Uttar Sol.119.(d) More than 100. Hypersaline
Trishulganga. It rises in the Nepal
Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Sikkim. lagoons are extreme environments with
Himalayas between the Dhaulagiri and
The total length of the India-Nepal border salt concentrations significantly higher
Mount Everest and drains the central part
is about 1,751 kilometers. than typical seawater. While normal
of Nepal. It enters the Ganga plain in
ocean salinity is around 35 parts per
Q.111. With which neighbouring country Champaran district of Bihar and joins the
Ganga at Sonpur near Patna. thousand (3.5%), hypersaline lagoons
does India share the Sunderbans forest?
can have salt concentrations exceeding
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Afternoon)
Q.116. Select the odd one from the 100 parts per thousand (10%). These
Sol.111.(c) Bangladesh. Sunderban forest SSC MTS 09/10/2024 (3rd Shift) limited water input, such as the Dead
is a part of the world's largest delta and (a) Pulicat lake (b) Kolleru lake Sea.
home to the largest mangrove forests. It is (c) Chilika lake (d) Sambhar lake
Q.120. In which state of India is kund or
the only mangrove habitat in the world for
Sol.116.(d) Sambhar lake: The largest Tanka used for water harvesting ?
Panthera tigris species.
inland saltwater lake in India situated in SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
Q.112. The Sino - Indian border is divided Rajasthan. Pulicat lake (Andhra Pradesh (a) Rajasthan (b) Andhra Pradesh
into how many sectors? and Tamil Nadu), Kolleru lake (Andhra (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Punjab
SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (1st Shift) Pradesh), and Chilika lake (Odisha) - are
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3 all coastal saltwater lakes, formed by the Sol.120.(a) Rajasthan. This region faces
seawater entering the lake through extreme arid conditions and low rainfall,
Sol.112.(d) 3. The Indian Military has creeks or rivers. so local communities have developed
divided the LAC (Line of Actual Control) innovative systems to conserve and
Q.117. The Zaskar and the Nubra are
into 3 sectors - Western sector across store water. Water harvesting structures
tributaries of which river?
Ladakh and the Chinese-held Aksai Chin, in other States: Kere (large tanks) in
SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (1st Shift)
The central sector across Himachal Karnataka, Cheruvu in Andhra Pradesh,
(a) Mahanadi (b) Ganga
Pradesh and Uttrakhand states, and the Bandharas and Tals in Maharashtra,
(c) Indus (d) Kaveri
eastern sector across Sikkim and Surangam in Kerala, Eris (tanks) in Tamil
Arunachal Pradesh states. Sol.117.(c) Indus (Sindhu) originates Nadu, Bhundis in Madhya Pradesh and
from a glacier near Bokhar Chu in the Uttar Pradesh.
Q.113. Which of the following is a hill
Tibetan region at an altitude of 4,164 m
pass located between India and China? Q.121. Which of the following is the
in the Kailash Mountain range.
SSC MTS 26/10/2021(Afternoon) transboundary river between India and
Tributaries - Chenab River, Jhelum River,
(a) Khyber Pass (b) Pangsau Pass Pakistan?
Ravi River, Satluj River, Beas River, Shyok
(c) Karakoram Pass (d) Zojila Pass SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
River, Gilgit River, Hunza River, Swat River,
(a) Indus (b) Ravi (c) Beas (d) Jhelum
Sol.113.(c) Karakoram Pass. The Khyber Kunnar River, Kurram River, Gomal River,
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Pinnacle Geography
Sol.121.(b) Ravi. This river flows through Q.125. Which of the following peninsular are its principal tributaries. The Mahi
north-western India and eastern rivers falls into the Arabian Sea? (Origin, Northern slope of Vindhyas),
Pakistan. It, along with the Beas and SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Narmada (Origin, Amarkantak), and Tapi
Sutlej rivers, was allocated to India under (a) Mahanadi river (b) Krishna river (Origin, Betul) rivers flow westward,
the Indus Water Treaty. Indus River : This (c) Sabarmati river (d) Godavari river draining into the Arabian Sea.
river originates in western Tibet, passes
through Kashmir, and flows into Pakistan Sol.125.(c) Sabarmati river. It is one of Q.129. ‘Bhagirathi’ and ‘Alaknanda’ rivers
before falling into the Arabian Sea. It, the major west-flowing rivers in India. It confluence at:
along with the Chenab and Jhelum rivers, originates from Aravalli hills. Mahanadi SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
was allocated to Pakistan under the river: Origin - Sihawa (South of (a) Joshimath (b) Haridwar
Indus Water Treaty of 1960. Amarkantak) near Raipur (Chhattisgarh). (c) Karanprayag (d) Devaprayag
It flows through Chhattisgarh and Odisha
Q.122. In which state of India was the and drains into the Bay of Bengal. Sol.129.(d) Devaprayag. The Five
Neeru-Meeru programme introduced for Prayags are sacred river confluences in
construction of water harvesting Q.126. In the ancient temple of Mahadev Uttarakhand. At Devaprayag, the
structures? at Mahabaleshwar, the spout emerging Bhagirathi and Alaknanda rivers meet. At
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (3rd Shift) from the mouth of a cow statue is the Rudraprayag, the Mandakini and
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Rajasthan source of which river basin? Alaknanda rivers converge. At
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Punjab SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Nandaprayag, the Nandakini joins the
(a) Kaveri (b) Krishna Alaknanda. At Karnaprayag, the Pindar
Sol.122.(a) Andhra Pradesh. (c) Godavari (d) Narmada meets the Alaknanda, and at
The Neeru-Meeru (Water and You) Vishnuprayag, the Dhauliganga merges
program was launched by the Water Sol.126.(b) Krishna. It is the second with the Alaknanda.
Conservation Mission (WCM), on May 1, largest east flowing Peninsular river
which rises near Mahabaleshwar in Q.130. Which state of India has the
2000. It was a Water conservation and
poverty alleviation initiative. Sahyadri. Origin of rivers : Kaveri - maximum number of large dams?
originates at Talakaveri, which is located SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Q.123. Identify a water-harvesting on the Brahmagiri range in the Kodagu (a) Maharashtra (b) Madhya Pradesh
system found in Jaisalmer. (Coorg) district of Karnataka. Godavari - (c) Odisha (d) Rajasthan
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) rises from Trimbakeshwar in the Nashik
(a) Guls (b) Johads (c) Khadins (d) Kuls district of Maharashtra. Narmada - rises Sol.130.(a) Maharashtra leads in large
from Maikala range near Amarkantak in dams, followed by Madhya Pradesh and
Sol.123.(c) Khadins. ‘Rooftop rainwater Gujarat. Major dams in Maharashtra
harvesting’ was commonly practised to Madhya Pradesh.
include Jayakwadi, Koyna, and
store drinking water, particularly in Q.127. Which of the following are west Radhanagari. India's first dam, Kallanai,
Rajasthan. In arid and semi-arid regions, flowing rivers? was built over 2,000 years ago. Notable
agricultural fields were converted into SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) post-independence dams include
rain fed storage structures that allowed (a) Godavari and Mahanadi Hirakud (1957), Gandhisagar (1960),
the water to stand and moisten the soil (b) Krishna and Kaveri Bhakra-Nangal (1963), and Nagarjuna
like the ‘khadins’ in Jaisalmer and
built diversion channels like the ‘guls’ or Sol.127.(d) Mahi and Sabarmati. Mahi Luni River flow?
‘kuls’ of the Western Himalayas for River originates from Vindhyachal Hills, SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
agriculture. Madhya Pradesh and meets in Bay of (a) Bihar and West Bengal
Khambhat. Major West-flowing rivers - (b) Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Q.124. Which of the following rivers
Indus, Narmada, and Tapi. Major (c) Rajasthan and Gujarat
East-flowing rivers: Ganga, (d) Maharashtra and Karnataka
the eastern-most boundary of the
Brahmaaputra, Mahanadi, Krishna, and
Himalayas ? Sol.131.(c) Rajasthan and Gujarat. The
Godavari. Major peninsular rivers -
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Luni River begins near Pushkar valley in
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri,
(a) Kali (b) Teesta two branches called the Saraswati and
Narmada, and Tapti.
(c) Satluj (d) Brahmaputra the Sabarmati. These two branches
Q.128. Which of the following rivers is an merge at Govindgarh, and from there, the
Sol.124.(d) Brahmaputra River flows
east flowing river? river flows out of the Aravalli as the Luni.
through the northeastern part of India,
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) It continues westward until Telwara, then
originating from the Angsi Glacier in
(a) Mahi river (b) Narmada river turns southwest to join the Rann of Kutch
Tibet and passing through Arunachal
(c) Godavari river (d) Tapi river (Gujarat).
Pradesh before entering Assam. The
Teesta River rises in the Pauhunri Sol.128.(c) Godavari river. It rises in the Q.132. Which of the following is NOT a
Mountain of the eastern Himalayas and Nasik district of Maharashtra and tributary of the Ganga?
flows through the Indian states of Sikkim discharges its water into the Bay of SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
and West Bengal. The Satluj River Bengal. It is 1,465 km long with a (a) Yamuna (b) Gandak (c) Kosi (d) Lohit
originates in Raksas Tal near Mansarovar catchment area spreading over 3.13 lakh
in Tibet. The Kali River flows through the square kilometers. The Penganga, the Sol.132.(d) Lohit is a tributary to the
Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. Indravati, the Pranhita, and the Manjra Brahmaputra River. Ganga’s Tributaries
Q.134. Which of the following rivers (Ravi and Chenab), Doab Bari (Beas and is India's largest saltwater lake and the
originates from the Himalayas?
Ravi, also called Majha), and Suj Doab first Ramsar wetland site (1981).
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (Satluj and Yamuna, part of the Malwa Nalabana Island, a bird sanctuary, lies in
(a) Godavari (b) Tapi
region). the middle of Chilika Lake, while
(c) Narmada (d) Ganga
Satapada, where the lake meets the Bay
Q.138. The largest inland salt lake
Sol.134.(d) Ganga. Origin: Gangotri of Bengal, is home to Irrawaddy dolphins.
‘Sambhar’ is located in the ______of India.
glacier near Gaumukh (3,900 m) in the SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift) Q.142. Delhi ridge is the water divide
Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. Here, (a) north - east (b) north - west between which of the following rivers?
it is known as the Bhagirathi. It cuts (c) south - west (d) south - east SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (1st shift)
through the Central and the Lesser
Satpura range; Narmada - Maikal ranges. of the Potwar Plateau during the
six rivers: Mantha, Rupangarh, Khari, Pleistocene upheaval in the western
Q.135. Subansiri, Jia Bharali, Dhansiri Khandela, Medtha and Samod.
Mansarovar ? river system.
masonry dam, spans the border between
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The Q.151. Which of the following
Sardar Sarovar Dam, a concrete gravity (a) Sutlej River (b) Narmada River statements is NOT correct about River
(c) Ravi River (d) Tapti River
dam, is situated near Kevadiya in Ganga ?
Gujarat's Narmada District. The Tehri SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.148.(a) Sutlej River enters India
Dam, a multi-purpose rock and earth-fill (a) River Ganga flows from the
through the Shipki La Pass in the Kinnaur
embankment dam, is in New Tehri, Himalayas all the way to the Bay of
district of Himachal Pradesh. It is an east
Satluj is the only Indus tributary populated river basin in the world.
Q.145. Which of the following rivers is
originating from Tibet. The (c) River Ganga and its river basin
joined by river Chambal from the south?
Bhakra-Nangal Dam is built across the support lots of wonderful wildlife,
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Satluj, and the Indira Gandhi Canal also particularly river dolphins, otters,
(a) Kosi (b) Yamuna (c) Teesta (d) Ganga
draws water from it. freshwater turtles, and gharials.
Sol.145.(b) Yamuna. It rises from the (d) The water level of River Ganga never
Yamunotri Glacier in the Himalayas. It Q.149. In which of the following districts depends on monsoon and climatic
flows parallel to the Ganga and as a right is Baira Siul Dam located ? condition of the Himalaya.
the bank tributary meets the Ganga at SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.151.(d) The Ganga river depends on
(d) Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, (a) Kandla port, Mormugao port, Kochi
Sol.161.(a) Kandla (Deendayal port). It is
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Odisha port
(b) Kandla port, Mormugao port, Chennai located on the Gulf of Kutch (Gujarat). It
Sol.154.(b) Godavari River (Dakshin was constructed in the 1950s as the
Ganga) - Second longest river in India (c) Kandla port, Mormugao port, Kolkata chief seaport serving western India, after
after the Ganges River. Origin - the partition of India from Pakistan left
Trimbakeshwar near Nashik in (d) Kandla port, Haldia port, Kochi port the Karachi port in Pakistan.
Maharashtra. It has the largest
Peninsular River system and falls into the Sol.158.(a) Ports in India: West Coast - Q.162. Which river basin originates from
Bay of Bengal. Mumbai, Jawaharlal Nehru the Western Ghats range of Karnataka
(Maharashtra), New Mangalore state and has many tributaries such as
Q.155. With which neighbouring country (Karnataka). East Coast - V. O. the Noyyal, Kabini, Arkavathi and
did India sign the Farakka Treaty in 1996 Chidambaranar formerly Tuticorin, Amaravati?
for sharing of the Ganga Waters and on Ennore, Chennai Port (Tamil Nadu), SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (4th shift)
augmenting its flows? Paradip (Orissa), Kolkata, Haldia (West (a) Sabarmati (b) Brahmani
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) Bengal), Port Blair, Haddo (Andaman and (c) Kaveri (d) Periyar
Sol.155.(d) Bangladesh. Farakka water when rivers discharge their waters from and a Union Territory (Puducherry). It
-sharing treaty - It was signed by then PM all directions in a lake or depression, as originates in the foothills of Western
H. D. Deve Gowda (India) and PM Sheikh in the case of Loktak Lake in Manipur, is Ghats at Talakaveri. Tributaries -
Hasina Wajed (Bangladesh). India’s called ________. Shimsha, Hemavati, Bhavani, Lokapavani.
treaty with its Neighbours: Nepal Treaty - SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Mahakali treaty (1996), and Pakistan - (a) radial (b) centripetal Q.163. The Jog Falls, one of the highest
Indus Waters Treaty (1960). (c) dendritic (d) trellis waterfalls in India is the cataract of
which river?
Q.156. Identify the dam that is located in Sol.159.(b) Centripetal. Radial drainage SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift)
South India. pattern: When the rivers originate from a (a) Narmada (b) Tungabhadra
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) hill and flow in all directions. Example - (c) Sharavati (d) Cauvery
(a) Gandhi Sagar dam (b) Tilaiya dam Narmada. Trellis Drainage Pattern: This
(c) Mettur dam (d) Rihand dam pattern develops in folded topography Sol.163.(c) Sharavati - It originates at a
where hard and soft rocks exist parallel place called Ambutheertha in the
Sol.156.(c) Mettur dam: Built on Kaveri to each other. Example - The rivers in the Thirthahalli taluk (Karnataka).
river and located at Mettur, Salem District upper part of the Himalayan region Indus, Tungabhadra River is formed by the
(Tamil Nadu). Gandhi Sagar dam - Built Ganga. Dendritic Drainage Pattern : Most confluence of the Tunga River and the
on Chambal River and located in the common form and resembles the Bhadra River, The two rivers originate in
Mandsaur district (Madhya Pradesh). branching pattern of tree roots. Example Mudigere Taluk of Chikmagalur District
Tilaiya dam - Constructed by Damodar - The rivers of the northern plains, Indus, (Karnataka).
Valley Corporation across Barakar River, Ganga and Brahmaputra.
in Koderma district (Jharkhand). Q.164. With a stretch of about 724 km,
Q.160. Dihang and Lohit are rivers in which river is one of the most important
Q.157. Which east-flowing river basin which of the following regions? rivers of peninsular India ?
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SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift) lowland region that forms where Earth’s (a) Mahanadi (b) Krishna
(a) Tapi (b) Beas (c) Palar (d) Bhavani tectonic plates move apart. Famous rift (c) Godavari (d) Cauvery
valleys : Great Rift Valley (East Africa),
Sol.164.(a) Tapi River - It flows through East Rift Valley or Hualien - Taitung Sol.172.(a) Mahanadi - The largest river
the states of Madhya Pradesh, (Taiwan), Baikal Rift Valley (Southern of Odisha state. Krishna River originates
Maharashtra, and Gujarat. The river Siberia). near Mahabaleshwar in the Satara
originates in the Satpura Mountains in district of Maharashtra. It flows through
Madhya Pradesh and flows westwards Q.169. Which tributary of the Indus River Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, and
before emptying into the Arabian Sea. originates near the Rohtang Pass at an Andhra Pradesh before emptying into the
altitude of 4,000 meters above mean sea Bay of Bengal.
Q.165. Which river originates from the
level ?
southern part of Devarayanadurga hill in Q.173. Which of the following states is
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Tumkur district, and flows for about 221 NOT a part of the Tapi Basin?
(a) Chenab (b) Musi (c) Beas (d) Indravati
km before joining Kaveri? SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (2nd shift) Sol.169.(c) Beas. The ancient name of (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
(a) Shimsha river (b) Girna river the river Beas was Vipasha. Tributaries (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Gujarat
(c) Ghataprabha river (d) Waghur river of the Beas river : Parbati, Banganga,
Tirthan, Suketi, Sainj, Gaj, Chakki and Sol.173.(a) Rajasthan. Tapti River - A
Sol.165.(a) Shimsha River (a tributary of river in central India that flows
the river Kaveri). Shimsha has a waterfall westwards before draining into the
at Shimshapura in Malavalli Taluk Q.170. Which is the biggest tributary of Arabian Sea. Origin - In Satpura range in
(Mandya district, Karnataka). the upper Brahmaputra that originates in the Gawilgarh hills of the northern part of
Devarayanadurga is a small hill station the Tibetan Himalayas and winds its way the Deccan Plateau (In Betul district,
located in the Indian state of Karnataka. into India through Arunachal Pradesh ? Madhya Pradesh). Flows through the
Girna River - It originates near Kem Peak SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift) states - Maharashtra, Gujarat, and
in western ghats of Maharashtra and is a (a) Subansir (b) Yerla (c) Musi (d) Aner Madhya Pradesh. The Tapi river is known
tributary of Tapti river. Ghataprabha River as the 'Gateway of International trade' as
- Right bank tributary of the Krishna River. Sol.170.(a) Subansiri. Tributaries of it conducts much international trade.
Waghur River - It originates near Ajanta in Brahmaputra River: Ronganadi, Dikrong, Narmada, Periyar and Tapti are only
the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra. Buroi, Borgong, Jiabharali, Dhansiri rivers which form estuaries.
(North), Puthimari, Manas, Beki, Sonkosh
Q.166. Which glacier is the source of are the main tributaries on the North Q.174. Which of the following is not a
river Gori Ganga which is an important while the Noadehing, Buridehing, Desang, freshwater lake in India?
tributary of river Kali? Dikhow, Bhogdoi, Dhansiri (South), Kopilli, SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (3rd shift) Kulsi, Krishnai, Dhdhnoi, Jinjiran are the (a) Pulicat (b) Loktak
(a) Tipra Glacier (b) Milam Glacier main tributaries on the South. (c) Bhimtal (d) Nainital
(c) Namik Glacier (d) Kafni Glacier
Glacier (Uttarakhand). Lidder River - Q.175. Which state ranks first with a total
(c) Cataract (d) Chute
Kolahoi Glacier (Himalayas). Pushpawati length of 31.2 thousand km of rivers and
- Tipra Glacier. Ram Ganga - Namik Sol.171.(c) Cataract. Types of Waterfalls: canals, which is about 17% of the total
glacier. Horsetail - Descending water maintains length of rivers and canals in the
some contact with bedrock. Plunge - country?
Q.167. Which of the following lakes is SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (4th shift)
Water descends vertically, losing contact
the longest in India? (a) Kerala (b) West Bengal
with the bedrock surface. Block - Water
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift) (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh
descends from a relatively wide stream
(a) Vembanad lake (b) Kanjia lake
or river. Multi-step - A series of waterfalls
(c) Ansupa lake (d) Wular lake Sol.175.(c) Uttar Pradesh - Fourth
one after another of roughly the same
largest state according to area and 1st
Sol.167.(a) Vembanad lake (Kerala) : size each with its own sunken plunge
state in population. Longest canal in
Length 83.72 km and Width 14.48 km. It pool. Segmented - Distinctly separate
India - Indira Gandhi Canal, Longest river
is connected to the Arabian Sea. The lake flows of water form as it descends.
- Ganga River (2525 km), Origin -
is known for its backwaters (a network of Cascade - Water descends a series of
Gangotri. Longest canal of Uttar Pradesh
canals and waterways). Kanjia Lake - rock steps. Punchbowl - Water descends
- Sharda Canal.
Odisha. Ansupa Lake - Odisha. in a constricted form and then spreads
out in a wider pool. Q.176. Tila, Seti and Beri are the
Q.168. Which river from the following tributaries of :
flows through a rift valley? Q.172. Which of the following rivers SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift) originates near Sihawa in Raipur district (a) Tamsa (b) Ghaghara
(a) Tapi (b) Brahmaputra of Chhattisgarh, flows through Odisha, (c) Mahi (d) Sabarmati
(c) Sabarmati (d) Ganga and eventually empties into the Bay of
Bengal ? Sol.176.(b) Ghaghara. It originates in the
Sol.168.(a) Tapi. Rift valley : It is a SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift) glaciers of Mapchachungo and a major
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left - bank tributary of the Ganges River. Lake (Rawok-Tso) - Largest lake of (c) Ken river (d) Betwa river
Its Tributaries: The left bank tributaries - Eastern Tibet (Pasho). Yamdrok Lake
Bheri, Sarju, Kuwana, Rapti, Chhoti (Freshwater lake inTibet). Sol.185.(b) Mahanadi. Rivers of Malwa
Gandak and the right bank tributaries - plateau - Mahi River, Ken river, Shipra River,
Seti, Dahawar, Sarda, Budhi Ganga. Q.181. The Almatti Dam of Karnataka is Chambal River, Betwa River.
built over which of the following rivers?
Q.177. What is the name of the branch of SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening) Q.186. Kadana Dam of Gujarat is built
river Godavari that joins the Bay of (a) Periyar (b) Sutlej (c) Kaveri (d) Krishna over which of the following rivers?
Bengal flowing through the Yanam SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
enclave of the union territory of Sol.181.(d) Krishna. Other dams on (a) Mahi (b) Manjira (c) Tapti (d) Sabarmati
Puducherry? Krishna river - Achakdani (Maharashtra),
Achler (Maharashtra). River (Dams) : Sol.186.(a) Mahi River. Indian Rivers and
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift)
Kaveri {Alalur (Karnataka), Amaravathi, Dams: Sabarmati River - Dharoi Dam
(a) Kapila (b) Indravati
(Tamil Nadu)}, Periyar {Mullaperiyar (Gujarat). Tapti River - Hatnur Dam
(c) Gautami (d) Bhavani
(Kerala)}. (Maharashtra), Ukai Dam (Gujarat), Girna
Sol.177.(c) Gautami. The Godavari basin Dam (Maharashtra), Dahigam Weir
extends over states of Maharashtra, Q.182. Which of the following (Maharashtra). Krishna River - Nagarjuna
Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and statements is correct regarding large sagar Dam (Telangana). Manjira River -
Odisha in addition to smaller parts in dams? Singur Dam and Nizam Sagar dam
Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Union I. They have social problems because (Telangana). Banas River - Bisalpur Dam
territory of Puducherry. Projects - they displace a large number of peasants (Rajasthan).
Polavaram Irrigation Project, and tribals without adequate
compensation or rehabilitation. Q.187. Which of the following rivers
Kaleshwaram, Sadarmat Anicut,
Il. They have Environmental problems forms the Dhuandhar falls?
Inchampalli, Sriram Sagar.
because they contribute enormously to SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Q.178. Which of the following rivers does deforestation and the loss of biological (a) Tapi (b) Narmada
NOT flow in Kerala State? diversity. (c) Godavari (d) Mahanadi
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift) SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (2nd Shift) Sol.187.(b) Narmada. The Dhuandhar
(a) Bharathapuzha (b) Periyar (a) Only l (b) Both l and Il
Falls is located in the Jabalpur district of
(c) Pamba (d) Penner (c) Only ll (d) Neither I nor Il Madhya Pradesh.
Sol.178.(d) Penner - It rises in Nandi Sol.182.(b) Both I and II. Advantages of Q.188. Which among the following lakes
Hills in Chikballapur District of Karnataka Dams - Irrigation, tourist attraction, flood connects the twin cities of Hyderabad
and falls into the Bay of Bengal. control, hydro power generation, etc. and Secunderabad?
Bharathapuzha (Ponnani) river is Kerala's Disadvantages of dams - High SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
second longest West Flowing River, construction cost, unbalanced (a) Kanwar (b) Salim Ali
draining into the Arabian Sea. sedimentation, deforestation, ecological (c) Hussain Sagar (d) Periyan
Q.179. A long, winding ridge of stratified imbalance, endangered aquatic life etc.
sand and gravel is known as: Sol.188.(c) Hussain Sagar: A heart -
Q.183. Which of the following rivers
made of sands and gravels, deposited by Sol.183.(d) Banas. The river originates lake - Kerala.
glacial meltwater flowing through tunnels from the Khamnor hills of the Aravali
within and underneath glaciers, or Q.189. The region of Ganga Brahmaputra
range. It is a tributary of the Chambal
through meltwater channels on top of basin lies in____.
River. It is also known as “Van ki Asha”.
glaciers. Other depositional landforms: SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Length of Banas: 512 km. Tributaries:
Drumlins are smooth oval shaped ridge (a) 10°N to 10°N latitude
Kothari, Dai, Dheel, Menali etc.
-like features composed mainly of glacial (b) 30°N to 50°N latitude
till with some masses of gravel and sand. Q.184. Jabalpur is located on the banks (c) 5°N to 10°N latitude
of which of the following rivers? (d) 10°N to 30°N latitude
Q.180. Which is a saltwater lake located SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (1st Shift)
in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China, Sol.189.(d) 10°N to 30°N latitude. The
(a) Ganga (b) Godavari
to the west of Lake Mansarovar and to Brahmaputra originates in the north of
(c) Chambal (d) Narmada
the south of Mount Kailash? the Himalayas near Mansarovar Lake in
Graduate Level 30/06/2023 ( Shift - 1) Sol.184.(d) Narmada (Reva River, 1312 the Purang district of Tibet (Known as
(a) Lake Yamdrok Tso (b) Lake Rawok km): India’s 5th longest and largest Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet), (other names
(c) Lake Rakshastal (d) Lake Basum Tso west-flowing river, running through a rift : Siang/Dihang River) India, and
valley between the Vindhya and Satpura Bangladesh (Jamuna River). The Delta
Sol.180.(c) Lake Rakshastal. Pangong ranges. formed by Ganga Brahmaputra is
Lake - World's highest saltwater lake. Sunderban Delta (largest delta in the
Loktak Lake (Floating lake, Manipur) is Q.185. Which of the following is not an
famous for phumdi and Keibul Lamjao important river of Malwa plateau?
National Park is the only floating national SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift) Q.190. In which state of India is Tawa
park in the world located on it. Ranwu (a) Chambal river (b) Mahanadi river dam located?
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SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening) Western Himalayas), Kullu Valley (formed floor
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Haryana by the Beas River between Manali and (d) The higher level tributary
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh Larji). Other famous valleys in Himachal
Pradesh: Solang Valley, Spiti Valley, Sol.197.(b) A moraine is material left
Sol.190.(d) Madhya Pradesh - Indra Tirthan Valley, Kinnaur valley, Green behind by a moving glacier. This material
Sagar dam, largest in state (Narmada Valley, Barot Valley, Lahaul Valley, Pabbar is usually soil and rock. Moraines are
river), Gandhisagar Dam (Chambal River), Valley, etc. divided into four main categories: lateral
Bargi Dam (Narmada River). Uttar moraines, medial moraines, supraglacial
Pradesh - Rihand dam also known as Q.194. Which state in India is the source moraines, and terminal moraines.
Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar. Haryana - of river Ghaggar?
Kaushalya Dam (Yamuna River), Higher Secondary 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 ) Q.198. Which of the following ports is
Anangpur Dam (Hakra River). Gujarat - (a) Uttar Pradesh (b)Uttarakhand known as ‘Diamond Harbour’?
Sardar Sarovar Dam (Narmada River). (c) Haryana (d) Himachal Pradesh SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Evening)
Rajasthan - Rana Pratap Sagar (Chambal (a) Port Blair (b) Kochi
river). Sol.194.(d) Himachal Pradesh (Shivalik (c) Kolkata (d) Mangalore
hills). It flows through Punjab, Haryana
Q.191. Arrange the following rivers as and then into Rajasthan. It flows only Sol.198.(c) Kolkata Port (Haldia seaport)
they occur in the North-South direction in during the monsoon season. It is known is the only riverine Major Port situated on
India. Beas, Indus, Chenab, Satluj, Ravi as Hakra river in Pakistan. The main the Hugli river in West Bengal. Cochin
Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) tributaries of the Ghaggar are the Port or Kochi port lies on two islands in
(a) Satluj, Indus, Chenab, Ravi, Beas Kaushalya river, Markanda, Sarsuti, the Vembanadu Lake; Willingdon Island
(b) Indus, Ravi, Beas, Chenab, Satluj Tangri and Chautang. and Vallarpadam and is important for the
(c) Satluj, Ravi, Indus, Chenab, Beas export of spices and salt.
(d) Indus, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Satluj Q.195. India and Sri Lanka are joined by
a group of islets forming ______. Q.199. Which lake of India is the result of
Sol.191.(d) Indus (Sindhu) river - Source SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Evening) tectonic activity?
(Lake Manasarovar), Satluj (Lake (a) Mahatma Gandhi Setu SSC MTS 25/07/2022 (Morning)
Rakshastal in Tibet), Ravi (Multhan tehsil (b) Sisseri River Bridge (a) Wular lake (b) Barapani lake
of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh), (c) Bhupen Hazarika Bridge (c) Dal lake (d) Loktak lake
Chenab (Baralacha Pass in Himachal (d) Adam’s Bridge Sol.199.(a) Wular Lake, one of Asia's
Pradesh) etc.
Sol.195.(d) Adam's Bridge (Rama Setu), largest freshwater lakes, is fed by the
Q.192. Which is a major watershed for is a chain of limestone shoals, between Jhelum River and located in Bandipora,
the headwaters of the Yamuna River lies Pamban Island (Rameswaram Island), Jammu and Kashmir. Barapani lake
in the western Garhwal region of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island, Sri located in Meghalaya.
Uttarakhand? Lanka. Mahatma Gandhi Setu (Bihar), Q.200. Tsomgo Lake is a glacial lake
Graduate Level 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 ) Sisseri River Bridge (Arunachal Pradesh), located in which of the following states?
(a) Dokriani glacier Bhupen Hazarika bridge (Connects SSC MTS 25/07/2022 (Evening)
(b) Bandarpunch glacier Assam and Arunachal Pradesh). (a) Meghalaya (b) Punjab
Sol.192.(b) Bandarpunch glacier (part of SSC MTS 14/07/2022 (Evening) (Changu Lake) remains frozen during the
Sankari range and lies within the Govind (a) Jaipur (b) Ajmer (c) Bikaner (d) Alwar winter season. It is revered as a holy lake
Pashu Vihar National park and by the people of Sikkim.
Sanctuary). Dokriani glacier {located in Sol.196.(b) Ajmer. Freshwater Lakes in
the Bhagirathi basin of the central Rajasthan: Ajmer - Ana Sagar Lake, Lake Q.201. The Ganga plain extends between
Himalaya, Uttarkashi district Foy Sagar; Alwar - Siliserh Lake; two rivers?
(Uttrakhand)}. Kafni Glacier {located in Banswara - Anand Sagar Lake and Dailab SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Evening)
the upper reaches of the Kumaon Lake; Bundi - Jait Sagar Lake, Kanak (a) Yamuna and Teesta
Himalayas, to the southeast of Nanda Sagar Lake, and Nawar Sagar Lake; (b) Ghaggar and Teesta
Devi, gives rise to the Kafni River Dungarpur - Gaib Sagar Lake; Jaisalmer - (c) Ghaggar and Bhagirathi
(tributary of the Pindar River)}. Doonagiri Gadsisar Lake; Jodhpur - Balsamand (d) Ganga and Teesta
Glacier {Garhwal Himalayas, Dhauli Lake, Kailana Lake; Kota - Kishore Sagar
Lake; Rajsamand - Rajsamand Lake; Sol.201.(b) Ghaggar and Teesta. Six
ganga system of Glaciers}. Physiographic Divisions of India - 1. The
Udaipur - Doodh Talai, Fateh Sagar Lake,
Q.193. In which state of India is the Jaisamand Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, and Himalayan Mountains 2. The Northern
Kangra and Kullu valley located? Pichola Lake. Plains 3. The Peninsular Plateau 4. The
Graduate Level 01/08/2022 (Shift - 4 ) Indian Desert 5. The Coastal Plains 6.
(a) Uttar Pradesh Q.197. What is the meaning of the term The Islands. The Western part of the
(b) Jammu and Kashmir Moraine? Northern Plain is referred to as the
(c) Himachal Pradesh SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Morning) Punjab Plains. Brahmaputra plain lies in
(d) Uttarakhand (a) Melting of accumulated snow the state of Assam.
(b) Material transported and deposited
Q.202. Which river basin covers an area
Sol.193.(c) Himachal Pradesh. Kangra by glacier 2
Valley (river valley situated in the (c) Valley with vertical sides and wide of 65,145 𝑘𝑚 , of which about 80% lies in
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Maharashtra? Pondicherry. Sol.212.(a) Dudhsagar Falls is a
SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Morning) four-tiered waterfall on the Mandovi
(a) Krishna (b) Narmada Q.207. The Hundru Fall lies along the River. Duduma Falls lies on the border of
(c) Godavari (d) Tapi course of which of the following rivers? Koraput (Odisha) and Visakhapatnam
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon) (Andhra Pradesh). Gokak Falls is on the
Sol.202.(d) Tapi Basin is situated in the (a) Damodar (b) Sone Ghataprabha River in Belagavi,
northern part of the Deccan Plateau. (c) Mahanadi (d) Subarnarekha Karnataka. Shivasamudram Falls is
Nearly 80% of the basin lies in the State located in Chamarajanagar and Mandya
of Maharashtra. Sol.207.(d) Subarnarekha. It is located in
Ranchi District. Rajrappa waterfalls occur districts, Karnataka.
Q.203. Which state does the at the confluence of River Bhairavi and Q.213. Which of the following is the
Brahmaputra river enter when it takes a U river Damodar. largest west flowing river in Rajasthan?
turn at Namcha Barwa? SSC MTS 13/10/2021(Evening)
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening) Q.208. River Ken is one of the major
rivers of the Bundelkhand region of (a) Luni (b) Chambal
(a) Mizoram (b) Assam (c) Banganga (d) Banas
(c) Nagaland (d) Arunachal Pradesh central India and flows through two
states, Madhya Pradesh and ______. Sol.213.(a) Luni River originates in the
Sol.203.(d) Arunachal Pradesh. The SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening) Pushkar valley, Aravalli Range, flows
catchment area of the Brahmaputra (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra through the Thar Desert, and ends in the
(Tsangpo) river falls in four countries (c) Rajasthan (d) Uttar Pradesh Rann of Kutch, Gujarat.
(Tibet, Bhutan, India, and Bangladesh).
Sol.208.(d) Uttar Pradesh. River Ken It is Q.214. In which of the following states is
Q.204. Which river basin covers an area a tributary of the Yamuna. The important the Bhambavli Vajrai Waterfall located?
of 8,60,000 𝑘𝑚 and is spread across 11 tributaries of Ken - Alona, Bearma, Sonar, SSC MTS 14/10/2021(Evening)
Indian states? Mirhasan, Shyamari, Banne, Kutri, Urmil, (a) Odisha (b) Andhra Pradesh
SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Morning) Kail and Chandrawal. (c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra
(a) Mahanadi basin (b) Ganga basin
Q.209. Which of the following rivers form Sol.214.(d) Maharashtra. This waterfall
(c) Indus basin (d) Brahmaputra basin
Kunchikal waterfall in Karnataka? is situated in the district of Satara in
Sol.204.(b) Ganga Basin - 11 States. SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening) western Maharashtra. Famous waterfalls
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya (a) Mandavi (b) Varahi in Maharashtra - Malshej Falls,
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, (c) Urmodi (d) Kabini Pandavkada waterfall, Randha Falls,
Rajasthan, West Bengal, Haryana, Chinaman's Falls, Dhobi Waterfall,
Sol.209.(b) Varahi. Kunchikal Falls is
Himachal Pradesh and Delhi. Indus Basin Sahastrakund waterfalls, Zenith Falls,
located in Nidagodu village near
Q.225. On which river is Peacock Island
Sol.219.(c) Sutlej. Gurdwara Patalpuri located? Q.230. In which of the following states is
Sahib located in Rupnagar district of SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Afternoon)
Punjab. Guru Hargobind Ji in 1644 as the Sirki Waterfall located?
(a) Mahanadi (b) Ganga SSC CHSL 06/8/2021 (Afternoon)
well as Guru Har Rai Ji in 1661 were (c) Brahmaputra (d) Yamuna
cremated here. (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh
Sol.225.(c) Brahmaputra. Peacock
Q.220. Which of the following is a Island or Umananda Island is the
tributary of the river Brahmaputra that Sol.230.(a) Arunachal Pradesh. Other
smallest inhabited river island in the Waterfalls - The Nuranang Waterfall, the
flows through Bhutan? middle of river Brahmaputra, flowing
SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Evening) Bap Teng Kang Waterfall.
through the city of Guwahati. Its name
(a) Wang Chhu River (b) Sittaung River
derives from Assamese Uma. It is also Q.231. Which river has the tributaries by
(c) Ayeyarwady River (d) Chindwin River known as Bhasmachal. the name of Mayurakshi, Damodar,
Sol.220.(a) Wang Chhu River. Bhutan Kangsabati and Rupnarayan ?
Q.226. Which of the following is
has four major rivers, named Drangme SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
Uttarakhand’s first gravity dam? (a) Godavari (b) Yamuna
Chhu, Mo Chhu, Wang Chhu and Torsa SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Morning) (c) Hooghly (d) Brahmaputra
Chhu. The Brahmaputra is one of the (a) Tehri dam (b) Baigul dam
largest rivers of the Indian Subcontinent. (c) Dhora dam (d) Song dam Sol.231.(c) Hooghly. It is the eastern
Q.221. In which of the following states is distributary of the Ganges River in West
Sol.226.(d) Song dam which is to be built Bengal.
Q.236. What kind of depositional SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
landforms are formed when streams highest waterfall in the world.
(a) Congo basin (b) Amur basin
flowing from higher levels break into foot (c) Amazon basin (d) Nile basin Q.244. Where is Red Lake found ?
slope plains of low gradient? SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning) Sol.240.(c) Amazon basin. The Amazon (a) Japan (b) UK (c) USA (d) China
(a) Point bars (b) Flood plains Basin, formed by numerous tributaries,
(c) Alluvial fans (d) Natural levees drains parts of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Sol.244.(c) USA. Country and Lakes:
Ecuador, Colombia, and a small section USA - Abert, Ontario, Erie, Huron,
Sol.236.(c) Alluvial fans. A point bar is a of Venezuela. It lies directly on the Michigan. India - Chilka Lake, Sambhar
depositional feature made of alluvium equator and experiences a hot, humid Salt Lake, Loktak Lake, Wular Lake.
that accumulates on the inside bend of climate year-round, with both day and Canada - Aberdeen Lake, Lake Abitibi.
streams and rivers below the slip-off night feeling equally warm and sticky. Brazil - Agua Vermelha. Australia - Lake
slope. An alluvial fan is a triangle-shaped High rainfall, high temperature, and high Alexandrina, Lake Amadeus. Scotland -
deposit of gravel, sand, and even smaller humidity are the features of the basin. Loch Lomond.
located? SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) (a) Naini Lake (b) Bhopal Lake (a) Huron (b) Titicaca
(a) Gujarat (c) Dal Lake (d) Chilika Lake (c) Superior (d) Como
(b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Jammu & Kashmir Sol.241.(b) Bhopal Lake, also known as Sol.245.(b) Titicaca - Situated 3810 m
(d) Telangana Bhojtal, was created in the 11th century above sea level and is situated between
by King Bhoja of the Paramara dynasty. It Peru to the west and Bolivia to the east,
Sol.237.(c) Jammu and Kashmir. is situated in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, South America.
Baglihar dam is a run-of-the-river power and is constructed on Kolans river. Lakes
project on the Chenab river. Important in Madhya Pradesh: Sangram Sagar, Q.246. Which is the correct sequence of
Dams - Kadana Dam (Gujarat), Chamera Shahpura lake. Dal Lake - It is often lakes according to depth (from maximum
Dam (Himachal Pradesh), Singur Dam referred to as Srinagar's Jewel, is a to minimum) ?
(Telangana). freshwater lake located in Srinagar, SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Jammu and Kashmir. (a) Caspian Sea > Tanganyika > Vostok >
World Drainage System Baikal
Q.242. Which river originates south of (b) Baikal > Caspian Sea > Tanganyika >
Q.238. A river is capable of forming the equator and flows north through Vostok
which of the following landscapes when north-eastern Africa to drain into the (c) Baikal > Tanganyika > Caspian Sea >
the river is in its middle course? Mediterranean Sea? Vostok
SSC MTS 07/10/2024 (1st Shift) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) (d) Caspian Sea > Baikal >Tanganyika >
(a) Waterfalls (b) A delta (a) Lena River (b) Nile River Vostok
(c) V shaped valley (d) A meander (c) Amazon River (d) Congo River
Sol.246.(c) Baikal (world’s deepest lake):
Sol.238.(d) A meander is a U-shaped Sol.242.(b) Nile River. Its length is about Depth - 5,387 ft, Location - Russia.
bend in a river formed by erosion and 6,695 kilometers (4,160 miles). The Nile Tanganyika: Depth - 4,823 ft, Location -
deposition. A V-shaped valley is created basin is huge and includes parts of Central Africa on the borders of
the Gulf of Oman in the north-west and coal and is known as the "Ruhr of India"
the Gulf of Aden in the south-west and Sol.255.(d) Hornblende: It is an
because of its similarities to the coal-rich
covers a total area of 1,491,000 square Ruhr region of Germany. inosilicate amphibole mineral. Uses:
miles? Highway construction: As an aggregate
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 4) Q.252. Which of the following is a for road bases and surfaces. Railroad
(a) Arabian Sea (b) Mediterranean Sea precious mineral? ballast: To provide drainage and stability
(c) Caribbean Sea (d) Coral Sea SSC MTS 18/10/2024 (2nd Shift) under railroad tracks.
(a) Hematite (b) Mica
Sol.248.(a) Arabian Sea forms part of (c) Bauxite (d) Platinum Q.256. Which coal is low-grade, brown
the sea route between Europe and India. and soft with high moisture content?
Name of Straits and Joining Seas - Strait Sol.252.(d) Platinum. It is used in hard SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
of Gibraltar (Atlantic Ocean with the disk drives, thermocouples, optical fibers, (a) Metallurgical (b) Lignite
Mediterranean Sea), Sunda Strait (Java LCDs, turbine blades, and spark plugs. (c) Bituminous (d) Anthracite
Sea and Indian Ocean), Mesina Strait ( Hematite: A common iron ore used in
island of Sicily and the southern tip of iron production. Platinum-based drugs Sol.256.(b) Lignite. Bituminous:
mainland Italy), Bab-el-Mandeb Strait cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin are Medium-grade, black, and less moisture
widely used for chemotherapeutic content than lignite, used for electricity,
Q.249. Which of the following channels industrial applications, including very low moisture content, used for
or straits is located between the Great electronics and construction. Bauxite: residential heating and industrial
Nicobar Island and Indonesia's Sumatra The primary ore of aluminum. processes. Tamil Nadu is the largest
Island? producer of lignite in India.
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Evening) Q.253. The Panchpatmali mineral
(a) 10 degree channel deposit region is located in which state Q.257. Match the following renewable
(b) Palk Strait from the following? sources of energy with their producing
(c) Grand channel SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift) regions in India correctly.
(d) 9 degree channel (a) Haryana (b) Odisha Renewable source Regions in India
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Rajasthan of energy
Sol.249.(c) Grand Channel. The Coco 1. Tidal energy a. Gulf of Khambhat
Strait is between the North Andaman Sol.253.(b) Odisha. Panchpatmali 2. Wind energy b. Nagercoil
islands and the Coco Islands of deposits in Koraput district are the most 3. Geo Thermal c. Puga valley
Myanmar. Sumatra and Java are important bauxite deposits in the state. energy
separated by the Sunda Strait. Important Mines deposit in India:
Balaghat mines (Madhya Pradesh), Khetri SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.250. The city of _________ is located at mines (Rajasthan), Maikal hills (Madhya (a) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a (b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
the mouth of the Yangtze River. Pradesh and Chhattisgarh), Nellore mica (c) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c (d) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
SSC CGL 03/03/2020 (Evening) belt (Andhra Pradesh), Kudremukh mines Sol.257.(b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c. Renewable
(a) Shanghai (b) Beijing (Karnataka). energy comes from natural sources that
(c) Lhasa (d) Guangzhou
Q.254. Which type of coal is found in are regenerated more quickly than they
Sol.250.(a) Shanghai. Yangtze river Damodar valley? are used up. They are natural and
(approximately 6300 km) is the longest SSC MTS 14/11/2024 (1st Shift) self-replenishing, and usually have a low-
Power plant located? Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift)
Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Uttar Pradesh Pradesh, Chandigarh & Rajasthan. Sol.266.(d) Karnataka is the leading
(c) Maharashtra (d) Karnataka producer of iron ore in India, with major
Important hydel power stations and the
rivers on which they are located: Bhakra deposits located in the Bellary-Hospet,
Sol.259.(b) Uttar Pradesh. Operational Chitradurga, and Shimoga regions. Other
Nuclear power plants in India: Kakrapar Nangal (Sutlej River), Gandhi Sagar Dam
(Chambal River), and Nagarjuna Sagar significant iron ore-producing states
Atomic Power Station (Gujarat), Madras include Odisha, Jharkhand, and
(Rajasthan), Tarapur Atomic Power SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) enterprise, dealing with which of the
Station (Maharashtra), Kudankulam (a) Geothermal energy (b) Atomic energy following minerals?
Nuclear Power Plant (Tamil Nadu). (c) Cattle dung (d) Solar power Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
the following states in India ? Q.274. The Gua and Noamundi mines are India is nicknamed as the storehouse of
Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3) located in with state of India? minerals?
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Meghalaya SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (2nd Shift) SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (4th shift)
(c) Bihar (d) Haryana (a) Assam (b) Haryana (a) Deccan Plateau (b) Western Ghats
Meghalaya and Nagaland. It is extracted Jharkhand: Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, bauxite, copper, limestone, iron ore, coal,
from Darangiri, Cherrapunji, Mewlong and Chiria. Major reserves of haematite iron manganese ore, and chromite.
Langrin (Meghalaya); Makum, Jaipur and in India: Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh,
Nazira (Assam); Namchik - Namphuk Karnataka and Goa. Iron ore mines in Q.279. What are the main energy sources
(Arunachal Pradesh) and Kalakot India: Bailadila (Chattisgarh), Balda for earth's internal heat engine?
(Jammu and Kashmir). The brown coal Block, Joda (Odisha). SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift)
or lignite occurs in the coastal areas of (a) Radiogenic heat and oceanic tide
Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Gujarat and Q.275. According to the Indian Minerals heat
Yearbook 2020, which state has the (b) Heat from volcanoes and solar heat
known for the production of which of the SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift)
Sol.279.(d) The Earth's heat is the
Q.281. The approximate amount of silica Q.285. Kawas Thermal Power Station is Sol.288.(d) Coal is the most important
present in cement is: located in which of the following states? and abundant fossil fuel in India. It is
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (2nd shift) SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Morning) variously referred to as the 'black gold' or
(a) between 27% and 35% (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra 'black diamond'. It contains carbon,
(b) between 37% and 45% (c) West Bengal (d) Rajasthan volatile matter, moisture, and ash.
(c) between 17% and 25%
(d) between 47% and 55% Sol.285.(a) Gujarat. Thermal power Q.289. Which of the following is NOT a
station in India: Gujarat - Kutch, Sikka, major iron ore belt in India?
Sol.281.(c) Between 17% and 25%. Dhuvaran. Maharashtra - Bhusawal, SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Cement - It was first introduced in Trombay, Khaparkheda. Rajasthan - (a) Maharashtra - Goa belt
England in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin. Chhabra, Barsingsar, Suratgarh, Kota. (b) Haryana - Rajasthan belt
Composition of Cement: Lime (60-65%), West Bengal - Farakka Super, Kolaghat, (c) Odisha - Jharkhand belt
Silica (17-25%), Alumina (3-8%), Bakreshwar. (d) Durg - Bastar - Chandrapur belt
Magnesia (1-3%), Iron oxide (0.5-6%),
Calcium Sulfate (0.1-0.5%), Sulfur Q.286. The main mineral constituents of Sol.289.(b) Haryana-Rajasthan belt. The
Trioxide (1-3%), Alkaline (0-1%). the continental mass are ____ and _____ . major iron ore belts in India are Odisha-
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning) Jharkhand belt : High grade haematite
Q.282. The Gulf of Khambhat, the Gulf of (a) silica, magnesium ore is found in Badampahar mines in the
Kutch and Sundarbans region provide (b) silica, alumina Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts.
ideal conditions for utilizing ___________
energy in India.
(c) oxygen, carbon
(d) alumina, magnesium na Q.290. The largest wind farm cluster of
SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift) India is located in ______.
(a) wind (b) thermal (c) tidal (d) solar Sol.286.(b) Silica, alumina. It is often SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
termed Sial (Si-silica and Al - aluminum). (a) Gujarat (b) Tamil Nadu
Sol.282.(c) Tidal energy is a renewable Earth (three layers): Crust, Mantle, and (c) Maharashtra (d) Karnataka
energy source that harnesses the power Core. Crust (outermost) - It is about 5
of the ocean's tides to generate km thick under the oceans and about 30 Sol.290.(b) Tamil Nadu. The name of
electricity. As of September 2024, Gujarat km thick under the continents. Mantle - this wind farm is Muppandal Wind Farm,
has the largest installed wind power The major constituent elements are located in Muppandal, Kanyakumari
generation capacity in India. Rajasthan silicon and Magnesium. Core (mostly district, Tamil Nadu. It is an onshore wind
ranks 1st among Indian states in terms Iron and nickel) - This is the innermost farm with a capacity of 1,500 MW. The
largest wind farm in the world is the
baser metals like iron into gold? has the largest reserves of gold ore in Q.291. The major resources of Gondwana
coal, which are metallurgical coal is
glass and ceramic industries? semi-arid regions, agricultural fields were
SSC CHSL 6/06/2022 (Afternoon)
Q.299. In which of the following states is converted into rain fed storage structures
(a) Amphibole (b) Feldspar shifting agriculture locally called Penda ? that allowed the water to stand and
(c) Zeolites (d) Pyroxene
SSC MTS 17/10/2024 (1st Shift) moisten the soil like the ‘khadins’ in
Sol.294.(b) Feldspars are a group of (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Orissa Jaisalmer and ‘Johads’ in other parts of
rock-forming aluminum tectosilicate (c) West Bengal (d) Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan. Roof top rain water harvesting
minerals, containing sodium, calcium, is the most common practice in Shillong,
Sol.299.(a) Andhra Pradesh. In India,
placers)? region.
2022-23, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Afternoon)
and Rajasthan are the top three pulses
Sol.295.(b) Bauxite deposits are formed SSC MTS 17/10/2024 (3rd Shift) the largest producer of pulses in the
by the decomposition of a wide variety of (a) Maize (b) Wheat (c) Jute (d) Paddy world.
rocks rich in aluminium silicates. Q.304. Which of the following
Sol.300.(d) Paddy is basically a tropical
Q.296. Which of the following is an crop. 'Aus', 'Aman' and 'Boro' are grown in statements correctly defines the green
Export Processing Zone (EPZ) set up in states like Assam, West Bengal, and revolution?
West Bengal? Odisha throughout the year. Aus: Sown in SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Morning) the summer, along with pre-monsoonal (a) It is a new strategy in agriculture to
(a) Farakka (b) Falta rains, and harvested in the autumn. produce food grains, especially
(c) Haldia (d) Midnapur Aman: Sown in the monsoon and wheat and rice.
harvested in the winter. Boro: Sown in the (b) It is a new strategy to increase the
Sol.296.(b) Falta. An Export Processing winter and harvested in the summer. share of the forest.
Zone (EPZ) is a Customs area where one (c) It is a new strategy to use green
is allowed to import plant, machinery, Q.301. Which type of tea in large amount colour for all purposes.
equipment and material for the is exported from India to importing (d) It is a new strategy to use only herbal
manufacture of export goods under countries? products.
security, without payment of duty. SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) Herbal tea (b) Regular tea Sol.304.(a) The Green Revolution,
Q.297. In which of the following states starting in the 1960s, aimed to achieve
(c) Green tea (d) Black tea
are the Sundargarh deposits of food security and reduce food imports,
Manganese located? Sol.301.(d) Black tea. India is the world's particularly in India. It involved the
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening) second largest tea producer after China. introduction of high-yielding variety
(a) Odisha (b) Maharashtra The types of tea exported through India seeds, mechanized farming, improved
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irrigation, and the use of pesticides and National Mission for Sustainable mid-1980s), the HYV technology spread
fertilizers. Agriculture (NMSA) has been made to a larger number of states and
operational from the year 2014-15 which benefited more variety of crops. The
Q.305. According to the Agricultural and
aims at making agriculture more spread of green revolution technology
Processed food products Export
productive, sustainable, remunerative enabled India to achieve self-sufficiency
Development Authority (APEDA)
and climate resilient by promoting in food grains.
2020-2021, which state of India has the
location specific integrated /composite
first rank in grapes production? Q.312. Which of the following
farming systems; soil and moisture
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift) movements created regional disparities
conservation measures; comprehensive
(a) Maharashtra (b) Karnataka between large and small farmers in
soil health management; efficient water
(c) Bihar (d) Uttar Pradesh India?
management practices and
mainstreaming rainfed technologies. SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Sol.305.(a) Maharashtra. APEDA was
(a) Green revolution (b) Yellow revolution
established in 1986, operates under the
Q.309. What was a significant negative (c) Pink revolution (d) Blue revolution
Ministry of Commerce and Trade to
environmental impact of the Green
promote the export of agricultural and Sol.312.(a) Green revolution in India
processed food products. started with the aim of increasing India's
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) Deforestation agricultural production to make India
Q.306. The green revolution technology
(b) Soil degradation self-sufficient in food grains.
resulted in an increase in production of
cereal production from 72.4 million tons (c) Increase in air pollution Q.313. Which of the following
in 1965-66 to ________ million tons in (d) Ozone layer depletion statements is/are correct?
1978-79. i. The first green revolution led to
Sol.309.(b) Soil degradation. The Green
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) over-exploitation of natural resources.
Revolution caused soil fertility loss
(a) 150.8 (b) 165.9 (c) 131.9 (d) 141.2 ii. The second Green Revolution was
through the use of chemical fertilizers.
Sol.306.(c) 131.9. The cereal production Chemical fertilizers also kill bacteria and more focused on Southern India.
iii. The second green revolution ensured
was increased due to three factors: (i) other microorganisms in the soil. Green
Increase in net area under cultivation; (ii) Revolution also led to groundwater in achieving sustainable livelihood
Growing two or more crops in a year on depletion due to extensive tubewell
the same piece of land; and (iii) Use of irrigation, impacting long-term SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(a) i and iii (b) Only ii
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Revolution focuses on sustainable
(a) Raipur (b) Patna (a) Unitary (b) Proportionate agriculture in eastern India, rainfed areas,
(c) Kolkata (d) Bhubaneswar (c) Unpredictable (d) Disproportionate and small farmers, promoting
is located at ICAR-Research Complex for to afford the necessary inputs, like Q.314. What action was taken by the
Eastern Region (RCER), Patna. The SGR high-yield variety (HYV) seeds, fertilizers, government to celebrate the
Cell was created by the Ministry of and irrigation, and thus reaped greater achievement of the Green Revolution in
Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, benefits. Smaller farmers often lacked agriculture?
Government of India to improve access to these resources and faced SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
agricultural productivity and livelihood in higher risks, as the HYV crops were more (a) Released a regular salary for the
the Eastern region of India because the vulnerable to pests, potentially causing farmers
benefits of first Green Revolution were severe losses. About 65 percent of the (b) Distributed free food to all the people
mainly confined to north-western states country’s population continued to be (c) Released a special stamp, ‘Wheat
of Haryana, Punjab and western Uttar employed in agriculture even as late as Revolution’
Pradesh. 1990. (d) Distributed green vegetables to the
Q.308. Which of the following Q.311. What was the main objective of
statements about the aims of National the Second Green Revolution in India? Sol.314.(c) Green Revolution : The term
Mission for Sustainable Agriculture SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift) was first used by William Gaud, with
(NMSA) of India is/are correct? (a) Ensuring food security in the western Norman Borlaug recognized as its global
1.To make agriculture more productive. states father and M.S. Swaminathan was the
2.To make agriculture more sustainable. (b) Promoting conventional agricultural father of the Green Revolution in India.
3.To promote organic farming. practices India adopted a new agricultural strategy,
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (c) Focusing on holistic development in boosting wheat and rice production. In
(a) Only 1 is correct. agriculture July 1968, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
(b) Only 2 and 3 are correct. (d) Increasing the use of chemical commemorated its success by releasing
(c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct. fertilizers and pesticides a special stamp titled "Wheat Revolution."
(d) Only 1 and 2 are correct.
Sol.311.(c) In the second phase of the Q.315. What is the economic justification
Sol.308.(c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct. green revolution (mid-1970s to for subsidies in the agriculture sector?
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SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift) crop. Revolution - To increase agricultural
(a) It is mostly used to provide benefits productivity, White Revolution - Milk
for rich farmers. Q.319. Which of the following types of production, Black Revolution - Petroleum
(b) It is a part of government expenditure crops are sown after the end of the products, Brown Revolution - Leather /
in the service sector. monsoon season? Cocoa / Non-Conventional Products,
(c) It is an incentive to provide the SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift) Golden Fiber Revolution - Jute
benefits of advanced technology and (a) Kharif crops (b) Zaid crops Production, Silver Revolution - Egg
decrease the cost of production. (c) Rabi crops (d) Vital crops Production / Poultry Production, Red
(d) It is used to provide benefits for Sol.319.(c) Rabi crops. It is an Revolution - Meat Production / Tomato
capital goods producers in agricultural crop that is sown in the Production.
agriculture. winter and harvested in the spring. Q.323. Which of the following types of
Sol.315.(c) Agricultural subsidies Q.320. Which of the following is NOT one crops are sown at the beginning of the
support food security and development of the consequences of the Green monsoon season?
by helping farmers boost production, Revolution? SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift)
improve food availability, and reduce SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift) (a) Rabi crops (b) Kharif crops
poverty. Input subsidies lower costs, (a) Employment of agricultural workers (c) Vital crops (d) Zaid crops
incentivize adoption, increase increased
productivity, and stimulate economic Sol.323.(b) Kharif crops. These crops
(b) Rising prices and a shift in the mode are typically planted during June to
growth. of payment of agricultural workers September and harvested in the
Q.316. In West Bengal, how many rice from payment in cash to payment in post-monsoon season (October to
crops are grown in a year? kind (grain) November). Examples of Kharif crops
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) Wages of agricultural workers include rice, maize, cotton, and sorghum.
(a) Three (b) Two (c) Four (d) One Rabi crops are sown after the monsoon
(d) The rich grew richer and many of the season, usually in the winter months
Sol.316.(a) Three. In states like Assam, poor stagnated or grew poorer
(October to December), and harvested in
West Bengal, and Odisha, three paddy the spring (March to May). Zaid crops are
crops are grown annually: Aus, Aman, Sol.320.(b) Impact of Green Revolution :
Positive - Increase in production and grown in the intervening period between
and Boro. Kharif and Rabi seasons, typically in the
productivity of food grains, reduction in
Q.317. Which state in India was the most hunger, and technological advancements summer months (March to June).
transformed by the Green Revolution? in agriculture. Negative - Decline in Soil Q.324. Which of the following
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift) fertility, High production costs, Regional statement/s about the Green Revolution
Q.326. Which of these is NOT true of the were farmers encouraged to begin to use Q.332. Which crops are benefitted from
second phase of the green revolution? high yielding variety seeds ? the temperate cyclones arising from the
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift) Mediterranean Sea that cause rainfall in
(a) It was adopted by farmers living in dry (a) Farmers’ children were given free Punjab?
education in government colleges
and semi-arid regions of India. Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
(b) It was launched in areas with a and universities. (a) Cash crops (b) Kharif crops
(b) Agricultural labourers were paid
significant shift from dry to wet (c) Rabi crops (d) Zaid crops
(irrigated) cultivation. wages directly by the government.
(c) Farmers were given monetary support Sol.332.(c) Rabi crops. Temperate
Sol.326.(c) The use of HYV seeds was those prevailing in the market. of snowfall in the lower Himalayas. It is
restricted to the more affluent states this snow that sustains the flow of water
Sol.329.(d) Farmers were encouraged to
such as Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and in the Himalayan rivers during the
the green revolution (mid-1970s to plains and from north to south in the
government. The government made HYV
mid-1980s), the HYV technology spread mountains.
seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and
prices, meaning they were cheaper than then Prime Minister of India, officially
Q.327. Who among the following is NOT market rates. This helped reduce the recorded impressive strides of the Green
associated with the Green Revolution? financial burden on farmers and Revolution in agriculture by releasing a
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) incentivized them to adopt new special stamp entitled _________ .
(a) Norman Borlaug agricultural technologies. HYV seeds are SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
(b) P Chidambaram resistant to insects and diseases and are (a) Wheat Revolution (b) Fasal Kranti
(c) Chidambaram Subramaniam known for their high yields. (c) Harit Kranti (d) Green Revolution
(d) MS Swaminathan
Q.330. Which of the following is NOT an Sol.333.(a) Wheat Revolution (Part of
Sol.327.(b) P Chidambaram. Green agro-based industry? Green Revolution) was initiated under the
Revolution: Initiated by - Norman Borlaug SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) Third Five Year Plan (1961-66) by
(1960s). He is known as the ‘Father of (a) Jute (b) Fertiliser introducing high-yielding varieties of
Green Revolution’ in world. He received (c) Sugar (d) Edible oil seeds of rice and wheat.
the Nobel prize (1970) for developing Sol.330.(b) Fertiliser. Agro-based Q.334. Which of the following reasons
High yielding varieties (HYVs) of wheat. industries depend on agricultural raw can be attributed to the excessive
M.S. Swaminathan (Father of Green materials, producing mainly consumer pressure on agricultural land in India?
Revolution in India). The Green revolution goods. Major industries include cotton, a) Right of inheritance
came under the third five year plan jute, textiles, and edible oil. India's first b) Size of unprofitable land holding
(1961-66). Chidambaram Subramaniam sugar mill was established in Pratappur, c) Division of land
was an Indian politician and agricultural Uttar Pradesh, in 1903. The Sugar Cane d) Multiple cropping
scientist who played a crucial role in Act of 1934 allowed state governments SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
India's Green Revolution. Award - Bharat to set the minimum price for sugarcane. (a) Only a and b (b) b, c and d
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(c) a, c and d (d) a, b and c level with the help of pumps and other SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift)
equipment. Flow system - The type of (a) hybrid cultivation
Sol.334.(d) a, b and c. Reasons that irrigation in which water is available at a (b) extensive cultivation
cause pressure on Agriculture: The right higher level to enable supply to the land (c) intensive cultivation
of inheritance, Division of land, Rising by gravity flow. Warabandi - It is a system (d) capitalist cultivation
population, Use of Excessive Chemical of rotation of supply of water according
Fertilizer, Salinization of soil, to a predetermined schedule as per area Sol.342.(b) Extensive cultivation - The
Desertification, Urbanisation, and crop needs specifying the day, time crop yield depends on the natural fertility
Waterlogging, Climate Change, Droughts, and duration of supply to each holding to of the soil, terrain, climate, availability of
Pollution etc. ensure equitable water distribution water. Example - Grain Farming, shifting
among farmers of an outlet command. cultivation. Hybrid cultivation - It involves
Q.335. Which of the following countries the use of hybrid seed varieties (created
is related with high yielding variety seeds Q.339. _______ land is suitable for regular by crossbreeding two or more genetically
that are used as part of Green Revolution cropping. distinct plants). Example - Wheat -
policies in India? SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) Sonalika and Kalyan Sona, Rice - Jaya
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) (a) Arable (b) Barren and Ratna.
(a) Russia (b) Mexico (c) Marginal (d) Urban
(c) China (d) The US Q.343. Which of the following crops is
Sol.339.(a) Arable land is the land under classified as fine grain?
Sol.335.(b) Mexico. Green Revolution - A temporary crops, temporary meadows SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift)
period that began in the 1960s during for mowing or for pasture, land under (a) Bajra (b) Ragi (c) Maize (d) Wheat
which agriculture in India was converted market or kitchen gardens, and
into a modern industrial system by the temporary fallow. It is capable of being Sol.343.(d) Wheat. India produces a
adoption of technology (The use of high ploughed and used to grow crops. Barren variety of cereals, which are classified
yielding variety (HYV) seeds, mechanised into fine grains (rice, wheat) and coarse
land - Land that normally cannot be
farm tools, irrigation facilities, pesticides, brought under cultivation with the grains (jowar, bajra, maize, ragi, etc.).
and fertilizers).
available technology. Marginal land - Q.344. Which of the following is the
Q.336. Which of the following varieties of Land that has little or no agricultural most suitable application of rainwater
rice is known as the miracle rice for India Value. harvesting?
and was first harvested in 1967 with Q.340. Which group of crops belong to SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift)
exceptional yield? fibre crops and are produced on a large (a) Used in cooking
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) scale in India ? (b) Irrigation
(a) IR9 (b) IR8 (c) PETA (d) DGWG SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift) (c) Water for pets
(a) Gram and tur (b) Jute and hemp (d) Use for industrial purposes
Sol.336.(b) IR8. It is a high-yielding
semi-dwarf rice variety developed by the (c) Tea and coffee (d) Wheat and rice Sol.344.(b) Irrigation. Rainwater
International Rice Research Institute Sol.340.(b) Jute and Hemp. Jute is harvesting is the process of collecting,
(IRRI). IR8 is also called miracle rice, known as Golden Fibre. It grows well on storing, and purifying rainwater from
which helped save India from a massive rooftops, parks, roads, and open
classification bases of industry applies the time of General Sir Mark Cubbon in
to the products - cotton, jute, wool, silk Olericulture (vegetables).
1834. Types of coffee bean : Arabica,
textile, rubber, tea, sugar, coffee, edible Robusta, Excelsa and Liberica. Coffee Q.354. There are regions where farmers
oil ? producer country: 1st - Brazil. 2nd - specialize in vegetables only. This type of
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift) Vietnam. farming is known as ______.
(a) Key industries SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning)
(b) Consumer industries Q.351. Dr D.S. Athwal was known as the (a) Mixed farming (b) Pastoral farming
(c) Agro based industries 'Father of___________Revolution in India'. (c) Dairy farming (d) Truck farming
plant and animal products as raw Sol.351.(d) Wheat. Father of Agricultural raising animals. Pastoral farming
materials. Mineral-based industries, like revolutions in India: Green Revolution involves livestock, such as cattle, sheep,
iron and steel, copper smelting, and (Agriculture) - M.S. Swaminathan, White and goats, while dairy farming focuses
cement, use mineral ores. Consumer Revolution or Operation flood (Milk/ Dairy on milk production from cows.
industries produce goods for direct products) - Dr. Varghese Kurien, Blue
consumer use, such as sugar, Revolution (Fish and Aqua) - Dr. Arun Q.355. Which among the following terms
toothpaste, paper, sewing machines, and Krishnan and Dr. Harilal Chaudhari, means growing of fruits?
fans. Golden Revolution (Fruits, Honey, SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
Sol.358.(d) 2 million hectares. HYVP rainfall above 100 cm. it in 1972 and it was banned worldwide.
(High Yielding Variety Programme) was India produced it in the year 2009 to
Q.363. Soilless agriculture is called ____. control visceral leishmaniasis and
restricted to only five crops – Wheat, rice, SSC MTS 12/07/2022 (Morning)
jowar, bajra and maize. The high yielding insect-born malaria disease.
(a) hydroponics (b) shifting agriculture
variety of seeds (resistant to insects and (c) dry farming (d) pastoral farming Q.367. India lost a large proportion of ___
diseases) played an important role in the growing area to Pakistan during partition.
Green Revolution of India. Sol.363.(a) Hydroponics. In shifting SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Evening)
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (4th Shift) without irrigation in regions of limited Sol.367.(d) Cotton is a key fiber and cash
(a) Dry farming (b) Vertical farming moisture, typically less than 20 inches of crop in India, with Gujarat and
(c) Terrace farming (d) Slash and burn precipitation annually. Maharashtra as leading producers. The
Sol.359.(d) Slash and burn cultivation or first cotton mill, Bombay Spinning and
Q.364. The word agriculture is derived
swidden cultivation, is commonly Weaving Company, was established in
from the Latin words ager and culture.
Q.360. The Purple revolution was Karnataka of sunflower, and West Bengal
launched by the Union Ministry of (a) Rocks (b) Soil (c) Water (d) Plants
of jute.
Science & Technology in Jammu and Sol.364.(b) Soil. The English word
Kashmir. This revolution is related to Q.368. Which of the following is the main
agriculture derives from the Latin ager
cultivation of which crop? food crop of the semi-arid areas of
(field) and colo (cultivate) signifying,
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift) central and southern India?
when combined, the Latin agricultura:
(a) Marigold (b) Kashmiri Rose SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Morning)
field or land tillage. Agriculture is the art
(c) Lavender (d) Himalayan Indigo (a) Jowar (b) Maize (c) Bajra (d) Ragi
and science of cultivating the soil,
Sol.360.(c) Lavender. The Purple growing crops and raising livestock. It is Sol.368.(a) Jowar is mainly concentrated
Revolution was initiated in 2016 through the backbone of the Indian economy. in the peninsular and central India.
the Aroma Mission of the Council of Karnataka is the highest maize producer.
Q.365. What is the percentage of land
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Rajasthan is the state with the highest
used for agriculture in India as per the
In India, the lavender crop is cultivated in yield of bajra in India. Karnataka is the
2009 data by National Institute of
low rainfall regions and on the slopes of leading producer of ragi in the country
hills of Himachal Pradesh (HP) and Uttar followed by Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand,
SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Evening)
Pradesh (UP). Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
(a) 51.09% (b) 50.09%
Q.361. The Planning commission of (c) 59.09% (d) 59.01% Q.369. Which of the following is a well -
India has divided India into how many Sol.365.(a) 51.09%. In India, land is known variety of coffee initially brought
Agro-climatic Zones? 21.81% under forest and 3.92% under to India from Yemen?
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (2nd Shift) pasture. National Institute of Hydrology SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) 15 (b) 25 (c) 18 (d) 20 has been in IIT- Roorkee, Uttarakhand (a) Gesha (b) Arabica
since 1978. Its four Regional centers: (c) Canephora (d) Charrieriana
Sol.361.(a) 15. Agro-climatic zones -
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Sol.369.(b) Arabica is grown in nitrogen, phosphate, and calcium, SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift)
Karnataka (Kodagu, Chikkamagaluru, making them less fertile naturally. (a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil
Hassan), Kerala (Malabar region), and However, after adding manures and (c) Laterite soil (d) Red and Yellow soil
Tamil Nadu (Nilgiris, Yercaud, fertilizers, they are suitable for tree crops
Kodaikanal). like cashew nuts. Sol.377.(b) Alluvial soil is deposited by
surface water, commonly found in river
Q.370. Which of the following is a variety Q.374. Which of the following factors is valleys and northern plains. It is highly
of oilseed? primarily responsible for soil formation? fertile and rich in humus and lime. Crops
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021(Evening) SSC MTS 18/10/2024 (1st Shift) cultivated on it include sugarcane, rice,
(a) Taramira (b) Arabica (a) Weathering (b) Irrigation maize, wheat, oilseeds, and pulses.
(c) Robusta (d) Liberica (c) Degradation (d) Mining
Q.378. Which is the largest part of the
Sol.370.(a) Taramira is an important Sol.374.(a) Weathering : It involves the northern plains and is formed of older
oilseed crop of drier regions of breakdown of rocks and minerals into alluvium?
north-western India. The oil is not directly smaller particles through exposure to SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift)
eaten, although it is mixed with mustard environmental factors like wind, water, (a) Terai (b) Bhabar
oil to increase the pungency of the latter. ice, temperature fluctuations and others. (c) Bhangar (d) Khadar
Arabica, Robusta, and the less common Irrigation : It supports agriculture and
Liberica and Excelsa are the four main affects soil moisture. Degradation : This Sol.378.(c) Bhangar. It is characterized
types of coffee beans. refers to the deterioration of soil quality. by slightly elevated terraces and is
Mining : It can disturb existing soils. composed of older, more compact
Q.371. The _________ water utilization is sediments compared to the newer and
very high in the states of Punjab, Q.375. Which plateaus are very fertile more fertile alluvial deposits found in the
Haryana, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu. because they are rich in black soil that is Khadar regions. The Bhangar area is less
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) very good for farming? fertile due to the presence of calcareous
(a) river (b) sea (c) ground (d) rain SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift) deposits known as "Kankar."
(a) African plateau
Sol.371.(c) Ground. The reason behind (b) Ethiopian plateau Q.379. Which unit is used to measure the
this is these states are advanced (c) Katanga plateau concentration of contaminants in soil
agricultural states and the share of the (d) Deccan lava plateau and sediment?
agriculture sector in water utilisation is SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
much higher than any other sectors. Sol.375.(d) Deccan lava plateau is a (a) DPMO (b) TDS (c) PPBB (d) PPM
Punjab in terms of land under irrigation volcanic plateau in west-central India
leads in the country's States and UT's that was formed by the solidification of Sol.379.(d) PPM (Parts per million) is
with 98.8 % of its cropland. lava from deep within the Earth. It is a commonly used to express very dilute
triangular landmass that lies to the south concentrations of substances in various
Q.372. A policy which involves fixing the of the river Narmada. The African plateau environmental contexts, including soil
maximum size of land which could be is famous for gold and diamond mining. and sediment analysis.
owned by an individual is called _______. The Katanga Plateau in the Democratic
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Evening) Republic of the Congo is known for its Q.380. In which of the following
(a) Land mapping (b) Land jamming rich deposits of copper and uranium. processes nutrients or contaminants are
(c) Land ceiling (d) Land capping carried away by water or moved into the
Q.376. Which of the following is the main lower layer of the soil ?
Sol.372.(c) Land Ceiling. It minimizes cause of land degradation in Jharkhand SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
inequality in land ownership and thus and Chhattisgarh? (a) Leaching (b) Bleaching
reduces inequality of income. The Urban SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) Sowing (d) Ploughing
Land Ceiling Act that was passed in 1976 (a) Intensive use of manure
Sol.380.(a) Leaching: It occurs as
proposed that there should be an equal (b) Over-irrigation
excess water removes water-soluble
distribution of land in urban (c) Deforestation due to mining
nutrients out of the soil, by runoff or
agglomerations to subserve the common (d) Overgrazing
drainage. It is an environmental problem
Sol.376.(c) Deforestation due to mining. for agricultural professionals whether
Human activities like deforestation, chemical-heavy fertilisers or chemicals
Soil are swept out and find their way into
over-grazing, mining, and quarrying
significantly contribute to land water bodies.
Q.373. In a laterite soil profile, which of
the following elements is present in an degradation. Deforestation due to mining
Q.381. The black soil of the Deccan
excessive amount? has severely impacted states like
Plateau lacks which of the following
SSC MTS 17/10/2024 (2nd Shift) Jharkhand and Odisha. Over-grazing
(a) Iron (b) feldspar (c) Nitrogen (d) Lime affects Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Madhya
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening)
Pradesh, while excessive irrigation
(a) Iron (b) Potash
Sol.373.(a) Iron. Laterite soil contains causes waterlogging and soil
(c) Phosphorous (d) Lime
excess iron due to intense leaching in degradation in Punjab, Haryana, and
high rainfall and temperature areas. The western Uttar Pradesh. Sol.381.(c) Phosphorous. Black soil is
leaching process removes lime and rich in Iron, lime, calcium, potassium,
silica, leaving iron oxide and aluminum Q.377. Which type of soil is found on aluminum and magnesium and is
compounds. These soils are poor in about 40% of the total area of India? deficient in Nitrogen and organic matter.
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Black soil or cotton soil is good for of silt and dust ? soil.
moisture and good for growing cotton, SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (2nd shift)
sugarcane, wheat, jawar, rice, citrus (a) Loam (b) Marl (c) Loess (d) Podsol Q.389. Arid soils are characteristically
fruits, sunflower, linseed, etc. Black soil developed in ___________. which exhibit
requires minimum tillage because of its Sol.385.(c) Loess. Properties : Colour - characteristic arid topography.
self-cultivating feature. Yellowish Brown, Homogeneous and SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Highly Porous. Mostly Found (India) - (a) Southern Uttar Pradesh
Q.382. Laterite soil develops as a result Kashmir Valley. Loam - The type of Soil (b) Western Uttar Pradesh
of which of the following reasons ? composed of sand, silt, and clay soil. (c) Western Rajasthan
SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Marl - The type of soil composed of (d) Southern Rajasthan
(a) Compaction Clays and Slit. Podsol - The soil derives
(b) Leaching from either quartz-rich sands and Sol.389.(c) Western Rajasthan. In India,
(c) High temperature only sandstone or sedimentary debris from the Indian Council of Agricultural
(d) Sedimentation magmatic rocks. Research (ICAR) has classified soils into
8 categories. They are: Alluvial Soil, Black
Sol.382.(b) Leaching - It is used to Q.386. The colour of the alluvial soils Cotton Soil, Red & Yellow Soil, Laterite
extract the substances from the solids. varies from ________. Soil, Mountainous or Forest Soil, Arid or
Laterite Soil: It develops in areas with SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning) Desert Soil, Saline and Alkaline Soil,
high temperature and high rainfall. These (a) pale white to warm white Peaty and Marshy Soil.
are the result of intense leaching due to (b) light orange to dark orange
tropical rains. It is commonly found in (c) orange to red Q.390. Which of the following pairs of
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Madhya (d) light grey to ash grey 'soil - characteristics' is correct?
Pradesh and the hilly areas of Odisha I. Sandy - proportion of fine particles is
and Assam. Laterite Soil is most suitable Sol.386.(d) light grey to ash grey. relatively higher
Alluvial soils are formed by the II. Clayey - greater proportion of big
soil for growing coffee in India
deposition of sediments from rivers and particles
Q.383. The black soil area of the _______ streams. These sediments are typically SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (4th Shift)
is known as the Deccan Trap.
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift) na
composed of sand, silt, and clay, which
are all light-coloured materials. The
(a) Only I
(c) Both I and II
(b) Neither I nor II
(d) Only II
(a) Northern Plains colour of the alluvial soils can also be
(b) Peninsular Plateau affected by the presence of organic Sol.390.(b) Neither I nor II. Sandy Soil :
(c) Coastal Plains matter, which can give them a darker Consists of small particles of weathered
(d) Himalayan Mountains colour. Light orange to dark orange is the rock; One of the poorest types of soil for
colour of laterite soils. Orange to red is growing plants (very low nutrients and
Sol.383.(b) Peninsular Plateau. It is an the colour of red soils. poor water holding capacity); Good for
ancient landmass composed mainly of the drainage system; Usually formed by
igneous and metamorphic hard Q.387. Which of the following is an the breakdown or fragmentation of rocks
crystalline rocks. It was formed due to example of micronutrient supplied by soil ? like granite, limestone and quartz. Clay
the breaking and drifting of SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon) Soil : Smallest particles (tightly packed
Gondwanaland. Deccan Plateau - A (a) Potassium (b) Iron together with each other with very little or
triangular landmass that lies to the south (c) Calcium (d) Sulphur no airspace); Good water storage
of the river Narmada. Black Soil Covers qualities; Very sticky to touch when wet
most of the deccan plateau which Sol.387.(b) Iron. Soil is a major source of but smooth when dried; Densest and
includes part of Maharashtra, Madhya nutrients needed by plants for growth. heaviest type of soil which does not drain
Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Macronutrients in soil - Nitrogen (N), well or provide space for plant roots to
some part of Tamil Nadu. Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium flourish.
(Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulphur (S).
Q.384. In which of the following states of Micronutrients in soil - Chlorine (Cl), Q.391. Which of the following factors of
India is the maximum extent of alluvial Boron (B), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), soil formation determines the
soil found? Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Nickel (Ni) and accumulation of the soil ?
SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Molybdenum (Mo). SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) Telangana (b) Uttar Pradesh (a) Fauna (b) Flora
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra Q.388. Which of the following statements (c) Relief (d) Parent rock
is NOT correct regarding fertilizers ?
Sol.384.(b) Uttar Pradesh. Alluvial Soil SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.391.(c) Relief: Altitude and slope,
found in northern plains and the river (a) They are prepared in factories determine accumulation of soil. Other
valleys. It is rich in potash but poor in (b) They are very rich in plant nutrients Factors: Fauna is all of the animal life
phosphorus. Two types of alluvial soil : (c) They provide humus to the soil present in a particular region or time.
Khadar - New alluvium, deposited by (d) They are man-made inorganic salt Flora is all the plant life present in a
floods annually, which enriches the soil particular region or time, generally the
Sol.388.(c) Humus is the organic
by depositing fine slits. Bhangar - Old naturally occurring native plants.
component of soil that is formed by the
alluvium, deposited away from the flood
decomposition of plant and animal Q.392. In which of the following soil
plains. Alluvial soils are intensively
matter. It can be produced naturally or conservation methods different crops are
through a process called composting. grown in alternate rows and are sown at
Q.385. What is the type of soil composed Manures are used to provide humus in different times to protect the soil from
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rain wash ? (c) Bulk density (d) Buffering capacity mafic igneous bedrock.
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (2nd Shift) SSC CHSL 16/04/2021(Afternoon)
(a) Shelter belts (b) Contour ploughing Sol.396.(b) Bearing capacity is the (a) Arid (b) Pedocal
(c) Terrace farming (d) Intercropping capacity of soil to support the loads that (c) Laterite (d) Saline
are applied to the ground above. Field
Sol.392.(d) Intercropping. Its most capacity is the amount of soil moisture Sol.400.(c) Laterite. Arid soils are
common goal is to produce a greater or water content held in the soil after formed from the fragmentation of
yield on a given piece of land. Terrace excess water has drained away and the adjacent rocks and are largely blown
farming - An agricultural practice where rate of downward movement has from the Indus valley area and coastal
farmers employ on steep slopes, hilly decreased. Bulk density is defined as the regions. Saline soils are formed
areas, and higher altitudes. Contour mass of the many particles of the whenever climate, soil, and hydrological
ploughing - Process of cutting furrows material divided by the total volume they conditions favor the accumulation of
into the slope of the land in order to occupy. Buffer capacity refers to the soluble salts in the root zone.
control the flow of water. amount of acid or base a buffer can
neutralise before the pH changes by a Q.401. As per ‘Soils of India, National
Q.393. In which of the soil conservation large amount. Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use
methods in the coastal and dry regions, Planning report: Publication Number 94’
rows of trees are planted to check the Q.397. __________ develops on crystalline which type of soil (order) is most
wind movement to protect soil cover? igneous rocks in areas of low rainfall in abundantly available?
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (1st Shift) the eastern and southern part of the SSC CHSL 16/04/2021(Evening)
(a) Mulching (b) Shelter belts Deccan Plateau. (a) Mollisols (b) Alfisols
(c) Rock dam (d) Contour barriers SSC CGL 20/04/2022(Evening) (c) Inceptisols (d) Aridisols
(a) Red soil (b) Black soil
Sol.393.(b) Shelterbelts. Mulching: The (c) Alluvial soil (d) Arid soil Sol.401.(c) Inceptisols: A soil order in
bare ground between plants is covered USDA soil taxonomy. They form quickly
with a layer of organic matter like straw. Sol.397.(a) Red soil. It contains a high through the alteration of the parent
It helps to retain soil moisture. Contour percentage of iron content, which is material. They are more developed than
barriers: Stones, grass, soil are used to
build barriers along contours. Trenches
responsible for its colour.
na Entisols.
are made in front of the barriers to Q.398. Which part of the soil contains Q.402. Which of the following soils is
collect water. humus? found in areas of heavy rainfall and high
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (3rd Shift) (c) Red soil (d) Yellow soil
(a) Leaching (b) Humification Sol.398.(a) A-horizon. This layer is the
(c) Catabolism (d) Soil erosion top layer of soil which is also known as a Sol.402.(b) Peaty soil or marshy soils
humus layer and is mainly rich in organic are a result of waterlogging and
Sol.394.(d) Soil erosion is the materials. B-horizon is typically a mineral anaerobic conditions. They are found in
denudation or wearing away of the upper subsurface horizon and is a zone of areas of heavy rainfall and high humidity,
layer of soil. It is a form of soil accumulation, called illuviation. where there is a good growth of
degradation. There are five steps of C-horizon : This soil layer lies beneath vegetation.
leaching, catabolism, humification, and the more or less weathered parent rock.
mineralization. Bedrock: Bedrock in geology is a solid of India established to carry out scientific
rock that lies under loose softer material surveys of soils?
Q.395. Which of the following factors within the crust of Earth or another SSC CHSL 18/03/2020(Evening)
does NOT affect the formation of soil? terrestrial planet. (a) 1962 (b) 1950 (c) 1947 (d) 1956
SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Evening)
(a) Climate (b) Parent material Q.399. ___________ are thick deposits of Sol.403.(d) 1956.
(c) Landslides (d) Topography glacial clay and other materials
Q.404. Robert has sandy soil in his fields.
embedded with moraines.
Sol.395.(c) Landslides. Climate affects The ideal crop for his field is:
SSC CGL 18/08/2021(Morning)
the soil due to temperature and rainfall. SSC CHSL 15/10/2020(Morning)
(a) Karewas (b) Bhabars
Parent material is the foundation of soil (a) Gram (b) Corn (c) Cabbage (d) Wheat
(c) Duars (d) Duns
formation, different materials develop Sol.404.(a) Gram can be grown on a
different soil types. Topography affects Sol.399.(a) Karewas are lacustrine wide range of soil. But well drained
soil formation by influencing factors like deposits (deposits in a lake) in the valley medium to black cotton soils are very
drainage, erosion, and accumulation of of Kashmir and in the Bhaderwah valley suitable. It can also be grown in light
sediments. of the Jammu division of Jammu and alluvial soils which are rich in organic
Kashmir. These are the flat-topped matter.
Q.396. What do you call the weight a soil mounds that border the Kashmir valley
can withstand before severe damage on all sides. Q.405. The process that moves, elevates
occurs to the structure of the soil? or builds up portions of the earth’s crust
SSC CGL 18/04/2022(Afternoon) Q.400. _______ is a deep red soil found in is called:
(a) Field capacity (b) Bearing capacity tropical regions and often developed on SSC CHSL 16/10/2020(Afternoon)
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(a) denudation (b) volcanism Q.409. Sundari trees are found in which and scrub forests are a type of natural
(c) weathering (d) diastrophism type of forests in India? vegetation found in regions that receive
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift) less than 70 cm of annual rainfall. These
Sol.405.(d) Diastrophism. Denudation is (a) Mangrove forests regions typically experience dry and arid
the process of wearing away the Earth's (b) Tropical deciduous forests climatic conditions, and the vegetation
surface by weathering and erosion. (c) The thorn forests and scrubs here has adapted to conserve water and
Volcanism is the process of molten rock (d) Tropical evergreen forests withstand harsh environments. It is
(magma) erupting onto the Earth's found in parts of northwestern India,
surface. Sol.409.(a) Mangrove forests. Sundari central Deccan Plateau, and parts of the
tree is the most abundant tree in the Thar Desert. The main plant species
Vegetation mangrove forests of the Sunderban delta include Acacia (Babool), Cactus,
in West Bengal and the Andaman and Euphorbias, and Palms.
Q.406. The Ebony, Mahogany, Cinchona Nicobar Islands. The Sunderbans are
etc. are trees found in which type of named after the Sundari tree. Mangrove Q.413. Which of the following
forests in India? forests grow only at tropical and statements is NOT true about the moist
SSC MTS 17/10/2024 (1st Shift) subtropical latitudes near the equator deciduous forests of India?
(a) Tropical Deciduous Forests because they cannot withstand freezing SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
(b) Thorny Forests temperatures. Uppu ponna, Boddu (a) They grow in regions with rainfall of
(c) Mangrove Forests ponna, Urada, Mada, Telli Mada, Gundu 100-200 cm.
(d) Tropical Evergreen Forests mada, Kadili, Palm, coconut, keora, agar (b) They are found in the foothills of
and Bella are some of the typical Himalayas.
Sol.406.(d) Tropical Evergreen Forests vegetation of the mangroves. (c) They are found in the plains of Bihar
are restricted to heavy rainfall areas of
and Uttar Pradesh.
the Western Ghats and the island groups Q.410. Which of the following states has (d) Sal, amla, shisham and mahua are
of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar, mangrove forests? some of the main species of these
upper parts of Assam and Tamil Nadu SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift) forests.
coast. Other trees are rosewood, and (a) Telangana (b) Andhra Pradesh
rubber. Tropical Deciduous Forests - (c) Rajasthan (d) Manipur Sol.413.(c) Moist deciduous forests
Teak, Bamboos, sal, shisham. Thorny exist mostly in the eastern part of the
Sol.410.(b) Andhra Pradesh. Mangroves country – northeastern states, along the
Forests - Acacias, palms, euphorbias and
are practically evergreen with thick
Q.407. Magnolia and Laurel trees are The dry deciduous forests are found in
found in which type of forest in India? rivers and in the Andaman and Nicobar areas having rainfall between 100 cm
SSC MTS 29/10/2024 (1st Shift) Islands. and 70 cm. These forests are found in
(a) Tropical Thorn Forests
(d) Tropical Deciduous Forests
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) Q.414. In the Himalayas, the ________
Sol.407.(b) Montane Forests. In (a) Eastern Ghats (b) Western Ghats temperature with increasing altitude
mountainous areas, temperature (c) Rann of Kutch (d) Thar Desert causes the change in vegetation.
donkeys and camels found in India? Northern Hilly regions and some states
most widespread forest type in India? of Southern India. Examples - Sal, acacia,
SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (1st shift) mangoes.
(a) Tropical evergreen forest (a) Littoral and Swamp Forest
(b) Mountain forest
(b) Tropical Thorn Forests Q.423. Which of the following states is
(c) Thorny forests and bushes (c) Montane Forests associated with the tropical thorn
(d) Mangrove forest
(d) Tropical Deciduous Forests forests?
Sol.417.(c) Thorny forests and bushes. Graduate Level 30/06/2023 ( Shift - 1)
Sol.420.(d) Tropical Deciduous Forests
Pradesh has the largest forest area in the rainfall less than 50 cm) - It includes
country. It is followed by Arunachal Q.421. What type of vegetation is found semi - arid areas of south west Punjab,
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and in the plateau of Meghalaya, Sahyadri Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya
Maharashtra. and the central and southern islands of Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Trees like –
the Nicobar group? Babool, ber, wild date palm, Khair tree.
Q.418. Sal, acacia and bamboo, which SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift)
are types of Dry Tropical Forest, receive (a) Dry Tropical Deciduous Vegetation Q.424. Mosses and lichens are found in
what amount of annual rainfall? (b) Dry Tropical Thorny Vegetation which kind of forest?
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift) (c) Alpine Vegetation SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) From 51 cm to 151 cm (d) Moist Tropical Semi - Evergreen (a) Tropical Rainforest
(b) Between 200 and 250 cm Vegetation (b) Temperate Forest
(c) 251 cm or more (c) Coniferous Forest
(d) Below 25 cm Sol.421.(d) Moist Tropical Semi - (d) Tundra Forest
Evergreen Vegetation are transitional
Sol.418.(a) From 51 cm to 151 cm. forests between tropical wet evergreen Sol.424.(d) Tundra Forest - It has
Tropical forests (rainforests): A forests and tropical deciduous forests. relatively little rain and extremely cold
rainforest is an area of tall, mostly Examples - Laurel, rosewood, mesua, temperatures. It is composed of dwarf
evergreen trees and a high amount of white cedar. Tropical Dry Deciduous shrubs, sedges, and grasses.
rainfall, Earth’s oldest living ecosystems, Vegetation - Occurs in an irregular wide
with some surviving in their present form strip running from the foot of the Q.425. Major plantations are found in the
for at least 70 million years. Types of Himalayas to Kanyakumari except in __________ region of the world.
Tropical forests - Evergreen Rain (200 Rajasthan, Western Ghats and West SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Morning)
cm or more), Monsoon Deciduous (100 Bengal. Example - Teak, bamboo. (a) Tropical (b) Grassland
to 200 cm), Tropical Savanna (50 to 100 Tropical Thorn Forests - Found in (c) Temperate (d) Desert
cm), Dry Thorny Scrub (Semi-arid) (25 to Rajasthan, south-western Punjab,
50 cm), Desert (Arid) (Below 25 cm). Sol.425.(a) Tropical. Plantation crops - A
western Haryana, Kachchh and type of commercial farming where a
Q.419. Which of the following forest neighbouring parts of Saurashtra. single crop of tea, coffee, sugarcane,
types is found on the foothills of the Example - Babool, neem, cactii. cashew, rubber, banana or cotton are
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grown. Major plantations - Rubber in (a) Above 24° C (b) 7°C to 17°C latitudinal coastal region is__________
Malaysia, coffee in Brazil, tea in India and (c) Below 7°C (d) 17°C to 24°C SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Sri Lanka. Major food crops - Wheat, rice, (a) Tropical rainforest
maize and millets. Jute and cotton are Sol.429.(d) 17°C to 24°C. Natural (b) Mediterranean vegetation
fibre crops. vegetation - The plant life that grows in (c) Monsoon forest
an area without the influence of human (d) Temperate evergreen forest
Q.426. Which of the following is an activity. Types - Forests, Grasslands
example of a terrestrial ecosystem? (divided into savannas, steppes and Sol.433.(d) Temperate evergreen
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Evening) prairies, depending on the climate and forests. They are commonly found on the
(a) Ponds (b) River other environmental factors), Deserts eastern edges of continents, such as in
(c) Grasslands (d) Oceans (These are arid regions with very little southeastern America, southern China,
rainfall and sparse vegetation), Tundra and southeastern Brazil. Tropical
Sol.426.(c) Grasslands. Terrestrial (This is a cold, treeless region found in rainforests are mainly located in the
ecosystem - It is a land-based the Arctic and on high mountain slopes), tropics, between the latitudes of 23.5°N
community of species that includes Wetland (These are areas with (the Tropic of Cancer) and 23.5°S (the
biotic and abiotic interactions in a water-logged soil, such as marshes). Tropic of Capricorn)—the tropics.
specific area. Examples - Forest,
Grasslands, Tundra, Desert. Aquatic Q.430. Which of the following pairs of Q.434. The birds like pheasant and
ecosystem - It is related to water. It countries - name of grassland is correct? monals are found in which type of
includes Freshwater ecosystem (Pond, I. Argentina - Pampas, II. Brazil - Steppe forest?
lake, river) and Marine ecosystem SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (1st Shift) SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(Ocean, sea or estuary). Kelp is a type of (a) Neither I nor II (b) Only II (a) Temperate deciduous forest
large, brown seaweed that grows in (c) Only I (d) Both I and II (b) Tropical evergreen forest
shallow, nutrient-rich saltwater near (c) Temperate evergreen forest
Sol.430.(c) Only I. Steppe - Europe and
coastal fronts around the world. (d) Mediterranean forests
North Asia, Brazil - Campos, Pustaz-
Q.427. In the higher latitudes (50° - 70°) Hungary, Prairies - USA, Veld - South Sol.434.(a) Temperate deciduous forest.
of Northern hemisphere the spectacular
Coniferous forests are found. These are na
Africa, Downs - Australia, Canterbury -
New Zealand, Savannah - Africa, Taiga -
As we go towards higher latitudes, there
are more temperate deciduous forests.
also called as ______ . Europe and Asia. These are found in the north eastern part
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (3rd Shift) of the USA, China, New Zealand, Chile
(a) Veld (b) Tundra (c) Llanos (d) Taiga Q.431. The wet temperate type of forests and also found in the coastal regions of
are found between a height of _______ Western Europe. They shed their leaves
Sol.427.(d) Taiga - Trees found are metres. in the dry season. Common trees include
mainly cone-bearing trees like spruce, SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (1st Shift) oak, ash, and beech. Animals commonly
pine, fir, and hemlock. Veld - Open, (a) 2000 and 3000 (b) 1500 and 3000 found in these forests are deer, foxes,
uncultivated country or grassland in (c) 1000 and 2000 (d) 500 to 1000 and wolves.
and North America in which the subsoil is on the verge of extinction due to its
is permanently frozen. Llanos - A vast rainfall and temperature in wet temperate insensitivity towards the environment.
forests are 150-300 cm and 11°C-14°C
Venezuela, in northwestern South 80% on average. Oak trees and chestnut (b) Saccharum officinarum
America. trees are found here. Other important (c) Hubbardia heptaneuron
species include Chilauni, Indian chestnut, (d) Bellis perennis
Q.428. In India, trees of which forest type Deodar, Machilus, Cinnamomum, Litsea,
shed their leaves for about six to eight Plum, Blue pine, Birch, Oak, Hemlock, etc. Sol.435.(c) Hubbardia heptaneuron. The
weeks in dry summer? native range of this species is India
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift) Q.432. Thorny bushes are found in _____ (Karnataka). It is an annual and grows
(a) Tropical Deciduous Forests region. primarily in the seasonally dry tropical
(b) Tropical Evergreen Forests SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (2nd Shift) biome. Helianthus annuus (Common
(c) Montane Forests (a) mediterranean (b) polar Sunflower).
(d) Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs (c) dry desert (d) high rainfall
Q.436. The National Commission on
Sol.428.(a) Tropical Deciduous Forests. Sol.432.(c) dry desert. In areas where Agriculture (1976) of India has classified
These forests spread over regions which there is less than 70 cm of rainfall, thorn social forestry into how many
receive rainfall between 70-200 cm. forests and shrubs are found in the categories?
Tendu, palas, amaltas, bel, khair, natural vegetation. This type of SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
axlewood, etc are the common trees of vegetation is found in the north-western (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
these forests. parts of the country, which include the
semi-arid regions of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Sol.436.(c) 3. Social forestry means the
Q.429. In India, what is the mean annual Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar management and protection of forests
average temperature in subtropical Pradesh and Haryana. and afforestation on barren lands with
vegetation zone ? the purpose of helping in the
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (1st Shift) Q.433. The type of forests located in mid environmental, social and rural
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development. Three categories are Urban Sol.441.(d) Climate
forestry, Rural forestry and Farm forestry. Temperate deciduous forests.
Q.446. Tropical cyclones originate over
Q.437. Which biome is found in the Q.442. Which type of biome is located in
which of the following regions?
northern parts of Asia, Europe and North Eastern North America, Western Europe,
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning)
America where 300 to 900 millimeters and Northeast Asia?
(a) Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the
(12 to 35 in) of rain can be expected per SSC CHSL 31/05/2022(Evening)
Indian Ocean
year? (a) Tropical Rainforest Biomes
(b) Mediterranean Sea, Pacific Ocean and
Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) (b) Coniferous Forest Biomes
the Indian Ocean
(a) Taiga forests (c) Aquatic Biomes
(c) Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and the
(b) Temperate deciduous forests (d) Deciduous Forest Biomes
Atlantic Ocean
(c) Coniferous forest
Sol.442.(d) Deciduous Forest Biomes - (d) Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea and
(d) Mediterranean forests
This biome experiences all four seasons, the Indian Ocean
Sol.437.(c) Coniferous forest these forests are divided into five zones
(composed primarily of cone-bearing based on the heights of the trees. The Sol.446.(a) A tropical cyclone is formed
needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen soil is particularly fertile and nutrient-rich over warm ocean waters near the
trees, Pines, spruces, firs, and larches are and is located in North America (Canada, equator. The centre of a cyclone is very
the dominant trees in coniferous the United States, and Mexico), Europe, calm and clear with very low air pressure.
forests). and western regions of Asia (Japan, The average speed is 120 kmph. They
China, North Korea, South Korea, and move from east to west under the
Q.438. The climatic conditions of thorn parts of Russia). influence of trade winds.
forests and scrubs are the most ideal for
which of the following plant species? Q.443. Which of the following statements Q.447. Which of the following
SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Evening) about forests is INCORRECT? statements regarding orographic rainfall
(a) Rosewood (b) Teak SSC MTS 06/10/2021(Afternoon) is correct?
(c) Juniper (d) Euphorbia (a) In a forest, trees form the uppermost SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
layer of vegetation. (a) It occurs mainly during summer and
Sol.438.(d) Euphorbia. It is a perennial is common over equatorial doldrums
(b) Forests protect the soil from erosion.
herb that grows to 30 cm tall in the dry in theCongo basin.
(c) In a forest, shrubs form the lowest
grasslands of Siberia, Mongolia, China, (b) This type of precipitation
layer of vegetation.
Sol.439.(d) wheat. Viticulture or grape consists mainly of herbs, ferns and cloudiness.
cultivation is a speciality of the grasses. This layer is the lowest layer of (d) This type of precipitation is
Mediterranean region. Grapes are vegetation in the forest (having leafy characterised by seasonal
cultivated on a very wide range of soils plants). Very little sunlight remains for reversal of winds that carry
from gravelly sands to clays that can be the plants in the herb layer. oceanic moisture.
of high or poor fertility.
coast remains dry as it lies parallel to the Q.453. Which is the colloquial term to the mountain will receive the most
rainfall from moisture-laden winds?
Bay of Bengal monsoon branch and in describe the occurrence of pre-monsoon
the rain-shadow region of the Arabian rains in India especially in parts of Kerala, SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) Windward side (b) Leeward side
Sea branch. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu?
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) Upward side (d) Relief side
Q.450. In which part of India does the
(a) Mango showers (b) Kalbaisakhi Sol.457.(a) Windward side - The
hot wind ‘Loo’ blow? (c) Nor Westers (d) Orange showers
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift) on-shore moisture laden winds are
(a) West and Southwestern Sol.453.(a) Mango showers. These are forced to rise after striking against the
(b) North and Northwestern pre-monsoon rains that occur at the end mountains and give heavy rainfall on the
(c) East and Northeastern of the summer season, helping the windward side. Leeward side - It receives
(d) South and Southwestern mangoes ripen; These are also called little to no rainfall and is known as the
April rains. rain shadow area. Orographic rainfall
Sol.450.(b) North and Northwestern. occurs when saturated air mass comes
Loo - These are strong, gusty, hot, dry Q.454. The tropical cyclones in Australia across a mountain.
winds blowing during the day over the are known as ________.
Q.458. Which theory describes the
north and northwestern India. In West SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Bengal, similar storms are known as (a) hurricanes (b) willy-willies collective effects of changes in Earth's
movements on its climate over
‘Kaal Baisakhi’. They blow in the summer (c) cyclones (d) typhoons
season. Other hot winds - Foehn thousands of years?
(Europe), Chinook (USA), Santa Ana Sol.454.(b) willy-willies. Tropical SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift)
(USA), Sirocco (North Africa and South cyclones are intense low-pressure areas (a) Milankovitch theory
Europe), Harmattan (Guinea coast), that form in the atmosphere between 30° (b) Copernicus' heliocentric theory
Khamsin (Egypt). N and 30° S latitudes. They can extend (c) Plate tectonics theory
up to 1,000 km horizontally and 12–14 (d) Continental drift theory
Q.451. The climate of a place is NOT km vertically from the surface. Tropical
affected by which of the following? cyclones rotate counterclockwise in the Sol.458.(a) Milankovitch theory.
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift) Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in Copernican heliocentrism, proposed by
(a) Relief (b) Type of soil the Southern Hemisphere. Their names Copernicus in 1543, positions the Sun at
(c) Location (d) Distance from the sea in different countries : Hurricanes - the center, with Earth and other planets
United States, Typhoons - China Sea and orbiting it. Plate tectonics is a scientific
Sol.451.(b) Type of soil. Climate refers Pacific Ocean, Cyclones - Indian Ocean. theory that explains how major
to the long-term conditions of a specific landforms are created as a result of
region. The changes in climate within a Q.455. What is the duration of monsoon Earth's subterranean movements.
region are influenced by its atmospheric in India?
and environmental conditions. The six SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift) Q.459. Which of the following groups of
major factors that influence the climate (a) 100-120 days (b) 40-60 days places in India has little differences in
of a location are latitude, altitude, (c) 150-200 days (d) 50-80 days day and night temperatures?
pressure, and wind systems, distance SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift)
from the sea (continentality), ocean Sol.455.(a) 100-120 days. The monsoon (a) Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram
currents, and relief features. season in India lasts from June to (b) Jaipur and Jaisalmer
September. The southwest monsoon (c) Bhopal and Indore
Q.452. Which region in India receives (summer monsoon) brings the majority (d) Jammu and Kashmir
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Sol.459.(a) following characteristics is associated are useful for tea, jute and rice
Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram. with 'Group E' ? cultivation. In Assam, these storms are
Thar desert experiences the highest SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) known as “Bardoli Chheerha”. Some
diurnal range of temperature. This is (a) The average temperature of the Famous Local Storms: Blossom Shower:
because of the fact that sand (found in coldest month is –3°C or below Useful for coffee flowers blooming in
ample quantity in this region) gains and (b) The average temperature for all Kerala. Loo : Hot, dry and oppressing
loses heat very quickly. As a result of this months is below 10°C winds blowing in the Northern plains.
phenomenon, there is a wide difference (c) The average temperature of the
between day and night temperatures in coldest month is higher than –3°C Q.465. Which of the following
this region. The day temperature may but below 18°C States/Union Territories of India receives
rise to 50°C and drop down to near 15°C (d) The average temperature of the the highest average annual rainfall ?
the same night. There is no sea closer to coldest month is 18°C or higher SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
this area and hence there is no (a) Rajasthan (b) Ladakh
moderating effect. Sol.462.(b) Climatic Groups According to (c) Meghalaya (d) Delhi
Koeppen: A - Tropical: Average
Q.460. Which of the following temperature of the coldest month is 18° Sol.465.(c) Meghalaya. The maximum
statements about climate is C or higher. B - Dry Climates: Potential rainfall of this season is received in the
INCORRECT? evaporation exceeds precipitation. C - north-eastern part of the country.
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift) Warm Temperate: The average Mawsynram in the southern ranges of
(a) India’s climate has characteristics of temperature of the coldest month of the the Khasi Hills receives the highest
tropical as well as subtropical (Mid-latitude) climates is higher than average rainfall in the world.
climates. minus 3°C but below 18°C. D - Cold Snow Mawsynram, the wettest place on the
earth is also reputed for its stalagmite
(b) Coastal areas of India experience Forest Climates: The average
less contrasts in temperature temperature of the coldest month is and stalactite caves. Rainfall in the
conditions as compared to the minus 3° C or below. H - High Land: Cold Ganga valley decreases from the east to
interior of the country. due to elevation. the west. Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat
(c) ‘Monsoon’ type of climate is found get scanty rainfall.
mainly in south and southeast Asia. Q.463. El Nino is a climate pattern that
Q.466. One term for the continuous
(d) India experiences comparatively describes the unusual warming of
surface waters in which ocean? movement of water through the
stronger winters as compared to lithosphere, atmosphere and
extension of the warm equatorial current to gas, primarily from bodies of water.
geographical area.
that temporarily replaces the cold
significant portion of sunlight, which is wind, etc., and makes weather forecasts,
essential for regulating Earth’s established by the Government of India? Q.476. What type of climate is found in
temperature. As sea ice diminishes, more SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) North Western Europe, West Coast of
solar energy is absorbed by the ocean, (a) 1873 (b) 1879 (c) 1876 (d) 1875 North America, North of California,
resulting in higher temperatures. This
change affects global climate patterns na
Sol.473.(d) 1875. Indian Meteorological
Southern Chile, South-eastern Australia
and New Zealand?
Department - An agency of the Ministry
and contributes to the acceleration of SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon)
of Earth Sciences of the Government of
climate change. Albedo is the percentage (a) Tropical wet and dry climate
Q.470. Who is best known for his seismology. Formed - 15 January 1875.
testimony on climate change to Headquarters - New Delhi. Regional Sol.476.(c) Marine west coast climate -
congressional committees in the 1980s, offices - Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Under the Koppen Climate Classification,
which helped raise wider awareness of Nagpur, Guwahati and New Delhi. it comes under Warm Temperate
the global warming issue? (Mid-Latitude) Climates (Group C) and is
Q.474. Choose the INCORRECT
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) hexafluoride (SF6). Q.487. What would happen if the
(a) South of Goa difference in pressure in Tahiti was
(b) Western Rajasthan Q.483. In the context of mapping climate
data, what term refers to a line drawn negative?
(c) Arunachal Pradesh SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(d) Northern Madhya Pradesh through all points on a map that contain
the same amount of cloud? (a) Above average late monsoon
Sol.479.(c) Arunachal Pradesh. Koeppen SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd shift) (b) Drought
identified a close relationship between (a) Isohels (b) Isocheim (c) Below average and late monsoon
the distribution of vegetation and (c) Isonephs (d) Isochalaz (d) Above average and early monsoon
climate. Sol.487.(c) The difference in pressure
Sol.483.(c) Isonephs. Isocheim - A line
Q.480. What is the usual term used to on a map connecting points having the over Tahiti (Pacific Ocean) and Darwin in
describe the climate of India ? same average temperature in winter. Northern Australia (Indian Ocean) is
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Isohel - A line on a map connecting computed to predict the intensity of the
(a) Polar climate (b) Tropical monsoon points having the same duration of monsoons. Factors Affecting Monsoon -
(c) Desert climate (d) Arid climate sunshine. Isochalaz - A line of constant The shift of the position of Inter Tropical
frequency of hail storms. Convergence Zone (ITCZ); The presence
direction of the prevailing, or strongest, which type of climate is denoted by 'Cwg' plateau in summers; The movement of
winds of a region. It always blows from in India? the jet streams; Southern Oscillation (SO)
cold to warm regions. The Indian SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (2nd shift) - Change of pressure between south
Meteorological Department (IMD) (a) Monsoon with dry winter Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean.
designates four official seasons: Winter (b) Semi-arid steppe climate
(December to early April); Summer or (c) Polar type Q.488. What type of climate occurs
pre-monsoon (April to June); Monsoon or (d) Monsoon with dry summer along the west coast of continents in
rainy (June to September) and subtropical latitudes between 30°-40°
Sol.484.(a) Monsoon with dry winter - It latitudes, covering Central California,
Post-monsoon (October to December).
is mostly found in the Ganga Plain, Central Chile along the coast in South
Q.481. What is 'Mahawat' in India ? eastern Rajasthan, Assam, and the East and South Western Australia?
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (2nd Shift) Malwa Plateau. Amw (Monsoon type Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
(a) Cold waves during the winter season with a short dry winter season): This (a) Subtropical steppe climate
(b) Cloud burst during the monsoon climate is found in the western coastal (b) Humid subtropical climate
season region, south of Mumbai. (c) Mediterranean climate
(c) Cyclonic rainfall during the winter (d) Marine west coast climate
Q.485. Which of the following is
incorrectly matched? Sol.488.(c) Mediterranean climate: Clear
(d) Hot and dry winds during the summer
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (4th shift) skies and high temperatures; hot, dry
(a) Montane climate - Uttar Pradesh, summers and cool, wet winters. The
Sol.481.(c) Mahawat is the total amount Bihar and Jharkhand climate is not extreme because of
of rainfall in the cold weather season, (b) Tropical monsoon climate - The cooling from water bodies. This unique
that is the winter season which is caused Western Ghats, the Malabar Coast seasonal pattern makes it ideal for
by the western cyclonic disturbances in And Southern Assam growing crops like olives, grapes, and
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Pinnacle Geography
citrus fruits. this trough. InterTropical Convergence continental climate.
Zone (ITCZ) - Low pressure region 2. The snowfall in the nearby Himalayan
Q.489. What is the average temperature around which the southeast trade winds ranges creates a cold wave situation.
usually in the hills of the western ghats? and the northeast trade winds converge. 3. Around February, the cold winds
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 3) coming from the Caspian Sea and
(a) Above 35°C (b) Below 15°C Q.493. The day to day condition of the Turkmenistan bring a cold wave along
(c) Below 25°C (d) Above 25°C atmosphere at a place with respect to with frost and fog over the northwestern
the temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind parts of India.
Sol.489.(c) Below 25°C. Western Ghats - speed etc. is called _______ at that place.
These are also known as the Sahyadri SSC CGL Tier II 07/03/2023
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening) (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Hills. It covers six states - Gujarat, (a) climate (b) weather
Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 only
(c) environment (d) ecology
Nadu, and Kerala. Sol.496.(c) 1, 2 and 3. Coastal areas
Sol.493.(b) Weather. Climate - It is the have moderate temperatures because
Q.490. Which winds are also known by long-term average of weather conditions,
the name of 'Roaring Forties' ? the land absorbs and radiates heat much
including temperature, humidity, faster than sea. So, during the day cool
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Evening) precipitation, wind patterns, and other
(a) Polar easterlies (b) westerly winds air from the sea rushes towards the land
atmospheric elements, in a particular and during the night cool air from the
(c) Polar winds (d) Trade winds region over an extended period, typically land rushes towards the sea.
Sol.490.(b) Westerly Wind. The polar 30 years or more.
easterlies are one of the five primary Q.497. Low annual range of temperature
Q.494. Which of the following pressure and high annual rainfall are
wind zones, known as wind belts, that belts is known as the horse latitude? characteristics of a _________.
make up our atmosphere's circulatory SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
system. Polar winds begin near the North SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(a) Equatorial Low Pressure
and South Poles. The trade winds are air (a) Mediterranean climate
(b) Sub - Polar Low Pressure (b) temperate climate
currents closer to Earth's surface that (c) High Pressure
blow from east to west near the equator. (c) tropical humid climate
(d) Sub - Tropical High Pressure (d) cold climate
Q.491. Which among the following wind Sol.494.(d) Subtropical high pressure
is associated with extreme cold and Sol.497.(c) Tropical Humid Climate: Low
belts (Horse latitude) extend 30° N and range of temperature, Rainfall exceeds
(c) Trade Winds (d) Polar Easterlies Equatorial Low - Pressure belt extends Q.498. Which of the following codes
Sol.491.(d) Polar Easterlies. They from 0 to 5° North and South. The signify the Cold Climate with Dry Winters
emanate from the polar highs, areas of subpolar low pressure belt extends according to Koeppen?
high pressure around the North and around latitudes 60° to 70° North and SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning)
South Poles. They flow to low-pressure South. High Pressure belts are located at (a) EF (b) Df (c) ET (d) Dw
areas in sub-polar regions. Easterlies 70°- 90° North and South latitudes. There
are majorly seven Pressure Belts on the Sol.498.(d) Dw. Koeppen recognised six
(blow from the east) - It is the name of
major climatic groups based on
the permanent winds that come from the surface of Earth i.e., the Equatorial Low,
two Subtropical Highs, two Subpolar seasonal precipitation and temperature
direction of their origin. Monsoon Winds -
Lows, and two Polar Highs. patterns. The six main groups are A
They are caused when the air over land
(tropical), B (arid), C (temperate), D
gets heated and rises, causing winds to Q.495. When the grains of sand are very (continental), E (polar) and H (highland).
blow from the ocean toward land. fine and light , the wind can carry it over a
Westerlies - Prevailing winds from the very long distance . When such sand is Q.499. The cold snow forest climate is
west toward the east in the middle deposited in large areas, it is called_____. found largely in the continental region in
latitudes. SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (2nd Shift) the Northern Hemisphere between
(a) loess (b) moraines _______ northern latitudes in Europe, Asia
Q.492. The summer months experience
(c) mushroom (d) stacks and North America
__________ in the northern part of India.
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening) Sol.495.(a) Loess. It is a clastic, (a) 40°- 70° (b) 30°- 50°
(a) rising air pressure predominantly silt-sized sediment that is (c) 80°- 110° (d) 15°- 20°
(b) falling air pressure formed by the accumulation of wind -
(c) decreasing temperature blown dust. Sol.499.(a) 40°-70°. India has a tropical
(d) heavy rain climate because of the Himalayan
Q.496. Consider the following mountain.
Sol.492.(b) Falling air pressure. An statements about the main reasons for
elongated low-pressure area develops in the excessive cold in north India during Q.500. In early November, the low
the region extending from the Thar the cold weather season and identify Pressure conditions shift over the Bay of
Desert in the northwest to Patna and which of the statements are correct. Bengal. This transfer is related to
Chotanagpur plateau in the east and 1. States like Punjab, Haryana and cyclonic low pressure, which originates
southeast towards the end of May. Rajasthan, being far away from the over ________.
Circulation of air begins to set in around moderating influence of sea, experience SSC MTS 13/07/2022 (Morning)
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(a) Andaman Sea (b) Sea of Japan characteristics, especially growth rings. integrated steel plant located in Burnpur
(c) Caspian Sea (d) Pacific Ocean SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Afternoon) (West Bengal) and is part of Steel
(a) Bioclimatology Authority of India Limited (SAIL).
Sol.500.(a) Andaman Sea (Burma sea in
(b) Historical- climatology
Thai) is a body of water to the southeast Q.507. Identify the group of districts that
(c) Geo climatology
of the Bay of Bengal, south of Myanmar, are NOT an example of industrial
(d) Dendroclimatology
west of Thailand and east of the districts of India.
Andaman Islands; it is a part of the Sol.504.(d) Dendroclimatology. SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Indian Ocean. Bioclimatology (biometeorology) is the (a) Cuttack and Kota
study of the relationships between (b) Kanpur and Agra
Q.501. Which climate zone has an
climate (weather) and living organisms. (c) Alwar and Bhiwani
average temperature of over 64°F (18°C)
Historical climatology is the study of (d) Jabalpur and Bhopal
throughout the year and more than 59
historical changes in climate and their
inches of rainfall each year? Sol.507.(c) Alwar and Bhiwani. Cuttack
effect on civilization from the emergence
SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Afternoon) (Odisha) is known for textile and
of hominids to the present day. Geo
(a) Tropical zone (b) Temperate zone handicraft industries, especially the silver
climatology is the study of climate which
(c) Dry zone (d) Continental zone filigree (Tarakasi) work. Kota (Rajasthan)
defines how it changes over time.
is famous for its engineering and
Sol.501.(a) Tropical Zone. The tropics
chemical industries. Kanpur is a
are regions of the Earth that lie roughly in Industries
significant industrial hub, historically
the middle of the globe. The temperature
known for its leather and textile
remains high throughout the year. There Q.505. Select the INCORRECT statement
industries. It is sometimes called the
is no marked winter season. from the following.
"Manchester of the East." Agra is widely
SSC MTS 21/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
Q.502. What type of climate do the two known for its tourism, but it also has
(a) The development of the cotton textile
island regions of India, Lakshadweep and industries related to leather goods,
industry in Britain led to the decline
Andaman and Nicobar Islands footwear, and marble stone carving.
of Indian textile producers.
experience? Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) is known for
(b) Cotton clothes made in England had
SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Morning) ordnance factories, defense-related
driven Indian clothes out of the
(a) Humid subtropical climate industries, and manufacturing units.
markets of Europe and America in
(b) Hot semi-arid climate Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) is a major
the beginning of the 20th century.
occurred much earlier, during the late Reliance Industries Limited is an Indian
SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Morning)
18th and 19th centuries, following the multinational company based in Mumbai,
(a) Conventional precipitation
Industrial Revolution in Britain. Maharashtra. It was founded by
(b) Monsoonal precipitation
(c) Orographic precipitation Dhirubhai Ambani. The Tata Group is one
Q.506. Identify the oldest iron and steel
(d) Frontal precipitation of India's oldest and largest business
company of India from the following
conglomerates. It was founded in 1868
Sol.503.(a) Conventional precipitation by Jamsetji Tata. The Adani Group is an
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift)
occurs when the energy of the sun (or Indian multinational conglomerate based
(a) Tata Iron & Steel Company (TISCO)
insolation) heats the earth's surface and in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It was founded in
(b) Visvesvaraiya Iron & Steel Works
causes water to evaporate, changing to 1988 by Gautam Adani.
(c) Indian Iron & Steel Company (IISCO)
water vapor. Most of India's rainfall is
(d) Mysore Iron & Steel Works Q.509. Which of the following is an
conventional. It is prevalent in equatorial
example of a major industrial region of
regions. Orographic precipitation occurs Sol.506.(a) Tata Iron and Steel Company
when a topographic barrier like a (TISCO): Founded by Jamsetji Tata and
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
mountain blocks the path of a movement Dorabji Tata in 1907, It is located in
(a) Chota Nagpur region
of air horizontally. Frontal precipitation Jamshedpur (Jharkhand). Visvesvaraya
(b) Bhojpur-Munger
occurs along the zone of contact Iron and Steel Plant: Founded in 1923,
(c) Jaipur- Ajmer
between a warm and cool air mass. this plant is situated in Bhadravathi
(d) Bilaspur-Korba
(Karnataka), and specializes in the
Q.504. ___is concerned with constructing
production of pig iron and steel. Indian Sol.509.(a) Chota Nagpur region. India
records of past climates and climatic
Iron and Steel Company (IISCO): has several industrial regions like
events by analysis of tree growth
Established in 1918, IISCO is an Mumbai- Pune cluster, Bangalore-Tamil
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Nadu region, Hugli region, Ahmedabad Fertilizer, Cement, Steel, and Electricity Sol.517.(a) Digboi and Naharkatiya.
-Baroda region, Chottanagpur industrial generation. Digboi Oilfield : One of the oldest oil
belt, Vishakhapatnam-Guntur belt, fields in Asia, discovered in 1867, and
Gurgaon -Delhi-Meerut region and the Q.514. Select the INCORRECT pair of the home to Asia's oldest oil refinery
Kollam-Thiruvanathapuram industrial location of the refinery and its state from (Established in 1901). It is located in
cluster. the following Tinsukia district, Assam. Naharkatiya
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift) Oilfield : Discovered in 1953, with oil
Q.510. Where was the first successful (a) Bina Refinery - Madhya Pradesh production starting in 1954. It is located
textile mill established in India? (b) Numaligarh Refinery - Assam in Dibrugarh district, Assam. Other Oil
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) Koyali Refinery - Gujarat Refineries in Assam - Noonmati Refinery,
(a) Kolkata (b) Surat (d) Tatipaka Refinery - Telangana Numaligarh Refinery, and Bongaigaon
(c) Mumbai (d) Jaipur Refinery. Kosamba, Lunej, Mehsana,
Sol.514.(d) Tatipaka Refinery -
Sol.510.(c) Mumbai. The first successful Telangana. Tatipaka Oil Refinery is Nawagam, Ankleshwar and Kalol are
textile mill in India was the Bombay located in the East Godavari district in oil-producing regions located in Gujarat.
Spinning and Weaving Company, Andhra Pradesh. It was set up on 3rd Q.518. Which of the following cities is
established in 1854 in Bombay (now September 2001. Some list of oil called the Silicon Valley of India due to
Mumbai) by Cowasjee Nanabhoy Davar, a refineries: Vadinar Refinery (Gujarat), its prominence in the IT industry ?
Parsi businessman and banker. Located Kochi Refinery (Kerala), Mangalore Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
in Tardeo, Bombay, it began production in Refinery (Karnataka), Paradip Refinery (a) Bengaluru (b) Dehradun
1856. (Odisha), Barauni Refinery (Barauni in (c) Hyderabad (d) Gurugram
Q.511. Where is the oldest centre of lace Sol.518.(a) BengaluruI. Nicknames of
work located in Gujarat? Q.515. Which group of states was Indian Cities: Hyderabad - City of Pearls;
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) concentrated in the cotton production in
Gurugram - Millennium City; Korba -
(a) Kutch (b) Rajkot the early years to develop textile Power Hub of India; Jamshedpur - Steel
(c) Jamnagar (d) Ahmedabad industry?
Capital of India; Nalanda - The Land of
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) Knowledge; Guntur - Land of Chillies;
Sol.511.(c) Jamnagar. Crafts Centers of (a) West Bengal and Odisha
Gujarat : Kutch - Known for its rich Kashmir - Switzerland of India;
(b) Punjab and Haryana Pondicherry - Paris of the East;
tradition in embroidery and textile crafts. (c) Maharashtra and Gujarat
traditional and folk silver jewelry. Palitana Cotton is a tropical crop and it is raised vertically-integrated, primary copper
- Known for making bronze sculptures. in India as a Kharif crop. Climatic producer in India ?
Ahmedabad (Manchester of India) - condition - Temperatures between 21 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Famous for cotton textile works. The first degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius. (a) Sterlite Industries
cotton textile mill was started in 1861. It grows best in Black soil. India grows (b) Jhagadia Copper Limited
both short staple (Indian) cotton as well (c) Hindalco Industries (Birla Copper)
Q.512. There is a cable manufacturing as long staple (American) cotton called
facility at HCL in Rupnarainpur. It belongs (d) Hindustan Copper Limited
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (2nd shift) is a public sector undertaking under the
(a) Haryana (b) Assam Q.516. Where was the first cement plant Ministry of Mines. The company was
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) West Bengal located in India in the year 1904 ? incorporated on 9th November 1967,
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1) under the Companies Act, 1956.
Sol.512.(d) West Bengal. West Bengal (a) Jaipur (b) Rajkot Headquarters - Kolkata.
along with their notable industries: (c) Chennai (d) Hyderabad
Durgapur (Iron and Steel), Kharagpur Q.520. At which of the following places
(Chemicals), Haldia (petrochemicals), Sol.516.(c) Chennai. South India was the shipbuilding industry started in
Darjeeling (tea), Chittaranjan (Electric Industries Limited in Madras, made an 1941?
locomotives), Asansol (Coal, Iron and initiative to manufacture Portland SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
Steel), Kalyani (Heavy Engineering), cement. India entered into the Cement (a) Damodar (b) Vishakhapatnam
Rishra (Textiles). Era in 1914, when the Indian Cement (c) Eluru (d) Kurnool
Company Ltd. started manufacturing
Q.513. According to the Department of Cement in Porbandar in Gujarat. Sol.520.(b) Visakhapatnam. Hindustan
Industrial Policy and Promotion, which of Shipyard Limited (Visakhapatnam): It
the following is NOT a core industry ? Q.517. Which group of oilfields among was set up by Scindia Steam Navigation
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) the following is located in Assam? Company and the first ship was launched
(a) Jute (b) Fertilisers Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1) in 1948. It was taken over by the
(c) Crude oil (d) Electricity (a) Digboi and Naharkatiya Government in 1952 and was renamed
(b) Ankaleshwar and Kalol as Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. In 1962, the
Sol.513.(a) Jute. The eight core (c) Mehsana and Nawagam shipyard became a central public sector
industries are- Coal, Crude oil, Natural (d) Kosamba and Lunej enterprise. Cochin Shipyard Limited
Gas, Petroleum refinery products, (Kochi) - Incorporated in 1972 as a
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Pinnacle Geography
company fully owned by the Government. Sol.525.(a) Karnataka. Kudremukh Q.529. Which of the following is NOT an
Mines is an iron ore mine located in the example of a minor industrial region of
Q.521. The Kolar region of Karnataka is Bellary, Chitradurga, Chikkamagaluru, India?
famous for which mineral from the Tumkur belt. Other Iron ore mines : Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
following ? Chhattisgarh - Rowghat Mines, Bailadila. (a) Ambala-Amritsar region
SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (1st Shift) Odisha - Balda Block, Joda East, (b) Durg-Raipur region
(a) Coal (b) Gold Gorumahisani, Jajang Rungta. Madhya (c) Hugli region
(c) Petroleum (d) Copper Pradesh - Agaria Iron Ore mine. (d) Northern Malabar region
Sol.521.(b) Gold. Kolar - Golden City of Q.526. In which of the following regions Sol.529.(c) Hugli region. Minor Industrial
India. It is popularly known as the land of in India are there high-grade iron ore regions : Jaipur- Ajmer, Indore- Dewas-
Silk, Milk, Mango, Gold. Other Gold mines deposits? Ujjain, Saharanpur-Muzaffarnagar- Bijnor,
- Hutti Gold Mines (Karnataka), Kolar SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (3rd shift) Kolhapur- South Kannada, Middle
Gold Fields (Karnataka), Lava Gold Mines (a) Western Rajasthan Malabar, Adilabad - Nizamabad, Prayag-
(Jharkhand), Sonbhadra Mine (Uttar (b) Southern Punjab Varanasi- Mirzapur, Bhojpur- Munger,
Pradesh), Parasi (Jharkhand), Dadam (c) Eastern Uttar Pradesh Bilaspur- Korba, Brahmaputra valley.
(Haryana). (d) Northern Odisha Major Industrial Regions of India: Kolkata
Q.522. Which state in India has the - Hugli, Mumbai - Pune Belt, Bengaluru -
Sol.526.(d) Northern Odisha. The iron Tamil Nadu Belt, Kollam -
highest number of aluminium smelting ore mines are located near the coal fields
plants? Thiruvananthapuram Belt,
in the northeastern plateau region. Visakhapatnam - Guntur Belt,
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift) Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh,
(a) Odisha (b) Tamil Nadu Chotanagpur Plateau Belt, Ahmedabad -
Karnataka, Goa, Telangana, Andhra
(c) Maharashtra (d) Uttar Pradesh Vadodara Belt, Gurugram - Delhi - Meerut
Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu account for Belt.
Sol.522.(a) Odisha. Aluminum smelting approximately 95% of total iron ore
plants - Korba, Alupuram, Renukoot, reserves. Iron Ore and Percentage of iron Q.530. Match the industrial plant with its
Mettur, Hirakud, Angul, Jharsuguda and : Magnetite - 72 %, Hematite - 60-70 %, location.
Faridabad. Aluminium Companies in Limonite - 40 to 60%, Siderite - 48 %. Name of industrial Related Location
India - Hindustan Aluminium Company Plant
Q.527. Which is the first integrated steel
(Mumbai, Maharashtra), Vedanta Limited 1. BALCO (A) Burnpur
plant in the public sector in India?
Sol.523.(d) Chemical. India is the 6th (Odisha - 1959). Established with the
help of West German Industrial working units, one in Korba (Chattisgarh)
largest producer of chemicals in the
and one in Bidhanbag (West Bengal). ICF
world and 3rd in Asia. Also the Corporations. Steel plants built in India
during the Second Five Year Plan (FYP): (Integral Coach Factory, 1955) is located
fourth-largest producer of agrochemicals
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat (a) Manas (b) Seshachalam National Parks of Maharashtra are
(c) Maharashtra (d) Assam
(c) Agasthyamalai (d) Pachmarhi Chandoli National Park, Navegaon
Sol.534.(c) Maharashtra. They are National Park, Gugamal National Park,
Sol.539.(d) Pachmarhi Biosphere
woven by hand. They are made from very Sanjay Gandhi National Park.
Reserve is recognized for its rich
fine mulberry silk. biodiversity and has been designated as Q.543. In which state is the Nanda Devi
Q.535. Imphal valley of Manipur is an a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2009. Biosphere Reserve located?
The Satpura mountain ranges across SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Sol.535.(a) Kauna. Godna (Chattisgarh), Satpura National Park and Pachmarhi Sol.543.(d) Uttarakhand. Nanda Devi
Butta (Andhra Pradesh), and Miri Jims Sanctuary. Other Biosphere Reserve: Biosphere Reserve included in UNESCO
(Assam). Manas (Assam), Seshachalam (Andhra World Heritage site in 1988. Some
(a) Iron (b) Copper (c) Aluminium (d) Zinc biosphere reserves are established in Saikhowa (Assam), Nokrek (Meghalaya),
India? Panna (Madhya Pradesh), Pachmarhi
Sol.536.(c) Aluminium (after the iron and SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (Madhya Pradesh).
steel industry). It is light, resistant to (a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 26 (d) 15
corrosion, a good conductor of heat, Q.544. Select the natural habitat of the
malleable, and becomes strong when it is Sol.540.(a) 18. The Government of India Asiatic Lion from the following.
mixed with other metals. It is used to started the Biosphere Reserve scheme in SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
manufacture aircraft, utensils, and wires. 1986. This is guided by the UNESCO (a) Gir forest
MAB programme, as India is a signatory (b) Sundarbans
Biosphere Reserves to the landscape approach supported by (c) Kanha National Park
MAB. The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve was (d) Saranda forest
Q.537. Match the following. the first and Oldest biosphere reserve in
India established in 1986. Sol.544.(a) Gir forest. Asiatic lions are
1. Ranthambore National (a) Tamil Nadu an endangered species and their
Park Q.541. Which national park in the availability is restricted only to the Gir
2. Bandipur National (b) Rajasthan Andaman and Nicobar Islands is home to National Park situated in Gujarat. India is
Park species like Megapode, crab-eating the only country in the world to have both
3. Mudumalai National (c) Karnataka Macaque, Nicobar Pigeon, and Giant tigers and lions. Tigers are found in the
Park Robber Crab? forests of Madhya Pradesh, the
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift) Sundarbans of West Bengal. Number of
(a) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b (b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c (a) Raimona National Park Lions in India - 674. The first tiger
(c) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a (d) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a (b) Campbell Bay National Park reserve in India was established in 1973
(c) Mouling National Park (Project Tiger).
Sol.537.(d) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a.
(d) Papikonda National Park
Q.545. Which of the following
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statements is/are correct iv) Kaziranga d) Elephants Seshachalam (Andhra Pradesh),
I – Maximum National Parks in India are National Park Khangchendzonga (Sikkim), Pachmarhi
located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. (Madhya Pradesh).
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
II – Mudumalai National Park is located
(a) i-d, ii-b, iii-c, iv-a (b) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b Q.554. In which state is Gorumara
in Kerala.
(c) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a (d) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d National Park located?
III – The Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology
and Natural History is located in Tamil SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift)
Sol.549.(c) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a. Jim
Nadu. (a) Assam (b) West Bengal
Corbett National Park (Uttarakhand) -
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) (c) Uttarakhand (d) Bihar
Tiger; Sundarban National Park (West
(a) Both I and II are correct Bengal) - Bengal tiger; Dudhwa National Sol.554.(b) West Bengal. Gorumara
(b) Both I and III are correct Park (Uttar Pradesh) - Swamp deer and National Park was established in 1994. It
(c) Only III is correct Tiger; Silent Valley National Park (Kerala) is primarily known for its population of
(d) Only I is correct. - Lion Tailed Macaque; Orang National Indian rhinoceros. Other National Parks :
Park (Assam) - One Horned Rhinoceros West Bengal - Jaldapara, Sunderban,
Sol.545.(b) Both I and III are correct.
and the Royal Bengal Tiger. Singalila, Neora. Assam - Kaziranga,
Q.546. Which biosphere of Southern Nameri, Manas. Uttarakhand - Jim
Q.550. Match the wildlife sanctuaries in
Andhra Pradesh is home to many Corbett, Rajaji, Gangotri. Bihar - Valmiki.
column A with their corresponding states
endemic species including the famous Rajasthan - Ranthambore, Keoladeo.
in column B.
Red Sanders and Slender Loris? Madhya Pradesh - Kanha, Van Vihar,
Column A Column B
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) Satpura.
(Wildlife Sanctuaries) (States)
(a) Cold Desert (b) Pachmarhi
1. Tansa a. Tamil Nadu
(c) Seshachalam (d) Agasthyamalai Q.555. The famous Nelapattu Bird
2. Guindy b. Maharashtra
Sanctuary is located in which of the
Sol.546.(c) Seshachalam. It is a 3. Orchha c. Madhya Pradesh
following states?
Biosphere Reserve situated in the 4. Kaziranga d. Assam
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Evening)
Seshachalam Hill ranges of the Eastern SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Andhra Pradesh
Ghats in southern Andhra Pradesh, (a) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d (b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d (c) Karnataka (d) Madhya Pradesh
covering a total area of 4755.9 km². (c) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c (d) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
Seshachalam SLBR was designated in Sol.555.(b) Andhra Pradesh. Nelapattu
2011. It is known for its large reserves of Sol.550.(b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d. Bird Sanctuary - It is an important
Red Sandalwood. Q.551. Which of the following is declared breeding site for spot-billed pelicans
as a Wild Ass Sanctuary? (Pelecanus philippensis). Other bird
Q.547. The Keoladeo National Park is
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift) sanctuaries in Andhra Pradesh - Kolleru,
(c) Odisha (d) Madhya Pradesh Sol.551.(d) Rann of Kachchh (Gujarat). It Ranganathittu, Attiveri. Madhya Pradesh -
Sol.547.(b) Rajasthan. Keoladeo is the only home to wild ass in India. The Ghatigaon, Karera Bustard Sanctuary.
sanctuary was set up in 1972.
in 1985. States and National Parks: closest wild relative of domestic cattle lions?
Rajasthan - Ranthambhore, Sariska. protected in some of the famous
the Srivilliputhur Elephant Reserve SSC CHSL 16/04/2021(Afternoon)
located? (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Meghalaya Sol.569.(d) Kodagu (Coorg). Brahmagiri
SSC MTS 20/10/2021(Afternoon) (c) Punjab (d) Kerala Wildlife Sanctuary is situated on the
(a) Karnataka (b) Telangana border between Wayanad District of
Sol.564.(d) Kerala. Other Wildlife
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh Sanctuaries in Kerala : Eravikulam, Kerala state on the south and Kodagu
District in Karnataka on the north side.
Sol.559.(c) Tamil Nadu. There are 33 Periyar, Shendurney, Chinnar,
Elephant Reserves in India. The very first Parambikulam, Idukki, Wayanad,
Q.570. Which National Park among the
following states?
(d) Bandipur National Park
SSC CGL 13/08/2021(Morning) Sol.565.(a) Karnataka.
(a) Meghalaya (b) Goa Sol.570.(b) Namdapha National Park
(c) Karnataka (d) Assam Q.566. The wetland of Ashtamudi is (Arunachal Pradesh). It has more than
located in: 1,000 floral and about 1,400 faunal
Sol.560.(a) Meghalaya (South Garo Hills SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) species. It is a biodiversity hotspot in the
District). The sanctuary is named after a (a) Assam (b) Tamil Nadu
Eastern Himalayas.
rare insectivorous Pitcher Plant that is (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
endemic to this region only. Physiographic Division of India
Sol.566.(c) Kerala (in Kollam District). It
Q.561. Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary lies has a unique wetland ecosystem and a
Q.571. Select the correct order of the
on the southern bank of which river in the large palm shaped waterbody.
following plateaus and ranges from
northeastern states of India ? Ashtamudi Wetland is included in the list
south to north in India.
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021(Morning) of wetlands of international importance.
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
(a) Barak (b) Brahmaputra
Q.567. Which sanctuary is famous for (a) Malwa Plateau, Vindhya Range,
(c) Subansiri (d) Gomti
endangered Estuarine Crocodiles Satpura Range and Deccan Plateau
Sol.561.(b) Brahmaputra. Laokhowa conservation in India? (b) Deccan Plateau, Vindhya Range,
Wildlife Sanctuary is protected area SSC CHSL 13/10/2020(Morning) Satpura Range and Malwa Plateau
located in the state of Assam. This (a) Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary (c) Deccan Plateau, Satpura Range,
wildlife sanctuary covers 70.13 km2, on (b) Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Vindhya Range and Malwa Plateau
the south bank of the Brahmaputra River Odisha (d) Malwa Plateau, Satpura Range,
in Nagaon district. (c) Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala Vindhya Range and Deccan Plateau
(d) Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka
Q.562. In which of the following Indian Sol.571.(c) Deccan Plateau: The
states is the Barnawapara Wildlife Sol.567.(b) Bhitarkanika Wildlife southernmost plateau, covering parts of
Sanctuary located? Sanctuary (Odisha) is a Ramsar site and Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021(Afternoon) is one of India’s biggest estuarine and Telangana. Satpura Range: Located
(a) Assam (b) Karnataka crocodile habitats and a major coastal to the north of the Deccan Plateau and
(c) Sikkim (d) Chhattisgarh ecosystem. runs through Madhya Pradesh and
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Maharashtra. Vindhya Range: Lies further Garhwal. The Purvanchal Himalayas, also (a) Sikkim Himalayas
north of the Satpura Range, stretching known as the Eastern Hills, are a (b) Arunachal Himalayas
across Madhya Pradesh and separating mountain range in northeastern India. (c) Uttarakhand Himalayas
the northern plains from the southern This range includes the Patkai Hills, the (d) Kashmir Himalayas
plateaus. Malwa Plateau: Located to the Naga Hills in Nagaland, the Manipur Hills
north of the Vindhya Range, covering in Manipur, and the Mizo Hills in Sol.579.(d) Kashmir Himalayas. Karewa
parts of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Mizoram. - thick deposits of glacial clay and
moraines. These are the flat topped
Q.572. In which of the following types of Q.576. Which of the following hills is mounds that border the Kashmir Valley
regions, is the maximum temperature located in the Eastern Ghats? on all sides. The other Himalayan
variation observed between a day and SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift) sub-divisions are: Uttarakhand
the same night? (a) Naga hills (b) Khasi hills Himalayas: Between the Ravi and Kali
SSC MTS 13/11/2024 (2nd Shift) (c) Shevaroy hills (d) Anamudi hills rivers. Arunachal Himalayas: Between
(a) Coastal area (b) Island the Tista and Brahmaputra rivers. Sikkim
Sol.576.(c) Shevaroy hills. The Eastern
(c) Desert (d) Peninsula Himalayas: Between the Kali and Teesta
Ghats are a series of discontinuous low
Sol.572.(c) Desert like the ‘Thar Desert’ hills with an average elevation of 600
experience extreme temperature meters. They extend parallel to the east Q.580. The Lushai Hills are also known
variations due to low moisture, sparse coast, from the southern part of the as _________.
vegetation, and clear skies. Daytime Mahanadi valley to the Nilgiri hills. The SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (3rd shift)
temperatures can reach up to 50°C, while highest peak in this region is Jindhagada (a) Khasi Hills (b) Mizo Hills
nights drop to around 15°C, creating a Peak (1,690 meters). Notable hills in the (c) Naga Hills (d) Patkai Hills
difference of about 35°C in 24 hours. Eastern Ghats include : Mahendragiri and
Niyamgiri hills in Odisha, Nallamala hills Sol.580.(b) Mizo Hills (Mizoram and
Q.573. Which physical feature of India Manipur). The highest point of Mizo hills
(Andhra Pradesh), and Kollimalai and
prevents the cold winds from central Pachaimalai hills in Tamil Nadu. is the Blue Mountain. Eastern Hills (The
Asia from entering the Indian Purvanchal) are the southward extension
subcontinent? Q.577. In the southern ranges of which of Himalayas running along the
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift) hills is Mawsynram, which receives the north-eastern edge of India.
(a) Indian plains (b) Indian desert highest rainfall in the world, located?
(c) Coastal area (d) Himalayas SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Q.581. The central stretch of the Western
(a) Shevaroy hills (b) Mizo hills Coastal Plains of India is known as the:
Sol.573.(d) Himalaya : It acts as a SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(c) Khasi hills (d) Naga hills
natural barrier, blocking cold winds from (a) Coromandel coast (b) Konkan coast
Central Asia and protecting the climate Sol.577.(c) Khasi hills: These are part of (c) Malabar coast (d) Kannad plains
of India. This mountain range effectively the Meghalaya subtropical forests
protects the subcontinent, and maintains ecoregion and, along with the Garo and Sol.581.(d) Kannad plains (Between Goa
its relatively warm temperatures. Coastal Jaintia Hills, contribute to the state of and Mangalore). Malabar coast - Extends
area : Allows winds from the sea to enter Meghalaya, meaning "abode of the from the southern part of Goa to
India. clouds" in Sanskrit. Mawsynram, located Kanyakumari.
Sol.574.(b) Jaisalmer. Barchan, peak of the Eastern Ghats? Sol.582.(a) Shiwaliks. They extend over
crescent-shaped sand dune produced by SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift) a width of 10-50 Km and have an altitude
the action of wind predominately from (a) Kangchenjunga (b) Mahendragiri varying between 900 and 1100 metres.
one direction. The Indian desert lies west (c) Khasi (d) Anamudi They have low hills like Jammu Hills, etc.
of the Aravali Hills, with sandy plains and Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar are important
Sol.578.(b) Mahendragir. This hill was
sand dunes. It receives very low rainfall ranges of lesser Himalayas.
once believed to be the highest peak in
(below 150 mm annually) and has an arid the Eastern Ghats. However, in April Q.583. In which direction is the general
climate with sparse vegetation. 2011, a team led by Mr. Venkat Reddy Y elevation of the peninsular plateau of
Q.575. Purvanchal Himalayas does NOT found that the elevation of Mahendra Giri India?
comprise of : Hill is actually 1,501 meters. Jindhagada SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift)
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) Peak: After this discovery, it was (a) From North to South
(a) Naga hills (b) Pir Panjal range determined that the highest peak in the (b) From South to North
(c) Manipur hills (d) Mizo hills Eastern Ghats is Jindhagada Peak, which (c) From West to East
stands at 1,690 meters. It is located in (d) From East to West
Sol.575.(b) Pir Panjal Range in the the Araku Valley in Andhra Pradesh.
Himalayas is a part of the Lesser Sol.583.(c) From West to East. The
Himalayas. The Pir Panjal Range starts Q.579. Which sub-division of Himalayas Peninsular Plateau of India lies south of
near PatniTop in Jammu and Kashmir are famous for Karewa formations ? the Northern Plains, with an average
and runs through Himachal Pradesh to SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift) elevation of 600-900 m. It consists of
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smaller plateaus and hill ranges with from the erosion of the Himalayas and Sol.591.(b) Aravalli range. It runs
river basins and valleys. The plateau is Shivalik uplands. Major duns in the approximately 670 km (430 mi) in a
divided into three groups: Central region include Dehra, Kohtri, Chaukham, south-west direction, starting near Delhi,
Highlands (e.g., Malwa, Bundelkhand), Patli, and Kota, with Dehradun being the passing through southern Haryana and
Deccan Plateau (e.g., Maharashtra, largest at 35 km long and 25 km wide. Rajasthan, and ending in Gujarat. The
Karnataka), and Northwestern Plateau highest peak is Guru Shikhar at 1,722
Q.588. The Himalayas have uplifted from
(e.g., Aravalli, Vindhya, Satpura ranges). metres (5,650 ft). Vindhya range forms a
which of the following geosynclines?
dividing line between the Ganges Plain
Q.584. Which of the following hills is SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
and the Deccan Plateau. Satpura range is
located in the Eastern most part of India? (a) Tethys geosynclines
situated between two west flowing rivers
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift) (b) Appalachians geosynclines
- Narmada and Tapi.
(a) Jaintia Hills (b) Khasi Hills (c) Caledonian geosynclines
(c) Garo Hills (d) Patkai Bum Hills (d) Aravalli geosynclines Q.592. Choose the correct statements
about the Western Ghats.
Sol.584.(d) Patkai Bum Hills. Patkai Hills Sol.588.(a) Tethys geosynclines. The
a. The height of the Western Ghats
(Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Upper northward drift of the Indian Plate
progressively increases from north to
Burma region of Myanmar). Western resulted in the collision of the plate with
Ghats {Anamudi (highest peak), the much larger Eurasian Plate. Due to
b. Mahendragiri is the highest peak in the
Mannamala, Meesapulimala, Doddabetta this collision, the sedimentary rocks
Western Ghats.
peak, Kolaribetta Peak, etc). The Mizo which were accumulated in the
c. The Western Ghats are higher than the
Hills, located in the southeastern geosyncline known as the Tethys were
Eastern Ghats.
Mizoram state, were formerly called folded to form the mountain system of
d. The height of the Western Ghats
Lushai Hills. western Asia and Himalaya.
progressively decreases from north to
Q.585. What is the average elevation of Q.589. What is the name of the northern south.
the Eastern Ghats of India? part of the western coastal plain SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) between Mumbai and Goa? (a) b, c and d (b) a and b
(a) 400 metres (b) 200 metres SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) (c) a and c (d) Only c and d
(c) 600 metres (d) 900 metres (a) Coromandel coast (b) Malabar coast
Sol.592.(c) a and c. The highest peak in
(c) Kannad plain (d) Konkan coast
Sol.585.(c) 600 metres. Eastern Ghats the Western Ghats is Anamudi (2,695
comprises the discontinuous and low Sol.589.(d) Konkan coast. The central
hills that are highly eroded by the rivers stretch of Arabian Sea is called the
Q.593. Which triangular plateau region of
such as the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Kannad Plain, while the southern stretch
India lies south of the river Narmada?
Krishna, the Cauvery, etc. The Eastern is known as the Malabar coast. In the
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
Ghats are a mesmerising mountain range Bay of Bengal, the northern part is called
(a) Deccan plateau
that extends across the states of Odisha, the Northern Circar, and the southern
(b) Marwar plateau
(b) The Island Group Hills, and Maikal Range extend to the
b. Andaman and Nicobar islands are east. The Deccan Plateau is higher in the
composed of coral islands. (c) The Himalayan Range
(d) The Great Indian Desert west and slopes gently eastwards.
c. It is believed that Lakshadweep
islands are an elevated portion of Sol.590.(a) The North Indian Plain is Q.594. Geologically, which of the
submarine mountains. formed by alluvial deposits brought by following physiographic divisions of India
d. It is believed that Andaman and rivers such as the Indus, Ganga, and is supposed to be one of the most stable
Nicobar islands are an elevated portion Brahmaputra. These plains stretch about land blocks?
of submarine mountains. 3,200 km from east to west and are Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) divided into three zones: Bhabar, Tarai, a) The Northern Plains
(a) b and c (b) a and b and Alluvial plains. Bhabar is a narrow (b) The Himalayas
(c) a and d (d) c and d belt near the Shiwalik foothills, while (c) The Peninsular Plateau
Tarai lies south of it. The alluvial plains (d) The Indian Desert
Sol.586.(c) a and d.
include the Khadar (new alluvium) and Sol.594.(c) The Peninsular plateau is a
Q.587. What is the name of the physical Bhangar (old alluvium). tableland composed of the old
feature that is the longitudinal valley lying crystalline, igneous and metamorphic
Q.591. The Great Indian desert/Thar
between the Lesser Himalayas and the rocks. This plateau consists of two broad
desert is located on the western margin
Siwalik in India? divisions, namely, the Central Highlands
of which of the following mountain
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) and the Deccan Plateau. The part of the
(a) Duns (b) Doab (c) Bhabhar (d) Terai Peninsular plateau lying to the north of
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Sol.587.(a) Duns are structurally formed (a) Vindhya range (b) Aravalli range the Narmada river. The Indian desert lies
valleys covered with boulders and gravel (c) Eastern ghats (d) Satpura range towards the western margins of the
divisions of India is densely populated? surrounded by Arabian Sea in the west, Sol.604.(d) 1,2 and 4. The northeastern
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift) Bay of Bengal in the east , and Indian part of India is marked by the presence
(a) The North Indian Plains Ocean in the south. India's coastline of big rivers, dissected relief, dense
(b) The islands extends to Nine states (Gujarat, forests, frequent floods, landslides,
(c) The Himalayan Range Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, international frontiers, etc. The first
(d) The Thar Desert Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and railway proposals for India were made in
West Bengal). Largest coastline - Gujarat Madras in 1832. As a result, the country
Sol.596.(a) The North Indian Plains has (1214 km). got its first train in the form of the Red
been formed by the interplay of the three Hill Railway which was built with the sole
major river systems, namely the Indus, Q.601. The plains from Ambala to the
purpose of transporting granite for
the Ganga and the Brahmaputra along Sunderban stretch over nearly 1800 km,
road-building in 1837.
with their tributaries, which makes its soil but the fall in its slope is hardly ________
highly fertile. Alluvial soil is the major soil metres. Q.605. Which of the following is a
found in the plains. The swampy belt of SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift) mountain pass in the Pir Panjal range at
the plains is known as terai. (a) 550 (b) 300 (c) 600 (d) 450 a maximum altitude of 2832 meters that
connects the Kashmir Valley in the Union
Sol.601.(b) 300. In other words, there is
Q.597. India accounts for what percent Territory of Jammu and Kashmir with the
(a) 3.2 % (b) 5.2 % (c) 4.8 % (d) 2.4 % (a) Mana Pass (b) Banihal Pass
Ganga river systems.
(c) Bara-Lacha Pass (d) ZojiLa Pass
Sol.597.(d) 2.4 %. The land mass of
Q.602. When the river approaches sea it
India has an area of 3.28 million square Sol.605.(b) Banihal pass (Jammu and
breaks up into a number of distributaries,
km. India is the seventh largest country Kashmir) is situated in the Pir - Panjal
each distributary forms its own mouth.
in the world. Largest countries in the Range. It connects Banihal with
The collection of sediments from all the
world: Russia, Canada, China, United Qazigund. Mana Pass (Uttarakhand) is
mouths forms _______.
States, Brazil, Australia, etc. located in the Greater Himalayas and
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (4th Shift)
connects Tibet with Uttarakhand. Bara
Q.598. The Standard Meridian of India (a) meanders (b) floodplains
lacha pass - Connects Himachal
(82°30’E) passes through _______ state of (c) delta (d) levee
Pradesh's Lahaul area with Ladakh. Zojila
Sol.602.(c) Delta. Meander is a Pass connects Leh and Srinagar.
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening)
pronounced curve or loop in the course
(a) Karnataka (b) Madhya Pradesh Q.606. With reference to the major
of a river channel. Floodplains are an
(c) West Bengal (d) Punjab regions of the northern plains, Bhabar is:
area of low-lying ground adjacent to a
SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Evening)
Sol.598.(b) Madhya Pradesh. The river, formed mainly by flooding of rivers
(a) the older alluvium along the river beds
Standard Meridian - A longitude that and the deposition of sand sediments on
forming terraces higher than the
determines a standard time for the whole the riverbanks.
Q.603. Devka Beach, a beautiful expanse (b) a narrow belt of about 8 to 16 km that
Q.599. Which of the following Indian of black sand is located in______ runs in the west-east direction along
states is biggest in terms of area? SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening) the foot of the Himalayas from the
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening) (a) Mumbai (b) Daman river Indus to Teesta
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(c) composed of newer alluvium and SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) Sol.616.(a) 67,956 km. The length of the
forms flood plains along the river (a) Manipur (b) Nagaland Indian Railways network, according to
banks (c) Mizoram (d) Arunachal Pradesh the Railway Yearbook 2019-20 : Broad
(d) a broad long zone of northern India gauge - The distance between the rails is
and southern Nepal running parallel Sol.611.(d) Arunachal Pradesh. 1.676 meters, with a total length of
to the lower ranges of the Himalayas Himalayas in the Darjeeling and Sikkim 63,950 km. Metre gauge - The distance
regions lie in an east-west direction. between the rails is 1 meter, with a total
Sol.606.(b) Bhabar is a narrow belt lying
Q.612. Which of the following mountain length of 2,402 km. Narrow gauge - The
parallel to the slopes of the Shiwaliks in
is situated in the state of Uttarakhand? distance between the rails is either 0.762
Uttarakhand. It is narrow in the east and
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) meters or 0.610 meters, with a total
wide in the western and northwestern
(a) Nathu La Pass length of 1,604 km.
hilly regions. It comprises gravel and
un-assorted sediment deposits. Crop (b) Baralacha La Pass Q.617. According to the Indian Railways
cultivation is not possible in this tract, (c) Bomdi La Pass (2019-2020), which state has the largest
only giant trees with deep roots grow. (d) Mangsha Dhura Pass railway track in India?
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Q.607. In which of the following regions Sol.612.(d) Mangsha Dhura Pass. Other
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana
of India is the natural habitat of passes in Uttarakhand: Kalindi Pass,
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
White-bellied Heron largely distributed? Lipulekh Pass, Mana Pass, Auden's Col,
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening) Muling La, Nama Pass, Niti Pass, Traill's Sol.617.(d) Uttar Pradesh. The longest
(a) North-east (b) Northern plains Pass. railway track in India is the
(c) Deccan plateau (d) Western coast Dibrugarh-Kanyakumari Vivek Express
Q.613. Which among the following (approx 4200 km), running from
Sol.607.(a) North-east India, the states does NOT share its border with Dibrugarh in Assam to Kanyakumari in
easternmost region of the country, Odisha? Tamil Nadu. The shortest railway line is
comprises eight states: Arunachal SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Morning) the 3-kilometer route between Nagpur
Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Jharkhand and Ajni in Maharashtra. The five states
Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, and Sikkim. (c) Bihar (d) West Bengal with the largest route kilometers are
Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
Q.608. Deserts, rain,forests, coral reefs, Sol.613.(c) Bihar. Odisha is surrounded
Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh.
and mangroves are features of ________ by 4 states: Andhra Pradesh from the
diversity. south, Chhattisgarh from the west and Q.618. In which of the following states
SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Evening) Jharkhand and West Bengal from the is the development of rail transport less,
(a) genetic (b) cultural north. due to its geographical conditions?
all kinds of animals and plants living on slopes and rugged terrain, which
Sol.614.(a) Shipki La - From here, Satluj
this earth along with their habitat. complicates the construction of rail
district-cum-tourism hotspot of Pakistan before landing into Indus. Q.619. Through which routes is the
Arunachal Pradesh? majority of India’s international trade
Q.615. Which among the following is a
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Afternoon) carried out?
western coast island?
(a) Kalimpong (b) Alipurduar SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) Jalpaiguri (d) Tawang (a) Railway and air (b) Sea and air
(a) Pamban (b) Elephanta
Sol.609.(d) Tawang. Kalimpong, (c) Only Railway (d) Sea and railway
(c) Parikud (d) Sriharikota
Alipurduar, and Jalpaiguri are the
districts in West Bengal. Sol.615.(b) Elephanta island is located in Sol.619.(b) Sea and air. India has a
Mumbai Harbour of the Arabian Sea. coastline of approximately 7,516.6 km,
Q.610. The archaeological site of Pamban (between peninsular India and making maritime transport essential for
Atranjikhera is located in _______. Sri Lanka), Parikud (Odisha), and international trade. According to the
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Afternoon) Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh). Ministry of Shipping, about 95% of India's
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand trade by volume and 70% by value is
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Maharashtra conducted via sea routes. A smaller
Sol.610.(c) Uttar Pradesh. This site was portion of trade occurs through land
first identified by Sir Alexander Q.616. What is the length of the Indian routes to neighboring countries,
Cunningham in 1862 but excavated by R Railways network, according to the including Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and
C Gaur in 1962. Railway Yearbook 2019-20 ? Pakistan.
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Q.620. According to the Ministry of Road
Q.611. In the state of ______, the general
(a) 67,956 km (b) 1,604 km Transport and Highways’ annual report
direction of the Himalayas is from
(c) 63,950 km (d) 2,402 km (2020-2021), which position does India
southwest to northeast.
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have in terms of road networks in the and both air and waterways contribute range of the Himalayas on the
world? SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) approximately 0.5% each, as per the Leh-Manali Highway in Himachal
(a) First (b) Second (c) Fourth (d) Third Ministry of Road Transport and Pradesh. It reduces the distance between
Highways. Solang Valley and Sissu by approximately
Sol.620.(b) Second. India has the 46 km. Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel - India's
second largest road network in the world Q.624. Which of the following is an longest transportation railway tunnel.
after the USA. India’s road network example of an eastern coast port?
stands at over 63,71,847 km. This SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) Q.628. Match the following ports with
comprises National Highways, (a) Mumbai Port their related states correctly.
Expressways, State Highways, Major (b) Chennai Port Ports States
District Roads, other District Roads and (c) Mormugao Port
1. Mormugao port a. West Bengal
Village Roads (Ministry of Road (d) New Mangalore Port
2. Paradip Port b. Odisha
Transport & Highways Annual Report FY
Sol.624.(b) Chennai Port started its 3. Haldia Port c. Tamil Nadu
commercial operations in 1881. The 4. Tuticorin Port d. Goa
Q.621. As of Financial year 2019, which major ports on the eastern coast : SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift)
of the following states has the highest Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu, Ennore - Tamil (a) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c (b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c
road density in India? Nadu, Chennai - Tamil Nadu, Haldia and (c) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c (d) 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (1st Shift) Kolkata - West Bengal, Paradip - Odisha,
(a) Haryana (b) Tamil Nadu Visakhapatnam - Andhra Pradesh, Port Sol.628.(a) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c. Other
(c) Kerala (d) Punjab Blair - Andaman and Nicobar Islands. major ports of India: Andhra Pradesh -
Visakhapatnam Port. Tamil Nadu -
Sol.621.(c) Kerala. As of the financial Q.625. Which of the following ports was Kamarajar Port, Chennai Port, Tuticorin
year 2019, Kerala had the highest road developed as a Satellite port to relieve Port.
density among states, with 6.7 thousand the pressure at the Mumbai port?
kilometers of roads per one thousand SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Q.629. When was air transport
square kilometers. Among union (a) New Mangalore Port nationalised in India?
territories, Chandigarh had the highest (b) Marmagao Port SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift)
road density in India, with over 22.6 (c) Deendayal Port Authority (a) 1950 (b) 1952 (c) 1951 (d) 1953
thousand kilometers per one thousand (d) Jawaharlal Nehru Port
square kilometers. Road density refers to Sol.629.(d) 1953. The Air Corporations
the total length of all roads in a country, Sol.625.(d) Jawaharlal Nehru Port Act of 1953 led to the nationalization of
including highways, national roads, and (Nhava Sheva), established on 26 May Indian airlines and the formation of two
city or rural roads, compared to the 1989, is India's second-largest container corporations: Indian Airlines for domestic
country's land area. port, following Mundra Port. New routes and Air India International for
Mangalore Port, in Karnataka, is operated international routes.
Q.622. By which National Waterways
by the New Mangalore Port Trust.
(NW) of India, are the delta channels of Q.630. Match the railway zones in
Mormugao Port, commissioned in 1885,
Mahanadi and Brahmani rivers and East column A with their headquarters in
is located on Goa's western coast.
Coast Canal connected? column B.
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) Q.626. In which year was the Konkan
Column A Column B
(a) NW 1 (b) NW 3 (c) NW 2 (d) NW 5 Railway constructed?
(Railway zones) (Headquarters)
(a) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural magazines, and other periodical
Sol.636.(c) 1. Sher Shah Suri built the
Gas publications) and Bulk (Consists of
Shahi (Royal) Road to strengthen and
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs letters, newsletters, leaflets, and other
consolidate his empire from the Indus
(c) Ministry of Railways similar products).
Valley to Bengal's Sonar Valley. This road
(d) Ministry of Road Transport and was renamed the Grand Trunk (GT) Road Q.640. Which of the following is NOT a
Highways during British rule, connecting Kolkata characteristic of National Highways in
Sol.633.(a) Ministry of Petroleum and and Peshawar. Currently, it extends from India?
Natural Gas. Some major pipelines in Amritsar to Kolkata and is divided into SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (2nd shift)
India: Hazira-Bijaypur-Jagdishpur two segments: National Highway (NH)-1 (a) Meant for inter-state transport
Pipeline - India's longest gas pipeline, from Delhi to Amritsar and NH-2 from (b) Connect state capitals and major
was the air transport in India launched? (d) Maintained by the Central
near Delhi. Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Pipeline - India's first crude oil pipeline, Government
(a) 1948 (b) 1932 (c) 1954 (d) 1911
which runs from Assam to the Barauni Sol.640.(c) Border Roads Organisation
refinery. Sol.637.(d) 1911. Air Transportation: Air (BRO): Functions under the control of the
rack railway in India that was declared a Expressways, National highways, State
shortest highways.
highways, District roads, Rural roads, and
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005?
Q.643. Which waterway provides SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 3rd shift) Border roads or Project roads. NH-44 is
the longest national highway in India with
connectivity with mainland India through (a) Nilgiri Mountain Railway
the India - Bangladesh Protocol route? (b) Kangra Valley Railway a length of 3745 Kilometers running from
Srinagar in the north to Kanyakumari in
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift) (c) Matheran Hill Railway
(a) NW-10 (b) NW-15 (c) NW-2 (d) NW-83 (d) Kalka–Shimla Railway the south.
National Waterways in India. NW-10: these, 35 are cultural, seven are natural, port (total 13 in India) located in Andhra
Amba River. NW-69: It is the smallest and one, Khangchendzonga National Pradesh coast of Bay of Bengal. It is a
waterway (5 km). Park, is of mixed type (As of October natural harbor. The major commodities in
2024). this port include Iron ore, manganese ore,
Q.644. Asansol, Howrah, Malda and
Sol.654.(c) Odisha. National Waterway - the 2011 census, India's sex ratio was
96 passes through the states of Q.660. What was National Highway 66 943 females per 1,000 males, and the
Jharkhand, Orissa, and West Bengal. (NH 66) previously known as? child sex ratio was 919 females per
SSC CGL 06/03/2020(Evening) 1,000 males.
Q.655. On the basis of the track width of
(a) NH2 (b) NH8 (c) NH5 (d) NH 17
Indian Railways, what type of gauge is Q.664. When the analysis of population
Matheran Hill Railways? Sol.660.(d) NH 17. It connects Panvel in density is done by calculating it through
SSC CHSL 26/05/2022(Morning) Maharashtra to Kanyakumari in Tamil net cultivated area, then the measure is
(a) Narrow gauge (b) Medium gauge
Q.656. The ancient port, Sopara is amenities, and assets. Second - is the number of farmers per unit of
located in which of the following states ? Population Enumeration where more arable land. The agricultural population
SSC MTS 22/10/2021(Morning) detailed information on each individual includes cultivators and agricultural
(a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala residing in the country, Indian national or labourers and their family members.
(c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu otherwise is noted. The first
Q.665. According to Census of India
non-synchronous census was conducted
Sol.656.(a) Maharashtra. The ancient 2011, in rural India, which state has the
in 1872 under Lord Mayo's
port, Sopara (capital of the ancient maximum female workforce participation
administration, while the first
Aparanta) - In ancient times, it was the rate? SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
synchronous census took place in 1881
largest township on India's west coast, (a) Arunachal Pradesh
under W.C. Plowden. The 16th Census
trading with Mesopotamia, Egypt, Cochin, (b) Uttar Pradesh
(2021) was postponed due to the
Arabia and Eastern Africa. (c) Himachal Pradesh
COVID-19 pandemic.
(d) Andhra Pradesh
Q.657. National Highway No. 7 connects:
Q.662. Which of the following Sol.665.(c) Himachal Pradesh. As per
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021(Afternoon)
statements is/are correct according to Census 2011, the workforce participation
(a) Fazilka to Mana
the Census of India-2011? rate for females is 25.51% against
(b) Kashmir to Kanyakumari
(a) A person aged seven years or above, 53.26% for males. Rural sector has a
(c) Varanasi to Kanyakumari
who can both read and write with better female workforce participation
(d) Kanpur to Silchar
understanding in any language, is treated rate of 30.02% compared with 53.03% for
Sol.657.(a) Fazilka to Mana. Fazilka as literate. males whereas for the urban sector. In
(Punjab) - Rishikesh - Badrinath - Mana (b) A person who can only read but Rural, Himachal Pradesh has the highest
(Uttarakhand). cannot write is not literate. female workforce participation rate
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(47.4) whereas Tamil Nadu has max 2011, the percentage of adolescent with Hindus comprising 96.63 crores
(21.8) among major states. population (10-19 years) from the total (79.8%), Muslims 17.22 crores (14.2%),
population is how much? Christians 2.78 crores (2.3%), Sikhs 2.08
Q.666. As per the definition of Census of SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) crores (1.7%), Buddhists 0.84 crores
India, a ‘marginal worker’ is a person who (a) 22.9% (b) 21.9% (c) 20.9% (d) 19.9% (0.7%), Jains 0.45 crores (0.4%) and
works for: Religion Not Stated 0.29 crores (0.2%).
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Sol.669.(c) 20.9%. The population of the
(a) less than 183 days (or six months) in country as per the provisional figures of Q.673. According to Census 2011, which
a year Census 2011 is 1210.19 million of which district displays the highest population?
(b) more than 183 days (or six months) in 623.72 million (51.54%) are males and SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
a year 586.46 million (48.46%) are females. The (a) Kollam (b) Ajmer (c) Thane (d) Pune
(c) eight months in a year proportion of Child Population in the age Sol.673.(c) Thane is a district located in
(d) 83 days in a year group of 0-6 years to total population is the state of Maharashtra. It is often
13.1 percent. From 2001 to 2011, the referred to as the "City of Lakes" due to
Sol.666.(a) The population of India
population in the 0-6 age group its large number of water bodies.
according to their economic status is
registered minus 3.08 percent growth
divided into three groups, namely; main Q.674. Who published the logistic
with minus 2.42 for males and minus
workers, marginal workers and equation model of population growth in
3.80 for females.
non-workers. A Main Worker is a person 1838 ?
who works for at least 183 days (or six Q.670. According to the Census of India SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
months) in a year. Marginal Worker is a 2011, which group of Union Territories (a) Howard Thomas Odum
person who works for less than 183 days recorded the highest sex ratio? (b) Alfred Russel Wallace
(or six months) in a year. The proportion SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) Pierre François Verhulst
of workers (both main and marginal) is (a) Puducherry, Delhi, Andaman and (d) George Evelyn Hutchinson
only 39.8 per cent (2011) leaving a vast Nicobar Islands
Sol.674.(c) Pierre François Verhulst. He
majority of about 60 percent as (b) Puducherry, Lakshadweep, Andaman
was a Belgian mathematician who
non-workers. and Nicobar Islands
earned a doctorate in number theory
Q.667. The Accelerated Female Literacy (c) Chandigarh, Puducherry,
from the University of Ghent in 1825. He
Programme was initiated in districts Lakshadweep
is renowned for the logistic growth
where the female literacy rate, based on (d) Chandigarh, Puducherry, Delhi
model, which is widely applied in
the 2001 census, was _______. Sol.670.(b) The sex ratio. In the union population growth modeling. This model,
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift) territories, the sex ratios were as follows: first proposed by Pierre-François Verhulst
(a) below 35% (b) below 45% Puducherry (1,037), Lakshadweep (946), in 1838, states that the reproduction rate
(c) below 30% (d) below 50% Andaman and Nicobar Islands (876). is proportional to both the existing
Sol.667.(c) below 30%. According to the Among the states, the highest sex ratios population and the available resources,
were found in Kerala (1,084), Tamil Nadu assuming all else is equal.
Pradesh and Bihar are responsible for the Sol.686.(b) Goa. It has the highest urban
most number of migrants as 20.9 million Q.683. According to the Census of India population among states, at 62.2%,
people migrated outside the state from 2011, which group of states has the least followed by Kerala at 47.7%. The
the two states. Reason for Migration : urban population? National Capital Territory of Delhi (97.5%)
Lack of Employment opportunities, Lack SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift) and Chandigarh (97.25%) are the most
of proper Educational and Healthcare (a) Madhya Pradesh and Bihar urbanized Union Territories. Himachal
Facilities, Marriage. Uttar Pradesh has (b) Himachal Pradesh and Meghalaya Pradesh has the lowest urban population,
the highest share of out-migrants while (c) Himachal Pradesh and Bihar at 10%, followed by Bihar at 11.3%.
Maharashtra has the highest share of (d) Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
in-migrants. Q.687. On the basis of highest
Sol.683.(c) Himachal Pradesh and Bihar.
population growth rate (Census, 2011),
Q.679. The growth rate of India's According to the 2011 census of India :
select the option that arranges the
population has been declining since ____. Urban Population - 31.16%. Rural
following states in descending order.
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) Population - 69%. Goa is the most
(A) Bihar (B) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) 1991 (b) 1951 (c) 1981 (d) 1971 urbanized state with 62.17% of the
(C) Meghalaya
population living in urban areas. The total
Sol.679.(c) 1981. The pace of population SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift)
population percentage of people that
decrease in the fertility rate and Odisha is 16.69%, and Rajasthan is Sol.687.(c) C, B, A. As per Census 2011:
improvements in family planning 24.87%.
Q.690. According to the Census 2011 of Q.694. As per the Census-2011, the total Q.698. The __________ results from an
India, which metropolitan has the second absolute increase in population during increase in the proportion of workers
highest population ? the decade is ________. relative to nonworkers in the population.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Chennai (b) Delhi (a) 18.19 crore (b) 16.41 crore (a) age structure of population
(c) Kolkata (d) Mumbai (c) 17.21 crore (d) 15.23 crore (b) population momentum
(c) old-age dependency ratio
Sol.690.(b) Delhi. Census 2011: Highest Sol.694.(a) 18.19 crore. The population (d) demographic dividend
populated metropolitan city - Mumbai (18 density in India in 2011 was 382 people
million), Second - Delhi (16 million), per square kilometer. Bihar has the Sol.698.(d) Demographic dividend refers
followed by Kolkata (14 million). Mumbai, highest population density (1106 people to the economic growth potential from
Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, per square kilometer), followed by Bengal changes in a population's age structure,
Ahmedabad, Surat and Hyderabad are (1028) and Kerala (860). The state with typically when the working-age
the metropolitan cities of India with a the lowest population density is population grows larger relative to
population of more than four million. Arunachal Pradesh (17 persons/square dependents. Population momentum
km) and the Union Territory with the describes the potential for growth or
Q.691. According to the census of India
lowest density population is Andaman & decline based on age structure, even with
2011, which state has the lowest constant fertility, mortality, and migration
population growth rate ? Nicobar Islands.
rates. The old-age dependency ratio
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift) Q.695. According to the Census of (OADR) is the number of people aged
(a) Jharkhand (b) Punjab India-2011, what is the sex ratio 65+ compared to those aged 20–64, the
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Nagaland (Females per 1000 males) of India? working - age group.
males. Rural areas have higher female or sparsely populated a region is. per thousand population per year in
participation (30.02%) than urban areas. According to Census 2011, the
In Rural, Himachal Pradesh has the population density of India is 382 (per Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
maximum female workforce participation square km). State with highest
(a) Death Rate
rate (47.4) whereas Tamil Nadu has population density - Bihar (1106 person (b) Age Specific Death Rate
maximum (21.8) among major states. per square km). State with lowest
(c) Incidence Rate
There is a significant gap between rural population density - Arunachal Pradesh (d) Infant Mortality rate
and urban female workforce (17 person per square km).
census 2011, Arunachal Pradesh has of deaths under one year of age divided
Sol.702.(a) Sanskrit. The 2011 census by 1000 live births in a given year.
lowest Population density. Bihar has the
the total number of agricultural workers (c) negative (d) crude
in the country has increased from 234.1 Q.721. Which of the following states had
million (127.3 million cultivators and Sol.716.(d) crude. Birth rate is the total the highest percentage of Scheduled
106.8 million agricultural labourers) in number of live births in a particular area Tribes in the country as per census
2001 to 263.1 million (118.8 million (an entire country, a state, a district or 2011?
cultivators and 144.3 million agricultural other territorial unit) during a specified SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift)
labourers) in 2011. However, the share of period (usually a year) divided by the (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
the workforce engaged in the agriculture total population of that area in (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh
Rate of natural increase refers to the Chandigarh, Delhi and Puducherry have
cent in 2011.
difference between the birth rate and the no population of Scheduled tribes. Uttar
Q.713. According to the Census of death rate. Pradesh has the largest Scheduled Caste
lowest sex ratio? 2011, which state in India has the highest
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) female literacy rate ?
(a) Chandigarh and Lakshadweep
(c) Puducherry and Delhi (c) Daman and Diu (d) Haryana
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Maharashtra
(d) Lakshadweep and Puducherry Sol.717.(c) Daman and Diu (618). Sex
Sol.722.(b) Kerala (94.0%): Literacy rate
Sol.713.(b) Delhi and Chandigarh. As per ratio is used to describe the number of
(male: 96.1%, female 92.7%).
Census 2011, the most urbanized state - females per 1000 of males.
Goa. Q.723. The population density of India as
Q.718. As per the Census of India 2011,
per the Census of 1951 is _______.
Q.714. According to the census of India which Union Territory recorded the
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (2nd shift)
2011, which group of Union Territories of lowest population growth rate?
(a) 117 per sq km (b) 324 per sq km
India has the highest literacy rate ? SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
(c) 103 per sq km (d) 382 per sq km
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) (a) Lakshadweep (b) Delhi
(a) Lakshadweep and Daman and Diu (c) Daman and Diu (d) Chandigarh Sol.723.(a) 117 per sq km. There has
(b) Daman and Diu and Delhi been a steady increase of more than 200
Sol.718.(a) Lakshadweep. Census of
(c) Andaman and The Nicobar Islands persons per sq km over the last 50 years.
India 2011- Lowest Population Growth
and Puducherry The density of population in India (2011)
Rate : States - Nagaland, Kerala, Goa,
(d) Chandigarh and Daman and Diu is 382 persons per sq km. Population
Andhra Pradesh. UT - Lakshadweep,
density of States (2011) : Arunachal
Sol.714.(a) Lakshadweep (91.85 %) and Andaman and Nicobar, Chandigarh, New
Pradesh (17, Lowest), Bihar (1106.
Daman and Diu (87.10 %). Delhi. Highest Population Growth Rate :
Highest), West Bengal (1028), Uttar
States - Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,
Q.715. Match the following states with Pradesh (829), Kerala (860), Tamil Nadu
Bihar. UT - Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
the percentage of population below the (555), Delhi - (11,320, Most dense UT),
Daman and Diu, Puducherry.
poverty line. According to the Planning Andaman and Nicobar Islands (46, Least
Commission of India (2011-12). Q.719. According to the Census of India Dense UT).
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Q.724. What is the Crude Death Rate of Q.729. Which of the following periods is (c) Sikhs (d) Muslim
India as per Census 2011? known as the period of population
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st shift) explosion in India? Sol.733.(a) Christians.
(a) 10% (b) 8.5% (c) 5.9% (d) 7.1% SSC CGL 24/07/2023( 4th shift) Q.734. According to the Union Home
(a) 1981-2021 (b) 1931-1961 Ministry, the census 2021 (which got
Sol.724.(d) 7.1%. Percentage of infant (c) 1921-1951 (d) 1951-1981
deaths to total death - 13.6, Crude Birth postponed due to COVID 19) was
Rate - 21.8 (Rural - 23.3, Urban - 17.6), Sol.729.(d) 1951-1981. During this supposed to collect data for _________ for
General Fertility rate - 81.2, Percentage period the population of India grew the first time.
distribution of population by broad age rapidly from 361 million (1951) to 683 SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (afternoon)
group: (0 - 14) - 29.5, (15 - 59) - 62.5, million (1981). The average annual (a) Schedule Tribes
(60+) - 8.0. growth rate of this period was 2.14 (b) Schedule Castes
percent. (c) Economically weaker sections
Q.725. What was the percentage of (d) Other Backward Castes
Q.730. What does the Lincoln index
India's population that belonged to the
measure? Sol.734.(d) Other Backward Castes.
Muslim religion in 2011?
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 4) Fifteenth Census (2011). The Socio -
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) Population Size Economic and Caste Census (SECC) was
(a) 14.2% (b) 11.9% (c) 16.4% (d) 18.5%
(b) Population Natality Rate conducted in 2011 for the first time since
Sol.725.(a) 14.2%. (c) Population Mortality Rate 1931. 29 questions canvassed during
(d) Population Density Population Enumeration in census 2011.
Q.726. On the basis of tribal population
(2011), identify the option that arranges Sol.730.(a) Population Size. Lincoln Q.735. As per census 2011, What is the
index described by Frederick Charles
the following states in ascending order. Total Fertility Rate in India? (provide an
A. Madhya Pradesh B. Maharashtra Lincoln (in 1930). Population Natality approximate range)
C. Odisha Rate - The number of births per unit of SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift) time in a population, often expressed as (a) 3.1 - 3.9 (b) 2.1 - 2.9
(a) (C), (B), (A) (b) (B), (A), (C) births per 1,000 individuals per year. (c) 4.1 - 4.9 (d) 5.1 - 5.9
(c) (C), (A), (B) (d) (B), (C), (A) Population Mortality Rate - The number
of deaths per unit of time in a population, Sol.735.(b) 2.1 - 2.9.
Sol.726.(a) Madhya Pradesh has the often expressed as deaths per 1,000 Q.736. The long term objective of
highest and Punjab has the lowest tribal individuals per year. National Population Policy (NPP) 2000 is
population in India as per 2011 census.
Q.731. The population of a nation in the to achieve a stable population by ______
Tribal population percentage of these
working age group is generally grouped with sustainable economic growth, social
Q.727. Which of the following periods is (c) 15-59 years (d) 14-58 years (a) 2045 (b) 2035 (c) 2025 (d) 2055
referred to as a period of stagnant or
Sol.731.(c) 15-59 years. The 2011 Sol.736.(a) 2045. The immediate
(a) Scattered settlement likely to be born to a woman in her
(b) Compact settlement lifetime if she were subject to the Sol.747.(d) West Bengal. As per 2011
(c) Line settlement prevailing rate of age-specific fertility in Census, five states - Uttar Pradesh,
(d) Grid settlement the population. Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, and
Andhra Pradesh.
Sol.739.(b) Compact settlement. Grid Q.744. Why is there low population
settlements are settlements in which growth in a society that is Q.748. Growth rate of population refers
houses are built in a grid pattern, such as underdeveloped and technologically to the:
areas. Line settlements are settlements rate are high (b) addition of birth rate and death rate
in which houses are built along a road or (b) Because both death rate and birth (c) difference between birth rate and
river and canals. rate are low death rate
(c) Because such countries usually have (d) difference between death rate and
Q.740. Officially, the first recorded data GDP
strict government policies related to
on transgenders in India was collected in
Sol.740.(a) 2011 - It was the 15th Sol.744.(a) The first stage is that of low
population growth in society because increase combined with the effects of
census and 7th after independence. The migration.
Registrar General of India (RGI), during both the death rate and the birth rate are
Enumeration of Census 2011, for the first very high so the difference between the Q.749. The distribution of the population
time provided three codes; these are two (or the net growth rate) is low. Stage according to different types of
Male-1, Female-2 and other-3 for II (Higher than death rate), Stage III (Low occupation is known as __________.
enumeration. birth rate; Curves of both death and birth SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Afternoon)
rate get closer; Population growth rate- (a) occupational structure
Q.741. According to census 2011, what Very low), and Stage IV (Birth rate curve (b) age composition
is the population (nearest value) of further dips, more than the death rate (c) adolescent population
tribals in India? curve; Net population goes down). (d) Migration
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) 16.45 crore (b) 14.45 crore Q.745. According to the Socio-Economic Sol.749.(a) Occupational structure refers
(c) 10.42 crore (d) 12.45 crore Census 2015, which state has the largest to the aggregate distribution of the
population of households with ‘destitute population according to different
Sol.741.(c) 10.42 crore. According to the
/ living on alms’? occupations in society, defined by skill
2011 census, 'Scheduled Tribes' (ST) -
SSC MTS 13/07/2022 (Evening) level, and economic status. The age
8.6% of the total population of the
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Bihar composition refers to the number of
country. The state and Union Territory
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Odisha people in different age groups in a
with the largest tribal population -
Madhya Pradesh, and Lakshadweep. The Sol.745.(d) Odisha. Socio-Economic
population density in India is 382 per Census 2015 is a study of the Q.750. Which period in India is referred
km2. socio-economic status of rural and urban to as a steady population growth period?
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Pinnacle Geography
SSC CHSL 9/06/2022(Morning) (d) falling death rates and high birth SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) 1921-1951 (b) 1921-1941 Rates (a) mist (b) blizzard (c) frost (d) smog
(c) 1921-1961 (d) 1921-1931
Sol.754.(a) The demographic transition Sol.757.(d) smog. Fog forms when an air
Sol.750.(a) 1921-1951. Four phases of model has four stages: pre-industrial, mass with high water vapor suddenly
population growth in India: Stagnant urbanizing/industrializing, mature cools, causing condensation on fine dust
population (1901-1921), Steady growth industrial, and post-industrial. particles. It is essentially a cloud at or
stage (1921-1951), Rapid growth stage near the ground, leading to poor visibility,
(1951- 1981) and high growth with often reduced to zero. Fog is denser and
definite signs of slowing down thicker than mist. Fog reduces visibility
(1981-2011). to less than one kilometer, while mist
Q.755. Atmospheric temperature usually
reduces visibility to one to two
Q.751. What is the percentage of rural decreases with altitude, but sometimes
kilometers. Frost forms on cold surfaces
child population to the total child this phenomenon gets reversed in the
when condensation takes place below
population of the country in India as per troposphere. This phenomenon is known
freezing point (00C), i.e. the dew point is
Provisional Population Totals of Census as _________.
at or below the freezing point.
2011? SSC MTS 23/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
SSC CGL 11/04/2022(Afternoon) (a) Temperature Inversion Q.758. The upper portion of the earth is
(a) 74.05 % (b) 79.03% (b) Adiabatic Lapse Rate known as:
(c) 62.45% (d) 55.23% (c) Global Warming SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(d) Temperature Convection (a) Stratosphere (b) Troposphere
Sol.751.(a) 74.05%. (c) Lithosphere (d) Mesosphere
Sol.755.(a) Temperature Inversion
Q.752. The number of deaths during the occurs when the normal pattern of Sol.758.(c) Lithosphere. It is bounded by
first 28 completed days of life per 1000 temperature decreasing with altitude is the atmosphere above and the
live births in a given year or period is reversed, and the air becomes warmer as asthenosphere (another part of the upper
defined as __________. you go higher. This phenomenon can mantle) below. The stratosphere is the
SSC CGL 11/04/2022(Evening ) lead to air pollution problems and is second-lowest layer of Earth's
(a) neonatal mortality rate often seen in valleys or areas with atmosphere. The troposphere, the lowest
(b) age-specific mortality rate stagnant air. Adiabatic lapse rate: layer of the atmosphere, contains about
(c) crude mortality rate Change of temperature with a change in 75-80% of the atmospheric mass. Most
(d) infant mortality rate altitude of an air parcel without gaining clouds form in the troposphere, where
or losing any heat to the environment nearly all weather occurs. The
Sol.752.(a) neonatal mortality rate. An surrounding the parcel. Temperature mesosphere is the third highest layer,
age-specific mortality rate is a mortality Convection - The process by which heat situated between the stratosphere and
rate limited to a particular age group. The is transferred through the movement of the thermosphere.
crude death rate is calculated as the fluid (like air or water) due to
mortality rate is the number of infant absorbed by the ozone layer? SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift)
deaths for every 1,000 live births. SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift) (a) Tropopause (b) stratospause
Meteorites are the last stage in the (d) tropical monsoon rainforest climate
depleting the ozone layer, were used in
existence of these types of space rocks.
plastic foams, cleaning electronics, and Sol.770.(d) Tropical Monsoon Rainforest
aerosol cans. They are now replaced by Q.766. Which layer of atmosphere helps Climate. Tropical monsoon climates
HFCs, which have an ozone depletion in radio transmission? have monthly mean temperatures above
potential of 0. SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (3rd Shift) 18 °C (64 °F) in every month of the year
(a) Exosphere (b) Thermosphere and a dry season. Tropical monsoon
Q.762. What is the purpose of the Earth's (c) Mesosphere (d) Stratosphere climate is the intermediate climate
magnetic field?
(b) To control the Earth's climate Exosphere. The temperature starts Q.771. __________ is a naturally occurring
(c) To shield the Earth from solar wind increasing again with increasing height in phenomenon that is responsible for the
and cosmic radiation this layer. Aurora and satellites occur in heating of the Earth’s surface and
space, where it interacts with the solar (a) 20° - 21° Celsius (b) 32° - 33° Celsius Sol.771.(c) Greenhouse Effect. When the
Sun's energy reaches the Earth's
wind, a stream of charged particles (c) 24° - 25° Celsius (d) 29° - 30° Celsius
emerging from the Sun. Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back
Sol.767.(c) 24o - 25o Celsius. Chennai
Magnetism - Generated by convection to space and the rest is absorbed and
has warm temperatures year round
currents of molten iron and nickel in the re-radiated by greenhouse gases. The
ranging between 29°C (84°F) and 37°C
earth’s core. These convection currents absorbed energy warms the atmosphere
(98°F). {Coldest month (January - 29°C
are caused by heat escaping from the and the surface of the Earth.
(84°F)}. Chennai features a tropical wet
core, a natural process called a and dry climate. Chennai lies on the Q.772. The term ‘monsoon’ is derived
geodynamo. thermal equator and is also coastal, from a/an:
Q.763. What is the main objective of the which prevents extreme variation in SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
'Graded Response Action Plan'? seasonal temperature. (a) Italian word (b) Latin word
SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon (c) Arabic word (d) Greek word
Q.768. In India, from June to September
(a) legalizing illegal colonies which type of weather prevails? Sol.772.(c) Arabic word 'mausim',
(b) To control the cases of malaria SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) meaning weather, was first used in
(c) introduction of electric vehicles (a) Autumn (b) Winter English in British India to refer to
(d) controlling air pollution (c) Spring (d) Monsoon / Rainy season seasonal changes in wind direction.
Sol.763.(d) Controlling air pollution. Sol.768.(d) Monsoon / Rainy season.
Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP): It
Major seasons in India: Rainy
was formulated in 2016 and notified in {(Southwest Monsoon Season) June to Q.773. The igneous, sedimentary and
2017 for Delhi and the National Capital September}, Autumn {(Season of metamorphic rocks are interconvertible
Region (NCR) by the Ministry of Retreating Monsoon) October and through a continuous process called:
Environment, Forest and Climate Change. November}, Winter {(Cold Weather SSC MTS 08/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
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Pinnacle Geography
(a) lithification (b) metamorphism Sol.776.(a) Physical weathering is evolution
(c) rock cycle (d) weathering and erosion caused by the effects of changing (d) the cause of volcano formation
temperature on rocks, causing the rock
Sol.773.(c) rock cycle. It is a series of to break apart. The process is Sol.779.(c) Petrology is the science of
processes that create and transform the sometimes assisted by water. Exfoliation rocks. Rock: Any natural mass of mineral
types of rocks in Earth's crust. occurs as cracks develop parallel to the matter that makes up the Earth's crust.
Lithification: This is specifically the land surface, a consequence of the
process by which sediments are Q.780. Which of the following is a
reduction in pressure during uplift and yellowish green to green coloured
compacted and cemented to form erosion.
sedimentary rocks. Metamorphism is the gemstone often found in mafic and
process by which existing rocks Q.777. The outermost part of the Earth is ultramafic igneous rocks such as basalt,
(Igneous, Sedimentary, or even other known as __________. gabbro, dunite, diabase and peridotite?
Metamorphic rocks) are transformed into SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift)
metamorphic rocks under high pressure, (a) volcano (b) the crust (a) Bornite (b) Olivine
and temperature. Weathering and (c) the core (d) the mantle (c) Tremolite (d) Garnet
erosion: These are processes that break Sol.780.(b) Olivine. The mineral olivine is
Sol.777.(b) the crust. The Earth's crust is
down existing rocks into smaller a magnesium iron silicate with the
the thinnest of all its layers, about 35 km
particles. chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2SiO4. It is a
thick on the continental masses and only
Q.774. The layer made up of 5 km on the ocean floors. The main type of nesosilicate or orthosilicate.
unconsolidated rock, dust, soil, etc. that minerals in the continental crust are Bornite, also known as peacock ore, is a
is deposited on a bed rock surface like a silica and alumina, while the oceanic sulfide mineral with a chemical
blanket is known as: crust consists primarily of silica and composition of Cu5FeS4.
SSC MTS 09/10/2024 (2nd Shift) magnesium. Beneath the crust lies the
Q.781. The steep rocky coast rising
(a) Talus (b) Regolith mantle, which extends to a depth of 2900
almost vertically above sea water is
(c) Scree (d) Protolith km. The innermost layer is the core, with
called ______.
a radius of about 3500 km, made mostly
Sol.774.(b) Regolith. It can be found SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Morning)
of nickel and iron.
both at the surface and at varying (a) sea caves (b) sea cliff
depths. This layer of fragmented soil Q.778. Which of the following is the (c) sea arches (d) ox-bow lake
material forms the outermost covering of correct match between column-A and
SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Rock that was poured out
(a) Igneous rock or ejected at the Q.782. The core of the Great Himalayas
(d) Volcanic rock Rock fragments of other (a) Slate (b) Granite
rocks or the remains (c) Sandstone (d) Limestone
Sol.775.(b) Sedimentary rocks are
of plants or animals
formed by the deposition and Sol.782.(b) Granite rock (Igneous rock).
compaction of sediments over time, SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) Lesser Himalaya consists of
often in layers. These layers, also called (a) i-a, ii-b, iii-c (b) i-b, ii-a, iii-c metamorphosed sedimentary rocks
strata. Examples - Sandstone, (c) i-c, ii-a, iii-b (d) i-a, ii-c, iii-b (quartzite, marble, slate, phyllite, schist
conglomerate, limestone, shale, loess. and gneiss).
Sol.778.(c) i-c, ii-a, iii-b. The rock cycle
Igneous rocks (primary rocks) form out
is a web of processes that outlines how Q.783. Which of the following
of magma and lava from the interior of
each of the three major rock types - determines the colour, texture,chemical
the earth. Examples - Granite, gabbro,
igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary - properties, mineral, content and
pegmatite. Metamorphic Rocks form
form and break down based on the permeability of the soil?
under the action of pressure, volume and
different applications of heat and SSC MTS 22/07/2022 (Morning)
temperature changes. Examples -
pressure over time. (a) Parent rock (b) Time
Gneissoid, granite, syenite, slate.
Q.779. Structural geology deals with: (c) Relief (d) Climate
Q.776. Exfoliation is a form of _________.
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.783.(a) Parent rock . The color in the
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(a) the age of rocks soil is mainly due to two factors –
(a) physical weathering
(b) the components and chemical nature organic content and the chemical nature
(b) chemical weathering
of soil of iron compounds found in the soil.
(c) mass wasting
(c) the form, classification, mechanism,
(d) biochemical weathering
and causes of rock structures’ Q.784. How many types of igneous rocks
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Pinnacle Geography
are there? Sol.788.(b) Karst regions contain SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Afternoon) aquifers that are capable of providing (a) Assam valley (b) Barak basin
(a) Four (b) Two (c) Six (d) Five large supplies of water. Typical karst (c) Surma basin (d) Meghalaya plateau
forms include sinkholes, caves, natural
Sol.784.(b) Two. Based on the texture of Sol.792.(d) Meghalaya Plateau. The
bridges and sinking streams.
rocks, igneous rocks are classified into plateau is separated from the main block
Intrusive igneous rocks (Plutonic rocks) of the peninsular plateau by a gap called
Mountain the Garo-RajMahal gap. It is located on
and Extrusive igneous rocks (Lava or
Volcanic rocks). the northeastern flank of Peninsular
Q.789. Which of the following mountain
India. It is one of the rainiest, most
peaks is located in the Karakoram
Q.785. Mushroom rocks are formed due tectonically active areas in the world.
to _____. Hills in North East India - Lushai Hills or
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Evening) Mizo Hills (Mizoram and Tripura), Chin
(a) Trishul (b) Nanda Devi (c) K (d) Kamet
(a) glacial deposition Hills (Manipur to Chin State of Myanmar),
(b) deposition of sea waves Sol.789.(c) K2, also known as Mount Japfu Mountain Range (Nagaland), Barail
(c) running water erosion Godwin Austen (8,611 meters), is the Range (Assam), Dafla Hills and Abor Hills
(d) wind erosion world’s second-highest peak in the (Arunachal Pradesh).
Karakoram range, spanning Pakistan,
Sol.785.(d) Wind erosion. A mushroom Q.793. The holy mountain 'Kailash' is
China, India, and extending into
rock (perched rock) is a typical located in which neighbouring country of
Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Trishul Peak
mushroom-shaped landform that is India ?
is in the Himalayas, while Kamet Peak
formed by the action of wind erosion. SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(7,756 meters) is the highest in the
These rocks are mostly found in arid (a) Pakistan (b) Afghanistan
Zanskar range. Nanda Devi (7,817
regions. Such rocks are found in the Thar (c) Bangladesh (d) China
meters) is the third-highest peak in the
Desert of India.
Himalayas. Sol.793.(d) China. Mount Kailash -
Q.786. What type of rocks were once Located near Lake Mansarovar and Lake
Q.790. Which of the following mountains
igneous or sedimentary, but have Rakshastal. The Indus River originates
of India is famous for tea and coffee
metamorphosed as a result of intense from Mansarovar lake (Tibet). Some
heat and/or pressure within the Earth's highest mountain peaks : India -
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
crust? Kanchenjunga (8598m), Nanda Devi
(a) Nilgiri (b) Aravali
Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats meet. Temple, Indonesia - Prambanan Temple,
Sol.786.(b) Quartzite. Granite is a They are located at the tri-junction of Bangladesh - Dhakeshwari temple,
coarse-grained (phaneritic) intrusive Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. The Cambodia - Angkor Wat.
igneous rock composed mostly of highest peak in this region is Doda Betta.
quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase. The Aravalli Range is known for its Q.794. Name an oval-shaped range of
Sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock mineral resources, such as copper and hills sculpted by glacial flow.
composed mainly of sand-sized silicate zinc. The Himalayas are famous for SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (1st shift)
grains. Basalt is a mafic extrusive rock, is (a) Sandur (b) Drumlins
rocks, and comprises more than 90% of Q.791. What is the name of the highest
Sol.794.(b) Drumlins - It is formed by the
all volcanic rocks. peak of Indian Garhwal Himalayas
filling of heavy rocky debris in the glacial
located in Chamoli district of
Q.787. Which of the following rocks crevices and its stay under the ice. One
Uttarakhand state with a height of 7,816
floats in water? end of the drumlins facing the glacier
metres ?
SSC MTS 26/10/2021(Evening) called the stoss end and the other end
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
(a) Granite (b) Obsidian called tail. Eskers: When glaciers melt in
(a) Trisul (b) Hardeol
(c) Pumice (d) Slate summer, the water flows on the surface
(c) Mukut Parbat (d) Nanda Devi
of the ice. These waters accumulate
Sol.787.(c) Pumice is a light-colored, Sol.791.(d) Nanda Devi. It is the beneath the glacier and flow like streams
extremely porous igneous rock that second-highest mountain in India, after in a channel beneath the ice.
forms during explosive volcanic Kangchenjunga (8598 m), and the
eruptions. Obsidian has been used for Q.795. The Shevaroy Hills are located in
highest entirely within the country. It
tools and ornaments. Granite is a hard which state of India?
ranks as the 23rd highest peak in the
igneous rock made of quartz, feldspar, SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
world. The Garhwal Himalayas lie
and mica. Slate is a metamorphic rock. (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Odisha
between the Sutlej and the Kali river and
(c) Rajasthan (d) Tamil Nadu
is 320 km long. It is a part of the
Q.788. ________ plains are formed due to
Himalayan Shivalik Hills (outermost hills Sol.795.(d) Tamil Nadu (Aanna Malai,
the weathering of soluble rocks such as
of the Himalayas found in Himachal Doddabetta, Nilgiri). Famous hills:-
limestone and dolomite.
Pradesh and Uttarakhand). Chhattisgarh - Tulasi Dongar, Bailadila,
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021(Morning)
(a) Glacial (b) Karst Q.792. The Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills Balaraja Gutta. Odisha - Devmali, Turia
(c) Deposition (d) Desert are a subdivision of: Konda, Mahendragiri, Devagiri. Rajasthan
(c) Eurasian Plate and African Plate Ghats include the Anai Mudi (2,695 Himalayas or the Lower Himalayas) and
(d) Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate
metres) and the Doda Betta (2,637 Shiwaliks (Outer Himalayas).
Sol.797.(d) Indian Plate and Eurasian meters).The Western Ghats, also known
Q.805. What is the average height of
Plate. Plates - They are large, rigid pieces as the Sahyadri Hills, Mainly traverse the
States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, inner Himalayas?
of the Earth's lithosphere that fit together
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
like a jigsaw puzzle, and their Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
(a) 6000 metres (b) 4500 metres
movements are responsible for shaping Q.801. Which among the following is the (c) 5200 metres (d) 7100 metres
the Earth's surface through processes largest of all the duns of the Shiwaliks
such as earthquakes and the formation mountain range in India? Sol.805.(a) 6000 metres. The Himalayas
of mountains. Major plates (7) - African SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (2nd Shift) consist of three parallel ranges, the
Plate, Antarctic Plate, Eurasian Plate, (a) Patli Dun (b) Jammu Dun Greater Himalayas or the Inner
North American Plate, South American (c) DehraDun (d) Kotli Dun Himalayas or the Himadri, the Lesser
Plate, Pacific Plate and Indo-Australian Himalayas called the Himachal (with an
Plate. Sol.801. (c) Dehradun (Length - 35-45 average height of 3,700 to 4500 meters),
km, Width - 22-25 km). Dun- Valleys that and the Shivalik hills (with an average
Q.798. Dhinodhar Hills is located in
lie between the Shivalik and Lesser
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands Q.806. Asia is separated from Europe by
Himachal Pradesh. Kashmir Himalayas -
(b) Maharashtra
faults. The up-thrown block is also called continuous movement is taking place.
a horst. Graben is bounded by normal Sol.812.(d) Odisha. The Deomali peak The internal process leads to the
faults dipping toward each other. These height is 1,762 m. The Borail Range is the upliftment and sinking of the earth's
mountains include the Great African Rift highest Mountain Ranges in Assam. surface at several places. The external
Valley , the Rhine Valley (graben) in Someshwar Fort is the highest peak of process is the continuous wearing down
Germany, etc. Bihar. It is part of Shivalik hill. and rebuilding of the land surface. Eg:
Erosion and Deposition.
Q.809. Fotu La, the Great Mountain Pass, Q.813. In which Indian state will you find
at an altitude of 4108 m above sea level, Mount Tiyi? Q.818. _______ is created by the collision
is the highest point of which Indian SSC CGL 12/04/2022(Evening) of convergent plate boundaries.
state/UT? (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Odisha SSC CGL 16/08/2021(Morning)
SSC CHSL 09/06/2022(Morning) (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Nagaland (a) Mid-ocean ridge (b) Land erosion
(a) Ladakh (c) Oceanic trench (d) Mountain building
(b) Jammu and Kashmir Sol.813.(d) Nagaland. Some other
highway in the Zanskar Range of the states is the Gorichen peak located?
SSC CGL 13/04/2022(Evening) Q.819. 'Pidurutalagala' is the highest
magma chamber empties and the
is bound to the northeast by
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021(Afternoon) ground above collapses, forming a large,
Rameswaram (island), Adam’s (Rama’s)
(a) Kaimur Hills (b) Pachmarhi Hills circular depression. Example:
Bridge (a chain of shoals), and Mannar
(c) Nagari Hills (d) Girnar Hills Yellowstone Caldera. Dykes: It is a
vertical or steeply inclined geological
Sol.823.(c) Nagari hills. Other hill
formation that occurs when magma cuts Q.831. Which of the following is the
stations in Andhra Pradesh include
through rock layers and solidifies. Flood largest inhabited riverine island in the
Tirumala, Araku Valley, Horsley Hills,
basalt provinces: Flood basalt refers to world?
Lambasingi, Nallamala Hills.
large, extensive lava flows that spread SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
Q.824. In which of the following states is out over vast areas. Example: Deccan (a) Peacock (b) Majuli
the Shatrunjaya Hills located? Traps in India. (c) Bhavani (d) Lakshadweep
Girnar, Kalo Dungar, Pavagadh Hill, (c) Degassing (d) Gas evolution Brahmaputra River in the south and the
Thaltej-Jodhpur Tekra, Wilson Hills. Kherkutia Xuti, an anabranch of the
Chile, the Southwest United States, Sri Lanka in 2020? made of snow where Eskimos live). Arid
SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 4th shift)
Australia, and Africa. regions are dry and have little rainfall.
(a) 554 Persons per sq . km. Example - Central and western Asia,
Q.835. Copacabana beach is situated in (b) 300 Persons per sq . km.
North and South America, central and
__________. (c) 354 Persons per sq . km. northwest Australia.
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) (d) 364 Persons per sq . km.
(a) Australia (b) Brazil Q.842. Which sea separates Africa from
(c) Peru (d) Mexico Sol.838.(c) 354 Persons per sq . km. the Arabian peninsula ?
Rio de Janeiro. Some famous Beaches in 2020) in square Km:- India (470), China
the world: Praia do Cassino (“Cassino (150), Myanmar (82), Nepal (205), Sol.842.(a) Red Sea. It extends
beach”) is the longest beach in the world, Bangladesh (1286), New Zealand (19). southeast from Suez, Egypt (initially as
located in Brazil. Monolithi beach, Greece the Gulf of Suez), for about 1,200 mi
(longest beach of Europe), Marina beach, Q.839. Which of the following (1,930 km) to the Strait of Mandeb, which
combinations of "animal" and "area they
Chennai (longest beach in Asia). connects with the Gulf of Aden and then
Beaches in India - Puri Beach (Odisha), found" is INCORRECT ? with the Arabian Sea. The Black Sea
SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 4th shift)
Rushikonda Beach (Andhra Pradesh), separates Europe from Asia. White Sea -
Eden Beach (Puducherry), Radhanagar (a) Kangaroo - Australia A southern inlet of the Barents Sea
beach (Andaman and Nicobar), Minicoy (b) Orangutan - Caribbean islands located on the northwest coast of
Thundi beach (Lakshadweep). (c) Ostrich - Savanna and desert regions, Russia. The Caspian Sea - The world's
(d) Lemurs - Madagascar largest inland water body.
Q.836. What is the name of the
geographic feature that serves as a Sol.839.(b) Orangutans - Caribbean Q.843. Which is the highest plateau in
boundary between Europe and Africa ? islands. Scientific name (Pongo), Family the world ?
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (Hominidae). These are large, SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) Bosporus Strait (b) Strait of Gibraltar orange-haired apes that are native to the (a) East African Plateau
(c) Dardanelles Strait (d) Malacca Strait rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. (b) Deccan plateau
Kangaroos: Scientific name (c) Western plateau
Sol.836.(b) Strait of Gibraltar separates (Macropodidae), Phylum (Chordata). (d) Tibet plateau
Morocco and Spain. It joins the Ostriches: Phylum (Chordata), found in
Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic savanna and desert regions. Lemurs: Sol.843.(d) Tibet plateau (Roof of the
Ocean. Bosporus Strait (the narrowest Scientific name (Lemuroidea), Phylum world) is the largest and highest plateau
strait of the world)- It is a natural strait (Chordata), found in Madagascar. in the world. It is a vast elevated plateau
connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of located at the intersection of Central,
Marmara. Dardanelles strait (separates Q.840. As of 2020, which country has the South and East Asia.
Asian Turkey from European Turkey) - It largest proven coal reserves in the
world? Q.844. In ‘Andes Mountain’ of South
connects the Aegean Sea with the Sea of
SSC CHSL Tier II (26/06/2023) America animals which are used for
Marmara. Malacca Strait (Separates
(a) India (b) China (c) USA (d) Russia transportation is ______ .
Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Island
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
of Sumatra) - Connects the Andaman Sol.840.(c) The United States of (a) Bullocks (b) Camels
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Pinnacle Geography
(c) Donkeys (d) Llamas Miscellaneous nine tiger reserves. International Tiger
Day is celebrated annually on July 29.
Sol.844.(d) Llamas {Scientific name: The Wildlife Protection Act was passed
Q.849. A section of an active fault that
Lama glama, Trophic level: Herbivorous}. in 1972. Projects in India related to
has produced earthquakes in the past
Longest Mountain Ranges: Andes (South animals :Project Hangul (1970), Project
but is now quiet and is believed that the
America, longest continental mountain}, Crocodile (1975), Project Elephant
fault segment is capable of producing
Rockies (North America), Great Dividing (1992), Project Rhino (2005), Project
earthquake on some other basis is
Range (Australia), Transantarctic Gangetic Dolphin - (2009), Project Snow
known as:
Mountains (Antarctica), Atlas Mountains Leopard (2009), Project Great Indian
SSC MTS 14/10/2024 (1st Shift)
(Africa) etc. Bustard (2012).
(a) Hypocenter (b) Seismic Gap
Q.845. Death Valley is a desert valley in (c) Epicenter (d) Seismic Wave
Q.852. Which of the following can be
the ________ that is the hottest and driest
Sol.849.(b) Seismic Gap - A section of an represented as a functional unit of
place with a world record highest air
active fault which has the potential to nature?
temperature of 134°F.
produce significant earthquakes. SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Afternoon)
Hypocenter: The point of origin of an (a) Vehicles (b) Ecosystem
(a) Mojave Desert of California
earthquake beneath the Earth's surface (c) Humans (d) Plants
(b) Atacama Desert of Chile
where the fault rupture begins,
(c) Lut Desert of Iran Sol.852.(b) Ecosystem. This is because
representing the actual location where
(d) Sahara Desert of Africa an ecosystem encompasses all living
seismic energy is first released.
organisms (plants, animals, and
Sol.845.(a) Mojave Desert of California. Epicenter: The point on the Earth's
microorganisms) interacting with each
Death Valley is a desert valley in the surface directly above the hypocenter,
other and with the non-living
northern Mojave Desert, bordering the marking the geographical location where
components (like air, water, and soil)
Great Basin Desert. Rivers: Furnace an earthquake's shaking is typically most
within their environment. These
Creek; Amargosa River. intense and first felt. Seismic Wave: The
interactions allow for energy flow,
energy waves generated and propagated
Q.846. Which country has the most time nutrient cycling, and the maintenance of
through the Earth's crust during an
zones in the world? life-supporting processes, which are
earthquake, which can be classified into
SSC MTS 13/10/2021(Evening) critical functions of nature.
different types like P-waves, S-waves,
(a) France (b) United States of America and surface waves that cause ground Q.853. Which of the following is a
time zones, the United Kingdom has 1 generated due to the explosion of
time zone and India has only one-time (c) Forest (d) Grassland
chemical or nuclear devices are known
zone. as: Sol.853.(a) Aquarium. It is a facility or
definition of ecological efficiency? (b) Glubler Triplets Q.863. The depositional pattern of
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) CaCO3 and other materials that extend
(c) John Anthony Allan
(a) The amount of energy utilised at (d) Norman Borlaug upwards from the floor of a limestone
different trophic levels in a food chain cavern is known as:
(b) The amount of energy stored at
different trophic levels in a food chain na
Sol.859.(c) John Anthony Allan. Virtual
water is the freshwater used to produce
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(a) Stalactite (b) Dripstone
(c) The ratio between the mass and the goods or services, which is then traded (c) Stalagmite (d) Hatectite
energy flow at different trophic levels internationally as part of those products.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (2nd shift) the ceiling of a cave and is produced by
Sol.856.(d) Ecological efficiency (a) Chota-Nagpur plateau the precipitation of minerals from water
describes the efficiency with which (b) Baghelkhand dripping through the cave ceiling. The
energy is transferred from one trophic (c) Thar desert stalagmites and stalactites eventually
level to the next. The number of trophic (d) Malwa plateau fuse to give rise to columns and pillars of
trophic level from the lower trophic level. Mundari is a Munda language, belonging of:
to the Austroasiatic language family. SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.857. The record obtained by the Chhota Nagpur plateau is called the (a) different layers of underground water
measurement of earthquake is called a: “Heart of industrial India” because it is (b) typical thermal stratification of a lake
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) rich in minerals and power fuels. The (c) typical layers of hard rock
(a) seismograph (b) seismogram highest mountain peak of Chota Nagpur (d) various ecological phases
(c) seismology (d) seismic wave Plateau is Parasnath.
Sol.864.(b) typical thermal stratification
Sol.857.(b) seismogram. Earthquakes Q.861. Which Greek term was first used of a lake. These layers are referred to as
are classified into three zones based on by Ernst Haeckel in 1866 to refer to ‘the Epilimnion (warm surface waters) -
depth: shallow (0-70 km), intermediate relation of animals to both the organic as Top-most layer in a thermally stratified
(70-300 km), and deep (300-700 km). well as the inorganic environment’? lake and Hypolimnion (cold bottom
The vibrations produced during an SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) waters) which are separated by the
earthquake are known as seismic waves. (a) Ethnologie (b) Ecophagie metalimnion, or thermocline layer, a
(c) Oekologie (d) Oologie stratum of rapidly changing temperature.
Q.858. The Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 empowers the _________ to Sol.861.(c) Oekologie. Ernst Haeckel, a Q.865. In which of the following
establish authorities charged with the German biologist and philosopher, made schedules of the Wildlife (Protection)
mandate of preventing environmental significant contributions to evolutionary Act, 1972 is the most common wild cat
pollution in all its forms. biology. He coined terms like "ecology," in India 'Felis chaus' listed?
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift) "phylogeny," and "Protista" and is known SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift)
(a) State Government (a) Schedule I (b) Schedule III
(b) Central Government (c) Schedule IV (d) Schedule II
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Sol.865.(d) Schedule II. Under this 0.68%, Lakes- 0.1%, Soil moisture- development, Crop rotation, Contour
schedule, the species receives 0.005% , Atmosphere- 0.001% , Streams ploughing, etc.
protection, and poaching or capturing it and river- 0.0001% , Biosphere- 0.00004%
without proper authorization is . India accounts for about 2.45% of the Q.872. The Vienna Convention is related
prohibited. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, world's surface area, 4% of the world's to ____________.
1972 is an Indian law enacted to protect water resources, and approximately 16% Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
plant and animal species. of the global population. a) protection of wild life
(b) protection of ozone layer
Q.866. What is a population (or Q.869. The highly viscous, (c) Disposing of harmful electronic waste
subspecies or race) that is adapted to mechanically-weak and ductile region of (d) sustainable agriculture
local environmental conditions called? Earth's upper mantle is called:
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Sol.872.(b) protection of ozone layer.
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(a) lithosphere (b) asthenosphere The Vienna Convention multilateral
(a) Niche (b) Ecotype
(c) mesosphere (d) exosphere environmental agreement was signed in
(c) Prototype (d) Biome
1985, came into effect in 1988, and
Sol.866.(b) Ecotype is a genetically Sol.869.(b) Asthenosphere. Lithosphere achieved universal ratification by 2009.
distinct group within a species adapted : The rigid outer layer of Earth, consisting The primary goal of the Vienna
to specific environmental conditions. An of the crust and the uppermost part of Convention is to safeguard human health
ecological niche describes how a the mantle. It is divided into tectonic and the environment from the harmful
species interacts within an ecosystem. A plates. Mesosphere : The mesosphere is effects caused by ozone layer depletion.
biome refers to a community of plants the third highest layer of atmosphere and
occupies the region above the Q.873. Select the correct statement.
and animals naturally occurring in a
stratosphere and below the Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
region with shared characteristics.
thermosphere. Exosphere : The (a) The pyramid of energy is always
Q.867. Identify whether the given upright.
outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere,
statements about an earthquake are where air is extremely thin, and particles (b) The pyramid of biomass is always
correct or incorrect. inverted.
can escape into space.
Statement 1 : When the stress on the (c) The pyramid of mass is always
edge overcomes the friction, there is an Q.870. ____________ is the study of the upright.
earthquake that releases energy in waves distribution and movement of water both (d) The pyramid of number is always
that travel through Earth's crust and on and below the Earth’s surface, as well upright.
causes the shaking that we feel. as the impact of human activity on water
availability and conditions. Sol.873.(a) The pyramid of energy is
Statement 2 : An earthquake cannot be
Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) always upright, and can never be
identified as a foreshock until after a
(c) Only Statement 2 is correct study of living things and their vital like respiration and digestion processes.
(d) Both Statements 1 and 2 are incorrect processes. Floriculture - The Study of The direction of energy flow in an
Sol.867.(b) Both Statements 1 and 2 are flowers and flowering plants. Ecology - ecosystem is always unidirectional.
(b) Indian Oil Corporation Glacier is located in the Eastern hypothesis - It predicts that group-living
Karakoram range in the Himalayas. It is
(c) Bharat Petroleum animals are adapted to make alarm calls
(d) Oil India Limited the world's highest battlefield. Nubra that distract or confuse predators.
river originates from Siachen Glacier. It is
Sol.876.(d) Oil India Limited. Naharkatia
(Assam)-Barauni (Bihar) Pipeline (First na
situated to the North of Nubra Valley. Q.884. Which states are involved in the
joint venture of the Chambal Project?
cross-country pipeline). The Pipeline Q.881. ____________ is characterized by SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (2nd shift)
between Naharkatia and Nunmati abundant dissolved oxygen, sunlight, (a) Rajasthan and Haryana
became operative in 1962 and that nutrients, generally high wave energies (b) Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
between Nunmati and Barauni in 1964. and water motion, and, in the intertidal (c) Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
subzone, alternating submergence and (d) Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
(a) William Hopkins (b) Georgius Agricola (b) The Limnetic Zone 1954. Aim - Harnessing the Chambal
(c) Louis Agassiz (d) Aziz Ab'Saber (c) The Littoral Zone River for irrigation, Power generation and
(d) The Benthic Zone for prevention and control of soil erosion
Sol.877.(a) William Hopkins. Fathers of
in the valley.
Various Fields - Economics (Adam Sol.881.(c) The Littoral Zone - It is an
Smith), Telephone (Alexander Graham area close to the shore and submerged in Q.885. In the context of ecology, the
Bell), Modern Chemistry (Antoine water to some degree. Lentic Zone - given equation shows the relationship
Lavoisier), Classification/ Taxonomy Ecosystem entails a body of standing between the size of an area and the
(Carl Linnaeus), Evolution (Charles water, ranging from ditches, seeps, number of species present in it.
Darwin), Geography (Eratosthenes). ponds, seasonal pools, basin marshes Accordingly, by which letter is the
and lakes. Benthic Zone - The lowest regression coefficient denoted?
Q.878. Who was the first ecologist to
ecological zone in a water body. Limnetic log S = log C + Z log A
describe the specific shape of
zone - The top layer of lake water distant SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd shift)
eco-trophic interactions, which he called
from the coast, and extends only as deep (a) S (b) A (c) Z (d) C
the pyramid of numbers, in the 1920s ?
as sunlight can penetrate (200 m).
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) Sol.885.(c) Z. The species-area
(a) Ernst Haeckel Q.882. Which ecologist showed in a relationship is often evaluated in
(b) Howard Thomas Odum long-term experiment on outdoor plots conservation science in order to predict
(c) Edward O Wilson that biodiversity is of central importance extinction rates in the case of habitat
(d) Charles Elton to the productivity, stability, resistance to loss and habitat fragmentation. The
the invasion of ecosystems and fertility equation: log S = log C + Z log A, where S
Sol.878.(d) Charles Elton. He introduced
of their soils? = species richness, A = area, C =
the concept of food web, food chain and
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (2nd shift) Y-intercept.
ecological niche in the classic textbook
(a) Karl Mobius
“Animal Ecology” in 1927. Ernest Haeckel Q.886. In the 1930s, which of the
(b) David Tilman
- He coined the term ‘Ecology’ in 1866. following theories was propounded by
(c) Herbert Spencer
Edward O Wilson - Proponent of Arthur Holmes about the mantle ?
(d) Edward Osborne Wilson
Sociobiology. SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) Theory of Faunal Succession
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(b) Slab Pull Theory modern ecology). Alexander von Sol.894.(d) Dravidian (Dravida). Major
(c) Convectional Current Theory Humbolt - Father of ecology. Arthur G. Dravidian Languages - Tamil, Telugu,
(d) Theory of Faulting Tansley - First to coin the term Kannada and Malayalam. They are
ecosystem in 1935. Vladimir Vernadsky - mainly spoken in southern India, central
Sol.886.(c) Convectional current Theory. Founded the biosphere concept. India, north-east Sri Lanka.
The Convectional currents are generated
due to radioactive elements causing Q.891. Which of the following is the Q.895. The point on the surface, nearest
thermal differences in the mantle scientific discipline concerned with the to the focus of the earthquake, is called
portion. Arthur Holmes - The first earth description and classification of the _______.
scientist to grasp the mechanical and Earth's topographic features? SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Morning)
thermal implications of mantle SSC CHSL Tier-2 26/06/2023 (a) hypocentre (b) epicenter
convection, which led eventually to the (a) Geomorphology (b) Acarology (c) centripiece (d) semi centre
acceptance of plate tectonics. (c) Ethology (d) Meteorology
Sol.895.(b) Epicenter. Hypocenter - A
Q.887. Name a unit designed for wet and Sol.891.(a) Geomorphology is a term point beneath the Earth's surface where
dry bulb thermometers to protect that studies change in the earth’s surface the vibrations of an earthquake originate.
temperature sensors from being affected due to these exogenic and endogenic Richter scale is the most common
by direct or reflected sunlight. forces, where exogenic forces are the standard of measurement for
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift) external forces originating within the earthquakes. The Richter Magnitude - It
(a) Stevenson screen (b) Skywarn screen earth’s atmosphere and endogenic is a measure of the amount of energy
(c) Clarinet screen (d) Cardinal screen forces are internal forces generated from released during an earthquake and
within the earth. Acarology - Study of expressed by the Richter scale.
Sol.887.(a) Stevenson screen - It is also mites and ticks. It also involves the study
known as a cotton region shelter, an of the Acarina order - it means study of Q.896. Identify the southernmost range
instrument shelter, a thermometer of the Himalaya from the following.
arachnids like spiders, scorpions,etc.
shelter, a thermoscreen, or a SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
thermometer screen. Skywarn screen - It Q.892. _______ species are those species (a) Shiwaliks Range
is a national network of volunteer severe of plants and animals which are found (b) Trans Himalaya Range
weather spotters. It was established to exclusively in a particular area. (c) Lesser Himalaya Range
obtain critical weather information by the SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Morning) (d) Greater Himalaya Range
National Weather Service. (a) Endemic (b) Endangered
soft unconsolidated deposits? Endemic Species - Kangaroos originally Himalayas), Shiwaliks (Outer Himalayas).
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift) endemic to Australia and found nowhere Divisions (West to east) : Punjab
(a) Mizoram (b) Manipur else in the world. Endemic Species of Himalayas (between rivers Indus and
(c) Nagaland (d) Meghalaya India - Asiatic Lion (Gir Forest), Kashmir Sutlej), Kumaon Himalayas (Between
Stag (Kashmir Valley), Purple Frog Sutlej and Kali rivers), Nepal Himalayas
Sol.888.(a) Mizoram (The Land of rolling (Western Ghats), Sangai Deer (Loktak (between rivers Kali and Teesta), Assam
mountains). Manipur is known as ‘The Lake), Nilgiri Tahr (Nilgiri Hills). Himalayas (between rivers Tista and
Jewel of land’ in India. Nagaland - The Dihang), Purvanchal (beyond the Dihang
Black Rhino, Tiger, Whale, Red Panda, demographic, economic, and social data spangles), Osmunda regalis (Royal fern),
of all people in a country or specific Azolla pinnata (mosquito fern, feathered
Chimpanzee, Asian Elephant etc.
region at a given time. mosquito fern and water velvet).
Q.900. Which of the following is a
vulnerable species? Q.904. Which of the following mountains Q.908. ___________ refers to a sanitation
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (2nd Shift) is formed as a result of the compression system in which toilets collect human
(a) Himalayan brown bear of tectonic plates, leading to the excreta in sealable, removable
(b) Horn bill formation of large fold-like structures on cartridges that are transported to
Sol.900.(d) Asiatic elephant. A (b) Vosges mountain in Europe (b) Container-Based sanitation
vulnerable species is a species which (c) Mt.Kilimanjaro in Africa (c) Community-led total sanitation
has been categorized by the International (d) Harz mountains in Germany (d) Dry sanitation
Q.901. Which of the following pairs of in Asia, the Alps in Europe, the Andes in human and ecosystem health while
"term - definition" is correct? South America, the Rockies in North preventing water pollution, conserving
I. Strait - a narrow strip of land joining America. energy, and capturing nutrients.
two landmasses
II. Isthmus - a narrow passage of water Q.905. Which of the following mountains Q.909. Which of the following mountain
connecting two large water bodies were formed when molten rock from the ranges is home to the second highest
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (4th Shift) depths of the earth rose from the crust peak of the world, K2?
(a) Only II (b) Both I and II and piled up on its own? SSC MTS 02/11/2021(Afternoon)
(c) Neither I nor II (d) Only I SSC CHSL 31/05/2022(Evening) (a) Karakoram Range (b) Ladakh Range
(a) Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa (c) Pir Panjal Range (d) Zanskar Range
Sol.901.(c) Neither I nor II. Strait - (b) Rockies in North America
Narrow body of water that connects two (c) Ural mountain in Russia Sol.909.(a) Karakoram Ranges is known
larger bodies of water, Examples - Cook (d) Alps in Europe as the 'backbone of high Asia'. It is also
strait (New Zealand), Malacca strait known as Krishnagiri which is situated in
(Indonesia-Malaysia), Mesina strait Sol.905.(a) Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa the northernmost range of the
(Italy-Sicily), Bering strait (Alaska (Tanzania). Top mountains in Africa:- Trans-Himalayan ranges.
-Russia), Hormuz strait (Gulf of Mount Kenya, Mount Stanley, Mount
Persia-Gulf of Oman), etc. Isthmus - Speke, Mount Baker, Mount Emin.
Narrow strip of land that connects two
Q.906. 'Anaconda' , one of the world's
larger landmasses and separates two
largest snakes, is found in _______.
bodies of water, Examples - Isthmus of
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Panama, Isthmus of Suez.
(a) Tropical evergreen forest
Q.902. In 1962, who published 'The (b) Monsoon forest
History of Ocean Basins', which outlined (c) Temperate evergreen forest
(d) Temperate grasslands
are products that see reduced demand example of public goods? (24.3%), and Service sector (26.8%).
as income rises. a) Defense b) House Status-wise : Self-employed (52%),
Q.2. Which of the following statements is SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) Regular Salaried Employees (18%), and
(a) Both a and b (b) Only b Casual Wage Labourers (30%).
correct about the composition of the
agriculture sector and employment in (c) Neither a nor b (d) Only a
Q.9. Industries of strategic and national
GDP post- independence ? Sol.5.(d) Only a. Public goods are those importance are usually placed in the ___
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift) that are non-excludable (difficult or sector.
(a) The proportion of employment has impossible to restrict people from using Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
declined significantly but not the them) and non-rivalrous (can be (a) Public (b) Co-operative
share of the agriculture sector in GDP. consumed by many people without (c) Private (d) Joint
(b) The proportion of both the agriculture reducing the supply of the good). For
sector and employment in GDP has example: National Defence, Public Sol.9.(a) Public. Industries of strategic
increased significantly. transportation, Roads, and rivers. Private and national importance—such as
(c) The proportion of both the agriculture Goods: Excludable and rivalrous. For defence, railways, nuclear power, and
sector and employment in GDP has example : Ice cream, Houses, Cars etc . large-scale infrastructure—are typically
declined significantly. placed in the public sector for the
(d) The proportion of GDP contributed by Q.6. Which sector promotes following reasons: National Security,
the agricultural sector declined modernisation and stable employment in Public Welfare and Economic Stability,
significantly but not the employment the economy ? Long-Term Investment and Regulatory
depending on the agriculture sector. SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) Control, etc,.
(a) Service sector (b) Agriculture sector
Sol.2.(d) In India, agriculture's (c) Energy sector (d) Industrial sector Q.10. Which of the following is NOT a
contribution in GDP dropped from 47.6% part of the infrastructure sector ?
in 1960-61 to 14.4% in 2010-11, due to Sol.6.(d) Industrial sector. The industrial SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
structural changes and increased sector is directly associated with the (a) Agriculture (b) Dams
employment in other sectors. But still adoption of new technologies, (c) Highways (d) Power
according to the Periodic Labour Force mechanization, and innovations in
Survey (PLFS) about 45.76% of the total production processes. The industrial Sol.10.(a) Agriculture : It falls under the
workforce is engaged in agriculture and sector tends to offer more stable, primary sector of the economy.
allied sector during 2022-23. long-term employment opportunities, Infrastructure is defined as the basic
more predictable work and regular physical systems of a business, region,
Q.3. Which of the following documents income compared to sectors like or nation and often involves the
provides a framework, rules and agriculture, which is often seasonal and production of public goods or production
regulations for setting up public and highly dependent on factors such as processes. Examples - Transportation
private industries in India? weather and harvest cycles. systems, Communication networks,
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sewage, Water, and School systems etc.
(a) Industrial policy Q.7. At higher levels of development,
(b) Annual report of the trade union which sector of the economy contributes Q.11. The shares of the public sector and
(c) Company’s financial statement less to the GDP ? the private sector in the production of
(d) Union Budget SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) steel during 1990-91 were ________ ,
(a) Industrial sector respectively.
Sol.3.(a) Industrial policy. It outlines the (b) Service sector SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Sol.12.(d) positive; 0.6 Percent. In Q.16. Which of these is a component of firms, so there is no discrepancy
1991-92, India's industrial production
the tertiary sector of an economy? between consumption and expenditure.
barely grew, achieving a rate of only SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift) Circular Flow in a Two-sector Economy
0.6%. The mining and manufacturing
(a) Mining and quarrying (with Financial Market) - Households and
sectors performed poorly, which slowed (b) Water supply Firms. Three-sector Economy - Between
down overall industrial growth. This low
(c) Electricity Households and Government, Between
growth rate highlighted the economic (d) Hotels and restaurants Firms and Government. Four-sector
challenges the country was facing during
why ‘final’ goods are called so? minerals, land, and water to carry out investment limit for a tiny industry/unit
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift) essential activities like agriculture, increased to ₹2 lakh ?
(a) They are meant for final use. mining, and forestry. Secondary sector - SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
(b) They are the last to be consumed. The sector of the economy that revolves (a) 1977 (b) 1991 (c) 1980 (d) 1956
(c) They will not pass through any more around manufacturing. Examples -
Sol.19.(c) 1980. Industrial Policy 1980 :
Sol.13.(b) Final Goods - An item that is Practices (MRTP) Act. Some other
meant for final use and will not pass and secondary sector. Examples - Trade,
Industrial policies (IPs) : IP, 1948 - It
through any more stages of production transport, communication, banking,
ushered a mixed economic model in the
or transformations. Types of final goods : education, health, tourism, insurance, etc.
country. IP, 1991 - Foreign Direct
consumption goods and capital goods. Q.17. Which of the following can be investment allowed, Amendment of the
Examples : Television, Ready-to-eat considered a part of a parallel economy? Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
foods, Medicines. SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd shift) Practices (MRTP) Act. The main goals of
(a) Under declared income. the New Industrial Policy (1991) were: L -
Q.14. What was the percentage of
(b) Value of domestic work done by the Liberalisation, P - Privatisation, G -
women working in the primary sector of
housewife. Globalisation.
India as of 2011 - 2012 ?
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift) (c) Payments made to domestic helpers
Q.20. How many industries were listed in
(a) 61% (b) 63.08% (c) 64.5% (d) 62.8% or housekeepers.
Schedule A of Industrial Policy, 1956 ?
(d) Payments for private tuition.
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (1st shift)
Sol.14.(d) 62.8%. Distribution of Women
Sol.17.(a) Under declared Income. Under (a) 16 (b) 17 (c) 10 (d) 12
Workforce by Industry, in 2011-2012 :
Primary Sector (68.2%), Secondary declared Income : It refers to income that Sol.20.(b) 17. The 1956 policy divided
Sector (20%), and Tertiary Sector is partially hidden or underreported to the industries into 3 categories based on
(17.2%). Men Workforce : Primary Sector evade taxes. A parallel economy (also management. Schedule A Industries: It
(43.6%), Secondary Sector (25.9%), and known as the black economy or shadow consisted of 17 industrial areas which
Tertiary Sector (30.5%). economy) refers to economic activities were under the Central Government.
that are not fully reported to the Schedule B Industries : It consisted of 12
Q.15. Which of these is NOT a government or the tax authorities, industries that were left to the state
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government to follow up with the private into two categories - Primary Market trade are essential services and
sector that includes compulsory (New company shares issued (IPO) and functions that assist the business which
licensing provisions. Schedule C Secondary Market (Stock Exchange)). include transport, banking, warehousing,
Industries: It consisted of those The secondary market is the market for insurance, advertising etc. Five distinct
industries which were left out of the sale and purchase of previously examples of economic activities are
Schedule A and B and were with the issued securities. producing, supplying, buying, selling, and
private sectors and subject to licensing the consumption of goods and services.
and regulation under the IDR Act. Q.24. Macroeconomics deals with which
of the following studies? Q.28. In the Industrial Policy Resolution
Q.21. Which of the following can be I. Reasons behind the unemployment of of 1948, which of the following was NOT
considered as an example of flow resources the monopoly of the Central
variable? ll. Determination of total output Government?
(i) Production of rice (ii) Import of cloth SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(iii) Change in capital (a) Only l (b) Only ll (a) Iron and Steel
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift) (c) Neither I nor II (d) Both l and Il (b) Atomic energy
(a) None of (i), (ii) and (iii) (c) Railway
(b) Only (iii) Sol.24.(d) Both I and II. (d) Arms and ammunition
(c) All of (i), (ii) and (iii) Macroeconomics looks at the economy
(d) Only (i) and (ii) as a whole and studies aggregate Sol.28.(a) Iron and Steel. Industrial
phenomena such as overall economic Policy Resolution (1948) declared the
Sol.21.(c) All of (i), (ii) and (iii). Flow output (e.g. GDP), unemployment rates, Indian economy as a Mixed Economy.
variable - A quantified variable that is inflation, and national income. Four categories: The exclusive monopoly
measured over a specified period of of central government (arms and
time. It is time bounded and expressed Q.25. A free - market economy is a ammunitions, production of atomic
crucial aspect of _______ .
as per unit of time. Examples - Income, energy, and management of railways);
expenditure, depreciation, production, SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (2nd Shift) New undertakings were undertaken only
(a) Socialism (b) Capitalism
consumption, exports, rent, profit, by the state (coal, iron and steel, aircraft
interest. Stock variable - A quantity which (c) Feudalism (d) Functionalist manufacturing, shipbuilding, telegraph,
is measurable at a particular point of Sol.25.(b) Capitalism is an economic telephone, etc.); Industries to be
time. Examples - Capital, wealth, foreign system where the means of production regulated by the government (Industries
debts, loan. are privately owned and organized to of basic importance); Open to private
make profits. In a capitalist economy, the enterprises, individuals, and cooperatives
Q.22. In migration the factors which (remaining).
cause people to leave their place of government has a limited role, and the
residence or origin are called ________. free market determines the supply, Q.29. What is the emigration of a
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Evening) demand, and prices of products. significant proportion of a country’s
(a) Pull factors (b) Regular factors highly skilled, highly educated
People live in chronic poverty and remain Sol.35.(a) stock. The total stock of SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift)
poor regardless of external conditions. money in circulation among the public at (a) Neither (A) nor (B) (b) Only (B)
Usually poor : People who are poor most a particular point of time is called money (c) Only (A) (d) Both (a) and (b)
of the time but may occasionally rise supply. RBI publishes figures for four
above the poverty line. alternative measures of money supply : Sol.39.(d) Both (A) and (B). Market
equilibrium is a market state where the
M1, M2, M3 and M4.
Q.32. 'Income and employment theory' is supply in the market is equal to the
the other name for which branch of Q.36. As compared to monopolistic demand in the market. The equilibrium
Economics? competition, the demand curve in a price is the price of a good or service
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) monopoly is : when the supply of it is equal to the
(a) International economics SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (3rd shift) demand for it in the market.
Employment, Interest and Money” in substitutes for the product. competitive market has been defined as
1936. It focuses on the aggregate one where an individual firm is unable to
Q.37. If there is a fall in the demand of a influence the price at which the product
changes in the economy such as
good, the equilibrium price is expected is sold in the market. The more
unemployment, growth rate, gross
to: competitive the market structure, the
domestic product, and inflation.
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift) less competitive the behaviour of the
Q.33. ______ is defined as the study of (a) first rise, and then fall sharply firms. On the other hand, the less
behaviour of individual decision-making (b) fall competitive the market structure, the
units, such as consumers, resource (c) Rise more competitive is the behaviour of
owners and firms. (d) neither fall nor rise firms towards each other. Pure monopoly
SSC CHSL 09/10/2020 (Morning) is the most visible exception.
Sol.37.(b) fall. When demand falls, it
(a) Microeconomics
means consumers are willing to buy less Q.41. According to the law of demand,
(b) Macroeconomics
of the goods at any given price, which the consumer's demand for a good must
(c) Health economics
naturally pushes the price downwards to be ______.
(d) Econometrics
reach a new equilibrium point where SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (1st Shift)
Sol.33.(a) Microeconomics is a branch quantity demanded equals quantity (a) directly related to the supply of the
of economics that studies the behaviour supplied. good
of individuals and firms in making (b) inversely related to the price of the
Q.38. Which of the following exchange
decisions regarding the allocation of good
rates is determined by the market forces
scarce resources and the interactions (c) directly related to the price of the
of demand and supply ?
among these individuals and firms. The good
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift)
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(d) inversely related to the supply of the leftwards. (Or) Change in Inventories = Production
good III. Supply curve shifts rightward and during the year - Sales during the year.
demand curve shifts leftward.
Sol.41.(b) The law of demand and supply SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift) Q.47. In cost theory, the usual shape of
given by Adam Smith. Law of demand : (a) Only I (b) I, II and III the ____ curve is a rectangular hyperbola.
An economic principle explaining the (c) I and II (d) II and III SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift)
negative correlation between the price of (a) total cost (b) fixed cost
a good or service and its demand. If all Sol.44.(b) I, II and III. When both curves (c) variable cost (d) average fixed cost
other factors remain the same, when the shift rightward, the equilibrium quantity
price of a good or service increases, the increases, but the equilibrium price may Sol.47.(d) average fixed cost (AFC)
quantity of demand decreases, and vice increase, decrease or remain unchanged. curve is typically a rectangular hyperbola,
versa. When Both curves shift towards the left, which means it has a downward-sloping
the equilibrium quantity decreases but shape. As output increases, the average
Q.42. If ex ante aggregate demand and the equilibrium price may increase, fixed cost decreases, but the rate of
ex ante aggregate supply are plotted decrease or remain the same. When decrease slows down. Average fixed cost
together in a graphical diagram, then at demand curve shifts right and supply (AFC) equals total fixed cost (TFC)
which point equilibrium will be reached? curve to the left, the equilibrium price
divided by output (Q) : AFC = .
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (1st Shift) increases but the equilibrium quantity
(a) Where ex ante aggregate demand is may increase, decrease or remain the Q.48. Which of the following statements
equal to ex ante aggregate supply same. All depending on the magnitude of is/are true about private goods?
(b) Where ex ante aggregate demand is shift in the two curves. I. Rivalrous in consumption
II. Non-excludability
(c) Where ex ante aggregate demand is
less than ex ante aggregate supply
Cost, Production, Consumption III. Negative marginal cost
and Market SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(d) Where ex ante aggregate demand is
(a) Only III (b) Only I
more than ex ante aggregate supply
(c) Both II and III (d) Only II
Q.45. Which of the following goods
Sol.42.(a) The aggregate demand / needs further transformation in the
aggregate supply model is a model that Sol.48.(b) Only I. A private good is both
economic process? excludable and rivalrous, and it is
shows what determines total supply or SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
total demand for the economy and how consumed by one person or household.
domestic goods and services in an firm which are completely used up in the nonexcludability and nonrivalrous
economy. Equilibrium point is E and process of production. Consumer consumption. Examples - National
defense, Street lights, Public Parks, etc.
meant for final use and will not pass India improve its _________ in industries
less than one, then the demand for the
through any more stages of production
with domestic production. Example -
(output) and factors of production finite resource for their manufacture.
Instead of importing vehicles made in a
(inputs). Mathematically, such a basic
foreign country, industries would be Q.59. In India, which of the following is
relationship between inputs and outputs
encouraged to produce them in India NOT an objective of the National
may be expressed as: Q = f( L, C, N ).
itself. Manufacturing Policy?
Where Q = Quantity of output, L = Labour,
SSC CGL Tier II (03/03/2023)
Q.52. The consumption of fixed capital is C = Capital, N = Land.
(a) To increase the sectoral share of
also known as _________.
Q.56. Which of the following statements manufacturing in the GDP to at least
Sol.52.(a) depreciation - Means loss of of buyers and sellers. (c) To increase the rate of job creation so
fixed assets overtime due to wear and II. Information is perfect. as to create 100 million additional
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (4th Shift) jobs by 2022.
SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift) product. i.e. the product of one firm Policy and Promotion (DIPP) under the
(a) income surplus cannot be differentiated from the product Ministry of Commerce and Industry has
(b) producers' surplus of any other firm. 2. Entry into the market notified the National Manufacturing
(c) consumer surplus as well as exit from the market are free Policy (NMP) on November 4, 2011.
(d) marketable surplus for firms. National Investment & Manufacturing
Zones (NIMZs) : An important
Sol.53.(d) Marketable surplus - Q.57. Which of the following statements instrumentality of the manufacturing
Difference between the total output is correct regarding the marginal utility of policy; have been conceived as large
produced by a farmer and his self a commodity ? integrated industrial townships.
consumption from that output. Producer I. It is the change in total utility due to
surplus - Total amount that a producer consumption of one additional unit of a Q.60. A higher _______ index reflects
benefits from producing and selling a commodity. inequality in income distribution.
quantity of a good at the market price. II. It diminishes with increase in SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Morning)
consumption of the commodity. (a) CPI (b) Gini (c) GDP (d) NDP
Q.54. What was the minimum
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
consumption expenditure (₹ per capita Sol.60.(b) Gini coefficient measures
(a) Both I and II (b) Only II
per month) set as a benchmark of the inequality in income distribution (0-
(c) only I (d) Neither I nor II
poverty line for rural India in 1979? perfect equality; 100- perfect inequality).
Matric Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 4) Sol.57.(a) Both I and II. Marginal utility :
(a) 49.09 (b) 43.5 (c) 56.7 (d) 62.1 It is a measure that defines the additional
satisfaction a customer receives from
Sol.54.(a) 49.09. 1979 Planning
one more unit of a product or service.
Commission task force on poverty
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National Income, Inflation, Revenue deficit= 2.80% of GDP Revenue Q.67. Which of the following is NOT
expenditure= 10.80% of GDP correct with regards to the history of
Budget, Taxation And GDP
SSC MTS 30/09/2024 (2nd Shift) calculating National Income (NI) in India?
(a) 12.80 (b) 8.00 (c) 13.60 (d) 2.70 SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Q.61. In the context of a consumption
(a) First attempt to compute NI was
function for an economy, if MPC = 0.6, Sol.64.(b) 8.00. To calculate the Revenue made by Dadabhai Naoroji.
then what is the likely value of MPS? Receipts, we need to use the given (b) First official attempt to compute NI
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning) information about the Revenue Deficit was made by PC Mahalanobis.
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.36 (c) -0.6 (d) 0.16 and Revenue Expenditure as percentages (c) Dadabhai Naoroji divided the Indian
of GDP. economy into two parts: primary
Sol.61.(a) 0.4. The Marginal Propensity
Formula for Revenue Deficit: Revenue sector and secondary sector.
to Save (MPS) is related to the Marginal
Deficit = Revenue Expenditure − Revenue (d) First scientific method to compute NI
Propensity to Consume (MPC) by the
Receipts was used by Dr VKRV Rao.
equation: MPC + MPS = 1. Given that
Given: Revenue Deficit = 2.80% of GDP
MPC = 0.6, we can find MPS as follows:
Revenue Expenditure = 10.80% of GDP Sol.67.(c) Dr. VKRV Rao in 1931, divided
MPS = 1− MPC = 1−0.6 = 0.4.
Now, We can set up an equation: the Indian economy into two sectors: the
Q.62. The Primary Deficit is zero in which 2.80% = 10.80% - Revenue Receipts agricultural sector and the corporate
of the following situations? To find Revenue Receipts: sector. The agricultural sector
A. Fiscal Deficit is zero. Revenue Receipts = 10.80% - 2.80% encompassed fishing, hunting, forests,
B. Interest payment is equal to Fiscal = 8.00% and agriculture, while the corporate
Deficit. sector included industries, business,
Q.65. While estimating Gross Domestic transport, construction, and public
SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Afternoon)
Product, the monetary value of only final
(a) Neither A nor B (b) Only A services. Dadabhai Naoroji estimated
goods are considered because _________. India's National Income at Rs. 340 crore
(c) Both A and B (d) Only B
a. its immobility, the active economic and per capita income at Rs. 20 in
Sol.62.(d) Only B. If interest payments flow is ended. 1867-68 in his book "Poverty and
are equal to the fiscal deficit, then the b. of the issues of double counting Un-British Rule in India."
fiscal deficit is entirely due to interest c. the value added at each stage of the
payments, and there is no additional production process is included Q.68. The CSO adopted the concept of
borrowing for current activities. SSC MTS 07/10/2024 (2nd Shift) Gross Value Added in ___________ .
Therefore, the primary deficit is zero (a) Only b (b) Only a SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
because no new debt is being incurred (c) All a, b and c (d) Only b and c (a) January 2012 (b) January 2015
for current expenditure. If the fiscal (c) January 2017 (d) January 2013
Sol.65.(a) Only b. Gross Domestic
the problem of double counting. The CSO replaced GDP at factor cost
Q.63. Section 56 (2) (vii b) in the Income with GVA at basic prices to better
Q.66. Why are wealth taxes and gift estimate economic activity. It follows the
Tax Act is referred to as:
taxes treated as paper taxes in India? United Nation's System of National
Sol.70.(d) Gross investment - growth in production, we need to adjust correct regarding circular flow of
the increase in Gross National Product income?
depreciation. Net Investment: It refers to
the actual addition to the capital stock of (GNP) for inflation. The real growth rate SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
can be approximated by subtracting the (a) Savings as well as government
a country or business, accounting for the
depreciation of existing assets. Gross inflation rate from the nominal growth expenditure are injections to the
rate. Real Growth Rate = Nominal Growth circular flow
Investment: This is the total expenditure
on new assets, including new buildings, Rate - Inflation Rate (16% - 9% = 7%). (b) The income of one sector becomes
the expenditure of the other.
machinery, equipment, and inventory. Q.74. What is subtracted from GDP to (c) In a circular flow, leakages are equal
Q.71. Match the concepts in column A arrive at NDP ? to injections.
with their respective descriptions in SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (d) The real flow and monetary flow
product by the individual's (d) Net factor income from abroad Sol.77.(a) Savings are considered a
production in leakage from the circular flow of income
a given period Sol.74.(b) Depreciation. Net Domestic
of finished goods and services produced changed or avoided.
Q.80. Each of the following statements by a country's citizens overseas and
includes two terms. In three cases, the domestically, minus depreciation. Gross Q.87. What is the use of Net National
two terms mean the same as each other. National Product (GNP) is Gross Product (NNP) ?
In which of the following cases do the Domestic Product (GDP) plus net factor SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift)
two terms NOT mean the same as each income from abroad. Depreciation is an (a) To calculate exports
other? annual decrease in the price of a capital (b) To calculate balance of payments
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (3rd Shift) goods over a year due to wear and tear (c) To calculate per capita income
(a) Nominal GDP and GDP at current and some other reasons. (d) To calculate imports
prices Sol.87.(c) To calculate per capita
(b) The base period and the reference Q.84. _____ at Market Price refers to the
Sol.80.(c) Changes in real GDP and the (a) Net National Product (NNP)
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 (𝑁𝑁𝑃) 𝑎𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡
GDP deflator. Changes in real GDP (b) Net Domestic Product (NDP) 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
measure the actual growth in economic (c) Gross National Product (GNP)
output, adjusted for inflation, over time. (d) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Q.88. Price control and rationing are
The GDP deflator measures the change direct control measures to check _____.
in overall price levels (inflation) in an Sol.84.(a) Net National Product (NNP). It SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift)
economy by comparing nominal and is at Factor Cost, also known as national (a) deflation (b) reflation
real GDP. These two terms describe income. When calculated at factor cost, (c) inflation (d) disinflation
different aspects of economic the NNP includes the sum of wages,
Sol.88.(c) Inflation:Inflation refers to the
performance — One is about growth, rents, interests, and profits distributed in
general rise in the price levels of goods
and the other is about inflation. an economy but excludes indirect taxes
and services over time. When inflation
while including subsidies. Thus, it
becomes excessive, it can reduce the
Q.81. The financial year in India starts reflects the income earned through the
purchasing power of consumers and
from 1st April and ends on_________ productive activities of the country's
destabilise the economy. To control
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) normal residents.
inflation, governments use various fiscal
(a) 31st May (b) 30th June
st Q.85. National income at constant prices policies : Price control and rationing,
(c) 31 March (d) 31st July
means: Reduction in Public Spending, Increase in
Sol.81.(c) 31st March. A financial year, SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift) Taxes, and Subsidy Cuts.
also known as a fiscal year, is a (a) income estimated at current year Q.89. Calculate personal income (in ₹
12-month period used by governments, prices crore) from the given data.
businesses, and organizations for (b) income estimated at base year prices
Particulars ₹ (in crore)
accounting and financial reporting (c) income estimated for next year prices
Private income 1800
purposes. (d) income estimated at any year prices
Net retained 500
Q.82. Which of the following methods Sol.85.(b) income estimated at base earnings of private
measures poverty on the basis of income year prices. Net National Product at enterprises
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Corporation tax 250 tax - A tax that takes the same income - The total value of all the final
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift) percentage of income from all income services and goods produced in an
(a) 1000 (b) 950 (c) 2050 (d) 1100 groups. Vertical equity - The concept that economy during a specific period of
people in different income groups should time. Gross income - Total income
Sol.89.(c) 2050. Personal Income = pay different rates of taxes or different earned by an individual on a paycheck
Private Income + Net Retained Earnings percentages of their incomes as taxes. before taxes and other deductions.
of Private Enterprises − (Corporation Disposable income - Personal income
Tax) Q.93. Which of the following statements minus Taxes.
Now applying the formula : about transfer payments are correct ?
Personal Income = 1800 + 500 − (250) 1) Transfer payments are made by the Q.96. Which of the following is the
Personal Income = 2300 - 250 government to households. correct formula for calculating Net
Personal Income = ₹ 2050 crore 2) Pension, scholarship etc. are not a Indirect Taxes ?
part of the transfer payments. SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Q.90. Taxes like gift tax, wealth tax etc 3) Transfer payments are often used as a (a) Direct Taxes + Subsidies
are also referred to as which type of means of redistributing income within a (b) Indirect Taxes − Subsidies
taxes? society. (c) Indirect Taxes + Subsidies
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 (d) Direct Taxes − Subsidies
(a) Rich taxes (b) Paper taxes (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) Paperless taxes (d) Direct taxes Sol.96.(b) Indirect Taxes - Subsidies.
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1 and 3 only
Net Indirect Taxes : Taxes that are levied
Sol.90.(b) Paper taxes - Wealth tax and Sol.93.(d) 1 and 3 only. Transfer on services and products and are
gift tax are often called paper taxes payments are the receipts which the collected by the seller. Examples - Sales
because they are difficult to enforce and residents of a country get for ‘free’, tax, Value-added tax (VAT), Excise tax,
frequently evaded. Wealth Tax : Hard to without having to provide any goods or Customs duty, Service tax. Subsidies :
assess the true value of assets, as services in return. They consist of gifts, Financial assistance provided by the
people hide wealth through offshore remittances, grants, Unemployment government to reduce the cost of certain
accounts or other means. Gift Tax : Allowance, Social Security Payments, Old goods or services for consumers.
Easily avoided by transferring assets in age Pension, scholarship etc,.
Q.97. A government budget shows a
ways that don’t trigger the tax. These
taxes exist on paper but are challenging Q.94. Which of the following statements primary deficit of ₹6,900 crore. The
to implement effectively. about GDP and Welfare are correct? revenue expenditure on interest payment
1) GDP of a country is an indicator of the is ₹400 crore. Fiscal deficit is equal to:
Q.91. Why are the intermediate goods welfare of the people. SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon)
NOT included in the National Income? 2) If GDP is rising, welfare may not rise (a) ₹6,500 crore (b) ₹6,900 crore
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift) equally. (c) ₹7,100 crore (d) ₹7,300 crore
(a) Intermediate goods increases the 3) GDP and Welfare both are not related Sol.97.(d) ₹7,300 crore. Fiscal Deficit =
income. to each other.
(c) For the prevention of double (c) Only 2 and 3 (d) Only 1 and 2 of a government that is more than the
Sol.94.(d) Only 1 and 2. GDP reflects the revenue generated by the government in
Sol.91.(c) For the prevention of double serves as a general indicator of the cost of borrowing money. The
accounting. Intermediate goods are used economic well-being. However, it does borrower makes these payments in
in the production of final goods, and their not capture non-economic factors like addition to paying back the principal on a
value is already reflected in the final income distribution, environmental loan.
product. For example, steel used to quality, or social welfare. GDP growth Q.98. Expenditure of the government on
manufacture cars means that if both the does not necessarily lead to proportional health facilities, education and
production of steel and the production of welfare improvements. Rising GDP may fixed-asset acquisition is termed as ____ .
cars were counted, it would result in be accompanied by increased inequality SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon)
double counting. Therefore, to avoid this or environmental degradation. GDP and (a) revenue expenditure
distortion in calculating national income, welfare are related, but the relationship is (b) non-plan revenue expenditure
only the value of final goods is included. not direct or perfect. (c) capital expenditure
Q.92. If tax rate decreases with increase Q.95. Which of the following options (d) plan expenditure
in taxable base, then this type of taxation represents the total income earned by Sol.98.(c) Capital expenditure: It
is called: individuals from all the sources before involves the spending of government
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) deduction of personal income taxes? funds on the acquisition of assets that
(a) regressive (b) increasing SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023 have long-term value and contribute to
(c) progressive (d) degressive (a) Disposable income the overall development of the country.
(b) Personal income Example - Construction of school and
Sol.92.(a) regressive. Progressive tax - A
(c) Gross income Buildings. Revenue expenditure: It refers
tax that takes a larger percentage of
(d) National income to the government's spending on
income from high-income groups than
from low-income groups. Proportional Sol.95.(b) Personal income. National day-to-day operational costs and current
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expenses such as salaries, wages, bonds Price Index) x 100. If nominal GDP and
interest payments, and subsidies. (d) Tax revenue collected from citizens real GDP are the same, the price index
equals 100, not 200.
Q.99. Which of the following is NOT Sol.102.(a) Non-debt capital receipts :
included in inventory investment when Those money receipts which are received Q.106. Usually, the reduction in the taxes
calculating national income ? by the government from the sale of old will have _____multiplier effect compared
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) assets. It refers to the incoming cash to an increase in government spending
(a) Change in sales during the year flows and not treated as liabilities of the on aggregate demand.
(b) Change in stock of semi-finished government. Example: Recovery of loans SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift)
goods and advances, disinvestment, and issue (a) no (b) smaller
(c) Change in stock of raw material of bonus shares. (c) higher (d) equivalent
(d) Change in stock of finished goods
Q.103. Which of the following methods is Sol.106.(b) Smaller. Aggregate demand
Sol.99.(a) Change in sales during the used to calculate national income by is a term used in macroeconomics to
year. The stock of unsold finished goods, summing up the total spending on final describe the total demand for goods
or semi-finished goods, or raw materials goods and services in an economy? produced domestically, including
which a firm carries from one year to the SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (2nd Shift) consumer goods, services, and capital
next is called inventory. Inventories are (a) Value-added method goods. Formula :- AD = C + I + G + (X -
treated as capital. Its addition to the (b) Output method M), AD = Aggregate demand, C =
stock of capital of a firm is known as (c) Expenditure method Consumption, I = Investment, G =
investment. (d) Income method Government spending, X = Total exports,
M = Total imports.
Q.100. Calculate the GDP at factor cost Sol.103.(c) Expenditure method.
given in the following data. Formula, GDP = 𝐶 + 𝐼 + 𝐺 + (𝑋-𝑀 ). C : Q.107. Calculate the NNP (₹ in crore) at
GDP at market price = 600 crores Consumption expenditure (household market price from the given data
Consumption of fixed capital = 100 crores spending on goods and services). I : Particulars Value (₹in crore)
Indirect taxes = 200 crores Investment expenditure (business NDP at factor cost - 1,25,250
Subsidies = 50 crores spending on capital goods). G : Net income from abroad - (-) 581
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) Government expenditure (spending on Net indirect taxes - 18,120
(a) 850 crores (b) 450 crores infrastructure, salaries, etc.). X - M : Net SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (2nd shift)
(c) 950 crores (d) 350 crores exports (exports minus imports). (a) 1,25,831 (b) 1,42,789
+ Subsidies - Indirect Tax. SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift) Product) at market price = NDP (Net
GDP at factor cost = 600 + 50 - 200 (a) Expenditure not equal to revenue Domestic Product) at factor cost - Net
GDP at factor cost = 450 (b) Expenditure equal to revenue Income (from abroad) + Net Indirect
balance are presented in which part of Sol.104.(b) Balanced Budget is an ideal Q.108. NDP at FC plus net factor income
the budget document? approach to achieve a balanced from abroad is equal to _______ .
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) economy and maintain fiscal discipline. SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) NNP at MP (b) NNP at FC
C) Balanced Regional Growth are the most serious offences that a Factor Cost = NNP at Market Price — Net
person or corporation can commit
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (1st shift) Indirect Taxes. Thus, Net Indirect Taxes
(a) Only A (b) All - A, B and C against another. Moot - Unsettled, open must be subtracted from NNP at Market
to argument or debatable. Lien - A legal
(c) Only A and C (d) Only B Price to arrive at National Income (NNP
claim or legal right which is made at Factor Cost).
Sol.110.(b) All - A, B and C.The objective against the assets that are held as
of the Government Budget is to outline collaterals for satisfying a debt. Q.117. Proportional taxes would help to
the government's revenue and reduce the autonomous expenditure
(a) allocation of resources (b) MPC does not have any role in it
Q.111. Identify the true statement. (b) intervention to expand or reduce the (c) taxes and MPC become equal
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (2nd shift) demand (d) taxes reduce the MPC
(a) If real GDP is 240 and price index is (c) production of public goods
120, nominal GDP is 200. (d) distribution of income in society in a Sol.117.(d) Taxes reduce the MPC. MPC
fair way (marginal propensity to consume) - It is
(d) If real GDP is 240 and price index is tax, reducing the disposable income
domestic product), Controlling surges in available for consumption. Since
120, nominal GDP is 288.
inflation or deflation. Two forms : households have less disposable income
Sol.111.(d) Real GDP (Gross Domestic Expansionary policy - Government moves after taxes, the amount they consume
Product) is an inflation-adjusted measure to lower taxes or increase spending to from additional income decreases. Thus,
that reflects the value of all goods and boost the economy. Contractionary the autonomous expenditure multiplier
services produced by an economy in a policy - When the Government increases will reduce.
given year. Nominal GDP - It is given in taxes or reduces spending to slow the
current prices, without adjustment for economy and reduce inflation. Q.118. CBIC stands for ________.
inflation. SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.115. Which of the following items is (a) Central Bureau of Investigation and
𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥
Nominal GDP = Real GDP × NOT a part of the non-plan revenue Committee
expenditure of the government budget ? (b) Central Board on Issues Related to
= 240 × = 288. SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (4th shift)
100 Caste
(a) Salaries and pensions (c) Central Board of Information and
Q.112. Which of these is NOT the (b) Subsidies Communication
correctly stated component of the (c) Defence services (d) Central Board of Indirect Taxes and
expenditure method of measuring (d) Central assistance for states and Customs
national income ? union territories
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (4th shift) Sol.118.(d) Central Board of Indirect
(a) Final investment expenditure by firms Sol.115.(d) The distinction between Plan Taxes and Customs (erstwhile Central
(b) Final government expenditure and Non-Plan expenditure was abolished Board of Excise and Customs). It is one
(c) Export plus import expenditure in 2016 on the recommendation of C. R. of the Boards constituted under the
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statute the Central Boards of Revenue measure of surplus accruing from Q.126. ____is an item for which both, GST
Act, 1963 and is subordinate to the production of the output before and central excise duty are applicable in
Department of Revenue under the deducting property income from it like India.
Ministry of Finance. It deals with the profits, rent, and interest. It is a SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (2nd shift)
tasks of formulation of policy concerning component of value added and gross (a) Alcohol for human consumption
levy and collection of customs, central domestic product. (b) Tobacco and tobacco products
excise duties, Central Goods & Services (c) Petroleum products
Tax (CGST) and Integrated GST (IGST). Q.122. What is the basic difference in the (d) All the agricultural commodities
aggregates at market price and factor
Q.119. Which country first introduced cost ? Sol.126.(b) Tobacco and tobacco
zero-based budgeting? SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd shift) products. GST (Goods and Services Tax)
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st shift) (a) Depreciation (b) Indirect taxes : Implemented - 1st July 2017.
(a) India (b) Germany (c) Net indirect taxes (d) Direct taxes Amendment - 101st Amendment Act,
(c) The US (d) The UK 2016. Article - 279 A. The primary GST
Sol.122.(c) Net indirect taxes. Factor slabs for any regular taxpayers are
Sol.119.(c) The U.S. Zero based cost - The total cost of all the factors of presently pegged at 0% (nil-rated), 5%,
budgeting (ZBB) : A method of budgeting production in manufacturing a good, 12%, 18% & 28%. However, petroleum
in which all expenses are evaluated each which does not account for the subsidies products, alcoholic drinks, and electricity
time a Budget is made and expenses received and taxes paid. are not taxed under GST and instead are
must be justified for each new period. It taxed separately by the individual state
was introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970’s. Q.123. Identify the correct match.
A) Pension to retired government governments.
In India, the ZBB was introduced in the
department of science and technology in employees - Revenue Receipt Q.127. While computing Net Economic
1983, and adopted by the Indian B) Purchase of Machinery in Railways - Welfare (NEW), which of the following
Capital Expenditure
Government in 1986. It was promoted items is subtracted from GNP ?
during the Seventh Five-Year Plan. In SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift) SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) Both A and B (b) Only A
India, Maharashtra is the first state to (a) Value of leisure time
implement Zero-based budgeting. (c) Neither A nor B (d) Only B (b) Adjustments for congestion of urban
Sol.123.(d) Only B. Capital expenditure : life
Q.120. Match List I with List II and (c) Do-it-yourself activities
choose your answer from the code Expenditure that either creates an asset
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd shift) (a) circular income (b) value added Q.128. Revenue expenditure minus
(a) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a (b) i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d (c) expenditure (d) income
Sol.120.(c) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b. Tax (a) revenue deficit (b) budget deficit
adds up Consumer spending, Investment,
revenue: Income tax, corporate tax, (c) always negative (d) always positive
Government expenditure, and Net
customs duties, VAT, etc. Non-tax
exports. Formula (Expenditure method Sol.128.(a) Revenue deficit refers to the
revenue: Interest on loans provided by
for national income): C + I + G + (X - M), excess of revenue expenditure over
the government, dividends from public
where C = Consumer spending, I = revenue income in a financial year.
sector enterprises, fees for services, etc.
Investment, G = Government spending, X Budget Deficit = Total Expenditures by
Capital receipt: Borrowing from the
= Exports and M = Imports. the government – Total Income of the
public, sale of government assets,
disinvestment of shares in PSUs, etc. Q.125. When did the Government of India government.
Revenue expenditure: Spending on bring the gender sensitivities of the Q.129. Which of the following
government salaries, pensions, budgetary allocation in its statement for statements is/are FALSE ?
subsidies, interest payments on loans, the first time ? A) The impact of externality is always
etc. SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (2nd shift) positive.
(a) 2004-05 (b) 2007-08 B) Real national income means national
Q.121. Which of the following is NOT
(c) 2006-07 (d) 2005-06 income at constant prices
included in 'Operating Surplus' ?
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift) Sol.125.(d) 2005-06. India introduced SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (1st shift)
(a) Rent (b) Profit Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) to (a) Only B (b) Only A
(c) Interest (d) Wages in cash design public spending in a way that (c) Neither A nor B (d) Both A and B
ensures that the benefits accrue as much Sol.129.(b) Only A. Externalities refer to
Sol.121.(d) Wages in Cash. Operating
to the country's women as they do to the the positive or negative effects of an
Surplus : Concept used in national
men. economic activity on third parties who
accounts statistics which refers to the
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are not directly involved in the (Article 112)} - A statement of the (c) Infinity (d) Negative
transaction. Positive Externalities : It estimated receipts and expenditure of
does not only benefit a single person but the Government in a financial year. It Sol.137.(a) Positive. Gross primary
also the society. Examples include contains Estimates of revenue and Deficit = Gross fiscal Deficit - Net interest
Education, Vaccination, Public Parks, capital receipts, ways and means to raise liabilities. Deficit - The amount by which
Pollution control, etc. Negative the revenue, details of the actual receipts the spending done in a budget surpasses
Externalities : When a benefit of an and expenditure of the closing financial the earnings.
economic activity adversely impacts a year with reasons for any deficit or Q.138. When was the Direct Tax Code Bill
third party that is not involved in the surplus in that year, the economic and introduced in the Parliament of India?
transaction. Examples include Pollution, financial policy of the coming year SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Green House Gas emission, Smoking, (taxation proposals, prospects of (a) 2010 (b) 2005 (c) 2020 (d) 2015
Overfishing, Deforestation, etc,. revenue, spending programme and
introduction of new schemes). Sol.138.(a) 2010. Direct tax: It is directly
Q.130. Which of the following is an paid to the authority imposing the tax. It
example of direct tax? Q.134. Which of the following is NOT an is levied on taxable income earned by
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift) example of factor payment? individuals and corporate entities.
(a) Escheat SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift) Example - Income tax, real property tax,
(b) Income Tax (a) Interest (b) Wages (c) Rent (d) Pension personal property tax, and taxes on
(c) Custom Duty assets, corporation tax, gift tax,
(d) Goods and Services Tax Sol.134.(d) Pension.
Factor payments : It is the sum total of inheritance tax.
Sol.130.(b) Income Tax. It is a type of tax remunerations earned by the four factors Q.139. If there are N firms in the
governments impose on income of production. Rent is paid for land.
economy, each assigned with a serial
generated by businesses and individuals Wages are paid for labour. Interest is number from 1 to N, then as per the
within their jurisdiction. paid for capital. Profit is the payment for product method, GDP can be written as
entrepreneurship. _____ .
Q.131. GDP deflator = _______
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift) Q.135. In national income accounting, SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) (Nominal GDP × Real GDP) × 100 GVA stands for (a) 𝐺𝑉𝐴1 - 𝐺𝑉𝐴2 .... - 𝐺𝑉𝐴𝑁
(b) (Nominal GDP + Real GDP) × 100 SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Evening) (b) 𝑁𝑉𝐴1 + 𝑁𝑉𝐴2 ..... + 𝑁𝑉𝐴𝑁
(c) (Nominal GDP − Real GDP) × 100 (a) General vesting added
100. The GDP deflator also known as Sol.139.(c) 𝐺𝑉𝐴1 + 𝐺𝑉𝐴2..... + 𝐺𝑉𝐴𝑁.
implicit price deflator is an indicator of Sol.135.(d) Gross value added (GVA) - A Value added or product method (𝐺𝑉𝐴1 +
inflation. This helps in measuring the significant macroeconomic indicator that
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift) products. firm is, value of production of the firm –
(a) 2015-16 (b) 2021-22 value of intermediate goods used by the
(c) 2017-18 (d) 2019-20 Q.136. Duties levied on goods produced firm.
within the country are _______.
Sol.132.(a) 2015-16. NIIF is a SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning) Q.140. Assume that the exchange rate
government-backed entity established to (a) anti - dumping taxes (b) excise taxes between the US Dollar and Indian Rupee
provide long-term capital to the country’s (c) custom duties (d) wealth taxes is $1 = 55. Now if this exchange rate
infrastructure sector. Headquarter - increases to $1 = ₹60, then in this case
Mumbai. The Budget Division of the Sol.136.(b) Excise taxes. Custom duties the Indian Rupee has _____in comparison
Department of Economic Affairs in the - It is a tax collected on imports and to the US dollar.
Finance Ministry is the nodal body exports by the customs authorities of a SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023)
responsible for preparing the Budget. country. Anti - dumping duty is a tariff (a) depreciated (b) appreciated
imposed on imports manufactured in (c) Demonetised (d) overvalued
Q.133. ____expenditure and ____ receipts foreign countries that are priced below
are shown by the government budget. the fair market value of similar goods in Sol.140.(a) Depreciated. Currency
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (4th shift) the domestic market. Depreciation - The loss of value of a
(a) Estimated; actual country's currency with respect to one or
(b) Actual; estimated Q.137. If the value of gross fiscal deficit more foreign reference currencies.
(c) Actual; actual will be more than net interest liabilities,
(d) Estimated; estimated the value of gross primary deficit will be Q.141. The subject of the Study of
___________ . Macroeconomics is based on which
Sol.133.(d) Estimated; estimated. SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Evening) principle?
Budget {Annual Financial Statement (a) Positive (b) Zero SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift)
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(a) The principle of National Income Sol.144.(a) PC Mahalanobis (chairman SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Afternoon)
(b) The principle of Consumer of Indian Statistical Institute). The (a) Consumption angle
(c) The principle of Producer National Income Committee (NIC) (b) Expenditure angle
(d) The principle of Investment (1949) calculated the National Income of (c) Income distribution angle
India and compiled statistics. Members (d) Production angle
Sol.141.(a) The principle of National of NIC : VKRV Rao and DR Gadgil.
Income. Macroeconomics - It explains Sol.149.(c) Income distribution angle
how the economy as a whole operates Q.145. The difference between a National income is the sum of all the
and how aggregate demand and supply farmer's output over and above his factor income (Wage, Rent, Interest,
are used to generate the level of national on-farm consumption is known as ______. Profit) that is generated during a
income and employment. SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Evening) production year.
(a) consumer surplus
Q.142. Which of the following (b) marketable surplus Q.150. Which of the following
organisations of the Government of India (c) foreign consumption statements is/are correct ?
has been reporting the GDP at factor (d) domestic consumption I. Only marketed goods are considered
cost and at market prices? while estimating Gross Domestic
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift) Sol.145.(b) Marketable Surplus. Product (GDP).
(a) Reserve Bank of India Consumer surplus occurs when the price II. The work done by a woman at her
(b) National Sample Survey Organisation consumers pay for a product or service home is outside the purview of Gross
(c) National Statistics Office is less than the price they are willing to Domestic Product.
(d) NITI Aayog pay. Domestic consumption products III. In estimating GDP, only final goods
and services that are bought and used in and services are considered.
Sol.142.(c) National Statistical Office. It the country that makes them. SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Morning)
also compiles the Index of Industrial (a) Only II and III (b) I, II and III
Production (IIP), Annual Survey of Q.146. In 1950-51, what percentage of
(c) Only I and III (d) Only II
Industries (ASI) and all-India Economic GDP of India was contributed by the
Censuses. It conducts nationwide industrial sector ? Sol.150.(b) I, II and III. GDP is the value
sample surveys to gather data on
employment, consumer expenditure,
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening)
(a) 22 % (b) 28 % (c) 13 % (d) 16 %
of all final goods and services produced
within a country during a particular year.
housing conditions, environment, literacy, Unpaid domestic work, like cooking or
health, nutrition, and family welfare. Sol.146.(c) 13%. In 1950-51, the caregiving at home, is valuable but not
The National Sample Survey Office Agriculture sector contributed 59% to included in GDP because it is not traded
(NSSO, founded in 1950) is merged with India’s GDP, and the Service sector in markets.
the Central Statistical Office (CSO, contributed 28% to India’s GDP.
founded in 1951) under the Ministry of Q.151. The value of the Gross Domestic
Q.147. Which of the following Product (GDP) of India is published by
Statistics and Programme commodities are exempted from GST ?
Implementation to form the National PIB in ______.
Q.143. Which type of tax acts as an (c) Yuan (d) Indian Rupee
automatic stabiliser in the economy? (c) Alcohol for human consumption
(d) Ventilators Sol.151.(d) Indian Rupee. The GDP of
SEWA Sahakari Bank established ? (d) Microfinance refers to providing
Sol.154.(c) Budget (Annual financial SSC MTS 05/11/2024 (1st Shift) banking services to individuals living
statement, Article 112) is a statement of (a) 1971 (b) 1974 (c) 1975 (d) 1972 in rural areas.
the estimated receipts and expenditure
Sol.157.(b) 1974. Self-Employed Sol.160.(b) Microfinance loans are small,
of the government in a financial year (1st
Women's Association (SEWA), meaning unsecured loans given to low-income
April - 31st March). A vote-on-account is
"service" in several Indian languages, is a borrowers for starting or expanding
Parliament's approval to the Centre for
trade union based in Ahmedabad. small businesses or for basic needs like
withdrawal of money from the
Q.158. ________is an industry association (MFIs) include credit unions, NGOs, and
2021-22, presented by Finance Minister
and self-regulatory organisation (SRO) commercial banks. Notable MFIs include
Nirmala Sitharaman, was India's first
whose primary objective is to work Bandhan Bank, Ujjivan Small Finance
paperless budget.
towards the robust development of the Bank, Annapurna Finance, and Muthoot
microfinance sector. Microfin.
Money Banking and Financial SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Q.155. Which of the following (c) Microfinance and Investments improving the economic status of the
statements regarding the functions of poor women in rural areas ?
Regulatory Authority
money is/are correct ? (d) NABARD SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
1. Money as a unit of account means (a) Indira Awas Yojana
that it is a standard numerical unit of Sol.158.(b) Microfinance Institutions (b) Integrated Development Project
measurement of the market value of Network (MFIN) was established in (c) Self-help Group
goods, services and other transactions. 2009. In 2014, the Reserve Bank of India (d) Rural Health Scheme
2. Money as a standard of deferred (RBI) recognized MFIN as a
Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) for Sol.161.(c) Self-Help Groups are
payment is not an important function
the NBFC-MFI, making MFIN the first informal associations of people who
because modern economies rarely use
industry association to be accorded choose to come together to find ways to
money for future payments.
recognition as an SRO by the RBI. improve their living conditions. They help
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
the poor and marginalized by building
(a) Only 1 (b) Both 1 and 2
Q.159. If assets of a bank are greater skills for employment and income
(c) Only 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
than liabilities, it will be recorded as: generation. SHGs also provide loans
Sol.155.(a) Only 1. Money as a standard SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift) without requiring collateral.
of deferred payments means that money (a) liabilities (b) net worth
acts as a standard for payments which (c) reserves (d) assets Q.162. Which of the following is a
are to be made in future. Functions of component of the SHG-bank linkage
Money: Medium of exchange - Money is Sol.159.(b) net worth. The amount by program in India?
used to buy and sell goods and services. which the value of the assets exceed the SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Store of value - It can be saved and used liabilities is the net worth (equity) of the (a) Microfinance institutions providing
to build wealth over time. Unit of account business. The net worth reflects the loans directly to SHGs
- It is used to compare the value of amount of ownership of the business by (b) Banks providing loans to individual
Sol.163.(a) MV = PT. Fisher Equation
(c) Jeremy Bentham (d) Alfred Marshall Uttar Pradesh. In India, the Reserve Bank
states that the nominal interest rate is
of India (RBI) oversees the entire banking
equal to the sum of the real interest rate Sol.166.(a) Muhammad Yunus. system, while NABARD supervises rural
plus inflation. It lies at the heart of the Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi
financial institutions, including RRBs
Quantity Theory of Money. MV = PT, economist, entrepreneur, politician, and under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
where M = Money Supply, V = Velocity of civil society leader. He is the founder of
circulation, P = Price Level, and T = modern micro finance. He was awarded Q.170. The Central Office of the Reserve
Transactions. the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for Bank of India was initially established in
(SHGs) and microfinance institutions Q.167. In 2000-01, NABARD instituted (c) Delhi (d) Kolkata
(MFIs) in India? Micro Finance Development Fund with a
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) corpus of ________. Sol.170.(d) Kolkata. Reserve Bank of
(a) SHGs are non-profit organisations, SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift) India was established on 1 April 1935 on
while MFIs are for-profit (a) ₹189 crores (b) ₹245 crores the recommendations of Hilton Young
organisations Commission. Headquarters : Mumbai,
(c) SHGs are typically small, Finance Development Fund was currency notes except for one rupee.
community-based organisations, established to support and promote the Initially, the Central Office of the RBI was
while MFIs are larger and more microfinance sector in India. The fund established in Calcutta but later on
formal institutions. aimed to support microfinance moved to Mumbai in 1937.
(d) SHGs rely on government subsidies institutions and promote self-help groups
for funding, while MFIs rely on (SHGs) across India. NABARD (National Q.171. Which of the following refers to
commercial sources of funding. Bank for Agriculture and Rural the purchase and sale of government
Development) established on 12 July securities ?
Sol.164.(c) Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in 1982. SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift)
India, started in the late 1980s by NGOs, (a) Bank rate
typically consist of 10 to 20 women, Q.168. Which of the following is issued (b) Open market operations
serving as financial intermediaries. by commercial banks at a discount on (c) Reserve ratio
Examples include Amba Foundation, face value? (d) High powered money
ASRLM, and Chamoli SHG. Microfinance SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (3rd shift)
institutions (MFIs), like Ujivan Financial (a) Commercial papers Sol.171.(b) Open market operations. The
Services and Annapurna Finance, provide (b) Treasury bills purchase and sale of government
banking services to low-income groups, (c) Certificates of deposits securities (G-Sec) is entrusted to the
playing a key role in poverty alleviation. (d) Promissory notes Central bank on behalf of the
Government.Open market operations
Q.165. The Working Group under the Sol.168.(c) Certificates of deposits are (OMOs) are a key tool used by central
chairmanship of_______in the year_______ unsecured, negotiable, short-term banks to control the money supply and
proposed a new intermediate monetary instruments in bearer form, issued by interest rates in an economy. To increase
aggregate to be referred to as NM2. commercial banks and development the money supply, RBI purchases G-sec
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) financial institutions. Commercial papers from the market and to reduce the
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money supply, RBI sells G-Sec in the liquidity or money supply, it will sell (a) Finance Ministry
market. securities and suck funds from the (b) NABARD
system. (c) State Government
Q.172. Rotating Savings and Credit (d) Reserve Bank of India
Association (ROSCA) was introduced by Q.176. Assume that the value of the cash
Shirley Ardener in the year ________. reserve ratio is 25%. What will be the Sol.179.(d) Reserve Bank of India.
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) value of the money multiplier ? Microfinance institution - An organisation
(a) 1964 (b) 1970 (c) 1963 (d) 1955 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) that offers microloans, microsavings and
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 2 microinsurance services to low income
Sol.172.(a) 1964. ROSCA is an populations. In India, loans below one
alternative financial vehicle in which a Sol.176.(c) 4. The Cash Reserve Ratio lakh rupees are defined as microloans.
group of individuals fills the role of an (CRR) - The minimum percentage of total The RBI defined microfinance as
informal financial institution. deposits that commercial banks are collateral free loans given to households
required to retain as cash reserves with having annual income up to Rs. 3 lakh.
Q.173. The velocity of circulation of the RBI. This is determined by the RBI, as
money will be higher when the ____is less a limit to money or credit creation by Q.180. When RBI decides to decrease the
than the requirements of the economy. banks. Money Multiplier repo rate, money supply will _________.
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift) 1 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
(a) demand for money =
𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 (𝐶𝑅𝑅) (a) decrease
(b) supply of money 1 1 (b) increase
(c) velocity of money = = =4
25% 0.25 (c) remain unaffected
(d) elasticity of money (d) initially stay constant and then
Q.177. What distinguishes a bank from
Sol.173.(a) demand for money. It is other financial institutions?
people's desire to hold liquidity money or SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) Sol.180.(b) increase. Repo rate : It refers
cash, rather than investing it in other (a) Lending to the rate at which commercial banks
asset forms. Money supply : It refers to (b) Accepting deposits borrow money by selling their securities
the total quantity of money held by the (c) Providing long term loans to the Reserve bank of India (RBI) to
public in various forms at any point of (d) Accepting loans and borrowings maintain liquidity, in case of shortage of
time in an economy. Velocity of money is funds or due to some statutory
a measurement of the rate at which Sol.177.(b) Accepting deposits.
measures. It is one of the main tools of
charge of India’s banking and monetary demand. Lending and Borrowing is also a a limit of ____on monthly loan repayment
system? function of Banks but it is also obligations of a household as a
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) performed by other financial institutions
firms, etc.
responsible for regulating the circulation Sol.181.(b) 50%. This limit is set by the
of the Indian rupee, monetary policy, and Q.178. If the value / percentage of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to protect
the banking system within the Indian cash reserve ratio falls, then the value of low-income households from
economy. money multiplier ________. over-indebtedness.
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.175. Selling of bonds by the RBI will Q.182. ________ is an instrument under
(a) falls (b) None of the above
cause money supply to __________. the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) at
(c) remains stable (d) rises
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) which RBI lends to commercial banks.
(a) increase Sol.178.(d) rises. The money multiplier is SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening)
(b) No relationship exists between selling inversely related to the cash reserve ratio (a) Repo rate (b) Reverse repo rate
bonds and money supply (CRR). If the CRR falls, banks are required (c) Bank rate (d) Cash reserve ratio
(c) fluctuate to keep a smaller percentage of their
(d) decrease deposits as reserves. This means they Sol.182.(a) Repo rate. Reverse repo rate
can lend out more money, which - The rate at which the central bank of a
Sol.175.(d) Decrease. Open Market country borrows money from
increases the overall money supply. An
Operations (OMOs) refer to the buying commercial banks. Bank rate - It is a rate
increase in a cash reserve ratio prevents
and selling of government securities by at which the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
the banks from lending more money and
RBI to regulate the short-term money provides the loan to commercial banks
reduces the money multiplier.
supply. If RBI wants to induce liquidity or without keeping any security. Cash
more funds in the system, it will buy Q.179. Who issued guidelines for the reserve ratio - The percentage of a bank's
government securities and inject funds microfinance institutions in India? total deposits that it needs to maintain
into the system. If RBI wants to reduce SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 as liquid cash.
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Pinnacle Economics
Q.183. The maximum limit on (b) Issue of currency (RBI). The Government of India set up the
microfinance loans for NBFCs other than (c) Banking facilities to the government first mutual fund by an Act of Parliament
NBFC-MFIs is _________. (d) Credit control in 1963.
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
(a) 75% of the total assets Sol.186.(a) Credit creation - Process by Q.190. What is the difference between a
(b) 25% of the total assets which commercial banks create new debit card and a credit card ?
(c) 85% of the total loans money by lending to businesses and SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(d) 25% of the total equity individuals. Other functions of (a) Debit cards are used for online
Commercial banks : Accepting deposits, transactions, while credit cards are
Sol.183.(b) 25% of the total assets. The Providing loans, Facilitating payments, used for in-person purchases.
Reserve Bank of India has increased the etc. The function of Reserve bank of (b) Credit cards require a PIN, while debit
maximum limit on microfinance loans India includes, Issue of currency, Banking cards require a signature.
given by NBFCs that are not qualified as facilities to the government, Credit (c) Debit cards withdraw money directly
NBFC-MFIs to 25% from 10% earlier. RBI control, Managing foreign exchange, from a bank account, while credit
has also given a breather to NBFC-MFIs Issuing banking licenses. cards allow borrowing up to a certain
by reducing the minimum requirement of limit.
microfinance loans of total loan assets Q.187. In India all loans that are below (d) Debit cards have higher interest rates
to 75 % from 85% earlier, in sync with the _______ are considered as micro loans. than credit cards.
harmonisation of microfinance regulation SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning)
for all lenders. (a) one lakh rupees (b) four lakh rupees Sol.190.(c) Debit cards (Plastic Money)
(c) two lakh rupees (d) three lakh rupees and credit cards look nearly identical, and
Q.184. In the concept of money supply, both can give a fast and convenient way
M4 refers to ________. Sol.187.(a) one lakh rupees. to pay - no matter whether you’re paying
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) Non-Banking Financial Company - Micro in person, online or over the phone.
Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI) : A type
(a) currency with the public
of financial institution that provides Q.191. Which of the following is NOT a
(b) M1+ post office saving deposits
financial services, including microloans characteristic of money?
(c) M3+ total post office deposits
and other financial products, to SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(d) M1+ time deposits of the public with
low-income and economically vulnerable (a) Portability (b) Perishability
individuals, especially in rural and (c) Divisibility (d) Durability
Sol.184.(c) M3+ total post office underserved areas. The regulator of
Sol.191.(b) Perishability - A
deposits. The Reserve Bank of India Micro Finance in India is the Reserve
characteristic of products and services
(RBI) releases data for four different Bank of India.
that do not allow for the product or
metrics representing money supply,
Primary functions of money : Medium of Sol.198.(d) The commercial bank is a income and expenses (deposits,
exchange, measure of value. Secondary financial institution whose purpose is to
withdrawals, transfers, and payments);
Functions / Derivative functions : Store of accept deposits from people and provide Check their account balance and verify
value, deferred payment, Transfer of loans and other facilities.
transactions; Monitor for any
Value / Purchasing Power. Banks collect deposits from customers unauthorised or fraudulent activity.
and pay interest on these savings.
Q.195. What is the meaning of the term Similarly, they charge interest when Q.202. Women SHG member appointed
'Collateral' in banking ? providing loans to borrowers. The as a banking agent is called _________ .
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) primary source of a bank's income is the SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift)
(a) An investment portfolio difference between the interest earned (a) Bank Mitra (b) Bank Dost
(b) A type of credit card on loans and the interest paid on (c) Bank Sakhi (d) Bank NGO
fails to repay the loan, the lender has the between bank accounts members of SHG visit the bank to
right to sell the asset or collateral to (b) The maximum withdrawal limit from deposit/ withdraw money, the bank Sakhi
obtain payment. Property such as land an ATM should help the SHGs in Filling
titles, deposits with banks, livestock are (c) Short-term financing facility transaction slips/ bank challans; and In
some common examples of collateral (d) The interest charged on loans accounting of cash – segregation by
used for borrowing. denomination.
Sol.199.(c) Short-term financing facility.
Q.196. What is the purpose of a savings Bank overdraft is a type of financial Q.203. In 2014, Bandhan Financial
account? instrument that is provided to some Services, microlender with Headquarters
SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (1st Shift) customers by the bank in the form of an at ____, was granted in-principal approval
(a) Obtaining a mortgage loan extended credit facility, which comes into by RBI to start a universal bank
(b) Earning interest on deposits effect once the main balance of the SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift)
(c) Making day-to-day transactions account reaches zero. It is mainly used (a) Kolkata (b) Mumbai
(d) Paying bills online for covering short term cash (c) Pune (d) Lucknow
(c) Money is neutral. becomes perfectly inelastic.
project in 2004-05 called ______ mainly to
(d) Money is easy to store. iii. It is the point where speculative
fulfil the credit needs of the small and
marginal farmers and tenant farmers. demand for money is infinitely elastic
Sol.208.(d) Money is easy to store.
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift) and the liquidity preference curve
Three main functions of money : Primary
(a) JLGs (b) MEDP becomes perfectly elastic.
function - Money is used as a medium of
(c) SGSY (d) BLP programme iv. It is the point where speculative
exchange and it is the measure of value.
demand for money and the liquidity
Secondary function - It is the standard of
Sol.205.(a) JLGs (Joint Liability Groups). preference curves are not related.
example of fiat money in India? Sol.209.(b) 2022. Regulatory Framework business's value of liquidity is the same
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift) for Microfinance Loans 2022 : There is as its demand for cash.
(a) ₹500 currency note no requirement of treating all members
(b) ₹200 bank cheque of the household as borrowers of a loan Q.212. Which of the following is NOT a
(c) ₹20 coin which can be provided to an individual common product offered by
(d) ₹10 coin member; All collateral-free loans to microfinance institutions in India ?
individual/s belonging to low-income SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift)
Sol.206.(b) ₹200 bank cheque. Fiat households, i.e., households having (a) Credit cards
money : Currency issued by the annual income up to ₹3,00,000 are (b) Personal loans
Government that is not backed by a treated as microfinance loans; Limit of (c) Insurance products
commodity such as Gold. Examples : 50 per cent on monthly loan repayment (d) Savings accounts
Paper currency, Coins, and Demand obligations of a household as a
drafts. Legal tender : A type of currency Sol.212.(a) Credit cards are used to
percentage of monthly household borrow money with the agreement to pay
or medium of exchange that can be in income.
the form of a coin or a banknote that is back the borrowed money with the
recognized by law as an acceptable Q.210. In any economy, the income interest.
means for settling debts or obligations. velocity of the hoarded money (idle) by Q.213. In 1987, an Action Research
the public is equal to ______ Programme was launched by NABARD
Q.207. Who gave the concept of 'money SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift)
illusion' for the first time? with______based on which a pilot project
(a) one (b) greater than one for linking 500 SHGS with banks was
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift) (c) zero (d) greater than zero
(a) Robertson (b) Adam Smith launched.
(c) Irving Fisher (d) JM Keynes Sol.210.(c) Zero. The velocity of money - SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (3rd shift)
iii. It was established in 1956. Companies in India - Equitas Small (c) All-A, B and C (d) Only A
Finance, ESAF Microfinance and
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) i, ii and iii (b) Only ii Investments, Fusion Microfinance, Sol.221.(a) Credit creation - A process
Annapurna Microfinance. where a bank uses a part of its
(c) Only ii and iii (d) Only i and ii
customers' deposits to offer loans to
Sol.214.(d) NAFED (National Agricultural Q.218. How many digits does the MMID other individuals and businesses.
Cooperative Marketing Federation of code of any commercial bank have? Commercial banks create credit by
India): Founded - 2 October 1958 and SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift) advancing loans and purchasing
(MMID) Code : Each mobile banking most problematic and primary difficulty
and develop marketing, processing, and
account has a unique MMID allotted to of barter exchanges as against
storage of agricultural, horticultural and
the user by the bank itself. The first four money-based exchanges?
forest produce.
is true, EXCEPT: has only one MMID. Along with the (b) Barter exchanges may result in an
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (2nd shift) mobile number, MMID identifies a bank incorrect valuation of the goods
(a) It depends on seasonal pattern of account. Different MMID can be linked to transacted.
expenditure. the same Mobile Number. (c) Barter exchanges may be imperfectly
(b) It is a behavioural parameter. divisible.
Q.219. In which of the following
(c) During festive season the CDR (d) Barter exchanges require a double
economic accounts are transfer
typically declines. coincidence of wants.
payments included ?
(d) It reflects people's preference for
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift) Sol.222.(d) Barter System - An act of
(a) Government account trading goods or services between two or
Sol.215.(c) The currency Deposit Ratio (b) Household account more parties without the use of money.
(CDR) - The ratio of money held by the (c) Appropriation account Drawbacks of the Barter system: Lack of
public in currency to that they hold in (d) Production account Common Measure of Value, Problems in
bank deposits. CDR = CU/DD. For Storing Wealth, and Division of Certain
example - CDR increases during the Sol.219.(a) Government account.
Products is not possible. Advantages of
festive season as people convert Transfer payment : It is a redistribution of
Barter system: suitable in international
deposits to cash balance for meeting income and wealth by means of the
trade, No real concentration of power No
extra expenditure during such periods. government making a payment, without
overexploitation of Natural Resources,
Factors affecting CDR - Interest rates, goods or services being received in
Proper division of labour.
Inflation, Economics conditions, Banking return. Example: Social security benefits,
regulations. state pension, unemployment benefits, Q.223. 'BFSI' stands for Banking,
civil service benefits, survivor benefits, Financial Services and _________ in India.
Q.216. In which year did RBI accord public health services. It is a broad term for industries that offer
approval to Equitas Holdings to launch a financial products and services.
small finance bank? Q.220. The net worth of any bank is SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift) equal to_________. (a) Inflation (b) Investment
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Pinnacle Economics
(c) Insurance (d) Index Fund SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Evening) Sol.231.(d) Base rate. Repo rate - The
(a) deposits (b) economic rent rate at which the RBI lends funds to
Sol.223.(c) Insurance. BFSI is the (c) assets (d) loans banks.
industry's umbrella term for companies
that provide a range of such financial Sol.227.(a) Deposits - money held in a Q.232. Which among the following was
products or services. bank account or with another financial set up in 1956 by the Indian government
institution that requires a transfer from by nationalising all the existing private
Q.224. The central bank may________ to one party to another. sector life insurance companies?
discourage credit in the economy. SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening)
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift) Q.228. Which law of economics states (a) United India Insurance Company
(a) decrease CRR "Bad money drives out good money" ? Limited
(b) buy securities in open market SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Evening) (b) General Insurance Corporation of
(c) reduce SLR (a) Baxter's Law (b) Ohm's Law India
(d) increase bank rate (c) Gresham's Law (d) Gauss's Law (c) New India Assurance Company
Sol.224.(d) Increase bank rate. Bank Sol.228.(c) Gresham's Law. It is a Limited
rate - rate at which the Reserve Bank of principle in economics named after Sir (d) Life Insurance Corporation of India
India (RBI) lends money to commercial Thomas Gresham, an English financier, Sol.232.(d) Life Insurance Corporation
banks without any security or collateral. which states that when there are two of India - A government-owned insurance
forms of money in circulation, people and investment firm in India. Established
Q.225. Which of the following tend to hoard or use the better-quality
committees was constituted to study the - 1 September 1956, Headquartered -
money and spend or circulate the Mumbai. United India Insurance
issues and concerns in the Micro lower-quality money. Baxter's law (also Company Limited - Established - 18
Finance Institution in 2010? known as the Bell doctrine) is a law of
SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 1st shift) February 1938 and Nationalised in 1972,
economics that describes how a
(a) Ghosh Committee Headquarters - Chennai (Tamil Nadu).
monopoly in a regulated industry can General Insurance Corporation of India -
(b) Sivaraman Committee extend into, and dominate, a non -
(c) Malegam Committee Incorporated on 22 November 1972
regulated industry. under Companies Act, 1956.
(d) Khan Committee
Q.229. Which among the following is the Headquarters - Mumbai. New India
Sol.225.(c) Malegam Committee. The oldest joint stock bank in India? Assurance Company Limited - Founded
Sub-Committee was under the SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Evening) by Sir Dorabji Tata in 1919, and
chairmanship of Y.H. Malegam. Ghosh (a) Allahabad Bank Nationalised in 1973, Headquarters -
Committee (1991) - It inquired into the (b) Bank of Baroda Mumbai.
Examined the financial system's (Bombay). Yes Bank: Founded - 2004 Sol.233.(c) Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
effectiveness for the small-scale sector (Mumbai), Founder- Rana Kapoor, Ashok
by Conditional Sale, English Mortgage, savings through regular monthly
provisions of which act?
Fixed - Rate Mortgage, Usufructuary deposits of a fixed sum over a period. A
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Mortgage, Anomalous Mortgage, Savings bank deposit is held at a
(a) The SARFAESI Act, 2002
Reverse Mortgage, Equitable Mortgage. financial institution that provides
(b) Payment and Settlement Systems
The Income - Sensitive Repayment Plan principal security and a modest interest
Act, 2007
is available to low-income borrowers who rate.
(c) Government Securities Act, 2006
(d) Companies Act, 2013 have Federal Family Education Loan
Q.244. The _______ and ______ determine
(FFEL) Program loans. A payday loan is a
Sol.255.(d) ‘Narasimham Committee’.
Sol.247.(a) two. Open market operations Sol.251.(b) Fiduciary money. Credit
‘Rekhi Committee’ - A Tribunal should be
refer to central bank purchases or sales money refers to a future monetary claim set up to deal with problems between
of government securities in order to against an individual who has used the taxpayers and tax collectors. ‘Kelkar
expand or contract money in the banking
system and influence interest rates. Two na
credit facility to buy goods and services.
Full-bodied money refers to any unit of
committee’ was set up to study and
evaluate the extant public-private
Types - Outright Purchase is permanent money, whose intrinsic value and face partnership (PPP) model in India.
and involves the outright selling or value are equal.
Sol.248.(b) The money supply is all the self-regulatory organisation for Appellate Tribunal (SAT) established in
currency and other liquid instruments in Microfinance institutions in India. India?
a country's economy on the date SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Afternoon)
measured. A money order is a certificate, Q.253. At a Regional Rural Bank, the
(a) 1990 (b) 1992 (c) 1994 (d) 1997
usually issued by a government or share of the Government of India
banking institution, that allows the stated is______. Sol.257.(b) 1992 . Securities Appellate
payee to receive cash on demand. SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Morning) Tribunal was mainly established to hear
(a) 40% (b) 60% (c) 50% (d) 20% an appeal against the order passed by
Q.249. Commercial banks keep their the SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board
deposits with RBI. These deposits are Sol.253.(c) 50%. Sponsored bank share
of India) or by an adjudicating officer
called ______. is 35%, and state Government share is
under the SEBI Act, 1992.
SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Morning) 15%. Regional Rural Bank was founded
(a) liability (b) loans on 2nd October 1975. Regional Rural Q.258. The Central Board of Directors of
(c) inheritance (d) reserves Banks (RRBs) are government owned the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is
scheduled commercial banks. Scheduled appointed/nominated for a period of
Sol.249.(d) Reserves. A liability is banks are banks that are listed in the 2nd _____ years.
something a person or company owes, schedule of the Reserve Bank of India SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
usually a sum of money. A loan is a form Act, 1934. (a) five (b) six (c) three (d) four
of debt incurred by an individual or other
Q.254. Which of the following was the Sol.258.(d) four. RBI is India's central
entity. An inheritance is a financial term
first development bank in India? bank and regulatory body under the
describing the assets passed down to
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Morning) jurisdiction of Ministry of Finance. It is
individuals after someone dies.
(a) National Housing Bank responsible for the issue and supply of
Indian Union in 1937 but the Reserve
Bank continued to act as the Central Natural Gas Corporation.
Q.265. Correctly match the following.
Bank for Burma till the Japanese SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
Type of Industries Name of Company
Occupation of Burma and later up to (a) Vishesh (b) Videsh
1. Public sector a. Tata Iron and Steel
1947. Company (c) Vinesh (d) Vighnesh
2. Private sector b. Bharat Heavy Electricals
Sol.268.(b) Videsh. ONGC Videsh is a
Q.261. In which of the following years Limited
did the Reserve Bank of India liberalise 3. Joint sector c. Oil India Ltd subsidiary of the Indian public sector
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift) enterprise, Oil and Natural Gas
(a) 1993 (b) 1998 (c) 1995 (d) 2001 Sol.265.(c) 1-b, 2-a, 3-с. Public sector Q.269. Which of the following public
companies are owned by the government sector enterprises falls under the status
Sol.261.(a) 1993. It was a significant
like NTPC Limited, Power Grid ‘Maharatna’ ?
step aimed at expanding the reach of
empowers the Central Government to Joint sector industries are owned and Limited
supersede the RBI board and issue operated by the state and individuals or a (d) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Sol.271.(d) United Nations Statistical economy. When was the scheme
and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement
Office. The System of Environmental launched?
(d) National Inauguration for School
Economic Accounting (SEEA) - A SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Morning)
Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic
statistical system that measures the (a)1958 (b)1962 (c) 1969 (d)1973
condition of the environment, the
contribution of the environment to the Sol.275.(c) 1969. The Lead Bank Sol.278.(c) NISHTHA was launched on
economy and the impact of the economy Scheme was introduced on the basis of 21st August, 2019 by the Department of
on the environment. the recommendations of both the Gadgil School Education and Literacy, Ministry
seeks to ‘Protect, restore and promote banks for the districts allotted to them. Q.279. What are the three components
sustainable use of terrestrial The Nariman Committee endorsed the of the empowerment model in SAPAP of
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, idea of an ‘Area Approach’ in its report SHGs ?
combat desertification, and halt and (November 1969), that each bank should SSC MTS 30/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
reverse land degradation and halt concentrate on certain districts where it (a) Social mobilisation, economic
biodiversity loss’ ? should act as a 'Lead Bank'. development, and education
(c) SDG 17 (d) SDG 15 launched the Self Help Group – Bank (c) Public resource allocation, capacity
Sol.281.(d) 2008. Duty Free Tariff only investments and promote
Preference (DFTP) scheme of 2008 :
(c) To increase import tariffs to protect manufacturing. They provide good
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh MSMEs infrastructure and support for
announced the DFTP scheme at the
(d) To promote and facilitate the businesses. Focus Areas of NIMZ: To
India-Africa Forum Summit on April 8, development of MSMEs provide a conducive environment for
2008. India became the first developing
businesses to operate. To attract
country to extend this facility to Least Sol.284.(d) Currently, MSMEs (Micro, investment from domestic and foreign
Developed Countries (LDCs). Small, and Medium Enterprises) are
(a) 2017 (b) 2009 (c) 2014 (d) 2008 production of goods, and (ii) investment money needs to be deposited in one
in equipment for enterprises providing financial year?
Sol.282.(d) 2008. Rashtriya Swasthya
protection to BPL households from Special Economic Zones (SEZs) of India? Samriddhi Account (Girl Child Prosperity
financial liabilities arising out of health i. One of the main objectives of the Account) is a Government of
shocks that involve hospitalization. Other Zones Act was promotion of exports of India-backed savings scheme aimed at
related schemes in India aimed at goods and services. parents of girl children. The scheme
improving healthcare access: Ayushman ii. The Government of India announced encourages parents to save for the future
Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) education and marriage of their
Yojana (2018), and National Rural Health Policy in the year 2011. daughters. It was launched by Prime
mission (2005). iii. The SEZ Rules provided for different Minister Narendra Modi on 22 January
minimum land requirement for different 2015 as part of the Beti Bachao, Beti
Q.283. Match the following items.
classes of SEZs. Padhao campaign. The minimum deposit
List I List II
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (4th shift) is ₹250, and the maximum deposit is
i. Kasturba Gandhi Balika a. 1994 ₹1.5 lakh in a financial year. The account
(a) Only i and ii (b) Only ii and iii
Vidyalaya Scheme can be opened in the name of a girl child
(c) Only iii (d) Only ii
ii. Mid-Day Meal Scheme b. 2004 until she attains the age of 10 years.
iii. The National Accreditation c. 1945 Sol.285.(d) Only ii. SEZs are to have
Assessment Council world class facilities: electricity, water, Q.288. How much percentage of the
iv. All India Council for d. 1995 roads, transport, storage, recreational capital of MUDRA is contributed by
Technical Education and educational facilities. Companies SIDBI?
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) who set up production units in the SEZs SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) i (b), ii (d), iii (a), iv (c) do not have to pay taxes for an initial (a) 75 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 90
(b) i (d), ii (a), iii (b), iv (c) period of five years. The SEZ Act was Sol.288.(c) 100. The Micro Units
(c) i (b), ii (c), iii (d), iv (a) passed in 2005 and came into force Development and Refinance Agency
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Pinnacle Economics
(MUDRA) was set up in 2015, as a wholly under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. Improvised Technology in Village Areas):
owned subsidiary of the Small Industries Launched on April 24, 2020, which is also
Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Q.292. In which year did the Ministry of celebrated as National Panchayat Day.
MUDRA provides refinancing support to Health and Family Welfare of India
financial institutions for lending to micro launch the Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Q.297. In which year was the Twenty
and small enterprises. The categorised Supplementation (WIFS) program to Point Programme (TPP) launched?
loans: Shishu (up to ₹50,000), Kishore meet the challenge of high prevalence SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (2nd shift)
(₹50,000 to ₹5 lakh), and Tarun (₹5 lakh and incidence of anaemia among (a) 2006 (b) 1975 (c) 1986 (d) 1982
to ₹20 lakh). adolescent girls and boys (56% girls and
30% boys) ? Sol.297.(b) 1975. Twenty Point
Q.289. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) Programme (TPP) : The programme was
Employment Guarantee Act (2005) (a) 2014 (b) 2013 (c) 2011 (d) 2012 first revised in 1982 and again in 1986.
provides work for how many days? TPP - 1986 restructured in 2006 to align
Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Sol.292.(d) 2012. WIFS: Objective - To with economic reforms, liberalisation,
(a) 300 (b) 200 (c) 100 (d) 125 reduce the prevalence and severity of and globalisation. It is a package of
nutritional anaemia in adolescent government programs, with the aim of
Sol.289.(c) 100. The Mahatma Gandhi population (10-19 years). improving the quality of life in rural areas.
National Rural Employment Guarantee
Act (MGNREGA), passed in September Q.293. How many cities are covered Q.298. Which of the following options
2005, is a labor law that guarantees the under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation best describes the objective of Pradhan
'Right to Work' and was officially and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana
launched on 2 February 2006. Initially scheme? (PMRPY) Scheme, 2016?
proposed by P.V. Narasimha Rao in 1991, SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (1st shift)
its name was changed from NREGA to (a) 500 (b) 200 (c) 400 (d) 300 (a) To provide financial assistance to
MGNREGA on 2 October 2009. Sol.293.(a) 500. AMRUT (Atal Mission (b) To provide free healthcare services to
Q.290. The ‘Urban Self Employment for Rejuvenation and Urban the unemployed
Programme’ and the ‘Urban Wage Transformation) scheme launched on (c) To provide employment opportunities
Employment Programme’ are the two 25th June 2015. Ministry - Housing and for rural women
special components of which poverty Urban Affairs. (d) To encourage employers to create
alleviation programme of India? new jobs
benefits to its citizens. It motivates them Q.295. The government of India poverty reduction strategy?
to be self-employed. launched a new programme called the SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift)
New India Literacy Programme (NILP) for (a) Prime Minister Rural Development
Q.291 Which of the following schemes Fellows Scheme
five years, from FY's ________ to _______
adopts the One District One Product (b) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
with a budget of ₹1,037.90 crores.
(ODOP) approach to reap the benefit of (c) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift)
scale in terms of procurement of inputs, (d) National Rural Livelihoods Mission
(a) 2023-24 to 2026-27
availing common services and marketing
(b) 2022-23 to 2026-27 Sol.299.(c) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak
of products?
(c) 2022-23 to 2024-25 Yojana (PMGSY) : Launched by Atal
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
(d) 2021-22 to 2025-26 Bihari Vajpayee in 2000. Ministry -
(a) Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada
Yojana Sol.295.(b) 2022-23 to 2026-27. New Ministry of Rural Development. National
(b) Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster India Literacy Programme (NILP) - Aims Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) -
Development Programme (MSE-CDP) to cover a target of 5 crore non-literates Launched in 2011.
(c) Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of in the age group of 15 years and above. Q.300. What is the full form of MEDP ?
Micro Food Processing Enterprises
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(PMF ME) Q.296. Which of the following schemes
(a) Micro Enterprise Development
(d) Production Linked Incentive Scheme aims to provide an integrated property
For Food Processing Industry (PLISFPI) validation solution for rural India ?
(b) Medium Enterprise Development
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (2nd shift)
Sol.291.(c) PMFME: Launched in 2020. Programme
(a) WDF (b) SVAMITVA (c) NRLM (d) PIDF
It is a centrally sponsored initiative. It (c) Microfinance Entity Development
was launched by the Ministry of Food Sol.296.(b) SVAMITVA (Survey of Programme
Processing Industries (MoFPI) in India Villages Abadi and Mapping with (d) Micro Enterprise District Project
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Sol.300.(a) National Bank For Agriculture Natural Gas. PAHAL (Pratyaksh aimed to ensure the farmers earn a
And Rural Development (NABARD) since Hanstantrit Labh) scheme - Direct benefit sustainable livelihood through different
2006, has been supporting need-based Transfer for LPG. It was launched on livestock farming activities. Launched on
skill development programmes (MEDPs) June 1, 2013. The scheme aims to - 10th August 2022.
for matured SHGs which already have reduce diversion and eliminate duplicate
access to finance from Banks. or bogus LPG connections. This scheme Q.309. Rural Employment Generation
is acknowledged as the world's largest Programme (REGP) was launched in ___ .
Q.301. The Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti cash transfer program (households) by SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
Bima Yojana is for Indian citizens in the the Guinness Book of World Records. (a) 1997 (b) 1991 (c) 1993 (d) 1995
age group of ___________ .
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift) Q.305. Under the Atal Pension Yojana, Sol.309.(d) 1995. The Khadi & Village
(a) 40 to 70 years (b) 18 to 50 years the pension returns are given after the Industries Commission (KVIC) launched
(c) 29 to 55 years (d) 35 to 60 years subscriber turns ________ . the Rural Employment Generation
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon) Programme (REGP) on 1st April, 1995 for
Sol.301.(b) 18 to 50 years. Pradhan (a) 60 (b) 55 (c) 50 (d) 65 generation of two million jobs under the
Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana KVI sector in the rural areas of the
(PMJJBY): Launched: 9 May 2015. It is a Sol.305.(a) 60. The Atal Pension Yojana country.
life insurance plan that has to be (APY) was launched on 09 May 2015. In
renewed every year, which is provided this Scheme, pensioners would receive Q.310. PM SVANidhi Scheme aims to
with the benefits of the insurance plan in the guaranteed minimum monthly empower _________ .
case of death due to any reason. pension of Rs 1000 and maximum Rs SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
5000 at the age of 60 years. The age of (a) Street Vendors
Q.302. Which of the following is NOT an the subscriber should be between 18 - 40 (b) BPL Families
initiative by the government for years. (c) Pregnant women
development of the microfinance sector (d) Small Businessman
in India ? Q.306. The National Family Benefit
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift) Scheme was started in August ______ by Sol.310.(a) Street Vendors. The PM
(a) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana the Government of India. Street Vendor’s Atma Nirbhar Nidhi
(b) E-Shakti Initiative SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Morning) Scheme - It was launched on 1st June
(c) Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (a) 1995 (b) 2000 (c) 2002 (d) 2005 2020 is a micro credit scheme for urban
(d) India Microfinance Equity Fund street vendors that aims to provide
of Finance). Aim - To provide banking 20000/- will be given as a lump sum Q.311. Start Up India Scheme which
facilities to all the families across the assistance to such surviving members of aims at developing an ecosystem that
country by opening bank accounts for the household of the deceased poor, who promotes and nurtures entrepreneurship
every family. after local inquiry, is found to be the head across the country was launched in
of the household. _________.
Q.303. Stand Up India scheme aims at SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (4th Shift)
the aspirations of rural women in the Sol.311.(a) 2016. Start Up India Scheme
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Afternoon)
Union Territory, who aspire to become - Under the Ministry of Commerce and
Sol.317.(d) Seventh Plan (1985-90): It
Q.314. Which Five-Year Plan primarily on agriculture development.
focused on accelerating food grain
focused on the 'Garibi Hatao' initiative? iii. The Five-Year planning model in India
production, increasing employment
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (1st Shift) was borrowed from Russia.
opportunities, and raising productivity
(a) Sixth Five-Year Plan SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (1st shift)
with an emphasis on "food, work, and
(b) Fourth Five-Year Plan (a) Only i and iii (b) Only ii and iii
productivity." It was quite successful,
(c) Fifth Five-Year Plan (c) Only i and ii (d) i, ii and iii
achieving a 6% growth rate, surpassing
(d) Third Five-Year Plan
the target of 5%, especially during a time Sol.320.(b) Only ii and iii. The First
Sol.314.(c) Fifth Five-Year Plan. "Garibi when the 1980s were trying to overcome Five-Year Plan (1951 - 1956) was based
Hatao" was a slogan coined by Indira the so-called "Hindu Rate of Growth." on the Harrod-Domar model, and focused
Gandhi, aimed at poverty alleviation and on sectors like agriculture, price stability,
Q.315. The Harrod Domar model was the industries were established during the considered plan holidays in Independent
main idea behind the ____ Five Year Plan. plan. India?
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) The plan was based on the Keynesian SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Third (b) First (c) Second (d) Fourth Model. (a) 1964-1967 (b) 1969-1972
(d) The socialist pattern of the society (c) 1966-1969 (d) 1990-1992
Sol.315.(b) First Five-Year Plan was reflected in the plan.
(1951-1956) aimed for a growth rate of Sol.321.(c) 1966-1969. This period was
2.1% but achieved 3.6%. It focused on Sol.318.(c) The Second Five-Year Plan a gap between the Third Five-Year Plan
agriculture, investing in dams and (1956-1961) was based on the (1961-1966) and the Fourth Five-Year
irrigation, with significant funds allocated Mahalanobis model, named after Indian Plan (1969-1974). During this time, there
for the Bhakra Nangal Dam. Third Five statistician Prasanta Chandra was no formal five-year plan, and the
Year Plan (1961-66) aimed to establish Mahalanobis. The target growth rate was government focused on annual plans to
India as a self-reliant and self-generating set at 4.5%, while the actual growth address the economic challenges faced
economy. achieved was 4.3%. by the country.
Q.316. The Drought Prone Area Q.319. The five-year plans for India with Q.322. Which of the following options is
Programme (DPAP) for providing their duration are given below. Which of INCORRECT?
employment to people in drought prone the following is correctly matched? SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift)
areas was started by the Government of (a) Second five-year plan 1956 - 57 to (a) The Planning Commission of India
India during the _______. 1960 - 61 was set up in 1950.
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (b) Third five-year plan 1961- 62 to (b) India borrowed the idea of five-year
(a) Fourth Five-Year Plan 1965 - 66 plans from the former Soviet Union.
(b) Sixth Five-Year Plan (c) Fourth five-year plan 1966 - 67 to (c) The chairmanship of the Planning
(c) Third Five-Year Plan 1970 - 71 Commission of India was given to the
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Prime Minister. concept of planning based on five year List - 1 List - 2
(d) Distinguished economists from India plans from 1951-2017. The Five Year (Prime Ministers) (Five-Year Plans)
i. Jawaharlal Nehru a) Second Five-Year Plan
and abroad were invited to advise on Plans were formulated, implemented and
ii. Manmohan Singh b) Tenth Five-Year Plan
India's economic development during regulated by a body known as the
iii. Atal Bihari Vajpayee c) Eleventh Five-Year Plan
the first five-year plan period. Planning Commission. Plan and
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
Aim/Goal : First Plan (Economic
Sol.322.(d) India's Five-Year Plans (FYPs) (a) i-b, ii-c, iii-a (b) i-c, ii-b, iii-a
development), Second Plan (Rapid
were centralized national economic (c) i-b, ii-a, iii-c (d) i-a, ii-c, iii-b
industrialization - heavy & basic
programs initiated after independence, industries), Third Plan (‘Self-reliant' and Sol.328.(d) i-a, ii-c, iii-b. Five year plans
with the first plan starting in 1951. ‘self-generating' economy), Fourth Plan and Prime Ministers and : First (1951-56)
Influenced by Prime Minister Nehru's (Growth with stability and progressive - Jawaharlal Nehru. Second (1956-1961)
socialist vision, the Planning achievement of self reliance), Fifth Plan - Jawaharlal Nehru. Third (1961-1966) -
Commission was established in March (Removal of poverty' and 'attainment of Jawaharlal Nehru. Plan Holidays
1950 to oversee these plans. self reliance'). (1966-1969). Fourth (1969-1974) - Indira
Q.323. Match the items in List I with Gandhi. Rolling Plan (1978-1980). Fifth
Q.326. Which Five Year Plan period saw
those in List II. Plan (1974-79) - Indira Gandhi. Sixth
the initiation of the Hill Area
List I List II (1980-1985) - Indira Gandhi. Seventh
Development Programme?
i. Garibi Hatao a. Fifth Five-Year (1985-1990) - Rajiv Gandhi. Annual Plans
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Plan (1990–1992). Eighth (1992-1997) - P.V.
(a) Sixth Five Year Plan
ii. LPG policies b. Ninth Five-Year Narasimha Rao. Ninth (1997-2002) - Atal
(b) Fourth Five Year Plan
Plan Bihari Vajpayee. Tenth (2002-2007) - Atal
(c) Eighth Five Year Plan
iii. Rolling Plan c. 1978-80 Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh.
(d) Fifth Five Year Plan
iv. Growth with d. Eighth Five-Year Eleventh (2007-2012) - Manmohan
justice and equity Plan Sol.326.(d) Fifth Five Year Plan Singh. Twelfth (2012-2017) - Manmohan
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) (1974-1979) was terminated in 1978 by Singh and Narendra Modi.
(a) i-a, ii-d, iii-c, iv-b (b) i-c, ii-b, iii-d, iv-a the Morarji Desai government. Key
Q.329. During the Second Five Year Plan,
(c) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a (d) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b initiatives during this period included the
how many integrated steel plants were
amendment of the Electricity Supply Act
Sol.323.(a) i-a, ii-d, iii-c, iv-b. Garibi set up with foreign collaboration?
(1975), the launch of the Twenty-point
Hatao: This slogan was part of Indira SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
Growth with justice and equity: This was five-year plans, refers to:
(United Kingdom) and Germany
a theme of the Ninth Five - Year Plan SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(d) Formation of Rent Authority Department Indian Economy : Central 1980 : It aimed for higher employment
generation, consumer protection,
Problems and Planning
Sol.332.(d) Formation of Rent Authority promotion of export-oriented industries,
Department. The first five-year plan
Q.336. Which of the following steps encouragement of small-scale and
(1951-56) the highest priority was cottage industries, regional balance and
promoted the growth of the economy as
accorded to increase agricultural
a whole by stimulating the development decentralization, and self-reliance
production. through import substitution.
of industrial and tertiary sectors?
Q.333. The global financial crises SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening) Q.339. What were the main obstacles
overlapped which five year plan in India? (a) Green Revolution (b) Planning during the industrial development of
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift) (c) Independence (d) Colonial rule India at the time of independence?
(a) Ninth Five year Plan SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Sol.336.(b) Planning. After
(b) Tenth Five year Plan (a) Market for industrial produce
independence, India adopted a planned
(c) Twelfth Five year Plan (b) Capital investment in industries
(2007-2012) - Under the leadership of introduced to guide and stimulate growth Sol.339.(b) Capital investment in
Manmohan Singh. Its main theme was in various sectors. These plans included industries. At independence, India faced
“rapid and more inclusive growth”. Tenth infrastructure development, the challenges like illiteracy, poverty, low per
establishment of industries, and the
Five Year Plan (2002 to 2007) - Under the capita income, industrial backwardness,
leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and expansion of services, all of which and unemployment. The government
Manmohan Singh. This plan aimed to contributed to the overall economic implemented industrial policies that
double the Per Capita Income of India in growth. marked a turning point in India's
the next 10 years. Ninth Plan (1997 - industrial history.
Q.337. Which of the following options is
2002): This Plan focussed on “Growth
the most appropriate cause for Q.340. What is the primary benefit
With Social Justice & Equality“.
unemployment in India ? offered to businesses in Special
Q.334. Which of these is NOT one of the SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Economic Zones (SEZs) ?
reasons why the public sector played a (a) Over population SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift)
dominant role in establishing the (b) Environment conditions (a) Tax and duty concessions
Industrial sector in India post - (c) High educational systems (b) Guaranteed market share
Independence ? (d) Lack of labour force (c) Mandatory government contracts
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift) (d) Unlimited foreign investment
Sol.337.(a) Over population leads to a
(a) Poor savings capacity of the public Sol.340.(a) Tax and duty concessions.
surplus of labor in the job market, often
(b) To avoid generation of private profit The incentives and facilities offered to
outpacing the availability of jobs, which
(c) Absence of large enough market for the units in SEZs for attracting
contributes significantly to
output investments into the SEZs, including
unemployment. In India, the estimated
(d) Lack of adequate capital with private foreign investment include:- Duty free
Unemployment Rate on usual status for
industrialists import/domestic procurement of goods
persons of age 15 years and above was
Sol.334.(b) In 1950, a Planning 4.2%, 4.1% and 3.2% during 2020-21, for development, operation and
Commission was established by the 2021-22 and 2022-23, respectively as per maintenance of SEZ units.
technology agreements, and Abolition of
Industry Minister, in the Parliament on government will not be required by the
the MRTP Act (Monopolies and
April 6, 1948. Four categories: Exclusive
Restrictive Trade Practices Act). state government in granting licenses for
monopoly of central government, New coal and lignite. Industries subject to
undertaking undertaken only by the state,
Q.342. Which of the following sectors in compulsory licensing in India: Tobacco
India faces seasonal unemployment? Industries to be regulated by the items, Defense aerospace and warships,
government, Open to private enterprise,
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift) Hazardous chemicals, Industrial
(a) Agriculture individuals and cooperatives. explosives.
(b) Manufacturing
Q.346. Which of the following was a Q.349. Which of the following was NOT
(c) Medical
feature of the Indian economy before the an advantage of privatisation?
(d) Information technology
British rule? SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Sol.342.(a) Agriculture. Seasonal SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (4th shift) (a) Reduced competition
unemployment occurs when people are (a) Independent economy (b) Overall improved performance
jobless during specific seasons when (b) Prosperous economy (c) Additional source of revenue for the
people migrate out of the state than commonly seen in agriculture and family (c) Most licences were for importing
those that migrate into the state. As of
businesses. goods
2011, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar were the (d) Many small private firms appropriated
largest source of inter-state migrants Q.356. What is the percentage of people
while Maharashtra and Delhi were the below the poverty line in India according
largest receiver states. Around 83 lakh to Government of India, planning Sol.359.(a) The Industrial licensing was
residents of Uttar Pradesh and 63 lakh commission 2013 ? abolished for all projects except for a
residents of Bihar had moved either Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4) short list of industries through the
temporarily or permanently to other (a) 5.09% (b) 13.98% amendments in NIP (New Industrial
states. Around 60 lakh people from (c) 23.67% (d) 21.92% Policy) in the year 1991.
across India had migrated to
Maharashtra by 2011. Sol.356.(d) 21.92%. According to the Q.360. The estimation of poverty line in
Planning Commission, the percentage of India is based on the survey conducted
Q.353. _________ is a state of deprivation people below the poverty line in urban by which of the following?
that reflects the inability of an individual areas was 13.7% in 2011-12, while in SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift)
to satisfy basic needs for a sustained, rural areas it was 25.7%. The current (a) Ministry of Finance
healthy and reasonably productive living. methodology for poverty estimation is (b) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2) based on the recommendations of an (c) Ministry of Rural Development
(a) Ignorance (b) Illiteracy Expert Group to Review the Methodology (d) National Statistical Office (NSO)
(c) Poverty (d) Bondage for Estimation of Poverty (Tendulkar
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.367.(d) Chronic unemployment. (a) 1960 (b) 1991 (c) 1952 (d) 1982
Casual Unemployment: when the worker
(a) Structural (b) Disguised
(c) Natural (d) Frictional is employed on a day-to-day basis for a Sol.371.(c) 1952. India was the first
contractual job and has to leave it once country in the world to have launched a
Sol.363.(c) Natural. Disguised the contract terminates. National Programme for Family Planning.
Unemployment is a kind of
unemployment in which there are people Q.368. Which of the following Q.372. A person is said to be in marginal
who are visibly employed but are actually statements is NOT correct with respect employment if she/he has worked for
unemployed. to the poverty line? fewer than ______ months in the year
I. In India, it is normally estimated after preceding the Census.
Q.364. Formula to find the every ten years. SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Afternoon)
unemployment rate is . II. The proportion of people below the (a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 9
SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Evening) poverty line is not the same for all social
(a) (Unemployed male workers/Total groups and economic categories in India. Sol.372.(b) 6. Those who had not
labour force) × 1000 SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (2nd Shift) worked for the major part of the year (
(b) (Unemployed workers/Total labour (a) Both I and II (b) Only II i.e. those who had worked for less than 6
force) × 100 (c) Neither I nor II (d) Only I months or less than 183 days in a year)
(d) (Employed workers/Male labour (BPL) - Benchmark used by the Q.373. The poverty line in India is
government of India to identify normally estimated ______ by conducting
force) × 100
individuals and households in need of sample surveys.
Sol.364.(b) (Unemployed workers/Total government assistance and aid. SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Evening)
labour force) × 100. Statistics on (a) every ten years (b) every five years
unemployment in India had traditionally Q.369. Which of the following is NOT an (c) every six years (d) twice a year
been collected, compiled and advantage of E-Commerce?
SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (4th Shift) Sol.373.(b) every Five years. These
disseminated once every ten years by the
(a) Cost saving and price reduction surveys are carried out by the National
Ministry of Labour and Employment
(b) Late response to customer needs Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO).
(c) Wider choice Q.374. The system of MSP (Minimum
Q.365. Which among the following types (d) Improved customer services Support Price) was first introduced for
of unemployment is also known as the
______ in 1966-67 and later expanded to
real wage unemployment? Sol.369.(b) E-Commerce is a business
include other essential food crops.
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening) model that lets firms and individuals buy
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Evening)
(a) classical (b) seasonal and sell things over the Internet.
(a) jowar (b) bajra (c) wheat (d) ragi
(c) structural (d) frictional Advantages: increased productivity and
perfect competition, cuts the product Sol.374.(c) Wheat. Minimum Support
Sol.365.(a) Classical. Real wage distribution chain, managing business Price (MSP) is a form of market
unemployment occurs when wages are easy and simple. Disadvantage : chance intervention by the Government of India
set above the equilibrium level causing of fraudulent financial transactions and to insure agricultural producers against
the supply of labour to be greater than loss of sensitive financial information. any sharp fall in farm prices. Crops
covered by MSPs include: 7 types of
Q.370. Which of the following
Q.366. In pre-independent India, who was cereals (paddy, wheat, maize, bajra,
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jowar, ragi and barley), 5 types of pulses Direct Investment (FDI) in India are the (a) No requirement to develop new
(chana, arhar/tur, urad, moong and Automatic Route (Without government products
masoor), 7 oilseeds (rapeseed-mustard, approval) and the Government Route (b) Incentive to produce efficiently
groundnut, soyabean, sunflower, (With prior approval of Government). (c) Expansion of foreign market
sesamum, safflower, niger seed), 3 (d) Saving of foreign exchange reserves
commercial crops (cotton, copra, raw Q.378. What is the balance of trade of a
jute,). Fair Remunerative Prices- country? Sol.381.(b) Incentive to produce
Sugarcane. SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift) efficiently. Other Advantages of Foreign
(a) Ratio of international trade Competition: Lower prices, Increased
Q.375. Who among the following was the (b) Number of imports efficiency, Increased consumer choice,
Chairperson of the Disinvestment (c) Difference between imports and Increased trade, Increased innovation.
Commission, Ministry of Industry exports Disadvantages: Job losses, Decreasing
(Department of Public Enterprises) (d) Number of exports profit margins, Loss of market share,
established in 1996? Dependency on foreign countries.
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.378.(c) Difference between imports
(a) Arundhati Roy (b) NK Singh and exports. The Balance of Trade (BoT) Q.382. Which of the following is NOT a
(c) Arvind Mehta (d) GV Ramakrishna is the difference between a country's component of investment ?
exports and imports over a specific SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift)
Sol.375.(d) GV Ramakrishna was the period, typically a year. Conditions of BoT (a) Addition to residential construction
Chairperson of the Disinvestment : (i) If exports > imports, the country has (b) Money spent on purchasing shares of
Commission, Ministry of Industry a trade surplus (positive balance). (ii) If a company
(Department of Public Enterprises) imports > exports, the country has a (c) Machinery and equipment employed
established in 1996. trade deficit (negative balance). by a firm
(d) Inventories of raw materials stocked
Q.379. Which of the following is the
Stock, Debentures and Foreign most traditional mode of entering into
by a firm
Trade the foreign market? Sol.382.(b) Buying shares of a
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) company- It is not deemed an
Q.376. What challenge does foreign (a) Exporting investment as it does not directly
investment often face in India? (b) Undertaking portfolio investment enhance productive capacity. Share
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) Mergers and acquisitions purchase grants ownership in the
(a) Excessive foreign competition (d) Setting up fully owned manufacturing company but not in its capital goods,
(b) Inconsistent regulatory environment facilities which the company might acquire with
(c) Lack of skilled labour share-sale funds.
environment can lead to difficulties in to expand their reach with low risk and when the sum of elasticity of demand for
compliance and planning for investors, investment. Exporting can take various exports and imports is .
ultimately affecting their confidence and forms, including direct sales and online SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift)
willingness to invest in the country. platforms, and is often the first step for (a) less than unity (b) equal to unity
Foreign investment refers to when an businesses seeking to internationalize. (c) greater than unity (d) zero
the first stock exchange in India to
launch commodity derivatives contracts Sol.389.(b) Fiscal deficit is the on debt
in gold and ______. difference between the government’s (c) The excess of revenue over
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Morning) total expenditure and its total receipts expenditure, excluding interest
(a) diamond (b) silver excluding borrowing. The gross fiscal payments on debt
(c) platinum (d) equity deficit is a key variable in judging the (d) The excess of revenue over
financial health of the public sector and expenditure, including interest
Sol.386.(b) silver. BSE was established the stability of the economy. Gross payments on debt
in 1875 by cotton merchant Premchand Primary Deficit is the fiscal deficit minus
Roychand and is located in Dalal Street, Sol.392.(b) A revenue deficit occurs
interest payments on previous when revenue falls short of covering
Mumbai. It is the oldest Stock Exchange borrowings. day-to-day operational expenses.
joint-stock company to get a fixed capital market to keep money supply stable
stock. against exogenous or sometimes compensation made by borrowers to
external shocks is called _____. lenders for using borrowed money.
Q.387. The Flexible Inflation Targeting Sol.390.(d) Sterilisation. It refers to the SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (4th shift)
Framework (FITF) was introduced in actions taken by a monetary authority, (a) Tax reforms
India post the amendment of the Reserve such as a central bank, to offset the (b) Increasing subsidies
Bank of India (RBI) Act, 1934 in_______. effects of foreign exchange operations (c) Offering freebies
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (1st Shift) on the domestic money supply. For (d) Increasing money supply
(a) 2014 (b) 2010 (c) 2016 (d) 2020 instance, if a central bank experiences an
Sol.393.(a) Tax reforms. A revenue
inflow of foreign exchange, it might
Sol.387.(c) 2016. The Reserve Bank of deficit occurs when a business' sales or
conduct an open market sale of
India (RBI) Act, 1934, was amended to government revenue isn't enough to
government securities to absorb the
provide a statutory basis for the Flexible cover its basic operations. The fiscal
excess money and maintain the stability
Inflation Targeting (FIT) framework. FIT deficit in the economy will be zero if
of the money supply. This process helps
is a monetary policy strategy employed there is no provision for borrowings in
to protect the economy from external
by the RBI to maintain inflation within a the budget. A budget deficit occurs when
shocks and prevent inflationary or
specified range, allowing for flexibility. expenses exceed revenue, and it can
deflationary pressures.
This approach enhances stability and indicate the financial health of a country.
transparency in monetary policy Q.391. What is the impact of
Q.394. Reserve ratio and money supply
decisions. proportional taxes?
have ________ relationship.
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift)
Q.388. What is the main objective of SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(a) Increases the marginal propensity to
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget (a) no (b) a negative
Management Act (FRBMA), 2003 ? (c) a linear (d) a symmetrical
(b) Reduces the autonomous expenditure
SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift) multiplier Sol.394.(b) a negative. As the reserve
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ratio increases, the money supply interest payments are doubled? of the country.
decreases, and vice versa. The Cash SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift) SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Evening)
Reserve Ratio (CRR) is the percentage of (a) Increase by 100% (a) Marginal Standing Facility
a bank's Net Demand and Time Liabilities (b) Increase by 200% (b) Moral Suasion
(NDTL) that must be maintained as cash (c) Decrease by 50% (c) Credit Rationing
reserves with the central bank. (d) Decrease by 100% (d) Margin Requirements
Quantitative tools of monetary policy -
SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio), Repo rate, Sol.398.(a) Increase by 100%. Primary Sol.402.(b) Moral Suasion. Marginal
Reverse Repo Rate, Bank Rate. deficit - It is defined as the fiscal deficit Standing Facility (MSF): Facility under
of the current year minus interest which scheduled commercial banks can
Q.395. Which of the following is a payments on previous borrowings. borrow additional amounts under
selective credit instrument? overnight facility by dipping in their
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) Q.399. Gross primary deficit is equal to 'Statutory Liquidity Ratio' (SLR) portfolio
(a) CRR ________. up to a certain limit.
(b) Bank rate SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (1st shift)
(a) difference between gross fiscal Q.403. Who chairs the Monetary Policy
(c) Variable reserve ratio
deficit and interest payments Committee in India?
(d) Credit rationing
(b) difference between total expenditure SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
Sol.395.(d) Credit rationing. It means and total receipts (a) Union Finance minister
limiting the availability of credit in the (c) difference between net borrowings (b) Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of
market. It is a qualitative measure and net capital receipts India
through which the central bank fixes the (d) difference between revenue deficit (c) Comptroller and Auditor General of
credit limit for different business and capital expenditure India
activities in the economy. The variable (d) Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Sol.399.(a) Gross Primary Deficit is
reserve ratio is a monetary policy tool
Gross Fiscal Deficit less interest Sol.403.(d) Governor, Reserve Bank of
that central banks use to control credit
payments. India. The Monetary Policy Committee
and the money supply in the economy.
(MPC) is a statutory body constituted as
It's made up of two components: the Q.400. The general target of the per Section 45ZB under the RBI Act of
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and the monetary policy is to ensure ___________ . 1934 by the Central Government.It
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR). A) price stability in the economy consists: - RBI Governor as its ex officio
Q.396. The RBI act provides for how B) greater tax collections for the chairperson, Deputy Governor in charge
many members in RBI Monetary Policy government of monetary policy, member ex officio, An
Committee (MPC) ? C) employment generation in the rural officer of the Bank nominated by the
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) areas Central Board as member ex officio,
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 4 SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (4th shift) Three persons are appointed by the
(a) Both B and C (b) Only C central government.
Sol.396.(a) 6. The Reserve Bank of India (c) Both A and B (d) Only A
Act, 1934 (RBI Act) has been amended Q.404. Which of the following
Sol.400.(d) Only A. Monetary policy - combinations of tenors of Treasury bills
(chairperson), Deputy Governor in charge economy, aiming to achieve stable prices (a) 82 days , 182 days , 345 days
of monetary policy, An officer of the Bank and sustainable economic growth. (b) 91 days, 152 days , 356 days
to be nominated by the Central Board, (c) 91 days , 182 days , 364 days
Q.401. In which year did the Government (d) 61 days , 145 days , 360 days
Three persons to be appointed by the of India bring FRBM (Fiscal
central government. Responsibility and Budget Management) Sol.404.(c) 91 days, 182 days, and 364
Q.397. Which deficit reflects the Act into effect ? days. Treasury Bills are short-term
borrowing needs of the government? SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (4th shift) financial instruments issued by the
SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (1st Shift) (a) 2015-16 (b) 2012-13 government to meet its expenditure.
(a) Capital loss (b) Revenue deficit (c) 2004-05 (d) 2008-09
Q.405. The monetary policy instrument
(c) Primary deficit (d) fiscal deficit Sol.401.(c) 2004-05. The Fiscal called 'bank rate' is aligned to ______.
Sol.397.(d) Fiscal deficit : The difference Responsibility and Budget Management SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
between total revenue and total (FRBM) Act 2003 envisages the setting (a) Liquidity adjustment facility
expenditure of the government. Fiscal of limits on the Central government’s (b) Cash Reserve ratio
Deficit = Total expenditure of the debt and deficit. The Centre and states (c) Discount rate
government (Capital and Revenue are mandated to reduce their fiscal (d) Marginal standing facility rate
expenditure) – Total income of the deficit to 3 percent of GDP.
Sol.405.(d) Marginal standing facility
government (Revenue receipts + recovery Q.402. ______refers to a method adopted rate. It is a scheme launched by the RBI
of loans + other receipts). by the Central Bank to persuade or in 2011-12. Liquidity adjustment facility
Q.398. What is the change in fiscal convince the commercial banks to is a monetary policy tool used by the RBI
deficit if both the primary deficit and advance credit in the economic interest in India through which it absorbs liquidity
guarantee for loan
Government’s debt obligation. G-Secs (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Gujarat
carry practically no risk of default and, (d) Social Collateral (iv) Small loans provided
(c) Haryana (d) Uttar Pradesh
hence, are called risk-free gilt-edged to entrepreneurs too
Sol.413.(b) Gujarat. Self-Employed
instruments. poor to qualify for
Women’s Association (SEWA) is a trade
traditional bank loans
Q.407. Who is the Chairman of Financial union based in Gujarat, founded in 1972
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
Stability and Development Council by Ela Bhatt.
(a) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii)
(FSDC) of India?
(b) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(ii) Q.414. What is the empirically fitted
SSC MTS 14/07/2022 (Morning) (c) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(iv) relationship between the rate of change
(a) Finance Minister (d) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(iv) of money, wage, and rate of
(b) Human Resource Development
unemployment known as ?
Minister Sol.410.(a) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii).
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
(c) Home Minister (a) Friedman’s model
Q.411. Which among the following data
(d) Skill Development Minister
49% of FDI. those in List II. Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
List I List II Government of India, that recommends
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift)
i. Balanced Growth Theory a. Rosenstein Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for
(a) defence
(b) education select crops. It was established in 1965
ii. Big Push Theory b. Feldman-
(c) manufacture of medical devices as the Agricultural Prices Commission,
(d) food products and was given its present name in 1985.
iii. Secular Deterioration c. Ragnar Nurkse
iv. Capital Goods and d. Prebisch-Singer Q.422. For which of the following
Sol.416.(a) defense. FDI Policy Reforms
(c) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b (d) i-d, ii-a, iii-b, iv-c SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
food retail, rail infrastructure,
construction, and manufacturing, Sol.419.(c) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b. The (a) Raising equity via public offering
allowing up to 100% foreign investment doctrine of balanced growth states that (b) Borrowing from banks
to boost economic growth and job there should be balanced growth of all (c) Family funds
creation. sectors of the economy simultaneously. (d) Borrowing from All India Development
II. Life expectancy at birth is 72.6 years in
of quinquennial (every 5 years) surveys SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (1st shift)
started in the 27th round in 1972-73, (a) APJ Abdul Kalam
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
based on the M. L. Dantwala Committee (b) Manmohan Singh
(a) Only II (b) Both I and II
Report. (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) Neither I nor II (d) Only I
(d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Q.425. When was the 8th round of the
Sol.432.(d) Only I. Life expectancy at
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Sol.428.(a) APJ Abdul Kalam. PURA
birth has increased from 36.7 years in
(GATT), the so-called 'Uruguay Round' (Provision of Urban Amenities to Rural
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon) Sol.440.(b) Amartya Sen is famous for sciences by Max Weber.
(a) Adoption of old technique with large his significant contributions to welfare
scale economics (for which he was awarded
(b) Adoption of same technique in the 1998 Nobel Prize in economics).
different way
(c) Following western culture na
Q.441. What is the objective of the
'Doughnut Model' of development ?
(d) Adoption of new technology
SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Morning)
(a) 2010 (b) 2009 (c) 2014 (d) 2012 (d) It envisions a world in which people
and the planet can thrive in balance.
common type of bi-focal lenses consists
image is real, inverted, and reduced. An
of both concave and convex lenses. The Q.9. Which telescope was invented by
object at infinity forms an image at the
upper portion consists of a concave lens. Isaac Newton in the 17th century by
focus (F) of the lens.
It facilitates distant vision. The lower part using a concave mirror to collect light
Q.2. Name the phenomenon where an
opaque object on the path of light na
is a convex lens. It facilitates near vision. instead of a simple lens which produces
false colors due to the dispersion of
Q.6. A concave spherical mirror has a
becomes very small and where light has light?
radius of curvature of 30 cm. An object
a tendency to bend around it and not SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Behind the mirror, enlarged, virtual major types of telescopes : Reflecting
Sol.2.(b) Diffraction of light. Examples and erect Telescopes and Refracting Telescopes
of Diffraction of light: (i) Bending of light (b) At infinity, highly enlarged, real and
refraction - Angle between refracted light (d) At the focus, highly diminished Q.10. The minimum distance of distinct
and normal to the surface. Angle of point-sized, real and inverted vision for a young adult person with no
incidence - Angle between incident light defect in eyes is :
Sol.6.(b) At Infinity, highly enlarged, real SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift)
and normal to the surface.
and inverted. We know that, focus of a (a) 20 m (b) 25 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 25 m
Q.3. Identify the INCORRECT pair mirror, f = R/2, where R is the radius of
regarding the material media and their curvature of the mirror. Here in this case, Sol.10.(b) 25 cm. For a normal eye, the
refractive index ? f = - 30/2 = -15 cm. Also, distance of the far point is at infinity and the near point
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (1st shift) object from the mirror, u = -15 cm. It of distinct vision is about 25 cm in front
(a) Kerosene – 1.44 (b) Benzene – 2.42 means that the object is placed at the of the eye. Hypermetropia (far -
(c) Sapphire – 1.77 (d) Ruby – 1.71 focus of the mirror. When an object is sightedness) : When the point goes
positioned at the focus of a concave farther from 25 cm. Lens used : Convex.
Sol.3.(b) Benzene – 2.42. The refractive Myopia (Nearsightedness): Near objects
mirror, the resulting image is formed at
index of an optical medium is a appear clear, but objects farther away
infinity. This image will be significantly
dimensionless number that gives the look blurry. Lens used : Concave.
enlarged and will have a real and inverted
indication of the light bending ability of
that medium. Absolute refractive index of Q.11. Which colour of light from
some material media : Benzene - 1.50, Q.7. In optics, which term refers to the VIBGYOR has minimum energy ?
Rock salt - 1.54, Carbon disulphide - 1.63, opening of the diaphragm of a lens that SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift)
Dense flint glass - 1.65, Diamond - 2.42, spatially limits the propagation of light ? (a) Green (b) Violet (c) Yellow (d) Red
Crown glass - 1.52, Turpentine oil - 1.47, SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift)
Water - 1.33, Alcohol - 1.36, Fused quartz (a) Collimator (b) Aperture Sol.11.(d) Red. It has the longest
- 1.46, Air - 1.0003. (c) Apostilb (d) Meniscus wavelength and least energy of the
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Pinnacle Physics
visible colors of light. Wavelength - The (b) Between C and F - Beyond C - reflect light in all directions like reading a
distance between two successive crests Enlarged newspaper.
or troughs. Violet has the shortest (c) Beyond C - Between F and C -
wavelength. Frequency - It refers to the Diminished Q.19. Apart from the red and green
number of waves passing through a (d) At infinity - At C - Highly diminished wavelengths of sunlight, which other
point per second. Violet has the highest wavelength of sunlight is absorbed by
frequency. The white light consists of 7 Sol.15.(d) At infinity - At C - Highly water molecules in the ocean?
colors VIBGYOR (Violet - Indigo - Blue - diminished. Image formation by Concave SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Morning)
Green - Yellow - Orange - Red). Mirror (Object Position - Image Position - (a) Orange (b) Blue (c) Violet (d) Yellow
Image Nature and Size) : (At Infinity - At
Q.12. Why can you not see objects in a F - Real - Point size); (Beyond Center C - Sol.19.(d) Yellow. When sunlight hits the
dim lit room when you come from a Between C and F (Focus) - Diminished - ocean, some of the light is reflected back
brightly lit room? Real and Inverted); (On Centre - Real, directly but most of it penetrates the
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift) inverted and same size); (Between ocean surface and interacts with the
(a) The iris dilates the eye lens to allow Centre (C) and Focus (F) - Beyond Centre water molecules.
less light to enter the eye. - Real, inverted and larger); (On Focus - Q.20. Which of the following types of
(b) The iris contracts the pupil to allow Infinity - Real, inverted and enlarged); (On mirrors show a lateral inversion of light?
less light to enter the eye. Focal length (Between Pole and Focus) - SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) The vitreous humour dilates the pupil Behind Mirror - Virtual, straight and (a) Convex mirror (b) Concave mirror
to allow less light to enter the eye. enlarged). (c) Rectangle mirror (d) Plane mirror
(d) The cornea contracts the pupil to
allow less light to enter the eye. Q.16. If ‘u’ is the object-distance, ‘v’ is the Sol.20.(d) Plane mirror. Lateral inversion
image-distance and ‘f’ is the focal length
is the reversal of a mirror image where
Sol.12.(b) Iris - It gives a distinct color to of a spherical mirror then which of the the right side of the object appears on
the eyes. The eyeball is spherical in following is a correct expression for the the left side behind the mirror.
shape having a diameter of 23 mm. mirror formula? Characteristics of a Plane mirror -
Vitreous humor present in between lens SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning) Images are Virtual and Erect. Image is
and retina. Retina contains three layers (a) 1/v + 1/u = –1/f (b) 1/v – 1/u = 1/f formed behind the mirror. The size of the
of neural cells (ganglion cells, bipolar (c) 1/v + 1/u = 1/f (d) 1/v – 1/u = –1/f image is equal. The distance of image
cells, photoreceptor cells). Cornea - The and mirror is equal to the distance of
Sol.16.(c) 1/v + 1/u = 1/f. There are two
2.5 diopters. Using the formula, focal (Scattering of light). The Tyndall effect is
length of convex Lens, f = 1/P = 1 / 2.5 = (c) scattering (d) dispersion
the phenomenon of the scattering of
(c) wet bulb (d) durian food in some kind of liquid and heating
at a low temperature. (b) tangential stress
Sol.24.(a) diurnal. Wet bulb temperature (c) hydraulic stress
is the lowest temperature to which air Q.29. Who coined the term 'zeroth law of (d) shearing stress
can be cooled by the evaporation of thermodynamics' in 1931, which asserts
water into the air at a constant pressure. that two bodies in equilibrium with a third Sol.32.(a) Longitudinal stress (axial
stress). Other types of stress : Tangential
are in equilibrium with each other ?
Q.25. Which of the following statements stress is a type of stress that acts
SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
is INCORRECT regarding water remaining perpendicular to the surface of an object.
(c) Convection
Josiah Willard Gibbs - Gibbs energy
through evaporation from the clay’s tiny (d) Radiation
(Available energy in a system).
expands when heated and contracts
(a) 4 A (b) 3 A (c) 2 A (d) 5 A
when cooled. The Eiffel Tower gets taller Sol.40.(c) Reverse Osmosis. Filtration is
by up to 6 inches during the summer. the process in which solid particles in a Sol.43.(d) 5 A. An electric iron requires a
liquid or gaseous fluid are removed. fuse rated slightly higher than the
Fluid Mechanics Boiling is the process by which a liquid operating current to prevent
turns into a vapor when it is heated to its short-circuiting. For example, an iron
Q.37. Who discovered a principle that boiling point. Distillation is a process consuming 1 kW of power at 220 V has
involving the conversion of a liquid into an operating current of approximately
of :
Sol.37.(c) Archimedes. Formula, F = ρ × Sol.41.(d) 10.8. Relative density is a SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
g × V where F is the buoyant force, ρ is comparative measure of the density of a (a) current
the density of the fluid, V is the substance to the density of a reference (b) electric field
submerged volume and g is the substance (Usually water).
Q.38. In 1851, who founded the science Electric Current and Its Effects
Sol.44.(a) current. The right-hand thumb
of hydrodynamics with his law of
Q.42. Four resistors of equal resistance rule states that if you hold a
viscosity describing the velocity of a
R each are connected in various possible current-carrying wire with your right hand,
small sphere through a viscous fluid?
ways both in series and/or parallel to get with your thumb pointing in the direction
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift)
different combined resistances. Which of of the electric current, the direction your
(a) Daniel Bernoulli
the following values of resistance cannot fingers curl indicates the direction of the
(b) George Gabriel Stokes
be achieved by using all the four magnetic field lines. This rule helps
(c) Evangelista Torricelli
resistors? visualize the relationship between
(d) Heinrich Gustav Magnus
SSC MTS 08/10/2024 (2nd Shift) current and magnetic fields.
Sol.38.(b) George Gabriel Stokes. (a) 0.25 R (b) 1.33 R (c) 2 R (d) 2.5 R Q.45. If a bar magnet is hung from a
Heinrich Gustav Magnus - Known for string, in which direction does its north
Magnus effect, an observable Sol.42.(c) 2 R.
pole point?
phenomenon that is commonly Case 1 - All resistances are connected in
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
associated with a spinning object series.
(a) West (b) North (c) East (d) South
moving through the air or a fluid. Req = R + R + R + R = 4 R
Case 2 - All resistances are connected in Sol.45.(b) North. When a bar magnet is
Q.39. Whose law states that total energy parallel. hung freely from a string, its north pole
per unit mass of flowing fluid, at any 1 1 1 1 1 4 aligns with the Earth's magnetic field and
= + + + =
point in the subsurface, is the sum of the 𝑅𝑒𝑞 𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 points toward the Earth's magnetic north
kinetic, potential, and fluid-pressure 𝑅𝑒𝑞 = 0.25 R pole. This happens because opposite
energy and is equal to a constant value? magnetic poles attract; since the Earth's
reading decreases to ______when the unit - Ampere (A). Electrical conductivity
length of the wire is doubled. is denoted by the Greek letter sigma (σ); Sol.55.(a) Towards west. If the forefinger
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (3rd shift) unit - siemens per metre (S/m) or mho. indicates the direction of the magnetic
(a) one - sixth (b) one - half field and the thumb shows the direction
(c) one - fourth (d) one - third Q.52. Which of the following is a poor
of motion of the conductor, then the
conductor of electricity ?
middle finger will show the direction of
Sol.47.(b) one-half. According to Ohm's Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
induced current. This simple rule is
law, the resistance 𝑅 of a conductor is (a) Tap water
called Fleming’s right-hand rule.
Q.48. Which device is used to measure the easy flow of electric current, typically respectively
the current flow using needle deflection containing free-moving electrons. In
caused by a magnetic field force acting contrast, poor conductors resist the flow Sol.56.(d) Fleming's right and left-hand
upon a current-carrying wire ? rule respectively - A right hand and left
Lenz’s law is used in electromagnetic metals like iron and silver. the poles (N or S), never crosses each
brakes and induction cooktops. It is also other, always make closed loops.
Q.62. Which of the following has the
applied to electric generators, AC
highest value of resistivity ? Q.66. Which of the following materials is
generators. Sir David Brewster - Brewster
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (1st shift) a conductor of electricity ?
law is a statement that says that when
(a) Silver (b) Nichrome SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Afternoon)
unpolarized light falls on an interface, the
(c) Chromium (d) Iron (a) Silver (b) Glass (c) Mica (d) Ebonite
reflected light is completely polarized if
the angle of incidence is a specific angle Sol.62.(b) Nichrome. Resistivity - It is the Sol.66.(a) Silver.
called the Brewster's angle. measure of the resistance ability of a The material that allows flow of electric
material to oppose the flow of current. current with little or no resistance are
Q.59. Which of the following options is
(c) Valid for only point charge Q.63. Which of the following elements is SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning)
(d) Valid for neither point charge nor highly effective for making a permanent (a) Insulators (b) Wires (c) Switch (d) Bulb
(d) at right angles to the magnetic field joules.
current flows through the galvanometer.
Sol.70.(d) at right angles to the Q.78. What is the coil of wire in the
Q.74. Which of the following statements
magnetic field. The induced current is electric room heater known as?
is correct regarding fuse wire?
highest when the direction of motion of SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening)
the coil is at 90° or perpendicular with (a) Cell (b) Fuse (c) Switch (d) Element
(a) It has a low melting point and low
respect to the magnetic field, as the flux
conductivity. Sol.78.(d) Element. Nichrome wire is
cutting is maximum in this case. While it
(b) It has a high melting point and low
(Pb). An electrical fuse is a circuit safety Sol.79.(c) Negative terminal. The longer,
(a) T = Q × I (b) I = device to protect electrical systems. thinner line represents the positive
t = time taken opposite directions on an object, the net changes in its state. Inertia of rest
Given values: force (or resultant force) is the difference means a body at rest stays at rest until
Initial velocity (u) = 5 m/s between the magnitudes of the two an external force acts on it. Inertia of
Final velocity (v) = 10 m/s forces. This is because the forces are motion means a body in motion
Time (t) = 2 seconds opposing each other. For example, if a 5 continues moving until an external force
Putting these into the formula: N force acts to the right and a 3 N force stops it.
(10 − 5) acts to the left, the net force would be:
a= Q.89. Which of the following forces can
Q.83. A javelin thrown by an athlete is in SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) (a) Frictional force
________ motion. (a) F = ma (b) F = m/a (b) Gravitational force
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) F = m2a (d) F = a/m (c) Electrostatic force
to the mass (m) of the object times its surfaces that oppose the motion when
to the influence of gravity and the initial acceleration (a). This means the more they come in contact with each other.
angle of release. Curvilinear motion mass an object has, the more force you Some examples: Walking, Writing,
refers to the motion of a particle along a need to accelerate it, and the greater the Skating, etc.
curved path. Periodic motion: Motion force, the greater the object's
repeating in regular intervals (Example - acceleration. SI unit of Force = Newtons Q.90. A bus moving on a straight road at
Rotation of the earth around the sun). (N). a speed of 10 km/h increases its speed
Rectilinear motion: Motion in a straight to 70 km/h in 2 minutes. Find its average
line (Example - An object falling straight Q.87. Which of the following is NOT acceleration.
down). applicable to force ? SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (2nd shift) (a) 1 km/minute2 (b) 0.5 km/minute2
Q.84. Identify the INCORRECT pair (a) Force may increase the mass of the (c) 2 km/minute2 (d) 30 km/minute2
regarding motion and their examples? object
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (b) Force may change the direction of a Sol.90.(b) 0.5 km/minute2. Given : Final
(a) Translatory motion – A ball falling 7
moving object velocity, v = 70 km/h = km/min. Initial
from the cliff 6
(c) Force may make an object move
(b) Periodic motion – Hands of a clock 1
(d) Force may change the shape of an velocity, u = 10 km/h = km/min. Time
(c) Oscillatory motion – Earth moving object
around the sun period, t = 2 min. We know that, Average
7 1
(d) Rotatory motion – Blades of a fan Sol.87.(a) Force can only change the – 6
𝑣−𝑢 6
speed, shape, and direction of the motion acceleration, a = =
𝑡 2
Sol.84.(c) Oscillatory motion involves but is not able to change the mass. Force
repeated back - and - forth movement (F) : S.I unit – Newton (N) or kg m s-2. = = 0.5 km/min2.
around a fixed point, like a pendulum. Force can make a body that is at rest to
plastic ducts are positioned in the forms arising from temporary fluctuations in
Sol.92.(c) Galileo. The law of inertia was before the concrete is placed. electron density.
inferred by Galileo from observations of Pretensioning - The technique in which
Q.100. Newton's first law of motion is
motion of a ball on a double inclined we are imparting tension in strands
also known as ______.
plane. Galileo concluded that an object before placing the concrete. It is more
SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Evening)
moving on a frictionless horizontal plane durable and reliable.
(a) Law of magnitude (b) Law of reaction
must neither have acceleration nor
Q.97. Select the option that is true (c) Law of Inertia (d) Law of masses
retardation, i.e. it should move with
(a) power (b) moment of inertia SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift) Q.101. Which type of friction is
(c) centripetal force (d) torque (a) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) considered as a self - adjusting force?
is false.
expressed by the body resisting angular (c) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) Sol.101.(d) Static Friction - Force that
acceleration. I = L/⍵. where; I = inertia, L is true. keeps an object at rest. Kinetic Friction -
= angular momentum, ⍵ = angular (d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) It is a force that acts between moving
velocity. SI unit - kg⋅m2. Dimension - [M¹ are the true and Reason (R) is a surfaces. Centripetal Friction - The
L² T⁰]. correct explanation of Assertion (A). frictional force supplies the centripetal
force and is numerically equal to it.
Q.94. The forces exerted on a body Sol.97.(d) Frictional force
during a short period are known as: is the resistance encountered when two Q.102. The force exerted by a charged
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (3rd Shift) surfaces slide or attempt to slide against body on another charged or uncharged
(a) Impulse (b) Pressure each other, resulting from the interaction body is known as ______ .
(c) Surface tension (d) Tensile stress between their roughness and molecular SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon)
forces. Formula - F (friction force) = μ (a) angular force (b) electrostatic force
Sol.94.(a) Impulse. Surface tension - The (coefficient of friction) × N (normal (c) pressure (d) muscular force
property of the surface of a liquid that force). Normal Force - The force that
allows it to resist an external force, due Sol.102.(b) Electrostatic force - This
surfaces exert to prevent solid objects
to the cohesive nature of its molecules. force between two charged particles is
from passing through each other.
Tensile stress - Capacity of a material to directly proportional to the product of the
endure a pulling (tensile) force. Q.98. The given equation provides the charges and inversely proportional to the
property of the motion of an object, square of the distance between the
Q.95. Which law was developed in the traversing a circular path. What is 'v' in particles. The same charge on two
1600s to describe that any force applied this equation ? (ac = v²/R) particles - the force will be repulsive and
to a confined fluid is transmitted equally SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 4th shift) the opposite charge on the particles - the
in all directions, regardless of the shape (a) Distance (b) Surface area force will be attractive.
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Q.103. The substances which reduce push or pull on an object with mass quantities. Velocity (Displacement-time
friction are called ________. causes it to change its velocity. SI unit of graph, vector quantity). Acceleration
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening) Force - Newton. Dimension of Force - (velocity - time graph, vector quantity),
(a) fluids (b) magnets [MLT-2 ]. CGS unit of Force - dyne. Displacement (vector quantity).
(c) springs (d) lubricants
Q.107. Which of the following is the Q.111. Which physical theory explains
Sol.103.(d) Lubricants - Any substance correct order of friction ? the generation of thrust by rocket
that is physically integrated for the SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (2nd Shift) engines, jet engines and deflating
purpose of reducing friction between two (a) Static > Rolling > Sliding balloons?
or more moving surfaces. Examples - (b) Rolling > Static > Sliding SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
Grease and oil. (c) Static > Sliding > Rolling (a) Newton’s laws of motion
(d) Sliding > Static > Rolling (b) Exclusion principle
Q.104. Which of the following (c) Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic
statements is correct regarding air Sol.107.(c) Static > Sliding > Rolling. induction
pressure? Static Friction : A force that hinders the (d) Laws of thermodynamics
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift) movement of an object moving along the
(a) High pressure is associated with path. Sliding Friction : Resistance Sol.111.(a) Newton’s laws of motion.
cloudy skies and wet weather created by any two objects when sliding Third Law is often given as an
(b) Low pressure is associated with against each other. Rolling Friction : The explanation for the generation of thrust
clear and sunny skies. force resisting the motion of a rolling (to every action, there is an equal and
(c) The air always moves from high body on a surface. opposite reaction).
pressure areas to low pressure areas.
(d) The air pressure is lowest at sea level Q.108. Identify the correct statement Q.112. The range of ______ force is of the
and increases with height. about inertia. order of 10−16 m.
SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Morning)
Sol.104.(c) Air pressure is defined as the (a) Greater the mass, greater the inertia. (a) electromagnetic (b) gravitational
pressure exerted by the weight of air on (b) Lesser the weight, greater the inertia (c) strong nuclear (d) weak nuclear
the earth’s surface. When there is a larger
pressure difference between the na
(c) Lesser the mass, greater the inertia
(d) Greater the mass, lesser inertia Sol.112.(d) Weak Nuclear Force - Very
pressure zones, the wind travels quicker Short 10-16 m, (Range), 10-13(Relative
and it travels from an area of high Sol.108.(a) Greater the mass, greater Strength). Gravitational Force - Infinite
pressure to low pressure. the inertia. As inertia is directly (Range), 10-39 (Relative Strength),
proportional to the mass of the object (I Electromagnetic Force - Infinite (Range),
Q.105. A ball possesses 3000 units of = mr2) so Inertia will increase if mass 10-2 (Relative strength), Strong Nuclear
momentum. What would be the ball's increases. Inertia is defined as a property Force - Short Nuclear size 10-15m
new momentum if its velocity was of matter by which it tries to maintain its (Range), 1(Relative Strength).
doubled? state of rest or of uniform motion along a
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift) straight line. Types of Inertia include Q.113. Acceleration is equal to the rate
(a) 3000 units (b) 6000 units Inertia of Rest, Inertia of Motion and of change of ______.
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening)
object's mass (m) and velocity (v). SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Momentum (p) = mass (m) × velocity (v). (a) only accelerating (b) only decelerating is defined as the rate at which an object
And if velocity is doubled, momentum is (c) non-uniform (d) uniform changes its velocity. It is a vector
also doubled. quantity. Unit of acceleration is the metre
Hence momentum Sol.109.(d) Uniform motion - When an per square second (𝑚/𝑠 ).
Sol.106.(a) Newton’s third law of Motion Sol.110.(b) Distance. In this graph, the Q.115. With what do you divide thrust in
- States that to every action, there is an slope of the line is equal to the speed of a liquid to obtain the value of pressure?
equal and opposite reaction. Force : The the object. Speed and distance are scalar SSC CGL 13/08/2021(Afternoon)
1500 m. and needs a material medium like air, travels at a speed of 300,000 km/s
water, steel etc. for its propagation. It (186,000 mi/s) from a stationary source.
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 1500 𝑚
Time = = cannot travel through vacuum. Audio Time taken by Light - Moon to Earth: 1.3
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 300𝑚/𝑠
Frequency spectrum of the human ear is seconds and Sun to Earth (1 AU) : 8.3
= 5 seconds.
to be between 20 Hertz and 20,000 minutes.
Q.117. Which wave oscillates parallel to Hertz. Speed of sound in different
the motion of the sound wave? mediums: Water (Sea) - 1531 m/s, Water Gravitation
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) (distilled) - 1498 m/s, Air - 346 m/s.
(d) Longitudinal wave of the vibration producing the sound. before touching the ground will be:
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Evening) (Assume acceleration due to gravity g =
Sol.117.(d) Longitudinal wave : In this, (a) cube root (b) Cube 10 m/s2)
the oscillations occur parallel to the (c) Square (d) square root SSC MTS 08/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
direction of the wave's motion.
(a) 8 m/s and 4 m/s (b) 3.2 m/s for both
Transverse wave : In this, the oscillations Sol.121.(c) Square. The loudness of
Mechanical wave : These waves require a sound ranges from 0 dB through 120 dB. masses just before touching the ground
medium (solid, liquid, or gas) to travel using the equation of motion for free fall:
Q.122. What is the study of the
through. 𝑣 = 2𝑔ℎ
production and propagation of sound
Q.118. Among the given options, which waves called? Where:
one causes an echo? SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Evening) v = velocity just before touching the
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) (a) Optics (b) Photonics ground
(a) When sound is reflected (c) Astrophysics (d) Acoustics g = acceleration due to gravity (10 m/s2)
(b) When sound waves travel through a h = height from which the masses were
Sol.122.(d) Acoustics. Optics is the dropped (3.2m)
solid medium
branch of physical science that deals For both masses (1 kg and 2 kg), the
(c) When sound waves travel through a
with the properties and phenomena of velocity will be the same because the
liquid medium
both visible and invisible light. Photonics equation is independent of mass:
(d) When sound waves travel through a
is the study of light and other types of v= 2✕10✕3. 2
radiant energy whose quantum unit is the
𝑣 = 64
Sol.118.(a) When sound is reflected. photon. Astrophysics is a branch of
𝑣 = 8 m/s
Echo : The sound is heard more than space science that applies the laws of
Hence, the velocities of both masses just
once because of the time difference physics and chemistry to seek to
before touching the ground will be 8 m/s.
between the initial production of the understand the universe.
sound waves and their return from the Q.126. Identify the INCORRECT
Q.123. If an object executes 10
reflecting surface. Applications of echo - statement for the universal law of
oscillations per second, then its
Measuring Depth and Height, Measuring gravitation.
frequency in kilohertz is equal to :
Distance, Medical Diagnosis. SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon)
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(a) It is the force that binds us to earth SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Evening) Ratio of PE to KE = 100 J : 100 J = 1:1
(b) It is the force causing tides due to the (a) Thomas Alva Edison (b) GalileoGalilei
stars and earth. (c) Albert Einstein (d) Isaac Newton Q.133. What kind of energy does a yo-yo
(c) It is the force that keeps motion of have before it is released?
planets around the Sun. Sol.129.(b) Galileo Galilei (father of SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift)
(d) It is the force that assists motion of observational astronomy, modern (a) Potential energy (b) Light energy
the moon around earth. physics and the scientific method). He is (c) Chemical energy (d) Kinetic energy
known for observations of the Moon,
Sol.126.(b) Newton's law of universal phases of Venus, moons around Jupiter, Sol.133.(a) Potential energy. The energy
gravitation - Any particle of matter in the sunspots. possessed by a body due to its position
universe attracts another one with a and configuration is called potential
force varying directly as the product of Q.130. Which instrument was used to energy. Potential energy = mgh (where m
the masses and inversely as the square detect gravitational waves for the very = mass of an object, g = acceleration due
of the distance between them. G’ is first time? to gravity, and h = height).
denoted as the gravitational constant. SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Evening)
(a) WIGO (b) LIGO (c) TRIGO (d) GIGO Q.134. Match list I and list II.
Value of G = 6.67×10-11 Nm2/kg2. Tides
List I List II
are caused by the combined gravitation Sol.130.(b) LIGO (Laser Interferometer a) Potential energy i) Solar thermal
attraction of the Sun and Moon on the Gravitational-Wave Observatory) is a b) Chemical energy ii) Wind turbine
Earth. large-scale physics experiment and c) Kinetic energy iii) Hydropower
Q.127. Identify the correct statement observatory to detect cosmic plant
about gravity. gravitational waves and to develop d) Radiation energy iv) Diesel generator
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) gravitational - wave observations as an SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023
(a) The unit of g is the same as that of astronomical tool. (a) (a) - (ii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (iii), (d) - (i)
acceleration (b) (a) - (iii), (b) - (ii). (c) - (iv), (d) - (i)
(b) The unit of g is the same as that of Work and Energy (c) (a) - (iii), (b) - (i), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iv)
velocity (d) (a) - (iii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (ii), (d) - (i)
(c) The unit of g is the same as that of Q.131. Who was the first to use the term
Sol.134.(d) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii),
mass. 'horsepower' that refers to the power
(d) The unit of g is the same as that of produced by an engine ? (d)-(i). Potential energy - The stored
energy in any object or system by virtue
the Universe. Anything that has mass, Sol.131.(d) James Watt was a Scottish energy - energy stored in the bonds of
also has gravity. Isaac Newton engineer and inventor. Watt defined one atoms and molecules. Examples of
discovered the laws of gravity and horsepower as the power required to lift chemical energy - Batteries, biomass,
motion. The value of the acceleration due 33,000 pounds by one foot in one minute, petroleum, natural gas, and coal.
to the gravity on earth is 9.8 m/s2. The SI which is equivalent to about 746 watts.
unit of gravity is the newton (N). Albert Einstein was a physicist who is Q.135. What kind of energy is associated
best known for his theory of relativity and with falling coconuts, speeding cars,
Q.128. Which of the following laws
compares the orbital period and radius of Q.132. If an object of mass 2 kg is (a) Potential energy (b) Kinetic Energy
the orbit of a planet with that of other dropped from a height of 10 metres, (c) Radiant energy (d) Elastic energy
planets ? what will be the ratio of its potential
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (3rd shift) energy and kinetic energy at the height of Sol.135.(b) Kinetic Energy - The energy
(a) Hubble's Law (b) Coperncus's Law 5 metres (g = 10 m/sec2) an object has because of its motion.
(c) Kepler's Third Law (d) Bragg's Law SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) Radiant Energy : Energy of
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 electromagnetic and gravitational
Sol.128.(c) Kepler's Third Law : The
radiation. Examples - Produce heat, light,
square of the period of revolution of any Sol.132.(c) 1 : 1. When the object is rays. Elastic Energy : Energy stored in an
planet is directly proportional to the third dropped from a height of 10 meters, its object due to a force that temporarily
power of the semi-major axis of the potential energy (PE) is converted to changes its shape. Example -
elliptical orbit of that planet. Bragg's Law kinetic energy (KE) as it falls. At the Compressed spring, archer's stretched
: 2dsin(θ) = nλ, where, d (distance height of 5 meters, the object has lost bow.
between crystal lattice planes), θ (Angle half of its initial potential energy and has
of incidence), n (Integer), λ is the gained an equal amount of kinetic Q.136. What will be the average kinetic
wavelength of the X-rays. Copernicus’s energy. energy per molecule in SI units for an
Law : Proposed a heliocentric system, Initial Potential energy (PE) = mgh ideal gas at a temperature of 25°C ?
that the planets orbit around the Sun. = 2 kg × 10 m/s² × 10 m = 200 J SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
At 5 meters, Potential energy (PE) = mgh (a) 9.17 × 10−22 J (b) 6.17 × 10−21 J
Q.129. Who among the following was the
= 2 kg × 10 m/s² × 5 m = 100 J (c) 7.17 × 10−20 J (d) 8.17 × 10−22 J
first to conclude that in vacuum all
objects fall with the same acceleration g Kinetic energy (KE) = Initial PE - PE
Sol.136.(b) 6.17 × 10-21 J.
and reach the ground at the same time? = 200 J - 100 J = 100 J
Angle (θ) = 0°. plants, a turbine converts the potential He transmitted radio waves across the
energy of water into kinetic energy, the English Channel. Award - The Nobel Prize
Since, Work done = Force × displacement
× cos θ, kinetic energy of falling water into in Physics (1909). Scientists and Their
⇒ Work done = 7 × 5 × cos 0°, mechanical energy and then a generator Inventions : Michael Faraday -
(cos 0° = 1)
⇒ Work done = 35 joules. na
converts the mechanical energy into
electrical energy. Largest Hydroelectric
Electromagnetic induction. Telephone -
Alexander Graham Bell. Printing Machine
power station in India: Koyna - Johannes Gutenberg. Marie Curie and
Q.138. What type of energy conversion Hydroelectric Project (Maharashtra); Pierre Curie are remembered for her
takes place in a battery? First: Sidrapong Hydroelectric Power discovery of radium and polonium.
SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Morning) Station (West Bengal).
(a) Chemical energy into light energy Q.146. The objects which repeats its
(b) Chemical energy into electrical energy motion after some time is called
Wave SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening)
(c) Mechanical energy into chemical
energy (a) periodic motion
energy into electrical energy. Electric Sol.142.(b) 25 Hz. We know that 𝑓 = A rocking chair, a bouncing ball, a
radiology to form pictures of the universe, such as neutron stars, and
(smallest wavelength and highest
anatomy and the physiological supernova explosions. The
frequency). Radio Waves (longest
processes of the body. Computed electromagnetic spectrum, ordered from
wavelength and lowest frequency).
tomography (CT) is an imaging long to short wavelengths, includes the
Wavelength is inversely proportional to
procedure that uses special x-ray following types of waves : Radio waves,
frequency. Frequency (f) : The number of
equipment to create detailed pictures, or microwaves, infrared, visible light,
waves passing a point in a second. The
scans, of areas inside the body. ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.
unit of frequency is measured in hertz
Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique that
(Hz). Wavelength (λ) : The distance Q.156. For which discovery did Henri
traveled by the wave in one time period uses X-rays to obtain real-time moving
Becquerel receive the Nobel Prize in
of vibration of the particle of medium. Its images of the interior of an object. A
Physics in 1903 ?
positron emission tomography (PET)
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Morning) Pierre and Marie Curie for their work on
______ of the pendulum.
(a) Microwaves (b) Infrared waves
A Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is a Sol.167.(c) 1602 is when Galileo
Q.160. Which of the following represents
state of matter formed when particles described the pendulum's regular
an alpha particle ?
known as bosons are cooled to swinging motion, influenced by gravity
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Morning)
temperatures near absolute zero. This and momentum. A simple pendulum has
2 2 1 4
(a) 𝐻𝑒 (b)
𝐻𝑒 (c)
𝐻𝑒 (d)
1 2
𝐻𝑒 achievement allowed atoms to occupy a suspended bob, swinging under gravity.
the same quantum state, forming a new In non-inertial frames, pseudo forces
Sol.160.(d) 2𝐻𝑒. Alpha particles consist state of matter and advancing quantum simplify motion analysis.
phenomena at ultra-low temperatures.
of two Protons and two Neutrons bound Q.168. Who among the following
together into a particle exactly like a Q.164. In which year did Hans Christian confirmed Maxwell's theories with the
helium nucleus. They are generally Oersted discover that a compass needle discovery of radio waves and also
produced in the process of alpha decay. gets deflected when an electric current became the first person to transmit and
passes through a metallic wire placed receive controlled radio waves in 1886 ?
Discoveries nearby ? SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift)
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift) of the leading scientists of the 19th Sol.168.(d) Heinrich Hertz. He was a
(a) Dennis Gabor (b) Thomas Young century, played a crucial role in German physicist and mathematician
(c) Willebrord Snellius (d) David Brewster understanding electromagnetism. He best known for his discovery of what
later created technologies such as the became known as wireless waves. Hertz
Sol.161.(c) Willebrord Snellius. He was a radio, television and fiber optics. The unit is notable for the discovery of the
Dutch astronomer and mathematician, of magnetic field strength is named the photoelectric effect in 1887. Maxwell's
commonly known as Snell. The Snell’s Oersted in his honor. theory unifies electricity, magnetism, and
law of refraction states that: The incident
light, describing how electric and
ray, the refracted ray and the normal at Q.165. Who among the following
magnetic fields interact and propagate
the point of incidence, all lie in the same discovered that a wire carrying electric
as electromagnetic waves.
plane. The ratio of the sine of the angle current can attract or repel another wire
of incidence to the sine of the angle of next to it that's also carrying electric Q.169. For which of the following
refraction is constant for the pair of the current ? discoveries in 1827 was the German
given media. Dennis Gabor: known for SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift) physicist, Georg Simon Ohm best
inventing holography in 1947. Thomas (a) James Maxwell known?
Young : Demonstrated the wave nature of (b) Michael Faraday SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift)
light. (c) Guglielmo Marconi (a) For invention of the magnetometer,
(d) Andre-Marie Ampere which is a device capable of
Q.162. Which famous experiment was
measuring the direction and strength
done by Michael Faraday in 1831 ? Sol.165.(d) Andre - Marie Ampere. He
of a magnetic field
SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift) was a French mathematician and
(b) For clarifying the mathematical
(a) Discovery of quantum physicist who discovered the
relationship between electrical
magnetometers fundamental principles of
current, resistance and voltage
(b) Discovery of law of elasticity electromagnetism in 1820.
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Pinnacle Physics
(c) For measuring the magnetic Sol.172.(a) Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar. The effect and established the mass-energy
properties of nuclear particles Indian Association for the Cultivation of equivalence relation through his special
(d) For developing a device capable of Science (IACS) in Calcutta was theory of relativity in 1905. JJ Thomson:
amplifying and modulating established on July 29, 1876. Recognized Discovered electrons and contributed to
electromagnetic signals that could as the oldest institute in India dedicated atomic physics.
also function as an oscillator to fundamental research, IACS focuses
on advancing knowledge in the frontier Q.176. Which device was invented by
Sol.169.(b) Ohm's Law states that the areas of basic sciences. Professor C V Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Eduard
electric current through a conductor Raman worked at IACS during 1907 to Weber in 1833?
between two points is directly 1933, and it is here that he discovered SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
proportional to the voltage across the the celebrated Effect that bears his name (a) Transistor
two points, with resistance as the and for which he was awarded the Nobel (b) electromagnetic telegraph
constant of proportionality. The unit of Prize in Physics in 1930. (c) Optical maser
resistance, named after Georg Simon (d) Particle accelerator
Ohm, is the Ohm. The mathematical Q.173. When did the United Nations
equation is V = I × R. declare the World Physics Year, also Sol.176.(b) Electromagnetic telegraph.
known as the Einstein Year, to mark the Inventions and discoveries : Henry
Q.170. Who among the following 100th anniversary of the physicist Albert Moseley - The atomic battery. Pierre and
physicists invented the voltaic pile, the Einstein? Marie Curie - Radium. Percy Spencer -
forerunner of the modern battery, in Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Microwave. David Hughes and Thomas
1800? (a) 2005 (b) 2002 (c) 2006 (d) 2004 Edison - Carbon Microphone. John
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William
(a) Andre - Marie Ampere Sol.173.(a) 2005. In 1905, Einstein Shockley - Transistor. Wilhelm Conrad
(b) George Simon published three groundbreaking papers, Roentgen - X Ray. Victor Francis Hess -
(c) Alessandro Volta establishing the foundations of relativity, Cosmic radiation.
(d) Hans Christian Oersted quantum theory, and Brownian motion.
Q.177. When did Heinrich Hertz discover
The World Year of Physics celebrates the
Sol.170.(c) Alessandro Volta. Important role of physics in everyday life. Its goal is the photoelectric effect and observe that
Inventions and Discoveries: George shining ultraviolet light on the electrodes
to increase global awareness of physics
Stephenson - In 1814, he constructed a and science. caused a change in voltage between
locomotive, called ‘The Blutcher’, that them?
could pull a weight of 30 tons up a hill at Q.174. Who is credited with inventing the SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon)
4 mph. André-Marie Ampère - Well-known reflecting telescope? (a) 1990 (b) 1916 (c) 1902 (d) 1887
for his contributions to the field of Graduate Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
electromagnetism (specifically Ampère's (a) Isaac Newton Sol.177.(d) 1887. Photoelectric effect -
law). (b) Johannes Kepler The emission of electrons from the
(c) Christiaan Huygens surface of a metal when light is incident
Q.171. Which physicist is known to (d) Galileo Galilei on it. Scientists and their discoveries :
establish the relationship between Michael Faraday - Electromagnetic
mechanical work and heat transfer? Sol.174.(a) Isaac Newton. In 1668, he Induction. Thomas Edison - Incandescent
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) devised a reflecting telescope. Instead of light bulb, phonograph. Albert Einstein -
(a) Hermann Helmholtz a lens, it used a single curved main Theory of Relativity.
(b) John Dalton mirror, together with a smaller flat mirror.
(c) James Prescott Joule Scientists and Discoveries: Johannes Q.178. Who among the following
(d) William Henry Kepler - The three laws of planetary established a unit of horsepower that is
motion; Christiaan Huygens - The Wave equal to one horse doing 33,000
Sol.171.(c) James Prescott Joule : His foot-pounds of work in one minute?
theory of light.
Discoveries and Innovations include the SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
mechanical equivalent of heat, Joule’s Q.175. Which physicist is best known for (a) James Black (b) James Croll
law, the first law of thermodynamics, and his experiments on generating and (c) James Watt (d) James Dwight Dana
the Joule-Thomson effect. Hermann von confirming the existence of
Helmholtz invented the ophthalmoscope, electromagnetic waves ? Sol.178.(c) James Watt (Inventor of
a medical device used to examine the Graduate Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 4) steam Engine). Horsepower : Unit of
interior of the eye, including the retina. (a) Isaac Newton measurement of power, or the rate at
(b) Albert Einstein which work is done, usually in reference
Q.172. Who among the following was the to the output of engines or motors. It is
(c) JJ Thomson
founder of the Indian Association for the calculated by multiplying the amount of
(d) Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
Cultivation of Science in 1876, an force (in pounds) by the speed (in feet
institution devoted to the pursuit of Sol.175.(d) Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. per second). 1 Hp - 746 watts (W) or
fundamental research in the frontier He demonstrated that radio waves could 0.746 kilowatts (kW).
areas of basic sciences? be produced and detected, laying the
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2) foundation for the development of Q.179. Which physicist is known for
(a) Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar modern wireless communication. Albert discovering that any periodic wave can
(b) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in be represented as an infinite number of
(c) Har Gobind Khorana 1921 for his work on the photoelectric weighted sinusoids, i.e., the sum of sine
(d) Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya and cosine waves?
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Pinnacle Physics
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (3rd shift) SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (2nd shift) Famous Nobel Prize Awardee in Physics
(a) Louis de Broglie (a) Maxwell and Hertz experiment : 1945 - Wolfgang Pauli (“for the
(b) Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (b) Faraday and Henry experiment discovery of the Exclusion Principle, also
(c) Joseph - Louis Lagrange (c) Michelson and Morley experiment called the Pauli Principle”); 1944 - Isidor
(d) Ernest Walton (d) Marconi and Thomson experiment Isaac Rabi (“for his resonance method
for recording the magnetic properties of
Sol.179.(b) Jean Baptiste Joseph Sol.182.(c) Michelson and Morley atomic nuclei”) ; 1950 - Cecil Frank
Fourier : Discovered “Green house effect” experiment - They tried to explain that Powell (“for his development of the
in 1824. Louis de Broglie : He was Earth moved around the sun on its orbit, photographic method of studying nuclear
awarded the 1929 Nobel Prize in Physics and the flow of substances like ether processes and his discoveries regarding
“for his discovery of the wave nature of across the Earth’s surface could produce mesons made with this method”).
electrons”. Joseph-Louis Lagrange : a detectable ‘ether wind’.
Contributed to the development of Q.186. Which scientist suggested that
celestial mechanics, calculus, algebra, Q.183. As per physicists and their major the magnet must also exert an equal and
number theory, and group theory. Ernest contributions/discoveries, which of the opposite force on the current-carrying
Walton : Won the 1951 Nobel Prize in following pairs is INCORRECT ? conductor?
Physics with his colleague John SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (3rd shift) SSC CGL Tier II (02/03/2023)
Cockcroft for producing the first artificial (a) John Bardeen – Theory of (a) Michael Faraday
nuclear disintegration in history. superconductivity (b) Andre Marie Ampere
(b) Louis Victor de Broglie – Wave nature (c) Joseph Henry
Q.180. In 1830, which American scientist of matter (d) William Gilbert
created the world's most powerful (c) Victor Francis Hess – Cosmic
electromagnet, the Albany magnet, which radiation Sol.186.(b) Andre Marie Ampere. He
could lift up to 750 pounds of metal at a (d) Paul Dirac – Liquid helium proposed that a current-carrying
time? conductor creates a magnetic field, and
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th shift) Sol.183.(d) Paul Dirac Known for “Dirac that a magnet also exerts an equal and
equation” related to quantum theory.
(a) John Cockcroft (b) William Gilbert opposite force on the current-carrying
(c) Joseph Henry (d) Edward Purcell Physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes conductor. This is known as Ampere's
discovered liquid Helium. Edwin Hubble -
Sol.180.(c) Joseph Henry, renowned for Law of Cosmic Expansion. Archimedes -
his discovery of self-inductance in Buoyancy Principle. Heisenberg - Q.187. Who found an empirical
electric circuits and his work on Uncertainty Principle. relationship between the half-life of alpha
electromagnets like Albany and Yale decay and the energy of the emitted
magnets. John Cockcroft was a British Q.184. In the early nineteenth century, alpha particles in 1911?
physicist, who won the Nobel Prize who demonstrated that there are SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023)
(1951) in Physics for splitting the atomic fourteen space lattices, or regularly (a) Fermi and Meitner
nucleus. Edward Purcell, an American repeating arrangements of points in (b) Geiger and Nuttall
physicist, won the Nobel Prize (1952) for space, that differ in symmetry and (c) Chadwick and Lawrence
Physics for discovery of nuclear geometry? (d) Soddy and Aston
(c) Jerome Karle (d) Charles Frank decay spontaneously emits excessive
Q.181. In 1851, who discovered the energy by emitting the alpha particle, in
phenomenon of Eddy currents which Sol.184.(a) Auguste Bravais. William which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha
flow in closed loops within conductors in Bragg : Won a Nobel Prize with his son particle (helium nucleus) and 'decays'
planes perpendicular to the magnetic Lawrence Bragg (1915) for their services into a different atomic nucleus. Ernest
field? in the analysis of crystal structure by Orlando Lawrence - Nobel Prize in
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (3rd shift) means of X-rays. Jerome Karle : He was Physics (1939) for the invention of
(a) David Hughes (b) Charles Townes awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in cyclotron. William Aston - Nobel Prize in
(c) Nicola Tesla (d) Leon Foucault 1985, for the direct analysis of crystal Chemistry (1922) for discovery by means
structures using X-ray scattering of a mass spectrograph of isotopes in
Sol.181.(d) Leon Foucault techniques. Charles Frank : known for his several non-radioactive elements.
also discovered the Gyroscope. Famous work on crystal growth, liquid crystals Frederick Soddy was the first to
scientists and discoveries: Nikola Tesla - and on the role of dislocations in announce the concept that atoms can be
AC Power (alternating current), Tesla crystals. identical chemically and yet have
Coil, Magnifying Transmitter. Albert different atomic weights.
Q.185. Hideki Yukawa, who received the
Einstein - Theory of relativity and the
Nobel Prize in 1949, is well known for Q.188. Evangelista Torricelli is famous
concept of mass-energy equivalence (E =
which discovery? for what discovery?
Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4) SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Q.182. Which experiment was designed (a) Thermal ionization (a) Invention of spring balance
to trace the motion of the earth through (b) Cascade process of cosmic radiation (b) Invention of piezometer
the 'luminiferous aether", a theoretical (c) Theory of nuclear forces (c) Invention of mercury barometer
substance necessary for the (d) Measurement of electronic charge (d) Invention of vacuum gauge
transmission of light?
Sol.185.(c) Theory of nuclear forces.
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Pinnacle Physics
Sol.188.(c) Invention of mercury components in the presence of a static Sol.197.(d) Diopter. The prefix "yotta" is a
barometer. Spring Balance (a balance magnetic field? metric system unit that represents a
that measures weight by the tension of a SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Evening) factor of 1024. The katal is the SI unit of
spring) - Richard Salter. Piezometer (an (a) Bezold effect (b) Domino effect catalytic activity. A radian is a unit of
instrument for measuring the pressure of (c) Askaryan effect (d) Zeeman effect measuring angles.
a liquid or gas) - Hans Christian Oersted.
Vacuum Gauge (measures pressure Sol.193.(d) Zeeman effect. It is named Q.198. Which of the following two
below the atmospheric pressure) - after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman, quantities have the same dimensions ?
Marcello Stefano Pirani. who discovered it in 1896 and received a SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift)
Nobel prize for this discovery. (a) Work and torque
Q.189. In 1664, who discovered the fifth (b) Power and moment of inertia
star in the Trapezium, an asterism (mini- Q.194. Which scientist won the Nobel (c) Work and angular displacement
constellation) in the constellation Orion? prize in Physics in 1918 for the discovery (d) Power and radius of circular motion
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (2nd Shift) of ‘Energy Quanta’?
(a) George Willis Ritchey SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon) Sol.198.(a) Work and torque. Both work
(b) Giordano Bruno (a) Louis de Broglie and torque have the same dimensions,
(c) Johannes Kepler (b) Werner Heisenberg expressed as [ML2T−2]. Dimensional
(d) Robert Hooke (c) James Chadwick Formula: Force (newton)- [MLT–2], Power
(d) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (watt)- [ML2T–3], Moment of inertia
Sol.189.(d) Robert Hooke. (kgm2)- [ML2T0], Momentum (kgms–1) -
Sol.194.(d) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig [MLT–1]. Acceleration (m/s2)- [LT-2],
Q.190. In 1785, who used the calibrated Planck. Louis de Broglie (Physics 1929, Electric Capacitance (Farad)- [M-1L-2T4I2],
torsion balance to measure the force discovery of the wave nature of Energy (Joule)- [ML2T-2] , Electric Field
between electric charges ? electrons). Werner Heisenberg (Physics Strength (V/m) - [MLT-3I-1], Impulse
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning) 1932, Creation of quantum mechanics).
(newton second)- [MLT–1].
(a) RA Millikan
(b) Hans Christian Oersted Q.195. Superconductivity was discovered Q.199. What is the SI unit of current ?
(c) John Michell by ______, who was also awarded the SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(d) Charles Augustin Coulomb Nobel Prize for Physics in 1911. (a) Ohm (b) Ampere (c) Metre (d) Volt
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.190.(d) Charles-Augustin Coulomb. (a) Robert Bunsen Sol.199.(b) Ampere. SI unit : Length -
RA Millikan determines the magnitude (b) Johannes Diderik van der Waals Meter (m), Mass - Kilogram (kg), Time -
of the electron's charge by Oil drop (c) Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Second (s), Thermodynamic temperature
experiment (1909). (d) Gustav Kirchhoff - Kelvin (K), Amount of substance - Mole
17th century and also pioneered the which certain substances (conductor of unit of energy ?
concept of the absolute vacuum of electricity) offer zero resistance when it SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (1st Shift)
space, measured the weight of air and cools below some temperature level (a) Joule (b) Calorie
used air pressure to predict the weather? called (Tc) critical temperature. (c) Newton (d) Kilowatt hour
SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Morning) Examples of superconductors -
(a) John Cockcroft (b) Otto von Guericke Aluminum, Niobium, Mercury. Sol.200.(c) Newton. The SI unit of force
is the Newton. Horsepower (hp) is a unit
an internal jaw is used to measure: approximately 299,792,458 (m/s) or 3 × : Temperature - kelvin, Electric current -
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
108 m/s in a vacuum. ampere, Luminous intensity - candela,
(a) the length correct up to 1 mm Plane angle - radian and Solid angle -
(b) the depth of a beaker Q.207. A ____ is one billionth of a metre.
(c) the length of a rod and diameter of a Higher Secondary 25/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
sphere (a) parsec (b) micrometre Q.212. Identify the vector quantity
(d) the internal diameter of a hollow (c) angstrom (d) nanometre among these listed physical quantities?
cylinder and pipes SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (1st Shift)
measurements in various applications. Special length units for short and large Sol.212.(d) Gravitational Intensity - Unit
Key parts include- Depth Probe: Used for lengths are: 1 micrometre (µm) = 10–6 m; 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
(N/kg), Formula ( ), Dimensional
measuring the depth of objects or holes. 1 fermi (f) = 10–15 m; 1 angstrom ( Å) = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
the unit of luminous intensity. magnetic field around it. 𝑅
k = , Where, k is Boltzmann’s
Q.216. What is an instrument that sends Q.219. Which among the following is a
constant. NA is the Avogadro number, R
pulses of electromagnetic energy into unit of measurement that describes the
is the gas constant. The Boltzmann
the atmosphere to detect rainfall, rate at which the universe is expanding?
constant is the physical constant that
determine its speed and intensity, and SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift)
relates a gas subatomic particle's
identify precipitation types such as rain, (a) Faraday constant
average kinetic energy to its temperature.
snow or hail? (b) Planck's constant
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift) (c) Electric constant Q.223. Which of the following is the
(a) Barometer (d) Hubble constant physical quantity for the expression
(b) Spectral pyranometer arc/radius?
Manufactured by - Bharat Electronics constant (ML2T-1) and Angular degrees (360 degrees to a circle). Solid
Limited (BEL), Bengaluru. Barometer - momentum (ML2T-1) have the same
Sol.227.(d) Femto. The other SI prefixes (c) Anemometer Sol.236.(c) Klystron - Developed by
are - Zepto: 10-21, Atto: 10-18, Yocto : 10-24, (d) Ceiling Projector brothers Russell and Sigurd Varian. It is
Pico: 10-12. based on the principle of velocity
Sol.232.(c) Anemometer.
Q.228. ‘mho’ is the unit of ______ of a It is an instrument that measures wind
substance. speed and wind pressure. A Q.237. Which of the following is the right
transmissometer measures the
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Morning) relationship between geometric length
(a) conductance (b) resistivity attenuation of light as it passes through (Lg) and magnetic length (Lm) ?
(c) resistance (d) conductivity a fluid, such as water or the atmosphere. SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (1st shift)
Sol.228.(a) Conductance. The SI unit of Q.233. Which of the following devices is (a) Lm = Lg (b) Lm = Lg
resistance is ohm. Resistance and used to accelerate charged particles to
(c) Lm = 2RY (d) Lm = Lg
conductance are inverse of each other high velocities ? 6
1 SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (1st shift)
(mho = ). (a) cosmotron (b) cyclotron
𝑜ℎ𝑚 5
Sol.237.(d) 𝐿𝑚 = 𝐿 . Magnetic Length
(c) copatron (d) cryotron 6 𝑔
Q.229. One calorie of heat energy is (𝐿𝑚) - The Magnetic length is the
equivalent to approximately ______ joules Sol.233.(b) Cyclotron. It is a device
together, leading to the contraction of air 1859 by French physicist Gaston Plante.
magnetic field lines will be the same.
The magnetic field is a vector and an increase in air density Q.249. In the Millikan’s Oil Drop
quantity because it has both Q.244. What is the starting voltage of an experiment, the oil drop is subjected to
magnitude and direction. AA battery used for home gadgets such such forces whose nature does NOT fall
as remote controls, small toys, and under the category of:
Q.240. Which equation was verified by SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
American scientists Nichols and Hull in wireless kitchen appliances?
SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Afternoon) (a) electrostatic (b) viscous
(a) Solar Clock (b) Bolometer were balanced between two plates by
The mechanical pressure that is applied altering the field.
(c) Telescope (d) Transformer
on any surface due to the exchange of
momentum between the electromagnetic Sol.245.(a) Solar Clock. The gnomon is Q.250. A set of equations involving
field and the object. the part of a sundial that casts the electric and magnetic fields, and their
shadow, and it is probably also the sources, the charge and current densities
Q.241. The given equation describes the are known as ______ equations.
world's oldest astronomical instrument.
_________ relation. s = u t +1/2 a 𝑡 Bolometer, instrument for measuring SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Morning) radiation by means of the rise in (a) Einstein’s (b) Newton’s
(a) position-time (b) distance-time temperature of a blackened metal strip in (c) Maxwell’s (d) Bhor’s
(c) position-velocity (d) velocity-time one of the arms of a resistance bridge.
Sol.250.(c) Maxwell's. Maxwell first used
Sol.241.(a) Position-time. There are the equations to propose that light is an
Q.246. ______ is used to measure the
three equations of motion (given by Issac electromagnetic phenomenon. Newton’s
pressure inside the eyes of a person.
Newton) that can be used to derive equation is related to kinematics and
SSC CGL 24/08/2021(Afternoon)
components such as displacement(s), motion Einstein’s equation is related to
(a) Tonometer (b) Machmeter
velocity (initial and final), time(t), and the Theory of relativity. Bohr's equation is
(c) Odometer (d) Viscometer
acceleration(a). They are First: v = u + at related to atomic physics.
(velocity-time), Second: s = ut + ½ at² Sol.246.(a) Tonometer. A viscometer is
Q.251. Which of the following elements
(position-time), Third: v2 = u2 + 2as used to measure the viscosity of fluids.
occurs most abundantly in our universe?
(position-velocity). An odometer is an instrument used to
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
measure the distance traveled by a
Q.242. Identify an application in which (a) Nitrogen (b) Oxygen
vehicle like a bicycle or a car. A
solar cells are not used. (c) Hydrogen (d) Silicon
Machmeter is a flight instrument that
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
gives a ratio of airspeed and speed of Sol.251.(c) Hydrogen being the simplest
(a) Radio (b) Space probes
sound. element is the most abundant element in
(c) Lift system (d) Artificial satellites
the universe.
Q.247. Which everyday morning ritual is
Sol.242.(c) Lift system. A solar cell
part of quantum mechanics?
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 called nucleons. For an atom's electronic
particles called atoms. In chemical
(a) Rydberg constant stability, the number of electrons must
reactions, atoms are combined,
(b) Planck’s constant equal the number of protons, as protons
separated, or rearranged. Compounds
(c) Faraday’s constant have a +1 charge and electrons a –1
are combinations of atoms in fixed,
(d) Avogadro’s constant charge. Neutrons, in contrast, are neutral
whole-number ratios, not fractional
and carry no charge.
Sol.2.(d) Avogadro’s constant. The numbers.
number of particles (atoms, molecules or Q.9. What is the number of protons
Q.5. The space-filling model emphasises
by a single photon to its corresponding Atomic Number (4), Mass Number (9),
nonbonded situation. Further, the van der
Electronic configuration (1s22s2).
(a) Only Statement B is correct 3d10 or [Ar]3d104s1. as compared to the size of the atom.
(b) The electrons revolve around the
(b) Only Statement A is correct
(c) Both Statements A and B are correct Q.16. What does it mean when an object nucleus in circular paths.
has a positive charge ? (c) There is a positively charged centre in
(d) Both Statements A and B are
incorrect SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Morning) an atom called the nucleus.
(a) It has more electrons than protons (d) Nearly all the mass of an atom
Sol.12.(b) Only Statement A is correct. (b) It has more protons than electrons resides in the nucleus.
The ionization energy decreases from (c) It has more neutrons than electrons
top to bottom in groups, and increases (d) It has more neutrons than protons Sol.20.(a) According to Rutherford’s
from left to right across a period. Thus, nuclear model of an atom, nucleus is
helium has the largest ionization energy, Sol.16.(b) An electron is a negatively very small in size as compared to the
while Caesium has the lowest. charged particle and protons are size of the atom. Rutherford explained
positively charged particles. the revolving of electrons around the
Q.13. In which year did Carl Anderson nucleus, however, he did not mention
discover a positively charged particle Q.17. Which of the following pairs of how the electrons were placed inside,
called "positron' whose mass appears to 'number - composition' is correct? which ended up making Rutherford’s
I. Atomic number - number of protons
Sol.13.(b) 1932. Electron - J.J. Thomson (a) Only I (b) Neither I nor II I. Boron - 2 II. Fluorine - 3
(1897). Proton - E. Rutherford. Neutron - (c) Both I and II (d) Only II SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (4th Shift)
James Chadwick (1932). (a) Neither I nor II (b) Both I and II
Sol.17.(c) Both I and II. As atomic (c) Only II (d) Only I
Q.14. Which are the four quantum number increases, subsequently mass
numbers for an electron present in 4f number also increases. Sol.21.(a) Neither I nor II. Valency -
orbital ? Combining power of an element. Valency
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift) Q.18. Which of the following is the of some elements : Aluminium (+3), Boron
1 correct representation of number of (+3), fluorine (-1).
(a) n = 4, 𝑙 = 3, m = +1, s = + atoms?
1 SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (4th Shift) Q.22. Which theory discusses the
(b) n = 3, 𝑙 = 2, m = - 2, s = + 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 relationship between ligand bonding and
(a) ( ) × 𝐴𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑜 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟
1 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 degradation of d orbitals in metal
(c) n = 4, 𝑙 = 4, m = - 4, s = - 𝐴𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑜 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 complexes and the geometry of metal
(b) ( ) × 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
1 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 complexes and the splitting of d orbitals?
(d) n = 4, 𝑙 = 3, m = +4, s = + 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
(c) ( ) × 𝐴𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑜 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift)
𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 (a) Crystal field theory (CFT)
1 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
Sol.14.(a) n = 4, l = 3, m = + 1, s = + . (d) ( ) × 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 (b) Ligand field theory (LFT)
2 𝐴𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑜 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟
(c) Valence bond theory (VBT)
There are four quantum numbers:
𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 (d) Molecular orbital theory (MOT)
Principal (n) - It refers to the electron Sol.18.(a) ( ) × Avogadro
𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
shell with the most electrons, giving the Sol.22.(a) Crystal field theory: (1929,
electron's likely distance from the number . Avogadro number: 6.022 × 10²³.
developed by physicist Hans Bethe)
Q.24. Which formula is used to represent Sol.28.(d) Potassium. It makes up 2.4% Sol.33.(a) Chlorine. Element of Group 17
the three-dimensional structures of by mass of the Earth crust. Aluminium is : The halogens are located on the left of
molecules using a two-dimensional the most abundant metal and Oxygen is the noble gases on the periodic table.
surface like a sheet of paper or a the most abundant non-metal found in These five toxic, non-metallic elements
computer screen ? the earth's crust. Eight most abundant make up Group 17 of the periodic table
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening) elements in the Earth's crust are Oxygen and consist of : fluorine (9, F), chlorine
(a) Bond-line formula (O), Silicon (Si), Aluminium (Al), Calcium (17, Cl), bromine (35, Br), iodine (53, I),
(b) Lewis structure formula (Ca), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium and astatine (85, At).
(c) Dash-wedge formula (Na), and Potassium (K).
(d) Condensed structural formula Q.34. Which among the following alloys
Q.29. An image of which of the following is a combination of gold and silver?
Sol.24.(c) Dash-wedge formula. Bond -
elements is shown by the map of Cyprus SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Evening)
line formula is used for every bond
from which the element got its name ? (a) Bronze (b) Constantan
represented as a line in a zigzag manner.
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) Solder (d) Electrum
Q.25. What is the product formed when Sol.29.(c) Copper (Cu, Atomic no 29). It (Iron with Chromium and Nickel). German
zinc and sulphuric acid react? is a good conductor of heat and silver - (copper, zinc and nickel). Rose
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift) electricity. It is in group 11, period 4 and Metal - (Bismuth, Lead and Tin). Gun
(a) Zinc sulphate (b) Zinc hydroxide block ‘d’ of the periodic table. It was the Metal - (Cu + Sn + Zn + Pb). Dutch metal-
(c) Zinc sulphide (d) Zinc oxide first metal used by man on earth. (Cu and Zn). Constantan (Eureka) - Alloy
of 55% Copper and 45% Nickel. Solder - It
Sol.25.(a) Zinc sulphate. Zinc reacts with Q.30. Which radioactive isotope has a is made up of Tin and Lead.
dilute Sulphuric acid to form Zinc half-life of 5770 years, which is
sulphate and Hydrogen gas is evolved commonly used to estimate the age of Q.35. Which of the following is a non -
from the reaction. This is a single organic materials such as paper and metal that can exist in different form?
atoms of different elements that have metals ? room temperature and atmospheric
the same difference between the number SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) pressure.
of protons and the number of neutrons. (a) All the alkali metals are silvery white, SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon)
Example: Carbon-12 and Nitrogen-14. soft and light metals. (a) Aluminium – 900.0
(b) The ionization enthalpies of the alkali (b) Water – 1200
Q.37. Which of the following metals is metals are considerably low and (c) Carbon – 506.5
always a component in an amalgam? decrease down the group from. (d) Tungsten – 134.4
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Morning) (c) Group 1 metals are known as alkali
(a) Strontium (b) Mercury metals. Sol.45.(b) Water has a specific heat
(c) Zinc (d) Aluminium (d) All the alkali metals have two valence capacity of 4186 Jkg-1K-1. Specific heat
electrons. of some substance - Iron/Steel - 450,
Sol.37.(b) Mercury. Amalgam is an alloy
Copper - 390, Silver - 230, Mercury - 140,
of mercury with one or more metals. The Sol.41.(d) Alkali metals have one Platinum - 130, Hydrogen - 14000, Air -
most common amalgam is dental electron in their valence shell. Group 1A 718, Ice - 2100, Sea Water - 3900 etc.
amalgam, which is used to fill cavities in of the periodic table are the alkali metals:
teeth. Dental amalgam is a mixture of Hydrogen (H, 1), Lithium (Li, 3), Sodium Q.46. The particles of which metal on
mercury, silver, tin, and copper. (Na, 11), Potassium (K , 19), Rubidium heating to the boiling point of 357°C go
(Rb, 37), Cesium (Cs, 55), and Francium from liquid state to gas state?
Q.38. Oxides of ____ and ______ dissolve
(Fr , 87). Lithium was discovered in 1817, SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon)
in rain water and form acids which are
taking its name from the Greek word for (a) Mercury (b) Copper
called acid rain.
"stone". (c) Bronze (d) Gallium
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) phosphorous, sulphur Q.42. Choose the most reactive metal Sol.46.(a) Mercury (Hg, Atomic
(b) sulphur, nitrogen from the options given below. Number-80) is also a good conductor of
(c) carbon dioxide, methane SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Evening) electricity, so it is a useful component of
(d) calcium, magnesium (a) Copper (b) Zinc (c) Sodium (d) Iron electrical switches. Mercury is also used
Sol.38.(b) Sulphur, nitrogen. Acid Rain - in dental fillings, paints, soaps, batteries,
Sol.42.(c) Sodium. Reactive metals in and fluorescent lighting. It is commonly
made of stone or metal. The main reason Q.47. Which metal sulphate, composed
Hydrogen, Copper, Mercury, Silver, Gold,
for this is air pollution caused by the of potassium, aluminium, and sulphate
Platinum (Least Reactive).
burning of fossil fuels. The Taj Mahal has ions in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2, plays a role as a
been affected by acid rain. Q.43. Which of the following statements flame retardant, a mordant and an
(a) Metals react with oxygen to form (a) Gypsum (b) Potash alum
I. The property of metals by which they
basic oxides. (c) Epsom salts (d) Celestite
can be beaten into thin sheets is called
(b) Non-metals are malleable
malleability. Sol.47.(b) Potash alum (Potassium
(c) Non-metals do not produce any sound
II. The property of metal by which it can Aluminium sulphate). The chemical
(d) Metals have low ionisation enthalpy
being drawn into wires is called ductility. formula of potash alum is
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (4th Shift) Sol.43.(b) Physical Properties of Non K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O. It is also
(a) Neither I nor II (b) Both I and II metals: Poor conductors of electricity commonly referred to as ‘fitkari.’
(c) Only I (d) Only II and heat, Non-malleable nor ductile, Extracted from a mineral called alunite. It
Sol.39.(a) Neither I nor II. Malleability - Brittle solids, May be solids, liquids, or is used for the purification of impure
The property of metals to be beaten into gases at room temperature, These are water, stops bleeding, and is mordant for
thin sheets. Examples - Copper, silver. not sonorous, and Transparent. the dyeing industry, leather tanning,
Ductility - The property of metal to be fireproof textiles, and baking powder.
Q.44. Which of the following metals
drawn into wires. Examples - Gold, silver reacts violently with cold water ? Q.48. Ozone is an allotrope of ______.
and copper. Density and melting point of SSC MTS 25/07/2022 (Afternoon) SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Morning)
metals is high. (a) Magnesium (b) Aluminium (a) carbon dioxide (b) oxygen
Q.40. Which of the following liquids can (c) Zinc (d) Potassium (c) hydrogen (d) nitrogen
dissolve noble metals such as gold and Sol.44.(d) Potassium and sodium react Sol.48.(b) Oxygen. Ozone (O3) is a
platinum? violently with cold water, where sodium triatomic allotrope of oxygen. Ozone is a
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon) reacts slightly stronger than Potassium.
(a) Formic acid (b) Aqua regia powerful oxidant (far more so than
The reaction is exothermic in nature and dioxygen) and has many industrial and
(c) Acetic acid (d) Chloroform
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consumer applications related to Acid , Bases and Salt SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (1st Shift)
oxidation. (a) Sodium Bisulphite
Q.54. The pH value of the curd is: (b) Sodium Thiosulphate
Q.49. Which of the following is a property (c) Sodium Chromate
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024
of silicon dioxide? (d) Sodium Bicarbonate
(a) higher than 7
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Evening)
(b) lower than the pH value of milk Sol.57.(d) Sodium Bicarbonate
(a) It conducts electricity.
(c) higher than the pH value of milk (NaHCO3) is used as a pH buffering
(b) It is soft.
(d) nearly 7 agent, an electrolyte replenisher,
(c) It is soluble in water.
(d) It has a high melting point. systemic alkalizer and in topical
Sol.54.(b) lower than the pH value of
cleansing solutions. Sodium Bisulphite
milk. The pH value of curd is between 4.5
Sol.49.(d) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) has a (NaHSO3) appears as white crystals or
and 5.5, meaning it is more acidic than
high melting point. It has melting and crystalline powder used in food
fresh milk which has a pH of around 6.
boiling points as 1713º C and 2950º C, processing, photography.
When milk turns into curd, bacteria called
respectively. The density is about 2.648
Lactobacillus convert the sugar in milk Q.58. Which of the following is the most
(lactose) into lactic acid, causing the acidic ?
Q.50. Which of the following minerals milk proteins to coagulate and forming SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
has kieserite as its ore ? curd. The pH levels of some common (a) HCOOH (b) C2H5COOH
SSC MTS 12/10/2021 (Morning) substances: Baking soda (9), Borax (9.2), (c) C3H7COOH (d) CH3COOH
(a) Silver (b) Magnesium Lime water (12.4), Lemon juice (about
(c) Potassium (d) Iron 2.2), Gastric juice (about 1.2), Pure water Sol.58.(a) HCOOH (Formic acid). The
(7), Blood (7.4), Milk of magnesia (10), closer the pH is to 0, the stronger the
Sol.50.(b) Magnesium. Kieserite is a Sodium hydroxide solution (about 14). acid. According to the Arrhenius theory,
magnesium sulphate mineral. It is used acids increase the concentration of
in the production of Epsom salt and as a Q.55. Which of the following raw hydrogen ions (H⁺) in water.
fertiliser in agriculture. materials is NOT used to prepare the Fluoroantimonic acid is recognized as
baking soda? the strongest acid ever discovered.
Q.51. Identify the alloy among the SSC MTS 21/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
following of which lead is a component. (a) H2O (b) Na2CO3 (c) NaCI (d) NH3 Q.59. Why does the milkman add a very
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) small amount of baking soda to fresh
(a) Alnico (b) Solder Sol.55.(b) Na2CO3. The raw materials milk ?
(c) Nickel (d) Constantan used to prepare baking soda are: Sodium SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift)
chloride (NaCl): Also known as common (a) To reduce the pH of the fresh milk
Sol.51.(b) Solder is a metal alloy usually
salt, this is the source of sodium ions. from 6 to slightly more acidic
made of tin and lead. Alnico - aluminium Ammonia (NH₃): Reacts with carbon (b) To increase the pH of the fresh milk
(Al), nickel (Ni), and cobalt (Co). dioxide and water to form ammonium from 6 to slightly alkaline
Constantan - A copper-nickel alloy used
bicarbonate. Carbon dioxide (CO₂): (c) To maintain the pH of the fresh milk
in electrical work for its high resistance. Reacts with ammonium bicarbonate to at 6 for a longer time
precipitate out sodium bicarbonate. (d) To reduce the pH of the fresh milk
(a) Iron (b) Copper (c) Gallium (d) Zinc Q.56. Which of the following is a correct fresh milk to prevent its acidification,
order of basicity ? allowing him to store it for a longer time.
Sol.52.(c) Gallium is a metallic material
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift) This is because milk in an alkaline
that is found as a trace element in coal,
(a) LiOH>NaOH>KOH>CsOH condition does not curdle easily.
bauxite, and other minerals. Other metals
such as arsenic, indium, and the Q.60. Which acid is used as a souring
rare-earth elements (REEs) cerium, agent added to vinegar, pickled
europium, gadolinium, lanthanum, vegetables, and sauces, and as a raw
terbium, and yttrium are also used in LED Sol.56.(d) CsOH>KOH>NaOH>LiOH. This material for seasoning?
semiconductor technology. order is due to the increasing size of the SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
alkali metal ions, which leads to better (a) Citric acid (b) Acetic acid
Q.53. Which of the following is used as a
solvation and greater basicity. As you (c) Tartaric acid (d) Formic acid
substitute of mercury in thermometers?
move down the group, the basicity
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) Sol.60.(b) Acetic acid (CH3COOH). It is a
increases because the larger alkali metal
(a) Selenium (b) Arsenic colorless, organic compound that is a
ions (like Cs⁺) can more easily dissociate
(c) Bromine (d) Galinstan carboxylic acid.
and interact with water compared to the
Sol.53.(d) Galinstan. An alloy composed smaller ions (like Li⁺). Q.61. In which year did Johannes
of gallium, indium, and tin which melts at Nicolaus Bronsted and Thomas Martin
Q.57. Which polyatomic ionic compound
−19 °C and is thus liquid at room Lowry propose the fundamental concept
is a white, crystalline powder used in fire
temperature. of acids and bases ?
extinguishers and to neutralise acids and
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift)
bases ?
(a) 1928 (b) 1921 (c) 1925 (d) 1923
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Pinnacle Chemistry
Sol.61.(d) 1923. According to Sol.65.(d) The process of dissolving an Q.70. Which acid is predominantly
Bronsted-Lowry theory, acid is a acid or a base in water is a highly present in tomatoes?
substance which donates an H+ ion or a exothermic one. Care must be taken SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening)
proton and forms its conjugate base and while mixing concentrated nitric acid or (a) Carbonic acid (b) Acetic acid
the base is a substance which accepts sulphuric acid with water. The acid must (c) Oxalic acid (d) Tartaric acid
an H+ ion or a proton and forms its always be added slowly to water with
conjugate acid. constant stirring. Mixing an acid or base Sol.70.(c) Oxalic acid (C2H2O4). It is
with water results in a decrease in the found in leafy greens (such as spinach),
Q.62. The reaction of an acid and a metal concentration of ions (H3O+/OH–) per unit vegetables, fruits, cocoa, nuts, and
gives: volume. Such a process is called dilution seeds. Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) - Vinegar.
SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (4th shift) and the acid or the base is said to be Malic acid (C4H6O5) is found in apples
(a) hydrogen gas and salt diluted. and apricots. Formic acid or Methanoic
(b) carbon dioxide, salt and water acid (HCOOH) is found in bees, nettle
(c) salt and water Q.66. Match column A with column B. stings, ant stings and insects. Carbonic
(d) carbon dioxide, salt and hydrogen gas Column-A Column-B acid is found in all carbonated
i. Lemon a. Tartaric acid beverages.
Sol.62.(a) hydrogen gas and salt. When
ii. Milk b. Citric acid
an acid reacts with a metal, the products Q.71. Which among the following is a
iii. Vinegar c. Lactic acid
are typically a salt and hydrogen gas. For covalent compound?
iv. Tamarind d. Acetic acid
example, when sodium (Na) reacts with SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Morning)
hydrochloric acid (HCl), the reaction SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) (a) Hydrogen chloride
produces sodium chloride (NaCl) and (a) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a (b) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d (b) Magnesium hydroxide
hydrogen gas (H₂). The balanced (c) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d (d) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a (c) Calcium carbonate
chemical equation is: 2 Na (s) + 2 HCl (d) Sodium chloride
Sol.66.(d) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a.
(aq) → 2 NaCl (aq) + H2 (g).
Sol.71.(a) Hydrogen chloride. Covalent
Q.67. A 100 mL solution having 0.01
Q.63. Select olfactory indicator from the bond - Formed by the equal sharing of
moles of NaOH dissolved in it. The pH of
given options. electrons. Examples: Methane (CH4),
the solution is:
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (4th shift) Hydrochloric acid (HCl).
SSC CHSL Tier II (10/01/2024)
(a) Turmeric (b) Petunia
(a) 13 (b) 1 (c) 10 (d) 2 Q.72. Which of the following is used as
(c) Clove oil (d) Cabbage juice
100 𝑚𝐿 0.1 𝐿
different when mixed with an acidic or −
Hence, [OH ] = 0.1 M. Now, pOH = −𝑙𝑜𝑔 (c) Chlorine (d) Magnesium Hydroxide
basic solution. Olfactory indicators are [OH—] pOH = −𝑙𝑜𝑔 (10–1). pOH = 1 𝑙𝑜𝑔 10
used in laboratories to determine if a Sol.72.(d) Magnesium Hydroxide
= 1. We know that, pH + pOH = 14
Peter Lauritz Sorensen in 1909. The p
neutralise an acid. Common strong
stands for the power or concentration,
bases: sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
and the H for the hydrogen ion (H+).
potassium hydroxide (KOH), calcium
hydroxide {Ca(OH)2}. Q.80. Who synthesised acetic acid for Q.84. What are the best examples of
the first time ? Phyllosilicates?
Q.76. Which of the following statements
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Afternoon) SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening)
is correct?
(a) Berthelot (b) F Wohler (a) Mercury, graphite, diamond
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) Berzelius (d) Kolbe (b) Micas, chlorite, talc, and serpentine
(a) Living organisms can survive a wide
(c) Pyrite, galena, sphalerite
range of pH change. Sol.80.(d) Kolbe's work was historic
(d) Calcite, magnesite, dolomite.
(b) When pH of rain water is less than because he produced organic
8.2, it is called acid rain. compounds from inorganic ones Sol.84.(b) Micas, chlorite, talc, and
(c) Our body works within the pH range artificially. Acetic acid is produced serpentine. The phyllosilicates, or sheet
of 7.0 to 7.8. synthetically as well as from bacterial silicates, are an important group of
(d) Tooth decay starts when the pH of fermentation. In nature it is found in ants minerals that includes clay minerals. The
the mouth is lower than 1.5. and some fruits. basic structure of the phyllosilicates is
(a) Decrease in the concentration of ions Q.85. Which of the following is the most
base. Tooth decay begins when the pH of (H2O +/OH–) per unit volume widely used method for refining impure
the mouth falls below 5.5. (b) Decrease in the concentration of ions metals?
(H3O+/OH–) per litre volume SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon)
Q.77. Which of the following substances
(c) Increase in the concentration of ions (a) Poling Refining
has a pH value of about 14 ?
(H3O+/OH –) per unit volume (b) Vapour-Phase Refining
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(a) Blood (d) Decrease in the concentration of ions (c) Liquidation Refining
(b) Sodium hydroxide (H3O+/OH–) per unit volume (d) Electrolytic Refining
(c) Milk of magnesia
Sol.81.(d) Acids in water dissociate H+ Sol.85.(d) Electrolytic Refining. It is a
(d) Lemon Juice
ions. When an acidic solution is diluted technique used for the extraction and
Sol.77.(b) Sodium hydroxide. pH Value: with water, the concentration of H+ ions purification of metals by the process of
Blood (7.35 to 7.45), Sodium hydroxide decreases and the pH of the solution electrolysis. Metals like copper, nickel,
(12.3), Milk of magnesia (10.5), Lemon increases towards 7. When an alkali is gold, lead, silver, and zinc can be purified
Juice (2.32), Vinegar (2.5), Washing Soda diluted with water, the concentration of using electrolytic refining.
(11). pH Indicator - Phenolphthalein OH– ions decreases, and the pH of the
(range pH 8.2 to 10.0; colourless to pink), alkali fall towards 7. Q.86. Which is the most common ore of
Bromthymol blue (range pH 6.0 to 7.6; oxidised mercury that occurs in granular
yellow to blue), and litmus (range pH 4.5 Q.82. Acidic nature of soil is shown by crusts or veins associated with volcanic
to 8.3; red to blue). high concentration of ______ . activity and hot springs?
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Morning) SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
Q.78. Muriatic acid is another name of (a) hydrogen (b) phosphorous (a) Diaspore (b) Siderite
which compound is used in the (c) nitrogen (d) oxygen (c) Cinnabar (d) Corundum
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Sol.86.(c) Cinnabar (HgS) - An ore of (a) Gum (b) Cellulose energies, shapes, and other properties.
Mercury (Hg). Diaspore {AlO(OH)} occurs (c) Pectin (d) Mucilage These hybrid orbitals are suited for
as platy masses in highly aluminous electron pairing to form chemical bonds.
metamorphic rocks associated with Sol.91.(b) Cellulose. Rayon - It is a
corundum. Siderite, also called chalybite, synthetic fibre made from wood and Q.95. The IUPAC name of CH3 -(CH2 )18
is iron carbonate (FeCO3), a widespread related agricultural products. -CH3 is ________.
mineral that is an ore of iron. Corundum, SSC MTS 01/10/2024 (1st Shift)
Q.92. According to a law postulated by (a) triacontane (b) decane
naturally occurring Aluminium oxide ______, the amounts of different
mineral (Al2O3) that is, after diamond, the (c) icosane (d) dodecane
substances liberated by the same
hardest known natural substance. quantity of electricity passing through Sol.95.(c) icosane. It is a waxy,
Q.87. The process in which metals are the electrolytic solution are proportional hydrophobic hydrocarbon lipid from the
extracted from their ores by heating to their chemical equivalent weights. alkane class, practically insoluble in
beyond the melting point is SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) water, neutral, and with a high flash point.
called________ . (a) Joseph Fourier (b) John Dalton Used in phase change materials (PCMs)
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening) (c) Michael Faraday (d) Alfred Nobel for thermal energy storage and
(a) Spinning (b) Smelting temperature control. The International
Sol.92.(c) Michael Faraday. Law of Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(c) Heaving (d) Extracting Electrolysis states that the amount of (IUPAC), which advances chemical
Sol.87.(b) Smelting. Roasting is a chemical change produced by current at sciences, is headquartered in the United
process of heating a sulphide ore to a an electrode-electrolyte boundary is States.
high temperature in the presence of air. proportional to the quantity of electricity
Calcination - A process of heating some used, and the amounts of chemical Q.96. The property by virtue of which
solid material or a substance in a changes produced by the same quantity carbon can form a C-C covalent bond is
of electricity in different substances are called _______.
controlled environment. Spinning - The
process of converting staple or short proportional to their equivalent weights. SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) allotropy (b) covalency
lengths of fibre, such as cotton or rayon,
Q.93. With reference to metals and their (c) tetravalency (d) catenation
into continuous yarn or thread.
ores, which of the following pairs is
Q.88. Which of the following is a tough, INCORRECT ? Sol.96.(d) Catenation is the property of
porous and black substance, and almost SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) carbon that allows it to form long chains,
a pure form of carbon ? (a) Gold (Au) – Calaverite branched structures, or rings through C-C
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Morning) (b) Mercury (Hg) – Greenockite covalent bonds. This unique ability is due
(a) Coke (b) Bitumen (c) Aluminium (Al) – Cryolite to carbon's small size and strong
(c) Coal tar (d) Coal gas (d) Cobalt (Co) – Smelite covalent bonding, which enables it to
form stable bonds with other carbon
Sol.88.(a) Coke. It is the purest form of Sol.93.(b) Mercury is either found as a atoms. Allotropy - The existence of an
carbon with 98 % carbon. It is a fuel with native metal (rare) or in cinnabar, element in different physical forms
few impurities and a high carbon content, metacinnabar, corderoite, living stoneite having similar chemical properties.
usually made from coal. and other minerals. Greenockite is a rare
are Bauxite, Corundum, Feldspar, Cryolite, bonds that an atom can form with other
(c) potassium (d) sodium Alunite and Kaolin. Smelite is an ore of atoms in a molecule.
Sol.89.(a) Magnesium is found in
Q.97. To which of the following classes
minerals such as magnesite, dolomite,
Organic Chemistry of compounds does cyclohexane
brucite, serpentinite, etc. and is mostly
recovered from seawater, brines and
Q.94. In acetylene (C2H2), hybridzation of SSC MTS 29/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
carbon atoms is: (a) Non-benzenoid aromatic compound
Dolomite formula - MgCO3· CaCO3.
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening) (b) Heterocyclic compound
Q.90. ______ is a process of forming a (a) sp²d (b) sp2 (c) sp³ (d) sp (c) Benzenoid aromatic compound
thick oxide layer of aluminium. (d) Alicyclic compound
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Morning) Sol.94.(d) sp. Acetylene appears as a
colorless gas with a faint garlic-like odor. Sol.97.(d) Alicyclic compound. They are
(a) Galvanisation (b) Ductility
Easily ignited and burned with a sooty organic compounds that are both
(c) Corrosion (d) Anodising
flame. In acetylene the carbon atoms aliphatic and cyclic. These are the
Sol.90.(d) Anodising. Aluminium oxide undergo sp hybridization, resulting in a saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbons
coat makes it resistant to further linear molecular geometry. This is containing non-aromatic rings of carbon
corrosion. It is also useful in architectural because the carbon atoms form a triple atoms. They have one or more aliphatic
finishing. bond with each other, which requires the side chains attached.
sp hybridization. Hybridization is the Examples: Cyclopropane, Cyclobutane,
Q.91. Which of the following fibres is Cyclopentane, Cyclopentene,
process of mixing atomic orbitals to
used to make rayon cloth ? Cyclohexane, Cyclohexene, etc.
create new hybrid orbitals with different
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Afternoon)
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Pinnacle Chemistry
Q.98. 0.25 g of an organic compound Hillman reaction (a nucleophilic catalyst, (a) Nonane (b) Dodecane
gave 0.13 g of water after complete such as a tertiary amine or phosphine), (c) Nonadecane (d) Icosane
combustion. The percentage Cannizzaro reaction (ytterbium triflate).
composition of hydrogen is _________. Sol.104.(a) Nonane is a colorless liquid
SSC MTS 29/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Q.101. When haloalkanes and aryl and with a smell like gasoline. It's found in
(a) 11.11% (b) 52.00% vinyl halides react with magnesium metal gasoline, Stoddard solvent (It is a clear,
(c) 5.78% (d) 4.58% they yield which reagent ? colorless liquid made from petroleum.)
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Dodecane (C12H26), a constituent of
Sol.98.(c) 5.78%. To calculate the (a) Hinsberg reagent (b) Grignard reagent kerosene oil on heating to 973K in the
percentage of hydrogen: (c) Tollens’ reagent (d) Fehling reagent presence of platinum, palladium or nickel
Molecular weight of water (H₂O) : 2 (H) + gives a mixture of heptane and pentene.
16 (O) = 18 mol/g. Hydrogen's Sol.101.(b) Grignard reagent. The
2 1 chemical formula for Grignard reagents Q.105. Which of the following reactions
contribution in water = = . is R-Mg-X, where R represents an aryl or leads to the formation of glucose
18 9
Mass of hydrogen in 0.13 g of water: alkyl group and X represents a halogen pentaacetate from acetic anhydride ?
1 (Cl, Br, I). The Tollens reagent is used to SSC CHSL 05/07/2024 (3rd shift)
0.13 × = 0.0144g.
9 test for the presence of aldehydes. (a) Acetylation of glucose (b) Reduction
Percentage of hydrogen in the organic Hinsberg Reagent is a chemical (c) Addition of ketone (d) Oxidation
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐻𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑛 compound used in organic chemistry,
compound: × 100 Sol.105.(a) Acetylation of glucose.
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 specifically in the study of amines.
0.0144 Acetylation is a chemical reaction in
= × 100 = 5.78%.
0.25 Q.102. Which of the following is a which an acetyl group (CH3CO-) is
saturated hydrocarbon? introduced into a molecule. For glucose,
Q.99. How many covalent bonds are SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (3rd Shift) acetylation occurs when glucose reacts
present between the constituent atoms (a) C3H8 (b) C6H6 (c) C2H4 (d) C4H8 with acetic anhydride, producing glucose
in the molecules of Butane and Hexane, pentaacetate. The reaction can be
respectively? Sol.102.(a) C3H8. represented as: Glucose + 5 Acetic
SSC MTS 14/11/2024 (3rd Shift) Saturated Hydrocarbons: Contain only Anhydride → Glucose Pentaacetate + 5
(a) 13 and 19 (b) 11 and 19 single covalent bonds, making them less Acetic Acid.
(c) 14 and 20 (d) 10 and 16 reactive. Example: Alkanes (CnH2n+2).
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Contain at Q.106. What is the IUPAC name of the
Sol.99.(a) 13 and 19. Structure of Butane least one double or triple carbon-carbon compound CH3NH2 ?
(C4H10): It has 4 carbon atoms arranged bond, making them more reactive. SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (1st shift)
in a chain, each bonded with single Examples: Alkenes (CnH2n) and Alkynes (a) 2-Methyl propan-l-amine
Hexane (C6H14): It has 6 carbon atoms in SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) atom (from CH3) attached to an amine
a straight chain, each bonded with single (a) Finkelstein reaction group (-NH2), so its IUPAC name is
covalent bonds, and bonded to hydrogen (b) Gattermann reaction derived from methane (one carbon) plus
Q.109. Which of the following organic b. Alkenes ii. Butyne
compounds is a benzenoid? c. Alkynes iii. Propene Q.118. Methyl ethyl ketone is also known
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) d. Aldehyde iv. Methanal as:
(a) Aniline (b) Hexane
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
(c) Propane (d) Acetaldehyde (a) methyl pentanone (b) 2-butanol
(a) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i (b) a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv
(c) 2-butanone (d) propanone
Sol.109.(a) Aniline. Aromatic (c) a-i, b-iii, c-iv, d-ii (d) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i
compounds are special types of Sol.118.(c) 2-butanone. It is a colourless
Sol.113.(b) a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv. liquid with a sharp, sweet odour. It is a
compounds. These include benzene and
other related ring compounds common solvent and is used in a variety
Q.114. Which is a colourless, odourless
(benzenoid). Benzenoid aromatic of industrial and commercial
gas of the alkane series of hydrocarbons
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (1st shift) equipment. The chemical formula for inorganic compound of nitrogen and
(a) Diamond (b) Graphite ethane is C2H6, for butane is C4H10, and Hydrogen.
(c) Buckminsterfullerene (d) Phosphorus for pentane is C5H12.
Q.120. Which compound structure
Sol.110.(d) Phosphorus. Allotropes are Q.115. Which unsaturated aliphatic includes a saturated short-chain fatty
different forms of a chemical element in hydrocarbon composed of 20 carbon acid with 4-carbon molecules, commonly
the same physical state, arising from atoms is used to make candles and found in esterified form in animal fats
various atomic bonding arrangements. paraffin wax with solar energy storage and plant oils ?
Fullerene, discovered by Richard Smalley capacity? SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning)
in 1985, consists of a large spheroidal SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) (a) Propionic acid (b) Butyric acid
molecule made up of sixty or more (a) Octane (b) Eicosane (c) Succinic acid (d) Lactic acid
atoms, with buckminsterfullerene being (c) Nonane (d) Triacontane
the first known example. Sol.120.(b) Butyric acid (C4H8O2).
Sol.115.(b) Eicosane (C20H42) - It is a very Propionic Acid (C3H6O2) - A colourless
Q.111. Which of the following hydrophobic molecule, practically liquid with a sharp rancid odour. It is a
compounds is an Alicyclic compound? insoluble in water, and relatively neutral. short-chain saturated fatty acid
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift) It is considered to be a hydrocarbon lipid comprising ethane attached to the
(a) Ethane (b) Isobutane molecule. carbon of a carboxy group. Succinic Acid
(c) Acetic acid (d) Cyclopropane (C4H6O4) - An alpha, omega-dicarboxylic
Q.116. Which synthetic aromatic organic acid resulting from the formal oxidation
Sol.111.(d) Cyclopropane. Alicyclic compound inhibits the chemical of each of the terminal methyl groups of
(aliphatic cyclic) compounds contain breakdown of food that occurs in the butane to the corresponding carboxy
carbon atoms joined in the form of a ring presence of oxygen, commonly used in group.
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Pinnacle Chemistry
Q.121. What is the IUPAC name of the manufacture during the fermentation bonds and strong carbon-hydrogen
organic compound depicted in the process? bonds. Example - Methane (CH4), Ethane
figure? SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st shift) (C2H6) .
(a) Potassium citrate
(b) Potassium bitartrate Q.130. Which of the following
(c) Potassium nitrate compounds having the molecular
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) (d) Potassium hydrogen adipate formula C2H is derived from the hydride
(a) 1-Methyl-2-Propylcyclohexane of acetylene ?
(b) 1-Methyl-1-Propylcyclohexane Sol.125.(b) Potassium bitartrate SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (2nd shift)
(c) 1-Methyl-3-Propylcyclohexane (KC4H5O6) : Common Name - Cream of (a) Ethynyl (b) Propargyl (c) Vinyl (d) Allyl
(d) 1-Methyl-4-Propylcyclohexane tartar. Uses - Additive, Stabilizer, pH
control agent. Sol.130.(a) Ethynyl. An organic radical
Sol.121.(c)1-Methyl-3-Propylcyclohexan and a terminal acetylenic compound.
e : Its molecular formula is C10H20 . Q.126. Lactitol is derived through the Uses: Fuel, Industrial applications,
hydrogenation of: Medical applications.
Q.122. Which of the following is a SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift)
primary arylamine in which an amino (a) maltose (b) lactic acid Q.131. Trichloromethane is better known
functional group is substituted for one of (c) lactose (d) glucose as:
the benzene hydrogens? SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift)
Sol.126.(c) Lactose (Milk sugar). It is a (a) Chloroform (b) butanes
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening)
disaccharide which is made by the (c) LPG (d) laughing gas
(a) Pyridine (b) Aniline
condensation of glucose and galactose.
(c) Toluidine (d) Quinoline
Examples : Butter, Cheese, Cream, Dried Sol.131.(a) Chloroform (CHCl3) - It is
Sol.122.(b) Aniline (C6H5NH2). Pyridine milk, Milk solids, Powdered milk, and used as an ideal anaesthetic. It is a
(C5H5N) is a colourless liquid with an Whey. colourless, sweet-smelling dense liquid.
unpleasant smell. It is used to make Other names - Formyl Trichloride,
medicines, vitamins, food flavourings, Q.127. In which dialdehyde are two TriChloroform.
and paints. Toluidine (C7H9N) is used in formyl groups attached to adjacent
carbon centres on a benzene ring and Q.132. What is the product formed when
dyes, and in organic chemical
from fluorescent conjugation products CH3CH2OH reacts with O2 ?
with primary amines? SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Q.123. Which of the following is a white SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (2nd shift) (a) H2O + heat
to yellowish solid with a weak aromatic (a) Phthalaldehyde (b) Acetaldehyde (b) CO2 + H2O + heat and light
odour purified by the process of (c) Valeraldehyde (d) Isobutyraldehyde (c) CO2 + H2O + light
colourless crystalline aromatic Q.128. Heating ethanol with excess (C6H5) 2CO .
hydrocarbon, and a three-fused benzene concentrated sulphuric acid produces: SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift)
ring solid polycyclic aromatic SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st shift) (a) Methcathinone (b) Propiophenone
hydrocarbon (PAH). It is a component of (a) ethane (b) ethyne (c) Acetophenone (d) Benzophenone
gas which is used to make anaesthetics, R-COO–, -oate, Sodium Ethanoate),
refrigerants and other chemicals? (C3H7OH), Ethanol (C2H5OH).
(Carboxylic Acid, R-COOH, -oic acid,
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift) Q.142. Choose the correct set of the Ethanoic Acid), (Ester, R-(CO)-O-R’, Alkyl
(a) Ethylene (b) 1-Pentene names for the organic compounds in the alkanoate, Ethyl Butanoate), (Ether,
(c) Methane (d) Butane given figure. R-O-R’, Alkyl ether, Diethyl Ether).
Sol.137.(a) Ethylene (C2H4): A colourless Q.146. In organic chemistry, which of the
flammable gas with a faint ‘sweet and following is an empirical rule used to
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift) Sol.146.(c) Markovnikov’s rule (Vladimir
a: Furan, b: Pyridine, c: Thiophene.
(a) Sublimable substances Markovnikov). Bredt's rule states that a
(b) Cooling agents Q.143. What is the strength of a double bond cannot be placed at the
(c) Inflammable substances hydrogen bond determined by ? bridgehead of a bridged ring system
(d) Solidifying agents Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3) unless the rings are large enough.
Baldwin's rule (Jack Baldwin) states a
many elastomers, ABS (acrylonitrile
(b) Compounds of carbon having double butadiene styrene polymer) and in low Q.159. Identify the INCORRECT
bonds or triple bonds between their quantities for nylon and few others. statement regarding the halogens group
carbon atoms are called unsaturated in the periodic table.
compounds. Q.154. Find the correct chemical formula SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening)
(c) Compounds of carbon having single of nitromethane. (a) They have the largest atomic size in
bonds between their oxygen atoms SSC CHSL 24/05/ 2022 (Evening) their period.
are called unsaturated compounds. (a) CH3NO (b) CH3NO2 (b) They are reactive non-metals.
(d) Compounds of carbon having double (c) CH4NO2 (d) CH3NO3 (c) They form diatomic molecules in their
or triple bonds between their elemental states.
Sol.154.(b) CH3NO2 . Nitromethane is
hydrogen atoms are called (d) They are located on the left of the
used to make industrial antimicrobials
between two adjacent carbon atoms. are reactive non-metals that form
SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Evening)
diatomic molecules (e.g., Cl2, F2) and are
Q.170. In the context of periodicity, a unit
Q.162. Moseley observed that the plot of strontium belong?
called picometre is used to measure the
SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
𝑣 against atomic number (Z) gave a __________.
(a) Group 5A (b) Group 2A
straight line. What does v indicate here ? SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) Group 1A (d) Group 3A
SSC MTS 28/10/2024 (3rd Shift) (a) atomic radius
(a) Frequency of -rays emitted (b) molar mass
Sol.166.(b) Group 2A. Alkaline earth
(b) Frequency of X-rays emitted metals belong to Group 2A (or Group II) (c) atomic density
(c) Frequency of γ-rays emitted (d) spin quantum number
Sol.172.(d) 68. Mendeleev left gaps for SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
aluminum and silicon in his periodic (a) c (b) d (c) a (d) b
table and referred to them as SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Eka-Aluminum and Eka-Silicon. Sol.175.(a) c. Mendeleev published the
(a) b (b) a (c) c (d) d
Mendeleev’s Predictions for the Elements periodic table in 1869 which displayed 63
Eka-aluminium (Gallium) and Eka-silicon elements. His Periodic Table contains Sol.179.(c) c
(Germanium): He predicted the atomic vertical columns called ‘groups’ and
weight of Eka-Aluminum to be 68, while horizontal rows called ‘periods’.
the discovered atomic weight of gallium
Q.176. Identify the number of electrons
is 69.72. He also predicted the atomic
found in the outermost shell of halogen.
weight of Eka-Silicon to be 72, and the
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift)
found atomic weight of germanium is
(a) Two (b) One (c) Five (d) Seven
Sol.176.(d) Seven. Group 17 of the
Q.173. In Newlands’ Octaves, the Q.180. Which of the following scientists
Periodic Table consists of the following
properties of lithium and ________ were grouped the elements into triads?
elements : Fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl),
found to be the same. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Bromine (Br), Iodine (I), Astatine (At).
SSC CGL 19/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (a) Dimitri Mendeleev
These elements are extremely reactive.
(a) sodium (b) aluminium (b) John Newlands
The common oxidation state of these
(c) magnesium (d) beryllium
elements is -1. However, the highest (c) Henry Moseley
oxidation state can be +7. They form (d) Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
Sol.173.(a) sodium. In 1865, the English
chemist J.A.R. Newlands proposed the oxides, hydrogen halides, interhalogen
Sol.180.(d) Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
Law of Octaves. It states that when compounds, and oxoacids.
developed the concept of Dobereiner's
chemical elements are arranged by Triads in 1817. He observed that certain
Q.177. Which of the following depicts the
increasing atomic mass, elements with
Modern Periodic Table? groups of three elements (triads) had
similar physical and chemical properties similar chemical properties, and the
appear after every interval of seven.
Q.174. According to Mendeleev's Sol.177.(b) d. The periodic table is an (a) Germanium (b) Flerovium
Periodic Table, which elements’ arrangement of chemical elements into (c) Lead (d) Arsenic
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift) metalloid in the carbon group (Group 14)
properties. It reflects the periodic law,
(a) Gallium (b) Scandium of the periodic table, and it is chemically
which states that elements, ordered by
(c) Titanium (d) Germanium similar to its group neighbors tin (Sn) and
atomic number, show recurring
silicon (Si). This similarity arises because
properties. The table is divided into four
Sol.174.(d) Germanium. Russian all three elements share similar electron
blocks, with elements in the same group
chemist Dmitri Mendeleev predicted the configurations and chemical properties,
exhibiting similar characteristics.
existence of several undiscovered such as forming covalent bonds and
elements by leaving gaps in his periodic Q.178. The tendency of an atom or a having semiconductor characteristics.
table and naming them: eka-boron - Later functional group to attract a shared pair
named scandium (Sc); eka-aluminium - Q.182. Technetium, the first artificially
of electrons toward itself, is known as:
Later named gallium (Ga); eka-silicon - produced element used in many medical
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
Later named germanium (Ge); diagnostic imaging scans, is found in
(a) electronegativity (b) electron affinity
eka-manganese - Later named which group of the periodic table?
(c) electro-positivity (d) electro attraction
technetium (Tc). Mendeleev believed that Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 4)
the properties of elements are a periodic Sol.178.(a) Electronegativity is a (a) Group 7 (b) Group 12
function of their atomic weights. chemical property that measures an (c) Group 14 (d) Group 19
atom's ability to attract shared electrons
Sol.182.(a) Group 7. Technetium is a
Q.175. Which of the following figures in a molecule. The electronegativity of an
chemical element with atomic number
represents Mendeleev's Periodic Table atom is influenced by its atomic number
43, represented by the symbol (Tc). This
that was published in a German journal in and the distance of its valence electrons
silvery-gray radioactive metal resembles
1872 ? from the positively charged nucleus.
platinum and is typically found as a gray
Q.179. According to Dalton, which of the powder. Technetium dissolves in aqua
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Pinnacle Chemistry
regia, nitric acid, and concentrated are called so because they are (except for He). The maximum oxidation
sulfuric acid, but is insoluble in chemically inert i.e. they do not readily state shown by a p-block element is
hydrochloric acid. Discovered by Carlo undergo chemical reactions easily. equal to the total number of valence
Perrier and Emilio Segre in 1937. Presence - 18th group. Elements - Helium electrons. In the P block of periodic table
[He - 2], Neon [Ne - 10], Argon [Ar - 18], the non-metallic character of elements
Q.183. Which artificial element has been Krypton [Kr - 36], Xenon [Xe - 54], Radon decreases down the group. In fact the
provisionally named seaborgium by [Rn - 86]. heaviest element in each p-block group is
American researchers in honour of Nobel the most metallic in nature.
Laureate Glenn T Seaborg? Q.187. Which of the following options
Matriculation Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 1) are all transition metals? Q.190. Which of the following elements
(a) Element 103 (b) Element 106 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) is a member of the actinide series?
(c) Element 90 (d) Element 97 (a) He, Ne, Ar, Au (b) F, Cl, Br, I SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
(c) Cu, Fe, Ni, Ti (d) Na, Mg, Al, Mn (a) Lutetium (b) Thorium
Sol.183.(b) Element 106. Seaborgium is (c) Magnesium (d) Lanthanum
a highly radioactive element, with its Sol.187.(c) Cu (copper), Fe (Iron), Ni
most stable isotope possessing a (nickel), Ti (titanium). Transition Sol.190.(b) Thorium. The 15 elements
half-life of only a few minutes. Its elements : Those elements which have that are part of the Actinides series are:
discovery was first reported in 1974 by a partially filled d-orbitals. The names Actinium (Ac), Thorium (Th),
team of scientists at the Lawrence transition metals and inner transition Protactinium (Pa), Uranium (U),
Berkeley National Laboratory in metals are often used to refer to the Neptunium (Np), Plutonium (Pu),
California. Notable elements include elements of d-and f-blocks respectively. Americium (Am), Curium (Cm), Berkelium
Element 103 - Lawrencium, Element 90 - Some Transition metals - Scandium (Sc), (Bk), Californium (Cf), Einsteinium (Es),
Thorium, and Element 97 - Berkelium. vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), Fermium (Fm), Mendelevium (Md),
manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn). Nobelium (No), and Lawrencium (Lr).
Q.184. The likelihood of a neutral atom
gaining an electron is known as: Q.188. Which German chemist was the Q.191. Which chemical element of Group
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2) first to show a graphical representation
18 of the periodic table is produced by
(a) electronegativity (b) electro attraction of the periodicity of an atomic volume the natural radioactive decay of uranium
(c) electron affinity (d) electro positivity plotted against atomic weight ?
in soils and rocks ?
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning)
Sol.184.(c) Electron affinity. It refers to (a) William Ramsay (b) John Newlands (a) Neon (b) Radon
the energy change when an electron is (c) Glenn T Seaborg (d) Lothar Meyer (c) Oganesson (d) Krypton
added to a neutral gaseous atom,
forming a negative ion. Electropositivity, Sol.188.(d) Lothar Meyer. William Sol.191.(b) Radon (Rn, 86). It is a
mainly seen in alkali and alkaline earth Ramsay - British physical chemist who radioactive element. It is used in some
metals, is an atom's tendency to donate discovered four gases (neon, argon, hospitals to treat tumours by sealing the
electrons and form positive cations. krypton, xenon) and showed that they gas in minute tubes.
similarity is commonly referred to as : Seaborg: His work on isolating and table is unstable, and the half-lives of all
SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 identifying transuranium elements (those its isotopes are relatively short, from 4.2
electronic configuration [He]2𝑠 2𝑝 ?
6 fifth period. members of the actinide series
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (2nd shift) beginning with neptunium (93) which are
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 18 (d) 10 (a) Helium (b) Yttrium artificially produced in nuclear reactors,
(c) Rubidium (d) Xenon accelerators and all have several
Sol.195.(c) 18. Electronic configuration isotopes that emit alpha rays.
of some elements : Neon (Ne, Atomic Sol.200.(d) Xenon. Period - A horizontal
number - 10) - [He], 2s2 2p6 (the last orbit row of the periodic table. Total Period - 7 Q.204. Identify the element that does
is completely filled). Lithium (Li, Atomic periods, with each one beginning at the NOT belong to Period 6 of Modern
number - 3) - [He], 2s1 (last orbit is not far left. Group - A column of elements in Periodic Table.
completely filled). Sodium (Na, Atomic the periodic table of the chemical SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift)
number - 11) - 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s1 (or) [Ne] elements. Total Groups - 18. (a) Silicon (b) Tungsten
element on the periodic table that has no SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (2nd shift) - 14 , Group - 14, Period - 3. Uses: To
known biological role because it has a (a) He started with the element having make alloys including aluminium - silicon
half-life of only 22 minutes ? the highest atomic mass (hydrogen) and ferro - silicon (iron - silicon).
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift) and ended at thorium which was the
Q.205. Lanthanides are often called:
56th element.
(a) Nitrogen (b) Helium Q.213. In 1955, which synthetic element periodic table liquefies just above room
(c) Scandium (d) Cobalt is provisionally named Mendelevium in temperature?
honour of Dmitri Mendeleev, who created SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Morning)
Sol.208.(b) Helium - It is a noble gas one of the first periodic tables? (a) Gallium (b) Indium
with Atomic number - 2, Atomic mass - 4, SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (3rd Shift) (c) Thallium (d) Aluminium
Symbol - He. (a) Element 90 (b) Element 101
Sol.218.(a) Gallium is one of four metals
Q.209. Which artificial element has been (c) Element 103 (d) Element 106 (mercury, caesium, and rubidium) that
provisionally named seaborgium by Sol.213.(b) Element 101. Mendelevium can be liquid near room temperature.
American researchers in honour of Nobel (named after Dmitri Mendeleev) is a Symbol- Ga; Atomic Number- 31; Valence
Laureate Glenn T Seaborg? synthetic element with the symbol Md Electrons- 3. It was discovered by French
Nuclear chemist Glenn T. Seaborg (1974). SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening) table to which iron belongs.
(a) 102 (b) 100 (c) 105 (d) 108 SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Morning)
determined and symbolized as NA.
Amedeo Avogadro {Avogadro’s Sol.225.(d) Robert Boyle. French Joseph Gay Lussac {Gay- Lussac's law
hypothesis (1811) states that the total physicist Jacques Charles (1746-1823) (1808) states that the pressure exerted
number of atoms /molecules of a gas is studied the effect of temperature on the by a gas (of a given mass and kept at a
directly proportional to the volume volume of a gas at constant pressure. constant volume) varies directly with the
occupied by the gas at constant absolute temperature of the gas}.
Q.226. Which of the following is used as
temperature and pressure}.
a cooling medium for the Large Hadron Q.230. One mole of an ideal gas
Collider (LHC) and the superconducting occupies a volume of ______ litre at 273 K
A. The law states that the total pressure SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift) (a) 21.2 (b) 25.1 (c) 20.3 (d) 22.4
of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum (a) Neon (b) Chlorine (c) Argon (d) Helium
Sol.230.(d) 22.4 litre . The ideal gas law,
of the partial pressures of the individual
Sol.226.(d) Helium (He). Atomic number also called the general gas equation, is
- 2, Group - 18 (Noble gas), Block - S, the equation of state of a hypothetical
B. The principle states that the rate of a
chemically inert. Other uses of Helium - ideal gas. PV=nRT, Where P= Pressure,
chemical reaction is directly proportional
(c) Double displacement Na2S(s) are redox reactions because in (NH3) is oxidized when oxygen is added.
(d) Combination each of these reactions sodium is The oxygen (O2) is reduced when
oxidised due to the addition of either hydrogen is added to form water (H2O).
Sol.233.(a) Decomposition. This process
oxygen or more electronegative element Ammonia acts as a reducing agent.
is known as electrolysis which breaks to sodium. Simultaneously, chlorine, Oxygen acts as an oxidizing agent.
down water (H2O) into its constituent oxygen and sulphur are reduced because
gases, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). to each of these, the electropositive Q.240. Which of the following chemical
Reactions in which a compound splits up element sodium has been added. reactions takes place when quicklime
Q.234. Which of the following statements through it ? (b) C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g)
is INCORRECT ? SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (c) CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2 (aq)
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (a) Neon (b) Hydrogen (d) CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H2O
(a) Fats and oils get reduced over time (c) Argon (d) Helium (g)
and smell bad
Sol.237.(a) Neon. Electric discharge in
(b) Fats and oils are oxidised, they Sol.240.(c) CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2
become rancid. gases happens when electric current (aq). This reaction is known as slaking of
passes through a gaseous medium,
(c) Antioxidants are added to foods lime, where quicklime (calcium oxide)
containing fats and oil to prevent leading to the ionization of the gas. This reacts with water to form calcium
chemical change because lactic acid SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (2nd shift)
that atoms of the reactants are
bacteria changes the milk permanently to (a) Vinegar (b) Tincture of iodine
rearranged to form products, while the
the curd. A change in which a substance (c) Brass (d) Bronze
total mass remains constant throughout
undergoes a change in its physical
the reaction. Sol.250.(b) Tincture of iodine. Iodine
properties is called a physical change. A
physical change is generally reversible. In tincture is considered an antiseptic. 2 - 3
Q.247. Electrochemical cell is a device
such a change no new substance is % per cent solution of iodine in
which converts chemical energy into
formed. Examples include dissolving alcohol-water mixture is known as
electrical energy in a/an _____.
SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift) electrochemical cell that converts the
(a) Nitrous oxide Schulze rule ?
chemical energy of a spontaneous redox
SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (2nd shift)
Sol.253.(d) zinc. A dry cell is a type of affinity of halogens is:
violently with water and has atomic
zinc-carbon battery composed of the
number 37 in the fifth period of the SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift)
following parts : Carbon Rod - Positioned (a) F<l<Br<Cl (b) I<Br<Cl<F
periodic table. Use: In the filaments of
centrally, this rod functions as the
photo-electric cells that convert light (c) I<Br<F<CI (d) I>Br>F<CI
cathode. Electrolyte - A paste made of
energy into electric energy.
ammonium chloride surrounds the zinc Sol.261.(c) I<Br<F<CI. They are very
anode, facilitating the flow of ions. Q.258. Which odourless, colourless, reactive, the reactivity decreases from
Manganese Dioxide Shield - This shield tasteless and chemically unreactive gas fluorine to astatine. Electron affinity is
surrounds the cell, helping to improve the was invented by Daniel Rutherford in one of the periodic properties of the
efficiency and longevity of the battery. 1772 and was independently isolated at elements. From top to bottom electron
affinity decreases, From left to right
(a) Sublimation (b) Fusion (c) Argon (d) Fluorine mercury(I) chloride which is used as a
(c) Solidification (d) Vaporisation laboratory reagent and as a depolarizer
(c) Sulphur (d) Magnesium baking soda, to lighten and aerate baked
(c) Free carbon dioxide (d) Alkynes
goods ?
Sol.269.(a) Iron. Variable valency is the SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning)
Sol.265.(d) Alkynes (CnH2n-2) - They have
ability of an atom to form different (a) Nitrogen (b) Carbon dioxide
higher boiling points than alkanes and
numbers of bonds with other atoms, (c) Helium (d) Hydrogen
alkenes due to their stronger London
which is determined by the number of
dispersion forces resulting from their
unpaired electrons in the atom's Sol.274.(b) Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is used
linear shape and increased electron as a refrigerant, in fire extinguishers, for
outermost energy level.
density from the triple bond. Example - inflating life rafts and life jackets,
Ethyne (C2H2), Propyne (C3H4). Q.270. Which of the following is the blasting coal, foaming rubber and
correct descending order of nitrate ion plastics, promoting the growth of plants
Q.266. The valency of argentic is:
(b) Carbon dioxide
sheet. Example : Insects walking on (c) Coarse substances
(c) Benzene
(d) Substances that are steam volatile
(d) Water water, Floating a needle on the surface of
the water. Sol.287.(d) Steam distillation is a
Sol.279.(d) Water. A polar molecule is a separation process that consists of
molecule containing polar bonds where Q.283. What is the ratio by mass of
distilling water together with other
carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxide?
the sum of all the bond's dipole moments volatile and non-volatile components.
is not zero. Examples of Polar Molecules: Higher Secondary 30/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
The coarse substance feels rough and
Water (H2O), Ethanol (C2H5OH), Ammonia (a) 3 : 8 (b) 3 : 13 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 3 : 2
(a) Solution, colloid, milk, toothpaste, salt 12u and 16u respectively. The ratio of
(3) Carding
water, brass carbon and oxygen in Carbon dioxide SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
(b) Colloid, suspension, milk, toothpaste (CO2) = {12 : (16 × 2)} = (12 : 32) = (3 : 8). (a) Only 1 (b) Only 3
(c) Solution, colloid, suspension, milk, (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Both 2 and 3
be represented as the sum of the widely used as a domestic fuel. It is a of leather. Heptachlor - As a soil and
individual contributions of the anion and
greenhouse gas that traps heat in the seed treatment and for termite control.
cation of the electrolyte. atmosphere.
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) Q.298. Which of the following is NOT a
(a) Dirac (b) Feynman
(c) Schrodinger (d) Kohlrausch paprika? na
Q.295. What is the adulterant of hot food preservative?
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening)
Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2) (a) Aqua regia (b) Sodium nitrite
Sol.291.(d) Kohlrausch Law is (a) Starch powder (b) Chalk powder (c) Vinegar (d) Sodium chloride
dependent on the nature of the solvent (c) Saw dust (d) Sudan dye
and on the potential gradient but not on Sol.298.(a) Aqua Regia. Sodium Nitrate
the other ions present. Kohlrausch Law Sol.295.(d) Sudan dye. They are (Chile Saltpetre) - NaNO3. Vinegar (Acetic
helps in determination of limiting molar synthetic chemical dyes with similar acid) - CH3COOH. Sodium Chloride (Salt)
conductivities for any electrolyte. Weak structures, characterized by an azo group - NaCl.
electrolytes have lower molar (-N=N-). Adulterants are substances
conductivities and lower degree of secretly added to compromise the safety Q.299. Which gas is the major
dissociation at higher concentrations. or quality of products like food, component of biogas?
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (4th shift)
small droplets of liquid or particles of in honey, roasted chicory in coffee, urea heat of combustion (CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 +
solid dispersed in a gas ? and melamine in protein products, 2H2O + heat). It is used as fuel. Biogas is
SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift) cheaper fats replacing dairy fats, and formed by the decomposition of organic
(a) Aerosol (b) Gel (c) Vapour (d) Foam palm or soybean oils adulterating olive matter with the action of bacteria in the
oil. Even papaya seeds may be added to absence of oxygen. The major
Sol.292.(a) Aerosol . Gel is a semi-solid black pepper.
material that is a mixture of solid components of biogas - Methane
particles suspended in a liquid. Vapour is Q.296. Match List-I with List-II. (50-75%), Carbon dioxide (25-50%),
diffused matter (such as smoke or fog) Nitrogen (2-8%).
List-I List-II
suspended floating in the air and (Chemical compound) (Spices) Q.300. Hardness of water is expressed in
impairing its transparency. Foam is a A. Curcuminoids 1. Cardamom terms of:
colloidal system of gas bubbles B. 1, 8-cineole 2. Black pepper SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift)
dispersed in a liquid. C. Eugenol 3. Turmeric (a) mole (b) molarity
D. Piperine 4. Cloves (c) ppm (d) normality
Q.293. Which of the following
SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
polyhalogen compounds is used in the Sol.300.(c) ppm (parts per million) -
(a) A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1
production of the freon refrigerant R-22 ? Ratio between the number of parts of
(b) A - 3, B - 1, C - 4, D - 2
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (2nd shift) solids/solute to a million parts of total
(a) Chloroform (c) A - 3, B - 1, C - 2, D - 4
volume. Water hardness is the amount of
(b) Carbon Tetrachloride (d) A - 1, B - 4, C - 3, D - 2
dissolved calcium and magnesium in the
(c) Methylene Chloride water.
Sol.296.(b) A - 3, B - 1, C - 4, D - 2.
(d) Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
Chemical Constituents of spices : Q.301. What kind of smell do Esters
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have? Q.305. Which of the following chemicals Sol.309.(b) Halite. It is commonly known
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (4th shift) is used as a preservative to slow as rock salt, a type of salt, the mineral
(a) Sweet smell like fruits browning and discolouration in foods form of sodium chloride. Halite forms
(b) Rotten egg smell and beverages during preparation, isometric crystals.
(c) Floral smell storage and distribution ?
(d) Pungent smell SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift) Q.310. The characteristic garlicky odour
(a) Nitrous oxide (b) Phosgene of garlic is due to __________.
Sol.301.(a) Sweet smells like fruits. The (c) Sulphites (d) Chlorine SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift)
group of chemical compounds which are (a) iodine (b) copper
Sol.305.(c) Sulphites. Other Food
formed by bonding an alcohol group with (c) chlorine (d) sulphur
preservatives: Benzoic acid, Sodium
a group of organic acids by losing water
benzoate, nitrites, sodium sorbate and Sol.310.(d) Sulphur. Onions, leeks and
molecules is called Esters. Other
potassium sorbate. Nitrous oxide (N2O) - chives also contain Sulphur. Seafoods
chemical compounds and its Smell:
Laughing gas. Uses - Anaesthetic, are rich in iodine. Allicin, in particular, is
Terpenes - Floral, Rose, Lemon; Amines -
Semiconductor manufacturing industry, responsible for the pungent smell of
Fishy, Rotting meat; Aldehydes - Grassy,
Rocket motors as an oxidiser. garlic.
Floral; Chlorine gas - Pungent, Irritating
odour. Q.306. Which sodium compound is the Q.311. Which of the following food items
most popular additive to various items can be used as natural food
Q.302. Which of the following is the
such as sauces, salad dressings and preservatives ?
product as a result of the process of
beverages for its preservative action? Higher Secondary 28/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
hydrolysis of orthoclase.
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) Vinegar, ginger, apple and banana
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift)
(a) Sodium bicarbonate (b) Garlic, lemon, sugar and vinegar
(a) Limonite (b) Magnesite
(b) Sodium fluoride (c) Garlic, apple, salt and tamarind
(c) Gypsum (d) Kaolinite
(c) Sodium hypochlorite (d) Ginger, garlic, banana and tamarind
Sol.302.(d) Kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4): A (d) Sodium benzoate
Sol.311.(b) Garlic, lemon, sugar and
clay mineral It's commonly found in soils Sol.306.(d) Sodium benzoate vinegar. Food preservatives - Prevent
and sedimentary rocks. Used in - Rubber, (C6H5COONa). Also known as benzoate food spoilage caused by microbial
paint, paper making, and as a filler in of soda, a white crystalline chemical growth and increase the shelf life of
some products. Orthoclase (KAlSi3O8): A used in foods, such as soda, lemon juice, foods. Examples of food preservatives -
common type of feldspar mineral (a pickles, jelly, salad dressing, soy sauce. sodium benzoate, sorbic acid and
group of rock-forming minerals).
propanoic acid salts, sulphur dioxide,
Q.307. Pepperonil, ethyl acetate,
Q.303. Which of the following metal salts sulfites, potassium nitrate, erythorbic
(a) honey (b) ice cream (c) oils (d) spices Q.312. Which compound is used to
(a) KCI (b) NaCl (c) Ca(HCO3)2 (d) CaCl2
remove the skins from tomatoes,
Sol.307.(b) Ice cream. Adulteration - A
Sol.303.(d) CaCl2 (Calcium chloride). potatoes and other fruits and vegetables
the same mass number. Example of a
determination that depends upon the
Q.315. Which among the following gases pair of isobar i.e.,40Ca20 and 40Ar18.
decay to nitrogen of radiocarbon
is used in the artificial ripening of fruits? (carbon-14).The method was developed
Q.320. Which is the most popular coal in
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning)
commercial use? in 1946 by Willard Libby.
(a) Argon (b) Freon
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(c) Helium (d) Acetylene Q.324. Which of the following chemicals
(a) Bituminous (b) Anthracite
are vastly used in gunpowder of
Sol.315.(d) Acetylene. Other use: (c) Peat (d) Lignite
welding, cutting , producing rubber, flame Sol.320.(a) Bituminous coal (Dark SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon)
gouging, creating polymers and resins, brown, 45–86%). This coal is reviewed (a) Silver nitrate and charcoal
production of dyes and pigments. based on versatility, dampness (b) Silver nitrate and sulphur
substance, instability and cinder content. (c) Potassium sulphate and Phosphorous
Q.316. What is the colour of the outer
Other types of coal: Peat ( precursor of (d) Potassium nitrate, sulphur and
zone of complete combustion of a
coal, 40% carbon), Lignite (25–35%, charcoal
candle flame?
brown coal), Anthracite (86–97%
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (1st Shift) Sol.324.(d) Potassium nitrate, Sulfur
(a) Blue (b) Yellow (c) Black (d) Orange and Charcoal. The most important
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift) sparks. Antimony (glitter effects), Barium
the luminous zone (Black colour), Middle
(a) Nitrous Oxide (b) Water Vapour (green color), Calcium salts (orange
zone (Yellow colour). The burning of a
(c) Methane (d) Carbon Oxide color), Barium (bright greens), strontium
candle is both a physical and a chemical
(red), copper (blue), and sodium
change. The burning of the candle is an Sol.321.(b) Water vapour. Greenhouse (yellow). Carbon is used as a propellant
exothermic reaction. gases: carbon dioxide (CO2) 65% , in fireworks. It provides the fuel for
methane (CH4)16%, nitrous oxide (N2O), fireworks.
Q.317. What is the pH of normal milk ?
6% fluorinated gases
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
{(hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Q.325. The lead chromate which is toxic
(a) 9.1 - 9.3 (b) 8.1 - 8.3
perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and Sulphur and carcinogenic, is used for the
(c) 5.4 - 5.6 (d) 6.7 - 6.9
Hexafluoride (SF6)} 2% and ozone (O3). adulteration of __________ powder.
Sol.317.(d) 6.7 - 6.9, pH - potential of SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
Q.322. Which of the following is used in (a) chili (b) garlic (c) turmeric (d) ginger
hydrogen. pH value of Gastric juice (1.0),
photography ?
Soft Drink (2.0 - 4.0), Lemon Juice (2.2 -
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift) Sol.325.(c) Turmeric. Lead(II) chromate
2.4), Vinegar (2.4), Wine (2.8), Lime (2.8),
(a) Sodium bicarbonate (PbCrO4) is carcinogenic (causes
Apple juice (2.9 - 3.3), Soda water (3 - 4),
(b) Sodium thiosulphate cancer). Food adulteration can be
Orange juice (3.7), Butter (5), Curd (4.5 -
(c) Sodium hydroxide defined as the contamination or
5.5), Beer (4.5), Urine (4.5 - 8), coffee
(d) Sodium sulphate adulteration of food or food materials by
(5.0), Cheese (5.1 - 5.9), Tea (5.5), Saliva
adding harmful substances to it. Allicin
(6.2 - 7.6), Blood plasma (7.35 - 7.45), Sol.322.(b) Sodium thiosulphate compound (garlic's aroma). Phenolic
Alcohol (7.33), Oxygen (7.4), Baking Soda (Na₂S₂O₃) is used in photography to compounds in ginger are gingerols,
(9), Bleaching powder (11) etc. remove undecomposed AgBr as soluble shogaols, and paradols. Capsaicin is a
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component of chili peppers. Turmeric pathogenic microorganisms in certain Sol.333.(d) Quinoline Yellow belongs to
bright yellow colour is due to the foods and beverages. Haelen processing the class of quinophthalone dyes. It is
presence of curcumin. technique uses pressure treatment generally used as a food colourant. Oil
instead of heat to kill harmful pathogens Red O is a fat-soluble dye that stains
Q.326. Which of the following chemical and prolong shelf life of milk. neutral triglycerides and lipids.
compounds is a naturally occurring Pascalization or high pressure
orange/yellow pigment extracted from processing (HPP) and pulsed electric Q.334. Titanium dioxide, which is used
turmeric, which is used as a spice, in field (PEF) are non-thermal processes as a white pigment in products such as
food colouring and as a traditional herbal that are also used to pasteurize foods. toothpaste, is derived from which
medicine? mineral?
Graduate Level 02/08/2022 (Shift - 3) Q.330. Eugenol is a major component of: SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) Carmoisine (b) Tartrazine Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 (Shift - 3) (a) Fluorite (b) Ilmenite (c) Silica (d) Mica
(c) Curcumin (d) Cochineal (a) turmeric (b) ginger
(c) clove essential oil (d) tamarind Sol.334.(b) Ilmenite. The principal natural
Sol.326.(c) Curcumin {(C21H20O6), source of titanium dioxide is mined
polyphenol with anti-inflammatory Sol.330.(c) Clove essential oil. It is an ilmenite ore, which contains 45-60 percent
properties and the ability to increase the aromatic oil extracted from cloves that is TiO2. From this or from titanium slag, pure
amount of antioxidants that the body used widely as a flavouring for foods and TiO2 can be produced using the sulphate
produces}. to treat toothache. or chloride process.
Q.327. Which sodium salt of glutamic Q.331. Which vegetable contains a Q.335. Which chemical compound is
acid is commonly added to Chinese food, chemical called anthocyanin that turns composed of magnesium, sulphur and
canned vegetables, soups and processed pink/reddish in the presence of acid, oxygen and is commonly used in detox
meats to enhance the flavour? turns purple when neutral and turns blue bath to relax muscles and relieve pain in
Graduate Level 04/08/2022 (Shift - 2) or green when mixed with alkaline the shoulders, neck, back and scalp?
(a) Sodium carbonate substances? SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Afternoon)
(b) Monosodium glutamate SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Morning) (a) Epsom salt (b) Potash alum
(c) Gloxazone (a) Pomegranate (b) Red leaf lettuce (c) Rock salt (d) Glauber's salt
(d) Metasodium glutamate (c) Radish (d) Red cabbage
Sol.335.(a) Epsom salt is also known as
Sol.327.(b) Monosodium glutamate Sol.331.(d) Red Cabbage. Dietary
magnesium sulphate. Potash alum is
sources of anthocyanins are generally
fruits and vegetables are high in Q.336. The systematic name of which
Q.328. Which of the following chemical anthocyanin. compound is nitrogen trihydride that is
compounds is used as a yeast de-foaming
widely used in many industrial
Sol.339.(a) Alitame (C14H25N3O4S) was SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Morning) (c) Only (1) (d) Only (2)
developed by Pfizer and is currently (a) Polyaluminium chloride (PAC)
marketed in some countries under the (b) Aluminium sulphate (Alum) Sol.348.(a) Both (2) and (3). It raises the
brand name Aclame. It is 2000 times (c) Aluminium chloride temperature of the water body and
sweeter than sucrose, 12 times sweeter
than aspartame (C14H18N2O5), and six
(d) Nitrogen dioxide
na causes harm to the plants and living
organisms. Some of the air pollutants are
times sweeter than saccharin Sol.344.(d) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen Oxides,
(C7H5NO3S). Sucralose (C12H19Cl3O8). one of a group of highly reactive gases Ozone, Particulate Matter, Sulphur
corrosion to parts of internal combustion Q.345. Acidic drain cleaners made of However, the uniforms of firemen have a
engines and refineries? ______ or ______ acid are powerful enough coating of ______ plastic to make them
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Afternoon) to clear heavy-duty hair, food, grease, flame resistant.
(a) Potassium (b) Sulphur soap scum or paper-based clogs in 15 SSC MTS 07/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) Sodium (d) Calcium minutes or less. (a) nylon (b) melamine
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening)
fungicide and in black gunpowder. (c) sulphuric, hydrochloric airplanes, buses, etc. to prevent the
used in the purification of gold and
phlogiston theory? Wöhler
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Evening)
(a) Antoine Lavoisier (b) Robert Boyle Sol.360.(a) Morris S Kharasch and Frank
(a) Maleic acid (b) Formic acid
R Mayo. The peroxide effect, or Kharasch
(c) Friedrich Wöhler (d) Johann Becher
(c) Acetic acid (d) Nitric acid
effect, is an exception to Markovnikov's
Sol.353.(d) Nitric acid. It dissolves the Sol.357.(a) Antoine Lavoisier, known as rule, describing the addition of hydrogen
impurities like various metal oxides the "Father of Modern Chemistry," bromide (HBr) to unsymmetrical alkenes
present on the surface of gold. Gold is disproved the existence of phlogiston in the presence of peroxides. This effect
insoluble in HNO3. Nitric acid (HNO3) - It and helped to form the basis of modern results in products that differ from those
is also known as aqua fortis or spirit of chemistry using Joseph Priestley's predicted by Markovnikov's rule.
discovery of oxygen. The phlogiston
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Afternoon) released during combustion. It was first SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(a) The Finkelstein reaction proposed by Johann Joachim Becher. (a) Robert Boyle (b) Amadeo Avogadro
(b) The Swartz reaction (c) Fred Hoyle (d) Jacques Charles
(c) The Gattermann reaction Q.358. What was Antoine-Laurent
Lavoisier's most important contribution Sol.361.(b) Amadeo Avogadro.
Sol.354.(d) The Maillard reactions also SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) reconcile Dalton's atomic hypothesis with
occur in dried fruit. The browning (a) Law of Conservation of Mass Gay-Lussac's findings on combining
reactions that occur when meat is (b) Law of Multiple Proportions volumes.
roasted or seared are complex and occur (c) Law of Definite Proportions
Q.362. In which year did Robert Brown
mostly by Maillard browning with (d) Law of Conservation of Energy
observe the zigzag movement of
contributions from other chemical
Sol.358.(a) Law of Conservation of Mass colloidal particles in solution ?
reactions, including the breakdown of the
states that mass can neither be created SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (2nd shift)
tetrapyrrole rings of the muscle protein
nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. The (a) 1829 (b) 1827 (c) 1828 (d) 1826
Law of Multiple Proportions (John
Dalton) states that the masses of one Sol.362.(b) 1827. Robert Brown
Q.355. Which among the following is
element which combine with a fixed observed the zigzag movement of
used as the fining agent in wine?
mass of the second element are in a colloidal particles, known as Brownian
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning)
ratio of whole numbers. The law of motion. This phenomenon involves the
(a) Gelatin (b) Chlorine
conservation of energy (Julius Robert random movement of particles
(c) Sodium (d) Baking Soda
Mayer) states that energy can neither be suspended in a fluid, caused by collisions
Sol.355.(a) Gelatin. Fining is the process created nor destroyed, only converted with fast atoms or molecules in the gas
where a substance (fining agent) is from one form to another. or liquid.
added to the wine to create an adsorbent,
Q.359. Which allotrope of carbon was Q.363. Who discovered the atomic
enzymatic or ionic bond with the
discovered by Robert F Curl, Harold W number based on X-ray wavelength in
suspended particles, producing larger
Kroto and Richard E Smalley in 1985 ? 1913 ?
molecules and larger particles that will
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (4th shift)
precipitate out of the wine more readily
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(a) RA Millikan discovery. Henry Cavendish reported near absolute zero (-273.15 degrees
(b) Henry Moseley measurements of the gravitational Celsius, or -460 degrees Fahrenheit).
(c) Dmitri Mendeleev constant, along with the mass and Discoveries of Albert Einstein: Theory of
(d) AEB de Chancourtois density of the Earth, in June 1798. Relativity, Photoelectric Effect,
Mass-Energy Equivalence (E = mc2).
Sol.363.(b) Henry Moseley. Scientists Q.367. By whom was the equation C =
and Discovery: Dmitri Mendeleev - KPgas formulated in 1803 ? Q.371. In 1957, who redefined a model
Periodic table of elements. AEB de SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) that predicted the shape of individual
Chancourtois - organise elements by (a) Edme Mariotte (b) Jacques Charles molecules based on the extent of
atomic weights. RA Millikan - the (c) William Henry (d) Robert Boyle electron-pair electrostatic repulsion ?
magnitude of the electron's. Jagadish SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning)
Chandra Bose – Crescograph. C.V. Sol.367.(c) William Henry. In 1803 a (a) Marcet and Pauling
Raman - Discovery of Raman effect. scientist named William Henry (b) Heitler and London
formulated a new law which soon (c) Staudinger and Perey
Q.364. In 1812, who described the became known as Henry’s Law. He (d) Nyholm and Gillespie
hypothesis that equal volumes of discovered that “At a constant
different gases contain an equal number temperature, the amount of a given gas Sol.371.(d) Nyholm and Gillespie.
of molecules ? that dissolves in a given type and volume Scientists and discovery: Pauling - He
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (1st shift) of liquid is directly proportional to the discovered the alpha-helix structure of
(a) John Dalton (b) Albert Einstein partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium proteins and discovered that sickle-cell
(c) James Watt (d) Amedeo Avogadro with that liquid.” anaemia is a molecular disease. Heitler
and London - Valence bond method.
Sol.364.(d) Amedeo Avogadro. John Q.368. Which British scientist is known Staudinger - Theories on the polymer
Dalton presented his famous atomic for developing the principle of structures of fibres and plastics. Perey -
theory in 1803, in which he described the holography in 1947 to improve the
atom as the smallest and indivisible resolution of the electron microscope?
particle of matter. This theory became SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) Q.372. Which scientist synthesized an
the foundation of chemistry. James Watt,
on the other hand, made important na
(a) Dennis Gabor (b) Charles Towns
(c) Lloyd Cross (d) Werner Heisenberg
organic compound, urea, from an
inorganic compound, ammonium
improvements to the steam engine, cyanate?
which accelerated the Industrial Sol.368.(a) Dennis Gabor. Holography - It SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening)
process of applying a thin layer of microscope that uses a beam of Sol.372.(b) F Wohler. Urea, also known
metallic silver to one side of a clear glass electrons as a source of illumination. as carbamide, is an organic compound
pane and created the first mirror ? with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2 .
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (4th shift) Q.369. Which Nobel Laureate conducted
(a) CV Raman an experiment in the late 19th century and Q.373. Which theory was published by
observed that a glass tube filled with a John Dalton in 1808 to explain chemical
(b) CH Townes
(c) Victor Francis Hess low-pressure gas emitted radiation when reactions ?
a voltage was applied between two metal SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Sol.365.(d) Justus von Liebig. He was a SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) (b) Valence bond theory
German scientist who made major (a) Hideki Yukawa (b) Paul Dirac (c) Quantum field theory
contributions to the theory, practice, and (c) Victor Francis Hess (d) Philipp Lenard (d) Molecular orbital theory
pedagogy of chemistry, as well as to
agricultural and biological chemistry. C.V. Sol.369.(d) Philipp Lenard. He was Sol.373.(a) Atomic Theory. Dalton’s
Raman: Indian physicist known for his recipient of the Nobel Prize in 1905 for atomic theory states that all matter
work on light scattering (Raman effect). Physics for his research on cathode rays whether an element or a compound or a
His Awards: Nobel Prize (1930), and and the discovery of many of their mixture is composed of small particles
Bharat Ratna (1954). properties. called atoms. Atoms are indivisible
particles which cannot be created or
Q.366. Who was recognised for his Q.370. In which year did Albert Einstein destroyed in a chemical reaction.
services in the discovery of inert gaseous predict a new state of matter, the
elements in air and in the determination Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), based Q.374. With which scientist did William
of their place in the periodic system? on a quantum formulation by the Indian Ramsay show in 1894 that air also
Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1) physicist Satyendra Nath Bose ? contained an element unknown until
(a) Henry Cavendish SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) then, which was named Argon?
(b) Sir William Ramsay (a) 1935 (b) 1919 (c) 1924 (d) 1930 SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd shift)
(c) Lord Rayleigh (a) Lord Rayleigh
Sol.370.(c) 1924. Bose-Einstein (b) Hermann Staudinger
(d) Henry Miers condensates are described as the fifth (c) Glenn Seaborg
Sol.366.(b) Sir William Ramsay was a state of matter, alongside solids, liquids, (d) Harold Urey
Scottish chemist and he received the gases, and plasmas. This matter occurs
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1904 for this when particles (bosons) are cooled to Sol.374.(a) Lord Rayleigh. Hermann
Q.376. In 1950, which Russian tendency of an atom to attract a bonding ones.
astronomer revised the 'nebular pair of electrons. Pauling established
Electronegativity as the ‘power’ of an Q.384. Who received the Nobel Prize 'for
hypothesis’, proposing that the sun is
atom in a molecule to attract electrons to his research in the stereochemistry of
surrounded by a solar nebula consisting
itself. The Mulliken scale is based on the organic molecules and reactions' in 1975 ?
mainly of hydrogen and helium as well as
properties of individual atoms. SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(a) Vladimir Prelog
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (2nd shift)
Q.380. Which German chemist and (b) William N Lipscomb
(a) Viktor Safronov (b) George Gamow
and expert in the history of physics and Sol.380.(c) Erich Huckel. Friedrich
mathematics. Kekule gave the Kekule structure in 1865, Q.385. In which year did Antoine
that is the ring structure (Benzene) with Lavoisier publish 'Methods of Chemical
Q.377. When did Louis Pasteur discover
alternate double bonds. Diffraction data Nomenclature', which included the rules
Q.388. In which year did AEB de structures of inorganic substances - 1902, discovered the Fischer
Chancourtois organise the elements by chemical compounds that do not contain esterification. Henry Taube: Nobel Prize
atomic weight, by graphing the elements carbon? in Chemistry 1983, "for his work on the
around a cylinder with a circumference of SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift) mechanisms of electron transfer
16 units, corresponding to the weight of (a) Alfred Werner (b) William Ramsay reactions, especially in metal complexes"
oxygen (O) ? (c) George de Hevesy (d) John Dalton
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (2nd Shift) Q.397. Who co-invented the device called
(a) 1862 (b) 1860 (c) 1870 (d) 1868 Sol.392.(a) Alfred Werner. Sir William Cyclotron in 1934 along with Ernest
aromatic compound must have an odd SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (3rd Shift) etc).
number of pairs of electrons, which can (a) Hennig Brand (b) Niels Bohr
mathematically be written as 4n + 2 (n = (c) Jacob Berzelius (d) John Dalton Q.398. Who was credited with
0,1,2,3 etc.) ? discovering the hydrogen isotope, or
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift) Sol.393.(c) Jacob Berzelius. Identified heavy hydrogen, for which he later
(a) Antoine Lavoisier (b) Erich Huckel and named the phenomenon of catalysis, received the 1934 Nobel Prize in
(c) Auguste Laurent (d) Jacob Berzelius and described how chemical bonds can Chemistry?
form by electrostatic attraction - SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
Sol.389.(b) Erich Huckel (1931). Two nowadays called ionic bonding. (a) Francis William Aston
major contributions: the Debye–Huckel
(b) Glenn Theodore Seaborg
theory of electrolytic solutions and the Q.394. In which year did Langmuir
(c) Harold C Urey
Huckel method of approximate reform the Lewis concept by abandoning
(d) Fritz Haber
molecular orbital (MO) calculations on π the idea of a stable cubical arrangement
electron systems. of the octet and introducing the term Sol.398.(c) Harold C Urey. Francis
‘covalent bond’ ? William Aston discovered that neon had
Q.390. In 1887, the Royal Society, London SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (3rd Shift) two isotopes, 20Ne and 21Ne in 1919.
gave the Davy Medal for the ‘discovery of (a) 1919 (b) 1915 (c) 1921 (d) 1917 Glenn Theodore Seaborg, Co-discoverer
the periodic law of chemical elements’ to
of plutonium and all further transuranium
______. Sol.394.(a) 1919.
elements. Fritz Haber developed a
SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Q.395. Which French chemist was one of method for producing ammonia from
(a) AEB de Chancourtois
the first scientists to synthesize organic nitrogen and hydrogen in 1913.
(b) Dmitri Mendeleev
(c) Lothar Meyer compounds such as formic acid,
Q.399. In the 1920s, who created the
(d) John Alexander Newland methane and acetylene from their
Left-Step Periodic Table (LSPT) of the
elements ?
chemical elements, basing the positions
Sol.390.(d) John Alexander Newland SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift)
of the elements on patterns in the
stated the law of octaves (1865). The law (a) Jacob Berzelius
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arrangement of electrons around the SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (c) 2,3-Dichlorobenzene
atomic nucleus? (a) Methanoic acid (b) Propionic acid (d) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
Graduate Level 05/08/2022 (Shift - 3) (c) Ethanoic acid (d) Butyric acid
(a) Glenn Seaborg (b) Lothar Meyer Sol.407.(d) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene. Ortho-
Sol.403.(d) Butyric acid. It is utilized in (1,2-) means the substituents are located
(c) Charles Janet (d) Dmitri Mendeleev
the production of various butyrate esters on adjacent carbon atoms, at positions 1
Sol.399.(c) Charles Janet. Glenn (e.g., methyl butyrate), which have and 2. Meta- (1,3-) means the
Theodore Seaborg (1951 Nobel Prize in pleasant aromas and tastes and are used substituents are separated by one
Chemistry) - Discovery and investigation as additives in foods, perfumes, carbon atom, located at positions 1 and
of ten transuranium elements. Julius flavorings, varnishes, pharmaceuticals, 3. Para- (1,4-) means the substituents are
Lothar Meyer was one of the pioneers in and disinfectants. Methanoic acid opposite each other on the ring, located
developing the earliest versions of the (HCOOH), Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH), at positions 1 and 4. These terms are
periodic table of the chemical elements. Propanoic acid (CH3CH2COOH). commonly used to describe the relative
positions of two substituents on
Q.400. Who showed that heating silver Q.404. Identify the structural formula for
aromatic compounds like benzene.
cyanide (an inorganic compound) with magnesium hydroxide.
ammonium chloride (another inorganic SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Q.408. In the IUPAC name of a
compound) produced urea without the (a) MgOH (b) MgO2 compound, the _______indicates the total
aid of any living organism or part of a (c) Mg2H2 (d) Mg(OH)2 number of carbon atoms present in the
living organism, in 1828 ? longest carbon chain belonging to the
Sol.404.(d) Mg(OH)2. Magnesium
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Evening) compound.
hydroxide is an inorganic compound. It is
(a) Antoine Lavoisier (b) Friedrich Wohler SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
naturally found as the mineral brucite.
(c) Ernest Lawrence (d) Alfred Werner (a) Infix (b) Suffix (c) Root (d) Prefix
Magnesium hydroxide can be used as an
Sol.400.(b) Friedrich Wohler (German antacid or a laxative in either an oral Sol.408.(c) Root. The suffix in IUPAC
chemist) known for his work in inorganic liquid suspension or chewable tablet nomenclature is usually a functional
chemistry, was the first to isolate the form. group belonging to the molecule which
chemical elements beryllium and yttrium follows the root of the name. For
Q.405. Milk of magnesia is a suspension
in pure metallic form. example, in the case of alcohols, the
of ______ in water.
suffix is -ol, as seen in ethanol. Prefixes
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift)
Common Name are added prior to the root of the
odourless, non-toxic gas of high appearance. Name of base and Found in: (a) prim-propyl alcohol
chemical stability and inertness. It is also Calcium hydroxide - Lime water, (b) tert-butyl alcohol
non-flammable and about 5 times Ammonium hydroxide - Window cleaner, (c) ethyl alcohol
heavier than air-one of the heaviest Sodium hydroxide/Potassium hydroxide - (d) methanol
Sol.411.(c) CH3Cl (Methyl chloride). It is Sol.415.(a) Slaked lime. Calcium Sol.420.(c) -onium. Ion - An atom or
also known as Chloromethane. It is a hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] reacts slowly with molecule with a net electric charge due
clear, colourless gas. It has a faint, sweet the carbon dioxide in air to form a thin to the loss or gain of electrons. Types of
odour. It is heavier than air, and it is layer of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on ions : Cation - having positively charged
extremely flammable. It is used primarily the walls. ions. Anions- having negatively charged
in the manufacture of silicones, but was ions. Monatomic - Containing only one
Q.416. Oxolane is a synonym of which
formerly used as a refrigerant and atom. Polyatomic ion - Ion that contains
compound having the molecular formula
anaesthetic. more than one atom.
(CH2)3CH2O ?
Q.412. In alchemy, aqua fortis is the SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (2nd shift) Q.421. What is the chemical name for
(a) Thiophene (b) Tetrahedrane ionic compound MgCl2 ?
classical name of which chemical
(c) Tetrahydrofuran (d) Tropolone SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon)
compound that is used chiefly in the
manufacture of explosives and fertilizers, Sol.416.(c) Tetrahydrofuran (C4H8O). (a) Sodium iodide
and in organic synthesis? Other synonyms: Butylene oxide, (b) Manganese chloride
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) Tetramethylene oxide. The compound is (c) Cesium fluoride
(a) Hydrobromic acid (b) Nitric acid classified as a heterocyclic compound, (d) Magnesium chloride
(c) Chloric acid (d) Formic acid specifically a cyclic ether. It is a Sol.421.(d) Magnesium chloride (MgCl2)
colourless, water-miscible organic liquid consists of one magnesium ion (Mg2+)
Sol.412.(b) Nitric acid (HNO₃) - A
with low viscosity. and two chloride ions (Cl-) in an ionic
colourless liquid with yellow or red fumes
with an acrid odour. It is a highly bond.
Q.417. What is the IUPAC name of
corrosive liquid (Freezing point −42 °C
allylamine which is used to make Q.422. Sodium Hydroxide is the chemical
[−44 °F], Boiling point 83 °C [181 °F]). pharmaceuticals and other chemicals? name of which of the following common
Used: Manufacture of fertilisers, dyes,
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (4th shift) substances?
and explosives and also in the polymer (a) Propan-1-amine SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening)
(b) Benzenamine (a) Bleaching Powder (b) Borax
(c) N-Methylethanamine (c) Caustic Soda (d) Chalk
Q.413. The preferred IUPAC name of Allyl
(d) 2-Propen-1-amine
bromide is:
Sol.422.(c) Caustic Soda. It is used to
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) Sol.417.(d) 2-Propen-1-Amine (C3H7N). manufacture soaps, rayon, paper,
(a) 3-Bromopropene (b) 1-Bromopantene
explosives, dyestuffs, and petroleum
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift) single atom are named by adding the
pharmaceuticals, synthetic perfumes and
(a) Une (b) Unl (c) Unm (d) Unu suffix ____ to the stem of the name of the
other organic compounds.
3-isomer (or meta-isomer) of is the world authority on chemical (a) -onium (b) -ide (c) -ic (d) -ous
benzenediol with the chemical formula nomenclature as well as terminology. It
desserts, chewing gum, sauces, syrups, compound names – formulas is correct ?
I. Calcium oxide – Ca2O thickening of food. It is used in chip
etc. Saccharin (C7H5NO3S) - 550 times as
II. Aluminium Oxide – Al2O3 fabrication for semiconductors.
sweet as sucrose. Sucralose
(C12H19Cl3O8) - about 320 to 1,000 times SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Evening)
Q.436. Ferrum is the Latin name for ___ .
sweeter than sucrose. Neotame (a) Only I (b) Both I and II
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Morning)
(C20H330N2O5) - 8000 times sweeter than (c) Neither I nor II (d) Only II (a) nickel (b) copper (c) iron (d) zinc
Sol.431.(d) Only II. Calcium Oxide (CaO), Sol.436.(c) Iron (Fe). Copper (Cu)-
Q.427. Which of the following is an Uses - manufacturing of cement, paper, Cuprum, Zinc (Zn) - Zincum, Antimony
organic compound with the formula and high-grade steel. Aluminium Oxide (Sb) - Stibium, Gold (Au) - Aurum, Lead
CH3OC6H5 used as a perfume, fragrance (Al2,O3), Uses - refractories, ceramics, (Pb) - Plumbum, Mercury (Hg) -
and solvent? and polishing and abrasive applications Hydrargyrum, Potassium (K) - Kalium,
SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (4th Shift) etc. Silver (Ag) - Argentum, Sodium (Na) -
(a) Anisole (b) Toluene Natrium, Tin (Sn) - Stannum, Tungsten
Q.432. Calcium hypochlorite is
CH3OC6H5). Toluene (C6H5CH3) is found (a) bordeaux mixture (b) bleaching powder scientific name of the mineral called
naturally in crude oil, and is used in oil (c) laughing gas (d) gunpowder chromite?
fragrance in soaps and perfumes and as Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide, N2O) or
(b) Copper chromium oxide
a flavouring agent in foods. Aniline happy gas, is a colourless,
(c) Silver chromium oxide
(C6H5NH2) used to make dyes, drugs, non-flammable gas. Used in medical and
(d) Iron chromium oxide
explosives, plastics, and photographic dental procedures as a sedative.
Sol.437.(d) Iron chromium oxide.
and rubber chemicals. Q.433. Which of the following pairs of Chromite is used as a refractory in the
Q.428. The chemical formula of borax is compound names – formula is correct? production of steel, copper, glass, and
. I. Hydrogen chloride – H2Cl cement. Chromite occurs as a primary
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift) II. Hydrogen sulphide – HS2 accessory mineral in basic and ultrabasic
(a) Na2B5O7.10H2O (b) Na2B4O7.10H2O SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon) igneous rocks.
(c) Na2B4O7.5H2O (d) Na2B4O7.12H2O (a) Only II (b) Neither I nor II
(c) Only I (d) Both I and II Q.438. Which of the following is the
Sol.428.(b) Na2B4O7.10H2O. Borax (tincal, common name of a natural admixture
sodium tetraborate decahydrate) is a Sol.433.(b) Neither I nor II. Hydrogen mineral of zinc carbonate and hydrous
natural mineral and a salt of boric acid. It Chloride (HCl) used for cleaning, pickling, zinc silicate?
is also known as sodium borate, sodium electroplating metals, tanning leather, SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Afternoon)
tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate. It and refining. Hydrogen sulphide (H₂S) (a) Chalk (b) Borax
can be used in the testing of cleaning used to produce heavy water for nuclear (c) Calamine (d) Benzol
agent, insecticide, water softening agent power plants.
Sol.438.(c) Calamine. To differentiate
and diabetes mellitus.
Q.434. Which of the following is the the minerals, they were given new names
Q.429. Which of the following is soda correct chemical formula of sodium of: Smithsonite (zinc carbonate)
lime ? aluminate ? Hemimorphite (hydrous zinc silicate).
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Miscellaneous Q.443. Which of the following is NOT a nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and water, are
greenhouse gas ? generally considered perfect.
Q.439. Who among the following coined SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Biogeochemical cycles describe the
the name oxygen for the element (a) Methane (b) Carbon dioxide movement of elements and compounds
released by mercury oxide in 1779? (c) Nitrous oxide (d) Nitric oxide across Earth's systems (Atmosphere,
SSC Stenographer 11/12/2024 (Afternoon) Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere,
Sol.443.(d) Nitric oxide. The greenhouse and Pedosphere) and are essential for
(a) John Dalton
effect is a natural process that warms transforming matter and energy into
(b) Martin Klaproth
the Earth's surface by trapping heat from usable forms.
(c) Jons Jacob Berzelius
the sun. Greenhouse gases, such as
(d) Antoine Lavoisier
methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen Q.447. Which of the following is the main
Sol.439.(d) Antoine Lavoisier recognized dioxide, ozone, and water vapor, absorb active ingredient of clove oil?
oxygen as key to combustion and named and emit infrared radiation, functioning SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
it from the Greek "oxys" (acid) and similarly to a greenhouse. This process is (a) Eugenol (b) Curcuma
"genes" (producer). He initially thought it essential for maintaining the Earth's (c) Malic acid (d) Tartaric acid
was essential for acid formation, but temperature and climate.
Sol.447.(a) Eugenol. Curcumin is the
later discovered its broader role in
Q.444. Identify an example of plasma as main compound found in turmeric. Malic
combustion and respiration. Martin
a state of matter. acid is the main acid in many fruits,
Heinrich Klaproth was a German chemist
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) including apricots, blackberries,
who discovered uranium (1789) and
(a) Blood (b) Dry ice blueberries, cherries, grapes etc. Tartaric
zirconium (1789). Jons Jacob Berzelius
(c) Freon (d) Neon sign bulbs acid is an organic acid found in fruits
discovered Thorium in 1829.
such as bananas, grapes and tamarind,
Sol.444.(d) Neon sign bulbs. Plasma is a and many vegetables.
Q.440. What is the chemical formula for
hot, ionized gas made up of roughly
the compound commonly known as
equal numbers of positively charged ions Q.448. Which phenomenon is opposite
'laughing gas' ?
and negatively charged electrons. It has to solidification?
SSC MTS 09/10/2024 (1st Shift)
distinct characteristics that differentiate SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
(a) NO (b) N2O3 (c) N2O (d) NO2
it from ordinary neutral gases, making it (a) Condensation (b) Fusion
Sol.440.(c) N2O. Nitrous oxide, often a "fourth state of matter" (solid, liquid, (c) Vaporisation (d) Sublimation
gas, and plasma). Plasmas are strongly
Q.441. Calculate the oxidation number of _______hydronium ion. of vaporization, which is the conversion
‘S’ in H2S2O7 SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift) from liquid or solid to gas. Sublimation is
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) (a) tetrahedral (b) square planar the direct change from solid to gas
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 2 (c) square pyramid (d) trigonal pyramidal without passing through the liquid phase.
Sol.441.(c) 6. To calculate the oxidation Sol.445.(d) Trigonal pyramidal. A Q.449. Which of the following figures
number of S in H2S2O7: trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry is accurately depicts the inter-conversion of
Assign oxidation numbers to known a shape where one atom is at the top, or the three states of matter ?
elements: H = +1 and O = -2 apex, and three atoms form a triangular
Write the equation: 2(+1) + 2x + 7(-2) = 0 base, similar to a tetrahedron. The bond
⇒ 2 + 2x - 14 = 0 ⇒ 2x = 12 ⇒ x = 6. angle of a trigonal pyramid is usually
109.5°. A proton is a positively charged SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift)
Q.442. The chemical formula of glucose hydrogen ion (H+). When a proton bonds (a) c (b) d (c) b (d) a
is C6H12O6. The weight % of carbon in to a water molecule (H₂O), the resulting
glucose is: ion is called a hydronium ion (H₃O+). Sol.449.(c) b. Interconversion of states
SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) of matter refers to the process where
Q.446. Which cycle consists of matter changes between solid, liquid,
(a) 40 (b) 72 (c) 53 (d) 25
sedimentary and gaseous cycles? and gas states, and back, without
Sol.442.(a) 40. Calculate the molar mass SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (1st shift) altering its chemical composition. This
of glucose (C6H12O6) = (6 x 12) + (12 x 1) (a) Biogeogaseous cycle physical change is influenced by
+ (6 x 16) = 72 + 12 + 96 = 180 g/mol. (b) Biogeo cycle temperature and pressure. Plasma, the
Total mass of carbon (C) = 6 x 12 = 72 g. (c) Biogeochemical cycle fourth state of matter, is an ionized gas
We Know that, (d) Biochemical cycle consisting of roughly equal numbers of
Percentage by Weight positively and negatively charged
Sol.446.(c) Biogeochemical cycle.
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑛 particles.
= × 100 Sedimentary cycles include iron, calcium,
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐺𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒
sulfur, and phosphorus, but are imperfect Q.450. One mole of Aluminium Sulphate
⇒ × 100 = 40 %. as some nutrients become trapped in Al2(SO4)3 contains :
sediments. Gaseous cycles, involving SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
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(a) 3 moles of oxygen atoms glucose). Adulterant means any material with starch. This indicates the presence
(b) 6 moles of oxygen atoms employed for the purpose of of carbohydrates in the food item to
(c) 4 moles of oxygen atoms adulteration. To assess the authenticity which iodine solution was added.
(d) 12 moles of oxygen atoms of Turmeric powder, mix a teaspoon of Example : If Iodine is added to a peeled
haldi with water; genuine Turmeric potato then it will turn black.
Sol.450.(d) 12 moles of oxygen atoms. settles at the bottom, displaying a pale
This is because each sulfate ion (SO4)2- yellow hue, while adulterated Turmeric Q.458. Which of the following
has 4 oxygen atoms, and since there are turns dark yellow in water. statements best describes the
3 sulfate ions in the formula, the total is 3 characteristics of a crystalline solid ?
× 4 = 12 oxygen atoms. Q.454. At standard temperature and SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift)
pressure (STP), the value of temperature (a) Easily experiences geometric
Q.451. Which inert gas is used in is: deformation
double-glazed windows to fill the space SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 (b) There is no precise melting point
between the panes? (a) 0°C (b) 27°C (c) Has an uneven 3-dimensional layouts
Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1) (c) 25.51°C (d) 273.15°C (d) Changes abruptly from solid to liquid
(a) Xenon (b) Radon when heated
(c) Argon (d) Helium Sol.454.(a) 0°C (273.15 K or 32 degrees
Fahrenheit). Standard temperature and Sol.458.(d) Crystalline solids - They
Sol.451.(c) Argon. Argon is used in pressure (STP) refers to the nominal exhibit anisotropic properties, varying in
double-glazed windows because it has conditions in the atmosphere at sea electrical resistance and refractive index
low thermal conductivity, which level. The standard pressure is 1 atm values across different directions within
enhances the insulating properties of the (atmospheric pressure). At STP, one mole the same crystals. Examples: Quartz,
window. This helps to reduce heat of any gas will have a volume of 22.4 calcite, sugar, mica, diamonds,
transfer, making the windows more litres. snowflakes, rock, calcium fluoride, silicon
energy-efficient by minimizing heat loss
dioxide, and alum.
in the winter and heat gain in the Q.455. Synthetic fibres, elastomers,
summer. polymers and surfactant intermediate Q.459. Which of the following correctly
are all subgroups of ________ industries. represents the number of atoms in one
Q.452. Gases, especially oxygen and SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) mole of CH3OH ?
carbon dioxide, are essential for the (a) petrochemical (b) textile SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (3rd shift)
survival of aquatic animals and plants. (c) pharmaceutical (d) sugar (a) 6.0 × 1023 (b) 3.6 × 1024
(a) condensation (b) evaporation polymers, such as textiles. Elastomers: of methanol contains 6 atoms, including
(c) sublimation (d) diffusion Polymers with high elasticity and 4 moles of hydrogen atoms, 1 mole of
flexibility, commonly used in products oxygen atoms, and 1 mole of carbon
Sol.452.(d) Diffusion - It is the like rubber bands and tires. Polymers: atoms. So C = 1, H = 3 + 1 or 4, O = 1.
movement of molecules from a region of Large molecules formed by the repeated 1 mole of atoms corresponds to
higher concentration to a region of lower linking of smaller units (monomers), Avogadro's number of atoms which is
concentration, down the concentration often used to create diverse materials 6.02 × 1023.
gradient. Other applications : Water such as plastics, rubber, and fibres. 6 mole of atoms = 6 × 6.02 × 1023
present in the soil diffuses into plants ⇒ 6 mole of atoms = 36.12 × 1023
Q.456. The synthesis of which chemical
through their root hair cells; Carbon ⇒ 6 mole of atoms = 3.6 × 1024.
dioxide moves from cells into the blood. is inhibited due to aspirin?
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) Q.460. Which of the following chemical
Condensation - Change of the state of
(a) Histamines (b) Pyrites compounds, that is used as a food
matter from the gas phase into the liquid
(c) Analgesics (d) Prostaglandins preservative in some sauces and
phase. Example - Formation of Rain
beverages, retains their natural colour
droplets. Evaporation - Changes of liquid Sol.456.(d) Prostaglandins : It
and protects against bacteria?
to gaseous states. Sublimation - stimulates inflammation in the tissue
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Conversion of solid to gaseous states. and causes pain. These drugs are
(a) Dihydroxy benzene
effective in relieving skeletal pain such
Q.453. To check the presence of (b) Hydrazine hydrate
as that due to arthritis. Histamine - A
adulterated sugar solution in honey, a (c) Potassium metabisulphite
neurotransmitter and a regulator of
cotton wick dipped in the sample is (d) Monosodium glutamate
gastric acid secretion. It is released from
ignited with a match stick. Adulteration is
Basophil and Mast cell. Sol.460.(c) Potassium metabisulphite.
confirmed if:
Other Food Preservatives - Sodium
SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023 Q.457. Which of the following tests is
benzoate, calcium propionate, and
(a) it burns with a violet coloured flame used for starch detection?
potassium sorbate. m -
(b) it burns smoothly SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Dihydroxybenzene (Resorcinol) : Uses -
(c) it burns with a green coloured flame (a) Iodine test (b) Glucose test
Manufacture of resins, plastics, dyes,
(d) it burns with a crackling sound (c) Salt test (d) Sodium test
medicine and other organic chemical
Sol.453.(d) It burns with a crackling Sol.457.(a) Iodine test. The light compounds. Hydrazine hydrate is used
sound. Honey is composed of water and orange-brown colour Iodine solution as a reducing agent, blowing agent,
two types of Sugars (fructose and turns blue-black in colour when it reacts corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger or
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intermediate of synthesis. Monosodium (c) Peroxide value catalyst. It is used as fire retardant.
glutamate is a flavour enhancer in foods. (d) Saponification value
Q.469. What type of isomerism exists in
Q.461. ______ is the process of complete Sol.464.(d) Saponification value - It is compounds containing two or more
or incomplete oxidation or hydrolysis of the number of milligrams of potassium complexes, each of which contains a
fats and oils when exposed to air, light, hydroxide (KOH) required to neutralize different set of ligands that can in
moisture, or bacterial action that spoils the fatty acids obtained by complete principle be replaced with a ligand of the
food. hydrolysis of one gram of fat or oil. other complex?
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift) SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Q.465. Galvanisation is a process in
(a) Rancidification (b) Hydrogenation (a) Coordination isomerism
which a protective _______ coating is
(c) Auto-oxidation (d) Auto reduction (b) Solvate Isomerism
applied on iron to prevent it from rusting.
(c) Linkage isomerism
Sol.461.(a) Rancidification (Examples - SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(d) Ionization isomerism
Milk becomes rancid because of not (a) nickel (b) zinc (c) copper (d) silver
heating it in the humid atmosphere, Oil Sol.469.(a) Coordination isomerism.
Sol.465.(b) Zinc. Galvanization protects [Co(NH3)6][Cr(CN)6] is a coordination
becomes rancid (rancid oil) because of
steel and iron from rusting and is isomer with [Cr(NH3)6][Co(CN)6].
the decomposition of fats it has).
commonly used in construction, pipes, Ionization isomerism involves the
Q.462. Which of the following is the and automotive parts to prevent exchange of ions inside and outside the
correct Lewis structure of O3 ? corrosion, while adding a small amount coordination sphere. An example of
of carbon to pure iron increases its ionization isomerism is [Co(NH3)5SO4]Br
strength and hardness. and [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4. Solvate (Hydrate)
isomerism are the isomers which have
Q.466. _________ is a process in which
natural rubber is treated with sulphur to the same composition but differ with
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (1st shift) make it more durable and elastic. respect to the number of solvent ligand
(a) c (b) a (c) b (d) d SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon) molecules as well as the counterion in
(a) Saponification (b) Fermentation the crystal lattice.
Sol.462.(d) Lewis structure: A graphical
(c) Vulcanisation (d) Carbonation Q.470. How many anions surround a
representation of a molecule, showing
the arrangement of atoms and valence Sol.466.(c) Vulcanisation. This process sodium ion in a crystal lattice of sodium
electrons using dots to depict bonding was discovered by Charles Goodyear. chloride?
and lone pairs. The O3 molecule has no Saponification is the process of SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
net charge, the Lewis structures reveal a converting fats and oils into soap. (a) Six (b) Eight (c) Seven (d) Nine
+1 charge on the central oxygen and a -1
brown colour? (a) Linen (b) Cotton (c) Rayon (d) Jute
(a) Hydrogen fluoride SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(b) Sodium monofluorophosphate (a) Filtration (b) Caramelisation Sol.471.(c) Rayon. Examples of Natural
(c) Sulphur hexafluoride (c) Emulsification (d) Bromination fibres (Fibres obtained from natural
(d) Calcium fluoride sources like plants and animals) include :
Sol.467.(b) Caramelisation. Cotton, Silk, Wool, Linen, Jute and Hemp.
Sol.463.(c) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). It Emulsification is the process of breaking Examples of Artificial fibres (Fibres
is a colorless, odorless, non - flammable, down fat into smaller blood cells so that which are manufactured in laboratories)
non - toxic gas and an inorganic gas enzymes can operate and food may be include Rayon, Nylon, Polyester, Acrylic
made up of sulphur and fluorine used in digested more easily. Filtration is defined and Aramid.
electrical switchgear, transformers, and as the process of separating suspended
substations as an electrical insulation, solid matter from a liquid, by causing the Q.472. What test is used where the
arc quenching and cooling medium. latter to pass through the pores of a elements present in the compound are
Other Greenhouse Gases - Carbon membrane. converted from covalent form into the
dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous ionic form by fusing the compound with
oxide (N2O), Fluorinated gases such as Q.468. Which of the following is not a sodium metal?
Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, technique or a step to convert normal SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Morning)
sulphur hexafluoride and nitrogen water to potable water? (a) Flame test (b) D-dimer test
trifluoride. SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) Blood test (d) Lassaigne’s test
(a) Filtration (b) Bromination
Q.464. How is the molecular weight of Sol.472.(d) Lassaigne's test helps to
(c) Boiling (d) Chlorination
fatty acid determined? detect Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Halogens in
Matric Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2) Sol.468.(b) Bromination - Oxidation of organic compounds. A flame test is a
(a) iodine value hydrobromic acid by hydrogen peroxide qualitative analysis used by the chemist
(b) Acid value in the absence of any transition metal to identify the metal and metalloid ion in
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Pinnacle Chemistry
the sample. A D-dimer test is a blood test (CH3COOH), also called ethanoic acid, is table salt.
that can be used to help rule out the the most important of the carboxylic
presence of a serious blood clot. acids. Ethanoic or acetic acid is used in Q.483. In a galvanic cell, the half-cell in
making dyes, pigments, and paint, and which oxidation takes place is called
Q.473. Carbon monoxide contains coating additives. ______ and it has a negative potential
approximately ______ of oxygen for each with respect to the solution.
1.00 g of carbon. Q.478. Iron nails become ______ after SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Evening) being dipped in copper sulphate solution. (a) cathode (b) anode (c) diode (d) triode
(a) 0.23 g (b) 2.66 g (c) 1.33 g (d) 4.11 g SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) greenish (b) bluish Sol.483.(b) Anode. Oxidation takes place
Sol.473.(c) 1.33 g. Every sample of at anode. And reduction happens at the
(c) brownish (d) greyish
carbon monoxide contains 16.0 g of cathode in a galvanic cell. Since the
oxygen for every 12.0 g of carbon. Sol.478.(c) Brownish. Iron Nail is Fe and reaction at the anode is the source of
Carbon Monoxide is used in the blue copper sulphate is CuSO4. When nail electrons for the current, the anode is the
purification of nickel. It is used as a is kept in it, Fe being more reactive than negative terminal of the galvanic cell.
reducing agent. It is used in water gas copper, it displaces copper from Copper
shift reactions to produce hydrogen. sulphate and forms Ferrous Sulphate Q.484. NPK is a:
which is greenish blue, and the copper SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning)
Q.474. As per WHO (World Health displaces deposits around nails giving it (a) Fertilizer used for increasing fertility
Organization), which of the following is colour of reddish brown. of soil
NOT an example of disinfection (b) Medicine used to control pests
by-products formed at traditional Q.479. What is the meaning of the Greek (c) Brand of sprinkler for irrigation
drinking water treatment plants? origin word, ‘Elektron’ ? (d) Sanitizer used to clean dusty leaves
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Morning) SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
(a) Titania (b) Bromate (a) Charge (b) Negative Sol.484.(a) NPK stands for “Nitrogen,
(c) Chlorate (d) Chlorite (c) Amber (d) Ebonite Phosphorus and Potassium”, the three
nutrients that compose complete
Sol.474.(a) Titania. Titanium dioxide, Sol.479.(c) Amber, the yellow fossilized fertilizer.
also called titania, (TiO2), a white, resin of evergreen trees, a "natural plastic
opaque, naturally occurring mineral material" already known to the ancient Q.485. Which of the following can be
existing in a number of crystalline forms, Greeks. used as a catalyst in Hydrogenation
powder, and food colouring. SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) (c) Iron (d) Tungsten
(a) CFC (b) curcumin
Q.475. How many pollutants are included (c) gingerol (d) capsaicin Sol.485.(a) Palladium. Hydrogenation is
to measure the Air Quality Index in India? a chemical reaction between molecular
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.480.(d) Capsaicin. It causes burning, hydrogen (H2) and another compound or
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 12 pain and tears when it comes into element, usually in the presence of a
Ozone (O3), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), remove the green colour from glass? Q.486. Name the densest stable element
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Evening) known on earth.
(CO), lead (Pb) and ammonia (NH3) act (a) Manganese dioxide SSC CGL 07/03/2020 (Evening)
as major parameters in deriving the AQI (b) Silicon dioxide (a) Rhodium (b) Osmium
of an area. (c) Sulphur dioxide (c) Aluminium (d) Tungsten
(d) Titanium dioxide
Q.476. Topaz is a ______ of fluorine and Sol.486.(b) Osmium has a blue-grey tint
aluminium. Sol.481.(a) Manganese dioxide. Sodium and is the densest stable element, it is
SSC CGL 16/08/2021 (Evening) Permanganate is produced by using approximately twice as dense as lead
(a) sulphate (b) phosphate Manganese dioxide to remove green and slightly denser than Iridium.
(c) carbonate (d) silicate from glass that results from the
Sol.476.(d) Silicate. Topaz presence of Iron.
{Al₂SiO₄(FOH)₂} is used as a gemstone in
Q.482. ______ solids are formed by the
jewellery and other adornments.
three-dimensional arrangements of
Q.477. Which of the following is a weak cations and anions bound by strong
electrolyte? coulombic (electrostatic) forces.
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) Sodium chloride (a) Metallic (b) Molecular
(b) Calcium chloride (c) Ionic (d) Covalent
(c) Ethanoic acid
Sol.482.(c) Ionic. They have very high
(d) Magnesium sulphate
melting point and are poor conductors in
Sol.477.(c) Ethanoic acid. Acetic acid the Solid state. Example of ionic solid is
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Pinnacle Biology
name for starch found mainly in the pulp Equisetum.
Biology of seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stems
of plants, especially in corn, potatoes, Q.8. Oleo gum resin (Asafoetida) can be
Scientific Name wheat and rice? obtained from:
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift) SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Morning)
Q.1. Identify the scientific name of sea (a) Amylum (b) Xanthan (a) dried latex from the stem of ferula
pen that belongs to phylum Cnidaria. (c) Olestra (d) Saponin (b) dried latex from the roots of mango
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Evening) tree
(a) Gorgonia (b) Adamsia Sol.4.(a) Amylum - A polymeric (c) dried latex from the banana leaves
(c) Pennatula (d) Obelia carbohydrate consisting of numerous (d) dried latex from the tap root of ferula
glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds.
Sol.1.(c) Pennatula. Sea pens are Olestra (Olean) - Fat substitute that Sol.8.(d) Oleo-gum-resin (Asafoetida)
colonial marine cnidarians that have a doesn't add any calories to products. can be obtained from the exudates of the
feather-like appearance and are found in Saponins - They are naturally occurring roots of the Iranian endemic medicinal
deep-sea environments. Gorgonia compounds that are widely distributed in plant, Ferula asafoetida. It has cytotoxic,
(Sea-fan) is the genus of a type of soft all cells of legume plants. Xanthan antiulcer, anti-neoplasm, anti-cancer, and
coral, also in phylum Cnidaria. Adamsia (polysaccharide) produced from simple anti-oxidative effects.
is a genus of sea anemones. Obelia is a sugars using a fermentation process.
genus of colonial hydroids, also in Uses - common food additive, thickening Nutrition in Animals
phylum Cnidaria. agent, emulsifier, and stabiliser that
prevents ingredients from separating. Q.9. Which food is a good source of
Q.2. What is the scientific name of the
complete protein ?
banyan tree, a large evergreen tree of Q.5. What is the common term for
SSC MTS 16/10/2024 (2nd Shift)
Asia characterised by its trunk-like aerial Ancylostoma? (a) Eggs (b) Spinach (c) Lentils (d) Rice
roots? SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
SSC CHSL 04/08/2023 (1st shift) (a) Tapeworm (b) Roundworm Sol.9.(a) Eggs. Proteins, made of about
(a) Ficus benghalensis (c) Filaria worm (d) Hookworm 20 amino acids, are essential for building
(b) Gossypium herbaceum muscles, bones, enzymes, and
Sol.5.(d) Hookworm. Ancylostoma is a
(c) Santalum album hormones. Protein-rich foods include
(d) Ananas comosus genus of parasitic nematodes poultry, seafood, fish, eggs, and dairy
(roundworms) that primarily infect
Column-A Column-B
(a) Low - GI food
(Class) (Common name) Q.6. Solanum lycopersicum L. is the (b) High - GI food
i. Chlorophyceae a. Brown algae
strawberries and amla. Types of vitamins of strong bones and teeth. Vitamin A bones, teeth, DNA, and RNA.
include A (Retinol), B1 (Thiamine), B6 (Retinol) - Keep eyes and skin healthy.
(Pyridoxine), E (Tocopherol), and K Q.19. Which of the following was the first
Q.16. Which of the following groups B vitamin discovered in 1897 that is
represents essential amino acids ? essential in amino acid and carbohydrate
Q.13. Which essential amino acid Matriculation Level 26/06/2024 (Shift - 1) metabolism and is active in energy
enhances calcium absorption and also (a) Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine production reactions ?
plays an important role in the formation (b) Alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon)
acid that must be obtained from food join together to form proteins, which are (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic
sources like meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. the building blocks of life. When proteins acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic
Collagen contains hydroxylysine, derived are digested or broken down, they yield acid), B12 (cobalamin). Fat-soluble
from lysine. Amino acids are classified amino acids. Histidine, isoleucine, Vitamins : A, D, E, and K. Water-Soluble
for protein biosynthesis, and tyrosine is a valine are classified as essential amino Q.20. What is the most important health
non-essential amino acid found in acids, as the body cannot produce them. benefit of Vitamin D ?
proteins and freely in organisms. Therefore, they must be obtained from SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon)
food. (a) Strengthening of bones and muscles
Q.14. Which non-essential amino acid is (b) Reducing the blood pressure
synthesised by the hydroxylation of Q.17. Select the INCORRECT statement (c) Elevation of heartbeat
phenylalanine in a reaction catalysed by with regards to vitamins. (d) Rapid growth after teenage years
phenylalanine hydroxylase ? SSC CHSL Tier II 02/11/2023
SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (3rd shift) (a) Plants can synthesise almost all Sol.20.(a) Vitamin D (Calciferol) : Source-
(a) Cysteine (b) Glycine vitamins. Oily fish, egg yolks, red meat, etc.
(c) Tyrosine (d) Glutamine (b) Vitamins are organic compounds. Deficiency Diseases - Rickets.
(c) Some bacteria in the gut do not Symptoms- weak and painful bones,
Sol.14.(c) Tyrosine. Amino acids are the produce vitamins. Deformities in teeth, Pain in the bones.
building blocks of proteins. When (d) Most of the vitamins cannot get
proteins are broken down, amino acids Q.21. The food component present in
synthesised in sufficient amounts in sugar is:
are released. It facilitates various bodily our body.
functions such as: breaking down food, SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon)
repairing tissues, and supporting overall Sol.17.(c) Gut bacteria helps in supplying (a) fats (b) vitamins
growth and maintenance. Essential essential nutrients, synthesizing vitamin (c) carbohydrates (d) protein
amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, K, aiding in the digestion of cellulose. Sol.21.(c) Carbohydrates. Sugar
leucine, lysine, methionine, Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and molecules found in foods and drinks. The
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and vitamins C and B (complex group body breaks down carbohydrates into
red blood cells whose function is to carry
seeds, Eggs, Whole Grains. nicotinamide (niacinamide or pyridin - 3 -
oxygen from our lungs to organs,
muscles, and cells.
Q.23. What is the monomer unit of
glycogen? Q.31. Match the columns.
Q.26. Which of the following vitamins
SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (2nd shift) Nutrients Examples
helps to keep our skin and eyes healthy?
(a) Fructose (b) Glucose a. Protein i. Calcium,
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(c) Galactose (d) Mannose Phosphorous
(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin D
b. Carbohydrate ii. Cholesterol
animal starch because its structure is Irregular growth of teeth. (a) a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv (b) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i
similar to amylopectin and is rather more (c) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv (d) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i
highly branched. It is present in the liver, Q.27. Which among the following
muscles and brain. When the body needs vitamins influences iron absorption? Sol.31.(d) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i.
glucose, enzymes break the glycogen SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening) Carbohydrate : It consists of sugar,
(a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin D
down to glucose. Found in yeast and starch, and fiber. Two types - Simple
fungi. Fructose - It is a natural (c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin K Carbohydrates (Monosaccharides,
(when solute potential decreases,
pressure, etc. Phenylalanine is used for a (b) magnesium and aluminium
pressure potential increases) and the
(c) iron and copper
disorder that causes white patches to opening and closing of stomata. Osmotic
develop on the skin (vitiligo). (d) manganese and selenium
pressure is the minimum pressure which
needs to be applied to a solution to Sol.42.(d) manganese (Mn) and
Q.35. Which of the following is a
prevent the inward flow of its pure selenium (Se) are essential
micronutrient, and plays a role in cell
solvent across a semipermeable micronutrients that are important
division, cell growth, wound healing and
membrane. Imbibition is a special type of elements of cell metabolism. Garlic is a
the breakdown of carbohydrates?
diffusion that takes place when liquid is valuable source of macro and
Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 (Shift - 4)
absorbed by solids-colloids causing an microelements, especially potassium,
(a) Fe (b) Zn (c) Cu (d) Ca
increase in volume. calcium, magnesium, phosphorus,
and close the stomata, help regulate (d) phototrophic nutrition
Sol.45.(b) Anthocyanin (Pigment found
transpiration, and protect the stomatal Sol.52.(b) Autotrophic nutrition.
in plants). They’re part of a larger pore.
category of plant-based chemicals called Examples - Plants, algae and some
flavonoids. Foods with high anthocyanin : Q.49. Plants that are adapted to live bacterias. Heterotrophic nutrition -
Fruits - Pomegranates, Black plums, under plenty of sunlight are called : Depends upon plants or other organisms
Cherries, black and red grapes etc; Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3) for nutrition. Examples - Humans,
Vegetables - Red cabbage, Red onions, (a) xerophytes (b) heliophytes animals, Cuscuta (Amarbel).
Purple corn etc; Legumes and Rice - (c) neophytes (d) protophytes Saprotrophic nutrition - This mode of
Black rice, Black beans etc. Coumarins - nutrition in which organisms take in
colourless crystalline solid, sweet odor, Sol.49.(b) Heliophytes. Examples - nutrients from dead and decaying matter.
bitter taste. Quercetin - bitter flavor, used Sunflowers, thyme, white clover, soft Examples - Fungi, yeast, and several
in dietary supplements, beverages and velcro, mullein. Xerophytes - A group of bacteria. Phototrophic nutrition -
foods. Naringenin - Anti-obesity, plants that are adapted to survive in arid Organisms that can obtain nutrition
anti-diabetic flavonoid. regions like desert and snow - covered using light. Examples - Green plants,
areas. Example - Cacti, pineapple. blue-green algae.
SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (4th shift) spores. Example - Whisk Fern, Dicksonia,
(a) Co (b) Na (c) K (d) S Selaginella. Neophytes - A plant which is _______ .
Q.56. The green plants in a terrestrial Q.60. How is food stored in brown algae?
Deficiency and Diseases
ecosystem capture about _______ percent SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 (Evening)
Q.64. Which of the below is a
of the energy of sunlight that falls on (a) In the form of glucose
psychological disorder of refusal to eat
their leaves and convert it into food (b) In the form of complex carbohydrates
food, caused by under- nutrition?
energy. that may be in the form of laminarin
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift) or mannitol.
(a) Marasmus
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 1 (d) 5 (c) In the form of complex lipids
(b) Kwashiorkor
(d) In the form of oil droplets
Sol.56.(c) 1. Photosynthesis is the (c) Anorexia Nervosa
process by which green plants produce Sol.60.(b) Brown algae store their food (d) Bulimia Nervosa
carbohydrates by absorbing carbon primarily in the form of complex
Sol.64.(c) Anorexia Nervosa.
dioxide, water, and sunlight in the carbohydrates. The two main storage
(a) Roughage (b) Carbohydrates nervosa is a serious emotional eating
(c) Fats (d) Protein Q.61. Pneumatophores are specialised disorder that involves eating excessive
produced during the normal breakdown potassium levels in the blood. Column A Column B (Organism
of red blood cells. Ichthyosis is a group (Disease) Responsible)
Hypokalemia: Low potassium levels in
of genetic skin disorders that cause dry, the blood. Hypernatremia: Elevated i. Malaria a. Vibrio
scaly, thickened skin. Eczema is a ii. Diarrhoea b. Salmonella
sodium levels in the blood.
common skin condition that causes iii. Typhoid c. Rotavirus
itchiness, rashes, dry patches, and Q.71. Which set of diseases are caused iv. Cholera d. Plasmodium
infection. Pemphigus is a rare group of by bacteria? SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (1st Shift)
autoimmune diseases that cause blisters SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (1st Shift) (a) i - b, ii - a, iii - c, iv - d
on the skin and mucous membranes. (a) Influenza, Dengue, Cholera (b) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a
(b) Typhoid, Cholera, Tuberculosis (c) i - a, ii - c, iii - b, iv - d
Q.68. What are the five Fs of indirect (c) Dengue, Malaria, Cholera (d) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d
(b) Fruit, fingers, flu, food and fluid Tuberculosis. Typhoid fever is caused by parasite is spread to humans through the
(c) Flies, fingers, friends, food and fruit the bacteria Salmonella Typhi. Cholera is bites of infected mosquitoes. Typhoid is
caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. a bacterial disease that spreads through
communicable diseases occurs through Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Viral healthy person through the water they
various means, commonly referred to as Disease : Common cold (rhinovirus), drink and cause disease in them.
the "5Fs" : flies, fingers, fomites (objects Influenza (Influenza), HIV infection Diarrhoea is the abnormal frequency of
like towels and handkerchiefs that can (human immunodeficiency virus), bowel movement and increased liquidity
carry infections), food, and fluids. Some Dengue (transmitted by the bite of an of the faecal discharge. It reduces the
diseases can spread through infected mosquito, and is spread by the absorption of food.
contaminated water, food, ice, blood, and Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
even body tissues or organs. Examples Q.75. What is the name of the
of such diseases include typhoid, inflammatory condition that causes
diarrhea, polio, intestinal parasites, and Q.72. Which is a serious contagious cracks, crusting and scaling at the
infective hepatitis. bacterial infection that usually affects corners of the mouth due to vitamin B2
the mucous membranes of the nose and deficiency ?
Q.69. Which of the following plants is throat ? SSC CGL 25/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
used to cure cold and cough ? SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (2nd Shift) (a) Cheilosis (b) Psoriasis
SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (a) Meningococcal (b) Diphtheria (c) Urticaria (d) Atopic dermatitis
(a) Tulsi (b) Babool (c) Jamun (d) Arjun (c) Shigellosis (d) Chlamydia
Sol.75.(a) Cheilosis also known as
Sol.69.(a) Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum). It is Sol.72.(b) Diphtheria. Meningococcal angular cheilitis or perleche. Psoriasis is
an herb commonly used in Ayurvedic disease is a serious bacterial illness that a chronic proliferative and inflammatory
medicine to treat various ailments, can lead to severe swelling of the tissues condition of skin. It is characterized by
including respiratory issues (bronchitis, surrounding the brain and spinal cord or erythematous plaques covered with
asthma), fever, sore throat, and infection of the bloodstream. Shigellosis silvery scales. Atopic dermatitis
infections. Babool (Acacia nilotica) is is an infection of the intestines caused (eczema) is a condition that causes dry,
utilized for skin conditions (wounds, by Shigella bacteria. Chlamydia is a itchy and inflamed skin. Hives (urticaria)
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is a skin reaction that causes itchy welts. (a) When acids stick to the teeth Sol.82.(c) Marasmus - It occurs both in
Chronic hives are welts that last for more (b) When bacteria acting on sugars children and adults. Wasting - It is a type
than six weeks and return often over produce acids of undernutrition that causes low weight
months or years. (c) Masses of bacterial cells together for height. Dementia - It is the group of
with food particles stick to the teeth symptoms used to describe impaired
Q.76. Which of the following is NOT a (d) Saliva sticks to the pulp ability to remember, think, or make
mutation - based disease ? decisions. Alzheimer's disease is the
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (2nd shift) Sol.79.(c) Dental caries or tooth decay most common type of dementia.
(a) Malaria causes gradual softening of enamel and
(b) Down syndrome dentine. It begins when bacteria acting Q.83. Among the choices listed, which
(c) Sickle cell anaemia on sugars produce acids that softens or one is NOT a form of cancer?
(d) Phenylketonuria demineralises the enamel. Saliva cannot SSC CGL Tier II 26/10/2023
reach the tooth surface to neutralise the (a) Glaucoma (b) Carcinoma
Sol.76.(a) Malaria is an infectious acid as plaque covers the teeth. (c) Lymphoma (d) Sarcoma
disease caused by a parasite. Down Microorganisms invade the pulp, causing
syndrome: It is caused by a Sol.83.(a) Glaucoma - A group of eye
inflammation and infection.
chromosomal mutation, specifically diseases that can cause vision loss and
trisomy 21, where an individual has an Q.80. Which of the following foods blindness by damaging a nerve in the
extra copy of chromosome 21. Sickle cell generally increase blood pressure? back of your eye called the optic nerve.
anemia: It is caused by the hemoglobin-β SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (2nd shift) Carcinoma - Cancer that starts in tissue
gene. Phenylketonuria (PKU): PKU is (a) Food high in protein lining your skin, organs and internal
caused by a mutation in the PAH gene, (b) Food high in salt, sugar and saturated passageways in your body. Lymphoma -
which affects the enzyme phenylalanine or trans fats Cancer that begins in cells of the lymph
hydroxylase. (c) Food with low salt and low sugar system. Sarcoma - Cancers that begin in
(d) Food high in fibre the bones and in the soft (also called
Q.77. Which of the following is a food - connective) tissues (soft tissue
borne disease caused by the Sol.80.(b) Foods high in salt, sugar, and
consumption of contaminated food or saturated or trans fats contribute to the
beverages ? retention of fluids and increase the Q.84. In what condition does the body's
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (3rd shift) workload on the heart. High Blood immune system attack the actual
(a) Tuberculosis (b) Malaria Pressure (Hypertension): Hypertension is intrinsic factor protein or the cells in your
(c) Cholera (d) Chicken pox the term for blood pressure that is higher stomach lining that make it ?
than normal (120/80). If repeated checks SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
Sol.77.(c) Cholera. It is an acute of blood pressure of an individual is (a) Wernicke - Korsakoff syndrome
diarrhoeal infection caused by the 140/90 (140 over 90) or higher, it shows (b) Hepatic cirrhosis
bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Malaria is hypertension. High blood pressure leads (c) Pernicious anaemia
spread to humans through the bite of an to heart diseases and also affects vital (d) Hartnup disorder
infected female Anopheles mosquito. organs like the brain and kidney.
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the Sol.84.(c) Pernicious anemia is a
relatively rare autoimmune disorder that
is a member of the herpesvirus family. (c) Niacin (d) Folic acid megaloblastic anemia. Hartnup disease
is an autosomal recessive disorder
Q.78. Which of the following is a rare Sol.81.(d) Folic acid. It is also known as resulting in impaired functioning of
group of genetic disorders caused by vitamin B9, plays a crucial role in transport protein in intestines and
mutations of certain genes affecting the preventing neural tube defects (NTDs) in kidneys.
colour (pigmentation) of the skin, hair newborn babies. NTDs are birth defects
and eyes ? that affect the brain and spine, such Q.85. What happens when old aged
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (3rd shift) as Spina bifida, Anencephaly. Ascorbic people get cataract ?
(a) Albinism (b) Alagille syndrome acid (Vitamin C) is a water soluble SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
(c) Alkaptonuria (d) Angelman syndrome vitamin well known for its role in (a) Crystalline lens of people in old age
supporting a healthy immune system. becomes milky and cloudy
Sol.78.(a) Albinism. Alagille syndrome is Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and Niacin (b) Crystalline lens of people in old age
a genetic disorder that can affect the (Vitamin B3) are water soluble vitamins becomes clear and shiny
liver, heart, and other parts of the body. essential for energy production and (c) Iris becomes cloudy
Alkaptonuria is an inherited condition metabolism. (d) Pupil becomes dull
that causes urine to turn black when
exposed to air. Angelman syndrome is a Q.82. Severe undernutrition due to the Sol.85.(a) Eye defects and Corrections :
complex genetic disorder that primarily deficiency of food and energy is termed Cataracts - Treated with surgery. Myopia
affects the nervous system. as _________. (near-sightedness) - Can see nearby
SSC CHSL Tier II 10/01/2024 objects clearly but have difficulty seeing
Q.79. Identify the reason for formation of (a) kwashiorkor (b) wasting distant objects. Corrected with concave
dental plaque. (c) marasmus (d) dementia lenses. Hyperopia (far-sightedness) - Can
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) see distant objects clearly but have
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Pinnacle Biology
difficulty seeing nearby objects. can cause a malabsorption disorder Sol.92.(d) itai itai. It is the severe form of
Corrected with convex lenses. leading to diarrhoea, malnutrition, weight chronic cadmium intoxication, which is
Presbyopia (age-related far-sightedness) loss etc. This particular condition is characterised by osteomalacia with
- Lens of the eye becomes less flexible known as: severe bone pain and is associated with
as people age, making it difficult to focus SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (3rd Shift) renal tubular dysfunction. Minamata - A
on near objects. Corrected with bifocals, (a) Down syndrome neurological disease caused by severe
progressive lenses, or surgery. (b) short bowel syndrome mercury poisoning.
(c) hypoglycaemia
Q.86. In which of the following (d) hyperglycaemia Q.93. Which type of surveillance is
conditions is there severe physical and specifically aimed at identifying missing
mental retardation due to deficiency of Sol.89.(b) short bowel syndrome. cases of disease ?
iodine and thyroid hormones, especially Hypoglycaemia, or a "hypo", is an SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st shift)
during early pregnancy ? abnormally low level of glucose in blood. (a) Overt surveillance
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) Hyperglycaemia, or a hyper, can happen (b) Passive surveillance
(a) Preeclampsia (b) Toxoplasmosis when blood glucose (sugar) levels are (c) Active surveillance
(c) Cretinism (d) Syphilis too high. (d) Sentinel surveillance
Sol.86.(c) Cretinism. Toxoplasmosis - It Q.90. Which of the following diseases is Sol.93.(d) Sentinel surveillance -
is caused by the protozoan parasite transmitted by the bite of an infected Conducted at specific sites or in specific
Toxoplasma Gondii. Syphilis - It is a female phlebotomine sandfly, populations and may be passive or
sexually transmitted infection (STI) that characterized by irregular fever, weight active.
can be caused by Treponema pallidum loss and enlargement of the spleen and
bacteria. Preeclampsia - It is caused by liver? Q.94. Sleeping sickness is a vector borne
the placenta not developing properly due SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (1st shift) disease caused by the infection of which
microscopic parasite of the species ?
to a problem with the blood vessels (a) Japanese encephalitis
supplying it. (b) Visceral leishmaniasis SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st shift)
(a) Trypanosoma brucei
(c) Diarrhea
Q.87. Which of the following tests is (d) Anaplasmosis (b) Balantioides coli
used to confirm the presence of typhoid (c) Giardia duodenalis
fever ? Sol.90.(b) Visceral leishmaniasis (d) Cyclospora cayetanensis
SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) (kala-azar). It is caused by protozoan
(a) Smear Examination parasites which are transmitted by the Sol.94.(a) Trypanosoma brucei :
(b) C Reactive Protein (CRP) Test bite of infected female phlebotomine A protozoan parasite that causes African
(c) Widal Test sandflies. Japanese encephalitis virus is trypanosomiasis, commonly known as
(d) Vivax Test spread to people through the bite of an sleeping sickness. This disease affects
infected mosquito. Anaplasmosis is a humans and animals, primarily in
Sol.87.(c) Widal Test : This test was first disease caused by the bacterium sub-Saharan Africa. Balantioides coli : A
conducted in 1896 by Georges Ferdinand Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Other ciliated protozoan that inhabits the
Widal and was named after him. It looks protozoan Diseases : Amoebiasis intestine of pigs, non-human primates
for O and H antibodies in a patient’s (Entamoeba Histolytica Protozoa); and humans. Giardia : A single-celled
sample blood (serum). Pap smear - Used Malaria (Plasmodium). Other bacteria parasite that causes diarrheal disease
to screen for cervical cancer. C Reactive diseases : Salmonella Tuberculosis, known as Giardiasis. Cyclospora
Protein (CRP) Test - A c-reactive protein Whooping cough (pertussis), Chlamydia, cayetanensis : A parasite that causes
disease caused by a virus. This can Adrenaline hormone. Pituitary Gland - (c) Heart (d) Lungs
cause painful inflammation of our thyroid (stimulating hormone), LH
parotid salivary glands (parotitis). (Luteinizing Hormone), FSH (follicle Sol.103.(d) Lungs. Pneumonia is an
stimulating hormone). inflammation of lungs caused by a
Q.97. Select the correct option about bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The
Kwashiorkor. Q.100. Match the columns. most common cause is Streptococcus
Statement A : It is a form of malnutrition Column-A (Disorder) Column-B (Enzyme pneumoniae (pneumococcus bacteria).
caused by a lack of fat in the diet. i. Gaucher disease a. Phenylalanin
Cough, Fever, sweating, chest pain and
Statement B : Children who develop Loss of appetite are the most common
ii. Hunter syndrome b. Hexosaminidase
Kwashiorkor may not grow or develop symptoms.
iii. Tay-Sachs disease c. Iduronate-2-sulfatase
properly and may remain stunted for the
(b) Both statements A and B are correct (a) Iron (b) Cobalt
(c) Both statements A and B are incorrect (c) Fluoride (d) Molybdenum
Sol.100.(c) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a. Gaucher
(d) Only statement A is correct
liver. Hunter syndrome affects males, more resistant to acid attacks from
deficiency of protein in the diet which
preventing proper digestion of certain bacteria in the mouth.
the following glands? periods of time. (c) Both Statements A and B correct
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (3rd Shift) (d) Only Statement A is correct
(a) Thyroid gland (b) Pancreas (a) Hereditary (b) Chronic Sol.115.(c) STDs can be caused by
(c) Adrenal gland (d) Pituitary gland (c) Acute (d) Genetic
bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Examples -
Sol.108.(a) Thyroid gland - It is a Sol.112.(c) Acute. Acute conditions are gonorrhea, genital herpes, human
ductless endocrine gland situated in the often caused by a virus or an infection. papillomavirus infection, HIV (Human
anterior/front portion of the neck. Example - Common cold, typhoid, immunodeficiency virus)/AIDS (Acquired
Pituitary gland - It is a small, pea-sized jaundice, cholera etc. Genetic disorder : Immune Deficiency Syndrome),
gland located at the base of the brain. It An inherited medical condition caused by chlamydia, and syphilis.
plays a crucial role in regulating various a DNA abnormality. Eg; Congenital Q.116. Deficiency of which of the
bodily functions by producing and deafness, Cystic fibrosis, Beta following vitamins causes excessive
releasing hormones that control the thalassemia and Spinal muscular atrophy bleeding from wounds?
activities of other endocrine glands in the (SMA). A chronic condition is a health SSC CGL Tier II (02/03/2023)
(c) Malaria (d) Hepatitis caused by fungi? protein directly involved with blood
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift) clotting. Osteocalcin is another protein
Sol.109.(d) Hepatitis : Caused by Virus, (a) Covid-19 (b) Ring Worm
Effects Liver, World Hepatitis Day - 28 that requires vitamin K to produce
(c) Tuberculosis (d) Cholera healthy bone tissue.
July. Elephantiasis - Also called
Lymphatic Filariasis, it impairs the Sol.113.(b) Ring Worm. Fungi are Q.117. Which of the following pairs of
lymphatic system. Dengue - Caused by responsible for various diseases in plant diseases – microorganisms is
Dengue Virus, Carrier - Aedes aegypti human beings. Aspergillus infection, correct?
mosquitoes. Malaria : Caused by Athlete's foot, Jock itch, Ringworm, I. Citrus canker – Virus
Plasmodium parasite. Spread by female Coccidioidomycosis, Sporotrichosis, II. Rust of wheat – Fungi
Anopheles mosquitoes, World Malaria valley fever, histoplasmosis are a few of SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning)
Day - 25 April. the many deadly diseases caused by (a) Only II (b) Neither I nor II
fungi. Tuberculosis, Anthrax, Tetanus, (c) Only I (d) Both I and II
Q.110. Chikungunya is an infection Leptospirosis, Pneumonia, Cholera,
caused by _______ mosquito. Botulism are the diseases caused by Sol.117.(a) Rust of wheat – Fungi .
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift) bacteria. (Plant disease, Microorganisms) -
(a) Culex (b) Mansonia (Yellow vein mosaic, Virus), (Aster
(c) Aedes (d) Anopheles Q.114. Which among the following is a yellows, Bacteria), (Crown gall, Bacteria),
viral disease ? (Ergot, Fungi), (Anthracnose, Fungi),
Sol.110.(c) Aedes : It is a species of SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
mosquito that causes dengue, yellow (Black knot, Fungi), (Snow mold, Fungi).
(a) Chicken pox (b) Tuberculosis
fever and zika virus. Anopheles Mosquito (c) Whooping Cough (d) Malaria Q.118. Typhoid fever is caused by ______.
is a species of mosquito that causes SSC MTS 20/07/2022 (Morning)
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(a) viruses (b) protozoa digestive or kidney disease? disease caused by the poliovirus. It
(c) bacteria (d) fungi SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Afternoon) invades the nervous system and can
(a) Osteopenia (b) Osteomyelitis cause total paralysis in a matter of
Sol.118.(c) Bacteria. Its diseases and (c) Osteomalacia (d) Osteoporosis hours.
their causative agents - Diphtheria
(Corynebacterium diphtheriae), Cholera Sol.122.(c) Osteomalacia - a disorder of Q.127. Which of the following diseases
(Vibrio cholerae), Leprosy “bone softening” (common in women marked by dementia, diarrhoea, and
(Mycobacterium leprae), Pertussis during pregnancy). Osteomyelitis is dermatitis, is also known as ‘the three
(Bordetella pertussis), Tetanus inflammation of the bone caused by Ds’? SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening)
(Clostridium tetani), Plague (Yersinia infection, generally in the legs, arm, or (a) Pellagra (b) Osteoporosis
pestis), etc. spine. Osteopenia is a condition that (c) Xerophthalmia (d) Scurvy
occurs when the body doesn't make new
Q.119. How is tuberculosis spread in bone as quickly as it reabsorbs old bone. Sol.127.(a) Pellagra is a disease that
humans? results due to severe Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Evening) Q.123. Poor sanitation conditions may deficiency. The disease can also develop
(a) Inoculation into skin NOT be the likely reason behind which of due to : Gastrointestinal diseases, Weight
(b) Droplet infection the following diseases/conditions? loss (bariatric) surgery, Anorexia
(c) Direct touching SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Evening) Excessive alcohol use, Carcinoid
(d) Contact with soil (a) Typhoid (b) Cholera syndrome (group of symptoms
(c) Arthritis (d) Polio associated with tumours of the small
Sol.119.(b) Droplet infection. intestine, colon, appendix, and bronchial
Tuberculosis (TB) - It is usually caused Sol.123.(c) Arthritis is caused by
tubes in the lungs).
by the Bacterium Mycobacterium inflammation of the joints. Cholera is an
tuberculosis. The World Health acute diarrheal illness caused by Q.128. Trachoma is a preventable
Organization (WHO) declared TB a infection of the intestine with Vibrio disease that results from poor hygiene
"Global Health Emergency" in 1993. cholerae bacteria. and sanitation. Which of the following
body parts does it affect?
Q.120. Which of the following is NOT a Q.124. _______ is a disorder resulting in
SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Morning)
symptom of Beriberi caused due to the abnormal electrical discharge from the
(a) Eye (b) Ear (c) Stomach (d) Heart
deficiency of Vitamin B1? brain cells causing seizures,
SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Morning) SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Afternoon) Sol.128.(a) Eyes. Trachoma - It is a
(a) Slowly healing wounds (a) Prostatitis (b) Hypoglycaemia disease of the eye caused by infection
(b) Involuntary eye movement (c) Epilepsy (d) Rheumatoid arthritis with the bacterium Chlamydia
(c) Difficulty speaking trachomatis. Blindness from trachoma is
Symptoms of Beri Beri - Difficulty blood sugar level, also called is caused by Helicobacter pylori ?
walking, Loss of muscle function or hypoglycaemia is where the level of SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Evening)
paralysis of the lower legs, Mental sugar (glucose) in your blood drops too (a) Gastritis (b) Ringworm
confusion/speech difficulties, Loss of low. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic (c) Chikungunya (d) Rubella
feeling (sensation) in hands and feet, inflammatory disorder affecting many
joints, including those in the hands and Sol.129.(a) Gastritis. Helicobacter pylori
Strange eye movements (nystagmus),
is a type of bacteria that causes infection
offspring must receive the B and E alleles from one of the ovaries. Zygote - A blastogenesis is a type of asexual
from both parents. The probability of fertilized egg cell that results from the reproduction in which a new organism
getting BB from Bb × Bb cross is 1/4, and union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) develops from an outgrowth or bud due
the probability of getting EE from Ee × Ee with a male gamete (sperm). to cell division at one particular site.
cross is also 1/4. Therefore, the Apomixis refers to the formation of the
Q.136. The transformation of the larva
combined probability of getting BBEE is plant from a seed without fertilization or
(1/4) * (1/4) = 1/16. into an adult through drastic change is normal sexual reproduction.
called ___________.
the animal's body structure due to cell SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift)
(c) males are diploid and females are
growth and differentiation. The new (a) A flower with both androecium and
(d) males are triploid and females are individuals which are born from the eggs
continue to grow till they become adults. (b) A flower with dithecous
In some animals, the young ones may (c) A flower with gynoecium only
Sol.133.(a) males are haploid and look very different from the adults. (d) A flower with androecium only
females are diploid. The females are Metamorphosis cycle has four stages :
Sol.140.(a) Monoecious plants bear both
diploid having 32 chromosomes and Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult. Examples :
purely male and purely female flowers.
males are haploid, i.e., having 16 Butterflies, moths, frogs, toads, etc.
Examples include castor, cucumber, and
chromosomes. This is called a
Q.137. How many arteries are there in an maize. In contrast, dioecious plants have
haplodiploid sex determination system
umbilical cord? male and female flowers on separate
and has special characteristic features
SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Evening) plants, such as papaya.
such as the males produce sperms by
mitosis, they do not have father and thus (a) One (b) Two (c) Four (d) Three
Q.141. Which of the following is NOT a
cannot have sons, but have a grandfather Sol.137.(b) Two. The umbilical cord is a component of a flower ?
and can have grandsons. tube that connects the mother with the SSC CGL 13/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
baby in her womb during pregnancy. It (a) Androecium (b) Corolla
Q.134. Identify an organism that exhibits (c) Spines (d) Calyx
normally contains two arteries (the
umbilical arteries ) and one vein ( the
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift) Sol.141.(c) Spines. They are modified
umbilical vein).
(a) Obelia (b) Spongilla leaves or stems that serve as a defense
(c) Sycon (d) Euspongia Q.138. ______ is the ability of a single cell mechanism in plants, particularly in cacti
to produce a fertile, adult individual. and succulents. Androecium : The male
Sol.134.(a) Obelia (sea fur) : A genus of SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Morning). reproductive part of the flower,
hydrozoans. It forms a light-brown or (a) Pluripotency (b) Totipotency consisting of stamens (filaments and
whitish plant-like fur in the seas. (c) Cloning (d) Mutation anthers). Corolla : The collective term for
Metagenesis - The phenomenon in which the petals of a flower. Calyx : The
one generation of certain plants and Sol.138.(b) Totipotency. Pluripotency is collective term for the sepals (green,
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Pinnacle Biology
leaf-like structures) that protect the which only a single parent is involved is Sol.148.(b) Stigma. It traps and holds
flower bud. called ___________. the pollen. During the process of
SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Morning) pollination, pollen moves from the male
Q.142. By which of the following (a) In vitro fertilization parts to the female parts i.e stigma
methods do red algae reproduce? (b) external fertilization where pollen germinates.
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) sexual reproduction
(a) Grafting (b) Cutting (d) asexual reproduction Q.149. A type of asexual reproduction in
(c) Micropropagation (d) Fragmentation which new plants are produced from
Sol.145.(d) Asexual reproduction - roots, stems, leaves and buds are known
Sol.142.(d) Fragmentation. Algae Observed in both multicellular and as :
reproduce through vegetative, asexual, unicellular organisms and does not SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
and sexual methods: Vegetative involve any kind of gamete fusion. (a) layering propagation
Reproduction: This occurs by Offspring are genetically similar to their (b) grafting propagation
fragmentation, where each fragment parents. Different types : Binary Fission - (c) budding propagation
develops into a new thallus. Asexual Cell divide (Archaea and Bacteria). (d) vegetative propagation
Reproduction: This involves the Budding (Bacteria, yeast, corals,
production of various types of spores, flatworms, Jellyfish and sea anemones). Sol.149.(d) Vegetative propagation.
with zoospores being the most common. Fragmentation (Spirogyra, Planaria). Layering is a technique of plant
Sexual Reproduction: in algae involves Vegetative Propagation (Potato tubers, propagation where the new plant
the fusion of gametes, which can be runners, onion). Sporogenesis (Plants, remains at least partially attached to the
isogamous (fusion of similar gametes) Algae, Fungi). mother plant while forming new roots.
or anisogamous (fusion of dissimilar
gametes), leading to the formation of Q.146. The innermost part of a flower is Cell : Basic Unit of life
zygotes that develop into new called the _______.
individuals. SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning) Q.150. ________ are amoeboid (amoeba
(a) stamens (b) pistil (c) petals (d) sepals like movement, with pseudopodia) that
Q.143. Which types of gametes are
can squeeze out through capillary walls.
found in Spirogyra? Sol.146.(b) Pistil (the female
SSC Stenographer 10/12/2024
SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (2nd Shift) reproductive part of a flower). It has
(a) Isogamous and flagellated three parts which are stigma, style, and
(a) White blood cells
(b) Heterogamous and non-flagellated ovary. Sepals (collectively called the
They also repair damaged tissues. Flame in the mitochondria (cristae) and Q.159. Which of the following pairs is
INCORRECT regarding the grade of
cells, also known as protonephridia or chloroplasts of eukaryotes, in the
solenocytes, are specialized excretory chloroplast of plants, in photosynthetic organisation and its example ?
SSC CGL 09/09/2024 (1st Shift)
cells found in freshwater invertebrates microorganisms, and bacteria. Cytosol is
like flatworms, rotifers, and ribbon a fluid that is present in the cell (a) Cellular grade organisation - Sycon
(b) Protoplasmic grade organisation -
worms. They function similarly to membrane and is the primary component
kidneys, removing waste from the of the cytoplasm. Paramecium
(c) Cell-tissue grade organisation -
and can thus make its own proteins is (a) Increase the surface area of the
known as: plasma membrane and enzymatic Sol.159.(d) Euplectella, is a genus of
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 content glass sponges which includes the
(c) ribosomes (d) DNA replication and distribution to rather than a tissue-organ grade. A
(d) mitochondria daughter cells cellular grade of organisation is an
lack a well-organized nucleus, with their polymerase, DNA primase
Q.168. The cell wall of bacteria is made
genetic material consisting of a single (d) Reverse transcriptase, DNA
up of:
DNA molecule located in the cytoplasm. polymerase, Ligase
SSC CHSL 09/07/2024 (4th shift)
These cells do not have a nuclear
Sol.165.(c) The essential enzymes for (a) peptidoglycan (b) glycogen
membrane, and they also lack organelles DNA replication are: Topoisomerase: (c) cellulose (d) peptone
such as mitochondria, lysosomes,
Relaxes the DNA molecule by cutting and
endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and Sol.168.(a) Peptidoglycan is a complex
rejoining it, reducing tension and
nucleolus. Examples of prokaryotic cells molecule made of sugars and amino
Sol.171.(d) Aquaporins. Q.175. Which chromosome is involved in Sol.178.(d) giant chromosome polytene.
Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are the production of 'masked' mRNAs for Saliva is mainly produced by three pairs
Y-shaped proteins that help the body early development? of salivary glands, the parotids (cheek),
fight infections. Mucins are proteins
found in epithelial tissues and provide (a) Polytene chromosome na
Matriculation Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 1) the submaxillary or submandibular
(lower jaw) and the sub-linguals (below
lubrication and protection. Transferrin is (b) Lampbrush chromosome the tongue). These glands situated just
a protein that transports iron throughout (c) Autosomal chromosome outside the buccal cavity secrete salivary
the body and is an important indicator of (d) Sex chromosome juice into the buccal cavity.
iron status.
Sol.175.(b) Lampbrush chromosome. Q.179. What are ribosomes made up of?
Q.172. What is the fourth step in mitosis These are found in oocytes of animals Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
where non-kinetochore spindle fibres like sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and (a) Only RNA (b) Only proteins
lengthen and elongate the cell? birds (most distinct during the Diplotene (c) Only DNA (d) Proteins and RNA
metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Humans have 22 pairs of autosomes and approximately 40 to 80 proteins, which
Prophase the chromosomes condense one pair of sex chromosomes (XX or XY). provide structural support. Ribosomes
and centrosomes move to opposite sides have two subunits: large and small. The
of the nucleus, initiating formation of the Q.176. The cell wall of spirogyra subunits remain separate when not
mitotic spindle. Metaphase is a stage contains: synthesizing proteins and come together
during the process of cell division Matriculation Level 25/06/2024 (Shift - 1) during the process of protein synthesis.
(mitosis or meiosis). Telophase is the (a) lignin (b) cellulose
last phase of mitosis before cytokinesis, (c) suberin (d) Chitin Q.180. In the context of movement of
and is where sister chromatids separate, cells, exocytosis is the process by which :
and the new nuclei are formed. Sol.176.(b) cellulose. Graduate Level 21/06/2024 (Shift - 3)
Each cell of Spirogyra is surrounded by (a) cells absorb external material by
Q.173. Identify the organelle present in two layered cell walls. Its inner layer is engulfing it with the cell membrane
plant cells that is not there in an animal made up of cellulose and outer layer is (b) cell death is brought about through a
cell. made up of pectose but quantity of heavily regulated sequence of events
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (3rd shift) cellulosic substances is high in (c) cells move waste materials from
(a) Nucleus (b) Plastids comparison to pectose. Lignin is a within the cell into the extracellular
(c) Neuron (d) Cytoplasm biopolymer that binds cellulose and fluid
hemicellulose fibers and provides (d) a cell takes in the fluids along with
Sol.173.(b) Plastids. The plant cells stiffness to plants. Suberin is a cell dissolved small molecules
have cell walls, plastids, and wall-associated biopolymer found in
chloroplasts. These organelles are not specific cell types, such as root Sol.180.(c) Exocytosis involves the
present in animal cells. There are three epidermis, root endodermis. fusion of intracellular vesicles with the
types of plastids, which are the plasma membrane, releasing their
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contents while adding hydrophobic most of the plant cells, bacteria, algae, energised mitochondria.
components to the membrane. The fungi, and some archaea. The cell wall is
flexibility of the cell membrane also a rigid semi-permeable structure made Q.187. Which cellular structure controls
enables the cell to engulf in food and up of cellulose or chitin. cell motility, adhesion, and polarity at
other material from its external interphase, and facilitates the
environment. Such processes are known Q.184. The primary function of which organisation of spindle poles during
as endocytosis. Amoeba acquires its channel protein is to transport water mitosis ?
food through such processes. across the cell membrane in response to SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning)
Pinocytosis is a type of endocytosis in the osmotic gradient created by active (a) Centrosomes (b) Peroxisomes
which the living cells ingest fluid solute transport ? (c) Lysosomes (d) Glyoxysomes
substances. SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
(a) Aquaporins (b) Mucins Sol.187.(a) Centrosomes - Membrane -
Q.181. Identify the INCORRECT pair of (c) Transferrin (d) Cupredoxins free organelles that serve as main
cell shape types and their examples. microtubule-organizing centers in
Graduate Level 24/06/2024 (Shift - 3) Sol.184.(a) Aquaporins. These are a distinct eukaryotic lineages.
(a) Oval – Chlamydomonas family of small, integral membrane
proteins that are expressed broadly Q.188. What is the percentage of
(b) Elongated – Muscle cells proteins in the cell membrane?
(c) Irregular – Amoeba throughout the animal and plant
kingdoms. Mucins : Heavily SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon)
(d) Oblong – Nerve cells (a) 80 - 100% (b) 20 - 40%
O-glycosylated linear glycoproteins that
Sol.181.(d) Oblong – Nerve cells. are secreted by higher organisms to (c) 60 - 80% (d) 40 - 60%
Example of oblong cell shape type - protect and lubricate epithelial cell Sol.188.(d) 40-60%. Cell membrane
Paramecium. Some shapes of cell : Oval, surfaces. Transferrin : A blood plasma
(plasma membrane) - It separates the
Round, Polygonal, Spherical, Elongated, glycoprotein that plays a central role in interior of the cell from the outside
Cuboidal, Disk-like, Oblong, and Irregular. iron metabolism and is responsible for environment. It is composed primarily of
Nerve cells (neurons) transmit messages ferric-ion delivery. Cupredoxins : Small fatty-acid-based lipids and proteins. The
throughout the body via electrical proteins that contain type I copper cell is the basic structural and functional
signals. Chlamydomonas is a centers. They function as electron unit of all forms of life. It was discovered
single-celled green algae found in transfer shuttles between proteins. by a British scientist, Robert Hooke in
freshwater, known for its flagella and 1665.
Q.185. Most centrioles have a _________
(c) Mitochondrion spindle fibres that give rise to spindle molecules. Golgi bodies (Golgi
(d) Golgi apparatus apparatus during cell division in animal apparatus) - It helps process and
cells. The central part of the proximal package proteins and lipid molecules,
Sol.182.(b) Smooth endoplasmic region of the centriole is also especially proteins destined to be
reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum proteinaceous and called the hub, which exported from the cell.
(ER) is a large network of is connected with tubules of the
membrane-bound tubes and sheets. peripheral triplets by radial spokes made Q.190. The main function of centriole is:
There are two types of ER– rough of protein. In animal cells, centrioles also SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning)
endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and form spindle apparatus during cell (a) to maintain mineral composition in
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). division. bacterial cell
RER looks rough under a microscope (b) to help plant cell for multiplication
because it has particles called Q.186. Which is a reversible, fluorescent (c) to help cell division in animal cell
ribosomes attached to its surface. red, acidic dye used to stain cytoplasm, (d) to maintain rigidity in plant cell
red blood cells, collagen and muscle
fibres for histological examination? Sol.190.(c) Centrosome - An organelle
Q.183. Which structural layer in some
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) containing two cylindrical structures
cell types is composed mainly of
(a) Eosin (b) Safranin called centrioles. Centrioles form the
carbohydrates like cellulose,
(c) Crystal violet (d) Alizarin basal body of cilia or flagella, and spindle
hemicellulose and lignin in the ratio 4 : 3 :
fibres that give rise to spindle apparatus
3 and some fatty substances like wax?
Sol.186.(a) Eosin (the aniline dye) is an during cell division in animal cells. It
SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning)
acid dye that stains cytoplasm, muscle, plays a role in organizing microtubules
(a) cell soluble
and connective tissues in various shades that serve as the cell's skeletal system.
(b) cell wall
of pink and orange. Safranin is a They help determine the locations of the
(c) plasma membrane
lipophilic cationic dye which nucleus and other organelles within the
(d) nuclear envelope
accumulates in mitochondria according cell.
Sol.183.(b) Cell walls - They are found in to the inside negative potential in
Q.191. During which phase of the cell
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cycle does metabolic changes assemble glycocalyx that is loosely organized and SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
the cytoplasmic material required for not firmly attached to the cell wall. It is a (a) peristome (b) periplasm
mitosis and cytokinesis? thin, diffuse layer of polysaccharides and (c) phragmoplast (d) protoplast
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) proteins that surrounds some bacterial
(a) G2 phase (b) G1 phase cells. The slime layer can help bacteria Sol.198.(c) Phragmoplast is a plant cell
(c) M phase (d) S phase adhere to surfaces and protect them specialized cylindrical structure formed
from dehydration. The glycocalyx is a during late cytokinesis. Periplasm - The
Sol.191.(a) G2 phase. dense, gel-like meshwork that surrounds space is the area between the cell wall
The different phases of a cell cycle the cell, constituting a physical barrier for and the plasma membrane. The term
include : Interphase (This phase includes any object to enter the cell. Protoplast was introduced by Hanstein. It
the G1 phase, S phase and the G2 refers to the entire cell, excluding the cell
phase), M phase (This is the mitotic Q.195. Which process is sometimes wall. The Peristome is a teeth-like
phase and is divided into prophase, called "reduction division" because it projection that surrounds the mouth of
metaphase, anaphase and telophase) reduces the number of chromosomes to the capsule in most of the members of
and Cytokinesis (In this phase the half the normal number to form sperm Bryidae (Mosses) of bryophytes.
cytoplasm of the cell divides). S phase - and eggs?
Cell synthesises a complete copy of the SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift) Q.199. Which part of a cell converts
DNA. M phase - Cell divides its copied (a) Amitosis (b) Meiosis nutrients into energy ?
DNA and cytoplasm to make two new (c) Cytokinesis (d) Karyokinesis SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (2nd shift)
cells. G1 phase - First gap phase, the cell (a) Cell membrane (b) Lysosomes
grows physically larger. Sol.195.(b) Meiosis. The cell cycle is (c) Mitochondria (d) Chromosome
divided into two basic phases :
Q.192. How big are red blood cells in Interphase and M Phase (Mitosis phase). Sol.199.(c) Mitochondria -
diameter ? The M Phase represents the phase when Double membrane-bound cell organelles
present in most eukaryotic organisms
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) the actual cell division or mitosis occurs
(a) 40.0 μm (b) 7.5 μm and the interphase represents the phase (such as animals, plants and fungi).
Chromosome - A thread - like
(c) 2.0 μm (d) 4.0 μm between two successive M phases
(Cytokinesis and Karyokinesis). microscopic structure formed by coiling
Sol.192.(b) 7.5 μm. Red blood cells of DNA packaged with protein containing
(erythrocytes) - It is rich in hemoglobin, Q.196. By what name are the flat all genetic material of an organism.
an iron rich molecule that can bind membrane-enclosed sacs present in the
oxygen and also imparts red color to the Golgi apparatus known? Q.200. Which cell analysis technique is
blood. RBC is produced in the bone SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (2nd Shift) used to rapidly analyse single cells or
marrow (erythropoiesis process) and has (a) Lamellae (b) Cisternae particles as they flow through single or
a life cycle of 120 days. RBC is recycled (c) Cristae (d) Stroma multiple lasers while suspended in a
by macrophages. RBC Disorders: Anemia buffered salt-based solution?
(Lower than normal RBC), Polycythemia Sol.196.(b) Cisternae - It is a SSC CHSL 03/08/2023 (4th shift)
(Excess of RBC), Sickle Cell Disease membrane-bound cell organelle (a) Mass spectroscopy
(Genetic Disorder causes RBCs to take consisting of a series of flattened (b) Flow cytometry
on a crescent shape), Thalassemia membranous sacs that look like stacked (c) Electrochemical analysis
(Genetic blood disorders that result in pouches. Organelles present in cells - (d) Multiple displacement amplification
Q.193. What is the length of a bacterial Vacuole, Lysosome. laser-based technique used to detect and
cell? analyze the chemical and physical
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) Q.197. Which cell found in the bone characteristics of cells or particles, It is
(a) 3 to 5 μm (b) 0 to 3 μm marrow acts as a repair system for the to evaluate bone marrow, peripheral
(c) 1 to 40 μm (d) 30 to 50 μm body ? blood and other fluids in your body. Mass
SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift) spectroscopy - Used to identify and
Sol.193.(a) 3 to 5 μm. Bacteria are single (a) Bone Cells (b) Fat Cells quantify molecules by measuring their
- celled microorganisms. Bacterial cell - (c) Muscle cells (d) Stem cells mass-to-charge ratio. Electrochemical
Prokaryotic cells, lacking well - defined analysis - Used to measure the electrical
nuclei and membrane-bound organelles, Sol.197.(d) Stem cells - Unspecialised properties of cells or particles. Multiple
and with chromosomes composed of a cells which divide to produce two displacement amplification - Used to
single closed DNA circle. Length of cells daughter cells, one of which remains a amplify DNA.
in organisms : Human - 20-30 stem cell and the other one becomes
differentiated. The major sources of Q.201. The division of cytoplasm is
micrometres. Plants - 10 to 100
stem cells are embryos and adult tissues known as:
(adult stem cells). Stem cells are SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.194. What do you call a Glycocalyx characterised into three types depending (a) karyokinesis (b) cytoskeleton
that is a loose sheath type? on their potency : Unipotent cells, (c) cytosol (d) cytokinesis
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) pluripotent cells and multipotent cells.
Sol.201.(d) Cytokinesis : It is a physical
(a) Slime layer (b) Tubules
Q.198. During cell division, the formation process which divides the cytoplasm of a
(c) Capsule (d) Mesosomes
of a new cell wall is followed by the parental cell into two daughter cells.
Sol.194.(a) Slime layer. It is a type of accumulation of: Karyokinesis : Division of the nucleus
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during mitosis or meiosis. Cytoskeleton : maintenance of neuronal networks, and specialized organelles found in plant
It is a network of fibres forming the injury repair. Sensory cells - They occur in cells. Chloroplasts are organelle that
eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells and specialized organs such as the eyes, contains the photosynthetic pigment
archaeans. Cytosol : The fluid in which ears, nose, and mouth, as well as internal chlorophyll that captures sunlight and
organelles of the cell reside. The primary organs. converts it into useful energy, Found in
component of cytosol is water. green plants and algae.
Q.206. In a plant, ______ is present in the
Q.202. Which of the following cell middle lamella, primary cell and Q.209. Which cells, also called
organelles can make copies of secondary walls and accumulates in the neurilemma cells, are the main glial cells
themselves ? initial stages of development during cell in the PNS and play an essential role in
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd shift) expansion. the survival and functions of neurons?
(a) Golgi apparatus (b) Vacuole SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift) SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(c) Cytoplasm (d) Mitochondria (a) chitin (b) gelatin (c) alginate (d) pectin (a) Bipolar cells (b) Ganglion cells
(c) Schwann cells (d) Photoreceptor cells
Sol.202.(d) Mitochondria (Powerhouse Sol.206.(d) Pectin (polysaccharide) - A
of cells). Vacuole - A membrane-bound soluble fibre found in fruits. Chitin - A Sol.209.(c) Schwann cells.
cell organelle. In animal cells, vacuoles long chain polymer of N Peripheral Nervous System - Part of your
are generally small and help sequester -acetylglucosamine, an amide derivative nervous system that lies outside the
waste products. of glucose, forms a long chain polymer. brain and spinal cord. Central nervous
Present in cell walls and septa of all system - Includes two organs, the brain
Q.203. Which type of haploid unicellular pathogenic fungi and cyst walls of and spinal cord. Bipolar cells - One of the
eukaryote cells has a diameter of ~10 pathogenic amoebae. Gelatin - A food main retinal interneurons that provide the
μm, and about half of their volume is ingredient found in soups, broths, main pathways from photoreceptors to
occupied by cup-shaped chloroplasts ? sauces, gummy candies, marshmallows, ganglion cells.
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th shift)
cosmetics, and medications. Alginate -
(a) Hydrodictyon (b) Ulva Naturally occurring anionic polymer Q.210. The cells having well-organized
(c) Chlamydomonas (d) Oedogonium nuclei with a nuclear membrane are
typically obtained from brown seaweed.
designated as__________ .
Sol.203.(c) Chlamydomonas : Single Q.207. Select the correct statement. SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Morning)
-celled green algae found in both SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift) (a) Cheek cells (b) prokaryotic cells
freshwater and marine habitats. It (a) Mitochondria and nucleus are found (c) eukaryotic cells (d) autokaryotic cells
(sea lettuce) : Green algae, found in (c) Chloroplast, ribosomes and nucleus These possess a well-defined nucleus,
marine environments. Oedogonium : are present in fungal cells. enclosed within a nuclear membrane,
Green algae, found in freshwater ponds, (d) Mitochondria and nucleus are absent and contain various membrane-bound
streams, and even in some terrestrial in plant cells. organelles such as mitochondria,
environments with high humidity. endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus,
Sol.207.(b) Bacteria do not have a
and others.
Q.204. Which cell organelles are known nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.
as cell's post office ? They have ribosomes. Fungal cells have Q.211. Which component of the cell
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (1st shift) ribosomes and a nucleus. They also have contains the hereditary material of the
(a) Nucleus (b) Golgi apparatus other organelles like endoplasmic cell, the DNA?
(c) Ribosome (d) Plastid reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Morning)
Golgi apparatus and vacuoles. Plant cells (a) Cell Wall (b) Nucleus
Sol.204.(b) Golgi apparatus.
have ribosomes (Responsible for protein (c) Cell Membrane (d) Cytoplasm
It is responsible for processing and
synthesis) mitochondria, nucleus, and
packaging proteins and lipid molecules, Sol.211.(b) Nucleus (Discovered by
chloroplasts (responsible for
particularly those destined for export. Robert Brown) - It is a membrane - bound
organelle found in eukaryotic cells. It
Q.205. Which of the following cells are
Q.208. Which form of leucoplast contains the cell's genetic material,
found in the liver of mammals?
specialises in oil synthesis and storage including DNA, which carries the
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
and is mainly found in the layer of cells in instructions for cell function and
(a) Purkinje cells (b) Microglial cells
pollen grains that develop pollen grains? inheritance. Deoxyribonucleic acid
(c) Kupffer cells (d) Sensory cells
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift) (DNA) - Discovered by James Watson
Sol.205.(c) Kupffer cells. (a) Gerontoplasts (b) Proteinoplasts and Francis Crick.
They are resident liver macrophages and (c) Chloroplasts (d) Elaioplasts
maintain liver functions. They are the first Q.212. Cells were first observed in cork
Sol.208.(d) Elaioplasts - These are by __________ in 1665.
innate immune cells and protect the liver
plastids that are specialized in oil SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Afternoon)
from bacterial infections. Purkinje cells -
synthesis and found primarily in the layer (a) Robert Hooke
They are a unique type of neuron,
of cells. Gerontoplasts - Type of plastid (b) Anton van Leeuwenhoek
specific to the cerebellar cortex.
formed during leaf senescence (c) Theophrastus
Microglia cells are resident cells of the
(deterioration with age), Derived from - (d) Edward Jenner
brain that regulate brain development,
Chloroplasts. Proteinoplasts are
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Sol.212.(a) Robert Hooke. Edward have lysosomes. transport vehicle. Respiration - Process
Jenner - Discovered the smallpox in which organisms exchange gases
vaccine in 1796. Theophrastus - The Q.217. Plant cell have a big central ___ between their body cells and the
father of botany. Anton van unlike a number of small ___ in animal environment. Excretion - Process by
Leeuwenhoek (Father of Microbiology) - cells. SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) which animals rid themselves of waste
He discovered protists and bacteria. (a) Vacuole, vacuoles products and of the nitrogenous
(b) Cell wall, cell walls by-products of metabolism.
Q.213. What is the jelly-like substance (c) Tissue, tissues
between the nucleus and the cell (d) Cell membrane, cell membranes Q.221. In Golgi apparatus, the maturing
membrane called? face is:
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning) Sol.217.(a) Vacuole, vacuoles. Plant SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (Shift - 1)
(a) plasma (b) cell wall cells - Eukaryotic cells that vary in (a) spherical (b) convex
(c) plasma membrane (d) cytoplasm several fundamental factors from other (c) bi-concave (d) concave
eukaryotic organisms. It is rectangular
Sol.213.(d) Cytoplasm. It is the main and comparatively larger than the animal Sol.221.(d) Concave. The Golgi cisternae
area for all the activities taking place cell. Tissue - A group of cells with similar are concentrically arranged near the
inside a cell. It is made of water, salts structure and function. It forms a cellular nucleus with distinct convex cis or the
and proteins. Plasma is the fluid that organizational level, intermediate forming face and concave, trans or the
makes up the blood and other bodily between the cells and organ system. maturing face. The Golgi apparatus
fluids. (discovered by Camillo Golgi in 1898) is
Q.218. Which of the following is a located close to the nucleus and can be
Q.214. Which component of the cell complex permanent plant tissue? very large in secretory cells, where it fills
organelles principally performs the SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon almost the complete cytoplasm.
function of packaging materials, to be (a) Lateral meristems (b) collenchyma
delivered either to the intra-cellular (c) Xylem (d) Apical meristems Q.222. What is the outermost layer found
targets or secreted outside the cell? in the cell envelope of the bacterial cell
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Morning) Sol.218.(c) Xylem - It is a complex called?
(a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria permanent tissue found in vascular SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(c) Golgi Apparatus (d) Chromosomes plants. It is responsible for conducting (a) Glycocalyx (b) Cell membrane
water, minerals, and nutrients from the (c) Plasma membrane (d) Cytoplasm
Sol.214.(c) Golgi Apparatus roots to the other parts of the plant.
(Golgi complex or Golgi body). Xylem and Phloem are the Complex Sol.222.(a) Glycocalyx. It is a network of
Permanent tissues. polysaccharides attached to the cell wall.
Q.215. What is the major function of a
cell wall? Q.219. At high doses, ________ kills Q.223. There are ____ main types of cell
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Morning) cancer cells or slows their growth by division.
(a) It works as a storage for material damaging their DNA. Cancer cells whose SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(b) It provides shape and rigidity to the DNA is damaged beyond repair, stop (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5
cell dividing or die. When the damaged cells
Sol.223.(b) 2. Types - Mitosis : The
(c) It is responsible for cell division die, they are broken down and removed
Sol.215.(b) The cell wall in plants is observed in almost all the body’s cells,
(a) Chemotherapy (b) Radiation therapy
composed mainly of cellulose and including eyes, skin, hair, and muscle
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift) (c) The ribosomes of a polysome
Sol.234.(d) Plasma Membrane consists
(a) Coeliea (b) Acoelomea translate the rRNA into proteins.
of both lipids and proteins and provides
(c) Ectinoglea (d) Mesoglea (d) The ribosomes of a monosome
protection for a cell. Lipids are fatty,
translate the rRNA into proteins.
Sol.226.(d) Mesoglea. Coelenterata and wax-like molecules found in the human
Ctenophora show the scattered pouches Sol.230.(b) The ribosomes of a body and other organisms.
in between ectoderm and endoderm. polysome translate the mRNA into Q.235. Which of the following cell
Animals in which the body cavity is proteins. A ribosome is an intracellular
(c) There is no movement (d) It is slower SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Sol.235.(d) Endoplasmic Reticulum is a
(a) Only II (b) Both I and II
Sol.227.(d) It is slower. Decomposition major site of protein synthesis and
substances are present. Sol.231.(b) Meristematic tissues are steroid synthesis, carbohydrate
cells or groups of cells that have the metabolism and calcium storage.
Q.228. Identify the function of plasmid ability to divide. The tissues that are Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are of two
DNA. completely grown and have lost the types : Smooth ER and Rough ER.
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (3rd Shift) ability to divide are known as Permanent Function of lysosomes (digestion and
(a) None of the given options are correct tissues. Types of Plant Tissue - removal of waste).
(b) To form blood cells Meristematic Tissue ( Apical, Intercalary,
(c) To confer certain unique phenotypic Q.236. In plant cell, ______ are primarily
Lateral) and Permanent Tissue {Simple
characters to bacteria organelles in which materials such as
(Parenchyma, Collenchyma,
(d) To help in the formation of rRNA starch, oils and protein granules are
Sclerenchyma), Complex (Xylem and
Sol.228.(c) A plasmid is a small, circular, Phloem)}.
SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Evening)
double-stranded DNA molecule that is Q.232. Cells of meristematic tissue lack (a) chromoplasts (b) mitochondria
distinct from a cell's chromosomal DNA. ________. (c) leucoplasts (d) vacuoles
Plasmids naturally exist in bacterial cells, SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift)
and they also occur in some eukaryotes. (a) Cellulose wall (b) Vacuoles Sol.236.(c) Leucoplasts. The basic
Often, the genes carried in plasmids (c) cytoplasm (d) Nuclei function of it is the storage of essential
provide bacteria with genetic compounds such as starch, lipids, and
advantages, such as antibiotic Sol.232.(b) Vacuoles. They are dividing proteins.
resistance. rigorously so they need not store food or
waste products. Q.237. Amoeba acquires its food
Q.229. Match Column-A with Column-B through the process of ______.
Column-A Column-B Q.233. Which of the following is NOT a SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Morning)
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(a) photosynthesis (b) diffusion Q.241. Which cell theory proved that the species detoxification, and signaling.
(c) endocytosis (d) exocytosis quasi-fluid nature of lipids enables lateral
movement of proteins within the overall Q.245. In animal cells, which membrane
Sol.237.(c) Endocytosis is a general term bilayer? -bound cell organelles are generally
describing a process by which cells SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Afternoon) smaller and help to separate waste
absorb external material by engulfing it (a) Cell theory products?
with the cell membrane. Exocytosis is (b) Fluid mosaic model SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 ( Morning)
the process by which cells move (c) Model of Golgi bodies (a) Plastids (b) Cytosols
materials from within the cell into the (d) Vacuole theory (c) Golgi apparatus (d) Vacuoles
extracellular fluid. Diffusion is the
Sol.241.(b) Fluid mosaic model Sol.245.(d) Vacuole. Cytosol is known as
movement of molecules from an area of
describes the cell membrane as a the matrix of the cytoplasm.
high concentration of the molecules to
an area with a lower concentration. tapestry of several types of molecules Q.246. Identify the component found
(phospholipids, cholesterols, and only in a eukaryotic cell.
Q.238. What are the projections of proteins) that are constantly moving. Cell SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 ( Afternoon)
varying lengths protruding out of an theory states that the cell is the basic (a) Ribosomes
amoeba’s body, which can appear and functional and structural unit of all living (b) Plasma membrane
disappear, known as? organisms. (c) Nuclear membrane
SSC MTS 19/07/2022 (Evening)
Q.242. Under the electron microscope, (d) Cytoplasm
(a) Contractile vacuole (b) Paramecium
(c) Pseudo vacuole (d) Pseudopodia which cell organelle is visible as either Sol.246.(c) Nuclear membrane.
clusters or single, small dots that float Ribosomes can be found in both
Sol.238.(d) Pseudopodia are called the freely in the cytoplasm?
prokaryote (bacteria) and eukaryote
false feet as they are actually extensions SSC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Afternoon) (animals and plants) cells.
of the cytoplasm or the thick liquid that is (a) Golgi apparatus (b) Ribosomes
inside organisms like an Amoeba. The (c) Vesicles (d) Peroxisomes Q.247. Which is the major microtubule -
function of the contractile vacuole is to organising centre (MTOC) in eukaryotic
pump water out of the cell through a Sol.242.(b) Ribosome. cells involved in various cellular
It is an intracellular structure made of
process called osmoregulation, the processes, including sensory reception,
regulation of osmotic pressure. both RNA and protein, and it is the site of locomotion, and embryogenesis?
protein synthesis in the cell. Vesicles can
(a) DNA (b) ADP (c) ATP (d) RNA SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Evening)
(a) Nerve cell Q.248. Which of the following is an
Sol.239.(c) ATP example of active transport?
ADP is adenosine diphosphate and Sol.243.(d) White Blood Cell. It is also (c) Glucose transport
contains only two phosphate groups. known as leukocytes, are responsible for (d) Sodium and potassium pumps
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the protecting your body from infection. The
basic unit of communication in the Sol.248.(d) Sodium-potassium pump
hereditary material in humans and
nervous system is the nerve cell present on the cell membrane, which
almost all other organisms. Ribonucleic
(neuron). Columnar epithelial cells are transports 3 sodium ions outside and 2
acid (RNA) is a nucleic acid present in
elongated and column-shaped and have potassium ions inside of the cell per ATP.
all living cells.
a height of at least four times their width. Active transport (uphill transport)
Q.240. Which of the following are transports substances against the
situated in the nucleus of a cell? Q.244. In cell biology, what is a large concentration gradient from lower to
SSC MTS 22/07/2022 (Morning) double-membraned organelle that is higher concentration. Passive transport
(a) Chromosome and genes sometimes referred to as the ‘central (Glucose transporters) are a wide group
(b) Cytoplasm and chromosome unit’ of the cell because it contains the of membrane proteins that facilitate the
(c) Nucleolus and cytoplasm chromosomes that bear genetic transport of glucose across the plasma
(d) Protoplasm and chromosome material? membrane.
SSC CHSL 30/05/2022 ( Evening)
Sol.240.(a) Chromosomes and genes. (a) Peroxisome (b) Nucleus Q.249. Choose the correct sequence for
Each cell in the human body has 23 pairs (c) Mitochondrion (d) Lysosome central dogma.
of chromosomes (46 total SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Afternoon)
chromosomes). Two of them are the X Sol.244.(b) Nucleus. Peroxisomes are (a) Protein translation, DNA Replication,
and the Y chromosome, determine sex organelles that sequester diverse m-RNA transcription
as male or female when you are born. oxidative reactions and play important (b) DNA Replication, m-RNA
roles in metabolism, reactive oxygen transcription, Protein translation
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(c) m-RNA transcription, Protein humour. Pupil - It is an aperture of Q.258. Which of the following body parts
translation, DNA Replication variable size in the centre of the iris, behaves like a stretched rubber sheet?
(d) m-RNA transcription, DNA which regulates the amount of light SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Evening)
Replication, Protein translation entering the eyeball. Retina - It is a (a) Tongue (b) Eye lens
transparent layer forming the inner coat (c) Nostril (d) Eardrum
Sol.249.(b) The 'Central Dogma' is the of the eye, it supports the choroid layer.
process by which the instructions in DNA Sol.258.(d) Eardrum. The tympanic
are converted into a functional product. It Q.254. Identify the structure that controls membrane (eardrum) which is a thin
was first proposed in 1958 by Francis the size of the pupil. layer of tissue in the human ear that
Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift) receives sound vibrations from the outer
The central dogma of molecular biology: (a) Vitreous humour (b) Iris air and transmits them to the auditory
DNA → RNA → protein. (c) Ciliary muscles (d) Cornea ossicles, which are tiny bones in the
tympanic (middle-ear) cavity.
Q.250. Which biological stain is used in Sol.254.(b) Iris. Parts of the human eye:
histology and cytology to colour all cell Iris is the coloured membrane behind the
nuclei red? cornea and in the point of the lens with
Circulatory System
SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening) an aperture of variable size called pupil.
Q.259. How many chambers are there in
(a) Methyl orange (b) Safranin Cornea - The rays of light enter this layer.
the heart of fishes ?
(c) Phenolphthalein (d) Cresol red Cornea accounts for two-thirds of the
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
total optical power of the eye. Vitreous
Sol.250.(b) Safranin. It is mostly utilized (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3
humour - This is a gel-like substance
for the identification of cartilage, mucin, which maintains the shape of the eyeball. Sol.259.(b) 2. Fish have a single circuit
and mast cell granules. Cresol red is a It is also a refractive media.
for blood flow and a two-chambered
triarylmethane dye, used as an acid-base
heart that has only a single atrium and a
indicator, or pH indicator. Q.255. Which type of muscles do the
single ventricle. The atrium collects
uterus, iris of the eye, and bronchi
Q.251. Match column A with column B. blood that has returned from the body,
Column - A Column - B while the ventricle pumps the blood to
Matriculation Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 1)
i. Peptidoglycan a. Cell wall of plants the gills where gas exchange occurs and
(a) Smooth muscles (b) Striated muscles
ii. Pectin b. Bacterial cell wall the blood is re-oxygenated; this is called
(c) Skeletal muscles (d) Cardiac muscles
iii. Chitin c. Cell wall of fruits gill circulation. Amphibians and most
iv. Cellulose d. Insect cell wall Sol.255.(a) Smooth muscles (involuntary reptiles have three-chambered hearts,
muscles) are found in various organs with the exception of crocodiles, which
SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Evening)
and tissues that require automatic have four-chambered hearts.
(a) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c (b) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d
(a) Taste (b) Smell (c) Vision (d) Touch nutrients and oxygen. The tracheas are
Q.256. Clove is an__________ indicator.
the tubes that carry air from the throat to
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (4th Shift)
Sol.252.(c) Vision. Virtual reality (VR) the lungs. They are made of cartilage
(a) Chemical (b) Olfactory
aiming to create an immersive visual and have smooth muscles in their walls.
(c) Universal (d) Gustatory
experience that simulates a virtual
environment. While some VR systems Q.261. _____ are the vessels which carry
Sol.256.(b) Olfactory. Vanilla, clove and
may also incorporate audio and haptic carbon dioxide - rich blood back to the
onion are examples of olfactory
feedback to engage the senses of heart.
indicators. Clove - Scientific name -
hearing and touch, the main focus is on SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening)
Syzygium aromaticum. Medicinal
visual stimulation. (a) veins (b) neurons
Properties - Antioxidant, Antimicrobial,
(c) capillaries (d) arteries
Antinociceptive, Antiviral, etc.
Q.253. What is the shape of the eyeball ?
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) Sol.261.(a) Veins - They carry
Q.257. What do you call the transparent
(a) Oval (b) Spherical deoxygenated blood (except pulmonary
front part of the eye?
(c) Cylindrical (d) Circular veins). Biggest vein - Vena Cava. Neurons
SSC MTS 11/10/2021(Morning)
: Fundamental unit of the nervous system
(a) Cornea (b) Retina (c) Pupil (d) Iris
Sol.253.(b) Spherical. Parts of the specialized to transmit information to
human eye: Vitreous humour - This is a Sol.257.(a) Cornea. It covers the pupil different parts of the body. Capillaries :
gel-like substance which maintains the (the opening at the centre of the eye), iris They take waste products away from
shape of the eyeball. It is also a refractive (the coloured part of the eye), and the tissues.
media. Anterior chamber - It contains the anterior chamber of the eye (the
Q.262. The blood platelets are also
iris and a fluid called the aqueous fluid-filled inside of the eye).
known as .
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SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning) Q.267. Which of the following is a large parts – the glomerulus and the renal
(a) thrombin (b) thrombocytes bean - shaped lymphoid organ in the tubule. Glomerulus is a tuft of capillaries
(c) erythrocytes (d) leucocytes human body ? formed by the afferent arteriole – a fine
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Evening) branch of renal artery. Blood from the
Sol.262.(b) Thrombocytes. They are cell (a) Thymus (b) Spleen glomerulus is carried away by an efferent
fragments found in blood and spleen (c) Lymph node (d) Tonsil arteriole. The renal tubule begins with a
produced from megakaryocytes (special double walled cup-like structure called
cells in the bone marrow). It helps to Sol.267.(b) Spleen stores erythrocytes, Bowman’s capsule, which encloses the
form blood clots, prevent bleeding and lymphocytes, and phagocytes. It filters glomerulus.
wounds healing. Blood normally contains the bloodstream by trapping blood-borne
150,000 to 450,000 platelets per pathogens in its cells. Q.271. Identify a muscle responsible for
microliter of blood. Thrombin - An the exit of waste material from the body.
enzyme that helps in regulating Q.268. Which of the following SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
hemostasis and maintaining blood statements about blood pressure is (a) Rectus (b) Pectoralis
coagulation. correct? (c) Sphincter (d) Gastrocnemius
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening)
Q.263. Muscles are of three types. Which (a) The normal systolic pressure is about Sol.271.(c) Sphincter. A muscular
of the following is NOT one of them ? 80 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is sphincter (gastro-oesophageal) regulates
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (4th Shift) 120 mm of Hg. the opening of oesophagus into the
(a) Sesamoids (b) Smooth (b) The normal systolic pressure is about stomach. The small intestine is
(c) Cardiac (d) Skeletal 72 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is distinguishable into three regions, a ‘C’
35 mm of Hg. shaped duodenum, a long coiled middle
Sol.263.(a) Sesamoids. Muscles are (c) The normal systolic pressure is about portion jejunum and a highly coiled
tissues that can contract, and therefore 160 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure ileum. The opening of the stomach into
they help in the movement of the other
is 80 mm of Hg. the duodenum is guarded by the pyloric
body parts. There are about 600 muscles (d) The normal systolic pressure is about sphincter.
in the human body. The three main types
120 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure
of muscle include skeletal (bones), is 80 mm of Hg. Q.272. Which is a specialised excretory
smooth (organs) and cardiac (heart). cell found in Platyhelminthes that acts
Sol.268.(d) The maximum pressure at like a kidney, removing waste material
Q.264. What is the pH of human blood ? which the blood leaves the heart through through filtration?
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (2nd Shift) the main artery (Aorta) during ventricular SSC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023)
(a) 6.5 (b) 5.8 (c) 10 (d) 7.4 contraction is called systolic pressure. (a) Fat cell (b) Flame cell
The minimum pressure in the arteries (c) Stem cell (d) Sponge cell
hydroxyl ions in the water. Q.269. Swollen bluish veins resulting kingdom Animalia. The organisms are
Q.265. Which of the following is from the valves that do not close also known as flatworms. They are
essential to form haemoglobin in blood? properly are called ______. triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical,
SSC CGL Tier II (03/03/2023) SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Evening) dorsoventra, acoelomate flatworms with
(a) Fats (b) Iron (c) Calcium (d) Protein (a) systemic veins (b) varicose veins organ grade of construction without a
(c) deep veins (d) superficial veins definite anus, circulatory, skeletal or
SSC MTS 18/07/2022 (Morning) SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Evening)
(a) Pancreas (b) Pineal (a) Gallbladder (b) Ileum Q.284. What is the percentage of carbon
(c) Liver (d) Hypothalamus (c) Jejunum (d) Epiglottis dioxide in the air exhaled by human lungs ?
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
Sol.275.(c) Liver. It is located in the Sol.280.(d) Epiglottis. Its main function
upper right portion of the abdomen and (a) 3.2 % (b) 5.9 % (c) 2.3 % (d) 4.4 %
is to seal off the windpipe during eating,
is the only organ that has the ability to so that food is not accidentally inhaled. Sol.284.(d) 4.4%. Composition of
regenerate efficiently. Pancreas is a The larynx is a cartilaginous skeleton, exhaled air : nitrogen (78%) oxygen (17%)
composite gland which acts as both some ligaments, and muscles that move carbon dioxide (4%) other gases (1%).
exocrine and endocrine gland. and stabilize it . Inhaled air is by volume: 78% nitrogen,
Q.276. Proboscis gland for excretion is 20.95% oxygen and small amounts of
present in the phylum: Respiratory system other gases including argon, carbon
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) dioxide, neon, helium, and hydrogen.
(a) Arthropoda (b) Porifera Q.281. In boys, the growing 'larynx' is
Sol.295.(c) Grass has cellulose (takes a
in adults is typically 10 - 13 inches long fats (fats in food to fatty acids). It also
long time to digest) so it requires longer
and about ¾ inch in diameter at its helps in digesting carbohydrates and
intestines in organisms to digest. Meat
narrowest point. proteins to some extent. Estrogen - The
(lamb, chicken, etc) is easy to digest so it
female reproductive hormone secreted
Q.288. Which of the following is a requires a short intestine (in organisms)
by the membranous granulosa of the
medium-sized globular protein that acts to digest. The function of the long
Graafian follicle. Mucus - A protective
as a pancreatic serine protease found in intestine: absorbing water and
substance that is secreted from multiple
the digestive system of many vertebrates electrolytes, producing and absorbing
areas in the body such as the mouth,
SSC CHSL 08/07/2024 (3rd shift) vitamins, and forming and propelling
sinuses, throat, lungs, and stomach.
(a) Trypsin (b) Amylase feces toward the rectum for elimination.
Produced by the goblet cell of the
(c) Lipase (d) Pepsin
part is called the duodenum. The jejunum movement. Sol.306.(c) Forebrain. The brain is the
is in the middle and the ileum is at the (b) The lining of the vessels inside help in central information processing organ of
end. The large intestine includes the movement. our body. The brain can be divided into
appendix, cecum, colon, and rectum. The (c) The blood flow of the cells helps in three major parts : Forebrain consists of
large intestine is about five feet (or 1.5 movement. Hypothalamus (regulation of sexual
metres) long. (d) The contraction and relaxation of behaviour, expression of emotional
these cells result in movement. reactions), Cerebrum (controls memory,
Q.300. Which type of carbohydrate will power, knowledge etc), Thalamus
CANNOT be broken down by the GI tract, Sol.303.(d) Muscle cells are specialized
(controls pain, cold and Heat). Midbrain
does not provide energy, but helps the cells that can contract and relax. This
consists of Tectum (vision and auditory
body get rid of wastes and keeps the ability is crucial for movement in the
reflexes) and Hindbrain consists of
Glycogen is the storage form of is what allows for various movements, Q.307. Our brain mainly depends on
carbohydrates in mammals. Simple
(c) hinge (d) ball and socket (a) Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
Skeleton system
(b) Pteridophyta and Angiosperms
Sol.314.(d) Ball and socket joint. It is a
Q.310. In humans the neck is joined by (c) Thallophyta and Gymnosperms
synovial joint, which means it allows for
the head by which of the following joints? (d) Bryophytes and Thallophyta
smooth movements between bones.
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Sol.319.(d) Bryophytes and Thallophyta.
(a) Ball and socket joint (b) Hinge joint Q.315. The vertebrae are a part of which
Thallophyta - Plants that do not have
(c) Pivotal joint (d) Fixed joint of the following body systems in humans
well-differentiated body design fall in this
lumbar spine sections and the sacrum and Angiosperms are called
Q.311. Which among the following is a and coccyx bones. ‘phanerogams’.
flat bone?
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (1st Shift) Q.316. How many bones are there in the Q.320. Hubbardia heptaneuron, which
has become endangered, is a species of
parallel venation. pinnately compound leaves, leaflets are and may develop from nodes (money
arranged along a common axis called the
plant, bamboo), stem cuttings (rose),
Q.323. The growth form of a plant, rachis, as seen in neem. In palmately branches (banyan), or the stem base
comprising its size, shape and compound leaves, leaflets attach at a
(fibrous roots in monocots).
orientation is known as : common point at the tip of the petiole,
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (3rd Shift) such as in silk cotton. Q.330. Which of the following organisms
(a) habit (b) environment can initiate ecological succession even in
(c) habitat (d) growth pattern Q.327. Which of the following is bare rocks ?
responsible for the red colour of SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (3rd shift)
Sol.323.(a) habit. The environment is the beetroot? (a) Orchids (b) Aspergillums
sum of all living and non-living things, SSC CGL 24/09/2024 (1st Shift) (c) Lily (d) Lichens
and the forces that affect them, that (a) Curcumin (b) Betanin
surround a person, animal, or plant. A (c) Beta carotene (d) Lycopene Sol.330.(d) Lichens.The species that are
habitat is the natural home of an first to invade a bare area are called
organism, such as a plant or animal. It Sol.327.(b) Betanin. The red color in pioneer species. Lichens are able to
provides the organism with food, water, beetroot is due to betacyanin, a secrete acids to dissolve rock, helping in
water-soluble pigment located in the cell
and diatoms ? yellow-orange pigment converted to Q.331. What is the root-like structure at
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (1st Shift) vitamin A in the body, found in carrots the base of an algae (seaweed) that
(a) Fucoxanthin (b) Astaxanthin and sweet potatoes. Lycopene is the red binds the algae to a hard substrate like a
(c) Neoxanthin (d) β-cryptoxanthin colored pigment abundantly found in red stone?
colored fruits and vegetables such as Higher Secondary 26/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
Sol.324.(a) Fucoxanthin. tomato, papaya, pink grapefruit, pink (a) Holdfast (b) Midrib (c) Stipe (d) Frond
It is an orange-colored pigment, along guava and watermelon.
with chlorophylls a and c and β-carotene, Sol.331.(a) Holdfast. Algae are a diverse
present in Chromophyta, including brown Q.328. The loss of water in the form of group of photosynthetic, eukaryotic
seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) and diatoms water droplets from leaves of plants is organisms, representing a polyphyletic
(Bacillariophyta). Astaxanthin: It is a called _____. grouping that includes species from
reddish pigment that belongs to a group SSC CHSL 02/07/2024 (1st shift) various clades. The midrib, or midvein, is
of chemicals called carotenoids. (a) Translocation (b) Plasmolysis the central, thick vein running from the
Neoxanthin: It is a carotenoid and (c) Pressure gradient (d) Guttation base to the tip of a leaf, providing
xanthophyll pigment found in plants, support and structure. A stipe is the stalk
algae, and microorganisms. Sol.328.(d) Guttation. Translocation is or stem that supports a structure in
β-Cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid found in the movement of materials from leaves plants, algae, or fungi. A frond refers to a
fruits and vegetables such as tangerines, to other tissues throughout the plant. large, divided leaf, typically associated
red peppers, and pumpkin. Plasmolysis is defined as the process of with ferns and some palm trees, but can
contraction or shrinkage of the also denote the leaves of flowering
Q.325. Which of the following is NOT protoplasm of a plant cell and is caused plants like mimosa or sumac.
related to reticulate venation ? due to the loss of water in the cell.
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Pressure gradient refers to the difference Q.332. Flowerless plants, naked seeds,
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needle like leaves and cones as Sol.335.(d) Pteridophyta. Sol.338.(c) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i.
reproductive structure are the It belongs to the vascular plant family.
characteristics of: They reproduce through spores rather Q.339. Select the incorrect statement
Graduate Level 20/06/2024 (Shift - 3) than seeds. Examples - ferns, horsetails about Gymnosperms.
(a) angiosperms (b) pteridophyta and lycophytes. Four classes of SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(c) gymnosperms (d) bryophyta pteridophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, (a) Gymnosperms are found as woody
Sphenopsida, Pteropsida. Cryptogams - shrubs, trees or lianas and include no
Sol.332.(c) gymnosperms. A flowerless and seedless group of true aquatics and few epiphytes.
The gymnosperms (gymnos : naked, plants having hidden sex organs. Three (b) Gymnosperms are seedless flowering
sperma : seeds) are plants in which the main divisions - Thallophyta, Bryophyta plants.
ovules are not enclosed by any ovary wall and Pteridophyte. They are the first-ever (c) Gymnosperms are typically slow in
and remain exposed, both before and terrestrial plants to possess vascular terms of reproduction; up to a year
after fertilisation. Examples are Cycas, tissues. may pass between pollination and
Pinus and Ginkgo. Angiosperms: The fertilization and seed maturation may
seeds are enclosed in fruits. They are Q.336. Which of the following is a require 3 years.
divided into two classes : the perennial herbaceous plant in the (d) Gymnosperms exhibit cones or
dicotyledons and the monocotyledons. nightshade family Solanaceae that is storbili and naked seeds, but not
Pteridophytes are seedless, and they used in alternative medicine as an aid in flowers.
reproduce through spores. Bryophytes treating arthritis pain, colds or hay fever?
are amphibians of plant kingdom as they SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd shift) Sol.339.(b) Gymnosperms are
complete their life cycle in both water (a) Arachis hypogaea flowerless, seed - producing plants. They
and on land. These mainly grow in damp, (b) Cynodon dactylon belong to the subkingdom Embophyta.
Examples - Cycas, Pinus, Araucaria,
shady places, especially in the hills. (c) Cicer arietinum
(d) Atropa belladonna Thuja, Cedrus, Picea, Abies, Juniperus.
Q.333. The structure that produces and
holds sperm cells in bryophytes (non - Sol.336.(d) Atropa belladonna - It is a Q.340. Sporophyte stage is dominant in
which plant group?
vascular plants) and ferns is called : perennial herbaceous plant in the
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) nightshade family Solanaceae. It is SSC CGL 25/07/2023( 1st shift)
(a) Bryophytes (b) Vascular plants
(a) megasporangia (b) antheridium native to Europe, North Africa, and
(c) archegonium (d) protonema Western Asia. Arachis hypogaea is the (c) Algae (d) Pteridophytes
areas. Cicer arietinum is the chickpea conducting tissues (xylem and phloem).
cells called sperm. They produce plant.
biflagellate antherozoids. Located on: A Examples - Trees, shrubs, grasses,
thin stalk attached to the gametophyte. Q.337. Which is the only living flowering plants, and ferns.
lives in the leaves of Azolla, a freshwater rhizome that gives off aerial as well as
fern, forming which of the following in pomegranate, eggplant, black carrots
underground branches? and red cabbage ?
Sol.347.(a) Gymnosperms - Plant Kingdom is further classified into
red algae which are found in salt water.
whose seeds are completely naked and subgroups of Thallophyta, Bryophyta,
Ectocarpus is a genus of filamentous,
lack an ovary. characteristic - well Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and
marine brown algae. Chlorella is a genus
developed tap root, Needle-like leaves, Angiosperms.
of about 13 species of single-celled
seeds but no fruits. Examples - Pine,
green algae of the division Chlorophyta. Q.353. Certain plants have green and
Ginkgo, Pinus Tree. Reproduction -
sexually and asexually. tender stems. They are usually short and
Q.344. Which is a flowerless, spore -
may not have many branches. What are
producing plant that is usually a thin,
is classified into five subgroups - upright and spread readily on the ground.
Sol.344.(a) Hornworts (bryophytes). It
Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Examples - Pumpkin, Watermelon and
grows on rocks in tropical and temperate
multicellular organism usually thrives in mosses ? group. The plants in this group are
freshwater. Celandine - It is a botanical SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon) commonly called algae. These plants are
extract derived from a plant of the Poppy (a) Pteridophytes (b) Spermatophyta predominantly aquatic.
family. Genus - Stylophorum. Riccia - It is (c) Sphenopsida (d) Bryophytes SSC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023)
a genus of liverworts. (a) Bryophyta (b) Angiosperms
Sol.349.(d) Bryophytes. It is also called (c) Thallophyta (d) Pteridophyta
Q.345. Fungi can grow on which of the amphibians of the plant kingdom
following items? because these plants can live in soil but Sol.354.(c) Thallophyta. Thallophyta is
I. Bread II. Pickles III. Leather IV. Clothes are dependent on water for sexual classified into two subdivisions : Algae
Select the correct option. reproduction. Spermatophytes - A subset and Fungi. Examples - Spirogyra, Chara,
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Morning) of the embryophytes or land plants. Ulothrix, Ulva, Cladophora. Kingdom
(a) I and III (b) I and II Plantae includes algae, bryophytes,
(c) I, II, III and IV (d) I, II and III Q.350. Which among the following are pteridophytes, gymnosperms and
called the amphibians of the plant angiosperms.
Sol.345.(c) I, II, III and IV. kingdom ?
Fungi are eukaryotic (organisms whose SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening) Q.355. Identify the correct statement
cells contain a nucleus and other (a) Gymnosperm (b) Bryophyte about green algae.
membrane - bound organelles) (c) Thallophyte (d) Angiosperm SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (4th Shift)
organisms. They grow in moist climatic (a) Green algae usually have a soft cell
areas where they get enough nutrition for Sol.350.(b) Bryophyte. These are land wall made up of an inner layer of
their growth. The fungal spores are plants which require water for sexual pectose.
generally present in the air and grow on reproduction. Hence, these are found (b) Green algae usually have a rigid cell
articles. Examples : Yeasts, smuts, mostly in moist places in close proximity wall made of an inner layer of protein
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Pinnacle Biology
and an outer layer of fibre. eukaryotic organisms) Yeasts are Sol.363.(b) Conform. Plant Hormones
(c) Green algae usually have a rigid cell eukaryotic, single celled and its Function: Ethylene - Fruit Ripening
wall made of an inner layer of microorganisms. Protozoa are one - and Abscission, the dropping of leaves,
cellulose and an outer layer of celled animals. A fungus (eukaryotic fruits and flowers. Gibberellins - Break
pectose. organism that includes microorganisms the dormancy of seeds and buds,
(d) Green algae usually have a rigid cell such as yeasts, molds and mushrooms). promote growth. Cytokinin - Promote Cell
wall made of an inner layer of fat and Division. Abscisic Acid - closing of
an outer layer of protein. Q.360. What is the name of a protein that stomata and maintaining dormancy.
polymerizes into long chains or filaments Auxins - Involved in tropisms and apical
Sol.355.(c) Green algae have chloroplast that form microtubules, hollow fibres that dominance.
and chlorophyll in their cells. Examples act as the skeletal system for living
are Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Spirogyra, cells? Q.364. Which is a perennial carnivorous
Ulothrox, Oedogonium and Chara. Graduate Level 01/08/2022 (Shift - 4) plant of the sundew family that attracts
(a) Tubulin (b) Elastin prey and usually traps insects and then
Q.356. In which of the following groups, (c) Fibrinogen (d) Ferritin breaks them down with digestive
are all plants monoecious ? enzymes?
SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift) Sol.360.(a) Tubulin ("heterodimer" SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 ( Evening)
(a) Maize, Papaya, Poplar and Rose protein). Elastin (protein) allows the skin (a) Phytoplankton (b) Bladderwort
(b) Papaya, Poplar, Rose and Fig to be flexible and bounce back to its (c) Venus flytrap (d) Seaweed
(c) Maize, Cucumber, Fig and Melon original shape. Fibrinogen (protein
(d) Cucumber, Papaya, Poplar and Rose involved in forming blood clots in the Sol.364.(c) Venus flytrap. It is native to
body). Ferritin is a blood protein that North Carolina and South Carolina.
Sol.356.(c) Maize, Cucumber, Fig and contains iron. Phytoplankton is the autotrophic
Melon. Monoecious plants have both component of the plankton community
male and female reproductive parts in Q.361. Which of the following is a type of
and a key part of ocean and freshwater
the same plant. Examples - cucurbits and bryophyte that lives in many ecosystems. Bladderwort is an aquatic
coconuts, etc. Dioecious plants are environments and is characterised by its
carnivorous plant with highly divided,
referred to when the male and female small, flattened leaves, root-like rhizoids, underwater leaf-like stems and
reproductive organs are distinct. and peristome ?
numerous small "bladders".
Examples - Cottonwood, plum pine, etc. SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Evening)
(a) Funaria (b) Ulothrix Q.365. Identify the component that is
Q.357. Identify a marine alga that is used (c) Cladophora (d) Ulva unique only to prokaryotes.
as food. SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Morning)
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (3rd Shift) Sol.361.(a) Funaria is known as common (a) Nucleus (b) Chromosomes
(a) Ulothrix (b) Sargassum moss or green moss or cord moss. (c) Mesosome (d) Nuclear membrane
(c) Spirogyra (d) Volvox Ulothrix, a genus of filamentous green
algae (family Ulotrichaceae) found in Sol.365.(c) Mesosome is a special
Sol.357.(b) Sargassum (gulfweed, sea marine and fresh waters. Cladophora, a membrane structure, which is formed by
holly) is a seaweed (macroalgae, family - genus of green algae (family the extension of the plasma membrane
Phaeophyceae (brown algae)). It is an
carotenoids, dietary fibres, proteins, and adaptation through leaves that are
minerals). It is found in the Sargasso Sea Q.362. What do you call the water reduced to spines.
in the north - central Atlantic. holding compounds produced in large SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Morning)
quantities by marine brown and red (a) Mimosa (b) Rose
Q.358. Most of the Chlorophyceae have algae? (c) Opuntia (d) Hibiscus
one or more storage bodies SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon)
called_____located in the chloroplasts. (a) Lipids (b) Carbohydrates Sol.366.(c) Opuntia (cactus). Hibiscus
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (4th Shift) (c) Hydrocolloids (d) Gelatin (Orhul) can help boost your immune
(a) Stomata (b) Carotenoids system. Mimosa (“Touch me not”) helps
(c) Pyrenoids (d) Chlorophyll Sol.362.(c) Hydrocolloids. Algin (red in the treatment of many disorders like
algae) and carrageen (brown algae) are piles, insomnia, diarrhea, etc.
Sol.358.(c) Pyrenoids are a protein body some important sources of natural
in the chloroplasts of algae and Q.367. Which phylum of the plant
hornworts that are involved in carbon kingdom consists of vascular plants,
fixation and starch formation and Q.363. What is the mode of adaptation leaves (known as fronds), roots and
storage of Chlorophyceae. done by aquatic plants and animals sometimes true stems and entire trunks
where the osmotic concentration of the in tree ferns?
Q.359. Which of the following is a body fluids changes with that of the SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Afternoon)
diverse group of aquatic organisms ambient air and water osmotic (a) Angiosperm (b) Pteridophyta
capable of photosynthesising? concentration? (c) Bryophyta (d) Gymnosperm
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Morning) SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Morning)
(a) Yeast (b) Protozoa (c) Fungi (d) Algae Sol.367.(b) Pteridophytes are also called
(a) Regulate (b) Conform
vascular cryptogams. Smallest
(c) Migrate (d) Suspend
Sol.359.(d) Algae (photosynthetic Pteridophyte is Azolla (an aquatic fern)
the oaks and their close relatives (genera hair-like structures involved in bacterial Q.376. Which of the following options is
Quercus and Lithocarpus, in the family attachment and DNA transfer. Villi are associated with the class of cold -
Fagaceae). The kola nut is the fruit of the finger-like projections found in the small blooded animals ?
kola tree (Cola acuminata and Cola intestine, involved in nutrient absorption. SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (2nd Shift)
nitida), indigenous to West Africa. Fimbria are short, hair-like structures (a) Chameleon (b) Pavo
Macadamia is a genus of four species of involved in bacterial attachment and (c) Macropus (d) Psittacula
trees in the flowering plant family adhesion.
Proteaceae. The chestnuts are the Sol.376.(a) Chameleons are reptiles.
deciduous trees and shrubs in the genus Q.373. In the case of reptiles, their heart Cold - Blooded Animals : Cold-blooded
Castanea, in the beech family Fagaceae. is not properly divided into four animals, like reptiles and amphibians,
chambers i.e., it consists of two auricles have a body temperature that varies with
Q.370. Camellia sinensis is a plant that and an incompletely divided ventricle. their environment. Examples : Snakes,
produces ______. Which of the following is an example of a Lizards, Turtles, Frogs, Fish.
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Afternoon) reptile having a four-chambered heart?
(a) tea (b) coffee (c) jute (d) sugarcane SSC MTS 07/10/2024 (3rd Shift) Q.377. Which of the following
(a) Snake (b) Turtles characteristics is NOT of Aves ?
Sol.370.(a) Tea. Jute is extracted from SSC CGL 10/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
(c) Crocodile (d) Lizard
the bark of the white jute plant (a) They have a four-chambered heart.
(Corchorus capsularis) and to a lesser Sol.373.(c) Crocodile. Reptiles are (b) They give birth to live young ones
extent from tossa jute (C. olitorius). terrestrial animals known for their with some exceptions that lay eggs.
Sugarcane, (Saccharum officinarum),
is the largest phylum in the animal (c) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a (d) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c
(a) Their skin is covered with
kingdom, first classified by Von Seibold
Sol.382.(d) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c. Hexapods, scales/plates and their hearts have
in 1845. Approximately two-thirds of all
the largest clade of arthropods, include only two chambers.
named species belong to this phylum.
most existing arthropod species. (b) They are ectothermic animals having
Arthropods have a chitinous exoskeleton,
Crustaceans, part of the subphylum mucus glands in the skin, and a
jointed appendages, and various
Crustacea, are invertebrates with about three-chambered heart.
respiratory organs, including gills, book
45,000 species worldwide. Myriapods, (c) They are warm-blooded, oviparous,
gills, book lungs, or a tracheal system.
a few primitive forms in which the water. After spawning, within a few days,
(a) Chondrichthyes (b) Reptilia
backbone is represented by a notochord they die. Their larvae, after
(c) Amphibia (d) Aves
the order Testudines. Reptiles are (c) Mollusca (d) Arthropoda 6-15 pairs of gill slits for respiration.
cold-blooded, have scaly skin, typically Examples: Petromyzon (Lamprey) and
lay eggs, and possess lungs. This class Sol.383.(a) Vertebrata. These animals
Myxine (Hagfish).
includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and have a segmented spinal column and,
turtles. Chondrichthyes consist of during embryonic development, a Q.386. Which hairpin-like structure
cartilaginous fishes like sharks and rays. notochord that is replaced by a vertebral serves to anchor and stabilise the tick's
Amphibia includes frogs and column in adults. Vertebrates are mouthparts to its host's skin and to
salamanders, which undergo aquatic chordates but not all chordates are channel the exchange of fluids?
larval stages. Aves (birds) are vertebrates. They also have a muscular SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (2nd shift)
warm-blooded, have feathers, and lay heart, kidneys, and paired appendages. (a) Peduncle (b) Substratum
eggs. (c) Hypostome (d) Trunk
Q.384. Identify the INCORRECT
Q.381. Which of the following is a statement regarding invertebrates from Sol.386.(c) Hypostome is a structure
characteristic of both mammals and the options given below. found in certain arthropods, particularly
birds? SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (1st shift) ticks and some crustaceans. Located on
SSC CGL 26/09/2024 (1st Shift) (a) They have radial or bilateral body the underside near the mouth, it aids in
(a) Viviparity (b) Pigmented skin symmetry. anchoring the organism to its host during
(c) Pneumatic bones (d) Warm blooded (b) They have a pair of solid nerve cords, feeding. In ticks, it has backward-facing
situated ventrally and bearing spines that prevent detachment while
Sol.381.(d) Warm blooded. segmentally arranged ganglia. feeding on blood. The hypostome also
Warm-blooded animals can maintain a (c) They have an open circulatory system plays a role in the ingestion of fluids from
constant body temperature regardless of as there is no organisation in the the host.
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Q.387. Identify the largest phylum in the (a) the minimum number of individuals of SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)
animal kingdom. a species that can survive but cannot (a) Aurelia (b) Spongilla
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift) reproduce (c) Euspongia (d) Sycon
(a) Mollusca (b) Annelida (b) the maximum number of individuals a
(c) Arthropoda (d) Platyhelmenthis species can produce Sol.394.(a) Aurelia.
(c) the minimum number of individuals a Coelenterata (Cnidaria) : They are
Sol.387.(c) Arthropoda. It includes species can produce aquatic, mostly marine, sessile or
insects (More than two-thirds of all (d) the maximum number of individuals free-swimming, radially symmetrical
species on earth). Respiratory organs of a species that cannot survive after animals. Phylum (Porifera) : Members of
include gills, book gills, and book lungs. birth this phylum are commonly known as
They are mostly oviparous. Examples: sponges. They are generally marine and
Laccifer (Lac insect) Vectors – Sol.390.(b) Biotic potential, also known mostly asymmetrical animals. These are
Anopheles, Culex and Aedes as reproductive potential, refers to the primitive multicellular animals and have
(Mosquitoes). Mollusca - Second largest maximum rate at which a population of a cellular level of organisation. Examples :
animal phylum. Examples: Sepia species can increase under ideal Sycon (Scypha), Spongilla (Freshwater
(Cuttlefish), Loligo (Squid), Octopus conditions, with unlimited resources and sponge) and Euspongia (Bath sponge).
(Devil fish). Annelida - Example: no environmental limitations. Biotic
Pheretima (Earthworm), Hirudinaria potential differs from one species to Q.395. Which of the following is NOT a
(blood-sucking leech). Platyhelminths - another e.g., bacterial populations can Protozoan?
Have dorso-ventrally flattened bodies; grow faster than populations of oak SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon)
hence, called flatworms. Example: trees. (a) Euglena (b) Amoeba
Fasciola (liver fluke). (c) Scypha (d) Plasmodium
Q.391. ____ is an example of acoelomate.
Q.388. The body of the phylum _______ is Higher Secondary 24/06/2024 (Shift - 2) Sol.395.(c) Scypha (Kingdom: Animalia).
Protozoans (Kingdom: Protista) - All
unsegmented and dorsoventrally (a) Echinoderms (b) Platyhelminthes
flattened. (c) Molluscs (d) Arthropods protozoans are heterotrophs and live as
parasites. Major groups of protozoans :
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (1st shift)
Sol.391.(b) Platyhelminthes. They have Amoeboid protozoans - These organisms
(a) Coelenterata (b) Arthropoda
a dorso-ventrally flattened body, hence live in freshwater, sea water or moist soil.
(c) Platyhelminthes (d) Mollusca
are called flatworms. Examples: Taenia Flagellated protozoans - The members of
Sol.388.(c) Platyhelminthes: They are (Tapeworm), Fasciola (Liver fluke). The this group are either free-living or
known as flatworms due to their animals in which the body cavity is parasitic. Ciliated protozoans - These are
dorsoventrally flattened bodies. absent are called acoelomates. aquatic, actively moving organisms
Examples include Taenia (tapeworm) and Echinoderms comprise a group of because of the presence of thousands of
Fasciola (liver fluke). Coelenterata - marine invertebrates that includes sea cilia. Sporozoans - This includes diverse
Generally known as Cnidaria. Examples: stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle organisms that have an infectious
Pleurobrachia; Ctenoplana. Arthropoda - stars, and crinoids. spore-like stage in their life cycle.
an exoskeleton and jointed legs;
Q.399. What is Typhlops? Sol.403.(d) Marchantia (Genus of Examples - Spiders, centipedes, mites,
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (2nd shift) liverworts). Polytrichum (Genus of crabs, ticks, lobsters, scorpions, shrimp.
(a) Blind snake (b) Sea snake mosses) - These mosses are commonly Chordata - Fundamentally characterized
(c) Glass snakes (d) Grass snake
known as haircap mosses found in forest
and humid environments. Sphagnum : A
by the presence of a notochord, a dorsal,
hollow nerve cord and paired pharyngeal
Sol.399.(a) Blind snake. Phylum - genus of mosses known as "peat gill slits; Examples -Lampreys, Sea Squirt.
Chordata, Family - Typhlopidae. Typhlops mosses" found in wetlands and peat
is a genus of blind snakes bogs. Funaria - It is a genus of mosses Q.408. Identify an algae that undergoes
(nonpoisonous snakes). Some other commonly known as cord mosses. They anisogamous fusion of gametes.
types of snakes - Sea snake : Family - have tall, slender stalks that bear Matric Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 1)
Elapidae, Genus - Hydrophis. Grass snake capsules at their tips. (a) Spirogyra (b) Eudorina
: Family - Colubridae, Genus - Natrix. (c) Volvox (d) Ulothrix
Glass snake : Family - Anguidae, Genus - Q.404. Meandrina is the generic name of
large groups?
the phylum they belong to in column B. SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift) gametes unite or fuse. Isogamy - The
Column-A Column-B gametes are similar in shape and size.
example of Phylum Mammalia of Animal invertebrate, Hermaphrodites, worm), Freshwater (Mildew, Trumpet
Kingdom? triploblastic, acoelomate and bilaterally
snail, Water mold, Yeast), Forest (Beetle,
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon) symmetrical. Classified into 3 types - Earthworm, Millipede, Mushroom, Pillbug,
(a) Crocodile (b) Hen (c) Rat (d) Pigeon Turbellaria (Planaria, Otoplana),
Saprobe, Slime mold, Slug), Desert (Dung
Trematoda (Fasciola hepatica, beetle, Fly, Millipede, Saharan silver ant),
Sol.411.(c) Rat. Mammals are warm -
Diplozoon), Cestoda (Taenia, Convoluta).
blooded animals that have mammary Grassland (Acidobacteria, Termite,
glands and give birth to live young. Q.416. Which group of animals are Turkey tail mushroom), Mountain (Bolete
Fishes, amphibians and reptiles are named because of their spiny skin and mushroom, Mountain pine bark beetle,
poikilothermous (cold-blooded). have a peculiar water-driven tube system Purple fairy fingers).
that they use for moving around?
Q.412. Snails is an example of which of Q.420. The body of the ______ is circular
SSC CGL Tier II (03/03/2023)
the phylum of the animal kingdom? in cross-section, hence the name
(a) Hemichordata (b) Aschelminthes
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon) roundworms. They may be free living,
(c) Echinodermata (d) Mollusca
Sol.412.(b) Mollusca (Second-largest a diverse phylum of unsegmented, (a) Platyhelminthes (b) Ctenophores
invertebrate animal phylum). Snails are bilaterally symmetrical worms with (c) Mollusca (d) Aschelminthes
Protochordates - Group of primitive Q.417. Identify an example of organisms (roundworms) - An obsolete phylum of
chordates that include tunicates, that are free-swimming and bottom - wormlike invertebrates, mostly of
lancelets, and the extinct Pikaia. dwelling forms. microscopic size. Body is elongated and
SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (2nd Shift) cylindrical. Appear circular in
Q.413. Which among the following pairs (a) Phytoplankton (b) Zooplankton cross-section.
of ‘animal - phylum of animal kingdom (c) Fungi (d) Jellyfishes
they belong’ is incorrect? Q.421. Which of the following cells line
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (1st Shift) Sol.417.(b) Zooplankton are a type of the spongocoels and canals in members
(a) Liver fluke - Nematoda heterotrophic plankton that range from of the phylum Porifera?
(b) Sycon - Porifera microscopic organisms to large species, SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(c) Prawns - Arthropoda such as jellyfish, larval crustaceans, krill, (a) Somatic cells (b) Collar cells
(d) Starfish - Echinodermata copepods, protozoans, etc. They are the (c) White cells (d) Sex cells
primary consumers in lake ecosystems.
Sol.413.(a) Liver fluke - Nematoda. Sol.421.(b) Collar cells (Choanocytes,
Phylum : Porifera - Spongilla, Sycon. Q.418. Identify the organism that is NOT
flagellated cells) line the inner surface of
Platyhelminthes - Tapeworm, Planaria. a pseudocoelomate.
the spongocoel and the canal of
Nematoda - Ascaris, Wuchereria. SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (1st Shift)
sponges. The beating of the flagella from
Annelida - Earthworm, Leech. Arthropoda (a) Ancylostoma (b) Ascaris
all choanocytes draws water into the
- Spiders, butterflies, Prawns and (c) Wuchereria (d) Scorpions
sponge through the numerous Ostia, into
mosquitoes. Mollusca - Snails and the spaces lined by choanocytes, and
Sol.418.(d) Scorpions {Kingdom
octopus. Echinodermata - Sea urchins, eventually out through the osculum. The
(Animalia), Phylum (Arthropoda),
starfish. Coelenterata - Hydra, Jellyfish. term somatic cells refer to any type of
Subphylum (Chelicerata), Class
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cells that contain a diploid number of SSC MTS 26/07/2022 (Afternoon) storage at the cellular level.
chromosomes. Gametes are the (a) Phycomycetes (b) Basidiomycetes
scientific name for sex cells (egg or (c) Deuteromycetes (d) Ascomycetes Q.429. Which of the following characters
sperm). are correct about Phylum Echinodermata
Sol.425.(c) Deuteromycetes, commonly ?
Q.422. Which of the following is NOT a called molds, are “second-class” fungi SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Morning)
polar animal? that have no known sexual state in their (a) Roundworms, pseudocoelomate
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Afternoon) life cycle and thus reproduce only by (b) Coelom present, bilateral symmetry
(a) Ringed seals (b) Musk oxen producing spores via mitosis. This (c) Gastrovascular cavity, flatworms,
(c) Lemur (d) Walrus asexual state is also called the acoelomate
anamorph state. Phycomycetes (d) Gastrovascular cavity, coelom present
Sol.422.(c) Lemurs are a type of organisms are found throughout the
prosimian, which means they are world in soil, animal manure, and on Sol.429.(b) Coelom present, bilateral
primates that evolved before monkeys fruits. Basidiomycetes are commonly symmetry. Phylum Echinodermata
and apes. Polar Animals : Polar Bear, known as club fungi. Ascomycetes are organisms (multi-cellular) are exclusively
Arctic Fox, Antarctic Minke Whale, Brown spore shooters, they are called sac fungi marine. Characteristics - Triploblastic
Bear, Pacific Salmon, Orca, Snowy Owl, because their sexual spores, called and have a coelomic cavity, star-like
Leopard Seal, Arctic Wolf,Penguin, ascospores, are produced in a sac or appearance and are spherical or
Walrus, Narwhal, Arctic Hare, Beluga ascus. elongated, respire through gills, their
Whale, Puffin, Reindeer, Musk Oxen. skeleton is made up of calcium
Q.426. Which of the following is a group carbonate. Examples - a starfish, a sand
Q.423. Which of the following of primitive vertebrates having a large dollar, a brittle star, a sea urchin, and a
statements is/are correct? jawless sucking mouth, no limbs or sea cucumber.
I. Amoeba ingests its food with the help paired fins and a completely
of pseudopodia. Q.430. The body of animals of the
cartilaginous skeleton with a persistent
II. Amoeba constantly changes its shape notochord? phylum Protozoa, such as Paramecium,
and position. Amoeba, Euglena, shows ________ grade
SSC CHSL 26/05/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Afternoon) (a) Cyclostomata (b) Aschelminthes organisation.
(a) Only II (b) Neither I nor II SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Afternoon)
(c) Hemichordata (d) Arthropoda
(c) Only I (d) Both I and II (a) tissue-organ (b) protoplasmic
Sol.426.(a) Cyclostomata - Hagfishes (c) cell-tissue (d) cellular
Sol.434.(c) Chlamydomonas. Unicellular classified into _______ Kingdom. Q.442. Which of the following bacteria
SSC CGL 12/09/2024 (1st Shift) grow in milk and convert it to curd ?
green algae are single-celled, plant-like
organisms containing chlorophyll. (a) Fungi (b) Protista Higher Secondary 20/06/2024 (Shift - 2)
(c) Monera (d) Plantae (a) E. curdae
Chlamydomonas, with two flagella,
thrives in water and soil, often turning (b) Salmonella typhi
Sol.438.(c) Monera - It comprises (c) Lactic acid bacteria
water green. Chlorella is protein-rich and
unicellular, prokaryotic organisms, having (d) Salmonella lactae
used as a food supplement. Volvox
no well-defined nucleus and no
is used in bread and alcohol industries? sub-kingdoms- Archaebacteria, fermenting lactose in milk to produce
SSC MTS 22/10/2024 (1st Shift) Eubacteria, and Cyanobacteria. Protista - lactic acid, thereby converting milk into
(a) Clostridium (b) Nitrobacter The protistan cell body contains a well curd. Salmonella typhi - causes typhoid
used in the bread and alcohol industries plants. Fungi - They are eukaryotic
for fermentation, helping to produce organisms that include microorganisms (a) Agar is used to grow microbes.
carbon dioxide for leavening bread and such as yeasts, moulds and mushrooms. (b) Agar, one of the commercial products
ethanol for alcoholic beverages. obtained from red algae, gelidium and
Clostridium is a genus of anaerobic, Q.439. Which of the following options gracilaria.
Gram-positive bacteria. Nitrobacter is a indicates the size of PPLO (Pleuro (c) It is used as a nutrient and source of
genus comprising rod-shaped, Pneumonia Like Organisms)? fat of bacterial culture.
gram-negative, and chemoautotrophic SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) (d) It is used in preparations of
bacteria. Penicillium is a genus of (a) About 30 μm (b) About 20 μm ice-creams and jellies.
ascomycetous fungi. (c) About 0.1 μm (d) About 10 μm
Sol.443.(c) Agar is not a source of fat for
Sol.439.(c) About 0.1 μm. bacterial culture, but it is used as a solid
Q.436. Which of the following categories
Pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLO), growth surface to help feed and grow
does Gonyaulax belong to?
or mycoplasmas, are among the smallest bacteria. Agar is a gelatinous
SSC CGL 11/09/2024 (1st Shift)
bacteria, ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. heteropolysaccharide produced in the
(a) Euglenoids (b) Chrysophytes
cell wall of marine red algae such as
(c) Protozoans (d) Dinoflagellates Q.440. Identify a spiral-shaped bacteria species of Gelidium, Gracilaria, Gigartina,
SSC CGL 18/09/2024 (3rd Shift) etc.
Sol.436.(d) Dinoflagellates.
(a) Bacillus (b) Spirillum
These organisms are mainly marine,
(c) Coccus (d) Vibrio Q.444. How many components do
photosynthetic organisms that can
bacterial flagella have ?
appear in various colors such as yellow, Sol.440.(b) Spirillum - A bacterium with SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening)
green, brown, blue, or red, depending on rigid spiral (helical) structure (not easily (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
their pigments. Euglenoids include band, not flexible), thick, long, and move
Euglena, Chrysophytes encompass with flagella, 6–15 μm long and spiral in Sol.444.(d) 3. The bacterial flagellum is a
SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Evening) process) destroys pathogenic
Sol.446.(c) Fungal enzymes. (a) Migrate (b) Conform
The process of breaking down complex microorganisms in certain foods and
(c) Suspend (d) Regulate beverages. Glycolysis is the process in
organic matter in the detritus to simple
organic or inorganic compounds is called Sol.450.(c) Suspend. Endospores which glucose is broken down to
Catabolism. Bacterial and fungal are thick-walled structures formed in produce energy.
enzymes can degrade detritus into bacteria in order to survive unfavorable Q.454. Identify the algae that is NOT a
simpler inorganic substances. DNA conditions such as extreme boiling and marine algae.
polymerase is a catabolic enzyme which freezing temperatures and ultraviolet SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Evening)
catalyses DNA synthesis. radiations. They protect and allow the (a) Sargassum (b) Porphyra
bacteria to exist in “suspended (c) Chlorella (d) Laminaria
Q.447. Which of the following is a kind of animation”. They also formed lower
Xanthan? plants like bryophytes, lichens, algae, and Sol.454.(c) Chlorella
SSC CHSL 14/08/2023 (4th shift) Fungi. (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) is a type of algae
(a) Seed gum (b) Seaweed gum that grows in freshwater. It's used for
(c) Microbial gum (d) Exudate gum Q.451. Which unicellular organism nutrition and as medicine as it is rich in
acquires food by a process in which cells
Sol.447.(c) Microbial gum. Xanthan gum proteins and B-complex vitamins. The
absorb external material by engulfing it algal cell is roughly spherical and
: A microbial exo-polysaccharide with the cell membrane?
molecules. complex chains of starch into simple
iii. DNA c. RNA primer
sugars that can be digested and
polymerase synthesis
Q.461. Which among the following absorbed easily. Three types of amylases
iv. DNA ligase d. Opens up the DNA
mineral is essential for the synthesis of : alpha (found in humans, animals, plants,
double helix
thyroid hormones (thyroxine)? as well as in microbes), beta (found in
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (2nd shift) SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon) microbes and plants) and gamma (found
(a) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d (b) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c (a) Iron (b) Iodine in plants and animals). Stomach (pepsin
(c) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a (d) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d (c) Selenium (d) Chromium enzyme, digest proteins found in
ingested food).
Sol.457.(c) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a. Sol.461.(b) Iodine. The thyroid hormone
is well known for controlling metabolism, Q.466. Which antimicrobial enzymes are
Q.458. Peeling, cutting or crushing onion
Sol.469.(a) Acquired immunodeficiency photograph of nerve tissue stained with
syndrome (AIDS). The enzyme-linked animals’?
the black reaction technique, describing
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test is SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (3rd shift)
(a) Barthelemy Dumortier a whole nerve cell ?
frequently used to identify HIV infection. SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) Maurice Wilkins
Q.470. Which of the following hormone (c) Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (a) Gunter Blobel (b) Camillo Golgi
(c) William Harvey (d) Paul Ehrlich
is secreted by the brain that helps to (d) Robert Remak
regulate sleep-wake cycles? Sol.477.(b) Camillo Golgi (An Italian
Sol.473.(c) Anton van Leeuwenhoek,
Sol.470.(b) Melatonin. It is produced characterized as "animalcules." James movement and position in the cell.
from serotonin (made from tryptophan), Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice William Harvey - The function of the
through a cascade of enzymatic Wilkins discover the molecular structure heart and the circulation of blood. Paul
reactions. Its production increases with of DNA. Robert Remak was the first Ehrilich - Effective treatment for syphilis.
evening darkness, promoting healthy scientist to undertake successful
Q.478. Which bacteria was discovered by
sleep and helping to orient our circadian research on fungal skin infections.
Barry Marshall and Robin Warren that
rhythm. colonises the human stomach and
Q.474. Which of the following was
nucleus? SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 ( Morning)
Sol.480.(a) JC Bose (Father of Indian (a) Arthur Tansley
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Plant Physiology) invented the (a) 1900 (b) 1840 (c) 1849 (d) 1879 (b) Ernst Haeckel
‘crescograph’ for measuring plant (c) Charles Elton
growth. CV Raman was awarded the
1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for his
Sol.484.(d) 1879. Chromatin is a
substance in the chromosome consisting
(d) Raymond L Lindeman
discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’. CNR Rao of DNA and proteins, Consists of Sol.488.(d) Raymond Laurel Lindeman
- An Indian chemist who was awarded Histones which helps in compacting the was an ecologist whose graduate
Bharat Ratna in 2014. JRD Tata (Father DNA to fit into the cell nucleus. research is credited with being a seminal
of Indian Civil Aviation) - The first person study in the field of ecosystem ecology,
in India to own a flying licence. Q.485. Which ecologist is famous for specifically on the topic of trophic
aphorism 'Omnis cellula-e cellula' which (a) Robert Macarthur experimentally demonstrate that the
became a part of the foundation of cell (b) G Evelyn Hutchinson yeast responsible for making alcohol
theory? from sugar, and contaminating
year later Schwann defined the cell as
person to recognize leukemia.
the basic unit of animal structure.
(a) William Harvey (b) Francis Crick
Q.496. Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a (c) Camillo Golgi (d) Louis Pasteur
Q.492. In 1972, ________ coined the term
vaccine for______
‘pyramid of numbers’ that represented
SSC CGL 20/04/2022(Afternoon) Sol.499.(c) Camillo Golgi.
the total numbers of individuals
(a) typhoid (b) plague An Italian physician and biologist
(population) present in each trophic level.
(c) mumps (d) tuberculosis (TB) discovered the Golgi apparatus in 1898.
SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Evening)
He identified densely stained reticular
(a) Eugene Odum (b) Ernst Haeckel Sol.496.(d) Tuberculosis (TB). The structures surrounding the nucleus using
(c) Arthur Tansley (d) Charles Elton vaccine was discovered by Leon the silver nitrate staining technique,
Calmette and Camille Guerin. It is known as Golgi's method, along with light
SSC CHSL 01/07/2024 (1st shift)
Q.497. In the year 1925, who extracted
Q.493. For what discovery was Jan (a) The transforming principle
lipids from an erythrocyte sample and
Evangelista Purkinje known in 1839 ? (b) The principle of complementarity
found that lipid monolayers are good for
SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Morning) (c) The principle of inheritance
measuring molecular surface area
(a) Proposed a lipid bilayer membrane (d) Semiconservative nature of DNA
versus lateral pressure?
(b) Discovered plasma membrane SSC CGL 17/09/2024 (3rd Shift) Sol.500.(b) The principle of
(c) Coined the term protoplasm (a) Gorter and Grendel complementarity. This principle involves
(d) Discovered the nucleus (b) Carson and Eccles pairing adenine with uracil (instead of
(c) Avery and Buck thymine) during transcription, where one
Sol.493.(c) Coined the term protoplasm
(d) Margulis and Ruska DNA strand serves as a template for RNA
(1839), David Robertson - Proposed a
lipid bilayer membrane. synthesis. Transcription is the process of
Sol.497.(a) Gorter and Grendel extracted
copying genetic information from DNA to
Q.494. In 1879, who observed cell lipids from red blood cells, dissolved
division in salamander embryos, where them, and spread them into a monolayer
cells divide at fixed intervals? on water. Q.501. In which year did Wilhelm
SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Afternoon) Johannsen coin the term 'gene' to
Q.498. Who published Systema Naturae
(a) Albert von Kolliker (b) Edwin Gorter describe the Mendelian units of heredity
in 1735 classifying the three kingdoms of
(c) Walther Flemming (d) Edwin Gorter SSC CHSL 04/07/2024 (2nd shift)
nature and outlining the sexual system
(a) 1920 (b) 1900 (c) 1909 (d) 1910
Sol.494.(c) Walther Flemming was a for the classification of plants?
pioneer of cytogenetics, a field of SSC CGL 23/09/2024 (2nd Shift) Sol.501.(c) 1909. A gene is a segment of
science that analyses structures and (a) Carl Woese (b) Robert Whittaker DNA that contains instructions for
processes in the cell nucleus under a (c) Ernst Haeckel (d) Carolus Linnaeus making proteins or functional RNA
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Pinnacle Biology
molecules. Genes are made up of DNA, infections. Metronidazole is used to treat (a) Ethanol (b) Hydrochloric acid
which is made up of nucleotides. trichomoniasis, amebiasis, inflammatory (c) Acetocarmine (d) Methanol
Nucleotides can be adenine (A), thymine lesions of rosacea, and bacterial
(T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G). The term infections and prevent postoperative Sol.508.(c) Acetocarmine is a commonly
"genetics" was coined by William infections. used stain in cytology (study of cell) for
Bateson, an English biologist, in 1905. visualizing chromosomes under a
microscope. It binds to chromatin,
Q.502. In which year did a trio of
Miscellaneous making the chromosomes more distinct
scientists, Avery, MacLeod and McCarty, and easier to study during cell division.
Q.505. What is the cottony growth on
prove that except viruses, all living
stale and wet bread called? Q.509. What do you call the body cavity
organisms have DNA as their genetic
SSC CHSL Tier II 18/11/2024 that is lined by mesoderm?
material ?
(a) Fungi (b) Algae SSC MTS 30/10/2024 (1st Shift)
SSC CHSL 11/07/2024 (2nd shift)
(c) Bacteria (d) Lichens (a) Coelom (b) Diploblasts
(a) 1961 (b) 1944 (c) 1918 (d) 1902
(c) Radial symmetry (d) Triploblasts
Sol.505.(a) Fungi. The fungus that
Sol.502.(b) 1944. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic
causes the cottony growth on bread is Sol.509.(a) Coelom. A coelom is a body
acid) as an acidic substance present in
called Rhizopus, also known as common cavity completely lined by mesoderm, as
nucleus was first identified by Friedrich
bread mould. The fungi constitute a seen in coelomates like annelids,
Meischer in 1869. He named it ‘Nuclein’.
unique kingdom of heterotrophic molluscs, and arthropods. In contrast, a
DNA is a long polymer of
organisms. pseudocoelom is partially lined by
deoxyribonucleotides. In 1953 James
Watson and Francis Crick proposed the mesoderm and is found in
Q.506. Calculate the Body Mass Index
Double Helix model for the structure of pseudocoelomates like roundworms.
(BMI) of a person whose weight is 50 kg
DNA. The four bases in DNA are adenine These body cavities play a key role in
and height is 1.5 m.
protecting internal organs and allowing
(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and SSC MTS 30/09/2024 (3rd Shift)
thymine (T). movement.
(a) 25.0 kg/m2 (b) 22.2 kg/m2
(c) 16.6 kg/m2 (d) 18.0 kg/m2 Q.510. When the body is deprived of
Q.503. In 1955, who published a
comprehensive study of small particle energy from food, which of the following
Sol.506.(b) 22.2 kg/m2. BMI is a medical
constituents of the cytoplasm' tissues is used to feed on its own?
screening tool that measures the ratio of
(ribosomes) and correctly estimated SSC MTS 11/11/2024 (2nd Shift)
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑔) 50 50
(b) George E Palade BMI = 2 2 = 2 = (d) Adipose tissue
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑚 ) (1.5) 2.25
(c) Pierre Joseph Pelletier
= 22.2 kg/m2. Sol.510.(d) Adipose tissue: Fat storing
(d) James Thomson
(a) Superimposed (b) Whorled with one pair of contrasting characters. are crossed, the trait appearing in the
Gene - The fundamental unit of heredity.
(c) Alternate (d) Opposite next generation is the dominant one, and
Alleles - Genes which code for a pair of the hybrid offspring will display only the
Sol.513.(d) Opposite. Phyllotaxy refers contrasting traits.
dominant trait in their phenotype. Law of
to the arrangement of leaves on the stem Independent Assortment : It states that
or branch of a plant. In an opposite leaf Q.517. Which of the following sequences
is correct, according to taxonomy ? when two pairs of traits are combined in
arrangement, two leaves arise at the a hybrid, the segregation of one pair of
same point, with the leaves connecting SSC CHSL 03/07/2024 (4th shift)
Sol.523.(a) Molds. Biological hazards 1942. According to this rule, only about
Q.527. Which plant is considered a
are living organisms and include ten percent of the biological food energy
noxious weed that has a chemical is stored in the organism's body when
microbiological organisms. Those defence mechanism to protect it from
micro-organisms which are associated transferred from one trophic level to the
predators? next, while the remaining energy is lost in
with food and cause diseases are termed SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
as food-borne pathogens. Visible various activities and as heat. The
(a) Calotropis (b) Chicory remaining 90 % is lost during transfer,
biological Hazards in Food - Worms, (c) Black henbane (d) Field bindweed
defence mechanism. Other plants with Q.531. What do you call the type of drugs
Q.524. When do the drugs used as chemical defences : Poison Ivy
medicines become potential poisons? that mimic the natural messenger by
(Toxicodendron radicans) - Contains switching on the receptor?
(c) When doses are taken higher than and baking? travelling between the brain and body.
recommended SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift) Examples - Caffeine, nicotine,
(d) When doses are taken lower than (a) Lignin (b) Cellulose amphetamines, cocaine, etc.
recommended (c) Pectin (d) Inulin
Q.532. What do you call the drugs that
Sol.524.(c) Pharmaceutical drug Sol.528.(c) Pectin. Food Thickener - A bind to the receptor site and inhibit its
(medication or medicine) - A chemical thickening agent that increases the natural function?
substance used to treat, prevent, or viscosity of a liquid mix without SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023)
diagnose a disease or to promote interfering with its other properties. Other (a) Antidepressants (b) Agonist
well-being. food thickening agents : Corn Starch, (c) Antagonists (d) Depressants
Xanthan gum, Gelatin, Potato Starch,
Q.525. Why do pickles last longer? Arrowroot and Agar-agar. Inulin - A type Sol.532.(c) Antagonists.Antidepressants
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) of prebiotic, a compound that are medications that help alleviate
(a) The water content of the pickle encourages the healthy growth of gut symptoms of depression and improve
protects the pickle from spoilage. bacteria. mood. Examples - Agomelatine,
(b) Bacterial and fungal cells get amitriptyline, citalopram, clomipramine,
plasmolysed in high salt Q.529. Which of the following is a etc. Depressants are a type of drug that
concentration of pickle. tertiary consumer? slows down brain activity, which causes
(c) Pickle is prepared in a vacuum so that SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Morning) the muscles to relax and calms and
no harmful bacteria can grow on it. (a) Grass (b) Snake soothes a person. Examples - Diazepam,
(d) Only beneficial bacteria can grow in (c) Frog (d) Grasshopper clonazepam, alprazolam, etc.
the pickle.
Sol.529.(b) Snake. Trophic levels in the
of the ecosystem : Terrestrial ecosystem The 7 components of a balanced diet are
(a) Collenchyma (b) Xylem
- Forest ecosystem, Grassland Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins,
(c) Sclerenchyma (d) Parenchyma
ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Tundra Minerals, Fibre and Water.
Sol.534.(c) Sclerenchyma tissue (provide ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystem -
strength to plants). Tissues of Plants : Freshwater ecosystem, Marine Q.543. What is a way in which adaptation
Dermal Tissues {epidermal cells, ecosystem. The four main components does NOT take place?
stomata, trichomes}, Ground tissues of an ecosystem are : Productivity, SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Afternoon)
{Collenchyma (provide mechanical Decomposition, Energy flow and Nutrient (a) Physiological (b) Emotional
strength and elasticity to plants), cycling. The largest ecosystem in the (c) Behavioural (d) Morphological
parenchyma (to store food and provide world is the aquatic ecosystem.
Sol.543.(b) Emotional. Adaptations are
turgidity to organ), sclerenchyma}, and
leaves and convert it into food energy. its habitat. Behavioural adaptations are
transports water throughout a plant's SSC MTS 22/07/2022 (Afternoon) changes in behaviour that certain
body. (a) 5% (b) 14% (c) 8% (d) 1% organisms or species use to survive in a
highest biomass. capacity.
SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Morning)
Q.550. The foul smell from a body
(a) secondary consumers especially during a sultry summer is due
(b) Decomposers
to the action of ______ on sweat.
(c) primary consumers SSC CGL 12/04/2022(Morning)
(d) producers
(a) melanin (b) moisture
Sol.546.(d) Producers. A biomass (c) bacteria (d) virus
➤ Leader of Opposition (Lok Sabha) → Rahul Gandhi - Jyotiraditya M. Scindia
➤ Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
➤ Secretary General (Lok Sabha) → Utpal Kumar Singh
- Bhupender Yadav
➤ Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism
Election Commission Of India :-
- Gajendra Singh Shekhawat
➤ Chief Election Commissioner → Rajiv Kumar (25th)
➤ Ministry of Women and Child Development - Annpurna Devi
➤ Election Commissioners → Gyanesh Kumar and
➤ Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs - Kiren Rijiju
Dr. Sukhbir Singh Sandhu
➤ Ministry of Minority Affairs - Kiren Rijiju
Murthy (15th)
➤ Ministry of Coal and Mines - G. Kishan Reddy
➤Controller General of Accounts (CGA) → Shyam S. Dubey
➤ Ministry of Food Processing Industries - Chirag Paswan
➤ Ministry of Jal Shakti - C R Patil
Armed Forces :-
➤ Supreme Commander → President Droupadi Murmu Important Appointments :-
➤ Chief of Air Staff → Amar Preet Singh (28th) ➤ StaffSelection Commission (SSC), Chairman
➤ Chief of Naval Staff → Dinesh Kumar Tripathi (26th) - S. Gopalakrishnan
➤ Chief of Army Staff → Upendra Dwivedi (30th) ➤ Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Chairman
➤ Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) → Anil Chauhan (2nd) - Rahul Singh
by integrating them into the insurance sector.
Mission Basundhara 3.0 (Assam) - To streamline land-related
services and enhance infrastructure development, particularly in 37th National Games 2023 :-
rural areas.
The games were held in Goa across 5 cities—Mapusa, Margao,
Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana (Delhi) - Women residing Panjim, Ponda, and Vasco—from October 26 to November 9
in Delhi and having a Delhi Voter ID card can get Rs. 1,000 from
the Delhi Government every month. ➤ Motto - Get Set Goa
Nijut Moina Scheme (Assam) - To combat child marriage in ➤ Mascot - Moga (Indian bison)
Assam by promoting the education of girl students. Under the
scheme, all girls studying higher secondary will get ₹1,000 every Medals Tally - Maharashtra topped the medals tally with 228
month, it will be ₹1,250 for degree students and ₹2,500 for girls medals – 80 gold, 69 silvers and 79 bronze – to win the Raja
doing post-graduation. Bhalindra Singh Trophy, which is given to the team that wins the
most number of gold medals at the National Games.
32 bronze), while Haryana came 3rd with 192 medals (62 gold,
➤ Mascot - Phryges The 9th edition of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup was co-hosted
by the West Indies and the United States from June 1 to 29,
➤ Theme - Let's Move and Celebrate 2024.
Sports - 32 (including the 4 additional sports -breaking, India emerged as the champions, claiming their second T20
skateboarding, sport climbing, and surfing) World Cup title, while South Africa finished as the runners - up.
Chinese swimmer Zhang Yufei won the most medals at the Player of the series - Jasprit Bumrah (India)
games with six (one silver, five bronze)
Most runs - Rahmanullah Gurbaz (Afghanistan)
French swimmer Léon Marchand had the most gold medals with
four. Grand Slam events :-
The Grand Slam in tennis is the achievement of winning all four
Indian medal winners at Paris 2024 Olympics :- major championships in one discipline in a calendar year.
Manu Bhaker Women's 10m air pistol Bronze
Manu Bhaker-Sarabjot SinghMixed team 10m air pistol Bronze 2024 Australian Open :-
Swapnil Kusale Men's 50m rifle 3 positions Bronze
Category Champions Runner-up
Team India (Hockey) Men's event Bronze
Neeraj Chopra Men's javelin throw Silver Men's singles Jannik Sinner (Italy) Daniil Medvedev
Aman Sehrawat (Wrestling) Men's freestyle 57kg Bronze (Russia)
Women's singles Aryna Sabalenka Zheng Qinwen
India's 117-athlete contingent won six medals—one silver and (Belarus) (China)
five bronze—at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Men's doubles Rohan Bopanna (India) Simone Bolelli (Italy)
Matthew Ebden Andrea Vavassori
(Australia) (Italy)
India's Paris 2024 Chef-de-Mission - Gagan Narang Women's doubles Hsieh Su-wei (Taiwan) Lyudmyla Kichenok
Elise Mertens (Ukraine)
Manu Bhaker won the first medal for India She bagged a bronze (Belgium) Jeļena Ostapenko
and became the first Indian woman to win an Olympic shooting (Latvia)
Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1. USA 40 44 42 126
2024 French Open :-
2. China 40 27 24 91
Category Champions Runner-up
3. Japan 20 12 13 45
Men's singles Carlos Alcaraz Alexander Zverev
71. India 0 1 5 6
(Spain) (Germany)
The 17th summer Paralympic Games were held in Paris, France, Salvador) Andrea Vavassori
from 28 August to 8 September 2024. Mate Pavić (Croatia) (Italy)
Women's doubles Coco Gauff (USA) Sara Errani (Italy)
Kateřina Siniaková Jasmine Paolini
France hosted the summer Paralympic Games for the first time
(Czech Republic) (Italy)
in history.
Mixed doubles Laura Siegemund Desirae Krawczyk
(Germany) (USA)
The total number of Indian players in paralympics 2024 was 84. Édouard Neal Skupski (United
Roger-Vasselin Kingdom)
Flag bearers (opening) - Bhagyashree Jadhav and Sumit Antil (France)
Flag bearers (closing) - Preethi Pal and Harvinder Singh 2024 Wimbledon :-
Category Champions Runner-up
Avani Lekhara became the first Indian woman to win two gold Men's singles Carlos Alcaraz Novak Djokovic
medals at the Paralympic Games. (Spain) (Serbia)
Women's singles Barbora Krejčíková Jasmine Paolini
(Czech Republic) (Italy)
Paris Paralympic 2024 Medal Table :-
Men's doubles Harri Heliövaara Max Purcell
Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total (Finland) (Australia)
1. China 94 76 50 220 Henry Patten (United Jordan Thompson
2. Great Britain 49 44 31 124 Kingdom) (Australia)
3. USA 36 42 27 105 Women's doubles Kateřina Siniaková Gabriela Dabrowski
18. India 7 9 13 29 (Czech Republic) (Canada)
Taylor Townsend Erin Routliffe (New
Padma Shri (110) :-
Nobel Prize 2024 :-
➤ Shri Khalil Ahmad (Art) - Uttar Pradesh
Physics - John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton (for foundational
➤ Shri Badrappan M (Art) - Tamil Nadu
discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with
➤ Shri Kaluram Bamaniya (Art) - Madhya Pradesh
artificial neural networks)
➤ Ms. Rezwana Choudhury Bannya (Art) - Bangladesh
➤ Ms. Naseem Bano (Art) - Uttar Pradesh
Chemistry - David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper (for
➤ Shri Ramlal Bareth (Art) - Chhattisgarh
➤ Shri Ram Chet Chaudhary (Science & Engineering)
- Uttar Pradesh
Economic - Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A.
➤ Ms. K Chellammal (Others - Agriculture) - Andaman &
Robinson (for studies of how institutions are formed and affect
Nicobar Islands
➤ Ms. Joshna Chinappa (Sports) - Tamil Nadu
➤ Ms. Charlotte Chopin (Others - Yoga) - France
Padma Awards 2024 :-
➤ Shri Raghuveer Choudhary (Literature & Education) - Gujarat
➤ Shri Joe D Cruz (Literature & Education) - Tamil Nadu
For the year 2024, the President has approved conferment of
➤ Shri Ghulam Nabi Dar (Art) - Jammu & Kashmir
132 Padma Awards including 2 duo cases (in a duo case, the
➤ Shri Chitta Ranjan Debbarma (Others - Spiritualism) - Tripura
Award is counted as one)
➤ Shri Uday Vishwanath Deshpande (Sports) - Maharashtra
➤ Ms. Prema Dhanraj (Medicine) - Karnataka
Padma Vibhushan (5) :- ➤ Shri Radha Krishan Dhiman (Medicine) - Uttar Pradesh
➤ Ms. Vyjayantimala Bali (Art) - Tamil Nadu ➤ Shri Manohar Krishana Dole (Medicine) - Maharashtra
➤ Shri Konidela Chiranjeevi (Art) - Andhra Pradesh ➤ Shri Pierre Sylvain Filliozat (Literature & Education) - France
➤ Shri M Venkaiah Naidu (Public Affairs) - Andhra Pradesh ➤ Shri Mahabir Singh Guddu (Art) - Haryana
➤ Shri Bindeshwar Pathak (Posthumous), Social Work - Bihar ➤ Ms. Anupama Hoskere (Art) - Karnataka
➤ Ms. Padma Subrahmanyam (Art) - Tamil Nadu ➤ Shri Yazdi Maneksha Italia (Medicine) - Gujarat
➤ Shri Rajaram Jain (Literature & Education) - Uttar Pradesh
Padma Bhushan (17) :- ➤ Shri Jankilal (Art) - Rajasthan
➤ Ms. M Fathima Beevi (Posthumous), Public Affairs - Kerala ➤ Shri Ratan Kahar (Art) - West Bengal
- Uttar Pradesh ➤ Shri Kiran Vyas (Others - Yoga) - France
➤ Shri Ali Mohammed & Shri Ghani Mohammed* (Duo) (Art) ➤ Shri Jageshwar Yadav (Social Work) - Chhattisgarh
- Rajasthan ➤ Shri Babu Ram Yadav (Art) - Uttar Pradesh
➤ Ms. Kalpana Morparia (Trade & Industry) - Maharashtra
➤ Ms. Chami Murmu (Social Work) - Jharkhand
➤ Shri Sasindran Muthuvel (Public Affairs) - Papua New Guinea na
96th Academy Awards 2024 :-
➤ Best Picture - Oppenheimer
➤ Ms. G Nachiyar (Medicine) - Tamil Nadu ➤ Best Actor - Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)
➤ Ms. Kiran Nadar (Art) - Delhi ➤ Best Actress - Emma Stone (Poor Things)
➤ Shri Pakaravur Chithran Namboodiripad (Posthumous) ➤ Best Original Song - What Was I Made For?
(Literature & Education) - Kerala - Barbie (Billie Eilish, Finneas O'Connell)
➤ Shri Narayanan E P (Art) - Kerala
➤ Shri Fred Negrit (Literature & Education) - France 66th Grammy Award 2024 :-
➤ Shri Hari Om (Science & Engineering) - Haryana ➤ Album of the Year - “Midnights” by Taylor Swift
➤ Shri Bhagabat Padhan (Art) - Odisha ➤ Record of the Year - “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus
➤ Shri Sanatan Rudra Pal (Art) - West Bengal ➤ Song of the Year - “What Was I Made For?” by Billie Eilish
➤ Shri Shankar Baba Pundlikrao Papalkar (Social Work) ➤ Best Global Music Album - This Moment – Shakti
- Maharashtra
Polly Umrigar Award - Best International Cricketer - Men: Vairamuthu - “Maha Kavithai”
Shubman Gill (2022-23)
Geeta Singh and Arif Khan Bharti - “Ram Mandir Rashtra
Best International Cricketer - Women: Smriti Mandhana Mandir Ek Sajhi Virast”
(2020-21, 2021-22)
Defence & Security 2024
Best International Debut - Men: Yashaswi Jaiswal (2022-23)
Military Exercises of India 2024 :-
Best International Debut - Women: Amanjot Kaur (2022-23)
Desert Cyclone (India – UAE) - Rajasthan, India
Sahitya Akademi Award 2024 :-
Language Title and genre Author Ex Cyclone-I (India – Egypt) - Anshas, Egypt
Hindi Main Jab Tak Aai Bahar (Poetry) Gagan Gill
English Spirit Nights (Novel) Easterine Kire Ex Khanjar (India – Kyrgyzstan) - Himachal Pradesh, India
Sanskrit Bhaskaracaritam (Poetry) Dipak Kumar Sharma
‘SADA TANSEEQ’ (India – Saudi Arabia) - Rajasthan, India
four categories. Here are some of the important awardees: Samudra Laksmana (India – Malaysia) - Visakhapatnam, India
Vigyan Ratna - Prof. Govindarajan Padmanabhan (Biological Tiger Triumph (India – USA) - Kakinada, India
Ex LAMITIYE – 2024 (India – Seychelles) - Seychelles
Prof. Dr Sanjay Behari (Medicine), Dr Avesh Kumar Ex DUSTLIK – 2024 (India – Uzbekistan) - Termez, Uzbekistan
Tyagi (Atomic Energy)
Exercise Cyber Suraksha (India)
Vigyan Yuva - Dr Krishna Murthy S L (Agricultural Sciences), Dr
Roxy Mathew Koll (Earth Sciences), Dr Abhilash Military Exercise SHAKTI (India – France) - Umroi, Meghalaya,
(Engineering Sciences) India
Arunachal Pradesh - Wancho Wooden Craft, Adi Kekir Global Hunger Index Concern Worldwide and 105th rank
2024 Welt Hunger Hilfe
World Press Freedom Reporters Without 159th rank
Jammu Kashmir - Ramban Anardana
Index 2024 Borders (RSF)
Military Strength Global Firepower (GFP) 4th rank
Odisha - Kapdaganda Shawl, Lanjia Saura Painting, Koraput Kala Ranking 2024
Jeera Rice, Similipal Kai Chutney, Nayagarh Kanteimundi Brinjal, Energy Transition World Economic Forum 63rd rank
Odisha Khajuri Guda, Dhenkanal Magji Index 2024
Rule of Law Index World Justice Project 79th rank
West Bengal - Banglar Muslin, Tangail Saree, Garad Saree, Korial 2024
Saree, Kalo Nunia Rice, Sundarban Honey
Summits & Conferences 2024
Maharashtra - Bahadoli Jamun, Kunthalgiri Khawa, Pen 142nd International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session
Obituaries 2024
RiGi Prabhav 2024 - Goa, India
Bibek Debroy - Chairman of PM’s Economic Advisory Council 19th East Asia Summit - Vientiane, Laos
Sharda Sinha - Folk Singer 19th Non-Aligned Movement Summit - Kampala, Uganda
Pandit Ram Narayan - Sarangi Player Global Fintech Fest (GFF) - Mumbai, India
Delhi Ganesh - Tamil Actor 82nd World Science Fiction Convention - Glasgow, Scotland
of Ports, Shipping and Waterways in September 2024.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), under the leadership of
Governor Shaktikanta Das, has announced plans to launch a Teghbir Singh, a 5 year old boy from Ropar, Punjab became the
podcast series aimed at enhancing public communication and youngest Asian to successfully scale Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s
financial literacy. highest peak.
RBI, after its Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting on Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmir City was
December 6, 2024, announced that Small Finance Banks (SFBs) awarded the prestigious Certificate of World Craft City by the
will now be permitted to offer pre-sanctioned credit lines through World Crafts Council International.
the UPI.
standards for measuring and disclosing GHG emissions in line Indian Railways has entered its name into Limca Book of
with RBI's draft climate risk guidelines. Records for most people at a public service event at multiple
venues. The Ministry of Railways had organized an event on 26
India has launched its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Data Bank, a February 2024, which was attended by 40,19,516 people at 2,140
landmark initiative to foster innovation and enhance national venues.
ASSOCHAM AI Leadership Meet 2024. Briton, nicknamed ‘Hardest Geezer’, became the first person to
run the length of Africa.
The RBI in November has confirmed that SBI, HDFC Bank, and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston performed the first
ICICI Bank will continue to be classified as Domestic pig-to-human kidney transplant in March 2024. A 62-year-old
Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs). man with end-stage renal disease received a new kidney from a
genetically modified pig.
State Bank of India (SBI) has been recognized as the Best Bank
in India for 2024 by Global Finance Magazine during its 31st Anand Kumar, renowned Math educator and Super 30 founder,
Annual Best Bank Awards in Washington. received the prestigious 'Golden Visa' from the UAE government
in February 2024.
POP, a fintech startup founded by ex-Flipkart employees, has
launched India’s first multi-brand co-branded credit card in One Liner Current Affairs 2024
collaboration with RuPay and Yes Bank.
December :-
Mastercard in August launched its Payment Passkey Service in What is the rank of India in the recently published 'Network
India, using biometric authentication to replace passwords and Readiness Index 2024 (NRI 2024) report'? - 49th
OTPs, aiming to enhance online shopping security amid rising
fraud cases. India and which country have inaugurated their first-ever
Dialogue on Economic Security, focusing on bolstering industrial
Union Bank of India became the first major Indian bank to join and technological resilience? - Japan
the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) in
September 2024. E-Daakhil portal is now operational in every state and union
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Pinnacle Current Affairs
territory of India, marked by its recent launch in Ladakh. The The Chief Minister of Nagaland has launched a pioneering
E-Daakhil portal was launched by which organizations? 'Digital Piggery Insurance', which is developed in collaboration
- National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission (NCDRC) with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(IRDAI) and which insurance company?
Yuva Sangam (Phase V) commenced with two tours between - Tata AIG General Insurance Company
Bihar & Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh. Yuva
Sangam initiative is launched by which ministry? Who has emerged as the champion in the Under-8 World Cadets
- Ministry of Education Chess Championship, held in Montesilvano, Italy?
- C. Divith Reddy
Union Minister for Women and Child Development has launched
a national campaign in New Delhi aimed at eradicating child The 13th edition of Joint Military Exercise AGNI WARRIOR
marriage and empowering young girls across the nation. What is (XAW-2024) has concluded at Field Firing Ranges, Devlali
the name of this campaign? - Bal Vivah Mukt Bharat (Maharashtra). It is a bilateral exercise conducted between
armies of India and which of the following countries?
Which institute has concluded the second edition of Defence - Singapore
Datathon, a pioneering tri-services data analytics competition?
- College of Defence Management, Secunderabad Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has released its
Half-Yearly Complaints Report for 2024-25. As per the report,
Who has received the "2024 Pfizer Award" for his book "Brown which categories continue to be the most violative sector,
Skins, White Coats: Race Science in India, 1920-66"? accounting for 34% of all complaints investigated during the
- Projit Bihari Mukharji April to September 2024 period? - Real estate
Amara Raja Infra has completed the establishment of 'India's Who has been elected as 11th President of Asian Development
first green hydrogen fueling station' for NTPC Limited. This Bank (ADB)? - Masato Kanda
station is located in which place? - Leh, Ladakh
The Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying
Which of the following companies has collaborated with Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT) Hyderabad to establish its first na
has recognized which states as the 'Best Marine State'? - Kerala
Centre of Excellence (CoE) on its campus? - Nikon India Sabal 20 logistics drone has been delivered to the Indian Army.
These drones are manufactured by which company? - EndureAir
Zhuhai, China. What is the name of this cargo shuttle? which place? - Gurugram
- Sky Dragon
For the first time in the history of India's election process, 19
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade members from Jarawa Tribe had been included in India's
(DPIIT) has granted approval for the Rs 10,000 Activate Windows electoral roll. This tribe is associated with which state/UT?
crore acquisition of debt-laden Reliance Capital Limited (RCAP) - Andaman and Nicobar Islands
by which company? - IndusInd International Holdings Limited
companies to manufacture V-BAT drones, a Group 3 Unmanned - Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)
Aerial System (UAS) in India? - Shield AI
13th National Seed Congress (NSC) 2024 was organized by the
Who has joined "All Living Things Environmental Film Festival Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare. This event was held
2024" (ALT EFF 2024) (5th edition) as the goodwill ambassador? at which places? - Varanasi
- Shriya Pilgaonkar
India has finished 3rd on the medal tally with 2 medals (1 Gold
Which of the following organisations and Climate Club has and 1 silver) at the GT Open 2024 - Indoor World Series (IWS)
launched the Global Matchmaking Platform (GMP), which is 250 event held in - Strassen, Luxembourg
designed to fast-track the decarbonisation of heavy-emitting
industries in emerging and developing economies? Indian Railways has launched a mobile application specially
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization designed for safety training and capacity building for its frontline
employees. What is the name of this application? - Sanraksha
Which company has announced the launch of the country's
As per a recently released report titled 'Take the right path to end
largest single-location 'Grade A' warehousing and industrial park
AIDS', of the 39.9 million people living with HIV, 9.3 million
at the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) Special Economic
people are still not accessing life-saving treatment. This report is
Zone (SEZ) in Navi Mumbai? - Welspun One Logistics Parks
released by
- The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Which city is set to host the prestigious Army Day Parade for the
first time on 15 January 2025, marking a historic milestone?
Gintautas Paluckas has been appointed as Prime Minister of
- Pune
which country? - Lithuania
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Pinnacle Current Affairs
Which of the following states has been announced as the - Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU), Gandhinagar
Partner State for Hornbill Festival 2024? - Sikkim Who has been appointed as the new Comptroller and Auditor
General (CAG) of India? - K Sanjay Murthy
Which company has signed an MoU with Global Green Growth
Institute (GGGI) to promote innovative clean energy solutions, Twenty-four coastal villages in which state has been recognised
focusing on agrivoltaics, green hydrogen, and sustainable by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of
financing strategies? - NHPC Limited UNESCO as 'Tsunami Ready"? - Odisha
November :- Dubai Sports Council has appointed four global sports icons as
Recently, researchers from which institutes have developed a its Sports Ambassadors, including former Indian cricketer
biodegradable foam that could transform the packaging Harbhajan Singh and - Sania Mirza
industry, while addressing critical environmental concerns?
- Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru Who has been selected to be awarded with the first Jadav
Payeng International Award, launched by Jyoti-Protap Education
Army's Jaipur-based South Western Command has established Trust? - B. M Karunakar Reddy
a think tank named what to strengthen Rajasthan's defence
industrial base. - Gyan Shakti Recently, Fédération Internationale de Football Association
(FIFA) has revealed the new 2025 Club World Cup trophy. It is
Which company and SoftBank Corp have piloted the world's first created in collaboration with - Tiffany & Co
artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G telecoms network, which can
run Al and 5G workloads concurrently, a process known as an Which country has held a landmark referendum, where 91.8% of
artificialWindows intelligence radio access network (AI-RAN)? voters approved a new constitution? - Gabon
- Nvidia
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Biotechnology
Jharkhand has celebrated its which foundation day on Research and Innovation Council (BRIC) have introduced an
initiative to showcase the enormous microbial potential of India.
November 15, 2024? - 25th
What is its name? - One Day One Genome
'State of the Climate 2024' report, the year 2024 is on track to be
the warmest year on record after an extended streak of Who has won the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament,
exceptionally high monthly global mean temperatures. Which and Development for 2023?
organisation has released this report? - Daniel Barenboim and Ali Abu Awwad
- World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
How much grant is Capgemini India providing to each
CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Community Innovator Fellow (CIF) in the fourth cohort under the
Research (NISCPR) and which university has jointly hosted the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog? - 1 lakh
Which country has launched 'Kirameki No. 3 satellite', designed The third regional event of the 'Hamara Samvidhan Hamara
for military communication and intelligence gathering? - Japan Samman' campaign has been organised to commemorate the
75th anniversary of adoption of Indian Constitution and India's
Which country has come up with a new scheme called Mobility establishment as a Republic at which of the following institutes?
Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) - Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
that allows talented young people from India to work in the
country for some time? - Australia India will host the first-ever Kho Kho World Cup at Indira Gandhi
Indoor Stadium in New Delhi from January 13 to 19, 2025. How
Recently, who has been appointed as Head of Mission and Chief many countries will participate in the tournament? - 24
Military Observer for the UN Military Observer Group in India and
Pakistan (UNMOGIP)? - Ramon Guardado Sanchez Scientists from which of the following institutes have developed
the Indian Equatorial Electrojet (IEEJindows Model to accurately
Which state government has launched the 'Come and Install predict the Equatorial Electrojet over the Indian sector?
Solar Power Projects' initiative to encourage investment in the - Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG), Navi Mumbai
state's solar and solar energy projects? - Himachal Pradesh
Recently, which special forces of the Indian Navy has rescued all
Who has been elected as the new Secretary-General of the the crew members of the hijacked Liberian-flagged vessel MV
International Criminal Police Organisation - INTERPOL? Lila Norfolk? - MARCOS