new prof.ed pre-board sept 24, 2023 print
new prof.ed pre-board sept 24, 2023 print
new prof.ed pre-board sept 24, 2023 print
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice o the answer sheet
1. Mrs. Lim wants to generate as many ideas as she can as the class is about to embark on a community
outreach program. Which of the following will she employ?
a. Simulation b. Brainstorming c. Brainwashing d. Role playing
2. The lesson is on the pros and cons of capital punishment. MR. Milan wants to do high level thinking and to
develop a view of capital punishment from different perspectives. Which technique will be most appropriate?
a. Role playing b. Simulation c. Lecture d. Panel discussion
3. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class
officer shall be patterned after the local election. There were qualifications set for candidates, limited period
for campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?
a. Role playing b. Simulation c. Symposium d. Philips 66
4. Miss Lee’s objective is to focus students’ attention on and quickly create interest in a problem or concept.
She should make use of _____.
a. tutorial group b. Philips 66 c. task group d. panel discussion
5. Here is a test item: From the data presented in the table, form generalizations that are supported by the
data. Under what type of question does this item fall?
a. Synthesis b. Convergent c. Evaluative d. Application
6. The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippines government. Defend or
refute this position. Under what type of question does test item fall?
a. Convergent b. Evaluative c. Low-level d. Analysis
9. You want to teach facts and rules. Which one will you make use of?
a. Direct instruction c. Indirect instruction
b. Self-directed learning d. Collaborative model
10. Teacher Ben, an experienced teacher, does daily review of the past lesson. Why
a. To provide his pupils with a sense of wholeness and continuity
b. To determine who among his pupils are studying
c. To reflect on how he presented the previous lesson
d. To introduce a new lesson
11. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the class the rules in playing basketball. Which method is most appropriate?
a. Direct instruction b. Problem solving c. Discovery d. Inductive reasoning
12. You want to teach concept, patterns, and abstraction. Which method is most appropriate?
a. Deductive method b. Problem solving c. Direct instruction d. Indirect instruction
13. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and action as indirect instruction is for __________.
a. concepts, patterns, and abstractions c. guesses, data, and conclusion
b. rules, concept, processes d. hypotheses, verified and conclusions
14. You want to have a small group discussion in your class. Which topics will be best for group discussion?
Those topics __________.
a. where a high degree of consensus among students does not yet exist
b. where a high degree of the consensus among students already exists
c. that are formally structured by texts
d. that are factual
16. You combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for interdisciplinary teaching.
Which strategy did you use?
a. Problem-centered learning c. Thematic instruction
b. Reading-writing activity d. Unit method
17. When you teach, you often engage yourself in brainstorming. Which do you avoid?
a. Selective involve pupils c. Generate many ideas
b. Break down barriers d. Increase creativity
18. Teacher Marion developed a card game in which pupils matched different fractions. The shapes contained
within each card were the same while the number of parts shaded was different. Which concept/process was
taught by this activity?
a. Equivalent fraction c. Sequencing fractions
b. Proper and improper fractions d. Converting fraction
19. For a teacher to establish and maintain consistent standards of learners’ behavior, they should do all
A. Give immediate feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior of learners
B. Be open to exceptions each time a learner misbehaves in class
C. Communicate and enforce school policies and procedures clearly and consistently
D. Handle behavior problems promptly and with due respect to learners’ rights.
20. Based on Bloom’s taxonomy, which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson is in the psychomotor domain?
A. The 3 pupils focusing the microscope
B. The pupils listening to the “don’ts” in focusing the microscope
C. Asking the class if it is important to learn how to focus the microscope
D. Explain the “whys” behind the don’ts
21. With the NCBTS as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following characteristics, EXCEPT
A. The learning environment promotes fairness
B. Is safe and conducive for learning
C. Builds many professional linkages
D. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior
25. A 14-year old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her on true love. She is crying incessantly and
refuses to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is offering. Her refusal to accept is because:
A. She thinks what she feels is too special and unique, that no one felt like this before.
B. The teenager’s favorite word is “no”, and she will simply reject everything the teacher says.
C. 14-year old are not yet capable of perspective taking and cannot take the teacher’s perspective.
D. Teenagers never listen to adult advice.
26. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year olds. Which of
the following should be best to consider?
A. Provide daily coloring book activities.
B. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills every day.
C. Encourage children to eat independently.
D. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily.
27. Science Teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She asked the class: “What happen
to the egg if I add three-tablespoon salt to the glass of water?” This is hypothesis formulation. What can you
infer about the cognitive developmental stage of Teacher Rita’s class?
A. Formal operational stage
B. Concrete operational stage
C. Pre-operational stage
D. Between concrete and formal operational stage.
28. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which
stage(s) is/are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic C. Symbolic and enactive
B. Symbolic D. iconic
29. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave in class?
A. Relates well to class C. Quarrels often with classmates
B. Is suspicious of others D. Has low level of independence
30. Focusing on natural consequences of students’ behavior develop more self-regulation in the students. Which
of the following teacher statements demonstrates focusing on natural consequences?
A. “Those who were noisy today during seatwork will not be allowed to play games in the computer later.”
B. “If it takes you longer to finish the seatwork because time is wasted with chatting, then we won’t have
time to go to the playground anymore.”
C. “Those who are well-behaved in class will be given plus 5 points in the quiz.”
D. If you get a grade of 95 or higher in the first two assignments, you will be exempted from the 3 rd
31. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when
A. The teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared.
B. The learners knows the punishments for not following the rules.
C. The learners participate in the rule-making process.
D. The teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules.
34. Read the following comments by the teacher. Which of these comments will most likely make a child try
harder, rather than give up?
A. Sinuwerte ka ngayon dito sa test, ha?
B. Hindi ka talaga magaling dito sa paksang ito, ‘no?
C. Nakikita ko na kailangan mong maglaan ng mas mahabang panahon sa paksang ito paralubos mong
maunawaan ito.
D. Nahihirapan ka sa paksang ito. Maaari kitang tulungan.
37. Which are most likely the kind of children raised by authoritarian parents?
I. Fearful II. Inhibited III. Hostile IV. Withdrawn
A. I and II B. B.I, II, and III C. II and III D. I, II, III, and IV
38. Which parenting style/s contribute/s to the development of children who have low level of responsibility?
A. Authoritarian C. Permissive
B. Authoritative D. Neglecting and permissive
39. What disciplinary actions are imposed on teachers violating the provision of the Code of Ethics?
I. Revocation of the Certificate of registration and II. Suspension from the practice of teaching
license III. Cancellation of temporary or special permit
a. I only b. I, II, III c. II only d. I and II
40. The Code of Ethics stipulates that the accountability of teachers includes his/her participation in __________.
a. community linkages c. political activities
b. Teaching religion d. continuing professional education
41. Ranking of teacher applicants based on LET rating, college GPA, demo teaching interview, etc. is in
accordance with the hiring principle of the __________
a. meritocracy c. selective admission to the profession
b. selective retention d. aristocracy
42. In a PTA meeting where contribution for a PTA fund raising project was discussed, a parent with three
children enrolled in the school pleaded that she may not be changed the total of P900 (since each child is
asked P300) because it was beyond her financial capacity. The teacher adviser answered, “Marami kasi
kayong anak; wala na tayong magawa dyan!” To maintain your cordial relations with parents, which could be
the BEST answer?
a. “We understand your plight. Let’s find out how we can help. Do you have any proposal?”
b. This was agreed upon by all of you. This amount did not come from me nor from anyone. Unless
everyone in this meeting now changes his/her mind.”
c. “We feel for you. But agreement is agreement unless we erase what we agreed upon from the very
d. “It may be quite late to raise the question. This should have been raised in the first meeting.”
43. A male teacher has photography as sideline. He offers his photography services with discount during school
functions like intramurals. Is this ethical
a. No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a photographer.
b. No, he should not deprive other photographers of their job.
c. Yes, his serviced are much cheaper than those of others and is, Therefore, of great help
d. Yes, his photography service is so personalized that he is able to establish rapport with parents.
44. Teacher A is observed to be a bit aloof from the children of the Aetas. She justifies her action by saying:” We
are but human; we cannot like every pupil.” Is she acting ethically?
a. No. under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced against any learner
b. No. unless she has extraordinary reason for being aloof to the Aetas
c. Yes, persons have their own peculiarities and we cannot expect everybody to like us.
d. Yes, because A is not yet engaged in a destructive behavior.
45. Teacher A, a young high school teacher, senses that the oldest student in the class student A, is attracted to
her. The attraction is becoming mutual. Is there anything unethical?
I. There is if teacher A gives preferential treatment to Student Z and their actions become scandalous
II. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. It is what we do with that makes it ethical or
III. There is, if the attraction is the beginning of the unethical action.
a. I only b. II and III c. I and III d. III only
46. Teacher D shouts at Juanito: “For misbehaving, you get minus 10 from your score”! Which provision/s in the
Code of Ethics for Teachers did she violate?
I. No deductions shall be made from students’ scholastic rating as a punishment for misbehavior
II. Always maintain a dignified personality
III. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory against any learners
a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I
47. When a failing student comes to you for help and asks you for extra work so he can pass, what is ethical for
you to do?
a. Find out why he is delinquent and extend the needed assistance in solving his difficulties
b. Make the extra work that he is asking extremely difficult for him to learn a lesson
c. Give him the extra work he is asking then if he passes quality work, give him a passing mark
d. Give an easy extra work so he can really be helped to pass.
48. Teacher L does not agree with one legitimate school policy in a memorandum of the school head. What is
ethical for him to do?
a. Discuss the policy in class and insinuate to the students his sentiment against the policy
b. Openly express his disagreement against that legitimate policy for he cannot be hypocrite
c. Seek audience with school head to persuade them to abandon such policy
d. Exert an honest effort to understand, support the legitimate policy and request for an audience with the
school head
49. According to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, upon which are
appointments/promotions/transfers made?
a. Merit and need c. Exigency of the service
b. Health d. Civil status
50. Is there anything unbecoming when teachers sell all sorts of merchandise in school during class hours?
I. No, there is none. Better to earn money from one’s honest labor
II. Yes, there is. Every teacher should use class hours for teaching
III. None, if classes are not disrupted
a. II only b. I only c. I and III d. III only
52. What teacher development strategy should characterize a program for upgrade the skills of a non-science
major to teach physics?
I. Research-based II. Theory based III. Practice-based IV. Content-based
a. I and II b. II and III c. III and IV d. I and IV
53. Which activity is characterized by a relationship of mutual trust ans respect, with individuals agreeing to
observe each other’s teaching and solving problems together?
a. Group dynamics b. Mentoring c. Peer evaluation d. Brainstorming
54. Your class has several IP (Indigenous Peoples) children. Which one will facilitate pupils’ learning?
a. Make the IP children feel proud of themselves.
b. Group the class permanently by ethnic origin.
c. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest
d. Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children
55. Teacher Nenita discourages her students to watch TV excessively. The average student spends about twenty
–four hours watching television in a week. According to research, how is learning affected by extensive TV
a. Shorter attention span c. Improved thinking ability
b. Enhanced creativity d. Improved communication skills
56. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed students’ ____.
a. high degree of independent c. Unpreparedness for schooling
b. high degree of dependent on authority d. ambivalence
58. The adoption of a national language by the 1987 Constitution is designed primarily to ________.
a. does away with colonial mentality
b. facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups
c. counteract elitism
59. Teacher Rose believes that students need not know the intended learning outcomes of her lesson. She
proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know what they are supposed to learn for the
day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Rose negate?
A. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
B. Learning is an active process.
C. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
D. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
60. Teacher Emma noticed that in group work, students just leave the work to the leader and so vowed never to
give group work again. Against which principle of learning is Teacher Emma’s decision?
A. Learning is an active process.
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and ideas.
C. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
D. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
61. In her desire to finish the content of her course syllabus, Teacher Love just lectures while students listen.
Which principle of learning does Teacher Love violate?
A. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
B. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
C. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
D. Learning is an active process.
62. Teacher Lanie asks her students to see the connection of their new lesson to their own personal experiences
and share the same with the class. Teacher believes in which principles of learning?
A. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
B. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
C. Learning is an active process.
D. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and ideas.
63. Teacher Dada avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems for students to drill on.
Teacher Dada is very much convinced of which principle of learning?
A. Learning is an active process.
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and ideas.
C. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
D. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
64. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of students by integrating a
relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied?
A. Lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains–cognitive, skill and
affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective.
B. Begin with the end in mind.
C. Share lesson objectives/learning outcomes with students.
D. Write SMART lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes.
65. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy, in what domains was Teacher Mila’s lesson?
I. Information (Declarative Knowledge)
II. Mental procedure (Procedural Knowledge)
III. Psychomotor procedures (Physical skills)
A. I and II B. II only C. II and III D. I, II and III
66. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson consists of mental procedure (procedural knowledge)?
I. Asking the class if the 3 students focused the microscope correctly
II. Explaining the “whys” behind the “don’ts”
III. Focusing the microscope
A. I only B. II only C. I, II, and III D. I and II29.
67. If explaining and demonstrating are necessary for Teacher Sam to realize her lesson objective/intended
learning outcome, what does this imply on lesson planning and development for whole and meaningful
A. Integrate the domains of learning outcomes.
B. You make lesson focus only information.
C. Plan a lesson that is exclusively for skill or for information.
D. Always touch the affective domain of learning.
69. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which he explained to the
class before the students began with their task. Based on revised Bloom’s taxonomy, which level of cognitive
processing are the students?
A. Evaluating B. Applying C. Synthesizing D. Analyzing
70. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The Teaching Profession.
Based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are you?
A. Analyzing B. Applying C. Creating D. Evaluating
71. Teacher Jalani requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same before a
panel of experts. In which level/s of processing will the students be engaged?
I. Retrieval III. Analysis
II. Comprehension IV. Knowledge utilization
A. I, II, III, and IV B. II, III and IV C. III and IV D. I, III, and IV
72. Teacher Aliah encourages her students to make the intended learning outcome their own and explained that
she expected them to monitor now and then their own progress toward the intended learning outcome and
act accordingly. In which level of processing will Teacher Aliah’s student’s act?
A. Cognitive C. Self-system
B. Metacognitive system D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system
73. Teacher Sabrena sees to it that her class sees the importance of the grammar lessons in English and so gets
intrinsically motivated to learn. In which level of processing is the class expected to act?
A. Cognitive C. Self-system
B. Metacognitive system D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system
74. Teacher Nihaya talked all period. She taught the class the steps to undertake in the conduct of an action
research. She also showed a poorly done action research, discussed why it is poorly done and finally showed
a model action research. Which teaching approach describes Teacher Nihaya’s lesson development? Was
Teacher Nihaya’s approach learner-centered?
A. Yes, she taught for all learners.
B. Yes, she made things easy for the learners.
C. No, she was more subject-centered and teacher-centered.
D. No, because her subject matter was highly technical.
75. Teacher Dada’s lesson was on “what man can do to arrest climate change”. She made students do the
talking, the arguing, and the synthesizing. She gave her lecturette after students have participated in the
lively discussion. Which teaching approach did Teacher Dada employ?
A. Learner-centered approach C. Activity-centered approach
B. Subject-matter centered approach D. Teacher-centered approach
76. In this FS course, FS students are required to observe, analyze and reflect on actual class proceedings.
Which description of the pedagogical approach of K to 12 as cited in the K to 12 law is observed in the
conduct of this FS course?
A. Developmentally appropriate C. Reflective
B. Inclusive D. Inquiry-based
77. Teacher Beth avoid giving out-of-context drills. Instead she makes use of real-world problems for her
students to solve. Doing so makes Teacher Beth _____ in approach.
A. Developmentally appropriate C. Reflective
B. Constructivist D. Inquiry-based
78. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualifications Framework (AQRF). The Asian History teacher teams up with
the Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF from the
different perspective of other disciplines. Which describes the Asian History teacher’s pedagogical approach?
A. Integrated B. Constructivist C. Reflective D. Inquiry-based
79. The spiral progression approach in teaching Math in the K to 12 curriculum means that you teach basic Math
concepts from K to Grade 10 in increasing depth and breadth across the grades. This means that Math
teaching is ____.
A. Developmentally appropriate C. Inquiry-based
B. Inclusive D. Integrated
80. Teacher Ann demonstrated the deductive method of teaching in her English class. Based on her teaching
demo, she asked the class to outline the steps of a deductive teaching method. The student’s outlines
served as the starting point of the class discussion on the steps of the deductive method. Did Teacher Ann
go deductive?
A. No, she went inductive. C. Yes, she began with the concrete.
B. Yes, she went deductive. D. Both deductive and inductive
81. Teacher Doods said: “This is the rule on how to multiply fractions. To illustrate, let’s give examples.” Then,
he gave fractions to the class for them to multiply. How did Teacher Doods proceed?
A. Inductively C. Inductively then deductively
B. Deductively D. Deductively and inductively
82. It is less interactive and requires relatively shorter period of time to cover content. Which teaching method is
A. Inductive C. Deductive
B. Both inductive and deductive D. Both but more deductive
84. When you begin teaching with the generalization then bring in details, which method do you employ?
A. Deductive
B. It depends on your type of generalization
C. Inductive
D. It depends on the quantity of details you bring in
85. When you begin teaching with concrete experiences then come with conclusion, which method do you
A. Deductive
B. It depends on your type of generalization
C. Inductive
D. It depends on the quantity of details you bring in
87. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning. Which practice is aligned with this
A. Teach using mostly verbal symbol
B. Employ cooperative learning
C. Invite parents as resource speakers in class
D. Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents
88. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning. Which practice is an offshoot of this principle?
A. No praising B. No bullying C. No scolding D. No homework
89. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning. To apply this principle teacher must _____.
A. Spice class with his/her sense of humor.
B. Make course difficult for students to remember and learn
C. Touch student’s emotion when he/she teaches
D. Be emotional when he/she teaches
90. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. So what must a teacher do?
A. Use multisensory aids to teaching
B. Teach as many facts as you can
C. Teach for test purposes only. Teach to the test.
D. Make students connect facts learned to form concepts and abstractions.
91. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life. What is an application of this
principle in teaching?
A. Teacher asks the class to show application of what they learned to their daily life.
B. Teacher makes everyday life the starter of his/her lesson.
C. Teacher narrates true-to-life stories.
D. Teacher asks students to come up with clipping of Filipino life
92. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information. What then
should teacher avoid?
A. Teaching to the test C. Knowledge utilization
B. Summarizing lesson D. Use of problem solving method
Teacher Jing proceeded to her lesson without stating the intended learning outcomes for the hour. She asked
her students to work on Seatwork #3 found in the Math Workbook, pp. 3-4.After 40 minutes, the students
corrected their own answers as Teacher Jing dictated the answer.
93. Was the development of the lesson in accordance with outcomes-based teaching and learning?
A. Yes, the students corrected their own work
B. No, the learning outcomes were not stated and so it was not clear what was supposed to be assessed.
C. No, the students were not shown how the answers were derived.
D. Yes, the students corrected their own progress.
94. I wasn’t satisfied with Student Khairi’s yes as an answer and so I asked to explain why? Which did I do?
A. Probing C. Asking non-directed questions
B. Prompting D. Rephrasing
95. Teacher Leticia claims she can’t accept an “I don’t know” answer. So she does ____.
A. Probing C. Asking non-directed question
B. Prompting D. Repeating the question
97. This is my questioning behavior: I ask the question, I pause for a while then call on a student. Which is this
questioning practice?
A. Asking non-directed question C. Asking for non-volunteers
B. Directing a question D. Involving as many as possible
98. You get a partially correct answer. You say “yes but a part needs improvement”. How did you handle the
A. Provided a corrective feedback C. Gave appropriate praise
B. Provided an acceptance feedback D. Criticized student’s response.
99. A question is raised by one student. You don’t answer it but throw back the question to the class. Which is
this reacting behavior?
A. Redirecting question to other pupils C. Providing corrective feedback
B. Soliciting student’s questions D. Asking follow up question
101. You want to develop student’s critical thinking skills. Which type of question should you ask?
I. Closed questions III. Divergent questions
II. Convergent questions IV. Open-ended questions
A. III and IV B. I and II C. II and III D. I and IV
102. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?
A. Divergent B. Convergent C. Conceptual D. Inference
103. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/Audio-Visual/Educational Technology Center of a school
EXCEPT _______.
A. Make available technology equipment for use of teachers and students
B. Conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. Work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. Accomplish the students’ technology project for them
104. The Learning Resource/Audio-visual/Educational Technology Center regularly provides the teachers a list
of websites, apps and instructional materials available in the city which are relevant to the different subjects
they teach. This fulfills which function?
A. Recreational reading center C. Laboratory of learning
B. A link to other community resources D. Center of resources
106. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose? (MATH MADNESS!
Are you a game?)
A. Instructional-interactive C. Motivational
B. Informational D. Decorative
107. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose? (Best Work in the
A. Instructional-interactive C. Motivational
B. Informational D. Decorative
108. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose? (Fall In Love With
A. Instructional-interactive C. Motivational, decorative
B. Informational, decorative D. Decorative, informational
109. In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher’s presentation,
the teacher should have _______.
A. A summary C. A short conclusion
B. Several years of experience as a presenter D. A short preview
110. Miss Jannah is preparing slides for her lesson demonstration; she remembers to apply the rule of six.
Most likely she will ______.
A. Limit her presentation to six slides with six sentences on each side
B. Identify six important point to discuss, and use about six minutes to explain each point
C. Have six lines on each slide with each line having not more than six words.
D. Include six paragraphs presented in six slides.
111. Mr. Doma is planning technology integration in his social studies lesson on the EDSA Revolution. He is
applying his content knowledge when he ______.
A. Considers the learners’ multiple intelligences before preparing his Technology integration lesson plan
B. Includes information from EDSA revolution video documentaries.
C. Uses Prezi as an option to using powerpoint in his presentation.
D. Sets up a wikispaces account for his students to blog about the EDSA Revolution lesson.
112. Ms. Cabugatan is implementing a technology-integration activity for 4 th graders to work on multiplication
of two digit numbers. Which of the following illustrates the interaction of the teacher’s technological,
pedagogical, and content knowledge?
A. The teacher checks the math standards for 4 th grades and based on these standards, lets her student
answer multiplication exercises on the blackboard.
B. The teacher makes the children watch a video that she downloaded from YouTube and ask the children to
summarize it.
C. The teacher evaluates math apps on multiplication, matches them with her students skill level,
demonstrates how the apps are used and allows her students to explore and work on the apps.
D. The teacher makes the children play whatever math apps they find in the internet and lets them share in
class about their experience.
113. A Science Teacher uses a powerpoint presentation to show the classification in kingdom Animalia. The
teacher then teaches them how to use a software in making graphic organizers. Students then use this to
create their own graphic organizers to classify animals. This shows technology which is _____.
A. entry-constructive C. infusion-constructive
B. adoption-constructive D. transformation-constructive
114. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in adding mixed fractions.
The students then work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice in adding mixed
fraction. This shows technology integration which is ______.
A. entry-active C. infusion-active
B. adoption-active D. transformation-active
115. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work together with other
Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao. They will create posters and video clip to
communicate a message about peace. They will use social media to spread their peace campaign. This
project involves technology integration which is _______.
A. entry-active C. transformation-constructive
B. adoption-constructive D. adaptation-collaborative
116. Ms. Rahmah is evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure that the factual pieces of
information found on the site are well documented and pictures and diagrams are properly labeled. She is
also checking that there are no misspelled words nor grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Appropriateness C. Motivation
B. Clarity D. Accuracy
117. Miss Castro is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergarteners. She is making sure the app is
uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and that icons represent what they were
intended to represent. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Organization C. Motivation
B. Accuracy D. Appropriateness
118. Ms. Natangcop is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out whether the app
taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app will be helpful in meeting her
objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she
focusing on?
A. Organization C. Currency
B. Accuracy D. Appropriateness
119. In a curriculum development class, the teacher asked the students to give an enriched definition of the
curriculum. Which among the following encompasses the true essence of the term?
A. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a course.
B. Curriculum is the sum total of all the learning experiences in the teaching-learning process.
C. Curriculum is a list of courses in order to graduate.
D. Curriculum is a never ending process in education.
121. Curriculum may be defined in many ways. What does this prove?
A. The concept of curriculum is based on those given by experts
B. The concept is limited and narrow in scope
C. The curriculum is characterized as fragmentary, elusive and confusing.
D. The concept of curriculum may be defined from different perspectives.
122. The Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE) proposed a new curriculum for Teacher
Education to make the graduates globally competitive. What type of curriculum is this?
A. Supported curriculum C. Assessed curriculum
B. Hidden curriculum D. Recommended curriculum
123. In order to have an effective teaching and learning, there must be an adequate utilization of learning
materials. What type of curriculum is this?
A. Assessed curriculum C. Recommended curriculum
B. Hidden curriculum D. Supported curriculum
124. When teachers conduct a series of evaluation to determine the extent of teaching, what must be
A. Hidden curriculum C. Learned curriculum
B. Taught curriculum D. Assessed curriculum
125. This curricularist uses unique and out-of-the box strategies to make his/her class highly engaging. He/She
is a/an _____.
A. Knower B. Innovator C. Writer D. Implementer
126. This curricularist has published researches, books, manuals, and other instructional materials. He/She is
A. Implementer B. Evaluator C. Planner D. Writer
127. This curricularist attends seminars, workshops, and pursues graduate work. He/She is a/an _______.
A. Innovator B. Knower C. Writer D. Evaluator
128. When a school believes that curriculum should highly focus on Math, Science, and other fundamental
intellectual disciplines, this school believes in the curriculum view of _______.
A. John Dewey B. Hollis Caswell C. Arthur Bestor D. Phillip Phenix
130. In analyzing the curriculum, the teacher should consider the following, except;
I. vision, mission, goals and core values of the III. needs and interest of the learners
school IV. All must be considered.
II. learning resources and faculties of the school
A. I only B. III only C. II only D. I, II and III
131. Miss Lim started off her lesson plan with the outcomes she expects her students to achieve at the end of
the lesson, this curriculum approach is _____.
I. curriculum as a body of knowledge III. curriculum as a product
II. curriculum as a process IV. all of the above
A. I only B. III only C. II only D. I, II, and III
132. When curriculum is viewed as a process, what should the teacher consider primarily in designing his/her
A. Different modes of assessments C. Outcomes-based learning objectives
B. Various methods and strategies D. National competency-based competencies
133. What could be the content/topic when the teacher asked the learners to define curriculum and complete
a matrix on the differences between traditional and progressive curriculum?
A. The meaning of curriculum D. Historical and philosophical foundations of
B. Different elements that affect curriculum curriculum
C. Various curriculum perspectives
134. Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum?
A. Selection of educational content C. Identifying learning goals and objectives
B. Evaluating educational experiences D. Organization of learning experiences
137. Mrs. Valdez asks her Grade 10 class to read biographies, encyclopedia, history books and the like during
their free time. She is a believer of what philosophy?
A. Existentialism B. Behaviorism C. Perennialism D. Essentialism
138. These foundations show the chronological development of curriculum, mostly using a timeline.
A. Historical foundations C. Philosophical foundation
B. Legal foundations D. Psychological foundations
139. These stakeholders are direct partners of the school in strengthening learning experience in the home.
A. Community C. Parents
B. School administrators D. Government officials
140. These stakeholders are at the core of the curriculum. They are the primary beneficiaries of the
A. Teachers B. Learners C. Community D. Parents
141. Which of the following practices is NOT allowed in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
A. Teachers shall insure that teaching upholds the highest standards
B. Teachers shall accept tutorial fees for the slow learners in her class.
C. Teachers shall live with dignity in all places at all times.
D. Teacher shall establish maintain cordial relations with parents.
143. Free compulsory education as mandated in the 1987 Constitution holds true for ___________
A. all children of school age C. elementary education
B. elementary and secondary education D. Education in the primary grades
144. Which priority criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?
A. Novelty C. Attractiveness
B. Cost D. Appropriateness
145. Which learning activity is MOST appropriate if a teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?
A. Field trip B. Exhibit C. Role play D. Game
146. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as tough it is the only educational technology
A. Isolated use B. Flexibility C. Variety D. Uniformity
148. “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” What is an
application of this principle?
A. Appeal to student’s sense of imagination.
B. Use multisensory aids.
C. Make your students touch the instructional material.
D. Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the ears are the most important sense of learning.
149. Teacher Zaid likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the following materials
available is most fit?
A. Model B. Mock-up C. Replica D. Realia
150. Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, which activity is farthest from the real thing?
A. watching demo C. attending exhibit
B. hearing/listening D. viewing images
151. Which characteristic must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aids?
A. Stimulate and maintain student interest C. Updated and relevant to the Filipino setting
B. Suited to the lesson objective D. New and skillfully made
152. A country’s values education program is based on the philosophy of “understanding the human person.”
This philosophy is best illustrated by a curriculum that is __________.
a. Learner-centered c. Focused on social needs
b. driven by spirituality d. prescribed by teachers
153. The Code of Ethics stipulates that the accountability of teachers includes his/her participation in
a. Community linkages c. political activities
b. teaching of religion a. d. continuing professional education
155. The teacher’s responsibility includes observing and following the personal behavior in all relationships
with other. Premium shall be placed on __________.
a. honesty and integrity c. self-respect and self-discipline
b. interpersonal relationship d. intrapersonal relationship
157. Which of these does/do NOT indicate need for frequent monition of teaching and learning?
I. Teachers modify classroom practice based on new strategies learned
II. Classroom assessment is aligned with the curriculum
III. Instruction is aligned to needs of learners
IV. Experienced teachers are paired to mentor less – experienced teachers
a. I, II, III and IV b. I, II and III c. I and II d. I only
159. Quality teaching thrives in strong Professional Learning Communities (PLC). What characterize a PLC?
I. Collegial interchange III. Building blocks
II. Complicated conversation IV. Reflection inquiry
a. I, II, III, IV b. II, III c. II, III, IV d. I and IV
161. Which of the following is demonstrated when the teacher conduct themselves with respect, maintaining
proper ethics and decorum inside and outside the classroom
a. Professionalism c. Service and commitment
b. Quality teaching and efficiency d. Personal achievement and self-worth
162. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers stipulates that educational institution shall offer quality
education for all Filipino citizens. How is quality education defined in R.A, 9155?
a. Relevance and excellence of education are emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an
individual and society
b. All school aged children should be provided free and compulsory education
c. Children with special needs should be mainstreamed with regular classes in the public schools
d. Public and private basic education schools should provide relevant education
163. The teacher should provide an environment conducive to learning in line with his/her function as a
a. leader in the community c. responsible citizen
b. change agent d. facilitator of learning
164. Which action of the teacher is inimical to the declared policies of the state?
a. Investigative studies supportive of government c. Sharing research results against the state
programs d. Enjoying academic freedom
b. Conducting studies to enhance reforms
165. A teacher shall behave with honor and dignity at all times. What activities should he/she refrain from
I. Gambling II. Smoking III. Illicit relations IV. Lotto betting
a. I only b. I, II, III c. II, III, IV d. III only
166. In R.A 7836, Otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994, what collegial
body has the power to revoke the certificate of registration (license) of teacher after due process?
a. Board of teachers Education c. Board for Professional Teachers
b. Board of Alliance of Concerned Teacher d. Board of Teacher Examiners
168. Professionalism is NOT an end state for an occupation rather it is a continual process of reaching the
forms of ___________.
a. responsibility b. accountability c. obligation d. prestige
170. Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulate income generation? Which is/are NOT legitimate income
a. Marks b. Evaluation c. performance d. result
171. A teacher has the right to engage in legitimate income generation? Which is/are NOT legitimate income
I. Tutoring one’s own pupil in school for a fee
II. Giving remedial teaching for a slow learner in class for a fee
III. Selling books to parents of failing pupils for a commission
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I, II, and III
172. Developing an understanding of life, the world around us and other people is the concern of which pillar
of learning?
a. Learning to know c. Learning to be
b. b.Learning to do d. Learning to live together
173. Transforming certified skills into personal competence is the concern of which pillar of learning?
a. Learning to do c. Learning to be
b. Learning to know d. Learning to live together
174. With the four pillars of education from UNESCO Commission on Education From UNESCO Commission on
education in mind, which corresponding/s to the affective domain
I. Learning to live together II. Learning to be III. Learning to do
a. I and III b. II and III c. I and II d. I only
175. In her desire to motivate student to study very well, Teacher Elsa posted the scores of all her students at
the end of the periodic test. Is the act in accordance with ethical principles?
a. No, it violates the principle of confidentiality of scores and grades
b. Yes. Teacher Elsa had a very good intention, i,e . to motivate student s to study well.
c. Yes, score are not yet grades anyway.
d. Yes, if the scores are high and no, if the score are low
177. Teacher Delia openly criticizes before her class the school’s policy on school uniform. Which ethical
principle is violated?
a. Respect for authority c. Respect for learners
b. Respect for colleagues d. Respect for institution
180. Which type of assessment is in accordance with the ethical principle of student assessment?
I. Valid II. Reliable III. Electronically done
a. I and II b. II and III c. I, II and III d. I and III
181. Teacher Tess is directed to pass an undeserving Student with a death threat. Which advice will a
utilitarian give?
a. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you
b. Pass the student. why suffers the threat. Which advice will a hedonist give?
c. Don’t pass him live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next!
d. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat to pass.
182. A student complains to you about his failing grade in the first grading period. You recomputed and indeed
you find a significant error in his grade computation. Your decision is not to accept the erroneous
computation for fear that you may lose credibility. Is this morally right?
a. No, the end does not justify the means
b. No, the reason for not accepting the error before the student is flimsy
c. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility
d. Yes, the end justifies the means
183. The Second World War has caused too mush destruction to life and property and Allied Forces consisting
of the United States, Great Britain and France wanted to end it but japan adamantly refused. To force Japan’s
surrender, the Allied Force dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. At the
end of the lesson, you ask “Which basic principle of morality applies to this case?” What should be the
a. The end does not justify the means c. Between two evils, do the lesser evil
b. Always do what is right. d. Principle of double effect
184. There was a controversial report that in a certain country, toddlers were disciplined by being beaten,
scalded with boiling water and tied to the chairs for hours. According to the budget. They did this by
selecting children, especially the ugly and the naughty ones, and place them in “dying room” where
deliberately they were left to starve to death. Is this morally right?
a. No, the end does not justify right?
b. No, the children no matter how naughty have basic goodness
c. Yes, government cannot afford to maintain crowded orphanages
d. Yes, the children are naughty anyway and may grow to be undesirable citizens.
185. Teacher ton knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any
investigation. Which principle of morality does Teacher Ton fail to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means c. Between two evils, do the lesser evil
b. Always do what is right d. The principle of double effect