Park Operation Manual
Park Operation Manual
Park Operation Manual
3 4 Comfort
9 10 Comfort
11 Royal 12 Prestige
15 Comfort 16 Royal
17 Prestige 18
21 22
23 Comfort 24 Royal
27 28
29 30
This symbol indicates WARNING. Seri-
ous personal injury and/or damage to 2.1 Drive
property may result if the instructions 2.1.1 Comfort, Royal
are not followed carefully. The machine is rear wheel drive.
You must read these instructions for use The rear axle is equipped with a hydrostatic trans-
and the accompanying pamphlet mission with infinitely variable forward and re-
“SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS” careful- verse gear ratios.
ly, before starting up the machine. The rear axle is also equipped with a differential to
1.1 SYMBOLS facilitate turning.
The following symbols appear on the machine. Front mounted tools are driven by drive belts.
They are there to remind you of the care and atten- 2.1.2 Prestige
tion required during use and maintenance.
This is what the symbols mean: The machine has 4-wheel drive. The power from
the engine to the drive wheels is transferred hy-
Warning! draulically. The engine drives an oil pump, which
Read the instruction manual and the safety pumps oil through the rear and front axle drives.
manual before using the machine.
The front axle and rear axle are connected in se-
Warning! ries, which means that the front wheels and rear
Watch out for discarded objects. Keep on- wheels are forced to rotate at the same speed.
lookers away.
To make turning easier, both axles are equipped
Warning! with differential.
Always wear hearing protectors.
Front-mounted implements are powered via drive
This machine is not designed to be driven 2.2 Steering
on public roads. The machine is articulated. This means that the
Warning! chassis is divided into a front and a rear section,
The machine, equipped with original ac- which can be turned in relation to each other.
cessories, must not be driven in any direc- The articulated steering means that the machine
tion on slopes with a gradient greater than can turn around trees and other obstacles with an
10º. extremely small turning radius.
Risk of crushing injuries. Keep hands and 2.3 Safety system
feet well away from the articulated steer- The machine is equipped with an electrical safety
ing joint. system. The safety system interrupts certain activ-
Warning! ities that can entail a danger of incorrect manoeu-
Risk of burn injuries. Do not touch the si- vres. For example, the engine cannot be started if
lencer/catalytic converter. the clutch-parking brake pedal is depressed.
1.2 References The operation of the safety system must
always be checked every time before
1.2.1 Figures use.
The figures in these instructions for use are num-
bered 1, 2, 3, etc.
Components shown in the figures are marked A, B, 2.4 Controls
C, etc.
A reference to component C in figure 2 is written 2.4.1 Implement lifter, mechanical (3:C)
“2:C”. To switch between working position and transport
1.2.2 Headings position:
The headings in these instructions for use are num- 1. Depress the pedal fully.
bered in accordance with the following example: 2. Release the pedal slowly.
“1.3.1 General safety check” is a subheading to
“1.3 Safety checks” and is included under this
When referring to headings, only the number of the
heading is normally specified. E.g. “See 1.3.1”.
2.4.8 Choke control (5:H) 2.4.12 Cutting height adjustment (4, 5:J)
(Royal, Prestige) The machine is equipped with a control for using
A pull-type control to choke the engine when start- the cutting deck with electrical cutting height ad-
ing from cold. justment.
1. Control fully pulled out – choke valve The switch is used to adjust the cutting
in carburettor closed. For starting cold en- height in continuously variable positions.
2. Control pushed in – choke valve open. The cutting deck is connected to the contact (2:Q).
For starting warm engine and when oper-
ating the machine. 2.4.13Clutch release lever
Never operate the machine with the choke A lever for disengaging the variable transmission.
pulled out when the engine is warm.
2WD is equipped with a lever, connected to the
2.4.9 Ignition lock/headlight (4, 5:I) rear axle. See (6:R).
The ignition lock is used for starting and stopping 4WD is equipped with two levers, connected to the
the engine. The ignition lock is also the switch for rear axle (7:A) and the front axle (7:B).
the headlight. The disengagement lever must never be
Do not leave the machine with the key between the outer and inner positions.
in position 2 or 3. There is a fire risk, This overheats and damages the trans-
fuel can run into the engine through the mission.
carburettor, and there is a risk of the The levers enable the machine to be moved by
battery being discharged and damaged. hand without the help of the engine. Two positions:
Four positions: 1. Lever in the inner position –
1. Stop position – the engine is short-cir- transmission engaged for normal
cuited. The key can be removed. operation.
2. Lever in the outer position –
2. Operating position – headlight activat- transmission disengaged. The
ed. machine can be moved by hand.
The machine may not be towed over long distances
3. Operating position – headlight not acti- or at high speeds. The transmission could be dam-
vated. aged.
The machine must not be operated with
the forward most lever in the outer po-
4. Start position – the electric start motor sition. Risk of damage and oil leakage in
is activated when the key is turned to the the front axle.
spring-loaded start position. Once the en-
gine has started, let the key return to oper-
ating position 3. 2.4.14 Seat (1:T)
Turn the key to position 2 to light the The seat can be folded and adjusted front-
headlight. rear. The seat can be adjusted as follows:
1. Move the control lever (1:S) upwards.
2.4.10 Power take-off (4,5:K) 2. Set the seat to the desired position.
A lever for engaging and disengaging the power 3. Release the control lever (1:S) to lock
take-off for operating front-mounted accessories. the seat.
Two positions: The seat is equipped with a safety switch that is
1. Lever in forward position – power take- connected to the machine’s safety system. This
off disengaged. means that certain dangerous activities are not pos-
sible when there is nobody sitting on the seat. Also
2. Lever in backward position - power see 4.4.2.
take-off engaged.
5.4.2 Engine Oil Check for fuel leaks once the new filter has been
Use oil according to the table below. installed.
Machine Oil
5.6 Transmission, oil (Prestige)
Comfort (B&S) Grade Service The oil in the hydraulic power transmission must
class be checked/adjusted and changed at the intervals
All temperatures SAE 10W-40 SF given in the table below.
Below -18° C SAE 5W-30 or higher
1st time Then at
Above 0° C SAE30 intervals
Action of
Prestige (Kohler) Grade Service
class Hours of operation
Above 0° C SAE 10W-40 SG Checking – adjusting level. - 50
Below 0° C SAE 5W-20/30 or higher Changing the oil. 5 200
Royal (Honda) Grade Service
class Type of oil: Synthetic oil 5W-50.
All temperatures SAE 10W-40 SJ Oil quantity when changing: approximately 3.5 li-
Below 0° C SAE 5W-30 or higher tres.
Above 10° C SAE30 5.6.1 Check – adjustment
1. Place the machine on a flat surface.
Use oil without any additives. 2. Read off the oil level in the reservoir. See fig.
Do not fill with too much oil. This can cause the 18. The level should be level with the line.
engine to overheat. 3. If necessary, top up with more oil.
Change oil when the engine is warm.
5.6.2 Draining
The engine oil may be very hot if it is
drained off directly after the engine is 1. Run the machine at variable speeds for 10-20
shut off. Therefore allow the engine to minutes to heat up the transmission oil.
cool a few minutes before draining the 2. Position the machine completely horizontally.
oil. 3. Pull out both disengagement levers according to
1. Attach the clamp on the oil drainage hose. Use fig. 7:A, B.
a polygrip or similar. See fig. 15-17:Y. 4. Place one container under the rear axle and one
2. Move the clamp up 3-4 cm on the oil drainage under the front axle.
hose and pull out the plug. 5. Open the oil reservoir by removing the cover.
3. Collect the oil in a collection vessel. Only a 3/8” square drive may be used
NOTE! Do not spill any oil on the drive belts. for the oil plug. Other tools will damage
4. Hand in the oil for disposal in accordance with the plug.
local provisions. 6. Remove the oil plug from the rear axle. Clean
5. Install the oil drainage plug and move the clamp the hole and use a 3/8” square drive. See figure
back so that it clamps above the plug. 19.
6. Remove the dipstick and fill with new oil. 7. Remove 2 drain plugs from the front axle. Use
Oil quantity: a 12 mm socket. Allow the oil in the front axle
Comfort: 1,6 l and pipes to run out. See fig. 20.
Prestige: 1,9 l 8. Check that the gaskets on the drain plugs of the
Royal: 0,9 l front axle are intact. See fig. 20. Reinstall the
7. After filling up the oil, start the engine and idle plugs. Tightening torque: 15-17 Nm.
for 30 seconds. The oil plug will be damaged if it is
8. Check to see if there is any oil leakage. tightened more to than 5 Nm.
9. Stop the engine. Wait for 30 seconds and then
check the oil level in accordance with 4.2. 9. Check that the gasket on the oil plug of the rear
5.5 Fuel filter axle is intact. See fig. 19:V. Reinstall in the rear
axle. Tighten the oil plug to 5 Nm.
Comfort (Briggs & Stratton)
10.Draw out the oil from the deeper section of the
Replace the fuel filter every season. reservoir using an oil extractor. See fig. 21.
Prestige (Kohler), Royal (Honda) 11.Dispose of the oil according to local regula-
Replace the fuel filter after 1,500 hours of opera- tions.
to the battery’s positive terminal (+). Then con- NOTE! The filters should be cleaned/replaced
nect the black cable to the battery’s negative ter- more often if the machine operates on dusty
minal (-). ground.
If the cables are disconnected/connect- Remove/install the air filters as follows.
ed in the wrong order, there is a risk of 1. Dismantle the right rear wheel.
a short-circuit and damage to the bat- 2. Clean carefully around the air filter cover.
tery. 3. Dismantle the air filter cover (25:A) by undoing
If the cables are interchanged, the gen- its screw (25:B).
erator and the battery will be damaged. 4. Dismantle the filters. The pre-filter (25:C) is
placed over the air filter (25:D). Make sure that
Tighten the cables securely. Loose ca- no dirt gets into the carburettor. Clean the air fil-
bles can cause a fire. ter housing.
The engine must never be driven with 5. Wash the pre-filter (25:C) in liquid detergent
the battery disconnected. There is a risk and water. Squeeze dry. Pour a little oil on the
of serious damage to the generator and filter and squeeze in the oil.
the electrical system. 6. Assemble in the reverse order. Check that the
5.9.4 Cleaning rubber seal (25:E) is undamaged. Replace the
seal if necessary.
If the battery terminals are coated with oxide, they
should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with 5.10.3Air filter (Royal)
a wire brush and lubricate them with terminal Clean the air filter every 3 months or after every 50
grease. hours of operation, whichever comes first.
Clean the paper filter insert once a year or after
5.10 Air filter, engine every 200 hours of operation, whichever comes
5.10.1 Air filter (Comfort) first.
The pre-filter (foam filter) must be cleaned/re- Note! Both filters should be cleaned more often if
placed after 25 hours of operation. the machine operates on dusty ground.
The air filter (paper filter) must be cleaned/re- 1. Remove the protective cover of the air filter
placed after 100 hours of operation. (fig. 24).
NOTE! The filters should be cleaned/replaced 2. Dismantle the paper filter insert and the foam
more often if the machine operates on dusty pre-filter. Make sure that no dirt gets into the
ground. carburettor. Clean the air filter housing.
Remove/install the air filters as follows. 3. Wash the pre-filter in liquid detergent and
water. Squeeze dry. Pour a little oil on the filter
1. Clean carefully around the air filter cover.
and squeeze in the oil.
2. Dismantle the air filter cover (23:A) by remov-
4. Clean the paper filter insert as follows: Knock it
ing the two clamps. lightly against a flat surface. If the filter is very
3. Dismantle the filter assembly (23:B). The pre- dirty, change it.
filter is placed over the air filter. Make sure that 5. Assemble in the reverse order.
no dirt gets into the carburettor. Clean the air fil-
ter housing. Petroleum-based solvents such as kerosene may
4. Clean the paper filter by tapping it gently not be used for cleaning the paper filter insert.
These solvents can destroy the filter.
against a flat surface. If the filter is very dirty,
replace it. Do not use compressed air for cleaning the
5. Clean the pre-filter. If the filter is very dirty, re- paper filter insert. The paper filter insert must
not be oiled.
place it.
6. Assemble in the reverse order.
Compressed air or petroleum-based solvents such
as kerosene may not be used for cleaning the paper 5.11 Spark plug
filter insert. This will damage the filter.
The spark plug(s) must be replaced every 200
5.10.2 Air filter (Prestige) hours of operation (=at every other basic service).
The pre-filter (foam filter) must be cleaned after 25 Before disconnecting the spark plug, clean around
hours of operation. its mounting.
The air filter (paper filter) must be replaced after Spark plug: Champion RC12YC or equivalent.
100 hours of operation. Electrode distance: 0.75 mm.
Wheel bear- 2 grease nipples. 27
ing Use a grease gun filled with
universal grease. Pump until
the grease emerges.
Centre point 4 grease nipples. 28
Use a grease gun filled with
universal grease. Pump until
the grease emerges.
Steering Brush the chains clean with a -
chains wire brush.
Lubricate with universal
chain spray.
Tensioning Lubricate the bearing points 29
arms with an oil can when each
control is activated.
Ideally carried out by two
Control Lubricate the cable ends with 30
cables an oil can when each control
is activated.
Must be carried out by two
5.14 Fuses
If any of the faults listed below occurs, replace the
relevant fuse. See fig. 13.
Fault Fuse
The engine does not start or starts and 10 A
stops immediately. The battery is
Electrical cutting height adjustment 20 A
do not work.
All electrical functions are out of 30 A
operation. The battery is charged.