IEC Activities-1
IEC Activities-1
IEC Activities-1
17(8-372)/CMO/G/AB-PMJAY/2024-25 I/260063/2024
Date:- 24/09/2024
The Sub-Divisional Medical Officers- Udaipur/Amarpur/Karbook.
The Medical Officer In Charges- Ompi CHC / Natunbazar CHC / Kakraban CHC/ Atharabhola PHC
/Killa PHC/ Silachari PHC / Ghorakappa PHC/ Tulamura PHC / / Chellagang PHC / Twidu PHC /
Maharani PHC/ Garjee PHC/Adipur PHC/Tirthamukh PHC/Mirza PHC.
Subject : Observance of Ayushman Bharat Pakhwada from 15th September to 30th September
2024 for observing 6th year completion of AB-PMJAY and 03 year completion of ABDM and also
allocation of monthly IEC activities for last 2 quarters- reg
Ayushman Bharat- Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) is going to complete its 6 years
on 23rd September 2024 and Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) is going tocomplete its
3 years on 27th September 2024. In this connection Ayushman Bharat Pakhwada will be
observed from 15th September to 30th September 2024 and Ayushman Bharat Diwas will be
observed on 23rd September, 2023.
Programme for 6th Year Completion of AB-PMJAY and 3 Years completion of ABDM at District
Level during the Pakhwada:
The following activities are to be implemented with proper planning. Hospital wise budget
allocation is enclosed herewith-
ABHA generation & Scan and Share. Proper plan to be prepared to cover all the
vulnerable pockets for successful implementation and need to be shared with SHA
before implementation. Flex of PMJAY with CMJAY and ABDM to be mandatorily
displayed in the programmes .
Reporting Format:-
3. Health Talks followed by Street Darma/ Puppet shows :- The IPC cum street
dramas/Puppet Shows to be implemented in the required pockets. The support of
ANM/MPW/ ASHA etc to be involved for catering a bigger mass among the beneficiaries
of AB-PMJAY, CMJAY and ABDM for awareness generation.
Please follow annexure – I for hospitalwise activities breakup. All are requested to
implement the activities with proper planning so that bigger number of beneficiaries may
be catered. The programmes are to be completed within stipulated time and share good
quality photographs of the programmes for proper documentation.
Copy to :-
1.The D.M. & Collector, Gomati district, Govt. of Tripura, Udaipur, for kind information.
2. The Executive Secretary, Tripura Health Protection Society- for kind information.
3. The Chief Executive Officer, Tripura Health Protection Society- for kind information.
4. The Nodal Officers of all the Empanelled hospitals for kind information and necessary
5. The DAPM- Gomati District, Tripura – For kind information.
Chief Medical Officer.
District Nodal Officer (AB-PMJAY)
Gomati District, Udaipur
No.F.17(8-372)/CMO/G/AB-PMJAY/2024-25 I/260060/2024