Optimization of pyroelectric figures of merit via magnesia doping in lithium tantalate single crysta
Optimization of pyroelectric figures of merit via magnesia doping in lithium tantalate single crysta
Optimization of pyroelectric figures of merit via magnesia doping in lithium tantalate single crysta
Applied Physics
This paper reports a series of experiments and optimization based on pyroelectric figures of
merit (FoMs), which demonstrate that the proper doping of magnesia (MgO) can improve the
thermal performance of lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) in infrared sensors. Starting with MgO-
doped LiTaO3 grown by the Czochralski method, the heat capacity, pyroelectric coefficients
and dielectric parameters of these single crystals are then investigated systematically. By
considering the ultraviolet and infrared spectra, the variation of the electrical parameters and
the occupation mechanism of MgO doping could be explained. It is found that the dopant
increases the Curie temperature and broadens the operating temperature of pyroelectric
devices. Notably, compared with congruent LiTaO3, when the doping concentration reaches
5 mol%, the corresponding voltage responsivity and specific detectivity FoMs are enhanced by
ten and two times, respectively.
Keywords: lithium tantalate, figures of merit, pyroelectric coefficient, dielectric property,
Curie temperature
pyroelectric performance over a wide temperature range D8) was used to check the crystallinity [23] in several square
and diverse working environment. For instance, due to their millimeters of the wafer. As shown in figure 1(b), a single dif
low Curie temperature, water solubility, chemical instability fraction peak with the full width at half maximum of 33.696
issues and environmental pollution problems, common pyro arcsec was obtained from the 5-LT wafer. The narrow and sym
electric materials such as TGS, PVDF, PT and PZT [15–18] metric peak, located at 19.425°, suggested that the LT wafer
cannot meet the demanding requirements of complex working was a perfect single crystal. A Parttulab HDMS and an Agilent
environments. Hence, it is vital to find a robust pyroelectric E4980A precision LCR meter were used to measure the
material with both high-temperature stability and excellent dielectric constant and dielectric loss under different temper
pyroelectric performance. atures (50 °C–350 °C) and continuously changing frequencies
To solve this problem, lithium tantalite (LiTaO3, LT) and (0.1–100 kHz). The –OH absorption spectra of Mg:LT wafers
lithium niobate (LiNbO3, LN) are considered [19]. Both were obtained at room temperature using a Fourier transform
LT and LN are known to have a high Curie temperature. infrared (IR) spectrometer. In addition, the dopant occupation
Specifically, compared with LN, LT possesses a relatively site was investigated by a UV–vis–NIR spectrophotometer
low Curie temperature (665 °C) but much higher pyroelec (Lambda 950) as well. Changes in the Curie temperatures
tric coefficient (1.7 × 10−4 C m−2 K−1) [11]. To estimate the (TC) and specific heat capacity for different doping concentra
practical performance of this pyroelectric material, pyroelec tions was monitored using differential scanning calorimetry
tric figures of merit (FoMs) can be referenced [11, 20, 21]. (DSC-204F1, Phoenix). In this work, the dynamic method
In infrared sensors, two types of FoMs are used to evaluate was used to measure the pyroelectric coefficient, using a test
the performance: voltage responsivity (FV) and specific detec platform presented in our previous work [22]. Specifically,
tivity (FD), the temperatures were controlled by a Linkam T95 together
with a HFS600E stage, and the pyroelectric current across the
FV = p/CP εr ε0
single crystal was measured by a Keithley 6485 picoammeter
1/2 with the accuracy of 0.4%.
FD = p/CP (εr ε0 tan δ) ,
where Cp represents the volumetric specific heat capacity, εr 3. Results and discussion
is the relative dielectric constant, ε0 is the permittivity of free
space and tanδ is the dielectric loss [22]. The voltage responsivity and specific detectivity of pyro
In this paper, seven doped LT single crystals are grown electric infrared sensors not only depend on the pyroelectric
from congruent melt with different Mg doping concentrations coefficient, but the dielectric constant, dielectric loss and heat
(0–6.0 mol%) by the Czochralski method (CZ). Infrared and capacity of the specific material. In this section, we will pro
ultraviolet spectra were recorded to determine the occupation vide detailed illustrations of all relevant experimental results
site of the dopant. Then, based on the effect of Mg doping along with site occupation analysis based on the infrared and
on the spontaneous polarization and the dipole moment of LT ultraviolet spectra and the corresponding variation of sponta
single crystals, the variation on the pyroelectric coefficient and neous polarization and electric dipole moment. Then, in the
permittivity could be explained. Combining the above results, last part of this section, we will evaluate dopant and temper
we find that the pyroelectric FoMs are enhanced dramatically ature-based pyroelectric FoM results and provide quantitative
and the working temperature is also widened. insight into the improvement of metrics related to FoMs.
In our experiment, Li2CO3 (4N purity) and Ta2O5 (4N purity) Figure 2(a) shows the original IR transmission spectra
powders were mixed with a molar ratio of Li/Ta = 0.951. (inset) and the collection of –OH stretching vibration [24]
MgO powders (5N purity) were added to obtain doping con of as-grown crystals with different MgO doping concen
centrations of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 mol% (defined as CLT, trations. When the Mg2+ concentration is below 3 mol%,
1-LT, 2-LT, 3-LT, 4-LT, 5-LT and 6-LT). The raw powders the peak position gradually shifts to a longer wavelength.
were mixed and ball milled to achieve a uniform mixture. However, when it exceeds 4 mol%, the peak position shifts
Each mixture was heated to 1250 °C for 24 h in a muffle fur back slightly to a shorter wavelength. The fundamental
nace. Then, single crystals were grown by a CZ furnace (as optical absorption edge of ultraviolet (UV edge) spectra can
shown in figure 1(a)) in a nitrogen–oxygen gas mixture (98% also be used to establish the location of impurities in the
N2 and 2% O2). The growth direction was the z-axis [0 0 1], crystal lattice. Figure 2(b) shows the UV spectra and the col
using rotation and pulling rates of 6–15 rpm and 0.5–1.0 mm lection of absorption edges (α = 20 cm−1) for the seven as-
h−1, respectively. Then the as-grown crystals were annealed grown crystals. One can see that as the doping concentration
and poled to a single domain state. Finally, as shown in the is increased from 0 to 3 mol%, the absorption edge shifts
inset of figure 1(b), the crystals were cut into z-wafers, pol to a shorter wavelength, then returns sharply to 4 mol%.
ished on both sides, and Au electrodes were deposited by elec After that, as the doping concentration increases, again, the
tron beam evaporation (EB 450). X-ray rocking curve (Bruker absorption edge shifts back to a shorter wavelength.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 395101 F Tang et al
Figure 1. (a) The CZ single crystal growth furnace. (b) The c-ray rocking curve of 5-LT wafer, and the full width at half maximum
(FWHM) is 33.696 arcsec. The inset presents the Au deposited LT wafers.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 395101 F Tang et al
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 395101 F Tang et al
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