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University of Kentucky

College of
Clinical Laboratory Sciences Health Sciences

The mission of the Division of Clinical and Reproductive Sciences is to help CLS 856 Advanced Clinical Microbiology ................................................ 3
the College of Health Sciences achieve its mission through creative CLS 860 Blood Collection ......................................................................... 1
leadership and productivity in clinical laboratory science education, re- CLS 881 Immunohematology Practicum ................................................... 5
search, and service. CLS 882 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry .................................................. 5
The undergraduate Clinical Laboratory Sciences (CLS) program at the CLS 883 Practicum in Clinical Hematology ............................................... 5
University of Kentucky prepares Clinical Laboratory Scientists who perform CLS 884 Practicum in Clinical Microbiology .............................................. 5
laboratory tests that aid in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of CLS 890 Laboratory Investigation ........................................................... 3
disease. CLS graduates receive training in four major disciplines of the CSC 528 Laboratory Techniques for Clinical Sciences Students .......... 2
clinical laboratory: immunohematology (blood-banking), clinical chemistry,
hematology, and microbiology. Additional course work includes phle- Subtotal: Professional Course Hours .......................................... 45
botomy, CLS education or clinical education, and laboratory management.
CLS graduates are employed in a variety of health care settings including 3 + 1 Program
hospital and private laboratories, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, re- The 10-month CLS professional program is offered on the Lexington
search institutions, the armed forces, public health centers, and veterinary campus of the University of Kentucky and encompasses the fourth year of
clinics. In addition to performing clinical laboratory tests, CLS graduates also study in the baccalaureate degree program. The program provides sequen-
serve as consultants, managers, sales and technical representatives, and tial instruction in laboratory medicine for the student who has been well
educators. prepared in science and mathematics during the first three years of
university study. Through lecture, laboratory, demonstrations and clinical
Admission practica, students are prepared for clinical practice in the modern, auto-
Admission into the Clinical Laboratory Sciences professional program mated laboratory. Graduates are eligible to take national certification
requires: examinations as Medical Laboratory Scientists/Medical Technology.
• minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 for all courses taken Students can choose summer or winter entry to the CLS program depending
at institutions of higher education; on when they complete the prerequisites. During the summer session,
• three professional letters of recommendation; students are introduced to the clinical laboratory, and practice basic level
clinical laboratory techniques in student laboratories. Students complete
• personal interview scores based on interviews with two CLS faculty
intense courses in the principles and practices of basic hematology and
members. The interview will focus on identifying the applicant’s
clinical chemistry. Students then complete practica in clinical chemistry and
strengths, commitment to, and knowledge of the profession;
hematology laboratories while supported by faculty lectures and demon-
• completion of the preprofessional requirements. strations in advanced topics in these disciplines. Clinical practica are
The application deadline for the 3 + 1 Program is April 1. structured to sequentially present increasingly complex tasks. Students
take a management course in the fall that introduces them to laboratory
Preprofessional Requirements structure and regulations.
The preprofessional program consists of (1) courses that fulfill the University Following winter break, students complete intense courses in the principles
Studies Program and (2) prerequisite courses required by the CLS profes- and practices of immunohematology and clinical microbiology. After com-
sional program. The University Studies Program (USP) is a program of pleting lectures which cover basic practice in immunohematology and
required subjects that all students enrolled at the University of Kentucky clinical microbiology, students complete practica in microbiology and immu-
must complete in order to receive a baccalaureate degree. See “University nohematology laboratories while supported by CLS faculty lectures and
Studies Program” on pages 84-88 of the 2010-2011 UK Bulletin for the demonstrations. Concurrent with presentation of didactic materials and
complete University Studies requirements. skills instruction, students integrate the knowledge that has been gained
throughout the professional year by participating in an exploration of critical
Prerequisite Course Requirements pathways and evidenced-based decision-making in the clinical laboratory.
2 semesters of general chemistry with laboratory Clinical practica may be completed at the University of Kentucky Hospital
1 semester general microbiology with laboratory clinical laboratories and/or clinical laboratories throughout the state that
1 semester of human physiology (or combined course in physiology and have a current clinical affiliation agreement with the CRS Division in the
anatomy) College of Health Sciences. Throughout the year, students must attend
1 semester of statistical methods classes on the Lexington campus, including all basic level instruction. Web
1 semester of biochemistry (may take CLS 822 to fulfill this requirement) courses for advanced level didactic courses that coincide with the clinical
practica may also include some on-campus meetings.
1 semester of immunology (may take CLS 835 to fulfill this requirement)
Students holding baccalaureate degrees in a health-related science includ-
Professional Course Requirements ing biology, chemistry, biochemistry, medical biology, immunology, anatomy,
CLS 832 Basic Clinical Chemistry ........................................................... 1 physiology, nutritional sciences or health sciences education may enroll in
CLS 833 Basic Hematology ..................................................................... 1 the CLS professional program and earn a CHS certificate of completion. The
CLS 836 Laboratory Organization and Management .............................. 3 required prerequisites must be completed before applying for admission.
CLS 838 Basic Immunohematology ........................................................ 1 Upon successful completion of the 10-month professional program the
CLS 843 Advanced Clinical Hematology and Body Fluid Analysis ......... 3 student will receive a CHS Certificate of Completion in CLS and be eligible
CLS 844 Advanced Clinical Chemistry .................................................... 3 for a national registry examination.
CLS 848 Molecular Techniques and Advanced Immunohematology ...... 3
CLS 851 Basic Clinical Microbiology ........................................................ 1

2010-2011 Series
Clinical Laboratory Sciences • 2
For additional information, refer to: www.mc.uky.edu/cls/. Or contact: Graduate Degrees in Clinical Sciences
Linda S. Gorman, Ph.D. The Clinical Sciences graduate programs offer a unique multidisciplinary
masters and doctorate programs that address the rapidly changing health
CLS Program Director
care environment and selected evolving clinical science disciplines. This
900 S. Limestone Street program of study provides the opportunity for advanced education and
126G CTW Building career enhancement for health professionals in the clinical sciences. The
Lexington, KY 40536-0200 master’s degree provides a foundation in advanced clinical sciences.
(859) 323-1100 ext. 8-0855 Students may specialize in Reproductive Laboratory Sciences.
lsgorm0@uky.edu For additional information, refer to: www.mc.uky.edu/cls/. Or contact:
Chemyong (Jay) Ko, Ph.D.
900 S. Limestone Street
126B CTW Building
Lexington, KY 40536-0200
(859) 323-1100 ext. 8-0846

2010-2011 Series

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