Basic ECG module
Basic ECG module
Basic ECG module
ECG fundamentals
I. ECG Recording
Section 1
ECG Recording
The ECG shows the precise sequence of the electrical events of the heart. These electrical
activities produce currents that radiate through the surrounding tissue to the skin. The
electrodes of the ECG, attached to the skin of the patient, sense the heart’s electrical
signals and transmits them to the ECG machine. The electrical currents are recorded as
waveforms on the ECG that represent the heart’s depolarization and repolarization cycle or
the cardiac cycle. By interpreting these waveforms, one can identify arrhythmias,
abnormalities in the heart’s conduction and even electrolyte imbalance. The ECG
waveforms are also invaluable in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes and
ECG recording
To record an ECG there must be a complete system comprising the electric circuit
between the heart and the electrocardiogram. Electrodes are placed on specific parts on
the body surface and connected to the electrograph by means of cables. The whole
system of the ECG consists of the ECG machine, electrodes, cables and leads.
1. ECG machine
2. electrode
3. cable
To b e a b l e t o a c q u i r e a n
electrocardiograph, attach the soft, sticky
patches called electrodes to the skin of
the patient’s chest, arms, and legs. The
patches are the size of a peso coin.
Sometimes, metal clamps or suctions are
placed instead of patches.
examining table during this time. The ECG machine will record these signals on the graph
paper or display them on the screen. The entire test should last less than 10 minutes.
The appearance of the ECG can vary depending on the position of the body at the time of
examination. A recumbent or lying flat position is recommended for proper ECG recording.
Any variation to this position must be noted on the printed ECG. The patient must be lying
comfortably and relaxed to minimize artifacts and achieve clinically accurate readings.
The following electrode sites should be correctly identified and the placement of the
electrodes must conform to AHA recommendations.
Each lead wire is generally color coded and labeled to aid identification of the electrodes.
However, the color may differ depending on the ECG machine manufacturer.
Limb Leads
It is recommended that the limb electrodes be attached on both arms and legs, slightly
proximal to the wrist and ankle. It is important to check and verify the electrode label and
the position where it is attached so the results will not be erroneous.
• Right arm limb lead (RA, red) - right forearm, proximal to wrist
• Left arm limb lead (LA, yellow) - left forearm, proximal to wrist
• Left leg limb lead (LL, green) - left lower leg, proximal to ankle
• Right leg limb lead (RL, black) - right lower leg, proximal to ankle
Electrode Position
V2 fourth intercostal space at the left sternal border (just across V1)
Precordial (Chest) leads
The correct anatomical positions for placing the precordial leads have been defined and
should always be used. Each position have been specified to correspond to an area of the
• Care should be taken when counting the intercostal spaces down from the
clavicle that the small space between the clavicle and the first rib is not mistaken for the
first intercostal space.
• To avoid this mistake, the sternal angle (or the angle of Louis) should be used as
the main reference point. This anatomical landmark denotes the position of the sternal
angle at the manubriosternal joint.
To locate the sternal angle, a finger should run down from the
sternum, from the notch at the top until a bony horizontal ridge,
the sternal angle, is met. With the finger on this ridge, sliding
down and to the side will locate the second intercostal space.
• From the sternal angle, with the finger on the ridge, sliding down and to the side,
locate the second intercostal space. Then count down to the third and fourth space.
Locate the very edge of the sternum on the right side and place V1 there. Repeat this to
the other side (left side) to correctly position V2.
• Next the position for V4 should be located. This should be placed in the fifth
intercostal space in line with the mid point of the clavicle.
• Once the V4 electrode is placed then the location for V3 can be identified,
directly mid-way between V2 and V4.
• V5 and V6 are then positioned, taking care not to follow the line of the ribs, but
to follow a horizontal line from V4. V5 is placed with the anterior axilla and V6 in line with
the mid-axilla.
• When recording an ECG from female patients by convention the lateral chest
electrodes (V4, V5, and V6) are placed beneath the left breast.
• To acquire a good quality ECG the patient must be comfortable and relaxed. If
these conditions are not satisfied the ECG will record somatic (body) muscle potentials as
well as the heart’s activity. This will make ECG interpretation difficult. Some patients will
not be able to relax fully because of severe pain or may have neurological condition like
tremors from Parkinson’s disease. Make them as comfortable as possible and take note of
the condition on the ECG recording.
• Patient details (name and a second unique qualifier like a hospital number or
birthdate) should be entered into the ECG machine after it has been verified by the patient
directly (or by a companion speaking on their behalf).
• Before recording the ECG, check that the patient’s limbs are still and appear
relaxed. If the patient has clenched fists or stiff arms, or is shivering or chewing gum, it will
not be possible to get a high quality ECG.
• Press the appropriate button on the machine to start recording. (start or auto).
• The filter button should not be used in the initial recording
If despite all efforts to make the patient relax and comfortable, somatic muscle
potentials appear in the ECG recording, switch on the filter and repeat the recording.
It should be noted that the filter has been switched on to the ECG recording.
The filter will reduce the interference from the somatic muscle potential. However, it
may also distort the ECG recording. It should only be used if all attempts to eliminate
the interference have failed.
• If the ECG complexes are of high voltage then the gain should be adjusted (5mm/mV) to
enable them to be measured accurately. Any alteration in the gain settings should be
noted on the ECG recording.
10 mm/mV 5 mm/mV
• If the rhythm is noted to be irregular, a rhythm strip (from lead II) should be
recorded for a minimum of 10 seconds.
• If the ECG recording is technically correct and with good quality, re-check the
label to ensure it is correct and full, then the electrodes may be removed from the patient
and the electrode patches must be disposed off as clinical waste. Lastly, wipe the patient’s
skin clean.
Types of ECG recording (cardiac monitoring)
12 lead ECG
Rhythm strip
- This type of ECG recording shows continuous information about the heart’s
electrical activity by monitoring its rhythm, rate, and appearance of waveforms. The
continuous monitoring can be done using one or several leads simultaneously. Lead
II is the most commonly used lead in monitoring; others are V1 and V6.
There are two types of ECG monitoring system - the hardwire monitoring and
the telemetry. The hardwire monitoring system are commonly seen in critical care
units, mounted on shelves or walls beside the patient and is usually equipped with
a defibrillator. The electrodes are directly connected to the monitor limiting patient
movement. The monitor displays the continuous cardiac rhythm and transmits the
ECG to a console at the nurses station. Both the monitor and the console have
alarms and can print rhythm strips when the monitor detects abnormalities in
rhythms and rates. This type of cardiac monitoring sometimes have modules to
monitor oxygen saturation, blood pressure and other hemodynamic measurements
and parameters. This kind of monitoring is used in critically-ill patients.
Just like recording the 12 lead ECG, it is important to reassure your patient
before attaching the electrodes. Explain that you are attaching the electrodes to
monitor your patient’s heart rate and rhythm, not controlling them. Reassure that the
cardiac monitor is equipped with an alarm that may go off to detect abnormalities in
heart rate and rhythm, or if there is a problem with the monitoring system like when a
lead wire become loose, the signal detected is poor, or the battery is running low.
Again, explain how the procedure is done, respect patient privacy, and wash your
hands before attaching the electrodes. Bare the patient’s chest, and select the sites
where the electrodes will be attached. Choose areas on the chest with soft tissue
and near the bones. Do not place electrodes over bony prominence, thick muscles or
skin folds as these areas can produce ECG artifacts.
Skin preparation. If possible, wash the patient’s chest with soap and water, and
then dry it thoroughly with a dry washcloth. Ensure that the patient’s skin is clean by
briskly rubbing with a dry washcloth or gauze pad until the skin reddens. Brisk
rubbing will help improve electrical contact by removing dirt, oil and dead skin cells.
Hair may interfere with acquiring a good cardiac recording. It may sometimes be
necessary to clip or shave the area of hair before attaching the electrodes. If the
patient has oily skin, wipe clean the area with an alcohol pad and allow to air-dry.
This procedure allows good adhesion and prevents alcohol becoming trapped
beneath the electrode which can cause skin irritation and breaking.
Attaching the electrode pads and lead wires. Usually a three, sometimes five,
-lead wire system are used for bedside monitoring. The lead wires and the cable
connections need to be connected to the monitor. Then connect the lead wires to the
electrodes. Lead wires are usually snap on or sometimes it may be clip on. If they are
snap on, better to attach the lead wires on the electrodes prior to attaching them on
the patient.
To apply the electrode, remove the backing and make sure that the pregelled
electrode is still moist. Discard electrode pads that are dry. Dry electrode pads will
not have a good electrical contact with the skin and will interfere with the waveforms.
Place the electrode on the specified prepared site of the leadwire. Making sure that
the electrode pads are sticking properly to the skin by pressing down on its adhesive
edge around the outside of the electrode to the patient’s skin. Repeat the procedure
for all electrode patch and leadwire. The electrode patch may have to be replaced
every 24 hours depending on your institution’s protocols.
Cardiac monitoring. After attaching the leadwires to the electrode pads, make
sure the cables are connected properly to the monitor, then check the display on the
screen. It should show the patient’s ECG waveform. Some monitors may need
adjustment on the size of the waveforms by adjusting the gain control. If the ECG
waveforms are off the baseline (too high or too low on the screen)- adjust the
position dial. Other leads can also be selected to get a different view of the heart.
This is done by selecting the leads with the lead selector button or dial.
Always verify the that the monitor is able to detect each heartbeat by comparing
the patient’s pulse by palpating central pulses or listening for the apical heart beat.
Set the upper and lower limit of the heart rate alarm depending on the patient’s
condition or attending physician’s instructions. Heart rate alarms are usually set
10-20 beats/minute higher or lower than the patient’s heart rate.
The cardiac monitor can be set to automatically print out rhythm abnormality
that it detects. Printing can also be done manually. Select the rhythm strip that needs
to be printed in the record or history box on the monitor then press print selection.
Just like a 12 lead ECG recording, printed rhythm strip must always have the
patient’s name, date, time, and if a medication has been administered, presence of
chest pain, or patient’s activity during ECG acquisition.
3. Wandering baseline - the isoelectric line changes in position. It can be caused by
moving cables during recording, patient movement, dirty lead wires/ electrodes, or
loose electrodes.
- QRS vector in lead I will not have the same vector as lead V6
after the left and right arm electrodes are placed correctly in their proper positions,
the ECG recording will look like this:
Section 2
Einthoven hypothesized that the body is a homogenous conductor. Electric signals from
the specialized conduction system of the heart can therefore be recorded at the body
surface as the electrocardiogram. Simple as it may sound, the ECG is actually the final
outcome of a complex series of mechanical and electrical events that occur in a single
heart beat, or cardiac cycle.
First, ionic currents are developed in the cardiac myocytes and travel from cell and
between adjacent cells. The electrical field generated will have to pass other structures
that perturb the cardiac electrical field, like the lungs, blood, and skeletal muscle before it
can be recoded through the body surface.
The current reaching the skin are then detected by electrodes placed in specific locations
on the extremities and chest that are made to produce leads, representing the difference in
potentials sensed by pairs of electrodes or electrode combination. These electrical outputs
are amplified, filtered and displayed to produce an ECG recording.
how the heart works: the cardiac cycle
Anatomically, the specialized conduction system of the heart starts from the sinus node or
the sino-atrial node (SA node). It is a spindle-shaped tissue that is located in the right
atrium near the superior vena caval junction. It has the fastest
spontaneous depolarization rate among the components of the
conduction system of the heart. The SA node provides the
normal control of the heart rate. It is under the direct influence of
the autonomic nervous and the neuroendocrine systems
(which modulates the beat-to-beat and longer-term
variations in heart rate.
The electrical signal or The signal traverses the specialized conduction system
action potential (AP) starts
in both atria simultaneously spreading to the atrial myocytes producing atrial
in the SA node.
contraction. This produces the P wave on the surface ECG.
take a closer look.... at the AV junction
Sinoatrial node
Bundle of His
Left Bundle Branches
ventricular depolarization
QRS complex
ventricular repolarization
PR interval QT interval
Section 3
The electrodes attached on the skin at different locations in the body will give us a
total picture of the heart’s electrical activity from different perspectives called the
leads and planes.
A lead provides a view of the heart from two points or poles. Each pole consists of a
positive or negative pole. An imaginary connecting line between two poles is called
the axis and refers to the direction of the current moving through the heart.
+ -
The direction of the flow of current between the poles determine the appearance of
the waveform on the ECG. An electrical current that is flowing towards a positive pole
of the electrode will have a positive or upward stroke and is called a positive
deflection. A current that flows away from the positive pole, will deflect downward,
and is called a negative deflection. A current that flows perpendicular to the axis of
the two electrode poles will have a waveform that may go into both directions or may
be unusually small. An absent current or an electrical current that is too small to be
detected will have an isoelectric deflection or the line remains within the
- +
A plane is a cross section of the heart. A plane of the ECG will provide a view of a
particular section of the heart. There are two
planes that we can analyze thru the ECG: frontal
and horizontal planes. The frontal plane is the view
of the heart from the right and left sides. The six
limb leads gives us a view of the frontal plane of
the heart. The horizontal plane, on the other hand,
views the electrical activity from the anterior to the
posterior sections of the myocardium.
The six limb leads - I, II, III, augmented vector right (aVR), augmented vector left
(aVL), and augmented vector foot (aVF)- presents information on the frontal view of
the heart. Leads I, II, and III are bipolar leads which needs a negative and a positive
pole while the augmented leads (aVR, aVF, and aVF) only requires a positive
electrode making them a unipolar lead. The six precordial leads- V1, V2, V3, V4, V5
and V6- shows us the horizontal plane of the heart. These are also unipolar leads,
requiring only a positive electrode, just like the augmented leads. The negative pole
of the unipolar leads is calculated by the ECG machine to be in the center of the
The standard limb leads are leads I, II, and III. As mentioned, these leads are bipolar
and requires a third electrode, the ground, which is placed on the chest to prevent
the appearance of interferences during ECG recording. The axis of these three limb
leads form a triangle around the heart giving us a frontal view of the heart.
• Lead I - shows the view of the heart’s electrical current moving from right
to left. The positive electrode is placed on the left arm and the negative
electrode is placed on the right arm. Lead I usually produces a positive
deflection of the waveforms on the ECG.
• Lead II - records the flow of the electrical current of the heart down and to
the left. The positive electrode is located on the left leg and the negative
electrode is on the right arm. The resultant ECG waveforms should show an
upright P, R and T waves. This lead is usually used for continuous ECG
rhythm monitoring because of the high voltage and positive deflections of
the waveforms.
• Lead III - also usually produces a positive deflection of the waveforms on
the ECG tracing. The positive electrode is placed on the left leg and the
negative electrode should be in the left arm.
lead I aVR
lead I aVR
lead III
lead II aVF
The augmented leads are the aVR, aVL, and aVF. They are called as such because
the ECG will “augment” the small waveforms that these unipolar leads will produce.
These augmented leads also represent the frontal view of the heart
• lead aVR - positive electrode is located on the right arm. The waveforms
will show a negative deflection because the flow of electrical current moves
away from the lead
• lead aVL - the positive electrode is on the left arm and usually shows a
positive deflection on the ECG
• lead aVF - the positive electrode is on the left leg and usually produces a
positive deflection
Precordial unipolar leads
The six precordial leads are placed in sequence across the chest to give a view of the
horizontal plane of the heart. These leads are unipolar, that means containing only a
positive electrode. The deflection of the waveforms are progressive, more negative R
wave at V1 and V2, then the positive and negative deflections becoming equal at V3,
and then becoming more positive and upright from V4 to V6.
So that a normal 12 lead ECG will look like this: Note the axis and the deflections of
the waveforms of each lead.
Section 4
In the previous section, the cardiac cycle and the have been discussed. We’ve learned that
each waveform, segment and interval coincide with a particular event in the heart’s
depolarization and repolarization cycle. The timing and duration of each component of the
ECG tracing is also represented on the surface ECG.
ventricular repolarization
duration of ventricular
depolarization and
The ECG paper
The ECG paper consists of lines going across and going perpendicular to each other
forming a grid. The grids or squares are measurements of time and amplitude. The small
squares are grouped by 5 forming one big square.
The horizontal line determines the time measured in seconds (secs) or milliseconds. A
small square is equivalent to 0.04 sec or 4 msecs. The time duration of one big square is
0.2 of a second or 200 msecs. A second will compose of five (5) big squares ( 0.02 secs x
The vertical lines will measure the amplitude of voltage. The height of one small square is
equivalent to 1 mm in amplitude or 1 millivolts (mV) in electrical voltage. The amplitude of
one big square, is therefore, 5 mm or 5mV. To measure the amplitude or voltage of a wave,
count the number of small squares starting from the base of a wave going towards its tip.
12 mm or 12 mV
0.40 sec
P wave
The normal P wave should always precede the QRS complex. Its height is 2-3 mm or
less than small squares with a duration of 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (less than 2 small
squares to 3 small squares). The wave must be rounded and smooth.
If the P wave also looks notched and wide or tall and peaked may also indicate
enlargement of an atrium associated in diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle, right
heart enlargement, chronic pulmonary disease, or pulmonary embolism.
Different looking P waves within a lead ECG recording indicates different origins of
the electrical stimuli within the atria, like in atrial tachycardia or atrial flutter. A P wave
that is not followed by a QRS complex or the P wave is not associated with a
succeeding QRS complex may signify heart blocks.
PR interval
The PR interval marks the duration or the time it takes for the electrical impulse to
travel from the atrium to the ventricles. Basically, it is the time that the impulse flows
in the AV node, to Bundle of His, and then to the two bundle branches.
The PR segment is the isoelectric line after the P wave. The PR
interval is measured from the beginning of the P wave to the end
of the PR segment just before the start of the Q wave. The
normal duration is 0.12 to 0.20 seconds.
QRS complex
Also, a very deep Q wave (let’s say, >25% of the height of the R wave) may mean
myocardial infarction. A notched and wide R wave may signify bundle branch block.
ST segment
The ST segment shows the end of the ventricular
depolarization to the start of the ventricular repolarization.
The duration of the ST segment starts from the S wave
J point until the beginning of the T wave. An important point of the
ST segment is the J point. This point marks the end of the
QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment.
ST segment The J point and the ST segment is normally isoelectric,
meaning it is along the baseline but there may be slight
variation of less than 1 small square especially in the
precordial leads.
T wave
QT interval
It is important to measure the QT interval because it determines the time for the
ventricles to depolarize then repolarize. Prolonged QT intervals may indicate that the
relative refractory period is slow or conduction abnormalities are present. This
condition is seen in some congenital conduction system defect or those taking
anti-arrhythmic drugs. Short PR intervals arise in some electrolyte
abnormalities or in digoxin toxicity.
computed QT = actual QT
R-R interval
The Joint Report of the AHA, the American College of Cardiology (ACC), and other
professional organizations, has suggested that the upper limit for QTc be set at 460
msecs (0.46 sec) for women and 450 msec (0.45 sec) for men, and that the lower
limit be set at 390 msec (0.39 sec).
Section 5
Trying to interpret an ECG is a daunting task. Its value as a diagnostic tool for cardiac
conditions is high. A systematic and simplified approach in ECG interpretation will help
make this task less challenging. One must remember that ECG interpretation and analysis
is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced. Thus, frequent practice with a systematic
approach will aid you in the practice of ECG interpretation.
Determining the ECG rhythm is the primary and important step in ECG analysis. Basically,
you want to know if the heart’s electrical impulse originate in the SA node. A normal
impulse conduction will generally have regular rhythm, with a fixed P-P and R-R intervals,
and that all P waves are followed by a QRS complex. It is important to determine if the
atrial rhythm (P-P interval) and the ventricular rhythm (R-R interval) are regular and the
To determine this regularity, you can use a caliper or simply with a pen and paper.
To determine the rhythm, measure the distance between two consecutive waves. Then
compare the distance between other consecutive waves; the interval should be consistent
throughout the strip. If it is, then the rhythm is regular. There may be slight variations of
0.04 to 0.12 sec (1 to 3 small square) between intervals but you can still consider as
Then do the same for the atrial rhythm by analyzing the P-P intervals.
After measuring the regularity, next step is to identify the origin of the heart’s electrical
impulse. The normal conduction begins in the SA node. This will be evident in the ECG
with a normal looking P wave and is followed by a normally-timed QRS complex. The
following algorithm will guide you in identifying the origin of the electrical impulse:
Determine the RATE
The normal heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute. When analyzing the heart rate of an
ECG strip, verify if the standard paper speed is 25 mm/sec. There are several methods in
determining the heart rate of an ECG tracing:
a. Count the number of large boxes in between two consecutive waves and divide
into 300.
1 2 3 1/2
Rate = 300 / # of big boxes
= 300/ 3.5
= 85.7 or 86 bpm
b. Count the number of small boxes between two consecutive waves and divide
into 1500.
16 small boxes Rate = 1500 / # of small boxes
= 1500/ 16
= 93.7 or 94 bpm
c. Box rule: Using the large boxes as a guide, memorize the heart rate associated
between the number of large boxes as:
1 300 4 75
2 150 5 60
3 100 6 50
3 big boxes in between QRS complexes --> heart rate is estimated at 100 bpm
d. If the rhythm is irregular, count the number of complexes on an ECG strip over a 6
second period (30 big boxes) then multiply by 10.
6 seconds strip (30 big boxes)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
There are 12 QRS complexes within a 6 second strip in an irregularly irregular rhythm.
Multiply by 10 (to make 60 seconds= 1 minute) to get the heart rate in a minute.
12 x 10 = 120 bpm
The QRS axis in a 12 lead ECG represents the major vector of the ventricular activation. It
is important to be determined because abnormality of an axis can be a clue to cardiac
diseases. The normal ECG axis is -30 to +105º in persons aged 40 years old and
younger; -30 to +90º for those aged over 40 years old.
Axis deviation to the left is an axis deviated to -30 to -90º, and right axis
deviation is those with an axis of +110 to +180º.
To determine the axis, measure the net QRS voltage (positive minus the negative
deflection of the QRS) of two leads perpendicular (an X and Y axis), for example,
lead I and aVF. Then plot the net QRS voltage against each other.
- +
lead I
lead I
has a net
QRS voltage of + 5 (The QRS complex is upright with no negative deflection). Lead aVF
- lead I
The QRS axis of the 12 lead ECG is +45º and is within the normal range.
Another method to determine the QRS axis is by measuring the net QRS voltage in the
leads I, II and aVF. Then use the following table as a guide in determining the axis.
Lead I (net QRS aVF (net QRS Lead II (net QRS
voltage) voltage voltage
+ + 0 to 90º Normal
+ - + 0 to -30º Normal
9. Vertical Heart
Measure the Intervals
I. PR interval
The normal PR interval is 0.12 to 0.20 sec or 3 to 5 small squares from the
start of the P wave to the end of the PR segment just before the R or Q wave begins.
Example 1.
Example 2
The PR interval
measured is 9 small
squares or 0.36 sec
Example 3
Example 3 shows an ECG tracing with a very short PR interval (less than 3 small
squares or <0.12 sec).
II. QT interval
The normal QTc (corrected QT) interval is 0.30 to 0.44 sec. The actual QT
interval is measured from the beginning of the Q (or R wave if Q wave is not
present) wave to the end of the T wave.
The QT interval vary inversely with the heart rate. Therefore, we determine
the corrected QT interval by using the Bazett’s formula which factors in the
heart rate:
= 0.38 sec
actual QT= 0.40 sec
another example:
corrected QT interval
= 0.42 / ⎷0.64
= 0.52 sec
prolonged QT interval as part of the syndrome like Romano-Ward syndrome, and
Jervell and Lange-Nelson syndrome.
U waves
Q waves
The Q wave is the initial negative wave that precedes the R wave of the QRS. It has a
negative polarity and may be deep or small. However, the Q wave is not always present.
And sometimes, the presence of Q waves can be pathologic or abnormal.
It is normal to see small Q waves in most leads. Deeper Q waves, > 2mm or 2 small boxes,
may be seen in leads III and aVR as a normal variant. Q waves are not seen in the right
sided leads (V1 to V3) under normal circumstances. The loss of small Q waves in lead V5
and V6 should be considered abnormal and this is most commonly due to left bundle
branch block.
normal Q wave
Possible conditions associated with pathologic Q waves are myocardial infarction,
cardiomyopathic conditions, extreme clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation of the heart,
or lead placement errors like the upper and lower limb leads are reversed.
The red arrows show the abnormal or pathologic Q waves. Note that they are deep, >
2mm, and appear on the leads that localizes on the lateral wall of the myocardium. This
ECG is from a patient with an old lateral wall wall infarction.
Things to check when analyzing the waves and segments:
First, note the origin of the rhythm. For example, sinus rhythm
Secondly, note the rate: normal if the heart rate is 60-100 bpm), bradycardia (less
than 60 bpm), or tachycardic ( more than 100 bpm)
Thirdly, note the axis; if its normal, or if there is left or right axis deviation
Seventh, if there is ischemia and infarction. Don’t forget to localize the area of the
myocardium that is affected.
Section 6
Let’s practice...
1. Indicate which electrode lead must be placed on the specific parts of the limbs and
torso for recording a standard 12 lead ECG.
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
2. The surface ECG is a graphical representation of the heart’s entire cardiac cycle: TRUE
5. The following are examples of wrong ECG recordings. Can you identify the mistake or
problem of the recording?
6. Match the waveforms, segment, or interval on the left with the corresponding event of
the cardiac cycle on the right.
QT interval: __________
9. Interpret the 12 lead ECG tracing:
10. Interpret the 12 lead ECG tracing:
12. Interpret the 12 lead ECG
13. Interpret the rhythm strip in the cardiac monitor:
Rate: _______ bpm ★ are all the P waves wide? (narrow QRS
followed by a QRS approximates < 0.12
Rhythm? complex? sec): ____________
★ are there P waves? [] yes [] no Impression:
[] yes [] no ★is the R-R interval normal sinus rhythm
regular? abnormal
★ is the P-P interval
regular? [] yes [] no
IMPRESSION: ____________________
15. Interpret the 12 lead ECG:
Chapter 2
Abnormal ECG
I. Intraventricular Conduction Delays and Blocks
Section 1
Fascicular Blocks
Disturbance in the conduction in one fascicle
NORMAL QRS DURATION of the left bundle (fascicular block) results in
The QRS duration depends in the method of
the abnormal sequence of the left ventricular
measurement, age and gender. QRS duration should activation leading to characteristic ECG
be measured from the onset to the last point of patterns. The delay in the conduction may be
offset of the complex. (See blue line in the figure on
absolute or relative but even a slight delay
the left).
may be enough to cause an alteration in the
Several considerations must be taken into account ventricular activation and produce ECG
when measuring the QRS complexes:
1. QRS durations may increase with increasing
heart size. Left Anterior Fascicular Block
2. QRS complexes are wider in the precordial than
in the limb leads.
Normally, the left anterior fascicle activates
3. In children less than 4 years old, QRS complex the uppermost portion of the septum, the
should be less than 90 msec. Those 4 to 16
antero-superior portion of the left ventricle,
years old, a QRS complex of 100 msec or more
is considered prolonged.In adult males, the and the left anterior papillary muscle during
normal QRS complex may be up to 110 msec. the early part of the QRS complex. In LAFB,
these regions are activated later than usual;
The current AHA recommendation states that a QRS
complex duration of greater than 110 msec in the inferior and posterior become activated
subjects older than 16 years of age is regarded as earlier and the antero superior forces are later
abnormal. The mean frontal axis recommendation is during the QRS complex. The unbalanced
described in the table below:
activation causes the ECG changes of LAFB
with the most characteristic finding is marked
left axis deviation.
Age Abnormal 1.frontal plane QRS axis: -45 to -90 degrees
Normal Description
Values 2.small Q in lead I and aVL, small R in II, III
and aVF
-30º to left axis
Adult < -30º 3.normal QRS duration
90º deviation
LAFB is the most common cause of left axis deviation but it is not the same. Extreme left
axis deviation (-45 to -90 degrees) reflect other conditions like left ventricular hypertrophy
(LVH) even without damage to the conduction system.
LAFB is common because the structure of the fascicle is delicate. However, this ECG
pattern is also common even in persons without overt cardiac disease and in a variety of
cardiac conditions.
LAFB can hide or mimic ECG changes from other conditions. The rS pattern in leads II, III
and aVF in LAFB can hide the Q wave in inferior wall infarction. The larger R waves in
leads I and aVL but small R with deep S waves in leads V5 and V6 also make LVH criteria
relying on R wave voltage difficult.
Left Posterior Fascicular Block (LPFB)
LPFB is less common. The left posterior fascicle is less prone to damage because of its
thicker structure and its location (near the left ventricular out flow tract. Damage that
causes conduction delay in this tract will have an opposite effect that of the LAFB - early
unopposed activation of the antero superior left ventricle followed by the late activation of
the inferoposterior left ventricle. This marked ECG characteristic pattern in LPFB is right
axis deviation.
Bundle Branch block
Bundle branch block occurs when a delay or a block happens along the specialized
conduction fibers in the bundle branches of the heart's right or left ventricle. The delay can
occur in a part or the entire branch of the pathway where the electrical signals flow.
A bundle branch block can sometimes alter the heart's ability to pump effectively.
Bundle branch blocks are not treated specifically. But the underlying cause of the bundle
brach block, e.g. Coronary heart disease, will need to be treated.
The delay or block in the right 1. QRS duration of more than or equal to 120
bundle branch system will cause a sec
delay and slowed activation of the
right ventricle. The activation of 2. rsr', rRs', or RSR' patterns in leads V1 and V2
the RV will happen after the
depolarization of the septum and 3. S waves in leads I and V6 are > 40 sec wide
the left ventricle occurred. The LV (wide, slurred S waves in the lateral leads - I,
is activated normally so the initial aVL, V5-V6)
QRS remains unchanged. The
4. Normal time to peak R wave in leads V5 and
delayed RV activation produces a
V6 but > 50 sec in V1
secondary R wave (r' or R') in
leads V1-V3 and a slurred S wave
in lead I and V6. The delayed
activation of the RV also causes
the prolongation of the QRS
complexes and secondary
depolarization abnormalities like
ST -T wave inversion in the
precordial leads.
RBBB is a common ECG finding in the general population. Many persons will have an
ECG finding of RBBB and have no clinical evidence of structural heart disease. These
patients do not have an associated increased risk of mortality or morbidity. On the other
hand, patients with heart disease the coexistence of RBBB suggests advanced disease.
Example of CRBBB:
rsR' pattern
Slurred S wave
A conduction delay or block in any of the parts of the intraventriclular conduction system,
including the main left bundle brach, each of the two major fascicles (anterior and
posterior), distal conduction of the LV, and the fibers if the His bundle that become the
main left bundle brach, or in the ventricular myocardium, will result in LBBB.
In LBBB, the spread of septal depolarization is reversed (becoming right 1. QRS duration of > 120 sec
to left), the impulse then spreads from the RV via the right bundle branch
then to the LV via the septum. This causes prolongation of activation to 2. Dominant S wave in V1
more than 120 sec and removes the normal septal Q waves in the lateral
leads. The overall direction of depolarization (R --> L) will produce tall R
waves in the lateral leads (I, V5-V6) and deep S waves in the right 3. Absence of Q waves in the
precordial leads (v1-V3), and usually with left axis deviation. lateral leads
The altered activation of the ventricles to sequential (rather than
simultaneously) causes the formation of a broad or notched (M) R wave 4. Prolonged R wave peak
in the lateral leads time > 6m0sec in V5-V6
LBBB occurs in 1% of the general population. LBBB occurs in more than 1/3 of patients
with heart failure and as many as 70% of persons with LBBB have ECG evidence of LVH
before. However, approximately 10% of people with LBBB have no clinical evidence of
heart disease.
! in persons with LBBB, with or without overt heart disease, LBBB is associated with
higher-than normal risk for mortality or morbidity from myocardial infarction, heart failure,
and arrhythmias including high grade AV block. In patients with CAD, the presence of
LBBB is associated with severe multi-vessel disease, more severe left ventricular
dysfunction, and reduced survival rates.
Example of CLBBB:
Deep S in V1 - V3
Practice ECG: Name or specify the intraventricular conduction abnormality in the following
2. _____________________________________
1. Complete Right Bundle Branch Block 2. Complete Left Bundle Branch Block
Section 2
Chamber Hypertrophy
The ECG is a valuable traditional tool in the identification of cardiac chamber enlargement
or hypertrophy. Even with the advancement in imaging technologies in cardiology, the ECG
remains to be key instrument in identifying structural abnormalities in the heart and
provides a simple screening tool, up to this day, for clinical and prognostic data.
Atrial Enlargement
The term "atrial abnormality" may be used instead of "atrial enlargement" because the
latter term suggests a particular underlying pathophysiology.
Right Atrial Abnormality
Right atrial abnormality is typically manifested in the ECG as an abnormal increase in the
height of the P wave in the limb and right precordial leads. A tall upright P wave in lead II
of > 2.5 mm or two and a half small squares, is characteristic of right atrial enlargement.
The appearance of a more upright or more positive P wave in leads V1 or V2 also suggest
right atrial enlargement.
V1 The presence of P pulmonale in the ECG of
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
Normal Right Left disease are associated with more severe
pulmonary dysfunction, with significantly
reduced survival.
Left Atrial Abnormality
the P waves include atrial dilation,
atrial muscle hypertrophy, and
elevated intra-atrial pressures.
If the RVH is not as marked, the ECG changes may be subtle or limited to rSr' pattern in
V1 and persistence of s (or S) waves in the left precordial leads. This pattern is typical off
right ventricular overload like that in atrial septal defect.
2. QR in V1
4. R/S in V5 or V6 <1
5. S in V5 or V6 . 0.7 mV
8. S1Q3 pattern
V1 V2
9. S1S2S3 pattern
10.P pulmonale
Measurement CRITERIA
The presence of LVH in the ECG of a patient with hypertension is associated with
significant increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Also, hypertensive
patients with additional repolarization (ST-T wave abnormalities) have more severe degrees
of structural LVH, and a greater risk for future cardiovascular events.
Practice ECGs:
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Right axis
Tall and
wide R wave
in V1 and V2
Deep S
wave in the
leftward leads
- I, AVL,
S in V1 + R in V5 >35 mm
R in aVL >11 mm
Practice on your own. Identify the hypertrophied chambers in the following ECGs:
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
Answers: 1. Sinus rhythm, normal axis, Probable LVH 2. Sinus rhythm, right atrial enlargement, probable RVH; 3. Sinus rhythm, left axis
deviation, LVH with strain pattern 4. Sinus rhythm, first degree AV block, left axis deviation, left atrial abnormality.
4. ___________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
Section 3
Even in this era of modern and high technology in medicine, the ECG remains to be one of
the most important tools in the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and infarction. In fact, the
ECG persists to be a critical tool in the diagnosis and management of acute coronary
syndrome. Therapeutic decision in this life-threatening condition rely on distinguishing
between ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (or ischemia) (STEMI) and non-STEMI
(or ischemia).
ECG findings of ischemia and infarction differ depending on four major factors:
The Coronary Arteries and Veins The heart's blood supply comes from the
aorta thru an opening near the aortic root,
The heart, like any organ in the body, the coronary ostium. During ventricular
needs adequate supply of blood in able to contraction, while the aortic valve is open,
survive and function normally. The the coronary osmium is partially covered
coronary arteries supply the heart muscle by an aortic cusp. When the aortic valve
with blood and oxygen. Understanding closes during ventricular relaxation, the
coronary blood flow is important in the coronary ostium opens, enabling it to fill
diagnosis and care of patients with the coronary artery with blood.
o n g o i n g m y o c a rd i a l i n f a rc t i o n ( o r
ischemia). The ECG of the patient with From the aorta, the two major (left main
ongoing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and right coronary arteries) branch off
or blockage of the coronary artery will aid from a single branch called the Sinus of
in determining the temporality (timing - if Valsalva.
acute or ongoing), extent of heart muscle
injury, and localization of the site of
myocardial infarction.
Sudden reduction or obstruction of the blood supply to the heart's muscles will cause a
series of events that will lead to myocardial injury (ischemia) and ultimately (if not treated in
the appropriate period of time) to myocardial infarction (MI) or muscle cell death. The
rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque followed by clot formation within the coronary lumen
causes acute coronary syndrome
The right coronary atrium and will usually that help supply blood to
artery (RCA) supplies branch into two - the left both ventricles.
blood to the right atrium anterior descending (LAD)
the right ventricle, and part and the left circumflex The left circumflex artery
of the inferior and (LxC) arteries. The LAD will circles around the LV to
posterior surfaces of the run down the anterior give our blood supply to
left ventricle. In about 60% surface of the LV towards the lateral portion of the
of the population, the RCA the apex supplying blood left atrium, lateral wall of
will supply blood to the to the anterior wall of the the LV, and the posterior
sion-atria (SA) and LV, the interventricular fascicle of the left bundle
atrioventricular (AV) nodes, septum, the right bundle branch.
including the bundle of branch, and the anterior
His. fascicle of the left bundle
branches. Along down the
The left main LAD are septal perforators
coronary artery runs along and diagonal branches
the surface of the left
St segment ELEVATION and myocardial ischemia/ infarction
ST elevation in the ECG is any upward deviation of the ST
segment from the baseline or isoelectric line. It is usual to see
some ST elevation of 1 mm (or 1 small box) in leads V1-V3.
Significant J-point or ST elevation (especially in the setting of
ACS) is defined as >1 mm elevation in the limb leads and >
2mm rise in the precordial leads. The current recommendation
are listed in the box below. The ST elevation usually distorts
the shape of the T wave. In the initial minutes to hours of an
acute injury, the T waves are tall and peaked, called the hyper
acute T waves. The T wave appears to be incorporated within
> 2 mm or 2 small boxes in
the ST elevation. There will also be reciprocal changes in the
upward deviation in the
precordial leads leads opposite the area of acute injury. This will manifest as
deep ST depressions.
This ECG is from a man suffering from acute myocardial infarction. Note the ST elevation
with peaked T waves circled and the reciprocal changes with ST depression noted by the
The magnitude and extent of the ECG changes depend on the size and location of the
ischemic or infarcted depend on the coronary artery involved, the site of occlusion within
the artery, and the presence or absence of collateral circulation. Studies have shown that
localization of the culprit artery thru ECG have similar findings with coronary angiography.
ECG is capable of providing a more accurate correlation of the waveform changes to the
involved vessel and to the site of occlusion within the vessel.
The positions of the 12 leads of the ECG refer to anatomic locations on the body surface
that determines the positive pole of the
So that in the 12 lead ECG, the heart will look like this:
In ST elevation MI, the upward deviation of the ST segment typically results from the acute
occlusion in leads whose positive poles are located over the injured region and with
reciprocal ST depression in leads whose positive poles are oriented in the opposite
This ECG shows ST elevation in leads I, aVL, V1-V6. This reflects acute infarction in the
anterolateral walls of the LV. Note the reciprocal ST depression in leads II, III and aVF
which describes the inferior LV whose positive leads are opposite the anterolateral region
of the heart.
This ECG shows ST elevation in leads II, III and aVF. This signify acute inferior wall
infarction. The reciprocal ST segment depression is seen in lead I and aVL.
An important thing to remember is that ST elevation of the inferior wall may extend to the
the right ventricle (RV). Getting the right sided chest leads (V4R, V5R and V6R - placed on
specified locations on the right anterior chest) is very important to determine RV
The current AHA/ACC recommendation states that right sided chest leads V3R and V4R
be recorded in all patients presenting with ECG evidence of acute inferior wall ischemia or
infarction. For male and females, the threshold for abnormal J-point elevation in V3R and
V4R should be 0.05 mV (0.5mm) except for males less than 30 years wherein 0.1 mV or
1mm is more Appropriate in the diagnosis of acute RV infarction.
Determine the regions involved in the acute injury as described by this ECG.
Is there RV involvement?
STEMI is more difficult to diagnose if the baseline ECG shows a bundle branch block
pattern or when a patient has pacemaker rhythm (wherein the ECG will show a similar
pattern to a CLBBB).
In right bundle branch block (RBBB), the criteria for ST elevation MI diagnosis is the same
as those with normal conduction.
This ECG shows complete RBBB in the setting of acute MI. There is ST elevation in leads I, aVL and V1-V6 with
reciprocal ST depression in II, III and aVF.. The wall affected with acute injury is the anterolateral wall.
The diagnosis of MI is more confusing in left bundle branch block (LBBB) because this
conduction abnormality alters the early and late phases of ventricular repolarization (ST
segment and T wave) and produces ST-T changes that will look like a STEMI.
If the LBBB is presumed to be new, meaning the patient had a normal conduction or
different conduction defect before the event, this is considered to be an equivalent of a
STEMI. However, more often than not, most cases of LBBB are "not known to be old
LBBB" because old ECGs are not available for comparison.
Because of this difficulty, a diagnostic criteria has been proposed to diagnose STEMI in
patients with LBBB or if with pacemaker rhythm in their ECG. The 2013 ACC/AHA STEMI
guidelines has recommended the Sgarbossa criteria for this.
Sgarbossa Criteria
a score > 3 is more diagnostic (98% specificity) for ischemia in the setting of LBBB
Example of criteria 1:
concordant ST
elevation of > 1 mm
(5 points)
Criteria 2: ST depression in
V1, V2 or V3
However, the presence of changes of the ST segments and T waves are not specific for
ischemia, especially if these ECG findings occur without a clinical history of the patient
and angina. These changes can also occur with other disease process like LVH,
hypokalemia and digoxin therapy.
significant ST depression is associated with grave prognosis and implies extensive
coronary artery disease.
The red arrows indicate significant ST depression. Note that the deviation is deep >
2mm with slow upsloping and is widespread in leads II, III, aVF and I, aVL and V5-V6.
Myocardial ischemia changes the T wave. But detecting an abnormal T wave may be
confusing. Firstly, there is no set criteria for a normal T wave and T wave changes may not
be appreciated if there is no baseline comparison. Secondly, flattened T waves are often
seen in patients wth myocardial ischemia but this is very non specific. Lastly, T wave
inversion can also occur but this can also be "normal." An inverted can be normally seen
in leads III, aVR, and V1 - V2. However, deep and symmetrically inverted T waves in
contiguous leads will strongly suggest myocardial ischemia.
Note the deep and symmetrical T waves in leads I, aVL, V5- V6 which strongly suggest
myocardial ischemia.
Try interpreting the following 12 lead ECG by identifying the myocardial injury present and
its location in the heart.
2. __________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
Bradyarrhythmia is defined as a heart rhythm with a rate below 60 beats per minute.
Frequently, bradyarrhythmias are physiologic like in well-conditioned athletes and during
sleep. However, these can occur in pathologic conditions as well. Disturbances in the
sinus or atrioventricular nodes can produce abnormal slowing of the heart rate and
produce symptoms that will require intervention.
Sinus Bradycardia is diagnosed in adults when the heart rate is less than 60 bpm
and the rhythm normally originates from the sinus node. The P waves are normal in
shape and occurs before a QRS complex, and the PR interval is normal and
Sinus bradycardia (SB) can occur with excessive vagal or decreased sympathetic
tone, effect of a medication, or from anatomic changes in the sinus node. In most
cases, this is a benign arrhythmia and asymptomatic. This is frequently seen in
healthy young adults, particularly well-trained athletes, and decreases in prevalence
with advancing age. SB can also be physiologic like during sleep when the heart
rate falls down to 39 to 40 bpm. It can also occur during vomiting or vasovagal
syncope, or during carotid massage stimulating the vagal baroreceptor.
Administration of parasympathetic drugs (e.g. Lithium, amiodarone, beta-blockers,
clonidine, ivabradine, or calcium channel blockers), medical conditions or
procedures (eye surgery, meningitis, intracranial tumors, increased intracranial
pressure, cervical & mediastinal tumors, severe hypoxia, myxedema, hypothermia,
fibrodegenerative changes, convalescence from some infections, sepsis, or mental
depression), and conjunctival instillation of beta-blockers for glaucoma, especially in
the elderly, can produce sinus bradycardia.
Rhythm strip showing sinus bradycardia. Heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute (40 bpm), normal looking P waves
occurring before a QRS complex , normal PR interval.
Sinus Arrhythmia (SA) is characterized by a phasic variation in the cyclic length, with
the variation of cycle do not exceed 0.12 sec or the difference between the shortest
and longest P-P intervals do not exceed 3 small squares. This is the most common
form of arrhythmia and is considered to be a normal variation.
SA typically has two basic forms: respiratory and non respiratory. The respiratory
form, the P-P interval shortens with inspiration and becomes longer with expiration.
The non respiratory form is characterized with phasic variation of the P-P interval not
related to respiration and may be due to inferior wall infarction, advanced age, use of
digoxin or morphine, and conditions involved increased intracranial pressure.
This rhythm strip shows sinus arrhythmia. The rhythm originates from the sinus node as characterized by a normal
looking P wave that occurs before the QRS complex. Note the slightly varied P-P interval that is characteristic of sinus
SA occur as the heart's normal response to respirations. The vagal tone increases during
inspiration when there is an increase blood flowing back to the heart (venous return),
increasing the heart rate (shortened P-P interval). While during expiration, there is
decreased venous flow into the heart which lengthens the P-P interval.
Sinus arrest or sinus pause is a disorder of impulse formation. The sinus node fails
to generate enough electrical impulse to produce any myocardial contraction. In the
ECG this will be a prolonged absence of any PQRST complex of more than 3
The ECG remains usually normal except for the missing Pacemaker cells are
found at different
complex or pause. The term sinus pause is applied if one or
sites throughout the
two beats are not formed, and sinus arrest if three or more conducting system of
beats are missing. the heart. Each site
has the capability to
Sinus arrest may result from degeneration of the sinus node,
independently sustain
increased vagal tone during Valsalva, medications (digoxin, the heart rhythm and
quinidine, procainamide, and salicylate if given in toxic levels), has an intrinsic firing
heart diseases, and acute inferior wall infarction. rate.
Escape rhythms occur when the inherent faster pacemakers • AV node: 40-60 bpm
fail and the latent slower pacemaker take over. Note that
these rhythms are not considered as arrhythmias but as • Ventricular
escape mechanisms. pacemaker: 20-40
The predominant
Junctional rhythm is a rhythm that originates from the
pacemaker is the one
atrioventricular (AV) node that occurs when there is a the fires fastest.
prolonged delay in the atrial conduction or the sinus node Under normal
(the higher pacemaker) did not fire. This is the first conditions, the
"back-up" system of the heart to prevent ventricular slower pacemaker is
standstill when the sinus node fails. The intrinsic firing rate suppressed by the
of the AV node is 40 to 60 bpm. more rapid impulses
from a higher
The ECG rhythm strip of a junctional escape will show: pacemaker - that is
- regular rhythm (constant and persisting R-R interval) the sinus rhythm from
- Rate of 40 to 60 bpm the sinus node.
- Inverted P waves in leads II, III and aVF; Junctional &
normal-looking QRS complex, T wave and QT interval ventricular escape
In junctional rhythms, the atrial depolarization rhythms arise when
come after the AV nodal discharge by means of the rate of impulses
retrograde (going back) conduction. Thus, the P from the sinus node
waves are inverted. The conduction to the or atrium arriving at
ventricles remains normal. the AV node is less
than the intrinsic rate
of the ectopic
The rhythm strip shows a junctional escape rhythm, Note that the rate is
50 bpm with a short PR interval. Note the characteristic inverted P wave.
This rhythm, also known as idioventricluar rhythm, is an escape mechanism that occurs
when all the supraventricular (SA node, atrial, AV node) pacemakers fail to generate
impulses to produce a myocardial contraction. The rate is very slow, around 30 bpm, and
the characteristic ECG pattern is a wide QRS, regular bradycardia.
This rhythm strip shows a sinus rhythm that converted to ventricular escape rhythm when the sinus beat failed
to continue regular wide QRS bradycardia with a rate of 42 bpm, typical of a ventricular escape rhythm. There is
no visible P wave.
In this bradyarrhythmia, the conduction time of the atrial impulse is prolonged but all
the impulses are conducted to the ventricles. The ECG will show a regular rhythm,
with a prolonged PR interval of more than 5 small squares. Since all atrial impulses
are conducted to the ventricles, all P waves are followed by a QRS complex with a
regular ventricular rate.
First degree AV block. Note the
consistent prolonged PR interval
(line) followed by a narrow QRS
complex of regular ventricular rate.
Second degree AV Block is present if one or more, but not all, of the atrial impulses
fail to reach the ventricles because of impaired impulse conduction. The block may
be intermittent or persistent, and there may be more P waves than QRS complexes.
Second degree AV Block usually occurs in the AV node and is associated with
reversible conditions such as acute inferior MI or rheumatic fever, or treatment with
digitalis, a beta-blocker, or a calcium channel blocker. Generally, second degree AV
Block is a transient rhythm and rarely progresses to complete heart block except for
high degree type II AV block. Chronic second degree AV block may occasionally
occur in many conditions including aortic valve disease, atrial septal defect,
amyloidosis, Reiter's syndrome, and mesothelioma of the AV node.
The more common form of second degree AV block begins with the PR interval
having a normal or near-normal PR interval. With each succeeding beats, the PR
interval gradually lengthens progressively until an impulse completely fails to
conduct and the QRS complex is dropped. Following the dropped QRS, the PR
interval goes back to normal or near-normal again, and the cycle or sequence is
repeated. The terms Mobitz type 1 or simply type 1 are used to describe a second
degree AV block when there is PR interval variation.
This gradual and progressive lengthening of the PR interval occurs because each
successive atrial impulse arrives earlier and earlier in the refractory period of the AV
node making it harder for the atrial impulse to penetrate the AV node and reach the
This ECG strip shows the characteristic type 1 second degree AV Block prolongation of the PR interval
before a P wave with a dropped beat (arrow) occurs.
Second degree AV Block type II
The impulse disturbance in type II AV block occurs infranodal or within the Purkinje
system. The conducted beats will almost always have a bundle branch block pattern and
an intermittent block in one of the bundle branches will cause the dropped beat to occur.
This type of block can suddenly progress to complete or third degree AV block, or
ventricular standstill. Since the level of block occurs in the distal part of the conduction
and pacemaking system of the heart, no escape rhythm may occur and may experience
syncope (Stokes-Adams attacks), cardiac arrest, or sudden death.
Another example of type II second degree AV Block. Sudden nonconducted P waves (red arrows)
occur with the preceding and succeeding cycles having a constant PR interval. No PR interval
variation is seen.
Third Degree AV Block or Complete Heart Block
The third and most serious heart block occurs when no atrial impulses are
conducted to the ventricles and the intrinsic pacemaker of the ventricles fires to
produce a ventricular escape rate (around 20-40 bpm). This independent atrial and
ventricular activation is termed AV dissociation and is characteristic of complete
heart block. The dissociation of the atrial and ventricular activation is recognized in
the ECG by the slow wide QRS (ventricular) complexes and the more frequent P
(atrial) waves. Each maintains its own rhythm without regard for the other.
The conduction block in all Purkinje fascicles is usually the cause of permanent
complete AV block. Idiopathic fibrosis, termed either Lev's disease or Lengere's
disease, is the most common cause of chronic complete heart block. Acute third
degree AV block results from inferior MI, digitalis intoxication, and rheumatic fever.
Complete AV block may also be congenital.
R R R This is an example of
Complete AV block. The two
leads of a rhythm strip
P P P P P P P P showing the P waves and
QRS complexes are
independent, with an atrial
rate of 113 bpm and a
ventricular rate of 38 bpm.
Pacemaker system
The pacemakers are classified by the nature of their pacing mode. The classification
follows the pacemaker code developed by the North American Society of Pacing and
Electrophysiology (NASPE) and the British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group (BPEG).
The NASPE/BPEG Generic (NBG) Pacemaker Code was last revised in 2002. This coding
system was developed to use and understand pacemakers. The code has five positions
and is used for pacing nomenclature.
O = none
Position II: Chambers sensed - refers to the location where the pacemaker senses
intrinsic cardiac activity.
Position III: Response to sensing - refers to the pacemaker's ability to respond to the
intrinsic cardiac activity of the patient. This mode is directly tied to the sensing mode
(position II). The pacemaker will only respond to the intrinsic heart activity if it will be able
to sense. The inhibited (I) response will pulse an electrical activity to the chamber unless it
senses an intrinsic electrical activity. T or the triggered mode is rarely seen and is
generally used for device testing.
The first three letter codes are usually sufficient to describe current pacemakers. The
fourth position in the code refers to rate modulation, if any. This is an adjustment in the
pacemaker's target heart rate based on the patient's changing cardiovascular demands.
It may be programmable (P), or be based on the metabolic or other sensors that can
detect the need for increased heart rate like in exercise. The fifth letter generally refers to
the antitachycardia function of the pacemaker, if there are any.
Common Pacing Modes
This pacing mode refers to a pacemaker that will pace and sense the atrium. If an
intrinsic electrical activity is sensed then pacing is inhibited but if there is no intrinsic atrial
activity sensed for a pre-determined time then atrial pacing is initiated. This type of
pacing is usually used for patients with sinus node dysfunction with intact AV conduction.
In VVI pacing, the ventricle is the chamber paced and sensed. This is similar to the
AAI mode but this type involves the ventricles. This is usually used in patients with
chronic atrial impairment like those with atrial fibrillation or flutter.
This pacing mode is capable of pacing and sensing both atrium and ventricle. This is
the most common pacing mode. Atrial pacing occurs if no intrinsic atrial activity is sensed
for a set time; and ventricular pacing occurs if no intrinsic ventricular activity is sensed for
a predetermined time.
Failure to Pace
This is detected in the ECG when a pacing spike (blip) is not immediately followed by
the appropriate cardiac waveform. Failure to pace early after insertion of the pacemaker
can be due to high pacing threshold of the ventricular endocardium than the programmed
output of the pulse generator, or the pacing electrode migrated away from its position on
the endocardium. If this pacing malfunction occurs late after implantation, fracture of the
electrode should be suspected.
Failure to Sense
This ECG strip shows a ventricular-paced rhythm with failure to sense (undersensing). Note that there are
persistent pacemaker blips (black dots) even with an intrinsic ventricular activity has occurred. Note that
the blips are within the QRS duration.
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ___________________________
5. _________________________
6. ___________________________
7. __________________________
9. ______________________________
10. ___________________________
11. ____________________________
12. _____________________________
13. _____________________________
14. ____________________________
15. ____________________________
Answers: 1. Second degree AV Block type 1 (2.) Second degree AV Block type 2 (3.) Sinus Bradycardia (4.) second
degree AV block type 2 or High Degree AV Block (5.) Complete or 3rd degree AV Block (6.) First degree AV Block (7.)
ventricular paced rhythm (9.) Ventricular paced rhythm with non capture (10.) 3rd degree AV block (11.) 3rd degree AV
block (12.) Sinus bradycardia (13.) first degree AV block (14.) 2nd degree AV block type 2 (15.) 2nd degree AV block type 2
Section 2
Tachyarrhythmia is considered for all cardiac rhythms that has a rate of > 100 beats per
minute. Two important aspects of arrhythmias that are basic in understanding them are:
(1.) their mechanism, and (2.) the site of origin.
Sinus Tachycardia
The rate of impulse of the sinus node is regulated by the balance of the parasympathetic
and sympathetic nervous system. Increased sympathetic stimulation will cause an
increase in heart rate. The resultant sinus tachycardia is actually the body's physiologic
response to the body's needs rather than a pathologic cardiac condition. Maximal
sympathetic stimulation can increase the rate of impulses in the sinus node up to 200 -
220 beats per minute. In non-exercising adults, the heart rate rarely exceeds 160 bpm.
In sinus tachycardia, there is normally one P wave for every QRS complex. Because of the
increased sympathetic tone, this also speeds up AV nodal conduction showing a short PR
interval during the tachycardia. The QRS complex is usually normal in appearance. A
Sinus Tachycardia with a rate of 136 beats per min. There is a normal P wave with every QRS complex.
characteristic feature of sinus tachycardia is the gradual onset and termination of the
tachycardia. If the beginning or ending is not available for evaluation, a simple vagal
maneuver can aid in the diagnosis. Increased vagal tone will not abruptly cease the
tachycardia, instead, this will only cause transient slowing of the heart rate. This maneuver
may also be used in differentiating sinus tachycardia with other tachyarrhythmias.
If there are discrete P waves that precedes each QRS complex, short PR interval, and a
normal QRS duration are present, then the diagnosis of sinus tachycardia is most likely.
Another important note: the ventricular rate in adults during sinus tachycardia rarely
exceeds 150 bpm.
A 12 lead ECG that shows sinus tachycardia with a rate of 150 bpm. There is a short PR interval with normal looking
QRS complexes.
Premature complexes are among the most common causes of an irregular pulse and
palpitations. The premature beats can originate from anywhere in the heart - most
frequently in the ventricles, less often from the atria and the junctional area. These
premature beats are common in normal hearts and increases in frequency with age.
The diagnosis of premature atrial contractions is made on the ECG by the presence
of a premature P wave with a normal PR interval. The P wave morphology generally
have a different morphology from the sinus P wave. Depending on the timing of the
onset of the premature beat on the cardiac cycle, a compensatory pause after the
PAC may occur, the premature P wave may not conduct to the ventricles, or if it
occurs during ventricular repolarization phase - the P wave will be buried in the T
wake and just distort the T wave.
The first red arrow head demonstrate the premature P wave buried in the T wave, distorting it, and is not conducted
to the ventricles explaining the dropped QRS complex. The second PAC occurs just after the T wave followed by a
compensatory pause. The last arrow head is embedded within the QRS complex.
More often than not, the rhythm of focal atrial tachycardia is regular. However, as in cases
of digitalis toxicity, an AV block can accompany this atrial tachyarrhythmia. In this
condition, the atrial rate becomes excessive and the normal physiologic response of the
AV node is to suppress some of the atrial impulses to travel down the ventricles. In nearly
half of the cases of atrial tachycardia with block, the rhythm is irregular.
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
Atrial Flutter
Atrial flutter is the prototype of macroreentrant atrial rhythm. There is a continuous reentry
of electrical impulse within the atrial myocardium. The typical reentering impulse goes
around the atrium in a single circuit in a counterclockwise manner. This produces regular
uniform "sawtooth-like" ♒︎ waves (F waves). The F waves are best seen in the inferiorly
oriented leads (II, III, aVF) and are may not be evident in the opposite leads (I, aVL).
Atrial Flutter with varying A:V conduction resulting in irregularly irregular rhythm.
The F waves of atrial flutter has rates of 220 and 350 beats
per minute. The ventricular rhythm varies from being regular
to irregularly irregular. The conduction of atrial beats to
ventricular beats may vary from 1:1 to 2:1 to 6:2 to 4:1 so that
the ventricles may or may not have a rapid rate. This ratio
depends on the slowly conducting AV node capability to
carry the electrical impulses to the ventricles. When the ratio
of 1:2, 2:1 or 4:1 remain constant, the ventricular rhythm will
be regular.
When the ratio is 6:2, the ventricular rhythm is regularly irregular; when the ratio becomes
variable, the ventricular rhythm becomes irregularly irregular.
The onset of atrial flutter is abrupt
and may be triggered by a
properly-timed premature atrial
Atrial Fibrillation
This is a 12 lead
ECG of a patient
with atrial fibrillation
with a ventricular
rate of 80 bpm. The
ventricular rhythm is
notably irregularly
irregular. The
fibrillatory (f) waves
are best appreciated
in leads II, III, aVF.
disease, hypertensive heart disease,
heart failure of any cause, and
thyrotoxicosis. Advancing age and
dilation of the left atrium are also
related to the development of AF.
Chronic AF once established usually
will last the life time except for those
with mitral valve disease. The chronic AF may revert to normal sinus rhythm after mitral
valve surgery.
The atrial rate in atrial fibrillation is approximately 350 to 650 beats per minute. Fortunately,
not all atrial impulses are conducted to the ventricles. Some of the electrical impulses from
the atrium are suppressed by the AV node. Thus, the ventricular rate becomes variable
and conducted impulses that are carried to the ventricular level are irregular. Remember,
atrial fibrillation is not capable of producing regular ventricular rhythm. If this occurs, there
can be concomitant complete heart block or ventricular escape rhythm, or may be a sign
of digitalis toxicity.
PSVT is a reentrant tachycardia. The electrical impulse originate from the AV node.
The reentry of the impulse can be through the AV node itself, the atrium, ventricles, or
with the use of an accessory pathway.
rhythm strip shows the abrupt onset and termination of the PSVT. The tachyarrhythmia is precipitated by a premature
beat (arrow). The rate of the PSVT is around 160-170 bpm. The P wave during the tachycardia is buried within the T
Basically in PSVT, a premature beat causes the activation of the AV node to produce
an electrical impulse. Since the AV node is distal to the atria, the activation of the
atria proceeds in a retrograde manner, producing inverted P waves just before or just
at the end of the QRS complex. And because the electrical impulse is formed in the
AV node, which is proximal to the ventricular level, the QRS complex maintains to be
narrow and normal-looking. Unless the impulses formed are associated with aberrant
conduction in the ventricles.
This is another example of a PSVT without the onset and termination periods. The ventricular rate is very fast (188 bpm)
with regular, narrow QRS complexes. The P waves are not visible in this rhythm strip.
This is a 12 lead
ECG of a
tachycardia. The
ventricular rate is
approximately 170
bpm, regular, and
with a narrow QRS.
The P waves
occurred after the
QRS complex,
buried within the T
wave. These are
characteristics of
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________
1. Sinus Tachycardia
2. Atrial flutter
3. Multi focal Atrial Tachycardia
4. Sinus rhythm converting to PSVT
5. Atrial fibrillation
7. Sinus Tachycardia
8. Atrial Flutter 1:1 conduction
Ventricular Tachycardia
The QRS complex in VT is wide, over 0.12 secs, with the ST-T waveforms pointing
the opposite direction of the main QRS vector. Because of the fast ventricular rate,
the dissociated or retrograde P waves, may be buried in the wide bizarre-looking
QRS complexes. Sometimes these P waves may be recognized as bumps or notches
within the QRS, ST-T complexes.
2. Look for fusion beats or capture beats. Fusion beat is an atrial beat that fused
with a ventricular beat; while a capture beat is an atrial impulse occurring before a
ventricular beat begins. If either a fusion or capture beat is proven to be present,
the diagnosis is almost certain VT.
A 12 lead ECG of ventricular tachycardia with a rate of 220 bpm. The QRS complexes have the same morphology.
Note the presence of fusion beats (F) and capture beats (C) best seen in lead V1.
But if there is an RS pattern in the precordial NICE TO KNOW!!!
leads, measure the interval from the onset of the
QRS to the nadir of the S wave, it should be > Finding any of these clues will help in aiding the
diagnosis of VT. But the findings of some of these
0.10 sec (> 2 small squares) for the clues, e.g. presence of capture or fusion beats,
diagnosis of VT. are not readily present in a single ECG recording.
Other ECG findings that may differentiate VT from
SVT with aberrancy are listed below.
0.16 sec
Try analyzing this ECG and determine if the regular wide QRS complex is a
ventricular tachycardia or not,
answer at the next page...
The 12 lead ECG is a Ventricular Tachycardia; ventricular rate of approximately 260 bpm with wide bizarre looking
QRS. There is concordance in the precordial leads ( the 6 leads are all deflected downwards) with presence of
fusion beats (encircled).
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia or Torsades de Pointes. Note the twisting pattern of the alternating
undulations of the QRS waveforms above and below the baseline forming a "party banner"-like pattern.
quinidine, procainamide, amiodarone, sotalol, phenothiazine, and tricyclic antidepressants.
It can also occur in the setting of electrolyte abnormalities like hypomagnesemia and
hypokalemia, insecticide poisoning, subarachnoid hemorrhage, ischemic heart disease,
bradyarrhythmias, and congenital prolongation of the QTc.
Ventricular Fibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation is the most common cause of sudden death. VF was found to
follow a properly-timed PVC that occurs on the T wave of a QRS compels (R-on-T
phenomenon), monomorphic VT persisting for more than 100 beats, monomorphic
VT with a rate of > 180bpm, and polymorphic VT.
This rhythm strips starts with monomorphic VT that evolved into fine VF.
2. _______________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
A. B
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________
10. A. _______________________________________________________________
10.B. _________________________________________________________
Answers: 1. Coarse ventricular fibrillation 2. Monomorphic VT 3. Sinus Tachycardia with occasional PVC's 4.
Monomorphic VT (note the capture beat - first and third beat) 5. Sinus rhythm with occasional PVC evolving to
polymorphic VT 6a. PVC's in couplet 6b. Nonsustained VT 7. Monomorphic VT 8.Ventricular Fibrillation 9. Sinus
rhythm with PVC's converting to monomorphic VT 10A.fine VF 10B. Asystole